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THIS IalLA.1,11q(31. 1.TEWSPA.Y OP Mr L.714.014 -
VOL. XLIV. No. 2346.
NATCHYITHu EMS1Y. DUNGANNON. 1111:;tillita.70:1" oir"vi er.' THE LEEBURN
l'ELth rhat mkt' ait.r DOINGS IN
Loonies I..-Alsek Pe 1
Noonan. daketetelneesa Nob & Ossaerea..
Yee .L* Uriege-P. Asides 1
Our Teii Days' Ilehi-Arits Rohr mob 6
Mortgage tiale-OsseeseS. INK& Omesee
Th. Pharisee:m-00h A. Year
For IS The Pros
Wank Comport Mum Camp Ba
al 0.0.11 .
Amiens elate Leung. Hands. Lindsey fa
oats P▪ ompesed -Jobs [sox
Most -o. Holt & lemmas 6
Nudes Cleatare-Garrew & Preeelfeei..
Com sad Brow Candy& -J. C. Ha:Am .
Hotel Proreet) for dale-Alexamlentensig. 8
Howie foe Dale -James Price
Property tor Sale Philip Holt . 8
$prup of r g. J. Wikies •
-. • _ -•
lee! it to: Tit In 41 nrierich. on Teeelley. Yeb
*Pt the wife of Km Het 'math. of • dant&
tressieteettet -eedelIT Hy the Hee. J.K.
Hewsol. M. A.. taiu.in tee bride. their -
moo is! tiodetriak district. at the Methodist
Mitonage. aidericb. s cif it• . reit 304.
J•eseettoltsc000n. of Honest. to 311
Nay Wei'ney, of West W•n &nosh.
ltilo; est' .E - A:aloid, on ausger
January /list.tert. rumen aged
D rtra'k V
At Paul lame omit Piece. Chicago.
J•nriary irioreere. ',taw daughter
of left us K. and LD
ens ante,.
The babe in its bionni.ng beauty,
lieroldine new love each brier.
Was too nor, and too ...wee lear•
la etrth's dec..)
She boo guar woere no 'morrow yet
Bee entered tbe golden gam :
And with joy amuse the angels
Tee loved ones she will strait.
Love's anchor now will bold the chain
•nsooe the angelic bend .
The bonnieblue .yes bleyes will greet thee
Is that far otf twooeous lend.
During the next week or two H. W.
Rau-, the General Travelling Agent of
Tee Stevie, will be visiting our friends
ia Astifleld and West Wawanoeb.
Our subeersbere will meter • favor upou
Tog Sewn. by reeking prompt renewals
and otherwise assisting Mr Babb in his
Gave Mr. Rau. as tatroduction to your
who doesn't take Tut siiivsi.,
mid he will do the rest.
It. MoDonald mound &a having
T. Yletcher, Bruseels, received • tel
Tb. WORMY Epitome of News • tamale with la grippe. A Complete Hebdomadal 001-
decease of hia eldest sister, Mrs. Richerd
week from Pena, informing him Inible A WelOOMe Budget From
is aga
from & Litre Centre Miss Amin Martin is visiting Meads at leettIOn Of NOW* Item*. Jackie.. The cause of her death was pneu- Lake Sher*.
Sostlumaptos this week. Inoala. __
en Tble talisman la Placed eis tiew livery- rondiog the ',mend of his brother. Mr. Lang shipped $ mixed oirload of , a weeded Time 1. Aiwa,. itimeked bs
E. Hedger was- let Loodou last week at
tblaa Wartb &aiming Time or.. es to horses from Exeter to Manitoba last week, semeeleass Ib. Wesson' *relieve et
We are glad to report that Mel. Smith, among the number being • valuable pacer 4e1b•ree The Grist Firma Me MI11
two weeks, is improving nicely. tsr Tata Week la Mere.
laa'"" -11.'"alh" 1111•4111" who has been under the weather for the Lust which he purchased of in. White, ot Rod•
el local Wrests. gery ills.
Mondlevening • few of the best of Thos. Cole, who conducted the dyeing es.
mar Teeemliseis Trepared Stir Ilemerre
fb, Memel-. Tb. Corrstati
ea. ery
Ileetb Iteteme.to 1. 1. TIM
4.1...a Byre, Week.
us drove to . McLennans, fourth emcee- tablishment in Wingium et[roost twit ow00nItIntoN MINT. )
.. Summer, it is
(mon Oen OWN 0011RMIPONittnnT.)
rums ova ow% comenerox baser. )
ldt hme W
earne, died is hoin oodstock
recently (rem an attack of indaminatioe of
the lungs.
&ht. Logan. Sealorth, Ism purchased
Mr. Bosch.. well known trotting horse,
" Baron Cole," andl intends sending him to
Manitoba, where he sill shake the trust out
of some of the prairie iqvirt3.
cest, Wray Ilea Left.farming. AMA .
grave for s tiry goods more ut Alma. He
and his wit. will he nouclo she hav-
ing occupied the position uf organist in
the Belgraye church, tilling the pp050100very creditably atitl faithfully
Stanley Harrison, son of W. U. .ntl .lane
McCracken. Briossels. died no her unexpect.
silly. The little fellow .'a.ii.itintt. health',
child. but on Saturday. Jaic: iry 23E.1. he
took a tit and gradually sank moil orith
came. He was eight an -I a-11*i( neoutlos old.
Mr. Serious, of oe‘r Zurich, eo:, a large
load of apples to theHeiman niarket a few
days ago. Hy the time - art is Hen•
sall the fruit was f roeen. which reitilered
them almost unsalable. However. he dim-
lel of them around towo at Wry ccuts per
John Law, who hal b. -,-n a resident of
Winglum for the past eight yews, holding
the cmc run en the railway for that length
of time, with few, if any, complains, has
been called to Sarnia to run out of there ort
other r intro, prior to his promotion as con-
Seaforth Expositor A young son of Ar-
thur Forbes fell off a sleigh on which he was
hanging with • number anther boys and got
hi. e..! broken. The little fellow will be
lairlitip !or some time. If this practice of
hanging on sleighs is not discontinued some
of the youngsters will get killed.
As Jas. Spieling, Blyth, win on his way
to church, he had occasion to step out of the
track to let • teem pass, and, not noticine
& cutter close behind the sleigh, be stepped
back into the track again, when one of the
.hafts of the cutter struck him in the back.
He was no. serimely hurt, but will feel the
effects of it for some time.
While J. Campbell, Hensel!. was drawing
a eg, Iola of apples across the rutlroai
trsek Monday morning of last week one of
the hones* slipped and fell. Wit h the Rad
of it number of liyittati.l..re, who monde
their appearanee, the horse was unhitched
and assisted to his feet and the load re.
otroted just in time to escape • collision.
Exeter Times: We 'have receive,' a com-
munication) from .1.is rollynling the
c 'sedition of a Mr. Mitchell, wh
the writer say,. lyinv in it loweilthy state,
and calls upon the harnmet prwtion of the
community to look after him. He is
wvrtliv of charity, and the philanthropist
can here find enhject on whom to bestow
his alms.
A shocking accident ocioureed Tuesday of
last week on the Irehiml farm, near Sea.
forth. by which John. the eblest son of
Gordon McAdam, last his life While en-
gaged in working limier the fire hoe of an
engine, he accidentally turned • *team tsp.
and was fearfully scalded by the eaoape of
steam before he could he extricoted. He
died Tueolap night from hie injurie,
On Sunrise of last week Mr.. William
Bebop, of Beecliville, formerly of Grey
township, west home to enjoy the reward
of the faithful after • long period of suf-
fering. Her death waa a triumph. Her
husband. two eons and two daughters are
left to mourn her demise. The deceased
was in her fiftieth year and had been an in-
valid for year' ; latterly a cancer set to
work and ultimately canoed bee death.
The funeral took place oe Wednesday. Mr.
Bishop and family have the 'empathy of the
many old friends among ss they former-
ly lived.
A. Certer visited relatives in Goderich
aim, and spent • few pleasant hours.
To • certain retest Mr. he (.nppe is aim- G.,6. &tableau, ta properinit to violet e
In le grip II' Lim* will grippe its t'•• stately inansiou on his farm north of our
fair burgh of Cl tea. tillage. Now, boys, as George is getting
A Islackernitli from an adjoining town the cage. keep mum till he gets that new
toot one of Longfellow's noted pedigree) hat.
found a lodging place in our hospitable lock- w crawiord has ineentwi a card to ton
up Friday night last. where he is when wit of the drug store.
W. Etat now rem the -se ea Ito Ma Will called the other day to ern a lady
to. fouadry. The above UStsYmila Pat hien,' and funtot the card. It told where
up their new sign, wheel' is made ma- be was.
siliceous by tbe aleence of the well-known
same of W. W. Ferran. day :A last week reeve Thomn and
deputy reeves Martin and Sgith, of Huron
ItArINu. - Wellaller permitting a big Lane township, left for the county town. We
is expected in our Palacio skattug rink presume those gentlemen Ilad credit to them
Friday nett. whew • PrwireeMeal lite let6 selves and the townsiltiiis in conducting the
race will take place for $11`0.00• side. There egitim of our mookipity sad of the county
will alio be an amateur two-mile race upon in general during the oseeiaa.
the tame et rang.
tient ti. LIC:HT. t lonipetition is the life of PARAMOUNT.
trade. Henceforth wall our comas be fur-
nished with electric light on a cheaper [Moll OUR ows coeffInfroNbENT.',
tea?, the reason below List ea. Howe le Mies L. Murdock has returned from Tor -
about to invest in an electric pant, and 0010.
soon will this industry No. 2 be buzzing in Quite a number took in the ball on the
AS KARL% CALI_ There died in the 25th ult.
our midst.
maMyitioBe.• litacete. McLarty is the guest of Miss
township or Gialerich, on the 27th Jeauary,
little Minnie Florence, eecond daughter of Angus Beaton has purchased a horse from
Samuel Barr. at the early age of 5 yearn
She was the dower of the family, but yet T McKeith.
Death'e ruthless hand nipped the sweet
dower in the bud.
/Cuisine. -Ruiner that busy old dame)
says that Capc Cott, of the S. A., who left
about • mouth ago upon • furlough, left in
nudity to get married, and to one of Clin-
ton's fair young daughters.. We think he
has inside a splendid hitch and wish the
young couple much joy.
Rirtitiors %Vote. -Monday nett the
Salvation Army will hold forth in Kauai-
bury-st Methodist church, when Staff -
Capt. Bolunin and wife will be present, also
Ensign Archibald. They cons especially to
bring before the people the good virtues of
the rescue work. Rev. Mr Shilton will
occupy the chair Sunday next the regu-
lar quarterly services will be held in eke
above • "Den t toned church.
Curiceii Noce.. The pulpit of Batum-
i:cry at. Methodist church wait filled on
Sunday evemeg by lire. Mr. Trotter, a
Baptist minister. of Barrie. He ni most as.
lag Iliad or a Eckel sued hrtIltaat We- auredly a trotter who has broken the record;
mere se leis Lute in fact. str. he is a pacer, with Iota of flo.
aad bids fair to he an ornament to the field.
The commanders of the Salvation Army
Mitiericea, Jan. 31. Res. Charles H. corps of Clinton are now two lassies. who
agmegeon died shortly sifter 11 o'clock to- apparently have much zeal for the cause.
eight. He bad been unconscious since this IT DM Song GOOD. --It's an ill wind that
graming, sail bad not recognised Ilia wife blows no me any good, for, owing to Che-
mist desighter. He refused ell food, and al- ton'. Iles • •-"rt 110'0 'Went two of
.larkire s 1.•ndernine new stores are now oc
tlisawit Wee forced down his throat it
implore one liy Mr. Rumba'', the other by
Mbe net retained. Mr. Cunningham*. blur worthy ex -mayor is
Clearkes Had.lun Spurgeon wow born at now busy tooting away the debris of the
Kolvedes, Fasex, Jane 19th, 1834. He re- late conflagation in order to erect • hand•
wood his early education Colchester and some brick block during the coming Sum -
when only wises yew, of age kit school veer. The only thong linton requires is •
few more men of Mr. Whitehead's calibre.
a pupil and engaged himself as an under Pieta Coors --A popular Tory .harp -
teacher at Newmarket- 8°'" 1:4 kW rela' shooter told the, following the other even -
tier* who sore Independents proposed teed ieg A fasimer in Meddlers: killed • pig
be ehoeld filter ,43. of their collage.: bet the of/medal, and hung it up in his barn
as he "it minuted thipttst views join,ed over night. In the morning ; lo ! and behold
ou, half had been stoles. The fanner
the congregation which had been presided
oinking at that which was left, exclaimed,
over by the late Robert Hall, an eetwesat " Well that thief was • Tory, snYhow."
Baptist, si Cembridge. He sow actively en- When ii:okal."Why this decision!" be replied.
gaged in Christian work. and his first " Well, if it had been • Grit he would
mon was delivered at the sge of sixteen to • have "ken the whole !WIC He w" Per-
fectly right, for we Grits now bare half the
htele village chapel at Cambridge. At sev•
hog and soon will we have the whole ...sr-
enteen yeah el ale ke wwwwwed the Pieter' ram, but unlike our Tory friends we will
where he removed to the New Park Street scatter it broadcast throughout tbe whole (mom ors owl( coaaseroxoevr.)
ate of • Baptist church at Waterbeach, from set keep the spoil all te ourselves, but
goetitererit, Lowden, where be oh- Dominion. Oh ! yes,
D. McInnis is getting memorial on the
wood popoinrity. His emir". There is a better time a-onming, a -coining
ground for a large frame barn, which he will
bye and bye,
ption so far outgrew the scommodatioas
When from die House of Commons all Put .p neit "dm"'
Henry Switzer, of Sesforth, was visiting
provided that in 1869 the emotion of • most- Tory moo will Ay.
his brother Charles, of Crenheook, who bas
afar building on Newington Causeway, ea aa
BeDILIM MARK. - The other eve -
Southwark. London. was tielleeled Nom of Ding we stepped into • grocery. and, while been quite
The boys of Cranbrook together with
the enembers of his ceorch and congregation. the obliging store -keeper was waiting spoon
Ti. lieempaitan Tabeateete, as ths sew us, nee thu big Tory ()retort, deigned to others from the surrounding rnuntry play
some very exciting games of football these
notice our promotes with this ranarit, "Well.
edifice wee called, was opened in 1861 sad
an unruly chikl, and • rebel." Al -
you are
the avower Sabbath attendance mince that
same hos hoes sses 6.003 persona whoa though this eocusatios Dearly brought tears Mies Lizzie McLauchlin, daughter of Jim.
to mar eye*, ire bravely "wallowed deem Meloochlin, left last Monday in company
during the progrebe of repairs at the Taber -
down our throat sad coefronted oar aatag• with her snot, Mime E. McIntosh, os • trip
lade be preached ie the Agricultural Hall,
bahogroo, his „divines newhwati over mist, with the qualities, "Why " •' Became to Scotland.
atom ,perions at every service. c0000riod rewire votingtcr direct eanssation." Beluga La grippe still goes marching along. New
very retiring and bashful disposition, we oboes are reported eheeet doily. eee are
aro the „Akio. (row vrhroh orvoroi &meld aot diocese with this big, big gun be- happy to state, however, that nose so far as
with hes church, outgrowths of its essergies,
hum proforoast ewe here been mu Out fore the goo of • oritioemell sad so we know are dangerously ill.
asmisisvers, ood so orphssses This was quietly gathering up our pireharies (which The good sleighing is beta( pet to the
were sot very many) and ring our foe a best eesethia „meat by .very y. A man
begun by Mr. Spurgeon with 720.000 given
loot tied. "Conk " ins through, we na tins amt with rosin owl oleo thew
• bY • for bit P"vabt n•e' bet witieb fleellr weeded °or wtY Immeward: tillktel sill:aged:hoot • ioad of wood, loge lumber,
Our sick committee report progress in
abatement of sickness.
There is • good opening in our village for
• good practical veterinary surgeon.
The sacrament of the Lord. Supper «di
D. V. ) be dispensed in Erskine church on
Sabbath nest.
Weere plowed to be able to Mae, that
Mrs. Finnigan, of West Wawanoah, relict
of the late John Finnigan, who hes been
eeriously ill for some time, te;now ounvales•
A Reform otAiventiois, as may be seen on
haw' bills, to be held at Dungannon w•
the spacious agricultural hall on ynday,
the MI day of February, commencing at 11
Two of our sick committee are attending
to patients in Lucknow, who formerly re-
sided at Dungannison We hope that
through their services the patients will
hare &speedy recovery.
Daniel Leddy, formerly of West Wawa
nosh, and now of Washington Territory,
U. S., arrived during test week at has
former house, anal is now visiting relatives,
friends and old associates.
Smith, 11011 of our townsman, W.
J. Snot , who has been prostrated by an
Mies May Beaton made • eying visit to attack of pleurisy accompanied with in3am
Ripley lac week. fruition of the lungs, is on the way to re -
Our teacher, Mr. Hudson, haw resumed covery. owing to good attendance sad mode
his duties after having been laid off with the cal shill being used.
Brie- J. Webster and J. B. Wetherhead, near
Si. Helens, paid an official visit as auditor.
of municipal accounts of 1891 for West Wa-
wanush to the township treasurer on Satur-
day last, the 30th. The result will be made
known in the nearieuture.
Vistron.s. --Joseph Bell and daughter,
Miss Sarah Jane, of Colborne totenship, who
have recently arrived house from the North
west, where they have during the last. sea -
moo been visiting relatives and friends, paid
our hamlet a friendly visit daring last week.
Both a Omni look healthy and vigorous.
An tinniveraary tea -meeting and entertain-
ment under the auspices of the members of
Crewe church i I tungeunon circuati, will be
held in the hall in connection with the
church, and in tbe church at Crewe on
Tuesday, Februery 9th An excellent and
La grippe, which is rather tired here and interesting pipgraw is prepared for the oc-
he& been brought rather to bay by the re. eastern
media of our sick committee, has summon ANoTtilta (.I'T OTT. -The re-
al sore throat to his assistance. As we go mains of Pearl A. McDonald, daughter of
to press the new hut familiar ailment has David McDonald, of Lucknow, lend former -
put rather a tight grip on the throat,' of ly of Dungannon, were interred in Dungan -
some of the urchins to our midst. non cemetery on Friday, 29th January.
Age, 2 years, 2 mouths and 24 days. The
bereaved parents are extended the sympathy
of the community m the departure of their
beloved lower.
I 1ST. The remains of the late
Mrs. McQuoid, wife of Wm. McQuaid, of
Ashfield, were interred in the Dungannoo
cemetery on Tuesday, 2046 January. being
followed thither by a large einem:me of
friends and aormaintances. The deceased
lady had heeu in a poor state of health for
• length of time. TU 'sorrowing husbasei,
children and relatives have the sincere sym
pathy 64 tbe neighborhood in their bereave-
Bearaveeezr. --Mrs. Harlow.vrife of Jas.
Harlow, J. P., arrived home during lest
week. Mrs. H. some time ago received news
that her father was very ill, upon which
she left here for the township of Reach.
where her father resided. and to 'her great
semen ere ams reached he had succumbed
to hie libellee sad departed this life. He was
anal seventy•Ave years of age. Hie sod as
we are amMitf informed, was peace. having
ryes osprosaiouto of great joy amid rejoicing
ea his Redeemer, which most be • Wrqpt
*tierce of conosiation to the bereaved
family and others of their relatives.
Kenneth McLeod, with his family, left
Seaforth lam week for Brandon, Manitoba.
Ned Murdock and Tom McKeith spent a
few days in Wingham.
P. McNay and Colin Beaton attended the
district meeting of the I. 0. I:. T. at Wing -
ham on Tuesday.
.loe intends taking • flying visit to Slichi.
gan next week. He will return in • few
days with a friend.
Wm. Harris, a former resident of this
place, is visiting friends around here. He
looks hale and hearty.
John Barkwell had very narrow escape
with his bull last week, but we are glad to
report he ts around again.
VINOD OCR OWN 0OnaltaroNDliNr. I
This week Mrs. A. C. Mac:domed. with
her daughter, Kees, goes oa • visit a &me
days to Clinton aDd 1.110110. Front thence
the latter will proceed to Detroit, where she
now resides, after • plesems furlough of
nearly two necoathe from the City of tbe
Oar Or Gillis POOL A German 1.0111111,
• widow with four children, the latter
living at Hohneeville. was in our midst
begging for alms last week. But • few years
ago she came from the fatherlanttsettling in
Logan township, Perth, where shil lost
her hushes& This was followed up by her
home being burnt out. Her misfortunes
were the theme ot oosvereation when
she lodged for the night. In our burg from
all she called no she received kind words
altwout her troubles and donations of coins of
eerions amounts, which can always
check hunger and want and he a never -fail-
ing remedy, but with heart termer. is not
en succeseful.
township this week.
Rev. Mr. Black spends this week in
Hamilton with his family.
Miss Janet. Stirling is enjoying • pleasant
visit with relatives in the yminity of Porters
l'he 'onus' meeting of the Preebyterien
chili:attains will be held %Veduestlay even-
ing of this week.
quite • number from here were at the
Nite church Sunday to bear the funeral see
mon tbf the late Miss 11. Titho
Wednesday of Mist week Mr. 1' had
bee drawing wood to Giniericl and atm
a good turnout of the young men,
who were entertained to ..... er by Mr.
Cain at the Union hotel, in the circular
town. Later III the eveuing the workers at
the bee enjoyed • :lamer at Mr. Cain* resi-
dence here.
The opening days of the week saw two
funerals,. one on Moseley morning being that
of Peter Carney, and on l'huradaie that
of Joseph Eckesviller, who oiled at kings-
bridge,and whose funeral took place from the
residence of X. Hist -cider. jr., his grandam.
The relearns were laid to rest in the R. C.
cemetery in Colborne, after the funeral
services were held its Si. Peter's church,
DarestaatiTtu, ?HZ 12TH or Tins Micerit.
-The satertaininent we spoke of several
wales ago by 1.0.G.T.,No. 213.5411 be held
in the ball on Friday evening, the 12th of
Feb r uary. Besieles the prograni Rev. Mr.
Hughes, of l'ingliant. will give an ado:Ines
on the aims and work uf the I. 0. 4:. T. of
Canada A good attends/ice requalted,
as there will be no boomer of an admisSion
fee or • collection at the close of the pro-
rneilings, which open at 8 r. Y. sheep.
Oyer. - With deep regret many here
learned of tne death of Peter,thwil sou of H.
Carney, on Saturday of las week. He was
ill oaly for • few days with a severe attack
of erysipelas. He was only in his fifteenth
year and being 01 robust frame irate promise
of being • well-built men. Kut like & flower
in early bloom be is cut down while entering
the Summer of this life. Mr. Carney and
faintly have the deep sympathy of friends
and neighbors in the loss rust/Lineal. The
funeral cat Moadey saw a good attend-
ite the rUitif ;meet ibele dbretriseter appropriated
lissuulturpotrug ucultaing utbunt wl" kin' tile or seam es& material is no -
orphans are 1.4, lodged, clothed and edam
teat in this imitutisa. Otiose isistitatioas
commoted with the talsersaele are • caper.
tage aseedetiee, shes-hesess for aged ere
E MIL seiseimary statiensAmday sebools, •
asissids to the blind, ladies' benevolent sad
mitereal eocieties sad misy _others. Mr.
spgrosee was hoppilasimried whet • very
yeszernaltis ems -be has.. oat-
minietsre. Charles, whose
oharsh at Oreestrink Reeked. hos via-
tod Asasrisa mei prionebed frequently;
Thames lime is Wow Reshot
Pessitee eseakeent Is isesepely has
primal hikes. The Uovervismin 'soh,-
Isek betas ase Whims sasslielwo entire -
me who " ewe tilt* where. In fent he at looked down upon by
signed se annexation musifesto. yet awns, ovoryo„.
tree "'BLit" f°r_,411.)._,Ire A serious socideat which terminated
W " reality re..""'ng 641.11"..' '9"^""'"'
wickedtotally befell a Town& men mined John
ness high places, and the powers wows. ems. 16 laet unday thereon..
▪ darkitese now rampant, in Ottawa? le
truth. sir, we are the ones who are missing
to de evil and striving to do good. We are
the sees who hese unfurled the gond old
hammer winch will draw men to our sum
dare* se the magnet draws the needle. Let
thous call se lobs* we care set ; time will
tell tile story, se thee will reveal Canada's
gedemptioa throegh the iastruseentality of
a Grit Thiveirmisatflo mote it he.
- - -
(now otra owe rosuseroconarr.
Homy Harris is 'Wiling friends ie Rio•
Resiehehesi wee at Leeknew
iho their lossatbst She primes prombed
• way el overrewsbag hie widish Falai-
eel wash's, eel this
advise, gem se
woe hes the Rovenernant mead = Fred"
en w..& ow". mbui, thy him Irwin is visiting friends at Port
muM set sell IL kr thee bral Se sash tbs. Allsrt 114. we"
they were bastes sod proud. 5.inaleha Him Mat4M045.s left for Red Joshes.
641 wa” bY SIAN( Nip ow saMpely, while Mak but
ele the seem hoe they pad dant he the J T. Bradley. M. D reeve 01Khaimah,*
imeolesewees wino ay had mist ip. J teurwilp, h. sisesed ~des 01the
Iliellerielh Mem,
4101011.10. PA. ISM
epee. ............. ... • ... • so se •
time* Wheel.
near 1 41/ ...A 2
Mersa. • tea • le 11/ tem
elirs vail tee-ot . .... • 14 *14M
... 14 MOW UP
Chemedliereed Wheat IP Ma.. IN 0 MN
Oste. ne:greek • 30 te•
Pea& fe ....i• If teff
Hasiey. tiro reweit.•bea0 4111 im• •
Barley. ocasseso 04• lo •
Hay. it tea
Potatoes. a WO 10 Ilan
0 •• •
Amiss. if bash .......... ...... I/ te •
*utter, II lb . 11 16 5.6
ifinnseresb mimicked. 0 dos. ..... 1 tl m II
r`hetee 1 tit los II
IA oud 1 UPI
wool 0
. te
Demised Hem. * owt a le te II lig
Pelts. .... .. .. . .. 0 If tee 0
Yea. revue oseste.
R. La.nnour, Zurich, who had the maker- "The race appointed 1 have run;
The combat's oer,the prise is won :
tune it, hurt bis knee some time ago, is en- And now my witneas is on high,
proving. And now my reoord's in the sky."
T. B. Calbick is home at Basesele from
British Columbia on • visit. His mother ki On Friday, January the 15th, there died
seriously ill. in Ceiba's, ono of the oldest mil media
Oen. Parker, Morris,"hae-perchesed the respected renideate, in the person of Mn,
1 formerly owned by P- Norsk Peter Gress, after an ipomea of two weeks.
gra°:shertioe. The pries paid was pio. Tbe deesseed was born in the city of Perth,
Robe H. Kay. Wirgluon, has accepted a Scotland is 1412. in 1834 she and her late
position as managerof the paint shop deport -
husband Dame to Canada, and while beteg
ems of 4 lillies & Martin, Teamster.
John Vincent has disposed of his 100- im Wisdsw esduired groat bard.
acre farm, lot 12, coecession 10. Grey, to ail* 401401 the rebellion of 1837. la
Daniel Meg:sorra, for the sum of $6,000. 1841 they removed to Colborne, sad were
Rd. Hervvy. , of the Themes road, IS &moat the lint settlers- Mho toweettnibod to
borne, has purchased the 150 -acre fern o: • revere stuck of la grippe in her 813te
this Ste James Jory, about one toile east of year. The deceased was of • quiet,pmeeful
Exeter. disposition, and was much respected by all
Willie Kyle, grandson of lasses Forsyth, wile knew ker. • N„ always hi" • °", -
of ifirso„dwilio.vsry rho hontsoi inetalit 1160111Der of the Presbyterian chorea.
She bore her sickness sad saffering with
Caleand fortitsele. sltbough she lodged
reilLse. and rest. Four silos sad owe
daughter survive her. The funeral on
iloaday,the 18th Jan., was largely attended.
Tbe serviees at her late residerss were roe -
dueled by Rm. Mr. Meek. of Leelmera.
' .
allallola *.-•'•-
Pik t MIL -
rait Wheat Illatteele
eerie, Wiliest . . elle to II 0
Harley .. offeelle
Oafs • Naas I
Pees • in si•
Aveiro (winter! per MS- • • • • • • •• • • 6 05.
Potatoes - ......... ......... • 1 Ile
Butter ...... .. ........ ......... II MI Os IP 17
Kees .. • a tell Il
'lay 11 le tell el
Cordwood ......... . ..... 1 0 be 6 al
Beef WosL :Ut::3
Perk ... II ewe Se
gie,we do mins you." The pallbearers were
David afflwata, Wet. ktorlaad. Fkrea.
Murchisolk Geo. Potter, Ilitso. McIntyre,
John McNetren.
(room ors OWN otoutzeroeetiont.1
Jaaaary thaw.
qt. Hotheads is recovering horn sowers ,
smock of grippe.
Mrs. W. Rattenbury ani family returned
from (.oderich Moeda).
Communion services in Union church a
week from next Siiblath.
The leap year petty dids't go, as the
weather was rather rocky.
Jas. Elder, of Hensel', delivers a lecture
on '•
Manitoba" Friday evening.
We understand our town is to be blamed
by • string band in the near future
Jno. Beattie returned to Seaferth last
week after a short stay in our burg.
We are pleased to see Kobe Yosag, who
has been )eel up with la grippe, is abbe to
he around again.
(rim barn
Mrs. Wm. Rattenbury and family are
visiting friends in Gottench.
The worst blizzard nithe season visited
es Monty evening end Tueelay.
Mrs. Foch returned from her trip vs
Uncle Sam's dominion's 1st week.
Daniel Roes, of Portage le Prairie, Masi
hobs, is visiting bis parents here. Mr.
Ross is looking well -another proof of the
salubrity of the Western climate.
The weather for the pat week hes bees
very pleasant, good W inter weather. ead
in oonsequence wheat, wood end togs me
being marketed in large yuanUties.
Wen. Munroe, of Grand Forks, North
Dehote, is visiting his Familia hem. He
has been %test over eleven years, and looks
bade and hearty as ever. He goes West again
in a 'mouth or so.
La grippe i• still quite prevalent in this
vicinity, bet it is hoped the worst of it to
peat, earl that we are comparatively sale
for another year. All who are afflicted with
this disease are improving
We are please.' to see that Alex. Mus-
tard, one of our most pushing basimme
men, who has been suffering f ram • armee
attack of la grippe, is again able to take •
short outing. We hope to see hiss mon in
liro-olein health.
The Rovers football club intend eerier a
team photo taken next week. Ali eiseolese.
are requested to slow up withosi fail. The
photo will represent the team of UNI,whish
put up • record well to be wood iirr,e0211
log sight manes without defeat.
blood will tell
[non 0011 OWN coasseromoimr.)
Mr. and Mrs. Davis. id London, were the
guests of James Timmins last week.
John King, who has been In a very critical
cooilition for some times on the mend.
Conductor Snider occupitsl the pulpit in
the Methodist church last Standee night.
Mra. Joseph Breckenridge, who has been
very ill for some time, is improving slowly.
Thomea Cornell, who has been working
in Si. Thomas, is visiting at his father's.
There will be no service in the Presby-
terian c arch next Sunday, as Rev. A. V.
Hartley is to preach at Langinile.
On Tuesday evening. Jan. 26th, • namber
of friends assembled at the house iA Philip
Thomas to witness the union .4 Flora
Thomas, of Woodstock, to Hugh Thomson,
of Turoberry, in the bonds of niatriemay.
After Rev. A. V. Hartley bed tied the knot
the guests sat down to • sumptuous repast
prepared by Mrs. Philip Thomas.
leo° KATZ Volt LART vr sm.
It be and his brother were working Winnipeg, with slight hopes for ro-
te rya, sod whes felling • hem tree, it cowry. •
broke • limb from asether tree which eats. Th. presbyteries's einagresaMpa of Hu
down striking the young sew who wee
harrying erre* a mate dietessea Upon ex
matastios it was found that esie of Me kr
was broken: Medical aid was eseneneeed
sasl the fractured Hob ..t, «hi* eseseed to
be the may apparent injury. The patient
wee doll es well es meld be inneested WW1
&beet m' sight, wine he beams somewhat
delirious, mid lapsed Ito • state of seem
eeinumem, in whisb Mate be reemsised until
death relieved him ea laterday. He was a
steady sad isdastricese ream tem sad his
sad death is • severe blew to bie &tiler sad
hrethere. The sympathy of the whets cam -
mean will be given to Shun he their und-
Ir., Myth, wry emblesly es lasseley.
0.41 eft. 11 remise Were Whirred in the
Mn. They. wife ef Jean Tbenbeess.
largibb misetery es Teneday afbiessea
ekestar took a veto en the eerie wiles fee -
tree: voted for latencies:Mg it aad aim
ageism it.
Dr. Y. Cowen, nf Chimps, formerly of
has perohseed,it is mid, • resideom
in Rt. Themes and will take up his abode in
that city shortly.
J S. Jerome, D 5, Wiggliest. wise
lied been eonfiried to hie home for the mat
mew* his aew morivered seilloiently tab re -
mom his proeties.
Peter lieNell, Morris, «be sold Ids hem
to Climb* or seen se eie ewe Thomas till
seine lime esse, hands suovie hie
to get sheet.
0. 0. been ie for a hag
Jobe Moakley. .1 11.11.14, near Kliblnera
sem ant he hop • esegie Webs de=
the end of lest wesk. The is
esel web km the y.- if Vali 04
A wedding is on the taps.
Miss Jeanie Holliday, of Wingliam, is
visiting at Wm. Sanderson's
John 4:annett has moved into the house
formerly occupied by John Wansley.
Mrs. W. McLean, of Goderich, is visit-
ing her daughter, hint I. R.
Miss Williams is holding evangelistic
meetings in the iletliodis• church at pros
Rev. I. B. Wallwin is tinder the weather
this week, bot we hope he will won be
around again.
It is our painful duty to record the death
of Andrew Belford, me oe the early set-
tlers. He died on Saturday, tannery
and eras detailed in the 13luevale ceme-
'Tek. comfort, Cbratifter, wiles year
la Jesse fall raker ;
Their better heist/ sorer mar
Wily thee dejeeted ewer r
loco tars Non LAST wan*. ]
/4r. MeVettes is down with the grip.
Will Morrow has recovered 1 rem the
grip -
Mrs Grommet! is meth improved in
Rvery peons is buoy now doing hia
Winter teuniag.
Hilary Morris is • deleipite to the Central
Farmers' Destitute at Toronto next week.
Rev. H. knee, of Ripen, paid • dying
visit to this vicinity. His many frauds
were glad to see him.
It is oar painful fluty to chronicle the
death of Men Maggie Tills, daughter a J.
Tiffin, after a short Maass, at the early age
of twenty three yearn sight months and flire
days. The young lady was much respected
by all who knew her, ea was manifested by
tbe large omeneres of friends sail seimia.
tames that turned out at tbe fasiesal to
show their respect. Tbe humeral was me
of the 'arrant that have hese sees ia tine pas:,
By the death of Mies Tian the st:=1611Lhas
ahem 100 Age being is the
lest ea active, tree sad useful meneber.
will be missed to the $..&ay wheel, et
whisk she wee ever • falafel ardendent, al.
won wain to wrist in every enterprise
that wee take. up to help to earrf so the
abbot In the mega Orel* bur eke* 4....est sad will see be eerily bet is she
fondly sire% her hen will be inset felt; es
the wee ef sash • krone ushers bee renceml
01•Lirmul rombile•L thh week with say win be the Mere telt We j10 with Teri m -
Mbar Dirt oarallg }eel in Aweas. hreenktrimemls sod Way ' 111e.
oh, Wiwi • emegh.
Will yes heed the warlike 1'he *peg
of the sera eppromb ef hot mem
isir*Isdiesels embesseption. Ask yourself
If yen ego afford for the mite id saving MI
mem to run the risk sod de seehiricholl
We keen hem empurieeepe ems m00%
Ogee will ewe yew owelh mow Aft
%jumbos Black, of Wingbain. spent Senday
on the sixth.
W. C. sad Mies Annie B. Scott are visit-
ing Meade in Halton county Mk weak.
George Conk, of Michigan, is ronnwinig
old aoquaintanoes no the sixth at prooset.
A Literary and Debating Seeisty was
organised ia the school home is swam No.
13 on Friday evening id best week. The
followiog dicers Were elected :
0, cookie ; vice presideot Jahn flefiler ;
secretary, D. 24 Scott; ••••••11116 111•06117.
J Montt; treas., P_ SeeM a, ,
Thomas Umbras
Mimeo Bella tellers, ward.
Limns Aselproon, and
Rennett and John Fells isiggiagh. W.
Hooksett, The meetings will In heti es
Thursday eeening of each week.
is replete.' that British Perlimmof
will he dissolved in May.
Tim totel damage to Se Thomas ,e.p
by Are last year was 114.8015.
Two,thirdis of Inwlein's palominos we
hereafter be off duty on deadays.
Complete returns for Thurseheye elesties
in Haltom Eire Mr. Henderson 43S weekrity.
Tbe dates for the notional eseraggrfsge ••
Roadiog, Pa, have hem dud at Jile 16 5.
ad. •
la • eollisine its the C. PR. sem Oillonia.
tete boy. who ow* stealing • rid. Win be-
stestly killed
Ono Mee was killed and two
lured is a roar.4 ranee ellafielliel -
met N. T., Friday.
The nesermeel. to oarsman •._.'.
.1 in the shispiebbehie seems os the ens.
gam. Assirslis, woe seoralled
Kingston sod Werth Rearm ham
The bye-siestiose few the Iseeir se.
pines T•••elay.lpert
seseinatione • aid