HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-2-4, Page 3e of Charge, erns given Away CHILDREN'S WEAR. TAMPED FREE L KisZ�a- DE TO ORDER MITH'S. Chocolates (EAR:" 3 CHEER." IUIT, ES blies CELE • All kinds of Table Delimitates. .racer, 90DERICN, - ONT. ,80N FOR VS, 4, at right prices. :S OF AXES, 'h will ,'Hake you buy. ON & Co. Dh in frequently fol_ IONIC Oars of thus. sad all sowed, rad aid sold oak, by -r- LRRi re at the lensed esseleis prima )air s own nit p�lbw_ .a FI.iA dwa>.s • end bible se es beveamr.-ease chsq is Wpm te/esseve • r.atWeaese d tie Hamilton-st. THE SIGNAL: GODER1C11s ONT. THURSDAY. FFBRUARI 4, 18,1 3 MANY A1IFE' As bees sewed prompt pot w d I Ayer's Pals. travrian b lead ger w sire n.Ne to ism ftgai ee oar ot1Mt derangements of the oaseaeh and bards which, If neglected. bad to askew we end dim rasa aoaspnesess- The reestenre mean of concedes diem evils le the see d 'Age" Catheetle Pleb. The pre dant edlla fmaelm �w ea MM �see N era .I mnM l his ahsoeer M wfihoat • wagsig Of chess P11L. Though pomp slat estegellit he e/eelikee Ayer's Palls bee* ne ties rode MeletaYe a1N gt � timid the salad ger11� }elei ring. athomeet ▪ .let mI at { Merew w bre= scute ds se nines nes I beim to tab Ayer's sad meta the bowels recovered *dr eaters' and regular soden, so diet now Ieat W Excellent hrellk."-Hes. IF Clark, Tewksbury, Meatietiblinfth mai ami r meths* off es efts of osir It: ber a , elless resoled_ a he bete been In ses 1* -11 eve. and hem gime uavetylas eeiYis des. We have found these ea seedbed monody for colds add 1We ins ."- W. R. Woodson, Fort Worth. "MS. "!tot several years I have Mint imon Ayers Pills than upon Mee lu the medicine chest. M wasbowets aldol those of the sopa. Pills are net severe in 'OP Um. but do their work t . I have used them with good_ IR the cure of r Mee, sad dyspepsia." - Steamship Felicia, New Y I have found Ayer's OMkmek Pills to be a better family medicine for cos. mon use than any other pill, within may knowledge The) are act only very effective, but safe and filmset' W take -qualities which mn.t snake them valued by the public." -Jules Hanel. Perfumer, Philadelphia, 1'a. Ayer's Pills, a0ZPL ED IT Oa .1. C. Ayer & Co., Lemma, MOM. edit ky s'1 DeeiesS ` lldhlseF SHILOH'S CONSU N PTION CURE. !HORSE TRADING TRICKS. TW GREAT COUJII CURE. E. neon. al CONSUMPTION CURE, is without s par- Ikl in the hi.t..ry of medicine. All emit t •uthorired to sell ::.n a ;locative gasmen*, test that no other cure can successfully stead (yes have a Coed I., Sore Threat, or Bronchitis, se it, for it will core you. 1f your child ha he Croup, or WIloo tn; C.rlgb, ex it pr°mpdy, ad relief ft sure. li crow dread that iaadtam Beast CONSUMI'TiON, Cos./PO, ;.1 use it, n rill art you or met titithin!'. AS pm haggle for SHILOH'' CURE.. Price to eta., o ds. and $i.00. U your Logs are sore as back lame, use STti'u!t', Pa:txs 11meg. se eta PATENTS! SWEATS. TIAME SARIS AID C3P1*4CNTS Obtained. mid an businesin the L'. s ORce attended to 01 MoliBRATX v'I.:ti. ten Our °ince is opposite the U. 8. Patent Of - k., sad w t sac obtain Patents Is Isla dim. y0 those neons from WASHINGTON. awed MODAL OR DRA WINO. W. W viseas to .rteatabunY free or charge;and make C we ke . O) CHARON L LPJ S WIOB- TAIN PA TNNT. Vie refer, hers, to the Postmaster, the au e rf)oe Order Div.. and to otlltale of the Palest Draw sad ref.sS e•cto actual 01.3015 In your Dema State or County. write to C • Sema s ere.. newts Palest 011es W.ski.gumeleC trot GENERAL afif leTA t IG.l ATTACHING TO ba:i...tre OF HOR81ES- 0."nae. seed *seem Meshed& ei tiy'v.ee rues triol Reese- .w Smith Ase flood .a/ a iota M.r... Coated- A few Other D..epmees fr.etesd. That "s mos who hos . bores to sell be - enema ae eves • ,etpioose character,' is n ow • wen -wets alias, enol it has not be - coins se wiliest ere caw, for, of al Osage. N. hear trade sem to be the one in which • anis eoeniise 4 is mos 'gaily le maga set be.epp..gt1 th ni aDl iambus are digitised, het the Monts lens a rboe se eebmgany w g ad great thea it is busily en ao army oetio..der b. !lacy eiders in Y.g hones have to r.b for faxen sake w • great extent on the neon osis* h. .f their t--r..sol area basset se any other tradesman, for 41enpp a "wrests u." by mi.tak.-.ad Ni.t•hm say be testis by the beat judges they nas- ally send it to ors of the nunanws •uostion marts, or cell it to • dealer in Imus clam h.,1 ma. flu prefereac. to risking their reps- teams. Huth h-prtoed berme are ale generally e uurtued by the buyers veterinary sur grew, so Haat deception Is not so easy as in those sales which are effected without sack an eramimmtion. The bewail clam of dealer*, often known so the "forty thieves,.' who deal in very sheep hereon, or "screws," an generally lay bet small claim to honesty. Mg are to be (Dread et an the fairs. and their tricks are as oemueus and to- leiosm as they are, in sissy semen enrol. Ry them old horse are rejuvenated be groat variety ut was. one of the ensmomemt }ppeerbaps betas "puffing the biim," thea is, flli.g up the hulloes which are to be found above all old horse' eyes, by pricking the skin and blowing air into the loose tissues underneath, thus giving them the full appearance of youth. The teeth, which ecoid at once betray the animal'. one, sr, ••biaboled. ' This is accomplished by first gouging out the tenter of each front tooth, and then burning round the side ot,tbe hollow so DUNN'S BAKING POWDER nHRaucsnsrv�nu NERVE BEANS SIEVE ,,P�EA1tiarss $ new as ■ >Dseaea eons era a Lea Vise sad 'ger mYa erase ty4 4 ••eye s► ns the �gto as el ethyl ram us re Ice reel M wetI ami et r r palm• zrurgt (t]rl �'r'tlha wMM for rangiMa (1OD6ltICH BY F. II. JORDAN. T8113 SOME SVNONYM8. 1e. Wooden' .r the tt0.gn.a 43ig..Se lie si.4.d. The w.tAr.olws e. the English leaguer meet appear moot formidable to • i•eeseeser. One d them baking ata pioten et • sam- ba d vowels said: "Bea what • look of ships!" He was told teat • flock or ships was called • fleet, a.d that a fleet of sheep woe called a luck. Aad it was added doe hie guidons in masa rug the intriactm of oar iange•ge that a fedi of gime is called • bevy, and • bevy of wolves u called • peek, sad • peek of thieves r called • gang, .ad • pus el angels is called • Met, .ad a host of ppoerr pear s called • shoal, and • shoal of ba( - hies is called a herd, aid . herd of child- e.n s aalbd . trap, end • troop of part- ridge@ is celled • covey, •sol • covey of Mashes r called • galaxy, bad • galaxy of mesas is called • lords •sol . horde of wbhl•h a called a hap, and • heap eif oxen is tolled • drove, and • drove of blackguards r tolled • mob, and a mob d whiles s ed a 'shod, a.d • school of worshipper* is celled • congregation sed a coagreg.tloe et :more v called a corps, and • corps of rubbers is called • baud, end a band of lo- oses s celled • ewers., and • swarm d people ea celled • orad." new tes.tms Mews Is obtained. The prepared's sod to produoe what we can "v ocmati.s" ls know" among medical men as emcees* vires, to produce which it u nscemery to $o Ierosgh • surgical opera ties, the subject being a young .-ow or even • calf. After scarifying the belly ..f the animal ithe parte "having previously been shaved), the wound is inoculated with virus from an animal already w use. A sore u thus formed without luting injury to the beast, and after a week or fou days a thin resod matter begins to flow irons the abrasion. This pin or matter is the vaccina virus of commerce. Goose quills, which have been scrape.! with a knife until they presort a rough exterior, are rubbed in this virus. The virus from one .brapo0 u sullicteut to coot 10,000 quills, which after beteg so prepared, aro terhnieally called "points." these points when ready for shipment. look very much like ordinary goose quills, the viro. coating not being visible to the naked eye. There are several persons in the United States who make it a business to supply the formed with • bot rented ire, to blacken ,est of humanity with vaccine virtu. (bre reeroble come the and make it of thee recctrte farms a at the Agricul natural. food stained cavity of the young tur.l College, Columbus• 'J.: another at hueas a If If the us(ortunsto ere.Wre E•, da Lac, Win.: the third, and also the happeoa to be deficient in his "wtn.1• ,of,e t flu the world, io New Jerre], the helix lard and shot are pouted down his I .,1 "f Dr. F A. Lewim. - tit. Loon threat to care 6101 temporarily until the de Repproain, sired sale has been effected. A stylish laking, vicious bone is worth • large amount of mosey to these I it% Osetisate Waimea. unscrupulous men. A powerful seda- tive a given to hien, and while under its Maumee be is generally perfectly do- cile, and often finds • ready sale. When a likely buyer is booked. some number of the gang, often elaborately gut up to play pert, ert, strolls up, pretends to take a fancy to the horse, and makes a bid for him,wben the dope, afraid of losing a ood bargain - for the horse appears to be worth more than is being asked for him gs.erally con- cludes the purchase, paving ou the spot or in some neighboring tavern. in cash ; checks are not liked by these gentry, or, if the ,..c meet must be by check it u se once seabed. 'tele bone u u taken to hnew borne, and the following day when the effects of the drug have passed off, and the pen haler has found to W sorrow how he has been taken in, another of the gang. who, up to this tune, has no* been seen in the trana•ction. culls to inquire if then are any horses ou sale, and generally succetdsups in baying the useless animal lack s, at a t sacrifice of course. in this way the gang often keep the same horse in their possession for months. On the other hand, it • horse seems to be dull and spiritless, • pin sometimes 6xed1 in the front of the saddle in such • manner that the rider by leasing n ing forward ca just cause it to prick the animal's withers ; and here we have • spir- ited horse at once, a little 'cap judiciously smeared on the bit giving the foam, mouth so much admired by some ; A hors lame, say of one fore leg, wi11, in trying to spare himself pain, drop heavily em the healthy one, thus giving a decided sed at each step, esti betraying htmeelf at awn; but tbts "dropping" or sodding" u prevented by a process known as 'boasting; that is paring away the horn at the top of the healthy- foot. until the sensitive struc- tures beneath are almat exposed; the shoe pres u then fitted so es to s on tions put, sr a piece of thin non u introduced, and lbs horse naturally goes lame, or feelingly d Loth lege, his actino being short and rather stilt? but with no decided drop as before. White lags sad hair ere dyed, false tails adjusted. sad cavities in the hoof, sect as "sand cracks" and "false quarters are filled up with gutta perches en neatly as to render detection difficult, the feet beteg of- terwar1 blacked over with • mixture of tar,ew oil and lampblack, or more eomouly the animal a walked through • muddy pias, which effectually hides rt their ai•tio week and arouse no los. II the poor begat has one book Isp•rined), um method is to all�t- ly brutes the other heck, on the sat of the .p•vin, with • small wooden sodded, or some such inatramest, u order to cause the skis ami tissues beaseth to swell and make the two books appear of the sans rise; and is one Dame, *bent the bock hal been epee.and•on for stearin, sad • small sear left, the w , the dealer deliberately cut the skim front tsr downards an each or two, and whoa the wound healed op, add the horse, b telling the buyer • aa •ed plausible story d how the hone had been emelt is soots wire teasing sad had tors tits Ala • at Thee ate may • few of the dsoopei ms practised. -The Rader sad Driver. Toronto House IS THE LtADiNO DIT GOODS 1111111101. THE LATEST AND BENT peopre. FILI� Alil !LNTER GOODS NOW, ON ViEW. P. ODEA, litsa�a�ef. There is • flour of a 4 iloucestershire scold whose obstinate disposition detied the ducking stool. After the first "sousing" m the village horse pond. her husband ex- claimed: "Mollie! Mollie: Wool thee pro- mise 1 never to scold at 1 •solo'•' As soon as Mollie recovered her breath she replied in • tbunderin` voice of mo n,.ents: '•No, 1 won't do within' o' tk' sort!' Mollie bad another *Dose, and the husband met the same acrimonious response to his axi interrogates. The sousing was repeated, but Mollie oontinurd to be deletes end co.tamaciuus. "Yon may drown I," shouted Mollie, "but I wool Dever give i.." They did not nm the risk of drowning Mollie, but released bier, for the hnstan.I was convinced that she would "rather drown than refuse to wag her red rag at un" wheoever she felt inclined to do so. It did not Lure yfollie. She botanist as great • avoid as ever she had been liefure her public ••.ousetg.. Some years after that entice/ pwnisbmeat the lord of the mason met John .t • court lest and Inquired: ••Well, John, bow does Mollie get on with her scolding ' ' "Oh, 'squire, her be nearly i.•ured on't " "Did the ducking -stool do that Summar "Oh, no. 1 let ber jaw on as Zoog as she liked. 1 ged her no back answers. I wit quiet and blotted me bocce, anti her soon .Iropt her s nlding And be how :is good a woman as they be made." -National Re- view. era "111111 c smoothly, ••A\Mby." • .aauaestal peens in • publioothly, 'tis a d pease is the household." A rough -looking mon at the hank d ems the ruon• was sto he sodding bis bead repeatedly is mower to the omit onset. "You tial it so, do yes set, my fr'iead" said the speaker. uss "That i do." answered On roe esu. "I'll tell yen just how it is en Whvs wee first .oriel my wife used semstim. M Irma ns • blew, sed .hen i bad hep$w her a whipping." And now ei s sal abased r -Tse: us. yeses ease anoint r1 Mows!" WHITMAN'S RELIGION. THE CHILDLIKE FAITH OF THE HOPE- FUL BINDER. Rt. Usioureeving Metter Is Ualrereai 4sn- ..erWtar aid a retaiea4 re.ltalsa Am - brooms tie tettre o.1..ree-Tae Redly Owed a. Rla-W.rainp out the rrea- t.e.11.11es .area of the Desstni.a. ' The Statistical Year (look of Outside, the atatieteal branch of the Department of aro nerely to he thesymbol of that 'Tri• umphan• Ihmcerscy ' whirls u to htdssa tis "I was casuist lie die," declared Wale Whitman to as ietimate Meal, standing at his bedside a law days ego, "but you sad the doctors wouldn't We me .tel sow that yon levo no. here yet alive. what see you guaug w do cavi me •" l'he apertocle os' Iho hopeful onager. lying thus patiently wading for the final sues - moms which shall sod the sad, hng.rtag struggle with death, has awakened a public Stores to learn what religious belief hears amp die poet's soul in this critical period of s.1.cisg and of calm watching for the cue of exit from the stage of lite. Hie all -em- bracing Itbstality, as molested to his works, has sensed many to view the singer of "Loaves of Grass" as • materialist. His well-known friendship for Colonel Hobert J. Digerati! has induced some to regard him even as an atheist. Tad tr,IT a 1AIT0 ''Walt Whitman is not by u) loans an atheist, ' empbati,ally stated oda of his most tutunato friends last evening. -He admires Ingersoll. but he diffete with hem upon the question of immortality. logs'ee 0.11 himself due not day the fxreihtlity .,1 Immortality. He supply denies that there u any evideine suffteeent to warrant one w asserting its truth. N•I.itman. os the contrary, is p. •Polecat believer in uni- versal immortality. He feels toaviucal of an after -state, but what kiid of s state that is to he, he doe sot pretend 10 re- alise. %Vhittttan believes ire God. He uses that term to express the ilea, but has often said, '1 hesitate to use thrl Mat it be interpreted as a Presbytcrisii. or Methodist. or other church t:tel. 11is religious belief is Pantheism : not the l'au- theum of Spinosa, w hich was hatbemati- al, but the Pantheism of the poet He feels that all creauoo is submerged, con- tained, in t:od, who is manifest In all things. He does not resort to logic. His w "German Syrup" The majority of well-read phys- icians now believe that Consump- tion is g germ disease. In other words, listead of being in the con- stitution itselrit is caused by ipnu- merable small creatures living in the lungs having no business there and eating them away as caterpillars do the leaves of trees. The phlegm that is coughed up is those parts of the Lungs which have been gnawed off and destroyed. These little bacilli, as the germs are called, are too small to be seen with the naked eye, but they are very much alive just the sante, and enter the body in our food, in the air we breathe, and through the pones of the -I-:u. Thence they get into the blood and finally arrive at the lungs where the; fasten and increase with frightful rapidity. Then Gernian Syrup comes in. loosens them. kills them, expells them, heals the places they lease, and so nourish and soothe that, in a short time consump- tives become germ -proof and well. ff A Germ Disease. reltgtou u a subtle, omnipotent sympathy wit t the omnipresence of God. By ala ; f term diol, be understands no trod of dog. ma or creed, but with that the defisitioo mutt rest. AVM hr AT[NTSCtA_ (Ilstlash NIPPYY IO T S. eta Wier IMAsow' w Welole . b� s sodas, Orem er Amon 10 do cirn�e Araerican A M'T•H AND 4C.tltaa .MYTW'aY_ sem be "Whitman's father was a rationalist of the Thome. Payne school. yet a friend of groes Hicks. Whitmire ought he styled • radical Hick.ite. He has called hintonlf, owing to hu maternal descent from the Van Hellon, 'a mixture of Druck and Quaker.' He nes, in my spino", been tittle influenced by books, in comperutm with his own vigorous, un•onveutiowal mind. Still, the writings of Emerson and the Transcendentalists -nave no doubt been appreciated by him. and his hoorite,ht- losopber u Hegel. His 'After Reading Hegel' gives a glimpse at his religious view, too, does the close of his 'Sons of My- ' He ie well versed in the hra,kr of scienoe, and Dr. Rriuto. ad- mires 'enthusiesu.xlly his 'Den& Square.' Bat, ea to his views concerning the relatiou of natter and mind, he bas had no creel. To -Jay he Might feel impreae with the domrsancy of ma4Wr, to..1orrotr�pith the mastery of mind. \ "He has held the body to be sacrd rhe old schools and the Christian .rets have cultivatod the deepest contempt for Oa body. N'Iitnan has',regarded it as sacred, and has suuw the ficationt of ln.dy as well as the free.fon, of mink Isvii he has apprehended as a o on.li .ion,taut does not believe un an ultimate evil, Which is contrary to law feelings concerning 1:od. Hes pantheism embraces the entire eerie. W011111 :33: nt•T 1.trees rlm,at.ir. "With Hegel le believes in the universa- tility of progress, and that all are helping to work oat the problem of life. He has found this spirit of good evo;uting every- where, in the Oriental and Greek as well mutinied by Mr Sydney 1 D Roper, of u the Teutoetc race., and 'These States' Agnc.lture, peon the tot.! area of the Do- whole world. Alluding to the Christian's doctrine of inspiration, esrrowed to their own liable, Nhitrnart has said, 'Why all this talk about the Inspiration of the Scrip- tures' Man wrote them, and man .Ai. write more. He has potentiality enough for any number of Scnptur..' He has de- clared that he was always discovering upon his walks 'letters dropped by God,' not mala ossa y he goaded on, in so far as wounded by the always t pal knowledge of the iHM 1 itself themost poem gerograpeh edg minion at 3,4,S6,3n3. In this estimate 140,- 716 square miles are assigned to water an 1 3,313,64i to land surface. The table which yields this total u said to be an entirely new one, laving been specially prepared, at the request of the compiler of the Year Book, b the Topographical Survey branch of the merit of the Interior. •'The .esenres re all, " we are told, "been only here and there, bet everywhere and and checked, and may be de- u rel. expresses in mn. 0.amtey. bio change well be made in theme umcireumecnbed, unconditional love for his fella he' mgs Cnmradeehip is the bard figures unless based epee new "'fere/wile°." of his sonf. Ata dinner in this city he de - As them is • Testis' on which there has clams •t1. due all on shipboard together, beer • good e.1 of disoesion and much and all bond Inc one port. Either we will, all together, .me. at that pert or all musk together.' He was greatly pleased with CoL Inger- soll's recent letter, in which Ingersoll wrote: 'Perhaps the end of the journey is the beat. Perhaps the sod of this journey elle for insomnia ere Nay numefo.., m] be bat the beginning of another and • and before say man could try them .11 he better journey.' Philadelphia Record would be asleep forever. A way for putting --- ---- young children to slap is of Spanish oatgin. Dr. hiss...t IA. ,tele. It requires that the tack from the neck to This is not the legitimate time to atop *Kitt be gently rubbed. the legitimate progress of theological invos- n much in the Chinese theory that option and eience. Surely, the great wake(almess on will be dispelled when e rids Presbyterian (Murch of the United Seats the Med of every thoughtwhateroev.r. =tens room and to spare for such A .ueiciae during s severe illness trade sidrosrs as Dr. Briggs. She it orthodox his wife play the scale op and down on a sad oaaservative e.ougb, and can afford to .mall organ. Orton after be was asleep he be telersat and liberal without running as 'meld start sligbIIy and then ung what had tisk. Rhe W too smell Midterms,as pot him to sleep. ss, sad solid piety to he thrown her Horace, is his satins, recommends swim- Wawa. (1.ri.tras ..,bees who come." ' mires the Tiber three tinea ' Sir These. faith with learning and critical ability are Browne was aoe.st0sed to repeat some etre and row mare seeded than ever, to of°setae" h Franklin took d t• the Sc 'pt f traditional difference of opinion, it is satisfactory to re- mains this assurance from what we may r lard se the highest offlciai and professional .sthonty. inures for aMe�Nneenewe. Maijgastu, rn D tImir. spatted sellar sever hm• gees whom Um' arson is takes d behove the milk r weir, kept m srwd wares end ehladethe . t.ilk W Awkward is it, say b.f.re 14 be.,. ld 'pA4.eeeks sever, brise washing is • grrt .id s. ., b revies thefes U the batter is wombed p at the grass's, eta. etwith seaeklenh4 wswt.. ter, theYliaedtss will es aid me gravity te thee epeeke sod, if the baNu is 1eebala• d .. ler Sn.o.estd, the epeewe se e at with the water, whit bt spas es `ken ellipses fosses. brides b the items telt e n air bath. Sir Joke Sinclair coasted, embarrassments such as the Uses of • Sir r John Renese, when p enged upon Mors/ inspiration or dictation, and t •b- blic works, newer went to steep sail verses • oto ru 1r* ren Meg N Scriptures from he sobs iserrasey of the original setegrephs ►ie `sad had been combed and g.atly r.►bd which nobody hes ever sees or will "tw- it • soft heed. Gentle sneezes is the spa for they w irretrievably lest. They are a�r tem . sad plain whtrlewem. feed hew Loins. eoetesdictaid uneesbaed w Pe sleep by lineage t►...st bel to Newt (este, std make it impossible te defend the f.rsery .r Bank as i•mi.nd Neta. is the evens d bis wean Mr. (ie.ebgd mods sees state.ents about forgery. It appears teat the ".v.rqe t ossed member of fsepfd .oresp0005to se the bank is '‘be to year* from til ll to Min ass et ES sets. while from ISM be 1274 the "°weber ens only eighteen The lugeries of setae hew., is feet, kem reclin- ed te esu -het aeesad part d their old . he ..ber. TI1 sews, 44 is tree, will go tri • I. Mollies' else. hes that reales ra differeenew Net ane is shy d the ds - '•ted sem toll • fmaflmd mas., ed the real sleek is the habit ei hesplas messy is the basks, se the wren pts' inisoo.t1y ..der the .yam d aspen& The ..spleyer tabes hie wens, hem a bad. sad W tendessesr ale hie ml eels a bomb se Sa eri, d4ar..e►" Ni. Ossdm .WOO have added doh • de.hd.I este ere be eer- .mrhed red • tke.We1 ens eenmslt-1w. Ass a.drsa•o. Shhba against the objectors of entre., hie- Wef•ns, sad seiestids. The Bibb is Ueda pndent of an bens. theories of inspiration sod studs apes the ispe.gnsble reek el truth. 1t is set • mesal a theeMly, er bishgy, er astronomy, er .broneMaf, ee history, er Mews Kee. the Pepe .4 R.wis deco net claim ..fallibility in say of these depsrtsenta The Bible is • hook .f roll - les. • rule of faith .ad duty, so mere, se Meso : sed ea .soh it eon sod will ,..4. xis Ile setheeit lied se the ed d tiers -R... Dr. is w ?orae Ti. 13.04 r Yates. The kisser fixates is sin& le he eropend shwa Irmo the seek es • .hdpiet el Rema. beads with new o.ldimd Msha. er ea • �s1d Asia est at intervals with pearls. A. far the eenf ked i it say he sada of Ise' and haesst.l1e. hs Ismps or satin es sf say bind ..f f w irrespective of thatwlldb Is need to aria the rest d the least.- Took Seta file 1St lypelimplilts of LIN disk No other Emulsion is so easy to take. It does not separate nor spoil - It is always sweet as cream. The most sensitive stomach can retain it. CURES Scrofulous and Wasting Diseases. Chronic Cough. Loss of Appetite. Mental and Nervous Prostration. General Debility, &c. Beware of all imitations. Ask for "the D. & L." Emulsion. and refine v 0. plowed SOC. Atte $t PCP SOtTLE. 1892-sci100L OPENINC'4891 :+old by rt_ J oraax.n. Headquarters at PUMICE & Porter's ALL THE LATEST AN!) BEST EUCATIONAL WORKS, AUT90a1ZED AND R000NIIIINDKD FON High, Nodel, Public and Separate Sohooled See our excellent value in Exercise and Scribbli"g Books ---The Bee Hive, Frontier and Silver MedaL Nothing given away in this store except Palen, as our profits are too small. We give by far the best value for your money is PLANING ALL EITASLISNED IHSS. town. Buchanan & Son, saxur*crtu PI &SER & PORTER, ...Central Telephone Exchange, Court Hones Square. SASH, DOOR and BLIND, Denten is .1) kinds of LUMBER tATH. SHINGLES And ballderh mstetted of Seery description School Furniture a Specialty. -MUM- CLEARING SALE JAS. SAUNDERS' McLEAN'S BLOCK. 440 rzic CAN USE ANY WRITING INK. 1 E a e CHOICE FRUITS A. be hotrods rendes from besiews, ha wan sill bis bop end wen -...arta stork •s bottom }tune. Chinaware, Jewellery, Wedding Rings, Silverware, Nickel and Plated Knives. Forks and Spoons, Albums, Plush and Other Goods, Toys, Fancy Good .,oto. $,000 foil, of 1.11 Paper mg laden, WWW,* w114. t. 004/1 AT RALE rum Now is year time for b.rs iia. 20 PER CENT. will be deduct - for loathers sad others getting amp Cbfslmsa Trees Ied Raisins, Currants, Peels, Etc. Raisins and Currants cleaned and ready for use. ALL HE - SEASONABLE - FRUITS \ FRESH AND CLEAN, AT REES PRICE & SON'S. NSW GOODS. The subscriber wishes to announce the arrival of NEW AND FANCY GOODS ! PIOT SALT NAVY AND BLACK ALL -WOOL SERIES, Hates wide and moderate in price. NAVY FLANIZZLEI, 28 IN. VI Ii eset eat! herd Raids. fres, the beet makers. A�4... eaal taeet of other:new and fashionable goods es the way, and rr� las aedeed later ea. Alibewl dlieweet on all nisi palattaasa hew tem Hegar up. bristly ams prim NS( Drapes sad Babes