HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-1-28, Page 1The asst la the Cheapest
Semesie• sow--OttLT Ons Dou.•s • YeAs,
is IliaW•nale.
VOL. XLIV. No. 2345.
gene torr date--Petdek fl•e's Pg, 3
Kam Wanted -crews 0a Oe 6
auction eels-Jeka Kees.... - .. I
1lb Perkins-Rm. Use ISM* $
tees mad Mom tieslsal-J. C. linerteee$
_ - _ _--BORN.
W)KTO? is Ooderich, on Jae:wry tett, tido
wife et Homes J. Hortoa, of a sea
H AL•TEAI►-Os the crib Ina. the wife .f
Albert Halet.a.L Hdme..Ul..of • deflator.
JU A11) --le Dwntop.en Wedeeertae. the Seib of
Jan.. UM. the wife of Hobert Quaid. of s
MACLSMa--ln 1►enlop on W.dsss4a*. the
SRb of Ju.. tml, the wife of Aiwa. yen
Wed. of • we.
KAY -At his reetdence. es 11.4 J a yeiof f.
f•Au.saa, Wm. Kay. M. 1..
P ram. Tww,At t o. late Antrfll. ce.la the 70th
Jeer •a hl. syr•.
'ROY- la Uoderi•ii. ea Tai ..;.y:January Sib.
11K. Themes Troy. Agee SGS ears.
The rim: :a: will take plate truss his lete re
sideecs. A.glesra extra. un Tk.u01my. Jan-
u ary SSh. lfiet at +4 0 :fork a. s.. te Pt. Peters
choreal. !!keds ••d act uai•taacee nib 'yeses
see.pt aha I dneallon.
During the neat week or two H. W.
Ktu., 11e Cameral Travelling Agent of
Tali Stem ., will be visiting our friends
in Ashfield and West W•wanoah.
Oar subscribers will confer a favor npou
Tut Su:ioti. ley nwkiug prompt renew•le
and otherwise amending Mr. Balt. in his
Give Mr. Btu an tatroduoi.on to year
neighbor who doesn't take Tog SIo'At,
and he -rill do the rat.
(Moe ora OW. OOSimrOMD*MT.]
J. ('rocker, from Fodor, sprat Sabbath
Mat to the village.
W. Wade. frees Dakota, is visiting his
mister, Mrs. E. G. Cocottes, her.
Parties, in the shape of oyster sappers
and taffy • pulls are the order at the day here.
Some s.y the young people might be more
profitably employed.
The entertainment held here nailer the
auspices of the C. O. Y. was does than or-
dinarily succeeds'. The glee club, conaist-
iag of thr leading singers of the village,
preformed their work in • very efficient
manner. The ren.lensr of the comic O.
P. R. A. brought down the house end was
.looted. The speeches delivered by Rev.
W. Ayers and Rev. L. W. Deihl ahs by T.
Meech and others, were shits• god well
received and S.y their .sties tib ,•situ of
the order were well 1p.•mi11dh
[ rata ora owe contassro% ones. ]
Empire Aesociatioo.P. of L ,met on Wed-
n esday, Jan. 20th. As the night was rath-
er cold. there was mot a very large atemd
Moe. George O'Callaghan, the delegate
who attended the county meeting at 1, in -
ton, gave an excellent report of what had
taken place at the meeting. A few more
subscnbed to the salt company fest Quite
• number put down their names as asbecnb-
en to a weekly paper to be issued as the
Patron organ after April let. A new order
for tea wee started. A sick oommit4ee was
appointed. cossistitig of Ju. `iatherinwi,
Robert King sad Mies S. A. Addison The
sick members of the A..oci•tioe at pretest
are : Mr. and Mrs. George Games, who
are both suffering from bnoochitis ; George
e:arton, jr., is laud up with a broken leg at
Mr. Todd'snear St. Helms. The program
ooesisted of a speech, some readings and
mode coal anal instrumental memo. Sides 1 atioe for some tnmw,benema It ema almost In -
were chosen for a debate, "Re/olved, oo
that possible to get them overtd from the
u more the mechanic re independent thanthe credit tothe cash system of dealing. They
farmer." to be held on Wednesday, Febru I have dealt so long on the old credit system
are 3rd, the open meeting taking up the
intervening meeting night
On This Paper Thle Wselg.
It lot Right, Lao It Bight
The Weekly Newsletter Front
a Live quarter.
• Grid hewed ,,,•esti, ter " *M
Masai " N be elemend end sen b site
reals -Tb. teases msstpoutap are
mese teepees Named.
[anon OCR Owl OomaeerO$DaaiT.
The latest myisg- -" Our thaw aught a
cold," etc, etc.
learns( parties seem to be the leading
feature of these evenings.
We are glad to note that George Hurl -
hurt, who received a kick from one of his
colts, is again able to bet. duty.
We believe that quite a hasher of oar
young folks took In Kuru anniversary bell,
which was Isle in the Caledonian hall,
Luck now.
On Thure.lay evening luta very pleased
t e wan spent at the residence of John
Ph:tertng in the essay dance, all enjoying
tbenuielves to the height of their ambi-
Ou account of the reo.t snow storm•,
mom of the concessions are piled up with
mow, thus rendering them almost
impassable and making it very ucos-
venicat for the travelling public.
tin Monday evening last • orowd of young
folk from the •• Valley" •gseshled them-
selves together at the residence d John
Martin. ail Yaramuuat, and had, we be-
lieve, • good old tame, judging by their
I4.rrtiems u raartiag boaaw•ni
Lost Tuesday evening • number of young
folk gathered at the tesids.os of Wen. Doyle,
when a good time was had in the mazy
dasos until an early hour in the morning.
The crowd disposed to their several homes
feetmg satisfied with their evening's enjoy-
On account of illness Itev. Mr. Cook was
usable to meet Mu appointment et 4 dived
Month last Seoday evening. Though Mr.
Cook could not &heed himself he sent •
saletitute in the person of Mr. Rattle. who
preached a very suitable sermon to a large
and intelligent wngregatiea
We are glad to note that Angus Suther-
land. formerly of this place, who is now em-
ployed as benkearn on the Hancock & He
ten R. R., near Lake Linden, Michig's,
who it appears gut crushed biweeo two
oars while endeavoring to make • coupling,
is again able to resume work.
The Paramount Cheese and Rutter Co.
held their annual meeting in the 4:range
hall e. ube 21.t .lan.,1892, at 1 o'clock r. H.,
but it wee about 2.30 before their secretary
made hes appearance. After it had Lime
opened and the minutes of the previous
meeting bent read and adopted a large
amount of bestows was gone through in a
ebert epee of tune. The officers for the co-
stume year are as follows : President, .gas
Taylor ; •ean1ry. Peter McNay ; board
of dome:es-Alex. Patersos,sr., - Robert-
son, Wen. McNay, D. T. McKenzie and J.
Taylor. It was moved, seconded and car-
ried that the receipts of the cheese be lee
at the Bank of Hamilton and all orders
be cashed there.
PAY A. VW' (:o. (Me good step at the
opening of this New Year, say. The Luck -
now Sentinel, would be for nxxe customers
to pay ash for what they get The swish
wade being the simplest, healthiest and
most satisfactory in ail cases. How would
It be of everybody resolved to act on the
principlo of "pay u you go ' in thinear of
It does not seem jun right thud, the
few who pay cash should have to make up
the loans of those who are given orsdit end
don't pay at •11. Now, err, that ie just
what we Patrons of Industry have been agot-
[dodo opt owl coaam4IroIDwlr?. J
C. K. Shane, of Windsor, wee home on• ` DUNLOP.
.tat Sunday last. I [rpm OCR (WS ooasm•'0NDairr.]
that it almost bsccmee second nature to eek
for credit I tbisk that the time is not far
dhtast wises Mete will be a cash system
nrgasj ed throughout the whole country.
So awake iL be
Mies Hays, of Oodericb. was visiting
friends here this week.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Hamilton, of Sags, are
visiting at J. M Haaibee's this week.
The Worms's Guild held • social at D.
14.641's reddest* last night, which was
well patronised.
Jaw i)esholse is et/Wis a large number
el logs is at the stsusHe ships thew to
Ratio., Fewer it C.. Wingb.in
Tu. sleighing this past three weeks has
been excellent ; consequently wood, legs,
groin, etc., bare been ost the morn.
Thos. Bowden. who formerly carried os •
plainesg mill bare. hat Iste of Portage 1•
Prairie, did there o. Sunday last.
The firemen had an wraiting testing es
Mowday evening, whim the arectiollof ei-
, deers for the coming year took Owe.
Quite a member hone here wn pressat
at the military bell in Chaim o. Friday
wooing. The fair sae was largely is the
A 1..d of the I. O. G. T. drove M W1ag.
beet cm Tuesda They would be the bet-
ter t-
tal ' sseisttktg hot " ea the way to
keep oat the oald.
A somber of the young folks drove to
Oe. Taylor's reeide•es, searvs, os
Tas.d•y wigrt. They t ps t he bed •
geed time, although it wog • little
John M. McQoarrie, who hes bees is
Manitoba for the past 1411 er twelve ysi s.
is home ea a visit to w hie father, who bM
hes 41 ter mews time, bat is, we aro glad
to .tats, hrpreei•g at presume.
O.. Lknhy, i.rs.Ay • resident of this
plata, was teetotally killed by a fisllisj tree
es the farm el kMasa-in-lew, Js. W
Hie resetne were interred is the
aura beryls/ grouted est M..dsy.
Myth mtetwbes ter
�. 11eldk .Y e
whke M i llerrepted bye iv Nem, the
W ly
smeeaµlon of butter wee 4 ha.
/s( u two ways, now it Is 9 lbs. if milk is seed to
hesseethielt AL: le eebtw eMd' . sad es • oomp•ss • sheen 6otory, a B•bwa k tester ,Meld be
to t oat the route to Stratford. 1'►e Budget Front Grey sled seed by the eheess-m•ker so that he we
ether trustees were deo late to see the allow.
B� dg(r god against the leas of butter tan. Powe
Rsyv an.-S•teeda d last west our BruaMls_ d the best milliner steams should be kept.
arobitect and staff came back from Staples, It pays to keep the best. l'ku addr.es cwt-
flassa manly, where they had been putting calmed a great edsal of useful intorm•uun.
rep buil-is for Geo. Niebsegall,forenerly of The dummies' was c, We.sd for some
our sawmill here, who r now doing a aur- fids by Jno. ere. ger, t:eo. Shells, A.
ring busies= in the lumber trade at that Hides and others.
point. Within three weeks sleighing eh•.
Mea Meeker. of Pembina, Dakota. was
the guest of Mr. Alien • few days aero.
Mrs. Mark Morris, of Goderich, wan she
guest of Mr. and Mrs Jo. Morris last
La grippe is still on the move in the me -
ties. Two of the principal sufferers, A. C.
Macdonald and J. Oke,•re mending up from
its offsets.
Jam Morris, at Iktf*lo, was up for •
few days this week and last seeing his par-
ents sad other teltivvs as well as • seethe
of kb friends ben add in (iederite, dsrlsg
his sojosra.
From ST. Sreresea.-A el•i$l-lead of
yea% people enjoyed • pimmtst Atria
here's Thursday ev
Thursday from (
tow•ship, heviag • donee et Iasedowes
Tann. Wm. Smith made his debut with
hb violin in our esetis..kaspisg the dancers'
fest is merry motion, nil pressen having •
god time.
There is quits • hustle mid stir ea the
reed by the tames einem .isigkimg started,
drawls' wood and gswlegs to Gederleh.
Piteb•beles are flourishing, but ant having
boom sees ler • year ar so are a cariosity to
the juveniles jurat darting t.nming, who ars
rather at • lass to clip out of then, till an old
wawa of the whip comes along to show
them hew.
flewees lo
. fess Y+w
Err)--• weatt•
■•stens of the tae Kamoan rarer.•+'
NMMe e og
l.e as srseerl-whw
mane es ses
she e•..
svaanu sioniox
set in ■ boom sad sawlogs are bi of Thscarcely The large hell was sufficient to
damped In tbe yards for s•wtng Mr. N. s ooatain theau.itesoe which assembled at the
getting over two mtlhou feet. The mow uhort adrare d by
net so deep as here and the Minot* adder
in that regi. grip is not unknown. the
architect and others of the workmeu having
some gentle ezpenencea of this far-famed
complaint which now cute out all other
complaints in the I►ominios. The question
u now, •• Who hadn't the grip!' Home-
ward bound the architect visited The Free
}'rens office in the Forest ( ity to see G. K
Coombs, while waiting for the iron horse
to take him on to Clinton.
W 1DDIMU Btu, . From t
The Poe, of
Bay ('ity, Michigan, we take the following
which will be interesting to readers of Tut
.y113NA1 In the section, the bridegroom, A. heap secured • line specimen of ton. They
[Too Lain rant Lain waif. ]
Robert Habkirk arrived home from the
West last Saturday. He hooks fine.
Ferner.' Institute nieeti •ls
• great teeny to Brume& last el/ sen
Mini Dickson, c000tnsion 111. Is busv gothometing hoe material fur a row bank barn,
which he will build nest Summer.
John Askie, jr., arrived home from Mani•
tole last Friday. Judging (remappear-
ances the West evidently agrees with
A. C. Duns and John itothwell, ol ('rau-
brook, while out rabbit shooting the other
A Complete Hebdomadal Od
o -
Mar -
1 rlon of News Hemet
a) r.rsa4Nraptured rss rt r+d Satseeder" et
•• Tie Itteaat "-Tie t'sel.nt soarers •r
Ilona m11r
ares'. eereeM M In Tia
Gemma Kerry Werk.
[mow out owtDP
Oita Oome•r0N MT.I
racily season. Attu a s
teblietghing u excellent aid has been for
the vice-pres., uTStrachan, for Got sub- Ir.'', lime put. It u ptomounc.d by all to
Hsot, Agricultural Ikpresno aid Sonob-te beet fur year, owing to such favor
ints as w its Removal,.' by Jno. I. Hob-
son, was duly • laic! by all. '• A Peep able and mill weather aeeempanying
into the Unseen World Around Us," by 1t , if Itan.e Rumor puts it right some of our
J. Palmer, KS. A., was listened to attentive- reaideut clergymen will nn 1 e near future
ly and contained many valuable hints. -oh- be employed t., tie several nuptial knots.
'srvatio41,00 •' What 1 Sew to thet)Idcowl_ •'1'he little bird is whispering le his still
try,"by Thos. Gilman... M. wan •,peri ,Hall vulce..
ally iutereatiug 10 et raj boil! . The practi- Tow). Kau. Toni of Lincoln, who has
oal part of this .. *.ioii was tntsrsperped been on a holiday tour aims about ('hrist-
wtth vocal and uetn,u..u•.,l',bet Km, by Inas, returned last We.dneday evening,
1). Stewart arta Louth; au.l Alex. Stra•:han 20th twit., and in under to make up lust time
tai wile commenced work in a vigorous style, doing
sat,vnuAt. it iiia manner at present which is giving
anTd haettfekmvwe auae.
dience00 opeTnheed bwrittf saub:jecwage, satataa:U.yt p1"risaillng once
T. E. 1)urntu,
address ou fruit, A. Mci). Aliso, Mae able having secured a arload of horses cur the
std contained many vluab:e lout... lard Northwestern market. left here ys Luck -
nw which an orchanl is plauttrf sbouIil le wen fur Manitolr Tueday, the 26th.
well miderdruued. Tbie nem noel ori al- We wish him thelesont of wccYes. Tom is •
most every kind ant .0 1 lar eelan trees good man for the terming community here -
do not get them overly large : w..dwm sized about., sa he picks op the atrplus horse.
trees will be more satisfactory in the end. Tres STrIGNAL to rte issue of the 14th tont,
apart should be shooplanted men. forty Suet was ueade to say that the brother of Ur. T.
apart. The land u trees
o t be nasuro. and K. Case, of this piece, was dead. Your oor-
cultivated rain, but
toed+ are )hoed. ole rem, dmf has hence learned, with great
not grow grain, but carne kiexl .,l hoed crop.lett
If old, orrh•r4. lay. a tewecogy w grow too pl.uure' that he aaa utisiaformed. The
much wood. The hued should be ploughed doctor's brother wan very i11, but las bap -
and otherwise cultivated. It is essential Pity recovered, and we 14404. t to make than
that trees he kept well pruned so as to ole- correction.
Thompson, being a sou of A Thompson, at
ore time • resident of Godertch : The
marriage of Miss Edith Plum aid A.
J. Thompson, which was celebrated
New Year s Eve, was probably one of the
plese•ntest affairs that ever occurred in
this city. The ueremeny took place at
Westminster Presbyterian church, the pas-
tor, Ker. W. T. Miller, officiating. fhe
church was elegantly decorated with flow.
en, the moat notiosable being an arch with
the letter " P " for Plum. The bride peeped
under this when entenng and under another
with ••T" turThompsoo when she p•w•d FEBROAI�Y 1
nut Tho.. W. Hardy. Wi4 Sw"esemy,
1)•s. M. Shaver and M. Hauptm sun anted
se ushers end did their duty mat •ceept-
ably. The church wan filled with people
from beck cities, and alter the ceremoay all
repsirnd to tb. hou •,where • reception was
given Mr. and Mr.. Thompson at the
home of J. H. Plum on Midland street. The
house was brilliantly lighted and wasdeoor-
ated with flowers. A large bell composed
of choice flowers was auspesded in the door.
. ay between the diatug room and tack
parlor. This bell wan the gift of Mr. and
Niro. Woodruff, of Lapeer. The din-
ing room was beautifully decorated with
smilax and roses and was exceedingly
petty. Light refreshments were served.
The bride's dregs was of white bro-caded
China silk and was very debate, soft and
pretty. The presents were numerous, cost
ly and handsome and were from friends in
this city and other cities. Mr. and Mrs.
Thompson will go to Goderich, London and
through Ontario, returning in about a week,
when they will be at home to their friends
an the residents on the corner of t'htlson
and Michigan avenues. The Post wishes
them botk a very happy New Year.
[mos ova owl Oottisarox over. ]
Miss Jane Ferris spent Sunday last at
Miss Doyle, of ('lover Valley, O the guest
of Miss Mary Wien.
Many d the farmers Ire beam swlegging,
bat some parts of the road are ea badly
drifted as to be almost impassable.
We are glad to hear that Mr. Pagan, who
has been very sick for some Mee, is getting
better, axed will soon be able to occupy his
tine sew hoose.
Some of our inhabitants went to Lucknow
Sunday eremite bent to hear conductor
Saryder. They speak very highly of the
condnctore pre•.ilgt,med some were Wilily
elf v atnsL
loaded him heavy wish shot and the based
did the rest.
Joseph Hodgins, commission 16, has sold
his farm to Ju. Bulger and sow, of Morris.
This farm is about half • mile from the
Masers. Rutgers and will make • number
ase stuck farm.
eneL. ma A t. r . "elzirw
ST, 1892.
This is the date upon which the
names of all subscribers in arreari to
will be taken off the
On this date a new cash system will
be started.
Every copy of Tug StuNAL printed
will be paid for before it leaves the
office after this date.
Subscriber% in arrears will confer a
great favor on the publisher if they
will pity their indebte.lneus before this
the 'past month accounts
fur subscription aggregating over
$:.',OOO have been sant out, and an im-
mediate settlement is requested.
All amounts due on hack subscription%%
will be placed in court for collection
after this week. Save money and
trouble by paying st once.
7110eeoeanteut of the Lord's yspgs1t trill
be administered in Lanes Pres tsrun
church on Sunday next by Rev. Mr. Ander-
son, the pastor. Preparatory service un
Friday, 22•d iust., at 2 o'clock.
The grip retains • severe bold upon many
of the inhabitants and is unusually severe
upon the school children. This and the bad
date of the reeds caused by the late storm
make the attedsace lower than usual.
tires• -buyers for the Manaloba market
have hem here • ad have paid fur prime.
Mr. Fraser told • two-year-old for WB to
them. Rat, even if priced are low, hard
seal now 15 better than skin and hoses in
the Spring, as fed is scarcer
The Skye school re -opined on Monday
last, a delay of two weeks being caused by
repairs going e•. The school is now equip-
ped with • new door • od seat. of Leedom
Fatten' ftirsiahed by •Uedeeiah firm. These
age • Gas article, very esthatable and
sahtem tial sad Gaily &ebbe& John Mc-
Lean.' "Indust* et (led.eish model wheel,
is lusher for thin year.
There died oe the 9th 001110111100111, on
Feiss 'dr'ig. lbth list, Miss Sophia
. da'gbwr d J. Kiekiey. Deceased
was a yowls lady greatly beloved in the
..mma'ky gad • comisteat member of
Lien Presbytermo church. Her life dur-
lag several months of suffering in the staged
d masampais sad her peaceful death
Math • hem is treat i' Ptwvid.em which
ri ehoold Mara
Owe et then tithe vatfored meet severely
Seem the pip reports . Bevel ewe, end it
would bean Insult to rsdleal science to
withhold it from the salty readers of Tor
St.MA.. 11 is simple sod may to take --a
rood lively dense --ted Mei says ie ooBi-
p1.tmIy curd him whoa .ver, tbiag eiss
tailed. Ther.tore, dye thickest with this
malady, a it u the fiddler, tries& amid
=hers •ed ahem the wee tram your
[rams ooh owe oomamlrosDBN f. 1
The. are • greet many eiek in the nein-
ity, meetly trees le grippe.
Theieg ezegies' and h
Lathes the u trill reeds dee Meg up Ah
Bro*T iwrsa'or nn. - Two tramps the
other wean made their quertsrs •t the
• eh elbesse • bib otter dirk, makiag ea
sshhsmee by Peking a look off ohsti sl the
e mbed deers They lighted • Reed fin mad
matt themselves ems rbable far the sight
U. a piss, d pieta Medliug e • taper,
they pored over • geography M dsso the
shade* nate M Stratford. By • hersage
eaiesidenee the M.t•1 beard el .dstatlee
tate to have • suetes shat submit abbe Is
de easel hems Oast tight eat the MN genialesereetr
ms a Ues
y die le IS ha
the the Rile
ler lei
as he tbasibded of hhn h. Semi
the I •the h the midst el their Modish
( atroRTSD rot Tut retro NAL 1
The annual meeting of the Bast Huron
Farmers' Imtitate was held in thetows hall,
Bnsaels, on Friday and Saturday, Januar)
15 and 16. The attendance was much larg-
er than in former years, the large ball be-
ing tilled to excess at each sitting. The
worthy president, U. McFadden, being ab-
sent through illness, and the vice-president
being unavoidably absent, John McRae
ably filled the chair the first day. The me -
sloe began with the election of officers, re-
sulting as follows : President, U. Melted.
den ; via -president, Thos. Strachan ; see-
retary-treasurer Atoll. Risky • direetona--
Howick 1t. Edgar, W. 14cKercher ;
Wroxeter T. B. Sanders, A. L. Gibson;
Torsberrl - Thos. Musgrove, S. Black ;
Morrie --,fames Sharp, Ow. Jackson ; Grey
--R. Dilworth, U. Robertson ; Brogsels-
W.H. McCracken, 8. Welker ; McKillop -
T. K Hays, John Mobr•y ; Hallett -Robs
Melillo', John Bellew ; attdlters--8.
Forsyth, D. Stewart ; delegates to Central
institute, Arch. Riebp Thos. Straaha.
The first paper was s
by Thos. McMillen,
Hallett, " Growing Corn for Basil•ge." He
mid oar lands have bees impoverished to •
great degree, awl we muse tars oar •ttes-
tem more ei beefing and dairying ; keep
more stook, ted them well, keep as 0.087
as you ma grow feed fee. To meet then
requirements cornua valuable adjunct. It
will grew best on sod mammon aid ploughed,
then cultivated well before sowing._ When
about fifteen inches high Dora should he
thiiwsd est, leaving two stalks to the foot
With good ealtivatios five acres will pro-
duce one hsedred tom Silage is meth
more valuable for toediag than sera take
from the shook. The paper was lengthy
and e'staisai sed valuable isfermatiss..
The disemmies was .,.sinned at mesa
Is.gtb by Jo. Stafford, The. Smaseb.a, R.
Canis mad Where
Refile the .hos et this di..o..in. Joke I.
Bob.'s, W. J. Palms, R IPL A., and A.
M.D. Allem mitered the Wl,b.ykag arrived
by the 3 r. u. trsia.
13eteerinakug oa the Tarso,"W. J.
Palm, I!. & A., was the east wbi.L Be
out approve .1 naki5g batter en the
harm and selli it in the shwa 1. that
way loselier•tiag did set pay. Mash het -
ter eemd the meek le a chew hatory. Be
.dto.bed the ets.Wskmemt of er..0..riss,
end es beep them remiss the «bele et the
(Ivies adenoma bee beer made in
dos lista of butew-msthg dash. the pest
lewd bath will darer' Gd •
The atU.deses m the sehooh dorieg the
post week the hew uesler them mesal.
tunes is • great aw giber d the pupils being
lehe revival senates. at Hope ere beteg
Weed iliese. gli=611111.1. gate ;r the same et
lain the beat results from the orchard On Tuesday morning of this week, in
Farmers she04 ice their owu jadges u r 1.1� #neon "t our needy peril•.
. eleeti.g tennis, buss suited to their wadi` .nave, .ad Jolts Bowen,
locality sail also with a view to those deputy. reeve of the municipality of West
varieties which take bast in the market. Wtr5s.h, left here for the county tows.
Agricultur..l societies should '*01 give prime We Pietro • that both gentlemen wall acquit
for vat -woes that are of no commercial tiwnnlves creditably in conducting the
value. Ibgh cv,lured vanetis are most In affairs a= our municipality and of the conn -
demand an foreign markets. (*uadw, ap- ty in general during the session.
plea bare the preference to foreign market., Viatr owe. M.se Mary Ann masts, of
. abould suite careful selecting, ter township, fernery of Crandall,
°careful pecking and proper grading to keep Ashfield, is visiting rebttves, friends sad
up our rcputat au that market This former amoebae, in this neighborhood ...
done there will 1e • ready market at rod Mr. and Mn. Willis, of Goderich, were the
prices. Discussion followed by Thos. ,ents of their relatives, Mr. and Mr.
Kelly, A. Gardner. Wm. Taylor, I). Stew- Sohn Gay, in oar village, the hitter part of
art. K. t.:u-v,n, Th.,. Gibeuu, M.PP., and bat week. P. H. Morrison., village clerk
others. and lawyer, and T. longratn, druggist, booth
The Synced and Advantages d lhaitt- of Lucknow, visited our viu•ge un Satuir-
ing," Rub*. Currie, of ba.t %Vawasssh, was day, the 23nl.
the tett subject. which was ably treated. Our ret, J. W. Cook, Some time ago left
Mr. Currie has . l ,proal attention IUI ceche, here to visit relatives in the United Stets
to • s,s own farm. He went man minute de and, having succeeded in procuring a good
tails, so that much tHo m, ,w, among gained position am his line, is m aineeyttenee leav-
Icy all iute,r•trd. lie sad, otter le• village. his
tlhings, that there ie not mar enough of ttugour oseltold r". and otJfer�.ffe:lsyweret acid
un•Ie are eo uu dose, and was sorry that h public auct t..n. (Mr lar auctioneer,
t !,ore ere so many e►►putes between netgl;- Malbugb, wielded hammer in
leers with ret;xrd to out Iota and other neatJoseph -
ant we by g Anna p. Y
Illedierera carless.
�ss� oosawa. is.. 11, MIL
W. .,..:::: ..........�I�t~ii/tet
via S M 1• M
II tea
s•l`Wbsat . toa0 M ._
O se. sew.,"
Pwearlser• two towed. • bush ........ 5 Y N
mem's...... •MtaeM
Yiiider i �
MMtall e
e bosh • It M • 111
. •IMIte1M
X eh oapostd• • dean•: . • If so • M
Meese .• 12 to • IS
• ule•1M
. r
Dreamed Hovis, • owl . 11116 M • M
Pelt. .......... .
Cusses eeeeMtaes.
Sall wheat • m to • se
sprees Wheat •Iii toe se
Herby ....................., j et notto • e
Pe• ts •hetoeM
Ambles Itrls48rk Ker Mag ........ • • Mto•M
Potatoes 5 BSO
0 M
B .•.� • 11to1 tee 1T
Cordwood ... ,... 3 0104
Beet............ ................._.. • SONO
Wool...... 11111.•:
ten pMednu: to drauuuq. such a manner as to be successful in making
Joke Casper. A Gan.lue, and others took sale of every article ria uired to be sold and
realizing good prices for them. Joe u •
part in the di.cussitou.
ho. -tier with the auctioneers hammer.
Ater U:NO . SICaNO?.
The first subject on the program, "Breed-
Bree.l- Mr. L Grippe has in the put been belav-
in;; tied me erne," of Stock "--Jain i. iug }sunbelt so ruthlessly that Jath Frost
Hobson. Tim subj.rt w-ae vary beneficial, could not bat take notice of has conduct
and gave many god pointe to all txsncermd. ad in consequence put a check to his ram -
He berm by des ribiug what the peculiar cli- panter
're. Even one poet could mol kap
vatic inflamer has to do with stock, illustnt- silent as to 4.rippe r conduct, es you nay
in,: by the wff.rent Iambi that are found in .efu from the following poetic effusion :
different parts and in a,ffereut cuuutr,eS of La grippe is such • deadly toe
the U1d World. Ju selecting stock we That to stop him drinking whisky is all
should pay some attention to this. To be- the go :
gm, with self. t the hest ; be sore the pe.li. it hills the germ anal stops disease,
gree os goal chi loth sides. 4'ol.re ,buoy,, Also cures the cold flat makes it wbeeue..'
be dropped in the Fall. as they will then be Under the aospocs of the brethren of L.
suited for the market at • much earlier O. L No. 324, the annual ta•reeeting and
period. He did not believe in forcing than enterWnwent wereheld respectively in the
kind of nock with tm,lssses or anything of Orange hall awl Episc,taal charch oar Tees -
that nature. The speaker also ducursd day evening, the 19th inst. Te. was served
the breeding of grade stock, from which in the Orange hall, and the intellectual
much useful mfors,atco was gained.entertainment was held in the church. Ow
Tho. MoWlbs, Idobt Currie, U. U. iug to the prevalence of sickness in the
Winos and others took part in the discus- oeighborbo d it was not f a •ncially as suc-
cessful as it would otherwise have been.
•' Eggs From the Nest to the Table "-D. Tb resident clergymen were present and
1). Wihh.a Front his wide experience eery did their part iu ioteltectuelly entertaining
much interest wassunafsted in the subject these prsant. The • • are to be ap-
by everybody. A. we had now to go to the ply to liquidating t e debt on the hall, in
Old Country market we should breed with a curred by improvements and repairs which
view to having the eggs as large as pes.14e• were reoentiy made. Great credit is doe to
are sold by weight in that market the Iretbree for having their lodge room
Daring bat Season largo eggs could be sold thus unproved in comfort., accommodation
at a profit ie that market, while the •mall and afspearaltee.
Does had to be Sold •talova Care should ().treaty. W. are still being reminded
bs taken by htn
rers awl others to beep eke that we are mortal. One of oar citations, is
dgp fresh. The sesta should b dry ; Lags the 04 Mea Ann. Antslereoo, mother
should not be handled with damp he'd. of re. Jia Nichol, did last week. The
remain. of the venerable lady were i'terre.i
A great wmy tree( seed to the lkois to Du cos cemetery on S•terda , the
with mad thele 11 not b much trouble church, conducted the obsequies Deceased
with lies. For profitable Byars hese was 75 years. Her illness was of short
stheeld sot be kept longer thexe the eeoosd •
year. It is essential tt6haatt Winter layers b .inntloa. Teta deceased wand a quiet,
provided with lime end Sed. el disposition and was much
Discamion followed by G. Rood, Jen all who knew her. The herear sees
Stafford mad others. aad daughters have the sympathy of the
"Milk, its Kisimstioo, Compmitios std 41'si0.unity in their affliction. .Op Soe-
They 861'14 b broegbt to ssrkst withers • r
Leg longer. 1'p ides y 23x rd Rev R. Furbatrnpester of Rutin
Mistreat Live sleek !Beene.
Meador, Jan. 25. There were about 600
heed of hatcher.' cattle. 20 calves and 16
mutt** fritters offered at the East Sed
Abattoir today. Trade was fairy) wave,
but priemwere lower all round for *h. aside,
but calves, sheep and fat bogs are advan-
cing in price A few head of the hest beeves
were sold at about etc per lb., with,
pretty good stock at from 31c to sear 4o
do ; oodmon dry cows ami Isaiah bombs d
all kinds sold at from Sic Mai is
per Ib. Then were qis •
on the market today, and Cosi
were very fat ; prices of these ranged re
from 2jc to 31e per 11x. The calves sabred
today were mot very choice. but pretty
prices are paid for any that are
good. Mutton critters sell in lob at Moose
4}c per Ib. Fat hogs aro dvanuag fm
ce, sad bring nearly 5c per lb.: amend
sell for • little over 6c do.
Cmsemse Yee sleek 115,514.
CHtr*oo UMton Stare Ysees, Jen. 26, --
Hugs Today's estimated receipts, 36,000 ;
yesterday's receipts according to official re-
turn, 11670 ; shipment', 11,330: left ov-
er, 3,000. The market w -a. 10c higher.
Light mind, 94.15 t.. 04.50; mixed pia
ing, 44.20 to $4.56 ; heavy shipping, 25
to $4.65. Rough goals, $4.25 to $4,36. Re-
ceipts of cattle --15,000. Market steady.
Livens,• lysate. ►rare Cos•rent
Livtarooi., Jan. 25, 1230 r.o. Spring
wheat, 7s 114d ; red winter, 7s 110 ; No.
1 California, es 3d ; corn, 4. 71,d ; pen. b
11d. Pork, 52e 6x1. Lard, 34. Batten.
heavy. 32s ; light, 32s led. Tallow, 96e.
Cheese, 57s.
LONDON, Jan. 25, 12.30 r. r. -- Coesols,
96 16-16 for mosey ; 96 15 16 account
Company will meet in the ural place here,
's Tuesday, the 3rd prix. Al( sesoersed
take note.
J • ea, sed oamsiseioser for taklm std
Ivtug r.osi mlsasoe. 04 (Mt ~mite et
•mem•tiest, deposition. or solemn deelsrs-
tlons in er eosoerniee any segos. suit sr pw
mediae ie tae High Court of Jedtss. the
Court of Appeal for Untarao. sr any Ooestp
or Division Coote. All traosafise.
sad prodp�t{llr esecuted. Iteaidae. •N P.0.
uddrese--D.neaanos. oat legh -at
[now ova Owl 0�11�PO1DZMT.]
Mn. Crosby was Meitner friends in Das-
gannoo last week.
Andrew Mullin. of the both ooma.ssies,
Ashfield. is getting • portable "amain sed
quite a number of logs are slr.ady being
hauled oto his yard
James Melba, of the Lucknow sad Oede-
neh mail line, hes been bud up at his bocce
here for the put few weeks. it is easme
thing sew toes him off duty.
The trustees of S. S. No. 13 are busy
making arrangements for building oar new
school. A melamine of the ratepayers wee
called on Tuesday last for this purpose d
settling the dissatisfaction is to the
site. it hes been derided to bei • Mese
school ad the trustees have already adver-
t teed for leaden
Methods d Testis( it," by W. J. Palmer, 6111: the 94th. Yra Wm. Me(,l.od, of Ash
t1.8.A., was an.zsiollem, /Ivo. and wear who had hein a delicate .tate of
'few wsegaised •S* to the (awes. health for some time past, had. farewell to
et this 'tootles. all that as mortal by '1 'g this lit. The
"Tb. Benefit• of Ksephig the Land in • bereaved husband `m" family hers the
Good Stated CulIivttos Robe. cum.. •i•Oere sympathy of tbe satire community.
This wee anet boson perm, treating the TIM Wswr WAWANfam Mt -MAL 71115
'sbjsot frets eery dasdpoi'te, and brought I soca os Coal rANT--The thirteenth an
forth wards d eamiz-sdatin. tree Jas. 1 awl s.sti•g of the Wed Wawamosh
H.he.., D. U. Wile's, T. McMillan Haid Mutual Fire las'rasce Company was held
sabers. in the court roma her. on Tuesday, the
"Upton A...pt Farmers," by Thos 19th WM. Cam/Nsriag 11•' preyalmt
McMillan, was an szeollent address, ad •wait, there was • grod attendance. The
was liste.sd to with rept suestioo by the varies@ townships, mash as (lod.rich, Cel-
lar/a .mdi'e.. Hers'. Huron, Aanddd, Rest mod West
MeD. All.. was.gsia called epee sad Wawaansh, were fairly tad. The
spoke fer .was mise eat . fruit voltar., sad ressrable 'readout, (ams. Dirvin, presided
had a great sassy qus.tio.s gad at hes over the areesasg. The tolbwieg beam.
flees dee •adimmm) was illy cerin• ted : Minutes of led mem-
The isleh,d up ems d the most ,seer ing were read add adopted. alio the rpm
MI sed isstnsetnve umetiop et the Meet d anthers, the hiss. .md auditors' re -
Hares Psrsars' lastttaes ports kw 1401, able►, beteg sstidsoterv.
This iaseito. ie ems alhiled to ea Wog were e.anisemely adopted. The three re
ens et the need presperoar in thie women tense dimmers were ..ssinvenaly n ap
disease. Penmen kw that it is gond M palmed to alta Ser the ,wet term. Audi -
w tmgsshersad disease mdjssts portals term .1 ••riddle ter 1101 were sko r-
ing ta�jg�peefnrtea A peat weary mer .ppe •mel he INA The eesepa•y Ins good
num. M o'sgratel.e MeV em Its einem,
and Seriehhg mete. ...The dimmers et
Ns Wens Wwomtsh Memel Vire incenses
addedsemis were
rest merles. sled eke hmsshe .g
stdie mad 04. L
ssmpase. le »>�d {ratty yew, edge he
• gr11Ntir •pw
le the mrber.Mp reel.
jss•issss Ks.miBs a pa es Nes M
i ...F1l.m.
[To LATE voa 1.401' «1.5.1
Harrah for • sleigh rid. !
The tow'mbip fathers net ea llfo•d•y.
Mr. and Mies Greer were visiting at John
Agusw'e en Smiley
Quite a number from around Isere aa5ded
the Patroaa of industry eutnteimet.mt held
in school No. 13 on last Stride, evenles.
and report hearing an stc.OemM program
It is • long tune roc* thew has been In
much sickwegs in this wi+berbaed •4 sees
as then is at petaat. WO saw he be
able to say, however, that most • W der-
iess oases are recovering.
Willi•0. McRorney lett lest wash ler
New Mexico with his brother Adam, of
Tnr.ksrry, who Is going for the hanefit et
he health, wh,eh sin •
eonditioe. Adam's 00.07in 11.11
Handy hope le will soon remora vomit,
improved by his Beecher, trip.
!)Kath ban tem ie our midst agein daring
the past week and carried tot • young
in the pow d David Purvis. withal* les
had beep ia poor health far souse 7e►
bis death was sudden sad and
shirked his (read. (r+stly.
lett e d was t miaended by' em ip
A. e. send was attended by • leeg]s of
sorrow -hag friends slid relative* TO -
Ionise ware interred a limeys sentry.
()tie day reeestly J. T. Nolte Bresme,
W the ,,Menlo.• ie hese snarly esti=
taken et W find Omer et
while worth abeam the •angles h' Nh tt
9aren's bleary.