HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-1-28, Page 2A, POWERFUL STORY. The Work of the Land and Money Sark Fully P•ifrtrayed. CaAPTHR XII. A gwswae*D smut. A month mad tam the groat boom at Paraffin Pork maim! • sudden check. A railroad bat was kiwted through that itctica in Kamm, but it came not to or through tb. pima It sea withm fire mils of the town, a. the wpeay located a depot amid kid aft • Oew*1se at the point nearest to Nttatlist Park. As seem as lett fleet booms known as a certainty dm groat boom burst and the .mhryo netters mrMapalio la fat. The tale of Mee slogged *art, aadwithin three clays Ole value of real Mohr sea down until K mai i p..lib to eel iota at may price. Tho ram of tbo mow and bammrr oea.cd, Ltd unfinished bgiliiags were left nth That a ate twee es the railroad was started ander mob Iarm. of Magic City. Seraf the imritalio, .book the dust of Paradhe Bork ice s br fort and west down to Illeckt City to inaugurate a boom there; Sad be succeeded e, well that witbif a bw days there was a greed sank ofto the new town, and • *al It=e crate minium tea! .f Parodies Park began to reg. The people who meed boa* at the old town moved them to the sew, and thus within a omplo of maks the &mod town of Para - dia. Park --abs .coo proud infant wonder of Lao world -war Mead oat d existen e, a ndan*isa iamli.fbeadd Lrr.detir tad mark Alm op* Moto the embryo nameropoha bad mood. Tho collapse ted berm sadden and uses • Mild�d, ad handab of poor settlers who 'tbir IMI. all in the hope of making a raise -awoke oadalaily to the fact that ey merm rtlifod, tad that their hopes and their rami" bad gene down to- gether in the groat took. Home who had • .wall amount of (mast loft invested in tae new tow• is ib hops of retrieving what was lost im the ofd, but hundreds had n othuq left to invest. mad all they could do wax to meats the d.partrt and curse tioragga This radar pieem.r., however, was denied John Ganem. H. could mourn the fall of P•-adiss Park, but be had D O ooca.lon to OWNS 1leragga, for Scgs had warned bio end bad made .very effort to get him to ares biai ell John took his lea arioe.Iy to b•.rt, and may were the wakeful rigs . it mimed bis The mom of mossy was smell, but it was all that stood between his itmi v sad mat if be should fail ere hu trop do otmiag moon, as there was • fair pongee of him doing .ince the e psilon had apeftd up exceedingly dry. Mary, over p.dost mad long-wffering, deplored she tom el the mosey equally as much .o Jobe tial, bat mads • pretence of .o•idoring it • *ors trifle. True wife that .le wan Mks was wain to bear her own blnaders •lost, and besides shoulder • large pit of bet betEaad'. She saw seething is the ifis*. outlook to encourage bar. yet for jgkrile oaks oho affected to moo • grime Yo�ad more +the m* eftbp ~k. bootee: amdd w crap light ribs rooted their lost. Ji eomark.d ors day, ', that yes alis k a happy vi w the atfati n. ¶'b. los of the mosey, and tit knowledge Mgt it wt may fault, is snug► a mho am imams rysll aLmo.t, seen at buffk and d arca bad Wtmd se amass s ens improve W aoaNtly tem toad. sight to receive better treatment hest the p+ersrest. There le so justice he giving op to oarpsI%&5 .e and wade hula all the cheese portions of the public 1•Mk> having le ties hsgewhere 1►e me as i deserve to b biaastde I believe I'd have g oetel" 'Job., there is aeteiag for which to N ew you," Misty *plied. *if* invested dao mousy, a birdman d *hors awaited, ad to ase fee e lest. It was • et mistake. and .hiag Ma Sub • mis- take es *yam ,eight hove made, and as almost every poor Mohr iii make. Then is no are to ortadrons eouroehf, .r make yeneoslf miasma* with vb it re•a line oar the leeesmay is � abort rise won't f..1 it." J.ha, "bat it r bard to raise"I hops whop *ore i ea little to boo as. Than are poor prospects g„ crape thh year, for it is al- ready late is the mass .tad time, is not a.i.tun .seegb ire• the grimed to sprout fee seeds. If it does net run moos we shall ra aW again we shall have to go EFa the .zpsri••o•• of • year o•iYe I Add like turning a lorand nimielg dila Ckidli uokoa 00setq duvet and to .ed. I Me we had .eve rt Mt on Lams sulk Thom is soaking baro for mom but ...1_. berdiipo mad drop- poiateasnaa Thom 75$V y vier we have ,,W eastrad agaiam l. hot Jwiab, looka cad iwfedlli{ goody tttlor bas the sd • your ole ,Mho,'" said Mary, bolt wwa+ta a �PSms is latter ! lha wet i. edideewd•d, u*4S Mee poor man cen- se% hope togs' • hrmr mss. ir *snot for limeoll. mad t. snot .gas 003•.7 isto woisitela Theuaa& de it. of .m* wed a mai per trot of them get o n ay wd1, tet *oh vegan we rare We boar had .aperiaee b lbs way, sod we hast whet it f0 to be theme out ofsod loft em- asd p ha*e without hard tam h are, orad setAr may privatises soil dump bet i we•M eat **oar 11 ler the met far bre we Mw • hops of • Aero sed b r ye w mid id by for npea ase your own TNa Maes Or oITTL* \,.(' let /WW*D. Maty, ural ptoiu., otters nothing but wind bun and coyotes do.n h:. But the rich men, 1 suppose, must be cared for, mal whatever they dont want is tendered to thL:etisour. Itnt after all this is perhaps as ea any plate foe the poor mut. for he 't sem tb bre want.l anywhere except as • coevenie.ce to the wealthy. It is a truth, verily. that then is no place in this world for the pox. They are cumberers of the ground.' Johu and Mary, being Isearteore mad dis- couraged. wen probably prone to take • melancholy view of the ►uuatton, as people are apt to do under such circumstance. Kut after a11, who is there, to ay that their crew, though melancholy, was not to some extent at least based on factsWho u there to My that poor men with laaibee brought into c ntpetittou with the labor of all the .ir.haed and semi civilized world do not have a hard time of it in the east, and feel themselves fortunate In eine .ace out of ten of they are able to keep their depend- ent ices harely above want ! Who u then 'o my, against John [:roan.' assertion, that the poor settlers of the public lands of the west have not been neglected by the goy eminent mad forced to sosupy the arid plains pored over by the rob oath► men ami resit corporations as ,:t.leer0 Mary and Jishe may rave looked a1 the ritunuon through smoked glamr, ;,,,: if they did. they saw not far wrong. As John had feared, the outloe:. for crops grew lees and ler promising n ith each week. The weather continued dry, and day after day the mon ran his co...ee i hro.:gh cloudless haves*. l'be earth became parched, and the vegetation that had, in spite of all obstructions, forced itself into life drooped. withered and died Fns three 'tong months not • drip of rain had falba, and 11 being sow July •her.- w•\ 1." longer any grounds for hope on the pert of the aettlen. It was ilnpuesthle that ..ny crops wield be grown thus late in the was.to, even wen 11 to rue at Owes. TbMS was tamlfuag blue* the tram* bat • repetition of the expaionsea at the winter two )ears before. 'Their sure of provisions saved from the crop of the preceding year was almost guetc, and they hast no twoley and no means of rasing any. They had no even the privilege of burrowing from Ss-raggn this time, for they had nothing to mortgage him in return for his accom- modative. Take the otos: cheerful view of the futon that they .raid, asci picture at in the brightest colors their isuuyant fancy cowld suggest. mai it re- mained a dark. somber. fon bidding prospect, uurelseved by a singk rat of :i`ln. .lulls regretted the loss of ht. tnultey now as he had never regretted it before, and Oto osmium he weld form of himself, however low and debariug was spsierh him With that money all safely at head he awl his family could pass unionebed through the coming winter, and have enough left to pay the debt off the faint. But regretting did no good, and s 1lary tole her boatload, though she wee far from Tree a it herself. The s:reeus were not the only family etas were placed to • preoanous p.,uu.... Nearly all the "etteers us that Section were victims of the Paradise lark boon, and now found themeelvea stranded. 'Very few of them had three months supply of provinces on hand, and none of then had unary. 'rhe farms were all under mortgage to the eaMerte capitalise, as they could not borrow mosey, and it wee useleae to thank of earning an,y4ag it that part of the country, for then was un employment te be had. 1. this state of affairs somebody called • meeting of settlers at Markham s store, aid whoa the day came around, John Green went over to ere what could be dun.. Then were twenty-five or thirty other amen then, all with sad, bronzed faces and quaking hearts The new spoke together m low, earnest tones. There was none of the and hughteg in which teen thus usually indulge. Not • amtie disturbed tae gloom that hung over the meeting. Ne hope- ful light kindled in the eye of the poor set- tlers. It was • solemn ovcaaaoo and weighty matters occupied the theagbte of at that gathering of stouthearted pioneers. Before them and their families they saw Nothing bot starvation, and it ea not to be wondered that their cheeks wore brash* and their eyes dull and heavy with anxiety and fear. The •iteration was discussed is all it phases. and innumerable plane of action were suggested. Some favored giving up the land mid rovtag away, bet • gra* Dray hke Gree wen too poor to gs and knew of no piece where they could better their condition, moa of they were able to make the dotage. After • great many hod given their uplawss este one railed en linen to speak. "Mai.- t:resn began as he arae. "we aro placed is • position when it is bard aid any way out. We have nothing but ore claims, and uolortunat ly they are m the Cp of the mosey hhyboek. of the cel nrjority of ere ars little better than pau. pen. We have no umosey, we have so pro- visions, and our Lund. the only p,see.e0 we herr, a being devoured day by day by that gormand, tinge, interest. The cosatty u s11 this part of the State is in desolation, and Shere is nothing for us to do to are bread for ourselves and tamibem. Yep, w. meet eat or die, .d we cannot starve. Wm most fled .Mor way of earning . hv'li- heod. "That's a," said wefts owe, "bat hew r it to be deem?. • That's what 1 am cone( a," Jobs re- pbed; -tut, alta .11, mysngge ilmos sty not be worth vouch an ,ore mea ►.re who have Imbeds in the sad what are *Me rand willing to ad than. These ern ewe gee .errs to tide them over the prams di/colli+, or, if they prefer, can return east with thee. Writhes. -mos. w►, • e thus tortmnaaly *oat* std ha* .o aauistir wad fears. But them are sore of u who mo ler ferton. m ..d who have ao mom to lank to for ss - MOM *. We mob w a that emdttsa Immo b* reward to our owe msergua W. meet earn • hvrag. and. 'doe wo ra- m* do that Imo, as sort go where at ran b dens, i■ shout, 0a, wo must leave etc toadies me sad go bask cid in scares d work. Bark is Kamm Kama ed i• Mir** aaapbymat earn be had at **are wages. •d uvea if Loa earn but kids tan motor : you ware the mar** of stood elm Mme•• 111 = with Mob amil lloolletkillInkon is parr to Ma oroC' T gas wR 1,at ' said Jim. 'bI d. lig Weer* who elms hen M build THE SIGNAL: OODBRICH. ONT. THURSDAY JANUARY 28, 1$fl. esgae 10 a..1 s•aliatIu m w .emeses a M keep our toadies alt ve. " Wises Orem eat deem several Where spoke, all In taloner0t d Ws plea, ad at haat ti was •groud to by the weela g. It seemed a hart tatug to go away tsoviag the wives Mrd the chadors out titre ea the bar., I.rowu ;dame with.* trim* w eve ..y; but there was se attar.auve. It was coat or +erw No it wee agreed that on Lire following Monday all thus who 'embed to go most la bearlk of e0ydmya.mut •bu.ld sweet at Ilarklaaus's step and start 1[eel their in • boil) Atte, the meeting Jolts want bow and informed due wile of the proposal pima. Her five paled as he spoke, •d the are started to Ler eyes, out w-itb au effort she controlled her feelutgs, and true to her na- ture attempted to Iuuk uheerially as the arraugourmt. 1 rrgtei bait mg to {sere yon and Louise thus." John mud; "lout 1 sea so way to avoid it, mal Wooden the s.,.ar..' .'i will not leer „ "Never mind as, Jahn," ashl Mary. "We shall get aluug all right. We shill woes you and feel lamely while you are away. but we shall look forward W the tine when you w ill coast back to us, ana the autumn and the winter will sun pass, a ewer up, dear Join, and don't worry on our acv -oust." CHAPTKIt XIIL rsstNaTt'aN DD aslr cora stl.eaLT. It wall Tuesday that the meeting of set tkna took plane at. Markham s store, and all day Weduesday Mary 4.reen busted her- self erself arn.ngingJohu's clothing and prepartag for his departure. Johu waa away most of the day looking after *woe business affairs, and Louise went over to the stove to make some trifling puschass. Left Lbw alone, poor Mary had plenty of tie to think over her situation. aid natur- ally her mind reverted to the post to the long line of sufferings that hail fallen to the lot of herself awl bred one,. and from that to her childhood home and her father. Us- able longer to bold her feelings to check, the port woman bud her beset down ou the table where she rat, nod gave way to her grief. Long the tears of bitter anguish Reefed, while her (tail form shook with heart rending sobs. Arising after awisik rhe went to • hale drawer and. unleckisg it. took .0eretl'em • peters 01 Der dales! Through all her sufferings and through all her father's cruelties sad neglect abs had lung to this shadow of kis, end often in her hours .f sorrow, when the days were darkest and her heart barest, she looked ..o hs, tate aOd recalled all that he ,one had been to her. Long and intently she scan uv.l the well remembered features, recalling t he times when he bad taken her on his .,neve, hugged her to his breast and hosed her with n father's fondest affection. ••.%h. father, father," she cried, in deepest anguish. "little did 1 ever think then that you s»utd be w cold and unrebatiag to your child, Little did 1 think those lips that so often kissed mine could be s cruel of speech. Little did 1 dream that von could steel your heart against me and make OM tum Mus a imager m. yea" For a long tar Mary Q em at then gazing on the }}acture rhe held in her hand, her roved batty with bowie" of the put and present. She lived over again all the old happy days when she was at home with her father, and as she re- called his tender etpr.esiona of love a faint shadow of • smile larked about her +urn and wasted features. Bat even that shadow was fleeting, for the remembrance of the prevent brought • elood to drive it away, and the old sorrow that preyed on her soul came back to her in all ile terrible- ness. Then Louise returned (roe the were, Lnegjin with her a tettei addressed to her mother. Li•tiesh Nary greets took it and glanced at the pesi,m•rk. Then she eagerly tore the envelope, for it was from Il•yt•u, and }our first though: was that it lust 15e from her father. and for a eminent she in- ..•.lged the wildest. fondest hopes Perhaps _.a UM Wedeble d hes • bs.a$or, 411 Miaow times Jar* &ma% DOOM io b d may greet o•et•111••a b • IMAMS VFW, tad Jost al he mane So :.ate ay wow* at r lsihag. M. has taukd .usmgh already t0 make your lather *vend rheumsnd donors peer IL* is set tb Orly use of Mr. itiatshlerd'• rdMivm who have hod year lathers anutane, for warty ail e1 than have g*s to him for army W tome over hard Mama Old ora .Sptmklsr, Mrs. Htatchl,rd'a aotber, has ..,ane W his with year *Mir. and ends la re•isieWlean an her Id.. I bops the .ray will ace whim your lather willows and endersiasd his dirty, mid I shirk "t wtaL" Whoa Mary Goma Asch* the letter eke sat for • l•ag with her Load. clasped in rete d••palr, • too .bspby troubled to .o utter •ust. Thou tit her awl taw to Heves ale 510x1 .1 in a gsia►, and u her Moll cried wet. • •My God. what 'ate I dome to writ this! What cruse, what w have 1 cans wearied le all dews oa my head such puttied' meat? Was its er.ug w merry the homed sea my hart loved! Ob! , if :ho. be jest. hew .vet Thur permit such hinge to Le!" For au hour Mary set then heart Lroke end deaeaaolate, puursag out the e,now of tact owl is tears and moans 0h' wbu can lecture the mi..rr of that hour! Christ lis the [+'d.. of airtbaeuune wept tears of hIosel. Ha kaew w hat It was to Ir poor. meatless and alone He felt the (suites sled of a forwakem .cul. He wept aril He prayed. Yet is knew that trot was with him and that he was only to peas Ulmtugu the shadow of oyght mid come into a tighter mod hotter lila Mary wept. All :.Lout her there w to d•raoees. 'Mere ..Aa no future hope to hey her s.'u - no beacon light to guide her .w. Ski. was penutler and friendless, awl is a few short .Lys she and her chibi ..void Le alone .n the great pluu with u., ,use leer to offer aid .r .peak • ooaaoling word. The away of that hour was ten great foe tier, and her feeble frame sank wader it. The dread disease that had long bests steal log iota her system and undercutting bet uo.eYtutiga, the tarr.uls malaria of the west, made itself master of iia victim, ad wove Jona returnm.l noose he toting" ha wit. burning with fever while her eyes roamed atom Jellnously. A doctor was summoned imuuedatelt, and when he cause mid examined his patient. he shook his heel ominously. "it r • lied .sae,' he said. ••A very lad .see. The disease has been growing t'i het system for mouths. and she is thoroughly impregnated with it. It will take a long time to eradicate it, and it may IK reread mouths before site sable to go •Lout I atn afraid she has suffered a greet dal men• tally. for her mind appears to he broken down. It ti a had vase at any rate, awl Ale ought to i.ase the Let .ars. and good nursing." John at • long time will his free buried in his kende before he made limy reply. Than, looking up, he said: "Greet t:osl doctor! What is it you say! Is it possible I hate Brought the bet and un"at o: ...Mew t.• this• Ob. it can't be .o lad' She , anent i.. to such danger' You rave' v.0 mu.t vivo her'" • •'.', ell' well•' cried the doctor. wbo, by the way. was as kind and generous an Ohl soul as mar lived, -don't .t a ',f- elted. Green. It is sot so b•.1 as that. Didn't 1 ay she would get sloe; all right. only at would take • keg tame to brio her through ••Ya. yrs. but you mid she mud has 5 - good ars and attention. and I have no way of procuring them ler her. How oma I gat them, doctor. where I haven't .. dollar ,n the world?" For • httle while tine old !physician re - mimed silent. This Mote of affairs was aothiagg new to bon, Inc he met with similar cases anew( every .bey ..w lis kw practicer. but he was not inured to it, and each sew ease appealed to his sympathy •ad toncbsi Pus heart. "You tan get .ere means from your friends to ode yo. over this spell ae't you!" the doctor waked "From year rela- tives or has`' ••No, it is sealer to think of that doctor," dehn replied as be slowly and day check hr herd. "We have no roads to s5 4 ne ter a34 off bait my mom and hems have est as air* ala left as to doss the trek aims& Her father is nab, bat he doom** mad &mown* her whoa she and I married, and fora that day te skim he hes not spokes to bar. She is dad to bis." -Bat surly, Or.*," the .M doctor urged. "in mess M. thio he mold met maintain .•cM unnatural and afatherly wings. He coma bre M hard and toad** as to fit her "air when he ba it his power to prevent it. Why, thiak d k. men, that woad be amply torrid*. t would b. lotbaish. It .'weld b dam brutal, .ad ormly .. Christian rams v*hd be an bard m• that." •'I fear it wild do as to appeal t, him," Jerk 130 • I 't know what to ds, doctor, Pm • m. y poor Info moot have attoathm, hut i moo rat aid" a eta a mob as pay yea for your attadanca." "Hem road ahem• mo, Gr.a,' • the .id chador radii. "Don't•boat m! p*y. PB ,steed bot and what- ever i. is my parer to bait her. rd mea pa M are hi whoa you e wt. + mow t be say troahls on the memo." Jobs wept Bks a child at thou. words It was sue lout ii . he had hoard seek for thm we bar long *ors. and he ted ems to bile'i an a.tshind hard... Ho had Ids an aloe• is the world and thought Net d an the villins* of salsa artb, not nee load • foaling el sympathy for Nerdf aM lam . Asa mow to mat with ash kid airs. wad b boor sash groan*te Irmo tbe Y1 . d • e•rwore, toechd . a *art d.•p Ea roach* oat and took the doer's had is Ne, ani es the mass roll* Bows his swarthy eb .k• he : • How cam iota dash you, doctor. for ash kiair How can I ever repay you for Bash ganonaus cOad.dr "Chao, tam, 0r.os," maid tho *Mr w11k 1alrrrommat. **don't amt sa Irrtt0 art be oidia.. Why, why Wm aiehlog. Come, rainy up,, sae, sad b qwt." The old ahyrletma'a sur as mom wore as freak, gillot and unpr.malias. Mat Job mom Arno& y Moo, and dm acted a N. Mr • essabiag pens. L alltW while he ham* odor agora, sad a the dam brad an, always is • .h.tl/bl, een,dmt Mss, J.1*.s spirits revival amid tsosthh.g d him Orr ad d.m t fere..& Mat We ma's ha* Inowydlisig is this were Not at .rust," eestis.d die 6.Mr. "a ea bow M the therm" boa thabg, sad got along the hot w via *Oh Mot wir boot drag well dpioklor, wb•u Jeer bib* b•• am .p IMOD L•TTea wall NOT 1Wer ■as Lanai& be had ram*, and again opted his heart to ma* his child. With tresblmg iso =sad fad bating heart, she drew the bit.. from da cover sod began to devour ire osetata. 1101 aeon the flush d hope died at d her face, and • shadow of sorrow as ddeeper than any it hal ever worn sueosede The letter wee not tan her lathe., but frees • lady of bit uaDtance, who write with more seal than discretion. A portion .3 it was as follows: Your father w well •.d ton - mad. His wife im di he an re, tmp- po0..star he hews to leer will u all this.. Rhe hes bar way in the here and the Wed- owee, and she needs but w hint s wish M have it gratified. She has brought bre oi - tor s children, three in number to live with her. and of course yonr father m abed. The two yungest, girls, he keeps u soi- lage, while the other, • young miss grown, he has taken into the bunk with him, •rung Mai • partoor ia the be aoea Tour fatbsr and his wife arm ative.erb.n d Revsrosd W bomdla'a church, and she u ase d the meet devout members of tee The iOwtig ran whom your fst�oens ct- d with hist in the bank is somewhat rake ash, and 1 think very nnprineireel. Ha spenda ,nosey lavish) an4 d coarse it is your father's mosey, ler he has .one d W own. He bee jest retnranl bed • shay d several months in the vena, and has tar- ried the daugbta of • m.rchaat here. It's my "minion, though. that be did .et weeny for love, bat for noway 1 tairk, from what I have learned, that he met SOWN sal out west whom he low Your father made • great dinner 0s the amiss d the widdug, Wields' all ha wife'• relatives. I was then. as mos• are Rev. Whether. The monster prmoas.d it • cent *joy- s*. joy s*. soot hag, and 1 wusd.rwd if he .dad your mhos.., or remembered that you teles a utrager t your father for ,•., good omen. I toll thl, whimler afters., .it I endo set askesMwd hew yo, of amid tar kart bio own flesh an ! , .1 and ado be his Unworn thea Who w re nothdig M bra 1 told bbl that 1. .y "!ram Oto parent well h. • good ( 3Miis while he was sr esnlesting. He mod Mat mate - Mir chides triad Mei }st..a...eely, e nd test so motor w SW* • lona might be It wee set is his oaten le fes ems *ago N. thought Brother 8latab• had was .ao tb.. t►. d m e, sed a for Nmssbead, ie was dmwri.g d mob waposy, Ice hes was moven, rid se dab bar bort dam bled be M hfiead"i *am es gat to anew about OAU eleflside .M • duel object I'll write to Inas 11.at do .*7 ear* moo u ht malt in sate geed. W bat sic you say --' meld M 11.11 wterlgi that " Jobe molted. ah 1. h. p out ths mali•ism it his poorest, marry so be did to that b Isar libel to give wasstLtisa• la ak+ trg.m•sA mom tae msiwsss Mero wen sat always froth, aid the dreg. trice act always asidal is *.- than. that ---- -teslmet ielg it op* Masai to Heald hY rade .i1h bill OMA Waving esaplob d tbe algae d his va k. to aim to g0, that be weld eel a the aa*ur`," ►i .rhes b am tet .f the *b.. he ►ilei b w door. rail Is" am time .tad h54 logy on dm theei*I/ At bra he Mk owed Jere out. 'edam." be Md. "WWI telrlo &A M • •me•r omit ami els m osama" • sourer, .u.l 51 Toe tams Is best I o&an t offer any objectee. But 1 don't think it will Jo any good." ••Well, perhaps it won't, but we cab try. Anyhow, we will give him a chance to show his hart. Jest give tan hie address, and 111 ane when I get home.' John gave the address, and that sight rte dolor wrote his lettor to Hiram Itlatabford. too na *scrum MEI The Safest AND mat powerful alterative kr Ayers Son/warn. Young and old are alike benefited by its use. For the eruptive dr- ams peculiar to 4— children teething else is ao effective as this msdidne, while its agreea- ble flavor arbor it sty to Meta toter. y liar boy bad Mlargo scrota - lona ultra* his neck and throat from terribly. . Two attended him. bat he grow worse under dr* aare, aid expected he would die. I hod bawd d the remarkabi0 Asst effmaled by Ayer's • Z Sarsaparilla. and decided AMe b.pa M to* this minims, the arm Loan mom* bMYag• arid. attar tib several WASS. be ,, dl Ho le now as boanky # g smebtowy of H haage." Va. .0m end.leant*.oet eel&sila May lebee* fw.i phew es Ila A e ap- plied various Ample W even. The ewes Inestiese• aniaber was er11N. Mt Mt MMM itA0• M 1s sad multiply saan b a low ma*, they , tarty covered the chid'• Lm.d and body. ..giWe ai ths �dAM .11. Llow dgeimarkmd change ism the bettor ma mralhM. 'rhe � more � were gradually drain - The child is livelier. ire skin is and 110 appetite hatter than we have e► served Sr math." -Frank M. Orilla, Long Pots; Taman " The for0 Ayer's tineaparl•s te peents, for chronic diseases of aroma every kiwi, the beet remedy karma M Iles medical world." -D. M. Wilma. M. D.. Wigg, Arkansas. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, t.eaassm n Or. J. C. Ayer & o... Loom'. war. Lobe p: ala heatiaa, ID W••• •• • heed. n.LETr S MST arawme.sw e e �+e t o rmessr«; �ar�ii eehii gag ter Am £.....s eel Derr• ClaMisZ4111W7N •Z•L__ _ se e Bargains in Cloaking, Igantles Out Free of Charge, el+ Bazaar Patterns given Away WITH 000DS PURCHQBBD FOR OHILDREN'H WEAR. ALL LINEN COODS STAMPED FREE *aguls th. Storr,.ch. Liver •ndSorrel s,untoo ks the leeretloris,PuNfiesthe clued end removes ell Im- purities from a Pimple to the vreirat Scrofulous Sore. BLOOD -=' CURES DYSPEPSIA. BILiOUSP&SS. CONSTIPATION. HEADACHE SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA. HEART BURN. SOUR STOMACH DIZZINESS. DROPSY RHEUMATI S SKIN DISEASES BITTERS C. SEAGER, —Oise lis M.L.asele--- Wools of .41A-11 31i.l'1cis . WOOL CAPES /CADE TO ORDER MRS. R. B. SMITH'S. WIC RECOI®[BND Black Cherry Blallwm; ;for coughs, adds, etc. Our Cherub's Honey$Oough Oure for children. CAii►V L AND erti enrN' Prescription Work At all hour& Purso.alattmti.a (hely the beet dregs sated. W. C. 800D1, - Chemist. NEW BLOCK, Money to Lend — at— Cheap Bates, Fusee lots Cubed. • Pure Candies Chocolates "ONCE A YEAR'" "CHRISTMAS CHEER." 1 NUTS, DATES. FIGS. MALAGA FRUIT, G R_ Bstgar's Tale Tellies CANDIED - P=SLS All kinds SI Tae DNloweles- Chas. A. Nairn, Family Grocer, GODERICH, - ONT. THIS I8 THS S*AS0$ POk CROSS CUT S A WS, In which we lead. CATTLE CHAINS, Finest in the land, at right prices. BEST MAKES OF AXES, dt prices whicill will make you buy. R. P. WILKINSON & Co. LATEST CABLEGRAM CI.4S4 e7S Has shipped large quantities of his choicest Goods for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS to F. JORDAN, - MEDICAL HALL, And cables that he intends making his headquar- ters for Goderich there during the holidays. c3- O_ BARRY" 11.1re>rter. Doter, r unties all klsas d Imam et Obi lama omMM. sibm. 1t r • w.�tw. Alt tbt ba Sells Chce1►p Par mob_ =M•MwMeg the els ailed -sieoia thsmha r.doss r •Yt *NW ��- SOT Ch_ r tbaskied seta she MOM, thus peel ensue/• be bass M1+AMw a osalrfasse d ser. CEO. BARRY, - Hamiltonat• "Lik and Nee The "I Iwo so le mei badly alums. haw M wk a si ya, N "Frei an ptgent in the 1 fowl Cher riemsa• being auto eta terorif<y-Are Rs aPrate, " My little wow 111 Ir almost gives Our biddy p of large wap lass, ro give woa1. prat e. Is ler APO trate sAt1._ v1 Aft* offityisil M/gMe Pectoralout et ant u tho Popo ewaYrsDri For Colds Ayer's Dr. J. C. a hies gl , d■ S CON This GRLA M► OONSU•MP Bel it the ha re awthorarl test dist no (pm have a( as it, for it w he a' ad .lit s l Mire CONST cm yr boggle kw S oats. and $ leek lame, is AVEAT!. ' OSs ass oak and yr t bar thous re new MOI rtes •• a pa we make NO ?Aix PAT We ream h U. S. MO Miem.k n sousr fSaiMu DI BA PO THE COI LARGC ;iERV BEAN 1 , r (woes .'. fl as to • a:e tel tr. 001)8