HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-2-4, Page 2A POWERFUL STORY.
The Work of the Land and
Money Shark Fully
lata sonars mats, at Nast. fasio, "cogs,
.•m t you do 1t soder the om
res •t•uas •
tial me (made so reply further tea
la shahs his head slow*) ia the rep-
tive. • Scr.cp," said John, •• It s •
master .1 Ilte .mi death- 1 mum have
smoey or my w'f. will .lm, and yea noel
let ma Above 11. You must. du you hear` 1
moil get n anywhere else, mina yuu meat
lot are bars u. '
It was a Mug tams Wore ;l ..puke,
sad ties he dehverd hs words aluwl7, mad
there was s lease 01 e.dness 111 hi. tome au
forage to him that n rounded strange even
to his own ears.
"Mr. Green," said he. "I sympathise
with you end were it in in, power to .id
you with • low I'd do .• : l..ily. But it s
mot. You kww that t came I control
u sentare capaW, and 1 neve lids to govern
ase- rules that are not of wy making, .md I
dam sot overstep t►.m or nary from them
to the least. 1 have had other petitions
such es tours from the .alders of the plains,
gad au the hope at being •hr to accomplish
so.wthulg fur those 'couple, I have written
to the company shore slummy 1 have,
laying the true .tate of affairs open to
them, .cd hewn% thou, w make more
hbrral terns' so [tat ibees unfortunate
people might bare s charne to live through
these close times.'.
At this point Scragge liappe.etl to gleams,
up and his eyes met flume ,.1 P..rsuu. The
latter was .00wling and looking daggers
gad shaking has herd angrily at Scrawl,
but the ages% paid no attention to thew
gestures, and went us.
l have exhausted every imams m the
effort to indium these apitaltala to show a
liberal .faint to the settlers, but It ors been
all In yarn. They raj advance no name
snooty under easy circumstances, and that
ends the natter for me. I would let you
have the 'money, Green, if 1 could, and Pd
be glad to de It. bet my hands are tied, and
I oats do nothing.•'
••Could you let nee have some on my
team and agricultural implementer Gress
Couldn't do that scum." Smear R
plied. w1* ssdrrfhsr skim shakfug o1 hie
"Not ewe • very swag ..saatr John
bio, not • dollar."
Altor*Q Lori ma.asp.
John was, of comas, earpelled to give up
the id.a of going rase in vacs[ of employ,
moat. He midi net theft of leaving his
wife. He waited day eller day, and week
after week, hoping whist hope for • happy
return .1 .tiers. The emcee heel written
Itis letter to M.$akbrd, but ao reply came,
and atter • mer* et waiting all hope of any
was ehaadensiL
Mary emm11td iw • preasrious cooditiaa,
sad all through ohs hog day her hie bung
ea the Mine, 71e geed tad doctor was
i.itbfal in his ministrations, but the drawl
malaria had gained so Ina • hold on its vic-
tits that it was Mira to make an im-
pre.•i.n, ca it. ash sad Louise shared the
duties of nurse, said often through the sad,
sodemn night• Jobe stat out the hours by
the aide of W. .eek wife, and in the
e ohtude and loodinees his thoughts
ria back over the mese and scenes
of kis life. Mee in her delirious hours
the naiad of poor Mary wandered,111 a
weak, frail voices she teasel of her Oith, of
her old borne in the mane mad of her father.
Again and will rha imagined herself a
child and thought her mother cane and
bent over her rad soothed her with loving
words and ..saes., just as she bad so often
dee u to *oat mets Again she would re-
member kw Wei risks knew him when te
ilN.and is ks! leets linty he woald comm
and kin her and Ilwdle her as he used to do
In the old, happy tyle ScuetiImes she
would dream Opt she was in tbe old house,
playing .boat do iat$m, airy, eery rooms.
and again .t other times she romped over
the smooth, soft boa.
Theo het fancy would talks • tura, .ad
through her mind waaii come trooping re
membnaom of 1 *meant ,eons. She
weald hie oyer yaip at the aaaoringe of
et leer years d laths .gory of her soul
erg e.t to her tauter fes may.
"A,• Mo. IMP: she would cry "have
many en roe sad spire me. Ido not be so
ueM and cruel to your child, bat let me
mace Ott feel the tenth let your hand, the
ptemslk of your lira Lot n.e once more
bear you speak weirdo of under love as you
did when I was • child."
Thus the weeks dragged by and the
•at.nan came. Jellies store of. provisions
dwiedled dove until tbe larder was almost
•mft7. For days he amid Loins had goo.
ea bli
beet amwases in order that eo mmch ao
painiiiis might be spored to to sick woman.
But w to lir had come when to larder
mast be risplosinied fa some way. John
ohm ma*, over long and at last
bt open • pion He had hie wagon and
Is. sad few hen jmpiaments left. He
would maker easel to dispose of them.
He was loth to take this seep, for with the
sale of the than. he parted with • l chime*
et r.i.i g *seep tie ening year.
"Yet, it most he doom." he mused.
• mast P. *me is anyone to buy
flea mask an mist to tare some
masses that wy. bus dry ate day he sought
der a purchaser M este There was nobody
M buy them, far flew 1 the settlers were
mach batter et Nan he, and wy soother
wield gladly harm a seimagsd larons
ler oviiNmow ons et o moel securing
them. it imp.ribI5 to got • par -
sheer for W Wier .1 stay Luisa, Jobs be -
gels to .esk wt *ether pmt. aid •i het
bit upon gas.
still Heed, so a eia resort lie
=it se ewe more to him.
under to drommst ossa MegP wouM
w goad m to hews* the lima ea the tarn,
me at akast sea mosisM him with • eau en
*the wagon sod [[lone. There wan no
=itether.lops et hie darn ether. Mt as •
WWI aa+.krs at • straw, so will .
emtnoimg ems magi M amigo." that ogles •
ham mope 4 Met Hebod sem Sologge
teamed to hew Mkt M Ina. se to Seragg.
Jell* went.
When he watered As.+ edges John
foams Harry Pensee tams Pearson,
g ave bits a warm etlatatie5, .tied
.her the beslth .t the family, and entgreat-
ly abashed sad nsad same seddeaJohn
told him of Mae. Ars.a's Mahneea•
"lk r toe bad." his raid. "and I regret it
Asa You hart my heartfelt .ym-
Ilydr ,grew, inial yes ham. 1 ave
• great interest isand while 1 was
saw i often tkoagat of 7a- I theme
belie been et to me you. but only resented
from she east throe days ago, and I have
bee Vary nam► crowd1 with b..
sine. "
leis thanked Pearuen for his Madly inter-
i--tMakmi hin tion the hate= of kis
Wart, for he was M that oenditM when the
blade's' of • deg, even.
M�este'ltd. Moreover, Joan looked epee Mr.
Norma as an exceeding* genmrcr pen
m a was gid to ayslis friesdelip sad
estepany. Se be exproseed• wish that
would visit hie Wally se often as he
emtaar 1.kkmi em this little soma
bat . ea•
pr. - He Stem *oweld • Imi .�is
d awe a
pity. sail b«.
IIMs mow. bornnieH. at madlyshe
• he hate
hermms er.......n, en^i7 d
10sr, is the e:prase+
toes .are eyes to have mimed hem
Atom Amore. But se it ores Jen aw
Mi rm"Mnereme." Jebu mid olio the odu
Wiese were wee. '1 ave wow to yea for
•kegs farther aem.mnaedaticn. 'e yes call
-.ted to this stroll :ok
Mtihave to OW hale
1 most have wog from aur ewes
▪ I bre to seal M. end I *On t. boort II
Ma y Isom -nogenib mmsm par.
gaudy Isom Wr scoot limo BMW`
-.11111 b medic11dealidI A M hate
"Then, what in the pause of God an I to
dot Must my wife die of want before my
eye., and my daughter and myself starve!
Sorely there must he some way to avoid
that. Surely .11 mankind are not brutal."
And the teen came to John's eyes. strong
roan that he was, and his voice tremble.*
and his ::Arm shook. haven Sersggs was
touched by the sad spectacle the pour man
presented and he felt anxious to do some-
thing for him. After the lapse of a minute,
duneg which the agent did some serious
thinktsg, he looked up and said -
"Green. 1 pity you. and all the poor set-
tlers who are so situated, and 1 wish I had
the power to help you .11. But 1 haven't.
1 am not rich. Far from it. 1 have some
means, 11 is true, but its nearly all in real
estate, and us these times it is impusible to
=rout. out. Your se, though. is • little
harder arthan any i know of, and I fed that
yep meet have help. so I'll teU you what
rA do. I'll do no: beet to get to a
little mosey from emus source, and if you'll
come hero again day after u, -morrow I'll
let you have soma Say nothing •but'this
offer. though, for if it was to get out that 1
had male It 1.. you, I would ie overrun
with importunities from a hundred others.
Keep it quiet, and come day after to-nor-
At this point Harry Pearson left the
office, and I;revs arose, and. preening
Scraggs' hand, thanked him again and again
for his offered aid.
"Mr. Serous," he said, "I have mis-
judged you in the put, and l feel that I
owe you as apology for 1t."
"That's .11 right. Grego,- Scraggs re
plied "a11 right. I am not • smut by say
MOODS, but i games if the truth was knows
I would not be considered altogether as bud
as some people think 1 •m. However tat
is neither hen nor there. Come Mack as 1
tell you and I'll see what I can do for you."
The reader may he inclined to look u; on
Scraggy as • changed creature, and decide
that he hes undergone • change of heart
or sonetbtng of tat sort, but such is not
the cam. He as Scraggy still -tbe rune in
heart and principle that Ir has always been.
The truth about .Scruggs is, he never was
as bad as he seemed. Like a greet many
other saoo.rful business men, he knew
how Ser look out for has own =tweets mid
make It • point to turn every dollar pos-
sible into his own pocket la doing this
he did not stop to consider the welfare of
those with whom be dealt. But outside of
business Scruggs had • heart, mrd he ooald,
and he did, sympathise with the rad
Screwwas charitable is kis way. bet he
never mixed chanty with business
When John preen came down from
SSccrr���� oilier after the interview just de
ucrtbsd, he found Harry Pearson awaiting
him on the street, sad the two moa walked
away together. They had set gore fur
whoa Harry remarked
"imam is • pious old chap. suet he?"
"He mine to be a nisch better sow than
I thought," Jolts replied.
"Yoe, seems to be," mid Harry. "It's
rot very hard for cors mm to .make sp-
poar.aoes, though. ie it r
1 don't know what you mean, Mr.
Oh, 1 don't mean uythung, only tat
of curse Sorge. pretended interest is
year welter ea le nicely put ,m. The idof
pors4ge feeling an interest la amyb.dy '
That s rick, Green."
• Do yea suppose a didn't mean what he
maid r
"Why, w for as dotting you ave to
stony is oer•xned, no doubt he did.
Bat what sort of terms would he make
you e"
"•I duel know." said Omen. "i mem
"5:500•, I asren*q T00."
semi him shoat that 1 dour[ sore.e,
:rethe.terws waned he very j s�
tiem be what they may i am glad
to scmmpt tie. 1 sat cwt is • situates
saw to cavil *vr torr i must haw
mosiirymei from
•a soy whom I met, and get it gem is the ally
"Yen are tsjaerhan, Mr. Green There
is easeher pew M get the moray, .id i
wli bey yea to em it. You bleat net
take it item er..µ leanss he td] wade
te pt yeah bis pow. 0. • :old •em
yes twenty gm or thirty dollars es your
*mesh at .marbitent iters.[, and if you
failed to take W your .me promptly to •
ar a weld earn rim Mk Miro W
parpe•e, and • see Dike opera iliste M
would make of it. But don't ye d. k.
Ure t put yourself u hes graph.
' • 1 k u.... replied Juba, "that !{x[101
sakes • pont to drive • good Largats ;mit
stall he has Leen very fear with sae. He
heated up a customer tut ay lots .Nr
there ai Paradise Park and begged ate to
•eU out mol eve my 1000.7.
"Yeo. sad Norma, "aid one was
his pupae in that 1 Was It to servo you,
ne 10 reeks • good sum of ewumtsslunr fur
himself • Serfage* w.•ubl rather SCOW
other mai than you would lace when the
utter lout's I.ms 1oewas fifty duller, in
Screw' pocket. The worst of us can
afford to be hoist mud geueruus under such
clr`u Mteutee. Of course you Una do as
you please, but es • frleed w , lass zoo es-
teem* In the inmate' except your good, 1
say keep away from Sr•ragg• 1 vas help
t the stoney, •md, if you Ea it, 1
•• Where trai I get it r tires:, e. -ked.
"1 hare . ;need up tuw5." sail Harry,
who b•. • little money te luau, and though
your «curdy is not .xuotly Io hie lite. 1
own 'educe him w take it. l wash 1 had
the money for you. 11 i had you 'mild
have It at low interest end on all the time
you wanted. but unfortunately 1 have very
little of this world's goods, avng 1r.t
heavily in Scruggs' boom) over at Practise
"Wore you a victim to that boon% r
"I was. 1 west into it on Screggi s.-
pre.eut•tluu, and like you and all the reef I
got stuck. while Scraps gut rich. Scragge
1e plenty of mosey, til he know' bow to
keep it."
John's faith in (rereggp was d a recent
growth. and vonu.queutIy toady sb•ksu,
•ted it is a' great wander that he inclined
to Harry Pearson Moreover. I'eensua's
talk and manner were earnest. and his eau.
mate of Scruggs was quite plausible, to say
the least. .biro .iecided to avoid S.raggs
sad accept the leen Irons Harry's friend.
and •ocordingly west to that friend wish-
ing delay.
*Aand PIAmuot, eu.sp.
Harry's "friend" proved to be ore of
theme beeevnlest ,,..*luso t".. -J
"resters town, •• to .oke uanr
I.wurom to "m'oomswdate.' peop" with
short time loans on chu..wwl security Ili.
other was in a double up-et•irx room. and
when John Green entered be found • dozen
or more nen sitting in a row along ore side
of the tint room, which was evidently •
w eit.ug room, and Henry mohout l !o biro
to take • seat at the lower cud of the row,'
Presently a door aneneeting the two
nums opened. and :omen d Lien came
out. One of the men ws* I4.uuv the
"friend," while the other John knew t.. Le
a farmer, and he tightly jodged that he had
hero gettiug an "•0-eimmudatio n The
farmer departed and the •'trieud signed
the man at the head of theiluw t• • come te
the next room.
The "fnend's' more was NIi :s. moon 41
was by m1 mean. an luapproprale mint*
either, for he was • ,grader. .cool re-
sembled the mills of the gots. insomuch
than he ground the gest that cAMP In him
exceedingly fine. The reader, however,
will leant more ,4 this hr and by. It s
our bushes s' present to follow .loha
Ibiug busi nem with finals' Mills,
the money lender, was like doing business
with the dour,n.t mills -each customer had
to awat his tura; so .lobe, from hos poo
tion at the foot of the row, a position which
be did not hold long, however, aide .other
anxious borrowers rapidly filed in. had
plenty of time to watch the prucee.ltuge
and observe the workings of the flame.
Looking along up the lite of witting urn,
John thought he had never Seen a sadder
lot of face. in all his life tiler these Mg
prwssuted. Gauehnw they impressed him
with the thought that they were victims
awaiting • terrible do.rn- and he was un-
ited* after the Lipae of a feu minutes to
disassociate them in his thoughts from •
string of condemned enlpnts who were
awaiting their turns to le led out and guil-
lotined by Mills the exet•uttoner.
John Sow tat the men were chiefly far-
mers like himself, and he knew that Ilk*
!um they had otiose there as the last resort
to race money to buy bread for their fami-
lies, end even w his own deep drtrem he
pitied them. They were a eight well calcu-
lated to touch the heart and claim to
Sympathy of 50y hums tering. Their sea
Noma.' festers", Swarthy and deep—lined.
told .why ton:•lnly the story of their
sulfenttga, while the reales roving of their
eyes and the uneasy moving of their limbs
betrayed all too well the anxiety of their
minds. They were thinking of their loved
ores at home --of the wives and children
clothed in rage sad punched with hunger,
and of the wolf that h,veree about tbe.r
thresholds, and the picture was forledding
euough to make their hearts quake. Tbey
realised how dearly they would be required
to pay forMills' " •ooemmod•tioa,"
ha' even this dearly-bo.gbt favor -
the longed for sad prayed for robbery -
was by no lawns smeared then. MUla wee
particular about his Security, gad even at
the exorbitant rates of interest be charged
• man suet pat up choice tatter to SWUM
.,it w small an "sten*,.;" and taw
mea, knowing tat, trembler) with anxious
fear lest they should be turned away empty
After the lapse of nese an hour. during
which time Greer bad studied the faces of
his companions, and draw pictures of this
sura and thin one's c oditatm, he made bold
to break the death•Iik. elutes and same
the ROO nett him In eo.ver.a..e..
"My tweed." he began, "ear business
here It *rdeetly the same. I mom to try
to got some money on m farm Matteis,
.ad i Pig* that is the object of oil these
• 1 guess it is,-- replied the ems Jeha
had addressed. ''That is my object, at
Ile you lower,- asked John, "sapless
of this man and Isis methods of deep bust.
"No, only from report."
"What jean report my of him •'.
"It don't my aaythis' mod. v 1r454,
nor anytiiag caleultead to Meade as per
devils who het* come to him for layers,'
as he calls then' N my, Ile as no ms..ey
SO his esstsmses, casks tam eti regesue-
y for • ditty sassy, loans aely for thirty
or tasty Lys, sod if payments are not met
promptly te the day your eraparty `Wes M
any sort of ssortisi to pay the
It's • shame and an setrsgei" mMilia.
"Ye" replied N�i
erther, "it's wicw
than that It's legal= rohbery. Our
laws permit this m50 to cess are Me
a voltam to bed off .dr raislortsm s.
There is nothing to menthe bis mese%
a,r law to hod ►w ro eh.sk, and W
charges are governed by our .aeasaei a
He knows that we are n.spoled to bor-
row, and tel et net present struts els
ase pied to jump at any held of terms
and make wy meridiem, sad be is not
slow to avail hsn.eelf 4 that dvsst gs,
and to terms he makes as are este as
tdg look mads with the Jew Itis • shim*
and an oneser inded,s friend. mut it i
.miwe for as to light wake* it Thaw i
e s law te protest at. and we aver name
to hsps that there ever will Ira laws see
made to hetet sail pretest the selawas d
the wsdt*y. sod ... fate osts .w mat
[*has bb me reese a.. Camas r d'
mays phistag taws to proem tau totem*
tlhot. and .pproprlatamg [money to foster
ea 5S1mge this or the lodustry ; but
yes OTOS !ASV of tha tarsier • Mterst
10.1 eortsldse.i7'
•alts•, sold JAIL "l sever did.
•• No," replied the other, • and you nevi.
wtLL We ars set u. a purttol to be of taws
to ib.I Io am., cud they commit leek W
u s for sal seartanos, therefore se aro
n ot worthy of their martin -anon. The
n.o.lasts1ms, the imbued companies. the
skip ogees and all other rich ....alienations
must hats indiums of dollars 1u auhet
them to eatable them to •osm their ind-
iums macre surely sad nlore rapidly.
But dd Desiree, ever dream of nothing
50 appeeprtatata to aid the poor vitiates
fanners fa their struggles aesanst every on-
s*oaWe a astac1. eu, Indeed. I bey sr,
left to fight it out .is.. mad unprvleotsd.
They nee Ido to UM mmcy of druthe, pests
and nosey leaders. And yet the fanners
.re the salt of the earth. Without arra,
gausg anything to ourselves, we can claim
that we are as ao•ewar7 to the world as
the best of the giant ties. Ws
produce the food of the weehi, we improve
•ad beautify the land. we add to the ousts -
try's wealth, and yet we are not fostered or
protected. if we tail to produce fool to
feed our wives and c►ildten they must suf-
fer the psap d husger. If we are without
*10057 =compelled to borrow it, we are
�W�_'_'i' at the tender mercies of such mos as
this Mills. No, congress our our state leg-
uilawre have any nosey to appropriate for
the tost.nag of our interests, war tone to
devote to the nothing of laws to protect es
from money sh•rka.
"That's too true," said Green, "too
true, nuked. Yet s• have no putter te
remedy it."
•' No. not so long aS looney rules the
land not ss bmg es men ran buy their way
into ollios. Yet a1 effort ought to be made
to effect a change, 1 'r u It u we are drift -
into • state of serfdom, sod in • int
short thew western fume will belong
o�s'ae�tss, .a► we will he the
Wan*stun y per stmt. of the farms is
this series are mortised, and suety per
par coat. of those we{etges will ever hp
pod, bat will run a sail the high Worse
devours the farms."
"*Awe .s net much hope .flee people to
:his se •1.s rest heiug aide to r areiti their
IAI niA. John neusrke.4, '•s. long as them
eras crop:ale:no th,e.• %Pxn .111 o1 Gone'
••No ie.. there is 1met mewl. hope for
:iotas fa: soar* who uv note e.rteu4tely
actuated, situ* in the lost and Mort fa-
vored psi ta of the lend the .n.a11 termer
u barely side to *Ire. His I•r.ehets fetch
hon l.c,geerly pie -es ohne time brt!e he
has to sal! only .utl•'es to Iry his taxes
unl hos •t• -•e irlls. 4- t"I u., well. 50
are eitut:ed, and wet outsell.. fortunate 1t,
11v rsor{aging '•'ervtinu;; se Possess ex-
cept um souls. we are aide to row• enough
uowy to keep breath in our lee '1 for a
few wok. •r a few mouths longer."
At thio point in the .conyeraatins the
dour comae. ' mg tie two rxm.. ashen - I aria
en old man with white heir and twtit furor
carne tottering rat.. the neon'. ,Itis frail,
withered form shook, rue tee tear were
running down his • nukled chet•le. He
stopped on the threshold and rotate rem
1110414 he would re eutet the private °thee,
but Mats had beckoned the 'text victim in
std closed and melted the 11001.
For a moment the .old 111511 stood bee.
tellingly, then in • weak, faltering toes he
cried :
'-11he last hope is gone. and the worn
ha.. uuh• to the wont. There in nothing
lett b' int Lin ren atoll. Oh ! my Graf
nay Uri, why bast thou forsaken us •"
A. the au.t urn ceased speaking he tot-
seee.i 1r.., acs, -nd, dropping into It., allow-•
ed h•• • ' :iron his bcwt, and in
this -renamed • long time.
fell from his eyes and
rimed hands. John
.I :o crowded about
1,. d the Import of his
said. at last, "mine is a
sorry •u all know what suffering
11 01 v • ..i not be here, but I think my
tot sou: t r a little the barest of any.
Four years ago I lost everything I peewee
et, no matter how, and with my wits left
our old Erre and came hero to live with
our sun, who was • young loan and had en-
tered a claim. It Is melees to recount the
kerdships and disappointments we under•
went, for you are all but too well acquaint-
ed with them. lest fall my son took the
fever, •ad after an illness that lasted
through 'moths he died. My wife. already
kohl, with age. followed soon after with $
bag spell of the Indiana, and yesterday she
died. In the mesotime everything that I
meld moll to raise money was sold, and
eizt=that i could mortgage eras
: and yet, gentlemen, 1 hare
the sad consoouess•e of knowing tat she
died of want. But she is dead, and I
Umiak Dad foe it. i never expected that I
shodd live to see the Hitt- wbeu 1 would re-
peian et the death of my loved life com-
pmasw wthe sorb is e ease 1 rejoice over
her death beams I knew that she is sow
beyond the reach of want, and that the
pangs el
hunger can never affect her again.
Y.., 1 rejoiced at her death --the death of
my deosm ed friend- -bees.ma in tat i ..w
her may hope of retic[. T.•day I came
here to try to borrow a low dollars with
which to Ivory wet mimes of her, but
he," pouting to Milk office, "refused to
let me have it, and new i moist go to to
county and sok la have nay wits buried as •
pauper. The term and everything es it is
under mortgage, .ad to•marrow .11 the
household things and the farm tools are to
be sold, and I will be 'dose wad penolrm in
the world, with w money, no hose and no
ktesdw. Would to God, men, 1 had never
lived tow this day, and now having sew
,t, i have timely to look f rw•rd to but
death. That is the .sly hope and the only
coosolauoa that is left me."
Not • man u the room but what would
are gladly given the old anon .id if it had
been possible,, bet to fact that none of
than were much better off made it impos-
sible, so all they could do was to sympa-
thise mad pity ; and though they attempt-
e d to offer words of eonsol•tiw, they (ell
the it wee Mt • mockery.
As they remised 'about him looking up -
e a le hewed fetus, his head drooped lower
and beer .pea kr breast, kis 55ryoa5
" yw1 1.557 Nora s Gown"
heads become more quiet and mmpased,
and at hath appeared that he W falls
l,mWm. esu so reGsrkel, and Jobs
O▪ mni forward sad laid his Mad se
the weimkW brew.
"Yes," said John to • low tome, "he Is
asleep, net his surf, rtugs see all pared
linage, wont *eel reed se111 bevel affect
hear more, sad ur\.r Mani w1U he 1081 lbs
fame of mads iuhurw►wtty u. ,row."
Asa It win ev,•u on 'Ile legit uW mai s
brek0e spirit had tied from its wenn out,
esraauted teuwrtrut sad bounded up and
away to that Might, ieu n.rtal glory, the
iabentam a of Ow poor and the lowly who
hare, like the Master, suffered the pomp
and sorrows of the 1i1.
•• He is dead," John went on, "•ad I
thank tied that he is. 1t is hotter, far bet-
ter, that such as he should die them that
they deould live to became mutterers us
earth or objects or pulalle chatty). Is •wlh
tug horn away teal las shins t Hs' greatest
"It is even so," raid w elderly gemtleular
who stood user. "Thu world haw so Young
plate for sip•b w he, save the grave, mrd it
is • tln/usaol aloes better for hew to sleep
that than to hie out • few wort. yt r, ,t
wretched existence here."
No one doubted the jastire of theae re
marks. au.1 not one of all the men in the
avoid telt that it was lot • 0latlemsof roc
joining. rather that sorrow, that the old
are was deed.
While the nos were still .tandutg
ub,.ui the silent ftw'n,, the door to the
private other olword eel 11Ulla came
VW. Ile raw at a glome that something
u nusual had a .cued. - lot the metier of
0w0 shutting out the sight, he approached
theroup and in rough gruff trews asked:
"'hat'. the matter here"
The ring about the odd neon parted,
'bowleg t,, Mills the lifeless f,au,, but for
an Irletrut tie 010 *puke. At last the elder-
ly gentleman woo had spoken before, and
wbu, .t transpired. wase t'brutwu tu0s-
ter, turned his eves upon Mills mei said, in
sloe, measured tones:
"Mr. 111111., G'.e Iwo bed nercY on him
te whom you .how,.* ane. He has takes
the poor old Mall out of your tails aid u-
nreel dum beyond the reach of your greed
sad avarice. There ins the
font et abs of cowl vioi1.W You brought
ham to hos death. l ou rubbed bun of al:
hos p• mss rineue in r.4e his house, his hope,
hos IiF,n, an:! bus I.te, mid lied les takes
tern p,o. old wtfeter hone."
•'I do not 4 said Mills after •
short etkac4-, •'why you should say such
the to hr,. I have Dot rubbed that .44
mai.. mad 1 au not re.pourihle for his n.Ir-
fort 011011 r
"You toasted line coney on his pomace -
aloes, Mr. Mill.W.'
"Yes, and like the rest of you people he
waslad to get It.'
"Yea, be was glad to get it betase
want drove him to such est remit ma.
But that did not give you the right to
ooh hint with exorbitant interest, and
order the sale ..f h' property to pay •
dent of 1... than a tenth of its value. Mr.
Mills, the world's new may he what it will,
bat with laud tobbery u robber*. whether
you do it under the law or in askance int It.
'I'o force afrllow creature under necessity to
ggitve up hie property to you, is nut fu .Ill
Iere.t In principle from forcing him to .lo
se at the punt of arms. The desire to oh -
tan what is not yours and what von Inge
no right to take is the sane in 'with cases.
and there is no moral ,h*tuwrion I.•ewee,
them. 1r. either 4-454' it is ro:.!miy. It s
taking eeneth. • t'.
Mills w.rt-a, 1....'e sur n,
fur hardened, we •a. • !e- sea,
it., .of the
• ti a 11150
nt r•rM-
.ousP of
Bargains in Cloaking,
Mantles Cut Free of Charge,
Bazaar Patterns given Away
Wools Of ..A.11 ..
--A T-- ;
be could not help ...-
remarks. Perhaps 11
with the least particle .•
plea, be might hat
d ame. A. It was, bra.•.. ..1. rule
an effort to r*culp:1tr Ili.., c.i 1..h. the
charge. and ploce hlnvo- i rot Lk. ,e,.:, 1..n of
• bsoofactor. M wym;:
••1 loan you pe..ple .nnoev as a hes •.••vs
venture. Like sou, and hke n.a1.:v:1.•i in
gruer•I, I Imoot my motifs by the n,. eo.,ty
of m cu.tllmrrs. l oa sell your p.times
for the hizl.est poi es von can get. and I do
• same. ine. Tha:.S 4 law ..f losu,es.. Foe.
dee more, If you people do not want to ac-
cept my terms wey do you for to gas
!I I�
INSOk Cherry [Balsam for
cough.4, cad*, et .
Our Cherub's HoneyKlouah
Cure for children.
Prescription Work
W. 0, GOODS, - Chemist
Pure Candies Chocolates
- - FRUIT,
Table Tellies
AU kinds of
Chas. A. Nairn,
Family Grocer,
' rtln erflWs*s oma ALL PAot"
and Pig me for fames! You w not case -
poled to Deme."
"We are compelled to Oona•, went drives
es to it," to molester replied- "As to it
being • law of beim= to govern moths by
a•os.my, I Mae very strong dooltta It is
sat tbe 1•w d honest Issine.. I •m son.
Tar. is • whit Mormon between
as d.rmd-as least between the
ties 4 nob times as them sad the &meads
.t ordinary times la the storks* .l the
world we ..11 our product, ler .11 they will
h ong, cad im that movie[ yen have • per-
fect right ten dispose of yew stoney. But
we do aot sill our produce at sometime
prioee. Wlies we gad • fallow creature
n Reriat to page of heyer we do rot
comps: him to p.y es his u
last cost for •
morsel of fe- that is the pot plc
epos which yes work, Mr. Milk, and I
moue think it far chest of rob by."
Mills gashed with anger, but ening that
it was stele to argue, sod psrb•p not
being disposed to do no any
y w, 1151 to
matter droop, and e..dimg out to have to
remains of thm old mos removed, reaoaad
the order of trimmer and went on with hie
ruthless, heartless. grinding process.
fro its menwr,.o
Small sapr-eorud Binds* Pi11s do net
gripe or schen- They an mild sad ef-
hcteal Im
—Ogee W Meleeab—
• -
'Loney to Lend
Ohesp Bat.,
Ml's let" Ouht
In which we lead.
Finest in the land, at rif ht prices.
At prices which will make you buy.
As many know fel experience. is frequently 11,1•
lowed by a bard. distressing Dough.
Has no equal idle tie ogre of this. and all eoogbe.
colds. eta_ eta Prepared and gold only by
F. Jordan. - Medical $a11m
Tb. rv.n's. Dialer, s .tlwmt .11 Idols of ferdtw at the lowest, pone. prima • ;all
w.a•krwe tam that be
Sells s'1 .epoop
/1w _mal Ito r r*seethe i..a�.g vwelr/• w .jta tut• _ isrs & II ...
t ale r ekes • +' 4. mf Mst •'.prat give mf •oats mnWle
obewhere, and rem wilt fad test That be ds.. es be e p5-- San shay '
tylhamtl.m ooh sod slur Wide elsst pewgs be hoes MJe.efr• of *115