HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-2-11, Page 3THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT. THURSDAY, FKBRUAR1 11. 18$1
WIKIMI a few dues d Apes%Owes
hes .t will seines yes/ Try ill
Keep K r the beau Toa a10 Minn te
ban a sough et *sty
Irma. and wo stber
remedy Is w .11auIive
as skis world -
rosewood prteeppaa Ma-
tits No boemakoil.
.MR ,iuueg ellW.s.
algals be within* N.
Rases el Buis w
weed every year by
lee Ilrl, Mtn.
Animas It. Jeans,. NRtarAseskw.
pits..,, writes : ' aiW1 bs
psis Me Hi •ekcow the bene -
lea I bare shelved leg children fres
thew d Ayer's twat median Obsery
renewal. I led atl ewe des ebtldraa
teas c oup and twos a,ekes. std bad
IMea*met ilei d his mJ holy re -
they won
.dd diet knit=
PM/mak es the
wee~ell lost ble, they
an -refill them ad w b -
model' Pled. Maltby diddrea."
no the wises el I1111 II Seek a had
midbee eseaese,, ased 01 *fiebouna
eoeelAsod ate Nwrsble, rep-
ute to be isillem. As o
resort I MedAs Many recto.
tel. acrd. 1s • akeat hems the eon wee
without completIYi
Mile edldiei.lam IliestI Dies semib .
4 so. weigh p
d b er,, 01.
tedium gay Ayer. herryPaawsl."-G.w to Take,
Salem, N. J.
" Last winter I Mstractod a seem
cold, which by repeated expeore. be-
came quite °betimes. I line mach
troubled with hoarsening and beeNslelsl
irritation After trying mdse. a udI.
cines, without relief. I al 111=1181111
• bottle of Ayer's Chesty osi
almost this sadists. sty cork a
almost imsedimisl •sd I i-Ipe
well ever store." -Rev. Thos. I .1
Secretary Holston Cosl.e 0e aid 1.
of the Greenville District, M. Z. C..
Juuesbuni, Tenn.
Ayer's Chem Pectoral,
rwara.ann ey
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Maid
BeMMail lil.rsg,ti. - Preset; esketonee.
nit GREAT CC.V't:ii CLR$ tide Mend
•l CONSUMPTION CURE, n witbost a pm.
11.1 in the hneory of medicine. All dtvggis*
re authorized to sell it oo • pnasttve guareatee
test Inst no other cntc can successfully A=nd
f you leve a Cough, Sore T ercat, or Brc ncbitiis,
se it. lion it will Marro ytla. If your child be
be Coup, or \\-►tiepin lt. Lie itpr .sly,
ad relied int sore. If y.71 Mod that 1a.dioo
lissnse CONSUMPTION, me it,
til Care you or co-: tal.:..g. Ask yogi
MiggasI kw SHILOH'S CURE, Price to cis.,
ods. and $i.o If ref Lang; :-rt cote tri
lack lame, we Shllw'. I r t. !'latter. 25 cts
Obth.!od, and all busioess la the U. R. late-
pScdattendedtoat MODERATIllVKP.S.
Oar truce is opposite the U.S. lewd Of-
fice, and w I to obtain Patents le :ass time
has those remote from WASHI %(ITUX.
Bead Mb{)SL OR 1)RRAWfNO. We u:
vies as to entabllitr free of charge - ale
we make AO '('VIAltil t X•LN.`t=t t1!! 01-
T41 A' PATR. T.
we refer, byre. e(o the Postmaster. the Pups.
t1 Mone Ruder Div„ and to oMritls of eke
U. 8. Patent ODo(s For circular, mire*
terms sad refereoerwto actual clients is font
awn teats or County. emir I:,
C A SNOW tit Ce..
°pees** retest Ogee. WaM1•gtoe.il.0
mc,,,,,AT mIN
ca,{azsT o
Meer • o..et.td C•.sp•ne MM none of a.
Oyeettomat.te Ia.eat>sr.
owe night ant bag ye • gr.up el kis
dead eptr te were gathered is s• upper ream
in the hem el see of the .ember. the we -
as awoswm M 1Aw ; ter Moshe be nom thea a/ the homes" halal adm.at ler the
ire aiag. The tads of merriment ~Dow-
se se taw in ens meow as rower- jag Itaja7 when they were hewed ih ea
Waterlog Mona ta wtaear-rater eesog uadessrable yams man who way be called
!rows, as that was sot his mom They
• net about0swss themselvesas to how they
Ail • male is *. aps,.bly the hest -t-- mid get rid of him without via' of-
/mess Tepees,
and wages smjreal, it w.uY set M •ivim
able to raw pfi.w horses t. any •aunt.
Mere r sees dem•ad far the•e ea the part
of meal farmers who keep ball • wails
Misr ler all purposes, bet the demand ie
MWhen • reel fatrotter nae he
it pays well. bat the ramie' el this
ohm is very largely .pe.ni•sive, share being
so mush eiscone sty sheet it. Oce .tae
sever he °erteia ut getting a first -ohm
trotter when both etre sad dam are lira
atria es much depends upon the peeper
mating of Mansel&. The modem we re-
gera as the best stock te rates The d.-
,nasd for this is almost unlimited and she
prices inns for first-class stook.
It r to have them cense w autumn,
for mere rumens than owe. 1. the first
Mee, • ode's stomach is not fitted for
coarse feed until it is several soothe old.
1f foaled ie May or Jose it cannot be
wombed and pt ea pasture until quite law
in eaaimer or u mitosis. virtually loses the
first summer's pasturing, and its early feed
leg lhrosgh Batman end winter has to be
ow dryams rough material.
If oaled late in autumn, es the ins -
t rur{y It is ea by its mother's milk
.gait die early sprtag pastures, rye, Mor-
ley, etc., are ready, Mad thus gets the ban-
k d the whole summer rue at pastor*.
By autumn tits stomach will be better pre-
pared to sagest dry food. Again, spites
work as the heaviest on the farm, and
feces, and owe of the number .lddesly be-
thoaght himself of • teaa,serds o..toms
he led constructed, with muck labor and
thought, to represset the Yothu of Dark
men. Hastily whispering his plan to his
friends, oontr.us. the New fork Tribune,
he quietly supped away from the hee.u.&.d
hurrying hutm d.nned the snit and rotate-
d. Knocking at the deer, he inquired of
toe penes wbo answered the eau ogee if
"Brews" was wiles.
Yes ; stop .p own and you will tied
him," who the reply-. With much clanking
of clear and clattering of hoofs he slowly
enacted the stur.rad surest the room
where the campuswas gathered, inquir-
ing for Brown. here was a somas of indes-
.rjltable confuswm, the weU-utnulM sd
berme of the rest rendering the uniuttuited
young not almost helpless front fright ; all
Ile was able to do was to roll under the
table. At last the others made . rash for
the window and, one by one, dropped to
the ground below. A. the last one climbed
through &the window, Brown, who did not
desire to be left alone with his satanic
(mjesty, mode a dash at him, caught him in
his anus, and with the strength of terror
crew him back and duet" higm across the
roium. Theo leaping himself from the win -
low he started for boniest a rate of speed
which a sprinter might well envy. At every
stride he would cry out until his voice was
host in the distnn.-r
maw u teal, U werhed. wseta eta their "Please, Mr. law.. dost take am yes t
hardest work when far advanced is preg-
nancy, and would drop oat of work whom
must needed.
A etellsou when from 6 to lY years old a
at his hest. but sometimes 4 said S years eld
aro desirable. Fin instance, whim ase
wishes to breed an old mare i1 is hest M
couple her with • young stallion, sad some-
times an old stallion will bung a gond colt
Dorn a young mars. A stallion when serv-
ing scans should be well fed, oats and bran
preferable to ,-oro. though a little of the
latter ts allowable, as u te important to
very the ration.
la the intervals between .woos he should
be moderately worked, not kept too fat,
and in no sew pampered. When mot can
venient to work him he should be allowed
to take exercise in the open air is a Large
well•feoced enclosure, out of sighi of other
horses, and mates Articularly. A mere in
foal u better old for being moderately work -
.d. Provided she is well fed.
R ore should continue up to a weak or
old reset.'
ot beet or
rings 4M IM oast elsillsos ois.- to . Wipe
ter dine
.e stAviscera tors owes
,ma hr urea
.. v.. -r rowel/ TIM
tebat ie-
gems emus don't take me j yet :
The ',there return od to Ike MO Welk
with laughter, and they haw lever since
'open trouble,! I. a call from Ilbown, who
still persists that the evil one in perms had
.ought him on that .I(Ylmjou.
H.mor.u• r.r•grspha.
"This cast is tyro tight across the chest. -
'Well. it wont be lung. You are a cigor-
.11. smoker. yea know
1. Arthur, how happy 1 would be aloes
with you on • quiet island in the distend
alms ! "Have you anyother wish, dear-
est Ella!" "Oh yes ; Jo get uie • moans
tirket for the opera" Texas Siftings.
Page boy to Jeanie', -"Where shall 1
put (bash 'er dish of ontmoods'' Jesus
;with dignity, -"l m surprowl, Harthar.
that at your Mtge you oven t learnt 'ow to
pronoun.:0 the r in harutouda Punch.
A Hard Kicker.-4ynipathut•g friewl--
"How did you lose your Ieg! Ambiti-
aae youth tweak! yl_'•Foot b•IL" •'L(y'
D y kick
ten da s of her time, sad when work is ticked at the ball said missed'it. -Good
oto should have geode exercise np to sewn
fos hog. But she should never be strained What kind of cake was that you gave
or put to great speed. for tie premature of ,ac ,•• rte asked. -it was sail,*. tike.-
the enlarge.* womb uterteres both with wow the reply. ••llidn't 1.,,u know it .
respiration and cireslatiou of the blood. „N« exactly : but ever sere 1 swallowed
Moderate exercise improves both of thea.. it, 1 rather suspe.ted It." wethmgton
A colt should be en -tinned to its dam almost Ser
prelusively unit' three months old, and the (l.ocgi •Ardor. - -Nelle-' Ge stir Maya he
supply of milk be not stinted. lues els groudd 1 tragi" on .. Blanche
When 1 month old. however, • little of ..That'• uufortuwte, for
upyour father
the finest hay and • handful of clean thresh- ono be certain to insist on your moving
ed Mute in*y be give° it, that It may grade- right after the wedding.- - -New York Her
ally tears tc rat ordinary food. Its atom- aid.
.eh will not bear much of these, however, Lord !nevoid -"Have you ever been pre -
mail it is some 4 months. At this latter matted ar mart. Mn. Lakeside'" Mrs.
age reveler feeding nay begin. lakside --„(o lots d timet Then
A well .ora colt may M worked very wo'1 a judge in Chicago that doesn't know
tightly and for abort periods. - When it u ms l've been divorced three time." --
Y years old it may be ridden by • very Itght
we►gbt rider, or driven in light Muggy, -
bot Ep°Ck'
its ba. k °nd Meta should tsver be strained. Lightningrod agent "Hullo, Bub ! Ik,
--!!nether° Farm. !ou think your father would like to have
_ _ set house rodded Bub .with repressed
Waterlog the Her t. wte.er, soler "I shouldn't weeder. He • lust
og -odded me.-- Kent Fiel•Lg..Walllagton.
Videos the hens ran have plenty of it, •._-.._ _
they cannot prr.•lui-v e gggg.s.. In the winter Mallet Walt to 0. Discharged.
season. when the drinking vessels become ••There was a mistake to that last order
frozen ■p with ice and are h.hla W cradt that Se lers sent in from the road," said the
from cold. the matter ot providing water proprietor, scowling .t out of the clerks.
becomes a difficulty. We all keow that a •• Was then ?' asked the clerk careLerly.
cold draught of water in winter chilli the '•yes, sir, there was, and It, waal't cur -
body, as it must be warmed by the body ,Mt,,,A ••
after it is drank ; consequently, ice water -Nor said the clerk pleasantly.
oases a loss of bodily- host. As the heat "No. you skipped the woods according
1. produced from the food, all losses of to that Maid fool order."
hent ate bosses of food. Now, it is just as ••why, of mum. 1 suppose that Sellers
easy to water the hens at regular hour
as tt a to water the larges stock• and the "You've no right to suppose anything of
best made of so doing is te use wooden on ,act ••• exclaimed the proprietor. "He
troughs long rogh to allow all the herrn morehe
makes mistakes than any mut on t
to dnnk at thenosame time. Early ja the . caw
anoraasg. at none end before night fill the Iex,. • aided the clerk.
troughs with warm water, allow the hew •••eull. door
he dos. He's one ..f the most
to drink anal all are satisfiedand thew 1 ex,kes men 1 ever k°ew.•'
threw oat eke water that remains'. In this Arid I'm supposed to correct them!" is -
manner the troughs will M kept clean, the guired vb. clerk.
bens will "earn to drink at regular periods, I ..Of co,fe you are.-
awd the warm water will invigorate them. ' "Tm aapp.sird to be aboolstely actar.te!
In fact. nothing in so invigorattag, or will , The clerk was getting excited.
assist m warding off the cold when the ".rtaanlv.'
carnal" al throan in the morning, s -And know all about his business!'
with the therms toter below thew • ..yo, should detect his error "
d wanes water. -Farm ad
drsek Well, why don't you Ay me for it !'
"What ,..
The clerk dropped his pea in his excite
Look here t" be said. "You held one re
*possible for his errors, and you pAy him
more for making them than you de lets far
correcting then.. Good dar'"
He left without waiting to be di-ialerget
What Other Papers Say.
lm Cuba sod Mexico the cows are drives
up and milked in the city street.
Instead of keeping cows. the people in
many of the warmer Arts of South Amni-
a iso cursed milk imported from Europa.
The iah•bitaate of the North American
maltose to the south o1 as use very tittle
batter, bat great quantities of lard.
Sdosee m]s that vegetable matter (hu-
mus) nsost be irscludd. else Bay smaare
will be "found wanting' io part.
Stabhs, bares and all shelters for •t.ek
Mould have as much winter gaslight as it
is pic•ble to .enure. -New York Tri-
.ad amens may be oo.hi.ed
i• Mena. des bogpea by toadies the mom
ere es the wages or sleigh Med drawing di-
rectly to theield.
Petrie Roue.
When • hew is two vin old • wrinkle
bogies to berm at the Mae of her horses At
three yawn this wrinkles felly developed.
Wises she s five years aid another will
form • id after that ane will Deme each year.
Ther Mr ,r cm he boom.
N. farm ak.eld ever become poorer. The
tree fanner time to mite kis land rieem
ash year, without iird M the cost, se
uty eetlay to itepriert the .ail is sun to es-
ters meretbaa its equivalent eraser 00IMir.
A peer lam is unprofitable and it payys te
hop. ill Agrie.ltsn done she rwmyuw
ibe de.ctses ietmedat le, but there will be
• rod.' Menem of wealth to Nm who
aim to mate W lane pay r the Mare_
t mamm mea wed,
Pre/seem D oy Sheered *Ohm the ohm*
produce geed wtean Nees the Noise
may he mads i seuteea sheep. Th. fir
Freon Neenewiat .beep le se geed a
metra Mani r mid be duffed, sod the
Ds40M. sheep hs pees .f New York sed
OM bopelly geed fes les mom Lime
wiMeet wets (w w wises, Waft mad
bane penmen, it ie Ter tie aged msl-
Male msMMea. Med *hie Mir • Se gem&
Mee r.es-rewieg muse be the lambd
ftiee wee&
M..e1aa MF sae.art.ttr-tow rare Ought
So b. Mewed-- Vegetable Ilea.!- Dr,
Donbas Pse t. Os. The ulna et am.
loess That le Fewer.
0...1 th. Swat interestsag development'
in ski. •p,til1sation of electricity, wine'
p .ar0i apre the widest pro. of peuer
deaass*promo.* utility and keuetit of .11 the mol-
tiphicity of applies's..., of electric energy,
is that et electric heating. Electririses an
talks.g .1 woodwind things in that IMMe as
possibilities of the our future. They ea
sort oon6denUy that before long ►sass!
Dices, and stores, street urs and rail
oars will be baited as well as lighted by
electricity. Not only that, but ail coking
may be done by tie sante agency, and tb1
heat, dust, grime, and smoke el the cook
stove mad the heating furcate will he night
mares of memory. The coal cellar is to be
abolished. and the hest to warm the house
.wd prepare the meals is to be brought in 05
a wire ted distributed to do any service as
nay tier is response to the pressing of a
button or the union of • switch.
It is asserted that the .lectrtc heater is
r, .early developed on • thoroughly prai-11
cal basis that it can be avadab ,t . slight
increase ie cost over present u. .•ds, as
increase which the elettriciuts sur should
be more than made up for in the superior
ity in cleanliness and ,-onrenicnt-e.
iw the broiling and wilting .luly days of
the near future the housewife in her cool
kitchen wear press a button and have the
strongest, hottest tire she nerds at • inn
meat a aotieo. The (oohing dour, • touch
on ..other button w-ui set the ..in power
that has cooked the dinner to work on the
electric fele. On the winter Monung• the
missy , - .tattoo be a tottc1 1.1* it ttittoel
beside the pillow *nil the domestic uifelic;-
ttes caused by discussions as t•• whose dotty
it 11 to get up and start the fire will i.0
Tl.. N.. ret, 4.ntawkin.1
It is stated that over 3,(all0,W7) acres of
Land in Lurol.e ..r•• ,booted t., iteet sugar
cult, ati.•l>. „It h eo arprage •i
t-selre tuna •.t 1..w;. to the acre. would s.
about i,3iw,t$.ii3Ol7) pounds of sugar.
It is state.* that a number of furs a••^
owners in the S•.enango and M•hounne;
Valkes have decide.! to manufacture their
own coke, owing to the refusal of tipe rail-
roads to grant l.,wer freight rates on the
coke now purchase(.
At Lyons, Knaus, nearly fire hu;:dyed
feet below the suriace of the prairies. is an
inexhaustihle deposit of rt••h alt, the ,frills
having penetrated it to the depth of about
fon* hundred feat. The salt u almost pure,
and is removed by quarrying.
The addition; to she British wav bud
year were greater than for a number of
pncieus year. Thr total vessels lsnnche,l
numbered niueteeu,age regaling 107,985 town,
acrd representing an expenditure in *Wei
complete.! state of nearly 1f30,000,(610.
It is stats.! that Ph I Armour. the "rn-
visic.n parker, of 1 hi.•aco. carnes r.0 ,he
heaviest individual Lu,ines( of any man in
the wot Id. 1)urtng rise put year his ( 'hi •
cage( jobbing bustnoss ,;m'ante'l t.• 4.'t_tUO.•
(art and his elevator Los nese to 1x9,0 0,0 0,
making • total of $75,1100,000.
The report of the building opetatious cf
('hips(' during 1891 show :, totvl ' ..et of a
little'orer SS4,000,0(a), whish is an increase
of fourteen per rent. on the work of I$6l',
and seventy per cent. on that of 1869. The
frontage 0f the I.uildint, constrneted Net
year a stated to have been equal to &bout
fifty-four miles.
The ase of crude oil for fuel in Chicago
has grown to such an extent that the ins'o
ants companies have been ,compelled to
recognize its emplovnent in indust rte
works. The ('hicago Fire l'nderwnters'
Association have fought against the is. .d
this fuel for some time, hat they have been
compelled to accent the situation, and hove
promulgated a set of rules to govern its
The ingenious electrical device that was
patented a short time aro for givin:, au
alarm when • ship deviates fro. her course -
is now being adopted on a number of Anteri-!
era veils. In this arrangement the com-
pass coed carries a light wire connected
with • metallic cup containing s..rurre, o
tbt if Ise ship departs from the est courts
an electrics) contact is made which rugs a
bell in the captain's room.
I had been troubled five mouths
'with Dyspepsia. The doctors told
me it was chronic. I had a fullness
after eating and a heavy load in the
pit of toy stomach. I suffered fre-
quently from a Water Brash of clear
natter. Sometimes a deathly Sick-
ness at the Stomach would overtake
enc. Then again I would have the
terrible pains of Wind Colic. At
such times, would try to belch and
could not. I was working then for
Thomas McHen-y, Druggist, Cor.
Irwin and Western Ave., Allegheny
City, Pa., in whose employ I had
been for seven years. Finally I used
August Flower, and after using just
one bottle for two weeks, was en-
tirely relieved of all the trouble. I
can now eat things I dared not touch
before. 1 would like to refer you to
Mr. McHenry, for whom I worked,
who knows all about my condition,
and from whom I bought the medi-
cine. I live with ntv wife- and fancily
at 39 James St., Allegheny City,l'a.
Signed, John D. Cox.
G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer,
Ivy -Aber -v. New jcrs:y, l.. S. A.
Dow Or
• Ta. sew
ateer ie_ ypwr"A eta
PS b aanile atvNestreec *0 smile
druidic listens
I.tmest enter is w
it tesR r7mst. • a
r.rr»t N.lee.
Pat a sinner where he can't bids, mad
that's when hell ins.
Prisons Saw i--"Wh did the Rai -
wad the Arend Duke es
t" Prince Nawdadtiki --"The Guke
`..sell, alluded to kis Majesty as an cid
Llrar dine."
Jess. --"Yoe matt be a bard worker,
Mr. Chaplet'." ClepleyWhat makes
vies think that. Miss eesie" Jas--.
t•li.orge told es yesterday that you mrde
him tired."
Mr. De Peyster -"Why it's ailment 11 by
that clock a the raast.L I had ea idea
it was se Ilea Are pia sure Chet desk is
tee" Mjm Rssbad-"Yes, the chi
"Whet d the msafter, old met
Toe leek as amp yes had ,track leek."
Jakiee-"i should say I have. My OM -
ad has .t warmed me that 1 mast M7
eferejoi can 11005."
That teach .t ma's wisdom in vanity t.
ifastnted in the cased the mem who bag
the grip He is the penmen moat littered -
ad, but he deeas't Man whether it is a mi-
ersb. in • herd .1 sinner thee le the mat-
ter with M.
N. De.N .tout tt.
Profaner (leeteriag ea she gerillal-
"Then powers of iseitdie• are
Wiese 1(1ti*1, they less keg dale w*M
{ dsadly otfat. Dow they tams to hoot
thew t•.Hm, .r-"
Modem ijmd lei from Nr Tevk ie-
terrepbrsg)-•'Myb• they saw . New perk
Bow to waw Fars.
in ease Bay lady wants to mak, over •
fur garment, she ran do so by following
these dira•tinns . Whenever she want* to
cat ire fur she must mark it on the skis
side wt•I, chalk and cut it with • sharp
knife, ont letting it cat quite through at
first, and thea pull the piece apart, finish-
ing the cut very] delicately so se not to
apoii the far. On no account must sen-
iors be nod, as they will cot the fur on
Ute outside is spited the utmost proms -
Wet Where it is all cut the edges te be
sewed .re brought together and moistes•d
and sewed overhand with waxed cotton
thread. f;ilk cuts the skin. When the
soma is sews it shesld be laid for side
AIM .,est $ bend and the seem &gale
siodetegia. soil -primed fiat by rubbing it
with • shell, or some other smooth -sur-
faced article. lone this way, se arum is
visible on the octant. and the t
looks u well as it dem by pro .esio•al
sowers. All kiwis of fur are sewed te the
Wale way.
Vegetable Tt•as.t
V.asgotable gamed is a material mash
sa.afaeter•d V O.rwy. The fibre 1.
spa, traeond sad woven into ester p►-
memo and south of different hied. Tkw
see two eatabliimests mar Ieeelas i•
•bich pine leaves are eo.vorted into weal
ant daasels Baakete made et the..ma-
t•rids ere etelwivelJ employed in the
howst.la, barracks and prima of Viewer
sad Breda.. Or of their primcip01 •d-
vntags is that se vermin can ledge h
them- WINS ape .md woven the thread
nrmbles hemp and is made int* y.. kits.
spencer., drawers, Iaa.d shirts, Muskets,
Prima, eta 1'►w sedates keep the body
...legally warm and an very slid. The
workshops i. which time coeds are made
are lighted with gas prepared frees she
waste throws .t la the coerce of the moan
P0051 r..lee.e.
Mrs. Klin ! (preudIF)-"De
i•--' 5
le Mug se i Mee lived Milli m7
bow Neve heewm),isa 0. ever ea Mk."
taw ltr•k m " 11ea he law1 dm W
Itniiimpiltes of !alit uI $Isis
No other Emulsion is so
easy to take.
It does not separate nor
It is always sweet as cream.
The most sensitive stomach
can retain it.
Scrofulous and
Wasting Diseases.
Chronic Cough.
Loss of Appetite.
Mental and Nervous
General Debility, &c.
Beware oral imitations. Ask for
"the D- R L " Emulsion. sad refuge
all others.
G drive in all grades of Wall Pa-
Bper. A fuer stock -taking we bid we
have several lines that must be sold
at once to make room for other papers
yet to come. Remember these papers
are not old or out of date, are fresh
and clean, and will be sold at prices
that will make you buy. Over two
hundred samples to select from
Central Telephone Exchange, Court House Square.
0i43. b 9 r'. J orcia.n.
Buchanan & Son,
Dealers 1■ all kinds of
Awd buthi asa a T *Oleg deendielee
Dry Dtt.h.e Put to Nos.
A wiry useful thing for a farmer to Mew
le hew to utilise • dry ditch, Mad in OM -
forma they have an exoDeat way el dens
it. After the water ie termed est in early
seetmer, hatted of •1Mwiog the bank to
berme • swamp of weeds, nine ewe dead.
m eat ems the minim of then helve, the
farmer plows .he basks sod the hots me d
Il.& •iu std paste pumpkins ttbaer.
fleppeh1 his &MA rums. m7, for *ear
gassier. el a mile. he neem frees INF 01
hes bodied were leads el pempifr ei
the herrn tied. Alm they w Bathe d
t• the fell end the does are dry he damps
ehsmt r*. the UM sod ode fire to Mos .
TM malt is • stash se skim es a gagies
School Yunitune a Specialty
- - -G21142
i' b i
D1 aEio
-e- t3ga 2
0 kJ=SI
d s fl
' O
0 g
A. he islands retiring from Meioses, he
will sell kis large and well -assorted .Mak at
bottom price..
Chinaware, Jewellery,
Wedding Rings, Silverware,
Nickel and Plated Knives.
Fork. and Spoons,
Albums, Plush and
Other Goods, Toys,
Fancy Good mites.
8,000 Rolls of Wall Pipet Md Bdrlin,
SOlr'ri 5111. ea anal, sr NAV moa.
Ifs. Y year hems for harping.
20 PER CENT. will he deduct-
ed for teachers and others getting
rep Christmas Trees
Peels, Etc.
Raisins and Currants cleaned and ready for use.
The subscriber wishes to annosaes the arrival ol
Extra wire mud moderate in price.
In soft and hard finish. free■ the Met makers.
A general awoteew nt of other sew and /aabiambis gssis OR oss 507.
.rid will he noticed later on. A liberal disessat oa el boa
erre dollar spa Strictly one prion.
Ma •
Draper shad laberda t .