HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-2-18, Page 21
The Work ad the Land and
Money Shark Fully
merlin XVIIL
Darin the MI. Sim weeks Pawns
west to Groma's them or Isar time%
and theagit he nem load aft haterview
with Louses. las was hot to
tha shoo of his Mom and
della re les Pamir 10 ingretiMo himself
into Ler good gramo He aise maght to
broaden mid despots Moe hold be had it
Johns feeliair. !yea the whole was
quite samilied %Mb the priegrem he wee
asidoest lie hed am hope of winning
Louise • love, bet he thought he was gain
mai her esteem and tint was enough.
'If I OM may hose har respect, he
they*. "I ems mot, bans her to my
tame when the time mama. Cries win
soon one up the man he borrowed, gird
then Louise lama Atom between eie and
Mager---heager set emir far hemelf. bet
for her father and Mr sia amber. Asd
the vbctory will be mime hy awe a4eia. for
thin that elms will matey make say sun
fire ta order to mate parmsta lust •
few isore days of akar amineg sad dial
arrive is port wia=prine an sad
sound. In the , though. I must
hers to prewar* MN • sand se that she
Phi le massnillarlis thin obis. Pose-
s= inemegief. aer She eamisio of his
sex t t. be Waco Logone t take a
walk with hiera. She was loth to go,
haowitig whoa his santtaionte were to
ward bet, and haft al het old re-
mises.* for him returning in fall
lamas hut she thealled all his ktoluess to
her father mod Ids soloAtimie for
her poor mother, she felt it ber duty to
At first he tallosit of ordinary neettors„
such as eay agigesiateaces might lomat
ed. tom Sealy he Immo mere persona sad
helm to sok Mr Mimi her life. To all his
NI replies, ackaaerhagisi that har eerie
ease wee by no mom plummet.
yes would keg for moiety and the brighter
mass of lis.r
met to. lt wen ▪ wrong to roma. stad
grieve, hat is atot easy always to amid
doet Mask there is any wrong ia
A assometlizhoomm ▪ Ulm you Amok' long
for butter."
I mat hove? It Only makes ele tbe mem
innearable, mad baddes We a sin against
those 1 horn Milk of ray roe mother,
how mica kin MOO her hie os than soma
I know it is mem Se grieve mer say otos-
doe, sad no Mimed that I mo wash
eueegh to dia se."
Norma Emit so reply at me. bet
walked ow ems akesmos is adonce. He
was rovolviug is his Mad the words shoo
lad just spasm mid trying to decide hew
to proceed the met effectually. Whoa at
km he spode it was tei this ofiegot:-
••wiln. yes ere right. I same% is think
lag that it is osiders to grieve Mr what we
oinoot have, but ineaseime we oaa have
things whoa we de mit Wok ea."
Lollies looked up megainagly. sad tha
laser Poems healed her Moly foie MI-
Iiiat to premed.
"Yee ma have • happier misteace If you
cheese," ha meat en. 'You tion have
all within yeew MM. Weald you eetiage
this life ter thaer
Sentethisit in dos eigernsin of his wake.
MI lie Meta thli timeliest raleolieled the
te mealiest sad semi Mr to mart.
had ea iiiteithes of his isseming
longed to from him. Illeirever. es that
was me possille, she walked es without
making say reply. He waited awhile, sad
seeiag that she wins mit wk. to mower
tom, he repeated bit m000rdea. By this
tune she had regaiend her alinephinira, and
bier reply cams oak* Auld ahludillY.
••Yes, it is aidy isaMitel." she said.
-that I should he williwg to manage
this life for • Intiiir OWL 1 suppers no
"Then will you mho the eacloaage- he
"That is onpolitallik Mr. Pearson. she
replied quietly, Wag ifinfing the mean
tug of his questime. 'At least I cannot
hope for such • thing be a hag tone
Fie felt timi the tilos hed tom. to speak
as eass task he Mond moot difficult.
;711~ recklosa, hoseriout and heartiest,
but still he quailed WM* thi• isammit
tges Away from hlre=iiii :127.
girl this girl whom "
liberate an ins plow a glebe of one
orupucy. bet her sweet Mir elms, ben
na spot disarmed sad misfered hies He
fslt maid! and mesa, mod the sparli
masiliood is him am& an effort to assert it-
self yer MOM he wee overwhelmed
and there woo • short main hetwong his
better earl him nottosies, hot thit tatter 1.•
mg master ei mesa awned ituIf sad
...mid.' nut at soon of dome and regret
•I1 I mire fess." he nom& I would
make this girl soy Masa wife. hot I am
not free and ranee* beans* st, 1111 ram
do :5 to wisher har with ta •U gave ga
name la sows Mama mot when me ewe
ham. mi am ewer Mem of our peel shoo
moi I cm Ism as sem sod wife sod be se
Itlateliferd's ono". ("Male .04411
to her and bar moother. she sitall habsiv:15
the esinfeelle mod 001 life aid hes
• kap Moms Oho
▪ triefiga lie was eispriactpled; via a;
required a seal lent to all scallee arid foam
to deliberately plot •way the virtue sod is -
am erica of • young. trustful gol Peens.*
was owl...Mae the cheats .1 hie porpou.
seed le palliate it he suort by worts uo
leave milli the good it promoted to 1 he poor
gitt es though three could eay good
staler 1.1.1rte,
Ha. Itme, neturr babies in Om instaase.
a• us ell atiotrs, cosi led oulf. Pcsil ..1181
O 0.10 it. pottiest 50 by all sous"
sal oat reproach orid stat cella dioternsitia
nuts took up the euhjort egmon
for you to wake the .-liatase I spoke
et I mg I moiety. wealth sad {demure
were *akin your reach They aurir,
ell you have to do is say the shod arid they
ire yowls
lie had stopped mos ead pluni higoorlf
beton. her Ifie booth :WOW tam mei hie
Shod 4:teeping her hotel
am.1 boiling in sesta .4 her treats.. efforts
to release it. he great cm is a rapol, Mane,
••Loutee. I lour you. and 1 you will be
mine you eau lias• everything that it le in
mi potter to get iou eierithing that loie
bate tnends among the Ingliest. you shall
have e hone moon the Moroi. you shall
have all the pleasures that the ro:h enjoy.
In short.. lamer be none •00.1 yn11 1111.011
111t% NOLO. knot what it os to hate a
u m:ratio...4 Nos wkoai airier feel the pituA
of oast or the cruel took+ .4 • rehl world.
IS& My that. bet they @Maid int thereof awl semer. •- a ou veal. with Om sports
ol meld net ham yea stay away." no mese to loom bettorasse .4 it. asit the eittleremodung. We are fishers fue
seseiel. mid the Utile play a worth, OM de soolopood mut feeders 01 the body W•
fie ISM 1 muidhithillts 01 serihed ilistetiford, loon her powitiou hare • higher sod mightier lislatioes thaw
•111all TR Wolf) ••1. Tillry Ain WM Ow.
I make it my stied. mad say work to
N erve yea. mod yes shall be my queen. Oh,
Louise, de sot weep, do am look distressed.
Ile mine. Louise. Amy you '
Liering this pamionote delivery the young
man attempts,' to draw Louisa to ham. hut
she mask away and mod. mother imam
teal effort to release her head. She sae
startled by his words no leas thaw by hie
earnest Oemlogg tom. ,hilae fea.red and ab
horrid him and every l=e he mooed
went to Mr heart like •
Nanny had h. mewed meakiag when
her pride emorted mold sod tame
mot ilsehed tram her *yea
have you to say each thole to seer
isuppreess any if...hews. Louts*. you do not
know what a power you hold slier me, nor
taw hat lends" I ...old v. for your sake
1 leve you as baser woods was loved he,
meets is eliViag so
P'er a little while lotem did me rattly.
and duns( the mime the eager malted out
of her eyes end • kook of pity mt.-evaded gt,
Perhaps obe believed Pearson m earnest sad
felt sorry thisa she must blight his hopes
Kiwi knew ishat she would eafier Mould
Paul fail to reliant her hew what paags el
t pun Him would came her. and
less she thought Pearson's feelitigs
einsilar ber mini. She may have remem
bored ty to Mr father tied
mother. aro experienced hitter regret that
d oe vim dile to requite hie goodnem so
cruelly . Rat whatever the 11. oght •%itt
1=Mr. doe berm* sad ani sorrow-
1mo VOW* as she spoke teisabled
have amid what yes ham Yoe load se
right to judge use so If I loved
yes, Mr. Pearson, it would require an
prodeilis of melon to leed me to become
year wife. I sat poor aad have kaows
little *Dough ef pleasure, God knows, but I
Wee net poor that 1 lirocild *PH ni4pieart,
my life. Inv happiness aad my elf
eternity. The man I love seed or no
wealth •0 MM. me to become his wife,
&ad 110 Men whom I do sot hove seed 'Mak
use Mae mough to be ialkenced by seek as
offer. I respect you. Mr. Patron, foe the
late Of what yOti have doe. ler these I two
het 1 do mot and cannot loos yes. My
heart is soother's. mid whew I many rev
Mod shall go where my heart air
The girl's reply. though far frem Mem
the generality of keeers would vrith.
sot displeasing to Peeress. It was mere
he had dared to hope for, nose be
knew that she dot not love him. land ha was
satiefied that she expressed for him respect
and pet
reepetits me, he unused. 'Need
that will mie rny victory- wily. HU
will how to the inverts:hie sad will ac-
cede to my wishes al the mere readily
because of that. It would be hard to
she dad wet even 1-.0000 . 1 am natio-
food witi progrem eo far, and it only M.
maim 10 be mem which is th. stehoger. her
love ler herself or her love for her father
aid mother.
Alcoa Norma mid
••Forenve me. Moss 1 areal. Ier presume(
to utter such esatimeets. I did mot mem
to say what my words imply Par be it
from me to suggest. that your heart can he
won In each things se I ofinet 1 nay
menet to say what I would do fer you Is
order to show you the depth of my affe.-
ton. Will cosi forgive ow. Miss 4.reeti.
and think of my words oily se I agemit
-I hold no iU•feeline. Mr. Wanton, said
limier. promptly, sad I will sot thumb *fo-
lios of you for Most you liave said The
tisee it ma be so Monk to other of wt.
so let es drop it, if you Meese. -
Pearson scomied readily to t..
tom loner at teat tone wisold hy
memo sabasee his merest If. telt
that be heti acesesphehed all *het col111
he accomplished premises to his fiend,
mold go mi "Miss Mr respect Ivy his ser
sires is belt& of her persons. bet to her he
would say within more of Ms love. aed he
mold ends an mow. ohne( ellerte to win
law comment to hie proposal
!WIT. 101)110010111 111/06 to ref ere harevw.
apoi.eresserlingly they walked loch 1.4. 111.
....IOU Neither earl 011..-1, 1/. why. amil move
the want peeled in Memo
Amines at the feem in hem of the
mhos. istre Tomees home moo tied,
Peering. otripped.
,enre out again is a day sr Ilea I hope
you will set esseider ety visit Josemy
mos, for I poimise sot M revert epee to
at the tel the table, mailed ell ot ly
Pei". .1 4°W 4,4y- " =estholge sheet Mr, fuss saw ss *Go or
lattkvait into hie saddle he MAN Maid spook •
•• Whoodho is right. mid
Inn NOM of the eltur,h podia!"
eattsione Imo blessed rah gooduene
made very little out ward &how of los feel
Inge, but it was evoicat that he was greet
ly pledesd. and h• praised litsmelf tied felt
like petting lionself me the beich tor haus
en great and good.
••N,w," said Kew. Whees2ler after a short
saleas., ••vre as church mum rare swab
funds fur 'endow a suussomary to brink Om
breed of Ids to the iseatiom Tim is a
crest mad glorious work, :Aid I hope our
the poor lionighte.1 mauls that eri- going to
1111 &math for the went .1 the t1.111,
'Amen h. that.. exclaimed Brother
Slatebtoni. "and to show no: Lout ugy
worka I will witheente fifty dollars to that
crown will be • glorious nee when have
numbed your work. and the Master eays
•W ell draw, thou go.sl an fat haul ser
isiut.• Idol Wm you. Itnither
and may yod alwa” customs. in the way
you ha.• christen."
Seater Blatchford followed her litiebaud
dollar" which Rho. hford, of course, would
rhye,easisi the inutistcr Weeded her agg turn
Bletchford insisted obi Mrs.
Spick ler subscribuig to the fund at Ism ex-
• -rhea is truly Cluistaam family," tin
winsome gaol with usech unction. •*aieil
their reword will be great an the twit
world. May the Lord reeani and bless
thews eon:riling to their deserts.
1 pra)er oleo would lie answered in
time, for the iLiwas *Wang. and even
them was mot fa; off. in which the Klatch
fordo would receive Ole reward .4 their
...la and be blamed sincordiug to their
meets It was coming as surely as just
retnbution ever come* to thee oho mak.
a wey fur it. And that reward would not.
be in &sunlit:use with Rev. Wheedler's
The meet Log of the • host Ian Aid
Society" at last adjourned, smilingly setts -
Bed with 1.0 work ao.1 the member. %too
&bout to depart from Klatchford's pukes
fur tint, various homes wheu It we. dis•
cogs -red Oita Sister tiooding. who was then
t„ hail sot mbecrthod to the sod fund.
C7.11iheedler promptly selled the atten-
tion of the members to thus fact by sayang :
-Here is an important omission to our
good work. Sister Goodatigh mane is nut
cm our hat of given at all. This must not
be, am' the sister 1,1101 subscribe. Sister
looked. 1 ou are on" of our most liberal
members. and Your han.t Lae ever been
hearted, rejected suitor.
TUX ictiltteriAN tin
It le due IIIrsra. I:Lit-Mord to state that
he aas totally igammit .4 the whereabouts
.4 Ms daughter lie knew, it is true, that
roe ism somewhere lo Kansa., bat lic hal
not the remotest ides te what siert ot the
state. It le also due hos. to my that he
serer received the letter orogen hum by the
▪ Mactor at the begtaigiug .4 Mary s sick
n em Whether it %would have ma& any
dithreuce de the undition the Green's it
Blatchiord had known .1 their winfeabouts
N ed cumlitoos is • question that must go
samoswered. het tree thristien chanty
imyii gas., bun the began. of the doeht.
However Man -Mord um' have acted on
the knowlede of Ma child% dietress. Sarah
-Woe& Judt_at.._ en her niterest to lee
that suck knowledge doi not reach him.
sod accor.lingly tau- rest old Me -tor s letter
meter went beyond her hands
tion from the 1;reens might wine te her
h isaband. end mot feeliag sere that Ms
pleas. it she should :Mew. to nal:* ito,„
lani. Blau -Mord betnought hermit of Lt.*
Mutwos of 'menial; May Roth letter from
tord'e Imam. So, la pureuenor of
tine idea she arranged to have all tin ma
yam mail dellyrred at tbe house. and w6wo
the doctor • letter .suse to Imam with da
Kama pannark. ane rightly fudged that
It related to the Groats, and forthwith she
opened It sad read it. common
The knot told a pitiable tale of woe, for
it poruayed 10 010111 colon the sad condi-
tion ot Mary 4. :run. wick and poverty -
' tricks. as she ems. end ended with • plea
to the obdurate father ut behalf of hts suf.
fenag daughter. Such • letter, naming
from one who war • Amager to Mary,
ought to hose brought a fueling t4 pity to
Mos donna heart. tout ma the gentle Mart
of this devout untrologo .4 Rev. Wlwesilier's
ever Scene one May illiagine Ow she suf-
WW1 sot the cam Such work ss sh* have
It thew seem that alter reeding Dr. lias
oasis letter. Mrs. Blatchtned ought at
least to hat.- experienced a senor .4 shame
whew she roma-Inhered that she. and all tier
releuves, were living In great plenty co
that which of right belonged to ;In poor
• who was start ilig. But even that
feeling dad sot come to her heart. Re
gisortelosaly she horned the letter . watching
it crisp lin dames and turn to ashes, yot
suffering no tomes of ionscience. And an
boor le:er she sat is her cuatiumed pew
e it h sinatlia6. placid features. apparently
perfectly 'stashed with herself and the life
&he wee limos. Whim, at the cad a
beak note to aid an convertuig the heathen..
etiazwer would hive mope -fed what irett
heart really was, end no one would hare
thooght but am hour before she hed ruth-
lessly despoiled • prior woman .1 • erant of
bread from her hither -1g table.
Blatelderil might hare eves his daughter
aid had he looms her coadition, but los ig-
lowsoc• of that was so mom. He knew
in Kansas that yeah and he knew that.
Jobe 5 trees was peer and ill-comiloosed
witietisad loch a long siege .4 hard times.
Realm" mid &Gomm. senor %souk! have
taught him that hut daughter wiia um seed,
yet be did sot feel suitictent interest in her
welfare to make sa effort to duicover lier
wberesibouta He Weyer trientiasied her
same, and tf he ever thought of Ler no one
Mew st. Indeed. to outward observation
it seemed opparent that so thought of her
ewer entered his mind. ead teat he was
..1.4.a with hut devotions te. the Spookier
Like his wife, he was sa active member
.1 Wheedler's rhumb. He attended the
Sunday services regularly mad demo
through the tertimie nettnets. gimes
Mere than any other to the taisitetees fri-
ary. He busight orgaa for the church
sad hired AA organist. Le short, he wee
always ready with hie money to secoad ray
suggestions Ito.. Wheedler saw lit to offer.
As a natural cOneeutieriee he became the
most prominent isien.her of the t
fal • 'euroospolellly whoa the gifts
Endpatiful MN of mousey with which to
all hie earthly possellielle to Mill.
buy breed, tle "Christian Aid Society" of
Rev. Wheedler's church hell • meeting in
Brother Bliitchforits parlors. the object of
which was to Amsacsally further the work
of converting the hesithimi in foreign Lands
Rte. Wheedler was there. as were also all
the lesdirig ameber• of the congregation.
Mutter Ititchford had, of emerge, takes care
that preparations mood to the m-smatois
were made. and • awe luncheon was Maly
apron& Brother Blarchford wee there to
beg and monist every...sae to partake un
searingly of his generous bounty
••11 tho world had more such good Aim
tisas as Brother son Smut Blatchford," re
w ent of the hanclienn, "the church would
be better off aad its cause greatly advaamed.
• h members am the shone. lights of oar
faith. and their prayers sad their gifts are
the Means of great good to the sense gif
loge goats "'
'indeed you are right, Brother Whatad-
and Seen Illeachlani hew for the rod of
their fellow -creature, Their thoughts, by
.Iey and Int night, must he of Ore pro,
needy anew who are in the darkness of sin.
Th. goestises ever emierrnrot in their
moids. to retie from their atoms,
What can I sio for the good of the gram -
...1 east benighted ` firaeh as they are the
mit rof the earth oh. leaven that kart»
h the whole Imp
"Tree, Rooter Swoops, true sadoed.- eat i
Ree Wheedler, "and I pray that they may
live to see the fruits rif their works sa their
This arse of Brother Wheedler • wee
to he malissd. fer it was wnttest
down that lioether sad Sam Blateliford
should Ma ine to ses the fruit al their
mots is Ms issralitAdenn.: sal ma
"SILL Viten moo DOIJ.Alt• TO votes in
good works. Conte, how much *hail I put
down to your credit !
"Nothing, thank you.- replied a pale.
frail earnest little lady of middle ege. "I
have coacluded not to give anything hi
tins fund. -
ger. Win, iler and all the other? were
completaly nonplussed by this unexpected
Imply. Stater Gooding had always been a
liberal giver et time aed money to all church
work. and this was the first "shaman she
had ever lora known to refuse to taikecrifse
to any kind of church fund. Rev Wheed-
ler and the others were at hest inclined to
doubt their inn. aud fait that they aungly
could not have heard *right. but finally
they were conviseed of the reality of the
erster's words, and Rev. Wheedler maid, in
vest, surprise :
"kliMor t ;rending. you surely do sot mean
thee. You must not mom tt. I , am at
a loss to understood you."
"I do mesit it, Brother Wheedler,- eke
mid, in Mr odes, mom way, "and I will
church. tied to its inflame. for good,
sad have always attempted to ad.otece Its
cause. el have snide an effort to give mom.
thing toward farthertag every good work,
and I would do the MOW to -day to this
effort you are making. did I not feel that
there is aaother purpose to which 1 can da.
vote Noy Mull Meant. More toneesentiollialir.
la the wed there am thousand. of pmpie
suffering for bread. and I conceive it my
duty se give to them what I have to spare.
Charity, it is said. liegries at home, and I
Husk chenty and Christian 'hay are sot
far separated. believe it nor duty to
look first after the suffering of our owe
lead to feed the hungry and clothe the
staked - •aad tette care of the heathen amt.
nut is my opinion, mod I do not set it up
se a guidance to others. I merely
to follow it myself, mod the little I Eint:Pe7S:
give shall go towaol alleviattag the suffer -
imp of the stscrang tattlers on the western
Thas proved • very bomb to the meeting.
The mule .1 self -satisfaction eet os every
fue gave way to • took el astrinishiusent,
and a. aternhere looked inquiringly at mit
ether Rat on se ose did it Mee meek
effect as on Illatehford. Instantly he re
membered the% many of those poor settlers
were nefferiag frees the offsets of hie "keg
tam mil may torm"inassead his swisolliag
Mose whets, at Panellise Pewit. mod ler •
hide while his oreactiadit prisked him. A
thought .4 hie daughter, toe, Sashed
through hos mind. &ad fee am Maas% hs
weadored ohs ought sot be cm of elm
down by another. even as were
ground down by hist. He never dr...mai
that she could be one of his owe • tims.
He isogon to feel • some of shame *rad
arra& awl ewes • alight twinge of rogret,
but the ever alert Sarah saw how hie mind
was drifting. sod thooght fit to rorall it,
whys\ mho did by osyleg
"The peor we have annoys with es,
Sister Clooding, sad I'm mere we are all ever
lollies be affd the seedy. Bet what are
the mate of the body me empared with
the maim of tho immortal seal Iheides,
them are peddle charities fee the pm
our ewe Irak mul the will see
that iselmody Mimeo irlolinlateet set let
se Chrielistm. Wo ere aims/ la a
trifles She this inasinee hos. our
work, sod we mast est hish all;rikees
that of moans. so the appetite of the
physical man Our duty calla 11/, 461,V11
After . little further .14011/00111111011 dos
Mad, in which each rted to ciao wee hint
self or litnielf that lo or •be m in
left •Ime iu the pallor , *into for .1011110
Woe they 1,101110011 1111C at F:14•1111% !Witch •
ford eptme. He Gatti
"The wools of tae.t rowan Iwo- ,Itoturiv,
Mao) ill 1:luer pt../1 1101011k .41111,4,1.111 LU
111011. I 1111011 M.. been to Itomist oak
‘1111711, awl reated theist the low ot IiSLICL
mum in that Pal hum Purl. Immo si.p
oth. pestle s hangs whc' my to num an
e utlering et woe !"
your way. You allow your Matt aid feel-
ings to accuse you of tome greet prong.
As a Miami man you have Gaily done what
might tt. do. awl you have been a bene-
fit:tor to those poor ;sop', Yowl have let.
theedhart room ,Lon1.1 not base
grates it au; where else, rad tiogt was
• great mactoionoiliitims, 1.111 sure. You are
not reethimable for the beatings atol th. fail -
ince of crops, :tad all that, mid you ha 4e Is.
right to let your generous heart accuse you.
You are too otraiicustatuous. Hiram, tor a
business Man !bat you are. -
Them, mortis had the effect oil II item t
the Sarah kuew they would. .u..1
ighattly he began Mg feel 141111r t,..1141
self sail would heti IA*4 to bug to
lus owe bosom. 111 chalte.1 at ons,
mid thought that lie had reedy reildernil
thee* pow unfortuuatc sictlui• ,.t los si
great soul lasting ser. tee by them
P▪ LY-
" As for your "taus-lite:7 colistiiiiied
sympathY, even. Mc will let you hoots.
Reinensh she 'meet away trout
her own a.cord. •1111 111 *rung for you
to grieve your hst.e.! soul on her as -count.
You have pada:noel a Outwits pen umerd
the courch to day, throw, and you muss
nut let the happiness, follou dig the deed be
ehmided radii MAIM r.grets.
And he did not for auy
miente-Dospepala, Biliousness. Sidi -
and certain relief in
Ayer's Pills. la all
ranee wbere • ca-
thartic is needed.
them recom-
mended by 'radio(
Dr. T. Hastings,
of Baltimore. says:
"Ayer's Pills antis.
best cathartic and
aperient within the
Pills in my practice, and find ea -
with bill:mew-se which &Immo destroy ed
my health. I tried Various real...hes,
Mt nothing afforded me ariy_reliel nt
I Mime to lake Ayer's 8.
Wanderlich. Scranton. Ps.
" I have used Ayer's Pills for the pest
thirty years. and am satisfied I Amid
Dot be alive today if it had aot bees
fur them. They cured me of dyspepsia
when all other remedies failed. aml their
occasional use hes kept me in a timidly
condition ever siece."- T. P. Brown,
Chester. Pa.
" Having bees eubjen, for_ years, to
constipation. without being able to and
much relief. I at last tried Ayer's Pills,
and deem it both a duty aad a Merman
to testify that I have derived great ben-
efit front theu use. Yoe over twu years
pest I hare taken one a um.. Pills
every night before retiring. I would sot
willingly he without theta." - G. W.
Bowman, SS Haat Main et., Carlisle. Pa.
"Ayer's Pills hare hem used in ety
family upwards of twenty years. and
have completely verified as that is
claimed for them. In attacks a piles,
frotn which I muffered many years. they
affonled me greater relief than any mod -
kin. I ever tried."-Thosniss F. Adams.
Holly Springs, Texas.
Ayer's Pills,
ramouaso UT
Dr. J. C. Ayer h Co.. Low* Mass.
Bowels. Kidneys and Liver. earrYiel
off gradually wittit weakening the sys-
tem, all the impurities and fool homers
a the secretions; at the same time Cor-
recting Acidity of the Stomach,
Headachy', Dizziness. Heartburn.
Constipation, Drynesi of the Skin.
Dimness of Vision. Jaun-
t Rheum. Erysip1141831, Sere -
Fluttering of th0 Heart, Ner-
lensaess. and General Debilitccsil
MOM sad many other similar Com ands
to the In inflames of BUR
For Rale by all Dashes
Bargains in Cloaking,
Mantles Cut Free_of Charge,
Bazaar Patterns given Away
The Se
A ND nos powerlial
rt Ayers Ilesseprel
aid ere alike beeralled
77roole of .445A-11 3r..laa.c3.6.
Black Cherry Balsam for
coughs, collie, et.
Our Cherub's Honey Cough
Cure for children
ca.$411,111. AND so laNTlirly
Prescription Work
At all hours. Penned attention. Only
the best drugs used.
w▪ oes* ander then corm
o upseted he would die.
the remarkable cures eff
flareaparilla, and (Midi
hey try it. Shortly aft
take this medicine, tl
o misced beetle', aati, aft
batiks. he was entirely
Barierter. Vs.
korreme months old,
ola Nay lam, matii
-other on Ito head
plied various simple re
avail. TM mote Incres
mad discharged corticoid
woo railed. but the sor
multiply until in • fel
hearty covered the eh 110
At Mat we began the en
saperilla In a few
change for the better wa
001fri assumed a more be
the don -barges were w
blood, asd finally rya
Ths chili! is livelier. its
and its appetite better tl
Lang Point. Texas.
" The formula of Ave
presents. for chronic (h.
every kiad. the best re:
the medical world "-
14 Wiggs, Ark:suites
Ayer's Sars
In which we lead.
Finest in the land, at right prices.
11If 114511
turd. idol all business
attended to at MOM
adios as opposite MI
has Mom roma. horn if',
vies aa to patentability frs
ere make SO K
We refer. here, to the Pet
if Money neics •,. sag
U. S. Patent Once. Pee
tense aad retention, to am
mra Mate or Connie'. Irrha
.4t prices which. will make you buy.
As many know *WM experiensa.10- ikiviently fol-
lowed by a hard. distresses cough.
Has se equal lir the are oi tbs. sod all ameba
colds. eta. elle. Premed sad sold emir irj
Pure Candies Chocolates
Chas. A. Nairn,
Family Grocer,
All kinds ot
be v•er-ra
CI r
mom mow
Inisa ter
111 THE LH
TM Pureitere Dealer, 'MUM •11 Made et haralture the leweetf pram,. ,gie
milliskattera hot atm be
Bello Ch.eap
Et= Ile Oaks the Jiidiortiker ef the bows. Iholoaketag enrage helle_ee
NOW 014
Ore awl elegwymee to
nopeker bean
Testimony a II
Jesus of SI
Tbe mem remarkable rel
er Otte. tie SIN esnisesill
livery Corlett's waists t
givillsiertaxte The III
w. are the 011.11
WWI elan
• 1111111001tha oso ond all•Ter thole gest lialemege he hems to rendes a bealealseeee "