HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-2-25, Page 41 AOA. 4 THE SIGNAL: OODRRICIL ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1092. $hc mosilettee $VERY THURSDAY MORNING ' sr S. a.4111111-- y Ids or Wil -•-E_ssd 10, ll.ttbwnret, Oodertek Tereus etNSM ' oentb, ta .Aveiro. ♦brew unethe,ts . >; dthe sl. U credit t...e. e 1 w w•!t be Pim per year 1 M Adlve-u.as MINN • politerodeklest"'e�l',m'Iaasecro. M.e.e M • •caperefor each d ... wide of els limes mfr er sr. M pr Advertiemeny to Va.4. $Stuped. :indium. raced(.waded Bunions Choice* et ertI $t 11as oontarSU. ogitrjlions:en Iiia, net M enema aslNk. �wth Mo sse�aeemile se ���Mf�tle Mqs. Iignith AIN t. to irf/fd er of ..y ard/- r. s •( f til• om coat per y ter iii (rias coo selettior religious and tit rate. Ce emareant Etsmbmee, *dve.taesen►ats A HeeMsd weber elf advertW- �ss� wBl ba.saweed st wise team : !M~ tt.ab.fo r Ve�ies4.wa�»•'- g. sell " three cs*t............ 2 In " eht s..b................ 1 N .lm year.. per mi adv b. t�shove bawls ladies 16 es three a era a•.b were I per east ea six Ittliesthe'. seal M on me a year's. Thins tandttisu willies s.toreed. •s.st ••!M tel" meIwery. Sebeeribss* wbo fany we Twa IaMAL rewaisrly. either W or bymalt. wW easter a elver itp ns the tact et as early • date es Lees tri Teen Gabel. Your Libel is a eleighte reedpt of the dote to which you ate pale 1.not. Oat it is n allowed to /•N lslts Wham rrw wh• ob.a la desired, both the old awl the matt aheeld be gives. Rete tsi aeaegeflpr sestet be returned. e1Clerreiguedemee (alas* be enema m owe side Fe*rllsw/e seam. J. C. ice OeMAsh. W been as- �elsted Lord Agent Icor the $ town- wi�lgatsd► Gotta . ANflda and We. 1L*osl iesemewwm ewe lite distriet .. alit empowered se meek* enbeedptkon to Twt All o.wmmeaiaetlteas must he addressed to D. 311011111LLIOUDDY, YeMeisb.4Oar. lrbehese Gala. O0111dt CB 411111/1111DAT.'1W* S. I1! Ora tewMatrb awy es vastness. Femme mol ..-ated•bIue b lire beset i. elegies shades. Tag Liberals sew Hem uses in Engem to the tame et over 600. etelegthesed and enco.ryed the its forMe s. when be laid, Dant feed discouraged and leave for year homes at (mon. You have as wueh right W walk around the Square twtight as you ever hail before. Hold up your heads, and look your opponente squarely in the fate. Acquit your- arlves like men , be string." Aa a rot suit the diugrsteful *erne.' of live year. ago were not re enacted and the rand badge was seryeonspicuou."n the Square .luring the r.rning. Psowasuis P•ltetloa now says he made so prmmisea *IA* the campaign. Toe beyehdiss h West Maros is over, and Parma(*. temporarily bolds down the teat. Ir Wast Howes twee vacant towarrmw the Hew J. C. Pagemme . would Risk twice before aeeeppiR their sty dwiesitea. His 300 w.j.ribj lids $ tinesrialize. Wtu., as flee. J. C. PaTTtm..s la Mend let tee afl beam that oar material oesditiob has IfapMerd and that the town lob *ltd fares ps.pl'tin ban. all been io- c:eamed in velem Welesmo she Were ays,the milk tai brig •od the fruition of fat promises. Ahem 14 PIAT right bed W two (1alt.vtr• to seam to this town to intimtllete the men who work in the Die MDU ' As • rune, of fact, me of them bad se right to vote,good, bad or indifferent. This is supposed to be • free country and Idea ksab:est nail in the employ of the hal bad as mote right to ex - ereise kr 1rsathlee seeerdiag to kis cm - Mean as had the weilthy Res.tor front astrial. • TN.. M lin !WT,. To such daspersts straits were the Conservatives driven during the late contest in this ritiisg that they sought the aaiatenes /d Siensizta g. Bwtnu, the revising (Ifoer for the county of Perth and part of this The gsot Net Sarre wan such a feeble createge Nat bis very appear- ance on the piMierm sost'tererl the audience rendered the indecency of hie conduct name the law. The fel- low enters his DAMS Ido the hotel regis- ters with a hyphae* tied truata that his conduct as reviling racer will so • evoke the approbstiem d the Aaitori Administration that ere long he will be junior judge al the county of Perth. The (onset (hula's solicitor at liteatford char bI with winking at him when situs( jedicially .') need reenerking that "the taere name. he corral enter the better." Prnopait.ive litigapts od the county «1 Peith, pray accept ear profoundest sympathy should the !raise ever .len the Iwnwd ioakltiera of F.esxsxak. w h.. baa gained s pfrusi$OHM through an isirq.ifos. Frasdiiert Act that nature serer intett.led he dbeeid. Though egwewhat pugilistir is a'pearanc.•, h.• is retiree a line looking fallow, hut hr. low' l.. StL4J'.x saner i. more apparent than real, as when the oili titer above referred le threatened to " punch •' him' the subject of tiri notice deemed •• dieeretion the letter part of valor." Aline. r. Smoot Re me Toe the town last . The words at the 11.11 imt CIIIUSI. The election is West Huron is over, owl the 'moors are sot Jostling ever their am cess at the polls. There in't anything to .Leet owes .4 Cabinet Minister was informed that 41 he came to West Harm the people were eo vomit that he would twelve a uatority of about 300. He camas and ba afonty hasn't realised 10 per oast on his expectances and the ex pm -tattoos of his bleeds. It is not to be wondered at that the boisterous hurrah has assumed the proportions of a eery wall squeak of triumph. Even the mill'majority of ten o« twenty was obtained by the employment of men and method* that honest nes do net cote• teianoe, and the returns ens net 000unam write with the expendltarretef nosey and nervous tissue. Already the Reformers have taken up the trail of the ssrpeat, and in■truc tions ba.e beim issued towards the prolst- ing of the election. It u beginning to look se if Hon. J.( P..T ✓ atans has only w00 a Coders/1 victory atter all. The Reformers were never a better heart or mon undaunted The week sprue in the tonatitueecy where the •, Forty Thimee worked have been daoorered,and Pareslaun will of agate present ►(wolf u West Huron, so badly was he scared Tuesday last. To the Reformers we would say, prepare for another meepsign. Moyne tepee the Wesal -Cann r'Nive proles to ieMee M..d nis K Weber while he esed.aea ressellty et Owes! He justly lam himself gals la a sheep ofesw- plletl). We are terry to he of ig.d to speak thus rlaialy_, vM,t is the .. iit .. d tree% attire 014 eresratr it is seess..ry to be plan wires the leaders • prove files. W beu the members of the l.o.iowvative party toot meet Mr. Abbott in cam:ks we aid tenetthey will not be backward Imop�j ia telling b� that his mem is d»• (added to the people and the party and will be disastrous M the Desoinne. b Hos. .1. ('. Pawnee' mad on elects.. sight spas he bei Tiatlt gab lirtr �i/+sip /ported es sestina( .d Mee toswmfiSgs he would be able to bring to West Heron, he U wply told a • eliberate tabsbood. Ask the people of Kingsbridge and Dest..on. Tor 'I....u. ackewledes with thanks the rwr.tpt of .1 from a Losdenbesse Lib- eral towards the protest feed is meet Hur- on. Wednesday lad also • Young Liberal carate to T 11 s St.:. At. Mho* and placed *for himself and 82 for a friend as • doonuon to the same rood object. Mr. Parraa•.1s nit out of the wood. yet. Tea Toronto Empire is making •' a lolly old em of itself " over tie West Harm eine Lion. It has grown hysterical over the fact that in a constituency which was gerryman- dered to have a (oseervauve wyority of 118 in 111112, and which elected an old farmer named Potytt by • Conservative mairrity of 2b in 1887, the Hon..I.1'. 1'ATrte.os ase- oaeded in getting in by the akin of his teeth on Tuesday km. when he had the aid of the whole Dominoes Government aid the 1.'. P. K. at his bock. and when an army of boodlers with unlimited authority to draw ea the reptile fund had camped in the rid- ing for about three weeks. PArrt ohms isn't so well pleased with his light -waisted maj- ority CURRENT OPINION. 1051,404 RLr.Tl,. . /Alt .151_ Toromto Telegrain. Iodepesdent looser v.tive The last Dominion election in Loedos was fought as fairly ae such eost..ta ever ere. Canada would he better off if then were o Oliver impurities in ita politics thea these revealed at the Loudon electiov teal. rea1.IK.. . wax,. T.5l•ti*A.,'e 441.. The Toronto Telegram pertinently re- marks : " Solemnly indeed does The London Free Press urge the temperance people to smite down Hyman anti boast up • .tats etas whose name is wet large on a millits pale ale and lager beer bottles... Tllr Net /w'ancr• TAU, Frew The Toronto World,('osa OTT* w ., Feb. 22. it is currently reported here to- day that the sucrose of the l.overnmest in South Ontario and i(ast Hastings wee doe os 1t wee in North and South Viceless, to the solid Irish l'atholie rote, which wet is that direction. Mr. Patterson was the n ominee .f The Inah Canadian. and his prs.rn.e in the ( *tenet is an assurance that Mr. Merdith will not be taken into the Ministry. Senator Smith wse instructed by Sir John Thompson to go to London and work on these hoes against Hyman 1 reti- Ran was seat en the same mouion rn Wert Huron. • k1:1 ',rim 11 T.• (aeric. IMarlas True Renner Thr Toronto Km pare hae hero raising the dust because the farmers have bees discussing the tariff at their meeting. It ..ems that it is all right for the manglfs•turers to disclose the tariff at their meetings but all wrong for the farrneeei to .do likewise. This le a lob -aided atrangenirat that may suit The Toronto Fm pre. leo we fancy the farmers will not sesiept it with an) degree of enthusiasm. The idea that formers are only eels to he akianri. end to he longed nee the head le canee they will not keep still while the .krn ting pro..us Is going on. is hardly suited to this.r����ivy esti of the nineteenth ce0tnry Inert It Mr .n the ...wintry Ow has .t greater right than the fanners to deices the tacit seely that the burden of it falls on their .Aatlle s. 1.1.'.65. 411.4 •.Pak • k.n P.T 'h.rhn"ske (Sheet I.. ('onservatit a We ' bomb' be re reset to I h. principles of the IwMral Conners/Olt. poly were ere 1.. abstain trier showing sir .Dieumit that men, some of whom dlnull justly be hold re epennhle to a certain ettent for the proved .'rrnprnn al Ottawa, are still retained in power There is rraane.hi, groomed far ball.( that their negligence, to pet tt tnlldly, ' &fordo! oupnetnwtt ter the estigs of ca senses. How n 1awd r. Abbott r i r Jehaj THE POUTICIAN. ,(1:.10 kaTI rlalo'o w .'H1.,..1•014. He has • taking way : he hes A smile that's sneer eswiting Have you a woe ` Well, .'en your grief Wei bent upuo assuaging Me grasps your bated In bc:h of his. Though hamhk your mediums These are the ways of all hi. kind He'. bet • politician. He loves your children, .h. o0o much The dirtier the better ; Of promises he u profuse, But seldom writs • letter. He says • aaoaa•ad pleasant things. And makes a buadred pledges lbsaud him of Lbw wise he'. won, And then see how he hedger ' Will he oblige you`. les, he will That is, before election : Kacall his words to hien some day. Hell watt time for reflection. The place he said he'd get for you Hc's got, but for another Some relative of be, =ice '.on* uncle's mann', Toe politician's like a Hr mil where you Ikul�t hilN t And like the pig vied* 17p Os W Leo you regret yes tzt Um His Werke Is net IDs it seemed, Aso eoslwbfy fes tic Mir Make pm estpat hb petlllilip may IN trichinosis savor. 1 often wonder if therm is In Heaves a politician' But. if one be there - mercy knows How 'twos he gamed admiesiaa la.te•d d harping with the blest. He's .ch.mmg all alone To raise a watiay •hove Aad seise the great welt. throat. Hark to the politician hark What is the states as myug! That for the country keit is Who's laboring and pre Vet watch him well aad you'll conclude Has highest, holiest mission la bot to save l4e oouktry, but To ate die politicise ' whore's the sex T Ing THE some er-TIT .rel sal_ be passing s1..1 threugb a village to the northern pan oft the county 1 tate to first - usable peat- cMkca, but where the be wwasplaced i •m able to state. We believe t t the law requires it sad surely Lbs public ought to be aaommodatsd with one. Soon po.taaa,- ere, however, are more aonoorwd with the ern its of a Coker( Minister (that is voteel at preset than with attending to the wants of an indulgent public. loan, Sees NG za. COUNTY OURRENOI/ Theirs (jrmeaway, Prosier d Ilesitobs. wee m Kleist het week, the mist of Dr. Reillaa R Lang W bora awarded the matron far the sew bridge at Ethel. Hie Leader was 1186& Alla. tblga►.su, of Magi.•. Mas., win purposesExeter. Hepurposestaking twu carw,adeot horses hack with hung. One day mussily (Ver. Mooed., Morns, hada rusaway with he span of colts a.d in the fracas had his owe barked. 1:. A. Hood left Brussel& oa Wednesday of last week fur Windham, where be hos .•;sued work ue the !'Mos factory. John Slesnmus, Kthei, ham rimed the biro. of R. Harris,' Hesfrpo, as • stock platy. He is naw booking lar cattle. The !leaford' curlers were pitted agaime. (:alt at Toronto for the Provtoelal taakard and were defeated in the Stat match. Mr. B&kmner, sr , label, hes purchased the sidereal' &Bowsatce next bar fatty lately closed by the council. The pews paid was .126. While usttog sue nm the ever one day last week, Watsou .etude , Hraseels, had the misfortune to get his nos badly sna.b.d. T. I_ Husgswn, Mrs. McLeod, Mea Fannie KeUy and t. Sboldica left Bremen es Monday of last week for ('yprea River, Manitoba. George Hamwill. H. A.. • grwdwte net the lh.forth Collegiate Institute, has left for Sterling. where he has secured • situatiow u the high school ..oda Jackson, Brumes, bas been laid off work for a few days with a disabled haad. He got his fingers crushed in seen tiaeb- inery at the Resold foamier. - Mies Mary Campbell, am, *lis with a serious auaidest while pa water. Her late Appel M ail ei and her leg we bribes tweet the ankle. l;so. II19webl sad tIn. Pipe a few days ago out on die AMID of Jas. H 0409, Teroberry, • maple tree which made eleven and me - half cords of twenty two inch wood. Matthew Wilson has leased kin tare, *oath half second eon., Morrie, to his neigh- bor, J. Wilms, for a term of years. Mr. Wilms will take a trip to the West. Exeter Titian : Two are of adios were Nipped from here to New York State this week. The farmers are foolish to part with such a good fertiliser for the trifling price paid. (ane of the pioneers of t'sborae township, w the person of Samuel Sample, r., of the twelfth concession. died on Thursday. 11416 int. at the advanced age of *sweaty -nine years Mia Minaie Shaw, Wnesels, has arrived bosw from' Clinton, where she bad been naming bee brother, Dr. J. W., *bs is w able to rsesme hie practice, we are pleated to bear. St Marys pays its town officials the fol- lowing shawls : Treasurer, 11960 : clerk. $60 ; chief oosstable, $400: night watch - w an .360: collector, $176: •meaner, *160 : &editors, each, BIS. Andrew Burges, wbo has been employed with Geo. Thomson grocer, firoseels, for several months, bre gene to Garden River, Algoma, where kis brother John bag a sit AUBURN_ i rTlew OC. owe conA 'o*Da'T.) Rev. Mr. Davidson officiated is the Presbyterian church last Sabbath morning and in the Methodist church in the evening. R. T. F.rratt and Matthew Chester intend ahippiag • carload of horses to Manitoba next week. The prim of horse -Seek bas so declined in the market that each party s shipping his own. Oh ' for a little more National Policy. Sit down and alcuLu who pays the duty. a problem so clear sem slue Cocbrase and Ingram spoke that every Conservative believes it ea plain that even if a maw were • fool he coati set err therein. W bo is that youthful rider of the grey horse who udtenses., driving alosgthe gravel road ' The seprtb*mdent of the manufactory that trees the youthful Ideas to sheet has him wader her tidal shame - Every bbdljieg thought iswuhfy auUsded to. No Isubi ars bug du ashler sepira teens of W neabee1 will be I__4: a faithful past will Ism boas slamtd to guide the waderiag Farb smmse lire's tempestuous verge. 15. earth ■seAM Vie s Crean Haunon v, Mont. ,Feb. IG. - Great aoaite- meet ham bees caused here by the 1aB of a rimester tneteor, wl,i. h drove itself 200 feet in the earth, but protrude 100 fee: in the air, aid is atoll sputtering and steeling fam- ously. emitting sulphurous gaol that is Keine* the air for mils arot,td. The startling heavenly sisiter arrived early .n the morning. leaving a lurid trail that lighted up the sky and stirred the dosing fowl untimely from the restful perch. But the horrid monster wrought death and worked havoc as it struck the earth on the ranch of Henry Chamber.. It struck I;liambers' cattle shed In which souse 40 head of ..rows and two('binamen were cor- ralled. anti .oreet was the .ir•umferss.e of the meter that of an animal was left on earth, but, with the two Celestials all are hatind beneath that aisle! monument of heated nget.on.- .tone. The earth rocked Irks a .•radk for mile. Ruddier_ were shaken from their feeada- tioas. Te content• of pantries were de n.olished and sleeping inhabitants were thrown from. then Irda Great ewclt.loenl el.st. all through the Hitter Rend Salley, and hundreds of people are Socking In the scene, which is one of terrifying a..pe. t and make. stout hearts grail. r:roat globule of 1eeilen metal roll Iron. the .Ides of the hi..iag, .puttering mon stir r, ami alta come appalling , washing mond. as its limits contract from the effects of ...Famine tir rito o roll air Fitful bolts of Same shoot high in the air from the .um not .eel a great strewn of Iigmd lava has plowed its way (rem the hate down the lolled, and bare itself in the basis of the .stunt yoke. to whir+ was r.e.ntly foetal a petrified see serpent IU1 fest is I.sgth and ooh a few thy:,• .L.1an1 bmme the root cave In the msonntatns in wiieb were fumed the fond o1 h.l.ernatstgg indians, t' 7., • d the did •.amorl Mask wefgb.i five beef cattle at Muer-al. a few days ems. They are a geed lot. and sverngel 1, 27iperagrffs. gee steer of the lol wetghel 1.400 pomade. .at. Rlatk hae wild them to .1 snot, of Litotes', for S eta. a pound for the May market. %tingham id.•n.. Hobart Orr. wife ami family ret 'armed hone to %Ingham no Monday morning from Meviro, whither they hail done for the benefit of Mr ttrr's health We are very .wry to say that the chasg, had the opposite from the desired leffect Wm. Erse.. ..f Iteecha•end. lea • value fly mart moot', Hy Dai not hem work ' ing her for some tome mal had driven into the township of (;rey feaji lead o1 peeb, Os arriving hethe .*tell elek end died. 1t wvihead quite a ime be Mr. I. ae she me as ((((held tlbrmel. Dation on the C.P R Michael Raymrn has disposed 6[ ,his 6i acre., adp' iaiag the Presbyterian church, Cranbrook, to John McIntosh, r., for the sum of $700. Mr. Raymaan who is well up .n years. will ro.ide with his ern An thooy. Thom* 1'riesk, of the Milwaukee Cas- ket and Collin Company, formerly of Sea forth, writes to a friend in that town : "We arm working nights and Sunday. with • felt force to keep up with orders, owing to la gnpp.• .. Tkoma. tr:oiuUiras and Richard .1. Mtn Laughlin, of Beechwood, did some fast work me day recently. They cut, split aid riled eight cords of wood in the short ssppaaoc�� of seven boars, a.d did of exert thowedvs, particularly sit her. Peter McEwen, Turnberry, has a good lot of cattle for the May market, twenty- three in all Ten of these average over 1,- 300 lbs. now, sad the others from 1,000 up. Mr. McMwen might be called the turnip king, as his root crops are iavanabi a sc. oea. This year he had 200 wagon John C. Steele, S.aferth, left .set week for Winnipeg to bring home Willie Kyle, who has been sick in the hospital' there for some time. He expressed a wish to trona home and his grandfather. Janes Forsythe, is .ending Mr. Steele for him, as the doctors said they thought he could now be removed with safety. There died at his residence, un the sixth line, T.raherry, William Portia, at the age of eighty-four yeas. Mr. Perces was one of the early settlers of Turnberry, having come into the bush when there were bet few settlers He was of a cheerful deposi- tion, and was moth respected by all who knew him. Peter Stewart, (Trey, has rented bis farm to his son in-law, Shane! Armstrong. Mr. Stewart purposes retiring, as hie family are all "serried. Hi. sons are all settled in Manitoba but the youngest, and he intends rem in the Mpring. Mime' At- etro.R has rented his harm to H. /:ranger and H. Armstrong. Misses dtwma and Bertha Trnyer, on be- half of his Hills .;teen friends. have pe vented Rev. H. Irvine with • valuable pair of dog skin loves. They are lined imide with fur, athe exterior is beautiful The ``byes are s very welcome when of his hriesas' esteem. Pepsoially to view of some of the keg dnvs in Kitten cirenit &nest killer, an employee of the IJoer• eyisener mill, sixteenth eoucesioe, Grey, (met with • pink' accident no Friday, 12th inst. A heavy hemlock log rnli s off the head blocks dropped on hie r glut foot, which wm resting on a raised piece on the Soar. The hig tree was partially severed frog the foot, a temple of other house broken and the foot generally badly jam. med. He expecte to lire hue* for some months The renins of the late John Payne ar- nvod in 1lealorth for internee* on Monday of last week. They were forwarded frons Houston, Texas, to vtrntford, 'red were kept there from Friday until Monday. Mr Payee having been a member of the Mas- onic Order, the funeral was omeinctel wader Mantel. •uprose. and the remains were as.ompantd from Stratford by • I brde needier of the he three and friends of that city. They were met at Ssfrrth statim kg, many of the relatives and friends of the deleanoi and conveyed In the reed ' este of his father. Wm. Payne, where the funeral eerrtres were held, and from thence 1 were taken to the Kgwm,ndville cemetery for interment a the family p1•. beetle tr .wHbee and brother. The deepest a mpathy is fel re all skim for the bereaved hither ' sod widow, ae well as regret for the demise' o f the elerwasnl. as was mandeseed by the large member wive was hold ia the orresa both 'n moilrrth and in St pail the law tribute of rested to kis mew I cry.m ensu et Mr. Payfe's death, es hp his oiled r, ateentizat is Te was melte tive meftgbt I A YORKSHIRE CALAMITY • ICOR( OF FEMALE OPERATIVEf KILLED • molt.. t7btsaes Mat, Tama Web Laasbe. Cp•• • lad d . esteem-, 1111.1$iag rad, M ouediest the arpleyes Mr* ASS. It. Hees'.ws to .0. •lair Masa 110.111. IIK.v.r.d 1.010.. Feb. 'S. 111. nraufaot.rieg tows of Cleekhoat.00, u the Wed riding of Yorkshire, eight nuts from. Inds, woe yesterday theses • •.fafrigl.tful u•.•id.at,jre- mating is toe las .d a number of lives .4 ntretve chimacy Wl yard. high at Marsh Mille' , ach►.ers .u.i Ilal.u.l factory i• that .11•a .•ull•pssd sad fell on the reef el Use fbatury jolt as • amend of yang women operatives were lea. lag work The fall d the chimney c.sverted the wog of the factory on which it creaked ate a heap of debris made up el fragaaate d masonry aid the shattered resesaote .f an.Nisery Floe Adele W Servers. The piteous cries of thaw 'taught is the wallas could be heard, sad the bones el the scone was soma aagtueat.d t he break trig out d firm, ia which auwbars of the Ms. pressed .4time wen mere or les barbed. A lone o/ workman awe the lire brigade et tic town .speedily got to work to move the loos of debris The number already extricated includes eight killed, all women, and many injured by baying limb. crumbed. Twelve of those who wen is the handing at the tio•P of the disaster are .till massing. "Steeple Jacks, who have teen .oak• pied for • week par- in repeating the , found it W11.uHa ...Hoping aid la ch• ar escape. ks The factory manager states that an ex- port examined the hasdat►on of the chim- ney at .". pa and declared it to b. is • eats oandiWn 1t is retorted that the ratan el the disaster was the removal d a number d defective bucks for the porpoise of making repairs, which caused the structure to thus become weekly weakened- .lIrl who was rescued from the garret was food with leer head jammed between two hods► She gives a hornfytng seises( ref the spectacle presented by the mks be - w rath her. Five weals are dill mesabg. T•5. Masan Lasa Oa.wta . Loam, Fob. 23.- -At 3 e deck ye esr- day 12 bailee have hese extricated from the ratan Two of the emended prsos have s.ccnsbed to thew miens* and anetb..' is Is a dying acidities. P10a ass lien . Luso*, Fele 25. --An explores eoearred a piny pit near the royal p.dee ef Ajoda. Fi(.es men an boom to be entombed in tic pit sae all may have been killed. The o mimes aw+a.ttea• CA' N er, Feb 25. --At the liquify r the psoas ebuoting COOP. M. 11&eauaa, the secretary of the Dote' Splendid*, whe was with Mr Deacon eel.., he buret is the locked door of Me. I4acon • ream, taste fled that wh.n be sad Dame entered the room airs_ Deacon was undressed airs. hearse's maid wan elan ...mimed. She corrobor.te.l the test.n.ony of al. Bak - mann, that Mi. Deacon ea. oath -timed while Abellle was .n icer 70001. Dt1NN_ 18 DE A0. Us Mad a iterrhaale (*weer as w tl7otall err rad m•eebe•rr- IKw youth, Feb 96. Michael Diu, N old, died yest«J•y u the Hole d y. which be buuded. at Hoyt aid Livinptoa-•treeta, Bruoklya Dein, wit, heel lived a criminal Me ter Iib years, was ...everted is Jerry McAuley's Masten several years ago. K111011 then lie had denoted himself to refortwtsg criminals. M. founded be Hesse of Industry lot tic rdematies and.mplsyswet tat e1-Cunvide is Blwsklys a few .rbthe ago Dams wee bone es Si"-oIS. V110. el • • us- ely parents, " as he Wiesen ;shrewd .l, itsraehstae, Ming. He wee taught to steal, outs b.lure be was lit years old he had ser.wl tire 'ernes is rprison He was imprisoned slier :hat m aa Uismoe a lead. 'he !tort.+. peal oduey to tar 1141 Bosky. I,.udun; is MaschmMt. in Western Australia, in (Iib- ealtar, in i'blled:4phi*, u. V••ntrerl• Bus Ms and so Sing Sing. He hao twee • sailor. • counterfeiter, • garroter .air • .ea Ines in the u•%yy He once ewapnt from Bleikwell's laked by sweosnag u. the Lees Island shore. It ins tiros being released Irv.. Simg Sing 1•t he became manned. lie estab• honed a House of bleary e fat tevi ie Wake .ei• Warect and Yatroisd an ..ver ,like !'sit d lose. as • cuaviet A LETTER FROM MARTIN• se nesters 111. P.M..wte es a Lector to a Cheri* ward.*. 1` air, leek 2a. Yesterday t bunk - wanks Heyward reu.iced • letter firms Rev. N. H. Martin farrwll) twdenag his rem tae as curate of ('bre Church eyward declined to divulge theos- terts 01 t40tiontetter except that It reign h e posireigned • Later a gentlem.s who bad Mico receisttii • letter from Mr. Faro, Dakota. mid ••1 an d aphides that the letter to the cheitelafteffen was it mites at Morris. Mau." egos et Mews ewers 1011.0*, Feb. 2S. -isle oaken elected by the tired lodge fleas of F.eglaad •s this meraing . amigo men legeem.Onand Prettiest- N' K Kermit Ottawa baps_& Druid Vice -President -Teems mallet, Brantford. hareem. t:rerd noun Lary-Jt,in W. Ger- ":11:lrell7tilereesitrs reemerge - Armesin Grated AuditorsAker, Sy moods aid hiss barker. Toronto. a5.be.t« MLateg ?agents Bacawo%D. Que.. Feb. 23. A serious e minent orcurr.dyesterday afurau.satMr. Jedi rys •.bates mise, .boot three miles from Daomilk. in which two was. Joseph Beineet ad Godfrey La.rende, let their airs. As they w►sad• t fell pities a surface to the rfaeac e itt broke Mahe back, khinisg the two men ad ieiubg ar other, llldseie Pmrnaslt hastier Babesssu aa.sutar. HAVANA. Fab 43.-A dmpaab received m thio city (nm Santa Oen ceetaim the isi.tmaties that Modesto Rodrugsar. the seed kidnapper. was .z.e.ted in that place to -day. Rodngwn bad become famous is Cuba through his missy danng acts of beigasdage isening sail carrying dresidentswealthy rideeresidentsi .th.i.lasd to his mssstais retreat and than dstiasdieg large sum for their ransom Woman'. Wert 10*Meese Ise... Losoos. Feb. 25. 1a the Holts el Cum moat yesterday the bill aniesdtbg the trop hears regul nese bill, a a• to lochs& we - amen, pared bub second wadies by • vele at 172 to 1;r2_ A workshop as defined in the bill r - eludes saloon, reetaurasts and lr•prshopa and limits womeek work to 74 hears week ly, including meal times. At primed there s no law regulating the hours WINNOW shall be employed in shops A be...der Frame\'. Aeaten piles Mea - teemed. Batu:(, Feb. 25.- - -Herr hcbwieger, a dock broker of this city. who wee ogee victed of being an socosepleve of Herr Franck. the absconding bookkeeper of the Deutsche Bank, who it accused of bevies d fra.ded that aatitutias out of 3,000.000 marks, was to Gay sesteneed te four year. impri.oasent. Maw co.. IS the a emaaem5 LOS DON . Feb. 23.--1n the Hous of ('oma moss Mr. Patrick O'Brien asked a by Mrs Robert Montagu had not been arrested until a week after the charge had been mala agattat her The Horne Secretary replied that the arrest was perfectly 'egoist. He declared that it was untrue that Mrs. Robert Montagu, in order to avoid trial, bad attempted to leave the country t.a. tear Mete Rills Amelher. I.tvtu ooi., Feb. 2E. Two deaf metes named R. G. Bennett mod R. 1 Th.rnpso•, employe) u Sremcs aboard the steamship City of New lark, sow in the Wrkeabead dock, became involved in a quarrel today, in the course of which Benson uiicted mortal wounds on the head of Thompson. Hogged Not le /Ire Upset tae Pu.t►t. Barwtl•, Feb. 2S. The drawing el the numbers for servlcv in the armyyes terrier. and last night anarchistic b. were petrel all over lye town. calling upon the ,.1na••ripts to desert Or, if they unnamed la the *rev. to tin into the air when they were orie.red to attack the people. Lady er.Iyn Hos a Ni.bap 14,5tel\, Fel. to Lady 4.welyn Gordon l,nno•, while bundles with the Goodwood follower&• yesterday. hal her cellar hone krokes and was amerely broom! n.r.dht e. l4ntie., Feb. In The honery degree r f (br'.r of Laws has jest beer• l•r.t•,wed by tee Catrenrty of St Andrew's r.pn Crone Meri.lith, the trordirt. Mese Kor.rel.R Aeamet.. Soo 411. Fah. >K alar K.revelol.nd We two •1 eyml5e. Aop. were tieaterd•e• action. •ed the. harm ..f treason 1h. i..•a ..1 tier 0.e111►1 I....I..s, Feb.:.r The Alp Peal, hound n• l.wiaed, bas been lost OM, 141,4 hes.! .1'w.,ee of the crew were newel ami niter' Crest) seed 111. mryewlan..�d_eo.eernnt 1 151 t., Felt. Y.. It.1 eadereio nl I h•: Ibye Neely Dna ta(41iswi al the shag•. 11. Wig eter-l•een'..lerwral. f• rtneriy ue ,tel i.. ?i►J mt fM. of the otlgtnal Iwnprieoot, IIs Ciro. • • •• orsoleg recce 111 one et., 1 "of N•el. t•.. t ot, a raw to hes ' i. r boltebekw • ,'n 1. e1 0 -, • a1.: at • sere *beet • . 11. ..4l ugh • :It 'H owes need" ilia ion la se bt t o thought i ;.r Ale twee, Lbs it b thought lir midis ea • welt Goers.. Fel. •:S -A very maim sad dad death took place at the residence of Mr. W. H. Smith, (;•mbridge•strmt last es.siag. Mrs. W Haynes came into the city from Marden on 4Iid.y to s int the fasidy, took sick that evening at .. o'clock toad died on 'liesday at o'clock. She bad only bees married live mentis &JUDY FOR Y lY-DAY. T141 PARIS ANARCHf6T6 sum. soot DYNAMITE Mamas W.l$.w. ut.*aees Hiur*z. N.9., Feb. 23. William Keith, aged 71, a prmrnsat resident of the own motty, was Mead in a bars neat Mineral Sprigs, • property at Havelock, with • hens( bole is his right temple •ad • re- volver by hie stile. Casae supposed to be depremiss caused y trekase• 1(stormed was in good financial circueldaeces anti held several premixed ohms. Caul. neo. Wlat red wen. Wi>•teiron, Feb. 3S -Reports from .11 porn of the province and Ierntories go to show that cattle on reaches have wintered remarkably well and .re in good condition. Wbe.eweh Le Cee vine* treeste (flea Tl..., are Instil. Til relies It..eveir a toe el 1iapteelve. •a Answebt.a la mawames TMt Ilea tee.. Temebte ea ■ay -mat Peals, Feb. 25 • The theft of dyments firma the imp factory has had the dart el waking the i bo. up to the fact Hat Agar• tents arm soaking early prepslatiess 1. r 1►. daai chary .wee which Loges yes- terday is ren e d as artier lend by • trate were cestisasd te-day iM poliso 11kw seas ow idos-- is u.. raper( that the Asseekleta intended to at tempt to Mow up He Spanish .laba.sy u Paris, tad they Mw amemequently placed a clo.e guard about that boiling. ROUVIER11 CABINET use t.ew.r tytairl- se Meeme renal.. .f r..m.a Praia, Feb. all. --The selection of M. Rustler y President terse to . form • ministry hie afforded great e.054.0ties e the party of the right, bec..* when he hold the oboe of Premier a MR he advo- cated as ent0M with that party and op posed the PW' support of B.alasg.r. Deters�s the task ..reeled is y e kthe Pre hest, M. Racier Mape laud that he should be permitted to dis- solve the chambers ani have • high else lies if he dead net desirable, T1s Probable Ciabinet. M. Bresnan, Mhlsur of Pubic In tr m tree end the Flo. Arta M. Ramat. 44 iNiElr aC 2tsr4*. raw Fel nu, Mlemeer of Public tt o11a 14 Iwxrast, lhs.t.r of Ju.Ure. M. Coarraoa 1!1.54« .•r interior. M. De Fntycl!rri. Mumbler ..4 War. M. Itoc•ien. MswM.r or Fun.nos M. Rime. Mlenl.r o,f Iha•agu Alba Jetts lows,. Minister d Commerce. M. i/t Vn.ts- Mim.w of Agriculture. The nf.•ctios by M. Reeder d 'i. bourgeois. Mauve of Public lastrmctow is the lent Theist, te se siccant .s elms - bag that ale PINSIIIIIt area sot island V. ossa( upon the support of the Radicals. Prohibition eleblasite in W ixarso, Fels 35. - At meet salon el the Manitoba Legrist.re 1s sly signed petitlo5. will be prue.sied pra-Ij ag that at the tertioenhs goners' duties & sots be taken as to whether the people desire to have an act poseed probibitig wa.ufacture sad sale d brow is this province. •eut*.r i.M.y twice.( Woad. DolJ. ph, d 6l.. Mick,has aid at the. Joseph, Keeley destitute- He Mali years eM esi a Ismer awa�rw.la, id., Feb* t:. -Lath Bassos, the tampsraat+e enter. went ea a e�tme a few w ase anti then into the 1�Mt111 Keeley cure for treatment He kA111ahe has been dnsen crazy by tile iMt e li•ebde of gold iaj.ctioas He has slap. alp Me hours b* fire day,. fr/*esbk.n on ealot51*0. S**r• AMNIA, (bi., Felt :•'S. Kiggkbt Ne•ha el earthquake wore felt hero Est sight ('lecke were sapped. At Ass Ber.ardir • heavy shock was felt, lasting IS( minutes. The vibrators, were northwest eel southwest. No srioes dwas data. but the shock wasfol• iswed by light trembles all night. AN a stab.•. !MM. ATLA.T1, IS -Isola d a horrible murder aha eaeaihsl%bh near Ray's Mill hos been readmit Lucy President, a degraded and Sheik Mire wanton, left her hoer aid d•mentilmeld iefant in char` • el her two ebbe ehillren, Mark and Linda. aged rrytefiveiy If sad 1 I years Securing os.a. Mark deliberately k.osk- ' .1 the babe in the heed &nil mangle) its body in diarist phase Not content with the crime he Mad already oowmrtted, he reek • fork tad gouged ant the ,', es et Ile little owe, which be relented. and rhea tak- ing a slim ..tet either $w he Anil hi. si•• I ter eat tbeaeeh a lowo to • (sant. - w.so.r. Metk. at ('*...Il (''..11., '0411_ rob 6S The wee vop M the decals( looms in the ( :lolls Cotner O.spay mdl here, numberveg 170, see 0111 118 strike "they claiw the prior on these gale has been redwood alta,. 10 I nam per est. _ gaei,As testlMe(1.* Wttt.rriu, 701 Yat.. --h is elletally .r• egmessd Mabwts loglelalnle Will lore!kel tete her w Wadi 1� y bks singe 'reN•e• Me• ..•.°-,.:,. tee ,.,1 -"en. ON'*RIO LE°MLATURE. • Leal te the gamin d L.gl.tW.. IDI. eo.ets.. Totto*To. ra.25. - - V.eterday altarbeen'e e ncso el the Local Hew wee *beet and *bisteresting. Mr. Barr awned fat returns showni the somber d poises= eesisd is the isreas jails of the reruns as isdissst ps samas- .ble to e.ppert tb.tasnlws. sod ah. Isgsbb et tin. earl penes bas been caadaed. l/e .aur wishes to asoeet in at the tame time the esnb.r d Issas imam ermined u the au..l the provisos. the hoer* d 4l... eachw W M�tes continua rlie raisesraisesfor ces6sol la support el the abova essli was main in which he the primep* d eswwitiag n - =to jade ewes te e- tumble to eases& Wm - selves properly. as ma.ibelly milsk sad tai.ted by a spirit of nediuv.Ben. ]/r. Mena rwarke4 that assmible the had bees dose ter tmin proteetiss d the aged mad inane in the various commonalties, but owing to the large awabors aorm sneedatl.s had u some airtime* run abort. He bail however, se objection to making the returns asked ter CUT 1418 THROAT • toospootion T..eg ilea satete.. r Ter se Teeao*ru. Feb. Y.S. (shes Hdasa, bearding at Ila 42 Luadse-deet, sedoidd early yesterday menus by coming his threat He had hem despeseeut ler several day& Th. young W round to W swam •bout 10 o'eisek tfbertly after 1 his room mate heard • heavy fall (40 ibvstis.Ning be was horrified to Rad Mitten Iyisg os the door with blood Sewing profusely from • terrible gash in hie throat, %hot kid been evidently indicted by Mitten with • razor that was picked up 0». the body. Hiptos died in • few miason Coroner Lynd was ✓ odded mod as inquest will be hem to in- quire tquire late th. circuenstssoes HAS TWO WIVES. leertted the •mmol Onm se tSe !Mos d. PI.t0. Rot•we rrza, Fa. 25. --The am of Joke Bishop charged with bigamy, who was to have been examined in the Police Court yes- terday, was further edj.ursed till to- morrow tsorwiag. It is probable that he w ill waive examination, as he dos not dewy having s wife living he Canada at the time he married his prevent wife in Rochester, but says be was oonnp.11ed u the pout el a revolver to starry the letter. Bishop is abort 30 years el age. it is stated hie Ant wife will mese to Rochester to kw tidy agusd h1w. rasher P..rm•..4 Dead. 1Ai•tywin. Feb. 2.i. -Rev. Father Fear - mead, the priest who was isdr.mental is saving many lives of settlers at Frog Lake dunng the retentive of 1883, did this afternoon is lit. Boniface Hospital INTERESTING ITEMS BY WIRE Brom- elective will take place Mareb 12 rite Conserv.ti.e majority at the general election was oily 3. Mr. W. K. Hargralt• tic unseated erne her. again recvised the nowtnation of West Northumberland Liberals yesterday. Judge Kingsmill of Pruof has bol named as • mamma •r to memoir* Lk. Spnhn's charges against the Marine Ds gsrtment. , Mr. Gladstone has ann0em'ed that be will not r.'urn t.. England until the sever sty rel the weather abates The poll,. of San Fernando, in spain,yee e..nley r-aptured :.4 rias rod 10M .an ledges at..re.l lo 4n*rrbiata. Ilcay. floods are reported trots the piorin.e of I'orIota. on Spain, aid the city of 'orders i. tMstend with an nese dative. .4 train hosed for Deem collided yester- day with mother tram while shading at fit Ilene'. The driver of one of the lent motvett wee killed and 13 prsae wen in Orel. A train eollid.d with an mine wear 11.t.tin'.;a. Frig., yesterday. sed malty per Immo woos mj*rvel. .none of them .sri..ely The hrllbino wes dor to the driver% Mw.' puri eif singlets In Ttaseslmy's ibst.i lar the feed legis 'strum ie Li.NAes Mop had emjereiw it ••very ward be the city proper told oboe t k5• township of Kimmins and tl�� of i'nrteansth. no. total sonority Y 7s6. The apT.o.ntmyst of Nes•tess Jobs Deb ens of Limlmy and le. P4ubp 1niierf� net Quebec will h. gamma4. Mss. Ado Po Ma has herrn • .napes( of jliie.y ter mate ran. Dr. Philip lab, sot frost 1I l0 I alfa tbs OOssms ss as la- .bar i t sad his wM was albs► bold