The Signal, 1892-1-28, Page 4THE SIGNAL: G'ODERICA, ONT., THURSDAY JANUARY 28, 11N.w
AMMaW Reerears se the Mmes -taws
1a rYitsiale
UMW -,-
OS.. of 1tk1usij d Northeteem
Tens. .. Mharsypba t
le &drains
1s &seed, lbs WW1, per year I •
. tee
*a *embalms Meese
cad ,e
tar sdvewusete.
N =UMW sI Ib.
Mr tlrst t iW j >lman
est verde at six lodes Ind mad,., 40 p•v
limetria et
vacant. ittedtrarid
114166.11 • nil, set exceeding $
t t►toa
se Rale, cot te
ilMaPer liserth. ta
.t whloh 1e to
et pay Ladi-
es cad-
miNeg swoyayset 05T
et. per word. We cries feta lei. ta•a No.
$Hester tar churches sldl relish= sed
hweveleut tnsdtudeus batt ram,
Commesessise Orad act A/5ssa1..seste.
number .tedverttee-
ImaNw alt dtwrates
s M 3 110
6 fit
Islleldlt a .kmgs inches in s
FaaeatiN i4e lash $57 SSB
Matrsot ; llt par oast. om 5ltt
emit. ea a rem'
s will \serially oaf rue a The
Abase "'TIM altatl" l0fvsy.
8st•sse(bers who tante t0Mve Tam *meat
rmmdarty. either y carrier or by cail will
cosier • fever he a.lastatWj us of the tact et
as sari, • datean possible.
Logi se Weer Labe.
Your label Y a staseles reostpt et the date
to which you are flide Sea that it is not
allowed to tall date
When s Mases i, desired. both
o ol
the and the saw sboeld be given.
Selected .seeind♦et malt be returned.
C.rreepo.den.s men be writtea on one side
eV paper only.
rs111sW11 settee,
J. C. Le T tdselch, bas been op -
weasel. Lewd 'hs Asset for the towa-
ehiessA ti.derleh. Ambled aad Wa-
Laical ps11maatue mag lbe detrist ars deo
empowered to ramtw ISMsseepases l Tis
All cosa.a.ieeti ee salter be addressed to
Tits 810x.1,
Telephone Can 116 Audsrlek. Oat.
aussmamiRmarbwiroft r--
Cowes= fen Saco&, the week with any
other Dollar oseeey jetsam$ is America.
WHEN is talc "ems .t Ontario," WIL-
L/Awe RALro Mtlitanliffe, to enter the Cab -
AND so J. A. Ca*rriac has had " Three
strikes and out ! " 50$$54 on him by umpire
Ur to date the Limas have gained 0.e
resat in the bye•dseibe n and lost moa*.
Iinooln,Halt s mad Dares election Donne
of to -day.
Thom bye-.Metaae are •t rung together
like • very tratveu link at award Why
didn't the crams clew et Ottawa bring oa
all together
Ma. Miaow. the political pariet,ha• been
twice unmated bieseM1, and was the man
who paid over the $360,000 ALLA bribery
fund. The idea d Mr. Assort prosecuting
say man for handbag boodle !
(vas the Tare R'vd.iag Journal. of Ot•
taws, protests that the Ottawa Government
is fighting Mennen with loaded dice.
Welt until the swab lights again tweed
neon the foul ..4 at Ottawa.
Tames wilt be ryas beet the choir when
tie imported Tory wester* begin to dilate
is the farmers of Watt Huron upon the
be.edts of • borne market and the beauties
.t restriction el tie MOKi.loy and N. P.
order. The applause will make 'oat
TT.s talented i.divifival wire recently con-
trolled to .blas al at 1 0500er of The
Arsoaa Kicker wrest ly has boa secured
by The Empire aims gmmeet le lead up the
political minims of the pap -feeder's organ
while the by eMeae.e are oa Brains
without ballast are e. desk.
WHEN THotsrsee„ Towel and Fcwrma,
the three men from the Maritime Provisoes,
were laid up with 1a grippe the brains toed
platform power of the Tory party were
abed. Theme throe Illemeses have to de
nearly .11 the public epMkiss of the Cab-
les,- The Ontario Tartan w suffer-
ing from • poverty of pietist power.
TintStar idignanily denies the rumor
that JOHN ,lowC HAWKIN S e te M N.
()seeervative uo.iees s Weld Hrroa- (ler
" Leal Rights •• eaeltallirriwri shouldn't
jump M HAWKIN• sbsL4A+ lies just AS
geed s any of the Mbar lewd. toed if be
were Amen at Smith's I<M The Star would
kited& down to his an04045 s lust 55 it
did te Mr. KAI.' h' in Ma
Tut United States is away ahead of us a
rehires For yews the msRrMMpe d a
1Nttor to an Slam parts ed the astd•
kits a sly been two 6011, sr a farther ree-
&Miss ia looked kir .eta -Lesbos Ad-
Clomp postage wan met et the question al.
together darhig the Hamm/ regime.. Tb.
working e.pisras were tee high owing t0
the gaylag etc rdadies tin btersle derke who
iida't deal N .ay gr.M .i1, bus who
ree►ereksfisae had their Megan endorsed by
•+ J. G. it.
Tug Bimini says that the ye-elactioas
Meld ler raw pelted meall0l y
allebtanst et the ...ears. WA let's me
Mae tbo chi • hens. Up to darn fear
else$ ns North Logen. RI.iess. Gies -
and Riehawd --have been held, an
Tory preserve* o a et the fear
_-bap h.m careered y the Lib -
Thule ewe cheat t++nq Tea mass
cud • easra7Msdlmg eelisioNbeey re-
WM mho • pia ef five NOW M the
end tat weal en a evYim--whit
wwli p a I. way to wipe% act the pre-
treat Tory estojority a the Hems. It The
IWO* is crusted with the results thus far
so are the _
MIT TIM 0111111,10111011 tett CALLOW
As Perliaoient is called to meet at
Ottawa on Feb. 25th for the despatch
of business, there is every reason to
believe that in the intervening four
weeks the bye -elections an con0tituen-
cies now vacant will he 'pushed for-
ward before that date.
With such a contingsttcy in view no
time should be lost by the executive
in calling a convention of West Huron
Liberal. to select a candidate to con-
test tee constituency at the fortbeoni
ing electio n.
Wetlnesbty, Feb. :lel, bee besot
Chose by the Conservative party as
the clay for placing a nominee in the
field, and there is strong evasion to be-
lieve that once the Oovernnient Can-
didate is tamed the writ will not
tarry. In such an event the Reform
convention should follow sharp on the
heels of the Smith's Hill gather.
We understand Mr. Csuxitor will
return from Flogrica by the end of the
present week, and should that be the
cede there is no reason why
the Reform convention should
not be held during the coming
There is another reason why no
time should be lost. It has been an-
nounced tlat J. C. Pesetasur, of
Windsor. las been called to the Cab
inet, and it is also stated that he will
be put up as the Government candid-
ate in West Huron. Should Mr. PAr-
TikRON receive the nuniin •tion at
Smith's Hill and,despite the adv-omicy
of a local man by The Clinton News -
Record, things are shaping that way
-the Government would endeavor to
put the erection through with a rush,
so as to steal • march on the Re-
To offset such a scheme on the part
of the Conservatives the Reform con-
veallt0 abeakid !r ,lies earliest
possinier tatty- lby tPriisy, Pelt.
Let the convention be called at ouee.
THP ROAGs% tete1.
The alleged editor of The Star is
very anxious to know why THE Set. -
NAL did not (alae the whole box and
dice a the old directors of the West
Huron Agriculture[ Society to he
ejected from office Wednesday last.
If the editor (i) was gifted with a
modicum of common sense he would
not ask such a queution, but since
he is so anxious for information on the
subject THE SIGNAL will not withhold
This is the reason Some of our
friends came to u; and said that it
would be the easiest thing in the
world to issue a writ of ejectment
upon the directorate of 1591, but the
placing of a new directorate would
rause the present incompetent secre-
tary to be disniimed, and as the salary
which lie obtains from the agricultural
society, and the horse society salary,
and a few other such perquisites aro
what keep him in town, the loas of one
or more of the offices might cause him
to leave, and somebody might come
hither and take charge of The Star
who knew something about running s
local paper, and might on that account
prove an opposition to THE SIGNAL--
sotnething which doesn't now exist.
Tun Sweat saw the cogency of the
argument, and at once decided to put
up with the poor opposition which we
have rather than stand chances d
getting a stronger one. Besides, we
had already done our duty by the
public in the premises.
That's the straight answer, although
we may not get much credit for it on
account of the element of purr selfish
now standing out sn strongly.
The election of Net many members
of the old directorate by acclamation
in no more an en donation of the fake
Show than was the re-election
work at the lest West Huron Fall
of the town (vent$ of 1591 :an en
dorseinent of the South Boundary
episode d last year.
The secretary of the West iluron
Agricultural Society knows this, and
so do hu employers, who won't thank
him for reviving the question of the
failure of the show.
The reason the editor of Tut Sale
est was willing to have the old direr
tors elected en bloc wee to giver them
a chance to redeem themselves (mei
the odium attaching to the fiasco of
Int year. If they failed the wooed
year, the question of incapacity would
he deetinitely fixed. As things now
stand it looks as if a good deal of the
failure win .ter utahIe to the incase
pedant see d the concern.
it is to he hoped thin answer to the
question will prove aatisfsetory. Now
give es a balder one.
rat a. NI os.
(most ram asst, ono. 33,11811.1
Les* year Tea Sweat desilted to give •
rebate of Eoa to all enherihrs .h. paid la
advance. Many availed themselves d the
Mier thea made .ad saved mem" by prepay-
r ay-
anenL ()them uvglected to do s, aad were
tamed the credit press.
There is so reams why lbs matin who
takes a county paper akoaM met pay in •d-
vmaos for tt just as he oleos for his city
weekly, olid During the soling year the
icy of • • so pay, no paper " will Men
by Tas Sweat.
Daring the peat tea yeera oyTer $3,000 have
been lest by THS Sweat ofEde in lbs metier
of back wbscrtpttoos alone, mad we don't
bel inclined to be so generous to dead -Mat
readers during the rwwfag tea years, if we
can avukl it, and we &Isiah es AMA.
Tor Sao s i. IS now os. .f the best country
newspapers a Canada. It is worth a dollar
in advance if tiny erovinmel nerve/Or N.
1f it as not worth • dollar in advance so ole
is compelled to take 11, but if any subscriber
thinks it worth having prepayment wal M
Feb. let ao '• back numbers'.
shell rumen o0 our list. Our compositors
add pressmen do not wait for one, two, five
or ten years for their pay, and we doe'
value the esteem or good opinion of • sub-
scriber who believes that any time this side
of Judi/talent Day is early enough to pay as
Now is the time to subscribe.
41.111' 51.v1,.I_
Brantford E:vptsitor Tres Gona.I.N
SIt:vL, One of the best of the provincial
weeklies, has joined the number of Cana-
amathan papers that require cash mu advance
from subscribers to their weekly editions.
Su far u we are •war., The Expositor
was the first to make this departure- hut
others are rapidly following suit. Th•
result of the experiment, too far as we are
concerned, has been of a most enoearagtng
character. Despite the fact that from time
to time the names of many delinquents have
been dropped, the circulation of the weekly
edition is about double the figura,
of two years ago, and we teal that we are
enabled to furnish • better newspaper and
sell .t • lower figure than would be possible
under the credit system. The cash system
is therefore riot only more busines-Iike but
mutually advantageous There is uo man
who is able to afford • newspaper but can
manage by a little forethought to provide
his dollar in advance, thus keeping himself
out of debt sad the publisher in good
We trust other provincial weeklies will
follow the example set by The Expositor
and THE SIGNAL, and will insist upon the
pre -payment of subscriptions The country
weekly, in its own field, is jest as much a
mm0Mili$y flake air/ weekly, sod come.
qus.tly a quite as goad position tie the
latter to do busiues oa business methods.
So far, at least, as The Expositor is cm-
cereed, the results achieved by pre.p•y-
meets have been such that we meld not
possibly be persuaded to return to the old,
uneatsfactory system.
A hence PPM Iles SALT.
A special from Washington to The
New York World says that Represen-
tative Whiting, of Michigan, to whom
the question of free salt was referred
by chairman Springer at the first
meeting of the wars and means com-
mittee, has drawn is report which will
no doubt be adopted without change.
Mr. Whiting claims that salt can be
made as cheaply and of as good qual-
ity in the United States as anywhere
in the world, and that the present
importations of salt are not due to its
low price, but to a prejudice against
Americas, salt acxbuired before Ameri-
can salt had reached its present
Foreign salt is higher priced than
American salt, and there seems no
good reason why it should he increased
by a duty. While the present low
price of salt has caused the closing of
many extensive plants, yet the price is
sufficient to give a fair profit to pants
operated by practical salt -makers. if
the committee was conaidering simply
the wishes of the salt -makers and dis-
posed to provide a satisfactory profit,
not only to such as are at present
engaged in the enterprise, but to all
who might desire to embark:in a far-
ored industry covering an article that
neither man nor beast can do without,
they would rrommend the repeal of
the rebate cause increasing the duty
to the prohibitive point and form a
substantial heels for a au«earful trust.
The majority members of the com-
mittee, the report will say. though not
professing their ability by the some
law to make an article high to the
manufacturer or producer and cheap
to the consumer. and being unable to
claim that the indu*try of making salt
is an infant industry, or that the
whole alcor cost is equal to the freight
cools the ocean• feels constrained to
report the bill favorably, confidently
believing that it will result in a more
independent and healthful condition
of the American trade.
The Iowrnng of the price of foreign
salt by removing the duty, which
ave erages m er ft.3 !SO a ton at the port
of expert, will not necessarily lower
the pose of nine tenths of the An.eri
can product, which now *ells at less
than the export price of English salt.
As the salt industry is one in which
ocelerich is particularly interested, the
legislative aciaon d the i)emocratic
majority in the popular house at
Washington will his watched closely
from this section, for legislation from
Wshingtos in the direction noted
will do mere for our local 4.M teeth
tries that anything that cal be beam
at Ottaws, outside et .wmspiig Nos
N.P. from the Statute book.
If some of the persons who pretend
to be such judges of good liquor when
they taste it were to have ocular dem-
urtatration of the component parte
of the Ii,luuim diet they pout tlowu
their throats it i.queetioi if there
would be so many drunkards and
moderate drinkers as there are at pre*-
Rev. M. l'. Peruse of New York,
recently stated publicly that he had
visited ;s dozen of the best liquor
stoles iu that city, and bought pint
samples of their !test gin, whisky,
brandy, port wine. sherry, etc., and
had them analysed by an expert
chemist. This is the result of the
1a the munple of pure Holl•ad gm we
found neutral spirits, rouse tetra, juatpsr
berries, turpentine and vitriol. We to
the white d an egg and an oysteri, both
easily digestible articles, into this com-
pound sod new them shrivel up into hard
stringy masses. This shows how nicely •
drop d gin aids digestion. la to sample
of -tine old band -emcees Kentucky whisky"
we foetid neutral spina, glyoenm, sul-
phate of zinc. chromic acid, creosote, na-
slacked lime end fuel oil Now, littera
drachms of fust) oil evaporated is • bot will
make the toughest cat you can pat in that
box insensible in Ise than en hour. Hat
the port wine, that etch, fruity drink which
solid respectability u proud to take after
diner that was the worst of ell. What
do you think we found in the best sample
that 1 could buy ! Well, there were neut-
ral and, glycerine, Memos, WIC, mercury,
antimony. salts of tartar and ether, mun-
atic acid and alum. 1 have statistics 1.0 show
that 100 times more imported wine is sold
than can be mase from all the grapes in
Oporto. It is the save with all othet
wines. Madeira produces 30,000 barrels of
wise per year, and America elope drina
50,000 barrels of Madeira wine nn that time.
In the best lager beer he could get, Mr.
Peters said, there were discovered pepper,
ginger, vinegar. capsicum, cream of tartar,
acetic, nitric, citric, tartaric, sulphuric sad
prussic a. -ids. nitric, sulphuric and acetic
ether : spirit of nitre, the oils of vitriol,
turpentine and cassia: carrewayseed, cloves,
)aponic extract, bitter alar.ods, orris root,
grains of paradise. Spanish juros,beck seta,
dried cherries, orange peel, o oriander need,
white oak bark, tannic acid, fennel seed,
cardamon seed. wormwood, copperas, alum,
selpbaess of aroo .0d capper, lioonce,
opera, gsettan root, ,fuses, cooeulus in-
dices, toba.uro, saltpetre, logteaod, marble
dust. eggshells, hartattorw, autgsle, potash
Ting 11103111 N MOM G IL
The new county a.uscid should take up
the question of erecting • house of refuge
for the poor of the aunty at o0ce.
51Therc Wino argument _a favorofd tbe
present system. It is]• disgra
county and the cwanty council alike •
Some of the skinflint membersghtave
opposed the house of refuge on the plea
that ecoionmy was involved even if lives
were in the balance. This was a mean ex-
cuse, even if it were true, bot it wasn't
It costs Huron county over 54 • week to
board and lodge its aged and infirm paupers
in jail, and even then they receive only
pauper's fa.. -e. Is that eco.omhy
it costa to county council over $2,000 •
year for jail keep of indigent poor, rad
.bout 81.200 for county wards kept outside
of jail waIls, without taking tub account
the costa of each municipality for its town•
ship poor.
The element of ew0omy s Ischia( la
the present spasm ; humatity s not in it ;
and • change should be made. The 1050
who would dare to p.rpetaate the iniquity
should be blacklisted.
Ir Mr. HAGGART rase his railways as be
did the Tay lard scheme he will furnish
more cars for himself than for impose
THE watt for the electi00 in West Huron
will be issued during the commie week,tbere
is every reason to believe, and the braves
of both political reservation are gettag on
their wrrpaat.-
St Thomas (osteal : Am I getting as
much for my beaus, my horses, my barley,
my sheep, say eggs and my cattle as i would
get if there were no United States duty os
If i do not, what coumterbal.ncing advan-
tages do i obtain ae the frusta of that policy
which keep me out of tbe American mar,
Have.hd 1honesany better hones market than 1
Res to National Policy and omit as
increase in the population of this musty
where 1 sell the antler prodmctaof my farm
as to create • greater demand for the art
ides I have to mall Isere, *red thus compel.
mite me for the lues 1 sustain on the articles
i sells the Steles
Is it not a fact that 1 hive virtunlly unlit
three markets the British market, where
I come to o s.petitios with the whole world,
sad sin in so wise Mneetted therein by the
National Policy the Americas market, to
which i only Alai. access on payment of
heavy toll, end wherein to National Policy
deme not profit am any ; and my bowie user.
km, whish is not as good, cossiderag the
attersl.armeaea of population, s it wag
twenty yeses age?
if thed s protection dosot base-
st me inpR ied, s the Metes er a (:an-
d*, why should 1 longer support it at snob
Wavy east
There is *sly ma rums w► • furter
should support it, het that tea weighty
reason with the team whoa the ten of his
father, and gets he polities with hie red
hair its party.
Ten wort to A TAN.
New Verb Wert The preemies *rpm
asy5 that " every Wedded table r.mie&
the peer m.. how mob his .agar caste."
Ys, mad he knows that it cants Ica bemuse
the twit les was taken of. Aad a will
vete, N ..11t, te themes ether mese
series s she sin, way.
H41014141111114 Ser Reader's of
The Imes et tie Week b ateaMisee a etas
Colaiss err My Seeders fes Metas
world t. rasteaeesaed teres
every mem.
W. W. Ogilvie has demisted 11,000 to Ilse
proposed 1' V. C. A. building at Wiuni
P at•
Ode day lest week there was he anp e
coated number of 157 death notice
London Times.
The *tory that the ('bilt•a Government
has requested the recall d Mr. Egan le not
0x51111041 w Wasbiegtoa
The Hrasidan Chamber a Deputies has
been prorogue) after onslerriag almost u*
limited hewers on the President.
laohlen MseIt..ald, of Guelph. brother
of the late Sheriff MacDonald, of Ito,terxh,
died on Saturday night, aged 93.
A dispatch from Pere' .a the French
41,overnrnent has accepted Ba s apology
in regard to the (hadouine r.
It is estimated that titers were fully 100,
000 persons in and around to oemetery dur-
ing to funeral of the late Cardinal Man-
▪ .
The Mantua of Lorne has been appointed
govefaor and constable of Windsor castle,
In pias. of Pria.'e Victor of Hoheulohe. de
R.e..lo.atban Trumlrll Hackie, ,.a• of
the oldest Presbyterian ministers to New
fork State,died at Syracuse Thurol.y,aged
83 years.
The Lehigh and 11'ilksbarre foal I'om-
p•ny has nude an +0erage cut of 50 oasts
per ton 111 coal prics,and n is rumored that
other oomp•ntes are meeting the cut.
tievere shocks of earthquake were telt on
Friday night in Rome and other parts of
Italy. Some buildings collapsed, but there
is so far no report of any lies haying hem
The body of (.eorg a Markbart, ('allt000u,
N. V. ,was discovered Thursday night is the
('ali.vx,a creek. 1t is supposed that Adam
Halt, has brother -in law, munderel him
while insane.
Phillip Lienbarg, alias Morgan, wanted in
Chicago on . charge of burglary and as euelt
with intent to kmll,ws arrested at Montreal.
While in jell .waiting his trial three months
ago he escaped.
Arthur Edward Slithers, formerly mow
ager of to English Hack of the River
Plate, aoovic-ted of stealing &'7,148, belong-
ing to the bank, hes been sentenced to four
years' penal s.rritod..
Two terata, leaded with petroleum col•
tided on the Transcaucasian Railway at
Tiflis Thursday. The petroleum ignited
after the collision and everytki.g was com-
muned. Six charred bodies by been
At Port Huron Wednesday morning about
4 o'clock, George's Thosp•ce'a 4 -year-old
daughter awakened him by shouting in his
ear, '• Paps, wake up ' It's so so*okiab '
The house was in lams and the family had
to hustle Lees 13,000.
While seven ten were wring dowu walls
around old gas retorts a the Consolidated
tis Company's works •t Forty-fifth street,
Now York, Thurefay, a wall oollepsei add
buried them in the debri.. Ali were in-
jured : three will probably die.
The following is a list of Dominion elec-
tioustoeome of (eighth the next few weeks :
KaeMee Jarnury 28
Liaools . January 28
Halton. Jail nary 21
Cumberland.$weary 30
Laval, I'. Q February 1
Scallawag, P. Q Yebsuary 3
Lennox February 4
Priem Kdward February 4
gams. N. 8.... February 9
North Victoria.. Febro•ry 11
South Victoria... February 11
Ped .. February 11
Halitex February 11
Kest Middlesex February 11
Kart Bruce . February 11
Nigby, N. 5 February 13
The Northwest last week
voted down a te publish its pro-
oeediage in F
The Democratic National Coaveation will
be held et Chicago, that city gettiag • ma
jority oa the fifteenth ballot.
At the Liberal mass aetirg is London
on Saturday meting Charles S Hy man
wan again nominated for the Co.....m
Hon. C. H. Tapper hes returned to Ot-
tawa, having been obliged to °cost all his
engagements in Nov Scotia through his
lemons runes with la grippe.
Hon. Mr. Chaple•u left for Florida Sat-
urday. He visited his department for •
little while in to cad called upon
the First Minster. of State
mid be expected to be away about sit
weeks, returaiag tote capital • week or so
after the meeting of Parliament.
.1. ('. Patter.°. has ices sworn s gime
of the Privy Council and appointed Secre-
tary of State, Hou. Mr. ('hpeesu awsag
to portfolio of (,'asteme cad Hon. Mr.
Rowell berm* Minister of Militia, while
Sir Adolphe Caron will probably take con-
trol of the PostOem Ikip•rtmt.t.
An election was held Saturday to 611 the
Parliamentary :vacancy inithe Roseed.le
divsioa of Lancashire ceased by tae resent
elevatias to the peerage of Lord Hertiag.
toe. The result was he election of the
Gladstone* a0didate, aad almost • com-
plete reversal of the vote mat 1. the pree-
mies electio5. The voting was aalonsod as
follows : Maden, 6,066: Brooks, 4,841. 1.
the preceding .lactim the vote was : Lord
Harttzt'negton, 5,3J9 ; M. T. Newhiggirig
(Home Ruler), 3,940.
Saturday 1.11 (loderich lost one of its
oldest and most respected 51.ide.te by the
Heath of William Kay, W. A.., after an
name( short short duration. The demeaned was been
in the village of 1'etholwi, Rexburgh•hire,
*mimed, at to foot of the (faevht., in
1811. At wheel he esus • diligent and see -
modal student and began to teach before be
was sixted years of mgt at firsts tutor in
a private family, and afterwards*, mst.
ant in the parish wheels of Attune and
Gordon. i. 1831, he ems• ae'ed his ell
est mister. thee sawip tarried, to Omaha
She aad hoe baab•nd, Mr. Boyd,settled at
Grby s the Eastern Townships, whore
she still liven The ret of the family fol-
lowed a few years Mar and wattled is the
ease Neighborhood, bat have all .see
passed away, Minwho is • year
or two older Nam Mr. Kay,
dbeing tea eels
survivor. Mr. Kay proemial to
letters d r-oeu.endaties and teed Me aag Jib the medians* ef he
whalership dei chamber and his skin ..d
mimeo .. • is ehrte. Then ice tams the
eagtWdaase et a.►. Dr. Iteffiessa, mid
tees y hire into ddwd to Rey. 1». Urea.
her% Mee ►eatb.- el OtrstwalMrseo
mar wheal-- hvieg suosded the hie
Bishop Sntsshan is the charge ol4Nat edit -
ties, this wen kegler as the Beetem
District Scheid Mr. Kay becalm Dr.
rqubart's aeeieta.1, mad atter a year ur
two received the appointment ut bead mean
ter a Plena grwa•a•r whoa, • ponies
w tech he bbd ter several years with marked
credit aad easels Nd retsreed to Ones -
wall is 1$S& clad Net the fide ef Dr.
t'ryWort. who had resigne1. This politica
11.3 costiaued to hold tidal the odes d 1867
w bar he retired. Deese this bag
huadreda d youths paced adder
str•rotiss asci received their Medi' for
their aper mooted d very eery of theta, as
►e old oohed regiel re (.till pedigreed)
show. won far themselves a the various
proleeabrte, is the oanwsroisl world or s
t he mere .tearing field el militias husassble
poeticise Assormg the more thetiagaished
of his pupils at Perth sed ('or.wael were
the Hos. Alex. Morris, Jas. Beams, Ptd.
HcKerma, all of whom have peened away.
Others, ouch ea Jan Cron, 01 ostreal, sad
Ker. Dr. Devis,l•te principal d the Toronto
Normal School, ate s1111 alive, add wen
known te cherish the kiadst feelings to-
wards their old master. la 1866 the ems -
c11 da Usdveieity, Kisptos, u
r'raxlgalt.Nk not only .1 his atteasam e as •
e b and his add seem as • teacher,
but also of the services be bad resdeswd the
1'olversity aseeding bre so may well-
trained and orediethis atwd.uts, bestowed
0w him the wen sierit.d title of M. A. In
1866 be came to O hderioh and altered bad-
ness with him brother, the late John Kay.
After • year or two, aesthete sot beiag then
very brisk. he resumed twaohidg, add filled
• positive on the stag of the Mestreal (high
school toe abort • year, whom he mgsin
OMNI b l:oderich and remised business.
Here be 00ata0ed to nude ever since.
About forr or 6v years ago he gave up
business, &add g the Marge of it to be too
much for his advaciag years, retaining only
the expire °Moe. Soon atter his return
b t;oderiah he was made a trus-
ts of the grammar school, sad
afterwards was elected chairman -a
potion which he ooatinoed to hold uatil
1891, whoa, in uowcisemoe of iaas•aise
deatoma, be moldered his nrmgs•tioo u $
member of the beard Both the town
council whose representative ,be had been
sad the high school board took occasion
to express their .ppreoi•tioa of the value of
his services. He continued to the Wt to
take • warm interest in the school. Mr.
Kay was twice married -best to • sister of
the late Hon. Maeolm Cameron, and after-
fterwarts to Mss Dickenson, of Prescott, who
*arrives hies. Five children mourn kis
lo.. --one, Mrs. Dr. Mclean, by h. Int
marriage. cad the others are tea Alsder-
e o5, Mrs. Chiles, Mies Kay, .mei lar. Joha
Kay. of the Bank of Commies, Woodstock.
He had of lateears hese severely tried by
•miction in the thdnearsad dear relatives
and lease. in Immo ; and it was sot to be
wead015d at that • frame thus tried .red
bearise to weight of 811 years .ocumbed
to • severe attack of peeumoasa Few mea
knew William Kay well esosgs to judge
him fairly or est►rnsre .rtgbths attaima•e5ta
ss . sebolmr or the acted of his information.
bladed •rd dithdat as to bin powers, be
n evertheless posses d a well -stored mind
add • fine tame in literature. He mowed
his faculties (except Mariam to the lest,•ad,
dspifs he four score years, he had
never need traces, shhough he ceataud
to read his Greek toeiams.t, cad
kept •best, .e well as ono ma, of
the proems of the world s both bes.i.-
Okras It e a matter of deep regret that
um so well acquainted with the coaditios of
dttoetien and other matter. a Emmen Oa-
tario fifty years ago, and so well gadded
emery way for the tea, had sot been in-
duced to prepare for publication sows chap-
ters of rdasasommes, which would certainly
have proved instructive cad int tog. la
liesimss he wee a than of eaedd and
t.thodiosl habits, and of the strictest is
tagrity, in paste hie • kind kissed, and •
humbe and Moore Christian. Cawthorn -
Mee ad r etire% is his public r.ti$ioas
s•sifestatioas,helr d Mend the portion d
elder is the ohmeh of his thorns, but by his
eosestemt Christie* life he bad, as his pas-
ter maid at his f..assl, preached serene of
more weight and value than many that are
heard tram the pulpit.
AN/ALOI Y. 51•.15.
The following, from Th. Median, N. Y.,
Tribase,rders to the death of • former well
knows resident of 4;oderlch : O. the *ven-
ni d Demolisher 28N, 1891, Ab.alom Y.
Blob paced to his rest.
Mr. Bush wee bens Vainest, is 1811.
He cats to this Stem when eight years of
age, and with ►s pinata moved to the
tow. el Barre, a 1827. tater se be care
to Media", and Imo became gee of USD
prominent business moo of the riilage. He
was amsei*ted for man yeawith the
Ism A. M. Ives, is theh grocery trade.
Later be c in Weems in the town
d Ceoderick, where he rem.i.ed
Mae years, Doming back to Medina in 1866.
He was kind .ad courteous to all,
basset is besieges, "walking uprightly be•
fare men," and thereby won the respect and
regard of all who knew him. 13.1551* loyal
member of the Masonic fraternity, and so
leas as he health permitted was never ab -
est from ins ....04g.. He wee to first
o.adi.i.te initiated into Medina lodge
He had been for malty years a member of
the Baptist ohurcb, and always lived up to
hs prefesen es • Christian. His faith a
and depsdeace upon the lore and care of
his Heavenly Father was like tae trusting
faith of the little child that ciseps to the
loving shelter et itnt mother's arta, when
weary or in pain He bon the sickness
•.d saloriag of hie bet years with patience
sad fortitude, Mises\ he longed ter re-
lease and rest,.
He left • wife, who has .est tenderly
owed aur his thramgb bit yawn of feeble-
n ess, and three erandelffibm, reeMl a in
Michigan. Fasted amiss* at W redbee-t,
• Uisbret., were caadesesi by the pas -
fir of his church and by the Order of
whish he had been s► Iowa an hawed
a. Y. ATTaIU-
The death of H. Y. Merit$, which took
pleao at hie Toronto rendition. Thursday
last, You a surprise to three who knew him
this agctma..h►ough it wee k Down that
be had hosm gradully failing for some
time. He elm to (loderieh in 1873 amid
p.reeh,sd Ridgewood Far., whish he bad
Mee used .. • Rammer resided*. Since
ceasing to (;oderieh he had takoa quite mu
Menet is the town .mei os than an rue
meanies had tede liberal promise in aid
of its dv*-.-- t which had not been
w ended by .4hen se they should have
bees. For the part ix yeah he bad bees
all e.tawe.My, bat hen, his entaei g. with
great pelisses and tweeds, and it was
only during the pad year that he withdrew
front he buiu.m seavitiaa He wee In he
70th year.
We have an heed • few tbtsand low•
pied lea 7 wham 551.i5(_,aniteble bin
,eedieg las easeaai , eirembra, ata. Call Is
toad Nis dame at Tera Mseat visa
>tMWtr' SOMNs
The rustsr sewage .ad lett. Of 5611 Were
MS a'asd wv.... - fde Meter etreel.m
se • atom (martyr -A lase of desert
Loewe, Jas. 20. Te body of tete Ilan.
of Chump. sad Avondale wee removed beg
the parish dhatc6 at `hmragham tsdsy.
The weather was tae and cold. At a3$
tr'Closk • detechatest d artillery with •
draped faecal aarrimge, dem up at the
Mardi piss. The gam -hempen sad blow-
ers employed us the Prime of Wales' adds
aad nearly all to villagers readies at P.
drtagb•st, with •II of whom the dead Debi
had bola • favorite, stood grooved alieW4
the pts, while the road armed Sd•uisbig
haul Hall te the cbaroh wee Bead teak
wheel children. At 10.15 the bell ea the
church bet•m tolling, aad as to *Mem
knell swag oat upon the matey air the
Priam of Wales and his household, mom -
pealed by hs sister Victoria', who had
. urged the Duke until his death, entered
the church. The menages in which the
party had riddua were fMowed
aby three
others oesentered
r d t chuyalrch,
ch, .cad takes eats
all had entered tis church,
est apart for tem, the fusser) se viees
were couaaoed. Thos were brief and sp.
on their 10.01.010o the coffin wee lifted apes
the Madders of a number of the royal ON.
*yea, .ad berm from the Mardi. It
was pled upon to gun carriage, whisk
was Bann by gut horses, mad • preemies
was then forted The tem.try ea the s-
tate of the Priers of Wales, aad the soma.
ben d kis boseshold, acted •• palliaasesa
Following directlyWend the softie came
Prime Prie of Wake ..d to Mike KM et
foot. Then come the clergy cad afhs ssik
the pmmkespere, marching r1 airmet.
Following times came carriages with tb
Primes* et Wake sed other royal peri..
ages. Tic rear of the procession am
brought up by the peasantry. 1e whole
route from the c hurrch to the statics d the
Great HINNI1. Railway wee heed seillattput
Idols who, .s the processus purest$, ward
is the rear. A mud of homer deem the
Norfolk rela.M01•s met the cortege at the
station Th, some* was esti of great edam -
Methadet Timm : Nothing does nese tt
grimaces atheism the the enema eo am -
steady exhibited by the .asters of an
Christina ammenisiu.. Thore was ample
*Tidied of the at the recant Pease Com-
grsas is Roos, whore a large properties et
the representatives are y Ot apoesase,
who candidly admitted that they ►ad bets
alienated by the way et MIA the ce ers-
tatives d Christsaity sacred sed sod pro-
moted war. There was • lima whoa tbd-
voacy d taropseaaa was largely left le
aesoetic semmrsts. Now the drills.
Marches lead the way. We treat tart be-
fore the twentieth oratory dawns the atria -
sten churches will is like maser take their
proper place at the bad ef the growing
movement a farm of universal paws.
AN CN**&WLY INd7cas0OlI.
Canada Presbytersa : Amid the aaiver-
sal expnasiasr of screw • lees love!), reei-
tesatio. lien been .diodable. Scarcely was
the keit preemptive to the throes d Great
Britas add is death beim certain dame
were eiparty discerns( is( tbepsr►ili1des d the
s.00s ens, sad there wise people were reedy
with their advice se to the m•trimseial NIL
moss that shoed or ahead not be Medd.
1f each far -geeing adivideab Irma .ver.
whlasd with the el a timely
provides tee the regal samendele. tM)
might at Isms have ke.pptt their :or
oo. dna
speculations to theologian tela tka eiterbe
were ever. No posible lanes pond haeme
comm. It is hardly 1. be expected that
thorn whoa hearts were heavy became d
sadden bereavement weedier* to go • moart-
iag for cote dam to ems Aad it would
have been .ors decorous to defer each dis-
oetrieur to a more earrommbie opportunity.
Its evident from the little and napless/Mg
acided that relle m at et feeling is set
universal even is the upper walks of life.
Soma el the city papers are amen in
favor of re -imposing the peemei on sews -
papers s order to mall* the pedal depart-
ment to redacts the postage on drop elders
im the cities to one mat This might suit
the city people, bat it would .et snit the
people in the costary perces, when there
s m fres delivery system Why should
the people in the oea.try puha pey petZ r
on cheer papers s order that the city_ tolkr
shoed have a free letter delivery by postal
carriers ! If it were net ler this 6w deliv-
ery of letters is the eines le* wily biota
would/Not bare as pity rete sees ear=
letters, that s, lettere whisk are
and delivered is the wars sky. The airy
WWI people do met take athought of the
pip{. a the country, who bare to go .ices
ler - elmir letters, lasted of horny/ them
left at the doer every mer.esg by • man
with braes battens on his oast rad a rd
stripe down Ins trouser leg. Bet it is rather
too iamb of • good thing to saws'that
oom.try folks should pay postage an their
mwapapen in order that the pmlym is
drop letters is the shim may be redeemed
frni two cents te OSA.
[rain cos owe oo..seroveaNT.1
Wean glad to see that Hilary Robb, er.,
is able to be about .gsia.
Than Maters mon intends to leave kir
the Mus again to ream his eesapatia..
ase Sarah Jokester" s helm frau b
Inas-ooatsud visit in Waimea and
A field.
The lament of Rivard flewm have bas
all need up with to ' /r* His 1-
15., MR dabs Lake, wee mirk with WS
natim of the bags.
AMieagh the weather is m wY mems
bus have bus Inunemieg areeed. A ammpk
of mad bees Y.uased meet tee week, ago,
sad en Wed.ady of lest week there was a
Anew hes see William 1'horm3e.'s.
The the Y People's
of 1$..04 1teer . 4 *
swim at Jar UeTettyl, et the get Rea
Qums a number otbered sad W $ #11srtM
tines. A silver mileetiea Nben up amerced
N Meet twelve 1.8., ,
Ze napes
ley the
snakes et arra, ere
ergs beauty et ares
Cluny hem home .-.wh sua
the ends' lama
Orem Their
ser*mmbtg ell etb-
r tem
and wether
A Cies,e lt r uu. Brien o
arrear . e shut° PA
urea'» OF GI -00
1111111110=111 ler CAON vet
cult$ Mt#Ne
and PHemere ft1Gs
The sew cottarl of Hal
steam on Monday, Jan.
We the necessary declares
side, the mead best
the reeve as ohadrtaa. T
ship Meers were appeal
mdsaiioa, via :
10 ; treasurer, F. Hs
Lippert, 966 ;
gmitb, 160 ; miners, k
J. T. Wren. The hoard
dm et the reeve cad eh
Jma 11.41, Dsa. *Mhos
medical health oemr, lye
tory impute, for wen
Orob; eastern division,
ealary of members of the
b 12 for each sitting of
printing was let
dine aqua,. Taxes, for
et L•Tts.bull, seouoded
des sdatiom of M. Zeller,
espied. Regret was RI
tree valuable services of .
...t, who for ball • mew
charged the ditties cf hie
Mei wish for his futon pr
-Turnbull, that Henry
be eel firewood for his o,
lesnosn between Iota L
Chested. Kalb/deb--Sal
W t elf the collator be
the heeds be dskvere
rid. Schnell -"Whilst*
tag the books the treaenr
eye, We. booka,ste.,bse
skip to Y. Hees. Carried
ball, that theism be res
clerk sad Mr. Selma, at
N. 00 Monday, Feb, int,
ted beech and 5,000 fent
the dark notify parties
red Kra Rsishrdt was
sr at s salary of $10.
elstsla werea ordered to
ter Meg
R51111r. i,
caste ; J. Hellbe eta
R. B. McLt, gr beesr7
8. Rnie
es, graved, $1
met ea Saturday, Ward
weer waw'A
Council met on Jamul
Alex. Stuart, reeve : Jet
reeve ; Tbua. Todd, .1
Robert Medd, osamillen
.eeeseary decisratiosa
d esting were read ata
treaesrer'ereport for I
reeeipite $6,93(1.43 and ex
13. was read eats fled.
laskil .s000ded by Mr.
odaeies ter officials for ti
auk ahlgo ; treasurer, I
$b each ; mem
Ill. reeve sad sameser, $
ad iemere, 32 per day.
by Mr. Todd, s.00add b
IC K. Miller he re-appou
b =Add, s mei
Sickagbottom be
maim wee carred. Me
..coaled by Mr. Medd
be reappointed treasurer
by Mr. Bowers, mead
that W. A. Wilma berm
Carried. Moved by Mr.
by Mr. Todd, thatJobe
ter. Carried. The reeve
WeathsAaed es the a
masts. of Mews. Gibe
members of the comae
rend oommiesiomra Ke
..00aded by Mr. Bowers,
&Meg the above sprain
mad dried. Carried.
Gibed and Medd were a
d w beard of health
medical dveer. The cl
espied. The tremar.r's
N Mara Stuart ad it
at seat wise. Moved
..d Gibson, that • cheek
d the dark f.r $37.26, n
expeae50 Carried T
Mudd to ask ter tends
the current year. The e
nag reentered fortyae
We close of
come early and
One of our
A few such
$7; $6,was $1