HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-2-18, Page 3The Safest AND most powered t lbseei v. Is Ayer% ala. Teaag slid old aro alike basaSMd 4 ias ash Far Mayehres dha IMMO piasYar M SW Is*Mk= sindslag affleam M tela moprim. whale ate *pew bis Sart makes M est to adalu- Mm. My May boy bad imp sereho leas ukases Id. as* and throat from wide* b. - = tiered terribly. Two plimis naMnded bins. bus M grew eisoly wear ander their esus. sad everybody �ee�d be would die. I bed beard d 11� ie�.rtsbie cares effected by Aysies Merap erilh, and decided to have ley �p N. Shortly ober be began to s�e�lr medklno, lbs slows ems - mewed lssilag, Sad, atter using roveral bottles. be was entirely cured. He is n ow as healthy .ad strati ar tm troy $ebb rms."-W1Liem V Do.g�srq. Plot. D ain May last, m yeklld. a out sold, ou Inb ve ports to Ino head bod ay.We a ✓ various simple remediew without ag. Tim sores l.eressed In nusabar aid dlrcb.rpd copiously. A pitpteles was railed.but the sores esuMnstrk M multiply mill in a kw sesahs Wry nearly covered the child's Mad and bdy. At last we began the gas d Ayer%Sar- mp:uilPa In a few days a amrbd change fur the bettor was manifest. Tb sores assumed a more healthy condition, the .Itaeharper were gradually disin- Jaked, and finally ceased althat. The child le livelier, ito skin Ialtea�nt. and its appetite hotter than we served nor mouths."-Femik Af. Loug Point. Tessa- • The formula of A er% IlaranpasElla presents. for choreic dine nos of almost e,rry kind. the best redmdy k.owa to the medical world." -It. k. Wllrea. Dl U., \\Lige , Arkansas Ayer's Sarsaparilla, r..r•aaD .T Dr. .1. C. Ayer • Co., Lowell, Masa Fri/eft. os Mau' ..• 1.. \Vevass. twits. PATENTS' NEA?s, T►ItI MARES AAO C PVAlgMtf W��,, Seal ah business is the U. It Pam t.d.d toad MOIKifdTN Firm O ammo Is opposite the U.8. Finset Or Illshood wt ire oHain Patent* la lea ns ba lyn maw* from WASHINHTUN. Seal MOAAK/. OK J)K4 WINO. W. ad Haase y pateirbillty fres •E sherife. ons.. Wit WARD N0 en MON UNLBAUS WA oft ?4l. PA rKNT. We railer. here. to 1p Pus,master, *better. 4 Mone lhd.•r Dov„ Sad to official. of the U. 8. Pelmet Oaoe. For circular. adrke MM. and ',e'ereooee to bard clients is row Awa tirade or County. wile to r A .New a CIL. faevsslt. Pstea Omoe aelwidw,i>.0 liOtt DUNN'S BAKING POWDER ni[caacsecsrta[xn E RVE 1f131*m w • to el w do vow. *1. thewe e .ss! levo SOMADOOM& Las toy ...remit. atin wren or to r..r■e�1maws d rats. Mer4 M+ . t: o twat sbebse ee, - etpe al Wails -.,• .17y goat r ee rm_� lrl t.aseMa ts3 rL 10 OOD6111CH 1BY 1. H. JORDAN. THE KINGDOM OF WOMAN Toronto House Is THE LEAVING DBI HOODS EIPORIOri T111E LATEST AND REIT THE 'BACHELOR'S TOAST : " THE GIRL I'VE NEVEM MET." Tbe Easel O•.fi-M0. C.lu brie -tome THE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONT. THURSDAY, FEBRUAR' 18, 1881 Wearepeolabeas. .wry Modem el elves, ad verbs brows He necessity .1 traversing lesdeege for the sake ol.rwtai.iag iu graminattoal oseetreeti.a. The feller Mows twenty serest diierea recluse .f .... d dray's well -knows poetical Ila.., yet Me mem is set a/.ot d The wry pto.ghmse pads kis homeward Flower Loewre...A rime aagliehweessa way. w W homeward Th. pioog►ma.. eery, Plod. -Newspapers Is tae aw•wte--.Taw Maui way. ineerset..a.1...t•ges .1 W.aat.•'s Rate. Miley mores& tame I've knows, Garb with eon..ud poise' oyes Tbat wouM melt a isesrt of class, *very maid • lovely prise. I have wsrebipp.,d at their test. Yielded to their charms ; and yet 1. the bees of them as area As the girl 1've serve me 1 They have witching Brie ways, Ube enraptures wise she miles . each ist. •muss, saw•.., ouslaves she with her wiles, Toss they're germing, I agree They .n "aquavit* : sed yet, None of them eutlow ms lip 11. girl I've ester met NM has all their wusisg grass AU their nob ..d newty rare. Flashlag eyes. • perfect fare. Low, sweet forehead, rips/lima hair Fancy tasks. her sol my own 1t.ri oswgn► see kr wow ; and ret. 7'i Sbfun mor maids rye knows. Sks`s W girl 1're serer mat. Ilbs11 I steel bar ' Who can tell • Weis abort, the word is wide While 1 wait. 1 know it well, 81. may be auc.ther'e bride Fats baa kept as two apart. We may mew mea ; and yet, Hese. • toast : 1 pledge my heart To the girl 1're serer set 1 Tem Bawl -Desk. Icor person. whose invective genius would insist upon emoting itself, hes e- teated a now con,ln.•tIua In (moisture hied will recommend itself no doubt, to sway persons who have a liking for furnish tugs ..hat have • touch of mystery about them. \Whet. it stands upngh: it looks like .0 carol h..l.11ug • portfolio Rut there s a nob on the top, which. being pressed, lets down the trout or t1.e portfolio A pair of slender steel legs let themselves down from somewhere to support the front of Me n..rttnllo, which probes to be the W ulf of the• desk. Back of that are sem emusding ge.•n holes. boxes, and convenience. for bo ingthtsgs, with tsk-siesdl, pestle, rulers, caleud.rs. and other equipm.ste of • desk. In the top of the easel tram, also is • tiny clock. Another easel of the same design lets down into a dressing taade with pale blue upholstery, a 1.rge bevelled .sir rot, sod many brushes sd Loxes. !ars. (.lamb... A chivalrous mite is trying to awaken • Wile interest in Mr.. Columbus In this u- ttivirsar of the Mummy that made her enamel fadr mous. He tette es that rhe was a Ales Palewtrello, which Is rtieiteiy more distinguished than plain Mrs Columba. Her father was • navigator. sad as • girl e ke nude many hazardous voyages in crow put with kim. NW possessed a tine ala ••tis.s sad nor • beauty. ambitious woaau. It may be peosibl• that she suggested the Western etcursion to her lord •.d master, Aad spurred ham on to his discovery, like gleety of other good wives to whom the Y bssb..d. owe their far. Ls homeward way lihe weary 11emmitwa. His homeward way the ploughm•$ real The weary y ploughman homeward plods bas way. Tars proghamm, weary, Lammed pl.ds W way Rio we' Op weary pkatghmoa h.aew.rd The r 1agbi.as, homeward. plods as weary Otis we'oLiths pb homeward, hoeward, weary His Hhomeewward weary way the ploughman Weary t• he ploagbm.s homeward pads hie way Weary, the ploughmen plods his boa,ewerd way Rearward, lar way the weary ploughman pluda Hommard, his way ibe ploughman. weary, Home &rJ, his weary way, the pauughrm. The =maw, l�r maw, homeward, wavy plods bis way The ploughsra, weary, bumew.rd plods his way Rh weary way, the ploughman homeward plods His weary way, the homeward pbagb.ma Pods Hl. way,, the ploughmen, weary. b seew.rd Homewar• d. • the ploughmen plods his weary way ' Homeward, the weary plougbmu pik4s his war The ppouwbmau. wow!. his way boo sward plou• ghman plots ht• homeward weary way ITM ploughman barn. plc .. his weary homeward Awry She• I.l..ugbrnan his way homeward ph d. Amy bib homeward way the ploughman plods da -. - Tn•y Time. T.. .Serer. %slaty .w Freight Train► What we want, therefore, is on act re - :poring the adoption of uniform safety couplers by the railroads throughout the country. A remota4ble time should be gi ren to enable the roads to maks this change. and they ought to bare at least fila and perhaps tea years, which is the ver cgs life of • freight car, to minurlets et. Ti*.. at the expiration of the time fixed by 1•w the um of uniform safety couplers ought to be compelled under penalty. The possum of a type could he left to the rail- roads themselves, for when the miriade fous.l that they would be forted odder penalties to have uviform safety courses they would soon agree ne the best and cMapsstµ kind. 1f they lid not, ftrther 1Iee�Rer11 on this point could lot easily ob- tained, wing the neasstary •utb,r,t7 an the later -`tate Commerce ('ornmiss,on. As to the other prolific earn of casualties. hand !wakes on freight trams, the case r ampler. The headu,p in the statistics de scribe thew accidents as -fallow from tram," which occurs almost wholly on freight tracts where the brakeman is re• quinol to pass .long the top of the cars and to climb to and from the roof is order to For rt.w.r lamer.. reach the brakes. 1'ha danger of this work Now that the violets and daisies are with is obvious Bunning along lbs roof of • us spun, remember that either of them can moving car by night. with the boards cer- ise perfect y revived and mad. firm and ereo perhaps with ire or snow. in the midst stiff atter • day a starving is a corsage bou of storm and darkness, which bide from quer by pwtu.g tam! stems s0 a cup of eight the mama bridge, it u little wonder baling Dater and letting them remain till that so mammy meet death in the per non the waur cols. This fella. An. mice of this duty In this case .11 that is other thing to remember, although tie we- required a to follow the diredtous of the c. sty will not arias for mouths, is that English Board of Trade defining end re - when water blies err needed for eveoiug qutnng trate brakes which .re worked Id beeut u • dark automatically from the engine. Sed with • decoration they shoe p Th d when m as oar p•anger service. The case is each brought into the gaslight will open .ad stay • plain one at thit hardly seems to need FELL AND JII1'FER GOODS NOW ON VIEW. P. O'DEA, Manager. citron csall the afternoon. en they will which we are already thoroughlytl tamur close, thinktng it u night an �i ole molahsl feat ors- argument. . o poem vas be involved an It, and no very oomph A Clever E.gllshwwte a. cited legislation is required to bnag about Mia Rite Wiggle has the distinction of the desired result without placing a rain - being a young k•gl,.b woman rho can talk ons expeues 00 the 1Jan:ada It to a n Freaeb. There w inhumanity of courts, thousand. •f inhuanity aot t take prompt action. 7'pple The English girls who clatter among themselves total number of killed and wounded is in is . Jargon winch they fondly imagine is creasing front year to year, and .r. a the Trs.ek and ma understand each other very proportion of lose to the total nun r of mak; boo when they go t0 pare IMy Was. men employed. Undermity in the �..e of filar at tie awful ,guor.nc.t of the French safety appliances and cf tram brakes on oar tsar possessed by the mauves. Miss freight trains wall save hundreds of fives, *jafa,Imosever. has been awarded a gold stop the instating tOhcoeands of men, and stieU1 by the French Minister of Public la preserve the bre/vl-wisperu to thousands of etreetion -- • reward for her protietemy is .malies. Stich sn,foraity rya it obtained SCIENCE AND PROORMS. THE eossisniveti Oil TIME NM1111111- NESSED POWER 01 I*ATURE. •rti•otai .lona fee Paving -T8. Tb►aeola of a Bobbie • A aNh.eee I. le as.su-- WIW■ a Tear .f 51.re0*.o-avert wol�l on Progress. O.e of the greatest ectea t& authorities. profee..r crook., o1 Pugla4d, bow tells .s that It Ino bees computrl that is single arae loot of the ether which fi11s all spew, 11.r. is • atom of 1[1,[410 foot p.m 1. .f ea- l) orgy which has hitherto ncaped Duron : fLL sea that the latest ie•e•rc►es war. oat the se "German Syrup Those who have not A Throat used lie• x bee's Ger- and Lung man Svrup for some severe and chronic Spec laity. trouble of the Throat and Lungs can hard - appreciate what a truly wonder - 1 r.,e.lt.*ne it is. The delicious rsations of healing, easing, clear- ing, strength -gathering and recover- ing are unknt wz► joys. For Ger- man Syrup we do nut ask easy cases. Sugar and water u;a\ smooth a th:ost or stop tickling -for a while. This is as far as the ordinary cough medicine goes. ltio scl:ee's German Syrup is a discovery. a great Throat and Lung Specialty. Where for years there have been sensitiveness, pain, coughing, spitting. hemorr- hage, voice failure. weakness. slip- ping down hill. where doctors and medicine and advice have been swat lowed and followed to tine gulf of despair, where there is the sickening conviction that all Ls over and the end is inevitable. there we pial. German Syrup. It cures. You are a live man yet if Yon take it. • �Mgglhlie Am ideas arafy thr exportation that this ram Sad hltheri. w- .cussuble store of energy .i11 eve day M mode readily .v.ilishie Differed steps to- ward this end are being Odom Is .l1 •hs .oentibc count rhea At Clark U.sverety, M Won:meter. Masa. the electric cute of the .t.aoupbeee s eosu.r- 117 measured by as electrometer and • Thompson •'water-lrupping collect- or,.' the moults being registered as a carve os photographic paper. As experiment of nisch import/Lace re- garding atmospheric electricity. recently earned os1 in Ragland by Mr. Alexander AtoAdes, looks directly to the .rube purpose. -though it takes us hack to begin agent •t' the very infancy of electrteal *ear. ; fur. Ibtwgh to coodstlons were rem. tut differ- ent• the operation was suh•tauu:.tly ,deati- cal o,th Franklin' experiment with kits. Mr. IIcA.he, however. has denioastrated somethingfurther, --which is, that 'Irwin - city era drawn from • kite high u • cloudless sky. This eapertmeu,ter also measured the electrical discharges from the lower en.I of w ,n.ulate.l wile ..•.•or. ted will. the kite, by means of an e1.,-, r..m•teo at the point where the nue reached the earth. So nearly ,Ord the ,puantrty rd elenrtwrty aw- respond to the height of the kite shove the earth that it cool.' usually be deterinincd whether the kite was rising or falling by simply looking at u,e needle of the elec:r.. wirier. The discharge .parks, varying i❑ frequency according to the altitude of the kite. oleo derrouatr•tei to the eye the reality of the electric .uneat From dies. facts It s not doth, tilt u. conceive of pro. dielanguage ower all other koglW ooape- only by legislation which will reach into tams. every State and every territory. The Con $900,a l L i.T and Ommb. l4. .O W ro Agents .. sed W.4Isu, Ter:h- seeand t1.rtyw..a to latroline. dsew a.A Weser s.wAsrd berth. Testimony of 19 Osnturfee to Jesus of Nazareth. ra• ems rdlyirus h.ek sf Hie ally tates to 1M e.Iwno.t.sYelees. Nns•roearf•m Carlslu owl. K xelasive t wtaw• e TIM Marr Mu ►.Mast MAN WANTED Isla s1 ansa 1•e�nt • pe!ata • varve 1Pri sit /tw • M wrtm Gtr m le • gram of the United states .lone has the power to pa R•wep.p•n 1■ t►. School. ss each levitation, •.d it u high time that the power was exerted. Yin. Conway, principal of the Camay From " A Perilous Besieges sod the !l.•tttate in Memphis. has istroduted the Rewbedy .. by the Hon. Henry Cabot dolly s.wspaprr as a text book in her LodgeaD N01'Lb Amerman Review for F.braary. clams. All the leading porals are on file in the school library .ad though at first Mtn Conway cut all odes.*.• nutter from the papers, the young ladies now open the paper in clan Jus as it mores from the prem, being influenced he the teacher's taste and Judgment in their selection of matter. Miss 4 onwmy'. idea is that the cultivation of • literaltaste .bold as - dads papas as wail NI Ifs OW,* 1gskst. WM'p. Satires* N • cloth wet with emi- r' •.d they will a.1 scorch the clotbi•g. ID making tea, all the water mammary sitouW Le poured a at the first drawing. To clean braes gm 6xta:se rub theta With cut lemo.a, .ad tion wain tont a ia Me water Freak meet after b.pui.g to soar will .warm if placed eat et doors in the oar mar eight Whe..bet to scald milk wet the a ..e - pe. with cold water to prevent the milk from lour lung. T. Teat se Ores's Weal. • Franck authority ea cookieg given the WMwt•g rules let teetiag the heat el sa am: "Try it with • pow of white pe if ton bot the paper will blaekeu or blw up; it it Lerom.s • bight -brows it is 6t toe ma; it it turas clerk e11ew it r es far sad the heavier hied, of asks; if light -yell ,w uhm ora is ready for ,Reng. alike sad the lighter kiwi, el dsnwta ' T. week MSrt.h lretis. . Lay Oke imams m h plate ..d swab patty with • testb-ierssb gipped is wars ..•pada Tem Make oat and dry by . genii Arc AL 6rst the lector will lay. • most discouraging.ppe.raas., •.d wilt be apt to talo Hoak it .pdL Bat •(ter k is perfecta) dry earl it carefully with • melts a mag it will rearrest all its plumy arts... Adelman...a WI Weapon's Oslo. • Wasters ledge, wham }.rsdietien is- shoded •. city obese .umiMpal .Mies wens atimisisassid by • weans Mayer, is gamed a. saying that M emptied g is( M that do- samiteelly at.taaged sit, ha serer Med Mbar ernes et fast sesa�i I p.uM4* at . amiss. ire mars..My lC ..meso saws Ms pigmy -- pim- PATENTS DI o ° ' :I .w. treecop111111ONT S. eta curing by means of a Walloon egtaped with Itra t all l=rt •v, l ew Toni. mum 11 tors f electricity; • rwrent of SUMO lou es' as **arm aro K .o Ulan one b r y berme degree of efficiency. - ractitsl Electricity , tr� h a mouse elves Cres of Merin WWI 1.1.... Man.. A co y ghs Si pounds. and has twelve tasre the bulk of I�raeIt et eelea> ae Mawr to WO an equal weight of water. .woo be a.rd Wood that has been treated et' as to give =mar York_ • it a metallic polish Is !ring used in liera•ny for decorative purpse. Instead of metal. bac font rd new fallen now wei c ientific American The process employed commits to treating the wood to baths of ...mous chemical sub- stances• sad (10. poisoning with lead, un or Moe. The exteaire heat bop et Germany 0d other Continental miliaria are now heing worked with & view of obtaining an elastic fibre, which, when free from dust. is used to weaving carpets and other textile fabrics. Formerly thus nutenal was on r emplo!.d for fuel purposes. A Glasgow chemist hos dieoreted a owe method of producing cyanide that is one- third of the prea.n; cost of manutacture. The cheapening of ''us imp,rtent product will have an important bearing on gold pro. diction, as it .111 anab;e Doisy low-grade are to be worked with profit. The mttednc:ion :ndis.tore to tell the preemie or heel of water in the reservoir at ant time during the night o: day has re- sulterl en a great saving of time and money 1. the operations of water not los. 'Thee tell -tales can be located at an, dist•uc,* firma the .wgtue-omen, and are •t • caged ring .. oe;l at any maximum or m;namum pss.sur• dea,rel. The Thio, e'. .T. Bobble. The most powerful microscopes. reader reab.e & point about 1--100,001 part of an inch Us diameter. There is resole for be- lieving that a stugle molec,Jc s much smaller even thou that. One reason for this has been deduced from the soap bub- ble. Scientists have lne..ure,i the thick- n ess el hick•need the envelope of soapy water enclos- ing the air of the b,IWrle woes it had be- come so thin as to pru.luee rainbow tints,' At the eppeetauce ..f the.804. of .idet it was one-fourth the Machismo of the length of an ordrary vi••let ware of light -ma suty-thooeapuh , aa inch, thus milts( the thackueos squat, to o.rtwo-hasdred- and forty thousandth of as Inch! As the bubble continued :u expand a black patch formed adjacent to the pips from which the hobble woo being blown, sad the *hick - nee of such patch has been found to be only one fortieth of the thickeess of to Violet section, or about me tatty k lty-.11lteat e l u inch. --Blectrictty. • Ifielliewele M aFabm. "Brick" Pemaoy is tM taint rtkodinel mea I ever know. He has • perfect system of bastsees, or about as nearly perfect as weak human nature cant things Am a coo register Thee u on. thing 1 ""r expected '4e busmen letters revived le: years -somas bre long enough ta too re-bieyclee istroded thirteen thousand odd --Sad can refer t LIN into tarmy. Yet the say there '• no en letter of the lot on any sabJect within doubt about it, that the tisk army bas f • minute. He says • clear system formally adopted them for Tight cavalry rigidly adhered to will eatable one Ewa to Morelos is the Army. ether them he has ge p1.. eg work, and that in Washings.). m.e.sures do ea mach an a given time as two or Mem ors oe foo. for introducing them into the mm sae do is the e►u.l way. Bermes this. tam .ad ha0 • bceel• torp. Is the First nus con*plete mastery of the details with. Regiment 1ta.gano th• little pictures of out.v.rtasatioe of the powers of .,dues/so. the future! Bicycles i.steed of herr, 1. um language of • celebrated lawyer he perhaps. TIM heat pert of it all will he Ands it more voluaWe to know where to look that IA" 0ti0 oases call b. kept away. for anytime' than to remember what It is. - Do you notice low all the time we are haw- New York Her.W. serVioe, he State of Connecticut has triad Mien basin; grows it still gives that one d animal life fmir o ova Amore ca other are forces- b rely ,rte u the dda.et Guelph Advertiser. CLEkBING more and mon m ether tore..--hke .tear and electricity for iutaaes ! And now we Arua.tst slaw. r.. Peeing, are to have bicycles, Yaw .M, Instead d • saw artificial paving steno, whi4b San heiress. 1 thick i ion glad. be .made is sera day., althoagb u lateral T►. •'Rs.• -Oa aaoHty. la • few mouths bet.... mivag Sad laying ----AT--- is preferable, has been introdotsl in He rano. mea p„."JAS QAiiIInIQQ' ing It' age (so. •ed Ian of "Brick" i.. Cheadle& and teamed W AND TNt Bypopbosplitell of LI* ud Sods. No other Emulsion is so easy to take. It does not separate nor spoil. It is always sweet as cream. The most sensitive stomach can retain it. CURES Scrofulous and Wasting; Diseases Chronic Cough. Loss of Appetite. Mental and Nervous Prostration. General Debility, &c. Revery a etas imitations Ask for ',the D. & L." H>•Miee. and refs e'!1 uIhara P0101 DOG. AND M KN 0O1rL1. 1 'old by 14'. J orcitt.n. WALL PAPER SALE. G drive in all grades oj- Wall Pa- per. After stock -taking we bed we have several lines that must be sold at once to make room for other papers yet to come. Remember these papers are not ohl or out of date, are fresh and clean, and will be sold at prices that will make you buy. Over two hundred samples to select from. FRASER 8c PORTER, Central Telephone Exchange, Court House Square. PLANING MILL ESTABLISHED If16S. Buchanan & Son, nA%or•rn Iosan BAER, DOOR and BLIND, Desire i. all kinds of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES And builder'■ .materiel of every deecrIptb. School Fnrnitan a Specialty. 91114112 - Did Yr ewer bw d tha '•1' _4) If.- pard with realm Th. adamant 111 It r We d. set ka.w Mat it kis r tyiTed a mad• of Owe •( fsrm.l orpnia•tina, nes b eny ..4104. • gouty cra•bed Aberdeen granite. sad ear g Won to 41. it is 0111y .•0s81011 t• "per•• part of Port/sad cosiest, the two being ea" •a]J rood 414.0 .144sm m Mewl wick L water. TM Im•teri•, Mm M1up1 1"."e1 lima oh P•••• d te•a.h-.rese. mixed. an placed u • mold sed abjscted sup; MCLEAN'S BLOCK. emitting from a now.pep.r, • negetlno, on to great hydrsshc preM.r. Thg eras unbound book, • ticket to a sewer er m redeem! is said to be al • dear nee -perm A. be intrad. retiring from business, be will sell hie large and wellomorted .took at bottom prima Chinaware, Jeweller y, Wedding Rings, Silverware. Nickel and Plated Knives, Parks and Spoons, Albums, Plush and Other Ooods, Toys, Fancy Good s, etc Whitron that ym eas8M .os, etc. Try 1. .alms. free from sir cavort. .•d theeefeee think of .nae one who las Sot ►Peg tree op- prof mg•Isat the aches of frost. It No portsn,t.ie• for eujeyi.g thaw Maur lb" elated to be suitable for all kinds of p.r- yos Iva. sad t1rin ea [Jr Ota Ir ing Sad beaking p.rpoees, sea to the able them he w..t.d hada w ton sah er maim Amble b.premerw d .m..ti.e see M6sk 1 Woe He treabie M .b..t and tiesi than._ Harper's Weakly. As M seN-0o eat. Tim salim*aesit d an individual is al- ways mtert inneg se tha ei.SfVer, Hears .f 1i.e asems0os...M white it dialers of the dfsp.rity1 Howson the kat .ad the in - divides] estimate el it. It is Bke the e.m- kleeeney d Ms revel mirage u ..pri $ 10* Lllm..lf antsy attired beeau.e dad •los_ end • pair e% .peewi s. --Gomm William Owrti. is Harper'. We's Always Otto Owe Taken. We any we too m war. ohm, la paean d fast, to came takes ea It is very ae.b Ms minus Mies a are Inks • .iia Is is -aaMM Trssrmga was than is Naha Wields a Year of $tarwulw Ty more eapitsl in the licher .alien ae state. eeusistieg of railways. alll, kcteries, verksbops..ad du/Hintp, ts- gator .iib all the pads mil wares el every k net comprising mil that ler hew caved is • useful forth. .ad. from spslsg d Me ways. Me ebstre g d the led end bringing It ,.W productive o.nd.tioa-will met eso«d tires or possibly Ater rears roi- 1 is MEM ...,tea It no awe. If JI 1 m.h1 be n.sarerte.l onto focal, fool, sad ' Machias. sad the w,.r1.1 should rest .holly from work, .4 weaW los e.rssumed is awe or three Jeri lis 1•e.pm% to Ind, the tenth! is always within a year of Nmrvstie., yet t1 he is always enough ssmenbae.-- Pspkv &items M..a►hly. e 264 • CAN USE ANY WRITING INK. 4 i.r O rI •ear a 0 c 4 U_~ J'g -J 0 d 1 a` CHOICE FRUITS 8,000 Rolls of Wall Paper sod Rorldrs. WNtew *11.1. as sou AT SAW raa0.. Now is year tise ler b.rgroa. 20 PER CENT. will be deduct- ed for teachers and others getting rep Christmas Trees Raisins, Currants, Peels, Etc. Raisins and Currants cleaned and ready for use. ALL - THE - SEASONABLE - FRUITS PUSH AND 01111,1?--- REES PRICE & SON'S. NEW GOODS_ The .ubacribatt wiwhee to announce the arrival et NEW AND FANCY GOODS 1 NOTABLY NAVY AND BLACK ALL -WOOL SERGES, F.xtas wide and moderate in prier. NAVY FLANICrELS, 28 IN. WrDE in .oft and hard inmh. from the bot makers. A general seaortment of vier view sad fashionable pie iPa tis way, and will be noticed Inter wt. A liberal discount as all ash psisissas Ever one dollar up. Stripy ens prier Draper aad Rabsr. .