HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-2-25, Page 2tsttriatie.
ens gime. anowl ••You re • Ind
weer ou•re • tool to think thee
you have got my tongues. Yusi re A
Sol to he led the woe. aud you re
worse th.oa • fool to tuns %eau hew into
an asylum for the.e Ph.kao. whole yeen own
child LP 11U 1,0141011 111 110 W1111.1. 101010411
frteuth, ot money. I tell you, Hors Match
And you hair.. t ex emelt heart
"%%.111 a by, Mtn -hell, Hiram stationer
are 114COM5 ft mimeo.
*eat on. ••I know %Mt I sts talking about.
Holum erns boomer es placid arid self -
"taw.' " Mal Mort utoruang he
west alowit town to Ihisturbitoollite with not •
trace of the Late d either showing
in his teetsifiri or rualltling he his ormarietwe.
Kw *merit works entredog went ilong
assouthily with asid seam .1*y he fell
mem ood sews is Ion with diantatde
1.1alities and his titrialiso virtues. Hiram
• inegodicast hellos, sod he did mot
allot, dukedom= to data, hian fro may great
length rd tone. Ilig at Om time felt that he
bridal always thaw JIM right, hut he
managed to *hitt the lease of los wrong
actions to sane other pmesa's shoulders,
asid succeeded, to hie owa satiafaction. us
exuaerat mg himself 1.10wrintoly.
Bat another bombshell was deo tned
is11 in the Klatch/4d aunp, mad tt
fell with terrible effect. This bombshell
came in the shops oi an elderly maiden
lady knows am Miss Mieelholl Illatehford,
G rim of Hiram. who for some years lied
Seed 'stingy inelated hese her brother.
HIM decided to pay Hama • visit, awl, ow-
airdingly, ono &I some maks after the
at iiirasn's door.
Siam was oat .partimelerly gisd to saw
aiseii&or, for to toff the truth she had an
Illeassolortoble wsw of sprains her maid
Hot Rhein did out IUDs. He distinctly re-
membered several .eseregons when she had
freely sprat her opines of him and his way
of doing, and sbe bad sot always oonsiderod
ham in the light of as isWered tanocent. He
knew that sbe rook soca discover the re-
lation existing between himself and his
ilaughtor, ond 160 felt usgrully ',Train that
ber sympathies valid be with the latter,
mall that a "blown* up" for him wood be
the result.
harsh arm mot glad to sem Miss Blotch -
ford either; and slue not only shared in
Hiram'. feelings, bat she WWI inclined to
look upon my of his people as
histerlopers when they promised to viat
the house thst ought to be sacred to
the Spia lora Abe hared, moreover,
that this stroswitaided wean& would jar
on her nerves, for she boa usderstood hoot
her lionhosia brow Maleholl woo Maim
h er Moan opinion& Sarah felt that she
was • good, saintly emstnre: yet Mg was
n ot anxious that soyone Mould speak the
truth &boot her in beg preeetioe. I she could
haws hot desire is the matter. she would
have hail Mies Mitchell's van. postponed
Of course Hiram asdasrob made an effort
to without* her, but the effort was very
muck conatrainsi, was lackiog us
warmth and foellog.. Mrs Mitchell either
dad are notice this, or • it kW 11W110114
of Mr ma n. sad to make herself
at home in Mr s lima after her
own peculiar Whim.
Aunt ao she was usually
riled by thorns who bow her well. was
of a oold, taciturn disposition She was
distant aod sasseid toward throe who
were laor boa friar's, and toward
strongers, or doses whets oho disliked,
she waa frigid to the Iset 'hirer. She
bad a knack of fisrodog pretty correct
ostimat e of est Lee sight, sad ber
-first-fornead e= at Mrs. Blatchford wits
anything but to that lady's
Christian cfrarsoteraliall.gits. Blatchford et -
tempted to tombs up to her erratic stater -
in -law. but os such mainion met with such
• mid nitride& tibia *he mon gore op the
Aunt Mitchell prumerved • quiet. cold
dignity is bor fllhrw•eweat to her brother
ova his wife, sold arrsidsd their society se
muck as pomade. Whigs Ma was forced
Mao their promos, by wirer, she maintained
aim to leoid bowel is chock. By bar
in this
beam bet dm eselosil tho household to bid
meadortoils, sod pp Hamm • spell
Wald net keep im • rigid deportnsont
he men' days. sod they were assured that
when OW did brook Isom there would he a
ter,thle es phloem.
Tim. for wash Arent Mitchell kept the
fewdlrfel the soodlso suspense. Mrs.
Blatchforel grew so server' ift the. mean
tone that every ismuonsl oared Mr
bear to cease basebsg. Blatelsiond worked
g iorrilf sip to such a tesiat of interiors
that he growl in mormestary dead of sonie
great nitsfortime. .ake for old Mr• Steck
her, Annt Mttelwall kaisekani bee clear out
of tbe ring •t first sight. Tim ict hoe and
the piercing look ehe gave that oid lady on
the rearm ..f their iistrothietion waa suffi
oleos to terrorme her for all Limo to mine.
hlre. Spickler was the paramour of mushier
able spirit, wed niany people had quailed
halo* her gain. but the Was 1101
soisros.1 Aunt 'Linehan' eyes otter that
Skit ineeting. and if by ohmic* she did
ear+ a glance from them sis wilted and
e ntrant until eh* folt thin eke was hut An
atom of humanity -Ai arm speck of flesh
asid blond
thee morning the Bistchford household
wore alowiribled at breakfast. when Aunt
bar fare as she .-oldly sodded bey *luta
tion Waa 10 reveal the fact that het
feelings were rare:sling vehement ly 1.
tweak lore. Mt. sat dam to the tali'.
stilenor Blatelticed WWII detailing to he.
wife the parte talsre of • pion kw'
he mid. • that amount can he esoly
rat wri
.1 .horild thorn; en,- replied Natal.
•A tee I hare already sraberwiLod twenty
toe dollar* Ten fro myself, fer you
▪ flvediir ember
Aunt sorl itighing just then,
hut the colliers ot hef mouth began to
twiteh .i..1 she jahhe.! het fork tutu th.
fond .1. a- oiely. Two or their Inentltes
perfeet wheat* ; tient twit
'Ow 'earth had liPea dischargod. awl au 1
01"0011 sod ern risme 'restudied estah
eao o. • .1...11t that she theught sure the
ing Money to convert the heathen attit punt
%our ogn ohild 11111% lir teaming for food
that hell don't dam. you tor it. The 1,1•A
WI rim helping to isu.%ert the heathen' It •
tovrard other -me than you Are
toward ytmes, then I set Con pity hint
Ob you ista wiser, Hiram. hut you
know it • the truth I se spsokbeg. Ds you
popper God is going to give • plaoe in
Heoveti tr. a man who has no place in his
home or hi. heart for his own tidal! Not
much He won't. asd you can't 107 visor -
self into hot 14%...r. s. you do into %%lite:leis,
with the gift of money. As I mid, you
are • fool and worse. Talk about your re -
this house, marl there atiet • one .1 you that
knows what Christianity is. Not • single
one of all of you knows any mere about
Aunt Miteltell cast • defiant glance
around a. she armed speakuue and as die
ome to Mrs. Blatalford Last, anal meal the
shamed look of that lady, she gave • oun
temptuous sniff. Hiram trembied with
rage and shame. He realsred only too well
the truth of his sister's words, but for all
the world be wouldn't hare wknowlerlged
anythiag. With a great effort he coseero
"Mitchell, this Is my house, and whi*
yea remain us it I wish you would show
decent respect fur my feeling. mai the
feelings of my family.
••I shall not remain thu house another
day, Hiram.- Aunt bluebell replied. "I
feel now. and 1 have felt from the first. that
I son not wanted here. 1 onuld hardly hope to
Mid a welmme to this house when your own
(-hind is not welcome. and I would have
reniatned here this loug only I hoped to
futti an meamon for shoring you whet
a fool yoll are. You have your Pickles shout
you awl you are happy. You give mosey
to this thing melt hat thing and yott imagine
you &re doing • brist tan duty. You listen
to byte...ranee! pofeassous at home and flat
tery abroad. and you think you are a good
man. But !perk my wont. Hiram. the dav
will emne when you will discover that you
have woefully mord the Christian'. walk
in life. In the nett world, if not in this.
your neglect ot your daughter %ill no up
egotist you and make ..ou wish you omen
never hien been. The tune wilt come whet.
ler and the Pickle** will net soothe your
••flut. Mitchell. listen to ine Hiram
began. only to he promptly shut up hy his
sister who went on,
••Thenr- is DO excuse for your isotuluct.
Hiram. none at all. Tour daughter
may have alone wrong in marrying
motion your will, but she coull not
have done greatly w mtg. since you ac
knowledge that John trreen is a good.
boson, sober. Industrious man. But
wrotig or not, her cnme was not so
great that you were wartantol in mak
itig her an outrnat, while you 611 your house
with those wbo ea* for You only so far as
your dollars and cents go. 1 ha you think
God will fairgive yon and take voit to Hi.
burnt so Ion ma you remain oblii•ione tr.
your daughter` Never, never. If you ever
expect to get 50 Heaven take some ef the
money you ere suite -rum% here and there.
and devote 1, to your child's need. Better
a thousand tames let the ehurch go un-
painted than to let (het child suffer one
moment from want. Now I...shed my. say.
Htelon, and I hope my wends vain set you
tr. thinking end acting more like • Chris-
tian and leas like a heathen, and that he
lore you throw away aaother dollar in the
mikes effort to buy favor of you will
sal the tort of a civilize.' fat hel 'Woe
unto you. Phartres, hypecrees.'
Having thus larought her lecture to •
Musili aid feeling hot soul relieved of •
her rat anal. gusset s• withering leek of
oe-orti anal pity to those at the table. swept
from the loom, and an hour later lett
Blatchfor.l's house.
His sister's %orals hat a telling effeet
ant Blatehford. They cut hum deeply . and
he dead not rid himself of the une.s.
fortahle feeling they awakened He
realised the truth of the word.. awl
he groom onall an his own estimation.
Idir understood full% the futtlity of ht.
liberal boron -eel gifts to the i•huri'll
the heathen. and be um 1!;01 111,1110,1
5. pros.. ami pat himself • nen he hal
her for a lone now. simile, Itlatehford
lacked their old time 'Memo . and lie ieh
!he bone. that morning 1tt riejerteri
*tete 01 onind.
Fiew-hing other he plunged into ht.
hominess that lew with unusual end gy. and
tor • little while held to thews; ....in hi-
houghts wandered k tr. the peen,. at
home. and tonere hint and ma paper.
there tinted peter* of his child. Nee he
..w her freet, pale. sal ecl intik looking I
repo*. hfailly irate his eyrie alai affitill 11.-
• aught a glimpse of her form. no Imager
rmentled end plump r of obi lett an cies
•tory of tient •iel •utlerang. For an loon
110.1e, lar tried to /vanish his delights
ion. sod told to 1111•1101111.
At hot. Marlow that it 440 imiposthle
t Iwo, when. los notelet. 1.
longer endure the thought. ht. own bred,
h• three him paper. pen and fled
from the once He walked madly dosses
the *roe limn* ao eke of his deetteatem, I
.-rrR4 .•,yi. ."mss q �C''t k v :. ..w. ? '"»fig'. • M .,:•.
um mum. ana total uiss to escape the
thought• that hammed him. 1h. awl tau Ise
walked wool he nark thime;11 the town
anti out into the country. ma did he halt
amid lie CAMS la, !ha, met bark. •Ilieu
aut dee u, mad esteeming hut hat felt Ma
hereon throbbaug
"My God, t he seurtuuterl,
'what hairy 1 dour! My poor. luot
hair 1 fargotten yam' mother SAW my
osmium to her I 11A t:od, •per. we and let
ime ht, to undo what I list. dour. Let ow
but so say child owe snort. esul receive het
forgketwes for all of my neglect wet cruel -
A Imo to.w tie oil there geeing down
into thr deep fleeing ester, sad more than
the current u..1 riud rale • at .•tace for his
tortured soul. There, he t heesi.t. lw
mope the awful tterughts that haunted
lone and he faucied that the :old %ate,
eoulri he welctinie ter Ins bunting brow But
hatolly the drone to see 1.1. throe:liter ..n.t.
1110te 111111 ewer to her for hie cruel neglect
;oat the loiter of him, and he erre awl
went laniard hi. other.
As he walked uusterolil. bacl he
hours of irwii.al angutsh heti worked na
out% oppearaner. lie del wit knew that
his taco twat laremne haggard, and his eyes
bloodshot. Ile .11.1 start indult that the
tirm of lull that learned %althea him had
ildwebeil end seamed him outwardly.
we• menus his office when he met
Rev. %%lowlier, mei (het gentienum in -
'tautly wadi the great ...11allire III 1101 %Id
tied perislooner, mei iiiiii "[lately sought
to most Itorther Beat. tittatal hem.. tie
approached to tale the oid man s berm,
but Blatchford waved IMO oft awl alueat
fled from the spot. Hie action surprised
Rea. 1Vheedlei beyond emulous. mei he
left tluit gent lemma perfect ly a I ir infouwied.
Wheedler hooked after the fleeing •
tigute for An instant. undecided what to .14a,
with Blateithod.
-timelier,- he said, "you are ilL .k1
low me to see you home. -
shrieked sta he glared viciously rpm
the Minister. •• thellY4 done near Ina
You helped 10 .10 away frees IOC
Nly halo is dying of want. I feel it. I
know it. Anal you helped to lead Ole away
front her and hlintl me to her rtghts and
chum& limit speak to me again. I want
my poor, wronged child, anal I'm gulag to
lind her. -
Then, before the astonished remoter
could collitet his scattered Pe0400, the old
man was gone. lie pared around the cor
net- mad entered his "thole, where. %inking
Into his twat. he buried his faee In Pus
hands and Wept.
••what have I alone! How crunl. how
Ilea:thus have I acted toward my own
flesh and hirexi -my only Hew
blind armid brutid have km, mid how
bitter is the ðernet: to the enormity of
my sin. for one aright mv child. one •
word ef forgiveness front her lip*. 1 must
end to end for her...
At that instant the deer Toed and a
clerk aatter in. He apprusehe the old man
dtffideutly. for be ootahl not help teeing the
great ehange that hail come co er bun. He
kid a telegram nil the desk wad. without •
word, withdrew. Blatchforti opened the
•e•rmie immediately. Ito not •Ielae mode,
any arcuirtatier The meet importeat
matter of your 111r.
The .44 nue 4preng to bia feet in an in
ataut and rushee one
'Aimee eeepe '11051: 101%51 4..1111 4•511. rr.
Louise thought it hest to say tigebing to
her parents .1 HAI y Pearson • peep...al.
Mie % ery naturally roneluded that the mat-
ter was •t an end, and kiatunng the aatiety
that weighed on her tether% ininri already.
she wag hoth acid auything to it. John
had uot forgotten Soragge words. but after
watching l'rarson rlasely 00 the occasion o;
srlopting Scruggs' idea. Hie rieportment
was always that iif a perfect geniis'/son.
and ;litre leas olaolutely nothing in it to
:wheat, any intentiene honorable or other
%tee, rel&tive to Leiter.
Two weeks pared quietly away atter
Harry'. perpes&l. anal during the nose be
nude several visits to lreen's, always
bringing welt 111111 11011Fle delicacies for the
sick woman. tie often elapses's' a moth to
louder John more surtantial ate. anal John
had always Toted the wish ter ttw deed.
I tr. limenn made !Antler daily iota to
his patient, nut aa yet the improvement in
her condition WAS scareely petnet•tilde. The
fever WAS loetng ite powei. it is trio,. hut at
had had • hang run. and her 11..1 wea
burned up lay it awl she was weak awl
"MhP IP in a bur way- to recover,' the
dector &entrain -tel: "hut she is so neer the
verge of the grave that it would require bat
lett* to 111aSee fief In it. She needs strength.
and we must endeavor to huild tip tier eon
mit uteri' 1 :nod fond se the tint% she
stands most in neel of now good. whole
mem diet and plenty of at.
• Yes. said John, •-but that, I tear. I
shail not he able to gave her. I have raised
the last 111/111If 1111S1 1 11111 ram mortgaged
ever% t lig that I 1'&11 neort gage-. •0,1 DOW It
is all gene, and thereto net a ..1 food
an the hour. I doh t know %eat in the
name .4 lard I 5111 10 .10 11e1.1 1 .-411.1101 tut
herr and we my wife .111. 11/111 r. snol I
I al help you. Rut .11 4,01.1. I am eaarlang
leo nothing. fer 013- 111/10111. bate no inotiev
to pay nw. I have semeely 11101101
should hare a pro of lint I 11 it I
iwn't 111Allagr 111 ...WO. •V f11.111e 010W
5411,pwP have. 411/1 I .1•11 ere
4%11 1111y try. It a. ma neve...try ior
Ilav•C al .lay., het of I am e. toritinate a. to
I hank you. doctor. end Oohs ter vent
world .1 oAlipit tons to eon. and of I am
mete &hie to repay you, land will ' •
**Ole. never Mild Nat Orelli."
au human huber. mad I am nu inure dem
booms w.halog het I ito. There's nothing
••Perhapi not.' *el Julia, "Out tt • what
feis iituerthele-.. NI; heart is full.
doctor, and I cannot repro*. my teeltuge.
ter 1t• than my ot p01-1.41 011 earth. mid
wore heel, a. atom .4 Itglit 10 UP. i'1111.1
11.11. Pal%•.1 the life oi ti.ortet mar. God
.1..lou could say .111 1111.re.„1.111 hill few!
ills .4.1 tor rim
sea ioisly .1 et u r 'ea .usa tor awhile, lie
mtg.-rico slesit Del %0U1111.. He Mile a
10f tar good was in them. awl
not tor the sake of the p. aim' they- might
Is mg him. lie haul Acted the pat t .at a
frown IA/ John tires. and hi. uife aimpli
because ho telt it lee allity.
••i :rem, he said, laying hie hand tot
like that. shoe soy •Ier. in this ease
wile will awn lo re:meted. NOVI. re here,
sometime:. Continue niy reutethee accord
ang Lid 1101.11. :4.41 if anything happen*
betore tut etyma, let nie kite*.
And with that the old aloote %mat awe,.
id 11%1411 Joen Inn fa P heal
The mit .tay John went over to
Magic City to err whist be ...end .1. ta tho
way el fuseing Whwley. He firm went t..
an audience %lila than gentleman. He laid
Ina liefore in its true light
mid begged tor • small advance on his ken.
able to .1. so. 1 let %oil herr first en
tardy too much moue% on yoeir asicurity.
and I ant fearful that I shall not be ahle
my wife die for the waist of food. 110 you
understatial perfectly, Mr. Green, but
you should remember that tins ts not •
caanot undertake to bear other people's
burdens, nor to furnish fool to the hungry.
I am not ieeponsible tor the suffering among
away everythiug 1 purer to &Beast* 11.
As I said, I a:u sorry for you end sympa-
dame with you. ;004 day.
John attempted to !Toth further. but
Mills horned him:out of the office. saying :
"There ere eustomer* IU waiting. Mr.
i.reara. mid I have tte tune to waste.
John seat visited the haat hut niet
with ao success there. Then he tried
all t:w plans where there was a lore
hope of getting ney. but 1,111 dirt.
were all nue% &thug. There was but nue
aiance left aa.1 he would try. dun. ern,
with faltering ••ourage. ergo to thresher
of Mr. e.crigets.
"S•raggs offered to aid me olive; Jobs'
thought. "and perhaps ha will do it now
I can try him at lease
But *heft he reached firraggs' office he
towel a young non in cherge. sad Scragge
was nowhere about; amd to kis uguiry for
Seraggs tits young min gore throes tho
either. Mr. ilreen, as Mr. Scruggs has just
gone away. There goes the trent now. He
not he bock for sow a week...
rot an Ifttatliht John etared blankly- at the
young man. anal his bevel reeled aro( tte felt
as if the earth wax *lipping front widen
kin.. Ilia Imo ehaace. for raising itioncy Ives •
gone. anti he saw nothing Ireton. Ins k •
wits het death from went. The elerk no.
tietel John's manlier aud alarmed at it.
Take • seat and rest a moment. 1 Oat I dr.
seinet hips for you!'"
•• No; ra plied John. aa he dropped tato
the Deareel seat "1 will be all right in •
111°Themenre.. was more than rhsapprentment
arid discouragt•ment ailing John. He
was sack, weary anal Amen.. For days '
he had overtaaied has aitrengtia in ...ming for •
his sick ite. He bad gum on sheet diet.
had lost sleep eight after night. He wee ,
pale haggard and ago'. He was tick in
i.d• as well as amid
•• as your laminae. with Mr. Smogs •
by lhartIP stealth that %shit Is woe nave-
eary to preserve We. awl uhiela ite
arose 14a pot it UN ea.UU0a. nra..1
h ad an eons: In his laai WIhinit 4 snarler MIMI
'•My ycas Irony • vet, fair warm
anal team their
•• es' replied .1oliii, imoeltaissully
••Woukl you sell them • • the stringy,
at HIV otemrteutty of getting rase
money. fors. Wog ever% thing ...Ise us
..141./1.1.11 1 01 Miler 1 111 sTILANI•ak
the thought of his wife. "Ilio rant to
buy t1101111'.
011111 111 131A) a wagois and tesm to lake
suv family beck to \lissom If euu
sell you* at • resusomble twice I limy take
t hem What do you want tor throe
• -1 duo' t know,- replied Joan.. ••1 had
uot though; of selliug them. Rut I suppose
they oufht to be wraith • handred stun fifty
The am stria liesd. •
action read said:
much will you give Hear
showy us valutible au this country. end
everything else, save held. is cheap. That's
ell I CIII1 anon! to ether
Johu 16511 In Um 10°011 for rioting. end eta
a it bout further parley lie a-oepted the
man% ..ffet. awl the mem% 101.1 tenni
elivaged Muds.
Na. longer forced to the neeessit % of steal
mg food. aloha started off hosnestard, con
seterably lighter of heart.
thought. aa );* walked across tbe prairie.
"Thu moose will bur food to tole us over a
few more months, and by that tame 1 wiU
be al.le to go away awl secure eniploy
lir tht matempktien of the good the
noisy would bring to his one., Joho
completely forgot the fact teat he had coin-
Iglitte..1 grave ••ritiae agatn.t the law in
securing the awe, as he had. But at Ian
it tanw back to him, and 11 it h • sudden
and terrible eliack tie was Made to feel the
full eUellepalltlh as of his act. He .topped
in his tracks ita.1 • cold shiver ran over
b int.
• ;mat 1 ied ''' he murmured. "I have gold
mortgaged proven,. awl op. ned • itay to
the state prison fot usyeelf. Wriest ion I tr.
do" AVhat .an I dor
And he sad dlown and horeel Ins faoe in
but hands ant1 tn.,: to think: too he ',Add
think of 11011.11Ig a/1.1 See :,1 111111;: 1.111 the
promo duct .114 111Ur„ Left.' •
the prairie trying 1•. 1.- ..11.41 atep
to take ear .At first Ite um. 111,1111Sett
to go loek laual Ilse 111.111 eh.) lead
bought the property . arid tr.. to is,
duce hos to anuti tbe sale ; but he
realized that step week be um -
less. unoe o was not probable that the
men would eousent to the prop...it:on, even
it Ise etteld fetuul. whieh was not likely.
Then he could not ioneent t• surrender the
so he out that idea away. mai drouled to
go au home. f ki the morrou he umild go
• Mtlls and tell hint of the sale and pay
him a potties of the money This teemed
like a fen way of pea -feeling. and John had
40Ulet that it would be all right witti
Intik. Having come to this orinclusiou, be
felt relieved. and continued his way with
kr muftis -lam
The rest extreme John prepared to re -
ken to tows to carry out his plan. rand was
John rate -roared huneelf a little.
_, 1 twn men approaching He recognized
"V"••• •1°1".• .11 • m•Ilmr them as Mills and Pearson. and with •
great importanoe nie. end iw stated feeling of kar and dread awaited their or-
deal object of hie isit tied toil sornothing
ot ne,isorty that forred him to seek the •• Me. Groan,- said Mills. altar the
left.- the alerk replied. -for I am sur -Mie
would nave given you the aseiserece you
want. But it is too hue noir. fle has wo
looney here that I um lamellae or would
'Ake the ty of mai tng the alvanee. If
veil ran get alotig for e few days, however,
favor when tie return&
411..• John embed. AS he left the office.
1 '•Init God 0111C knees how tie are ,o keep
the breath on life in u* enter we hear.
John returned to his teAt1a to go home.
' hot the thought of piing haek with na.
men, to 1/1111. 4101 be earthy make up
1. mind to it lie eat down hy 1.1. wagers
and eared varantly a..1Noa• the serest at
the tinplate .1 gond. in front of the gro.ory
•Thet• plegy over thane he thought.
kee . off PlIff•f111g, '.111 for the 0•111
wife die. .1 want I emote. gri hark tr. my
Immo. empty handed and so dna ta there tn
wait for starvation There ta tool in the
laud and I most have it. i:nd forgive ww ,
hut if I eon steal *rune fend 111 rin it
cern lightly, the erre-immune id ranch a dead •
And never before %mild he alreanied
that thr would anew when he *mull
no me know. ha %het extent henget will
drive him timid be has folt its prigs
Jibe Orme rewind te beteg, a_ kt I
1 you Oa a little muter beatifies. I MI.
Iyour wagon awl lturece yePl'i'11 le sea..
nuke it all right with you.
steternent. awl John *twee outlet the ex.
I "Omit may tewsiblv has• 1110‘,11 1.-111
tontines. Mr Green,' Melba repaid dolibt-
met. -.I do not pretend tu know what is
in your mind. Rot the fact that you
posed ad the property right at my 15 is
rather damagiug, to say the loam. It fle•lre
to me that ere, routi as easily have .J.me to
me then. a. to have come hamte and gone
back this morning The affair lonks a little
posed se altahoneet let.'
"No, oh no, I clon't mean tr. imply my -
thing. I ani past stating the facts of the
matter I have • perfect rtght to my
"I supper you have. hut yam hove no
right to make any owe, tinge. I aekaowl-
drvait to IL. You kw* what my sonatina
ts. an 1 y011 ought to he willtng to make
some allovranoes, However, 1 will how pay
zoo:6•Lhat part of the 11.44 whe•la the
awl wagon mond serum v. end
that, 1 *prow will woke the matter
eusteseisni. and ormild hod to no. earl of
&eked with trepidation
"1 alle 610 11111 one thing. replied Malls,
"snarl that et to let the Ia. fah.- te•
course I oppose you knp,•, What that 1•111
leald•e :ma" t heaters, man' John • Mi. re.
art' Merely ppm canna! hie hrittel
to do that
I eheill toot do al. Mr 11:reirs.
rephel ...lolly. "1 ant new the lite . and
neither ears 1 ha the lau You
holm placed yourself in the law • grasp
'MB kart te obi do asommeno."
avert this awful "mar easel Jam.
• • Not that I hire of," rid Milks "Yee
will ham to make year rho to the outlet."
Mille tamed to e a•a% lot Harry
Pearioa. who all duo tone hail kept puck
Slalomed him smile, feer Sure Clew they
lethal together. Visially they a-ame back
to Orem. aod
"For Ob. 1110410121., Mr. Green, I will let
tlite affair rest, Naas my trieud lon• se
emit thongs I ahead& Ha more. to oroad
reeponsible for you, awl I lune oesaa.......1 to
what may he Jame eiroutuell., but met now
you may lest quietly. 1 Mimi .1*%.
Primo went away wo, mah. to avoid
John's theists. and Jobe felUlliegl le the
house greatly relieved lay. the tura mature
hal tele&
thought. -awl there will he welting nee*
of it. lie will ...aspen Mills acept the
moat/ reisuun quiet
In this reckoning Jobe Wa• aNweert to a
..ertain extent, bat hy hide de -aimed how
dearly Pearson mew to charge fur Me
good offices.
Two or three days pored asi 1 them har-
ms came egaen to John liven hone,.
Joins welcomed hint with all his heArt mod
eisbnind the opportunity to thank lam
”It a Nothing, Harry protested, "with -
yet Nu glad I wio able to help yOU. Mille
thaoovered, &ad I am store 741a1 borrowed
that money of hum. Rut !levies got you
tato hie hands I 1.1 it my dutv to help
iou out. But there, vie 11 lef tr... matter
How is Mrs. Green to day'.
"!•Plate's doing .plendully; mei Joh*.
••linproving rapidly. end it nothing inter-
feres 'to gor her a relater, she'll soon
ekkough Iv get about Ske has had •
trying tone of It.
"laded she haa," nulled Harry sysear
amiss a walk to Louise. mil shit iselleg
1110n•Whal 111 duty hawed areeptett his *priw
peal Together the walked out moms
the prairie, Pearli0111 a owns most of talk•
ing, sad for None tone centimes litossoll te
%neon matters. But at kat, when they
ewe to the beast of the • reek, they est
down, and Pearson proceeded to speak
something of mare importear.
Ila said. •• I have hrought yes
out berm to day to speak t. you Oli a subject
that hea near nay heart, and which I ...annat
bury. Wash I've tried often %on kuow
••Afraidr he repeated. ••Thea OU have
N ot changed Your rnindr
"Louise," said Peereou quickly, "you cm
change your Mod. land you must. I love
you better than my other man ever del or
ever will. 111 do anything to win you I
have hoard myself to help your parents is
7:2 for your mks I'd du anythuie fee
yam mho, asd I v. sworn thait you shall Its
••Ok. don't mai se. ploare; pleaded
Louisa. "1 know how good you have beam
Le those I love, aod it hurts me to dray any
favor you eat at my hetet& Demi newel
me to say what I sod once before. and what
I hope sorer to have to say again. Please
say no more about it."
"But I will say more about it, Louisa
I mid just bow I had sworn te. have yois for
own, asd I mem to do it. If I amet
ins you owe way, perhaps I can anothor.
Look here. you must newest to my wish to
este your father lin you uaderseend
"To save my father,- Louise repeated.
looking sip nortutnagny whale • great fear
emote her Mart ••What tie you mean ley
"Do you knew thot ho is in my power,
practically' lb you ksow thee osly I
stand bowels him and state prom"'
• 'Nu, sta..' Imam gamed, turning ashy
white while her heart stopped its beating,
"I do nut understand.. Tell nie. oh, tell
w e whist y011 MOM What has hp Moe W'
lame. He Ism sold mortgaged property,
mid nothing but I atm& between tuna and
the law* pesolty. If I stop aside then deo
law taker its course sod year father muss
serve a torsi In state rims a move*
Amnon( casein.. You knew what such •
result would be to him awl what it world
his to year mother. -
/Oh, God' oh, Godt." the girl wails/.
"cm such • thing be 7' Can my poor dear
father be in danger of oneh • fate `'
"It is too tree. lentiee.- Pogrom west
e n. "I ham told yon truly ad his clanger.
Bat pm me and you mum *errs hiro. Bor
mom my wife mid ha shall never lw alia•
ast won shall rare a quirt him.
Came. say you will, Louise. I'm thp111
erteer regret it. I will rare you few thin
Me of sufferiag sad must alba mike you go
hay. I'm shall bon trrcrithing year
nosie .aa 11•61101111. .isy yes.
girl cried. ••Ifiet do set know whit yen
ask a me. You do not know bow sty soul
revolts at the thosght. thsak yeu over
and over fur all y011 have dose for ori
would be raining tr. de almost anything kw
you in oaten, but von isk too much 1
-mime love you and I eanaot marry you. -
"Not to laY? your father's name aod
Meow awl your mother's Wet' Peones
"Rossirmber how imich you have at
stoke. Louise. -
"1'10'1. they be raved without distr.
"Witlemt your giving yourself to toe •
No. That es the only terms upon a heb
your hither mu lie kept from tile kw a
'•Surely. surely, Mr. Pearama. you
will not require such • modem on
my pert. You know why father
that. and von or any other mate would
hat done -the moo You know all lats.
mot wrest away win Use family. lieu,
try Wisher to torn you to assert an
terms. l' maim thew knows to yew aid
-how y1ira the •innuative, mid leave pie bee
IMAM 4151 Myr yu411 fair yes asa
1141 ing spokai. thus lemersua mew re
vealktel to awl fro akrag the Lank, *hale
Louise sat Wined in sorrott awl Oubta.
ilutt wea be meet tying lantrof her said lily.
Stye Lure only tis well the sow ful alter that
hiing trim iter poor patent., end her loan
hied for them. She is..turwil to heron her
loved father clad au a teravact's garb we
locked up ha pliant tu & irritate puma.
for 110 .1111110 MAIM 1/IIIL tryiing to preside
bread foi Isis stra% nig *de end chili. eh.
picture' her isiethees grief &ad Math,
*loofa re krt. ...AM bilker km lather
arrest ;she pictured All the magory and
euderiug that would come with ties kW •
itialoacenimit, duel •lie bootee tuck at loan.
•• No, 11//,'• the mid, "that must aut. shall
sac• rificer to save say hosed man -
Then ou the other heed she thought aaf
l'iul, and up trout the pest floated rennin
he.uues .4 the 11114.1.) ka1111.1.• she bad sprat
%oh him. aud Um hright pictures her
pwat...1 of the Nitta: when she
• le. Paul • Sho needled all hait
reader ...a•la awl gLaner, SAKI 1100 1111.
hour, when she wee a ailed uputa give Ma
up, site frit t•er real going mat tu him aa it
lod Ilaa% at pow ow, tiefon% •sol the felt how
utterl lerneasike, it would Le to live kappa
ly Oft lossa. mad in morn she wailscl:
l'aul, Peal bow mu I give you up •
aiol sal surely Th.s bast 11111
f.erketa 111e 111 tlus dark hour Help me
lead, to .5.41 my parents. but do uot re
• Norm returned awl *topped beton. the
m▪ idi until to-seurvoc
'1 plilM alati•I 11 you require it. .
setr,,no fa It. oil ought to be able 1,
thertie ire, you all t without ma
thought. It le a •11,11,14P aillesthall.
n rk your lathe, . 1101.0f •1111 illapP110,
but youi is II teary. You ought to I•11
▪ to • boor between tie two early
"I mum Isaie time It is • siatter gal
more 'lupe/tour to me than you asy. I
suet auk God to help and direct me."
Pearama pee a light laugh at thas, sad
the girPslar auk farther tron. him.
goe dear Paul, .he thout:c,41.4;:es
enough to Weak 'wart. but. to
the wife of this man makes tie sacrifice us -
hear ahle.
Site telt all her old loathing et km re-
turn, and it only town had been in the
retied hale some ta death's essibram than
•• Well. said Pours after • lolls al•
knave, -if you must haws to-iarwrow
die•ide, suppose we go hock."
••I would rather go back door,- Lomas
replied. "You weal not wait kr me. -
••Ithat you ore, Louise. that would
wit .1. Your permits %mild suarseitas
soniethim, aad if you are to take this step
to say, three !he) utust not know tC You
would not want !been lo know it.•' '
••Nn. I would natt„'• the said. "But he -
free we go. must make am mere appeal
1,, ywu. 1 111411 beg yoga," my kers to
fa a • t heel and Mini.. 10111,” awe aa Loam
.1...askir.lhe kneeled before boa, awl %oh
.• handa anti streruniew eyes belled
fie let her proceed te • tined., this with
▪ Auk, of ht. heal. replied:
-It is melte., helloes I run re•adved sad
you. answer then. If you decide to accept
my offer. I want you to lie ready Lsge aunty
• 11te 10-11110fTls% 114/h1. W• 11'111 1111111011 111
let tt.r esplaming everything to your
parent., arol aftet getting married at Mega
city we take A trans foe the west,
here we will spend a few aunoths. I
have • moon for going away whkh I
amino expletis wow. hut which I will tell
you Litre Now you know sal nu
you Mow what ;no will tient to do, sad
Inglr. X, "Iryou are ready we will re -
111f111 life 1/010•11...
••)Ir. Pearsall. cast I we mesh your
• asul prevail on you to be more none
fur'. Limier asked.
••No, I tell you it is tittles to talk. I
au. not to he anflueneed from my pu
Yuraa. emery nis and marine the witi=
of Ch.., es 1011e. Of yCIII t1•12 refuse me sad
• t" c;:ly Mog enough to ohm.
ish Ionise that she mast positively ele
Ale by the morrow, likea mounted his
horse eod rede away to Magic City. Hs
ksew what her decries would be, sod
felt secure of his prey ris secure of it
ea though he heti it already witlita
•grasp. He knew that Lessee would am
n ierzthe her parents.
People Woi
wIIIN they Mil bow rew
is mewed by ilea A
sopsillts. This roam is
and MOM powedul dam
testes. To thougeods yearly
veritable dial: of Ms.
Mrs. WM, Brooke
Mich.. writes : •• Liver rots
'sadist -ream made my lite
and :woe IleiM owner .0
told moray. I ass redact*
• skewer", asd hardly had
&es roma shoat. All kit
datessesd me, sod only ths
oW meld digested at a
dm tines nisatiosiod several
tressed use without giving re
11111 dist I took aieneed to 1
Simineat good until I
deed wouderful results.
aimisessciog to take the lis
endd *se an
la my coadition. my &wee
return and with it came *I
digest all the food taken.
improved each *ay. anti 4
mouths of faithltil atter'
diretffirout, I ennui 'nye
menage able to attend to el
duties. The usedkitie haw
new lease of life, anti I es
you too much."
" We, the underegned,
Brockway Centro, Mich.. hi
that the above stattemeni
Mne Lake. is true 11. eVrf
and entitled t4. full teethe,
Chamberlain, 0. W. Wit
Wells, Druggist.
My brother. in Eriglast
Wog Imo, ouratio turieuad
whir.. by warts of ow*
• while. Isar watt run%
a well name working in s
A. Attewell. tiliarls.t Lake
Ayer's Sarsai
tam si;
aim Lb
#citntifit 111
=sod. mid all boohoos' la
Char sein as opposite tbe
w Mama Pate
hos those renewe from wAS
fleet 11101,11. Me.,I
*seas to patentability free
TA IN PA rK.vr.
We nem Itee•. 10 Iln• Pools
Mosey Order Div.. est to
terms amid references to act Da
311U Plate or Couatir. write tc
011eeetto ROW 0.11411IL WI
R• epublican Newspaper
Aggl'allniVe Rep
nal of the Mt9t
• eswarsran roe
Circulation °Teri(
Ara lel
Tag Panel lathe organ ol
sto wires: lir no arstweitli
The most remarkable
coma in New York.
a national Nei
Cheap seer noir aar
ad ger= la the risme
The Ims the tektite
ew Vera. it seartiw "111
The Mei Seirollai
The pvess Weekly tattle
tidos of the Deal ea
Irtw those wile moors ttat
ted illatsso•trow
Siii•E Poen Vol' OWLS OP NM Dissent
ski yoe would rwe he en heartier as to for.
make him now
Lamer apolt• in pearling tease, and her
wank awl her yet seffiler face °tight to
hare twitch/Al • hear, ISPIWA, 'Mt they had
no effect ots Pearson other thou to osislinn
Iowa to hi. purpnee
••Why echoed I ast myself to any tremble
rim it he few year ask*, They ore nothing
to me, while yies are se the wort& Bo
ssino, Louisa. and theft I will resithsso soy
Mena thee, Manse end I
0.1 Mid Irlar11•II1Of/ 10 latreffiere a mew awl
Testimony of 19 Centuries t•
Jesus of Nazareth.
The Nem remerkahle rel hen& fhe 000
Cis. • to ses=111seirt milts
The POO his se arm*
alas the a all 1
est neweetiver Is
ly and Sunday. eas
Press. ars Year.
Mei Oar Me Vomeiret
INNS 1141
OM, Petit I