HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-2-4, Page 7.„ 4 Stock-Takin .70,01.0.1kartp,off;f Belore Imeking down the balance atuount t.of stock Mob aimeth vee will clear ail 'Winter goods ut considerable sacrifice : Mantle Cloths, half price ; Astrakans, one fourth off; Dress Goods, Gloves, Hosiery, Blankets, Flannels, Comforters, Household Linens, Tweeds, Ladies' and Men's Underwear, Etc., Marked and Surprising Reductions in all Departments. W. ACHESON & SON. 3 APPLICATIONS THOROUGHLY REMOVES DANDRUFF 1-DANDRuFF NMI-Tama% Ter..11114r propme Arm... P L. Rename Feeley Mk he de D. L. CATI=1. Mee - la maim liberraiiem—ra Ire OW • re. mellealme abe .ber SlonabiN mired One the Scalp clam Nees base et heir. eaigleal osier. slaw Are lamear a • we* i eve.... alma ...mei,* daraw-7 seramaldre .411.pil MIMS bar sen sad Plea. Maw .40.' ...AL woe I martial Waal. awe 9••••104 • vele pee. Preamits Grain. GUARANTEED 411.011,, THE SIGNAL: GODHRICH, 07IT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 102. People Wonder WHICH they and how health le restored by taking Apia's Sae- saparUla. The reissue is that this preparation costains only the pureol mad most powerful alteratives and tunics. To thousands yearly it 'moves a veritable elixir uf lite. Mrs. Jos. Lehr, Brockway Centre. Mich., write.- " Liver nuniOaint mid iudigeetion made any life a burden and came near ending my existence. For snore thee four ,b ears I suffered un- told sway. I was reduced almost to a skeletal', and hardly had strength to drag myself about. All kinds of food distreeeed me, mail mil, the most deli- cate could be digested at all. Within Ib. time mentioned several physicians treated me without giving relief. Noth- ing that I took seemed to do any per- maaest good until I began the use of Ayer'. Ha, which has pro- duced woorierful regatta. Boon after commencing to take the Simeaparilla I could me an Improvement In my readiness, niy appetite harm to return and with It raise tbe ability to digest all the food taken, my strength improved rock day, and after a feet months of faithful attendees to your difiroLeanti°,tI found myself a well ele to attend to all household duties The medicine bas givers me • new lemma ot life, and I cameo' desalt you too much." We, the undersliped,bestene of Brockway Cann, Mich., certify that the above 'gateman, • by Mee Lake, is true in every perticedar and entitled to hall credenoe. -0. P. Chamberlain, G. W. Waring, O. A. Wens, Drunist- " My brother, in Ragland, was, fee • U.. unable to attend to hie one- , by meson of .or on hie foot. sent him Ayer's Almanac and the tes- timonials it contained induced him to try Ayer'. Sarsaparilla After using it a 'HSU while, be was cured. and is sow a well man, working in • Niger mill at Brisbane. Queensland. Australia." - A. Attewell, Shartiot Lake, Ontario. Ayer's Sarsapariiia, ragraain NY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell. PAM& Pas. ; sis hetuse,fit. Werth ft • Wile. Where Did To Look for this Print on the Snow See This Before? You see it where ever you go Alfa .3it„Ik4:& fV3P7A. . Af. Nibs Aa.44. :Oa or.i. ark .4.i. AI. Ilk CILLETT's PURE POWDERED L. PUREST, STRONCEST. BEST. )3=or use IngmLuattly. Po: si= Weber. MIL • am onnaleigt alsat "lona. Old by Ail Comm* me lavairera. MI. W.ClIbirisieWIPO% Ottswemeess, TR, Itagl. or VMS UltANsi 1. If this is not the pattern on the heel of your Rub- bers and Overshoes, you will soon require a new pair, and be sure you get the GRANBY. Di stecTtx To THE SPOT. INSTANTANEOUS 111 ITS ACTION. For CRAMPS. CHILLS, COLIC. D'ARRhCEA, DYSENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS, dad all EOWEL COMPLAINTS, no "metro/ EQUALS TH PAIN-KILLCR. In Cariedlen Cioslera and Bow sl Pcitvtrv:nInts its etteet Is rrlaigleai. it C..ttall In a very short time. TI4g SUIT Feeble ItteitOr FOR BURNS, BRUISES. SPRAINS, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA aad TOOTHACH/L Oman gownrwessna AT Ran eistroloa. air Owego ef Osimineallsameladdeligith Patronise _ True Competition. Tu C•14ADIAN Portric Itsn.w.sx Co. Tatagoure has hers eesabliebed to aive the public a first -clam service with fair sad par- mesan compen ion. It le insaarred en Moises principles and la the Lowest et lia patrons. It deserves tbe sapport et every person who believes in oonapetition. rer diasymeeb nur MIN Irempany's comasether with all Ilan and rers 5. Irnesed POMO% reassels and Omen. Direct thrown wires to ell psiate in the North west. aro ish Delentbia aad PsoiIc Gant 011bre-South Ode Wears, IL Itilleirlarra. Local Mearmar. Oemberieh. KEEP YOUR FEET DRY. This can be done at a very small cost by purchasing your foot wear at the old -established and relb;,ble Shoe Store of A;17 -1•T I 7\TG1-_ TIE KEY TO MULTI. YOU WILL FIND MY Stock of Fall Goods 271041 As usual very large and complete. Prices lower than the lowest. PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. r;•Va.a,'Ora Tr• wa., hlir" 'actireit.""alknviermicao , I give swial attention to ordered work and repairing I have the workmen to do the work. tV1T, E. DOWNING &SCRIM FOR Till SIGNAL. $t n Ti E. Unlinks all the clogged avenues at tlis Dewela Piney, and Liver, among aff gradhstly without weakening the sp- ies, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions; at the same time COP - meting Acidity of the Stomach, caring Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation. Dryness_of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision. Jaam- Mos. Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scro- fula, Fluttering of tho Heart, Ner- vousness, and General Debi:Len swim and msny other aimilar Com aints yield to the Was.influenceof Bo BLOOD HI For Ba:e by ell Dealers. 11.11IIMIII&CO., Nab% Teak $900. Beniu.'Sreat ''Ittr MEM - eel sad eagresea se a Om and pasenar standard beak Testimony of 19 Centuries to Jesus of Nazareth. The smut remarkable r*45.ion. hoot of the age w num III maw n e Memosetarkse leery treats ft. Reolean territory vo,ilk 1=Illeary all Peiblallia NITs take ebonies/ Legal amp AN WANTED ey. Cleed.aafer debt mem, aualary er W5.4.s, pan EW.sod Assentaa amt. Buseertes at ItZ at re he only noway ef beth Male at Jyrearts illeadere 0.t, sail Reettesber 111.ir Tle tila; atm wren fee fun In I. • a rettablatee..0e OQL, TORO/CT°. Ogjhei AH HaellakKall COLONY. Mis Mien se Lead tie negates te Ways ea irivitlimetem. Aselighthe Joseph of Austria is little leas etheetric us his tastes than the Archduke who rear:ied • chorus girl arid come a sia captain, or the Archduke- Hein rich. who sacrificed his royal hosiors to wird an opera rimer. The Archduke Joseph's iacliaatiou, however, "urns haul 1gypsies rather Hain to isettemes, *romp on gypsy traditious. gypsy moo:. .ad gypsy customs lime smuted tor I 'a high Oace in die folk -lore literature ot the checkered A ast ro- H auger an empire. The archduke s latest irianifest•t too of DM peculiar foodless for gy poses is uoettenipt torloinesticate them, mays the Neer York Sen. He got 1..rleliernel from Emperor Frau' Joseph to for gypsy crimes's., and to try to teach them the art of agriculture slid in• clustr) and tbru built si ty little ,ottaires for as many families in hi. .tieseth oftste in Hungary. About two weeks ago be cor- ralled • gypsy "minivan and led at to hia ishabtteci village He chime • strapping fellow al tweetylive years for chief, or mayor, aad het married to him by the pastor cif Aleauth the prettiest girl in the census The archduke himself gave the girl away, aad a friend was the hest man. In the erbeetinguit festivities the arch duke appeared in the full attire of • gypsy chieftain, and, according to custom, as the man alio gave the bride away, led the wedding precook's with • wreath of dowers es he head and • banibuo stick wrapped with gray cloth in has Each family in the new niter haa a oew aad • pony 'mod • quarter of an recto of laud. The archduke is about to erect • feetery notxr the Tillage, at which WI whoare not thrifty esough to support themselves without day labor mu fi•a ernployeint. Should the pokey reeve a elerves other la fliVIIIMIS to be captured by the archduke and located in similar surrousiiinge. His purpose 15 10 L..4 into the ways of comfort and civilisa- tion the great horde of wandering folk who pass all their time in migrating in pictur- esque Cereal/fa from ma end of the Amore Ifungerten empinr-telihe- Wm. To Avoid Publicity. lion are • few suggestions from the De- troit Tribune, to be killowed by owe who wish to keep their Diable OUL et the news- Parorse't have any esemies. Dont hale any frieeds. Dos't talent money. Don't lose it. Duet sip say petrtions. Davit eabscribe to .ay lectors maims er stock %companies. VZreIK got victimised. commenced anythiag. Dial exhibit say public spirit. Don't tell stones. Don't register at • hotel. Duvet vont a friend in me adjoisieg town- ship or idsewbere. Deal. allow other people to visit you. Don't show thy uncross in music, art, literature, science or education. Don't meet lessi-lost friends or relatives. Deal go Don't getta= Doe't accept preseeta Don't do seething that might ban you a vow of thanks or coodernuatiore. Don't see anybody. Dost get sued. Doe% go to law Mali. Dail live to he as ectegeorisie Doe% die. Japanese Myths, No people ia the world, civilised or m - rage, believe in the thisteoce of se many mythical, half -supernatural creatures as do the J eiraeler. For instemoce, they think there is • wondrous tiger of more than half - human leitelligeece that lives to be 1,000 years old aad tarns as white as • polar bear. They also behove in a species of fes which, if it lives to be 50 years old without haviag been chased by • dog, traaidonns himself inte • beaatifiel woema. This mune for. if he lives to the age of 100 years, pins some sew powers, amen which is that of bectionag • wonderful wizard. When he reaches the age 01 1,000 he be corner • celestial fox with aim golds's-col- ored team and has the power of going to beavers whenever he cheeses. limy also believe in • wattled* of animals distin- guished manly by their eseaatreas eine or by um. 'multiplication a their thernbers. •roosi these anta SOO feet long and big enough to s= an elephant: foxes with eight Imp; monkeys with foer ears; fishes with to. heads attached to ose body, the neat a which is • cure for boils. They also believe is tbe miMance of • cream which after it has reached the age of POO years lam me aged of any sustenthoe except water. Their mythical iragon has the head of • camel, the horse of a deer. the eyes of • demon, the ears of as or, the body of • =t, tie males lei • fish, and the claws rings of am eagle raairem• Chateau Desereped, The seem magnilicest chateau is sa- Ouse. or indeed 'Laramie in the northwest of Europe, has jest hem almost entirely de- arer by Are. Its name is the Chateau de vs. It steads co the basks of the River Meuse and belongs to Un Duke a Fenian Nunez, the father-in-law ef 15. Dyke of Alba. The castle is eurrounded by • fewest perk ef 2,000 acres mid ieclesed- Icy a manive wall, which the Duke erected some sweaty years up after • demote with the Beigthe police, olio bad attempted to prevent both himself and his guests, eserrog whom was tbe Prince of Woke, from sheeting, is can- ingaanoe of their beteg withoet gen h- omes The chateau was crowded from collar to prros with all kinds of woederfel works ea art, valuable Octane, sad magaident tapestries, mily • small patine a which wen saved. The cellars of the chateau in particular were famed for Om brand of Hermitage preserved there, which is mated to be the very fithat la Kerma - -New York Recorder, Dry Chaespagise. mat pripelerisy, even in New York. e rh7 champagnes are of oropatativelc ="used te be esteemed • ladyls wise, thenfore properly sweet. Diem an mem not yet old who remember the tines when dry thanapagme wen not famed eves is the hellionable clubs of this town, mid one well-known ins, perhaps the earliest te mak* • sperieltiif: dry wines tor 15.Amman market, to be remegaimed is this country lass t thirty years ago Tanis ham ben educated witlh gems rapid it,. Maniere, Sad Ovell WOMAN bap be leek ree • siren wine with mob dver--- New Torii Rua Veleame mad Dewy. The Beekman recently Molted sa author to tell tte readen how he worked, sheet, wine\ had evidently eine only reply wee the Ocilleirlag en tobacco- Jeeiroolista. pipn, I hear. 2 herrn'. I AM. I idea, 3 paragraphs. 3 paisiraphs. 1 had - a'. • pipm, I same eanese, I oak. mobs, 1 eke,. 111/ shape. 1alk I alba. 1 am&Ths LOOKING MIRA Is not always a pleasant task. Edward Bellamy, in his book hewing the above title, although Utopian in his theory, was practical in the decided hit he made for fame imd fortune—both fleeting in their nature, but the aim of the bulk of humanity. Some acquire local fame, while with others their fame is world-wide, but whatever position a person occupiem in society we nieasure his worth by the amount of good he does for his fellow -men. Sow e men are worth more t) their :fellow.. dead than living, 1menuse they lo nat use the bast that is in them while they are THEN BE A MAN IN THE BEST AND TRUEST SENSE, Do all the good that you can. After It year of hustle and worry incident to htmiewies 1 ant LOOKING FORWARD I I am To next season's business, assured from the experience of the past year that OW result will be favorable. in a better position than ever to do business; My Stock is new and replete with the latest novelties; My staff of workmen are first-class in Their several departments, and whether in PLUMBING, HEATINC OR SHEET METAL WORK 1 '1 AM PREPARED TO EXCUTE IT IN A FIRST CLAW MANNER. DO YOU INTEND TO BUILD A HOUSE Perhaps I can save you money if you consult me regarding the work in my line. In small towns where there is no architect persons about to build very seldom think of the conveniences of a house until it is about finished, which ruakes the expense greater and the work more difficult. If you are only putting in a kitchen sink have it put in properly. The experience of the roast four years has taught me that it pays to put in work right. While I have very little trouble with the work done by me, I have had to replace that done by incompetent workmen of other firms who pretend to do work of which they have no knowledge. I will not keep an incompetent workman in niy employ. I keep thoroughly posted on the latest methods and systems, and adopt only the berm I desire to thank my friends for their patronage last year, and wish to add to their number. We can nautuaJly benefit each other. A trial is all I ask, feeling confident if once I.get your custom I can retain it. THE iESPaR.I.T.A.1\TT OF THE PT_TELICi, ALECK SAUNDERS, WEST STREET. 0006 AND ENDS. Illtameirs lJnImieue lbw Ithenataibien. Washington Stir: Tbs mall in • wrestling matte diman't want the earth. lir. Low's Selphar Soap is • delightful shampoo. It gleesome tbe scalp and darkeos gray hair. lm People who blow their own horns do n ot always furnish good music for other P•0P1*- Worms cause 'MOOS sickness. 1)r. Low's Worm Syrup destroys and expels all kinds of worms quickly and surely. im Rochester PactiCxporem : A shoe -fast- ener ooinpany hag failed. That's a tharactaristic of most shoe-faatenere. Pale, weak women need • tonic, strengtlu giving, dash building medicine barn's Beef, Irell mid Wine. 1 in C-3 ak Binghamton Republican : The man who ' rocked in the cradle of tine deep" foaad plenty of billows to rest his head on. Boston Bulletin: If you wish to know what the standing army of the United Mates is you must patronize the horse. MM. Columbus for who to Manage divorce. Poet: The Himmel pro wroth as maw es "Row • Wife, ' has applied for a Itch, mange and scratches of every kind, on human or animals, oared in 50 minute. by Woolford'e Sanitary Lotion. This sever fails. Sold by T. Jordan. 96-ly Atchison Glebe.: Yoe os never jump how well • nem can keep • secret by the way be keeps cme that is usfavorable to hien. Shakeepeare win pesos excuse es if we modify him thus Thrice is he clad who bath his syncen etrengthesed with Ayer'. Misr- enparilla, aad he but waked, tboogh arrayed in furs, wheels blood is poor or with dingoes corrupted. Aa incomparable medicine' New (*lease Phoyane : 11 looks bad to ass • healthy mos Heim is (Used& while hie family is is the United States, keeping still & boat it. " Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has given me great relief iu bronchitis. Within a month 1111•• sant some of this prepares km te a friend suffering from broachithe and smithies. It has don. his en much good that he writes for more." Charlie T. Dionterville, Ply- mouth, kaglasid. tinkers $tatemaa Me editor of • comae paper is said to be imam. One would thiek • asith with all his with shoat ben cooldn't go IMMO,. in • p.for see to may pod weeds in laver of Amid Dandruff, as its sterile aw- es* be ipmetiessei la say owe Mee, dos- dn. .m.01y made NNW knows by appear sass in store this Shovel quentition hen widen I meld set "Mahe relief, but die ens sMusd preasses sad isonsaaisig feeneetthe used f'.115. 01 the bah. airy barber .7,Mate highly ef dat/-Damina I reddril sod set may has wiry isms et • al, dimappeared, but the falling of the hair bas stopped. Having full faith in the proper - *Sion I not only endorse it for disobeys but further add that as • fine dreaming for the hair nothing equals it. Woeseas, Clothier, 1909 Notre-Danie-st., Montreal, P. Q. -- Somerville Journal : The smallest part of the cool of an engagement ring is the amount the young men pays to tbe jeweller whee he gets the ring. -- English Spaeth Liniment rations all hard, soft or calloused lamps and blemishes from hones, blood swin.clirb•••Plinta, bore, sweeney, 'tidos, sprains, sore swollen throat, coughs, ete. Sale $60 by use of one bottle. Wm -ranted the meet wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold by F. Jordan. 96-17 Detroit Tree Pram: The fashion now In vogue swag the very serenest your' men that of rolling up the trousers -is not ea silly as it seems The young men will grow • good deal yet, you know. As • cure tor cold in the head and oa- tern Nasal Balm is eadoned by pragmatist leen everywhere. D. Derbyshire, presideat of the Ontario 1‘ Association, says : -"Nasal Balm !mate tli. world for catarrh and cold in the head. In my own cage iteffeet- ed relief from the first application." Sold by dialers or mot by mail on receipt of prioe eta and • bold.. Folioed , Brock wills, Oat. Here is an aneodote related by.. tree cosesedise of an imperials°e he ones had ia the loth of Wight. The plasm warn Tentage, sad the pro.p�trn of a rood " home " were dark. fi occurred 10 15. Hibernian artist to inquire if there was an IAA quarter in U• tows; so be mid to hie host, • hotel - keeper: "11.7. yogi manly Irish hero T" " No," Warn the iageaseas reply, " we are remarkably free froni them !" Ithumrirs Illeameall 55 44. OM. A Merl Lierenee IsIbtri. Always speak tim truth Hake few promises. Act up to your cogagemeata When you speak to • person, look hini in tbe face. Good company and good ocevereatios are the very sinews of virtue. Good cheracter is above all thieve else. Keep rood company or none. Never be idle Your character masa' be ementielly jured except by your own acts. If owe speak evil of you, let your life be too that nose will believe hint Make no ham. to be rich if you would prosper ; email and steady gaim give ewe. peteasy, with tranquillity hf mind. Never play at any hued of paw ef ehaierie. Avoid temptation, through fear yew may net withstood it Never ran in debt maims you see • very eartabe way to get out again. Never speak evil ad anytime. Be Ian before yen al's generale EPGRAPIS7SL COCOA 1 113IRAZIPAIIL "Ity a thereon kehiedes of the oatmeal laws which gavels Ile (*Praline of assignee and nut anon. and by a ioreful thplicatim 01 the One aroperftee of well -selected Doom, Mr, Ipps has provided our breskfmt tads" with a Mom me of such articles a diet that a es many heavy doctors' WO It is by the ly flavoured beverage which mares3 onion may he niedualty bent up well strew eme to resW every 'token to of r= Hrieite subtle insisting are around us ready matter* wherever there le a weak pent. We may encase tansy a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fertMed pure Mood and • properly nourished trease.*-- Cir./ Sense Gazette. Bade einiply with balls, water or milk Beld only 1. seekete.try uremia waisted then t JAMES sera a Illemweymenie Amt. MM. lasinea, Oatmeal. Goderich 3 ;4 11 Boiler Iforb Itstabbebed Chr75te.1 & Black. SNOB HE mom In Stock For Sale: 1 80 -horse -power uprig ht boiler, al complete. 16 -horse -power upright boiler and engine. 1 6 -horse -power engine. 1 48 -horse -power hcaisontal boiler. complete. 1 50 -horse -power slide valve engine, all complete. The above bave been Ly overhauled and woman Bret clam oondition. Ready kir immediate delivery eisd will be mold cheap. Mali enters will receive prompt atesetela. Works t Opp. 5. T. M. glaigen. 1111 Repairs promptly ateended P.O. BOX NIL NEW ARRIVAL Mad. Weems. Wane. Celd, onsgb. onmempeien, 5.egne the Arm sad second sed pretreat the third me liagyarcl's Pectoral the sever (an - is' fancily emelistae fer all iliemese the threat, loop and chola A owed el Malin • pahasesey emplaiata. 2 4e, WINTER COCO& LATEST STYLES. le be eleased eat. Perfect Me sad showy elwees. H. DUNLOP, WeelteL