HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-2-4, Page 5Y. YeLemm, seeded tat the usual gnat of hvided .gna11j,H. paired Mountie sad bEY e in this eelnty. Cyarrlmt hen ad juurued Kuril b o'clwk rialtos ul'L/K'a r. N. & unci!, the warder in the . r mattuoted w procure • italutrs of t/utartu of the ur each reeve awl deputy tierce to be the property of uwuicipaltties. ( Messrs. Buck and Grids rimer was r.yustel len ex edge known as I:ralwn's n northern gravel Mrd is 4 Coliseum Itweuty two feet rt at the June umeeriug y Mr Pruwlteert, .eoosided eh, that the couwcil *ppm Ot $8,000 for the erection of • ul refuge, wail referred to o ammette. reetuart,meccmdel by Mr.Gir • asses meut of the towable. into& greater thou the mares towns and villages to this the towns awl valuta cos tater proportion of the tacit he an Injustice to the town to co.tribute pro rata with villa's for the erection and oor house. Referred W tb suttee. dr. Holt, seconded by Mr t county enmynicer, as mein as ur the Maitland bridge at r west eel by extending the Ibe bridge each diatauce e. t ry. (ferried. of A. )e•undere was referre.i con tee. n Geo McKeaie, of Mitt I amd filed. then .ljouealdt enseeieek ming. 1)AY TH1'RMl►.t\ . mepursuant to wljournueemt, for choir. :swag 'tl the minutes Coe re - musette .o1.n111tee one 14111 NOT for future twosld.•' at t•• o: A. Saunders was ,'tarn t e t committee. o fgs,mted John C. Merrier',, Ron townalup, county wnde- '• est year. Ir. 'Stehle, see...aided by dr o mntittee of Messrs. lestx, y and tee mover and meander to confer with the drainage rw sitting, raid suggest sorb to the present drainage laws advisable. Carried. dr. Bowers, mounded by Mr. the sum of $3,000 to granted ive municipalities .. a bound rt i omenta and that such grant Ie wwtsbip treasurers when e lates the amount coating r ip after the meesameedeLYS use. Referred to mod mnuttee. then adjemraeel untll,ll�Em Titans o'ru■-s r. Y. resumed, the warden in the e1 Richard Hogg, relative to d a new bridge near Wingham. Sr. Bowen, seconded by Mr i.0 be granted by this council on of • foot -bridge on the site ahem bridge, over Winghaa be road and trudge commlt.so Mr. Mooney. seconded by Mr. e t Mr. Md'bers'n, reeve of Mel Mr. Taylor, of Fist Wawa - voted by this council to visit owahips south of the Huron . Kay. reeve of Usboros, and save of Sulphas. be also ap- tit the several township north road, for the purpeae of ex - various townships, and give information before the squab - rice at the Jape risen&g for the better guide's* in oorraed7 • rolls. Isom. en James Dickson, reeidrar, to the executive eommitt•s. it of William Lee was referred 1 committal of the special committee ap- • October meetin• to report as tlity and duties and the Mary treas'rer was referred to the mi itiee. Tie report remiss - the tre.gror . salary Weld annum report el the Awes sem . • Nu n!r ARt7 eep0MiTT.L sus referred to r we beg to laws : We remmmmr.d that the e esanas be paid : Christian of Credito' lookup, $10 ; P. 4 Zurich loekap,$10; F.SSeott, els lookup, *10: W. H. Kerr, ; village• g•of _;;claWiseman �� AJ ng a n, unown, $6 ; Join Aaaley, d 1,50; Blyth Sta.- . N. Davis, how f.r.wi.O B0 ; O. N. Davis, atare, .es., ems, 160.63 ; GovFraserser t Portor, e. t homes, 10.76 ; Hsgh J te , *1 wood Ss 4� ; BBachmannaBachmann *ed, $&49 ; Edward Shawn. 51.96: These. Neel*, Gerrie, 1 ; Tax Stotiol, pfatieg, Is Co., Tomtit, .s�svieg. Ltd 78 Dents ; Fraeci. rles.*t5, mi court house, $12.60. to M Detract : John Walker, week Itllloe, $6: John (:ill, cane of ap, 510 ; Jaen Yule, ..re d Cup, 510 ; Joe Fergana, tan chap. $10 : R Doweistarstiye gad, 0E16; W. J. is lockup. $10; Fraser k Pe; ✓ y for i raser k far r.giiv, $4.30 0 s, js Jobs to of Wroxeter Mck.p, $10 re of Seaforth lookup. 16; S. . a, keep of Chas. Ii.pre. paid to the reeve of Seephne 1 fogad cornet ; (led.rie5 Aleck Saunders, 511.71 I A. ( Dungannon lookup, 110• Wm. rs(iat-7 eBce. $94.16 We re - it se natio' be takes with re- t aeo.msts M Jasm Wil•n.,. t e the account of the tows et Lor sed electric light for two •etha and fosr days, $473, act iib reference to the a000unt of eta., $3.96, w• recommend the $1.26 se per agreement made tire following aceosnta, already rraet : W. Less, express, 50 Nosh. Re f rth, pni.Wg . W Toilepi Cs- W ; T.x hog, $10. �& IIA Goodie. Man - of tb• Leto Mr. Adamson, Stu eAi., printing. $90; Miss tai. (;minty Coat, 101- Rs p 1p :s tem Irani H. Ipeckme., 1 of Exeter, a...mpsed by f °endga a .f i.a.nity aed . the .Esu of Joh. A.Ihe g el Exeter, liese row thirty -die m.sud eaE.esthee mewl be mole a ..ed el Ohio paid pow M tin erste el 0 it 141411 THE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY N. 1892. T Ht CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE LyTASL.SNRD 1.17. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. SAPITAi. (PAID IVP) SUI ISI LLJON DOLLARS SL$T. B. E. WALKER, GENERAL M,•NAoen. UODERICH BRANCH. A GENERAL BANKING au NEA TRANSACTED. FARMERS' NOTE$ DISCOUNTED. DRAFTS IMOD PAYABLE AT At. POINTS III CANADA AND THE PRINCIPAL CITIES IN THE UNITED STATES. GREAT BRITAIN, FRANCE, BERMUDA, ac SAVINGS SANK SEPARTMCNT. tet•OMTS OF 51.00 ANO UPWARDS RECEIVED, AND CURRENT RATES Of INTEREST ALLOwLD. INTIMMST ADDEO TO THIS PRNMOIPAL AT Tisa EMD Or MAY AND NOYSeSER NN EACH YEAR. Ignorant Attention given to the sad Fcri re' Sales Notes. GolleeCen -. --•. - • nor-, R. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager. month, commencing Jsniwy 1st, 1892. Re - peeling amulet epppplicatroas from 4. H. Manning. reeve of ('halon ; .1 Gtitiu,reeve of Ashfield, and .lo1u Britton, reeve of Hulktt, In tbe case of H W. Osborne, of (Tinton ; Mrs. C. Mclk.aald, e.f Ashfield, and Mary Ann Johnston, of Hutletto re spectively, your ou.umitter recommend that the three persons 'sat named be _lade wards of this county, the first two to be paid for at the rate of $100 per enuuuo, Kul the last at the rate et fib per month, in each case commencing .lanuary 1st, 1890. We have stemmed orders tossed ley county road oom- ms'tlouer Nus. 25 to 28 inclusive, 30 to 91 inclusive, 93 to 98 inclusive and 100 to 102 tuclu.Ive, of 1891. and find then) all duly certified by proper authorities. We have examined the brl.bt of the treasurer and find in the creek& cession mortgage that the motion of Ven. Keine and ,dan- ders, in reference to .ptcul legislative grant to public .cools bolding a fifth clash a'rl that the warden and clerk prepare a otcm• oriel molter forth the above and forward the same lo the Lieutenant -Governor 111 Council, be adopted. All of which is respectfully .nbmitted. (Signed) Fi"*Lav Avu.Nnov, l'halruan. l)n muton of Messrs. Prowlfoot and Holt the clause referring to the inspectors' visit. W their schools was struck out. The re port was they. ulopte.l as amended. The following report of the 'poctal cunt mine was read and adopted : Kr runt o►' rHal AL.e000ITTLa. Your cominittee beg leave to report as follows : In regard to opera allowed cutlet ,w slit nboar d no the Atlanta. ere recommend security 225,000 and perwmal ..runty that tris council w -operate with the uncil $25,000. All of which u respectfully sub- of the snooty of F:co Ligon 1ttw�e matter and re- mitted. K C. leptons vs, (hairmm. that the clerk transmit a espy of this re- ttm motion of Mr. 1'rondfoot, seconded Withsubtext to the clerk of the meMsty of Erin. by Mr. Holt, clause ten et( the finance ,u II roferoi.ce to the petition from the stone contuse tee's report, with reference to the council of the Bounty d (Ite0011 relatl t e. ch for water the e.ostruction and mainteumceof titre e.tte huwlred (sot or mere in lengtA .ser e. committee fur reonsideration. p acarnnt of 1110 town of ,,uucrno amu eleetrir: light, was referred back to the chap. 50 sec 30 Ont Statute 1890 a On motion .d Mr. Boot, .oxwnrlel try Mr. re"'mmeod that this opened co-operate with I I h if Np•ckreportan, the clauses of the report reaorim- Wtiuewer. n regard to the melnorla from menehog the lay mein of sums fur the 1110)1- the scow il of the (about of tarry, t. ayins tenancy of ...unty wards were amewled by that the n. ,ng (.shawl law which allows tn.ertIng the. wor,la "lot to exceed-' before tis amoard. r".., of inion high and poe'd school is amended, we recotnmeu.l the 'turn* nil lel. The report was then adopted as amended. The aecouut of D. K. Strachan was re- ferred W the finance committee. Moved by Mr. Milne, secood.I by Mr. Rata, that in the opinion of this council the tendency of school legislation in trcent y rs has been to build up high echoed. and collegate institute• to the detriment of the public schools, that no publX money should be expended for school purposes except for oommoa schools ; and we would recommend that such legislation be enacted a will make the oe neon schools .* edicient as postMe, and that a copy of this resolution be sent to the several rnernbers of the Legislative As monthly for this county and W the Lieuten- ant -Governor in I'utined. Referred to the education ootnmittee. The council then adjourned until Friday at 10 o'clock. FOURTH DAY -F'RIi)AY. The cnmscil met pursuant to adjourn. seat and the previous day's minutes were reaoi and approved. Mr. Benneweu was absent. The following report of the county prop- erty committee w:ae read and adopted : Nj?ORT u1 eUT%TT ►horfaTY ,i0NVITTEL Year committee beg leave W report aa fol- lows : We visited the gaol and found it in good order, and the number of inmates we found as stated in gaolers report, which re- port we advise to be pinta) in the eimutel . We recommend that the clerk procure • book suitable for county bylaws ; that the clerk be allowed to get snore shelving placed in itis Mhos, se we think the same very aeoem•ry ; that the clerk get the county flag repaired ; that .o actio° be taken at present with regard to the sink and that the county eommnsioner get the tap N the jury room repaired al once ; that no .dice be take with regard to the grate in the to protect the i•r at Ma'che•ter bridge, registry room ; that no action be token with as d by oomminsiooer regard to coal stove in jury room ; that the that, we having examined all the tenders, county commissioner procure proper fasten- me in member, tor said bridges. the leader tog this reseed to pay his 8011a0 11111,11/111111011 for alt to the furnace durtag the Weiler mouths ; that the report el the oal uuutmte lte appointed to esept ree Cato t rand salary of thewuaty treasurer be adopted, prow Wed the treasurer gives &deli tautest aocarity uy wayof land mortgages or vWit entre COW patty • u.ls lortle sue uISA N - 000, and that such °cro*e• ut salary shall be paid w the treasurer only w lung as the treasurer r huldlnag the sukiu g fend of the county. la referees e W the IN utwy tures tel lis uturtgag*s by the county treasurer, your committee ess.idrr lint It is nut ad vi•hle for may but the trw.urer and the auditors to sow W wbon such nosey u lent on mortgages, mol we wouldiustruct the treasurer W allow ao member of this council or any other persue to Bele the lases mule. lu reference to the applies* WWI from (;e..erioh,t'hnt n and Nealurte high school betels for the proportionate stet of the namtenanoe of e-ouutyy pupils attending the rspeeti a high s:hwla, N. to. 54, chap. 57. sec. 31 wild subtraction, your ee u,lttee af- ter . careful calculation Smoot *greed with the different representatives of the high acle'ul boards that they are to be paid the following suns .lass the fees received by theists : (.od.rich, $829.82 ; Clinton, 5790.- 59; 790.59; !4afotth, $937 OG, provide'* the teepee tive treasurers or ss retarts c.enply with 541'X., chap. 57, sec. 14 Mix 1 10, and tiles a decl•rati.n with the treasurer of this county that the respective statements are uurrext. Such payments shall also be con- sidered as a settlement according to law and that the term be compute) frau Jan. 1,1892. 1%'e recommend that the sum of $500 be equally divided between the different duly organised riding, township and horticultur- al societies in the eouuty. In reference to the report of D. Robb, school in.peotor,.ak- ing of thin council to grant medals, we re- comateend eu action be taken. 11 RS N7 Y.I1.KNa. t'hatrman. The report was amended by providin• that. 4300 be divided atnomg the three riding shows, the township shows and the horticul Weal shows. The clause reecontaremeling no action in the matter of a grant for a poor house was sus- tained out a division by a tnajority of four• fosse. The clause et1 the report referring to the treasurers &•tory was taken up. The special committee to whop' the ,natter nee referred at the tictober session reported da favor of remaking the treasurer's salary $1.- 500. Messrs. Malloy and a;rifhn roved that the clause be .uvemeted by striking owl $1.500 and putting in 51,200. Memos. Eilber and Milne moved in amendment that the clause he struck out and the tr.casurer be paid $150 annually ao long a the sinking tend is handled by deem, provided he gives additional security of $15,000 by way of land mortgages or guar antee company bonds. This was earried. The eouucil adjourned the evening, when the business of the session was con eluded. The conmuttee appointed to confer with the mayor of t:alerich concerning the rates to be maid by the county for the use of eiec'ric light and water recommended that the council offer the town . ouncil of l Bode rich $100 for the use of the water in the gaol and 050 for the water in the registry office and court house and the lieht in the courthouse. The report was adopted. A number of bylaws were formally passed. after which the council adjourned. that n, action hoe taken. Iu regard to the communication from the Canaria 1.&od law Amendment Asmociatioo re the T,rreus sys- tem of land transfer, we reionunend no ac tion be taken. All of which is respectfully e ubu.itted. (Signed) Knee. B. Mt Lets, Chairman. A suppletneotary report of the finance oonmettee recommended that theac«wn: of D. K. Strachan, for work at gaol, $275,and the account of the town of a;odersch, for water and electric light, which the cone - settee was instructed to reconsider, be paid, amid that. for the purpose od avoiding future 'misunderstanding, a committee be appointed to confer with the payor of the town of Oolench to effect some definite agreement for light and water supply. On motion of Messrs. V. 1 . McLean and Milos, the warden, Mears. Coleman and Bowden, the mover and seconder were ap- pointed • yam committee to arrange with the town of 4 odench about water and light rate.. The report was then adopted. The following report of the road and bridge committee was read : szruwr ..r 4111A 4,I0 Rails;x ,euw*ITTxx. Weour committee beg leve to report a follows : We recommend re motion of Moves. McPherson and Cruickshank that the race badge io town plot Wingham be aenumed as recommended by commissioner ; that motion of Masa Bowen and Heiman for grant of $3,000 for bomadary purposes b. granted ; that bridge over Aux Satiable River between Stephen .ad Mct:illivray be rebuilt this year, aid bridge to be of wood, as recommended by commissioner : that the Calder bridge, on north gravel road in McKillop, he asenmed by the co.nty, as recommended by the comity commiaroar ; th.t a crib be built ers and get the carpet em the stain placed in position immediately. AU of which is respectfully submitted. (Signed) R ALTaa Ott van, Chairman. A supplessentatyreport of the finite* oomumttee reoceemendid the payment of Yr. Polley& account, $.550, and that Mr. shar- we's account be referred to Dr. HoIses, Mr. Beck and the Daunt o.eitsieaar, and that if found correct the balsam due b. paid. The report was adopted. The report of the executive eommittee was read sad laid on the table. Moved by Mr Holt,seco.ded by Mr. Beck, that the clerk procure a book seitebl• for the county bylaws and that the smatter et a000modation in Gm clerk's raw be at- tended to. Referred to the meaty prop- erty oommittee. Moved by Mr. Rata, seconded by Mr. Beacom, that for those orade wards of the county daring the present es.wom the treasurer remit the amount quarterly as in the a ss of the ether wards. Carried The council then adjourned until 9 o'clock. Two O'CLOCK r. is. The council resumed. The digestion oommittee'm report, as fol- lows, was again read : NEro*T or .ICCATIOS 0OMMITTSL Your committee ea education beg leave te report as follow" • We noomsssd that the repnrte of inspectors Tom and Robb be adopted and that the .ame be printed is the minutes, and also that 600 copiesof maid re- parteof inspectors Tom sad Robb be prin- ted as laec year to be distributed by the la - specters so tis Metes and Webers. We recommend that the requiem of inspector Robb that ass rid medal .ad two silver medals be provided for each iampectorate, to be awarded to pupils at the public school heaving. be referred to the executive com- mute.. We manumitted that the request of the inspectors to visit some of their school, tube daring the first half year so a to give sere time to the model schools during the wend half year be granted ea ewditios that each school be visited .t lent twine eerie' the year. We r000en mrd that the Shirk ..titine eke Minister of Education te maks Zurich a matte for the holding of the high *chord entree.* examiaatien and i■ eiawsrtiom with the (loderich high school. Applicattose were received from George Carew ..d Tied C. Ilford for tment a mt.de.is .t the OA- ' t (la°*9.Omsmr. e.. he m.de a}pB..i**s last year. With Memos, M the meths of Meana Miles and NW ire twesM mew mead that a* lip acnes* et stow/ be eE- pended fee esieW purposes grasp" ter sem. am mimes. Abde we re.m.Nosud that mak Mgi .bean be tasted es will mete the mew men Week as .101ont as remade, and fur- ther that • espy of this roe lutdes be mead de the .eve.e1 nrnembers a the - - of L. Hardy for Crediton bridge, $630, be accepted, sad si.o L Hardy '& tender for boundary hoe bridga betwese Hay and Stephen $220, be lh.t the tender of R. Nang. for day's bredge in Wroxeter, $614, be accepted ; that, in referee°. to the motion of Mean. Bowers sad Cox regard ing a grant of $260 to build a feet -bridge on site of the old Graham bridge, Wingham, it be sot granted. We your committee fled by commissioner's report that his travelling expenses 4r the year 1801 are 11900. The ewmmiaeieser bbl sot kept • detailed etammast of hie exposes', &eremiir. d by Mr. Holt's motion at Ofteber semen. All of which is respeeAtully submitted (Signed) Join B*Aoor, Chairmen. On motion of Mew. M. Y. Mclean and Eilber, the first claw et the report, with reference to the race Midge at Wieshant, was referred to a committee eessieting of the warden and Mean. Milne, Melbsald, Beacom and McPherson, with ia.tructase to submit all tie facts to the musty solici- tor and procure his opinion as to whether or n ot the county ie liable for the maint..a.ce of the bridge is question. In the wet of the solicitor hotline that the moietyr le- 'pouaible the committee is to ve the bridge placed on the bit of county bridges and the eapneer is to be iestrocted to take Mope to rebuild or repair it et ewe, the eas- tract to be awarded by the warden and De - gluier. Messrs. Milne, McPherson and Beacom and the warden were appointed a committee to winks the bridge referred to in the eighth claws of the report (the (11(1 Graham bridge at Wiagb.m) and report at the Jane The report as oni.Uded we then adopted. The report of the esseetive o.saMittee, se fctlows, was read : mem? (lr Rx n'tmY. (souse til. Your oommittte beg lave to feport as follows We r.semnaond that the usual t.oraanst of $10 be paid to the Prisoners' Ad Ase W ion ; that .e amities b. takes 1. Ie - ter mss to the _Nies of Preadfoot sad Me - !stash that the sum of 18,000 be sppr� witted ler the seeds. el • bona of refep; that no •reties be tmk.• is regresses 1. tie appliatios of Mr. Diekom, the metier, ask- ing this arena is pay 4r • whim machine, $12 ; that the West and Ind Hares Te eters' Awseisdions be pad the .age grant ef ; that is refereed* te the letter d J. A. Mertes, **king for tie *haw of the meaty grant ter 1511 Ibr the Wing. hem arrowltersl wwledge that this waft mittee net laying m eeseg.mmd He risking .eoMy,th. wrest be set pad ne saes he takes ie te- fe•esw be the make et Stewart sod linin es le the sememewits el the tewhipe,tewes Mrd wilier' is the ••testy kr the arenas .4 a��ee 01�!that t 01 tris tire dm e is.s Ieeived M gRa'ss� thee of F. G. Maki Amenably w. � oM� w:1..� ghatD.e.`�iisent I>Me�tS.~yw :. es- CUAI1ENT OPINION. TEs saw ut'4IRER u►' ur(ILA.te. The appointment of Mr. J. ('. Patterson to • seat w the Federal Cabinet i. rather • seven reflection upon the Ontario Conser- vative contingent to the House of Com- mas,. Mr. Patterson is not a roan of exceptional ability or great peruw LI popu- larity. He was made chief manager of the last Dominion election, and directed the e•mpaign with such success that the party lost heavily in the Province and Mr. Ninet- e en himself was burial umder an adverse majority of 850 votes in •a old-time Cos- • ervattve ooretitoea.y. Is it to be expected that the appointment of this gendarme -- whom many Conaervtives regard as tie "Hoodoo" of their party -will satisfy men like Masers. Cockburn, Peter Wbi to, Sproule,Clarke Wallace, O'Brien, Montag* and others who have meats in Parl lamest, who have been lighting their party's banks for years and woos menta, from both • public and party point of view, are superior to those of the rejected of North Essex, the patron and friend of Mr. Sol. White - for it most be remembered that the great an- sexationist agitator was nominated as a candidate for 11*. a httario Assembly at the Let Provincial election by Mr. Patterson. There is no doubt that the appointment of Mr. Patterson over the heads of the wbob Ontario Conservative contingent in the Senate and House of Common is an evi- dence that lir. Haggett is, in fact as well as in nano, the leader of the Ontario Comer. arias, and mans to exercise rights and powers v mach. Mr. Patterson la M H '. nominee. When the new tory of State was in Parliament he was Mr. Hagg•rt'e " chum" Tim two were in- separable, rid when Mr. Hegrrt obtained the right to same hie Ontario oolle•gne his first choice wes of course Mr. The Misiter of Railway amid Camas shown a cynical diseased for the eeprs- tion• of his fdbwers is the House of Com - mans, sod the real opinions of geetlemea like Memos. Sproule, Coekbnrn, Montague, Wallace, Kirkpatrick, Tisdale and other C....rvetive Commoners upon the appoint- ment of Mr. Patterson world be highly in- teresting. as Mr. Patteson'• personality is eeeeareed dial• ei jeotiea e•a be star* le lies He is a meld-mmnser.d motional'. who has always tried to be on geed terms with everybody. Though • zealous partisan be desires not to be known as such, and on several occasions has tried to prove his "in- depeselese. " by Whig against bis polities! Heads. How will the rank and file of the Ontario (' . rtivs w retard the prumeti of " • kicker." over the beads elf less who have been votingMiod17 with the party for hw yea! Mr. Patter a appointment w111 weak di•a.eteet among the (levernesent'. Parli•mwt•ry followers without addle. anything to the strength of the Owerva- tie* pity in Lha ossuary. Those who have been cl•nteriag for the appointment of Mr. Meredith to the federal misstry is order to provide • harrier spinet " French as- - maw* be very well mtiiith od w the ••pppp+i.nts.N el Mr. Patterson. Tu. sew Minister, wheals POrliasent,alwaystask the pro-Fremsh view of every gushes that mese imp. Two years age be voted er anther "paired " in fever ef tri. eeMhrated Beau- soleil aotendme. is Mr. Dalton Md 4rthy'e resolution prepsig the abolition et tie deal Weems system is tri. Northwest Territories. Hew Mr. Patteww la but a substitute kr Mr. Meredith or. MMsubstituter. 1 01'•rHyfrom the Osiris (La- seery live point ed Shaw. And is it set • het thee lir. Patterson ewe his appclennestM W pee -Rini resell t Mea he anything e M »&sine of him T--0Msw• Free THE BIC SALE CLEARING BALE EXTENDED UNTIL lin W.B. NEXT Wo intend...1 Jiv.tllving put ship on Int Jany., lout will nut 110 oto before 1st Feb and therefore continuo our clearing sale until that date. 1f 3 oti want anything in the way of Winter goods, don't fail to call and seer our sto':k before purchasing. You will doubtless solve money by mo doing. All accounts must be settled at otter. J. A• REID & BRO. Jordan's Blocs. Uoderict. Jan. Htb, n.R. OM- • 'Ike average yield of what In North Da- kota last year nee 22.58 bushels per acre. During 1891 2,251.955 pounds of fish, mal mad at $94,975. were .lipped Iron Maui tote Forty foer failures in Camas were repos ted to Braolatreet's hart week. The Italian Senate has adopted the commercial treaties with Austria and Ger many. Word cone. bean China that the rebellion in Mongolia has (teen practically suppl•eseeel. The American schooner Nettie May has been sei.:el at ('ape Verde islands by the Portuguese elover wne0t for earry tug too many passengers. atgw..r soh - A ltE NOT a Tar "TUX, The are a 0RW11,../LIAttl,,,I.,..... 1iotamos- To.and Rao ... . , . •coca, as they :<• :, v.) in a motto: sed e •or:-, ..le MMtaoeea ... mall'- .. veiled Wen- . -!. 11..• earsod, curing dtssass coming Iron` Pooa and Wa'F ' t. i.T 1troom, e! from t \ 1-1 &TED Hr.oa la I - lain 11rats and also i 1.1e,i•ivorate sad also rELD r.' tine BLOW) and 0 .:-t&rtu. when broke= F 0 R; ,how. by overwerh. P E- ese• cteee.and tndWre•tio- 77sy have a P L E t. SAe•rror on Suomi. gTwrL. 01 men sad women. restoring LOOT aura c uasntcwertim sad ak sC1ellasrowa Wbo end& pia mental f a• 11m po Eg NI Mels dill et cath.1 or •were H ahoulamulettake tLeas They will ree:ote hos :ort euergios, both and mental. EVERY WOMAN graasio►•s anMora-vu. daknrs 1 a OM _NEIL CONTINUES. 1892 -NO LET UP FOR -1892 R. Be HOLLAND, Would take them Teel. ewe all in.vltabl sue- d rils&, which 1 entail wbw .-i .ectad. 'Loin.* lake thee. Pnaa. They will cure the re- Isof eyMsm DUNGANNON, who ha., put ,111 hie ; res to within the reach of everyone for the past 60 (lays, good w is bound to continue the g000rk. THE SALE IS GENUINE. 'Che goods are f r. ,l, and nett . Fries* ntark.sl in plain figures. The people cannot be deceived in staking a put.-hee a. $pot t'&1411 V. ill 'Willa it. on rew•arel. THE SALE IS CONTINUED roomso as to make roomtot Spring inipor tattoo, icon foreign markets and front knifing l'anadiul nuinuf:I turrro. THE G000S aro :vll l"tught for ('ash, and sold atthe rleo,c,t per.,ihle margin. CALL EARLY .11;first (1 get .•Ilnlcee YOUNe WOKEN maks nuw pm sous by on dettgitsta, el. be Mat tlEael$toil pries (MMebort y11addrenei'+~ !ii Di WILLIAMS' IUD. Out should take them. Theis PadA wet Children aiwa . ElijoY It. sco'rr's EMULSION Of etre ON User On with Nype- ph•spWt s of Lime and Sege to e1NtA►t M patinso • N milk. A YARYELLNS N.EZN MN= N Is Indeed. ale the RtNs IN. end N eons who take told oases. Neer b• fortified et0l.et a off. 5 that mmttht prose senses. by tames aoott's ts*s 4. after their sssU wring; the wR..ar ttee.Oste assess feulbeePtaftale and •Nrdbllrwa. 1100TT A 11051Nt. MRe.1M. R. B. HOLLAND, MI ACA%%ea. Special value in family groceries al- ways on hand at popular prices. CITY COAL AND wood `y.Y;, ti BANK OF MONTREAL.Y. CAPITAL, f - RE_ST, - A Saving Deportment has beets aiened ix cots - vection with this branch. Interest allowed at current rates. GEO. DR f[; rMMOND, Manager Goderich Brafdreh. Coal, Wood and Kin('lirng deli- vered to all parts of town with quick despatch. Hard Coal. Rest quality chestnut, stove and Softegg coal constantly on hand. Coal. Rett Shawnee lump cull for use in grates, stoves, furnaces, etc. Blacksmith Coal. Rest quality genuine Rlumsburgli snt.ithing coal now on hand. Special attention given to coon try trade. Cordwood. I have purchased 1,000 coria of maple and beech wood, 4 feet long, from Mr. X. tlt&echler, of the Falb Reserve, on the river " Menewetung," to be delivered this Winter for town trade, snd will be pleased to receive orders for immediate delivery of this celebrated cordwood at pnwent market prices. COAL SHEDS ---Corner of Victoria and Anglesea streets. Rost MOW Trafalgar-st, opposite Buchanan & Bon's office. Breakinf in isn't needed with the Ball corset It's easy from the start Coils of tiny wire springs in the sides make it so. Try it, and you'll like it If you don't, after a few weeks' wear, just return It and get your money. TOR HALE BY W. ACH111SON It BON. !ip•oialti.m-Dostei Geode and Liner. tri[ .E TILL TRUTH about SMI. We will teed you Free Sod Assail for MP.Ytld ir11s rut 514401.E TRUTH. We N..1,.11 aid ghee pias M We .,u'. htells MOTS INO SOT 744E Weeny s swig, TRUTHe D •.rEIIIIUe1000 W aNM.O.*. JOHN S. PLATT, 2344-17 PNorROVIOa. (\ENV 1ORK) FOR 1892. H.a a lancer Dail) Circulation then any other Republican Newspaper in America. DAILY. SUNDAY. WEEKLY. The Aggressive Republican Jour- nal of' the Metropolis. A \EwarArse ha TRS MAMMAL Pomaded December 1st. mel. $1 2,000,000. E,000,000e Circulation orerlooto0oco'piea D_II I. GREAT SALE . DS. DRESSGOO ROBED RESSES In splendid goods at Ie�s tri n wh lesale price. (These dresses are a great bargain). Decid bargains will be given, as t is st Ice sold. 20 ENDS OF DRESS GOODS, I5cts N(IRTH IKON '.l) C1N'TE TO 30 e- nn'.. Tat Pest tithe organ of no /settee ; pails •e wires; has se animosities W armee. The most remarkable Newspaper suc- cesu in New York. TMs new is a national Newspaper. (reap news, vulgar .emeatl a and trash gad se *toe la the Waage of The Prem. 7'b• Preen has tits br1Rht•et idjtmial pap 1a New York. It sparkles with points. Tim Pros Seaga, Whoa e a nptsedid twenty pagepaper,00rering every current topic of interest. The Pres Weekly !dittos osW mtaall the good things o/ the Dolly and Svaday editions. For ts.se who cease' a4brd the Dail; or are pr•wat.d by dWaaes Irma early recelvieg it, The Wrekly Y • splendid substitute. OAT OK ARE DOING A SIG TRADE IN Sealettes, Astra,canss & Cloth Mant All Mantle Goods bought from us will be cut free of charge. We have a tint -clans DRESS and MANTLE MAKER in the store. Our whole stock of ren'iy-u*ade Mantle% AT COST. ��,a imeKuDER tri CHATS lege . Great Cai'iiet and Lace Curtain ¶hollso OF 'I'lel 193 OOIINTYe, AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM The Prase rise ao rearrt.r in New York THE PRE8S Willits the reach of all. The beet a.d esu Neww•por 15 Alser*e. Dailynod Sunday, one Year, ........ 06 00 • 6 Menthe, 2.60 .46 3.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 they WE HAvi: JI'.T Oa0ENKD 353 SETS OF LACE CURTAINS IRrect from the makers in Glasgow, Sootlan.l. COLBORNE BROS., OoDERICH. Huron. Camp No. 28 P. F _ O _ O 1- I. _ _ F. 00 Grand Opera House.1 4e „ nee " .. Daily emly,onr Year, four Menthe, fleaday, one Year, W.okfy Pram, one Year. amid ter Th. Pree.lelredar. Sampts Mea Agents wasted everywhere. Liberal ennutiedeea Address. THE PRAMS, 4(a-bt as Park Row, New Yerk. The fashionable event of the season. Wednesday, Feb. 10th. Chas. KeIIy Cncort Coy. HEADED Bl CANADA'S FAVORITE, Mr. Chace Kelly. Ramo Content* and Sob Guitarist. Signorina CaMta Martini, Sovrano- Marle Loupe De Motimier, Dramatic Render. Mlnnle Martin, Pewee. ADMISSION, 25c• AND 3.5c., i LISS%go SaATK, - 5Oc. Reserved mets and plea 01 kill at FRASR St PORTER'S Jas. McBurney, wife and brother -Imlay lett Wingham, per G. T. K., for i.ee Veerpa New Mexico, for the benefit of Mr. Meller - soy's health. Our R. Bperu.g. a Omer M.RfB.p bey, • eh.rt tins age renewed hum Thesedes, Al gram. te Vwusvur, British Ceiasbh. Bice bis arrival there le W low M N d h�su.ct em titin. m* moil sew ha i Frin * pa .t V.a...ver Bre .05.01, this Lars r the dty. N hawing • emit .1 alaks Leash- es So maim •..4.y el a • poi. Ten ATVERTISE YOU It W A NTS 111 THE SIGNAL. IF YOU Want a Gook,$'ele Want • tierie. Want a Partner, Want •1itusnaa. Want W sella Plata Want to Hal a 14 Want to Sell a Waal to Rey or sell a Want to Sell House Want to Let a House or Want to Sell Groceries and Orme, want to Sell Household Itiralture. Want to Sell Dry Deeds or want to Find Customers tar The Very Hest Medium in the Adv.rt4.ng will pts New 0 'Ss/i, Advert4lae will keep OW CuMe-QA Advertising Reentry wwe% arwKreKtiaver aE 1e Advertising SewAdvertmieg Advertise eke at Advertise Advertise Advertise Advertise bele. A1)VYRTiSS NOW. THE SIGNAL Hes a oltesktion more ilea than sal other newsmen - emh, sad la call weeded ensis the cesaiie d Satan. Perth � All .IadeEeed &dewcl - rwe are and the este are : e W[mndd out der. Me.; cask .11414.01 Sale HAS BEEN A GREAT succE1311. Hundreds of people have availed themselves of the gnat bargains. WE STILL CONTINUE OUR SALE R WEEK. • Come and see us. Our tables are filled with goods at half price. Remember the plum... GEO. ACHESON'S OLD STAND,