HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-1-28, Page 5GE'S BURIAL. Ooadelined Wlth 7 Honore and saes erne, wean w Vim eco itienreed ✓ e -A ammo er Woes The belly of the Duke eidele wits rammed from at Saaitfgheni today. ss ad oeld. At 1140 eat d artillery with • rage. drew up at the pate keepers and label, i Priam of Walee' .slate augers residing .l Sou - of whom the dead Dake r, stool groi•iit.d about 1 road mooed $aalring church was lined crith t 10.15 the bell olk she mg, and as the .eieea pan OW wintry air the his hoenshold, .omm- ter Viruria, who had n ot hs death, entered carriages in which this were followed by theee oyal passengers *When church, and taken .sats m, che funeral service@ Thea were brief and up the coffin was lifted epee Number of the royal ea- r from the charoh. It hu gnu carriage, which tors., sad • pt tis revise The tassetry ou the so - Wales, sad the mein - Id, acted as pallbearers. behind the coffin cans ✓ and the Doke of Pati ea .he clergy and aftorwanl. 'starching six .*raaat corse carnet* with iLe of royal person • other prooaiioa the •r peasantry. 7 he whole rch to the station el the 'way was lined with epee- procsrion paired, kneed raid of booms from the 1 met the cortege at the • was ear of great sorsa- ER PAPERS SAY. ID c*OJSTIAEITT. I : ABYSM dm more to Inti the ji geism NO Dos• by the ministers of all firs. Then was maple the resent Ams. Ces- are a Israe proportion el are atheiele cc fitted that they bees .y w whir* the npness- uty emotional rad pm - I was . liar when Mead - ace was largely left be L. Now tie Cantatas way. We trust that be - suture dower ab auk in like meaner oako their ie head of growing of meivarsal pesos. e ns INrtresioA. ✓ ias : Amid the soiree HMO a lam lovely ersi- e slirsable. Msaroely was vetethe throw of Great V biers certain &.mm N og shapa.Mbilisise of the M wale people were ready s to the matrimonial - Ie should trial he feesaed ; isdividaale wee* ewer - importantly or d f ea a ti 5 • it • their ▪ vs till the eke IeiW harm Mould se y ho he expected that 1 wase bevy because of it wealaare so go a smar- ty IOW& And it would woos to defer such die seseen.bls opportunity. Die little aid maples/sing amens of feeding is not he upper walks of life. • WANT ATE*'Ta1pe IX W ONT. pipers are arguis. is g the pest.# en aswa- nibble the postal dq.rt- psstage ea drop teeters seat. Mk might .mit it weal% see snit the ley plisse, where tame syseem. Why inlet that the aytypr*Efio.1l *dEs letter dethory y pest& ties Ise tide free delty- ie rides the city folks pry two .sats naps= Res wale* are . mime city. The city meek thevght 0 the es, wbu buy. to «o a1s. rested of honing than .r merOimg by • man an kb coat and a red n eer I. list it is rather thing to rsggsst that Id pay postage on their ✓ that the Lest= es Miss. ay ser reseed im- CIRRIB. I oraraerarearr. J r that Heary Robb, ern, 'Want - ion intends to !save ler resume hie .eenpslien. coon b home ham he sit in Wsw..o.\ and ward Ho.a.. bye Meg e " grip. " Hie desgh- t, was suck with utas. ether . goo ..Y mese mi. ares.d. A asepis el short two wee*, ago, :if lest week thee was a Thornton's. •'e Vgfm.taar aselsty ,f torch d unseals. Este a sty's, of the first Ilea tweed and bad a *eosin else taken up amounted I ▪ 1O aeE t ...,..lag .r sell• ei ten.wassesse Aloosimigutehritlickkaabikt aikietig snot, 4 -is a a ' °: 4*moms/dr "IC THE SIGNAL: (IODBRICH, ONT.. THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1892. • THE. CANADIAN BANK VF COMMERCE L)7 °Lle eco uses. MEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. WOW& IME SP) sue MtLLJ0N DOLLARS MID% . . . . . . . a E. WALKER, Gttrtt:RAt. M*.NAa a. GODERICH BRANCH. (haNERAI BANKINO leen.&, TRANSACTED. FARMAN* NOT[. Dta(SOUNT[O, DRAT Ta 15.1100 PAY AMA AT AL, ►OINTs IN CANADA. ANO TME PMNCIPAL CITIEO III Die UNITED STATES GREAT BRITAIN, FRANCE. BERMUDA, A• YwvlttlYY DANE DEPARTMENT. D(POSIT$ OI $1.00 AND UPWARDS RECEIVED, AND CURRENT RATIN OF INTERIST AALOrtD. INTWeT AMMO TO TNM FRINOIFAL AT TNM USD OF MAY ANY N OSMBOOMN ter 0A0111 Mat. a. 1841.000.00411. ▪ e 00,000. 111in;4111 Sps.k £N..New gloss is Ns* 0.11, Ifo. of r`ocrr..rela. P.PM. and PRrtwers• Delos MNsa. R. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager. TOWNSHIP COUNCILS. MAT, The crew ..cell of Hay met pur.aaae to e111Nnie ea Hasday, Jan. 18, at11 A.N. Af- ar Me easemmry doclaratiwe d ethos wen uMs4s, the maned became orphaned with she nave SS obairmas. The following tome ship Akers were appointed at e salaries e tiaiis.ed, viz.: t ta , Sam. J. Lama, $110 ; treasurer, F. Hest, 480 ; assesses, Hoary Lippert $66 ; oo*Mctor, Wendel Smith, $60 ; auditors, R. R. Johnston sad J. T. Wren. The board of health will ma- rtial .f the reeve .ad clerk together with Jar. }hell, Dan..yteiabseh, Wm. Steaeo.sa, Aker, health oer, Dr. Buchanan ; msl.i- tory importer for carters divulse, H. t;rsb; eastern divbios, John Moot$; the ealsof membra of Use board of health to be $It for each Sittig of the bawd. The 011inalig printing was let to White k Son, of The UMW Trees, for 437. t)a mottos el L-T.bsll, seoaoded by J. Voelker,the reogi,.atio. of M. Zoller, treasurer, was et misted. Regret wee expressed for losing ti. valuable sorvioes of snob as diciest olh • ..at, who for tall • oest.ry had so ably dis- charged the duties of his Mice, sad as ears - last wish for his futon prosperity. Yoelker -Tenbll, that Henry Liabold be allowed so cut firewood for his own use on road al- bwanos broom lets 16 and 16, con. 8. Carried. Kalbrnsish- school!, that the re tseipt oe the collector being found oorr.ct the beads be dehverd to him. Car- ried. Schnell - Kalbleisk, that atter •edit- ing the books the ttwwrer deliver all meet - safe, boehaete.,bdsagkag to the Mwn- to 7. Hees. Carried. VVoelker -Tun- that tenders be r.esivd by the neve, alert sad Mr. Seined, at Zurich up to 4 r. a. on Meda , Feb. let, for 10,000 feet of red beech arid 5,000 lest of cedar .ad that the dark notify parties ioterosad. Car- ried. Mea Reinhardt wsm.ppeiafed aaratak- er .t s salary of 0120. ib. followiag ac- counts were waived to be Fetid J. A. Milkiest. bur for indigent. 116 ; D. Nicol, to brides, 43 ; L Wolper, dineh, 8.-L, $1; F. Schroder, culvert, B. L, 76 Deals ; J. Hetiermmn, dog tax refund. $1; R. R. Mol sae, boundary hakes, $30.84 ; S. Mani., gravel. 49.68. Adjoursmd to meet ea Saturday, March 17th, u 10 A. a. Sir. J. lura. (jerk. whir sAW•uomi. Ooaseil met en January 18th. Present - Alex. Stuart, neve ; Job Bowers, deputy rave ; Thomas Tod& .fames Gibson and Robert Medd. oonseillera These took the •mmeary declarations. Tb minutes of lent mestiag were read cad approved. The leoa.mer's report for December, showing reselpes 4$,930.43 and expenditures $3,80L. 13, wee read and filed. Moved by Kr. 'jydd, essesd.d by Mr. Bowen, that the selectee for officials for the curtest year be : Qsek. 4190 ; trausorr, 490 ; assessor, 860 ; s*adNoee, 45 each ; selectors of jurors -clerk, 44. res., sad sower, $3 .nota ; rued ooss- eiieams, $8 per da yr Carried. Moved by Mr. Todd, ..seeded by Mr. Stuart, that 8.. E. Miller be re -appointed clerk. Moved by Mr. Medd, in ame.dms.t, that Jobe giekisgbottom b, appoested clerk. The maim wee carried. Mored by Mr. Glbeo, - 000nded by Mr. Medd, that J. G. Ward be reappoistd teeewrr. CuTied. Moved by Mr. Bowers, ...ended by Mr. Medd, that W. A. Wilma be r..todaooser. Certied. Moved by Mr. 8w►eee, eseended by 11r. Todd, that Joie Weblike' be midi- telr. Carried. The reeve .ppi.td J- S Weatherba d as the other editor. a m$io. of Messrs. Gibes sad Tedd, the u embers of the oosaeil were appointed rod eemmieionmta Hewed by Mr. Todd, saood..1 by Mr. Bowen, that a bylaw ma - firming the above 0ppriatmwes be prepared sad mgaecl (Lnted. Moura. Bawer., Gilson sad Medd were appointed ambers of the beard of Wank with lar. Case e audited adviser. The clerk's bond was ao- Tis tress rer's bond was referred at- espied. 8tiarl and Bowers to report en at next meien Meed !y Messrs. Bowan .ad (Mesa, that a cheek be iced in laver of the clerk ler $37.96, amount of .lection expels. Dirtied. The clerk woe k- structed to ask for tenders for printing for the certoat year. The clerk reported law• lag re,Maeed forty-seven births, sixteen deaths and eleven narriager during 1891. Moved by Mr- Hower, seconded b Mr. Tedd, that the outlectur be given until Feb- ruary 1st for returning roll tarried. Moved by Mr. (hbroo, seconded by Mr. Medd, that a check for the am.ant of eel• lector's salary be trued and held by the treasurer until the muni of the roll. Car- ried. The following checks were issued : Andrew Stewart, work on W.R., 448.60; James Tbompsaa, work ea W. B.. 18.00 ; John Foreben, crumbing, eon. 8, $600; Jos. Beek, me -halt culvert, S. R., 13.30: John Gillis, 47 yds, gravel, at 7c„ $3.29 ; Hart. Co., ballot box and express, 13.86: Jas. Bryan, punting to date, 421.76: k H. Miller, registration fess, 17.40. Moved by Mr. Meld..ecoad.d by Mr. Gibaoa, that council now adjourn to meet au Saturday, February 13th. Carried. R K. Mau..., Clerk. eOLeons x. Tb members elected for the man:ci i- ty of Colborne met in the township ball on Monday, the 18th day of January, 1892, as per statute. The following gentlemen sub- .cnbed to tbetr qualifications and declara- tions of othoe. viz.: Joseph Reck, reeve ; Arch. Malloy, deputy reeve, and James Taylor, Alex. Yours` and Andrew A. Young, couocillos. 'The o.s.cil than ad- journed for dinner. and resumed basica at half•past one o'clock. Tb minutes d the last meeting of not year's council were read and approved- Andrew A. Verlag moved, seconded by James Taylor, that Raby Williams be ap,poiatod auditor for this year. Carried. The reeve appointed Alex. Robertson as the other auditor. Arch. Malloy moved, esoe.A.4 by Asdnw A. 'Young, that all the old officers be re- appointed at their present salaries, viz.: Clerk, 486 per year ; treasurer, 1170 ; col- lector, $70, and assessor, 410. Carried. Andrew A. Young roved, ..waded by Jesse. Taylor, that the reeve,y reeve, sa clerk, Joseph Hetherington Wis. Y Ir., be appointed . board of health for the present year. The following ac- counts were ordered to be paid, viz. : Toe S14:74 %I., for printing, $600: Jesse Candid/1, for moving fence, 41000: Tom. good, tee cleaaing out ditch, 41.00: Patrick KeU , tor removing bass o6 10th a., 41.50 The reeve r ported the 000ditio. of gra Luta., of Saltford, a suitable ase for charity. The muter was left in the beds of the reeve to do what be thought necessary is the natter. The deputy reeve alio report- ed one Mrs. Vatietom and children imitable tease for chanty. The deputy reeve was instructed to investigate the case cad oaks what steps he thought proper is the meteor. Yaws W. MCI -MOWN, Clerk. NT-IHI.I T. fat Harris' bridge, 1444.76; J. Robinson, tiree ut.derdnens. osn. 3, 46.00 ; J. Hryaa, pnnuag, 16.70 ; M. X. Buechler, fur him Iter, it 701. W. 8totiers, for fill ..d de - Beeriest ballot boxes, 48.00 ; K. tlarrrar, treasurer. 490.00; A. McK Loom, reprirtng .■Evart un boundry, $3.46 ; Peter Watson, damage to culvert, 41.00; R. Farren, mar - dram M. D. , 3 sad 4, 4=.00 ; Yrs. Clan, envoi, Mc.; deputy K 0., each 4000, cad each polling booth, script council room, 42.00 The Guard of health will emote' of R Harrison, R. Weiner, W. Kilpatrick, the neve and clock ; medical health °Doer, Dr. McKay. Moved by t,trvru, seconded by (Lambe, that W. K tipateisk be assessor for the current year. Carried. Moved by Kick ley, ae.rooded by kinin, that Dennis Muhl,.• be collector fur the cement year. Mored in macadamia by Chambers, seconded by Yarrisb, that It. A. (amok be collector Carried. Moved by (;Irvin, sec- o.ded by Kiokley, that Morgan Dolma bis auditor for the corset year. yarned. The reeve appeAnted John long aes..ctata audi- tor. K I.ws 1, 2 and 3, fixing salaries d the different officers. apponung meemor, collector and auditors, were duly read and psp. .ss d Moved by Parrish, seconded by (lumbers, that this council do now adiourn W meet again on February 16th. W. *mass, (leek. The council elect met Jan. 18th, 1898, ac- cording s cording to swam. Minutes d precious meeting read mad The following Whore were appoiniod :-Jai* Reid, treas- urer ; Jahn Tough, meow ; Adnw 8tia- son, eareraker ; D. J. Stewart, Mick ; Geo. Baird rad J. R. Self .r, •liters; J. B. Seemed, Nathan Peck, Wm. ('lark .ad Ile. Pullet, member of board of health. The clerk was instructed to eek for tenders far 14,000 feet oedmr for towaebipp purposes. The following acoonats were ordessd to be paid News-Rmoord, 48,fer print*: ; John Washes. 111.Mr opening ditch on let 19, B. R. N., under eypae.r'. award ; John Alex- ander, $3 Afar greys ; John McKenna, $7, ' tees se evgiaer m 1889 ; A. S. Weeks, 115, fees as engineer on ditch award on lot 19, 1 B. R. N., in 1891. The tre..urar was in- structed to have the toweekibooks audited on n b or betoi13th da d Pdq ru.sent. The clerk wee instructed Oe draft a bylaw 000tirming the appointment d towa hip officers and fixing their salaries. The coun- cil that mdj.ar.ad to mese main ea Mo- drty, Ifebreary 16th asst. at Mag *'sleek r. u. O. J. Seawater, Clerk. AnrmJ>. Osoesil mee Jon. 18, 14188, acoorddag to 1Nlte. The m.mb.n were all peramut, rued took deelaratiee of office. Tb min- utes of previous meeting were rad mud Mimed. Tb following .comate were ordered to b. paid : Oarrew & Predfeot, dvies std defence of the amass of A. Mallin and J. Mullin at Division Coart, Dusganuon, $4200; J. Warren, water engineer, $7150 ; J. Kilpatrick. breakwater OODI'JON TI Mcam IY. Hot.weay u.t.e, Jan. 18th, 1892. l'ooaeil met today according to statute. The fol- lowing members made the necessary declara- tion 4 office and property quolitimtione, VIZ.: John (ox, reeve . Jobs Beacons, deputy reeve : James H. Elliott. Samuel Sturdy cad James (ousolly, ouuucitlors The minuses of last meetiag were read and Moved 1•y John Rescue, seceded James H. EIliott,tbat bylaw Na 6, peed 1 b of Dec.. 1891, appointing Adam Cantabile clerk, be now rescinded. Carried. Moved by Samuel Sturdy, seconded by James Casually, that No. 1 bylaw aow road be pinned far the year 1892. Carried. Moved by James ("moony, secoadd by Samuel Sturdy, that Nixon Sturdy he .p- poinned clerk. Carried. Mewed by Jobs Bes.wrn, seconded by James Connolly, that the notaries of the township officers tie as follows, namely : Clerk, 4106 ; tr.ssuarer, $70 : assessor, 1165: collector, 470 ; auditors. 46 each, and no extra in any case, and do .11 work required of than in their ottios. Carried. Moved by James Canaolly, sec- onded by Samuel Sturdy, that Wm. Wake- field be appointed assessor for 1898: Carried. Moved by James 11. Elliott, seconded by John Beacom, that Samuel Johnston be ap- pointed collector for the year 1892. Carried. Moved by J. Besoom.se000dd byJ. H. Elliott, that Adam Contoloa be auditor. Carried. The raeve appointed .1. K. Holmes sscoad auditor. Moved by John Beacom, esoended by J. H. [Dhoti, that Mrs. Romp 1.e re fended her dog tax, having no dog. Car- ried. Moved James ('omedly, seconded by John Beacom, that L.weee Moore be exempt from school tax, as he lives over three miles from school. Carried. Mowed by Jame. Cowpony, seconded by Samuel Sturdy, that Wesley Marquis be amended eight dollars, error in taxes Carried.. !John by James Connolly, .sooaded ti I John Beacom, that patitioo of Edward Atcbesoo and fifty others for repeal of dog tax be granted, and every resident in the township found by the ass.asar or any rate- payer be taxed three dollars if found with more them one dee or bitch over two month old. Carried Moved by James Connolly, ..coach by 8.m..l sturdy, that the clerk ask for radon for the township getees.na lemk from the tour load paper". Moved by John Beacom, seconded by Samuel Sturdy, that the board of health for the carnet year be John Cox, Nixon Sturdy, Jsa Y. 808.w, John Bosoms aid James Commdly,sed medical officer Dr. J.8. Witty ly. Carried. Mowed by John Be.eom, emended by James Ceanolly,th t the follow- ing aceenam be paid, viz.. Mrs. Sarah Ramp, 11 : election expense, 462.40; lom- b.r for pound 41.60: printing tressutar's report, $6.76 ; Mrs. McRae, indigeat, fly ; .tatira.ry, $2.36 ; collector's expanse, da- tarnd by mistake in roll, 44.60. Curid. Moved by Sensual Sturdy, -.sated by James Coa.olIy, that this council do cow adjourn to meet an the ..rend Monday in February. Carried. Nieto 8Toee1T, Clerk. BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. CLEARING HALE EXTENDED ITNTIL 1tT FEB. NEXT. We intended dissolving partner- ship on 1st Jany., but will not do so before 1st Feb., and therefore continue our clearing Male until that dateIf you want anything in the way of Winter goods, don't fail to call and vee our stock before purchasing. You will doubtless save money by Mo doing. Ali accounts must be settled at once. J. A. REID & BRO. J ordan's Mesa. Oodartok. Jae. Moi, ter. >etl- Yuko with the Meister." An important paper on -Wesley's Ordinations," by IC_ S. Orr, and other articles, make up a strong n umber. Prins 42 a year $1 for six months : 20 cents per number. Toronto W illbm Briggs. Win. Bryce, the Toronto puWieber, as ever alert in publishurg the latest attractive boob.. Hie latest production is Max 0' - Rears book, '• A Frenchman in the United States cid Canada." it is am amusing as well ss instructive account of the famous I reaebnan i latest experiences on this coo- tineaL The .tovie+ told are really good. Price, 30 seats. The Delineator for March, 1.892, will Its• stent somber, replete with novelties in 774 department of (ahhioe, and Wastes - from two to three hundred .carefully executed a gravings. While supplying alio the usual sreiclee as dainty fancy -work,eeeb .5 ▪ crocheting, draws work. knitting, Ice - and poker -work, it wil" Physical l introduce Culture " cad another on on lite," e ach of them to be illustrated .e may be re- quired by the text Articles of the various series aow curtest in the magazine will be foetid in their regular places, among them a meet important one on the making of boys' garment& Don't tail to secure • copy d the March number. It will please you. The subscription depoim of the apses b 11.00 a Tom Pu The in Deleators Mrhing Cam - k Sued orders dir«t w Wy of Toronto, Limited, 33 Ricbmo.d.t. est, Toronto. TOO rrTHODIOT rAOAZINN I0a rsaarcat, 1898. The article which will •ttreen most attention in this number is a memorial tribute to the late Dr. Stafford. by ton of hie friends, accompanied by an excellent portrait. This tribute as worthy of the man and the man was worthy aft.. Two illustrated paper of special miaioa ..y interest are : India : uta Temples, its Pekoes, and its People and the Rev. Dr. Hart'. "Mies;onary Jaime, in Western China " The editor has also a paper on A cross the Creakiest," with some striking illustrations. Mrs. J. H. McMeekin, as accomplished sad active worker in the Woman's Mimienary 8ecist contributes en dminbk paper onTot "The Net► Evangel, es she mW this noble department d ob.xek work. President Quayle, stirring paper em Cromwell it oe.cbmded. Maw wanes'. R.ereatiose in Astronomy ars of iseiaatiag interest. Rise.. pares an devoted to • e tirrieig tomperu.re sole of "A Wem.'s elle. want • .eel Will you heed the warning' The signal perbpa of the sure approach of that more bbiiss Demos coasumptioa. Ask yourself if you Mon afford for the .ake of saving 50 Deets to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Care will cure your cough. 11 never fails. -ELI-P4= PERKINS MONDAY, FEB. 1st, '92. Grand Opera Howie. Rev. lieu. i. Mottos has IM• bower to aa - nommen Ibar he bar .r,-ured ibis enamelPy- lon humerus 1' • series uI bis talooliabio lecture., .- H'wea..1 5 •t (luded.►. to aid in wise off the• debt u( the.-hurch in Iireesss d w►kb he is Hive yoursrl • treat and bele a 'rood oatty. 8UBJECT : "The Phileleophy of Wit," or, " How to Canute Laughter.' Mverybsar come sad bring pour cbildrs.. sod moor • good leesli. Tie purest lecturer as the platform today . Auansmlo,i, 25e. Aso RestnnSDSEAT,, .l4c. Reserved .eats at MAZER a. PORTK1t . A Great Auction Sale of IIOIISEIIOLII 1100115. tV ALNIJT PARLOR sl'ITr. HKUIIOOld 1Sallee. Hall Hat cheat. Musk :Hoods, Without (..tis. Tabfee. Mosey Moods. Pictures. Mirrors, 0(1 Paintings. chain, etc. etc. Now is your chaste for tooryelne. Sale in CRABBII BLOCK. sett door to 1lbw.i.g`a oboe mare. Pont target the date- WINIWAT, rsOUT WIT Int. AT t F.W. JOHN KNOX, Ar,Tio.IER MAN WANTED To take charms 01 local Age' Good eam t'for right rms. u .alert oaor oonenioiea. Wbole or pan then. We are the only growers of both Lina - dim sad Atterica& mock- Nurseries at mum - rine. vine- Ont.. anal Rochester N.Y. Visitors coin WSW at vowed* tam.daya oxosestdt. flue quick acrd write tar MI informtios. W. want you Dow. BROWN BROIL 00.. TORONTO. ON r 5100.11 1 ouse s • reH'bi e.Inc.-Ca C.gitd BLUEVALE. (Too Lars ram Lear Irma. l Lo rriepe is still on kis travel. Eismerk Tussmdoe left hen for Belleville, were he intends resuming his studies. Mrs. McGee, who boo been in a ver ttritieti1 condition for rose time, a getting j Wiser. Pater Robertson sad wife. of Manitoba. came home to .pend she %V inter ander the parental root Mr. Gallagher, of Wingh.m. occupied the pulpit u the Methodist ch.reh is the abeam* of tb poorer. Rev. 1. B. W.Uwin. rr:ua onatts wI t 5a . ... 4r: ... n800754M EAUNCLOttwHst.a3, . beast RmGel, pore's"ant Cwa, Fwkre :.rpwsih*• .tris ee••e.d Lone. r.. rt• " __mese M resets...sea v....1 •.asp . t_1 a..•.:11.,. ...Runs t► I tr++n .I Ie- . t5. )4...61/►YM 7-$sa.tfr.rr•. re.er..1..• Y ane N rw.=ly r r..My .r 0.. L tea... 1..ere ca nis. +NtrP•a ares -Y 5, rw .hrra r fM._Ivrr.10. ._. NOTICE LTO ALM NEVEF- FAfLS CuRfS C°10 LI IN -RH MUCH BETTER ' Thank You! • :HIS 18 Tar UNITEI:A If. TILRT7- ::; .r Uses rhe lace. s.pndpew t::'tome BBOYCIIIrIA, COUGHS, rot. sox 0u .IMP I'ol:.W or WAST- ING DISICA 18,sor1er Ary keretr:at SCOTT'S EMOLSI0N Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and HY7OP14O3PHITE8 -Or Lose ani Boaa.- 1T IS ALMOST AS P!LAT .IIILR .:1 !SILK. IT 7S A HOVIII FCI /•LFII PHODUCCH 11 :. .r..! •ens erideesnl I "Ipuiele... Aw:t an :,Jests..s or sobwir..r:..... 3.14 1e .sot Dr..p+ua of SO.'. owl et ea ' r.l?T A 110:1 -Ne, IT*.•, -UI+, eA muss mem en It covers tulle itrou>ad -due B. & C. corset. It 1s perfect in shape and fit, is boned with Kabo, which will not break nor roll up, and if you are not satisfied, after wearing it two or three weeks, and BANK OF MONTREAL.71 CAPITAL, $12,000,000. REST, _ , A Saving Department has been (ened iii cow - vection with this ranch. Interest allowed at current rates. i r' GEO. DRUMMOND, Manager Goderith Bras a. r gs GREAT SALE DRESSGOO ROBED DRESSES 42 In splendid goods at leas than wholesale price. (These dresses WM i great bargain). Decided bargains will be given, an the goods must be sold 20 ENDS OF DRESS GOODS, I5cfs WORTH IRON 25 MITI TO 30 Ci.Ts. .,;,.., ; ;ail Wil tall DOING A 810 TRADE 18 Soalottes, Astracans & Cloth Ma n All Mantle (foods bought from us will be cut free of charge We have a first-claab DRESS and MANTLE MAKER in the store. Our whole stock of ready-made Mantles AT COST. RERe;116$11 WI MATS TUB Ree: t _5 Crit Carpet and lad Curlaiu Warooiiso cog HAVE JCmr O.DWD 363 SETS OF LACE CURTAINS Direct from the makers in t;la.gow, Soothed. COLBORNE BROS., OODEwICB. APPLICATIONS THOROUGHLY REMOVES DANDRUFF ANTI° 1D. I. CAV . ti irk • boo r`rwerw. w GUARANTEED iabr•••s•+r.=,p snns.a w FLUFF it bows' IIRt/Wt1J-' WOW age. asps wimp 0 tete. Row tan kat. slim Ri.kes ti mit rod PRIM s llwele..lees. COAL AND WOOD Y822D. Coal. Wood and Kint'Iing deli- vered to all parts of town with quick despatch. THE BIC SALE aL t quality chestnut, stove and egg coal constantly on hand. Best Shawnee lump coal for use in grates, stoves, furnaces, etc. Blacksmith Ooal. Best quality genuine Blos.burgh amithing coal now on hand Special attention given to coun- try trade. Cordwood. 1 hawvveep rohased 1,000 cords of ineple and beech wood, 4 feet long, from Mr. X. Baechler, of the Falb Reserve, on the river " Mene.etung," to be delivered this Winter for town trade, and will be pleased to receive orders for immediate delivery of this celebrated cordwood at present market prices. Coal. Hizne-Corner d Victoria and Anglaise stewefa IRem news - Trafalgar -at., opposite Buchanan A Son's Mhos. return it get your money. !OR BAIT BY W. ACHESON a 8010. CONTINUES. 1892-10 LIT UP FOB -1892 R. B. HOLLAND; DUNGANNON, who has put all hie goods within kW reach of everyone for the past 60 days, is bound to ooutinue the good work. THE SALE IS GENUINE. The goods are fres* and new. Prices marked in plain figura. The people cannot be deceived ie making a purchase. Spot cash will bring its own reward THE SALE IS CONTINUED so as to make room for Spring impor- tat3ooe from foreign markets and from leading Canadian manufacturers. THE 0000S are all bought ter seek, and soul at the closest pourable margin. CALL HAI and get first choice. R. B. HOLLAND, asseARSIN- i JOHN S. PLATT Special 'alae in family groceries al- esaye on hand at popular prime. PoorahETwa 8peitlfiea-Dtase 0 cods and Lineae 9344-ly THE { ,,1 v.,PUBLIC ! We close our doors on FRIDAY JAN. mark goods down to such ridiculousl low prices that the people must buy. The store will be opened SATURDAY MORNING at 8 o'clock sharp ; so come early and avoid the rush. THIS SALELAST ONLY TIN DAYS AT PRICES. Remember, ONLY TEN DAYS, which will wind up our great stock -taking sale. 1At Our Great 50c. Table. One of our great novelties will be a table in the centre of the store loaded with goods : YOUR CHOICE FOR 500 CENTS. ala Table 2 -Your Choice for 25c. sus coons AU ALL WOE= DOUBLE TRIM Yoasx. t rea NOTE OUR PRICES FOR THE. NEXT, TEN DRIBS 0000Z61: worth 10c ' 8c worth 1! 1-11s.; 10c., worth 16c. ' MANTLEtT HALF - BI 1E. TWEEDS XUBT GO AT YOUR OWN PRICES. A few ends of left, to be cleared out at these prices : y COTTONS, S6 inch, 4c., was 6c.; do., Corker, 6c., was Sal Twill p $4 $ ; $5.50, was Printa 88c, was 6a • bc., was 8c, p wY $3 I Tm' was $3.50. Y;y +Sr r ti d li DAYSDAYS 1 $7 ; K was $s. DO NOT FORS -LT THIS TEN DAYS' s. A TOR -1_ We want your money ; you want our goods. You shall have the ; so come and see us. GEO. ACHESON & CO.'S OLD STAND. Shootings, 10c., MIMI 12 1-9s. OBERTSON. " GREAT CASH STORE. -- ROBERTSON.