HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-2-11, Page 2THE SIGNAL : CODERICH. ONT., THU SDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1892, 1 d 1 A POWERFUL STORY. The Work of the Land and Money Shark Fully Peurtra;ed. CHAPTUB EVL GLUM +utas atoms After • abort delay Atha Green's tuns came and hr was.iihereil 1.M xis. Mille' private adios. harry Parson sots there, tad he received Orme with • rdwmimg smile.e he roes and midi "Mr. Great I tie sem yso hare been 4.167" ao I' m& het it ssmld not be helped. I pleaded with may Mead Milk to make an .i'.ptiost of yyomr taw. em Bement of your sick wife. and Woe yen in baron your turn, but Mr. Mi16 is vary c ws.•nentaiws and systematic he his M/ine.. &Taira and he refused to do if. Said perhaps ante of the. others were is as elms places es you were, ate- However er that you are here, 1 hope Mr. Mille will maks as much haste •s possible and let yM1 go." John nlurmurd his thank. for all this in• serest on the pert of Peeves, then t urnmg is Mils said: "1 appose yea are aware of the object of my vett!"Ornately' f," ,mi Mills. "Voir want money, Wag to do is to list the property Jam palms to give es secur- ity. Jet e•n s teen. ttse rtersim while i no them down." ' .John named .war the articles to- gether with u isarsIrdem of each one, ow -lading his two heroes. the hareem, wagon, pima and "Nowa"ides hat mat complete, "bow Nish twee, do you expe.t to get on thenar '•I haven't mads p a mind to any particular .nay'• said Jahn. "1 only know that I blow yam yak in every seat of three hs do lars' worth of property. Throe hundred." repeated Mill. •'1'ould you .e11 it for thee, amount!" No, I suppose I eosld not under present sin uaut•ao0y" Jobe admitted. ••\o, vol oseldmet. But could you sea it for two ►amity% tl.Wrs " "Not at premed." "No, mor yin essfd.'t all it for one hun- dred, could your "I expect +tote ••N'rr fifty?' ••1 don't Mow. Perhaps I couldn't. But remember that is fit Mie riot of worth. Nothing sells now has foil." •Bial it is a interim of worth Mr. Green," Mills ,5wre.hd. "It is a crite- rion of value ksoassea thing is only worth whet it will ase far. We (ovens our luau by what thewould fetch if it was add toy, and net what of t be worth if time, were good pjmety. Ordinarily your things= sell for three hundred dol. lar. They might have ham worth that last year or limy may be worth it next year, but that las nothing to do Lith the proem' toms. Wire drsliag with the pre- set, .ad I'll maks you • loan ow the pre- sent value d your ptdperty. 111 adv■uce twenty-five dollars se at." "Great he.vwmer nisi Joh*. "Only twenty five ds11.rsi "Only tweedy -40s dollars," Mille rot - ed. ••I wouldn't de that if your freed and my friend, lir. Poems, hadn't interceded ie your behalf. I would rather sot lake the lissome at an, and Mt for him 1 wouldn't offer to mdmeoe man than len dollars. But if yes west is take twenty- five you can have 11. Pluses decide quickly, though, for my sins le prai.mr. and others are in waiting.. "I meet aoaapt.. ssae1* as amount.".Jobe :rrepysd !. "I ems do better. I ill. at go at fifty, Mt ss Ie,.. ••Thou our busimen is at as cud,- said Mills, as he arose sed started toward the d-«'Peeweecalled. "I "Hold ors, Mak" want to speak with yea a moment' Mills and Puauus withdrew M the oppo- site aide of the room sad t enill4 11111Na. time is low tome,. Jolts did est hear • word that pealed betwess dem, het he felt assured that POWS= teas egret* for hum, and it hen at was they MOW ba k sad at down he was mewed of this, ter Mills said at once: "lir. Breen, I ma gaiag to make as ez- . �opptti1oonn d your CAMS, sad mites you fifty dolin i wouldn't de is for smother mem Oft earth. and I ought mato NIM it for you. It is making • great risk. mad Meds it as setting a tool precedes*. However. Mr. Parson rays your info is bs a had way. and he hu pleader( with ms M 1.r sake to .how a liberal spirit, end agtlfe. my judgrnrot I'm cemented for egos to mingle charity with Maims.. I mess ask you to keep this t raaartion gsial, .$ least the amount of the bas most realm a wgrs*." John readily_eseesNd Mali t. this all re. quest, oaf Milpe.saalel to meks out ilia Mors, .ad • few 04$U$ S later Jahn (a reen emerged from the pilvW elks with fifty dollars in his pocket. ally dollars did i may! Ts, fifty dollars, kms Igia.' commie mei interest, d,ra♦ were eight lar • silty dye leas. three per eat par month for Weenie and Ree per mat par aeeatb for enmmi.kisse. A (..11 metier. truly. sed as insignificant .ase. Ol .ib1 damn ler the use of fort two o for to m.sraha At that rate if Ge... W made the km u e year h.womb'w' hart r.e.ieed two cask while the remsisim( hely' t would hay* gear ler htoreM lied 00 the , moo. Ah, • bleed thing 10 die Aosta mortgage, tri hissed ie the ems who .some ase. It was ..eramaeM settlers 11* leas. I a Ismer, was die oily remlem m( ser only. W1so `dei. IA the dike Pomona Whew hies, h w - hies, •d she b.wnes&WISIter.li.linsit e farmer the ir*f �>ta Neater uotateg. Tits Stew I, rendered you and ywa ewe ( y is .thin at a fibs**, was mere• thea any mat should do it 1 am sorry we were not able to NAM Miter mems with Mills, bait we www feetiente w dose well as we did. 11 a' suy tier 1 man reader You a service just let one hew, and you dial tied awe reale to dor that bee In 10),■.wee. lode .n gang Yew• direct. I suppose!" Nu. 1 ought to let Scraggy keuw that 1 have *toured the enemy so that he reel tot put l.msrif to the trouble ..1 rotates it 1trr. 1 *111 uMat to hut at old then beof..lo. Route. The ariougetrpent dad 1101 .,Ill Praren., as wee platu1y evident fowl the frown that mime t.. hu face. Yrt he Jared not openly .,i.p.se It lest he excite bit •wile • auspicious. It wee necessary t1 the stovers of 1w plate 1 hat uveae be kept away trona &Taggs, and he resolved tial he should he if poasiblc.aird if a meeting must take place Ietareit the men he would manage to he present to held hcra fgs lis ,•heck. ( orae Scragp, anyhow, be Holed "The old fool hes got his head set agamat me, and he won't hywtate to take any atop to thwttrt my s'hemes. l nosh he'd never got into the secret of ntv intentions relative Iso Lome. Green. He thn-odrned to blow on me once, sad of will be lust like Into to du at. But, whew, whet nee.( I tear trona that: Haven't 1 gut totem's confidence, anti don't he take any word for e•erytlllu. ! 1 need fear nothing from Scruggs, for I sae easily disprove all he sera Still, if gree. moa be kept away feet Iden all this better." Then aloud Prareon sod: ••I cam see Sc•ragg* for yon Mr. Green, as I am going right up to his office. and any 7:7w..��e you wish to deliver to him 1 dehver and save you the ttae sad trouble. "Thanks,- .aid John, "but 1 think 1 had better gawped. 1 owe it M Ocraggs after kis ear. ' smug that 11 would be useless tom Wit, "we will go up together.'. to the two sten walked away in the direction of 1 raggi °flit., end in due time 'rived there to trod Sa•raggs away. "He has gime out in the t.untry,' Pear- son earsen remarked, glancing at a card that ley OD the desk, "and there as nu telling whom he will return. Probably he will not he back before night. If you wish. 1 will de- liver your message to him. and you need nut wait. - "Then you may," said John, "for 1 and antLWu to be at home with my wife. You tan tell Inn' that 1 have .evured the money. and the. I will not be in .lav after tomor- row. That is all, 1 believe. And now, thanking you again for your aristanee, i will go, but 14r.t beg you to crime and see as at acv time you feel so dispose 1." "Thanks,' replied Pearson, '•1 shall avail myself of your kind invttettun, and before many days you will see me at your house. In return for your gondnw, )Ir. 4: resp," Harry wet on, "1 must leg you to remem- ber what 1 said • while ago. and d It ems in my way toserve you. telly kt ria lube.' Then with a firm hred•pr.s.ere John turned from the once and rode away %0, Pie*.Z;e mos. ‘N6it , of • wort, tease. Jou soul pay Marty for all the •id Perinea give. you, .ed the day will came whoa you will wish with all your heart that you had aerie emu him." ••1 ..1 it a lam," Joke mid, • •t0 mtdar ataud y ou air. tkmagp." '•'lint • because von du out un.l"r.tawl 1'o.reou a taut+,..'' ••11%. hy , what mottoes, except sae of lichee., Ulla he have in .ailing me He n•aent bops to stake aeyllitag out of nue, ; for 1 have tabling.'• „You have no property, Mr. uresis, but ))ou have that whn:h is of lar more value to Imotlt yourself .ink him You bare • daughter, and it u ler rola he i. worbing are "Sc eqp," cried Juba, with livid ase. ••be.vatul what yaw may. "1 au .areful, i,,s.n, and 1 would 10 Heaven it wit out necessary to say what 1 ass shout to tell t.w. But a... huslmad .ltd father I feel it any duty to ,.peak out ant warn you .guest Harry Perm.. 1 • know his purpose for be hut..1.ted it to me. He iso designs on your daughter, awl knowing that he wnoua stn her by fair mew he .asks to do it b. entrapping you In his wile.- .lohn Leaked at Scrams an • daerd way for saute tint., r. ideut y halt ing letweta two optimum, or else noted up in • medley of ..leas. Scruggs' monitor and delivery were au earnest that it was land t., believe him "DiCtor. yrl.'CI.V, TIw F: is vaso.. Pont." ward his sal rabic, on the pro .:e H .'ry l'e•rw.n, from hie promo by the window, looke.l after hint until iie disappeared from view, then .lerpkng himself un the thigh, exclaimed balf aloud: "The victory is sou, and Ilse gains is mime. 1 swore to here lamiee Gr.*n for my own. ,and 1 will. .loin green is in mai power effectually, for it was ins' nuney that he gut from Mills, and at is 1 that holds hie note. He ran 'ever pay the debt. and within • anent(' or so hs money will be gone. and then he will be at my mercy. Mercy! Bah, 1 don't know anvt hang of sum► stuff. What do I •are for John lateen's auor whet Lornes ,t that in wits! They aught die of starvation for all I care 11 there was not another in the CYO. And yet John Green imagines 1 ant a good men and a benefactor. I'uor feel, he little dreams how dearly he will have to pay for ell the kindlier 1 .bow hila Lour. as the prtte, and .he .hell be mine. Of course i cant marry her, sad I would mot if i could, but a pretty mistress as jntt as good. or Letter, tor then when 1 am tired u( let 1 .an cern get her off my handle." So pleased wee he with the any of&in were tending. that Harry Pearson slapped himself agree and indulged in a ..aCatied chuckle, aftir which h* went on: ••Wonder how old Blatchford will fee; when he discovers .re of !lieu. 1n1e morn tooggs how well 1 have serves) hum" 11-d,ndet 'Ant he win think *hen ire wakes ..p sud- denly to find that 1, his meted ag.•nt. have gone off with his grbier andseveral thousands of hie ntuney! It •.li break hue heart to lo.e the money, and it ought. but it ain't likely he will here any sleep; on the girl's amount. He'd rather give up ev,ry relative he has, than to part with a dollar. Slob old eu..es as he I. need 1° slated a heavy loss to bring Ibem to their .stases." For a long tame Pearson rv'm.ine.l at ;he window mooing over his scheme and con- gratulating himself on the flattering pros Leets of its smreaful .rue. It us... ,limp. 1.1.1 and well matured Ilan for enili...Iinx a large amount of Blat.•htmd'..on.ey, and. will Louse few has metre.., fly to a devout land, where he would live is grandeur. 1n the meantime t:ream was logging homeward, and he. tan, was busy with thought. sed musings. He had acetol a little moire, but it WY not sotbcient to keep off hunger for any greet length of time. aad he realized that .niece Mary I.• gots to remoter soon so that he e uld seri employment he would in a few weeks iso• without ensues again. with nothing more to mortgage. Maaag thus, with nosy mi.- givinga sod dark foreb.adinp, John at Ise came faro to fare with a man in a buggy. It waa N-.+rwats "1 am `lad I .net you, Breen. ' Scragg• sun. • i have hese sot in risme of some moray, end luckily I wit fortun ate enough to get it. So, if you have time to go back with me we ..an fla the horror up to -day .•1 am ever r mti0h obliged to yes, air. M.-raega... replied John, ' •Int I have srn,ed • noun, t h. rug► Pears._ • as -.terve, from Mill.. 1 •ism. 10 year Aloe to inform you, I •m sorry that J]oruu hart gime to r snitch trouble for adhiag. • • 1 don't care for the trnuble. Green, aid Scrap, "bat I'm sorry yea borrowed Met n.emey from MiU•" "Why sof' "Steer the le yea hent to de with Sam Pewee the__ blur. - . lied sr "1 AM .:WD I 411.1' ruI , insm.•ere, last on the other hand it was equally hard to think of Pearson as au esu principled libertine after all his unoetenta (loo. kindness. .tnother loan aught have been able to form a correct conclusion in the premises, let .lona lateen, honest, open. frank, truthful awl that 1.e was, wee clue to change opinions of a person. es- pecially when he was called upon to ex- change a gond opinion for a bed .sae. He hail formed • high opinion of Pearson. and °moldered bit. a true, unselfish friend, while, as for Scr•ggshis npinioe of him had never beet, of the (/eat. Seraggs. words put hen in a quandary ar.d he knew not what to say ..r how to proceed; hut finally, after the .ileeee bops to grow- awkward he apok e. "This is • surprise to ms, Mr. Sc he said, "and I do not know whet to think edit. Peones has been kind in aiding me and 1 never deceased that he could have a dark purpose in It, u11 1 can hardly believe that such can hes the Case. even now. But 1 thank you for the warning you give, and promise to be on guard.' T.. lo on guard to my purpose, Gree., you trust g l accepting ao favor at Pearson hands In other word. keep on out of his power. it a because 1 know what 1 do that 1 propose to let you have money. l nude the offer to save the girl from Isis clutches. 1 have • daughter my- self, and, whatever else may Le said of me, n o one tan say that 1 sol not a friend of virtue. 1 •m sorry you borrowed that money of Mills, hit it is done and we must male the hast we tan of it. 1f the worst come. I wiU write or tele- graph to 01.1 -what's -hu. -nam.. Harry's uncle us 4111io. awl have him conte m1_'' t'o•raagggg.e for fire moment tailed to r .•all Blatchfonl's name. road he little dreamed how much he nitre.' in .lung so, for had he known the !elation that exuded bet weal the 4;rewua and Milani 'Ratchford, and had I:ween known the identity of Parson, as the mention of Blatchf.rd's carne would ha.e led to. a world of ho.hly .and mental stiffs' ing w o.uld have L*eo spared t he poor, un het ono,e t; teens. loot as it was they parted so. -John going Oa homeward u. a .tate of great mental per- turbs( , whole Scragga drove toward \l•go City, resolving in hu mind various scheme* for thwarting Harry Pearson's n efarious plans. '•d.ieen a such • cuefidan . honest mol, he muse.(. "that Pearse will have no ditfi• cult. IU coining over Inn web th.re suave scanner% of lila. It he had a little know- lednte of humanity and wasn't such a trust - ltd fool. i might be table to do something for hint, lint a• 1t is 1 have little hope. Souse people an sky blsuvdest fools in the world. and .lobi careen'. one of 'em here S. rages hit hu horse a vicious asp to alleviate bis feelings of disgust and *511 no: `He'• allow.,' 3'eir...m by h.mho..zle bin. tat.. ,doing 1•' 11.11s. and fool -like. he thmiks Pa•at.o;s iaa done 1um1 re.1 tarot. 1 don't ane whir in the demi :onss protide alae al• ways eo anyone to belt the dint f the feet of meals " aid $eragg. br•ul_l.1 hie home another out. "Nom 1 to sot to ret Green out of that scrape," Ile omits:m od. "If .t eau be .done. I to got '., 1611• that mote from dills, if he'll sell it." CHAPTER XVII. TOr. "IR►r.ST AND 111. „r•1..T. The reader nay he inclined to think it • tittle strange that Seragg. .1,00L4 • iamifeet su•h derided Integer in a matte, that nod pot at all atld t.1 ham. Pict are 1.e had .a:d. Weagp w14 • man of !feet t, and he ens a great friend of virtue. Besides, be was • 111011 of strong impulses. and laws likes aad dislike, were extremely pronounced Preis the moment he came to know Harry Pear- se an his true r horac'sr he had disliked Lam, tad the Instant he became cognisant of 1mi 1.ioro a let*ationa relative to Louise Brow, he resolved to t!iwsrt Ihe, if pea- e ible. And it may he added that Ser•gge was • map who, care hs. ing tonned • pur- ples, never .b.ndone,l it moil he had r,.'•he.l the end. Thu. may the interest of Scraggy, in this affair of Green's he amounted for to the etafactton. no dont*, of a11. It was late when Heresy arrived home, awl it eras einposeible for hum to do ought that day, bet at as early hoer the nest morning he repaired to Mills' of- fice None of the grand army of new seek- ers who.. matte.d mill. ofhrc r, err day bad maade theft appeerwr yes. tail ragg• Sonnei that worthy alone. and is a vary few words stated the objert of 1.0 ',1411. which was to parehase John I;;sen a note "I an. srry. Mr. o ragge 11111. replied promptly, "let 1 apps' n." • •mm.•l.te you with the mote." "Why noir' *nogg.' asked. "'.malar I loan sr.we) •e a business, wed if there a a profit in it 1 wept it 's lrtainly, Mr Mille 1 did ant es pert you td sell the not., at ata fans valise." "u'ou didn't• Tkw you are wiling to pay • pewa.nss•" 1 •a, or 1 should never have err. here. We -00.1 tenders de net .1e things for the fan of it. "ilat's very tree, sad for thatass iI" ea els Ina te .lacteal ttl•►jL P111 • me Inoue( 1 ttlu ones • •••••• • pnmuam. 1 1M ►ora Irre twin as meek ea like pro - at .. 1 latah .ad.r emdeaaq ,.row- et•aeea " •"I11at 10.0.414.10(1040 souk the matter. at .IL Plea dam what •count • ill ho, ilia tt>t►" mot;Isokd at lt..•wp oaten curt Y tw•taul, thea broke tow a soft ••Ibhe Maui Wath yew, lir. Scrag's,. Ie •aid, "sad to 1.1 ag Hs •gain to • potnt at two•, 1 mu.1 . that tit• mote u nut fur ak." "At no pec.!' ••A• its peke " "May 1 ask your purpose ta holding it when you cut 'take a good profit by letting It fi" ea, you may seat. lir. Seragg.. hu• 1 am tat os..pslled 10 answer Iter a s•omsat Scruggs da. clearly • mbiespsd' to me as expressive slang tete.. The note was evtdeotly beyond his reach, and at seeped ....4.ss to try further to Yet it. Yet he did not like to alaatw, the effort sexton, bit how to pruc..ed farther he did aot know. S•.rew went back to by min olive. whore he hound rearview iu wanting for hem. "John linen came up to Bae you ester - (lay afternom,'' Prima began. "awl um fudiog you at home, left a message with ss.. "You needn't put yourself to the trouble e1 stating it,' .sit ".'M(, boldly. "nods Green himself delivered it a,little tater." I'+ars.w moaa trim. somewhat aback by these words. but in a moment he hail recovered his equanimity and ..ad mire eery, ••S'uu met heni on the way home. 1 -'Mw..`' "Yea, and he told rue lulls bed furnished) him the m..aey." ••That was the message he left with ens" For a little while neither of the men spoke, and Parma, began to hops that the subject was dropped. (tut m this he was disappointed for directly Scruggs resumed it by artng "You helped Cern about getting that Min. Person, and 1 know whet your object was in r doing. "Perhaps you du, Scrams," Pearso to re- pIied uvudo.-eraedly, "but for fear you Mt. I'll tell you. My at. obj.tt was to ren- der the ma little service.' "Yew, to render hue a little service; atul for what!" "For his good. of course. do you think all mankind are like yourself, willing to do a fellow creature • favor only when it brtahlla two dollars to your pocket to every one 11 brings him!" •'Pesroun, maid Scraggy severely. ••11 .s useless to talk nonsense to me. 1 know no, and 1 understaad your heart. " THa .OTs IS NOT rot SAt.a." You told MO ono., before pew returned east, what your tuteations were tswar'd Green's girl, and 1 understand that your imseations are t;,c same ret. Yon an doting to get brae,, m your power and moo him as a lever in your efforts loath the girl. Mat was your purpose to taking him to Mai to get his money, and you are the mea who holds that note." "Yon are making rather reckless asser- tions, ,are but my they correct, and then what!' s ••Whv, only 11115, you most grye the note up to Ina 1 will pay you a premium on 11.. ••Wo -.s! Must fire it up, eh?' •'Yee. yea must. ••Perhaps 1 meet, Mt I fail to ass why." "Look here, harem. you proceed with your intentions toward that girl, and 1 pro- mise yea that Blmaslford shall be 11:11u/Med of it trident delay." •'Blaseatfordr What doe, he care! 1)0 you sapper hid bother his heel al, -.it a daughter of see of these poor matters whom he mems body sad soul' Pakaw, he don't care what they do o! what I.e./vows of them so hong as he has their mortgages. Write to 'Ratchford. if you want to, and see what good it will do you." Aa Pesrue delivered himself of the words he kept a oleos w•tdi ep Scraggy' feature,. sad though he spoke cnntideetly and with the utmost inditblenee, he was greatly disturbed. H. was on yrinslaet dread let esnethisg should transpire to re- veal to Scra+gggps the relation' existing between Blatchford sad the t:roans. Ile became satisfied en the present oc- casion, however, that Soragp had ns yet received n.. lntimetaon of the truth, endd he breathed Bier. But lSco''**aagggge�'� threat to write t.. Blatchford duwrbed him. He knew that 1t was not idly made, .ad be oleo knew that if he did write the whole truth would come out, and heartless u old Blatchford was, it was hardly possible that he would tet quietly with folded hands and permit hu graadd•aghter's ruin. Such thoughts se these occupied) Pearsn's mind, and he saw the necessity of cooriliat- ing the Irate agent. ••Mr. Scruggs, rid he, "what's the sense (eu and 1 going on like • couple of fools. 1 doa't care anything for /:rein's girl. and have no designs upon her. i did Drake • fool amortise) • you or so sae to the effect that 1 had, hut i did not .lean it. "Dat, you swear,'. maul Scraggy. "that you aro .penkmg the troth!' yea, if you wide it," Pearson air phot unblushingly. "Then you will perhaps not mind letting me have Green'. note. " "No, I woulda't, ,f I had it. Mille is the WAD for yos to sea on that hnaines." (tarry Pearson left the o1Sc* directly. and as he walked the street his mind wise busy with thoughts of the interview Just waled. • •Old Senior is going to cause me tr,.r hat.' he teak]. "unless i pressed with the utmost caution. He's • sly ode devil, and now that he's .s his waded against me, he'll .io everything in hs power to down ne. It would he jest ' his way to write to old Rletehferd sad in that Baa the would be up with one, for 1'4 .a have Hlatehfdrd dews on m*, Int my , ten. Thu as • blasted ticklish business, one, and the firs thing 1 know old Scrag, MS get weal, in some way, of the filet that thou Orem. are aid Rlitck(eed'e reiativey aril if he does old Rlsm►feed will knew ad their whereabouts, and posse hustling them sop. Oaes�e sad Gress must be k apart, .ed 1 ssusi men as est as peoikia i most Mee Louisa, for i de love her with all my rel and i esti Mink et beim without her." (w SO (1010911112‘..) Nammers iaaltalea ens I aoiees. A Fact W10lTR knowing 1• that blood dim. ease which all other remedies Itll ss ..w., 7lebt to A7... B.e.....i alb Fresh alainem. tilts of this Mato. n1 some• to head dally. lives sash deep -sated seal iMiiera c0. Shoo - math" ib.sam tis Oaei. mill the like. ale IMtwa-t-bwas. w, 110 week • Inti t1rmK New York. webss- • About two years ago, sitar for utfa able to walk oo y two years m fro dkeodart mm i lians retried _with vmrMrest.s without l .dv.pw. nmeet la a(lisl�r I se* by ma a seem NA been rrdistt.d sT tsu Imet �Min pist.c, dist suffering. VW'• lareammna. I thea te masks • trial dl this mad lest it regularly Sur Agafit 1 ms pieced to YJ Owl fit a oxer piece cure, and that I hers shoe lid so rotten of the disease." Mrs. L A. Stark, Nadu, N. H writes: 'Ons year ago I qs takes Ie with rheumatism, befog ooYssd to my six months. I OYma amt of the very much derhilitelled. with w and any systems disordered h . I commenced is mss Ayer's and began to Improve at in strength and soot re- visited heel. 1 cannot 157 leo praise of this well -knows Bargains in Cloaking, Mantles Cut Free of Charge, Bazaar Patterns given Away WITH GOODS PURCHASED FOR CHILDREN'S WEAR. All LINEN 0000S STAMPED FREE Wools of All Kizz.ta_ WOOL CAPES MADE TO ORDER "I haw taken a Swat 4MI of meal• ciao, but aot►Ing bas dims me so mach good aa Ayers i! rf I alt its beneficial effects before 11 had quite finished one bottle, and I tee freely testify that it is the beat blood - 'model ne lood.'modelne I know of." -L. W. Wahl, fir.. woodland, Texas. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, T.t.ra.m ■T Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Melon. rano; mbteales.Qt. Worth le • bold. cn.LE T S PURE POWDEiIED T LYE PUREST. STRONGEST. REST. 13twBat(fa.ter ase lea li sormility. Wee muse Mery woreW.,w rsiesi B•. � outer a.. • e 5011 N At Crows owl la.wetr► . w. t[iss.Ls air. Iruw_aerw Patronise True Competition. THE Cayanlax Po,'Irtc RaILwaT Co.'. TsisoeaPH'.a. Wee .Btanhtsled to give the public a gni-claw tervloe with fair and per- ^••eent competition. 1t is In.aased on basinsa principles and in the lutenist of its patrons. 1t deserve@ the swoon el every person who believes in °wopetiion. Por quirk de.pearb use able losogsa 'n Ilse.- conlxwiog with all 111aes mod riass se Waled *q.tes. abaeds nes temp.. Direct through wire, to .11 point. In the North west,dnlhth (Womble and Pau,Itc ('oast Office -South :tide Weigel. R. $AM'Us7% !!i-tt local hammer, Ooderlok. BURDOCK Regulates the Stomach. Liver end Bowels, unlocks the Secr. tion n,Purlflssth• Blood end rer,.ovec ell Im- purities from a Pimple to the worst Sorofuloussors. BLOOD CURES DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS ONSTIPATION. HEADACHE SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA. HEART BURN. SOUR STOMACH DIZZINESS. DROPSY. RHEUMATISM SKIN DISEASES $900 . B Ageism Yom ted Wemaa, 7+s an .ed (le,.yeme0 to I.trodue. • new mad pe sel•r .•elerd boob, Testimony of 19 Centuries to Jesus of Nazareth. The mem ,.eterM1Mt 1glewo ►..b M lbw •e• w .lits b t Me •he whsler.. Na-ekel•rl.a s�i llvery Gl�apisp�tr�lu imam It. Kronen writer, ea^esl>Mrwsale once...ve aH1 reamoo nm Mssa. AN WANTED 1 eTo ,.keliehef Lees/ Agee fry. Geed spredier for right oder, we eseeseees. weals Eft 'We dim. WO wr• the sale promos se both Sims aatslR�s�, ON. u N.T. ♦Yet we�lp essoeme.ar! a mem far fat ye et We rtiliyia.wl. !'aia�dpit5t - -der -- MRS..T -- MRS. R. B. SMITH'S. WE RECOMMEND Black Cherry Balsam for coughs, colds, .•t.. Our Cherub's Honey Cough I Cure for chil.irrn. i 1 ca.&FC1. AND !'IaNTIIIy Prescription Work At all hour. Peraoo•1awned*. Ealy the1 beet drugs amid W. C. GOODE, - Remit. THIS IS THE SEASON FOR CROSS CUT S A WS, In which we lead. CATTLE CHAINS, Finest in the land, at right pric BEST MAKES OF AXES, .4t prices which will make you buy.' R. P. WILKINSON & Co. LA GRIPPE, Aa many-kirow fres espeetersoe. is al tai' lowed by a bard. disorrRStO"oto CHERRY PULMONIC Has no equal der the over of this. and an omusk%t soils, et10.. ate. Prepared aid sold oath bi F. Jordan, - Medical Shall. Pure Candies Chocolates "ONCE A YEAR:" "CHRISTMAS CHEER." NUTS, DATES, FIGS. MALAGA - - FRUIT, GRAPES Betger's Tale Tellies CANDIED ▪ - PEEL.. All hinds of Tabs Ddloaeios- Chas. A. Nairn, Family Grocer, 000ERICH, - ONT. G� O_ B�.RRY •lh.Ouraltisz ill= r�wip• swig all kinds of hesitant at the lowest. •Mw prism 1t pe• Salle; soap oItsre a bene, sad lis w t Rtfi moa Yet k• bas ams ►a ra0 Fos lsyth•ntiet see snit shill► Mit fest peare5.ge lr bass. aim reedy. • 1•011011111.11, K are GEO. BARRY, - Hamilton -at. Amada M_•. wrlta ads m•toa Its I have dk thew dA Pectoral. I tress croup Ila. them ofirmInows rolleved af ~Mg robe 11, 1p'eo a• 7e�sm.. nil, sod, la complete. I without *0 el ell tribute w my 7 Ayer's Ch Salem, N..1 •• Last wit cold, which came quite troubled wit Irritation cone.,, witho • bottle of A taklug this almost ham well ever sin Secreta. it of the Orae Juoenbutu,' Ayer's Dr, J.C.A S W by .11 111 S CON TM (AEA', d OOMSUMP Bel in the hiu, m awtkonned Mot dist no flrahave aC as it, for it w, be Croup. or 1' ad relief 1. Water CONST' Al tare you Ingest for 51 oels. and $i. lack haat, UTC Al * 11tS, 1 Onward. and Osiolai tender Our Vim h Dyad yet+ hem Noai'obrei vile es to ote we ,sake '. O rt/.s. PA TA We refer, In d Money lard U. 8. Pretest benne wad rod awn State Or (ypw•'m DI BE PO nH1ca :.;ERV] 7.EAN solve par .PIN ,. .r• MOW To DRI TA