HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-2-11, Page 413
Tht A84'amills
mo 4tsles.a aaargg a tib tfter.s oamtbo.
tui llsliwea
lav W usen(Iftown.
OMa w p"1=__%=
h = ietb.owea.
Vmmw of MIlllllw_7111107� .. �.....
dor eels, g rws.s am I pouaNtttse ��ssrr
tom" cards of est ito" ale Nadler. N per
«SOW. �L sof Wray
no R�m�aet m:ooedtmo t
DEQ and Trap ap, Bale not to li
mile., hes mi=m6 Ns.
pp�tsaat wkkb is
wyer In prep Obs
� w.=,lo },�=64w d
_ &arelei tr11- ono cam- ii -1610 -arm -1
i.e�omiew ""In two
l d2te bar eh
olreat IAseltvxk mm mown. r •IIiI••s and
ComeserrW Von~ Ahasaaaotkaea.
A llaitad number of djmla�ed adve►tbs
Yon w11c bas tnoefeMstlM-,lrn.eatag Mies: �
Mer took, cue 0)m
env 1
.. three .....�..... ...... . 2:
.. elf: t M
OVA yetmr.................... . i M
Ifo d tem til.. two Inches is
wroth - bas era cleave keels. 6
Ire roar d 0 . , t4 sale paymoreea
w three sesntle►caao}trawtst; lepw oust- m sox
he�aflefM#► MouMeeMea 11aaa
About -The WBUM- IPAavess.
8obsexibomwho 64tono IV* Tits SIGNAL
roealaely, either bF Number or craft win
amredr a aver b us :1 time fact u
ns Baer] a des as pas W
Look M Tear fabst-
Yeur label to a ohmpbwreosipt ud the date
to wbfe► yea ors tip. Sao that It is not
snowed o fall lyses arrear.
Where a obsom at Is doorsill. both
the old sed the new address obwld be sires.
sdectw s usempsw *mn.ot be ntarned.
�Oer.- emeo ss-.d�M writta on ate side
!'.addaM. Mosinee.
J. a- Ins horrL s�- God6wiob. boa been s►
;.aW 11 a Antimatter the W -
6Mrtd4 Osfiseas. As►tteld .Dd w a
Iseml pas menowe user the district are aim
empawosad to reads mbwxipsioas to TUB
AB sswssaafaobsm must he ddrwwd to
Teas SwNA
Trlsebwa Oen SL YdwMh. O L
T• Jam. IL M
M whe held in the interest
d MB FA_ill 3iZAON as Qolbws :
Prom Albert, llaistday ...... Feb. 11
1"h.l.h, Grast's8chool House Feb. 12
M&nchader, Saturday ....... Feb, 13
clinic=, Monday ............ Feb. 15
ooderici, Tueo&y .......... Feb. 16
Da 'hanaq Wedaemd&y ..... Pols. 17
abaes mm des opo mew 1n vm
i3L Helena, Tburftdy.. -...:. Veb• 18'
At US e/ofrek P -1111 -
St. Auguste, Tkwu &y - . - - - Feb. IS
At TJ S"ars P.M.
FAmiith's Hill,■.rW_ .... Feb. 19
At Ti *M..m P -err.
Kir&Sabridsei Ysssda7........
Feb- 22
ALTJO mod makP.N.
The Gowoeswet cwWW&te as in-
,nted to ads d these meehngw•
The owredpwds and own Io col of
p'raa NraaAL WM of 200006ty be bop& u
Narrower limits us* tis swan$ after the
lard rola., owieg MFalflle. ba.i.. the cmU-
Aiter that data oath tehah"ce►rw.po.donte
whave the "little ran of %hs oolumtrer of
she best local PsOw is Wes Wast-
AND sone the etoneX WE arises: . • Who
strack J. C. pATTasment"
Ma Parrowon MsaW Prosed is West
Hasan by the sheen d his W minority am
Bees: -
Two rooster wto the Can- plead a
buttes fed sad g eord for n or met Wont
I Bursa electim return.
T39AT rlwi-01, the ('.antral
ietewrs' I mod s sat been weep dodarei for
gram pada, by a role o1 rd&W 41mNr to twenty -
tfdx. Ile wkh the se_t_hldww o-
JAa G. BLAINS hem mmi. n calcite .m -
r Nooweaswt that be in sen to the Pro="-
dal race for 10L Thin he the owned tins
think ill hom@th w owned hi_ w wibdrmw
from the powtim at a Pmmdiwdial cads-
does -
Tag •w'mfo Of bm'@$ IN ONmrbe is 1890
wall 701.31111s; IN i>Ml K was emo ►63.166
G or a fa ileag os of &bin" a sodfir• And yet
G'S;. ,Saw of the teenrislim.'a /••Ms 'my that
the barley lanioess of !]woo& has mot beam
+g -tad by the M.KbJW OL
Tam BWWO ('ommwdal pow the err
vatimgAV Glow whon Is /__malt time
bw Iflon C�d'mo gwsess mwea the
bwaor rather Beed to knew >rl a bmW
d barlmy r Damao will bay tort" u mach
&err as it we i 'liwvtee Frie&dm sod
emmorymon. les to mob No aomtrletimiaw
Wes t'� _ _
?rs owl tam. &eessnrt M kho g-ral
isawlr of she O. T. L. snob Il" O=NP -
a r . Tlses reales• shot bm em-
bNe Is iwl hitless w thetr t&I.rl.s the tekr nm of fob she• ban be west
�{; ort what IN j.en mem tkmd. _hes Ne
We bid a omd buff odnb=
r bruit 6 ,1plIp K! o AX§Wv i
Tum a= bvdsw of bo sesomiry wa
show up in a pmebW wy mat the OmA al
Forams' Institute menUm hold is Treats
lass t1iMk. Mr. Q I). *meso showed that
mawpmmug ship•w1a of atop to Naglsad
with dtpmo me to Now York Lhe Old (bme
try market let him rove casorr. ('sans
q w Uy &bc owmers of the home mansee. got as
much for noir Belie an they oosad worst the
Anrrimaewketupw Mr. WitAo,ioughtw
know. Mr. N H. Tmomru.a, of Prercmtt,
another etfg exporter, bore oat the etene-
ammle of Mr. W sumer. He had seat his
lerge ear• to F.aglased, but cleared time cam
the small eggs odd in ('&ands. Thomas"
trader, be tersely said, reoaved A bract eye
by the McKinley Bill.
The Conservative- mountain lou
labored and A mouse has c.>use forth.
For secrriel ae+eke flee Tory party in
this rection boa beets full of large
peromttoo, And it we& expected that
something would result at the conven-
tion mometing on Wttelrtedslay, of la&t
week, but the relea tiag of the Defeat -
ad of North Fsarx as the candidate to
whorl it would be entrusted to wrest
West Huron front W C. VAN!"ON in
proof positive that the original inten-
tion to have •• a strong man from out-
side, with lot_w of money, had utis-
The ikefeatrt of North Emex may
have " Iota of nnsney,- but no power
on earth soul, make him "& strong
wan " amotegst politician& lei sot
built that way.
Where. Hon. J. C. PArrsraox , is
beat known hr was placed in ncapimm-
tn last February, and when polling
y conte around on March .l a uta-
jor ity of S49 votes was piled up
against him by friends and neighbors
who had weighed him in the balances
and found hill. wanting. And politi-
cally they appraised him at his full
Sinew that time, by a combination
of circumartatoea, foremost of which
was the appointing by Senator ABWM
of Hot. (1) Jod!t HAritiANT as the
chief Cabinet repreaentattve from On-
tario, Mr. PATTSNsolr was calle.l to a
place in the Governtt/eM with the
portfolio of 4immeretary of Mate. His
appointment .loses not malts him a
stronger mart mentally or politically,
ant the general impression is that he
occupies the liosition only as a stop-
gap until such time as W. K. MaBft-
DIT11 can m.liev-e himself of the leader-
ship of the Local Opposition and to -
move to a seat in the Federal Cabinet.
Mr. PATTERROK'S first appearance
before a Weft Huron audience Friday
evening last slid not elevate him in the
popular estimation. The wire -pullers
had endeavored to create the impres-
sion that he wan ,something far and
beyond the common -a statesman at
large, as it were and his action: and
oratory on the occasion dwindled sown
to the commonplace, land did not ful-
fill the anticipations.
There has been a big cry and little
wool. PArrsmeox looked lar P as a
Cabinet Minister, but a& a political
pilgrim from Hosex Reeking a seat
in Parliament by way of Went Huron
he is small indeed.
Besides, he was overshadowed by
the brawny, burly and snore brainy
Ur. MONTAOUS from Haldimand.
THu Sto14141. would advise Mr. PAT-
TamNox, of F.sseit, to take the ,eat in the
Senate which Hon. JOHN CALLING is
about to vacate. His mediocre poli-
tical talents might Rhine in that repomi
tory for uselessness and stale ideas,
but he is not wanted by the electon
of this constituency.
Mr. PATTEtutoN, the people of Welt
Huron are on to your size politically.
Go home and sswtl yourself front a
severe drubbing at the hands of M.
West Huron will not have you, evert
though the heelers who want a man
with -' oto of money " here gulled you
with the idea that you are big enough
to fill the position.
Mr. PATTNasoN, go back tO your
Essex h.,me, and apply for a ,:eat in
the Senatim, and the electors of W vet
Huron will try to forget that you ever
ende.avorod to be their ropr"entative,
., oii,,,
A STRABBOT T_r ttw Tt'Nnkama.
It is often asked what will the i.ib
rals do if they get into) power and
the United States will not acgaisti-P
in re system of untestricierd reciproci-
ty i Toe question is a fair One, and
the answer in pl►in.
in tw! first place An honest oder of
full nu•iprocity, will he accepted by this
United States. T l s whole trend of
thought and action in that wayit
u practically promised alre.ety.
Khould our no ighbor pause or re
fur to perform its part, the iiherals
will have no hesitation in doing what
is tit assist hod wing to do, and
wjlrtt would bring nor Trig neighbor tre
Udo Youth to titae gmackly -Stye Fits
illmd ear fro tmarket. Tody tit Red
Parise (iovers�t to Woods do
Mother (loan" as a trade 41110W•
The Liberal party bass an eltemtttive
trade policy, The C 6ao w&tives dot
cast $ttgiaml ^ltd the States, and bat
the agricultatal interests die d seat-
mwrtual adoyXisi.- -
•1' w following figures am tabu t
front the official rwmwrds of the Prs-
tin•ual (;o.erument, testing collecterl
by file a )nt,trio Bureau of Industries
front municipal clerks ami other
moutrra. No person has ever danmi to
question the nccur•acy Of the figura.
The value of farm land in ilia% cuun
ty in the two voearx (lamed va" an
Valor to 1885 ti iII119 3M
" • • 1890 29.613,722
Docltes in four ]ears. t 3,445,580
it is a pitiable story that th~ fig-
ures tell. A loess of nearly three and
& half millions tsf dollars in the shrink-
age of land values in this ons county
in four brief yews. The value of
farm laud be., Callen off nearly i 1 per
cent, in four years. This is what
a corrupt and extravagant Gov-
ernment, bound hand and foot
to monopolists, is doing for
our ag►iculturists. Vote for CAJ11-
Tkoll anal an open market and an up
Rd more to land .Sia -- -__ _-
(•,ver and anon we are informerd by
Tory orators and by Tory nea,ipapenr
that Hou. KDWAND BLAms has dis-
sociated himself from the Liberal
party,anlas a result of such dissocia-
tion has entered the ranks of Govern-
ment hympathiners. Such a claim is
foundatiomlem in every partimlar.
Mr. RLAltg hem ueyer wavered ss &
Liberal, although for personal season
he has retired from Active politics:
and he has never crxaed to inveigh
against the rascally policy known as
the N.P., which has reduced this, ....a: -
tion of Canada to its prevent pitiable
• His }csiles jsdSWeat asci tt Oar
tones have ever been raised against
the raseslities of reatriction and bood
ling in high places - -two planks which
constitute the entire platform of the
so-called Liberal -Conservative party
and in his last public addrens to the
people of Canada he gave no uncertain
sound in this regard. Hear him :
" ITN [the Canselaam Conservative policy]
" It bas left w with • null population. a
Beauty iremagmtioa and a Northwest aapty
still; with awromm additions to our pub-
lic debt and yearly charge: an axtravagunt
eyatem of expenditure• and an unjust and
oppressive tariff; with radricted markets
for oar needs, whether to buy or to sell,
and all the hoots of evils (greatly intensified
by oar specsol coudataooel thence arising ;
with uredo dIlwted from its natural into
foretell &sad therefore imam profitable channels,
and with unfriendly relations and crowing
tariff wall. ever mote and more estranging
us from the mighty Knslimb "wait nation
o the south, ones neashbars and rolatims,
with whom it ought to be, sod it was prom -
sued that we should be, living in generous
amity and liberal intercourse.
"WORSE' FAR WORSE' Itbeen left us
wAb lowered daadanls of pabioc vurtw, and
a-dsath-Gke apathy in per . option t with
racial, religious and provincial aniaosities,
rather inflamed than soothed; with ambow-
vient Parliament, an autocratic executive,
debouched rnmstutueaciew And corrupted sad
corrupting clarions ; with lowland
self-mliauce Lad increased depn-
deuce on the public chat Bared
on legislative aide: and pons d withal by
a boastful jingo spirit, far a;�o:ogh removed
from true manhaass, loudly proXamiag ua-
real ooditioas and exsyQersted wutimmts,
while actual facts Lad g• uine opinions an
w ' II 19 has left aB with OUR HANDS TIED;
our FUTURE coagwomucd, and is wail a
plight bat, whether we stand or am". we
mast no some riskaiwhich elle wo in t
have either declined or a mmetered th
greater promises of wosmL"
Ar this mem== of the year fila Indiana
dont camp on the banks of the Maitland or
iter. MONTA-MM might be able to distribute
copies of bas forged circular from the Queen
ainampt those, mad ass thea to vete for J.
C. PATrmseeN, the " door fried" of Her
Majesty's " deer kiss 1, me Dr. MowTAnrL
Tom somber of hoer is Harem in 1890
Wait 31,364. The duty of 30 per east. ups
(aLwdism bots exprted to the Umited
States eur bast wkot lowers the prim
of evetry sae of them 31.362 Huron count]
horses. The rwhetty Goverawo at at Ot-
tawa will not do any opens and honest thing
to relieve, rho farown of this Province of the
tariff burden that faces thea at the door of
the natural market for Canadian goods.
Tun the r -- - - call.
TNx women of Duane, somaidly %bores
Indies Babe live on the farm. are keen, pram
Laical political Ptanamista Mr. D. D. tVn.-
w)v to the largest deal- in .gin in CArmds
(he exprtod meow w fire& Britain Imd
year theme acv other nal. and be told the
Cornual P'&rveere' xnmiteta last week that
int for the McRiakey Bill the poultry
✓ohm of LUsda would havereeuies4shrwa-
aeo. owe a deals thea they did. An the
s onflials wosew who Boll ors& we lAbwak
A res. -, ban bre iwtaia_d la
United M..6. Mellon 41 i='! 6Mirhosew
Itsmhiss be theo asfit bwd dtm-
pbmmo on *1101M
(i. ",IT., THU Rt3DAY
A m mbw of ohs aeig►►en t w m d sN to
an sba bis Coreesrvasivo kettledrum at
ctwbbti ill" Friday evenies yearn tttsly
was bora mad for the lest than is hie Gfs
owed open the fun fad young was from
Mokbmmd who was am&eid tato petlNw
tl forwo the aid sea amomo m of J ado '
Upper, of juicy ares The lots Sea J. C.
Poisonous no. Iowan the rooves Hoa. J.
C. Pat wum.fur he won't be ate until &time
she evwsisf of aucklom was there also, but
I didn't here reach cook in him. Betw•w
Pottenoa ^&d Montagses It was • clay ones
of, " Hays the sell to the elephant, who an
you allowing : " MOntasw overoba&vtod
the t'abioet woahor physiodly, msoD"Y
sad Mlitic&ny, and for every nae who dur-
ing the evening said, " Did you some Patter-
ottereon , ' a dozen would rjaonlate, " Montague
me the staff, and don't you forget it." The
burly reap froze. Haldintared r too big a run -
ging mob for the nowlyborn Cabinet Min -
Names, and the latter gangs as a mirror key
beside the big m"locine mase.
Talking about Msatague, he cc
prwwmte • good platform appearance, and
aotwithetatdioq that owing to the injury
does to the sorwan where he temporarily
residual by the N. P. he has hoes canaLreiasd
to seek a home to British Colombia be
exkibits a Falstettiam sppearaoee that he-
tokew a good trencher man. His prscuce
in Dunnville and vicinity may have fallen
away, but his stomach certainly has not.
Foam the bottom hole in his vast to bis
wa"-pocket gives ut excellent opportunity
to display a %sub chain, and from his No.
13 beet to kis iwme at %bought he an bulk
an dim auras iww Boom. His loquacity
and iwwgiwim are aha of unusual kastk,
bra itb and 9spth, ad his address m&km
Bae fuel tbst the opabwr is a post greased
=meter in curbstone emsery, or that be gra-
duated in the school of patent medicine
vendors, hsirwaan
h elacidstors. .naive soap
boomaten and other taken at the fair who
most do shine toadvantage " when the frost
is on the pumAin" and the year is in the
A good stow is on the round about this
Name Montague. Remestly be was up is
Bruce and atone meeting be recited his
speech for, like Mingle -speech Hamilton, it
appears the doctor has only onespeech,
which he delivers every place be goon to.
At the place in question he had been offer-
ing 6800 challen6es galore for the lints to
take up, sad was surprised to find that
every time he made a stump a stout block
of a nes with an apparently large crop of
rusty hair would accept the ' Muff" kind
give him the desired information. Finally
the doctor asked that hie interrupter be
called to the platform, if he dared olives,
and speak to the electors, promising to give
him all the time he required. To the sur-
urprise of Montague and every one else the
old chap picked up a valise and started for
the platform. Whom he got there Montague
eked him lits sone so that the chairmam
could announce him, but the stranger said :
'• Oh, it doesn't trotter; just my a friend
of Truax will say a few wends " Then he
took off his overcast sad waded in, Bookies
dock. and dukes of the argawwts of the
heavy draught from Haldimamd. When
the platform music sou gettiwR up o Can
ort pith. Montague got excited and
mike -d of the speaker ogee ams. " Who the
dense are you. anyhow "' The mwwer came
like a shot, " It is of Do Coo"uwe, but it
you are anxious to know, I'm •lime Tait, a
baker from Toronto.' The information
brought down the holaw, and the big fellow
from Haidimand retired mo himself with the
new tal reflection that on to other Decorum
would he invite ae interrupter to reply u
him on the platform and give hint
all the times he required espeewlly
if he was built on the "sit tsar sad k•q
m goung " lines of .laaeph Tait, M. Pit.. of
Toronto. .
'rhe cowardly tactics resorted to by the
recently -crested Secretary of States and him
medanal stte.daret, drynares, philosopher
ooumsenor and frond ilr. Montague its
Not inviting joint discunim an the pat
fern to looked upon by their beat friends u
an indication of weakness. It in eve worst
than the late Captain Robsedil's nesthod d
defeating an army, and the Luer Bobeedil is
as big a braggart as the gnat original. Ill.
Montague soy he Accounted a ban in some
constitametws, but u Huron ba ban thus fat
earned for himself the rwpertatima of a big
political balloon who an ahNfd of sisod
Tae wool. QCNwriom.
Alderman Jew Ha1Lw, of-rmV*I%
an &nthetriI T On questions pert&Wng to +1
wool truck, writes as foilsman: "We pew
duce considerably more of Densities weal
than we can casemate, eammega tly we have
to export liar best market, is the United
States, owareg to the fact that F..glnad it
our kowest owapou,or• as she gnaws the
largest quantity and the beat quality of
iAde@ter. Vatsweld and allm long, bright
Mind wools. Prince and (!armany abo
prodace ooDmiderable of tbme as It it
impossible to suit our wnpint at anything
like & paying price to these oewntries,thoen.
fore the only market apish to us is {lu
11nited Strt+m. Last year the McKinley
tariff cane into eNwI sol impatient at duty
of 12 create a pouad on all flmwae comm
scum similar to %bow grown is (hard& &d
36 owto & poured on all pulled a
wwraa This endo it imposible to rempwt
riled weole o the Visited Stabs. We an
that res TW& position that we have to
main our wool for whstever the United
lltat@ mmunacorer likes to Sirs, mnd in
leis some the farmers pays to dog an
monist A could mot as
wools if they were M 1�d.
Frauee morOierummy."
ewe =Mow cxme.Or Vandhemew.
Teotisshon, rho almost swan smd w of
the cont Painful mise tach be fndaaslf
owed by oho app �• of P�irsm,a NBF
Hoe 1'elnw's
lsforvilian is a mmbins iso of
POW." f I Asodys@ ad it Meds, at soon
te the surveil, esoothing Nen sod
ms I.. I. re adnate smtel MINI
fivmi pia lid -- , w) N for)w W
SWUM-$ wwbwmb& herraime IN raid iso
10 aw % oast b@6" hr ell drvggjiobL
oreaw Itoaeo, of lnseroot Coral
A weew faM/sat sfa•wa4l news swerved or
M mold aveerybwesy♦1'ph ale rsNaa
t•ttrped arm eaodwmMd Nees
Serf bastes.
The farm Dewed by Jaw Hms►th. Mm -
weal, cam the bath at a. , t ny.bas bees tested
by Jew Oliver.
Miss Maggio, dwtlkter of timelessness Taylor.
l:ro] has some to o o orumttake a courts*
at the t:ammr.atary of Music.
Quistim Matin has le&mad the Wes, sub"
form. Door It". fur a term wit years and
will rmwv* thither most Spring.
D. Johnston, .Nemforth, W nhmesd the
sun be now occupies fn.a H. W. C. May
war, fur the suns of six Lboussad d nsim
l'he W inllbaa council meet Is" week sod
ratsni the hotel bommes to $190, amt came
. ore sector meting one hotel at altagethar.
'there is talk. with a #oil deal of truth u
it, it is said that the (wasdi en Pace& Kul
way is going to have another milt well in
W inghi m.
Chow. Rupp, who left Ethel a few
weeks ago, ball secured a atsuatiora w brake
gams on the Michigan ( animal Railway met
St. Tbogtas.
Mark. Madre. an old lady ,,ter eighty
years of age, who resided as the Thomson
road, UsborDe, near the church, has parsed
pe&oetully away to the better bawl.
Moes Flora Mcdboagh, Amistield, died
very soddenly at Mount Forest ,mo the 94th '
of January. She was aged twenty time
years, six months and elevest days -
Clark Elder, who bad been u. C. K
Willisar' drug Blom. Winghmnu, for some
Uses. has game to i.uwdos to take A courses
in the Forest City Rousseau Colleges.
(;. W. Holman, clerk of Ustboruc, u we -
Sued to the house. He ban had a growth
remsnvtrl from his eye. and is no -v taking
care of that memher .mtil the .nflammsuoe
%%'hale opmrsILIAg leaping kultes in the
Exeter !erun,iry, {Vas. J. Bim.-tt bad the
thesnsb of his left hand seriously nut sad
broken hart of the base will have o be
taken out, and he will be aril rap for sow
The farm which Richard Herveyre'
parotameed of Mrs. Summ Jory,Thnmm roma,
tioborwe. contained 150 acres, and the pr►on
Cwas $10,000. The farm u case of the
best ern Huron county and Inas first-class
buildings on IL
Win. Blake, rem of Patrick Bake, of tee
fourteenth concession, Gray, in jumping
from a sleigh fell on boa arm amid broke it.
The fracture was operdily atteseded to by a
surgeon, and Billy is now doing as well as
can be expected.
The many frimeda of Mrs. Robe. Hughes.
of Helm ll. will regret to bear of bear seven
illo n. She met ncouUy with an accident
in which ahs remived as injury to her head
by falling Madill help is duim/ all that
can be doge read 0)* in now slowly improv
Mrs. John Grieve, of Mc[ilbp nest
Ssaforth, calebest d beer eight] -third Iarth
day by eutertaisrmg bar was and daughters,
with their families sad m.c: Al old friends,
at a social party. The oap
nw,y numbered
over thirty, and were entertainal at a roost
sumptuous JtADer an -1 supper an -1 a„ain at
lunch about twelve o'clock.
John R. Mather, who is well kn.-we, to a
number of the people of Swnfortl.• and she
had cosshuct«t for a number ..( I e• t. -s a
wholesale house in Wia.i
aipeg, .11 my flat
city of typhoida
fewer a few days r . Hr
remains were brought to TorostO for Immortal,
•aoompsawd by Jas, McDoesld, -on of Rev.
A. D. Mclbgsld. of Sostforth.
On Thursday. 78th oft.. Williams Per.
le ms, of Exeter, pleased pesicefolly away.
Hs had attained o!r mt Lome years and bad
been ill for mow timean
him death. He forerly, Geedm Usherette.
And went to Exeter smveral years aOm to
retire. He wait a brother of (9larlon sad
Henry Purities, of Exeter, sad w highly
Isar-BBeeww. f&Lbw of Mn. Robert Cole.
near, of Setmfemtb, dwi met the rettadasoe sf
his am is Montreal on Wednesday of led
week. The doctor had reached we advanced
ase of righty eight years. He wall me of the
oldsst Arcual pracutiasers of the Province,
sod was mach @dead by all who know
him. He practised him profession in the
town of Mitchell for many years.
Mum Elizabeth (,-oemoey. of Bounce farm,
Tnekermaith, wait caned away to her better
home on the morning of the 97th oft, &her
as Ulises of three weeks, whisk she bore
with grant patience and Christian fortstttds.
She was the third daughter of the ate ,las.
and Agrees Chimney. mod simmer of Me&Alex
ander Jmwb as, of the Hurn rod, who is
now the Only survivor of a family of twelve.
lass .lobe Anderson, an he a called, who
went to Manitoba shoat two Term Ago, u
rat how in wingleam On a visit. .loin has
does wall tbW& Thin year be thre robed
9,000 bmh& of wheat, old 1.600 of meta
He bre firs• Myo of bin own sed city do
low 11 a/ w Mark IM__bwL TMP we
flu tabor flserw M AN beelmr thni Mai.
wide _ _ _ 16ilim-ri" actually an very
fll•d he hall dose so Mum.
Anslber of Hues •setae bend of pass -
ew% IN40 Parma of Mr. Turnbull, who n•
shimd mor ►ilimrille, paved hvm Lkis lis
on Saturday. January 30th, having reached
the ndvetmosel me of eighty -ewe yenta He
w a pmtlwas of moron there erdemry u-
wlipsm, and was much mnddonrvdlll
respected is theeossmsmitl rebase ho hnai
lived so keg. He won (ether rf Jerome
TurwbwU, who for over twenty yeah wan
Principal of the Clisom high wheel
On Friday, January 22md, Mrs. Maryiaat
HilAmd, wife of .lames Ton,ues. of the 146111
cos., MoKillop, died in her wwanq v ---
year. Use. F•rgwa was hem in the ones.
ty of Leitrim, inland, and was marrtmd to
Mr. Daily. by whom est W six ohildna
Mr. Daisy dyims in Ireland, des a" k
famsily *am to New York is the deer 1MS.
old steer resWisa is Now York ar Slims
�ear she msec o the wwmmwp of Vo s�y!
n the county of Loods, whom oho nri.rrlaa
her reow amrow}al hmrbmnd i• lie 1816
By this mom bad two s�igbserz
Use of d i• the mother p NSBr the
Widow of CLelif who lived eb tba
foursawN eon of (levy and died about tee
year+ Age
Jsssm Nimbd. army, of MoKilWw was
b Sodo►N & mew Amp ago, And embed at
the dote of A. (Lrdmm to male maw pmr-
bw= Alb✓ be bad easels" bill bmf -
nom be laid W oi,bmk, embAniag •
Ad. ler IW0 asmad ewe tem Amir Whi, on
am comeow, was be dmw4o , gad
enversNOn with a frie& i
walked on& of the stere and wtglwstd to
pit! up bis pwbs hock. Hs soled at Ma
ti haskMsre sod it w rhora ho ambmA
oat �edooL Hes'
beMr. (hmisn'm, tMwe M& h Ohm monssiwo
the ptmbWbonb hd hoe married ol. A
esmmi" Bran amu old be wank to aansvd
the wps4_ry and it in helped by sole tum
M►. Siebel W tgwtd remain d W. OORAL WRATH OOWftJ sj,
Ysalttr Timm: waw idm•@d tdas inmm sem own oms"wmoam. j
anBa anis dad weak as ILt►y eta , of =. sobs res M. is some "tt
Iso W As Net of ass ►4 I1r. ar� him.
Yawlialk with .Yom be war nvisg. True, The robing Vail+ P. of L Amod.f„
Mr. M, , N was is a bow stale, bot one have, we believe, -po_ived a emesMmmm U
wry N rho ilea► --wed by as his oemdi- out! Awhich r SivieH seed smattijdaoott
Nan rove set Silty sad Aid as g the cove Leet Tuesday w a oretod d yoaug
#Aw&Uum of lis bosom port afk Sam -wed at the of Won, kis
mashy ; batt he was wan fad, sad Siven & May. Br.n a good isms wvm bad b -
comartable bol. Mr. Rontpdisss had mods
applkatiom for his adaim a to the h -P - ��d s of talk at the
but, .. ►r &ala lu w scat alit, (ie AL -W does d Jwphye AApow �Fl64y mte�
tempt w �tv alloy o wt* te ilii lt" that
bast far tit prcpm of ti
nes tonal. lira baryons g vid" s flims was W w y",,
Mr. WfUls Bbeuld lay.lirmmmlf visited Mr. bands. d gMnd
Mi%cbdi and burned lie Smsditiom before •cat kiwis d iAmeore&t;52. lo.,cts., 1
puled the article in gasetbelievesns m
a bethat Jen. Wait put About
Then died u Tureaberey w Friday, tJe when a sleigh Ind of young folk drovs jp
99th .W. Mn Walter Carratime, used to ►w dor just Wan ho retired for the
wool bars+ is es
lust w ase bis
@vent) these yse ate. Doomred
gholwLad %Vodamday evening quite a months
the you Iwo, in the tows of hosi,
Dumfrisolbire. Mcutlmnd, and eaoltgrWd to of ear ]•.ntg Ivlk teak i. Ute ••snmWaer a
ckw vowatry about fifty Yen ago wltk bar the (�Mdastaa Hall. Loskaow. Tbq as
husband &Dd settled na the %01 mem op of t+/ert having had a first eels time, am yol
Dutufre s, county of Waterloo, wbro ythat• Los measm u au sod.
resided for about that] two years, whens/ tae mr.gr, t:eo air, is expected
the] nmeveel o the seaAth whencoenuws of o leave lawn .oust WS bonuses that lir
Twmbwry, when they had lived ever sive K•engayd with harry Hart, , i
She leave bar aR•d husband, five eow and bas succeeded in fotmisg a first elms .Irwin
came al"W1tter to mourn the loss of • low atg clic company
set(* and kind motbw. Tdoter and
ughLeet Friday eveaLlg a ddg► land eI
three was an married. Two suss, Walton young Ick drove from Lankaew to the
and Robert, reside is 1) mh•iea, wbalst all resideme of Israel HurMast, of Lime
the others •era still is this vuAatt]. Valley, where a very pimmaas low user
Tboaas HrU, •sum proaiawt how, slut b rsortiag, al"N u ander y
keeper of Brume►, And ane of Like rut w t2 hooss, fully elssaLialiad wit►
wider known ro"mnte of that pow, pmmed y their
Irons Js on lstnrdm] might, January 30. erenaag & aawm=t, and say' tor% lir.
His deatk was Dot wxpscted, win he bad Hurlbart'a n the place to go to kAve a read
heou gradually seeking for monies unite. He times, ever] uses.
was hors on May 9th, 1840, 'me Howmaswille The tagd•war contest whisk was so mat
&ad bad bees a reeidwt of Browwki for that- ON Wt Friday Swimming at 8 P. U. in Ills
ty yens, twenty -calx of which wastespout u Qmiss
olbodeHall. Leacksee so
w, we believes
bo -k toll Dommber 9sd. 18kg. be a failure The remas war ,&a" a„
was mounted is warrwV to Min Marpras ler. M. J. HeLann•D oaptnls� a tvsy
Ibcket. of Gary towsrhip, amd On bar de- from tower Valley, A. t:. cSmit► oaptairr•d
ovum Iso &Weed mi. Gerait Doobton.1m. aaetbw lass frown Lucknow, and Colu, U
miry 900th, 1977, who owviiam---I ii. His rare from Kfnt&IL Kv.t tuna -
two daughters an Mnrt
. Parti Wkitemd werr. p*_
of amais rmdio, but then was pry„
Port Klgus and Miss Mewl HAIL ,,To=," Jatheiisalgy.vntmen5 of the diffurent t .,us
w hew familiarly called. bed a rough ex- that were •resent.
terier at times, bat was lit Dd hearted And
bad mom] good trmus of character. The
fuaetal took plain on the Moeda] following
kis dumb. the Services being ooaducted by
Rev. S. Jones.
(lune an ex tiling runaway took place d
SosforLit a few days ago. About eight
o'clock a young man nastsed Merriman. from
McKillop. started for home with a separated
team stbclem.1 to a cutter. He Base laccomi-
penwd by a lady. `shortly after starting.
the bones became frightened and the yyBang
although be kept to his cont, ooseld wt
control thea. They ran for about a mule.
when theory mot Mrs. Maim Hannah, also of
McKillop with a horse and cutter. The
infuriated animals atumpted to run right
over Mn. Haamah's rig. and the two rigs
sed the pmesmgen became mixed up in a
pprroommisemp cuous hAll the s hot
iremd from the vehicles &d started for boa
bat ween captured before very far.
Mra Hannob res& et first tbouskt w be me-
, weal, iujud Aad w takes o Ssafortle,
but eke n
w sul6caently reemoveewd by the
folbwlaaft rtmoos to jwufy boar removalo
ho use. Neither of the others w injured,
and the hors@ escaped with a few scratches
On rtanday, .January 31, Mrs. Matthew
IVtlson. god ver.. Manes, died very sod-
denly And uoe:pectedly, leaving a little
babe a few weeks old. She was &hie to he
about the hoose sed was a mpeoving very
mtasfacfonly when the brooking d a Is"
vessel at her heart caused almost instant
death. Mrs. %%Asian w a daughter of
Thomas Stokes. of Grey towwm►. and n-
joyed the mt om of all who know her. She
was united u`ywrrto four now hunts,
timer in James, I Her uninitiated ter
ise, U the early of twnty-sue
]ears, tea moDLkA .7 seven days, is a
source ofgreat Sorrow to her relatives and
trwmfol 7tie% is a iscubwiy sad banality
about Mr. Wales's family of lata. On
January lot, 1891, his moshar did at tin
&gel of &arty-aigbt Thai do tis of the
saax north saw the denim of his father
And ,-nth* 23rd kis little two -roar -old sou
Denied away. Few pwsams an m placed u
the furnace of a�iatiss amd the sinoee ,
sympathy of the noon ,smmuaky is with
the hot wed families. The funeral of Mn.
Wilson took piece on Tuesday &Rersoon,
Rev. W. T. Ctaff, of Bruneh, conducting
the mrwaoe.
('olborme council mast in Lbe township hall
para L to djomrmmost Mombws all
F t, Mimntes of led measuring red mad
:apppp�r�o.rod. The accounts were
exdmr.d o be ped : Wood for Mrs. Little,
$&SO ; Mark.llclatomk. for naming Mrs.
Li", 86.00: Mrs. Glen. more leaelm
gravel, 70e. The following Pathaadora,
posed keepers and fomm-viewers wen at
Poi" viz. : P&tbmm aw's beat No. 1,
Hour] �Yoa� mes ; 1, Jew Stere : 3, Win.
Mmwmiyu; 4, JaMoClum ; b, Wa.
Colliseam : 6, Richard Walton; 7, Jame
Snider; S. 1%m Oka; 9, Win. Mae";
10, John Stewart; Il, lame Fisher; oil.
Donald MaKhs ; 13, Jason 8andm ; 14,
Frank Nmsgle ; 16, Lather Allen; 16, W a
Allies; 17, Nickolem Men : lfl, Wa
like; 19, Jobs Megford ; 20, Nicholas Nett;
21, Win. Askwith ; 24, James Tab► ; 93,
Andrew Million; 2t, James Timor
Aliazaader Robertson ; 26, James; ;
47, Wm. Walters : 98, Jobs Rebwtme -.
99, Jake 80 Was. Robwwn ;
al. D&vida;3�, Tbw More":
33, Albw4 1Irtiw ; 34, Jobe 36,
Thomson Chnd ; 36, Robert Monilias ; 37,
Jobe M. Bmebanw ; 38, Join Harbor; 39,
Joseph I Wildiarpir, w.: 40, Ali= 13amkmN-
an; 41. Henri James; 49, Joire Williams;
13. John McPhee; 44, Chards McPhw ;
46. Rebwt Oi= ; 46. T►oman (amapb*U ;
47, Gen Morris ; 48, David 9tnhag ; 49,
Jwaes Chisholm; 50, David Lawes; 61,
David Ryan ; 58. f iBn Sho Issas ; 64.
Question Stewart : 54, J-60 Hetherington;
66, Jammph Thompson; 56 Riskmrd Fal-
ferd ; b7, W re. V re"nsOn : b6 (;en. Ctiullsurt;
59, Jason Kirkpatrick ; 60, Frank Haw_
trims; 61. Robert Ottawa ; 69, Samuel
Johnsu m : 69. Robert R••dS ; 64, Saw -,tel
potter; 666 John W aloes ; 66, (harp Bmam -.
67, Jamar Young; 68, Henry Butt; 69,
Hamilton McM&mmas ; 70, Andrew Sock.
Pound keepers Abraham Fisher, (:corp
Morels, Ja Jess, (apt A. Begin, Ja
halt ater, Thomas Beres, Jas. Sands.
F.am-viewers -- Joseph Goldthorpe. er.,
JamsmI Morris, A. Sm Ak Kenneth Mrris,
Thomas Nallserm, W. G P"Mr, Anne
Fisher, R Allan, Wes. Hol, Join Show.
Joan* Tubes, Jobe Horn. Joe. Hiewdt.
w., Thomism Robertson. (her" Yew*
Tho &sclera' newt w .Gad. Ales
Y cawed, @send" by Jammu Tyir.
tales rho said rrsarrpmmrrtt ho reesivod as'*rTMA.
and that bas andau m$Wve tai omen for
Ubmsr .w.i... C►rried. Jaam Taylor
mored, mmm mid by Arok. Mallory. thus the
tremmm w gN 100 @spin of the maditcn'
primsmd Owried. The common tbau
to mea NWa On Mares 6 M 0
o' ►.m. F. W. YcDomAmM, Quik
'ibptuopp4 w.am«me.9aa/ ibwmw betty ler
Adm likd w*t.ad wqwe des
the ssmwe► Vem eam m
[ n►o ts of a old , i-e.mata~ol lT. )
McPhail A )filler have asserted a keit
ting factory it, .oar vdhW for the Annular
tan of und•,rrlothtag. The mnDAger says
their knitting is superior to Any buitiummol
that has bevu turned out from any other
factory to O&tarto, ceases to a now Butch
called the Genn.
A Dur: uvr= Hor a n. Throe of oar sold
buotamen sow out On Thursday Int for a
fox hut. They me" a him trail and W
old dog w uses to work. Soparaeemgyano
quarter of a mile &part eOn ed
varied is the dirseUm of trail. Allw
• ok&r� raA of a mile or m the booed ane
weeded in the fox across the hospitals.
louder of the real mss. testy
yards dimta^t h". fon nod
tansoeWy, but with an visible commit Na so-
erpulled the fox. Done mpom did the bithiAl
des being the fox within rasp he of tser
o� sport, a Canadian, but his servos If=
shake been a moron &tuck of " he sed
with like romultDimp/miml
Use dd.iow yetdool
bmrwmod, reg eine bas d the in
mad -mod
ksw'mNekv/ al him
tor, but the soekfwnhndbthe
With • Mkis Mss the pew
icrossed to give /�~ k
Lail sad slowly wttedleboom
Rodeos, may pmtsast ; aims& se- ;
('ry, " Mwmism ' o Like reason "-fleets.
1 onALl set ►dp the above linea p&mag
though my stood m Friday evening lent, at
the cmmdeiw of the pwierunum met the
Lempwoom hak for it was good. W I my
it; and &bre I pt Armistice to patli_lsAn
in that emw would be to da fiber&*& erne
ams bead into trouble ; for they an did
the bent - every mss Jm& d 'em h was
an mtert&ussemt gives by Fldore Gnaws
tromp ameimiad by None of_lbs_-Fa teds
Hilktem, and Baldy onfiond, toe The gripe
did its tied to spoil their work, bat mamapr
Ninon asseq Gal to the oa.mmie and as
work11110 ] emoogk. though w of the
pal characters w dntaimed at bow -
it. Thin is a sswwhat domsmaseW r►
port, but it ban got out of w Goo of leis
to write valogiaw, an w a�the ladima an
the stage would clean ve L set, I krgla M
fear I'm Act On emlesi . M% as I said at tilt
first they all did the beat. (1 guess thmy'll
Best sit an w for than spin , bow)
Douses Aasase or Ras Parman,
natved idwumdv m th" w: R&i P
Jack " bad bow mw is theieisity =
too awe day lamt week, prvwmis A den b
nake in Aller flirwitg R
wwwal him dross be al bald sammdd is
�wttiA� On the rightsoon mai havfig beard
`io mem is the Royal " Am aatwi sed,
shkis hand' an bin iwsldrr, wbrad
iia who be wno sod *0 natural of his bond -
a=& Tho mold alsordaiat edit the jig
�Win arro, -I wbaMW Ima &eooa
tho o bat rig which user
Us e. AU want well till reach
img maz.
er J. Gmedwwes farm,
w .a J&ek mmdn • 8mmpmraM
break for A rough sod !_, _t �-
o rend Aad Ott Jack gee the betty .r/ Y.
the ___mm_______. the wow ; bet d•
ter a fou sones -blobs the Ban-& pn•
smvvr 4/ lbw Pass ersf■d.d in .mss more
own4gW tate, sad Brabant fortifier
is 1'irler'm Hl3
[rooaetOUR owx O NVAMoxnstn.I
We 1000
r0piIt learn that Mrs. A. B=wU
our binschH lliday.an ofMonday �d�. vrw
A m ostiog in the inbred of M. C. Clause,
ran in to be hold in the wood Hams =
Tburwdemy evening.
Rev. Mr. Hughes will dsHrer as addr m
an to peraane to the Pien►ytesws oinnb
ou Thursday evelaiNs
-Josephand Jew McMillan have nested
their (arm to their brother Arinw, and
iateed ping to Momitohe is the Nprsss,
.1. I? Tom, P. S. inspector. wished our
svbow On Monde has. He exprd bin
self as being wollew
pleased with the emo&iim
of tit "bow. but id mad img arty -four petiole
Commt mathat it wo o we @wick week
. tomchw.
(rsosn Ova owe cwamewmoT.)
Mrs. line 0Y411&sham is Oman how to
w&;t or some oiek hiNA&
T►erw w quite an estwiv 'hos boa"
SL Williams P&rdw's On the &ewaims of Toss•
day, Fa►'d.
Role King, of mmW b**abwA, p w y
wod On oho bead em• liar 1 of
wwsk. He w wobbling is the Breed woos
a limb hll ou hie head. it t -- An him
oseeassio-- for owe time; dill it in thought
be win mp..d") few~.
Mrs. Robust Marrlena. Unhorse, we el
rho rely mmWsm of HNrwa immunity,
sway On Ttamigy. Jam wy 19th, at 6=
Mw� o ry�es saboaif as vuh, benowLbL *
awl show*& fi: is h tj►grwr.