HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-2-18, Page 7ST FARMER'S SON den ucation. Y win moors tar ostalaata FOREST CITY lslnsss comae, fDON. • OST. i Mdear to alf�da.cs Wftekieuells /erdpsL- T. IuwArrtt . LWATTEE! maniMIMmassms searea-athe is.arhet for ,: reo,;ti rat Iitn, of Team, Baking Powders, ill .t.f: a and fame groceries, miaowi ten fear all loads of 'onfectionery, Frusta, etc. HADDIE IND MUM 'Cow to hand. E. CAMPAIGIRZ, ttroeer and Coadeetirwer. a7'S tY RU P AND RCMOV S WORMS .L KINos IN CHILDREN OR S SWCET AS SYRUP AND iOT HARM THC MOT DELICATE CHILD '— S CATCHY YUC ! .. t. ham been *Mia to emu usually 1. tints 'lobbied sr i h i, .filo with e London Advertiser, ,vantages will be lives esti•elr t. 1. area AdrMiarr Y sow *oblates. *it mail maiming eight imam a sash ft. ea entwine Ungaro wawa, nose . 113 attractive fastere. while rigs Lugs Mf the wand w placed la M► ands every third day. ea mites of sews psrwgraphtt .reap ,I,, In two eight -pate naprre e twig, of sl.w per year 1a e •.•' tt Imes and 1l..gbtess." slay ,.:tern sages. i. • v.pslar ladle( soma al Daly os rents pee year. Our Grand Offer %dr.-rttrer, tube • wash h A s iiswghtrn. m.wtbly • re ♦1. .,wklyl• pia IM air rte A lrereber Idoabb and Tsar SIGNAL 1 f< ese are Hot Figures. her that than who are ant ahroady • of suitor mow met ha/same, WI )meat.1of Maly el a gwaesatsel•tf IM Itvery of a mowtnly. a wean, art • suit pastiest Ma until the tad of lir late of seheerletlon. .ve all ,,member that for say IN C • sd the Waders Adrref?er Mous v3D be lest ',.r rad of Iter. e ee.itanallon :WHIM la 1'wnads 0011 with tbi,. Miser iw volume of cage or in Lemma of price charged. Up 1 Now's the Time! tier you subscribe. the mots lois MI Tug Ssa1AL, Oderish, Mew rate tor the three. URDOCK PiLLS A Su.I CURT atuewmRas, CONmPaTiOu. I.amT(ON, DMZ MEW OIC* •ACNE, ase amea.p or Yee ■RCN, UT[* AND 1110Wetm. , aim nits.vts.sewe„ an. ...herr mon. Aa. reww • .aeries AN osmoses' Klee s1YYsae Is ms neon *as nese er C14110 06110 •amTINAT* osseous. vSoLEOD'S Stock -Taking Sale Before taking down the l,alatut: wuuunt of 'dock this. month Y1e will clear all Winter g...ade at can derable sacrificer Mantle Cloths, half price ; Astrakans, one fourth off ; Dress Goods, Gloves, Hosiery, Blankets, Flannels, Comforters, Household Linens, Tweeds, Ladies' and Men's Underwear, Etc., Marked and Surprising Reductions in all Departments. W. ACHESON & SON. e THE THE THE THE THE TnE THB TH THE THE THE THE THE THE THE Till THE THE THE TAIL THE THE TH E THE THE THE THE THE TH THE THE TH THE THE THE THE TRE THR THE TH E THE THE THE THE THE BEST I8 BEST IS HEST 18 BEST 19 BEST IS BEST IS BEST BEST BEST B EST HES r REST HEST BEST iHEST BEST HEST BEST BEST B EST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEBr BEST BB8T BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST K EST BEST REST BEST BEST BEST I8 18 IS 18 18 I8 THE THII THE THE THE THE CHEAPEST AID THE SIGNAL 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SiGNAL 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SiON'L 18 1HK WIEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THS CHEAPEST AND THE 8IONAL 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE Si(INAL 18 THE THE THE THE THB THB THE THE THB TH B TH TH B TH111 THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THB THE THE TiIE THE T/I IC THE THE THE THE THE AND THE SiGNAL l8 THE AND THE SiGNAL I8 THE AND THE SIGNAL IS THE AND THB SIGNAL 18 THE AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE THE SIGNAL ONLY A Yf3AR IN ADVANCE! THE THE THE TH THE THE CHEAPEST CHEAPEST CHEAPEST CHEAPEST CHEAPEST CHEAPEST Doo. MID Duos .loses burl. --1 a...• as sinew. A rad is far sailers prw.ta • has toot ettessble. The mils demist bare everything she wine on fin. \'ushers Statesman. Small sgar-gusted Burdock P111. deo tut gripe or sicken 'Obey are loins and of lectual lm It dues not take a mortal l.og to (tet the Mg eud of his life behind bin,. l.alveatun News lir. Low's Sutphin shampoo. It cleanser Kray hair. I tet rat Fres ('revs diene is w laity Unit under an lmpromtoa. Soap I. r delightful tie «alp and darkens Int man down di lit- he won't ever labor Worms mune serious +acts... lir. Low's Norm Syrup destroys and expels all kiwis of worse q.wkly and surely. 1m % tinkers Statesman • W hen a young man waists to marry a girl for her mosey he be- gins by begging for assent. Pale, weak women nerd a tonic, strength giving, flesh building medicine like Mil - barn's Reef, Iron and Wine. lm A man • troubles do w,t come singly when his wife presents him with twins. King- hamton Republican. Harassing headaches make many lives miserable, needlessly so, when a prompt cure like Burdock Blond Bitten is obtaas- able. HES!' BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST EMT BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEA r BEST BEST BEST BEST HEST BEST BEST BES1 BEST BEST BEM BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST Perry Davis' PAIN-KILLEF1 DIRECTLY TO THE SPOT. 1115TANTAIIBX1S 1N ITS ACTION. For CRAMPS, CHILLS, COLIC, DIARRIaGEA, DYSENTERY, CI-'OLERA MORBUS, rt.ac: ail LOWEL. COMPLAINTS, KO REMEDY [OVALS TM: PAIN -KILLER. ;-. Canadian Cholera and Sow .n f7�rn pox.: sus its ett&Ct 1., rni. j 1..Al. IL a ..r...; ::t a very short time. TM[ .Ee7 rarity N[r[OY rote BURNS, BRUISES, SPRAINS, RHEUIIATISW, NEURALGIA ad TOOTHACHE. Mau mawm..essN. ar .•O. a mervaa. arB.uaseaa esenedes..ai-ltlrla • APPLICATIONS THOROUGHLY BEHOVES DANDRUFF seih is Foam bar use D. �..>�. ear••t1 . A"1.1DANCifttljtaT r•iies•.,•* rt�••t�sr�s,�i.,.:rr� !MN tilers .l bah. i„�t-tw.sma r.....ss sum,+.bale solt tad MOM tee *ma Nes. ��if aa"� �'"s �sahsrslsa Onssla. ARANTEED . :: Wit: TKM RNOVATOR N D (nNka YturTsii nanientt)•. ;ifif, and Antidote for weak and impoverished Weed, dye aleeplss.su, palpitation of t1:. l liver canppl�aia�t, ...regia, Mm el brnnehitis. eisfte ptia., VTR , jasnrd1.0, kkkesey ..,t marry se, St. Vital darns, fmna& in.'s ea and remota) debility. ATORT. SOO RISS. ONARIO. J. M. MoLEOD, Peopah ase and W.easasm se .tat 3..eme rifinwen: a s I" Be= _ ..a• Aesee_..w tl.r.e... Me afkht , Mr. Peatielet.i.1. )I.wnpp.r IRepert r, gives any through les d mistakes made b D0 asperses through irmora.oe. The but i. that of a et.eupapher who made Lord Oar ,arvoa say that. la Wise days, clergymen are •xpwted to have the wisdom sad learn tog d • •• Merseyy-toes tailor " (Jeremy Tay tor, of course). la soother case, the let• dohs tlrtghl was woken of as " the gams cook " untold of •' the /iamaliel of IllAltng- bam ; .ad, W • thud, reference was made " those beautiful line. of Ilt.hup Ener." quotations have nfteu toot sed havoc sale of them, as vibes one reporter turned •• 1. heaves yokes d roo Euphrosyne tete '• 1. Mme- A T en she crept art (rose her knee." ad time L aauther made Baron Rowse , ►N as Tammy suss the has •' Better fifty yeah 1 MsNp thea n circus in Bombay'" (cycle of Cathy 1. Perhaps the funniest mistake &Igoe to the re porter war made whet, the words, Kissed her under the silent eters" were tr•urforuted Into " Kicked her under the cellar sous. The iodat•inctw.0 of the: •• espy " supplied to the compositors a responsible for an amusing Wunder now and thea During the Rammer of 1880 the wasp of St. Asaph referred in the course of • speech at some function in his diocese to •' hie youuger sad rasher day., but the local papers reported him as having deplored " hie younger sad issue Jap Leda IMe.I.d. ii•,w Slat, I have been using K. R. It. for maw of the breast luring the last tee ears and four must*, both externally and internally, and have been greatly benefited. Have had cancer over seven years, and Do medicine over dad TO as much good .s K. K. K. 1 feel sure that sufferers from c&nwr can obtain relief or even cure from K K K., and will be plseeed to answer any questions as to the use and benefit received from this remedy. Mk'. A. Kt.uorr, 2 Waterdown, Ont. YOU KNOW .\tchucw globs : Rs•igtwuuo as finding out that the ruck you •re burping your head against is • great deal i,oder than your brad. Itch, mange and scratches of every kind, on human or animals, cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by F. Jordan. 96-ly ChIugo Light . '• What queer things do Dome to pass in this world ' sighed th. aousterfeit expert, as he reiected another bit of queer money. To the question, Which us your favorite poem • there may he • great variety of answers ; but when •aked. Which is your favorite blood -purifier • there can only be one reply— Ayer's Sortapanlla, because it is the purest, safest, and most economical. It is an awful oondemwtwn fora man w be brought by (cod's providence face to face with a great possibilit • of service and of blessing. and then to show himself such that (cod has to put him ode. and look for other instruments. KEEP YOUR FEET DRY. This can be done at a very small cost by purchasing our foot wear at the old -established and reliable Shoe Store of E_ DOWNING - YOU WILL FIND MY 1 hate used Ayers 1114 for the put 30 years, and am satisfied I should not he alive today if it had not bees for them. They cured me of dyspepsia when all other remedies failed." T. P. Banner, Cheater, Pa. Ayer's fills are sold by all druggists. Now that other matter' ale settled, it won't be a cause of warfare that the "tate Department in ordering the name to be spelled with an •'e" knocked 1 1311. • •i" out Philadelphia Time". Mothers, are your daughters pale or sallow' remember that the period when they are budding into womanhood is most critical ; fortify their system tor the change with lir. W iIhesie' Pink Pills, unsurpassed for the speedy can of all treelike peculiar to females A trial of a single box will convince yet. Beware of imitations and take no snbstitute. Stock of Fall Goods As usual very large and complete. Prises lower than the lowest. PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. Smith So you are a poet' Aad may 1 ask how you make Tourlwing' Rondo ah, i win all the fa.tmg competitions at the dime moeeutrt. -Jester. • oertaia lard had • board put up oo some Wad belonging to him, with en Inscription thereon to the effect that trespassers woad be prosecuted. On taking a walk early ese morning he came across some newly -mado footmarks. which he followed up, eo4 even - Wally overtook the trespasser, eh* turned out to be • navvy,{whereupon the following conversation took place '• bly mate, do you know you are trespas- sing on my mod!' said thcJ. "Ott," said the navvy, "St this handl Les! And where did you get it from •" " My father left it to me." '• And when did your father get it from '• My grandfather left it him. '• And where did your grandfather get it from "Confound your impertinence,- said the lord. " any s.cesters fought for it.- '• oh, did they," answered the navvy, pulling off his coat and rolling op his sleeves. •• Well, I don't mind fighting you for it The noble lord suddenly remembered lie had another engagement. A riews.t Illreb Drink. English 'Spavin Liniment removes an hard, soft or eelbosed lumps and blemishes frost borers, blood s.ppaa vin,cmrbs,aplint., rung bone, sweeney, sti5.., sprains, sore said swollen threat, coughs, etc Sere 160 by ase of owe bottle. Warranted the mast wonderful blemish overs ever knows. Sold by F. Jordan. 96-ly Mires Iaed.hs Taal IO TTaes 1eMhs The lamented death of the Duke d Devon- shire ee nin& as that the Parliamentary re. mos of 1891 hes buss unique in cal d its features. In the short space of throe months three parties in the Howe have each host their leader. At the beginning of last ..a - too Mr. Smith led the C...ervative party, Mr. Parsee led the Irish party, end Lord Hartastes led the Liberal tniosiirta. Whew the Hems insets .gain, is February, these three loaig-6saillsr faces will be mimed Two of them are sees .o more et teas ; the third M. Mit tr. Heves of commas ad di isle the harmer atmosphere of the I..rds.- 81 Jamsati(layette, I give special attention to ordered work and repairing and I have the workman to do the work. E. DOWNING. yen:. The hest cure we koow of for constipation and headache is the pleaaant berb drink called Lane's Family Medicine. It 1e said to betltegoo grape root, combined with dmple herbs and is suede for use by pour- ing boiling water on to the dried roots and herbs It is remarkably efficacious in all blood disorders, and is now the sovereign remedy with ladies for clearing op the com- plexion. Druggists sell the packages at 50c. and fn1. 2eow I The vele■ sere. A oouMtrymam's forest home was time night stolen from hie emblem He travelled forty. five mules to • horse market to buy another. But lo mid behold ' among the horses offered for sale he discovered his He at once seised it by the reins and out: " This horse is mine ; it was stolen me three days ago." The mos who had the bane for sale mad very poktdy: " You are mistaken about it, my frond ; I have bad the gorse for more than a year. It se not your horse, although perhaps it leeks like it" The paaeantquiekly closed the horse's eyes wttk both Ito hands and eked • Tell me sow, if you have had the horse for so long a time, at which eye *he The man, who had nateelly steles the horse, but had not yet examined it particu- larly, warn perplexed. How ver, bsoaa.s be was obliged to say something, be said at random : • The lett eye" " You have mimed the nark,'. said the sa�t. "The animal is not blind of the Che,s." • tib'" cried the num. •• it was only a slip of the tongue. it ie blind of the richt •1e„ The p.seent uncovered the horse's eye andsaid : It is evident now that You aro both • thief and a liar. Look here, all a you The hems is aot blind at all. I simply asked I3.pqffIlstion in order to bring the theft to Ike gnat, s.a weht. •• Twenty darks in a eters, twenty heads is a macaw Alto, twenty apprentices is a ship yard, treaty 'mum nes h a town, .11 want to get ea ia the word, and expect to do so," says tai old esershent •' One of the clerks w111 become part.er, and crake • fortune : one of the oomposi- ton will own • newspaper, and bemire as influe*tial attire ; nee of the appreatioss will Noonan • maatar builder ; one of the villagers will get • he drums. farm, sad live like a pp.triareb - -bat which one is the l.pky i.dividual • Leek ' There ls no luck sheat it. The thief is almost se certain as the role of threw Tia voting fellow *be will diseases his competitors is be who .asters his b.ti.sa., who preserves his integrity, who lives cleanly sad, who devotes his Minn to theq es tiof knowledge • who pis. Moods bem y deservieg th, ..d who ewes ►M spare money. There are sawn ways to fort..e shorter than this daniy old '],� but the t1•amos o/ ob sa the the atm who achieve se.s- thiag really worth bane( god .ataes,good same and seers .1d age all go in this own. tried from A weiMewl garage. (isv'rt.mwsi, -Fee twenty veers 1 suffered from rh.ametion, dyop.p.ia, poor appetite, etc., sad received ss basalt from the any medicines i tried bei after taking five bot- tle of R. H. A k ills eat heartily of any food. and am stress and mart. It is a .colli staai- sathas made • wonderful 9id fel/ hsaML has Harley, Ont b ECK S A U N D E R S. WEST sTke�: IF YOU DO NOT CALL AND BECOME ACQUAINTED. HE CARRIES THE LARGEST STOCK OF STOVE, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS 1 Adam ltelnsy. who lett blesier- row with his wile and beaker, ier Men ase, for the hem& d his heath, dr+ i. Ken- na The ammo ef abases .et being bane - Gael t. Mr. M.iessy'. health. they were estweaing bense,atsti were ealy se tar as Kamm whets he Mei His remiss von brought ►asadsh swoes Ieaswed to freer law main platy MWien e•s•*y M • Map asesber d nerne hiwtia The bereaved wit/mama eeietives have the ea - Rio syspshy et LM es*lsival y. Mr. IN GODDRIOH. Heating, Plumbing and Sheet Metal Work IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. tM Illagpollnelews preps. The pgmirWu ill Marone may be .et in round eallraes as 360,000,000; tad is divided l ikkinsly as follows : *mos Csthleen%166,000,000 ; Protostaota, 90,000,- 000 t stembs.. of Orients' churches, 86,000, 000 ; and shoat 6,000,000 each of clews mid Mohammedans. Italy, with 31,000,000. ea well se Spain and Portug al,with 26.000,000, are alines% wholly Catholic. Belgium, with 6,000.000. is papal about twelve to o.s. 1. Preece, out of 39,000,000 iab.hi taste, 12,000,000 are .c.-CMWolic. la Swita,rIasd nearly two-thirds of the 3,000,000 accept the Reformed faith. The German empire holds 30,260,000 Protestants is a bra d 18,000 000. Denmark, Swedes. Norway end the III with a Gem palmation'bised ��said antest the being ethers Lutheran. Clegai iIntais .4 Ire - Mad 000 5,640,000. tP f the tC�sYms� 1.a70twv es'' Mead le Rowed and Wales., and hat ii0, - 000 in nestled. to WIWI aAe 1,166,000 Frebeelaste sod .beta (`Mh.IMs Blain sad Oman halms pupa Iasi.. d 103ie06,0p. d whish Iwatia4ds wow to the Oust .8. . Mehem--d. edam eansprMrs abut dot rkq'. 6400,000. lib srhm- M rmisemr YOU 8RE M.$ING A. WRONG IMPRESSION WHEREVER YOU GO If this is not the pattern Tai HEII. o► TNa OSA1tSY on your rubber and Over- shoes. sen'M fir Wive.. Don't whine. Don't Reg your husband. Do.'t repeat what your husband tells you. Don't he afraid to live within your enemata. Dines publish your domestic grievances abroad. Ilon't attempt to make • society man of your husband. Don't try to cent incomes Don't think your h.sba.d's heart It big• ger th.n hi. stomach. D..'t scold any more than is oecesa.ry to keep peace is the family. Don't complain when your huaba.l wants you to stay at barns with him in the evening. wear a 826 bonnet on • 25 Well WriwN Mr taw. ll•gi•trats -You are charged, tar, with selling diq.or es S.ndayn. Prisoner Never sold a drop, judge. M' But here is • reputable wits's= who en- tered your saloon by the back door last Sunday, called for a drink, reosived a bot- tle arid glass, peered out • liberal qua.tity, drank it, and paid for it." • • Doss be say it was linker, j.dge!" " He says it *fedi like lioquor. ' •• Weil, jnlge Tea a Mw-abidin' cities., 1 em. That then feller tried to break th' law by Wylie linker of tee, but 1 didn't sold him .o licher, so, sir." •• What did you sell him r' •• It was a temp.ru.os drink, j, wale up of turpentine. as' kermess, red pepper as each this'., Odor. It waes't Scher, judge, it may tested >ke iR" Th. Bro.dfoet It les f rtseaeet.ctery,Sea- forth, Ilan *bird dents and meat Af the em- ployers diseaseed. The eewtpaaiy Vn a very large stock en hand, wail 4MNhd to s.opend work fee • dins ..til they Ren pt seen d it esa .1. They hope to resume epe atiees with their fall faros ie • few weara lir. 1eedf' 'a pleneas and seek seed dear weary Is NM working with Its SO slat —OITY— cou AND W000 YA22D_ Coal, Wood and Kineling deli- vered to all parts of town with quick despatch, Hard Coal. Hest quality chestnut, stet anal egg coal constantly on hand. •RATIQIIL 00M7O2T . EPPS'S COCOA 1 1aEATeAST. "By a *berserk kuewledga ed Oft laws which wren alts *ad .utrltiss, mil aktwr'MZ,1 ofd those. t. inilv,,* wWeBmy..i sus sssylsa y INk it 1a ks Wa 1etl- olses an ons lush seam ef'- 41st teat a omaM1- tars may bit pas* ban I* VINO Ohm, stemd rrlseaYrsesaadlymsMatta* atssskwmever tame Irs shaft week Lm:NeeeI i�mesp"— y*1 Mar7se& 8Mmy la meteorite mows, 'abase thusImmo wee ulai _ or leak. JA1111 arra t rte.t% . Isar Leedom. . (oderich Steam Boiler Warks Bog Coal. Hest Shawnee lump coal for lose in grates, stoves, furnaces, etc. Blacksmith Coal. Best quality genuine Rl..hurgh anithing coal now on ham'. Special attention given to coun- try trade. Cordwood. i have purehaoed 1,000 cords of maple and beech woad, 4 fret long, from Mr. X. Hweehl'r, of the Falls Reserve., on the river "• Mene s etung " to be delivered this Winter for town trade, and will he pleased to receive orders for immediate delivery of this celebrated cordwood ret present market prices. COAL 8.ti*-Cnrner of Victoria and Angles,* streets. Rtanns*cc Trafalgarst, opposite Buchanan t lion's office. JOHN 8. PLATT, 4lIM 1, d'aoruwna T.tabiasbd talk OhrysYal 86 SECOND HOD ILICEBIRI In Stock For Sale: 1 50 -horse -power u p r 1 g ht boiler. ail complete. IS -horse -power upright boiler and engine. 1 8 -horse -power engine. 1 48 -horse -power horizontal boiler, complete. 1 50 -horse -power slide valve engine, all complete. The above bays been thorough- ly overhauled and warranted in first class condition. Beady for immediate delivery and will be sold cheap. Nall orders wiI: receive promos ani neles. woes t Mf. D. T. IL ata1Ns. via R.pair promptly attended tw P.O. BOX 88i. NEW ARRIVAL d -- WINTER COCDS. LATEST STYLES. ftesn,asa 'orad de as rfir lrrit H. DUNLOP.