HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-2-25, Page 6THE POETS COMER.
Mea esekmwels
Ilytetee taeeldmeek, Ihkelp et yea.
at dowel ! liken be dews e
Lai yew wd wry weand arselem
Ilia be year liteit
idve ,t dews! Sirs it dews 1
ti Madw! live a yes
Live d
Misers '
nese they'll heart WYr heeds with shame,
Cease to Mils Wilk your wee.
Thaw show where Yes the td.me,
Live it dews! hawk jeer. '
Lot dot - or any drat yea.
Lars it dews 1 the bedews
Neu apes a aide WmmdNfasti.- -
Live within your emeemaite d maths, -
De As right and dice w�e�ea
Live it dowel ! lire It stied•
If fali•frtnwda
Lige it &sew
later now iel
ltiwiiltipe weekilleaims brewer,
Tresela, to yette mem•njeet„or.
Live it dew ! live it dawn '
dh.lrlN tnietsiene der eiset k. you.
jive k don ! les brews
Gera up actor or t meng amiss .
Nest be above -___L__
Cower not booth
. iyle it dolma! liverdwrn •
Lilted a tot a.,usk d imdie' toiling.
Live it doer:! 1[ejtawaem'
W13ldtte at &tern made later oohing'
Zis might siod Mils prey ailing
a. is Judge --let Nims frown '
Testate. tan. --JOH% Iner1.
aie.amtlI iRlmeat ee.
Duni. ,tee, - 1 have lama %sift R. K. I:.
inks' ossa•* of the bawd inion the last two
oars died tar meathesbilib externally and
ialorawtly, and -hove b nutty benefited.
yawn, sod dna
good .s It It.
from cancer
nave had caster ever
taedieine overdid mo
B. J feel sera that
uaaarbt•est Mist Sr eras ears frons R R. i:.,
and will be plasma to answer any questions
as Sethi tae mrd Moist received from this
weedy. Yaw A. Ei. i. rr,
2 Wlerdown, Ont.
The Meares amen. efae Tile.
Li relatern oLsimm tel m hie .genet uaby
jetn.in 1nda, rayeemhon•awell how, whoa
Hving.0 Leek ow *,tad meritlg the evening
drive slob other Zsgh•b resident• in the
Isdiac city, thelapases would toes
dear beads and pow 411.eirad impacssstly
who thy first nota, of "God Save the
Queen were played by the military band
every. sve.irg..1*. *aka fads played.
the r�{ay11 for d' •
Ai ia4pt:C--.r, Zhao Mate
hatrisg masted that ooh knew
the tume becomes awe Maws played last,
dad they were akar to coleslaw tame. the
experiesset wso telind trod Save
as Mason " �s.�,�s�ad of at the
Mad of taro WemtS7 there erae
the we •eeftwpst is the hates standing
amid " the cear e." The we inipstaent
teeing of the bewdaasi,/weime of the feet.
wars• emend st•sspt;s sad eagerness to
NUN* hrtasrtrd-
ie we could millewpr doubt that they
kasurmid moortillifilie air.: in fact, that
they could tail eat flims from another.
Lemke tipoatat r.
C. C. ZraomilseA. Co.
Gallo, --I alert wee your ,1tLXARD'S
111021r.11'C lit My WsIy for a dumber of
lees for tatiwas oases of sicken& and
MOOS pertaoaledy is • severe attack of 1.
fratricidal Lsentrect.d.last Wlater. and
helieve that it wet. the yaw of
sating lye Ida. - C. 1. Jade Cy.
Simla y. C. a .
eaeeemawe t.taprf.
The Emperor 01 a quick eye
and shoots always NM M dasidish gun.
Eugenie. ..w aemrlvr fres gat dad
rheumatism. ores W the fest of a Cin-
derella lu the dye et the8sased Empire
she wore eh.ma that world It we children.
Quern Vitoria is •append to have the
largest collection ..test of photographic
portraits of uaNhilflim el bar time, from
the pert reap of War. gowns, emperors
nod emprew• dewmwesd.
The Duke e.f Livaberg13ytbs..e..d sole of
gismo Victoria, Y the ba, educated mem-
isr of the Heidib royal w+y He speaks
Ave longua,tes teently, play several mu
steal instruments well dad the violin es
pertly, and has MISS labia for psistwg.
King Oscar of Sweden M reputed to be
the most .eco p!ihi awy l personage in
Strops'. He is • t as well as a
pet, and in oddities' les psefeend know!•
edge 01 astronomy he le well vaned in gee
oral manor like maw ether Europese
@ overtire. he Ise • pepareured taste for
swede, and is a very WNW performer on
the ores. le physical Malars be i• a giant.
. rrpaseing ewer the f lrarlla kaiebt
Among the many fees be hewn health
sad bapplioes dyepepis sad co.Mtip•tion
setons e.em,s greatly te he leered. With
I! R B. to drive them est e1 the rytetn,
hewer, to damper seed be wetiely &ted. as
.weal done briep the w(Mr•e s lee[ step
tether nn the rood M phial b•Ipb amt
412,2•011, and a perms..st we always re -
rias s../ Tfstlw►
goods man dies whomever • boy goes
it takes • thinker M maks •either tbisker
Faith r.er Muds aro.ad with i1s hands
i. its plocket&
Tim devil bele to pa 13ir heads oo good
Sismied people.
Birds with bright phenate& tis wet always
make ons heroes the wont ems only
eery wow w pimple.
It hikes cedes,* wish ethic people be
Moho os amoo.sri via immerse.
Tho &nil bale .. tin Aar Iles yeas who al
metro dem as be would be dose by.
4n. w.ty to r eeeb the mown, is to he
to take them is they Pests. Rama
A Innedide fires •
tam Kedge'. Dallas for the throat
It is early mare esmao e1 Memo,
wahine. br+elide. soup .ad all
sad hag w,.M , Chais nay other
Tim, proprietor hes wsabofiieed
hepeartrieee la eve
' 8IGI AL: ,�QXT., THi7R8Dt1 ,' PBRUARY 28, test.
M Thooglia she TI.1e toed -bot Ib. -
Theoght It Btsewtt,.
"Orates. yes you des t this'll I maw
here too otos. do you '" was the •maw
inquiry ill the impoinw., open fund young
aim w4r steed lewlug /Mast the piano.
"Cottle/de wet, Metal. Maid the yeeag
lady outing es' the pia..-d,tal.
Lam• t, - tam -ti•Wyewee. R -r r-r-rr Nm
Nm. Which the imprimis reader will me-
doratawd to he as iatorteade oa the port of
•' 1 dtai.'t kaww.' purrs.i the young
yes, reil.xia.ly. "but I nod IMPS .5554.-
iSi a ..
Tt-r-r r raminm. Loam htine -tl•Nm sus.
7.•r•r r rum -tom.
•• W bat made you thank so, Freak
Why, it erns the stlpubtioa, you know.
when you gave sus the the cold .13.13.,
that 1 should scene to see you o.vraisaally
as a friend, .s as not .o break off baa sad-
den sd get people to talking. Wasn't
Lam-ti-b.m tam. PIU/ w111a1wi1G•wdd-
w 1b -walla Kier cbiq Ker, -hug. R -r r-
eam -tune.
"Yes, I believe that wad the understand
"That'. what I've been doing, you know,
Groans. I've been coating occasionally.
Ors or twice a week s uc.isso.elly, tea 1.
•Y.., I supper you meld :all ilw
"But when a fellow gots to climate three
or "our times a week. you know. it look% as
d ha• were getting off the a..•uoraal iasis
and trying to make a new des!. 'flint's
wheat's worrying ser.'
•'1 woaldi t -r -r r rue -tum. Ker -chug
Mt sleek • thimg •.that--num-ti tum
MMItre Ma"
It's all Split, .f ansae. to go on wog
friend., Gracie, but its going to baba- a long
time to break It to 'eat gentle it t h'..t"•&
sioual burner.* gets any snore - h'm w•, a
atone! thee it a now .and it'll he pretty
tough era sur to I..ke it any less us'e's
Ideals '
Lune 11 tum -Nm. Remitter)
"Saone day, of ,oars, 111 here to quit.
It ha. turn a pretty long tin. 1,05 niter. 1
have bored you. Iinnate, with s word abouts
"A long time' exclaimed 4.ra.Ir. pen
N eely. "It's been s eternity. Freak:'
Yum' Yum' Yum-yum' Yam -vent!
Which the ey(w tow reader will under-
stand to be .n interlude with which the
pli•no hod culling whatever to do
And Frank is t.o go to see Mewt;rarle our
day meet reek with a regularly-urdaine,f
sinister, a new black suit, and a mart 'age
license. --Chicago Tribes'.
Paragraphic, rant.
seeker ••rt• roar ftrend Ihrmlletoa he+
written a nuvei. eh ! lig.-loon "He ha..
for a fact.- seeker '•tYhat a, lo. plot
lfyessan-- "Ha pet soma to have Iona w
inveigle the public use hiving • Look that
Ida t worth reeding.- --13e1•toa Courier.
"What' You vete to put dal little
black imp in de baby show!" "Vas. 11Weed,
'Rout delis.e de madden, o ell dem white
rnung ons gilt alter Jet committee .le. 11
ohne mighty glad to compel -trine on buy lit r le
Ra+ataa, an dman yo. fergit It. ' 6.11 611
&polls .hournaL
Mr.. tete Hard _•'De you see list gown
of new gray -green .tuff worn by Mrs. a;o
lightly' She rid it cost all a yard. What
iteral wad it bate been et rich a pri m'"
Mr.. Malapropos •'Irk. I do.m't know
"'here ire no limey of these textile fabrics
Lions. I Moak Re. now
To Tywan gyla•ee' A ver la es Is Chafe
lege lsearssstlee 1 aewere Ise Reines
leg 1weeeM' epees as the 1's of Olt-
Wntlies.w and Ills Alleys.
Puede. University, of Lafayette, Id.,
hes lust &aided to its laiarut,ries • very
ampler. engineer re .kp.1,,eul be et-
peruneut.l work to .foam engte..rlag..p-
plie.l ineelkinice and Artesia.... la several
rase.• to the rquipuen.t of this laboratory
preeel.ts "owe novel tilers.
The sweat notrcealak• anal unusual feature
u the ka'.niotive. which is au eight -wheel-
ed high querl plummier ergine. *ogling
8.5,000 pouwl., r.lotpped complete In every
detail. with tt u.tinghru.- or break*,
lubricator, etc., and is in eters say r .. •
bee of doing regular awl .r,' Ice. lea
ku•.•nsative s neonatal upas .upl.atties
sheets to which any desired I. aid can he ap-
plied by powerful frieturo beak," of .pe.•i•1
de■.gn aunt ..f sufficient rapacity to &Isere
the rutlie power of the engem when as
demur.: The engine eau be tirr i lis the
w::.1 .,.,.Seel eel. .Mal. ,r corset -alum
cast ,e Dude with tae inl..rctory sesm
111. laboratory .Iw mutant. a Ilse horse
power triple expa,laa.m .team .•Blah•, 1.uslt
osier ia1IY for experimental purpone . The
conise,•IIuna are .n -h that ant; of the .yliu
art. ,-esu be - `wi-nked singly, or may be work-
ed i, ,wwws.n. tori under any erre ,d .Ie
posatidr areaugrmtvna. thus glvu,g for the
*1rp.m-,•f 11,e Itt...-erie, abet 1- •yin.•
Tu. egc..lpa,vu:.,4 the l.larette a ale. In-
cluded a gas .•IIg:n.•, sayer..( kin*. a pas+..,
islet . .valet Mimel• :a,,,l m..tarr. ale1 •
"erg. amount .d epgetatu* and epphast ,•s
for trailing and a speru,taut.l work u, .leant
and b drault. engin."IIIIg
1 set..ns. Fee Inrrea.leg Wessels' %pe.d
Inv the 1 .e of ull,
111. t..r of o:1 it .....rthiss 11., surface
of the mea na *unit: nest ler w tow to well
knoou that perform .ewes In tits lis. *ow
attr•,-t hip 1st II.- .it trut um. Another rap -
pG„u 1wi of 4 il.• . oar pi w.iple is suggsatei
by a curresp ndent of hoodoo Kcgi.seertug,
eche outl:ue* a plan for lucrea.ing aha- speed
of self., Ly ilani4 oil t . ,educe the fra.tioe
between the butt,.[, art Use vowel And the
water The plus u, nrielly, as follow.:
reactr•.tavl ptp•..m the stein •.4 a .eveei,
eite,in;; from the keel sr. the eater line
or higher. tee.! oil in minute streams against
the solos ..1 the vi... ! .41 the •hip pre-
gr.-..rs the oil ....add he pressed towards
th. .teri..Uni at Ilse .one time the Inward
ppr.-m••ure ad tier sat. -1 aeulal present the od
from giitt.cg ,he ,std.•. of the .hip. A
shy, holt with p.o.e. alone„; lh. rides will
rev, a more the., ugh distribution of the
ell 1t 1- further .,„eyelet that oil used
for tins purpura might he w chemically
trrate,l ,as to render it a good prevention of
nee.*,. end barnacles on tne.hip. bottoms.
America's rust t----
The first gto.a fat torr.tmrrica wad
erected in the year IIhet, Joint -steal n,
Va., and the reeved followed 1n th, same
ooluuv in the year Itel. lei It*el ground
was gtauk•d to •'retie foreign maker. of
gam" at the town of sakes. is the colony
of Mama,•husetts. The first glom. factory m
P-,mavIi&mis was erected near I'hilalclpha
in the year Ilia.. under the spervwon of
William Penn himself ; the factory. how
ever. did not prove s.lr.ess and was Male
shut dose. The first La -tort of this chars,.
tier west of the Alleghenies, ass set' up by
Wm. H.1lat in ansa h.e a....utes to the rear
1-14:.. at New Geneva, on the Mo ntugabela
River. A small factory as. neat establiell
ed on the Ohio River near Pittsburg. in
1;lel, and &mother 1n 179.-c The first p-
renatal fail.d but the eecot.d was gait* suc-
cessful In Iglu. there were twenty-two
gbh.. far tones in the United Ntats. and
same that time thew 1..e increased to sack
an extent that gla..eurkiag IS now ode of
Inc greet industries of the country
Pere Plslienle and its Amer..
Platinum van now be prepare.' 1..:a new
proems in a state of mull 'aunty tial it
doe. not coataln more then 0.01 per cent.
of other metal. When the metal .oesesses
113.. degree of purls. it s tau soft for Sony
purples. but it eau readily be alloyed with
indium when in leo state, anal lite remit
is • product of very great durah,llty i the
meat suitable prop.rtl.a. are phtinuis
1st --tipper cent.. iridium '1 1 per .root.
The pure iridium 1, -rd In making thew
alloys by W. C. Heraus had a specific gray-
itv of='_'.:d:r and was eslremely hard. being
equal in Oils respect to blue tempered steel.
It was completely indifferent toward nearly
all chemua regret.. and ,sly fusible in
small quantities io rhe at negro beat of the
oxyhydrngen ramie. H has el.e pr. -
pared alloys of pure platinum' and rho -ham
RlaMies I•aper
Almost any good unitised psis r inn b•
e.de intr. an etplowse t•ompound by coat
Mg it with • hot nucturs of yellow proem -
ate of potash sd cher. nal Take each d
these. 1: parts. mixed rill refined salt-
petre. 311 pares : chloride of polarlum, 70
parts ; wheat starch, 10 parts, and w.ter,
,41*) parte. The Ingredient. must le dis-
solved until they fore. a .Tear.dutmm in
the water Ihp the paper and .oak it is
the solution anttl it as thororlghly wet.
It thin may be dried. tolled into cart-
ridge. and bred in the ordinary manner,
ease! with a fuer or with detotstmg raps
similar to these used in firing cannon se
dvsamlte wheat used Is hosting ledge..
A New Copper Alloy.
\Itoganu.. the nolo, of a new alloy 0
copper. iii. kel mid mang&nese, which W
ben bnwght w the market by a Germs
Arm One of its alcostage. as its behavior
nods r vanatioes of hat, the resistance, it
is .-laimed, being affected flatly an • minute
degree by high temperatures. It is there-
fore adapted for tbs mitestwetare of neon►
snag inatrunxets sad electnrtl apparatus
n general. which ars required to van thdr
resstam•e its little as prode under differ-
ent degrees of beat A further interesting
fact is that while other metals ieeuasa
their resistance by the rariag of the Wel.
peratuo, that of mangsi.e is dimisiabtll
Polltleal Proverb..
A candidate may tbiuk be 1• bnyin' a
man's vole, but he aide he's only rentio
Wtmmen sutir•guta ain't good for much
gottt_ elected ease Wit • ashore sign of
Karin the dote repented.
Farmers mit gu: no harmer train to
rause crops in the pilulae feetd.
The dilTere.cs breween a party run and a
pattlriot 'u the partyran gill the gurern•
meat job.
A Mari never gets taw uld Pi vwte-
t;eaiw drunk en the First of Jak is a
might per kid of p.sitnotimn-
qhe T'rohd.slli:, party user ., mach
water it gets a washout two or three tams
• year. .. - -
A Coors* Illswer.
"Call T get seine :hang to est here he
inquired bambly of the cook •t the ktt,•lien
"Oh. yes. pleat.," she said with smiling
generosity. "Yen ma est • chop at the
wosalrtile, or • loaf edit ea the bench iso the
back yard. era Lite of yews hon. the dog.
or • roast from the lady et the house d she
nee you, or some clnb wanes from the hired
Sas, or--"
Aw, came off the fiddle." he inter
tripled. "You're talkie through your bee
net What's the matter with nue gittin s
entree at the jail! Tra 1., cookie.. dad be
went •way.
Taking �4. 01•13..
The Teaoberlto the biggest boor'. s. hoolf
-••l:..rge, yore have been whupenng. 1
shall expect you to remain after school u
dieauneed .
(;fare "(:Ding 10 keep any of the
others to !'
"Ne Yoe are the only ono that bas yito
toted the rules."
IL alarm) "Then 1 can't eremite ]lime
Ohlmayde. its contrary to the &drip of
my lawyer."
Trylnr Teres for melts,
1:ocle James "Well, Oobly• bra yogi
raining any prim at school nowadays.'
B„bbr "No, sir; the other fellows got
1'ncl.J•ms "Rut youl1 kap os trylmg,
of course.. -
Hobby • • What'. ties nae' The other fel.
Wire keep on trying. too.'
A Ifrld.awske Tray.tter.
Gambler '•Have a game of poker. sir!'
Traveller ••Th■nk you 1 beg to he in -
Gambler "Perhaps you ohiect to gamer.
of ,•bane''
'•Traveller -Not at all What 1 *latest
to is playlet/ • gams to which I have e
Mats Rein* 'retest.
Ma. Htek.- It take, me two solid holes i w•tgfl.g rtee removeMenu
• wash and deem Dirk for cburr•h. i 1e a r.wt seldom before the dNressoi.
eel Association of Preece • French laharf
Harks I ea get it dos. in • hurry baa ewer stated that thene are invisible AM
v . cents 'that sees will never Fe h rags left-
Mrs. the -
Mrs. Niche How. peat'' 7
Hicks Take kis down to that pled I MO M of which tart he s.•erta.wmewl by
they ams. cissa kola while you wait. ,siem ..„,..,,,,,,p„,.Sd by this sg s it it
Moor p.ewMe to c map
A al ameer •Il we Man 1.. i..ateal tear.psItins gel
Klieg Herm it 1. • hopeless rank to 131 d theft rovobtion and *hod/AM d
�! are from ...
to e•rmr.rt Jnhlesu ; N hair. earthing sets'.
Res Its' Thirdly -Whet wo.hI that lssw 1 rbM,em,,ap,,,•m me *pave&
M .10 with
1t • kiesosoikey • ..
Ebbe Retry You god* mold got him Hs fe me of ddyef ,per lies haat y •
take any stack to the New 'llmtsmsst. �Vyy,,.ut413�.yiratise. ly a rapidsormasioa of
issisa . b pl•eingj ter pehu .ir.pid•
11 revelvfog spparwt.•, r el lallrle ta he re.
by deep moire printer with Ms
malted w wads prenieaaed h.
Mae petals•
Hegel let .t.s.0 siedits•' ' 4-'4
des'*, se as? Ilea
Deem Ne f d allli•lM-�Rwrsra
Look at the epddh•
toll. till, easma
♦ leen.• tel mow.
♦ young lady) bee gems oat w.lkiag. She
Wrest to take her porde leek her .ad had
a• soy i. Intshe
Bilis met
• is girl with • hanks w arm
" Maas, yeas, will yea buy smetNag
fres my Wake !" said the little girl, airw-
ay • variety e1 bookmarks, wetob-ens.
Sade -hooka, Pte. " 1'ye terry 1 ens: big
•sythi g today," and the yoga$ lady. "
lase net •ey mesoa *.y with merr 113 •
leek very pretty.' lihe • tmsueat.
.ed spoke a few hied to the little
girl ; •md shoe as the peed shy raid apse.
I'm very sorry I can't bay anything boos
mew len !ne" 0, mitre !" mid the India
girl, y.f ve due M just so =we good as
if you {o.1. Mats proms that I meet syr.
'Get away with yea .' !wt you have spokes
kindly .d ratio to am, owl I feel • War
bettor." That was " ooasid•nng the poor.
How littis it costs to do that ' Let us learn
to speak Ideally .ad rally to the poor dad
Iwlering. If we have Do dreg Cie to give
list as at {east give them oar •7yep•tb7.
"Lite Magic,,
elect produced by Ayer's Wit!
luctoraL Colds. Coughs. Croup,
and linen Throat are, in most Dass•. im-
smediately relieved
by tie Its of this
wonderful remedy.
It strengthens tits
vocal ordure. allays
and pre -
110 tarosds o1
Cense-ptiom; is
.veep Mange r lbs
drah.- -nail..,
Ayers Charr7 Pow
torsi relieves combo
Log and induces
refreshing net.
"I have teed Ayrr's Cherry Pectoral
in my family for thirty years and bare
always louse' It the beet remedy for
croup, to which complaint my eLtltiren
lace Leen snb;ect.-Capt. t. Carney.
Brooklyn. N. .
▪ From an «epe+'..sane of ore, thirty
Tears in the daproprietary �I.
is a1
cites, t feel justified t secoosmwdieg
Ayer's Cherry rooteral. Oise of the
best recommendations of the Pectoral le
the esdurirg quality of ata popularity, it
being more astable mew them it was
twenty-five yes ago, when its great
eaesss wee eoesidered marvelous." -
R. 8. Drake. H. D.. Bella, Kaes.
"My little sister. four years of age,
was so ill trout bronchitis that we Lad
almost given up hope a Ler recovery.
Our family physician. a shallot mem and
of Targe experience. ptos.rn +ed it use.
Mee to give her an more medicine ;
saying that be had do all it was pos-
sible to do. and we must prepare for the
worst. As • last resort, we determined
to tr7 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. and I can
truly say with Chs most happy results.
Atter taking • sew doom she seemed to
breaths easier. sad, witkis a week. we
out of danger. We continued dived the
Pectoral until satisfied she was entire!
well. This has given me unbounded faith
la the preparation. and 1 recommend it
eoafidently to my customers.' -1'. O.
Lepper. Druggist. Pon Wayne. lad.
For s'ohl. and Coughs, trek.
Ayer's CIS Pectoral
mamma ST
Dr. J. C. Ayer 11 Co., Lowell, Masa.
True til ; eti bottles, N. Wawa', • hones
Eyed ver w u m ty. For meow Wes
Waiterip ...rh•lawl a `.nese/ craw
Sell W Am towers sad lflwaeelMs.
a w. Te,posem.
• • I Y• .a
rye' _ - • . D -
rt -1.... .t:c3 t ... 3tcmuch,
...avcr' ant.! un'ocks
'Rloo- :tn.; vc.:^;,vee all im-
I t'ur!•.:C;3 3 'P!m,7t. to
1 thou:oar,-:;_-c ,.i .,u^,Sorel.
B oci OD
' .
RHEUMATI Sr'. 7e(4i C'e�
I f rel•
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