HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-3-3, Page 2Oil
CH ATTU* !1[111.
All ib.i ialavl�MreedMeslOmittight following
their was a hotter oaltifel easjag wallas
lA•uues .tut- Her �•st' tad at the
thought • f k-ivieg to a man tike
uttrrk latathad as.' a Pnarams, old
she Comma hand to bein1 berwrlt t . aa•gtaat ewer., tie felt tkat ie j,rning her
tate with hl alt hada
Inen memo* to aela0s• tax 0 1 ...,_, austrul, brut with all his mono* pat alto
lsaeryst nte4
Iris net that AIMS has r .-. to the groom' I pa e4
al .int wit wait tea ase �1,tt lava l holo
devalued that l •belly remise each a will• 1 his arm be awes Peen* ech a tit. a with mods lie
tame w this es my retard W yew. :hover
*v. shoes I lab you. hes
Nwatektepf yea awl this toot.51
bitty+ *i J a�Arce IN.INIl the
1`a cf
Peal a
has akin
.rtm+wlli auuldn'tIna alCdr-
y%Ma arty,sa..a,.
herr 1 K4.r' ,til h•.tgie Two or throe 411
��_ ;,.1 4 ea the demur 1
wag M �,rl sea : •
ad. of wow He h•. . 1
't'. haat, seem th, : tyro
►breg'bi1 ttly clad. 1 L•ve dman to .. 141 hMd wuralg �.. �1
W.11.1 1 wetar tiue;kt sr`�f is sae w t tont. ■ • "Waal t thus. Lasa, tell u shag !d• wr° n 'Wye he's ►•hoar
terer1bt!kis cameo.
He palmed for a roily. bat cuss tank
.fill ♦.4Ntee.1 1. ..Ind 111 .hew 1n files 11
111111$ (rr alert etas is . hang.tl, l.. 1 oho
dare t o..t. Her 1;ppsd must wham .ii-.kd, a
Gari sub a great rain rh L. down the
•labs trwe st Ne mea M �r
to "that teat ewer til Mattes been. I is..oven+,s tram tate nook 01 i js taw 11 I.
"1 think fruit," said the Aber, 1.11:144 lett toms and unleuked 1.r alt
lei nide la•k, .ure, anal it will t :Ie hon • "Wouldn't 1'" treaded
few wipe it get over it. We lad ladle. 1 just would. and I'd give hila stet. s vain
��•'y�t yell' 1 e 10 sae 14 04 r
rrlT ate IlMdor .Abet WINS
ha W della 7�r
loading •dh r real. Ineisl Hurt she t, a, get bite .+a•.1 to lona u we raw be 1ieseide
wet guyed w hung*. P•OI colntinuewta
J: , pit•'.• a r I-. r. to leo to 6101.
or tl..!'e rake. Louis% say momethin►. "Coeur we had.- replied the first. "but
This 'sepias* -io. is %low' t:tau slew * Coll 1 8,.n- er • Ina that tiro t tlait ter,. s.' g i
calms 1 why • •t maw ham *trite
reg 4s b• • hien eN4r gut. ,old Ile**. thitatlgt{
of talk it tad to 111e pall 1%. trust orf.
We west hustle •w• -selves te t•1, .,Id il!•.trh•
14.14 out Imre. 1/1 asnd Wm a orb room et
tar yeti wawa. taw w y you .. w you ower,'• sial thea salt tete* flaraty+, totalled
du. 1 110 not. believe vont haws fnrguttee ' "he •hid 1. Itut nh,e'i ire la,
you the nryytw, w1iii pgydrklbnl rie4ima .!
yorir bye tear two ihetl truuat b.' moose may het. 1 ottani west Loan M 1 I.t ale da/ tit .kunt 11itekrli s rxp1 *:wt.
semi •e,.t.e fax all obi.. Tell Ise what -liy! 1411 tl•t w:v tar• soIa!`,'.• me! 1'4 I .',kis iwnett, namt..,0e1 1n a phoria luta
51 la. •batt 114 alai, he struck hr 1,g!. t u., Ii., , 1. lifer. 1'ailing hl..krk. • .rt♦gu^e sen(
NM. Paul." oriel laasiee. ••do me ask amateabarna. tl.e uma•tta• vat; turn turning to t!'.' de lug,
m4. 1 .al. tell volt nothing. ssot1.. 141. "\\,•0,11: ,.!loth it MN along atiy 1:01. - ,..tui,
L.ty ear►.• toe, Pend 4:0 swat sold "l .1011-1 know. aryl I ((ups.* it ah•jt cow •N••... 1 thunk Kiateh4.r1 at
will oak. met
l era a. ii hal 11 ws) :tba•hi. L'o'a pfd this it ..t:t he nearly a nark 1•c tors lords Mae.
.hop nt ,I1e wattles -.old haul itis it. tutu. ail, w the ineautnite. we meta wale ill
II. 14.x.!e polar art. 1.1 attetlt481.'1 sumo Way' t.. .leas'1\4,11'61.'1t N'e
I'}wy rased Pawnees up to put lute 54 the mase'aave the girl f1\4,11'61.'1kitey au. tat iti!.•N
w•ag•.)I. awl he uprcu1 lire .•ya,• ..nal 1...1..1 ;,cep 1.reea0211 of the -tub lie 111 tb. '......-
about Hisao . . 1tai•su,'t.pla.1 the dar;t,,r: ' :hat•
"1'.'here, ata 1. 4:al wSat h.::• 11.114,.•-.1`' W. ' Haut 1 duu't jWt war hew ii-, to Ina
he ..k«1 in a, weak vniee. .k'o . P.rbaps, th.wgh. I'cal sq. wilt`
••1 mite tight lime.- mei naw of tier nem,
'•alai it 1•*iks ..4 tiwbjh butt clap webo hit
yew ..Into r:1Lh taktal; yuut• hi-.4•off lie
give you a terrible Werk eye. one.'
!lowly Pearson Megan to mall a hat hal)
!app meal to bin.. end he grow angry and
art«t to seeing w!t lint ha bread ins1 be
lad 3::l? *&Ile•.1 4 greater !spiry than ins had
16..., k'. Our of Ms north. Chat suc.1•It under
IIIIn when he fell. :tad had lees, 1 r.1014e1 out
of positem 114:1i a cry en ps.,u lie wail
back to the gr,uu•L
W Straw P•Ul ..ekhar.,." he mat:a-reit
hie haw put me in a bite pN:lk. and laid i
tar up tar a week, perlape when :herr is
led a stay :.. 1.se."
The was got him, 111 the wJ}•`lu. 7.1.1 with-
in ass h4 in Ail norm at
qtr+ tee thy 1•iitereot trial ..f Int life.
The girl'. tone Wa., 'Atoll*. It way a.
Unit of one p,l.rNliii tot life. Paul was
ve.t.gr of herpitime abed struck by .1, :out forgetting ler 1u'Kw t t
14141• aee.r' t*us � '•u'f pluuKed acre them:hiey lite own meal, hr felt his
p[ of nucry Thr Heart go out t.. her in pity w well as love.
reedrzetd fats* 111• awflel rewdi„ cf the step ••1 ..utas," he sent ••1 w.ul.l ape's. you all
die was salltwitenese lwkre her
whole future pain p osetble, lint 1 "Aaw.t L;.vr you like
Pill". of Che 'Awl"' this 1 bva• you to day more 111an1 ever I
led you, aha erasess4, lbs rustle must 1w loved you before. and 1 hid. I know that
tate.• 'lM Iraefifrrp setet Ie nod.•. It you bva Me. I mea know the .-ruse ..i
wu set Err your •.•tion. 1 will n..t kat. you until 1 .10
.� dltdf M nave Ent pan•uts, am w ..
but .he fold that it 4llg1tt to 1,0 • plesanr• ••1 cannot tell too. Paul. 1 must not.
hie felt that she uyit to he glad tl. su.fer You must I'u awry tn.m nate awl newer ser
au far tb i2
yHneeg� elf !hope .'boom edt su me again. I het 1.:.11 1 ase sac.
fflis. 11+1.4 to prteuadr 111•.. ••R.. ',resemble. Louie., an.1 tem/tither
eiW hsiss to Aero 11.1*. ec ora. that 1 hate • heart. Re',tm!,er titbit 1 can
e▪ steems worm mp es • blessing fax fetal .,,.l that ever_' aor.I y.w 1110415 p,er.rs
.d•1, �l 11sbe lest 111. fL allwing in, !Ili, n guar...
t�1e M,s wna14 aLe� amo '4 111 'Y•Ml
Iter -.elf b li.r list., wee° th-rc "Thou kava ere and ie not are u the
come up in bee maws rectal •1•- etre. gore .mews 1 wield slater yaw the
agony of the. meet tad.
tikes of Peak
•'rlBar Aa��
"dot would you
• `alae deed , You
Um* I diad it for the
sailer lth, tied, to
sad lase Pion) for eve is
tat to know that I air
rn11Y fast• all ••Joust tie part, Louise`'
•. 1 -rr;-yei .n4rwac.Lact again.
eraali Il' • "Is it your %tab:"
` r lions' .tt u.
_ fathar,..4 An.i )oil willO.. :ell rile why`"
•Nu, 1 cannot .lo tft.t.
sea ri6re ••Then it shad be as yno wish. I will go
to kill 1410. away, and 1 }wonder not 10 see you again.
1 150 111m Rua Lutitse, I tial never forget volt Von
awl believed by him to be I�te awl bract have this ,hay 1•r•k,•n my spirit. deetraytel
less, is more t1rae 1 tela bear. •!lid yet 1 my ha�epiauye and. wrtrka.i my hnghtest
must hear it.. hope, wt l will love you sulk. ' 1 little
tlw4ght that the great purl.u..• 1:1.i, ha+
cheered nt...n td. 1h. breat..,t efforts 1 was
eatable of in..; dug should .•ria,• to this For
your sake and 1n the hope ..f erre day claim•
tag you for Int wife. 1 ha. a applied myself
well to any studies. and 1 have gradlated
with Loom. 1 have den! everythttet for
your sake, and the guiding purpose of my
life has been t. gain a home Kt for you.
But now, that te all at an rout. My hopes
arc Wasted an one abort tour and try .a•-
tk• have fallen down. You nay that you
Wt.! ue:l•r lc hitt'!..
•'1 fan ,icier rnarry you, Paul'.
'•Then gno.l-bv, l..uisr,' and es Paul
spoke tae sdvasced and reached out his
1.oaiae ,•uu1.1 abated feel his pretence, and
she longed to throw herself in his arms and
Ix her heart out. Kot she restrained her -
was the know tket fib* was maim her
Indsw g re f, and never tae, encu as lel.:exl u
parents ouch uatsi4mtisring and mrsrryy. ••Won't you tell new good -by. Louise`.
All thrtr,_h the aeraing hour+, .'.r w.rpt Paul 1t,krd.
a watch for i�sana She drea,k.1. yet ••good -b'.," .hr m,lrmura'd.
wiled for W She would have He said 1u,thing mo.e, but after look -
given world. to knew that ok. abomld ne'.vr mg at her a I:.ng time he tore his eyes
toe him 41850, and /IA vise* *be ristl*t 5(515 front her and smote rapidly' away. She
herself to him aha trlie4 to have it done heard him pans alroug.. the gate. and
Thus long the cos*bt between hive and
duty rage& and s4 lira Ont prevailed and
Louise for once sed kr .11 duty
that the
sacrifice should is beds She would esr-
rooder e, eryth' sad became Harry
Pearson's wife fanned this res,-
lutttru, she tries to sway all tft1u, ins
ai Paul-- tried to beesen meow ikd to the
inevitable, rad aides attempted to per.
suede herself that fie dere else would learn
to be haply in bar *oat She tried
to hope that she eeiebR Lana to love Peer-
After settling Use question so, Lonnie
became calm sad "mkt, but it was a
mulles calm liked eases with defeat
rather than w**•-leeeeietlon. Sloe went
•Loam her stades 'Moil a light step. and •
smile lurked about her features. She had
one source of lutlNretlsfaetaw. and t hat
and over. Wowks die morning hours sore
away, and ea din as Lottlell gated out
anon the brood ettpasse of prairie nothing
greeted her visitor ease the parched plain.
At last near roost she saw a hon.en,a11
approaching. lite was far away, hat she
was sure it was Pearson coming t, -r his
••1t Jill he ea M wishes.- she tto eeal,
"and our interview shat) kat a short Doc. the ima.t girl, lett she steeled her heart
a ntuurest later he.: -.1 lei. hnr1e *lat-
ter •our area the prairie. Then she
lifted her head from her mold. aunt with
longing eyes looked) after his retreating
fortis until st faded out in he dietance, and
when elle saw 11it,. is, lnn5.1- .hc placed her
hand .trher heart .tu,l tu,.lnnl in the deep-
est anguieb.
That meeting had buret, a more trial fur
agalnet herself, •bol will. the great) -et effort
withstood its poli• olio,'.. She felt more
f than am.e that if the tale' lea was pr.•
longed she must break down and give way
to her love. Hut she had sone through it
safely and the wort wax paew•d.
.411 ,lay the watched an.1 wa!/d 10,'
Pears..u's visit, but nigh' .us,. -on and
rwraon foiled to appear. Was it piesimle.
she wwselert-r1. !put hr ha.t ,-I1.0.,;1.1 his
mind, •m.1 that after ail .ate *mend, ee.apw
hen`.• Kat Pearson had not clangnt�hs
mind. He reuuinedI,way for another amt
,more urgent moonlit.
A. Paul gakififel back in the direr -
Pea of ataxic 15ty hr nut P,e.reon w1 his
way to •beds. Pearson rr.".grocrwl
Paul a�stopped to sneak to him. He
right, ua"wel where Paul had boon. and
be ea full well fr.,. hits Ink. whet had
n the resin' nt his . iso. And his mono-
such that 11e roatld n•r testa the
temptation of slightly ,zeatins o• 1•r Iiia
vanquished :ital. Pant would Cave p4A.ed
ea. but Marton prr.enteI bun.
•'1 did not know you had re'urued, \Ir.
Markham Prete, letprt. ••amt f *oppose
Tae , ,•.rt.5T merwilte LOWS AND
Thunk 1:.s4 the worst will semi 1>e ov
The minutes peered and the , tam
drew near. Louise, ohm had recited her
fine an her heads, hooked tttp again. and ao
her eyes reached til appra0l�ti.g figure she you hat. 'emit hawk but * rhwl tulle.
receiv Id • shook tlst,toob bar l.r..th away. ••1 retunt.I last eti.ht•" Paul repli. a.
owed beating and her forum "Only last n,eht' Ylri bay.• 1.-, n ant 1..
trembled osltld hard! support
her weighst. that man mil eat hardly
Paul ramie t to bar with all his great
love beaming frees lib syn. Ret how
different venlig erase elg fres what she had
thought but a few bass bane. Then *he
looked and Ioelge& ler fa as the happi nt
Amur of her life. bet sew she wnukd rather
have seen auyeme el•a. Slee ball hope,!.
after making up Ilse paccept
1'eareoa's offer,spendto hespendaain
meeting with I'aul •mel hide
`the attemptedto t'ae env
wiawalore from hL eyes. bid Mr litnlr ri-
fest -4 to hear her, and with ebasr. remorse
and grief g.4win4 at Mr begn she awaited
ho tappreach as • deemed aemm awaits the
end or hie arnte15.e.
Paul sprang from his nasst w,lli • ett respenifile lee it. He was sensitive, and 11
moiling fare earn, fa •lard his tome.
He opened his arms
within them, hut she
not at hon. He came up
tat she made no reply. .1
"Louise,- he sale) 0geis. •Ida voen eat
know 1 am herr:"
Still she tuition spoke to him nor looked
e him. hut amt with het Mee buried in her
heed. while the tears etreawsd throttO her
enemy. Paul was atreplttse4 ''r'w1
He knew met what to !make of the. romp.
..10141180." Moestissed. after A •heal
gleams.. • wba0 den %sera' HA, . lea
n o wrl.ss�tor
e for st you not •!'ask to
•1th. P.oi. Pad," lenge errad. '-l\ by
dui you ..sole! Why de yea may C Irak
my krait now? Olt. {o:e41 eh. Leal' tui. n
''11/.00-111T,- tante amutaa&
your father'..: sipgewe. to-elay'!"
"I don't k,Niw that it is anything lar
ticularl► to you 14hrrc 1 have I.o.M.
answered a little war•".r it . for lo• was .11 n.•
moodto hal.• hie a(, sr'. nrc/dtr-11 alto. ....•1
•spe.ially by one who wee G•: le eNote than
a at ranger.
"Oh, of course trot,- iota Posptawi wills a
light laugh. '•TMnighTthink i corms( htlit4te
where you 1.1.1 14•rn carte 1 to 1,... Kim
are the I:reens •.,ntt5 1115'.
The tone m whish t:u• .-••trt IA AA eek
ad together with the le. tin,: manner of the
speaker implied a .I. .-t meet.. • ul Pont
1001* 11 as stela He ',Mi. moreover, had at.
inuutation .d Poor teet'..,seta tot :ream .,::n•I
he now its,. in«I hitt in M,1110 0sy wit h
Louie.'s cowduet and felt inelin,.l 5.1101.1 tum
peer to nestle r •
not. an l looked
Ito clos*e to her •/
and .toppled! He simile Mr aan,e ,e•ftly,
u in hour Teff h
Magic ('Ivy.•
sI'm tared W lying heir," Pt -Arson , wool to get est. lily (lint, bels
o Law."li• .,
ch? tae - you Hook it is .11
furls as though it must Ina."
"Tksa't Matter anything about hoe ,t
feel* Yee oseetPu tar, is it all right!.' '
"I 'AI. to it ie.
11.. .1. .'tor laughed lea rulr, then
soli l• 'ealvw, .!u s.eu :taw 1:0w
baa it iakdrit 1.mkeei lineb is. liral..'
••Well, a take. weeks. You must lay
401 tubn fox a long tune vet. Aad
yds," bterllhg to the •neral nt, •,5441
Tet Myrna t-A1•ltente Net5TILT.
we that he dew The semen 5* leaving
his hash asst he is getting an .p:cadblly,
earl we isn't .fort to take soy ri gate or
b1 ring a retsper-'-
lhoti the next two days lir Amin
1'HAL''I'KR XXIY. '•5(401►: 1T 1.: 1511tAr BLATinelien PAT: Inana,(•l l•• spend a great part of bs
- A 010.413 tine. nut bring i •eters to as hour• at once. lad if he half 143 4" it I/y fon•,. Kut the
east slay he was .wllr•l out o1 town, and it
Ili. IiIr,.',,t half not ng- rils.1 h,1 meths, we mal a will hate peeing of time. if naw nearly ni,hnt 141:151 he retun"'t.
to will t:n.rn in 5 getting- erV 'Irene nauell o ju .rale. sucreedd in kerp,ial( our .che)Ix He repaired in.s'..*itatety tr. Prarona,
power,,. ed ll Iw iambi fndeill his quiet.-' m�o�t1et_. awl found Peal Oleo gone.:1nil (1' all
power, viett:e.1 all the uNlw•y lenders and "1 think !tart." mid serail's. "1 flatlet :raM,It .tan4� 'tooth in wwnter
reetyone al -e foot. whole it',w. i .l prole from what informative 1 have been able to • a titlest u n•• itittienw"ter dl.tor dr -
able the money might lq odrsu,ad. He gather that he hag alr«N1y made has prop.. n "4
paid several traits to rerrggi odder. before *tercet t.. the girl. 1 know titre utu.•4 Ile .•1 doth t know. timid the attnl.tea. Hs
! traggi return, .said again he' went there 011 hoe l.1ar,-h1wd two tickets for Deaver .o,1 " ,.1• out n few !the at:r enure to 1.
the day that Parson receive,! dna ibjunr*i nes onaaged for a hurry ng to drive ue:o mut ••roti k, ani when 1 w lillteli lust tint he
at Paul's hands. Int thus last ..rA.1a be 1 the country tu-narrow eaglet. 1 am coati- %"1:1414"'
fiend �a•raggs a honor, and at "rhos made dent his Intention re to dere out to 4:r. eti'a • 1 . davit evckatw«f er ,i.. cur. tear
known to *5,55. his errand. .tl0ight run bring the girl here in a close I,ut n( the n.,n. and off 5.. �,re;tts
••Yom." said Serail'', in reply to the old .•+*Sago. and with het take the train for 1114 r. ! astolnialnr.l that *1 'roan he
doctor a statement, • 1 sill let 1:rren have the wear. ot!o,clr in a. arm with:
ulnae ur rlr v. He nigh[ have had it before "Thr:, what can we do, 4•raggP: the ..S. c-gc. the ,lit t:'• out."
this if 1 IIa.l ke... a hr was in *etch dcaperate doctor asked. "Hew tau we prevent tins h
straits. Have vou Men out to Items 1:reen's tg wa, *p
*ort a�ttml^' "1'S\ hitt devil! ds.yil• asked Se -egg.
Pearson, pian. '
within the last few •lata' -I don't know. 1 am sure. "Whet!" cried. !k "le (a out of -No, not rete nearly a week.. At that uietant the odie•r dour wWil'
Ten. -' with ria *.•dent, ru.olyed to keep his la
"1 asked hetamer 1 molted . • little tutor thrown or* and z own .ane , toed/.
metiou on t ,ert.atn !.rut. 1 have under in.
stood rare Int• mint it that young Peart n
i** been going out there frequently of late. marl
and 1 thought perhaps, you might know ,f t
it war true.
'•I know nothing of it. I have never
,net him there on tin texa0N41 of any
my visite.•
"I xoppasr 115.51 t the case. hoary
ursine etepe ought to be taken to bre
He has the detih*h deat.us on 1:r
and I'm afraid in has I:retro ,
AINI if Ise is permitted to gab,
way !.. w111 Icing the girl
thing engirt tone done a
.5 p..sotbfe.
"'Chat's : rut.
true. Kut tut i
hied HU mliui•i1
and never d yC
step at.
get tit
••‘ ea* anal gear.
Ar," fie .rued. •...ue quickly. 1'ear-
••'I?re .kohl! Aad Klet'hi•'nI has not
!Ott'N e•.1 a mlYeh• InpYr' .4N1 health
CUM' v. 1. 1'a afraid hell beat us. atter
.Batu a:tcntwb. 1 hate leen all over all.
-I kept bice the:. .* 'cog es 1 could, 1
u 14 105101) 551 you.-
beld inn •1 ,w. fo • work.
• Kb: \aha:'s that`' tiro doctor ,,ted,
starting up.
The man recounted all he kuew .4
and h'ears.0 • meeting with Paul and the en•
it up. :.ountr. that followed, and ceded by say -
i's girl. . .ng
• n serius tuj r
potter, oi,,s, kg t broken, besides other
ruin. 1„tnr- j ''I wish t.. heaven It had Leen ins
tet., thwart hint ! teak Instead .4 sot lege' cried Scraggy.
• ►ye, ' said the do tar aside to ?tragi.
tllr doctor. "that'. I "but a kg i.• Letter than nothing, and of we
news to ne. i have
of anything of that sort,
ns.l of such a thing, or I
idol have taken settee steps to
ut how ha.. Pearson managed to
in ht power
y enough. replied `craggs. Awl he
t um to tell about \tails' loan and John's
irk of Ike w>Sgon and team. ••1 have kept
a watch on this affair, and by the lid of my
clerk hire kept pasted on the proceedinp
from tint to last. t,reen has laid hitnsef
liable• to a term in state prison. and as I
have just 0. -day discovered, Pearson is all
that stands between bun and the law. If
t:reeu's girt will subunit to l'ear.u0i de-
sires 5.rea can go free, but if she dose not
*hell green 1s to be prosecuted. so you see
how the HAI ter hamate. and how necessary
It i* to take immediate steps to thwart
P.•al A.rl.' present.
'•Yrs. 1 see. The guod-for nothing A...ordi.gly the limb was duly ar-
rssral bas goo !lir whole Green family *wnged. the bruit a:.,ut the face dreamed,
rot hie elute -hes. and the girl must sac- and, after again repeating his nous/rmes
rth,e herself to 1a,, her father and in regard to keeping the patient (poet, the
motheE. and .hell do it tor. She'll .10 old doctor withdrew and returned to
it and must be prey. tied, N.raggs. Seemla
It must. if it a poe.lble. lout 1 am at"Now, Nereids, he said, as he teetered
a !fee IN,w ti. got at it. t?' course we could the aloe, e, we ve got a geed chews le
fray off Mills' sot rathci Pennon's) nota, carry out our plea. Wive got Peeress
kw: that wont let t:ween out. He scald laid up with a broken leg, .and if we cab get
.tail Ise as open to prosecution as eve. 1 old Blatchford out hen before he gets up
dem t know•what wc.ando. awl about were all right."
"1 :now one thing 1 .an do.. said the "t.r'eat heaven. near' we .au certainly
old do. :or •" 14 arcs. 3114 angrily do that. Rlatchford ought to get here in-
•• 1
n -
"t aaun .•1141 liar,.•.,. .an ootid side of MI .lays, and 1 should think it
his iugmakut picture. and It wouldn't take would take • broken kg sevelwl weeks we
u,e hag to 11.. It, (ither...
•'1 :n afraid that wmd,hs't help ma. era "Yea. ordinarily it does take several
u:ueh, th.mge. I*r.gh«d Serag.pi. weeks. but In thin case 51 won't.'.
••I•r'haps not. lent 11 1401st do me "Won't! Why oat'.'
loot. .1 pi... +. But have you no plea, " Because,- and the doctor &demised
ti,•rotge.'' sad sunk he vow.. to • whisper " be -
••>o, I mit 1 have thought, how- . cause. Scrod•, there ain't my Welke kg
ever. that it taught Iw • Blest ides to fad in aha case
nit es he .HN) talkie 1 :teen a friends are, .44 "What! cried Scrag. ••1 dim at catch
to wr:te to them staling his condition and your meaning."
soling them for ammo araitlabae. 1 deu't "I mean that Pearsea'e leg is not bn.kes
know that that would do much good but He hos sprained it pretty severely, that is
it mtoht .I0 wow. I Nippon, he has (needs a1): tut a4 the people up then 'bought it
In the r.st somewhere, and we could Irani was broken i decoded In lit the Impreealas
foam him who they are." prevail. end se I splintered it up sad left it
"It is not necew.r• to go to that muck so. Don't you see, at we can keep him d
trouble. said the d.. tor, • as : already pea- bed under the belief that his limb is brokes
sees that refor0ru0a, so fa as green n it gives us • chanter to rave the girl until
wife's father is conger ed." Rlatehfor' comes"
•'154, von! Then that's soon arranged. ••1 see, I see,.' wird Set. ea Ire
Now w
1110re was Another thing I was ped himself and fairly reevl with 1• n -
thinka` of doing. Thu Ina ter. Iter. "Ry George, do. -tor. but that is t
as uncle in Ohio o: whom Ile u a sett best thing 1 ewer beard of. and yaw deserve
of wad. 110. unek as the heed of the • medal for it. 111 put you against the
'Rna•keve loan and Trust t'ompanryworld when it comes to whemin1.- and
which 1 represent. sad be and this
Potrero are all there a of the. ems-
pany, and the uncle furbish,* the capi-
tal and Pearson gets the profit& 1 as
fearful that it wort t avail meek, loot I
prn{sse to WI t.• to the Reels sad isfora
him ..f this t.rretl ,ratter awl orgy him to
iwtrrfrr, in f town'• heh.H."
"A good eke. ' sail the doctor.
••k ,aa't ale •4e. harm. .t Int." replied
`er*g;{a, "sen we'll do .1. list first give ane
the name and address of t:tren a friend.
••1 have it here." the do-lor rein/irked, se
cYt late what we taut we 8110.1 take
What we tam get.
Arc you going to hem! 1., raga,* asked.
"Yes, indeed. You wait here an hour or
es alai 111 sea you again...
%Yo.h that the .Motor went out end down
the 1ntet to Pearsoa's room. Hr found
Peassou in a seasisoconacivue .oudtttea,
awl pewee 1e•I to make en exam14at.M ei
his injuries. At twat he was inclined to
treat them rather li.htli, but on second
thought he changed Is. miml and hub face
took a grave air and hr shook his heat! du-
••Is he bully hurt. doctor'. milli, or
"Wal enough to keep him in bed for
several days. sure," the do.•tor replied.
"We must splint and bandage this limbed
he must be kept perfectly quirt for the
meow then 1 craw hoer. -he units rummaging through ha p neketa.
Hot words Mese es 1..,.- ieeel. Iter ,m nowd but link to raiset hi* Tall'at , sl ••Ilene. hum, that is not It Hum, here it
nu., on vebealemt. fiat pant nail '1 ass not strange ander the rireU4.n
l es is- Hiram Rlatehford. *Sy Why, what's
ek mot\ an. Ile amid set easier •I.at Peartem■ words stnag him. and that i the matter. Wv.gge. what do, you 4)440!'
*Lead her mlern . sed wad a how to h. ,.I,.'.,1•i trill, •harplt The 01.1 dn.tor ended no In arae filers as
amount for woad i►nc*14dk 4 conduct "Ii the 5;teen' *01 anything to ynu• Scrams epr*ng to his het nvonetrs4g` his
She .s,ens-. ll phial) by hoe aro. .cd -aid h.•....coal yen a•-• 4net*Ir *0 Ila hew chair and 4.454g vent to aAteiagof pw.i4tad,
sold actions tint her Lena far Ides was not
deal. elide by her weirdo .he only tee
yi•il,ly ...wsh4Mssr
d •&NW 11e epe hiss.
H. knew nit IOW10 Una of Ilex what
to wake of the .hases Si th
her. After • @be
dlew.e. b. whit
"Inn, 1 ~Nab w/aateed yea
nemis sessednie wen Irak mg. Mt 1
(het are roman( on. 1 .ugens pyou ha we nut 1.. sy profane langnagr
the )rieel•,4ge of going there to find net (rw '-'alter'" tarred rt raffles -•Why, or,
rool*r1! ' tki.. Is ane 0f the matt outras,,,.nem' heart
• Thank-. refilled Pearson. "1 *nail do - lam Af sr. 1 Inlet 5..-... ..f. Hiram
** yoo •.,gee-.,. And 1 hop.. in be t 1 think Rlat.hfonl et the awn 1 root .poke of,
re; re.ep,l.511 there 11.11 h. 5.lf.,ent from sod hes a ,vakmnlwl hrwl.h.•r1 oast •
yoga. ' bland fes Here he s. IMMIX. • IA -
1 The nest instaai l'n,.l had hest all self tk Roo" to ht. •w, Atm •t t►isvlse
again Seragg.' feshngs got the better of him
and he horst out 14(41 •Maths roar of le ugh•
• •Now , ,f 1 tea keep Pewees in hen for a
week," said the doctor.. you think you ,an
4ccaoplisi your week. do rota!'
••yes, like a top. \ nu last hold Perrwia
down os Ins lock for az tiers. anal I'm .are
we'll chrome throne' all right."
•• Wen, 111 try to .10 It, &kr.gg.. and i
think i eau succeed you lung.'
Ili Raen1n wait •sidnoua m hi* Attie•
teen. to Pearwln. and every day railed to
wee him Ile oust, et a pout to meek of
Ole .ase MIK eectou*ly ..ml his fact wits
always grave and ahouglitsul when be was
i0 his patient 1 presence.
••Ib you thank 1 sal in • set iota .armfi-
Sse!' Pearson asked one afar.
'YM. wet particularly so, the dexter es-
pied. "You will he up not about in • few
A few woskar" 51.srar.repeated with •
-Coal 1 get ■Is tit *.miser than
• Well, that depends. «44141 flow If
yen kwsp parkway %met sad 11) nr1 ,m
year kart for w data. et week • matter.
"1-. -. au.1 kik.. a: •^d ought to have heels
t. in't he'll ^11:11y ,ore
. ate 15...; he was
„rat hart 1•. night then.
• w,.:t...
her: yesterday. 1
to-ab.t. He 1e:.
on the way...
••Hm'Il prnh*ls >
mei all we er.II do
1'earsosn y-:, , t' •. -ea
hate 110 et., s.. , . . ^
••\.,: t`..,• least. e.ut 1.e ,.rode.. ., r.*tar•
whet.• al, t to sr •
"Then w. h.. o, -ter bx.k aim re."
The tt... taro t. -... eat sed lana" ::yoga.
amietenta::.,nm eats iris lot vv.:x.4k. .rid
they kept 1t II hula 55.5-4. haat •.01144*
Iheuo,olio , p• :.. t:_t• that he ala* nowhere
about. Tarr. 1, 34 hewn tat. t neon out of
town that afters/oasis. NO they kite.. he had
sot gone away lay rest
After co,uou.l:mg the tatter for • few
minutes they ,letiled to enquire at th.
stables. and from the tire: one they visited
thea- learned that Pearwm had gee a horse
sail role dint m the .rntutry.
"His Sone to (.Teen's," said Scregjt
••1'd het a sheepskin on that."
"Yea, his gone to I:repo'.,` rerllsed the
'teeter. deeprtriugly. "He's got the best
el us after .11."
"Maybe he Ma." said !cramp, "but well
Bargains in loaking,
Manta Cut r ree of Charge,
Bazaar Patterns givep Away
hitt ea am4TIIIV ID. )
Wools Of 4A.0s-
Cel.mebus Past : A ssae s 000acsetsce,
strange to nay, is like whisky. He nay
demo it, but it will lop him over at last.
A Fact
WORTR known(know. is that blood din.
erne whish all other remedies fail
to Date, yield to Ayee'. Sarsaparilla.
?roan confirma-
tion of rile stats -
meet comas to
heed daily. lees
such deep -Heated
and stubborn eons -
plains as Rnea•
tfo ins. Il.4
i7 ies*IMikeos by
thenee( thieves-
derfwl absestive.
Mn. R 4g
Dodge. 110 eat
128th street, New
York, torula L
M Alms rs two years tort-
two years '.� 1ps
sad baying tried
mineral waters.
wiliest 4.11111, 1 ow 117 an advtrtlt►
been 1irdMved ti ibis dinning sem bed
tom -
yet .clef enfeeble.
ibby M::4*'to
make a of this medlielas, end took
it reign far eight months. I as
pleased to say that 11 effected a sof
piste erre, sad that 1 have rasa bei r
tellers of the dhoane." •
tits. 1.. A. Stark, Assets, N. I�
writes: 'O.. oren
year age 1 IPSO t
wkk rheumatism, being - d ale sly
been i1 antlis. I eels out of the
d olmen very mach debilitated, with N
eAatlM, .ed ay system , ...,Lte4
cW*( i /rosimen cl M aha Apa1"r
a. mod began to Iseprom bb
OWN pleftsg is elreugth and some am
e ay weal health. 1 measty
tii moon se praise of this well-keows
"I ode era a great deal of rata
ia, tai selblee has dna r re
�itab good as Ayer's drilla, I
Ab 1ta beeeAolal effects before 1 bad
•• h
behest rine bat, mod I
that It Is tut beet
I know rd .^ -I. W. W
woadltsd, Tet.•.
Black Obarry Baum for
cosi*, cold., rte'.
Our Cherub's Honey Cough
Cure fur chihlrrn.
r Amort. ACO 'a•14151111'
Prescrlptiot!! Work
At all hours Personalatteatiob. Italy
the heat drugs nerd.
W. C. a00DE, - - Chemist.
In which we lead.
Finest in the land, at right prices.
.It prices which. will make you buq
As many know from espeti1OM it_14!4
lowed by a hard. dieemem g amt -
Hos no appal kr t Ili ogre of Nue. and all 000dl
colds. eta. Vie. Plapund ant mold ow* by
F. :can, - Medical Hall.
Pure Candies Chocolates
- - FRUIT.
Table Tellies
All kinds o1
Chas. A. Nairn,
Family Grocer,
Dealer, is se111w4 an toads of remount et oke kerma swath 1a prises It
wn drat that be
.15.Eat Vire
.kkea ea re x • ,take a frasbert. the Oi1� ola all Mf always
Eat aMwhere. sad yaw w fled ewe that hedges se be says sells rise
rOr CaeiZ -
yew's arsapuilla' ! la tkm:hhm e4e and •Ilpler •
tketr •rod Mir..... hep., V receive a 101001•1•••••M
IratwaaeD 4w game