HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-2-4, Page 8TSS SIGNAL : OODSSIQS ONTe, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, ]i9. 1"8 as we have Mott ;sew be dvier aua. i}S pa .vete stn Pee Timis as Tap la the =whet PIGS Um. Pte.asat to sled. SA K Cleo. � GR.aa, OODERICH. Niles iJLWAY. I Ob•/t.IOa as fe1- ,. IJro p.m. ........ .Ie.00 poi. .. . ,.....111O63 o.st »........ t1Xw no. Wanted JBERAL RE- iat will Mad to the perao0a who broke e ms boat. J. A. 61-3t L - to cosmic- rear ddboe r r ww caused a hied in • teoeat i. McOU.LICUDIt )Y. 411 /Or Ode sr ler Rsnt.l HOTEL PROPERTY TOE SALE - f la do v*Uaa, of 11yoL. ea Ruta bet ogle leu4eriek aad 1i la..Mb , la �apalr Geed baataess M hes always ea TI LLI a04 es remenable terms or e:ekaake 101 horsis ♦LKXARDS&YOUNIL tI01aU. ap44Stta rloN SALE OF day. February 6. et door to Dews t et the weather 1 the above date to �• chance to stet TENDERS TOR e.ty-Ove cords of roe from limbs and r s. 10 and !0 oord delivered immudi- sad wood received s all received. W M. taU 1tOSL HOUSE FOR SALE A VERY i house ead lom, numbers 11 and la ids survey. to the meta of ams be purchased for tour bemired Fee further psrtk.olere apple le Mibi PR1C1. on the promisee or to J. IL COLEY. Kincardine, owner. iLite L▪ WK SALK. --N. 4 LOT 31,9NDCON - A' cession. East wee/Isamu. Meares Tb/• Is • lreI c4R farfn. Also tows Int 670. Unae- rich. also lot 233, God.riob town. a which there is • seed brisk cottage. Apply ;to PHILIP HOLT. tai*! VOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. -TEAT 1 .omuodbtr bulidles oa [lam et . Brea a t occupied as a palet aheo by F. t SCOTT. b . on P.� A t. L'OR SALE. -THAT LARGE AND 1 oomforlable frame hones at time fent o West et.. immediately opposite the Park; • very dstr.bk lamellae aad would be specially e atable for fientease Pentboarders. For farther Particulars apply to W. T. WELSH. 1-tf TILL oda of grain chop - W is running at all ..d best unproved d eMelency. Price IMP your chop home JOS. K1DD. 17 BrltasaL+t. ILL- S - K. U. 1 the above mlla, that the mill has bmi. pes, withtm b ireful atte.Ilon b !Itch will defy corn M prompt and ac - confidence aad en composer. Maui w*;s on hand. and nr w11 be manu- prsRptly at Stu. per iTAm. DOtnlma• It OAIIlflVAL TO £DVIt)RTISIRIlr. Notice of . hanger MU* be 1011 at Skits office not later How Saturday w oo The Copy for changes must be left not later than Mon- day noon. . Casual Ativertasements accepted lip to twos Wedrwwl.y of each week. FARM FOR SALE. -THE UNDER - anon for sae lot 1, con. 7. Colbtrao town.a► p, Carlow. osadatieg of i00 acre of arm -clam dal leans lad. Oood bulMiaw$ kaaeamme..abblIe�, F aad sty ofor pasetftiere � to PPr3? MO RICK OAN, ONaish P.0. 5341 FARM FOR SALE, -LOTS 22 AND Y7. oa the let ow., Ooderich township, Bayfleld Road. colupr{atng 136 sera, situated ota the Lake Shone hued six mile from the town of lloderieh. The land is of good qual- ity, and is suitable either for grain or fur stock rising. There Is • good living •Ue 1D through the cesss d the farm. Vor particu- lars address IL C. HAYS barrister. Doderich. FIRST-CLASS BRICK HOGSE AND LOT FOR BALE ON ST. PATRICK ST. About two minute's walk from the Square. Two stories bleb, brick addition to the rear 14 storks kibth, wilding covered with 01000. Mala bnildlegl•ra 3lartre roume on ori llama' upeteto there are 3large r.wma 10 the roar addition there are kitchen, pantry. washroom. Upineurs.girTs room and bathroom Also good cellar. Apply to the undersigned. who will give all asemeear; information. DANIKL OOUO N f. Dentistry. NiNICHOLSON, L.D.B.-DENTAL . rooms cppusite the new Post bonne. W eetat.. 0odericb. 1100.17 DR. E. RICHARDSON, L D. 8., eureeon dentis. (ins aad vitalised air dmmieered for painless extracting of teeth. gperlel attention given to the preservation of the natural teeth. 0 e-ep emir. Orad Opera Beene Hooch. entrance en We.*- e.. Roderick. 111114e will be held at THE it. ITHUR8DAY1. o men to all gentle- , 1 dress es condition wear a mask. 111 broom or • wblek. This promises to be me skating tells. 11 4 la attendance. gstd-elfed watch se. Flee flying at is wound. LARRMSON. Prop. res kept le stock. material. ash low prices. mosestpl wt gait Tbe ye bee0 pommel In • 41 M pe r square of pine, p10 per M. p!per a1 upwards. lar.Millwood. elm. N to order. Pick will mil cheap for beadiest. swings. ppea. atinoat sat obaa(. for hill/ding More ddevise s endo mril it Bol =t I.. +:.t. gf Sale 1 18 IN. CAST 11-111a. bore. 01 1.n aft. Gad as new. le ggmw. Apph 0t 1p Lhe... Narth-ot_ DRA. WHITELY s avis rae. Moe-0mM Opera Maass. 0.derich. Ii of DRB. SHANNON & SHANNON, Physician... 8.rgeme, Aocouchera. to. Odic. at lir. Shannoe'o residence. near the gaol Uuderictt. U. C. tilLexi ee. J. jt. eitan 000. 1751 LooraL EN. LEWIS, BARRISTER, PROC- . ler in Maritime Courts of ')ntar:o 00 o. -South Colborne bore*. 3313 U. JOHNSTON. BARRISTER, 71 solicitor. c rmaisioner, Re. Lome. collections and sal estate transactions care- fully attended to. °Mee -Cor. Hamilton and 8t. Andresr'a-'t.. Godench, Ont. (2203-1yI JOHN DAVISON, BAKKISTE1: Solicitor. Conveyancer, tc. ; Moue; to lend. Omae over Psl-01111oe. Godertch. i5-tl AOGfE mop- s se give musk Tor paeU- �r. O. of roots OAMPION, BARRISTER, F. Solicitor. Notary Public. e t e. Office -Over Jordan's brag Store. mho room* formerly occupied by Judge Doyle. 1200 C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, &c. 11. Office. roamer of Square aad West Meet.., O.derieb. over telegraph office. Pri- vate reads to lend at 6 per cent. 2"LO -eas- IOTQ.-THIN Inv nand ass been Me tss te Off bora O'ItQE TO OKiDITOIid. Pm,�a�t 1 las Ravod Statutes of O. um.um.laohapler 1M 0011100 >s, all e-etnors pssen� vie*. perms ageism the estate .1 Wm. McLean, late or Ibe tows of Dodeeich. la the cusum of Huron. cauls defter. diocese- ed .00.. ed ewbo diel on or about the lab day of Jo. eery. A. D. MON are bq.by emitted to send to Darrow t Pruudtoet. of the said tows of Dederick. soUciurs toe J. H. Colborne. WU- llam Acheloos and K. Detester, executor of the last will of the deceased. oa or before the 11th day of March. Hilt their Christman 'ARM and wra•mea addresses aad desoriptlons. with full particulars of tbdr clalmlo. twa•eoteate of accounts and eater* of lecurlttee Of any* bold b them. aadsoatter the mid date the nal 1 esec'tbr will pprnucwe1 to distribute the diesels of the said deceased &awag the parties entitled theret* baying regard only to the chalets of which the Then bare notice. and the said ruoue:me will not be liable for thr syd anis* or and part thereof to Mir pitmen or Penrose of w ose canna notice small not have bees recel , ed by them at the time of each dietribelloe. OAItROM t PROUD/110T. Solicitor, for Executors. hated at tioderich the Web nal of J•osrl. A. D. asset 6644 GARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR. 13301*. Aherne e. Solicitors. Ste.. 01M N eb. .1. T. Darrow. Q C.. W. Proud/eel. CAMEK:)N, HOLT & CAMERON, Barinern Solicitor In (Caner;. Ste. Gederich. M. C. Cameron. Q.C. ; 1'. *jolt ; Dudley Holmes. LIDanSrLona insensate*. �1L1 OYwYwd TdOlas pWrivAaNte. f-mXTEN per sent. oe good Harm tycsrlt) ApNy paring n or write. lL N. L 8olbo11 . 0 e• rick L'* WOODCOCK, LOAN AND IN- lJ • aoeal Royal Insurance Com- pany of England. the richest and roust ❑berg company in the world ; London and Lancashire Lite and London *imamate.. and Accident. Loans at lowest rate of interest. *Mice- Cor- er of Newgate and Hamilton streets. (led- erich, opposite Martin's hotel. 336tH -- Li J. T. NAFi'EL, FIRE, LIFE AND • accident lnaur.nee agent ; at 1ow**1 rates. Otece-Cor. North -M. and Square. Clod /rich. 71- `.IONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE . 1 amount of private and other funds at lowest rates on productive town and faint property. Special term* of repayment to emit the borrower. No communion. -Coll or write N. O. JOHNSTON. Ouderich. la 01-tt OD - resiled Me farm en et Toch rsesith 10 years. It •1mt0* . be eery hem farms 'PtoO0,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TU CAMYRON.Honet CAMERON0,0lood. rich. MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGk amount of Private Funds for lnvsteneot of lowest rtes on oretclase1ortg0eee. App*) toOAItItOW UFo09'. () RADCLIFFE, GENERAL IN 111. .nonce. Rel Estate and Messy Loaning Agent, Only first -elites companies. represented. Moue) to lead on mtrigh loans. at the lowest rate of Intercept going. is any way to suit tt. e.rrower. Ono, -- Sea end door from square. West Strut. Oode- seek. »tbt f - AWUOnserinar. Mar ti:go Sales. OEM Aare SALE TALCABLE wen LANDS. There will he sold on Tueodoy, the Med day of Yebrusry. here et 1° o'clock noun, by John Keel. 00.1 0•eer. at Wafter, a hotel. In the village of I.uck**ow, in the comity of Bruce. the following farm lands ; Lots numbers II. M. M. M. 33 and 26. on the �9aPple� lianas Smith of the Durham line. to.0oship or Kinins. .-onta1iing 110 acre. Yor further partI. *are apply- to P. A. M ILe'uMiIUN. Barrister. Lucknow. CAMKRON, HOLT t CAMERON. Vendor's Solicitors. Uoderbh. Dated 6th Irebru.ry. Get 16 3t JOHN (IRIFFIN, COUNTY AtC- tloeeer.land valuator. loan and insurance agent. riot,. attended In all parts of the roun- gp t'orrapondeneesolflted. Address JOHN Ali1Pi1N. Kingr.hrsdae. brier* left at Tea S ee at (Mice promptly Wearied to. kilt or N JOHN KNOX. DEIIERAL nester and turd Lsed Valuator. Ooderick. Ont. flaring had eonslderabie experience la thea. tioneerin` trade. he is Is a position to diecherge with thorough satisfaction all oows- Risione entreated to film. Order left et Martin's Hotel. or sent by mail to hfs address, Oederick 1'. 0.. earfaUy attended to. JOHN KNIJX. Censer Asetlotteer. Writ( Mechanise' Institut*. ('1ODERICH MIOHANIo8' HUM- l� TOTE LIRRART AND =AMINO - BOOM, oar. d nag street sad Square lap Opie from 1 to tr.'s.. sad from 7 to 1e low. AHOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LiBRARY. Lending Ieady, Weekly god IUssfrel•d Papers, Martinets, etc, on Pile. HEM TiCKET, ONLY 91.eit, g rantee: free oma 0( library aad Ioe- Room. Applkstleus for meshershlp received by Librarian. 1a room. 1D. *RARMAN, (310. 0117111, t, eeernlry. Oedariah• aeeh Ifs►. IM. 1 ORTOAGE SALE TL or VALUABLE F %RM LAND= IN THE TOWN- SHIP 07 Ot10EIt*Ci1. THE TALK OF THE TOWN. Under and to. virtue of a power of nate con • Mined in aoenate twurt0ave, dated the lath day of December. 1143*. and which will be pro- duced et the time of node. ;here will be sold by public auction st ttartin's hotet.ia the town of Uoderict on 'Saturday., the 13th dao of Feb ruery. *1v2. at 1 o'clock in the afternoon by John Knox- auctioneer. the following valuable farm proper:7. namely : Lot number A in the :.rd concession of the moan*hip of (lateri •h in the couatt of Huron containing b acres of land minor Ise. .%Io lot number 32 in the 1st twnl .ion rt *l a said township of (3ode- nch,contain*ng 6tt cors of land mon or les. Terse reopens -hoof tend aro situated about 'i mils from tiederi0h and 3 mils from Bay - p.44. The above properties will be sold either eeperately or together to soil purehaaer. F.KMSOF1A1.6. t0 pera-nt. of the pur . case mone • down c the time of sale to the vendor or his solicitor and the balance w:th- 00t irterea within thirty days thereafter when deed will be mien. In other respects the copditions of sale will be there of the High Court of Jupice Further particular may he obtained from the auctioneer n from the rcndorb wrlicttors. Doted 3rd February. lura (' 1 MP:KON. HOLT & CAMERON. JOHN KNOX, Vendor's Solicitors. Aaciio.eer. XfORTGAGE SALE. 11 or PROPERTY IN TI1F: TOWN OF GODS• RICfi. ,; .4 (mads ewe Ir. Sates' tutu. Al /teeth hell pent Y. K. D.C. at the Pharmacy. Geo. A. Inv. The dssagoeble weather of the past work allot the Jwuary thaw in t,broary bee cased mass totemic of an earl) lien . It yes treat • wood Sprit* salt call at I. J. Prt4Mm•a,. CROWDED OUT. .y The county commit report unavoidably crowds out .a ru4d.r•ble meaty e.respee Assembled Www topics this weak. THE KELLY CONCERT Ci). The wen known Kelly Concert Comp•ay will appear at the Grand Opera Howe on Wednesday ovaries .eat for the benefit of Hnroo Camp. No. 88, 1.0.11. F. The adver- tisement appear iia another column, and primate a musical bill of fare rarely .offered W • *.odertch endemics. There should be a bumper house. ELI PERKIH8. The well-known humorist, Eli PSrkt.ia, lectured at the Grand Opera House loaf Monday evening. Although the lecture was light in its character, each story told and each joke :racked illustrated a point in e very apt way, the lecturer ir'sattsg his object in • manner which gave both op- portunity for laughter aad food for thought. QUARTERLY SKRVICKi. Quarterly services will be held I D. V. the Victor*, at. Methodist church, uo Sun- day, Feb. 7th. Love feast and fellowship meeting at 10 t. w. Dovi.e servIWO at ll. Sacrament of the Lord's supper after. The pastor will preach. At 7 e. w the Rev. W. Birlby. Benmilier. will conduct the service, the pastor excb•1tIng with hon. The business meeting wtllbe held Muoday, Feb. 8th, at 7.30. 1.00KIP_ BACKWARD. A.caen 1. w,the West erzet house furnish tug man, works in literary natter m his ad- vertisement u0 page seven with good elect. A perusal of it win do you good if you anti clpste anything in his line for next season. He keeps his staff of men working all the year around because they have families to keep, sail he is always redly to undertake work. 1f you want suythtng in his 1;...,1.11 on him. FO)RF.STIRS JUBILATE. Court 1:tderich, No. 32, Canadian Order of Forester, entertained their friends in Victoria Hall ole Tuesday evening mid a most enjoyable et -ening was spent. A Rood reunited and literary program was provided, after which supper was served In the rams adjomitig. ()ver two humored F•urester+ .0d gusts attended. Mr. ('ebb occupied the chair and opened the program with a short &dares..+ presenting the aims of Forest- ry and welcoming all present to join them. Everybody was well pleased and all were agreed in the opin:o0 that the member of ('onrt Godertch know how to entertain their friends. ME. AND MRS. RERAN. The entertainment given by Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Benham in the Temperance Hall last Friday evening, under the auspices of the Cadets. was not so well attended as its merit.. deserved. The lime light exhibition of views taken by Mr. Heenan in the course of a trip through Quebec, the Maritime Provinces and New F.ngland was interest ins, and the musical part of the program was also good. Mr. Reran addressed meet- ings in the hall on Sunday alteration and evening. when the ball was crowded. 1 niter and to virtue of a power of sale eon - tamed in a certain men gime Awed the 2nd day of February. tit7i. and which will be produced at the time 01 elle. there will be soli* by public auction at -Martin's hotel. in the town or I:oderw•h, on gat order. the 13i day of Feb nary. lew2, at 12.3D..tack in the afternoon by John Knox. auctioneer. the following valuable sown property. namely. the *with parr of lot bomber 30. In the town of 4.oderlrl, in the county At iluron, better known teal described a* follow.. tame* r : ('wnmeucinit at the s.,utb east aegis of said tot No 361. thence dun west along the north side of P.cton s1, -et chain. and 42 bin:•. thence doe north 1 . ht.'. and 3j links. therm, due ear 2. halos and 42 link* ro the west *He of Sonlh street, thew, rine south along the west roof.- of south Greet 1 chain and 3' links 10 Inc plst r of beginning. captaining one fourth of an arre.more or les. There is upon the land • .rood two story frame cottage. with a small .Retard' and good garden coma.n.ag ,.mall G oils The house contains foe, room* down stair.. ew.ides ktt- ehenand three rooms up stairs.'herr isaleu • good wood -shed This lot is clove to the Sir*re. E1tMS OF SA1.K. - 10 per rent. of the per- cha.e money down at the time of sale to *10 vendor or his solicitors and the baboce with in 30 daya thereafter. In other respects tic' conditions of .ale will be the Wending coodt- ilonsof the dish l'nun of Jest ice. Further particular may he . b'•ined from tie alter tonere or the vcod ills solio•i'ors. hated the 3rd da • of February. VOL ('tMkKON. HOLT It C MEKON. , JOHN KNOX. Vendur'eSolfeftors. Auctioneer. ted* .k CCTION SALE oe VALUABLE FARM PR('PERTY. Under at/ by virtue of the power of sale robtsiael in two certain mortgagee from Rob- ert Huebanan a,d John Bnehanan reepectave- 1' to the vender.. whit -h w111 be produced at the time of tale. then will he offered Gr sale by public suction. os Saturday. In.- twentieth day of February. 1112. at the hour of one o'- clock a ir., at the Colborne hotel. In the town rmf Doderfoh, by John Knox. auctioneer. toe &glowing valuable real esate in two panels. n amely Parcel one The south half of lo( number nine in the eighth cone mediae. western dIv{sloe of the township of Colborne. to the Dowty of Huron. containing of y acres. mon or lean• wale and except lite amen of the .104111 west corner c: said lin told to one John M - . Beetom The following is emu 1'h. Lotion Ad ne se and )articularly described in deed from eertier of Msturday last and refer to the Robert Buchanan to him mother of .!•*. Mitchell, eJitor of The Parcel two - TA•• truth hall of lot number eight in the .• ygpAtli ronries.oa of Inc said Goderich Star, and l•. W. Mitchell, editor township of C,olb.xne,tay. and except 5 acnes o er•tofore sold to John Kobertsonl, 44401•101/401 The 1 /totem Fres Prean : About 11 forty ere scree more or lees. The improvements nn mid premises are raid to one's* of Parcel 1.- A home 16x'26 with additions 20x31. an old barn aad an orchard of about 00 trees, well tended.• Parcel 11. A brick house $llxU'sud • ban HIS. M. They kcal as ugly waited an the forehead, Med by the shah or the borer's heal striking leer. from w bob the blood poured pica finely. Hee suet, was also tors sad had to be u takhed up, waits use of her hands was somewhat injured. Ne boom were brakes. She recovered emeeitoe.w shortly atter- wants, loot was tui bewildered to arose( the .lesions as leo he retells. Nu one O W Med to recognize her, several persuade of the same name bating called in, ad It r thought she lives uuteide the city. tike we aimed for until ::., . _Wins arrived sad uuoveyed her to Me hasptel The stf•tr crested great excitement aro a big erowd gathered mead the locality. Meanwhile the runaway horse continued a his rea- les. N ureeyy'. Turning south a Clemson street it nollelel with tie Duffield b.ildiag and this had the affect of increasing Its 1renay. Away went the arousal and its munlentunl was such that In *tuns to tura trot 011 Klug .greet the ak•(1. west through • window in Levy's pawn- shop. Taking :he sidewalk again It 000tiauett iia mad career and cleared the way right down to Ridoeit street, breaking • few more panes of glom. Here it .laked upa little and was captured by Iluutaas Society Ill pector Minhinnick, who took it to Dr. O'Neil. It was pretty Welly cut up and will need a vetensary's rare for some time. This wind-up started another runaway ,of which two ledie.,named Barratt, .31 1Vestminster, were the victinm. They were coining to the market end had a quantity of produce in their vehicle. Their horse nn down the Kiug street hill, and they were dumped without oereu,ony 1010 a rubbish beep to cosnpauy with the other enemata of Lhe cutter. One of them hold pluckily to the ribbons, although her hand was badly skinned las the effort. Luckily neither was hurt. Mr. Minbsunick ahs caught the horse. Later inquiries eh. t the facto that Mr Mitchell is doing as well as ramble and may pull through. Had It been a youuger person the wound would not have been seri- ous, but her age will tell strongly Na+iot her. From ghat e•. he learned ]fru 1Gtch.1l is • resident of foder*eh aad w the mother of James Mitchell, proprietor of The t :clench Star. She is also the moat er of Charles Mitchell. proprietor of 1'0c (limas• Free Pres. Sue .as a former resident of this city and the family is well known here. Mrs. Mitekell was oa her way from t:oderieh to Windsor. where .he had been called to the des l,hr,l of her me - m -law, J•dnn Edward*, wb.. for many year dud • tinsmith business du M.ehmowd street north. LOCAL BREVITIES. TUE NF:'V EXPRESS AGF.NT. W. are picaaed to learn that toe man- agement of the a aaidian Express Co. has appointed H. Armstrong, town ticket agent of the 4:. T. R.. and local agent of the (:. N. W. -Tel. Co., s their agent at (;o lerich. The company has made a goal selection, for Mr. Armstrong is a straight- forward business man. He has been agent of the telegraph company for the put twenty-one years and town ticket agent for e,mething like ten years, and has given the hest eatisfaction in each branch of work. The express lwsinese will not suffer In his hands. HE WASN'T i\ IT. They molt a fine church at his very door He wasn't In it ; • They brought him • scheme fur relieving the poor Hr wasn't in it ; Let them work for themselves as he had done, They wouldn r ask help of any one if they hadn't wasted each golden minute He waft 't fn et. So he paned the poor with l*aughry tread He wasn't in 11; And he scorned the goof with averted Mead He wasn't in it ; Wheu men in the halls of virtue met He saw their gm -einem without regret; Too high the mark for him to win it He wasn't is it. A carriage .'rept .town the street one day He was in it. The funeral trappings made • display He was In It. St. Peter received him with book and bell ; " My friend. you have purchased a teckot to well. Your elevator gods dowu in a minute." fie was in it. Detroit Free Preis. A DISASTROUS RUNAWAY. Tense. Ten per not. of the eur:kaae moa ey must be paid a1 the time of sale. when *M7 terms for the balance raw 0e arranged. For further partieulars and cooditio.s of sale apply to the auctioneer. or to IA)L NT. MARSH. I.INDoEY It LINDSEY. Vendors' solicitors. IL31 M Toronto.' T.....,rn SYRUP OF nos. Sister's Shine if 'limes Iltm. Dick's cisme. Powder. Marvhalr, ()af er% drag. Bron'. Balsam Wild Cherry Hark. der frig. J. Wt..••at PYmnPrne Dim lying. Albert MICvteheem, wife and a.oghtmr,ef White g ere ci.itiag old tire Mewls in BrsssL and vieinit) The West evidently agrees with them. o'clock this morning 1:*orge Hooper, pion dealer, 236 I)unda. street, ins driving city - ward on Queen's avenue. He had driven eight.em mils and when about to tern south .' Wellington street either nne of his snafu broke or it dropped nut of the hareem. Anyway, his horse began kicking and started to nn in • fnghteoe1 manner Miss I.bxie Reath, who was in the vehicle. jump- ed out and Mr. Hooper tried to do the sem. is order to catch the hone by the had and hold him. H. hong on to the Zinn, but just at the corner of Welli.gUm •d Dundee strew the shafts ported from the wages ; he was dragged over the dashboard, •n,l could not keep hi. hold. The now thorough ly frightened animal then took fhb side- walk nn the north mule of l)u.das, aad nem - moored • lively gallop westward. l'eds- tr,sns rale into the road nr into the .teras for shelter. In front of (:atechffs's hatcher shop. Miss Wig/mice eras kaockee over, but fortunately she was not hurt The most serious result happwnerl noised* R. Kirk�pat risks .tree, where en obi lady named Mit. obeli, apparently sheet 75 or 80 years eat age, ins 'tending. !oho dm not me the home rooming, or eke she we 130 feeble to more out of the way i0 NOR, The brat* dashed right river her. Horrified spertetnr ran to the spot rad friend her ■n nneeiow, and her bel Ashdod with Novel She was earned le Wiener'% drug stow on the corner of Donde. Claretws streets. sad !koalas,. Arnett and Md'fllem were very sons is at1sudasea Me Was Onamell tier Ikea Sides. as Remise W. Judaea, a relic of the war of I$l_'. died um keg ago la oedema berg, a petty hole city .w. 41. loar.'uesi river in New York Siete. 'rice I:enersl knew everybody aad everybody knew the Gemmel. Nuke the last Tears 01 kis Ids he was haunted by the `hint of nosey • good whiskey which 1. 6.d ores sad ooa quoted, sed the weight of these minae vie Lorne bowed his shoulders. By prufes0iro Olen. Judaea was • lawyer. The old eft drew • penalise every quarter, o fd when .t was goes he get "tr*M.d " The •'trust" reached such propertie00 that the Rorernerret bounty fur two oeutSries would just about wipe it out. Moa of his eredaturs rather liked the old maim, and, kaewly that the * ooieu would before long be blotted oat sever to be re -opened, costumed to lout, but Netball Floyd, who 114 • MU for 43, made lite • burden to mks *:.neral, who was a gesitlesaea. bot sow.)s just s little short of cash. Nate wind.I preevet that bill sad change his luck when he was I4.kutg off the deck, sr would don hum when testiest; the bottle in • (10111y stere. O.. day the Comers' met Boyd ea the street and before the well worn bill reed be Mead sod. "Note, there's jest sae way that bill can be collected, for i'e decided sot te pay it n ukes 1 hove to.' "How's that!' asked Lkc Nrostehlnaa. loo you really west to knew." "Well you we use. I always pay • lads meat spume ms. Boyd within the hoar fouled • Juattee of the Pee aad brought suit our his 4a. The summons was sec real anal the sod warrior cense to mot, hu arena lades with duet covered volume.. Boyd stated lits case and showed his bill. "Io you acknowledge this!" asked the Justice. "Yes. sir.' "Thea why should not •• judgment be (1100 0gainet ]o* •.• "Become 1 have a bill against Mr. Boyd. -- Boyd was. rpr*aed and dwr47idVR 1te owed .ethi.g. 1 have a bill for profewe.snal services, s hill for S5." don't ons 11," said Mord. "Doile't you sal me hew to collect this hill against myself!" ••Ya." "Aad didn t 1 tell vole to ear. anti didn't you follow my advice` 1 came her, sir, as your lawyer to collect that bill ad charge you E.: for advice and counsel A l.•r•nater. sir, doesn't give his opinwn for nothing. end .l ,l.ou presented •• o rotten stateliest of 1111 .010001 The *:eweral left the .'ort mom with 9,2 is his pocket for suit brought against how self. Kansas tlty Star. Moguls. meeting of the town maned to- morrow et ening Iva grippe a interferingcr'sideroldy with the school attendance. On "Thursday co mum • large number of Saltford's youth sleighed to Blyth. Me Ida Henning was visiting friends and acquaintances in ('limbo last week. The school herd failed to cornet on Holiday, four n,embera being absent. Capt. R Murray. of the salvation Army. of Termite, is visiting kis mother to town. Ice cutting would hare commenced this week but for the eft weather ole Monday and Tuesday. .las. Addison ha, a number of mow 1111• pinyed the pest few day• repairing the eel of the North pier. A number of young people drove doer to t linton t'Tbureday evening. They report hector had a good time. A artre party *hat had Wended to sleigh to Kmtwil en Tuesday evening was detained in t:,.lcrdsh by the clerk of the weather The wreck off the island was enclose.' in ,cc the past week and a Sunday quite a numiwr of peter., boarded the ice, bound vessel. A rep,rt of the meeting of the R. T. of T. District ("ottani last week is ua.unl- Ably crowded out of this issue. It will appear next week. We hat. on head a few thousand Iow- pricoa No. 7 white entelopes, suitable for sending out accounts, pccirculars, etc. tall iu and ser them •t TomJti)t*l. p*8Ce. Ili. al. Nicholson, the West-st. dentist, makes the prsservatirrm of the natural teeth • specialty. *:as elministen.l from 9 eau. for the winless extra ttoo of teetb. The cheapest house in ('ansa to ley a piano, organ or sewing m inn is at tiro. W. Thomson'''. the • ( to give him a call Before purchasing : yod}}rr.11 not regret the time spent. Repairs prollIptly attea lu.l to. Everybody sdmtres the organ* tnrne.l out by the Gndet ,ch Organ Co. Their makes of organ* are fit pwsinq all nth ors in beauty of case and eeh elleacy of tone. Kindly leave your order and encourage home manufacture Four sizes of account paper, angle and double -ruled statement., all suitable for rendering accounts at this sewn of the year, neatly printed and pot up in paths of one hundred sheets each at very reasonable. prices at Trot Stamm. steam prieun* house, North -u. Stratford Time His Worship, Mayor Butler, of (:oderich, was in the city last Tuesday and peed The Times a pt call. Mr. Butler has been mayor of gods rich for the past four years and is evidently the popular men of the town. The editor of The WUrtu' News, who has been laid up for a week with the grip, re Rorke : "We suppose none of oar reader. have ever trove through a threshing machine neither bare we. Bet that's about the nearest approach we ma give to our past week's experience. Ile other words, we were all broke up Staff -Capt. and Mr. Bolton, of the Solvation Army, Tomato, sad Emigs Archibald, of the friars Gate Home, Hamilton, will hold • serial reform ensetine in Victoria -sty Methodist church on Wed• today seeping of nest week. Rev. Dr. Strongman will occupy the chair and the choir of the church will assist in the sing- 'm/- Seaforth Expeitax . H. Y. Attrill, own w of the Att.rill farm near tiodseich sad well known is this county, died m Toronto Met week. If the (lcleneh people have any sap in them they will now buy the beautiful property in Mat town owned by Mr. Attrill and evert it into • `summer rennet for touries it world Rake one of the nicest places of the kind in (•mens. MY revs That to remove corns, warts, bunions in a kw days, all that fs required le to apply lie nbd sass well -tested cern oars Putnam s Painless` (:ern Rsafe, Rare. fe, paio- 1 Pet..n* a fief. Extractor make ne .ere arils blvd te bugl, sue quickly aad parks* els hind ltd nee wet The Mn, Io 01 Malt like City is hats in the fern d • true . hpe, sod, al. trough it in of .mimous dimensions, it is en •..11 ce estreeted as regards .eoneties that • perms .Minding h tk. teens at one end eta carry on a eeay.rustioe is a whisper with say ens i the Peens at the either .d. The Lerman 1011 Lest e. Him. He settled hid*self back in his choir with • self -.*i .d air aad nand: '•Things has r changed some trine* we etre married, herrnt they. Mary!." .. t great deal. ,hoe." she: replied quietly. "The first year was pretty herd," he went on. "1 dada t snake env roam time *sough to pull es through. flat 1 told you then I'd get up. and 1 have "ys.. she admitted, "you have. You re made it much easier for a*e fin*lert- ally . •'And I've worked hard to oto it, he said "nth some pride ' • 1 practtatly worked night aid day.' She sodded. and he centinu.d: "I'll do better yet. Mary 111 hove you even more comfortable them now.'• 'You will if you keep on working as you have worked. ' she said, "bt.:- "But what, Marys' "I've sometimes wo.dered, .hoe, with • faint smile. -If yds quite mdereeed the clergy enan. - "The why. Mary!" "The .ler`v.naa who married us. - "Why, what have I dose' be asked end d..ly. *traightening up in hie aair. "Nothing emug, 1 suppose..lee," she re- plied n, the seine quiet way. '•1't it has seeree,.1 sometimes Jus: • Lacy of num, pothej•, tt h*• seemed a. thoegh you tht.t.;,;ht you Mil married the Dias. It seas more of yen than than • She stoppe.l. It waent uea*asari to say may wire. It waw only ses:oaaary to kiss him to chow that it era* 001 to • purely fault-finding spirit th*1 she spoke. and she dol that. And the lesson that tummy - well, the lemon was not loot on hem SCIENCE AND PROGRESS. INTERE8TINO PARAGRAPHS CULLED FROM VARIOUS 71ELD& Mew He Woe Mer. "1 ods Sot know, she ae1 reflectively, "whether we aro waled to each other or not. i'u. afr`id we are not ••What make, you tibial. we're awl. ' • • \t'a'll, 1 do not think you have Amoy poetry In your 5012 '.' 1 ou may he rr•,l•pg.�bt, bat I'm at heart • lover of the heaYUfsl." ''You are - "Yes; dent i lova year' That settled it. Philadelphia Prem. vommaileg Ab.st tae Unde,gt..d Slow tete Vtlway Preens. ta l...i.s-,IrylteeS by ta. Trolley OyeteMColgs. r'a.kaSS 1le.ater l0 Pee 1. rr..htra 1■ po.sequo.oe of the propose( to build •a electric underground rallr"o.l in London. the enlace* stem uod.rgrouul scads an geviag cowdu•Wk attend.' to the puri/ - esters of the air of eh. tunnels. An Elm. lie k e.gtaeer has denied an arrangement to be employed to prevail: the )..dlutwn el the all by the smoke sort grist from the snows. 'Ile inyenttoa afasuts in a /at tube laid b.tw.ea the rails a which, at short Ister- eo* are valves opening oetwanis. las seek of the locomotives i • coatrl10nxo emit- ting 'mark* downwards, the opening of this tounel gliding along the surface of the tithe 0a. dischargieg the smoke trio It through due of the valve* uht,di is always .4.e0 and I. connection with the moving tunnel. The smoke is drawn through the int,. by • blower located hail a 10111 .h.t,.sh and s .'w,sunwd without having entereoi the !ma- ne! When the to.ennou%r is travelling ie the opera sir the down greed funnel is cluaed and the ordinary tunnel of ebe engine re- 'uures its lunette's. l'he et5. isucv of the system has Leen pract+oally demeaustr tel ea recent trials suede on the Metropolitan !tellway. the only question rrtua;aing to be solvosl le the .Yet of the apparatus. ]tarok .f Mankk.d. There is a growing sett Meat i. Hawaii fee. 1.Yin. in favor of the municipal cow troll of the ele,-tne lighting plows. Of theS1,000,000 ken ew.version to b. Rvd•__7*p ]heat-lreala.nl 1*1. l:overemant proposes te devote ores one half of the sum to Rarv11•.eoes works asti the Mala,,* to the bmldiug of railroad& The work done by the molding machines of the f•re•eat day is so perfect that roe of the argent pump coarsens in the country taut all the valve sea .over' lined. without w ba.yueut machining. aad they go ou the pumps fust as they cense from the s..d..s true aro they. The pattern!' Rosi ere, of cowM n/1de of metal. A French atwUst is engaged i. waking • magnetic e4*0rt of Prance. and has so far succeeded in obtaini.s observaio.s at eighty-eight Mathew I. securing this re- sult he bas taken ea* observation is the .toning. and •author in the e1end1g M a point twenty mils away. Aa Kaglu•i manufacturer. while cram- ming the teeter. aad quality rd seem bandages foaled e • mummy. was Aston- ished to and that the arraogemreut of 0*. threads was erectly like that which he Ill•. Wooled • few Rooth. Were, sod which he had wppeeef le he ea inde- pendent invention at leu own The 0.rtd'e Lampe& T0.grepe OM.e. The bi>nmst telegraph office in the world is that Of Louden. It s luxated is the re- seal pt ofhoe hotil.l ttg. sod is net emcee hie to the rectal public. It contains mato than three thousand operators. and Itlm terms are supplied by • plant of 30,000 oink e ...sgh to make three solid glans rows of cella from the Capitol to the Whitt Heuer. Thu Mhos does more Imams, thee aur efftee is the rudest Mats. It despatches its Mtr- aims much quicker and more quietly thea oar offal* do, sad its main operating roma is not half eo noisy a, the win office of the Wester. l'nton Company to New York. Of these 3.000 nperater about 0.e thentwle4 are women They Mare • moat to them- selves. and they do their work with Anon tan Morse instruments with rimesters sad paper reels. In the ether parts of the oOSum all aorta of instruments are used, •ad the Hughes printing instruments are flim most popular In the big telegraph opera- tes. roma of Paris 1,O00 mp►ratoes are as .0014*. Nearly tn►half of tbse ar stems.. The day operators work oily seven hour, t4*e sight operator work ten hours. but they get bigger pry than tise whim work daring the day. Leader Lotter. An ON new T..Md. King et I)arkne.. From whence do yes come and ter what purpose' The t...st 1 come from earth, having been long on strike, 1 come to fid work. Krug of Darkness What do yon expect to fid her to do` The 1.oet- -I only know what I was taught, "That Satan fids some work ter idle hands to do. - 144.41 at 5be Peet .e 1ssy, Au oho fah, on hearing of the death of his old master, the captain of • frigate, dashed away • tear, and sed: "What del he die of!" , "The repute of • vessel.- "Ah, essel"Ah, that's better. A glen •in death ter • sailor' Jamesoeb Ptttorr sue. Dooming It. Tbey care froo-frouing dosa the ane, And yet her gown of 'ober Kyle Was Dottier silk nor satin, but mere Chaste( woolly stuff called csbRers. And thus we knew 'twas not leer *irk But her vaort's slick silk u.d.rxbirt A Mneme .f O.mptentee. Herder-Ptpki. teed Dr. Fourthly the other day that he did .et ears about going to 1110,10. theins --Did he give • reuses! Hordes -Yea; amid easels had golden hair; Pip haps blemies. IS Was Aoeoselbt.. The w ea the street "Mr. Pawn- broker. The prwahrokew "Well, what n its' The mea es the er16t "Will yei please leek at my watch and ten me the timer Even eaten 6 Neal .e nod se Tot. Dr. Thirdly ----Ws are ten that bell is paved with geed intenties0a Mr. Carr -Yea; bet w. &meet terse Mat toe devil is gees M Mar it up te lay • sable rend. Neatly Pet. H. I *emend is yen the head in Mil 8b. 1 prefer the head el pleasure. He ft Weever the land of pb.sara when yea take it--Harper's lt.em. Wes by . Mees. Jp Sar dram was eel de•N1eme And of kis heart It made qhs • wakl Prom admire she dr* M aemmpt h 'bort she was fie b, s .Nk e Letter by Trolley 1yslem. Pedstrian+"lower Broadway at inter- vals dens the days of last week witammed the 1,41 of • unique package elevator that as ingewous freed of postmen and express- man has rigged HIS place of barium. es on the lop floor of a high buddies. A small wire rope on elects ruse a boa attached to at by Rene of nags, is tasted to his wombs rad totemic to the railing skewed, the steps at the sedewolk. As I was parsing yesterday s postmen stopped at the entrance to the building and railed up through a speaking tube. in a m0,nwt a man's farm appeared at tae uppermost widow and he let dews en his wire trolley the rail box. When it reached the bot- tom Uncle Sam's asset put a letter into i1. aad away it went .blokes up ipto the Dir as though then were a weight attached te the other cel of the line. "T4at'a w good idea.' was the verdast el many people who stopped to watch the little 'evident. As a mains .d miring time. patience aa4 show leather to the busy letter earner that seems to b. • scheme worthy of sdoptinn b many occupants of high offices. New York Herat - - - - - -- Lames 1. Relic. T1s animal report of the director of Obs Wee Cumberland Iro. and !steel (ompovy, of West Camherland, England, fully illus- trates how sin of the English iren aad stand nsons(acturers were caught in the boom .f pieces of two year ago. Duras the last teal year .( the establtshmeat the director reported a lees of 4100,000, dee principally to a depreciation in the value 4 materials ea hued aad to existing contracts for materials. toil"hew prices of pts ire were Slit and rake 47.5() the company toade o*s- tre•ta fee ax months' supply, immediately following which prices rapidly declived. The pries el rank ales deviated aad the comps0y was compelled to sell the rails made from high met arterials at • com- itively low prim, renins iv • great sen each Om. Cease of 0..rwde. 1. M.sm Mee. 1t is well Mews that asrly all mese d narrow of storm pips emcee primsp•ll at the joists. The recast re.mesI of •bw0 eight hundred fest of pipe that was pet dews earef.Ily dye year age folly os- paim the *sae el the cerraaira At mart mf the Coats it ins isuled that the herr lift en the inside ef the pipe was .vsmims$ be retails • email peel of water a oath .f the tss mid, se the pipe wee set is vas dor tothe t..Rer, air water emended the pipe. Upon tanned ea the steam is the wives the rest was lesese i and the inn impelld te further .eer+ien. Mew Ode. leatlowelehew. A mew /re maingnelow is earepmen1 d • tttMevme ed water and1' wrq id eoAwi sad spa• bei jjsebsrgvd pipss�t�lligk pressers, amen tic til a gamin. Jd( the gas, esuverti g the ism Mk • myw biers es km begs e. 7,1 VOL. XLIV. THE WORST Paltsrwn's Ra ling a Rolla MONTAGUE DWA • Terrallsbil Peewee bee of emelt Nle ■ leg Old see fare air Casberuug a d O w. Ii. Ranee. ate Whew Pen..... 0t Th • Tories have he but they're not satin The enthusiastic ova towdered to the m parch of a seat was • Marto et the Corin we0.ty .l the Re) the 'metre e1 the the ',triple who knot scaly expressed thin ye.r. The (;rims, b owls worth, mrd tk Rim*ble sa impress thin o•ose of the me were 00 at all air disapp oiutusut. On Friday a small up memos the river k and ts the eve.1.sg tl at own filth 11.e bon escorted the Wind Moutague (the hired down tows. The ('rabb's hal!, which 1 After James Mita the Coaaervatiye Ass livered the 'tory urn to the Honorable J. Dot. ler al Das W Call his wets IMOD from the Tory hum to feed up well, The faithful had her a " rattler '• • rage the only. particular a that of dodging thiol ice l to mention in • although we adss.t b snout, Tory speaks The doctor referred to bleb M r. Tattered 1 .abinet was receive the opineoas of TI tid some other ory .ul.ject. To a! dear titan Is 111 C.'rk riding, he said Mr hail • Oun*utuenet would 110 three r*r 1 .Trop of the oat pec was passed round am towrats and that will p.o•t:ion during th, }Huron. And when he ha the U os*etvati,e pa and in h* w se way advice to the Wier* Richard ('attwrih tedious struggle be hum. He told all tl seryatirs had dos asked what the Mel they were in 1,nwer tune the farmer. I travelled m • Mandl drier of Patliameni something to .11evu when Sir .john Mt Nstiestl Pol.cy pr ed, the people ben sprang up all over t on • rosy posy air 1 right an Mont of retry enthwsrltic u' petnre, loweyer. tilling them thr public debt bas Inc `lir Richard's time, tit/ the Reform re rapidly than it baa of the N. 1'., with s the people's moony lame as ie empla feeds the extrav& neer waste them to tad of rosea The ea0nces of • ors lett it severely ane Ile ridiculed ea the United Mats 1 Per1atttbnt to reds of me mity i •rlMinan • aid mak tk sea fair lied boo meree1i.16 wasted Slates, but airy s .p their oopotry t. almighty Yankees. into ancient Meter Stats is •heed Americium wastes ('.0.dia0 treasury $2110 to Mr. (*n atateemav ler any would give ea 01 U The • elector told in which the As the farmers a the tariff of admittedly ea the Orkin wvt.Md &Ital., bat tenet port• a key whi extent y AD Rwtisn.d s 1 to the Grit poll 140 1 arrsigatn.e • one of the etre ad te lam ; He hehes oxygen i1h the liters is smelted .ammie et 1.41 tress the Demi He tem the ler ty ass he pet .a setae in the the W old