The Signal, 1892-3-3, Page 6[4 S FOR
1113 He a -.aro u oa, oNT., Tan i% : MARCH 3, 1812.
Ywt/l. Op tis aseN-Meer le Mat. um1N
Meru rax --Minim a tl. ,Now
waw trlerasemer Erma as lessen Mesas
-"'gMtjag Aaee&
`h �wtrym • who Mips milk to the
* 4 quality el she milk the yield
ties u f bt leer. la net, awe this age Om
eDeaner•y act m. the feWren is some Dec-
tions h. v e atssarid Me Mate altogether, •
preferring 10 •hip their milk to the cities,
or Mil t to the merest creamery, and bay
their butter Inc home ass. They require •
breed of taws with hardy osestlt.uu®s,
mod app1i1ites. damp milking elearty t.nD-
ens,aad pu*.a.d.g • vales is tis mark*
M beef when their twfalaeen ia the dairy
hes •Died. hook • breed meet also be owe
loag-estaWtsh.d, with wed sed pec.lier
charaden•tisa of M. awe, and which well au
tatre iely transmit 1!r* gushiest on its off
erring es to suable it to predominate when
used for improving other hands or grades.
Milk eau be watered by the cow as
well u by the dairyman, • foot which is
mad* plain by the dlfi weaoa 4* the propoe -
tlisan Imelda in
milk of ylrtriou. cows.
About 13 per cent of milk consists of solids
D.d 'l7 per ass of water, the quality vary-
ing according to the kind of foods allowed,
eye11 a atagls cow varying in the quality of
her milk sae day u oomp•rod with the
neat, but their u • greater .uiferruty ai -
the quality of the .tilt from pare bred cows,
wuten carr 1100)) 0tei tof eeltain purpose,
than to that from cows bred indlaerinlill
Molly A sow that excelsas • butter pro.
duals. but which yields bat • small quant•
ity of walk. can only- be used Ly those fano
'an *bo make • spout by of producing but-
ter, bot the largest ntarna are derived
front t hap cows which ld lar 1 of '(k
wastage DMUS t)ae Wks at the
Newepapar fru.
♦ reeked balm r rearms on a s*.i s
a ala.
It u mot Improper for a t.4.phuae girl to
he bud
The ju.lge charges the jury -tie lawyer
chaise. h1. cheat. Mins h.
People with empty heads most geserall)
have tongues that rattle. Itam's Horn.
A bare faced robbery u frepurutly opus
netted by masked mea .1t Joseph News.
•, What uyuote edea a1f luppiner•" "Note
lag to do and lots of sue to do it la."
When yon open^ window ria the railway
trate the tint thing to catch your eye is •
Ih'f the fisherman have frogs legs. Brie -
get 1' Bare 1 couldn't sae. mem : he had hl.
pinta GC.
The lover who males his prop sols
11rougli a V1111111 1110 1111 WIRD the ple.aure •d
Mem( his gar 1 blush.
"hteeping capacities In your c1utcl,
good c' ••i;40,4,., -bras,' seats. high
backs, tong sermons."
1t won't do any good to look as solemn s
an owl 1n churr!. 44 you are its th • babe art
akinuine people .o business.
Ku,1 r -1 cute t.. ask for y -our dAugo
err' 6 r s err r.
• awl Her father She I
daughter Suitor - one . .11 1
It 's all 1 nls4.I.e I., doubt the see: y
alma! the whale .wsllowusg Jonah. Ho
not .ray .1,,! it, but he gut Moog smut.
Itrtggs--"1 thought they minister heel
net dw.r to the chtlreh'" ' Hr
4t. f:..t the bell w• eke hien up so early iu
the morning he bad t.. move.-
Tian, sill be Iota of unntendell haus in
the sa, emote of the poor to confront toot
.011.11' 1r* 111. Ile 41 w .rod who spru: thkr
time in older:dig sitar .t,. 14s.
ye gay ml .
and from which • tarp amount of butter \'sites "I hear your new preacher is..
way be de.ited. such cowl fusing adapted moan '..f ma/imitable- will and womderfoi
to the of the - h energy.' H,mtees-••laked he is H'
has starte.l n' 10 convert the choir."
A New York 'Chinaman is to telt• t1,•
req n1ra.ten t11 l armee w o
makes butter, and also for supply tog the
market with hulk whites exceeds the aver
age proportion of solids.
A cow for tits purport is but an m,.i:rrcr
cot milker if she falls below twenty quart•
daily Inc • yearly average, mad she may
also produce tea pow& of butter daily
from the milk. It u unnecessary to point
to the tact that cu :h • cow is more yaln.:,le
than one yielding loss nAlk end an equal
amount of butter. What the farmer should
du is to grade up his Moak to the srerage
of the pure breeds, or what is better, resort
to the use of the pure breeds without the
low of time incidental to crowing, though
any system of improvealent is better than
Ma.) Horse. 1•n11 at the tette Aees*N
Their Rlde,. Abe ignorant.
1 onoe'rnang pulling bora*...n,4 the sande
of hitting them, a vast amount of rubbish
h as been talked and written we arc, prsl
lel-, adding to the very large st,s k IN one
tblatg, however, then can 1. .cru little
doubt. namely, that very many horses pull
because their riders not only pull :u them
bat do so at the wrong time. Many people
o., if they Imre been riding • lazy
boric themselves, must leave uotic.4 that
their nommp.u;oo has kept on pulling re hs
domes mouth, though the pace Ile not mere
than about six miles an hour.
Now, this horse, finding an attempt was
beteg male to pull hem back behind hr
fellow. :lees,. resisting the rider hand,
_mid if the rider were to slacken his. reins
altogether his horse, unless of a very fiery
nature, would need hat little, if any. res-
traint to keep hien at the required place.
We are. of course, speaking of ordinary and
temper.ue horses, whack are made to pull
• solely by means of hard hand*. On the other
hand, it a utter umaese, sate in the case
of the .lass of animal we have jut ne-
atens. to say "he does not pull at me be-
cause 1 do not pull at hint- : and the Mary
tart the owner who sawed his coachman to
byputting •
make the sign t usilk
P"• pa P K
haadkcrt-hief round it and pulhsg against
it, must be taker. as gospel s" • qualified
/etas.' only.
From • reenembr•noe of many discussions
um pulling and Its cure, it u quite mumble
to arrive at the ,• that tetany they
in are started on the strength of the ex.
perien •.e gained with one or two horses ;
and even so experienced • horseman s" k1r.
Hely-Hutchinson almost does the sane
when he seethe to support hu theory about
dNerbltt.R boring she frequent antes of run -
abet fy,tey goring a si.gk instance
IOWA 'Mamma, under his elm notice.
Ilea poetised cr1•seoudry faders Le.
'Envp u the wisdom of employing u easy a
tit as possible. and 1t u tree. heyowd all
question. *bet the dooms away with the hr
rible engem, of trot tore one sometimes ares
maker a hoar go comparatively ;dement.
though, of coupe, there are supe horses
which do require sharper bits, no matter
who their riders may he Polling a 1eces-
u rily + question of degree, mad, s" we lure
already pointed out, the amount of resist
lute on the part of the bores, which would.
u this ,Des of • gond .nd strong horseman,
amount M so more than "catching hold a
• would acute a km skillful practltioser
to loos ell contra' - London Feld.
Looking A1e.J.
Whits .2 rap may Le beaten to • stiff
troth by an open win4uw wits. it wea14
I.. inpwibk 10 a mutiny hitches'.
Halt a lemon dipped m salt will .to all
:he wars of oxalic aced in clewing copper
boilers, brass teakettles ad other ...spree
or bream utensils.
• Powdered Milt glass ground to an tmpalp•-
' We puede.. •ad Iluved with 14e white .11 as
, egg -.or .4 the stemmed oeaste
kmowu i
Thr s er, beet lower uwr eon have, all
1 thins'' cul,alkr1l, a • trans supportlsg •
i good 54rw( bed, with a regular hair mat-
, trees ul wll•t1M Mae over it, HIS
"whole kept w phew by u+ Ineapeestise
Bagdad rug, Of an capons', a Kelim rel,
as you prefer. Itepat half • dawn of the
tomes of color's the rug In the ooreriav of
the down LaRosa, of wlilch you can nerd17
lure ler nta0y. 1f you cannot afford the
expense of eider down for soft pillows, me
the beet of telethon rather than t1. cheap
down generally sold in the stare.. Many
people like a hair billow litter the. any
uthet end a hammock pillow covered with
h.lue denim *ill °ten be u *eklome addition
40 the lounge..
Whenever ,t is pweible It is well tokeep a
oeterate claret foo articles pertaining to tris.
lug. Keep th • trona, starch, blueing, holders,
Wants, sheet Wstukt t sod usher articles
pertaining to mon1ng oo this • keel, which
should be warns 1411,1 dry anti shut 011 from
6 roe are kept u
.• ironing s {
4 ,.t f tb 1r* n
the 1
t a closet 1n general tae of is beet to put them
us bag, of bed ticking or .outs• other he-ary
cotton, and haul then' up where they will
leJrrt• trona duce ,dol dirt. If they are
kept art • close: rewired tot the irreing
matrual they need not Ina• cocere.I. Tule
mind ,''.nen 4ar.1. v1..uht be 'rept m acnes
pla•.w. 14.! thele n 710 otiie '1 nl to .s heels
Muer.• LlslDsrst rar.-4.a,rel 4* a ewe.
tart or r11.11rea'.
It is w, esu. to keep t4^ 'la, ir.xt. '1t
condition that there u little cycuse for any
housewife negk.ting than.. ne n atter how
busy sloe may be. Any *01,1(11 cue. costly
tell at a gime* when these article: are wall
kept. :am, housewives will have to thaw
poswuniau. kers that. hA)e been their moth-
er's before them, anl,ehuueh they have leen
Public in a lecture why ha remains a flea., in can5tent use for years, are still :ae tern
then It would embarrass DoT', uteri who. and smooth as ant our cu4id wlab. loiter
sttend church regularly to do the eta: l. w1•men, with the same kiwis of irons. would,
.links "loss IM. Fourthly reenter what by neglect and careleasneam. in a ytar or two
i e preaches`" Fdkina "If v.0 revelers I termer them uutit :o 10'.
roost wife amid bad W have his merman. \:,ear, there a:e "natty .tai clod cite hes to
r.leate d to you 1 guess you d think so .1 be .lean up weekly, tt is a goons pIlO to wash
••\flat'• the charge against this man ` the iron, once a week-, hut where potato
••Heaiatintr 0111 officer." •'Yer Honor,` sand eletitei end only r herr starched Clothes are
the prisoner, •'1 naves knew he tea. •h to be do,.1. o.- , lt:1.ntk is often enough.
n1Tleer. He neon- hat me with his club ` T•k„C r14o cleat ammonia soapsuds, and
fie.„ edit a ...tooth um') the men well, after ocanl4
wipng with Kiley cloth : then put them oar
41414,, 'la 4o! thin::, telluw to a genii.• the bscl part of the vase to dry thorough -
RI" letause be gives you • polite haw. \t.- , ly. TO than the boos. always lusyc a piece
have i! upon the authority of a veteran of coarse sandpaper. or a handful of mane
euchre payer that bowers ,are always table salt: or a pit.•e of wrappiui paper in
keno's .F, tet, too rah them. .Muco', have the top
of the range perfectly clean be•fwe putting
Creditor Itb nn V1 0111,11.:' 1 • au t tin ! y-.,'. , on the irons. and newer allow than to get
at home when you are hem all the um: In , too hot 1J such A thing dues happy'', c'.sol
the saloon drinking. Ileht.0 ••Ihm't you ' then: by ecttine upon end on the hearth.
sac that the reason I dnuk is out of sheer 2".,n,.• w4+men. when In a hurry, caecal trona
despair- at not being able to pay you T' I by plunging them into cold water. which
WI: 1.4 1 was sorry 1 to {dn't get to 1 will very soon spoil them. IWn't keep the
irons one the stove to -hen not m use, for it ie
church last Suuday. Might i inquire what 41110 t".1w•il the :emper of th<• iron. mei
war the sermon! ' The 41ev..Sir. Wilgus dont have inns on thy stove when cooking.
"My disro.rsc, Brother Watts. yeas upon more particularly when the artistic 'aokiug
•The Relation of the Orin Bacillus to heed- i. Nee that is apt to doe tor boil over. or
ern Pestle -mem.. -' i while frying. After taki0l; an iron troll'
Nether-- t don't tee why yo. and y4meL-the store, whets wanted tor •s'-, liras rub u
over peace' i:, G...... - %napping paper kept
husband should Tare so much trouble. ' fax that purpose, thee rug. the *u0mtla kart
d.. 't is em to different' .hunches du -asa•d a 1•r* t wax.
You n 1 •'n n'whnas4e
with . 1 th 1
a• c tl aa•el
you' Daughter •Xo, moth... Mother Rub the trap well rater a ark .n b
-•' fh •44 there is no eteuse for tithting
like cats *rid dogs. '
"Jeanie,- said the young wolnau tier.,
ly. ••I'nl newer 4011141 u4 have anything to
do with :mother clutch fair.- "Why not'''.
•All the young men are over at the timing when warted.
table hotting on who will get the oyster. ;
fan t 41 slq►ndalons • - +Iisard'y t4.lMt esti, Dl•Iemper.
-When you attend the reception at Born ' WNbeerrisenr. rue.
cantle , to -sight, John, said the city editor S. Huuaekeeper. \Wuekh Moe! pe:+ou;
to the society teprter. "he sure to get • take %sly good care of their table linen after
pe4tnre of Mune. Fls plasm, the rook. (he it is washed, lruued mad neatly folded : but
would newer forgtye ne if the alta le was the .are ,.tweak{ 4r taken Leforr it reaches
n ot sr4'perly illustrated." j this 'trite. Table lien a never worn. In the
•'\1'.• should like as ars" frons your using. but to tier leashing and ironing the
pen. rat=•r. ad sit. es 7011 are.the pastor 04 whole mm.onnt of .1anIap,n' is done. especially
air arse Lnhionallk chunk." "Upon 11.61 j if the servant is strong, and rule all with
su stent r' "Anything that has come ode, NI
51grr. from the dainty handkerchiefs
4,4:r eioerraticw," ••hood ' . 1 will write , N the Ixacs ahxet.
T..'1 ahs eemay upas bonnets."
-Doesn't tt araov you, )I r. Pronttext, k I Table -linen should be soaked over nista,
have •petuele torp under your presehmg "' ' wit11 a tittle ammonia d,iea to the water,
"Ye'.' -'ern d the reply. "its rather humili ' whu•6 soften', the 1114 as well as elle water,
144 ll ,: hitt then there 14 this advantage. and In the morning, with • little rubbing.
I can prea.•ia the tams sermon several Sum• thorough rinsing, and careful blueing .never
days is .*-crash* without the fact being put any starch in table- linen'.they are ready
recognized by my,co.gregation.'' to Yana/ out, and here is where the greaten
_- _.. _. harm is Jove.
*seri lf-ef Thar hes, %% hen 11"1"
• N.w 7
S'nnr dreams of wedded blies tarn Out 40 .,0mes, I think .4 the contest on the.4.thm-
lee uurl•:mares.
11 one never turns hst k when 1.11.4. he has pin question, and my heart fails me. Net•
IVO Ino bends to the slaw, the field will 4501. nay ackrewldge they fare some
411' Met nee furtnw, faults and failing., but they •11 kmow how
to hod potatoes. make hred, and wash and
Temptation u sedan'• advance agent. iron. Th.w• virtues they are putative they
l'nw.perity kills more men than adversity Assess. and groat a their iudignatien if you
.4,,,,,. 9uestion the result*.
Wraith las" more wants than poverty. A table eldth should he hung half 4x hits
Pow.s,.m .ices* t alw
ays briar peva. thirds its length neer the line, mad .0
Thome who gore the mart &drew take the cln*hn paw should Le aced any. the wild
hast. makes 11 absolutely necessary. Servants
take napkin', or handkerchiefs by oar car -
Been s • ropey Investment, but an in- net, and (amen a bunch of them on the line
se-uts Otte ; *ith ,we clothes-p.n, an as to sere time and
Geld is the goal of •unrest. ' trouble for 141,01selves. SWwM 1.4)41 dscover
Auden°. hes a te1deaey to homer top hole" or lel" m the rnrnen of the "tidal'
I heavy - - -
mid wonder what caner" them. I only wan
der that there are any napkins a htan,lker
Of Cesrea Ne erne. chiefs in (lutea(.
A soolden change from the dry fo.'d of..« Lo 15,1114 up town WWI walking oat Nether napkins nor hadkerchefm showed
wooer b. green food os liable t0 canoe the
sows to fall .4 in milk, owing to the
y, not. Where ensilage hos leen used
:Ie Ieatehty u not .o greet Young rye
WA poly grasses ars mostly water in von - and are very laxative. Thr best
metlwwf u to allow the animals on the
early rye hat • short time at tint, gratin
illy "Tteedtng the lnlulgeece ,.*II the risk
of h.wel disorder baa passed
rr.p.ry Nala...e. Ra/ion+.
A ...nee article el ford may r own el!
slsoemnts ne+amary to 505451a life and pro
nn.* growth: yet it does soot fellow that Its
me *esld l" *oamel4sl. 1t Dry .contain
same elements u 'seem .f needs of the
.ansa•! Ihat N why we a leoki.g Inc
"pl.perl, hslsaoe4" talkie& -
Mayo • later.
The ems puM mieleeteee which mum
Waco goad work ter M west in the
'Forte thea myth., is tie want of •
then 11 is reach for the (bother. In ironing
-tarcheel clothes. if airy of tiey starch sticks
loth.. in.r, aalso)s scrape it ulr with A kr*::.•
before pl..I4; on the stove to heat. iron.
should le kept in some closed• dry steer.
11 kept on a shelf they are always dun•
acts plea
-with his ode the other day whoa • teras er4.4 Herne nt rtntcl *1144 •'44th.s line nam
set them and very effusively shook his
An how 40 yoo do? How do yos do •
How s your health sow !•' exclaimed the
"None of year ►.ci.tas,' snapped the m
valid. Dud jerking hu head ►way he harried
off with his wife.
"My • ear." she said, repovingly,wbro h•
had slowed down eo she could speak, "why
were yes an redo to bun• He seemed vert
as1 toes tm knew ho* you *era."
"Rode, boo Mag," growled the 'sealed
"1'r* got a right to M. The otap u the
am undertaker whallpened a shop up u
our meighbnrhsed b>Rwsak.''
NM Swab finis).
"1 hare a pair .� sa i' .. for every
per of lea" 11111. Per g.t." he said
• (4r.rtoms ' how icy pain ef
en have you sat
clothe, pan. You who are fortunate enough
to have " real grass," which we city folk are
deprived of. spread your taL!e linen ups 1t,
and the .unshlne will do the rest of the
w0r 4 .
(.001110 Ig., ,*it M Moreton.
U,d you Medea the nat.nnahty of the
stranger whn g01014oar party yeaterlay
tanked one traveler of another in Reyp1
•' \.e, 1 dlwnvered he was an English
" How did yon drawer 1t
" I eased hum if he knew what part of the
1 noted Stake hansom was in and he said it
was In Rugal, NoMwly but en F..glisb
men otwtpd be so ignorant of the ge.g sphy
of the rested !(latae '
Its well to he kiwi to dumb anhm.i, but
• man 4• r•rwly j Ilius d In 1400rw*1ag *1.007
to buy a deg. 1 h Coy Rlsnara
When • hall,on has to or upas .s11.0a-
o.d it s a smear to a illOy.
"Dae pair. - lases mals R14* 11 w.
IM►ISerawer 1. c.easumer w Ms ..isle
Joel M Neer \ems.
Ntw l ark•. Fel 2'..-- Al the Manic.
dimmer d the New York heard of Trod.
and Traaaportation at IhmhaoniCO s 1)-t
cream` Gem J. W Foster, the gentle
atau who, with Secretary Blame. met Ib.
l'aas4iaa Iteciprc•in l ornawluuen at
W ashi.gto* rewntly and w leo has Lemontart
eJ the reciprocity trurties moth vent e,
nation. rimier the Mel%riky Act. deli% ere,'
en address.
Mr Fatter said Reciprocity is bury u
ably united to protection. It tam umpu.SLk
lander the system of tree trade. 1t is •ply
whets • oea.try ialntalns • protective
tariff that It 6 in • peewit to offer to usher
countries valuable Inc specific
products Is return for es• .145ya. for
its 41%11 products. The country *10411 breaks
down the proms -Live system sed opens un
fee nlarkels freely mans without pries• to all
Ramos is it uo .%mditioe W acme ex-
eeplloDal favor. from other tomato*..
The ,00tmereal reciprocity treaties re -
meetly negotiated between Germany. Aus-
tria, leafy, :sett a:land ant Belgium are
based upon a re.+.guitnu of this prise ple,
and they effectually diapwe of the questl.m
d free trade on the continent of Kmrope for
the 12 yeas at least the period od
d.ratioo ef those !teat es.
We hart teetered upon a Mintier poll•y 4r*
this couutrf send if cuneuteotIr aerially
adhered to and lo.t broken down by our
own parts nu oil 1t bids fair to give to
this net a Ine.luImatiug comities -ams! en
fluence un this hemisphere, which 4(111 re
greatly Breatto ou
oar piosprl.y and 'u'
natters -4 pride.
Bat. it may Le &eked. it 1.41. 1.• frus wily
not a xtvt.d i1 to use 1 Median ueigl 11sts aro
the north!
The first awwer is tum: era:b aur tropical
iw•Igt.,000, 'notate product. are s" Ju•
smiler to ours, rtOrprrw'tke
simpl. isomer.., tau 14111.14 se Celli,
to deal with as .vuutry hit in.:
1Luu.&c,i. art •amen nt.otnrlldnolw lert'tory
and yeah hke l.r odua . And iAdutrie• the
gm•'.t Pen Mamma 1414)0• • .nq,lr'
lint !It 11 Is IoM ti:e ',superable
then lofty. ' Th test t4..' l'.asrsdt.
144,4 ant pose.. the right of
i.gott•tinleer •.4)u ttt.ttlel. lilt must Late
them rleg4otated :or het ly a distant power.
ahoc it 1-1011:r011,4 by e•uuonnk: puts. !•l.+
entirely dal, reel from those o: 1411{:
United 'state. :nail (AI.&da, crane Ilrte.
the chief i..1::ram t.. any rerrsn1rn.ent
S., lint: a. other Interest* than 4:.•w• 411
('and& are to routed negotiations for .01111- 4,44414.44 ate, the af6ir anal- seem. 10 "me
merical n•1•t:on', ww:th muds of our ne:gh.wre that ler Is play int in bird it:ek
a• recegnite America'. tin its broadest
seise, a' ierr• heist to F.utopera hila tire Aa Ate,lwnae0 Father
1111 the. Ilentispa•eie. to all 504.4 r•o0auie. *mother wspirions 1w.wrteace took place
err sh.uld open the Joao. oat ! td•' :d the sane corridor door this areslag after
as s ide and es freely 1..1 the w,R'-st...r for prisoner retuned trent the 1'nherCowe
our emu (4t.;ltlshel m•!1 p nook lir was a..xlmpa"eI to tle pfd Ly his
Beyond that thrspirit otgenuine Amer 1,us. father, who eras admitted.
Ism does out require men ierrwtit ns to gar. The •Icp:tty Own., .irtatted 'lee prisooer
W yegW'' yes, Frit. 2o - h4 lin- )boa:. pass a .cup .•f . through to. iron
tu-s:ay Mi. asked 11."t the tont to h* father. ►fit- the ccwversati.n Isd
mitten a1 F••rr.gar Iteatinus, if am Int one 'nen firti•lse) ('ohne real 1,4ted the elder
prtilde *Ph pul.lir Interests. intoi ,. the Perry to step into the uIb.., pro:ee.lei Io
Senate of thepioaendinp recently had with Search him anal was towarde.I ler finding
the representatives of the D nnun e. of Cele 1tbe *.'rap of paper. and on it was drawn at
ahs mud the Roushliover•amel:t a, t.. aC exact outline of the key which nalocks thy.
ranyemertts Inc reciprocal trade with Can- corridor doer
meets. Agreed to. .lorry Colima Is of the 0pinl0* that the
WA••kltl:To\. Feb. 2.. -The 1tAte J)e- premier r expe..•ted to hay a key meads by
pwrtaent today issued a werrwt for the hos father which would fit the flock and
l'asdian COVeta:meni for the extradition after opening the eorrotur .door, to tile the
4 Thotua. Williamson wanted far for en heave steel tar lhsa b is on the 0utsi.le ani
IT 18 h:PPED IN Teta DUO Sr A
NM Washer l'weswoe,iealwl NMI. Nue t7
Mess. of a U•. tl.reua1 Ise Hata of
Ills l'.11, awl l ,.seeds) le. 44..e Nam
tallier a e0Me1 .f a Ker and a Note.
Nisi* Were r)aas.ensad
I.nhts. N.Y., Feb 2b.-4Nlvsr Curtis
t'.rre, the noted .\u..rie.11 cypress train
rubbior. ass arraigned l.fure Justice of the
Peace T'hedowe 'rtes yesterday *titanium'
• t Y o'cl.w•k sad bold tax the grand Jury.
When terry wed the .kaput wen• alwmt
to leave the 000rt r.wutt Inc Ilse county mil
Perry father, l)h'ri H. (errs, sine
hurrying in trent the mitred stetlua from
hs Leine t4. NV mono. The p1 terasr premed
n otch effected. Stepping up to him he
said. •'Helk., father." •rd looted him. The
father showed muco. emotion, and the
primmer seting it said, ••l1nl't cry, father,
1t w ell le all right ..
Ey pi me )io.wuger McInerney u 0.410(1.4
to t., .lotug . well al ..meld he repeated
atter II, *..flits he received 111 his deeper•
she ru1ouuter with Perry der Suu4ay worn
mg toe tested quietly veetrr4hl, and all
kis ay suntans are favor*h.{e to reeoyere.
It Is repeated that Perry has a wife• at
Mata%IA. a daughter of .fans. lathe. %hops
he timet.
• r•a•1 ..1 rl..• r'h..der Isue•1
\ esterdsy sit. • owes.. ellen ! I..• , ..: who
represents lean•.{I a. this 6)t err
IHtter I'tirti. ferry'1 btu, 't 1h.
county 1444, th.• ptsoter seeloc.i yen
weeder. regarding a habil nttciwl 141.1, h he
luta !rII 0 a'u1 pls.? in Syra'usc 504
which lone titer pretreated to etc err
\\'hes t'uery.venom. left for Syracu c last
trare,I hies 1, -,the !dace whoa sett l.• I
had Law kit. When he left the h•' . flu•
detectne took it few.. him :544,1 hl. 0,41 1 d
to Lyons this morning. (4 brei it was . .
muted, tom( the , outlets war f.:nd t Ls
ear of • human firing. which wee fare.. ra n -,f
ii• eke -diet and ruch.•d N a ``411.4 I.,ttl. ,
oaf tee heads .4 geld battered foon
of the jewelry Nissen in etc e'1 res-' .•Noon y
near [-(sea last September.
. The sheriff s: owed the est t.. ferny awl
risked 1l..+ where he got it. H. Mated that
he • art it from :4 cnh1rcd 144:.2, 4 414111 aria !n
tendtei to use it at 51. ornament 1x1 1'.
mantel at honor. ?hill he was ' -r y such
.1 5).erc6r'* lerr.►le R4.p0.e
Lana.111. Tam ,1-e1...t w- :%crass the Alexi•
east fn.utr. Ile mike fecal here, tae neigh.
l,or4R.l has loom startled be the reviewed
an olid weaken, Marston -de 4'aeton. Several
to which I. atta1bei .t p::dlork out 1.1 leach
from the 111141.444. Iterate( the- twit hi.
father gate hien .eu'1 r+need frust :0.4
otwgts.. They were taker, from Lluo after
his feather. dep.artot.• and *111 be examined
for the purpose .d •w• whether
years ago *Mint her isms cies. cudauts were anything is cvweah-4 muster of them.
slain in a family feud ire the Mlorelos elan. {'gsa4.a connected with the jail seem to
Ohl Mrs. Pisrim derided epee rrtenge and entgr•yim the e.pliento that the nun who re-
m fetvr.ays agoo l.a..e;,d ho ret a deco, to.w l sue 1211 L1mse1f As hu father and who was
..t t4r Amoss, sero WWI m tbc.r mod and eo dfeetilwn+tel• limped by Moly after the
tu: 1e4 four 0f 41401 *melee into raring mot- heann4 m Pore? Justi:•e Carvers office to-
me1.. fay is w.: his father at a11 lent an somas -
Wane Hetet. melees 9gal.. slice.
The more Peru's astounehug crane. that
unparalleled I. (1.Inet1'e duel and the crisis,
.'01nt1' chase are die. owed t!.4* greater be -
cones the aondrr At b'cr.y's astuil•bmg
stern. The crime stands absolutely
is the io,fury 4)f 1r* ¢-I.wey rol.lery in .4uttlfi-
.w. In all the wilt' and savoys *flacks en
railway trains on the •rest there s l.othiag
And discovered. 2 that compares with it her desperatnm .,.
the Fart of the n,bher 0r for ex' temg
GOOD FORM 1N ENGLAND- 'esculent in the rola,,.'' pursuit and rah.
*.4 4. Nferenrrt aWwer. •merlrai as.d Never before, probably, in the world was
there such w duel fought u that between
M r e , manned
To indirete adequately the diyerac1ce5 the two dying to „minis' 1 e+. n. one
i 1 )' by the .iespente mal she abler by
the tee. rarfw*y eu:ployes, when were pat -1
.uingt him. It was in a war like • rummies
Mer Ir 1ch I.. The
' h between t np41aern M
two engines ha.•ked 141111 tilled and px.amwl
Plied to *erraun.. In 1:ng1a0d there a w1 they passed es. -h poured a rolkv into 11.•
%Vier nature smiles again in the mill
��QQrrm;: days, mankind often groans from the
enacts of 'ad blond and k indn.l troubles
engendered by the haw h..nd %% otter. Ro-
am.e the cruse of all the trouble I.' purify-
ing your tilotd with netnre a remedy, Bur.
I dock Itlx,d Bitters, the hest blood searcher
1 aro toots ever o iscoveree .
L.stab trace..
between the ways .4f Eogluh society and our
own would require a volume, bat some
strikingexsm es may be given to a few
paragraphs To begin with. the names •p anti tepee,. . at h other and even tom
w wet. Jay. furry ewe tried alai
1.. a.1,11, •44 - h.- •a.1.•m1.asftmeN' • .o Ito.
irD111-Io"1.1Ag 11/1. lees1),} Ines SAD, 1 •'•• •use
ODDS. as a pomade res order. ile pione r• re
liven cud nogg at isles Mu.relt meth minister*
awl :►arch people generally It a era that
he lomat several uevieet •a. Aiwa as sig as
horter. He has .. read am . freight ad pas -
saw. Lralewau ou radioed., aid it was
while esgegel thus that he aagaurd his
know kvig. of trams mit learned how to
handle • heoaotiwe hung his railroad
tsirerr be •ttendk.l *omen•*• at 1 • church
inulols and frequented the free hie eras
for Iu1r1t11 mem
He has t.eeo variously known. *bile
swank thief. burglar, cow boy, brake -aura
anal evnsrloet. as Olivet Cortes ferry. Has
well, \'an Alkll, Havens, Hamlin. AUea,
1i41v.1101, Jany, .lame. Cie to, ,lanes Peeny.
James Curtis ferry and Oliver More.
rte As.•sia.1 1•...Oanster al 1fu11 Meal/
Ited••tered Loiters
DrT+era, Feb. 26' -Thalami Paquin, her
1Y years•ut postmaster of Hull. tjue ,
was •rre1tel In IusprctortrLeary yesterday •a1 a ,-t org. of *peewits sad stral-
ieg regurerel letters aid lappet/emoted
their matey cements. Paquin Is a newly.
mets reel mast. end the full ....tent 4d his
pw•uMtoIs it. not kuo•pu. Int it is thought
to be large.
t reel Answered.
The following soecdotr shows the maple
method tad by a Fr•.ch .tar/omen toeen-
I ti a
to tate
which 11 the
fro. los ecru Id
bit w u. anise.
%then M. de Persigay ea* French Millili-
ter of the Interior. he received a visit one
day t4.1/1 a fron•1 who, on ',ending up his
none, was she.n auto the veal man's
wn1•tet - A waosedia naw -r arose betimes,
Naddenh• a -ottani entered sad hadel
11e \xiuuter A note. Oar opening it he at
once changed 1.. t. oe of c••:ce, and assumed
a quirt and urluue 141104.4
led at t1. cocteuts of the note, aryl
the ',corked select It hal suddenly modem.'
upp a the 11 mot, r, his froi.I cast • filmier
111 it• w!.en, to his s•tnnrhs.'.ui, h.
pe.rceivol that .' was supply • plate awe!
of paper, with .art a 1y -retell up.o it '
More purserd then ever. the ge.d:emar'
alter a few noiettte'. took his lane,• moll pro
carded to inIern.gstr the servant, to what,
he wee well known. for h.• letnn••'f had been
a Monster of the Interior.
•• You have. said ha, just bawled 10
the Hlntater a node, 10141.1 up, which had a
n est extrorditaty elkrt upuu hem. Now.
it was a plain sheat 01 pop r, with nothing
w11tten upon i1. What del it mean,»
" Sir," replied the .er''ant, "here is the
explanation, which i nowt leaf you to keep
seeret, f••r I do not wish to compromise m7-
self. My master as very liable to gee hill
temper. As he hitsrelf is swan of kis
weakness. he has ordered ow. each time
that his voice o fused satli -iemtly to he'
stubble in the sore .nom, without delay to 1
place a .beet of paper in an envelope mad
take it to him. That reminds him that bis
temper is getting the better of him. end he;
at once .elm+ he0isell. •Inst now I heard
his vole rising. end Immediately carried
oar my- ioalr. tI"ne--^_
\'4.r.1 has been received from Montreal
that Samuel Neil. formerly of Exeter. ow.
Ing to a fr*cturel limb has testa confined to
the hospital in that city tea. nine weeks.
The Injury .Wtaine+l h mo* healing and his
recovery es asxmualy leaked for.
:11w"1,I 1"1, r
Bun ; Educations
1 pave will sok sot 161 a• Im1O(us
THE FORF24'f t'1'rY
Business College,
Over N. students a atlarsas• e.
J w. r,4 1p•t.
such thin, s" • •"dacalled • •• parlor maid.' Wo' hat we taran ants could einem have cloclothier('ear h other
tum n..m girl.Jho u " otiaer at such clime range that the C0nnbtat
" vetoers girl " le • "house maid " There nark thrtr weepers. The gteas widows in Coasoul c s
are no 2b*WMr•mat4s or water* In the rain of Loth engines were snuu•hed 1n
an l.agleh promo m o house They are found and th, tins,. nark "mina them was rad ii. w.
only a hotels and restaurant. To speak of
A 001)1 CANA
ere. a1 uou.N..D. CON.TIPPVSMU,
N[ADACN3, 5ne nelaets e1 Tint
OTOrwCN, UVIN AND *011e.*.
TwCv ane .11.e.Twenea1.l awe ~AIM
sa ACTION. MIS ream •• aro
h (casco* SMO so rens to Tw.
ywtar.[wy *lie coat •, CANONICI
T. T.
- TEA,
Thy lar.: fee m a... market for strength
eat )'.n'; . i u11 lines of
Sugars,. TeaF, Bakirg Powders.
A2,d all .lath. sad hero Onaerers.
liewitgo.rtrn for all Limb of
Choice Confectionery, Frtute, etc.
Now t.. hand
31111 Veneer and Conf.. taste.
TARTAR i a11m. e.Twua resTrn R.wd.
Specific, and'Antidote for
diel with shuts.
a coachman ss a " driver " would be very Oliver ('cartes ferry 15 described ea 226
" feel form." I'oachmen•
keeper* awl 1.die. maids are culled by their
sura*mss only. never by their ('hri.tian
butler*, h01110 1 ears old.. i feet Ib t.. 7 In has te.Il, of slight
141dd. weighing *hoot 1:)) pounds, with
dark brown hair. hrown eyes, high whole
forehead. with wrinkles bet wcen the eyes.
Riving his fisc a sees1L4, thoughtful ea
preemie; thin-hp.�iit r long nose, slim
white hands, with enlarged knuckles tamed
parp:ariami whn ape English MAW 411011011
alob7. blunder m the use of itroii 14
England, only mea pat crew on their pa-
per. silver clothing. carriages. etc. For • by hard work. Ile Itis a seer elonut three
ldy, and especially • young lady, to pats 'aches long upon the rapier pert of his fore
crest on anything would be ootenlered 4t4 head, which my be plsi0ly ...on wise. leu
forne. To speak to 4 man of his wife s hat s off. He also has • scar on his left
•• your wife' would not he tolerated : you are, enol another on his right breast. At
most say " Mn. So and .u. The nes M times he wears a small sandy mustache.
•• Mr" in conversation between equals would He 1s es unlike the desperado of yellow,
11e thought very bail form. The railway , covered literature •• could be imagined.
tern., m Englan.l def . r markedly frac Then u nothing ruffianly .lawt hu •ppewr.
men. Theu toe ,ma.
lane : " 5 • ek- ' 5141.4 aro 4emrennr Ne n gentk.iasly *aa
pal " u • " station:" a '. ticket office " a • , polite. anal even a little e*.o,.nate. A n•r•
hooking office : " • " conductor » is the' ems unset carriage n a noticeable charm -
" guard :" the "earneer" lithe "driver;" feral k.
the "cit " n • "carnage ;" " Itagsago. Another thing, totally Adherent from the
11 "," and a " halm** " i•• s• a• ordinary deepersdo. renurk.11e in Perry i.
1n English theatres, what 'recall " orchestra his yo,ce lie epewks m t,w.eo that are al -
seats' *re "514)15," and the • pampa*" s•cet prh.h
a termed the " pit." F.ngltah newspaper. in 'Ire•ss he u newt sash alRys *aateful.
you .10 not " subscribe Inc." but take He a usually 4kird m dark elotb.a rte
An "'tittered " is always a " leader.
\ weal *Mut the et ..t at( sly a11d (uho.w.e1.M rat and invariably weans
cards la England it would he the worst Imes'
' pamille form for a gentleman to call nu an He war ben an this sato and Iwgas has
nne,srnd lady and ark Ilse servant If nine enmity! 4wreer. an far .s the records show,
r st home. ke nowt trays ask icor the when 14 years old. At that s,;e le wfs sr-
mMher only .4 gen:knan a unser *e1eel rested for blrglary 's .\m.terd.m, N 1
to " •'.Il
'again won,' hat he u 14):4 •• p 5ml sent to eke reform*t•.ry "ml afterw.nls
hope we shall see • gond deal 0f ynn." 10 to R...huter After his release he went to
Knighted, cards are j•ft only wh.n the per IltiMMnni"natend dcsgeltee hos 'Arent
ere y
sm. „ailed0w Is cwt. They •n uevsr ems a• ea% .entene*l te three year. or the prime
51 ho the maw, 41 the P004 tilled 0a a at Stillwater. While there he leaned the
at herr*.. For 415 rani,
ani wale to hive trade of shrmakmg Iw1 All far u ran be
both names en the rand, es •, Mr. &ad Mrs learned he nems. art tl.8* km4wl4.d to
Jana.... i. very hod form me it le far es •n lee. , pre then he to ledge
marred ladies to have separate .*shier ever the reentry. While not west h. tried
tarda 0f thnr num. Their mamma
51ww11 he his land at the cowboy 41e.n.m In Miles
eternised under the wine of the mother or _
of same Mhsr l..ru4k rwlatepn. ra Kwgaml 1.lth. bream.n,i War,.. 111 p(0 *1e •Rushmoor
noes alarm. sheet' 'Drays M 4,r* new's Inc 1r..tlnwt. He reform a say haw he
earl. 1r* smaller 1. `a tee right lower ices eiwra.
earner We might .urns. • thrummed
ether peculiarities, nut we Ire, cited Notwttb•tndfe3 her tw'ld *amens sad
wough to •how that se Americas citizen "Thiniw. mews., I'orr hes • Isatp'r, sed •
email int easily &09.11, what to Ragland s hot MO too. He t d that net
salted ",ond from - without lie eepsadl when 4. the Mesad.• •11e... by 11)1.14.3
tan of time that could he pat to better per- • .N61 .pittoaa at s.MbiT iwm.t. •
pose. erenhi.. Uwe late•.'. Asa The nae Arad
V Dam, Anameal&. Ll.e,
1-mphDlas, er ane lejoiliel lb
•ILLSTTe Toronto. Gni.
iDCLICATC Gisela'4-
MT.. take chore..of f.edl Ave.. D
otrwlnst for , lett
man. an miser ow remmlaeM*. %1 sole or sett
1114M. We ere ter mole drawers of herb (tae
Man and Cleve. -an •t.w•(. Neitssrfes al Ri401-
.4IM. flat-. esus kechee..r. N.Y. Visitors wel-
come at (70*5ls limeades% 'tended). P.
(mkk ,.d meta for fell lafermatlsa. W%
want yogi now.
111110* N x11011. Oxen. TORONTO. 0441,
11 AM hammy4edl.ble.Iae..b. Paid Gebltal
Unln,'bs ail the el.gged *Tonnes of the
Dowels. Kidneys and Liver, eSrryins
o8 gradually eitliont weakening the rye -
ten, all the impurities' and foul Amnon
of the aeeretiolr; at the some 14.4.4 Cor-
recting Acidity of the Stomach.
oaring Biliousness. Dyspepsia,
Headaches, Dizzdness, Heartburn.
Constipation, Dryness of the Skin.
Drops Dimness of Vision, Jaua-
rule. Fhl Rheum. 1444* a �Serb-
fhla, iltttterina of the H
YOu*fl 7s, and General Debilitalll
these and notey other osier C1• almeti
yield to the he {anaemia' D
p11 f ,els fd/ an 1)mfwa
T.ILIOL1/01,Propliles, Taub.
Impure, weak awl ,mpoveriabrl blood, dye
fMala sheepleesoees, prlpltatutn of the
p•Y1, over complaint, neuralgia, les of
memory. bronchitis, cusumptem. gall
Moms, J•Iodice, kidney and urinary
Y t ' dance, female Ir
. t. a w
d r 1 ael,iity.
giant ire an C Dela
(/ !
N. NcLF. I
J proprietor aid 1lalwfactersr.
DIrLww's rivsrtcss Itemer•Tnn can be hal
Prem all ds s In tows, no well mires"
ell its Oris aMa between Owes Board ad
Oesesith, fllreseets. Durham and Trance&
-OMee a MDL eau - w
-o.rrtlu. are wrae4.-•-�
Money to Lend
Chep Rates,
Farmer's Notes Caahad.
and ail trate•.. U 11e U. II,P•11011
attended to st MOURRI TL PERM.
Our earn to opposite the U. a. Patent O►
Oss, mid et aas ISM those rennin trews W Patents
MI 8Arox
we me 1PATiNl4AOR U rAVal i n
!INWe refer here, pjtoyI vthe Pimmww
. 4).f olrgiu edema. adt+M
brim tad reforegiem te.etdml 44ende la pear
)we Pilate lir Ge wee. mimeo
r • .sew &0111L.
Opmelle Palest 00.. OillemWrisgam.D.0
$900. 1Ms!r�yas�r'. Ta. yr..ex t
sr* �Iw► .Is ,... m 1.teo/*s • New maa▪ y 1w Centuriesto
emus at Nasareth.
The mess remearka�MmatsMiellellelel.f�thheyym.
kr...MMwf.r ff