The Signal, 1892-2-11, Page 6TRRLING ► OF WOKEN
Sim w Meuse nomas eterttr Vs tdee
• Q.osttoa gar ...vett mad e..asy -
• Vfr.retise s Ads1.. atheist wets' new
rag --Tau nevem) ttlertee.
Mgy wags talking ever the teacups
mit." raid W hole mother, • • 1 get es
Wed et•1 {,. ... t the heart, Int •lere the
bawd, to
D.e" said the islet tweets*
sierag.sart the IIMls mimes
t; teacup deem aea ser side of
her ser in1"'wwomen haw go earthly or
ysve•l7, to get se timed."
aleehl7s Ikea $hi 1147 "valet." dse asew5e.d
1 ' • leek et assent masa. the
ether Thare waw Ids et them, .11
sad heueak.opea The demo(
sesta, •a hwmlemeis. sad • httle
" � lies, the rr. than1
we mama el wit t group. reed and
cite ahiriat hat the days conte
- em1w a� go out in poetpooe
have all alta time there is be
ver •rgeuoimNvely.
we 'Init." •ph• ap the bl•ck-
wo,,,Z2 • "ibw is all tie title there
we don't have M
Icier. and the a eaal oars, [Mo'
ve so abem in it es all"
am tell Yoe, " Mid • .oft twice, With
MID ..'teat. "A many years
1 found myselfaway
6•d awe behindthe world of beam !' always lived
I was a consideatioss housekeeper,
thought 1 nest las no little print es
the. sad an :hieTed limeee that
ale free of the waled of litersturr
frittered away. Oro Clay I at down
thought it oat. 1 node a little reverie
passed ay Masa This was ahout
„she way the days rap 1 ruse et 7 o'clock
'; and we breakfasted at S. That Viae se far
'M a7 method carried use. After that 1
Ad various things, get the children off to
.a.4, dusted sad est the rooms right.
Often 1 did a sham of the chamber work.
At any rate there wee always something.
11 it wa.'t active lesseswork it was
hawing. And thee than was fancy work.
Amid tbeu tiro were mai and millers, and
the estertalatms bl tat as woman ought to
Mud, because they de brighten and hearten
1hr so. And these things filled each day
se the brim, sad made ftp the weeks sad
the months aad the Anow 1 wa,
getting shabby llad y. It would
tot do.
"Something Ind te is, Gad 1 didn't know
what it could be. 'It can't be the cb.l
drea,' 1 paid, half is him. boll ie hysteri.•a.
.ver Tem. seed se Ga they're hen,
they'll have te be and fed and
washed: bsd0 what s to them
taa't go. As fee I haven't any
time comawaiog in life to gree
up. 1 have• e-
'Hoseeh.ld Base? mid something in
my ear, quite like a ben or that useful
member. I sat up Wil Yards of accusing
e mbroidery danoad Theism mc. 1 had a
ia e bed linen and table
Mei. bmtstitehed and monogramed sod
stacked 4011 of .eamesmataisa. It was t he
pride of my send end the torment of mn
nerves, for I haw kept • yeelf in a bad
Harper half the time mitetthig away at the
big prom, and the little prose, sad the
useful pieces and the useless aim
'There were seems of mamegrans slag
hundreds of been sewed into those things.
I thought abase it a while hiegor. I really
ooutdn t see that 1 bund slept say better for
may hemstitched sheets, orates better for
my- embroidered epkims and doilies, and 1
eertaialy waw't Wage in pastae or bealth or
• 'Thank yogi pit',; I said at last. se I got
up to the- that had whispered
the idea to aria eat ea old and stupid
but 1 can bars.' that day to tins
I've never vet smother *nosh in faoey work.
It's pretty aid it', tempting and it's worth
having. But --I get a solid hour a day for
reading sad Tea it ashamed to talk with
any bottom, and NW hsehaad hes more re
meet for am spinier• sad so have 1. And
as -biiween horns .mbradered linen or
navies uHtli..rt hila I don't me any
whoies."-New Toe* ire.
The Useful market.
have your cold Ha; it is excellent for
cleaning grained weed,
When suffering fres overstrained and
tired eyee bathe them hi bet water several
times a day.
Fine shavings from ash pias wood make
• pleasant pillow. The, have special
quative virtues for coughs mad lung trou•
In trimming lamps with broad wick*
dip the rods a little l war No aloes the
middle and them avoid a sgakd or cracked
To 1e11 good pads,, pot tiSe in water : i1
the large ends tars up top two met fresh.
Thi. is an infallible rule to distinguish •
good egg from a W we.
1f the fed hdnmf *••t- , ata them
for one half-hour fr d hmli maimti.. of
alum water, and if me ap bM is t
e nough two wllf he a care.
Never bite to pass s.wiegailk tl rosgl
the hp., as lend-p.inatiet lis Mee known
to tend' from •soh t► baba, as it is soaked
he acetate 1 hemi, to inke it weigh
At an ish•letha has proved
at great weir* M N. 5 ..,penia,
pleurisy and other Y sad lung •set•
stoma I1 you ire •.prkle $
little on • he.ikerebi gad mit to emir
mouth sad noes far • wlr tamrwdm. breath
big the vapor. td mole the rant -New
York Meaning loaned.
T. intris AMeS globate.
A physaasa in wants adieus 11e M•1th
.t gir�a tellsthem two opt /mod. bet piste.
wholesome, entpitiara tlmms. sad above all
to eat • hearty bread art Tee matey
yems tweet haw grows up te regard it
as riser a Waage the i sneered to
serine marl, and hese "st
0411.aae the habit of '-- �•wd been
garPerin M a hew dainty hobos, ,fast alto-
ppr M gobsnotbikie dm maunders life
oi breaksat Sant fast
di:Lrovotaitimithe t eihm•d•d though
Shea amass breadoe .-Roma Owns.
A rlwi+► for • sempmgi.
time a •d modem weft/proof
rts, MI
]Six If soda y parts, oil
�� w M 1.i� ..m10 ,rly 28, Sim
to Lh•
sea, mM Mat • w1tsrproof
ear he ,este bl, •M�P the
hems h i pal the
with t4 parte ' these
1! ports tai L _ The
Oat p.0ttee of rho USU., Drums That
wee sers/a
He mh jset Wyielded Heise pantry than
that of tears. Aijeutives the meet various
have hems used to express the qyualittes of
team Theyhavebees abase "het,"
"mead, "glistens.,"�udu11 l"guates '„
-weaned." "want., • and I know nee .het
ales. They are waves of smouoa. &ad ea
• 'metal *apiaries', they are mid to spring
always limn the heart a• espremsan
sias.l•r1y truthful, for ..r ever wept
bum the head ; that a to env, se ons ever
rearmed himself or herself oto Man, .1
oept thruagb as appeal back M mamma.
11e pests have dealt with what may he
considered, Iron shear roast at view. the
e►emiMry of Mars. 'They have watt.
shoat ••salt tsars," "crystal Mars," "poses
was tears," "h.wyed teas," and the Tike.
They are to some extern errect is their
postai guesses. Tear are anise. Inc they
awry a Wipe of the chloride of sodium or
cies uses mit which exists a the blood ;
they may be poisonous, for in persona under
the influsace of • soluble poison, like a salt
of a utnosy, they trey convey as Hahn.
teumal part of *tact poisonous material :
they may be honeyed, for to diabetes the
tears do sometimes become secchertae, like
the other fluid secretions.
But tits sort of thing is exceptional. In
• general way tears are made up ot pure
water holding • trate of saline trotter, and
mottling inere; the glands which secrete
them are the purest wells of water of the
body. Tear are the result of • nervous
storm in the central nervous system, under
which aide is such a change is the reser•
'-► larmts:as int the treireecretruiy glands
that •1'• excrete tl 01 water iron the
shoots is p'id••e A..ene etcretl on u al
w ova In progress, in order that the audios
of the eye may be saved and cleated of rattan which Ina` •fie" is tosta.t
WW1 It. brit the contrulllis is
As the muscular power that extends or
flettas a finger ds at a distance from the past
mewed. so the to tears t+ fron.
an irritation in a distant nervous centre.
and is removed whet. the nervous centre i•
either soothed or exhausted. The persons
who weep art that teen afford relict
Xothwg u more perfectly true, nothing
more Blear, when the face are understood.
The relief comes not from the mere escape
of tears. which is only r symptom, but
fri,et the ceesatloa of the storm in the
ncr out +'h+in.
If the storm lie toiletai Lv sootbu.,
measures, as when w; soothe a ehil.i that
is weeping hos'. ;ear. annoyance er Mimi.
we net 11".• v :.
the t..ect ceases. In vhildren the woothu.g
method sue.-esrle, and sometimes a am:cents
III adults, in adult. the cessation
ut teats a then oununenly due to actual
exhaustion following • pend of nervous
a. -ti vat)
In grief, the afflicted weep until they eau
weep w more; then they become calm. or
like children, cry tbeatselvrs to sleep.
Thus tears indicate relief, soil that the
nervoes a\.tear has fallen into the rep ... id
l weariness. Persons subjected to many and
repeated griefs shed in time fewer trap.,
and the aged compared with the younger
almost tearless. 7'he .r insane
q' Dente.; centres, upon h1
are • pin.
, patient who teases to weep becomes. grief
leas : under , ontinned excitement the gra-.
centre falls or dies.
if this were not the case tears would
flow in well a person s.. lois as life lasted.
Tears have their value in the life of mat.
kUd : thee are of value not as tests, al-
though their actual &.w give relief, but
sips that the grief centres are bang re
hewed of their seuatbihty, and that the
nervous organtratio. is lino' fitted to beer
up agate's'su.row. .l veru • telt eWotitt.rl
disturbance sill induce the nervous 'mita
tion loading to teen in susceptible subjects;
and this, although the catastrophe its to do. intnnw*Uy, with the per
1011 affected.
Hem -e the coenmotios el tear,.
up in a play. Hamlet. it will be remetn-
befell, moves aptly this point when the
player weeps. •'Whai a Hecuba to ban, or
the to Hecubal.IH course, nothing. yet
the player weer*. and maybe the audience
warps with the player. fay art another re
membranae may be used to call forth tears
on the proper rs-eaainu- On the other
band. anything that produces diversion of
mind, when the d sturbante is not severe.
may keep lack the outbreak.
John Hunter tells us that once when he
went to see \Ire. liddotu perform, in •
moving exposition of her great powers, he
could not join the reel of the house in their
tears ••be.•ause he heti forgotten bis pocket
handkerchief." In these facts there is
n othingineomratiblc, betausc the more in
tense the nervous cihrationi, time snore eiay
u the diversion of impulse from one centre
to anther. Change of scene. meatal diver
Mon and outdoor his are the l,c.t remedies
for the tearful, but an opiate judiciousiy
prescribed is often the sovereign remedy.
1nier narcotics an injurious Alcohol. so
often resorted to, is fearfully incurious. tt
disturb., sad unbalances the nervous aye.
tem, keepe up a audios and pitiful seat.-
e.uhty and sustains the evil. Alcohol
u the another of sorrow. There are other
.•r'eotin which are similar a effect, notably
chloral : but an opiate given at night time.
under necessity. not ony soo.the•. but eon
troll, and when prescribed so that the use
of it shall not pass into • hetet, is • divine
remedy. -1)r. B. W. Richardson, is the
cart Prettier. waylay,.
h)b.n vas some teeferene. be Iwaon •
vorkin. polttiticiaea and a snrkln' man.
Shtock■ end bonds may fliekturete, but
brains was always keep der ons hw.dred
scotch ahead.
If you vast to been • great succeed ao.l
ehchoy it dot's bearer yes !safe had • couple
times failure.
Dots bearer you follow goof atwi. It
refer cloaks you • rest into ahackfull mit
prickleys best.
1 Har marriages vas made in bailee it vas
Wriest dot Nome vimaas Aafe pooty good
friends dere.
Der Weer Defer labor. order a misucok.
Ha refer labors ender anyting dot ens hate
any York is it.
You ria mit .aainoss climb dor hill of life
. 8, but Bond forgot it dot • mishetep desks
yes to dr bottom gwi.•k.
A, d With ts.
Ella fat the epees. -"Then'* (Harley
S lim. and 1 do believe 8.. got on Harry
& ender% oast."
Sallie- "Nemeses ' He wouldn't borrow
• dreamt."
111. teaeitellyl "Don't you oppose i
knew that right sleeve'"
See Meeh era Tallow.
'•well, Tommy," mid W e visitor, "hew
de you like your baby brother!" "ll►,
kw and Iota only I dent think he's very
bright." "Why not!' "We've MA tins
'eat awe wells ram, end he Moi mid •
weed te enytedy."
ay ager. Meta
My Mary, tserse! Well, really, mew,' have
mot mash te .
list 11 you'd gelled • year ego and Mbar
No need today,
to til you, unarm, for
year own eyes could see
How much the t�p.issoe cause hes demo
ler my dear J •ed .s.
A year ago we hada t lour to make • beech
d bread,
Aad many • sight time little uses went
•upparleis to bed ;
No. look into the larder, nuarm, -tber's
smear, dour and tea,
Aad that u what the temprasoe caw has
dere for John sad me.
The pail that bolds the butter John mol to
111 with beer
Bat he hasn't sp5nt • cent for dnak for two
menthe and a ', ear :
He pays his debts, . strong and w .:. as any
man m be
And that r what the temperance .aur has
dose for John and me.
He used to sneak along the streets, feeling
s• mean and lo.,
And didn't like to meet the folks he used
to knew:
Hut now be looks them. 1n the toe, and
steps of hold and free
And Lite u whet the temperance cause hes
done for John and me.
A year ago these little boys went strolling
tiro the streets,
With scarcely clothing on their (racks, and
nothing on thew feet
But now they've shoes and etookings and
garments, as you see :
And that te what the temperance muse h.s
done for John and ins.
11 he children were .1 1d- -VW- tab nom •
lug stoppedtheir la - :
1411 now when supper time is o'er and the
table pleated awry
P!x 14'v-. all frolic around his chair, the
heli- climbs hu knee
And this u what the temeperance cause kin
done for John and me.
i Ah, those sod data are o'er of sorrow sad
II of
The children I•aye tl.etr father bask, and 1
I m.' Junk again '
1 play mesas 107 weeping, .arm they're
there of joy, to see
How much the temps -once cisme bas dose
for my deet John and inc.
Each morning, when be goes to work. 1 up-
ward loot and say .
'1), Heavenly Father, help dear John to
keep his pledge today
Aad every- night. before f sleep, thask God
un handed kers
For what the tespeenee cause has done
for my dear Jelin acid me.
proal Can wtrh noses A, M.
Street ears. 10 sad 1a ft. own m
plea• the 14 and 14 ft ears es are M n
he Villard
lines is Milwaukee The sew opal alfa'
ea have f wheels sad »est 30 passemiga
RwuAiva & (.o.
6e..n,--1 have used your MINARi"
LINIMENT is my family for a number of
years for various caw of .tcknees, and
ere particularly in a severe attack of la
grippe which I contracted last Winter. and
I firmly believe that it was the means of
saving my life. 1'. 1. L t.: r I_
• Chelstra Selmer:. •
The length to which the to -called Chris-
tian Science performances are carried in
Bites the belief that -its votaries here taken
leave of their settees. It is to be feared that
in many more lases than have been brought
to public notice the criminal folly of these
misguided enthusiasts has (Aused the death
of the "patient" over whom their rites
have been performed. Now comes " Ih.
John 1'. Roberts, of Philadelphia, who aye
Ise will Dever die. The Record recently in-
terviewed hint, .hexa the quihoe was di.
" ,Vould you not die d you drank
poison ^.
1 would of detberately make +ucb an
attrmipl- Von know how Christ on the
Mount withstood the temptation to accom-
plish anything in a foolhardy, boastful
' But if you were to drink potion, would
you die`"
. i will never
The doctor spoke in an emphatic tone, as
if absolutely oblivious of his silvering
• Supoose 1 should drop some prussic acid
in that tumbler of water, wont it kill
yon +..
Weston t it ale. -t you in any way
"• Will you give me leave to do it
" Behind my beck, yes. If 1 have no
knowledge that you have done it, my
spirituel self will not be disturbed and there
will be no hurt. There iso such thing se
poison. The fear of something immgused
to be palms ha, caused what is called
" Whether trne or false, do you of ex
pct some day to pain through this expen
mice called death '"
Never. I shell never have my obituary
published or • tombstone raved over ata. I
shall be translated."
" You say, you will suet die. Your body
re -zemn to me to be like mine, subject to
, tela."
•' But my constant meditation oa the
truth of my spiritual self sad my unlimited
spiritual possibilities, which precludes any
suffering from imaginary ills, is gradually
working • change in my body. 1 elrsdy
.bout o0 use tenth the food i used to re-
quire. end 1 am being weaned front my old•
pie vain belief in the neesesity of
11y degrees my spirituel thought will e
my body as it evict* mile in
reining. But this is not death, mor 118.18e
" aalge called death.'-
l"To. pretend to cure others afflicted with
there false .leas of sickness!"
Yes : i do not cure their bodies. 1 tomb
them to realise that they have arm bodiss,.dd
ria en.eennsiitly not be sick, mor in pais. 1
give my students -you may call them
patient* no medicine hot truth."
11 it difficult to believe that the ieverydey
naoahty that lives by preying es the gab-
ble and credulous eau meow. for novae,
the this of "lir.' Roberta is sands were
like the utterances of "• Naiad 410-., ."
The pity and the marvel, tee --ie that emeh
men id dupe who arta willing te sawn
themselves and these eebrMamt
ears ely ow -
mated to their eto their " Weate•rt,"
to the ..;fest e1 the wear et brad 1
alleviate or carve. Whoa*. bei•Mrnr dons
W .hale duty t8. Cheeriest SiUAYson
sslttesaey w b gene.
ffM. Woven
Cali, eases. engin igibn, te we the
fires and seemed aunt the third w
H�'e Patna lair.., the aver-f•U-
m,y-fdisine Iry glr dha.. el ow
Amt. Ingo tad ells& d p`stal empiiila marvel d heeling
ttlleltahee be Ohs...•hese
lLtsmer (M dry goads alert - You have
wiled me • Mr ; les ma take that book.
Clunk-- We sever talo anything heck.
Brit I was whwslo u kerma ; haw woad
you like te be caned • add?
nhltw Camels.
Croup, colds, sore threat and many pate
fel ailmww are easily ~Min in t W change-
able thioate The ewer lading remedy is
ret as eb ow d i• 0a.yard'. Yellow
Oil, whisk le srirmhtmdly the bele of all ta
many n_. sled foe the cure d colds
Of pain& 2 tee 1M Wiwi.
47rk-Pair of esrmadh, eh' (ships
ready for the cold weather pretty early,
aren't you!
Hsn.dint--Cold weather .othias ' We've
got $ new baby at the hews, that ■ all.
nee Me..
Dara Slaw, -Last Winter I had five large
boils es my neck sad was advised to use B.
B. B. Refer* I had bashed the fist bottle
1 was completely weU and think R.& & can
not be sxu.U.d as • blood purifier.
2 Jos. Wi.ob, Rotted Plains, Shit.
eases gala. Mese l'a111
11111 is nearly •s bog as the foiled
State, r broad. Cbib's populate), is 3,115, •
000. Santiago's populatrw is 200.000 : 1 al
p•rai.o'a, 106,000. The sultan Proudest
hold. )tfiw for five years ; salary. 118,000.
In Chili there are 1,Ot10 public schools, with
Str3e6 P
Would use Ketup's Balsam for the throat
tool lours. 1 t is curiae' more cases of toughs,
ca,lda. asthma, brotechuu, croup and all
throat and lung trwhim, thea my other
medicine. The proprietor has authorised
any druggist to give you • .ample b,ttk
free toenavince you ofthe merit of this great
remedy. large bottles 50e and g1. (lcove
alhihtly Mreauk.
Thu curious advertisement appeared is a
Leaden paper : "If the lady a .o Dock-
eted the china cup from the little tea ser-
vices set
er•vitesset when my furniture was on view
e t --- will return it I shall be obliged,
tad will hand • donation to the funds sup
porting the place of w-onhip she emit... use
Hannan K gates.
The Knights of Labor aim to protect
their member &truest titencial dit5cndtie.,
etc., H•gyanf's Yellow (41 protects all who
see it from the effects of cold and exposure,
such as rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago,
sore throat and all inflammatory pato.
Nothing compares with It as • handy pun
cure isr man and beast. - 2
The leap Tar aYnsmra.
Bolivar Breeze : A large eueber el the
girl are not earning .•lanes tit went
justify them in taking • husband to support.
and most of those who are in receipt of •
comfortable income prefer the life of iede•
peeden•e which it brings to the rsaponabn',
ttie. of marriage. The &verme ro.ang en
has not the slightest mese for alarm. n
A Le..N Hlrerwr.
DIAu Sia.., -1 ,dared (ten general
wakoees and debility aid my system was
completely run down and i found K B. B.
the let. medicine i ever tried. 1 would not
be without .t for • great deal.
Mho NSW!: Aun.cro *.,
2 hablaoe P. O., Opt:'
P1*11N NT ANO (tlOULlAR•
A mast remark•►&. -Stam, ltdwwes aro
healing r reported hem the porta
al 0t. brio. .Leone., tl.o. Tem reep.Mahle pored Meson* and Maris had
tea eight Aitken, lour sera sad hew
Rbea0o's her eons mediad
41111711147hear da ghtse., sad the her suns
al the lasts *Mod their forams M the
four daughter. of the former. The
of the fret fuer wimp up M date r'e
ahildr, and of the leiter
thirty terty
anew by the now goats .cath . the G.
lk h I.- R. IL had • two hewn' delay et the
Siam Maden wing to 1i treat abaish
Ming ttaabfs to obtain otters. It
that the su
telegraph mmon, Irk..appease
lather's Clock,' seeddeely stopped chert, sad
the operator was pa Lard to know whet was
Ws setter. Maims egoist Clerk pat en hie
thinker cap and commenosd are Wagonet-
tes, when he found that isms 7eumpler
had upped the wins by threar • rises
of win over them Met oa the artier Wok
thus breakln. theao.nessio- lleokagrae-
umtt was retuored and the trait prv.Nded
The " servant girl problem " r • porpoise!
terror to the average hourewtle. 11 will
always he so . beg as many housewives
fellow the selfish potence of me other
housewives' homes for the purpose o wail
iy •wry tbe latter's help. Ho. shell ar-
rests be expected to have a high idea of
honor and duty when they have such o.•
lived examples set them by employer,' The
ow'noaneee of the oomplaint that c. -
tented belpp has thus been disturbed by
alleged ladies makes it certain that the
house helo question will matinee to be un-
satisfactory. Among men such underhand-
ed trifhiig with each ether's wutsats
almost unknown.
The best awes. enema. fpm Ramis,
rbre It a obtained from the gjant sturgeon
which inhabits the Caspian San • ed the riv-
en which run into it. This sat 011511
g row_ to the leu the of twenty-five feet, And
from eta airbledder the isinglass is prepared
It u subjected to u.mey processes before
being ready for sale, but the Rua -
stens, knowing it bee the re"utation of
being the best. ':_e great pains Sri its pre-
puutiva, end in the world's markets it has
practically no rival. 1 great deal is m$.1.
along the A.uazoo, in Bray., Iwt it is very
rearm and iufenor, and is used for the re-
fitting of liquor and similar purposes. The
adulteration of good tangle.' with the Io-
fertor kinds con always be detected by plac-
ing samples it boiling' water. The beet
isinglass will dissolve, .•ompletely, leaving
no visible residuum, while the inherior vari-
ety will show threads of fibrous tisane and
be ot a dark color, often aleeo.t brown.
The members of the retgniug family have
not, as a rule, been shortltred, though
only George III. and the present sovereign,
Queen Victoria, hare enjoyed remarkably
long reigns. t:eorge 1. was si years old
when he au.ended the throne and died at
the age of 67. His son, George II., reigned
33 years and died at the age at 77. His
grandson, George 11I.. retyped 60 yeses
and died st the age of 82 His eon, t;eerie
iV., reigned only 10 was 68 years
old when he deed. His brother, William
IV., reigned only 7 years. bet was nearly
72 years old at his death. Queen Vitoria
has already been nearly 56 seems of the
throne and she .ill lie 73 years old next
24th of May. The present Prince cf Wales
has passed hu 50th birthday, amid if be
should survive his mother his kingship
mast he confined to the evening kis days,
as was the case with'_1orge I., (:serge IV.
and William IV.
same was tun flee 111„ Aguilar. •-
"11 you take the lest piece of bread on
the plate,- said the .ether to her aerrtage-
able .laughter. you won't be married for
serer years..'
The young lady broke the bread into two
pieces and took one piece.
That's better,- maul the mischievous
brother, "that reduces the period to three
years and • half."
A tare ter fo.all1Mtes and ..wee.
1h. Silas Lane, while in the Rocky Moun-
tains, discovered a root that when ooesbined
with other herb. makes an easy and certain
cure for oo.etip•tion. It is in the form M
dry roots and leaves, and . known as lane'.
Family Medicine. 11 will cure sick - headache.
For the blood, liver and kidneys and for
clearing up the complexion 1t does wonders.
Druggwts tell it at b0c. a package -enough
fur 6w_e weeks. (leow
A Tee *.sire Wees*1 Altogether.
A Victoria IILC.) Chinamen recently
married "r Melican woman." But he soon
wanted • divorce. in hes plea be complains
that she hes " too muchee talker with sigh
bon, too muchee paint faoe, and eyeblows,
too muchee Vnleeppeaao blandy, too muchee
fight. too mucbee store, too mucase
boys too muchee dleam, too machos mss
klliam husband, and too muchee no good.
But the court held the Chinaman to his eon.
tract. San Francisco tall.
attached by e■ ,army•
Intim Sias, About • year ago 1 had • very
bad attack of dyspepsia. For nearly four
months I never ate • meal without .ulferinngg
lain after. 1 had got so weak i meld
scarcely walk, when one day I saw an ad
vertiesment for 1L B. IL and thought I
would try • bottle. Four bottles cured me
completely, and 1 am row stress sad
healthy. Yarm JANIT $Traar,
2 W.b.k• Fells. Ont.
Odd Feed.
Fat all swig had slowly. Digdtioc will
of bogie lir do temperature of the food
hes been rained bi w4. heat of the stomach
to ninety-eight degree& fleece the more
hest that can be mp•rt d to it by slow
mastication the better. The precipitation
a • large quantity of cold intim et.saach by
fast eating soy. •aA:oft5s does, case dis-
comfort and iwb .ed e�veorryy rummage
d this kited restate is a moswnW.moujjiurryy
to the digestive buietiona Ica water drsak
with cold food of course increases Lia
chief Hot drinks, -hot water, weak me,
cogen. .8.0.•1., eta w$, on the ose-
=t�ary boli to peeves it Bet eat slowly,
ray. Ball's Journal of Health.
laws'* Liniment es Sere ear Mw.sor.
There are 18 religion. ...papra pub-
lished is TAW, J
The Moravian. eye, . an average, $12
per head year))) to tonere eimitaa.
' Five coram," says Ike. Plenor , "
mate the et women r If•Mr
lamas : thareisnindM 1418, .staug81
ebndheod, nasoefied is widowhood...
=tad it ale ego, othenSam J when
Dr. Owego Amlot, an ,
that be 8...s •t at t, w1
whisk egemh Sher iit7 18
atalking. has
spread war A.WsZw".eit
Ra.'► igGna.r.
It was lie. Yana', Dry r ()•1. 11sm
Trwat, b.Mhlei-- vary rayed and very
very dirty, bat is uswees.u.1y
geed epirM►--w• debasing m his maid
whether be eM.Y UMW diet M Mod-
eratia whate he seen get park and Mass
ler maven mai% we as the (lades Oris,
when we timid Ind • eYw d yeast bel
with Newey. •ad *alp 1 m•mhed parte,
far • dims. Just then • hemoyedee elseki•g
pale wonted ted hi e.
" Rave yes hhome,boy r
" Nary keens," was Tom's answer ; "iia t
sever hail nese."
" Right this way, them," mid the mea
" There's • .sib' dieser at No. 290, sad
they boa ore waif."
Aad Mime To. keew it he was whored
tete • Wog room, when people wore harry•
iag to and fro with •mokieg trips and
r•.bsrry maws. He took a sent, *Whim
that be really bed woe resets M foal like
OD Americas cubes, when be sew • trued
gals* award the dor with • very solemn
fork or his bee.
' Halle, Joe ' What's up !" be mid.
" I'm • hundred and owe," said Jos.
" sad the rales is stir mon then • hes
Two pee a look M hie plata Then was
• wood joist on it, sod ewes white most
and somas droving ; thea be mid, hur-
ried l
Here, take my place. Joe. I don't tool
n o very w•11.' And Joe was lifted into
the vacated clwr before he could my •
'• guess 111 go to Hodson'., after all,"
remarked Tom to himself as he went out.
" Pork tied beans la pretty (air esti tie, and
Jae . .4358 • puny little fellow."
Then is no known ending to this little
story, but it is .triatly tree, and is only ore
out of teeny .Smiler iasideat* which serve
to show bow the peas-lisivese
'• What the pour are to the poor," says •
writer, " only tied awl themesives knew,"
weaned'. L& -I itee air ethm.
truss Aar M Marta►.
With the approach of Wittier even people
who are careful at other seasons are apt to
disregard the sanitary precautions so Detw
eery to keep • household healthy. Too
much reliance is apt to be placed on frost
for killing or modifying the effect* of di.-
ease•breedtng influences, and the desire to
keep houses warm and comfortable often
results in neglect of proper ventilation. it
is for this reams that smallpox and other
contagious dimmest w eo hand to stamp out
when they once get headway in cities and
towns. Fresh air and cleanliness ere niter
al foes of di..•.e, and they are quite as im-
portant in Winter as in Summer as a means
of checking the spread of ailments which
are not so much to be (eared in mild
weather, when doors and windows an
usually kept open ^
Vests Allsat ASMrwur.
The size of A.Metalia is sot generally ap-
preciated. The wen colonies between
them occupy a territory greater than that
of the United State., excluding Alaska.
New South Wale. &lose i as karst as the
thirteen original .mesa Tseaaia, the
Rhode Island of Australia. is as largo as
that State, with New Jersey, New Hemp -
shire and Massachusetts added ; Visnas,
the smallest colony of the oostimnQ, is
equal is ria. to Great Wiwi.. lassoed
. rpassen the gaited areas of ArtaMla,
France sad Germany. B�It/__AaglrI$
ase -third greater than Queeelkeeff, figeerly
as huge as Western A''15. wlbh of
itself has .early four time W. =NW of
Texas, while the two Sloe.* ttiegetb•r are
larger than the whole di beep, witln,et
Russia. Th. Soul pupal •tb s i. 'bout
For the past year i have been trembled to
• very grist ,milt with deeded, also •
chillness dealer in my hair and through the
advice ul • friend (wile .poke from esperi-
ewe) i tried year Asti-Deadr.f, tebiek ep-
os the amnesties of less than • bottle of
your liquid 1 led my head not only
thoroughly cleansed it • vast feproversst
is the oolor and growth.
i have sod do ree•eneend it as highly
beneficial to the sad public goer
alti ea an 'rid welting las vatice
is the ies pet teeth far petite favor.
Years, fee , R m T Wot.rt,
Advertising Ag'I, " Frank Swish Om. "
amen 18110.91.
mmm emf weenie.
Menson carry the worts for • moment,
diameter for all times. -A. Drowse Anon.
If you weeM please a waviest, praise her
children ; if you .weld ph.. • men, praise
There is so power on earth or in heave
that °ea endo what W ansa bees done. --
labsekmg toward distant aim .b the
ailed is • bigbr key, sod pas in at ear
boat. - -Parkhurst.
Reps is itself a speak. ofand
�prrohra�gss the aid .e. world •/-
Mrda -iainr Jehesen.
The heart of teem womanhood know
when Nm .w sphere is, end error mobs to
WNW M7esd It -hawthorn.
hero w is In eve wow a White te
Mask Na one ever rectitis the Wean
ea wMrb he e hes.-iAeglihw.
The earn rem ba the market for streegt4
and prig. Full ham se
Sugars, Teas, Baking Powders,
sed 011 IgaF be mad taper orooeriea.
tinge la•s so Alam. Arnstimsia, lame.
esespissera.or say rhe
-Once In 11„ I.ean'n-
- us; mite the llarae'
Money to Lend
Cheap Rates,
Farmer's Notes Cashed.
nil .ss
Fd R 1898.
11•r . Leiner Helly Circultios thea any ether
Republican New, Is America
The Ag ve Republican Jour -
of the Metropolis.
A UWU'Ar,• eras see ■AW.t.
needed Llesembrr LA, Llai.
Circulation overloo,000eopi�
7... Pewit lathe grew of se fted. ; pals
me wires: has se .alsaemml. to avenge.
The moat remarkable Newerpor suc-
cess in New York. To. PRIM u
a national Newspaper.
Cheap Hews, Yeager ttetb
fad aware. h the eohnew. d The
The From hes the Is lightest paP r
New Teri. 1t 1pawkla with pslmtt
The Preen toads, Tait*. atiezretseelld
twenty pg.paper,0ov.rlag every Own
of Worst.
The Preen Weekly Centimeetet•n all the
▪ *last s/ of the .
yd 55.4 editions,
�r44..rrttthose vele 01111004.4 met . 111from swirly Daily y or .
711 ipeekly 15 a isut..
ial subetifs It
The Ppm see se s peeler le New Teel
WItbIa the reset el .IL The best and awe -
ea Newsspsr le Asmlsa.
Daily end Ateadey, ase Yoe,, S6 00
6 Mesas, leo
Daily enly,n.. Tear, 3.00
bar M..Iha. 1.00
two Year, 100
.Weekly Prwm, one Teat. 1.00
amid ter 74. Peenrobilahlt
.main fresuzionistmln•„I,N weerwhme
40.14 70 Pah M, the' TOL
iRP' i R .. -.
Are 'A leaf!at•i-•, CorvieLehrfreo-4(}
I)rrjcrivs. Is a i :ire rr er Cad r(gir: heel
iicasa er cfara'r: in Gist-'rrrrar.. 'sly..
Tis seism1 been aide to cam
plats ea tweensily Um seemshvmwbis diadem sr
The London Advertiser,
sad rya advaauses w.0 ,he riven a ndesiy e
e ub.rrbtw s.
The N'rserrs Advertiser is Nes p•Mbhei
t wig. • week. and eestah• 5451 pllpm r emit
■..bre its cwere QMaej. wow awns
1 specially specb sttee-tit» dpt craw
from all vans el theispieced 1s soh
. erlbr
ers' leads merry t fads dad.
Far eisteew mass at Dewe paragraph& map
tram tae wire rye two .ietht•p.w et dopes• •
wethe price ed SUM per Iwo
rapt yr
antediv hew. ' Waves and Dangbtee.,' ale
e.ntatatse Miters peep* M • wean 1011V
nseathly, Issued at mar a costa per year.
Our Grand Offer.
Western' Advertiser, talkie a went 41 04
Wives and D•.r8ten, seenthly 14
Tun .near., weskty. .. 1 .
Ourdubbing rate tee the three. 1W
Or.the Woofers' A4.e/timr ldeiIS
.e.kbl, amid Tun Masai..... 1 •
These are Hot Figures.
Remember th•1 them woo are not
.ntl.erlb.n d either ,neer get belesee er
rtereee - a pa ...1 4 tall pr a rt+ar•atoelmt
• weekly sod e
tiles-s.weekek ppader very Nictit000n stnill the mid el IMO
tree the dated w1nptt1ies.
But. abase all. remaeabr that for may el •
18lesed the mestere Advertiser WesHun
weeklyiwill be rat to the tad .f Ink. 11.
eldhe.g oo.aasatIos offered in IAenteass
wail ale. either hes vetsN er sews
y..II se la 1,wama et prior chanted.
• •I Up 1 !row's the Time 1
n Th swam pssmMl/rM tie SWPORI wln
lbw illionow,
I le.deriwh.
!0,SVt- ALA
atm OTID verse a>ore eve,
Specific, and Antidote for
Impure, weak
beast. eimerwy +._levee••. palpitates el the
r, b=11111114
8600.3. iseeeloa,
amtiaiab 1
diees.n., SL thud Ilswallisit
.arities and renmwl p.
Ptgrl*Ur •d Illana6.Hsse.
11o1ama► ewsStia be sed
t� .r r•