HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-3-3, Page 3•
eh e
s Hair Vigor
the " 185.1' Hatr•dreset R. L r..
suets the eels to pas halt : rime les
fresh ..d rlgereae growth ; putouts
Mia brmatte■ of
Maim,; makes illira
hair sea ami dike': •
tad faagas% • ttlef4
eale bat ladies per-
mewedH saw
sad la • few weskit
ray bead wee Mesar
bold. I tried mak
bad they did so geed I BLIaI*
a buN dal Ayrrs Iialr Vigor.
ming ealy • part el the IOW
tmy heed wee covered will •
vy ggeowth of keit. I reasi.raead
,..,sera. M w et la w
Id.''- Mud.y. Shares Greve, =y -
I have mead Ayr'\ Hair vigor kw a
star of yes. God it Ms Meer Ives
s.tleaeeiloa. It is an smaller Irene
preemie the hair bow tuntag
Meares its -
" -
• s deceit,
w emir ebbe hhte .ad cleats
A. Jest... Salem, Mans fpr
I have g the gpwtk oHair f the kale, a.4
a it
original error,
d for *dream
1t mast* be ~peeped.' -Mn. Cleo.
rover. Zama Bapids. Mick.
"A pyrer'�harlladr smel-
theigor elk
tt fr q ort espegtrso.. Its me
the growth el mew Mir and
1t glassy sad _oft. The Irrele
acent fer ." -.i. W. •
Inquirer; McArthur, Ohio.
'• i bare used Ayeed found Hair Vigor iR Y
past two years.
sad to be. It restores the Mist .
Dolor to gray hair. causes the bakt
grow freely, and keep. it soft and
t." -Inn. M. V. Day, echoes, N. Y.
M • fawn. at .bout the aged atty.
all w bar from the top of his 01U-deionth's trig) of Ayer's HOT
the hair began coming, and. it
Mtb, be had a tine growth el
ate 'Warta color. "-P. J. Culla.
yea's Bair Vigor,
TAN SIGNAL r GODER1€1 , ONT. TH T bADAY. YAill4II* i**t.
, J. C. Ayer & Co.. Lowe!, Maas.
Bend by D.W.•seawl I'ertvwen. - —
m4 eta•
era rf~�..My..retsmgw-T'ertirFrs
cleating Annion.
THE FAM fltX. '
Mar • Th..tbtl... allots -ss Was Tsalght
it Loses by ate t.er5.t -The Now Bo11-
lbbt•-t-w sre. Mainly teaoyee -
Wemee and W tinkles.
New • woman ate. wrinkles ! Whoa
the Int ase appears she spuds ►..re be
hire the wnrrur, satoothug it this way sad
Mat with the suit Side of her thumb, au
ihe user wondering hum at arrived there.
It ma &snow thing, for it is • herald .f
ye, thinks she. "1 would liars my face
massaged," said a pretty wola•o the other
dry, "bet tt cast CO. Tbst is exorbitant,
mpeol.uy rel ose has to go tack %cis. U
they reduce it to ave 1 shall go. If not, I
sapper" 1 shall have to give .p the idea."
All tics was delivered very dolefully, .ad.
the other woman who est sear smiled oat -
right, for the speakers face was fair amid
glowing with heath. Net • wrinkle to Le
_lea, not a hi&mrk, only ese areb dimple
in the left cheek, of which she knew the
rase, for It was mnstantly appearing.
nis only serves to illustrate the fact that
womeu,are faddish, and that the mausge is
r.lieg the hour- Philadelphia Press_
nbe Mover Thought...
A lady poresetag a treasure of a dotage
tic was surpred said aagry to lean that
mid Creature was about to leave hei em -
"1 consider your median very Ungrate-
ful.; *he said. angrily, "1 have paid you
good wages, and have taught you to de
tasty things, end this IS the way yea treat
me. It is shameful.'
The girl murmured sosmathtns .tout 1e -
tog sorry, but persatd in her determine
Lion to go.
"You tau at inept tell 5a why you am
le.vtng,' said ber mistreat'.
"Well." said the girl, "when you were
sick 1 gave my bed to the nurse and slept
."r the floor, and I cannot get over the cold
1 caught then. and carrying all your meals
upstairs gave me a hurt in the side. end 1
hese my fingers hanging out clothe., and
the doctor says it's too hard, an. it 1 don't
quit I'll tweak down."
"Nellie, is this true!-' asked her mistress.
with lean ia ber eyes: "i thought of
it before. You shall stay sad 1 .i11 get
someone to help you, and Ill take Dere of
you myself until you are quite well and
A ..St
T.. wed (eargIs Sort. 1 MTERE8
For breaking ep • arstd then a loathing , FROM VARIOUS FIILOS.
better then her 1•a.mad& mhos epee r@- I - - -
"nag. - Tillie is wade by plotting ibe /sees IliM tgwtohes L000motivo .ansate. we M
of Mu Iewoe. u • ps*t of hot water. Boil
one Wets. Sweet.s to tate mid drink as I eee•1-A. i..tM Suitt to TN'sere-A
hot as pomade. . /eser.ab4s A.eriveri.s at tee Nuot-
soemaa Tea. 1 soma weeks to m•glasd-
To alike this, telt. nee t•blesposefel d
s&et ; put it in a put of hot water, let- I A re.sark•ble I'm!" rapid work u *we-
ee.-ting it draw afters wastes. Sweeten with mUevs buildi.g. which, tt is nude 6c11p10
w darsa. When cold. suer tied take tee say previa.. perfaraanoe el • like sawn
t•bleepoa.fuls every hall hoer. m ale history of toochaino, is described ie
t.oattat: itis Tse. (iatereetug trust by Londuo. Levernng.
It was the station, in Iso those tea u ork-
Uu.rboud ter is "leo excellent, rug Mg hours, from'he driving of the first pis
made sed takes is Ms same wry. These •aJ fleet to the ....atesta0 of the last
bre sae be obtu.sd (tent any '4118°1- 1 out of vanish, of a sterelare height loce-
OLD- IA*UIO.taD ONION steer. motive of t! • sin -coupled type, weighing
Tb oldls ":"led '.ton syrup, made .f •sore than tbtrty-seven ter sad able
agile" entoae, I's t•bleepouaftd a( visile , ,e Um! a lard of MU tuns. The week was
,'eesm nlapis semodlae of tM
(.tier mew is the best), and half • cap
ed boding solas,sa, will be food • geed
remedy for hu•rsear s and sore threat.
c:AleiLa. r0. 5050 TUWIAT).
An excellent gargle is made of use %akle-
dam• al the Stratford works of the 4.rese
Y.•tetu It.t!way of Eatgland last month.
The work that held the lccor•l mail last
month was the erection to June, 1888, at
Um Altana works of the Pennsylvania
ep«aful of taysw pepper, ball • cup el Railroad l;omp..y, of , freight locomotive
Boiling vinegar sad three tesspua0f•b of et the four swilled type in 18 hours. 5o
telt. Mao well together, sad when settled
osmium It is mid 0,41 it is not fair to
strain Gargle the throat every half hour. compare the lattut perfurts.uce h the
Anyone subject to son throat of any kind former, he,ause the frames la•. beet
will fi5d a 'ensu "rue d preONve erected witl..11 trout -,a
cross conuetose.
floe dally use of sala
t tann
.•teras • g.rglu e' the cylinders fixed, the motion parts set.
ae.NT esNrm"I. ami the cramh.-a 1, the weaghbar. and
The hme.sf burnt camphor will tutu*, other parts put to pyre
ly relieves cold in the bead. Put a user In the recant work at Stratford aao-
delanpYor the sue of ell egg an an old lately out a stroke of the work of emetic.
tra.ar. Bat 11 ou tiro and offer bnrnattg a had leen begun. The various part. of the
locomotive, m suede to utardard g:.uge
and dtmetuions, ware gathered together,
but not a rivet sou In place, nor were any
two pieces together The start was made
ane gap{ a. rat. and eleven minutes atter-
bat esomgh luucheua ward tiie first rivet es* put into the frames.
for all these people Wb•t ane earth run I The cylinders were net and tiled in one
to do hour and seventeen minutes. Four hours
\1 n. Haste "1'11 get rad of some of and seventeen minutes from the start the
them, dear." boiler was to place, and an hour and ttsenty
Nt minutes later the engine was eheelad The
Haste ten minutes later) "Von'n
a trump, Marie ! But how did you manage wheels were supplied jest as they left the
to get so Nosy to Enos wheel shops. and the ecantrtc sheaves had
Yrs. Haste -"I jast whutered to them to be fixed, and the axle boxes, conuecttng
cemented to ung 'Flocked is rod and coupling -rod brasses fitted by the
that you had cemented
the I. radle of the Deep.' " erectors Eight hours and twenty-two
minutes from the start the valve setting
Warmly taes.Nerd. was completed, and the punting et the
Elder Keep.long--"But,.unly, Desooa, engine was avirnuaened fifteen uiwutee
if a man bl.cka his Mots Malley morning later. In nitre hours and iorty•seycn min-
inyou wouldn't hang him for warder, would ate' from the start the engine and tender
Yen • were completed in every detail. One limo
i o-
/ger mUeaemta blow out the flames and in
bale the fumss. Mary Manton, in Ladies'
Minh J.tr.al.
Thiry Mod Reed 1111w
- Mr. flambe Tis • wreaked. whtaperi
ForThroat and Lungs
" 1 have been ill for
Hemorrhage " about five years,
" have hail the best
Flve Years. "medical advice,
' ` add I t ,ok the first
" dose in an:ac do ibt. This result-
"ediu afew hour- easy sleep. Tht:e
" was nofurther hemorrhage till next
"day. srken i had t sL) !l! suck
" which 1tuppe 1 .Juts'. jun::. blare-
"ly fly ':u' 1'u::d 4h.y al! trace of
" blood had disappeared and I had
"recovered much strength. The
"fourth day I sat up in bed and ate
" my dinner, the first solid food for
" two months. Since that time I
"have gradually gotten better and
" am now able t') move about the
" house. M v t'.eath was daily ex-
'' pected au,l my recovery has been
"a great surp:i.e to n':v friends and
" the doctor. There can he no doubt
'about the effect of German Syrep,
"as 1 had an attack just prtvious to
"Its use. The only relief was after
" the first tict-,e." , R. Lout: IIItEAD,
Adelaide- Alen
strong.. ; Deacon bromide ,at his work•Iench, til- aired and thartyseven men were employed
Nettie stayed, and her metres did se via . lag a saw) "Ain't that the law, Elder ! in building the locomotive, divided as tol-
prumised, and this true story is commend- (Screech-ee. Screech-ee. I Ei you va'late lows: thi the evl(iue, 85; titters, 39; etuuba,
d to other beassimmers who have a toe of the awtemaadw. me [reunion) you 2; boilermakers and rivet boys, etc., 44: on
treasure they an disep►tlrsly over -burden vi'Iate the whole decstalogue." the tender, 52; fitters, 18; boilermakers, 16;
lei•-- Ne Wire - Tsimte. laborers. etc., 20. The average time for
Tkw Mow t#e1t-skies. I Mr. Bflymle--••what kind d it girl to building au engine arta tender is eight
The lenge straight ocenires, simile to , tjuu ri
that aa b corrting!" The work was dove in seven hours of
Direcloire coats. to be won with a WI- ; Mrs Bily...- -"`the je very kandsowe. sue .lay. with a recess tor dinner and two
skirt, either se a part of a walking costume I Mr. K. --"Is she what they cal cultured burs rod forty -wren n''""'" of Lbs lot•
oe of a demi-trainhousedress, as the enol cultivated and all that"-bwia me nun
newerthug shown by gwdistes. The bell- ! Mrs. B. --"Why. no. She hasn't time for g g.
skirt (with the exception of the frost i culture or cbltavatton See is in society. INVISIBLE WRITING.
breadth( aare awl the coot aof the same ma- you know." - -
tarul, while the fraud breadth, rat, sleeves A Brand Now 71I.theoa of carat Cerreo-
tllagoated wltb Thew. pondene...
Sympathetic inks are well-kne,u n. hot a
recent dta?overy of Professor BruyL.0:s, of
the University of Louvain, surpaw es them.
Inasmuch as no ink at all as required .
Order to convey a se, -ret message. He 4y ► Old by Fl. aJ OL'O.tf.n.
several sheets of ante-iw!.er on each other.
and writes on the uppermost wadi a pencil,
then selects one of the under sheets as
which no marks of the writing are visible BEANS
Chi exposing this sheet to the vapor .% !
� and girdle tn.tcb. F:xctted Alessetger --Pat. that furl.
15 sone of the new boU•,kar the mule healed l'o Mea fiddler has rum o . with
•tai trying hnn •bore the hi are mini Your wife.
by groupsmade of pleats toward the bask P" 4101°k101; *way imperturbaWyl (1•
u the top. The pleats cause the front togem, thin& further. is &snariad v ad most
fall in 411 1..erabk folds sad wrinkles.
5. anything Ipns) if they can only *Male it
which will he found improving alike r frog►, a tt►my
Kort and slender figures One extremely
youthful looking bell -skirt bas • sass gin•
Uke bodice portion supported Sy .he.liw —
for t is •n.a.waoetf41nr 1 .M M=
•to water. to le.'.t
♦ cos west. s ,roasea� soda.
add b At a meow sod BrsaiIra.
. arx.>vsa••r. Ta.eese
FOR 1892.
Larger Daly Cireu!atios Outs any other
publican Newspaper h America.
gip emissive Republican Jour-
nal of tb. Metropolis.
srweeart>l tea Tat •Auris.
Founded Deeester tat. laE.
ation over loot o0o copies
us is the masa et se Notre : It•5.. enbasnalie r •15.05• trete
t remarkable Newsps er mac -
in New York. Txs Plt>,rdu
a national Newspaper.
sows, roger '..sale.s earl trash
la therisme* of The Press.
b.. rhe Waist 541t.A•1 sage 1.
It 'earths with points.
Ileaday Witte. a • osleadbt
•etrMttgtevery current topic
WeeklyWillow cent•I.• all the
0M the lsad (reeds, edltleas.
pry SfOtenre�r�m i':0=1,
•s der•1 Or az
leI•a.gaetdY ler,
bas sit pmerts iu ilaw Ys*.
• —t
mesh .f all The ttttlR amd deme
est Newsom* le Aasrfes.
Eloodny, ata Year, $6 00
A Cmimos , Every Day Blas.
A rtomwoe, every day man is he:
111 dome' able* ie society.
Mrs. soon--mbeldoa'e nlptea..ey. But he'- tate the wore, of it, may be:
When Nn. French -Sheldon .lade her rot atter ebwppor s over •t na.ht,
told the Anthropological Institute, London,
Afes t'
ad ewsitd rocks the Irby.
sheeecogslyl, sset to work to pay dbiaate
attention* to the chiefs. At formal palm ca■'t Got Ilea.. wittiest either*.
she always appeared '.in a magni6ceot (batty 4u. Bsto.)--"en
Now, Limo, Wu -
white silk ball-dresswith long train. ' Mrs. tbrop, which would
.Fiyou rather give up --
eld. says it 'ma "quite evident that • culture or beans
the club understood and appreciated the ( Wi.threp--"Sir, you ask as absurdity.
•tfestioS which had never been shows
them before.- Ws tan well believe iL
There is not no mach to choose :etereen flow
asodern bs1•dress and the full drew of the
chiefs tbunselves.N
ss tt1H1 Ilioved In It.
Henry Ward Beecher had avowed Its
faith in the advantages of baring women .
speak is church, and at the next prayer Large hilly said. "1 ms ostly dribCorp...;
meeting a prosy eater had taken up all the lot when corpses ain't plenty, 1 dribs'
time to no purpose, awl at the nett haat
dothe same, and at the nett the save.
and at the .d fourth h•been. it possible. uier.•
tedious and oppressive than ever beton".
Mr. Beecher rue with solemn air, as she
took her mat, and °beet ved m
in ergurntat
ns: tee
ta"Neverthelesbrethren ethren and sisters.
I believe in worm speaking in prayer
m atbg•
1uterical progress to Katmai -Niue (so she Ile doet todab or to lodge take Sight.
But ata with bis wife m the parlor bright
Culture std beams areas indissolubly suit-
ed as the liberty and union proclaimed by
D./Ie! Webster." -Truth.
Me Combe Thew Ills Hasa to Aaything.
An old colored man was logging along in
• tart whew a ronghiai young fellow called
oat : "Uncle Billy. what are you drib -
•• 6 Yeats, LW
,.•s. Year. . . ..... rL00
Mer Mea he..., ig0
ass Teen
gds Tarr. LOO i
Little ][art's rime%
A little girl had beat iia Mt with her
paresis for two weeks. On her Mena her
little playmate, r2la Itay, e.tertaimdd her
by showing her her are playthings. At
Mot little Mary. in saying her prayers,
said : "0 Lord, biro Eli• Day, and e.ake
bet • good We, so as 1 c a take all her
playthings sway front her and she woe.*
want them back again " -Trey Tins
/sr Kreuter werte.
('rape de chews in the favorite fabne for
evening wear. but only a lew dare attempt
its densing, for at falls seal mere. with
*eery motions of the wearer. sed beware to
the girl whose forst is sot ehapdy. Weaves
Mat have made • aeons of mwtioe. fie
Sarah Ber.bardt, .re sale is wearing it,
setters, well -beet unsaid.
Lem wow.
Meek law gowns ore still peewtiwt. A
/mortar* is esetbrsesss is ta.kfeuy re•
graosftl patters, me
w .bw,ng every, Mage.a.d. d Nils
geese, 'rel blue, sad ivory white. while
.b•alisr kiwis of the tee eiders are mile
g1d ettbtie.ily.
Agues weasel maysibere.
SS Park Ilei. Sent Tab.
elm cur..» li sags.
Smoky hes his fetus. 'weer mapped out
ler him. His wife hes - d.ddd it kw bra
Ifs sere teakettles sheet i. *Moss j..glm.
She wants him to .fay 5t bens, weir the
May of his life, and stead ler w Hues of
Haw Simon Are Iliad..
our little girl, three sad one half years
old, has .rived the probi.m of how kiss
are made. She says : "I Bek of thew,
they wnggle in my raised, 1 pusher ■p my
lips. and 1 have 'ewe "- -A Mother. is Baby-
'•1 beg p s M bare trip sale" avid far*
yeses lawyer. .
de MIK 4101114111N
M..agiag a retinal
Doctor's Wife "Why in the deli ilei
you go to that patient in the waiting -tees•
He has been there *Vag so long.`.
Doctor (looking up from his paper) -"If
I deal keep him waiting an hoar or so he'll
*Mk ety chargee aft too high.'•
Cio.u-g. Collette, Oa.
"Katie," be said, tinselly, "1 i have G-
lowed myself to hope that you regard me s
somethiag more than .a fri.ml."
"(ioorg.,." she usweewd softly, with half-
averted (tic., ''yen -you are away os.
Mid George .adent.d. He cams soar -
flypoplKplites of Lime and Soda.
No other Emulsion is so
easy to take.
It does not separate nor
It is always sweet as crealth.
The most sensitive stomach
can retain it.
Scrofulous and
Wasting Diseases.
Chronic Cough.
Loss of Appetite.
Mental and Nervous
General Debility, &c.
Beware of all imitation.. Ask for
the D & L." Emulsion, and refuse
all others.
Mita 50C two 1]tt Km 5OTrt5.
In Drees Goods, Dress Tweed Suiting',
Plaids, Cnvenettes, Cord de Chavalles,
Henrietta' in all the new shades,
Tweed Effects and a complete
Line 6f Black Dress
A apse did Iuw of sew 1),eas Prints, all mew demo. ami slew patterns.
A large esaortaseot of Batu Check Mudie', oar sulebr.ted 12) neat geed&
days we will show a great line of a sent Msaliaa.
Ws have Gibson', Celebrated Shirttails at 19j costa. lb meta. The beet Veda 4.the
trade for the worry. l'atto.ades from ale 'omits to 36 Chest.
&prlts Iliothep, • fine aasortmsab is blank •d oslsed, in a lee days.
That we have the great Carpet and Ince Curial,' Warehouse of tibia county
Brussels and Tapestry Carpets imported direct from Soothed. and
3 -ply and 2 -ply Wools and Union Carpets bought direct from iMmtins.
i new• (;ream anti White Los (ulrtain* direct from
3 tt►e t int I: a.gow, and Use esgATSST value ever. saes
in the county of Huron. We want every one to ase 511515
goods before they make their .Sprung perulmaes. 353 see to .miser
front. Also Chenille Curtains, Curtain Poles, Art Muslim and dal
house furnishings.
mea BEANS are • are
e�w� thug sirs the own rows
Itstrws Daum,in nesur
0�rrt..n r
Mmss et bob.ar sial cerm
tw wean#'$ er Ibr em•.s net
a mews, Ria a'1se
Wine for •foe ininntn, it taros yellowish. ��aatessO ss - ole an otter.
edewr suns tae ear -Aid bedew.
and the writing appear of a violet nrnwa tu►asan tie esaa�ssear er sem m.Ya
color. On further motet...mug the paper it usm.$,1K h� MYnt Nt
tutus blue. and the letters stuow in violet IA.. Tonere. Oso
GtiDEKN'A la -
IT 1'. H..1(1RDAN.
A Vigorous DomiaL
Mims Ammigas - " Why ds yen ge
aroma telling people i took se esti se Me-
leiss rrmktem-"1 des% aad l .ever
did. i ay.s's esytkitg a fleet Methuse-
Imes. The etplun•tiou is that note -paper
contains .etch, which, under pressure, he-
eomr• tardramade and tarns blue in the
iodine tomes.
.iniIILZ INK Al it .t .*5a*L
The following is given as a reliable for-
mula for invincible ink, which can be mad.
at a Dost of about-il • barrel. Dissolve in
pure water as much cnmu,on baking soda
as will dissolve. Thu is your ink. Write
on clear white paper with • clean pen No
tram of the writing will b. i isiu- after it
is dry. To bring the writing out dip the
paps, into clear water. After the paper
has dried the writing will again disappear,
bot may be brought out as before at any
time by redippiag in clear water.
N.. A/l►e.d areas.
Tb. efforts of inertias are being mum -
*ally directed towards methods of preme.t-
ing accidents, and the most recent of de-
vices for this purpose is ose patented by •
New York nae, the object being to display
• signal and sound an alarm in the ash
whenever the eagles lama • signal net to
dagger. The apparatus requires no electri-
cal cssa.ctien between the engine sad the
track, in Mat respect Wong comparatively
wahine. Oennected with the regular
and sigaale is • smell wheel which
trots jest 'aside the rail.
Whoa the signal bat droger. this wheel
arms is curet with • mechanism .ms-
with the cab of the engine, .gd •
eperatigg is • cylimder it gashed up-
ward by rasing over the wheel. As gee -
trio circuit is thus ermpleted by ester of
this wing pistols. • hell is rang and •
visible signal appoint in the salt before the
eyes of the e.Rmr.r.
)♦y • medal denies the bell est be
made be ring live gorse time, so that the Of
timer has ample vanillas et the lama
As Aisesso.
Jest Renate took sinal ek
Ells wits took Mill -leen.
Ad so 0s.ist *Al be*
They sirs* • happy seas.
M lie ryes.
W..1 -"I sesppd es a wosaa'. Rewe ter
d• mere she ese $t sae"
Ven Pelt -"What did she say?'
weal -•'Nothing: bet yea might to ave
ernes her eyes"
A waste,
'•Testsg gam.- said tar ..l.mn aid piety.
".n you repand t. die!"
Plus. ( as," mid the yesng maw "I
or" Nlee meads ahead eft b miry."
smears. t.sd. AN Iso Dovolo tmg Term.•
Gee e( the m*/: merle abaesaeebtles of
eleetrie•1 Mastro is the meow d wide.
w (atredweties .f eleUtricity is plate .1
.eim51 pewee sesame erase whore the ifs&
appears areal 11 ave Men reached.
This poise was well brought tet reewtly
by H. A. Kvsset, formerly of Cleveland.
and w,ear.l mit ager of the @tease rail-
ail-w ys el Threats. "When weirs* iatreftw dl
.b@Vieity ea our line@ h (.lslad," said
Mr. Everett, "we wen epratimg rifles
mars‘ sad it was estimated that the ease ef
+ 5.4151 r eleetrie %recites woad be Ghee*
10.000. W. have already espoodd *ver
Bta0,000.5d are sew. operettas Meaty ease
NeteitbMading the ee&, 1.S 05 Mae
we ase smut is esperismatieg wish elm
kit* ea the Best MO. , in
maid gladly tM it dl ever amts. Y is were
•sem cry, ra severe the aduaatep d tltfY
embed el leadisiae
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Buchanan & Son,
✓ AlrovAt--nIt.als
Dialers is an kinds et
Acs/ Balder'' materiel of every description
School Furniture a Specialty.
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Peels, Etc.
Raisins and Currants cleaned and ready for use.
The eubscrilwr wishes to ame5maoe the arrival of
Satre wine sad moderate in prier.
NAVY pi.. 'ELs, 28 IN_ WID=
in soft old hard finish, from the beet makers.
A tenni anaortatenit of Mbar new and Isseloaraile geode en Me lam
and wilt be noticed later on. A tillers' disarm* em all rash pweiases fi
erne dollar 'p. Strictly oma price.
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