HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-2-18, Page 6islottetbot .must
wmpet.-w•',i``th Umh the produc
w stun' .O.
Whale *Mae of ate Jemmy cows save
t..•'o,d high potations oa record -breakers
when the tests wore o*godat/ad under the
auspices of tnt•reated parties, sad which,
o.fwwet• is tests
pa the public
Urn v
t(ret n f.
H Wa
lilt b t►a paw i At
the teat nude at the great Madman Aqua. e
Uaden allow. is New York. one of the
Hol•teuss pinhead 2 parade sad 74 euuces
5t batter a 24 honesa and another Holstein
pi .du••wd a tcartiss over ft (rounds of butter
to die mine 1 into. Theo highest t std for
the Jersey. wan 1 paned and IV: min see
Theme reined* ars net the hishest,-bot they
arp t.g /01relltsibillbuNtilso dale made wet
ie panic. a4ad With tis two brr«h. la MMM
pastime. both hei.g treated alike.
AllaIteltse oe MILtt.
It is safe to •mart that bo: few are aware
5f the richness of milk from some cows.
1t a reported that to t:i! lest of the tenser
cow . • • laedeeer'. Faaey,' she made
pounds and 10f trances of buttal iron"
pounds and 41, ounces of mill. As a
quirt el milk se about two pounds. her
yield wall •pound of button Irum about 1 i•
quarts of iss1k At the same time. it may
be noticed at cow
pupois and lttif *mice, but tsro,'abr only
produced about 4f inerLef milk. Whether
1t is at advantage to have a row make a
large yield of one product tad tett little et
the r' tier is a question being lis, umed by
Um advocates of the rival bleed. 7!e
i5btetn 14:34,1144 clang the% milk is
talrable ar'n!".i't as weld as butter, and that
tifte a a o w yields a large gasatit) of milk.
'sii also predate* • large weight of butter.
.ho Is mare valuable far that reason. %V heti
it is known that sem. Mulsteiue yields from
forty to fifty quarts of milk daily. and are
gnat butter producer* as wall. the elates is
molt led to ♦consideration, though tM Jer
see will alio retain 'ler mall friends moor
of the hat butter pr.dwciSg breed.
She.. toe rw.illften mn Otetae-rrne•sel
awed Shwa-WIWI Ailed t SMaN Cent
Ta. /urea 0t14ps-4 nom lir Aare..
A o.wpan.oa Of the mum* of same .t
the famous mese air t S bale he wfal to
Mew ad what r mi paa
with •o. a WAG* 1ic
�� Kiesm m m
Resat nvaky beNl.aa the ieitons sod
the Jerseys u the predas.ns ed batter, earl
wore *nod hes As admirers. The Mei-teias
pars.' the SiV.got•• .1 base ease, the
.tan .I t hM bawd saeosmf sUy
esu a the ebest-h5U S sat lleraierda as bed
preducers M 1S tai Moot dhows, wblcli
Cs• them is the as the beet
gar bad. ►.Mar silk o.mbbeed,
lh,•s.intainlvhala� to Um dietiaotiee e( an
a'•i/pose" it gosh attainment u
p...I Jenny. SOO small, earl are
binomial ea
L M11wheeg. $d.1.. of •• free yeses.''
lee.rrth.e 1t. agape .ad armies.
Cases of acute etarvstim .re reported
SIAM .11 aides t'uatagtoes disease* direct
easesgaencr• of itare•tau, hay. broken oat
is Karma .ldit.g their reverie to thaw
oaased by hunger .IuJirtal pevat:ugs in
551.5404 Ise contrail base had to he stopped
tatuaer w,tue.ses hapwned to be peasants,
sad were Iyte4 with feet .woken from •ter
Mutheis hate killed their eL,lalree that
they might mot oa4 thea, tortured I,y hue
ger : parents ere selling their daughters to
get • creat .4 bread Whole dietr,cts are
slowly starvusg thetneelyes ret upei pig
weed, bel• awn boiled Kori The Imperil
ore p.Muhu,t , lal..ratr article. upou the
um of acoria sad ether s,milai
as a eal.titutc• 'or turn
1■ twelve •d lite previa.** the famine is
complete. lu ala only partial V0rtyj m,!
ir•.s %to wtlriulg..n, .t ,s intimated that
1t will tat. IW.•M*).01A/ poets 'a rout4I.IMMI
hu.bela sof grain to keep the p.•q.ulaties
alive maid neat cella
As yet he appeal l.*s been made ny the
liurern.uent of that 'aunt rt to erste. Is
taus. 'rhe story of the want and mlieery
that is prevaleet has beaked ..ui 1..: ny bit,
and It u •sly by the appeals oI unit. ulaal.
that the extent of the deprtvat...n w .• made
It . a miser f«t that no wide I ••tfort
1 lie part of the p...,plr .<tn 1.e male to sweat
4 44&4. Lem All ail social 't'• tlstwugl
4.trf nurse ret agents must be made ky In
di%nlu.t. 111 a ....J. as.. too p•rw.•is ate
allow rt t.. make .n% appeal in floor .•nlle.•-
11tr latae wit het lay leg ibuuo..Rai imbue
to prow-tut;on un the chatter of ,wining an
Jlr,si rwsselat .P. r
.\ w..rd r. In the atrbeken ll.Ui.1. els
g. gt apby and resources. 1u what (e
known sa West kurus. Mouth iln4mia, :u,d
Lite 4 aucasw skier u pieslr It 1r In
it.pr..h•.., f any tut44 1
Kussin, Ihr*L the wait, is greeter. The
Volga River. wbtcb caplet itwa•If tato the
topes. Sea. IOW the city of A*ttakmn.
wooers Ike femme .lasts tot, a .los' int' ilk
141141 . and in wbi••h some 1h4(1 these' b*r
lawn no great trots toilets. 'lise city of
tv,t.ara Itis m the Volo&mei is the water
.t the famine. in the worth lies the eity .f
TM i.@1.tar maid
.1.141.4 taa'eat a 161."s"0� l NTFREtIT T(1 WOMEN
1 Probably the aide« KahleIn 1'Ai1Mtdpki.
l . Tho beet
,e.t way w pars
rest the pones from bstsm a4.ur y lira apt.. 14.• book .1,511 of Hugo Kosger,
t of
e Iualp Is to bate the ,fitae:4 ,nfull dot Women rulers lout very natty. It le bu „wpm. Th. moo „do Iowa «as
t • pered oml.ct ole PIM "' a, a' midtf b
he that a «mate 101.4./ver lu. s, well any- palmae as Wittessr
kg. liermsay, h) Haws
f..4 b I
el ruse.
It pays to wear a emtlals lase
And laugh our Usable' dews.
For al* our little trials wait,
I Mur laughter or our frown.
8l.e,eat4 the magic of a smile
Iter doubts rill lade away,
.1s melt. the trust u early Swum
Beneath the sunny ray
It pays to make a worthy tatty,
By betptng it, our owe .
To give the current of our lives
A true and noble tune.
It yto twmfort hooey 44.541.,
Opp/~u esasd witr duo despair.
Aad flaw u row-darketld lira
Ilse gleam of bc*ghtuam theta.
It pays to give a helping hand
To eager, assent youth ;
To sate with all their w.ywarduses
Their tourer and their troth ;
To striyr watt sympathy and Ic•
Their confidence to win :
11 pays to open wide the heart.
\n.4 " let the sunshine in.-
TM Ltttie Milll.naise.
My little daughter climbed up on no knee,
Aad mid with an air of great mystery.
•' I've ...•a•rr: to tell you. pips.
Rut 1 moot whipper it close 1n your wt.
And don't you speak ut it papa, dear,
Mor there's nobody knows but rra
•• 1 rut. Very rich ' Very rich indeed '
1 have far more money that 1 dM11 need :
I ut.uuted niy nay today
Twaut) new pennies .11 of then) mine.
Ad out little silver per . ailed a dim/.
That 1 got !rust l:r.Mlpapu 1:ray.
"I have fuart.es sickles and eat three ball,
Five silver . thoush sae d ti.s,'.
Aad, papa, Jcas ..eoniethiug grill 'better.
Three big white dollar. ' not use of them
And, whisper. one beautiful piece of told
That canes it. me Unite Toss's latter.'
rhea she clipped 11.1. email hands. laughed
1'.. r merry enol dear,
Herr mod m t*.q .wsntry adjacent. there , I'ut bcr snit r•xy ltps down flute 10 04'
is at trust a Mall *mammy of seed gram. ear
.fit this iii being wirer. and on'. A. ,.,.e is 4►h ' u•. lovely the fur c urly head '
111./rives «.ti:m, a month. the de•tiu.t;,ea wilt "Am 1 not very rich • Now answer 4,
parallel that In • ie lower count: y. M.o true. ah• .2.% acts. attention on the street
COW may be said to lir jus' ..uW.ie the Am I out licher far richer than you" A well-bred woman never talks ab(6t bier
.trickee district, and it. street' are lillr.t Whisper, papa,- she artlessly mid. per*on.l Mimes In public plaece.
we. 1 rt'
t keel Slbse.
84i ak•Iteb while the stomach le empty,
bat throw off d.rtug dige.tws, Weer ail.
aurbist while digests.. is gong M tare.k
«at.hisg at night the are. 'Moe
light lunch each u beef tee or trackers
every few hours. A.wthar past d promo
two 5y5•owt olutaguem r pa l olesahars
aad clothing :Ammar. d IV:tad ,etude
.ens Aiwa' Taws.
It i. the Cermet report about town taut
Kemp'. Hassan for the threat .ad lung. is
5akiag sem. reenerkably cures with people
waw are troubled with coughs, .ore throat,
asthma, bronchitis and txoe.uunpuoa. Any
druggist «111 goo you a trial beetle fres of
cont. It r guaranteed to relieve and cure.
The large bottles are 60c. and $1 Oboe)
(ltl�hllt O ■ 54k551 reeeeh.
11 M awteadsk� Imes dull religious auilieu
cos, as a rale. Mak. Is lecturing halls you
see people with eyes wide open, Budging
each other, mod ambling to the sentiment.
offered. la prayer-4e.tlnp the .ante pct,
ple look doll : they cult itate the dull look :
they have an idea that to be devotional they
must look sleepy A brother gets up to talk
and a father to Israel puts hu bead down ou
a cone sad s mother of Israel puts her head
00 the lack of the seat 10 trot of her, mud
another looks up to the triliug au.I seems t..
be counting the ,mucks In it. Now, when
your minister gets up to prearb lok at aim
There is inspiration Is the bureau eye.
!tatty a time 1 have. through pressure to
other work. gone Koko the pulpit with hide
to say, tut In the upturue.l taxa of lb.
people 1 hate mw twenty moutons, mud the
.sly bother was to know w Mei 1 .Mehl.
preach. - P.achaii4e __ .
At wiles sou.
Every a -Ting evil should be promptly re
mixed. sick headache d a crying evil
affeetwg tbousecd a .4 l'.nadtaus, which
can easily he lei/sowed by the nor .4 Kurleci.
Blood Kitten, the l.t•.t known swmeacb,
Itarr and boort regulator and .:urn for sick
headache frons oh*tesrr cause aru:tig. 2
West N a mellowed tk.esvm
won bred Montan ow er dress.- . • t hat
vii - -. ANA t i. iia req .*east pe A well-Irrd wutar' doesn't ler n dost
Th. pr*su s :z. . fOisi sol hnyon.i the;r rips 1Illoltvd al 'tier tree, are young and w Lir, slam m t8 l -..1 of the comer.
4.:ty and eyeeylto.pit:11 in as.l about tilt thought of her life untouched by care, A wall bred women nextcodoesn't nerd her
city is corms frit twice and three• tines the \u.l 1 said with a happy sigh, morning 4 lir .1 the menet ten.
.f ie waiting ear g
timed number. Moot of these watt iron: As int lits touched softly t r g
A wets bad wou,as Joteeur drop first hrr
puree, std thru Art baudker:bt. , and that
her ghnraand then tier Mower. ,n a public
restaurant uutli oxer) twliy a look mg at her.
.1 well bred woman latah1 tell t rte mom -
orf *n% celebrity she may ha.e meet when
she u Ira '
tell tis••.
A welt bred wunan hs quiet and refined,
where as es horseback. Aul so ohs does J
she has the style od figure that 'Letts the
eommoot, "Oho sits high," which, Mktg
translated, somas she is lung wsiM.d,br5d
w the hips, short legged tied straight beak
al. Very tall, Vender. lithe wu1Nn leek
horrible m horseback. This te the egos
place their bread and ehuky sisters harm
the advantage of them. A riding habit i.
*leo a tr'15g Wel Ulna It reg.tree as to-
treaely marked figure to stool the rigid
hes tit the odium .tress especially as tbey
sou make it.
%u.ot fiwlse Females.
A feed that tends manly to mRietag fat is
.asu,ted for '.reeding sows at any tone
Daring the period of gestation the foto.
gets its Dw.nshl'art from the dam, and t..
dependent upon this feed she take.. It
'boob! be mainly of the kind that produ.w
large quantities rather thee Vert teat milk.
11 heat bran or mill feed is Ila best. and if
tete now is young and growing add sats to
thee rather than cors. 1'n,. wi11 male
a•ig..r.us, et•aight-backed. king b.di.i pfgs,
eve. from a young now. When the .1.54 is
fail 4rown the lis middlug feed, with e
little milk and warm duhwter. will he
belt• r tnau heavier food
nieasstat r..d for C.1415.
A „,.[,:bear to the OL.. Farmer, erne
tag upon the good results 0' steaming torsi
ler cattle, sat the first, winter of steaming
he fed dry hey ea the Sabha, h. and found
tint the town felt off fro.,, one t,. Lao
Warts each at twee. not 1. galatng their
Reuel quantity till Weelne.dae 9'I,e 1n:ll.
M. r lame, is better and the bur te, of
choker quality when stesm:uL, and he finds
,III. •kinins to bettor condition ..red less
Mable to disease, o1d cows especially lasting
3Mlger and doing better Their teeth are
pltwwer wed,a very ueoessary adjunct to
their will brim(.
- 55e_me. WIWI Tarbes..
The best success in raising turkeys is to
put the young turkeys with a turkey hen
Site understands their nature aid renew.,
w ent• mach better than the .-hicken hen
A turkey baa sad a chi••kit hen may be
get on turkey eggs at the tame tints sad
. 11 the hatching Wsgrve to .1'i turtern ki w t4he
will be . lin r
repave. Saratod, Tamhor. N,po Novgorod
and Santana. I.ittk Kaes.. the proven•
of 11.c south of 4o.'.ow, hag enough 4.n,I M
tate for its ewe destitute and i•as the., fa
nude no appeal for *hi. South Rama II
...mugtor nearly 1.0011.1101) 0i the sufferers
rete 1U le.t
n sur ir.
w o hoot Mo.�ked t
Ruts• has ealeesor•d to twilit single
hooded with the famine, and es.1 naw
when the records show thous:m.s dying
daily, it has made naw *ppm,' to other na-
tions. 11.k methods fur adios the etriyker,
.ere planned 00 a moat genennt. •oak. Iwo
the ezteut of the doestct nude the atilt
caveats anything but .est i.tactoty The j m y
ernment itself wee reporter to have solo
scribed f1:,.00o.n00 rublrs. but .Ply Olosees,
000 were sent out among the poor : the rest
is still to comae
eAe It*U.•v 4eeklets el Hoot.
1 hate cited old thirty -at accidents out
of *eyelid huu.l.ed -in Pall. The number
f p•sseugcr ttau. 181ee1ve4 u stridents
dui.ng the vita. was not tar from g\0 ur
VIM*, Mot t4e number of an:edem a wan, of
cnar.e, wnne%4et k..., .. there were • good
many •odltu..ue uyo1v1sg two psietager
trams well But thou 1Iirtysis 5011-
oknu are characteristic The first greet
fact that 1ppean is that Meaty -two of
them might have been preen ted had em-
plovtes obeyed orders. '[hey dere not
called ..n to exerci,.e wet .,r judgment 1a
alarming emergence,. but *imply to obey
orders TN...., and *line are larking to die
cuss tile measures that operating 0ffirere
take to mau.taio dtec.plme and the dld'i
values that they encoarter. .rt is enough
to sat that this is the most troublesome
(tart of their duties, and that the ,*slang.
1n.tead of helping. lay. -made /ratters
wur.e. \Ve was- hope that thus re • Noosing
phase of trades atu ttttt ism. rad that. as the
met, learn mon ..f their proper relations t•
the reit of the world. they «111 discover
that 1tll1p for their own interest to weed out
the insuMrdlnate. the inefficient and the
drunken The tet striki.g fact is that
nineteen of these accidents w••ul.l probably
have been saved by block .*tusk and i -
terlocked .witchee end signals I would
say unqualifiedly that one of the
roads w which these acedeals happened
should at "nee equip its tracks with block
signals end interlock all of its swathes
There are resaoaehie limits witbia which
they nowt work : but it may he mid with
out qualification th.t it is poor railroad
economy to operas • road having a heavy
and fast 4 ratite without block mental* god
4terl.cking for the protection of switches
h can be proved by the stat let of coat of
leddents that a judu•.onsly planned black
system aye i0 money, aid generally on a
crowd road of 5.10511) facilitates the
.movement of trans From " A Near of
Railway Aendenta." by H. 1:, frost, is
North American Review for February.
leets Without Frills.
Color. posing through a prom ran be
made to produce sounds. I:nee and red
lights prodsce the loudest nous@ .od blow
and yellow the lamest.
In computing a o wn's age ('hhsa5es al
ways reckon two years lack from the day
whits he celebrated his first birthday. or, in
saw words, all though he were a year old
at the time of his birth
it is mud to he • fart, though net getter
ally known, that the light of the run end
the moon eseressee a deleterious effect on
Moves and other edge tools
Wages force of one te. per
rtMtsal r..dtes.
It Weald be the rale to teed at certain
hours., being as p0nctm58 as p.riblr By •o
doing the .metals will be bre. impatient
and will learn the hours of f..atlag instinct
Ivel , comma up from the bolds voluntarily
at the proper times. Regularity 0f feethng
mem seam one to drive up ththe e tock. .,t fico
ins A tie.A row of ►Iglus.
y- tt4• el•atin hoards
pat seder the perches of the hen roost will
Pthe aroppiep in rte piece Thr
slide dow•s the boards
beplaced at the
bottom A deer m. P
hock of the home which me he opener
upward, thus etsmblieg the manure te be
easily removed. -
A'M.N Ia1st.
The field is as Awe for sheep at this
season. The anew pretests them from
pecwri.g anything, even if the deed gram
remained, and they will may when ee the
ivied sad storms mnaar tM b.nt mrd,
Gell Give them • plata
sad give them • te consume thecl S
coarse foods
Wald Chteharss 5he51d C.M.
The actual erpsem of finding
chiver ks up
cAosta log throe mostlrof syr
yrs nests per pend. Mabe ready for
Milers they will ai 1 foto �1hree or knit
season whoa
,e. havthae
rem a ter market This
yes shows where
theh read? profite best 1001es a from
Linseed West- '
Ione/ad Lest, or costes reef uleei. ildsd
M the rstie,m, may wrist,/ • deficsency in
4be fond. It it cheap. and way la safely
tad it le .n old maims that 511 suns et
parried is linseed awl Dome bar., again in
the manure, sad there is mesh truth 1s it.
A rtw our Asae.
1 0•I •mhee got. mid M h• werv,ee.ble
•maid pus sod puma wee. Thu ie wooee
•esipp�«ally the ease ea sandy s•is Wood
sabre however. are ani MUM. sad should
he oa•e4 in prefosonsa
Ts• /tree Owes
•'Mdse and ass 4b. Ens �m1ng
54ry r 1" 1b. glatwd
lis red' swam
•• \ 1441 arc exceedingly rich. my laughter,
dear '
Ten tho•u.a .I • imer tether than 1
(. d . Ri' NAtir.1 4
Beene -I have until your MINAKI
LIYIMKNT in nix family for r number
years for vernier* eases of sickness, an
more particularly its a severe attack of
,pro which 1 evotracteal last \Vinter, an
he means
1. 1.o.rr_
•gae ash when they an Only 1 (est
hathgAt (ase.. Fr+nor. grwote Mocks of
111 cubic metres hare bete sewyaf by woe.
1 fitful' 'whey. that it suit I
ail Ily my life.
Sydney. 4'. 11
A recent eruption on flee sun's taco was
photographed, and tested for fully 15 min
atss. 14 angular height showed it to le •
dj srb•tare o suing the vapors to emceed
Way 60,000 miles
A skeleton, twenty feet lug. of some so
!sown menial, was ree.ntly frrd ..sr
Filth lake Strewn. .n Waahingtes .oaaty,
Me , by Ilespamin Wtlhi., * hunter.
A strange illness km broken amt is the
Zoological 4:ordeal.. Aes.t.rd.m, ma@gog
the Mosta of prey Is three days listen
creator's that, 11•'111.41444 ..vena e1 the
&nest bona and tiger.
The ebief .lewmea1 a the eempesittise .(
• test is water, but with w•iM ie.mrici.ted
menet* prop rtlrr• n( salt, sada. phosphate
lel Isms, phosphate of soda and whew, and
«baa roes seder the m,eresc.pe • tear after
eyap ratIM' broils like a eery .mall fish
b@goe, 04115( to the salines furans them
. helves late keagth.uld crossbar.
asalMmr♦ sad Pert.
1m.e 'hu 1.1 of .tiny. of this year. the
rhe faacy outliners nes little lusty pas
Is place of stitches wherein. possible. aro
1n4541ng .M trine d the new hate M
entirely put 0o with pin.
The daistiest epecimess here u spoons
band!.. of filigree. llc.asioaally these are
tism h.ul with colored smarm I.,aud 11.. shapes
are nowt interesting. flue hes. swan's week
Marine ettechal to • deep low! 1'he curved
ter4ittatta r 11... with 4li4rae_
tither ep.ns are more like shovel. in wisps
1a i .ncy spoons p.,rfurtste 1 bowls hare sue
carded perloretel boodle.. These .peons
retain the form of rhr teaspoon. but ere
mieudc.l fur .•lives.
a man is prow., to be seen with her, it
can pick her out from amuse( a llnuseuel,
whteh is very much mere u,an the average
r tenon
My wife and self hod daudruff and Muto
of it. sooldmpan,.i by almost continua*
lechuu4 of tete scalp. Autl It,nsruff entire
Iv relies ell is bruin both &li otaiew sed «e
think of the best preparation known to
clean out tku.lrutt, roue the bar and act as
Jressug w shout gadoag en unnatural ap
penrattee. I_ W. KN..% LTs,',
C.e.iuctur C. P. K. between 4Imtre•1
sad Newport. TI.
Tate Mtn'
old words of a omnamd for alteriag the 1 t 1* much garter to start an evil report
Ort hose, leen I than to stoprumor it. Even after a ha.
viz, " rtstl.,anl 01 "
been proved false the harm it ha. alone ean-
u01 always be undone. Before repeating a
hit of gossip It would be well to ask 011117-
seh-es three ,uestwus. First," is 1t true'
St•ao,D.l, " is it kind ' Third. '' to it neces-
sary •" 'Phu practice would be sure to
save as many bitter metm.rryee mel regret..
1'h. pious Philip of Seri was once vlart»i
by • 151) who accused herself of slander.
He lade her go to the market. buy a
chicken duet lolled mei Mill covered with
feather.. and walk a certain distance pluck
the bind as ail. *ens_
Ile woman did •e she was directed, end
returned an /imus to know the training ut
the mjunction.
•' Retrace your steps,- said Philip, "and
gather tip, one by one. all the feathers you
have .cat tern, .,
" 1 east the feathers careelesely away,-
way --said the woman. " and the win., carried
theta in all diem:t.aoms."
•• Well, DIN child, replied Philp, "wit
is with slander ; like the feathers which the
wised las sosuw.d, thty he.. bee@ "It"
la many dlmom. EMI than back MOW it
you cam"
ort useful i
.l •►. of
the m
A aw i •s riot
elite! If
huueelwl.l articles Ito virtues ere tic
not superior to the hot water bag. awl the
oat u eo.ualrr \W) lees Tb.• ..ud *houl.l
he line and deem and .houl.t beth .nighty
driel out before Lear "b*4ta1. •. h 1s tot
Iter to ,over the Manuel bag which holds
the aural with .. tedtou one. as this
previews the said front sdnag .cut. A bag
mot larger than tan inches .quart u ago
aux ,t here w t caldera We
rrbjret W es,-*che .111 nod these bags M.
"'valuable : the. hold the lira r long tune
sal their c.wii .or,tt •u is such that they ere
vainly s•ijustable to the .q. Led parts.
This is on excelient recipe for tuakiug
hell, it aieoct I'0w-•irrral •'frit, two
pontos : rare lease•., ground. rue pound •
fon.u,u'wave. gr.arnl, belt p•u.nl : vaui'85
bean., quarter gxouml : grain musk, quarter
mime. : amt. cf a .,,.mtle, five drub. When
well tutted by sifttlt¢ is a atarse Melte It It
th kr 0,e.
glees up n leant the ships of the North
Herman Lloyds and the Hamburt-American
lines, • and the order " right ur •' lett '•
subst it toed
It is difficult to break with old custorms,
and se5met, in especial are conservative ; it
is, therefore, not a matter of wonder that
many old sailors look with great dist&vor
upon this hand innovation IM board the
steamers of the two great lines mentioned
above. however. the change has been made
obligatory. and, according tr. a report for.
warded to the directors by one of their
oldeat captains. who was himself opposed
to the idea, has been attended with the
happiest tosulte.
As sots se the order " right is given,
the telegraph is moved to the right, the
wheel im revolved to the right, the ship
turns to the right. the rudder indicator
points right, the rudder itself maven right,
.'d the *leering nark on the ertpass a•
well: and see %ice versa «ben the order "left"
is given. Nothing tan be simpler. and no
possibility of mistake tan arise.
The objectrm has been mead that the
thew words of commandeer not internation-
al, and are therefore illegal This sta•e-
'Pent , however, will not hold good, as both
Kaglisl. and Amerioau pilots, in whom every
one has r•onfidenee, have male no difficulties
in using the new words of command Abes
piloting ships of the two before mentioned
companies. Nautical ldagmr,ne.
■14/4. Wars.
Among the many foes to human health
and happiness dyspepu and constipation
are twin enemies greatly to be (eared. With
1t. R. It to drive them out of the system,
however. no danger need he anticipated, as
every time brings the sufferer a long step
further on the road to perfect health and
stretgth, end • permanent core always re
sults. 2
People who have a had odor in their
breath. if it esosot be cured by attention
It, teeth or stomach, should rimer, the mouth
with a mixture made by eddies a teaspoon
Sul of the uncture of myrrh to • toothier
ful of water. It mascot horns and may re
tad denty of the teeth.
THP. M0Dl4.11t. M a.gsr.
'rake all the sleep you tan get, but re-
member that the necessary unount varies
greatly for different persona Some mast
sleep at least nine boon, while °them
• tkri.e under me. holy olrt', rob yourself
of what you really need. Th. " midnight
nil ' is a terribly expensive illuminant to
burn anther for par -prises of labor or reedy.
nn* 1 I4•r tilt 4.51 . neTwa. TRI.
Hods, Oren and running sae. Whale from
impure hiond, end this as missed largely by
eating pork and other ..wboleslao (each
Th. 'hbr,d becomes filled «tth Lhasa ism -
purities and cannot 'helm them off ahead
d the constant /nnply and they make le
there sores .std sn find an eotkot Ws fiat
it said 'vole leave from fit• of .iek..ss. It
u doohtlss tree Imperitrm better Dams
to the so44.m and nn off Sea p'4. the
'ntertal urges and same dimwit.
Ton IVOtO 004T*m4O1.
Inlet t ph yssp l0
Philadelphia, a the
Ikeskfaat In•tug the plainest meal of the
day, the ,raugemcnt of the table should
always 4c simple, writ 'i )I tc, . Parka to
her domestic department in the February[solo[solo,'Home,lourual. The cloth should
Lc spittle's. At each permit's owl place a
knife. fork. teaspoon or dees.'rtspuu0. tu.1•
Mer and napkin, and d fresh fru r tv I. b,
eerveol a 114.er bowl, it there he no servant.
It you have a waitress, ate will place the
nu,;er howls 0u as you tiutah the fruit. It
fresh Trutt be serve.) there tenet also be
placed *t each scat • fruit knife and plate.
The Lamer and spoons .hoto'l lir placed at
the right and the forks awl napkin,' at the
telt : the tumbler* to 8,t' .' the point of the
knives. There eh•.eld be spate between the
knife and fork for .\ breakfast plate. Have
duh of fruit in the: roouter of the table. Hoeg
a trey cloth at each end of the table. Spteal
little butter plates at top of each plate. It
individual salt and pepper nettles be aae.l,
place them at the sale of each plate. i(
large ones place thein at the corners 0f the
table. Put four t.tble.lwnns en the table.
either in two corner., or beside lie .84.1we
that they will he used 10 servult,•. Put the
caving knife and fork at the heart of the
table and the cups and sau.ers, sugar and
cream, coffee par, hit water bowl. etc . amps
the mush d,.8.e• at rhr other end.
IDtuQt In 1677, just m little oyer thirty years
after the death of Manu Lothar. I ally the
books of the Ohl TeasmaI have hese
@pared by Valise 'rune, hat those ave est
forth is good old 4lemma print, with elabo-
rate tllustrM)o .. The record of 415 vaned
forwaee is iserr,bsd wpm its pages. where
Lha .tge.tures of Ube MS/resit °alien
e.�M 11000 bustle it has pawed. As the
Stet printed is tA• filminess leuguage
was Mead �o51y about 1640, this old script
is .ado.btediy one 4 the earliest Bibles
The Meal r the YN.
I:sod health without pure blood as
simply imp .ihk, and to secure pun blood
is therefore absolutely necessary, especially
on Spring. when bail Mood is very prevel-
ant Burdock Blood Kittens ties rs•.edy,
without an equal ,u the world of medicine
It drives out 541 Iwamoto humors of the
Mood from a common pimple to the wont
scrofulous erre. 2
--Iihot.hl w e e-
1 Business Education.
A puna «1L Hoare the oalalaltue
lduslnssr5 Oollafire,
LONDON. • 024/1C
OverIii students ta atMdanoa
J W. WesMree, rvenelpa4
Before taking Ulu
will clear all Winter 1,
U.antle Clotho, h
Astrakans, of
Dress G
61111000.1. tau Alum, Ammon... Lite,
Phosphates, er at y leladibil1
--$.fie EMMETT. Tora"M. Ont.
Mw M rare help.
The New York World has elicited from
lir. Leslie t: Keeley, of Dwight, 111., •
prescription for the cure of grip, which we
print •
No person need died the gnp. Not only
that, but no person need ever be sick enough
from grip to have to go to bed or quit his
wend ocr,upaln. Amato -Leda in doses of 16
grains. administered four times • dao, will
completely break rep the worst cess of grip
at any stage of its deeelopnent it will also
break up many of the comp1iestio s arising
fret, grip. it is as absolute • specific for
grip as quinine is for ague. 1 do not claim
any pitrtitular credit as • discoverer in this
case. My opinion as to the value of scene
tide e • cure is herd on three years' expert -
sere with it. When the grip first mane
westward three years ago, we had oar pro-
panton of it among the p•Limu at Itwight
1 bag•e the nee of arf.rtida for my petwts.
I found the treat seti•facuory results Not
i • sire. or halm 1 been disappointed in
the actin of the [nedtcine. le all the 1,
tacks of the grip amass our people at
Dwight we dal not knee • e•utt. Parucolar-
ly valuable qualilr.S of this "setae are its
rth.•puem, umplieity sod hantike sena
Yue ea501 take ton mach of it. No mat
ter bow =soy grains a day you take it will
net hart yes. Yoe need no pbyeici•s s pre
awipte. a IIsi it. At any dreg sten yea
me get Mer -sewn asaf.etala *HaAttar
paw pt N5 take four of them freer eines a
day, aabng 16 pale des M Bruise ih all. if
1 Il . h. -genu
pills mewed •6 meg\ Ns
bsis. it..gdh m't hurt sad will met d•
f pas iosisnsrit es sM S,e1 tis.@e.k41
■a151111rYE*IONIoegoe.e •5. Mt,
■I.t• for 1ssotear alhlele..
golden I).ys gives some• advice to oma
teur athletes to which occur the foliose tug
hints : " A huudreel yard rose is en et
cellent sport, and the distance re quite long
enough to test the swiftneee of the ordinary
boy. 1t can either be run as • scratch race
or a hawl4. tip. and the distance mast be ac-
curately narked.
•• A half nuk run or a mile walk a the
extreme lomat slat should he attempted by
amateurs. A hurdle rax of a hundred
yaps is oleo quite long enough and is a
pretty sight. The hurdles should he eight
feet wide and never •n re than 4 w . fret in
height for amateur sputa. They should
also be fitted with stands to prevent them
toppling over, sad neatly whitewashed the
day Wore they are required.
Another interesting race is known as
the ' Atlanta,' taking its name from the t. -
mbar legend Au apple or potato •8.04448
he placed half way on each . ompet.lrr's
course. The object of the winner is to
stoop as he passes in his rapid run and
Mimg the apple with him to the winnow
post. To do thee neatly, without losing
poach speed, requires a moiety of tslcula•
loon, allied with keen sight nod sturdy
C: lfnpetitinn
TNR I *'l 41.115 I'a.'trie It.ILwa4 t'.t•M
T*L11i&ere 8...- aero .inn;` -lee on give ,h•
IatMM • Ar t.1... ars Ice nal •h fur amu p -r
h..Vel t.
■t •seri
1t M mswre•1 on toasters 4.rinei !es and in
the *utmost .4 vs torose
1t 44eryr Ow support of every t.er'0n who
believe. in colors, ..1•.o.
row gmark desp.ah ■w 4161. ro5455.J
11ties, ,1...,.••^1 ., t eh .4. all Ilse• .sal cease.
le Imbed wars. nand. ■■.1 @:.►.pe.
thr....rh warno to ail pont. In the
Vnrt.weet.Hr:n.h4'.Rmi•,a.n : 1'. .4e Coast
oifllae- South +ids We.: v.
17r t' Local )laser. G.4erich.
Wes Who Mme a Tow ■
All who opro.e impar ,ve Mau.
Who sever posh their hnsna.es
All who distrust public-spirited men.
Those who run down the town to strang-
Those who show no hospitality to its
via lien.
Men who envy their neighbors their pros-
Men who oppose everything that does not
originate with theist
Who wear long face when stringers
speak of Meeting in the town.
Whn refuse to subscribe towards the
building of schools and oherehes
Who think all systems of theology except
their own are errouenu*.
Who find lash with all enterprises with
whieh they are not connected.
Yen wile, sever subscribe for, advertise
in, or in any war patronage their country
paper, sad are always reedy to find fault
with everytidee it contains.
sew M nue se•e.y.
Take of soh water sit pomm4s, pan hooey
these pomade, white sugar twenty rands,
cream of tartar eighty /mime
lad sesenoe of roses twenty -foot drops ;
mix is a bras kettle and hail fire minutes,
taking special care not to let It ret smoked.
it is better to have • (+armel fiiror plans
the kettle on hot ones. As soon so the
kettle is takes off aid the whites of two
• gp well beaten, Mirrtn. thoroughly. Two
more pounds of wore honey added at that
time will increase the hoa.y Raver. A
slight decor -tine of slippery dm is semis
times added while resoling, bet in hot
wombs, it i. Robes t5 hags ad ries to ate
g loriosa
Ramis Has : It asst pestis the curbs
te eaderwta5d «kat ate ate seem by
their talk ie p..y _ee0llj whoa they •.e
hew Intl. me They t.M w shwa «1444
thee. es 84umdr
- 4011ce .a )4. Lean'. -
-(14.4.1414. for )t•rarl ---
Money to Lend
_ •1
The :meet rea an the near:.1 .tor s:rengtk
and portly. fall Labe M
Sugars, Teas, Baking Powders,
And all .tgae and Caney groceries.
Headquarters for au kinds of
Ohoice Confectionery, Fruits, etc.
Cheap Rates,
Farmer's hates Cashed.
THE P. S`S 1
FR 1892.
Hes • lamer Deily Circulation than any ether
Kepubitaa Newspaper in America.
The Aggressive Republican Jour-
nal of the Metropolis
A umbrae's rest T5' UAMSa
Founded l)ec ether 454. NW.
Circulation over loot 000 copies
ID Al _
Tote rafts, is the n-ttan of nn f,ction : pulls
n o wires: Me no animn■Itlea t0 •v.nge.
The moat remarkable Newspaper mac
oar in New York. THR Pima ix
a national Newspaper.
(aieap news, smear sommelier .5d s5h
n od no piece In the columns of T1s ptesaM
The Pros has the Mightiest V41114r1.l she In
New Tort. It sparkles with isolate.
Tie frena minds, Union ea • setendM
lwe..t,' pew psper.curee1I•t every current topic
et Interest..
Tap Pres, Weekly' Editlnn enor'►ifp1s�ine. 411 the
gent Miasma( the dame earl N.w.ley rdltl0.a
Per theme whetensn afford she Deity m are
pr.veeted 47 dWan.e from early receiving it,
The Weekly is s sp4.dkI substitute.
The Pram hes es eaaertor is New York
Whits the reach of alt. The hear sad Mew
es Neweo.per 15 Awtedaa
Daily sad Sunday, cone Year. o
" 6 Mantis,......
ow ,. 46
a fun
Dally rely,eas Year,
" four Mouths,
Bentley, nee Year,
Weekly Preen, ow Year.....»..... 1.00
Swart rmw The Now amens,.
5.mdes nes. Assam wnab/ perywhme.
Liberal r.earmist@.a
Kdt le Park Ii..w, New Yeti.
Now to hand.
M I ltrooer and (snterttoner.
Tyle Sm.. it. has been able to eon,
Mete an ,mwwllr revertible (+abuse 5r
nuotetn.•• t this Maso5 with
The London Advertiser,
and Its ••Ivantaaee w:11 be fives esta'elyto
The ll'rarrrsi Alternate b Low euh'M1ad
tusk.•. nosh •ml contains motif yeses ,• este
e.sltter. It. N esern tmtarno roust, mews
b a spa lalll at r0atrte feature, while rens
from ad taints of Ow wnr{A o. placed in sob
scribers heeds every third dad.
For gist. re pone of sews paragraphs. erlq
fres the .4n' in two eigbt-page scutes evyQ
wept. 11.e irks. of IOW per ear a •
entails' I w. '• titres and IJs.ghtvea' alan
t•.ututnm s:zree1 tattoo. is a tomul.1 4.44.5'
we.tbl, issued ma .sly Ie rents per year.
Our Grand Offer
Western telt-ember, twice a week tl Si
Wires and Ils.mhlrn, monthly . 'e
TVA 4110. a1. weekly 1 •-
M m
Our cluhhinz rale for the three. tic
Or,tbe // sur en .1 derrefarr Idoubte
«..•*l)i, •ne THE *1058* 1 G
These are Hot Figures.
Hemrn.trr that ibass who are ani already
wbs•riber • of el4lter toper wet balance of PO
free : a Mt 540at of niy fit 40 ueea.terlas the
resider delivery of • 540.101,, • «ret•/ and •
talc, --••week emptiest ea until Mooed of pen
from the date or •onerelpltoo.
Hut, above ail ,..sates that for only kit go
Mir pater tied the Western Adterfiece Mout*
weekly, will be sent no lb. pad or Im!. ea
clsb4sg romtnn.tIon ..nMeed Iw Casaba eau
compare watt tbie, either is solvate of sews
published or in I,woes of pros charged.
Hurry Up I Now's the Time!
The sooner yes sobecnhe. the more you will
Marked an
BEST 18 ?El
85 r
BUT 1188 TH
BEST I818 Tit
L mese bM1 Imams
is este sals4tr. ribs
Haw taw awl
INDIGESTION. 01111Nt00. uses
N EADACN(, awe 54.5555* er TM5
Twee saw 0t55,Tsra..oen *15.501151T
1111 ACTION. AMID MIMI • *5555111 Am
h Ouse55a 511455 111R5M 1■ yN
y55ATwt0T Aim coat toe 684504.10
airs 0T11•1 TtM1TIIh eaMSrmms,
Specific, and Antidote for
impure, weak and impoverished hood, dy.
ppeepp54s.. @leople, palpitatiaa d We
complaint, aearalgi.,less .f
memory, bronchitis, onasomptk.e, p11
Mases, jaundice, kidney ..d urinary
abeam, fit. Vital dense. female irl.g
Maritime end rea@rsl .debility.
a J. M. McLBOD,
idee ted
ham 1 •M M rieui fa well b
W ttt• 4rvssluu Breesslia.�WMN awed sou
This Qii: b
your foot wear
ttore of
Prises low
ILegg ��iiaapp��