HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-2-11, Page 5L THE CANADIAN BANK UF COMMERCE L3T...1.i.0 1M7. HEAD corm&. TO11044T7t M. MAI/ SP) ea MILLION DOLLAR* • N.000.ON. B 00,000. S. E. WALKER, asis411At. Me ntAaan. GODERICH BRANCH. A Gaist*AL BANstrio eusN.Eaa TRANSACTED. FAwatls NOM DlsnenteVa . D.Asts (nett= PAYABLE AT AL. POINTE IN CANADA. ANO THE PR?NOSPAL OrTia IN THE Uremia STATISM GMAT BINTANt, FRANCE. Bua.uoA, as. sAriMss SAMR DEPARTMENT. gaPOSTS OP SLOP AND UPWAalle MC'tIYED. AND CURRENT RATES Of INTLIWT Iw,tMer woo= TO iWE PetINOIPAL AT TNN ENO OP MAY AMO asset tel SAOst TEAR. Sploolsl Allenlf.m gives te the OellsoNen cf '`.,tre.erelnr mower. and FMasrs' sales Mons. R. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager. CLINTON'S CATCHY MS. Tee Weakly 1111Slto.e at Mows frogs is Live Craters. en VW e.etlmn Y Mesa on new Ere/! Mogi Wank arweep 1W asw vs as learen. Mab "-EsdMis aMi+es .f Beset 1s.Ssa (mow ora owe cv.. ereesa r.1 Mrs- Thos. Howie d Wkagha-, isstay- ing with friends in town. 1. last week's amateur rams bold at the (.Thne& lianas risk W. Moore was the hooky oompeth er. Owing to the [mss lB..m d Bev. Father West to swine was held is the R.C. chard on Sunday Yat: The brethren of the C. O. F. Order at ltoneiner had • *meat time Needy ere - Meg last, the oecasiea being a oyster sup- Por- Jae up• p Jest Howe has received bis electric plant, bad a a week or twee time will have it a full ming. Sower to the ven- ture. A...sdy c rnpany has our town hall en- ter the whole of the .wining week, ucb to the susoyaaoe of Dome of oar lead- ing pohtscaas. W. are very sorry to state that Mies Al - Moore, et this town, is dengeroaely ilL • hope however, that she may yet regain termor health and vigor. Onward, Reform soldiers, T b. strife will not be bony ; Today the sone of battle Aad ties the victor's snag. The esay friends el Mrs. Thos. Jackson dl be sem to bear that .he is .till is a .shies! condition. We siacerelj hop a plensuater report wiB appear a sett eek'. Stu!l At_ Give ase tby vote and I will give ion wed good, say. Patterson, Easseeddent- .mnawiate Best we fear that this newly - greet w might forgot the StW .a - of West Huron whin he is rete - 1e the Senate. LANES. iTttu 1_ It /OR LAWT NRR►. J Fratode Soots bad • wood bee hist week. Mr. Stobie, of Seaforth, is visiting at R- E . len.'s this week. Dareing parties are lashio..be this week. Just ons .very night. Looks jest now as 11 we are going to lose our splendid sleighing. Beasething in the air telleth us that Hymen is not far from Loam Frederick William Johnston Arnow attend- ing eokaol is the village d Locktww. Rev. Mr. F•rbair., of Domiesnaa, mon ducted the preparatory service here os Friday The aasu•l Pawing el the W.Y.M.S. in oessection with IW dome MSS .n Thurs- day last. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. JelmWee w aswwe [ at Ls/towel just now .tetea bte.r.! of her brother, who did o y endid sly. Joe Abet., d this kat purchased • young thoroughbred -bull Orem Peter Camp- bell, of the 2nd wu. of Heron, for which be paid a good figure. Where does our esteemed teacher betake himself to at the end at every week! Could the Paramount scribe give us ay is - lemmatise en the subject Most el the farmers in this settles are a little shaky &beet the scarcity .4 Isdder. nem should be half the bed left yid Or slake mo meatless in the Spring. At the lest weal congregational wasting of the haat Aakfield Presbyteries church a mottos was beoegbt up to adept the omel- ets syet.et of oentribatioa. It be., we believe, to be settled by ballot. Alex M Less u now mdse the parental root, after a long .buenaa in the domain .f (Tick Sam. He len recently had • herd 'tack with the fever, and we areba.ItL to see him again enjoying his mod Si iiia i.RRrrarro&JAXCAtT. -SUL Kxoilwt, Will O'lagbla ; goad, Mede McLce , Jae. Parrish. Jun IV. --Good, Matilda Isms, Berber Farina, Rob. I..a ties W. -I inellent, Jen Ford, Jao, I.ae, M[. Ofurfogy t good, Lillis B&Nwls. Jas. Jambes{ us. III. Excellent, i;uem& Asa tiensd Inst week, t Ssl.athm eiasesse, Ann's Ta And. Nelson, Bari Ballwin :good. foes lees, Gm. Lest, S... iI. Excellent, Will Ford, Rd. Joke held forth in Ratteabary-rt. Method - up on the flth inst. !.tat -(:apt. is full of blood and fire. The maw tome to advocate on Monday last was a oommeadable one and worthy of y and Aasncial sof from all lovers social reform R[roRwaTIox. Reformers . yss,sir,tbt the l :rite ; an appropriate mere is it for rete meties resellv seeded in our and eleswhe a ja.t at tie present Wherever there is a bels in the , thea there lot es drive a ear wedge it will gradually widen sad widen, it splits b two ; ten we will mems of tba ooeeserers. Aram Tim Garr or yes Garen. -When Mr. e. first made his oppresses it was that he would be with um every toter for seven years. Should that be correct we tear that our come- will.iepopekttm ear towns and TS- ; our undertakers woald,lowever,grow and grave -diggers got riches through ties. Nor Fon Jor. On Friday evening Met wen asked by one of (lata'. loading {Lives to walk dewe to t dept 'th him when he would introduce as b b.eor&ble candidate of Wert Hero. , Mr. Patterson. We did not go, bow - mot much appreciating an extmaded till •vs of an Neches, but otter eat to be treated with cold derbies. We sincerely hope Mr. M•ttlaitg, who ie faithful ambemeior of (.dela., will be es - thus to loth epee his beautiful de child, hernias that she is new an fold better of than she oesld ever Sae been in this world d care and serrew. LisaALrrv. We believe to hater whom lessor is doe. Per ieet•aoe, the at iy wtrtby mayor, mterms glowing est .s. Neer toball fres r.. 0E at their roam convention Was it ty d the mayor, .e the liberality Clinton's retmpeyere that bestowed apse the hall free of charge! By the way, do an sea why they should have any ,or beelswd open tem more time any body er erpttsatien. Atoms rev Jeers. - T'he grim jaws of havetlMary, ed aad taken for of emend damgb- vbtilo liths..e el our suet rapeseed na t . 1y The rem - hit ter berrmeved is very Mr. Madsg le and hes Ira ter a time pari to as veryMasalog is ileertiieleal Maes d whish themki etMr esekalerated iis the USW Mary had beet doh ler t two weeks, bet ten are her pains add, sad she as a earl of light h ler .bsfl )Ziadea eld .1 as . mind .Is.n we .. meegd ►abher, Rat when, with raptures wild. 0 our bosom we again esfold iter She will sot be•child : t a fair maiden is bre Father's taamno•, Clothed with oeis.tiel grace b.estYal with the sealis full aspersion Shan we bebeld M fem. Pawnee Humor Tit Cc Pug'urr. Conservative Moods had a big mem- le tea tows hal ea Monday eve rue, we es Reformer. have to Vat motels d • big gee. There may be abed, but as imearswtabe ice. AMba.g1 1b Tories love to raise fascism cry of disloyally, yet eau we le the pelts with • sear esenNenee, be. both fled sad w. Wiese pelting day int every I.etbr's son tam sat vete for the right w std t Re- Gwvreststt. Lal se eve abhor that is evil sal dame to that witch is We regret mush that NM year ear y reeve will sot be see to push te- t geed eases wlsb Isla elemenee sad , but yet Ids veils will tail and the aid MB still nil awed ; then iftDevililthewa , Why well tell K ever i sy jai we WS% deg M slid nese; goad, .la Sesnit. J. IL -Easel- lase, Frank Scott, Geo. Parrish, (wry Wallace. Average attendance --38. A. J. M, Kcvrlc, t.seber. BLYTH. DItaIRABi III BUBINNS$ STAND IN Myth le let ter • Urso d being Use eerier Mere V Wteen's brisk neck. Beet .toad is tetra. Iiceesent eerier sed su*talde Icor general sten er greeny w lib_Beer ELLIZsod 'A A. .111.iteet. lb.'s.. .ply tw 1 LOCNALBH. [mon ore own Oeaaarot*Da.+T. J Not eery long ago • youslg sport tram town drove into our burg •mi reale • short call ea our filar tailor, D. G. MacBeath. The day bring floe and the roads *Myst t he two genie thought they would take • so- journ through the mutiny. They had not gene very far, however, whoa their pacer took a it sod refused to empty with the s. commaof the driver. He baled, kicked, ewitabd and reared, but forward be meld sot ga. The town youth, failing to iii Mb attempts to get up Otani, asked Mac to take the nibs ad geverswt, which be did, and by t'ty . 11 y dexterity and • renal di.- play it gsud bersem•nsbip he pMw•ded the •edged t it wag *piaci rather unprofit- able grams. Mac saw W friend safe home and sow he is admitted by all to be an A 1 J.ka THE SIGNAL: GODERIOH, ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, isrl. THE LEEBURN LETTER. * Wslsose Budgies From the Lake Mora A Mord plat Y Always Loveliest OW he Ee Metes el tea Wooers session .f r01 mss- The iasis. Teem the nut Tab we.i M Wee. Mr. sod Mrs. R. Ho(prtb have removed from bre to live in t.oderick, after • reni- dest of several years. Mies Bella Motloskey, of the 41i ouvioes- I.M, (:odmrick tows.►ip, was the guest of Miss Agae. Silting this week. Mrs. H. Rialtos returned ban last week from • pl.•l•mt visit d none dare to reta- tree •ad friesda as the 4th cos., Gotland township. AN Oat Fwu Mr. Symiagte's, for many years teacher of No. 5 school here, was reams among old scholars, wy d wbi -i are now papas sod nen end mediad Ladd folks to school. Wherever Mr. S. roes he nests • kind welcome in the section. A sorry eleigkiag Icy from Entail were the guestsof Mr. and Mn. James Foiy en Mende evesing of last week, the party belt a 1&tts of D. utdisoaoa s Dalton. Tba latter'. violin music for the dancing during the night's a suessl. Several other friends of the bast and hostas herr Joined is with tbe party,makimg • piessaat and social gathering to Nor Two, Burr Tam_ In our items d last week we noticed that the opening days of that week had sees two funerals, yet 1a closing day, Saterday, witaered another, being the fuaer•1 of Wm. Clens', sr., • former resident sad pioneer d twentyyears' residence here, he dying sear Stratord in the township of Ellice, where he bad resided slaw he left here. The remains were ttlsglbtbore for interment in Pine View esMMry. F. IL Ltdield, who for several years past has bees on the teaching staff of the Agri- cultural College, at Guelph, was up visaing his parents here, besides seeing old friends, not fornottiag many former comrades d the 1. O. G. T.. No. 213. He Dow is ,.bc L D. of the 1. (1. G. 1'..t the Royal City. During this Winter he has addressed meet- ings of Fanners' i..titetee at several ponte la the coarse d a few weeks he goes to Wisconsin an • delegate of the teaching stet to esquire into the rreaa•mseerr)) system there mad will have, we •mustard, the fall masegom.at d the depart nest in the Agri - *altars! College this Doming Summer on his return from the said minnow. The new officers of I. O. I:. T., No. 213, were installed on Friday evening, Bro. William:, in absence of the L D by Moms, conducting the installation. This quarte' ase of the sisters will be diet Templer Sister Pdith Horton will perform the duties of this office, she being the fourth lady member elected to this post during the period d sixteen yeah that this lodre has been in working order. Her fellow -officers are Sister R. Gordon, W. C. T. ; Sister K. I.ng.W, W. M. ; Sister A. Gres, D. M. ; Bro. W. Gorden, W.S. ; Bea H. Horten, W. T. ; Bra Winiams, W. F. S. ; Bro. H. Horten, O.G. ; Bro. Jewel, I.G. ; Bro. Job Rsafes, W.C. ; Bro. J. Linfield, W. P. C. msse lmt ere the entertainment Friday even - the 12th inst., in the hall Aa address will he given by the Rev. Mr. Hughes, of Wimgbam, en the aims and workings of the Order. The masa ametiag of the Loeb.ire Pres- byteries chime Wedacday evening d last week had a fair attendance. R. quaid was Makatea at she meeting e;td D. s.reeery. The minutes of meet - imp &meg lase year were teed and ap- proved. Tb revert of tie treas- urer, Juba Hester, isr the past year show- ed a marked improve seat. The salary d t pester to charge has been raised 160. fl -.p- from the Psion Presbyteries ahmwk, Galeria taw.hip, W. Mealistb end J. Devidea, reported what were the widos .t that emOwption in the matter d eapgag a pastor in u.ioe with the Lee burn church. It was decided that the Rev. J. A. Anderson, of Godericb, nosed to the matter el supply for them and 411 he ill the vaesaey the Rev. Mr. Black be pastor to charge. The latter had declined es acesunt of advancing years to remain for any lesgtby period His work as • pester has shows him to be an earnest worker to his Mister's kMgdom, sed dieting 11s late sea- ms of Mantas he was a eoegts t visitor to dims whose helms had seen illness. Al the stat d chetah dimers sed m1e..gere were re-elected. As • committee to par - obese the wood supply Jas. ' , jr., avid H. A. Horton were - A claim from Korot dumb was received, bat no ac- tio taken in regard to it. deme .east sseep we stated that t had here hdie- abrgd its shading debt of $300 Capt. James Bogie making the first effort to have it wiped out. However, as we have spoken before in THE SIGNaL. we will only add n ow that the miracle and D. Cumming were appstotei • ..s..4 a to gm t deal die- ebeg. bas the rsgsery Nies se that fee the nail the Nbeeeb will start out is the gaaaim! world out d debt ad oat of 71's arceati nos at t oburch sir - viers .till isprevieg, which shows that ail here an desirous ef Isersi 4 the glad Winos ef the reit to cess atter the morrows and joys d this worst HAY. [MOW ora OWN ('Oaaa.PDX DUNI. i .lab. N.rfbestt was is Leedom last week vtdthg frinds. Mrs. Henry O'Brien basto visit (reis Grey, Metes ad i y N William Chapin= Me bees very sitoosio- fel in an over6ewiag well a bis wood Mrs. He1den, d Hibbert, spent some weeks visiting at her brother's, John Moll shoe '. The members d Belem*ow evsi,- Fauna. d ImIoMry, mss en en Mg, the 5th Mt., std held • very interest, lag debate en the eabjsot:--Resolved, that it is better to west your old seat than go a debt for • new ase" The d olden, .141.14 was ifavor dthe was gives Bro. clew, d Trlumsb Me&.iatiea, smieid by brethren D. sleek sed A. Musa, of this u.oaiatiee. UUNLOP. [rams stn owe ooa*Mro,IDt 1T.1 J. M. William's was in Rooter for several days lest week. W. Retied, et Gla..la, Brune county, g ave oar berg • visit last week. Mr. aied Mrs. W.A. Rhyne., of tiod.riok, were the gases of Mr. and Mm Andrew (fres, Rosedale Farm, last week. The rani d Sandy made eleighi g rather bare for drawing wood into tows. So en Monday quite • .amber at those dra wood with their bras 'amnia shovel with them to peek stow on the read for the slaigb to go ever imet.sd d eons be mod strap oil en the hove with the whip. Wm. Nieberrrll, lerssiy essn.oted with our .w.ill stmt as meager, was here last wk ...mMel.sgg old kiwi to the burg. We a.deaeretatfbe will direst the removal of a .111 best IhopprilleateMegies, Snot eeuaty, Misr* bis What, G will w it a hi. saw.Gm.ag Im deer a at that pHeliswAao Nosxa,-A. ReWssa, of rarwelaennotarised boom from Pontiac, st, weh wbme he W been for w weeks. 0. hotbed ere .ren teen to ever Meg lmllveri g te ens .4our .aidwe a .bias save v eetrwded be bis a Irina d W M the naive lir bret The wW ewer b • valued .un tee=pee= be Sas mrd uMihse whim far lam. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice u hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing be team the undersigned, who tarried on business es general ulervbants in the town of (lolericb, under the name and style of J. A. Reid Ik Bro., was on the let day of February invent dissolved by mutual ooasent. Osumi A. Rit9, I SAwa1g. J. Hen,. • Referring to this above the .mini near will be continued by the under signed, to whom all paid, and who will charge all liabilities. JAMES A. REID. J mdan•e Nteoa Oederfot. f'eb lab. IMO ISM accounts must be assume and die and meeting with a besrty weleluts ben a11, and having a social chat ea .N IPM with them. All were looking to his artist attain mixt Swat mer, but this wee sot to kw Saturday 1••t he did ratars, but his hem was still and silent. Many • tear fell bit the fames el hle former neighbors se they rased on him .heaping 1n death's lam d lam peacefully _ after • lost cid useful life. Rev. Mr. Black con- ducted the funeral services, with the church cboir assuring. The interment cies in Pineview cemetery, Colborne township. the pall -bearers being Janes Tobin and D. Iswam, of Dunlop, with R. Fulford, Jas. Horton, H. Rehm' and S. Linfield, of this place. ale Randay ROT. Mr. Black made a feeling allusion to the deceased and his close friendship with Christ, and his efforts to live a Christian life in word and exempl.. Owing to illness of the widow of the deceased and • daughter, only his two esus, Joke sed Alex., were able to be present at the femoral, which took place from the latter's renitence. ETHEL. [TOO LAT[ IOU LAST w [Ia. 1 T. Chapman is getting material on tea ground for his new The English church people talk of erect- ing a church here in the near future. A number of our villagers iite.d hearing Kb Perkins in Bcassela on Wednesday eves• lag this week. H. M. Dobson spent last week with friends n Taokmaui township. He is greatly in love with that part of Huron county. About thirty of the young people of this vicinity spent a very eajoyabie evening at the residemos of Mr. McLaaehlin, near Cranbrook, on Friday last John Watson, formerly of this place died very suddenly at his home on the 16th coo., grey. His many friends ben deeply sympathies with his sorrowing relatives. David Denim, wife and family, who have been visiting is Hibbert township for the post few weeks, returned to Kthe1 Lot Saturday. They expect to leave for their home in Maaitoba about Marcb let. Wen. Elliott has rented his farm to Quinti. McBLin, of 6th son., for a term of five years, and with kis sen Robert will go West a the Spring Mia Elliott and family will become residents et the village - Gotta Htasoa T heirday, February 4th, • well-kMwe former reddest at this , Wm. OLMa, sr., lied to the deep dal 1D1i••. Perth .eaety, to his 744 year, .iter an dorm d Alla a 1Mlslgkt from the pre- vlhl.g dlmwi--la Mr. Chaise baslanes as d the two lar Tri1b kit wile and .Eves Isere a 1870 frees Dundee. which kis two elder ..s[. Ji. and AM.. , Ire now .ettlsd. Abewl • year ago he . d his w11., es .cosine d advancing years, retired .rem farm Me and west to lire near fir see (Mvia, at 81aMmi, ea well as ell of kis daagbters, Mm John Link Wer. Moe i. our midget for • d twenty years Mr. ('hive took qw tie an inters* is all matters t..Aag to promote the p•blie good i. our Neighborhood. 1■ ed.a•tie.•I matters he waster several terms • trustee d No. b aske.l sad lent meek aid in the effort to stmt the Dunlop sebeol .setts., (vhg the leaders is it great enosur•ga.ent. He &1 .y. did kis best to r. I1 t Memo of •gredier', red we behove be was the that saner a Hares to mad his rest for • mares of study at the Agricul- tural (',ells,. at Guelph. Thera was .till mother upbsra that be was an ardent work- er is -he was • Christie. by eraespe in .B ways a Baptist when b Na.. Owe ie our Omer days, he, will the .id of A. C. MacDonell. started • missies Sue - day .eko.i Tim seen led to ades.sunry pr .eIs.r. ...tet us to pleaek. taw. tk.ir ib. /.undets.s was laid ler • Bble rt.sM. Mori sal • Pn.►plria ohm& The ivob miss of 1(114 d the Ma1WYt had..s sew the lar.- er ahem\ nMeusd bear ben se a read.. bat t Wise esti Patein 1. time el i$a_. sod *Orem be was eve with bit n eighbors be ohm them with tad esmnseis, se well es es Med • head to mi them with wort. De.Mg lave asoser be was h mewl us, seeks W hewer sdfkkeru The tesewleg tiers is but The Valrta 111 C. ► Times of lea. 92. 1111111 : Mrs n'rigkt, wbo formerly kept a Mon or Sten street, hes received sews bow Rog lead that • relative has left her • farina* el over 1150.000. the leaves for hone via the l'aioo Pacific Railway t. t..' This item he. rderoeoe to Mrs rod. W richt, (snarly of Westmont tt se said Fred will follow her very shortly. Ther many frisade in this ooaaly will learn with pleasure of then wind -611. AMBERLEY. (nor ova awe ooaaarrosnsar. J WiLimm Keeuptea is busy preparing for Ms new Mrs. Thomas Fowler, of Colborne, was in our midst lest week. James Stott, of Lease, bat formerly of Dakota, paid Jaw N. MaoKeaie • visit net week. Hugh MaclntyyrTee,, who has been visiting his brother Arebibi d, returned home net week - Oa ..seent of the iim..I.igLinr many tams laden with heavy sacks am mesa go- ng Iireegh our village to Hes.loek City Rev. Mr. Uryohart, of Chatham, oc- cupied the pulpit is A54.M Presbyterian chards for the iet two Senders after Rev. K. l/aoDoerld'e leaving. Wm ere sorry Ie eaouvies the death d Thom.. Riob.risee,whieb Wok place en the 2641 ult. at t resideue.of job. Mae - Keane, 12th emA , skielY The fuerwl to ieehalsh cemetery took phrase an the 1181i. Mr. Riehard.oa was • native el Armtek Indeed - Certain model farmers en the 12th son pv their neighbors an emus* to go by. Is appears est of these mea leer • sheep sad for thne weeks never mimed it out d his dock, and the others to whose bare the Amp went never noticed the odd .beep. Tb sheep remained then till the owner e.i slag him, goes to the neighbor's barn- yard and Rods hi. than Say, i weeder who was it. nb... .. well•'--" - ,... mew. ..: r.t ......+u. - - SooT►ti`.. .:C:3 lsstast nwa.f. Parses'.s:1 Caw, Fader* 1-tr, res".:d Una, .....u.+ ,b. r ... .Powis.• .1 .:.'uu,*, .• .47wJ Mwete, tti' '1i%+V,' ' .•s W... ..+...1 helve 18114.:• assii,..ta 1. .......s ed sea as, 4 11 .... :..ewa..e,..ay. y.. ,.i*ie.,..,l,.r.11 ,b ►,veal !, ..eeM!-.... W e ,1t [.Ya Yw M.LIi t. r 11 ta►.W .r.W bsss. awl .o 4PIN.Pl..,t mamotesits beiktOl CO.. The Cod That Nei.* to Ours The 0Old. The disagreeable t i of the SM LITER OIL Ii dimipated in sco'Ilr,s ULSIOU OfrPeore Cod Liver O0 wI NYPOPNOSPNITE$ O ' T.Th AND SODA - The patient suffering from PM" 41E 1:1=1111140=, tl.s tat auris.!y se he welst& tab tall r- llis ~etfterwe re. /001Tr • DOtitg'Z, MsAesiR.. THE BIG SALE CONTINUES. 1892-10 LIT ifP FOR -1892 R. B. HOLLAND, ASNFiELD. (mo I.AT, IDU LAer RIME La grippe has gotten • Arm bold as • targe number. bawl Sherwood and Daniel Ran have been on the sick het. We are pleased to tear th.t Miss Kate Finlay is hrprwviag to Math. Mies [ilei. Finlay has ted to Nees her reboot, No. 9, Na soeeamt d dlias.s. John Kelly, see of t *ewers of this township, was buried in Kiag.hrMgs on t Ind inst. Jas. Steers, of Il kota, who has been visiting triads is this neighborhood, has returned ban Des. Termmle, brought house • yousad beautiful bride Is parson of Mies Sealers, of Hmwisk. The mins d the late Flora McDeamgk, ef Meat /Nees{, w/o formerly marled bre, were buried in Zion monetary recently. Mn. or., has been ill with ptenriuy. Her p.rta.r had a .trwg*1u with la hat came out vie. twines. . Nim Lottie Jdnufes has returned benne atter teaching for eem. time to HimsalL She is sseret•ry far t soMame w Maeem- pay. Hugh McPhee, sr., and William E by, jr. , are t •e !lama and Isaiah K Willie Reed and Anila Nolte, all Nth Nom &a l - an of ear meths, have gem i the Nile to attend ..beet Mr. ABL, priteipel .d tie Mae easel, movie bre dor sew years .d Nim sot ie buts prod that the people ef .hie messes Bendier kilo • amorist teaier. The Nile people heard spp.wsiste hies, ea we ssderulmnd they de. 0., sled d ellen et itis MOONY. 5 BANK OF MONTRRAL. CAPITAL, REST, a - A Saving Department has been 'teclion with this branch. interest allowed at current rates. *12,000,00a E,goo,000. 4efe(I $K c:olY- 4 GEO. DR UMMCSVD, .'KaI WWY Galeria Blwxch. SPRING G00DS, In Dress Goods, Dress Tweed Suitings, Plaids, Cravenettes, Cord de Chavalles, Henriettas in all the new shades, Tweed Effects and a complete Line of Black Dress (foods. DUNGANNON, who has put all his goods within the teach of everyone for the past 60 days, is bound to continue the good work. THE SALE IS GENUINE. The goods are fresh and new. Prices marked in plain figures. The people cannot bre deceived in making a purchase. Spot sash will bring its own reward. THE SALE IS CONTINUED so es to make room for Spring impor- tations from foreign markets and from leading Canadian manufacturers. THE GOODS are all bought for math, and sold at the closest possible margin. CALL EARLY and Ret first choice. R. B. HOLLAND, Kgw.tvNs. :special valve in family groceries a1 - ways on hand at poQular prices. OITY- COAL AND WOOD Y821L. Coal, Wood and Kineling deli- vered to all parts of town with quick despatch. ard l. HtCoquality chestnut, stove and egg coal constantly on hand. A splendid line (.1 new Drees Presto, all nes desigr sad sew patterns. A large arsort-nent of Satin ('heel. Mwtlies, oar celebrated 124 cant goods. la • few days we will show a great line of 5 o.nt Muslims. We bare t abson's 1'elebrated Shirting, at 124 menta, lb tests. The beat goods 1. the trade for the money. 1'e.ttonades rivne 4i oats to 36 Date sprang Mantbngs, a tine ..1ortn,ent, In black ant colored, in a few days. DON'T FORC+FT That we Lav-._ .he at. Carpet and !ape Certain Wa,re1t411s4 of the county Bruaae's an 1 Tapestry Carpets imported direct from Roothusd, and :t -ply and 2 -ply Wools and I: nion Carpets bought direct from the milk. 3 -I s l snew Prean, and White Ince Curtains direct from sulkers kers in lilr[gow, and the I:aa.rssr value ever seen in the county of Huron. We want every one to vee these _ goods before they make their Spring purcham,s. 353 sets to select from. Mao Chenille Curtains, Curtain Poles, Art Mullins and general house -furnishings. Boit Coe L Heat Shawnee lump coal for uw+ in grates, stoves, furnace., oft. Blacksmith Goal. Best quality genuine Blo ebavgh smithing coal now en hand. Special attantinn gismo to Donn try trade. Cordwood. i have purchased 1,000 cors of maple and beech wood, 4 feet long, from Mr. X. Raechler, of the Falls Reserve, on the river " Mene.etung, to be delivered this Winter for town trivia, and will be pleased to receive orders for immediate delivery of this celebyab.l tumiwnod at present market prima. Coat Same - Corner of Victoria and Anglaise streets. Rsnnencs Tr•falgar-et., Buchanan A Non's .idiom. JOHN 8. PLATT, 21144.1y lettermen's. await. COLBORNE BROS. i Listen to plain facts about the B. &C. corset. You can't break the bones -for one thing. If you do, within a year, you'll have your money back. It fits likes a giove. And hear how it's sold : if you're not satisfied, after a few weeks' wear, you can return h and get your money. FOR SALE BY W. ACHESON & Sox. Specialties -Drees Good. and Linens. The death i. aaeata Edd d Thomas (:oldie, mayor d Guelph. It occurred en Tuesday d net week. Mr. Goldin was a brother -is- les of its. Thomas W. Dunces, of Sea - forth, being married to a muter of beta AI VFR'1'ISE YOUR W A NTTS IN THE SIGNAL. I! YOU Went a Oeek, Want • Clerk. Want • Attar, Wants Want to seg Want to S4.SMse, Wanss t to aair Want to Bu wssE•lYrEs, wl want res ratWest a Yeelb • to Dpr,s t Wsia nit tet Otit..rs he I The V Beet Mediae is the Adv er win E•f• Wen C.sesM • Advection' will kers DY unesenama AdvertYaE p.eraQ/ always roseu Advertising be= AdTertioNst Adverting stows advertise ainertne t 0.S.)ainatq Adverd erse* fWull,' advertise freely. Me ADVMZiIX ' NOW. THE SIGNAL Has • circulation more Dias three times imr str rich, my la ther .ew.p.rrt` ti.h.d la Y cess ISO Perth nears WO AB to d nears w sad theismewo Wf eset lett; etch nen Our Ten Days Sale HAS BEEN A GREAT SUCCESS. Hundreds of people have availed themselves of the great bargains. WE STILLCONTINUE OUR SALE FOR THIS WEFK. Come and see us. Our tables are filled with goods at half price. Remember the place- - - GEO. ACHESON'S OLD STAND, Tohrt MObertS3•=1., Poor 1a$ Friend, - node si,