HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-1-21, Page 2tit.
�y .lhaAs
The Work of the Land and
Money Shark Fully
t#IZ aserm T sewn IN /*nobs
Mae Peeress reached Berea& 06%*
6. faae4 tie meet aline. He was Pitting
hie desk, with kis pea stuck above kir
WILT and with has Ince buried in his hands.
It wee evident frees hip suite& and hu
Intim owns that brwee deeply enema.
al is nada.
"Htatdbana at same scheme Inc pluuJcr
tea Meso poor dewily" Harry thought u. 6c
baled lir • mwte.t ia the open door to
entempi•te Swami "He's got some Jeep
I.i4 pian at work, and whatever it is It'll
Irina a fuer Ihe.eaah to his pocket at the
=pun of the settlers."
At that naesemt Scruggs looked op, Lad
his yin feet these of Harry Pearson.
. ••Dig pardon, Mr. Scram. 1 didn't
ss,aa to intrude, so if your meditations are
mend 111 withdraw."
Moms in and fit down." SCrsgp said in
•I was m •
editating, .d Serion,ly,
tea, bet my tkesalen m
were of you, and i a
glad yea 01101e:
• Hat you arm • faithful attest, tleragtsa.
Always ay intemen in mind, and for
ever em N
Q ' .rat sees for &drearier
ms. t h.tt___
shasow ee ewae are you working
up mow!"
"I am sot workieg up any .aerie. Mr.
Yet yin re thimking iia. w
less that o,i
••I was tbinkisg of you in Me entirely dif-
ferent connection. "
"Whit coenecties, then!.
••Why in cooaection with those Greets.
It ban come acres my mind that then is
some Rees porpoise in your action."
"Ha, 6a! Ie it possible that Kcr•gge
hoe gat ha mid d financial matters
long seo.gb to let a thought of sone-
tkitog en formai creep 10' Game,
Semipro, .tick to dno per cent. .rid the
eommrmen. and 4ee't go to muddling
molar brain ahead thiaga that islet
.smears you and that will saner pet • dol-
lar i• your pocket. h a'm't 55 your lire,
.ad you'd better lot it ,timers "
yet r buuril Pena, I don't m.ddle
mesh with ting that Lit ibeetly eewm-
one me. I am aserated beards..... ea -
=nil brat. bees aimed from Der to
S.mmiihaby e.eryray win bas W any
dealisso with me. 004 sea general thing
people me an is blame. They have hid
nem for mentiegt. nod .n knowing that
Mem wee • stasis? ie the nese are sot to
Mime fete eimerina ea the eat whore paw
boa bees Ml a pike the dientaata from
Medea. Del 1 spates, 1 ought 001 to
rmplin. 1 atm paid fin ay work, Gad it
in my duty Is timelier the blame that at -
t.ebee to it mot take the cues, it brines
deem re we7 hest Avner, I .m wining
tar go on sada net; but I •m not willing to
he a party M a wane mien. and, by George.
1 w't M. I sq I w't is, and 1 mean
"Ate .
through with year sersw,
•'I�or .the peens t lea"
••Taa..ay I rib whet imp .riasnt yew
mime to 6.tapartly ter
"Ye., yes may lei the mime you con-
tomplate ian e ase, Qreass; or rather
� PNa,soab fairtie• add •'Pork sett st-
ow Hightail ale v imr ase instant he
amsmd .lath at o""mi them slowly In
L. MI 60 tM It ream goose
trees before be ripen. nand whoa he did he
"'Mr. fiereg/s, taw you aware what your
"10.,• .mm an oestsb Gly," replied Serapes,
**and ahoy imply wenna let the truth. 1
Gam asst feel iemrt be WWI UNNA yoer .e-
ies tsw•rde Hon Men
h vm�uhat if
yin ended, M. a an likely that
yea wadi bsternt ,..resit in Gay-
• 6.hd1, masa yep Ted • •s1 oh .o-
boe b.bid it. 11 is en ie year eaters.
Illea what rimal le een had p� imwhil. You tio Isere Hy
• j (Ire... you
tsu.urwrr umpluse grit . easy Miaow Bat
num 1. as it is, 1 have a mark .4 Omar yet
uaobs. ural. 1 weuW say what 1 have, and
oppose your demean u. Green's daughter,
encu If 1 let iuusmy by it. la • case like
this mousy .tauta w figure with me. '
• • You are rem pious .11 at mice.
tic Gad Promo.Prowoh • bight
laui'•aad 1 woodier you didn't tugs
preacher au your reams.; .lays. You would
bare mak an .Bala. it eere.,,ntsrt But
we'll drop this eulogist, if you pis., troths
p{reremeeeuut Gat ohm1 furca, .l..i ia. ytL..t
(.r.N.s girl. such se you us,ntaw, anam
1 ma b. uer.l of your easeta0.'. in .-tarrying
them one 1'11 put up the otos. and make
you ..dei.'.
'•1 ou'11 du au such thi.g,' Scrams ex•
claimed with erath .• be nos :awl pored
the door. ••\u money will induce Inc to
a..t to berr►yiag that girl or any other girl
into s'ir power. Kut 1'U tell you whet I
old i Susague said, atopntag before
Frans awl luoaiug h;msyu,re au the eyes,
••111 warn Juke (area against you, and I'll
wart the girl .guest lou.'
"1 .0 wilt." exclaimed the ',rum' oma
springing up) with dashing eyes .ad clutch-
ed fr.ta "\',.0 will. eh!"
••Ye.. 1 roll," replied bcreggs, calmly
maintaining his posit MU.
For • manutc the two men stood silently
eye's( we -di outer, Scraggs owl, toilet:eel
and unm..v.lde, and Peat -anis .t first angry
and flushed, but .lowly saluting down. At
Leat tlae latter broke in••, a light laugh, and
wilh a tea of for hca.i spoke:
"Don't been fad. Scri a." be ,aid. "be-
cause that steel t pay. I ha.. no designs ou
the firi, ani beside., If I .lid base, your
'ratline in w..el:1u't do Guy rood. !)o von
Amadei pristimee me among alpr eras esseenanding r to
beer dews ee hie. At way expense you
Hy Inside, yeast& ken kis Mao'
sail at die MOWN data. /attic( him
read damper into yam fails 1 krww lou, 1
bas.it, fliPens... .d 1 d..
aeeam. nger, 1114005 to he s pert.
Oa ire It is .r right te refs and pleader
Nesse people with exorbitant interest, and
be beak then up with wild epecu. taoee,
mei au bog as it sten at that, i will l,0
Until yes, bat .her it somas to en attempt
to trey that ;ueocentNsout."
'fie el' treng one's abasedactor al-
as 1. Ilmasm.d to this spends. Oma
stmesoll it was livid with aegis and the
.' eon Garbed with • rem ef mowonce
tier twice h. made intern far Scraggy to
het the wt or to the red_
'Wall, Mr. Harry replied after
4 ahem aheElena,''deem admit anything
p yes ham charged, *01 soy yes an correct.
said it must_ he aokerrecledged ibat
yea are not above tepreack. Your
virNOeiO, idlpatiea 4r't commenor
wade eon err.Ogh. it b gfn a whore the
prelim leave at i■ ether woreda you are
willing be e0ndeme my arms% as you cower
N call rhea % .Od even assist m0 in execut
bag linos, se bats there ie money in it to
•Atial the aremtemt they name to being
O.netta neural . year packet you get
terribly deem so them. Tee are willtng to
help rub Gast pleader the .esti.e because it
pay. yen, bet diem is se profit in tr�.�ppppse.g
Nhe psi. we yen .1U.us seal ravolta at
the• a6P► Thee ie tie tis au new hewer,
•▪ T a.issit that apprarmw.+s 4m ism
yga.et re. P••r.sau.'f alt., 6 e teed
t peer hands se toy. end with
• �sed& "it wwY1 • mend, W r
sup �..er Ike Greens, or any of the other
rettl.rs, would take your word in prefer-
e.ce to mime ! Of nerve they u uulln L
It's you that is known ae m heart -
ism villain, while I, in the shade
hack of yea, ram known as a
kind, feeling gsotlemaa. There people
.r wort. ant opI00 be- , .Mere...
asM the tttgo of the boar. Jd. Ther the .inter peenal by ed, anthe mid -
made ser doh to sell lite lot., ler they win i 4ir of ]larch all the area was gems from ,
well louital. Gad he felt secure u hab lrag j 18. plants, and the toner grow begets to
theta Goy could go a i.cYe•Maag, M shoot up. The human at Pas oboe Park civ
thought. sod when the e011ae0d 011011,4101100 I rived, ..d whim teal emote tra..e0tion re.
nest to ossai. u: t their laws taw the I .toad their wasted ..s..gth. the nod of
pl..c, and all the other p.W.. improve he 6alrr.r, she ma sal the Unmet wen
u..sils were put wpm, way, Lbw •aloe
.r..u1d to umy.,nd w.*h.ly's capectatt os.
He stet. rse.u..t 4, ..oil .huu..ad bold
•• RA.AT r*A.0ow, strati.
don't know that I more you and control
your actions, and more it is hardly likely
that they will latter it, stark then is noose
to tell them but you, and they'd never take
your word for anything. sot if you were to
swear to it. &yes gee 1 hare pt the ad.
of pas,W if ye. etas to
se leg jot (u aheskl Det yew
are any
wwing • gleed fur •bout nothing, say -
how. Nast until 1 rn..ke an attempt
against the girl, won't yrs!''
'•If you have no designs 0n the girl, Pear-
son," asked Kesel,.. "will you please my
what tour purpose Is!"
"Why, what should it he, except tenseke
all the money we tea out of Green. jest as
we intend to make it out of every otisr set-
tler.""Then how is R you do not find it sec -
emery to deport yourself toward other set-
tler es voo do toward the Green.! Why a
it you bind it necessary M go there . of.
tee "•
•'1 supposed this was • free 000try,
Seiaggs, and that • ern did not have to
explain to other people the rearm why he
chooses to go here or there. But alam you
force 16. question en toe 1 don't mind
answering it. I go to John Greg's occa-
sionally beds.. I like Louise. To be
bonest. frank and confidential with you,
tkragp, I'll go further and r• 1 love her.
I'm iit.gg the troth whet 1 so the; s s
help God. I do love Louise green with
all my heart and seal, and never have and
sever shall lore ..,o.. ole. Aad now
baying gime this for. Ill go further. I love
her sad I've swore that she shall be mite.
She loves that Paul Markham, but be shell
never have her. I taaaot win her lore, but
I can get her ;m my power, and force her to
,some to my 01100 11/101 submit to my census,
and by Heves I will."
"Harry P..rsos, beware! Thos is gots(
too far, and they shall be warned."
"Go and war. them. They'll not believe
• wad you ea I'm not afraid of you for
you .re powertem
"Al..' that is too trite. 1 ion the demon
G ad you are to mint, and your lis will be
taken as gospel teeth, while the truths 1
. peak will be believed by tete. So muds
for being year tool. But, owerthelem, K
Is mJ duty to wan thaw 'east you, and
111 do iti'l1 give them fear warring. and
if they don't want to heed it they ma only
suffer the consequence*. if you wanted to
marry the girl now "
"Balt! 1 don't want to marry her, and I
don't propose to do anything of the sort.
You know that that matter is settled for
me. The folks at home have kindly select-
ed a woman for me, and all I have to do is
to go back and marry her, which I am
ut( to 40 in • few weeks. 1 dua't lo.e her
and ,river did; but .he i. rich, and rainy
is what ere sae cher..,
Sera(p 1004, no reply to the., and Pear-
son west me
•i .hall go back there .ed marry that
woman, but 1 will out he compehed to
stay there with her I will soots find ea
excae ler coming wed. asst mice here I
.ill work to my ends and find any happiness
in the society of my hill wild dower of the
swim 040.0 roar r.orn.
Aloe; in October Harry Party went
mast for the purpose of getting married. Ha
M4 not gone to Crten'. more ahem erase or
twice after the conversation 6.1.... him
and Serene but he cou.oled himself to
Moving with the thought that it would not
be long before he was back again, .a4 he
hoped by that time to be abk to sway Louie,
to his wishes.
Seraggs maid nothing to the Oren. of
the young man's ..teet1nma, for in the
first play+ he realized that they would
he slow to believe hems, and in tae mooed
place he found ,t a little difficult to
•pp,erh them on such • subject. Them
again M told himself that it would he pre
tnatore, anyhow, to speak thee. se it was
probable that ease married Harry wool.,
give up him designs es Lotter,. and even if
he didn't it would he time ea meg6 o .park
who Peareno came book. So the matter
The Gni. at Paradise Park .manned
greater prepertioes every hour. The sake
of lota geew greats lay by clay, eared u
1.11 the mai of mot•wn.rs was se ever
wh.lmieg that Swages found it owsa.ry
to take am two W
extra .•.t.ta Sevmrwl
now haildloss were pat in mores of erase
tion, awl three sewepap.re, two .d tiera
with daily leas% rete sl.6h.6ed ie the
1) i' W •ti.I.
liul s..rmgp made s• effort to .ell :het...
and so a ...tat l t tatty he (ousel a , ust..m.•r
um. 44414.4041 t" ta.e 16.1,. at 414446l. ahat
Julio p«... "wags. .eut for Juba awl hod
the saat.6etw u hoe, me aag
'lit sley Kohl or ilio w.e.taiewt,
IIr. (ireoa, ani Inn .L;VICO .a iii tale It."
••1,:,'• mod Johu, "1 can du bettor tire
Ogg mut year. Writ till to railroads
new r►"
••I tall yea, t,reea, . S.arggv went MA,
••now M s goad tius to .IL You ,toabie
your •tnaeyr, Gad that is profit mem( h
Liar my •.Intoe .cad sell out. 1 ..rt.
loan your u".s,e where it will be safe .tun
en. -re 1 rut tee you gs.ud interest
Make the c ; then rime the uwrtgsg
on your terra Is slue you will has.- tie
money t • pay a of "
Bet John slued* his herd. eying : -
'10a call get no iatenet to .qua. .be
profit ._ the lot., anti bowies I wan: a
rather Gaut ten usurea.'
1cr•ttgs was silent for • little while.
during winch he looked hard ae the door
T. co. looking up, he said : -
• (reen. 1 lave a purpose in adyiung you
e s 1 do. I do not like to my whet diet
purpose as, tut 1 assure you st is .0 W4, -
0n. *Ott asides it is well fouuded. F'.•.
your urea gin.) I advise you :o this stet.
(lot your looney out of these lots and keep
John made no reply. but lkol.ed at
Acreage incredulously. the agent saw that
he had made no impression, and he con
tin vest
"Will you promise upon your esti
Green, never to whisper a word of what I
.as ggw�+ng to teU you
"1's, of it's right that 1 should not."
"1 don't know that it would he exactly
right, but 1 know it would be to your :ts
terest, and would, if you acted on it, owe
your money and save you from a gees:
deal of suffenatg, perhaps. But, be that as
is may, 1 won't revs•1 any secret. 1t
wouldn't be safe. 1 will say, though, let
dame Iota go and us•ke your money secure.
"Isn't it secure where it aa!" John asked.
"You herr( what I said, Mr. I:reen."
*kr ggs replied, ".nd ought to it able
to draw your own conch/atone I cry
take your money out of the Iota • et
rake it safe. That's all I can cry to,
you, and it's more than I have said or will
my to anyone else. I have . resew' for ad-
a.rising you to this step, and, strange as i•
may seem, it is altogether for your 5.terest
that 1 do it."
•'It's a little strange, indeed, Mr.
Swears," John mei with an incredu-
lous shake of the tread, ••that you
nodal fed web an nenseses lasered
is etny welfare. I menet understand
why you should make .0 great an exception
in my favor. Why an. 1 alone eelectol
from all year customers to receive the bene-
fit of your ..bice ! An. i more to you than
any cal the b,:.dr.d• of others who have in-
vested in these town lot* • I don't skink
"Yee are right, (:recta. you are not more
to me that the others. Bot ;tis not that
which indusams me. There is not a mu,
among all my cu.t.rnten whom 1 would not
advise as I Ifo you. were ate placed in like
eiecuaastano.. Bat ;t I. folly to talk and
argue. Here is a customer (or your lou.
Take sty advice and sell oast"
••No, said John, "ru keep teas. 1
know your object, Mr. Screw I can see
through it perfectly. Three lou are destin-
ed to sell for an enormous price, and yam
know it You ase a thousand lk du_ re or 0.
u them. them, and you want the. 1 ou are the
man who propos to buy them. You are
sly, Scr.gp, sad you can batch out some
pktilsee .6.mis, but 1 understand your
motive so this iastaeee."
Scragg• arose ad walked the floor for
.1i.ute or two, thea stopping in frost of
green, .cad
•'John (Inca, I wouldn't pay you fifty
per wet. on the testament yew. male
me those Iota I demi wont them, anal
wouldn't buy them at any price. Bu' talk
is useless, se 1 have no mon U. My - at
lard only this. Is km than ax at6s
frost to -day, you will recall what 1 have
said, *ad you will my that for 0111011 Scruggs
advised you aright. Good ray.'.
These I.mt worts at Serous made .
alight i.spreesiou oa John, and he k(t 16e
..o. is . Wtnag ante el and. One or
" Toe cis tu.v, .Curr•.
twin ea he walked 4..m the atm* Is.
stopped. half ia.ltm.d to go back mad ac-
cept. deer.
"if 1 .TI out," he mewed, "i .ill make a
rase prcit, and besides baring able to re-
deem my farm win have • mople of hes-
deed dollen left towards building a her.
It may be that Screws is right. toe, mid
that hyy�holdinngg sem i will kw all Perhaps
it would he mfer to well."
Thr on the ether band he would re-
call Scruggs' reputation as • schemer
mid r unprit..:ipled shark, ami sellae
His improvements that were under way
ad the avidity with which otter peo-
ple were tmki.g up bargain' is real
estate. M would constitute that he wee rite
and that Sorge oily tweeted tort the Its
himself bec•w there w.. a big eutesee tt,
thank Re...mi.g pro •0d nes, be Sadly
decided t. keep hie bis, aid .eeeedi.gly
went home, perfectly satisfied ter lie hal
acted kw the net.
The boom at Paradise Park kept milling
m .asst ow, reaching out farther and farther
u ntil the winter Num sem and the swore
storms and coli smother put • check to all
irnprove...at, That winter was ea intensely
rold nue..sd three wee • great deal of
d ues, ser that maple venter.' est bat
little, sodas • cemaeg.e.ce the excitement
.t paradise P.rk died do.s, Gail the salsa
of real emote awned saintly.
The invaders fan so osmesis., however,
beam` aawrel fief a eth the rotor d fair
.ether the bend, world wet ie again with
meowed view is the open( the railroads
.ore to 6e heated and work wee M bogie
e a thou .t tames ; ed e/ the
ether pe6li. i...... Gala were to
Maury el the leen ase sed tree . 8. got seder headway, tr; m then
these the winks m may dna, sea the real bee. era N ewer, red rely •
always M g Mum einem &neolr en .hest web M ieeEYtllr tins be gram
beam os every hear. leu.unee hooka,
t,oth inns, aril brick, were started up .11
.lout the .rates of the totem, wbtlu r04.
denote item Mint w .rant ted i.
qu'rter. t'upre.-o *.uteri a.tirity i
and $eraggi prole -Lieu that the piece
r.wl: hay.' tweet. giros"1 pupuiati0u
o itinu a ya.sr isaac fair to cows true.
I;ut clay .ftm .lay pam0t, &a,l no more
tue.nl .w,atru.tiog railroads ..r .Mier
put,:.. nuiprusesents was sack. Yet the
pe...o were strong or Ilse 1,uth and tape
the boots rolling.
leo as oonetecile.)
list swath was the warmest Ueo..ber
lalemma years.
111.Mayor t'atophrll, of l.wug.town.
06*., though bland urine he tae five years
old, browse uttrlciau enough to sada the
.lady cat ;L He studied law and graduated
Item the Hsrvrd 1.. school, and mosey
1u11) «ictal • paper an Oho fur sight years.
Jules l'acer's wooded -fel tales, in which
.Camas and ism", gu shales with ham, .re
wntteu an . hale observatory uu the top of
bits house at Amiew. The house top was a
favorite pont ut vantage an scriptural days,
.act as aiming into tavur.gun withetedema &
in the oa,uutry a.d *esculent dwellers in the
Secretary Elkins, Postmaster-I:esatd
Waaam.ker, Judge Nathan H. God, :Loa..
tor Job» 0. Carlisle and senator Arthur P.
Gorman are .a.oag the most cuuspio.or
snto.t6-shwas rime in public life. Yet, me I
doubt, each of 16e.e pro.tisent Anieris , s
rettr.»abers to this .lay how aselonsly bej
watched for the first down on his upper 11..
Sir Hugh Grant, oumm.nder of the Us-
dr.. army, was enmity given • 0o.tpliella
tary dinner. and papers of the Htgbird
corps played inertial tuns brand his chair.
Alighted with the suggestions of the mei.. I
be espreseed his ss.t.menteand then turned
to use of the players and asked. " What '
paint of Suotrad do ye owe frae,my moa!"
•' Coanemars, yer Honor ie.! the
bard. And the officer joiueu w the general
laugh which followed. It seems that a
barge proportion of the eootush troop now
come from Irel.nd-
A remarkably ingenious and simple or-
ange and lemon peeler is now being intro-
duced, by which it was claimed 1,000
.ranges may be perie.i without oohing fin-
ger or glove, or losing a drop of juice. The
peeler is a bat of wire, socket plated very
numb ia the nape of a button -book ; bat
with a tiny blade let into the neer bead al
the book_ When the point of the book is
drawn 5510 the fruit it slider between the
pulp and the peel without damper of enter -
mg either, while the blade divides the purl
sadly and rapidly, after which it .may be re-
moved without trouble.
Baby Cleveland hes. wooer other odd and
novel things, • black rubber bathtub, vita
pockets in it ; five dome lap rose% four
hardwood carriages and a Seca, beauti-
ful Lohengrin chariot of namelled rattan ;
a down clown pillows with lief same worked
across each side ; • set of 4oll'. (matters,
made of filigree ooseiett'.g d .eves
Pieces. rained at 4125 ; • .did rad ring for
every Sieger and toe, enough Oh caps and
bonnets to fill a showcase, and more kid
bootees and silk shoes this .he oo.ld wear
out if .be staved • baby three yen. Her
• meta ' of .dyer fork and .poen would equip
a tea -table for . day mue.eryr.
The Whitby Chronicle says : A tinker
55 training at t be Whitby model sbooi ap-
plied for • situation in . sort.! school sec-
tion which .hall be mist..., and received
the following reply by postal card : " Your
application to bated. Will mem kindly .n-
ewer the following question, viz : Are nee
• Melanin, sed if .o to what church de
yoe Wing! Do yea take .n active pert is
church and Sabbath .end work ! 110 700
understand .tris. rd what part do you
slag ! What is year opinion an total ah.tae-
eeos from intoxicating liquors ! What is
your age !What is or was your father'. eon -
patios II Are you applying for any other
sends ! „
Thorn is . mania compositor o0 one of the
old Chicago dailies, who very suddenly had his
loam cbauged. This was nearly tinny
years ego. He went into the 0160e for
work. The foremen gave bin • Dale at
ares, sad be est type ler • wort. Who
W foreman res toady to awake ep him pay
roll he asked the mag he tam. The
printer is a Psalm and is or wee Wood with
an of the mast jaw-biwkina one of its
loaa im reply to do forearm% gwtioo
he lead : •• My atoms is Ia.tsr.okowaki."
•' Not by •said ibe forearm.
resins( •( what it would 6r to pat that name
on paper every yea ; " your name is
Brown." And se a matter of fad that
printer bas bean Brows ever eines. H.
still watts in the same .alias, bet Brown be
beanie sod Brown he always will b. It
is detente& if 6. bard( ere .'.e remember
bis reel Pafae4sr retia
tiled rasa ram sad rear.
Lewis 8. Butter, Iberia, Ned., rheumatism.
Tho. Wanton, Sheffield, N. H., lockjaw
By. McMullin, (Asthma, 0.1., i
lir. W. W. Tolman, Walsh, (Int., infra.
Jaime H. Riley, Partials, Ont.,neur•Igi.
C. L Lague, Sydney. C. B., le grippe.
lm every one wos.bdted and maimed -
Gated. Tne� .qac b ri
athe menu of MIN-
An stat. (derdrmus *Esam.'.a.e t 1U.r
A (]errand Iitp•teb says : A and
feature is nemesis• envies wee benaa-
rani la t . Sateille ease* ietbdiet
ohetee file emrniog. It hem boa maw -
tory 55 Use M.thedi.t church to serve com-
munise rime to all partaken from OM ••p•
Rev H. Webb bold that it was m nosh •
vulgarism to ds go as to require • is party
to drunk from the same tea esp. es4 es the
ground et 4arar.ey, oared taste and paha
arm, 6. attired orb .saber raw ail -
tended the ..vie wilt • espaw1 em f.
16.e were seventy-two is all, sd the owe
ebb ...ng would ews ge mvrtmi, ea
mon of den W N be .seem Il..mo
et dr ..._yearn rimae.. ere (.abed
tio pemble et slim a1+u1.r hem grebe.
A Fact
w°� le SM � id.
era able steer ...Mies
M ISM OW M A1eort/rIlwasparIla
h arseasa.
Ras at ibis Maw
mot ceases de
Med daily. Ryer
sea deep -ended
ewe bbura scuew
please as Rheet-
oe'lsas, Rbmte►
de Gout, and 18ss
like. are thorough.
if eradicated
tlwsee eA Ws WOO.
derful ahead 5.
Mrs. R1�Is.4
ars•. -- ' IyettRe set. w�eOI(.W
York. certifies r-
" About two yera ilia h�
ply. esarV yasGWe io walk oa) risk poet
iYeom and k.yhgradWwd varier
rem.dl.s, tawlrmdlna
without renal,, 11oasww ebby am dvereleo-
nut in a bon. relieved d tiY g palthat G mes.. loll
mute • Wel of dais eedldme, sad Melt
N regularly kr ribs ametb. I see
plea ark Geta dog 1 se say assVve Naos Gadse
reata. el She dib.see•"
Mao. L A. *dark. Nash... N. H.
whew •'see year ego I was take. III
wda rbeemettan• being 0on1nod to my
been fit months. I arme out of the
dolma very mask debilitated, with .e
and my system disordered (a
way. 1 commenced to use Ayer's
11a and began to improve M
dew pintos in dreastb and eon ra-
dowering my usual health. I amen say
leo much 55 praise of this well -thaws
"I have taken a peat deal of mod -
but boding has dean M
good m Ayer's 6.operi I
Ito beneficial dean before IaW
Andahed one betdi., on I eau
I kr o that le ase
Wardle/ad, Texas.
Ayer': Sarsaparilia,
la0Aa0 >R
Or. el. C. Pipe & Ca. l, red. Mg.`
Prwfli elm beiia .M. Wein M • bode.
en awn nears onoire Iree.
Soil N Alt (,sees Gas wain.•►
a w. a lMerr. 4w..e..
Pa t ron'se
Tss CawapIat Pagano R.u.raT Oo'S
Tiasastare bas bees eeteaUid to etas the
m~.nneemi o eteetiIioe. with hie ../ per.
1t is m.na.ed w bedew misdates ens 1.
the howeie of its estrum
It deserves the .sport et even mem w6.
believes to oumpegIM.
raw 41111116111 4111001011 .se oda r'.mnnvl
lar.. rontivtiag with all Hemaid .bier
1...Ned wen. sinews• and here...
Direst devilish wires te all i.nlat• le the
Northwew.itritin Oetembse are Palle Cam
Ole• -'meta rids Wooer.
MOW Laid lllao.ner. ad.1d
TOE IKET TO 1011311.
Unloeb all theysslogged •'.0.es et the
grgr d al�w without wes6 eirand '�
teas, all tam impurities ami lea Moore
el the secretions: a1 the sees time Cor-
coring " ��
Headaches. Dizziness, OHfeartburn.
Drop.°, Di io w c° f Vbtos. Jane -
Mee, Salt Rheum. Erysipelas, Scro-
fula. flattering of the Heart, Mgr-
raoan.es, and Seneral Debility ;ell
these sad many Other similar CornpLimto
yield to tie hap_ k+guenesof EORDOc8
IIiAOD 1TTt>i13.
Iyer fl.1e by en Dedwa
i r&01,rroidele;Ti
-ORso r Mda.mfa--
Niamey to Lead
Bargains in Cloaking,
Mantles Cut Free of Charge,
Bazaar Patterns given Away
I Wools of .hes-11
• .
b/M I
• limb a
Black Oherry Balsam far
coughs, �coolld% etc.
Our Ohernb's Honey Cou jrh
Ours for children.
CAREFUL AND tai01Tii7.
Prescript.OII Work
At all hone. Personal .denim. *hay 8
t6. beet drags Grad.
111, C. 00013, - Chemist. 1
. Cheap Rates,
Not's Iota C'i,it
Pure Candies Chocolates
iM. ONCE A YEAR" < ,
berryson nie
yew pre
" I hav
n t.m6.r
r satin
WS. Ptoineth
Wei A.
a hat
Witte is
iagJA ea
IA Fewer
"AyeUSIA prer'i.
el It frog
proarotessakes t
else au
Rhee.' ".
"1 hat
a 1a• past
rel 1
die. ac
Or. d. 4
- - FRUIT,
Table 7eIl es
Chas. A. Nairn,
Family Grier,
All kinds M
✓ icht w
▪ k▪ nish.
are wW u'e
In which we Lead.
Finest in the land, at right pries.
.it prices whiciI will make you buy.
Has shipped large quantities of his choicest Goods for
And cables that he intends making his headquar-
ters for Aoderich there during the holidays.
w*.aoswa mM tb . 11.g aN kW, of hnitw es 1M lamas pialidepyes la Ys
Sells Cla.co p
nt rid
MM`t..Mi .Woe
fr &.00 fr yin wQ 6. eat Met he �dwa`"'r Ir s�:'ar. eb p
eim araOeoWtrg
Fbr CeslZ
tt theek6. er..4 e* ter fuser Beet pteeiws be bare le weslee a ewrt•w05 et 1M
GEO. BARRY, Hamilton -et.
This CH
'lel in the
re asthma:
tad that
t you have
a i( lot
he Croup,
ad relict
ltdt 6l