HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-3-10, Page 1( )L. XLIV. No. 3361. I 21 THS ? & T ITQ atTaW111:1P.41LID3dR OP HURON OOUNTY. GODRRICH, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1892. goura LOMAT TRI DATA, THE LABEL On TWO Paper This Week. If lit Bight, Yale It Ott DICTIIENT OF THE N.P. e Tory Pettey Oondefaned by a Con.ereattwe Journallek • AS BEEN A TERRIBLE FAILURE. omen* moots.. K Was Mem Des . r■ ►sidled The .eeadeare N Yaws . raw a. r Maim am. Warm tear lttr v. W es11r4 M Grew rte Troe, et site .w airy Maar What ver erme.aesesa t.• .or tar Oar lair Meratintan. Ia.t week The Windsor lierisw, the tag urea., of the 1'os ervative party is . oo.sty.antaael an adoeiro►le re•tew Ow piano etto•ttuu ...t future desttsy ''...d It s in Me forts of a valedic y by lir. T. M. While. -ilii id1Wr [tad prirtor of the paper, whn i. "airier ow• : to I1I heath %lie uwke,.•ute nitrate, rr„rettong that ,r:wl's re too k•wthy to publish is i•• thou.. who bate s: "Mal the history .f nada .iucr t'utifeattatiuu, it must toe *Vi- ol .itit that there is soa.etbiag wr.sg with e country when one Influxes s se Blow 01 .artofoo ry 'Thea country, to a new oeld, and p..es.:ng wonderful natural . .hound progress by leaps sad weds But the country as • whole te a1 At at • st•a`letlll, while the older poe- ms are actually retrograding, and the op • teentt.s of a.puInug • c.,m,.etence for .1 rye are becoming Ire I oNI1DiaATlo., ....•h was enteral tot.. in 1867. was, after e .lestr. to escape kgtal•tire deal-fo.k, r.•ely the result of the •)•rog tIo. by tem :lama Sow of the old reciprocity treaty. e luadt.g status/au of the dtferent North tnerican Pioneer* owe -reed tie bks that caosetercial and political %a641 they wild buil./ upon the northern half of the .•ttnent a .kpen.Ie cy of Great Britain, hid in tome might ax only rival but se - per the great F.rtglish An•ertcan rrjslolte to e south. That we hare fakel mutat be nie.l, and bow complete our failure luta is the race upon which we balm este r• I with such high hopes 1 shall attempt to ..w deter t'onfedersttoo, events to ('•a.d• ....ed alai( without any incident to cobs.' {ate or rode as omit tea treat liaanu;al r•.h of 1872• whteb bean in the llama tat., I.y the collapse of the world lau.•us ....tier, Jay Cooke. e. As when the buss. mart n weakessl, every part of the hear iy leek the depressing effect. so when the neneal heart of the a ntlOeut, whims te ew York. was touched by the Jay Cooke .1 other [shares. the neat remote prtuu the cost.oent felt the efeeted the shank spite .4 political bouIwdats. (&nada was .i.o•te.l r gnekly and as genuusly as any ,.rt of the Unita S,s1w. Rumors, was e.,ralyaed Our trade fell otf enormously, • ••.1* which shows how mut miry .1.pendat r the is.. halves ..f the co.uar.t. About o. i. tire. the I )curer Vail m (10140411111161MIL went of power. their fall bear caused by the ramie of the Pacela Railway "caudal. Ise .lepressioe lasted longer is Canada titan e the States. and in 18'78 Sir lobs, o cdenahl regained power by the .id of t he '.tura/ Policy, which was thee for the ret time propounded by hornet' and follow tr. though tir.Jebn Charlton had in Parli•- ent • few yens before strongly aged the 'optima of • bigkly protective tariff for Tar worm or TSR N P. What the advocates of the Natter' Policy promised it to do for we an.( what honest 4'onsereayeee really beloved it would do, it ie perkiep. ano.ceseary to re- peat- The then existing depression was at- tributed to the want of such • policy, .a) lander dtmepateng that d.pre ssom tt was, among other thongs, to keep the people of (nada at hone by providtog employment • Rad wages for the thousands who were Sevier to the woe prosperous 8lates, it was to erect tall chimneys u almost every ham - in the land, and, by noldcnr Amenc.n prodnets, it was to compel the Amarica,e 4. meow the resipr.ay treaty .f 1984. •I.ove suentiUI.d as haring hese abrogated b thew. it would he melees to deny that tie m aaufeetaring istesete of the country have beer &Unrelated to some extent by the N. P. A few industrial be.e best establish eel is the .oestry by the N. P., het they have bus melamine' at as mew - mom cwt to the cossu.isrs of their porod- uM.. Toronto ham hoes hsdeiuel, bat it has profited at the exposes of the read the country. The .sailer tibiae sod towns, par- t Ontario. have hoes heavy /rare to'Irorostee advast gs. Their iedust►iss have game to the Ings city, amid the tall rhtm5eya which prier to 11f78 ex•st s4 is may of thee towns, sad provided eadpMy'went for the people and kept real estate from d.ebatag d alas, 15 sow as.helem and falling to decay. Tomato In tea years 'screamed is population 8l4 par Jost., or •!suet doubled, but sash mime. se Port Hops. ('obowr. 8t. Catharine, ia- ea srsoll, Dewd, Ngaplra.., 81truMroy, .tis, Whithy, Klaevdiss, Amherstherg. Miteb.U, Theeold, Dees.iH., Pert iPsrr� '•'i. and other ambitious towels ad vff. legeti in differed emotions of the Pr*w$ne. ha.e lest populates and are therefore pnsr- er wool thaw they were tss yaws age. The formers living neer the lower, who were le,l to "epset that • market ee their deers w"old he developed se• assegmesse et the I o Shing ef the tail Airways preioniesd, "net he disarpoiatea se they Mules. the c-wdeal (8s..dea.. d Ma masks firm white t bey sepac4sd se emelt ver rarwuwnr. That • e.mslly, hemmer r4sh V Wend .an maser be mesideeed M • ..adMis nidi. Nl p.p.i.w alma M m Maedi le a YM HERE ARE HARD FACTS FOR THINKERS. D. McG ILLICUDDY. that is re.og•ied by the l;e ereaneat, amt, antis. epos the aesmptes that population b eewtlal to prosperity stool program, they have left oro slut uado.e w secure this great desiderwtam A vigorous immigrates policy woe in- aagur.ted is 1878 as mother aid of tie N. P. Amuse wen eet.bliebed is the pnac►pal capitols of Kurope with the remelt that from 1981 to 1891 860,000 people were brought to Canada at as expense of throe mtllloa dollar. Kut where are these people cow' They are mut Is (,sates, for the census a- toms stow that the population is the per - coy by the &hove figured, aanaly 1881 to 1891, has increased o.ly 504,091. 1. the rate tease taere Inset aye been bora to the country over doe andiron persons. A little figuriig will show that had we sot brought the immigrants from Kemp. there would a•tually have been a demigods of 400,. 000 to the p..pulatlua. This should canoe the people of Cards to comelier whither thee are drifilig. 1 beak it quite akar in view of the conditions shoot -with oar increase in expeeditore, .sr heavy debt, our lose of popul.ttom -- the Natrona! Policy esleacing preemeiss o.tive Indus; ries, the coast ruction dpa 14,c works oriel interior development, mad rig - emus sad etptrneive immIrratinn -has failed of Ita purpose utterly, completely, 000spic . ower, and disastrously. • .vs.►Aslan] or •bower et several of the State. of the Uaioo sad the growth of the (.nadisa Provinces may n ot be out of place bore, and while on the subject tt may as well be stated that the tsar reason for Canada'. slow growth is to be found on the fact that our people are excluded from participation in the trade or the c utluent a which she forms • pmrt,•ml are thus dented the privilege of making the w art of our gnat tuition' resources and are hampered by the exacters of the tariff deem al .ee..es►y in the interests of the Naiad Policy sal eta markets to ten years Delores has tacresed . 18b,000 Mith(Unto ipa 453.000 .................. 468.000 New fork 898,000 /lar solisestls 450,000 Nebraska 604,000 M inneeeta 520 000 Pennsylvania 966.000 Kansas 427.000 Arkansas .. 325,000 11'es.nsta • 371,000 Wmhi tt,n 275,000 California .......... 340.000 These are figures that must stagger these who still have Lath that the Natures' Pu lice will Inc?.... our oopuletl.a sad wake Canada a rival power to the Suttee. Not one of tlte.e States would have made abed an increase had tt been cut of p.liu- .ally and cornmercielly from the eoouaeat u. shich it halals. 1111 !'. P. Margit T•ADi But the N P. has not leaned our trade with the Culled States, for is spite el the two hostile tariffs the trade la iscresael wonderfully. overleaptig .11 •rtiiciel bar rets, however high, al showing that man cannot completely frustrate the e.eleat .de- sign oO Nature, Chet the rattaeat anted be eye ernn.u.se whole But tt • as beet. succeestul In checking our trade with other .1uhtries than the States, for from 1873 to 1880 that trade has jammed Is than use million .ichors, weds the forage teats of the autos ere .re expected to outstrip bas increased 76 per oent. in the same portal. The facts whish I have e.deavored to preeeat in • clear manner to_Riew real ere aro enough to convince mi that the NM, /MS we Net out to eavompluh, and in wht.;h the must of us joined with hearty good wino that of ',addling up • dependency of Great 8,81..n on the oonciaent that would rival sed ee.to•Ily eclipse the great eaten' oc- cupying the ..athero half, .o far from being aucro.iful. as rotatively farther front accom- plishment than it was 'Amulet. of a century ago. it ata never -I say Dever advyedly - be an accomplished fact. A neat heroic remedy is required to end the oaadities d thaw i ha.e.adaavored to print nut io my humble opinion bet one 1 rested/ will suffice. 'that remedy is politi- cal union of Canada and the United . which would rime Casada is the peeitiou nature Inteafed her to occupy and would guarantee to her people forever the partici- pation in the great trade of the entire ao.1i- aest. *1NaawrUNTID asci ► norm . But if the Matteotti Policy is paralysing ear energise .ad aspiring the country, .ad therefore is ssd••rving of the support d the (Made. . who wishes well to Ids mum - try, email, if sot more objeetiesable is the alternative proposed by the Lihenl party. is bee bio coedss.d by w le au authority these Hoa. LIw•rd Blake, .Wd it is an open secret that many of their beat Baru is Parliament also admit it to be dsfec tin in nearly every vital put. I ham, I think, is • sera of articles, shows the readers of The Review that the iaametsl 8.•.urm of the policy would prevent its moose if adopted, as it would redoes ear reyesee from thirty•rx le at bees twenty 'willies dollars w5•U** tad our 'epee - fibers is sow well es to forty millions mush year. To a saline uvea and expenditure • tax collector would be required. to make house M Moue visite on behalf of the IM. - ermmoas. That ssple•s•at emitigeney I Os - adhere are hardly prepared for. That weuM be • .ice story to have to teU i. Berr+mppee to those b•kiag ter homes es the wtisee . Bet the hWery of the liberal party is (Mei is one et timidity •ud Ialf-he•rted- men. Brsesue Wilma proposed • memo white maid have sou with the didesl(y of limited revenue. His ides weeto have the revenues end a est eerdi pepalmi.. W es the pi ol cams plea v weld pfee ea she messes .,tee try to sauti5me ser Ooverwtnest, •mol pineal I anew might thee Me been arerted. Het the ileal Forty were gas timid to adept e a held • enlist. They tsppwd of the features whish tk y hdi.v.d the Canalise p�.wh.K.�. would (Meet to, with the reek they appealed to the Mentors for eeprt ns Ihs iusistee ked ef • pointy apse Morels • pitlluiea) tp.rsyJ ewer Sodded leo Wpm ' That they • .•oro -seaod�wetting is ening the g utlei'sm P�1110.sea98 l e1 4apse t The made lye , primejb of their Teary is mood, the closest possible commercial oar wens brans the two countries, bot is hilus in the details the mesas by whish the joss of teveese re.slttag from are i erected reciprocity could be met &ppears to have been wholly overlooked Their pies ie • mop ami • halting step -m the right direction. It Lade in the direction of, but at to. political war. Liberals trembled w ti.,briek of whet to their timid souls appeared • precipice, •od ./raid to take the lump they were bates as they turned to look back. They would lead as 001 ol Kgypt, but would have us to perish Ih the deers instead of bringing us to the promised land. 1 NIMPOINDSNcl NOT IgAine/.•. C.o•ddas isd.pendence bas bees adeo- eased by many. Some time ago 1 believed it the o.. cure for our ills, but • critical et antsatou stune has connected sue that in depemdeooe is impossible except as a wed u nderstood preliminary to that political au - 1441 which is Canada's ntandeetand toevoul- able Matey. It is generally edu.utest that it is re.trtctloa of tia.Ie the oo.tioenevat within our own booboo and the interchange of products of one nose which stints the devel..pmeut of the ootmtry. But if we were ru.lepettdeot and attempted to secure free trade with the States or Kugl•D., the erratic difficulty which I bare shown make+ aore.troased reciprocity imprsible would swan ouufrout and oordutand us. May scheme whisk i eter'ally reduces tis of the country cannot be ousaidered as withiu the bouwel. of Politi- cal union i. the .only scheme which would tot apple us in that way, for our Do- minion Government and its fortyalluoe dollars expenditure would be uce 'may with et roe .ml forever. The subsidies woo pod the Provinces to maintain i'rovio• coal 1 iurereereuta would be provided for 1n other ways, •e.( the heavy setio..l deli would he asesimed `y the 000tatry at large end data -Muted among sixty -tire melba people, natal of wing bone by 6.e mil. hats ea et present. That this could be done then u scar .sly auy doubt. The America.. people want the use of our eareoual highway to the ocean. 11 will cost them • much granter sum than 111. amount .4 our nauo.4 dehx to build • system of aro from Lek. Erie to New York, and to .leep en the cot waterways, to radio thea, independent of ea But they are at present anomaly considering such expenli •urs, and it would too doubt net their per - ma hatter tc .rants our dela and secant forever the rijht to use the highway con- structed by nature, and which would then he in their own as well as our own tern tory.1NnLAND'a I1►ltrl . Ton any people courtier this quaerton from the standpoint of what they cosat.ier 'be marmite of Eigland osteal d tete in terata of Canada- I agree with Sir Rich ail (.1e/rig/right and Mr I.u,rier that should the retereat of Reglad and the interest of C.s dsever cositct, as sometimes they do. the interest of .our own .entry should be paramount with lana. diens. W. aro not upon them ionone.[ fur the sole purpsef glorifying Kujlend, and " Breathes there a man with soul so deal Who never to himself hath .•ludo Thu ie my ea, my native laud.'. I feel as loyal to Kngl•ed as any horn Canadian can feel •sol exercise anima arise, and I cameo see how Kaglaai's tit- terers onterets would eller in the slightest degree by the tuna of the United MIMes and Can MU. It woshl forever remove all dangers of war between Ragland and leer eldest daughter. That ought to be • oo..uler- .thin of amenw. fight to all lovers of the Aagk. Saxon people. but i .m .wore that then .re fire -brands and Yankee -toter. in 'hoe country wire would he pleated to vee such • war, and who foolishly think that K..gland te burning nit • desire to have • Mouth with our neighbors, and Mus avenge the low of • 100 years ago. Poor deluder' .nub ! All the ,roubles Ragland ever h5. spots Ai. continent result trout her posses- sion of Consols, and Camsda u of so value to her. it has been said that the Camden Pacific Railway Is of value to Beightiel as • milti&4ry read If .o, why could out • treaty be bade gearant.etag her the right to ase that real for years to amts! That ootid be one of the conditions of colo.. la every other respect lingland would b. • raiser by the anioa. Besides braise her teepe.si- bilitiet •al making her isve.ttn.ats i. Cando more ••Roble, it would he the fest step toward the ultimate talo of all Rag. hair speaking nations in the world. 1.4 what a anion that would be u the interest of peso., progress and (tri titaity To kaCAPFTULAT5. TOWN COUNCIL NESTING. what Me Great Men ei Ooderloh Did AT THEIR LAST REGULAR MEETING Mowers. 4 .Ws ..d Saari .t.'.z. and roses .old le 1ppsesW le Sill Thew booms.+ Tee Tres.are.'. 5s.4esee$ of Me Tow.'. 51...ee. - [oder .mtedaes.. The regular meeting of the town co5.oil waa held Inst Friday evening. A11 the mem- hen were present except councillor M uroy. The minutes of last regular meeting were i Mee shown or attempted & .how That anfederwtoe was estered .pen is the expectation of bolding lap is (hada as powerful a [aura as the United Stases ; [hit the N•tioa•l Policy as mpeciall d.sg.ed to aid la bringing .boat that re- sult i nM ; that that policy has bow of Do adios - ore whatever to the oeeetry at large, bet on the eo5trmry has easeed our debt to bi- omass at an alarming rata white that of the Uaited Rules has degreased ; thee our pep elegies, without whisk se eoudtry ma be prosperous and pewee/El, would have de- eroased .ince the is•aRentian of the Netieaal Policy est for the imwigratise that relatively the predeoer of Camila es- oepieaa he desirable prstin• than he did Wore doe war of tails onremeseed, es is endeared by the Melina is rale. of term •5d tows properties throughout the whole e.u.try : that while the whole Desolate. ernlre.Mg more territory than the Gaited States, has iner.ssod bet half • mullion h p+polatbs, ewe of several d the Seams is seta, seespyies • lea 1•.egshb patine owl sot web as riebly eedewd by Nature, has havered • rest deal mere time Wm O•meda-as isereme white they would set ham enjoyed had they bus est ed as we were frost enlisted Gaiety aced oedt.ersial isteressres with the rest el the eeetiswt of whisk they force • poi ; thee nothing tut esuire eel seine, ge•resesed hy plitheal seise, sls avail to arrest Coss& en the downward path whisk she b paresing, sed rosier. semteetmest, prosperity sod harpi- es.. d her purple Polities! Goias le jest as mesh • d the serer haste es that the b .hiss. 6 Ike eseleed dllme ahem tea read, approved and signed. 78*. seltreaesta of the treasurer for the month. of January and Y.brusry weir r`d sad referred to the tivartwommitt... The statement for January showed a balance of 1161.47 and the February .tat •see( was ea follows : Tr1ANUR1104 5TATrm/!T POR raarl-ART. Balance from Ja.uary.... 4 161 47 Receipt Menlaudd cemetery $ 31 50 Market 4 00 7 axes . 400 00 Water rate. 400 00 Electric Iwht rate. 100 00 Ri l le payable. 7500 00 Rehr (gift from theladies) 3 67 Public works 5 50 Non-rrsidest lesde98 37 8470 04 48631 51 1)tsbur.ements Interest $ 599 45 Council chamber and ef- loe expmn.es 14 72 172 44 500 00 175 78 23 00 8 00 47 18 4 96 6000 00 4o0 IR 4 60 25 00 246 64 4/3281 9, Relief . High .hod Puu.pog stadia.. Fire depart Bess Printing and adv.rtbiag Palate works.... Matthaei osenet.ry Kills payable Public whale illectiose . Se :rte .e1ra.L • lee ' Balance os. hand ... $ 349 57 ler$IQNATIONN. Jae. Gordon sent to hie re•igaaion of the other of street inspector, oa account d in- habit. On motion of Moran. Thompson awl Ntciolsoi. the resignation was.tcepted. J. A. Nortel, aseesrr sod collator, ala reargued and les reslguatus was •tapte.l on motion of Mara. T. C. Saftel and Reid. A� Arrt.,CAlvoN. The iollow.sg application' from James Reed was real G6.TLItle t, --Haring learned that your •es.m.or $..1 collector is likely to minim, and also your street twpector, 1 beg leave to snake apeliatinn for the position. Should you ew ht to favor me with the appoint meet I fed confident, with my knowledge of the value of property and buildtugs, tea l can ,give e•t88•t 1405. Yours, 18igwe.18 JAS. Rrto. Ya.Iaa: TRU A1J'OINT*C`IT. Mored by Hobert Thompson, • ed nee - nodal by D. Ctsnteloo, that James Reid be appoioted nese e'r. collector and street in. speotur, ami !ha the salary be 4660 year, and that t bylaw be prepared ili per n.usl form ooairwu.g Jantes Rwid'eappoiat- eent sad pealed at next insetag d council. Moved to antendntest by the reeve, sec ended by eounstllor Humber. that the gess tion of appointing an asewor, collector sari e tre[ estimator be left over seta the next mean of the council sad that the clerk advertise for applicants. Th. vote on the amendment was . Yes-- Prou.lfoot, Humber, Yaw, Wilson, Duster, Holt --6. Na - (asteboo, Campion, Thomp- moa, Reid. Neftel, Pridbam, N'cholsou -7. Moved by the reeve, receded by mots- cillor Yam., that Rotten, 17. McKenzie Iva appointed ..moron, collector sad street in- spector. wad that the salary be 4500. This .sneedm.mt wee lee on the sante rote as the previous no.. Mored in sevesi rent by Humber, em- ended by the reeve, that the services of the street impactor be dispensed with and that the eal.ry of ammo sor and collector remain as it he. been (4300 per year). The time on [hie •.neednient wee again the caste except that kir W i loon voted nay. Mowed by lir. Proe.lfrot, seceded hy Mr. Yates, that the eatery be 4600 for the three dices The 'sayer rolled the ..eedonest out e4 order. The reeve appealed to the caned but the mayor's riding was ..st.85.d by • 11e vote, tl.ser.. Wihom and Contains vet. ii.g against ad the payor for the ruling. The reeve metered an objection to the may- x'e vntii.eRR - ('aenc8Ursr Theonpsu'e ernes for the •pprlatenmat ef Mr. Rai was thea married, the vote Icing as follow.: Vela -l.am4•ku, (amore., Theim Ree, Nate'. Prk$m ha, Wihoa, Noe---8. Nay -Prowlinet, Hsmbx, Vales, Dunlop, Reit -b. OTH1a ettanessa. A aosewundeatrs from J. C. Harrison is eferesee to the water este charge( to hint fer the risk was referred to the waterworks lislain ihefelbwing amounts were referred to the fma.o. committee : 8•.tdel Regent A Oa, nervous, sl, 414 63 : (leen Pemba Ilk Rehire Mfg. Us., Tomato, emus.p1i.tg hese. 41354 ; R. P. Willi..nerA Oa, herd-- ware, erdware, rte.. $pa 61 : W w. Rine[*, sb.rpwa- laws si..,r, irisK ire besba, eta, 75 : John Brophy, hesitate, 414.70 (setts Pemba K Rehher Mfg. Oa, esppi las, C.522 1$ fl;610 Wm Kirbbrlds, basello (4 lag, Tb. le&.wfsg repot of the Assam. mils.. was read elm - WOW or /TRAMS rntrwRT5R O.sn.am,--_T.ar e.td1a beg le me. Iessismeml the wit of the lellewhig se - emote D. C. StrSchaa, 4110.11 Ir. N. 1Da.ie, *46.68 ; M.Col1 Bros, 437.46: R. ( P. W ilkiauos t Co., 443.57. We recce ..d that the bdherd borate bylaw as5.aded byreducing the losses fee to Opp fee tit frs, table, its ter a.00sd table ams 410 fee balance of base. in say one rem. We Mee oomsid.red the auditors' teptrt sad God it correct [tad h.,. [surest td tit clerk to publish the abstract of re swipe sad expenditures. We love seam Wed the treasurer's bond and found it satis- factory. All of which u respecttslly ab mallei (Steed/ W. Paouproor, (,harm... Year. Nicboi.on and Campion novel Oat the report be adopted. An ameo.lment, mooed by Messrs. Yates •ad Wilson, that the report be takes up clause, by clause, was carried, Messrs. Campton •ad Nicholas voting nay. The first clause was adopted. The reeve and councillor Campio moved that the.ee- ond clause lin reference to the bfll.ard license) be adopted, but the council struck the [aloe mut. The rom•inder of the re- port was adopted anti on notion of Messrs. Holt and Humber the report al amended wee adopted. Move./ by the reeve, .eooaded N coon• cilbr Campion, that the auditors be instructed to examine the 1.te collector's roll and water rate and electric light books sodreport tally et the melt meeting of the oounul ea to the position they are in. ear- ned. On motion an order was issued for the payment of the price (4550) of a ticket to 13av City for D Campbell. Carried the conned thea adjosesed. STRONGLI I!ON DEM NIA Ai duty sew to mist oat the mil tamale V Independent 01)11110e os. the ve he the program ami prosperity of (ami ( Franohl.e Act- cawed by the protective system in fora raw 1 Hewes not sad never bed bees be is tsar d reciprodty with the tined I ABBOTT'S IS A THIEVES' POt.10Y. States, either partial or unrestricted. He did Dot below. that reciprocity would be found to be a peaces for all the Ills that A TORY SENATOR SPEAKS. ole is neer .t tae 0.11. ..r tee ..medial as eto swe OrrAu A, February 29. In the Senate to- day Senator Balton, of Marquette, .poke as follows . We all realty that last session exposed • series of offences against the country's welfare, sad that it .mused one Minister of the ('rowo to resign. In my new that Minister was more the agent of en organised system of raising rnuttev for election purposes out of the resources of the people at large in order to strengthen the Government oo the treasury benches, • syr - tem for which he was sot aMoe responsible, and if his resigwtion waa necessary toparily the political atmosphere *1 became ueetw ary Gr the leader of the Government to reoou- atruct his 1:overomen(; ee that an effectual guarantee would be proses ted to the peo- ple that the etaagere which threaten the country from immoral p'httwl methods would came, Such • reasstruct,n accord- ing to the opinion of many of the people of Canada has not been effected, .ad 1 feel it to he my dv•y to deedare a* the early stage of the serum that the (.overnaiest of which our leader io this Howe is First Minister will receive my .oppo.iuou. My party friends. I know, will sot accuse no, of de- serting a sinking ship or behaving in $ treacherous manner, for the bye -elections have sire gthead the hand of the I:overn- m,ent 4, wch ass eat.ot that in the interests of good government a pore vigorous Op. position is Deeded When Marquette, where I reside, is divided and given the moon' member to which the °ensue show a is entitled, I am quite ready to resign my .eat in this l'han,her caul trust myself in the haul of the people if they !Allah l can serve them better to the Huuae d ('ommons. Col. Bod14.e proceeded to speak of hoodlum, ,dery in the civil servloe, mot csademued what he regarded as the too lenient view taken of it by the (lovernme.t. Iaat season revealed much to justify the apprehension that more wss beheld, and that the resources of the auotry were bewe male sources of party e molument. It was not desirable to perpeta, rte such • system. The hon. gentleman then went on to examine why it w5. that Canada bad retrograded ass nationality. It was because of appeals sow being made to the lower eternal& d our nature to keep tbemeelres in power. The flay had oome for .base who loved Canada to speak out and condemn wrong-dolag in whatever sphere. This could only he acoam.pliehed by mea in high pasties doing right. For Mea reason* he regretted Ma Mr. Abbott should not have selected nen from the ranks of the people pledged to relieve ('scala from the stigma resting on her }r same. Th. reentry sees is danger of felAmt • prey to hugs oorporntres• sod tran.port•- Moo cemnpesies and Cita brought into ais- les°. by the protective system. Mr. Boal - 4u rhes made it evident that he had bees oeuvert.d from prnt.oune to free trade. al- though he said he had always bees • warm upholder of the ?fattened 1'diey. The asters of the National Policy demised, he .wi,l. to Mold up a C,anadisa s.tktsslity, not 5.a dependency of the British ('rows, but as a partner of the British Renpare He would he told that Mir John M,.deueld stood rep foe the N.P., but they must take what wait good sail leave oat what was us. suitable -o our Meed. When he 4.1.5ded the N P. he thought that tie m.nwfactureo were Im•reming .5d that popsl•t m was is. erasing, hut the regalia ,.f the esss= knocked the growled from wader his tent. Oar exports w.ri the memory of our .bobby to pay our ,fees Six o okok My s.g a. r've.l Mr Balton had to postpone the rematorler d his epoch till tomorrow. It is understood that he will tomorrow 5.mouace lett he intends to istro,lae a solution later on in the ea. - .ion for • readjemenent of the tariff sen as to ev.etually ark i.to atrolwte freedom of teed.. given ie indivwlw•l energy the frust seeps. •ad es to she ape• the met of predwetim ewea44d onmp.te ice ems uark.te As to raisiwg • revenues. he tlitph. the ds - arms. of the prosperity d the weuM isere.as their power te pay, swill mattered not hew the duties were levied. On*w*, Marek 1 1a the I.M. this afternoon Mester Bonita ewttiened hie speech. which bas Gode.�h�ld. bone d taw outsetrea.erkable for re•if•wus , item pr.bM• mimeses, nerd shameless* of statist .tate mesad .11 the ep..ehee ever made is the Mese& Haney tie deb.& es the address is Zrogto the wadi teem the Throne, er auy .8h dskeee. H. hold N wee 100, tr. Yir alai the country. The only results oh tailed from all the attempt. at t.egotietion with the United States in the director of reciprocal trade mina down to the vat d three of the Mi.istere to Waehtngtoa during the last month seemed to be summed up in the declarsttou of Mr. Foster, the rec,prnctty commission* at Waahtogtou, , that if Canada expecte to gut reciprocity with the United States ale must tint show that she has prooua.c.d protectionist pro chvities, .s 1 is ready to Moate under sub- jection to the itt000polies which are loan mor more and more powerful every day to the !tutted Suttee. He had looked over Sir Charles Tupper'a einem., and hr found, while he asked the Keeled; people to put five staling. a quarter on grwu, he did not ofer 10 any shape whatever a quid pro quo It would he well for us to remember that the English people bad 110 'dread delt5 dV thing of the kind suggrsted by sir (�harle. Tupper. He advt.e.l the adoption of a policy of free trade .t the present 085.55[, as it was a policy as sure to come to the United States as It is true that the earth roes round. He said he would not propose any amendment to the address. but might take occasion .t • later etagt of the a.•eeigt to offer a series of resolutions embodying his ideas of some of the reforms n•ceseary for the amelioration of the briar of the coy - try, and more aspreselly of the .gncultural intereeta of the i).uninion, upon which the eluting system placed heavy hardens CURRENT OPINION. Tray aLnT IR wash Mkt, Mitchell Recorder : The Tory starers d this riding are completely at sea. They tonna piracies a railway, for there in no place for it ; nor • canal, for there is no use for it ; Dor • harbor, for there a no water to 611 it with ; and there is nobody in the riding like the fellow who wouldn't drink, but would take the five cents instead. too take their .ash. We have gone cargfully through neat of the riding and got reliable information from other parte, and are is a position to say that lir. Trow's retain ea the 10th inst. is assure./. 1t is oly a ques- tion of majority. LAMA AT trim( 1N. r. Woodstock Sentinel•Review : As was anticipated. it is said that the old Wood- stock. St. Marys and I:oderich railway pro- ject WY used tor all 11 was worth in favor G4 Mr. Patterson in Huron. During an election the northern terminus .N this rail way which is to be is located all over the Huron district. is the pr..eut contest It t. said to have been used with edict. Should the promise to build this branch line be ful- filled auy timre in the near future, the people of Woodstock and the uonhweatern part of tl . county would find urine little comfort in the affliction of the West Hueco defeat. prat the agate' who made the ante -election promisor have no contract to carry them out. It will probably be some tune before Mr. Van Hone wdl enable us to go to 4;o.tsricb by way of Harnagwa and St. Marys. THa INYAR.ws 1'ItAScllt.L A.T. The Moslreal Witmer is not an organ of the Reform (arty, but that does not prevent tt from seeing the great injustice that was perpetrated upon the au6,try when the Dominion Government took control of the pragmatism of the voters' lista "It u a great pity." it says, "that the Ottawa Gov - .rnment took the. power of preparing the voters' bate out of the han.ds of the nuoici- pallues. The Duminton luta were, and the Provincial hate still are. prepared by the officers of each municipality, who ample them from the assenewe' lits ad other source There is little likelihood of frau./ hang perpetrated during this proem, supe totally in country constituencies. The Ile. minims Government insisted upon preparing the i cabmen rotate' lira, apposnong el. own reeking barristers in each twastitu.acy. partisans, of cane, in every case, ami thee having the lists brought to Ott.we to bre prated, and where, of course, they may peouihl be eetnipulatd. The Government v.rtp&Ily takes into IIs had the appointing of them jury which is to try it." Oar ar' • tem reser to a report that the Iota fur t e tino were tampered with by the Government when is eta hands at Ottawa, and declare* it to bean iotanuy. it the report is true. Hamiltom Tt.ies. arra.'. TO rawtlniAL 1.1117.4 Toronto News, Conservative . The atom that unfelt -nem is shown in eh. making up of the Federal voters' 1sta is doubtless well I(needed 1t wale' be • miracle indeed if there were not grounds for the allegation. The oii- etre who prepare those lista are the emaciate of the Deatinoe Government, and it is the woe mound thing in the world that limy should, perh.pe wniremeinraly, favor the ewer that gave them ollienal life. The remedy int the evil oomupl•ised of need ant summarily involve • change of (overwntent• if the Liberals were ie power, .ad the pre- paration d the lire still in the hands of the •pp,wetese of (wvver.ment, the un- fairness would be just as Brent as it it now, only another party weak/ Ret the benefit of it. What is wanted a • return to the old system of l'rnvisetal Itete for Daisies electrode. Nowlin/ add he fairer thee the manner in which thane were ware sp in this Proviner, at •U events, prix to the prising et the Federal Franehiee Ast. The work Mas toes he the howls of w.nicigal names, and it wee intemon ds, therefore. the" the partisans of either fact iris made mistral it, ghee the sante party was sot is power i5 every monied lity. ! The Desliates Yio.r be Amt du.uld las re p.aleli int, Memos it b.el... • needl= veer of 4600,000 wry time it it pet is eper•sies, and. uesadly, basad• items as , d.m mar aseopee" i gs ee e peepewee. it Serb T1t.D. se Ye lissales Nese omit Me repos et Teles' mime see rmeNWmti 1 H.verumewe Sebe e e rpreseemeh e -A weft lesesar8 u.s .teen els eh •...par.'s gv...p.per - rhe BdsssrgMr 1M'N 8e4 M Tetee51e.. Tomato Saturday Night, as iM.p>redah journal, owned .ad ooutrolld It. 1. sappers'. famed), d The Lomita Ives Prose, Ness editonally : That ea a grave somplieatie. in Leaden. Very serious troubles have hems provoked au may countries by smaller came foe hate and blow.. It is of little inporWM whether the laeservatives violated the low to keeping those names spa the list, ma long as the grits charge and ho.erily b•� terve thetweel.ee the rtcttma of an airmail" 1t will not constitute a pisttnat..a of the Tory precedent, seen *In odd the Supreme Court decker, those antes t.. represent quali- fied voters, because, hail the disputed [tames been Grit. instead of Tory, that Hy - man's friends Dight ba.e appealed t. tee ('ourt of Appeal, the Supreme Court -Tee, the Cart of He.veo-but not nus such Grit loan's would have been primed in the list Suppose by a htgl(ee knowledge of Ilia sr • greater liberty to 000wder equities the Supreme Court should .lee -isle that .11 tie .reputed rota. were geout.e, I that the iniquity of the thing a out diminished nor et aaunted • particle, fur the reams that the Taxies polled those votes, w harms, had they been lint. not .nue of them world have bean permitted to each the pull. Aad the name of juste. and the majesty of law the s new revoked to Minty the suoommfd .rtt6ce d the Tory part) would sudor those other circumstances bete her similarly in- voke./ with perfect arcus to justify the withholding from the Grits what is now awarded to Tories. The gravity .of the came hes to this, that the con.r'tutu41al machin- ery of the country has Leen tapped foe horse power to run the party engine. Ther. te • pend, more serious thau the overthrew of a party. invite./ by the bold praceio.. " During their. bye -election* circinate have been sent from Ottawa into many of the ridings, eaytsg that rtes [[oats os ib tut represents a vote .al tilt say mreo ohm Gal his name there ani vote with a cher conscience and • cheerful oath. for hie ripehi to rote u beyond quo0111wt. Taking Mie .m a true interpret•tum of the law, Met the presence of a 115n•e spm fa h.[. no meteor by what mean+ it a first place./ there our by what means .ktealel and retained, 1s one - claire establishment of the right to vote. b will he easily seen that if the Go. armee. e . tart* uautpulaIIng things se it dol in Lim - don it can grow la and debar, of the great bulk of the people. 1f the tubing party trill S eim without c.n.puncti..a the many die - creditable °ppnrtunntie. of Jefr.Ii.g ice• proper Tory names and 1nore'roper (Grit ..antes, thou government will no harper 10 truly representsrIse. Until the Reform party (-elevates • little Mire self t earl ceases to aux the country to fallow it bona, •tadu.s M N'ash,ugtoo, I can wish It so fetter memo thaa it s receiving is these I. declines. i begrudge it even the anal and dishearten_ e1 represen atiou it has in Ohtani*. for slier • terrible cru.huy( it may penitently rename se old and faultier faith Ret while 18.1 pleasure in the success of the Governm.nt 1 want to see it win through the cited is l'anal.an •en of ibe policy al not t h the diabolical aid a • francium sus;...::e. all calmness sal honesty thew wool" aim written and'no tamer eros .111 '...84o . A ter ' seed mot he a crit to condemn the Ih.minion Frenchise A^t: be seed owl y he e n Monett trap The date of opr against that franchise law should lust he- e'rne the privilege of Reformers oleos, but of all cilium's, because the right of ■11 'di - seem .re infringed three rights ore seised upon by the liovernme.t, and .holed est M the people or withheld at pleasure. A grime principle u made •hrtnve, hr r- stesd of awl (:overm.t.wt icing purely re- pre.eutativi of tb. people. I.. ma••. of a tinkered enters' lot the people are W a great extent mal. reprearnt•tivs d fie Government of the day. This is • grime aF•iast w, the people, ane/ 1 trout Ihere i a limit w our patient 'adenines. The Gov- ernment has a moral and lege! right to eNp- elate the property or other quali d voters, bot it has no sural or legal tight M make ievidious distinctions against ass St- aivtdsal or group of adivel els loecaw he or they may be repulsive to the (lovere- met. It has a eoastltetlo.$l right to de- fine the gWifc•tioas of s voter ; then its moral rights permit it to .10 aotbi.g ins n and aside and •/low the voters to espouse the will d the country. Het w Mm beam smuggled oro far lee elk mooed that The Empire the other day rebuked the gramb- ling (frit. d Kiri., vying that if they ad not receive 'roper repressed/wise es the rolls it was 8*.e.as. they did ant display proper vigilance d.ri•g the pre/armies of the luta. 1t was the Crile owe fault, yes ...the New, i •m not arguing fr en the 1 ippee.i- tioe st.adpnist. het Lice: the dan4p.iat of • .414..0 Why .ho.ld • properly q..li6eel cities..1 the country he rsgwitsd to display "vigilance'nr find hn.srlf .liefrasehhalt All talk about making voting ons,pnt u .Mord while . moa whn wan(• M .n4.0 fnree.l to h. weghty vigthnt or (h. nllik'td d hi. privil+ge it r the8..y of lbs (le.. .al te impose ups. the ms•ielpalitlee or siren its awn Atrial. the task d e.lkee4 in. and clasmifyrne the note. ef all gn•Is- 4-4 voter., eves Omagh without their orerni.aaee, se that the SAT will M .MAIITO.d ifer .h.r. is ducharDeR the epreae tu.e- 18n of ire.•m.n. 11 he.uat seem who aro fuly otetupie.l able t#wr kt4w, whoihal it ti i. ed tmtiet the snit n► p.wndieta 4h, anvil or 4oeriehi.g the p.w.het who i5 AST n.r5patese are tree to the eim5try .rep potent with their taros N thus .waw •.e deprived d their .ores either Is deliker.e. freed or he the teeb.ie.ltty of • wittiest' ler. thew sone peals? sh.wM rote oyes thews Mhn motel[ tbe h•.ml .r n}ww .►- (l vsrwrewt Ike[ pees Ihe .i.le.. L• a - Ale