HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-1-21, Page 3� . I , . _", .� `�'� 111_� � t, � I m. y , . I, iall 141 1, 14 , ,' � , I , � I4, ��4 -­,v,W",11 , .4�, I � a Z&,;*1�I�, I it , - -Y ", - lia, " " I , 4 , :)f Charge, t'l , ", ­­- ns given Away i I L D R EN 13 W &k & 441 -, 1. �'.., ­�,*.�Y,7I­;:!i NPED FREE � , ', ! T­�� -.1 1,il 't 4" �, 1" � 11-41 I , I 0 is] DI �, I ­ [THS. ­ ­­ - I I'L 14 I,� �L'.` 11. .,I I I A Ckoco/afes :A A R " ", ,-� �, �" 4 000!--�, , 11. , . CHEER."i - , 2 , to "l , � , 1:�ll I'l �,,'.% "I ,�' I , .4 11 N , � i. -, 'N 2, .I.W A''s , � , , , ;;, " _ ,T�,, rq,k'­, � r. f` "IN I 7o " f J, " � � 21 , , � ` 14,"�T;:,.,-J_., , , 0 � =11 7 .- �­ - !S All kiniMFTabi DO 01K _ - , '111-,4k , 2" ,I,; ',,, t o'*10, , ��*,; 1--, -,; �o') k 1.�4A*, . K - ,� 11cff, ­�",7p, , I OERICH. - OMT. - __- I 401- � I I 71 I w ,, - �71� 144 . I , I I I I I I , It ,A I 1, at richt prices. I � ' � _ OF AXES, - ";I hill make you buy. N & Co. ; ,EGRAM I I - '"W" 0'11�,,, � I . . - � 9s choicest floods for am to ICAL HALL, ring his headquwao bar �.'_% A the holidays._J 1W - " ,r%,,, _71i I R__R_y_ ,',,;.,,, - V Ill an Mellow ININIMM PIRR a is a 6 4 a="s am& lot Flats" MI of Mt a= it ,:rebbobn ow Mahn 4 eft . ,, � -*t Lin. � �0'1,,r 1�,, I ;''�,�r� - I - � , on r nude a ommmmmon of of Hamill n000st. , - " �r ,,, � , I 117,%�­,,� �,., '� 4 . � I -"A'_ rlp"4",�,,,!,,4,',, I .11 I I I . - � ­ ,-7,T?r,7 - . � � - ., �e I 11- � 1, 11 . . -*.,l �, v - .4� 1; �, ' ol1i " " 117111, I , , i �111 , � , . , r' , .�­ ,�* rr", I � �� I � , ,; , i If :!,�, , , 'N Z" .�, . 1�ti �;4 %f ., , �x ", , X11_1.11*11�-12k'1"­ , .1 , 1�4 I •� 1, ot"a ,� Ir , " If ". .r. _,*,� I . , "�, ,., � �.", -,�,' . it, " .11 17 I . I , , � I , ' J � T bl� adl,,�', I - �- A " ,�_ , k �1, � A 11 V '.', i A, � �, , � , , , '. , , I -� .** , � 1, , , . , � �, J", t, I . ' " P "t � , ' � I . , I , _,��,� 1 ", l, ;r�"1�1_ * , `,� . ;�.q ., , , _i- & J X 1� �, � , , , I � ,�, , , , - . i � I J ,:' I 1�- .� ,,, I 1%, � , , iLt 11 . 11 : I -'. - if , k, . , I , � � , �, , , _A, 11 il, � . , W,� � I ' "' - *1' , I , % I t, *4 �; , ,�' �N ""' - .� � Ae I k% A � � I 0%X".,�. 460, " �4 "� �1 , _ . - . � . L I I I . I , �,� I I I " "I . � N, -,I,, ��*op- - I - " , .. - "k- � � . 1� I A - -_ -_ - --- ----"-Lf ll, -"-",",��.il�,.-"�,��,�k�Ll'�-�""', - I ­-, I � 1. .. I I I _ 1 E AidWA Iaj: V1051RIM"ONT. THMDAT, JAWtrM M. = - - W__ -.V,:: ��,,,aw I . 1. V,1 _11" , ., I . i I , , , ' I . I I I 11 ,W 11' I , " , I 4, 4 _ 4 1 �� , , -7 * I I I , 0 -4 .1 7��` ; , , ', I .11, ­ . . ­ , � �. U I , . I A 11 I . RoyM A FAISM I , WS Nair VkWITHEWORKOFTHE , __ - A WIM ALLOWANCE. ITlkao erosion, a" S" Illa& oriabook rbw" - "Ger-m-an1892 iIA COLVAIMI OF TH111111111111, INTERESTING 111post na. W-ke"w A SUIWECT FOR CONSIDERATION IN 99 u -SCHOOL OPENIMC- • .11 I A Monsewi 0 h --- oull tr W" toomemd - WOMAN'S KINGDOM. =,",,,,. TO THE FARMER Matti, honest a limp, sod Gaakv _____J1 -i` a bob Rod . ; Pmvum O"ob.�, h aim aod,mmli"oo firvored ; I - I , '. C=*. Pi*a 4111 Line nompbo of roggatese-Quistor Fv%"* how Ulu" be bed ""� 1�aur uske sAol . "sea us whaso I will with my owe-- a yr p a-.-- ��deadme;=Wklnab Grv%lly rooiiml ever the Lap, ore she ~eboAmb".r$"68 of Sao F@Ar mea -Why Wea.' �� LL �I­ ­, ' bffikNO mod dbm@6 41C Aaim&lo The City vs. soon Coungirl A about to plow the welp to a to 1-1 WPAOr "a We have selected two w '). , , I I - Allo.� ravegroo, � .11 I'll Md I"Puft a doll. Muddy So" Cobomia&ioo This 4be" alroamm hint, whom the PatcAlmly Inaguirsitc. seem, &be=&& Move Croup. three lines from letters Readquaftere at Fr"U & PDX"W"fligi " I'll' "Your weelo is J.."Its, isn't It!" .- on" lia boom PW Robot of Tile-prow.g. m--j.4bo&" sholy Diatomite". freshly received [rout pa- � I i �, �4�" p 1 :.YWII* of Kua Jories, Who IbAgo'L Owe*& I yvary woman likes to have mamemy to, rents who have given German Syrup N�- -, -"-,! - �0' , �', I I I "`6m`RR%*U= Tax Won[ or - --8"w"7tbl`§ & bigs collar for &its teat, Aflation, 1--,­,� I �11 . I , ,: mor . ope..1 se else I . Indeed. this desire in to their children in the emergencies J, -0 � it 'L ' I! I I -L dant d,mn costs more. it I Ube" .,vs&, , L ALL THE LATROT AND ElWr lt, I , I - 40 I m" , --u the �-.reewY 814,1141 am but so it to universally conceded to be their because D I - .7 thillogg= lauaL be some #sm wood ... .C.0.9. ,.. ,.Anal ever there pa-mbor 141, woman. &"* share is It. � of Croup. You will credit theme, I = . luar unailke I use they come from Ftiod, SUL4`_ Is formed It AA&it* &Msuat Of substance in tants c3av, Jim %VA- -a. 14th, Vitsile. awl a prerogative, Liters Is So uscossilif for �- F 11 �4. 1. " L'. , cir", and at the 8"" time work 0 L da"o .'6W abs"W'"I"t-ily •am hilly an Jo^W." pintanung I" I" in toligar behalf" To "As lgj�ggntiggl People. bappy in finding il, , ­ , ". L as tin 1K 1% , � I,'-, ba Whiny ad so I =10PI:fting the mbstaww together in the I "ym. LAW U-M•if 'row-[ it- In:= whaaaL I will with =me ,own,* is am tomiliscs' what so loany families lack" =- UCATIONA , 'WOR �R a be" ed Bak . way it is found in a W. When a to" stragir I herst W vita W Loboo.-JO sod I amp"tol drep is human nature, mind when icine containing noevil drug, which ­ ly I I , a= ago a pct ad at" that gnu" be mas espeaditure of replied Idea. Joosig. I natural napoleon arm thwarted or perverted mother can administer with con- Aulgoatiatzliv AND RIKIONMRXDRD Pont 11}fid 'I M "', 11 L' I , "Mok y wig n 0 0 =16 nw,st ol"M lor Should the path ..Well, now,' ,,,anummod the R&L. "Margs ==chief is more to follow. I, � Ywy ;WX ad bsk. I of growth be only thoo oust is 1~ I has& w boa � loans into that lumber 1141411. " it Vm ! At fob* time A notation marries her him- fide u4m to the little ones in their L T 1 ..... I 11, I . ' L Separate . an *a boa is 6* is uldi&-ult. it is. Lbarstore. a favor to a ago, -ife ana 3ure A SChooll, , , , I . t got aware fan ,.mL ad the amaLus Of Lb" ista UmmunliT takes Mr oto partnership. most critical houm s. - r- =. - . a @bW'M Glow% KY 1.1ant to heart A mallow *oil throazil which ft, 11odel, Pubfic ud "I lid" onell A,wes Bak 4 tholou w MI -i WWI A bavirsta;k I'll - She ban as much right in the joint assets of that it will carry them thrjh. _ VWW baa to [mob n& roots. raw the samas ��ao tile& " I 1111D. L Wlu�rgrgl. of Wris. J Kim, 1 'k�,_,�.14 11 1, ::Wbow honal we grotol"a down the steep bill &all BUS up agree to return awl 1-@Jroamsiod.'� I the him as he bon. It is tree that on ear" 'eb. I III it I liters' C __ ____ __ __ t I � - 11 -11 ", � L , 11 RRi=4ifid 4k,� is b as === � After dao refiatioLum Mist Jamets -lowulaid to the ##.ouarv. hast it would be of little am to Alma, % give )aug ollegle. ',r'­J,, III& p�m"wb *6 beir boom hot ratarnie to make %its %&v eager f,w the try the experiment. All the KAI ran for biro In ad momwaing a homm, to joy children when HarroatsbourK, Ky. I 1, I L . he - . . depended wpm Sw our excellent value in Exercise and Scribbling ,� ., I omodwi team. on shingild he 'provi,le an "my shelter he was ,)Rmwfvod VI.Ion. Lh."I a have t t a minute without of his wife. p,% %no ,ul- troubled with Croup ligi-joijBign :7 "aEp t -gar for the rougas me that crap and never saw any it to attacks of Croup , " � � " =1 also& - 6W. bMAiSd by Jones. was -till miummuLmis and prudent miatumog ment she ii -t , A =hewe dalson. Moss, -------- - - e reparation act like little dough I " �_, �,,: � I 11 o hours. makes it go as far as powitoir, anal tly Books --- The Bee Hive, Frontier and Silver Medal. _ '�L. " ', � " 9.7 begre, and Ayr's Kok L�oug K.*p&ft .f rotmoteovat. WaIr broiling summ"r an&. function ram increases its purcriAsIng rapacity. W.6411100; It is &Imply mi- :=f"nal it an In- - , ��, � aL - - , raculous. valuable remedy. gt, I ,f � . n Irm Pututrwal have been its in perfect camili- to�t that Im.m,mr a- ,no I in hop" Lao clause wIt usea,l Henjausto Franklin to remind Nothing given away in this store except yr'#'1o' - r, . ;oil for a )last and . .T., a ir-em nim spun aha- P -t end when the eare,rce was final that a penny loved Lir one mat mail. M: � Fully one-half of our customers rulers, as �p, 11 , glgggftgri�" ..tend b=. tak-hribau). Lit rWW@' and IT Ab.1141011Cli Jo,iso tied .�-t ut •*least, anny j4atIT las - 11 bas a" cobr,ond fing, Is ran o,.USJdC.,,I md.. -t coatri are mothers who tise Hoschee's Get- Our profits are too small. 0 it CUM" be I;=::,@!& " . , , Tor. Illowe X;;;;!91Mo OM be plan been w1a.peoll for varaoi,craring - to being out three L;mls as Leh had bu-..r to tiat tal"r,"i of tht firma. man Syrup among their children. f �* I magisLam,il for the French array Befaiia, stair in•,me, rimost in his systaorm, for the last Lett When a in&&& We give by far the beat value foe your m 141�'31 , "Ayeles, Hair villor is a mo mg the tubwa away plunge thein 1,-r Ill 1:1. " in" Lite "'I'd"ett"'t -g- to" I A medicine to be sum,sful with the oney in 4,j " U" pmpwamoim for tho bob. I = tours into a 3 per carst solution of cuanniet yen ct, " h 110 at lao,iat itolf of tile (others had big wife. if them Is no memiter of him house. little folks must be a treatment for town. , � I ! pactig of ato-id �o So boom and wash d ft best my own OKI= 116 moo their neALs and got hold who can take bar pisoce he discovers * I bwr Md lL.1 selphuric acid in water: , I the sudden and terrible foes of child- ,4�, '- .�; ". vnnow She growtig that a bo ", - into C"ll •shirta. ,usarkeeper is a citostly lottery. Be- I - �,�, J, , � ,,. j4,"I'l, rr i beinow is glossy agoil *dL The V%W b VA 100 parts of water. The acid Penetrates MoRti- - '-You we." ou-i the rost to Mm itiolai the first expener. he filids Oist ii looks* hood, whoopin ough, cr!)Uj) Aiph- FRASER & PORTER .1 , J *ik, �, , 7 chs eye to the depth of about one-fortioth 9 &, . a carge far &mdmff."-J. W. on" an be awl her .btu -celtair next J .y. I a and th = innamma KA111 I a great difference In the 'lot RG wlwtb*r theri e 191410 'L , = a. Z".,,.,o - I X.l.k.gint.g. 03=70. tuch. which serve* to destroy their sprout th Ceat,ral Telephone Exelmusgr, Court 1I4W.%t-.,jqugjgM, I �`.', "" , I ­dr,ad opportunw-voi,rat intataly a *,irce of ore to a perwitai at the hao�l of affairs do- -;-incri(do,licatfoath"fis or"', II -17%. ft V11, " i bavis mind Aywegi Usir Viggo fix, ,.)war. It does not have ^,my &I-prearsable ell while live national. if properly gr&"Od. voted u- Ill who is earvinit " ","�_ ... , *0 ps" two rows, am bulbd ft all it III Sect upon the illint of it be r.o�,toeec After regT is interests, one - - ---7 - :f I. j" , � �,� lead up ,o UU,cmm& - elipar, rvturs.. One is -_ - - . � - 4� ,I , ,,, - I I the Ube# I. I '_ goted to be. Is restano a. .0. . -wainsof.: in the 11 -Jul. III raters - ­_ merely an , 4� � Ij - faithfuliv striving I-- maloag,, his pralporty Sdoifift Amorleme . , , I , - - , - L ,.�,,.�'; -,' 7".= heir. � the bob .lost lie thoroughly Armed before *L.oritag i T1 but a ChAo,V, I it. tile "t ecoten."wal nuountor, while be in Apmemy Ow 0 '. � -,, = keep it scot agod , The same Lquitl may be used saw ' - sai 191i I 1 2 0 L4.�Al� " v . .my A clever teacher who has the power of fe"Voeto of &hoe oto*r is UoL "IdUlIv is"t. , _ , V. Day. C41g9so. Ham!' an., i - =MV. it' . aa -c a .. LL 11 her of times will% ,varialbutfmil re"It" oallin out ort,jan'thty in her pap Is may !!! =11; as; ,,,,e ad tug it. The ",antrwat will fora -e ltoa4f upon . fathor all "i lid. for the _-i L sh,ould , , - I..- 1 4 , 16 " � , I., . % barrel or tank ." sod k- ot . 4 8 s . L' the -arrimular have mat time f'; him when be makes up his twiance abort. it &a C 0 4 2 , ;;; , � in;%& tbo him dw bw " 0 ? & il . .ramatimenlL 'I'lleacul in so dilute it dare the am ,,I Lett I-milis of th,, &LtempLed to it has gi,, Impremes.1 =malt f in & them 21, , WAS* a Initial Go a mal before to a t A .4,47 ) LE � la I " - i ; . ., I tc: = lit". on ,M , got one, & the wood. Chouncal &"[Yale answer oil the startling 4imantoome sakeJ mud ways. if Lite services which a wife I.- il,53 0 . �,­A . ,'I , dwoo =owOm6 be a fijmgg .9 Anist, that, potatoes tiestod hy that pToocions but ,, tin, ,I%mo line day the altraocts'm readers ut the home have a - 0) .I t! ad . !) It " LL " , ,LL , " -A, to &ft am am nutritious &all henitfiful after IM 91 gmv,Lxtl.m wall lin4ci Alt.cass, N ; e .g 11 19 0 � _ I ig on, %ad value, why abould site not he rMUZZ 04111110'" , ,a= 11 ftniass spring%, N. T. tomal he an when froshl v drug, Potatoes thus CAborleW &4le VOI-AUtOltralad the Opinion that 10 ltg 3 : f 1 1. 1, , _ . fair share ,of the fun-im of the firm, whose 0 * , ; Led are 4 course v;orthism for planting. •be --diau�t "a Ana, need of it. anvuey. " 3w • e. 3i i _2 5 3 V ; a .1 ___ , - I money •athe is moving, to be expended 'it beat I T a" = go t .]= a st : __ Amimal Notolate. i "It ameno to rue, aa.tad Charley, ­ Cheri duk-rition! UISRII'm IfIon pwm�mbsaq �*t 4" I 0 1 I , " so parti--slar use in havusj - - _", 60 .,o it �, �: ,, in r - z �nQr's Hair Ttor, ore& the I 9 At firat eight an aliewarim moms � To m . . I . _ tract thtmr� Naomi. whavas se e_'b I I '" in gat •.0 to '.9 I U. n , I __ M a a- 1i I l, L,V, , A jet 61" sea= was killed an W t� apple Z &'-' "- - � - K > I , ( the an Insult Ln the wommos who has. join, rt= -,V = * 40 6 .=.I c - 1 4& a a � - r�AJOD INT ­rnis. c000let, I&" week and made Seurton think out the relation 64bt with bar ibuebww to all kin puree- mounal = 43 0 r =a " rl­ 11 _N1 •-e . .; I I . A farmer as the Shares of Lake 0.61"I" why• that sopew inight just ad wall basis I mons Whom two parg'" are truly on, -4 - , E - 0 & = Z b 9 I ,,, �,"_,, , Or• aL cl. Arfor h 006, Lagolmlit, Usubt win a mom and colt that chow tobacco with Isom it wait till somebody gathered .4 0.8 I A a IN C) .V *'i;- I they can have so saparste Int,ereats of be- Odmft ArAtrias 6- P I- -t 1�1 11 1 - I &M by Drqwb- @" P -ft-. g(ratat relish. :�M W longings But when a" holds the parse a .�o �! .- .2 N f I 1. I ,, ­­ - Am Ark:a� "You play ball. tion't you "' solied the I "Illigs land the other by to ask for every I =W am R 1E 0 i -.1 I 0 =)• L woo:Lta A west equal to a zr == &.:T.; 0:� S I .0 t I I i .logos. H I Instinct @&wild him teacher- peony she receives from it. she in placed in l� W " a P%. 3 sz� I . - 01 () 4 q., , ..I - " 8108= We 11 i , , I'=". "= .--use a child from drowning the other day. as EL what is to most women an extremely hu- , New , 4 to "g. I - - I SEND§W. very high. mi....m. mi M. - ymt_ 0 1 = I A Wisocksowske five almi a half feet long in --gap" you kit "a ball gailusEttig position. It is bad k a ...- - - - I g I .;�.,,­iaow,.�b_ "it ,:,, lay "lloarow. ('.(LIJ *_ h ben P1 8" ; 11,or f V ; " it at .".1 You ,%In .10m"oo. reennowe in a fight with a rattler two had what he W I there is perfect ],,,a iinai .hMewe to I I 0 . . to - go � if Y." do net A" "It fArlp.8108 - �z ,$ 3 � 2 - , , _J �'. 1 I * it ou " even men ,I had feet long swallowed the bigger. He "But if there wen no 44tracties learned I soften it; if. unbappsh., these are aboent.. it I las 61 IS z 2 is a ,vw"nt source of irritation that might 10, - � �1'-- -- ,� linto .9 claim for ,find from the etlecte of his dome. as did alms 40 1i ;- i 9 I � -. 1 - 111"LL " I" , I f it 94 NOT TAKE IT. the rattler. Lbw north it woulAn t fall. Don't you be avoided. I 00 - E ,; 0 11.1, 11 4 k *0 Z 3 & .I L . e:.; , , but it pertocuy not- A Gammarguia discovered that a chickens think that might prove Inconvenient •?' The husband, it n,- m tag t be ex tagnet of his I u1sion I - �1.z, 4,1* " , A _ , I 3, - , par tbae Clisirloy did mot aaoww immodia, remorcee. or the parialoalialitteas of him i� . 8 &I _k 4 V=Astioll 00 �amko Ismad taken three of him young ch"s. H was were bngbt with the light "Y'. i 411 t.1 I I. i I 1 % 10 . ,., , I I 0 to 4. a during the year, amin deride wit" &now&, •0 - i I , ,tt- slitaktiliffi. tfe kiBed the @make, Ismoves the Chicks. mow idea family. ap- I of A _: a 1r 5', n I he can afford to spend upon his film I i 0 I _14�11 be broke forth involonLaordy- Y ;J -1 �Q I .! so f p C; , tholea. eh sissokis rolaced Ioblem under the ban and now they portioning this as be docs his insurai 4) . I a - I. . and fur to ="a SOW breikm in time. I cluince to secure a ;.-i;;,b.y,& hair:mfor home C6 , ,'awe . __�__ - mile=*. or any other IOVU�te fiesta 10 loo !-. _,'i�". .1 ,ff ? PC timettiong, LITeroo 94 - g -J81- , 1 Wv 1 ,4 .2 •. ► 'i 'a eL, 4�,IJA 11� . � at am* a ridlegi- The CRY IND. Ver":111 Nee" meand. If he places this mm unreservemilly, . C', ?o = 13i a a ,, i in the hands of his wife he will find that it A* :it � �, , . 3 -l" Ain Z; I I " T ."I ,'A� I . - - "LL I'- � . - loalWy low price to Tinton is � doubt that the mom of the He- - Yale didu't mow I* wait collaw blind. is spent much more judici • titan it it AND T649 E a A,i:- t; al!�E �, aw-Li.m. If fiver 11%� �V - , Ulgre. GirureoL Th ity by boom @&modify uncrossing for many &dywaU!,, •She L"I antiperied It from the ," V - '- - fi! -t- 19 11 I , in a IV ;cam It ut perhaps inevitable, a" yet It were doled out as the necevm:tyV11 r each ex- -d -�: r, _ ­ ,a I Innine . necktie* you wear.' pmditere u,me. A monthly allowance is 6%; Ci g a., - z . - ir ot. C; . I Uf WA.TVJ 4 plow enough that. it **am restriction is It is rwRAFked that women am them- ft~Lu of um af && . I" it. . 1i 1.2 0 - , ­ i ,7, nwA&117 the mat satisfactory. The prin 1.1.0 b,EZ I I -Jar - .. smat .2 - J . ft. ==%I =,UrL, I upon the unnecessary turmoil, saw� not arlary thoughtful in inre0�04r2- ciple a the mine. unethet it costs fifty I.- 8 * C! •;4 - 'L ­ 2tl, Ar I 1i , UM"L it ban be so "`b thing fix "Imi'a" Ili = 51 -4 % _."�, 11 t - -6 ao� I- ell , , - 114 , " - ,,, . I But than think of bow much they have to dollars. or five hundred, or five thousand - a ,0 stf%.] I , �L � I 1;� solid bow, cap and .asom, ascepat to them enable to goottre into stand. -4 -_ � � LLLL , .s ,c a E-2 1 �, �1, I . ere". b"litgag to maintain the house. 1, No other Emulsion is so to .4 I -i I - .2 ­ I ' '.­ ., " � um wburbiL Owe sandy beemom cmv First Ir"miLig-Tore V= ban list A woes umaccuALoatned to th easy to take. ft 11 A � 2 .� i j� I'll 1, 4,, 1 � eaiwbc"iifullye-b- 'smd teat spent the -►-51- .. � '- dust if %be ummoubk it~ - .. e use ,of - gravvd and,- - 'Aw been 4rowned." Second . H * 9 el ar - ,9 a T . ­ The works V" of all the rocket ineW�t to the city a Iu,.jLy blot'. Oi always thooichL he'd Is � 95 - e -C, I L 21II7111 n doubt make mi0tialkes at first, 11 I 81 ,& -r,.o I I q- 0 0 It does not separate nor a, 0 , q !��, solt h,, mat .,y SeLiag the Irritability is eoc�om after will soon learn by experienas, that - , "a. houggia. •" if the exceeds hot limit one V10ULh the no oo = G a. ell io,.-Ilral. with ontimium balance. ft ,C CC , 6 on a be ►annual return from Ow emstr Humminity apposore to be ver " 'ch-5.30 i if! .- .I. I call awl we tomiTant It a. at,rurmlaa time- .0 i !.g .S7J a , �' � �­ I ­ , !I I t �J PE 0 �� 1 1 I. I ': ", , = . 67%= .1 expenses wJ.1 fall naturally into tbeir M so, a -i r_ 19 ,': " L I 0 spoil. % L., urn Of rural quiet line when Us =710 divided between those who Y. most retrench the next to snake up for it, It Is always sweet as cream.. - M6. - . I - , , I - =_ our normal essubdity. Ob, for the cam Pe sod Lbo" sell* can't got say ,,a If a woman is such as The most sensitive stonuwh 0 `e . or cc • d i , �, 4 . � vou� ad the city Will "a �aLry's op proper proportion _4 1 . - a. I'll.. .- 5 �F ! 3 7% ji r -dw it ,11�6 r :4jr W - portaluties for ress. - - beebm Hersold. Friend of Playwright- -Tell me, saw, a !Laticapollille and Irresponsible bon can retain it. P, . f i1. -_ that cannot be trusted with money :2 9 - &up otimpar " sirlist do 0000wwr grestan work!" N M I H? i To I 1.*- ­ SEND US $1.00:�4.O'Lt"wmww.� A Bit About lanalmette. Yew sho should 211ander it, she is not fit to be. CURES , 1. I I , We WM UcLdy'm poripMal this elegant A general mug&ko is rogodis about books$&. p6y- yen my Play* 6001110041141 " tile hand any won a- home. . . �� I , ,l . , .7g. lz� we writtem." It is always more asuawtory to pay In - - - - I , . - 1. FL&W11,11111 *WNW most people suppm,ag am use griate nail -1 cwvwua-"You may Lb" the girl Gran- y; when this 0 I We the Scrofulous and I I -1, I , ^rr; 111CUB CIAS FRM 110 low banking in the best. It looks bongo, bet, - Diseases.. Tfis wkgt@ by ... got of *t fornials the =,Yhly bills "a &L least b=.pL within Wastling DUMS9M " These rings ord, -V . 0 by an women the m1d1mgOL,`:.I.gx&W"L Odm site furnish. fixed 1,.,,L,,,,d U, k&nk4r- Chronic Coulrh. _ 0, - .,I . �`, k " L:: ­ NOUC 111Z`.,,k� ­ L I amorn by b,&, a" willow ships, am co, =tu 6" keitat I=mv" Dwileaway -I understand she for- gin of spending money. A negligible. saw- Loon : .� w,utiewwo is the bow ' L A I •, , vor" tom. mad have tine =gm &Ali winter by pachimig devir. Rights us mishass this routs ter gibe wedding trip.,. . Won" takes delight in U"ia* her of Appetite. .fir .,,, , mums arrsm,r&aft V a" or water, and when eon" "How's this' You're toolgralff a.lowastars go an far as possible. Children Mental and Nervous E I 'a, sm 0 - A Hearses, CHOICE FRUITS " rilwan Ists, bark peak off with a liw=a. ::A Prostiation. "P, � , , M The buff baskew an the contrary, very gloomy " Baylor mind servants. draw. food, feet and light oil ��r�',, ­, =_-==x" . thing halt Int. to mile =!!t, sharc.l, If by skillful General DebMy. &C- 0"'t,"L, , I =a& he= dried wilhiato ilkits, wkwb bb -a tom sm" Z;mit •What is it!** Raylor have their proper W -7��A,,`-y �4! , , A 4C tat*,n�,',�'­ r ' v �,',:,, o�,- �" 1' I ; 0, I . 1� -, - , , 4l", 1W , �. 4 AAdrom Ume pushed. Wit& to to R, '10 , 6, " - ',11f_11 I o- numnagetnent she cas cogitative to save some- . j�,� . � I a. 111% ,� , -- --oled and ,� , ­ 11.1r, 7 'Re SOMA"S&YN*w YOU"i row- thing it will a" be expanded mIG"ly. 1�,­ I , �, '�LL�_r,`. �� 11 0., 1� - 118�1""` Whom she oftkm gifts @be will feel tb&L . 4#-�, , J�;�­ r: ' " . I 'A�, , - it I , .��,t­ - � 2 � '. ­` ;' - - �� OM. W. W" a CL an handeagoo, " &am agionk . = � _ - " , " to , P - ow Aik (W , INI � � Jewellers will wear far longer tall== the Or sow- - gotan knikidum __ �.'�.*, ­_ " � . . N � V !��� affib" I sead Of 8,91,Lmt. ' ' �� L, 'i, �� a bar own shm, * - Emdli i4"L.�'. � I � I A , . pewr%.oecb. owL York Tribmw Doo'ft Ow Duallam. u=11 -tbe D. & L. I 0 ) , ­_ 1, , 0 , f " , , , _ , I iog bar from . the 000" that ---% end . .,�l r � I ", �A� � ,­ � , I . , , , - -� " , - , ,- , ." __ - � 't , L' ' " - . ,. �-,o,,'h, 3 %,,'�% - I ,," �r` V I... � - A Muddy Blood Caftelaue� I Don't im&Vm* for 110 mwk" the" this also in working mile by endo with kin for a an Otbom , -W', tl,,Z,, - Raisins, ,o�,�T-­ wm . ~11dion'toutoyou. co� I �.W­ ��Zi. U rm ill" to Make a Calculation ad the z6r will only ="a t1go blind "_- �4, ­ -­ I � - Don't try to =A* clothing �ww for 6 , �A_ W 1 " 'O �, I li , � , .1. ,J Ira work required ad the hout oft a uned- rID" suite them more consul polac sm. Ane of Pea BOWL& I i I I ­.. , ­j�v 'Y, ,, , .." "A , , A Q, mi bcaia& FAImmobeth P.-,b� 8covit. to Loading' Z;n; 4 j , ", 11 -� dy root, wwgb 00 War* L darting as . ­�:t'j - L, " f k � , , �; SHILOWS ' f ; I. - Journal. . - 'i4��""" I" " 17 to 4 ­ '' L � �t I DOG'A twok the Birk are aleck age you. �,, Currants, 1�-w "' , , " :r . _� � -Z - , , - i��, , I- ;,. I . � 0? " " ,;,�, the journey and aim on the return. and the -.g000.g,jaA 0 V A4 . 4J tooia 4 A W ft , " ��$,,, 7 , ,_ - .Wk dim in wagal, will be owprm". Dm:,L =Wmr, Ila. people. ,� � v I F ... � ", , . i I , '� _,;,�jL'0'�', �" ,, I a 0V 1�.�, " , i L . � 1, - , I " � , ir � Dant common Romeo a" III - , - . " L I'll , , ���� 11 LL i ' ..., I , R-ar � i�, � . , :, , ­ �1, ., . . .�O.", 11 limpoll I ., ", , , I "' "; CONSUMPTION Thin only p I& the gistra weight. The I I ggliort ramleirsad to draw the w*Vm and its ,?,� , I ' L , Don't spa" wiLlsent the proper Xmillish Qualm i it with •Is "ft mg d "., ", , I Peels, Etc. ."', 11": extra Wesot, through the mud net the read 4 'k. is =:Xomo *" PLAMNO 1=46LL I . - � . 111 . .11 I CURE. may be many 14� Us" rettatrad we a Don't be taterested in anything that To closta a Week droggs, win a @pwar � _�! -",�_ I , ; .: =me", bmi read. otbw Is are. dipped in sigroug Week LOU, cold. ESTAILISNED IOU. I - a IF - � , 11, -1 - Dam t recoggsigis people who an a" is , '1&11-111�i 4' .0 1. - �, ro" 7 , " , - . , 0, , . 1`1111is GREAT CL"'(31 CLIKE, 6111 92� .1socilety. A poem of sponge bmtes" to a sucit 'in a , , ,I coNsumporlot! MR.F. so lorglinot a por. Too " Sam gar no&". 1 good thus to Class lamp ekin"ye mill.b. I aet in the itsaury, of mcdKimo. All droggish I I Dealt read sonlything ester" sociagily Buchanan & Son, •R,i.i. � or 11"'., The ear: army (arsoot . To take oat *patch lay the article that and Currants cleaned and re#Ay for an. �J .'', I , i,ath.cind to-, SeN it On R POW"re Q ' I . who troubled It Am Ought to try a few _ , tog that no other cam c:,,, somertiany ,boa . Z 0 rMll 69 be marry is nab girl in the Isman, battle scor bed to the bright oam&tvw MA%IIVA4'TI kKN& 1� . , castor-oil b� X 71. we knew as Old a,inaL Wipe 16titans � a cloth wet with "imil .1 I I . I ', fi�'. � , � 17 I � I Ton have a C-migh SOM 711�aaftf, Of tOTIFIC111111111116' gardener who was noted for miming I . I , , ,l", ,� ! . I oil ..it they .in onat. .I. the clacking. BASH, DOOR and BLIND I ,r .., L " �-It , _,, _ . nine who always had a few &� st-gstfig- I ,c"", �,� I I - 1% for it will Core you. If "I child ligne I, . a -Iwo 111% WormAIL For powomem moms& omb" by inswu " ,,1:1," I ­:, , , , ''I , ,_ . , , v ,I he Cromp, or Who,Ting Cl 11% It -W it progool, plants scolittered about 11 for the, Bonnie (Weekingly ral-arrainging bar heir) much as m�qait4mg, at&. apply -66" laamic,rat in all kllaalio of ' .r - If vxK , .. ' , ' .-% mwl t1w ':my =" "Yes an ser"s , , nd relief is more. - purpose of Inesping - 'seem C0NC;U%fPT`l0N, Asn't jamil to me it. if - i 4 _Vy anksk Harry- I water. I on or cost vv_thia-, T"Is Air" is Europe. � � 11119 0- -"- Of " -W . To clean Immm pw fixteriss yamb theme .m LUMBEH, LATH, SHINGLES kuggist ALL -THE - SEASONABLE - FRUITS "ll CUM y ,. AA your " � for SHILoH"., rL;lxi�. Price to cts., ! It a Illy mdwmgftd timit, Norepagets, - iwi"Wl "a bw Isair &11t knows, a" "On wash them of in hot And tainthary's material of wvety daroc,'19410111 I ,, 00 I and $v,= 11 Your [A -A Sm sore 01 wage have 11:�T . amended the v��empw 4 water. (�"M � risen . agaial -_ t's tile suyd."M� 93 this OW.i .� "�', , -"A I , IS& &&M, me suloh's P-6 Pl-kr- 25 c" U" age of*20yx Oki agdothe ebmW be robbed off wrish : j', � `�'l � FRX8H AND CLZAR, AT �'A­ ' < , �L'' I L " moss, Tigue, i - - i, 40, , � t , , I` 7� �! I . I " P.easis that ac.�oamts for my "*my. I , " N I 1� I L L - ___ - recently path" ity Lite (;W� ]per" ha's 0, fAlkE heir to so I" billowy. Weak. Blob ad is @we" milk ewe , , . � LS __ - j ashowillothd 8chool Flniture a Specialty. 1,74 '. ,­ 'It Oommomme me" w gibe piss ?A* aged 700 > 1, I , "�,,L I ' L JoRaLbOdea , dsarago,� I W41 ".A. _ l- . - _ - � I i all I I - - Using . ."", I � , I 1, L ­ , I t-,-�, Care as a sailiment, 40 years to the silver , y is. " � I ,� I " " .. _10 - --- Take from Indent by gou " - I , 'll . " I 11 'I L , P , t 'l v .1 I I or (TL!�;V"1i"`1* Z I'M years to Use larch. Us you a to the, war ove-sabi-m -user-serest. which by blow dipped is 9 , REES PRICE & SON "I-1. , � I I I I _ bomb. 2 10 Team to that ampow. 200 years alautio-..%vilds, I is a III t rib tb MIL AA4 , . ''I 4i, �., , , I _ ,an emote=== ,., I � IRA 1.11.1 ,­,; * , to the bit&, I 10 Y*mn to the a"- I 46 YOSM boa fear yea to -day in a dry ;= store, a Is dolog up "a locis do a" am a" i, I , I ......... " ., 4 " I ,� L fic the "Aw. a" I 20 Jean " Uss Sim, no a" row down a bomb ; there doirch, but in the king ru'm* water &Nab* ----,----- , .�� ��. __ , k I ,�, been of am Oak lift!" to not " about the , sho •. = explooloo, several a Builig Goo whisis saw. -7z Q.. 11, i""k I 1. '11-L � TorontoI Ago of BUD loam 16o holly ask skin am, wall* killed. mind I barely snooped with my CLE��IHG SALE 1, ­;,: ­ i � V, M*Om thin low. and them 0 a opwi� of life. , A. .,fib ,� I I_ � r - � -� , . ", ,, " I I , , thin noted 4 10 f vagre to etist*w-9 •magair At e%- i Aliens Kbd Steven. _AV- :� MT Im _W G_00DS t - L �, _. � Frusta gouss called I 'i�,�. L Pkte,iA ,;"""f" _ Mm lk$W ('01""'171 -"Von "I A 93 - I 6 is *0 1� � *,* ;, I L , 11" ,; V alarligarg, is Germany. Not I- Ka Mad •, use th" piece of rihigns did yea ?11 Pilsen Where kid glow" em" from I �'q %a *1 I 1, q �L , Vi r , ,i '," � & a" ? 11 !� - 1_ , as" of glamos- , - .tl " , t , 047 . - .. , it$ , - �',,,-�r�V�7 `1�471-� _-­ - ' ' - z - " Mew am Wein't Iltmand Plro�ere. &m� Wig of ,i,��, 4-1!, � �': �_ � ,� At (;nmoWlo gilimings 1,111111).000 , , �J , , , {:�_­ _ House tie pnvortiou& and with affes variously - 11 , �. , r '44 we is"stacterood "auaHy. rho -11, , " L, , I - � ' , ""= "ad at fnm ,of, to I'Aft nes 111sille-Dou'll Tom think is genti� gloves _1 I ' ' , I _' z t ' .r � , - I I A I " � . I - i lotagor see. 160 ores. season = should alwayti well a dire" suis when he fig �w a vW6* of V.010111 -OW to $7,2W, �JAS, SAUNDERS' �"L " I � I : lite sabowiber wokaltets to animomm $W Ar"'1111 Of ' ' 4 1 agli, "W this given *MPUY�t gis ti,oft I I , L � - - - mmkm a call on a rate IslAy?" There arm 4000 ' "'�,r_, . of both "I A, -' 19 THR LKAD1190 ` "'_ _; McLEAN14 BLOCK. �,-, I ;;. A,% .4 4110 roorimL Noll id-oasioatfully) lifell. I 4�'t know. _,, - ! The Wattery of the ebryisathe�m was- it be mraw, a full.drom Unit bis shirt " ,"It � J,,"" =17.0481 t,ow w*owaqL"ug is •a my� gif =11" 0 ,a who I,w by ­_ - of the, � bottom .win be gets home given " dead Ude Week. I . Joyfully lHwtrowe the eampamiallito 38 around mob 0 or NEW AND FANCY GOODS I . dogrust's an. It 6,aglaan its tmraw no a � sway.00 An )w intemis riogiring from boWWmm6 be _,r �, . - I ­ .�. Guld ing dast-ot .Pap" It hill@ loam , _____ --- - _____ owo&W mosomossuk will *oil his large " *ell gooft" Boa& 04 , "Tw, -1 1214,'V'-,4�_ \ - -i- OftAMLY .11 L I , -1 DRY � GOODS 11POR1911. MiLlv= into such perusionce, aigul skill I A Cher" flealoo, Long Trigodand um we toddess wory bottom prions. � �, �, I I L a" now abort 3,tm it".& of ! "Wity do Uwe* two youreff Indian look go 1� �, ''z , I ,,1,1N'0,":,a___ _,_'L,f4.L��,�vq�ij�",, tb" db"* Maggs, of , IRA= r beemy. a soligna my I=@ It ohinaeorgam. alimmonlHory. NAVY AND BLACK ALL-WCOL 8ERGE8V I 1� ,,,,, " ,^,' " , shrymoLb�aw- in tiamiummoto � L, , I it. • them am so ram awl doalwats, - be .. .me a" � ban a new bwook A own Simon I Wedding Rings, Sileteoreraire, L I " . - I sm. so"i Va a "a bbiwitO that Use "b@T = ride go" bola a UJIL I AM IWT � ==y lisp" 9" w,ft" 44 M*mwy The dog .hid... IkAigigbregibis of isbod Mokatail and Flaoted Knivelm, I " � .411 , - � � �T`#"&.,.:,�, litre wi& and ligoorlearlate in prim - , "a boom I 1,040 110114�iamt." L - 1, , - - - __ ___ Issibit to sure to have aaoLbw aso rep. Forks and Sproons. I amiss womorlmostoo,. nits, Iltitlevirlsiols we Imam ' L ill -, I" we file ot - win& = ='IF i Alb,me, Mumils and " , Upwinmets be" ah,awle that 2, 11116- A am of; .a that George 60 tiring of ma' " 2TAVY FLAMaLS9 28 W .. VID31 1 denigged and no as an ov"offe. ebmi IV I I* %I, by. dealt !I* moo Posigbi wish that she "olillmorm ad Othor Goods, Toys, , ­ He has toes sallimill me unto T � win Motor wigg boa to" to got is implyngbIL "I � I v " FoLney Goodstelto. . , FILL AND WMTER """"""a" 0*11 I �l#' 1.4 singlassed at saw" Inches below the tortacts _1 � -, I In mft and hard intuit..roe 11114i bast Igooko"Ba Iiat . . �,:r�-, o ., � . Whom as agedratmed worfoose at the same a - - - - womm to be the wdo Of an& a � Asamlgge stir sponge ce" - � f- 0 '�A , . � ., , I) depth, That fact illustrate* the votes of ob - a mi., ?%"mow 410, 0.:11�1 'Aaaago,- I � , .0 - " 6 . It Watho" LAW @mom as both osomet, poll'W"Ind ggl� K� &000 wonti of Will PIPW AW 6wdem , 411,1 L ' wells line plant grew". I J... .%V%�ogis it Colombo dh SOW WL , - - Glaaao0i3s • " , An Smow"o" . MI. - I . -11 have M=e"maigber "ad =N,k�a"bwtm -L WNW's W11A. as sum AT IIIALF Pus M� and A Sonow'sol smart�t CC otbw "W A" totalgigpoW S -O& I- thia lotaggly, ,1,' r, L 7 1%at tines a amemy.' radial p ­­ will bo goetimilf lailm on. A liberal &-- oi Ist = all Omit Pogr0hosongs f rW V not I ai - b 8 L I ill" We OW very bolft. 60 nowI _ I ' , LL Q!I A 41 !11 ,�, , A I � *ft Islom" a ;6-7 .0 %%ad == 1= 11111 e. I sftlft��,:�:, iN (Z A :" M go" 107, IM. Ayasr M& oomim;wam,& go .018 'r CAVaRA infigno L, 0� I � ! � I I P" U, r60 - I 110W 01, VIlow. �� , I ,V, ago" emm we arlb"Itiold of 4mus "'A ', % - ft moismi. cgop CWlW up IkIr"y - Prig. - , .", %4" kind , kolke The bottom of the a"&*& �d fibmu ,f , ,�, " -_ - .dox low Isom' - mod ofile, is I all �� briar as %" of *0 "W"" "a , I I *r 1,malwaWy Vingid as ft. "y - "A SM Yellin Ins 6 Glenn AM Now is year Uww law bar - . .� , z . , , , I 11i* 1. Jim ould slimm be" is Moo dow aW lwftb I go PER CENT. will be (14110111let- 4 -7 1 9 I-, - s", I seem a" 4" shaft 0 amw I&" I ­LeO ,00M#4. aspommem.- . ��. , i � , ., O&O- 41�I, , - 1, � � P. O'DEA. = 11� , "� I a The " a" � Nissan * OW" AM in I"ruima " 6 I md I = &b� aft in Ace as adit ft r-. "- ed for tmeharrin md QdMm gQ0129 * �t MI, " � I I - i somp Is or is Is sow __.. - I I I L fteW ai0d Zabft&o& .1� I �� - 1 5 i do am that wow to I he boueds, 1, ", - . .- -V= - 2W . , ," 1 .. � �, -8 b;fidgl�--ir ------w Cbegaim � - " - v, . ­ I Miliffigligm *mb-m-lim Ir IM . � ='P.�Iza dolt, in - II I 11 up CbrMiams Tram ,'I I 1, , �­� I ., ""' �, ., � . � I � .4 1 1 "'�!,,,,�.i--o �'.7 % I �11 I I I I I I I ,.,,, , , � , . I - �, , �.� , �a. . I , , : " I I I R - - I ,., . " ,, I - +1 . I . ­ -6 � . 11 ,, I AAAft"'. . � "I I I " , .4- .� A - 1- ... I ma 'gai­, , r, 11L L I - ,, I I IL ,�ZVi �11 I I *A,,,.,Ij ,- ,� llo'i� 1' , " '. t _., . "'',�.c - a&, - I &f , 'Ji , , '! �, _ , , 11 I", 11 .1 , . amoao­.,V� "70 ," 0� � , 4 . �' .0t0000l­ . " � � - �, L- � I 4:to��- - ,,,�.-,-, <`* I , A-1*110A �,, � . ­