HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-2-11, Page 7THE SIGj4AL: GODNRICIEL ONT., THURSDLT YHBRUARY 11, 1812. tock -Taking Sale Before taking down the balance amount of stuck this month we ill clear all Winter g.:,ds at considerable sacrifice tis Cloth& half price ; Aatrakans, one-fourth off ; Dress Goods, Gloves, Hosiery, Blankets, Flannels, Comforters, Household Linens, Tweeds, Ladies' and Men's Underwear, Etc., Marked and Surprising Reductions in all Departments. W. ACHESON & SON. HZ HZ E 1 E 1 E E E HE E HE BE HE HZ HZ HZ HZ HE HE HZ E HE HZ HE HZ HZ HZ HZ HZ HZ HZ HE HE E HE HE HZ E HE HZ HE BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST B EST BEET BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEET BE/3T BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BE8T BEST 8181 BEST BEST BEST B EST BEST BEST HEST BEST BEST BEST I8 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SiGNAL 18 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL I8 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SiGNoiL 18 IS THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL I8 18 THE OH;APEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 I8 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL I8 THE SIGNAL A YDAR IN ADVANCE! 18 THE CHEAPEST 18 THE CHEAPEST IS THE CHEAPEST 13 THE CHEAPEST 18 THE CHEAPEST 18 THE CHEAPEST AND AND AND AND AND AN D THE THE THE THE THE THE SIGNAL SIGNAL SIGNAL SIGNAL SIGNAL SIGNAL 18 I8 is is I8 18 THE BEET THE BEET THE BEET THE BERT THE BEET THE BEIM THE BENT THE BEST THE BE8T THE BEET TBE BEET THE BEET THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST Till BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEET THE BEST THE BEET THE BEST THE BEST THE BERT TBE BEST TRE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEET THE BEST THE BEST T51 8181 BEST TUE 13EST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEET Perry Day! PAIN-KILLEn DSUU TLV TO Tai SPOT. 1X ITS ACTIOR. Fir CRAMPS, CHILLS, COLIC. DIARRihQA, DYSENTERY. CHOLERA MORBUS, .x ata LOWEL COMPLAINTS. No Neal COY I•UAL$ THZ PAIN -KILLER. in Canadian Cholera and 'toy,,I Compla:eets eta ettece 1• mt:a,t:..t. It curare tre a vertr short time. ?NC DIST rAi•Ilr I SEDY roe BURNS, B&IJIScS. SPRAINS. RHEUMATISM. NEURALGIA and TOOTHACHE. SLD Lrswinrammer AT Sas. a INIOTTIAl. dr Mw et aiaossail dYYes AN DRU lissome ream kir le 1. Merl eider. Mops ham d kir. reqs the oath dee. •ekes tar eel w pal. oM' F, i s• beet D. L. CATEtr. :riasamass EEP YOUR FEET DRY. This can be doss at a very small cost by purchasing our foot wear at the old -established and reliable Shoe tore of E_ DOWNING-_ YOU WILL FIND MY COOP AND EMIL nesse" a misses r w Br It is ray when • nam gots where he hes soars let to he prised el that the devil hears hiss. Small -embed Bu isek Pills d. awl Cream late• nay are mild aad ef- ieta•l lm The religion that is noisy le church ie emelt very quiet h peose where it i. mere waded Dr. low's Sutphin Soap is a deligbthd It obeliac the scalp and darkest' 1m Mos y is oot nerdy so valuable as char- acter, for money eaunut buy the respect of thoughtful men and women. Pale, weak won seed a tonic, strea�tb pvieef, d..h building medtoinemelike Mil - baro • Beef, Iron and %%'U, . lm Where a sone•• shoats "My stars!" that isn't profanity. It is simply as astronaut sod obarvatioo Savaoaah Nowa Warms Muses serious sickness. Ih. tow'. Worm Syrup destroys and expels .0 kinds of worms quickly and surely. Int Judging from retest Mme. Pattie h igh mote is still at the flatted States Treasury. -l. News. A stock company has been formed to con- trol the boot and Ase trade. Here at loot s • ooryastioo which will have • sole. Chi naso TTfi A mea .boold fear when he enjoys only what good he does publicly. Is not the publicity, rather titan the charity, that be love. ! H. W. Beecher. A willful falsehood is • cripple not able to stand by itself without another to sup- port it. It is easy to tell • .lie, but it te bard to tell only we he. Itch, mange and scratches of every kind, ea human or animals, erred in 30 minutes by WooUord's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by F. Jordan. 96-ly " This is my ultimate hum announced the lira mesquito, as it quit Biasing •adprepared to posses upon the no its B ps. d •ictim.-(hwago Tribes,. la leaving his acrobatic career for the ppual1pit, l Hanlon, one oh the agile beothars of that nate, leaves behind him an vaulting ambition. Philadelphia Led pr. tock of Fall Goods Mother " I think our Johns courting some girl Father "Hey! L be begin - meg to have va aitne oe his heir!" Mother --" No . he is beginning to have it on his shirt boson... For the r.stotstiw of faded sad gray heir to its origia.l color sad treatise's, Ayer's Hair Vigor remain •urivalsd. This is the most poplar and valuable toilet preparation in the world ; all who use It are perfectly satisfied that it is the best. As usual very large and complete. Prises lower than the lowest. PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. Flatter not thyself in thy Taub to t.od, if thou 'mutest, charity for thy neighbor ; .&d think not that thou hest charity for thy neighbor. if thou mote@ faith to God where they are both together, they are both wanting ; the. are botbdend, if onee divided. Potpie who see ars- sleet pe par.tams for their complexi.s do so at tie risk of their live Ayer's 8ntaaparill• is gingsatood free from say injurious drug. and is, therefore. the rtfe t as well as the meow powerful Mood s•iidee in the world. It sakes the skis dear. I eve gest Beatles to ordered work and repairing I have the wee ales to do the work. 111. DOWNING. Lot May • Phiiedelpkia weman was so badly burned that the per of akin graft - ins became merry. Sins ties bar phyte ham on••ssehtBy gaited 1.000 pisses of dm ea her, taken trees suds patients in the burial, sae .f the phy- eiar sod her busload. She is sow disoharg.d cureh,a Wring illesrwtioa of the sotto, F Plsribue Unum." liagliai Spada Lariat removes all bard, eat or slimmed lamps and Weesinieesi frost blood opavist,ostrbsoopilmia. bene, eh mer y .thI . sprains, sore sol enroll . throat, coughs, eta Save 000 by me dee bottle. Warranted the met wonderful remit cure ever know.. Bold by F. Junkie. 96-ly Will (tall.aroa.Iyl-Did you reuse that lovely whet glair rat with an like that •l • carded laws. le•Iuly}-If she bas Kiat leek site'. tram Pitt ha r, Will -The diebiae ! Charlet-Yes ; d the die are that wy. quite s fwd ane it nbbits,.d ma Dollars cable sad •liege can don is. !d �s ghs grit, Mameone for hear. Wee1t6 't that be splendid !" A• • Imre for P•1•41* ebraMa- I should think a '" cried Uncle Peter. tre t, *an* tamable, woke "Let's bar wtk•r look at this great is- Maridetc.. Hen he goes into this •dor that tired t.mmtheay� • hey cosies sea co.s the door _-that'• the Dr. William' etaad aneivBti way, isn'tit t Bat what dope the little Beware d and eahstrtwta Mw !" !told by all w cwt ti PTA P'Wail," said Twiny, slowly, "you know paid. es r 60 mate • box- I said thee was law sue thing I hadn't The Dr. Moll. 0o., Brookville, son hes d yet I've &I+ght wad trW, out. ad I met eon to dad my way to Sep that limn Amer when the mew pee is. Bot rte rest going tie give ..w give upees of • HMIs matter Me that, era if I have to it babied the wood -box and Sep it my- self !"- Youth's ('osupa.ioa est maim Nis • seinen d wee ler every - sae within Imam dishes• DM yes ever yid +p • sk sad. hetdiag hr feet awe, dnp Mr with the espectaties d e•► qtper- Sae her 1.11 es her bask ! A gni-k.a.r.d or is very rob like a oath reep.ot, aleNat whoa he his he es itis pod herr sad a rep yeti bave ibm. t. sou the 6>.f, -IFIallieeer happens don't irate • soar the Bean or Weems. Old yrs should be • shoprial pried .1 lila whoa the Arms are sabred the s� Arms we�e gam twilight Meeks roe, os oe, era e. De deilsrr.d b the loo, sight def Malt •aria• to all be- teg- LONDON TIUAi0T SCHOOL Woo Mr aunt treble Are 1►vaum N 'now 6tmMtshesesi$. Whea the Loado& Arab, otherwi r • bad boy, deohms to go to school he is caught and teat to jobs a regiment of truants et one d the various truant schools that bore boss established for the purpose. Hen be remains for as lone a pend as the ne ager deems desirable. 1f the boy behoves bim• self he is soon released ore • homes. if he mill declines to go to school he turas up at the truant school seam as sure as *gip are me. When they ,re captured they sit dirtj sod rugged But sow all this is sa••e••• Their heir is out, they are put into a bath and • Mos clean Bait of clothes gives them, ocarina d a pair of corduroy trousers, • shirt, • him serge blouse, • pair of mike and some stout boot. What • d;B.r nee the beth .ad clothes make : The brute be- came • bums& beim. And the brute seems to feel this se he gives lumeelf • sort of shake and walks of to leen his fellow truants. From 6 o'clock is the until 8 at night the boys are actively ed. with short iatervele of reef Tee emu keep them at r1," says IM Ursa It et d raa Me itive Mesipis. "�Up, wash, • _feed tis r err - ,e1* heti es a The homework of this large seta"i-ime•t 1. dna• by the boy. They help the cook with the dinner, mad when dinner r cooked they than the Utah= They give • band to the Iaun- dree, starch, iroo sed tars the mingle. There is woodcbopp ng to be done, and assay email Aon.a6dd duties to perform, each of which teaches the boy the elements of law mad order, which are of gnat aid to him later wul4. The Art er Brew Apvesse. " But it is not se art, it is a duty," you say. Wail, isn't the ability always to per- form ooe's duty something of s art! So, then, as to the art of being agreeable. It requires infinite tact, infinite practice, sad perfect uneelb•bner-the latter mon than all Remember the most agreeable people you have ever known : an they not them in whom hearts self had no plw! To be agreeable is to know bow to .void miaow - est subjecta in ooaverstioa. It needskeen- ness of observation, so that you are tell by the (apreeiore of eves • area's foe whim • topic hoe jarred ; sad toes you mss have wit wougb to introduce soother. In order to be agreeable, ane most most rudiment with ooartesy, bitterness with sweeness, maser with tba soft answer. One must set only avoid doing disaRee•bie tbrop, bat must, in addition, seek oppor- tunities for prfrmiagp1t,ssaat deed. Do not neglect the little t6rap. little kind - amens, tittle words of comfort, of hope, of love, a smile ben, • flower tire, • loving band asap, a lump of sugar, •bit or oaks, as apple properly applied -all tissue help to make an agreeable ma or wenn•. 1f you don't believe it, give the cram baby • lump of eager, your saghbr's bad boy • pieta of aka, sad • balky horse an apple, with a 'mile, a pleeeaot word, or • pat, as the are may be, and note the remit. To be agree- able requires much sett -denial, but the harder one tries the easier it becomes, until 0s. grow. to be almost perfect in the derirable art. - T.suatf'• Sweet eavesrites. "I've thought of a new way to make ssoey, Cook Peer," said Tommy, as he ams is from the woai-ehed with • little box in his hand ; '•I'as gains to invest damp sad get 'em patented "I moppet, tiles:you71 invest • jackknife that won't get lest, and • pocket that will never war out, .ad • gold watch that a• be bought for twesty-civ. cute." Toy dida't half hear, being very busy with his little box. "Weak' you like to se my inventiaa, Usel. Peter ?' said he .t lea "I've get it all fixed but just one Buie poiat. We • mousetrap. get,, bre be oest,s, iooklag for kis suffer. And bees'. • sat et little fled box full of cake end chew. And he email. the .I5.•e, and keeps miffing round tell he son it, sad aim he it, pe at this hest,, .ad flop are the latae door, sad there's Hr. Mew ! Oh, We tote better than • "Why, of coarse 'tie," said Undo Peter. "It'll sever scratch the baby,'" drink out of the silk -pa•, or keep folks awake in the night. "1 can .e it's beater than • "And 111 make . kitar ono for rote and seed Shemin• lesessioes Bess. Thee ! but 11111' eosin Nae pea kisser it • rimless hew. It r the d thskensoths many • rough pre h lib whish elMrwie would be very hard .rill . A r who sea .mile .s midst••• and rotor be has made h Ute, and has had the courage to sun et them and work ta•ahelly to make rads, has that he him white deserves ✓ eam h the sd. ill homer ennui is its tent The eve .ever thea bright sough Se drive sway the deeds d Poem whish e.athu•Uy werreasd is it has • swap and a marl kw my who may attempt to psis* est • better way er'dim a swab el swags h sae d real need. Deed Meow rise te the eemeisa sed mai mielereme with a enaY., h.wswer math the home may be phi- s& tegteMteg i5. ewe heart pias by lied - hs a Wpm had to than inn frtareats. Dud boom is • Amts., • sonar tower wham the psssawr nary due te eon reamed bath • reaewith sa▪ d Deed Mom r dmpb 1LV1 k.. A NM .la•gbs se Mnlegie a ad sale tela Sae bravely te Se the rt+t ss Gtr het LOOKING BACKWARD is not always a pleasant task. &sward Bellamy, in his book bearing the a although Utopian in his theory, was practical to the decided hit he made and fortune—both fleeting in their nature, but the aim of the bulk of humanity. :3ome acquire local fame, while with others their fame is world-wide, but position a person occupier in society we measure his worth by the amount he dotal for his fellow -teen Soule sten are worth mote to their fellows death than Because they do not use the best that is in them while they aro alive. THEN BE A MAN IN THE BEST AND TRUEST SENSE, I W all the good that you earl. After • year of Auntie and worry incident to business 1 am LOOKING FORWARD Iam To next season's business, assured from the experience of the pact year that result will he favorable. in a better position than ever to do business ; My Stock is new and replete with the latest novelties ; My staff of workmen are first-class in Their several departments, and whether in PLUMBING, HEATING OR SHEET METAL WORK 1 i AM PREPARED TO EXCUTE IT 1N A FIRST CLA88 MANNER. DO YOU INTEND TO BUILD A HOUSE ? Perhaps I can save you money if you consult me regarding the work in my line. In staid' tows where there is no architect persons about to build very seldom think of the conveniences of a house until it is about finished, which makes the expense greater and the work more difficult If you are only putting in a kitchen sink have it put in properly. The experience of the past four years has taught me that it pays to put in work right.. While I have very little trouble with the work done by me, I have had to replace that done by incompetent workmen of other firms who pretend to do work of which they have no knowledge. I will not keep an incompetent workman in my employ. I liesp thoroughly posted on the latest methods and systems, and adopt only the bent I desire to thank my friends for their patronage last year, and wish to add to their number. We can mutually benefit each other. A trial is all I ask, feeling confident if once I get your custom I can retain it. THD SERVANT OP THD PU'BLIO, ALECK SAUNDERS, WEST STREET, now • Jew Coo Mud a Jew. A carter o5. of Jewish pear desire to deal wilt with peepl• of theta own ram says • Chicago papa. They visit the houses d the per quarters of the day, where 3re Uv. 14. by aide with Osman* Reredos, IIGIGNO6100, Pelee, Irish and ethers. yet they n eer kibosh .t the der .f a ream where mbar Use • Jew rondos. Hew d• they ds this, Tbdr earl inty is due te • dnpb mss, she looms to the Uses when bleeery was d�+amvess.. The Jewish 1Mdam'that HessenotrMed W M �-green the wesaeryr 'n.. motheirlting tes than berm se that they ..N 1i.lr - -lad from these e1 the (lentils !'hs NO mem .sat te Pbat.d's peep* wen the dssllIter d inssbersa The Jews tetlatled the deem with h sW. heed end t hsh edig edit passel Icy w Mese se '!tis end the NNW L4_Deies lel te a pm hie M. sen lin le OWN mem to Ihel MINN the alMle Jew stilt h omit *Sir N.enlr a Irtit Nies . wheals &eft I eee wl N Say. Os the M•wai am .. id a Islet's M hems his Bete W midwse M limey Amsted Mae tame Where Did To See This Before ? Look for this Print on the Snow You see— it where ever you go THE HILL Or TON GRANBY &Oeeei If this is not the pattern on the heel of your Rub- bers and Overshoes, you will soon require a new pair, and be sure you get the GRANBY. is nailed • little sea bar, teaerully three or for rhea long and one-half or • whole halt wide It is rally par six or says feet from the alwmend,and hit is rolled • pisew d esstei&ieg the pump from the rine* to. tht, ~he i�••��, wit =the ief J ism= with e el tsaarertrAlliMmusillia 8 orthodox Jew teat the and tint their dagr-tips emery time pIsda pettier l lliereps, when the Jean are fan soden thea ►.ono, the lith xis boxes are planed at the oat entrees* ,[ the hooses, bus here it is the easaes to nail than on the hewer portion et the deer- h+sas. And it is icy Askin[ bsiid the street der that she Jewry W oma ten wheasir r sot one d oo-religioaies dwells wttkie the her. gesso ems etaatee. The devil h.... trollied them. The devil's beaks sevr seeks anybody fat Yee sever dad my b.ppy old ms is the devil•. service. Yoe met srfp�pM she devil very lead by eboreNIC at W .ekgee. The devU is very este to the mm who is always bragghg ea himself. The world W sever bees able to give ways• pease that the devil soul set i. Od's h•ttles yon CO. bit h•rdr with • anile than the devil eats Melia hash with • shed. The devil bas wear tem .M• to bit • Choler heed te drive him . quer ton el w Wok loweed they& -Bea'. A.m geneses nismomm. lees, the mph. , hue • waning ler tearing M Tamper who are ease le bay Nurses= wenn. t. eery Mum .. Meme. bulk mew Tem Imp hasegi. e The with pees and hopl ivy w Jews for the tourist trade. Dr. Las says that most of thee' artier are made in Paris, where the buiarm d m.a.hetaeisg orisLl antiquities .d art roods ie serried s for • axtst The pale eked far diem Hareems warm 1s very high. T are advised, if they desire to bay gamine epesisosse d Heroism handiwork, set to visit tree boa ars is aosp•.y 0115 native servant• M iateerpr.ters bee it take with than one of the Europe. menbante .f the town, who ms prover their being imposed upon. A 1.014 1Ue.sas---'.a. "About eight years ago," said •editor Jamas Brwwa, "I was is ioadas, F..ngi..d. One day I bought • stall to se Patti at the Royal. Wb.. the evening CONGO 1 took the Wise sronad sad walked is at the dor. Bat I did not get far. "You err eoahe h here," mid the doer -keeper. "Why net?' 1 asked h earpris."Bore are my set tickets." "Weil, yon menet enter," he replied. de4Wv.Iy ; "year seat it • freak said mob - leg bet dress wits are allowed." 1.spewubted. i Mid him that eq hew was . Iuug .d, .sd leaseth t the be•• would be mal• ted. i was he Amereas and did net the rule et the Sinatra "V ally he bald m• to go into the dram is roam, whew the arrests might permms be able te Ix one out an right. i west„ espwhg to pay two or thew area lee the Isom d a fest. The Idler *shed at me. seemd. whipped • pis Men W btpd and pissed my 'mat is& hash. sed I Mead myself is ray dna" ••1 saw She anew balf • errs. lit. iwb Chterda EPPS'S COCOA 1 vsL=MT. lawsw�ersthe tk� .�ruetlead. err d astral ��• grill �ee el ate eee�,oral l[r. W oar a AIM w east artistseem es dlw tialtnael- =air 2WlierImai="ressk S. wm•�.t dt rarii.Re idW •tutu wherever ... ounisives af��.aaqf�ie�mien mur be assivatty Irk us • al Cet,m se neer y6awei 'b tsshed Mmaed wk► Said only la sacra by omen*lir simply with bra w=ar JAmai sirs 4 Co.. ii=ies Ass - me.. ••wise, 1 berm ss wpm fon thea sell-bonoting lenity w5th seglesae ter sigma of men- mlemutlm emir aid ateum4 (k, bat sem to lite mid d the swab h and el misery. lee the regime d nibs sheet N. -Diem Bens. 8oderich Stem Boils? Ilits armttfwed Isla Ohrystal 3311A. SECOND MD ilaffiIBRI In Stock For Sale : 1 50 -ho sr u p r i g h t boiler. ail oomplets. 18 -horse -power upright bolter and engine. 1 8 -horse -power engin. 1 48 -horse -power hoelsontal boiler. complete. 1 60 -horse -power elide valva engine, all complete. Tile above have been tborovrlh. b overhauled and w orale min Urge dams condition. Rowdy fbr immediate delivery and will be sold cheap. ]it'll esdon wall reodve ptlmpt eMM1hN, Wefts, M. tL T. R. Maar sl► *15$Ire ,meds rear to. P.O. BOX Mi. NEW ARRIVAL -ar– WINTER COCD& LATEST sTvice. Masa-� ANNA Purim, Mu