HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-2-25, Page 7rtg 4I0PAL r WIP*va U ?, TH IJRBQ T. FB►BItUART 36, 1$911. Stock -Taking Sale 1 Before taking down the balautx; autount of stuck Ibis moth ire Will clear all Winter good% at considerable s etitiee Mantle Cloths, half price ; Astrakans, one-fourth off ; Dress Goods, Gloves, Hosiery, Blankets, Flannels. Comforters. Household Linens, Tweeds, Ladies' and Men's Underwear, Etc., Marked and Surprising Reductions in all Departments. W. ACHESON & SON. THE BEST is THE BERT IS THE BEST IS THE BEST IS THE BEST 1S TEE BEST 18 THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE HEST THE BEET THE HEST THIS BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEi3T THE BEST s B BEST TUX BEST THE BEST THE BEST 1HE BEST BEST THE BEST THE THE THE BEST THE BUT T111 BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST 18 TBE BEST 18 THE HEST IS THE BEST 18 THE BEST THE MT THE CHEAPiENt-•EMS THE SIGNALMInonT THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 111 THS MirT 1111 CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL THE CHEAPEST AND THE SiGNAL THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL THE SIGNAL A YEAR IN ADVANCE! THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIONAL THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE BEST I8 THE BEST I8 THE BEST 18 THE BEST THE BEST THE HEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BERT THE BEST TH8 BEST TRE BEST THE BEST TH8 BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE HEST THE 141181 THE BEST THE BEST THE BEET THE BEET THE BERT THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE REST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST 18 THE BEM I8 THE BEST I8 THE BEST 18 THE BEST 18 THE BEST 18 THE BEST FOR BOYS AND GIRL& A Lane OW* IsmiehM.. 1 thought when I'd lied tag Meters That all my troubles west isms, But I dad toyed' much mistaken, They have only iaet begun. Leernisg to read was awful, Bet sotbieg like learning to write : I'd be sorry to have you tell it, Bot my copybook is a sight. The Ink gets over my fingers, The pen cute all outset ohms, Awl wou't 410 at all as I kit it The letter* won't stay of the Hoes, Rut go op and down and all over, As though they were dancing • jig, Thareere in all abeips 1 .a sties, eMethdium, little and lug. 'rlwwe'd be sone comfort is (earning If ose Dao yet through : instead Of that there are books awaiting, clone enough to .rum my head There's the multiplication table And grammar, and oh, dear me There's so good place for stopping When one has begun, I see. My teacher says little by little To the mountain top we climb, It isn't all done in • minute, Ilut only a step et a tete. She says that all the scholars, All the wise sad learned men. Had each to begin as Ido ; If that's ss--OMS'e gig Ma'. a DIR[CTLT ro Tota SPOT. IISTAIITUEOUS 1S IlS ACTIOs. For CRAMPS, CHILLS. COLIC, DIARROO.A, DYSENTERY. C::OLERA MORBUS. and all COWEL COMPLAINTS. NO aCMCOY VISUALS THZ PAIN -KILLER. In Canadian Cholera end now. rI cornn....nto its onset Ls mt.atao.. Ic c ....a In a very short tlm.. Tot SCST raelstY ates[OY Toa iu. xa, ERUI:,ES. SPRAIN:.. RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA and TOOTHACHE. Oman tv.wr.ts-mm .r sae- • .ousts. APPUCK110US LILY REMOVES DAMOOMPT Wean& A OW. A Jolly bey. A boy hill at vim. A be whit our- • 1st. A bel MO will .car tasrhw A bey with rets ".fish A lay who takes to the haeblti A bey who is peed of his lag titter. A boy who thinks bard work tee tilgra`e. A boy who does chores witbemt grumb- ling. A boy who believes that an education is worth while. A boy who plays with ell his sight- - doring playing hours. A boy who listens not to uocle•r stories from any one. A boy who thinks hie mother above all soothers is the model. A boy who does not know more than all the rest of the house. A boy who does not think it inconsistent to mu playing and prying. A boy who dos not wait tom led the Pinta. . stead tier im the morning• A Care ear n.o•y ettrand lee.dsrke. OoosM0 nwa smote'e atnt- i- M swlmlr. The dressmaker Chefs ki arras rasher than facts. W ashitf Star. The greatest seed of girls' schools u prin- cipals, not mem. Elmira I:vette. small sugar ooated Burdock Fills du net gripe or sicken. They Orr mid aad ef- fectual. lm A nano wd.bvut mosey •• is •tut worth a rap " to the spirituel medium. Pewee Balletui. Dr. Low's sulphur !bap' all a delightful shampoo. It cleanest the selpand darkest gray bur. lm " It • d up" with the landlubber when M takes hie firm w toyege. Bingha ntoo Republican. Worm ..noise serious sickness. lir. Low's Worm Syrup destroys and expels all kinds of worms quickly sad surely. 1r* It will soon be time for circus people to bring out their sprieg boards preparatory for summersaults Picayune. Dr. Silas Lase, while in tbe Rocky Meun- tains, dsoovered a root that when combined with other herbs stakes an easy and certain cure for constipation. it is m the bugs of dry roots and saves, and is known .n Loe's Family Medicine. It will care sick -headache. For the blood, bur and kidasys, and for clearing up the oomplexios it dos wonders. Druggists ell it at 60e. • package- -e ou for five weeks. Pale, weak women need a tont, streagth giving, flesh building medicine like MO barn's Reef, Iron and Wise. 1m A Boston dancing teacher has uudr an as .igninest. He should know how to meet reverses. -1 ooket s Statesmaa• - ...AP•el. DO YOU KNOW I ALECK SAUNDERS! Hassieng headaches make rasp Yves • -rdock B3 so, caber t secs like Burdock Klood Bitten is o2 able. "Where is your father '" "He has goo* to the prayer meeting." ''Where is your mother ` "She is down cellar splitting kindling wood. - 1 WEST STREET ? Yon axe Invite& to can and Make His Aottaintauce LOOK WHAT HE DRALS IN: Itch, mange and scratches of every kind, on human or animas&, cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never 1.1*. Sold by F. Jordan. 96-ly As an imtaece of sbeent-mindms it is said that an Owego man would have been absent from his own wedding if it kadn't been for the sheriff. -Binghamton Leader. The gist majority of so-called augh cures do little mere than impair the diges- tive funetieas and create bile. Ayer's ltCherry Pectoral, oo tbe 000ery, while it s curthe oiagh dna sot interfere with the functions of lather stomach or liver. Mrs. Morris So you have lost your new girl Mrs. (:enedict Yes : when she broke Charlie's pet coffee cap and gave him a new one with "Love the Giver" on it, 1 thought it ws:time to let her go. A Trier AMwee. Little girl of seven being asked why she ate her tart all around the edge first and osnsagsentlr got her fingers covered with jam, answered reproachfully, .• Meg don't you know duty first and pleasure after- ward." Losdoo Truth. A tsetaa strut Every crying evil .boald be promptly re- moved. Sidi headache is a crying evil affecting thousands of Canadians, which e•n easily be removed by the use of Burdock Blood Bitten, the best known for eek, liver and bowel regulator a ick headache from whatever canoe arising. 2 An aegis* Ways fse4Lsii• *today Visitor -" Where is the editorr Office Boy-" He's leaden' the usostie, sir." Seaday Visitor " Where •" Office ilay-" Up-Wthe railroad track, sir. He made off viN the eaetam ea' the atestin' broke up.° The allieeff Is I. Nsa Good hslth wlltest pare blood is sirepl, impossible. sad to seeps pare blood beo EEP YOUR FEET DRY. This can be done at s very small cost by purchasing bi our foot wear at the old -established and relic trod e of E_ DO WN=NG_ YOU WILL FIND MY tock of Fall Goods As usual very large and complete. Prices lower than thf lowest. • cry;., .. •ran , u Spring, whoa 41 bloods very ant Burdock Blood Bittern s the remedy, without an equal in the world of Minors the drives out all peinomes blood from a corm- purple to the worst .oro f doe* sore. 2 ANITARY PftB1NG ALFRED HOSES OF TORONTO, on ohirme of tbt: U.•lt.trtntent .Palen aroI specifications bare feUy if ]tl. are beading sive eta •.IE. i era saws you nsy. Wastwho suffer from nervous and phy- sical debility tial great help in the w of A er s Sarsaparilla. it produces the rapid ct effeof a stimulant, without reaction the rent beingPr of strength sad vigor, be& d mind d .nd body. s tS rng. nen a bad seos try' - ALL INVITED TO CALL AND SEE STOOL. SHEET MTALORK Tin, Copper, Brass or Galvanised Iron. JAMES PRICE is in charge of this deportees& 1 rim' preper•ed to estimate on any ',lop fob. Roofing anti cronies wadi, eaves- ! anti *youth*. -- . - Steam -Fitters' and Millmen's Brass Goods. All - KINDS - OF - IRON - PIPE - FITTINCS 1 Valves, Unions, Cocks, Nipples, from one-fourth inch to 6 inches. Stoes and Thiure. 1 ant sole seems for the fall line of the E. & C. GURNEY Co., And carry . line of their goods surpassed by no other dealer. My handmade Redipped Tinware has come to stay. and i+ giving good satisfaction. 1 The three commonest surnames in Eng sad amp Wales are Smith, Jones and Wil Hems. The number of persons owning these nems s about : Smith. Jesus Wilbur§ •-- 946,000 MR 160.000 Bailin Spavin Liniment Issas all bard, soft or callos.ed lamps sad blemishes from horst•, blood sp•vin.curbe.aplinta, reg boas, •wsseey, stifles, sprain*, sore and awake throat, coughs, eta Save $60 by me of can bottle. Warnated the mad wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold by F. Jordan i 961y A cornspoodeat of the Country Gentle- men advises farmers to neither borrow .or and. say* : The Ant year your neighbors will call you mean, the ,eco d year presiset LL' will make mid the ted year they riles president of en agricultural society. tied sees Moen nays. Mr. Sellit Well, Uncle Kpb, how are yea mitten' along thew yes . U 8ph -lib, I'. Aeon ale.rg Mine. Its• Etta poor day I don't tust be gn.ke my two three Mr. you t- m thatt link bill you owe 'tease yam pay SIM Uncle Kph Well, you'll have to 'seem Cue Cody Mr. Sellit.. Von see I've been barite • lot d mighty poor days laM(y— Harper's Baser. — _ A we.+.rrai atseme. Osinitsrcr, For twenty years I se ked frees ebeeim bossdyspepsia, poor appetite, etc., shad received so basset from after mnggthe maw 'tied. t R R. I aerie eat heartilyS of I food, and .m sad smart. It s • medicine .rd W made a wesdmdd la my hett . Sts W. H. Las, 2 Harley, Oat son ms • Ruses Wood. The Paris Fehool d Philosophy hes re • mmdu ,ed experiments as to the value of mem as a food, which seem to .how that the kernel costains three inediein•1 principal the first of which tends to oaks, @ maths sod tone up the brain and ge.ernl serve tissue. the seemed isMisg phos- phates for the wealtemil and k serves, sad the third, NW/ t( is 1s& YYhhsMsk ssskkk es the me. '..t.sussM is Res Ras. the PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CA443 wfiis► - — A of the u saes ertorit H+ peones whoa a met Nat spite' A if th. 1 serial I attention to ordered work and re mt"hswi I have a workmen to do the work. ___ E. DOWNIN' :means 4... If you ue troubled with hawin ase. of Kitting. dull hemdscbs•, iustwais taste or smell, you are afflicted catarrh and to prevent it developing into eoarump- ties, Nasal Bale should be need There s so oast d oat.trh wk it the care,eod for odd m the heal it gives im- mediate relief. Try it. All dealers. S.bhrrs Are Oma Per Owns. If a ass has • cora it can be removed.bat if hes s.fiering from rubber foot fever no chiropodist ass help hint, and the only thiol( to prescribe s htrral bathing .f theism and removal of the cause. Rubbers should *sly be wore to keep out wet, and they should ite rsmeved the toom,e.t the wearer gets in - /Where to mea this gives a roma toot h a far wore sones than if he had tledad through mud ankle deep. it was the trouble remelting from forcing the per- spiration to anak the stocking sed keep tis fest perpetually damp that. drove rubber soled boots mit of the market. Even asst rubbers are • soaree of danger, and the cases of many more serious colds than they avert. A memo e..svflanstan. is a We lima near me, a clever uI mu ` W way, wbo married rwneti iso ao a foolish wife. His see pissed at as expessive wheal , mid are earefwlly debarred W her foam .11 aegsaintenee, ars, only work and homework, but with tory feminine kn,,wied(o se the tmakd own 'misty. They may roma their men elothee: they the needle. to say,- their proud mother to . lady) ' 1 am happy to Mrs eansot ewes they w • Mo,Ttl.As., Aug.Seb, 1891. My bead was literally fell of da.draff and within( applied gave viable d listil ttsim( Anti-i)•adr18, a few toss of which las so thoroughly removed the rand rnf there is not. • grain to be found. W. H. O'Ranas, Ry. Maid Clerk. MILK CANS, ,MILK PAILS, *ILK PAINS the dairy. Extra heavy REDIPPED TIN. There is oily one ALICE SAUNDEBS. Kitchou Fnrlliskth& HANDY ARTICLES. Jatdt what is wanted for the hottset Lillailtry ps, Parlor rLLamps, , Mixed Paints, llalsomine, Polishes. Everything for then hoose. PRICESid11:IHT. YOU ARE KAMM A WRONG IMPRESSION WHEREVER YOU GO If this is not the pattern rite attar. t.r TPI 0WAsPT tosses. on cm...-. s►r, C your rr a rubbers and Over- shoes. carpenter do some regain to his bones. The srps.te wkstied Maggie leader " she labored • id worked m time tot e Lose. " li traders," said the Doctor pm santy. „ oan ye no whistle a more anima and (toddy tune while ye are at work 1" " Ab, weal minister, if it be your will," said be ivamedately changed the tune to the ' Deed March in Saul," still playing m time to the musk. The worthy minister looked as for some minutes m silence, sad then said, " Sander., 1 bee another word to say till ye. Did tbe vuid wife hire ye bpr the day's work er by the )ob'" " The day's work win mer avreein . minister " • Than, on the whsle, ".sunders," said the Doctor dryly. " i think yr q lust as weal gee hack to whustiiag ' >ri . lender.' ' iner5asedIb. re,. -V Psdueah clergyman tela this: "1 mar rind • couple up in Allen Emmy, and after 1 had pronoosomd them roan mad' wife the groom took ors to o.e side .std asked ms whet the damage wee. 1 tole him that chore wee so Aired plies. He might give ate whatever 1. chose.' "Parson,' said he, '1're gut live homed Pe down hone tor whish 1 am asking lb apiece. and 111 let:you have nee for q3 ' ' Otcner+s 1 &Seined so ridicekma • fee, s 1 had mo nee for the honed prop. "KO= he got hone be most hay, fetid his wife better thus ho ,x ed• for be met me same et that wa — - iwd with a War then with Mari. be would sive use fm notMSK" --Lemma, CserierJearsaL fls.sA was• For all their sales diwciplhe and rigid eh. vim* that q daughters after I .srvanoe of the nibs a their then* a.Yeteg • dl s th.l,... pr. plum el 1` s ha am•tH*is( of Trim d Morar oma to rmm and their re - M pus ebb p•mold raerr.r.d meld (Y they wArea Issas '. E°-t'''h mistAns. ramie dpus, ports@ s alt.ye pnmesst saua(fu it K dens Asan wets • 1.5.11.• " Yes." .aid the station agent to the panics, who was waiting to take the trim les! Athlete, 'talking about kind-hearted > .12.42 i of 'em kis best lawyer J~ Good man, she "• You're right, lie is. little story shob'U show be. gat m him." " i d like to bear it.," said the preacher, looking at hs watch. V1 e11," .mad the station .gent, whittling • oornoob, " you tee it was obs way Rt11 Jones wax • mighty] poor was, aa' the rail reed took an' cot ollf his leg.- " Well "" eg.'"Well•" EPPS'S COCOAI ti SEEA TAllrr a asines laws *Mob the esrsetw d sod matritios. Indtoys mew hsru eirlit i oar breakfast taller w i Savoured k.vsi w8W -}it us Sass v1 deaesn' bat n le by itNf- emus wee such articles oldies that • eesMi- ttslss may be mitosis b yawn wn carnal memo _t0 reit ever* ithessec to Ill nese .1 e.klla osisdka are amend - ted eeteeth eMrever thew Y a weak r1 . We may MOM a final shalt Yy lee leg eoweho was laetlfed w1*8 qtr lfrmi sod • prepay swriebed fousa"- _Ilrtrrssems&rfeorr loth Mew water or toss'. sale 1e eeekels.W lMute e. barest thus ,• Yost. 1L doth dreS. 1 kin tell you • you what • heart " Weil, he got lawyer .feekins to sue the 1.tnatr•1t 0 •t ewes Maaree e. road an' the road compromised with him • W ei. ionise la met vie asonh dey d ft anpolish. The fur 1100." Tema, Waimea es Knew. I '' Well' • Little Tewmy stem at the sciontfi.- " Well, sir. ,s is t . " hot Aggro in the awe sac% " Have nn ids . " mgeU scion wN ,seise enemy .Mmetlss. Worts s hP. a. V. M. a.•tteo. OIL Refrain pe.rti, sn•eded la popsao *be epees bar sant► very wide and I 1 k did does trills and many other wonderful things The ossdsctor waves Ins bates excitedly just behind her, sad the soles gets louder and loader. F Bally Tommy stn stand it at t11«e st( d •wi.a bete . Cetmpbell wee ons day watahwl • ( 4 • 'auger - "latera," be whispers audibly, " wbY is that man kitting the laity with his else for Hugh, Tommy ; be isn't hitting her." Well, Name. emeimia, what makes the lady ory ss'" *SIM 1ft LIMN. if you are genies little by little every day he coolest. Are your expenses WO thaw yore income. so that you are yet tem - stoutly accumulating' Re onntent : au far s eoeesns seovy yon are dmng well. Are Toe rising knowledge every da Though tt be little by little,the aggregate of ,eeuusmatien. where so day is pertained b without aiding 'something to the @L@e , will be surprising to yennc.'f Rebates did ane *mak the wast muse la the werkl in • minute hy little Macm rtnnes .re ctdetect : Little little knowtedss is gonad : little lay belle character Mrd re esteloo are e hies ed. iAe i i. llleaLl+F "Ye"'" Uoderich Sim• Boiler Works eataYtl.ked fi Ohrystal 81 SECOND HIND IACIIINERT In Stock For Sale: 1 Aeo 1 60 -horse -power u p r tt1$ boiler. an complete. 18 -horse -power upright boiler and engine. 1 8 -horse -power engine. 1 48 -horse -power horizontal bolter. complete. 1 b0 -horse -power slide valve engine, all completd. The above bave been thorough- ly overhauled and warranted in first class oondition. Ready for immediate delivery and will be what do you think lawyer mold cheap. but, es Jones only ret igloo, didn't let. him o8 with the odd 160, Lakin' oely Na $000 for h,ms.U." Atlanta Coneti- _ _____ . _ iillssolre disOs es. at r. MM Mets err. r.r, etW1 re. ARRIVAL Torelaeve perepirae mad remove a NEW *saw smell from the feet, lathe in am AO - semis and water at sight : change stockings ectad, and always when changing rub the 1W 1 NTER COCDS. fast dry withh ma clown towel. For chilhh is Its strong salt water bathe For iagrowiemqq on moil, no 1115 sod smear, nal eke. ►mol • line with s sharp knife or Vise ed it r, i i +TEST STYLI S. a Use m the swathe d the trip oil the rail en 1 L'1 j_ thio that only the room Irving of the nail is ! / Wt. if the is kept epi the Mire MBnum , P.O. Box saes. lestetad of grnwis( down I'oras may b5 „r@@ste tem ete•re.owPestwit y applying • m of oliva t, Asps. ; reen lieved oil of wormwood. equal parte, •ts 'tool austerely ht removed if you ..lel the wear- Reset ets H, DUNLOP, • g nt Baht, d of tbe sireperNature eade Des t M afraid of the sire Nature ist..dsd Ws s yes to wear. The