HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-2-18, Page 4Thr Agaxl,
The omelet wet."' tht 11111111011 aortas
a n•nlsrium
EVER 1- IIf 1 R1 DAY YOSpipt3
•t e. ae4a1 ,
Mee i1 s v wt -aN !i Deseh,Mrmtt,
neer .r ileffineneaseee
tAe suers. a advents.. g 11
mew is ante.& the pose Pk 7 e.r N
wiUbe . 1a
benestrous beep
tog aa4 te, Ma
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e, a rosss meal
Ideal elf
UM le
a aid
yip me. Dont per
typo two
Man Ma
hag eve.
treltstoo. and
[iea J. C. Pormin •sen eampaya Mag • eeewgm •••s■eellMA see. I M.C. amiss= they we to be asbongid
the preeme weak Hoyt. DAVID MILL• in • neem ad ergo privi whwk •bottid soars. to
Meow the enntkar d They hashers frees dress boldly stated that, sae artier then .s a nett of having their bar -
me ids poises tole ave mads West Hare I how .(any bye.etectiexe the Ottawa leer kept asp by the Government as a
• railing greed darlug the past west .H Government 'night carry, within tate barber d refuge.
1.s days ase would lest teraued to believe month from the assembling of Parini under there coodleggess what are ea
that there had hers a gem•t.l jail delivery went the Tones would be driven from l tupett frusas thus genre 1 They (Afar
M.esenasmltl Osmersw a4pe•etemeii..
A .1 $rleged adverttes-
ve. e • _ _ _ at Iha tMswia• ratty :
lltr g
• si ka 1I
x matte 10.
l 5 U0
e• ens
ads On
Ism isehes in
ngthbaste. tt
per ant. dle 1s' rr mei plumate
•. cowhand 1wAraM to=
t 7•ar'•.
Aeon{ "The gigns1w genre y.
ilia/ser( whsfr te•s.ive Tits swim
rerdarly. tee or ter mit
smaller • raver as of the tact et
u s early • date as
t sen as bat tend.
Year label i s memillog reoseM of the date
to which you ars yam (g. Bee that it i. not
&> wed to rail tatemew
hen • champs of elbow M desired. both
the old mad ter new ed8mes el ev)d be sive.
Salemed serespss sasew
et be returned.
Orites. on me side
et paper only.
rnwsbe's IIeeser.
O.detek. ftyr. been &p.
AnantAd(.rr the t.wn
Aa►B&tt sad We -
J. G Le
ovarths district are deo
M tSoive wb&c.1$I r to Ten
ermnta 1-ati.s mast be addressed t.
relssh-t C.* a. "osed.rl.tig"rasb t.
som ata& 111111RWWW. FMK OK
over the ProsiMMO.
power. public: patronage for edit harbor and
WaAr has Herm dams tams its wellies*" 1 Mr Miceli a not a reckless speaker. I Ubey want to buy us with • prior.
Are the people of Goderich going to
sulunit to much a .tigusa being thrown
tapes thew by a nrw.paper like The
Star ! 11 so, then vote for the Hejec
ted of North Essex and not for the old
and the moi:.: and the trusty M. C.
CAN two.
During past year. when did Mr.
PArrSRaox raise his voice in favor of
Generich harbor'. Now he is •nam
oxed of the harbor. Nay, more . he
is enamors! of Goderich and its people.
But yesterday hr wasn't so much in
love with the town or ite surroundings
in West Huron, and tomorrow or
next day when he is rejected at the
polls he will forget that West Huron
ever had an existence and that Gode-
odo-rich was anything but it *peck upon
the map.
If Goderich harbor ie a necessary
harbor to 1r. kept up by tbe Govern-
ment, Dna it is. then it ehouki have
full 41.Si:tante from the Govern-
ment towards keeping it opeo and
fit for r&vdglstio e, and Se._ PeelliMele
or any other man should not endeavor
to slow on the platforui,or through his
accredited organ, that if be is elected
benefite will accrue and if he ix re-
jected the heavy hand of the whole
Government will lw laid upon our
It is high tints such rascally tactics
were frowned down, and we feel am-
sured that the electors of Goderich on
the 23rd inst. will show that they do
not approve of the bulldozing methods
adopted by Mr. PArratnor and his
town organ so far as the interests of
our harbor are concerned.
peens are asked to vete for • third raw
outsider, drives eat of his own custaturocy
by a nuteseity that was appalling 1 Seed him
heir (>!i by ralti.g up • mouraia vote
foe Carnnou and hem train.
The West Riding
-Ur THE --
i hereby publicly request my agents
and those electors who may act for me,
or who may be desirous of assisting me
in the coming oeabeet for the above
"lectors' Division, to strictly conform
to the Median Law of the Dominion
of Canada and all the proviso; con-
tained therein he taLerence to corrupt
practices and ether illegal acts, and 1
.specially raven* thein not to be guil-
ty of any illegal act, or of bribery, or
any contraventiion whatever of the El-
ection Law of tae Dominion.
My express wish is that the said El
ection may be carried on in a fair,
proper and honorable manner.
Ood.ricb, Feb.
161b, 1862. j
Da the Tories owe the oourt house, any
hoer t
NIL PAreaamser's higb.at dtdinctioe is
IMAM wore • Ceumurvteve majority into a
mia.rity of over 800.
A nsreeose ism' ease is ahead .d •
.re.ed-este outsider .vey time. Vote fr
CAnmwot ad progress.
Tee wardens( Secretary of 5411S is net
me of obs Four Hu.drsd. He is ene et the
Sight Hundred minority omndidetes. They
knew him long enough M manure hies well
is Kms:.
Trs Nova Soffits 'Tsetse were suchred to
their attempts to sootmk two seats iso Satur-
day. 1h. liberals had die right Rowans
to Mem& the Digby majority by • couple
et bemired.
RrreatiniseernceaJesrrie B111 -k babe..
&shag as • hitching -pest for Hoe. J.C. PAT
eves''* convaynes daring the campaign.
A nice position truly for an utk...r with pelt
dal functions in a cirrus. We thought
ex -warden Kees had butler taste.
W a e dud not He. J. C. PMresseum take
High Secretary Hisue tetimii.County Maur
To&o aid Kemal Righter. CAvresu..nd
L.ADR• to Ktugal.ridge awl Mt Augusta..
with him. He also omitted to scud Hou.
JOHN C with*' to Goderich township.
Why •
A Tont u the comity of Distant., where
honest JOHv !unglue DA%I*,so is running,
recently explained at a public meeting that
the reason the population is not increasing
is that the yang men are too poor to
marry ' And there is • goof deal of truth
in it,too. Lunt mbar to Mese for Me herd
He know* whereof lie affirms. The
evidtxtce is now in the hand* of the
Liberal leachers. The doom of the
Tory Athnini.tratioacannot be averted
by iroodle and bolstering
of voters lists bogus
1h'iize 1k. Maerrauo• told the intelligent
farther of -Ashiebd and Wawanosb bow
we.hhy they bad grown dewier the pmt
twelve years under the benign inflame of
the N. 1'. they just laughed outright at the
young inn's gammon. The mut who has
held hie own is Huron durtng the past
twelve year is a rare&vin.
IT IS • well-knewo fact to those behind
the mosses that Hon. .1. C. PATrsa.ov is be-
ing tied as • warming pan for Mr. W. R.
MxsantTH until such time as the bye -elec-
tions are over. Then the former will
become owe mon a political nonentity
and the " Mao in the t'Iowd " will aooept a
1)omtnion portfolio_ Make • note of this.
The News-Record, of Clinton, the Meiat
lest Tory paper in the county, for want of
better argument rebus to Hon. Wilfred
LAurier Walt As ' the Grit shoot the volateers
leader." Mr. LAM.tit: never used such an
expression in his life, and our usually well.
ballasted contemporary knew,. it. The
phrase is only a bit of electioneering throne
a the part of The News- Record.
IT eercmT looks as if tie C•aadian
Goveweeset was " lookesg to Waahiegte "
fee • trade policy darling the past week.
What will B. B. ()nun say sheet him pay.
masters now
M. 1.. CAisaos, d Wet Berea, is worth
h ail a doaem Waederimg Refugee' from
Remit The Wet Hare stalwarts will sea
to it that the eld war -beam roes out
triose edeas Meal
Raeme sermthmera eMmld carefully ex
mein, the bayst-hexa Were dee first vote
r pailed. There are ground' for qhs
Hua a desperate attempt will be mods M
sent the ballot -Mmes en paltina day
Tees rd peeler of the Albino hotel was
weather OTettli.s on ifeody last, &lei the
Sam had every appeereees d an everyday
.lertiee bureau. Very few ef the harpist
attended divine asrviee durrtg the day
Tee speew'•le ed Doodler Re. (ltcraei s
WI. P.. of Nertor
iers, &Adreeeiag the
eieetew• ori West true is the interest of the
Government that wbiMwesbed him to
parliament r sire et i haters of tie ;
Hoa. J. C. PAT ERS N, at Kingsbridge
Wednesday of last week,took exceptive to •
representative of Mr. t'Arsaox being se-
oorded time at Iris meeting. The newly -
lodged Minister of Mucilage evidently ob-
jects to anybody censure between the wind
and his recetly obtained dignity. Who is
this interloper from Essex that Ire should
n ot Deduct hie omavass on the same lines as
any other o•.didate'
RV!) PARLOR blood -suckers u• behind the
government candidate in this contest The
oomkines are applauding him. Behind M.
C. ( Amiens Is the honest sentiment of our
sturdy farmers tbe men who are sufrenag
from • policy which has redaoed the value of
agricultural land in this county alone 1.y
53,500,000 in four years. The farm vote
wiU lift the champion of a fres market
away ahead of the rrstrictiosrt candidate.
('Ames►' is the Mem for Wein Huroo.
SAVE us from Ike 4 diadem aanexataoaiste
and Meir New York tnenda b voting for
the Hon. .1. 1'. Patterson i. West Haas.
Hares News -Record.
And than H011. •1 1'. PATrtttwJ. could go
home to Windsor. forget that the people of
West Hum ever existed. and again nomin-
ate amzatioaist Son.. Wirier for • member
of the Ontario Legislature, as be did an 1890.
The ma who nominated Sot_ W Hrrs for
Parliament was not • whit more loyal thea
Sot. Aima
The ('lints Haws-Rsoord is in error
when it says Mr. Cutest" made no effort
in Ottawa to have the matter of Goderich
harbor looked i.to by the Government.
Mr. 1'Asanon took actio and after initiat-
ing the work had the able •so.tanoe of
mayor Henna at his back. but the 1;overn'
went absolutely refused to do anything un-
til next year, as no appropriation for the
purposes of dredging had been placed in the
e stimates. c our mrrraliy fair contemporary
(w been misinformed ea ibis gaestisn. It
should apply te ei•7er 11u11.sR kr Wane&
tion on the questfe. The speech delivered
on the floor of Parliament by Mr. ('Mentos
on this subject ws published in Tea Sutr I.
immediately after its delivery.
Hu.. .1. 1 PATTIRrwN had the wind
taken out of hie tirade &ttaien Hoe. W (.rain
LaaRivR and Sir Re KARIJ ('Aarwamolr
(whom he stigmatised as traitors) by Mr.
CAraann'' reprsentatiye at the Kinp-
bridge mooting Wocdaseday Mat. He was ask -
ed how he dared Ike call the Reform leaden
traitors when Sot.. Willer, M. P1' , the an.
nexationist member for hs.ez,was nominat-
ed by • gentleman named J. 1'. l'Arrmaw.s.
Mr. 1'Arrsa.ne admitted that anmxatioeist
Warr. was nominated by himself and
Senator CaineAI% another Tory. 1t is safe
to say that he will not repeat his remarks
stout traitors and anne sal inemita during the
remainder of the nrnpalgn.
A go. tee ewer that has wiped off $3.hi10, •
000 of sugar duties this year and Jet had •
surplus cannot Ir had managers of the trust
they received .1 the hands of the people.
Hoo. .1 1'. Patterson, conservative midi
date for West Herne, Is a somber of that
Ilnv.rnment. A wend to the wise is wfli-
cient ('!intern News IGeonrd.
We11, teat the benefit which has &eeru d
te the people by the reduction in the preew 1 IRON is defeated nothing shape
of sugar the hetet argument that nail he ad 1 of the much draired improvements in
vaned that the pnliry of unrestricted ! our harbor will be had by the town of
reriproity. which won .Inwn the 11 'n dr•rich. In other words, nnl.ei the
Ids cutter and throwing him oat, fracturi
taxes rother .sewers sod thong I pule of Oodeneh snake up their "1:n to victory ' aandi ab.rale will kr collar hone. He 'ranged to get hem
be • a.ncit to the canadtan eos.n er m :di had the fractered Iwree est. tad r sw
every walk d ;if.. r the ...reed erne. eh.; minds to forswear their allegiance t1 curry tett the order to the vary letter. ng as well s enuM 11. erpntwd rior the
Never Record is evidently alntemt prw•d.d. I their old friend and hellos townsman The Liberals are ito,e hearty and ism dreunst&arw
lay the ttatura of
vc,The revelation of the corruption of
the party now in power at Ottawa
will be sufficient to shock the astral
sense of the country. The disclosures
will put the former ALt as-AiwoTr
M ArtneeALL) Pacific Railway sandal
into the shade as an example of public
The (loverntuent is desperately try
ing to cover up its treks. It is en-
deavoring to pack the Parliament by
snat•hing constituencies by bribery
and bulldozing during the byeelec-
tions. Hence the "outside candidate
with lots of money " now running in
Huron. Hence the concession lines
swarming with paid canvasrere and
dispensers of boodle. Hence the
inflaming ql isetarian feeling. Hence
the invention of scandal and slander.
Hence the determination to buy or
bully a constituency for the political
outcast of Erre.
But C.trsutox will send the Secre-
tary of State home so well beaten that
his seatless condition will be a warn-
ing to trimmers and mediocre men to
keep out of West Huron.
A rUty1gaN emus or Mown
If Mr. CArsrow were to promise
one voter of Huron that in the
event of his election he would im-
mediately get hire a position where
work would he had so that a depend-
ent and suffering family might be sup -
purled, Mr. CAramow would be baked
before the election courts and, like
Mr. Gamuts, of Welland, would be de-
prived of his seat and disqualified for
seven long years.
But the case is altogether different
with the Government cam didate, for
bribery ad lib. seems to be recognized
as a legitimate mode of conducting
his campaign, and on every platform
and from every Tory press wholesale
pronouncements go forth telling the
people that if the Government can-
didate be elected the section will re-
ceive direct benefits in the way of sub-
sidies, harbor improvements, post
offices, dtc., whereas in the event of
Isis defeat nothing will be done.
This rascally doctrine of public
debauchery is being preached vigor-
ously during this campaign by the
newly -fledged Cabinet Minister, Hon.
every meeting he claims that he should
be supported because he will have the
patronage of Government at his dis-
posal, and of course will be governed
by the treatment he receives at the
hand. of West Huron electors. in
this statement he is always endorsed
and strengthened by the forger of the
Queen's circular to the Indian►, the
redoubtable Dr. MowTAGVL of Heidi
mend, and every other speaker who
occupies a platform in the interest of
the Government candidate.
And the press is not behind in the
making of promises and throats to
warp public judgment and debauch
the electorate along this line. in the
last issue of The Star the following
barefaced announcement and covert
threat in published on the front page
of that delectable sheet in " leaded
type." and with a " scan heading : "
A letter was received at The Star office
yesterday from a promineet and well known
mapper of this comity in which he says -
"I was in Sarnia cm the 9th and there
heard on good authority that unless
thieg is done to ()oderieh harbor this spring
the Ratty heat& will not be able to call
there this year at all."
The letter can he .sen at this otbee by
anyone desiring It. Last the people of
Dederick ask themselves whether Mr. Pat-
ience or Mr. Cameron is most likely to
secure the extensive and pnnnanent un
provemente desired at this harbor. Mr.Cem-
erns and his friends promised great things
last election when he should h.onnte • Cale
Met Minister in tee Liberal Goverment
that visa to be formed in the next few
weeks. Will he do the same now
Did any one ever see such R glia
graceful bid for the popular vote as is
to he found in the foregoing extract
(roan what pretends to he an honest
newsimper ' The strong opinion is
here advanced that unless Mr Cie
in the
ited than ever betore. The old Mel
has • better hacking than ever before.
The haemes are mores etreagly defined
than ever before.
r&TTaa•ws mreaish •• woenansaa"
Any candid penton looking at the
election in West Huron cannot but
exhibit a feeling of disgust at the
manner in which the canvass for the
Conservative candidate is hying ton -
ducted in West Huron.
The entire constituency has hewn
flooded with men for all kinds of par -
poses. Members of Parliament, ex
members of Parliament, speakers who
never were in Parliament, men
never will be in Parliament and
who ought not to be recognized in re-
spectable society at all are all flying
hither and thither over the conces-
sions and sidelines of the constituency
in the interests of the Conservative
For the gentlemen who conte here to
pub:icly address the electors we ask
for nothing but fair treatment and a
good hearing, but there are men who
are not hem for speaking purposes.
They are hem with the idea of cor-
rupting the electors. They are unable
to speak, have no intelligent idea of
the political issues of the day and
are only interlopers and intruders. To
our friends we woold say, watch this
latter class of gentry and if you find
them in your vicinity give them
notice to quit. They have no more
right on your concessions and high-
ways than ordinary foot -pads, and
they should be treated just as sum-
We hope our friends will follow
these rascals up They are none of
them decent, no, not one . and none of
them have any right to come to Wert
Huron. Their intentions are if pos-
sible to debauch the electorate, and
the ehietorrte should give a warm re-
e.ception to the would -Ir• debauchers.
Our friends in every section ghoul('
wee to it that when two or three of
these fellows get into a district they
should be moved out on short notice.
if they infuse to go tar and feathers
is none too good for them.
1M your duty. 1►rive the ra •ala
from your limits. Down with the
'• Coonskins, and other corrupters of
the electorate
CAfl1IB t11w.i IRK
Trig MInOAL rakes s prophecy that
M. C. CArsunw will win the contest
in Wert Haut on Tuesday next.
The iileral party was never better
organised. (Avowed e•d •r dieuhplined.
The great gatherings at every meeting
prove it.
The LAt/R,.e eteemrie Ineetinga at
(loderieh and Dungannon were har
hinter* of victory. and inspired the
Reformers with ronfidenee.
There is no looking
that the marching orders hay.•
given by the .rotnman.ter in -chief.
The orders are " Forward 1- aid
hack ern nI
V' ictory
s ill perch upon the liberal
• M. 0. CAMERON, Q.C.,
t N the 'fown of t oderich,
Of the Town of Wind or,
Turonto t;bbe . la the week at chimps
with which he opened the campaign in
West Huron the Hell. J. I.. Patterson le
reported to have said : " 1 am in a posi-
tion to ate, what has not been made pale
lic before, that the Ministers have today
gone to Woabington, moiety on the iavia-
tie of the United Staten government, for
the purpose of negotiating • creasy which 1
trust will result in establishing trade rela-
tions mutually advantageous to the two
ee.atriea - We have the strongest resent
for believing that the initiative was takes
by the Caaadas Ministers ; but except Mat
as invitation from the Americans might be
• gat onion for the become of the negota-
tioes, it is really not importaat to know
wbo began them. Then is something ex
o.mively childimk is the notion that the
oder to negotisu involves • sacrifice of
honor or dignity, but as the Cosservatiys
hays industrious' y fostered that ides it is
may to ssder.fasti why their leaden an so
anxious to shear the *Misters from the
dreadfal isapatattos of knocking et Mr.
Blaine's doer without an invite: e. Mr.
Pattersos's statement inch..tee that be sod
his mileages' laws no such :torn for the
•• fad " as wore of the organ express. They
know that among their own followers as
well ea among the liberals then is a ,trout
helm in favor of the removal of remoctioes
on intercootinental trade. West Hurn( is
a agricultural coon nnuance . and Alt I"at -
meson Ma no doubt been con%an.•i i that
it is wsle.e to try to persuade the termer.
there to rest contest with the " home
market " or to wait until the British public
comes round to Mr. Howard Vincent • way
of thinking. In Parliament. however, Mr.
Patterson showed little consideration for
the atricultnral microns of the country.
Tam Wont 9w'AL points out that he voted
ageism the mottos to remove the duty on
agricultural fertilisers, agumat a mother tor
u nrestricted reciprocity. and &gaioat the
following resolution.-•• That the midi -
Meal taxation which it is now sought to
impose win .1111 farther iaore•ss the harder..
of the people, a.d is likely still further to
aggravate the distress unfortanatel) erst-
Mg among • lame portion d tale brsiat
population d the Deaneries, .ad ander wwwaoodffi
circumstances it is the beendes duty of Mie
How, instead of adding a the existing op-
pressive taxation, to apply itee f to the re-
duction of tand heeaeburdens now impeding the
d claesm of the dDeminmoa and the tor
this pxrpse to abolish or reduce the taxes
now imposed on articles of gime necessity
to farmers, miners, fishermen and other pro -
decent. "
The Conservatives are making a dead est
ups West Hume, fearing the Lues of pres-
tige which wouli result from the defeat of
the sew Minster. There will be a " burl "
of formidable proportions, and • remarkable
donee is being sed to capture the vote of
Catholics in Ashfield t.owssbip. They are
being told, not on the platform bat in the
canvases, that unlade Mr. Patterson selected
Mr. Meredith will be taken into the Cahh-
eit, and that the ostoses of Mr. Patentee
will ensure the exclusion from ads sl the
Provincial leader. This is a rather
bribe or threat, and one can
agine that it will be maooeesfal in
vows. Most Liberals ars quite indifferent ss
to whether Mr. Meredith owe the Federal
Cabinet or not. He in not a formidable
polumcien, and hes rarely failed to do what
be was told. Mr. Patters• wee very ac-
tino in Mr. Meredith's behalf u the lees
Provincial dandies, and it is absurd to
argue that the Catholics' of West Hares
could Amid Mr. Meredith by voting for
Mr. Pates sea ft will be a great pity if
there shell be ay special appeal a Catholics
by either party. Surely we have beard
enough and had enough of the •' ('etholic
✓ and the "Omega vote " and the
"Proteetat tote." lot us vote a the
towns of public immures, and frown deers
sectarian appeals, and bust cat the=
miens/ bribers who would bay • d
verdict from the ommtrtwessea.
Dress; hems of Interest ihbr
A Weekly nein•• se moats se.. Wowed me
se amts Ueuryuey- ruts mad rebs
e1_ and V.-M.eed Poem
resn Moll..
W. 8 Forster, el l dborus, Las and over
600 oorrd• of dry wood is (Theme. this
W tater.
Ik. !Shaw, (Latae, has reuevered from
►ix reusat dlloees, mad is &mediae to hs
prat:ttos as usual.
Juseph)lobaeta. Weedeld, has rete.'
his lura to Mr. Mamie for • term of years
at 118080 •
•• year, sod 'steads via* West i■
The (amoral d the late Wtlluw. Puttees,
of Tsrsherry, took place on Tue•da . elk.
The remiss were towered in the Rluevale
Peter Hill ao l daughter, K.tb r, of Bou
main. Maamtobs, are vsitiag relatives and
friends um the ler nod Wd caacwwue, Mor
ria, this weak.
John Moorsabsd, of Exeter, who has
hose prosounud insane, has bee made •
want of the Hurn. Co., jail, to be paid for
at the rate of l6 per mooth.
Stewart 1 Dui, (:ray, who pur'chured the
husk farm of the Jo.rph Welsh este, hive
sold tt to A. McDas.ld foe 81,600, reserving
their not te take all the timber.
Ward was received • 1ew oda s .god
the unexpected death of Mrs-
r . Robert lbb-
so., at Wiertoe. $ farmer resident el Kited
The casae of her demise was m eaweedies.
J. R Grat, of W.nnapeg, p.il •
Aye.' visit to Remade Wt week. • looks
as .1 yore, and speaks well of the Prairie
Province, but was &1m delighted at the at
_ Frsvemente m Beowsls.
Vial nary Pry, i7Na4ss, it vTiM*
her sister, lit n. George Hasa, Morns. h
a 30 years since they met before. Mr. Ham-
a tad Needy have b..fs dowa with la
grippe, Int are rattle( better now.
The examinations for etraace to the high
schools and the p.biic school laving ex
arronatione will be held this year in Jim to
steed of July as formerly. The 28th, 29th
and 3011a of June are the dates Axed
Thee Manning delivered twine large elm
logs b the ladsborough station the other
day. The two butt cuts. twelve lest tees
had 1,200 feet each, and • twelve foot log
out of owe of the limbs had 700 Net in it
The license oometimioean Sited for
this year tea - Hum. East Thos. Gib -
a.., Geo. Fortune, flew M.rd►e. Ower,
South - Robert Vines, Peter lbwglas, Jobs
Weir. Hum, !West- Semite) teMee, M.
Young, Jas. Stephens,
Mr..ad Mrs. Wm. Iaglr had children, of
Ie Dr. Mowraer. r great speech he has
ott$y ass, by -the -way he claims that the
population of Ohio. Iowa. Maim, New
Hampshire, Vermont and other ef the older
Stats are .leern.mieg in population. fk.
Momraars is i. seer, •.d memebooy has
. nlosded • let et bogus memo reports upon
Hie loqu.eies yeeag mean. Then isn't •toe
ante in the Caine that hasn't made • sale
metal gain donne the past ten year.. and
Tar M USAi is prepared l pave that feet
to the earr.ldue meefieo at ay time.
Thome Downey remedy mot with a
minus mishap. He wee ,swim from hie
am min in McKillop and inertias a ieigh
ea the road he collided with it, .prttig
bas it i a glow ori weer la kis saes
..d he d is 110‘11 as okjarof br all
. ai.
tall..Ts et is ..s . ...
• tisk sad • Ward, sad le aid M be • rat
ive of the Weldor lakes, whose they grow w
a sued wheat dues bet is Isagtb These
Wee wwrsd abut • bet be kwgbb. They
mese bars manse asp the river trent the lake
01IleydA flow yes age Mr. U. M
hems el la
ecIClllop, teptursd w d We
same in • .Masai ie these towaship
The mile sem of Arsbihak iai , Bel
grave, died es tiraday mashy, y
7, hem ►dmmaraattors el the busy.
As Raster ►snug party were -fsemr.1
HI Caplsartag taw foxes. Tb. ales are ea
cetleut oases sad will comem•.d h1 1. prior
Aare. Cedesor• and wife. formerly of.
lemiter, out ass of Crystal City, Manitoba,
am viewing relatives and triads is Easter
and vicinity.
A. Mcl)owll, raster, •hipped • ~mad
of Mirage to St. Thema bet week. Atte.
arriving in Ht 'Moore they will be shipped
to Moosueu., Man.
James Willis, Kamer, wbo ha& been a a
state of prostration for some years, under
went • surgical optimum last week, • id is
progressing nicely sews 1ta prfursta u..
John Plat,sr, the old mean whom dwell
tog was recently bursal at Blyth, word
the other day that hie sister was ging u
Stratford, and barite' no moat/ to par bis
fare alerted a e foot for that city el
day of teat week.
Aa .Solomon Maiming, Meter, was dn.
ing Moog Main street recently his have
became frightened sad heromiag me aa•ge
able ran away. The driver .sospsd with
out ay serious injury, while the cutter was
badly shake to pima.
Mr. Walters, of fist W&waaceh, mea
7,etlsad, had hie leg ss badly crashed that
amputation will M aasasm•y to ease ►r
life. Hs was t•Nsrd young Waltes who
was accidentally killed hast Janie by tie ., ve
osallag off the ►aaila
North Dakota, who wan ep.edtes a coat
ef maths with relatives mad_ f is
county, left Seaorta last week. Tbsy will
spend • few days with Mrs. Inglis' mauves
is Mickiph us their way hose.
W. Stevens, Lasdesborough, received so
invitation frees his pares( a Ragland to
added their golden wedding. They lava •
fruity orf eight boys sad four girls, sed
have .ever Tsi mad • death a the family,
which very few cam say for so large a
The Seafortk curling dub played a midi
with the Stratford club in that city as
Tuesday, Yeb. 9. Tbr was cos of the
matches for the Ontario tamk•rd. Soeafoetk
case out victsrions by one Amt. This en-
titles the club to compete in Toronto for the
A Winnipeg deup•toh of Monday, 8th
isms., says : • F. A. Myers, of Portage r
Praine, and head et the (hder of Foresters
in that placedied yesterday of bleed
poieenimg." Mr. Myers was, for essay
years, a resident of seaterth, previous to
gmieg to Manitoba
Oe Tuesday el last week Alicia, relict of
the late George Greenslade. of Leedom town.
ship, died at the reaid.ace of her mom, let
26, res. 8, Morrie, after • brief i1Lm e
The old lady was upwards of 90 yuan of me
tad had bees • very Marty permit Hr
b.mhasd died about 20 years ago.
Wm. Bray, loth oosceemie, Grey. broke
hie left leg. below the tom, u • vary eine
pie way • short tea ago. He was riding
on • sleigh going her • lead et loge.
He allowed hs lag to Meg over the aide
and it was o•aght between tie twister sad a
stump sod the bone snapped in a mutest.
Last week William Brewer prebend the
100 acre farm, being lot 12, ooaosenee 7,
Graz, from .john McIntosh, of ('rambrook,
paying 86,150 for the same_ The farm is &
good ose .md km been lamed to the present
forthe past tors years. Mr.
l*rs will do well wait his mew paaeesion,
as he is • meter.
John Greene Stanley, met with rather a
painful aceidnt a few days eye He was
standing at the Mor tangle N a pmts. a.
sod to hard g Se gas i bis nisi skipped from
under bins. wrig bin M fell tem bis side
on the door step, heelnt(ig • dew of his
ribs. We are glad to Issas that be is ru-
tin .say over it mgt.
Rev. C. M. of Houghton
Mist., fsrsasly a sdifieter of the M. F
adenemioaatiimm i illremils, had aim left ler
Mime lin imis bast 1rmrLMa oma iii iMs, jo
ai me re plmmmd
*knew the reverie* gm•tlsmmr is able b
Bra about all right. Mr. is •
r d i m
brslhMrs. Hargs, of firm, mil
Mrs. Coslter's, of 1afrtb.
The Lincoln, Nebraska, correspondent of
the Chicago Cards. American ie its lit
of Comedians loe•bd in that city says : " H.
A. Stephanie is item the trend old county of
Huron. Here ten an. A building cos
tractor with • 8s I. nicely Axed
fins tidally." The sane comeripamdent given
the rams and former eseidewoss et some
tweedy 4 amadiaas who are now ea brewers
ie Lisooln-
W m. Leach amwl Wm. h imsmm, on is -
half of • Dumber of the ('biselhurst people,
prevented Rev. H. Iroise with a load of oats
for bis horse, reo.dly The oats were
meetly crushed, thea wing the expense
and trneble of sinking them meshed. Mr.
Lesch did the emBaMing sod Mr. Kinsman
the cresbieg. (libellant did Mr Irvine •
like kindnsm lad Whiter. They are booed
to make the edema work es pleasant as pos-
sible for their orator
What might have hem • serve... accident
happened to Wm. Magma. Rieke, while
leaving • certain home to .t tend a sokrpiee
party. Being mounted en hie Ira whn, and
sere paying attention as he sho.ld to where
Ms deed wasit over a mil,
which named its
ngngrfdr to valuta the growled
rather forcibly. No hors were Mehra.
al Ideal lowed freely, but by tied
attetGm the Sew was era etepped. and en
mime routs are anti/epat.d.
Kspositr Solite mea who won marking
at the Rg.ondnlbe dam the other day comae
serene three matures whisk they captured
alive. Mr. Jackmns, of Pginnadvile, get
one sod J. Livhg.te a and Dr. McKay seek
anstber. Mr. Jackdaw'. and Mr. Liv -
1 a' math het pd Metter's r still
Duly Reworded for Readers of
•• The Signal."
the less sr tM Wei is Qsad.nmsd M Wish
s'e:eires rsr nems ulnare The e.mtdr
World Iv rh.wva•hed Wore
I..s Tawe,
Four new oases of smallpox are reported
at Newark, N. J.
The rumors d am tmpendiag revolt is Rio
Janeiro are proso.nosd untrue.
At Lyudoaville, Va, the Nwmamster re -
gemmed 28- below sera a Seaday.
De Limeys meps is .ritically ill, but his
pkyaus iciadorw
y that his oditien is haps
Foreign steamers sr:iviy at New Verk
aro rigidly i mpest'd fen mass of .mrlet
Hy the boriiag of the 1.551 (lap
.ear Mt CLrsel, Pa., en ,600
hands will be throws out d for •
Jame' Fur has died at Hae Ifireesiesse
Ca, from the effects of the " geed ears
The dead boy's tether is probably wortk
A •• wolf drivetook plasm a Saturday
near Girard, P. Fir tk.assi l M
killed tweaty-two wolves on tmuNary tee
mdse Name.
Bridget Whalen, aged tweatytbree, ws
tweed to death ea %today, rhea bar
bntbers home star Dobbs Ferry, 111. Y.,
was destroyed
" Mark Twain " r rse.verieg han the re-
lapse which he recently ssffersd. Me left
kis bed for the fist time Saturday. but he
meet keep to kis rases for wake yttt.
Join 1;. Whittier, tie pest, is slowly
ooev.lsucinr from • sseeed attack of the
grip last Wieser Mr. Whittier had a sor-
row .seeps front this deogeross dimes&
Its said • oompe.y of UghmpitJYs
are easisysrtag to pie metre& el all vas
taansrias is the Dated Sates The sem-
posy he. 55.000,000 d its meek wkse•ibel
P. Merril, as esepieyss of The Karma
City Times, while .teondns, a wMrteia-
meat u the Inch school Friday
eight, fell eat of a fourth dory window sod
was defied to death.
Sarah Althea Terry, of Sas Fremr"e,
Cal , who haems notorious theengb,1mr
divorce wait agatst ex -M.e•tor fames W
Mer mb •quest worrier! to Judge Terry,
has become imams over spiritualism
Micheal Davin aye that he will not run
again for Parli.met Wore the gmmalelan
tie- He stated ie • mime ea Aeadeg nkat
Irish properties were msrtpged te
bakers ad others to the .:feet d
The Imperial liovrnmet ban word the
C. P. R that, it wW wbidisn a aimorine
cable hotness Vaamuvr and Jape by way
d lJeimak lased and the Alentimen
forts are ►sing made in LL.giaad to robs
copied for the esmep-y.
The bodies of Henry Miller, • farmer, Ise
wife and mother were bend in his homey
sot far from Hope, Kea, a Saturday. The
MAYS of their death ernm to be somewkst
• bet certain' circumstances i-
icad a nkat it was murder.
Tim trouble ie Tena -e camaed by the
employment d convicts is the moms W
been renewed. (le Ther.dey tight the
pickets ei the Stab troops were Brea on by
misers, and • Galling gnu was treed e
the emanate, mever&1 of whose were snit
Meredith Ktattley. the bridge
leads whet may prove to be a Mal •
Seedy front the ('teei.eat ad C.vk ss
bridge, • disc ece of over 100 foot, 1wm bbs
Ohio River. 1t le feared be resolved fatal
injuries He made the jump far • para el
Urn *A:it Lerma Ana The embers of
The living Age for February 6411 ad lith
contain Gard.'., and Milton's Masked.,
Nineteeeth ('•story The Religiose Opia•
isms of Robert Browning, Cosionseeey ;
Monasteries of the Lova( Reviited, See
Review ; The Decay et 1 lrighm it►,mri ()w-
oke, Hothead : The Rtsesises Midis Pawik%
and Tb. Mame of the Rid. i Glia :
Twelve H.adred Mikes on the Yang!
Kine, Black wood : f iosthe'u MnIber ( Ma
tleaa.a'• ; My l.ru t. Frames. Flaadws
and 11r...ny i. 1739, Temple Der ; Sara
es their Travel, 8.eday Megabits 1 The
Mistletoe Bough, (lorsbif : Women ef
Naples. Mamt's ; Re ire aes.Ny and Omer
srtag in Maths to IM Rr..et .
ie Jaen, Natant : The Yetww d the
Guard, All the Veer Mead ; Bnwisg'
The Jap."..- ea tsetatpmllstt
sed t. Mpoet•t • with ••
"Tb. (aodil a."rnd A Titill="
ad poetry. Fee Ntyswe minhe1• eft1k•
trifler large pages mei On mem theiyt
Cr,Ie. ..isile /r Ara eM ear
te•semi any ace d mks muflase rf1.M
Vow m "'ask t 4.
e= MIMI ie the
t iTflrA< tis
A Gamow.
ClTm• e
tsoVrsN►rw 1r
mad Fanner
A Weloom
A reeled ifs
n estdww es
triton oat
Mrs. John 11
daughter, Mrs
ford, for seven
Till farther
meeting at the
day evedag i.
Owner to tax
day night of le
tai.ment .t W
held. If so. d
J. G. Clive
bias, ams St
week seising rel
that his seethe
was so aerlema1
day), take a c
By bills ono
subject of • n
this week hen
little unrest lu
In the ward tq
of TIM
put bot* sides
carry the ward
and the doubt
Cantmedre by
ward from the
Asthere base I
movab mad dr
Men there are
retain these fan
einem its emit
Dna a this pk
▪ Lailawa
Oa the 30th d
event oasis !t
see now pima
married to Mil
Rev. Mr. they
Mg the mem
together to ore
death shall pal
circle of friend
• w),a to
Ijues. City I
tee happy ooh
in ?Agar.
[mon oc
Oar archiver
days iwit wash
at the Marin
•sada d ret
ef 'w
The seven .
true ; the
heat The .s
ditty gaing th
so. •stag+ end
big time to go
rata hoar
coming down
hem and es
jearsy btu
A Bsn Ton
Abd tar th
mnrnig et as
the arubies
baste ad
hob siiNL g'
their lords t
hate goat bel
!tat warlike
sort a thea
oil ea the bell
SAo Trntsc
chis pkeee. re,
her eldest miss
frmeriy d J
of the late Jo
of that town
e n illness of
gam Her
akb to bid fa
7.ssasd eM
Imes during
Mika bar i.
oboe niter
Sewoo►t. Do
out of tame h
paired... .T
abrrwt to be 1
The new
Widnes apo
the sebool •
•tae. ( h
kr is sae
juniors is a
which b••.,
into the littl
duty to be e
dearer to ea
Rettaw is
and J. Gmt
P. d I. meg
to pet their
the heirs* to
bid ea till
horse rot al
rastriel figs
Btta. the ver
pleasure of I
mend ti
Feb 10. T
lout tae w
the pada@