HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-1-14, Page 7TSIGN AT.:(1(11)ER1C'LUl\'T.:Tut 'ltkll►AY,.1ANUANY It l•:r4. FOA THE HOLIDAYS! Ws merited per foregut rxprer today a„, repeat of FRENCH GLOVES In dreamed and undimmed kits, tato anti black ; ale Men's Kangaroo Kid Gloves, In tans-litsuttful goods. All (.bits fitted to the hand, aarrante,l and re- turnable if utaatiefactury. We ant protected by the manu- facturers Against any_bas if their I:lot-ss break. Novelties in Handkerchiefs. Initials Silk and Swiss (all letters). Embroidered silk and linen The largest And the newest selection in Goderich Silk Blom, Black Silk Lice Scarfs and Cashmere Shawls VOR. 'PRNINQ- In Mantle Cloth Department We have said good bye t., profit. Metall fi2.7anti $3.00 cloths now $1.150. i $1.76 and $1.50 clothe now 9I c. and el. CLOG hurt $1.75 cloths now $1.40. 111.00 pool $l."ori cloths now 75x•. and SOc. W. ACHESON & SON. WR HL'P2B pies, Creme de la Creme IN CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AT THE PHARMACY. No okl-fashioned oxidised silver or faded plush goods. Oar stock of Xmaa gifts is entirely new and well *elected from the very latest style.. A choice line of I4eely'e awl Rickuecker's fancy perfumes and toilet reparations. A pleasure to show goads. Keep your eye on our window for()n. em .a to GEO. A. FEAR,]ter Mdie;m ) Dispensing and Family (ms., esoo.ssdr to ORO. RHYNAL. Oederieh. Oat. 1892. i 1892. Harper's Magazine. Harper's Weekly. ZLLUT1CD ZZLUSTR*.TR17. STFid lbs vegans* will celebrate the (earth omrMa•r5 et tie Dbosvery of America by Its uta sseuraaT. through articles tot ow a more themeg• • xp.dtisn tbmo has btalerto berm innie I the Ramon U N reaCin loco lea eSprsmi.T OV (KM tkot tltT and In the .i MIST W .T. Particular mtee wfWl1 aim b gives to :la Ka= Lineman or Artsai(A' HmTcaT. Wen I w� be Awertbed iLo s Sense i euer �ea the Dumb. " From Ile Black Veriest to the Black yen,• t•)) Pot LTTSr HwgLow sad F. U. Mit. tom. UI••etrwat4 by Mr. N$LLir and ALFRED PAsleo•t .triodes also wil!l be giveaw the' Gorman. ASNrulla. and halls Armies. Wes - rated Dy T. Da TiwIA1Tat'r. Mr. W. U. He.WSLta will esntribehe • sow novel. A Wend e' 4'b•moe." character Bosh .-es ly A mertree K.peeW peondwist r be gives lis NmiORr eIl'votioni which will be oea- ribst-d b, T. k. A Uslials lltl H beta. A. Os Aa Dort.& Msaint= I1SLta Miss LVOOL.ON, sad other pe*ulst where Amos.' the literary features will be Peroral R•minlweSoesof Nether tel Hawtborne.by hr saw er a wchinas lo •ed Itfe-ng Mead. Herwe sad • Permuted Memoir of tees. M Aims Mackerel Ritchie. the Brown - = PERIODICALS • HARPER'S MAO AZIN& Per Tsar' M NI II HAHI'1LKb WRYLY. ••. . 4 N HART MCC BAiIA iL H♦RPbK'e YOUNG rSOPLR • • I 0 pyeiew /aye re all evhacribere is tie V..ed Shim agenda sed Marko. tl• Telmer of the Maisano* hada wars ter Jane •.d December et each LWIrltit w woe 5 es•eleN. wOssriptlaae (e with the Number caused •t the of order. Bead Vduns of _ fattheca�•tabs.t,int\-�iltag, wUl b• M mall. )o't- sa pgma�l lett Gl•tl+r Maim be asses aneth "lata11. past faiL �F R lttasoss sbeuM le made M Peet Mlles Mesey Order or Draft. to •void cbi.os Of lees. N are net to ilsrd t, 01 & •we.t w�s the morass w�t1e Harper members. Address: HARPRR L mMOTHYRM, New Tort. 1892. Harper's Young People. AN ILLU$TRATKD WBSKLY. The Thirteenth vel.r .f Haaren a Toone puMea Mem se Smartie, 3. lett. Per the �m� year this bee M Dad meet compr_ndve wsib)v la the world for misfits' readers oars *tied sad fueleatiaj pr.gram4 1a serial it will metals " Iltsge Tampa: • tear, kid veld* et Deism by Jac. R.Ooa � •('aoaameer 15.57_e w Merida Rests .. 0eetrla45.. y ittaz Mumwata..ther eb t� •meed tb. beet keews mad moot ;welder .f ♦.erlaa authors ; mod merles M three .Md emu by Thomas NYaoe Pala, L. H. ♦ a. T%:ti, ZLL.a Rooms mad Mery S. MQt7oaa. Mon taut �M shat 1.ries W Averts• writma es travel, .sIsl4Ser age ea.l.M.r poet. and d bd•em dear te the beer% et beellellb ddrads.101trsttomtsenht'ye Poems kw 1R 5�5 I udto ritk/"bot Areposi- ng o�rF el Memwre mea Imwr.stlan tar boys and E- Thewa mi le s+ lyunedited witith.er./.Man ran - W..r �ap�rss toivase the misses et Ma and M the saesn time to dlevele. UMW Mwsr.-(Neu►, N. T. .tllitlr t Furore• Prne. eg...fer NM. vetam55 T., vin., that XII..4 Y Pana. bttad le elatb. will bin B..s mU ane .'styp psY, ea neaps tit s1� ir vrnRta. re mea et print. Haares'e W e>w1.T ler the oomhg year will e.etala more attractive teaturee more 5.4 Soar Ulustrattoss. and • are•ter member of ankles of live. lateens Interest than will be fouled is may ether periodical. Among these Miter will be • series of art ,v es on the twenty - Sve grantees cities of the world. ineloding eve hundred illaetrwte•p. The Columbian Expo - ilium. the Army sad \•vy, great public everts, disaster. a 1•ad reel ems, and the dotage of the oeisbrated people se the day will be d..eribrd and Wean led in an attractive and nmol sm•,eer. The depsrtmwt d Awa- tearOmni will osmoses under the direetien of CagrAtt W. W urrmeT. The bei of masere arisen will contribute shoe' ro.. i..lei the most distinguished artless will make tbe Mew tratfomm. The editorael articles of Mr. Omegas Wittiest everts will remade as as ..p•oi•1 attraction. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per fear a HARPERS WRKKLV..... _... .. $ loo H4KPBRS MAGAZINE.. .... t 00 HAKPhRS BAZAR......... HARPERS YOV ill PIMPLE. .... . r ti'' Poet a free broil emabseriar• Mahe. C , s& and M.sdes (w fAt United The Vdwm.m of lbs WesaLT height with the Int Number Ser Jarman oleo* year. W (tem so tamee.satlas54, wbaertptlone will bigta with the Number cermet at the time of re- eerpet aa.t order. kad Volumes .1 Hses se% wsaLT ler three yawn book. in and cloth Meliag, will be meet by moil. pottage Lad, or br sar..•. fere of expecte/ Maar tb fraiEit doss sot eased one Maar per vdamd, fir VA lin volume. ClothCanes for mph veletas. wYY.e ter btopdl g d.il IiUeerbe emit b mail. paatis0,e.eelw Hemitt•.ces sbsuld be made by Peetetle. Massy order or Draft. w avoid chimes of 'weeper. are ..t to ease this adaptive. aorta wctbowt the maws order vl Hawes & Hoorn MM. Address : HARPZR t BROTHTork. Imam yneaps0"t sea�...p.�.�..pp arks+ iMac r Beit. e not fit & Ho ;.f tae ss N *Prean 1LAMM & 1892. Harper's Bauer. ZLLVSTR sT>aD. HAw'o1s Oman b • jeYaal ter the house It gives w beast la/ermmMee with nerd to ithe Fs F.rhi... t� OWih••r _la see tWdtwfg.a a110Wlike the to • h•ta• 4,.. maker the wetese/w•1 .caw Me ta- pers M spared to take 1u y•ttsa• ,. mesad.`ta•aa th"e f l imam W- arta d the ila.tdsr. errht merle% edg•U imam Dadloot liege le Meow ea • et wit •.4 hewer. la be weakly Meese •t le 4widish bet Mertes to went . 1.01.54 The Melee R e ter Iwill be widestw ALMe TA B55Aln Ya W,U.i*ti Bum. re. OtirSAWR will bu.nw. • /AVOW HA.Latu. 7'1s.dy T0ka 1 y " 1s .mar d 1*n put. e la teae.a terDad HILSE Manumit. Newest will�is� bRy ad- dressT.W. H • � a"Women ...�pl�.ated 5ed HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Ivor s HAfir RR'SNAZAR RA RIPENS MAGAZINE HARPERS WEEKI.r HA /WILTS rotrivvuu PXOPLE EVERY FANNER'S SON i•buu1.1 bare k Business Education. .v pooled win .tl..'. ibm catalogue THE FORE?T PITY au.tas.. College, LO>RDO2l1, - t)NT- Orw MB Madam 1. Ai lei.. stk.. J W. W..Mr,rli. rrtaetwit SAGE AND **MOUS. Burdock Pitts •lure sick heal...♦e by re- gulating the stomach, liver and bowel*. At the Museum "ally deer. 1 want you to oheerte this beautiful state of Apollo. ['hat one u kis wife, Apolhnaris." There is no tetter remedy for worwr of any kind in children or adults than Dr. Low's Worm syrup. It u not °maidens' aa advancement whoa a levy has W ".wine off the perch" to take a roof." Columbus Post Skin diseases are nest annoying because so sotice..tde. Ur. low'. Sulphur Soap heals sed claanses the skin. After a loog and exciting struggle with Ben Butler the grip is able to be about again. Washington Post. Milburn's Beef, Iron mud Wise is pre- pared from, fresh beef, soluble iron, and pure sherry wine, combined with choice a.0w1atia. u•o 4 r 4r • re pet new /yen es ail .5Mrt4brre in the Vala1 Massa. (a ceasta. end Meta. The -world is full of Wren so engaged in say Amen" that they fail to see the contribution basket. • Atchison (lobe. Itch, make WWI scratches ot every kind, on human or animals, cured in 30 minutes by LYoolh.rd's Sanitary Lotion. Thu never fails. Sold by F. Jordan. 96-1y One of the highest allow in the gift of the Government is that of watchman in the Washtngtoa n moment. --Washington Star. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soh or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blond spevin,Curbaspllntl, ring bone, 'medley, 'titles, sprmis., sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Sere 160 by use of one bottle. Warranted the roost wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold by F. Jordan. 96-1y When a physician checks a patient's mal- ady he fee that Bonner or biter he ought to have • check in return. Boston Courier: Just who so many people suffer pain when • remedy of known and certain effect like Hrypnrb's l ellow (lel may be had at every drug store, is not very clear. This peerless pun soothing remedy is a prompt sad pleasant euro for sore throat, croup, colds. rheumatism, lance Back, etc. Prise 25 Dents._2 _ The candidate who wants the votes of the petiole never gets tired of bearing you wish him many happy totems. Baltimore American. MoNTRaAL, Aug. 4th, 1891. My head was literally fall of deaden( dad nothing applied gave visible relief until snag AnLi-I)attdruff, a few applications of whic-b bis so thoroughly removed the dan- druff there is mot a grain to be found. W. H. O'Rot:AN, Ry. Mail Clark. One of the slowest features about the street ars is a lot of women moving up to make roan for somebody else. - Philadel- phia Times. The best anodyne and expectorant for the cure of colds and coughs sod 511 throat, lung and bronchial troubles, is, undoubted- ly, Ayer's (berry Pectoral Ask your drug gist for it, and, at the mine time, for Ayes's Almanac, which is free to all "Mr. Piggery. tit Chicago, islet a pityst ciao, is be, Name !" "041, no." Ties why do yea address lei. as 'Doctor!' " "He curse bar." Tfsv01 s. .4 the Rime Maim with the lis N _sham tar Jwaw.n .teed' seer. When as Mee wls' NM • sabsarb Wh Hs Number etrrnnt at the theme e Gf ts..bt �erder. Illeent Td. d H Aaraay tBpa bSS*b mat els•hbe Met III tityL.rpressase isr "apsewl� Gm per mirmeet.-1W Erb per w ` ei ��. p..l a, r MwM 1. ,54 "..Y .P41,4= Ds.h. M •vuY aimmae et WegurlibliFtha empress erOw of WV= are at arm tile ♦atones: SAW= at 1"9=1.6. ♦ oars Ow Cins•tpestsa and msad.rbe. Dr. Ri1.. lam, while is the Rocky Moun- tains, discovered • root that when combnied with other herb maks an may cued certain con for Coosti♦•tiw. It is is the form of dry roots and leaves, and is know* as lea.'. Pas ily Medicine. It will cure 'Selo headache. For the blood, liver and kidneys. and for .(aria* .p the oatap)•aioe it dos. wonders. pro sell it at W. • package-u.o.gb tar a weeia [leww THE DREADFUL BABY. a rrv).dI.•e Mecum e: Igis Aegean. AV e.. snot mac 1'41e bachelor nacho of the baby kept a reourd of its actions :a the brief hour it was left to his lire Yelled Sheila .mutes without inkier breath. thick Will selenmly declares that tilts 5 • true at*beu.eal Hulled out enough bair truss hie odics head and ohmic., to stuff • loofa pillow (hacked the w.1) paper as high as Le Gould reach with the politer Fell off the edge of the wb•taut esti b�t,u�ht down . molly him two atly vases, which were raised Broke two pu.os of window glass will • maw which uncle Lt hie. have. Felt into the owI bud and spoiled his new white dress. Set fire to the carpet whole o..ek use out of the room huutmg up something to assume hut. (crawled under the bad and rclu.e.l to cote oat unless uncle would give him the mol•see. jug. Got twuswit into the rung. •.t a chair, whico bad to be bruins to got him out. t'uured a pitcher of water into uu moth se's beet shoed Finally, when he saw his mother Doming. he ria out to the por.b and tumbled off the steps, making his twee l.leed and tearing s hob: a foot square to his dress Youth's (companion. f*tn.rd's t•aiwiem• eaves M.4 fin. • Mt the Yet-fa.ma Let in the suuakii.e. Banish all confusion. C1s•.Itnees is the first rale. )take mustard plasters this. Ask the doctor as to visitors. IJoa't ask queattoes ot sick people Wear a clean dress and • (.right snide. Flowers into permissable, but Bever in profusion. Simple surprises are • pleasure to a con valei.ceut. Rheumatic Wiest' should be between' woollen sheets. Kat a cracker or two before going into the room of ountagion. A sandwich of minusd raw beefsteak oft- en tempts an unsaid. A mustard plawter mixed with the white of an egg will not bltater. Watch the ventilation and gauge the tem- perature by • t.hertuomete The sick cban,ber should be plainly fur- n ished and no heavy hangings. The best night light is a cabdle, weighted with • nail, and trade to duet in • glass of water. All woollen or similar goods Would be removed from the room where .vmtabion is under treatment P*mllaa Past. MAO 81101, --My mother was failing very fast Iter three mouths' suffering from drop sy, being swollen from heal to foot, but after she had used oats bottle of your Bur- dock unduck Rlood Bitten it •vas realpvtd, and she felt quite well. We think there is no bet ter medicine, and aro true friends to KR B. afire Leiria IA TAYLOR, 177 J.miesoo Av., P•rkdale, 2 Toronto, Oat. coping nown le Mary's. He was • queer old man who boarded the train at • anion station in Western New York. Two young men, who were probably his .ons, brought him to the car • od helped him on and as he entered we saw that he leaned be•vdv on a cane sad was very feeble. •The ch ildrenn kept at me till 1 bad to prom las to go," he said as he .at down. "Hain't been down to Mary's in live years and I've got so old I dean's wait any longer. It's purty hard cm an old mea like tae, but i want to see Mary and the grand- children. ••i take it you are going to spend (hrut- mas with your daughter remarked the man on the seat ahead. "That's it. Mary's my oldest gal Got five of 'es, and all married off. Mho lives down at - ad she would have me come and snake • visit. Mary wee • good girl and she married a good tern. You'll tall me when we get then, won't you !" ..(K, yea." • 'Caw they 7l all be thereon. the depot, to meet me y sin Steve writ list 1 was coming He 41.d .bout forty mikes to go, Dad when we bad pained i Ares or four :.rations be wa anxious for fear that he would be carried by the tight one. After that he leaned over on the window and fell asleep. Just before the this $rrivd at - the man who had spoken to him tamed about and said "Conte, ease 14 t m bare • The old nus_ did Det tache, •sd the stranger arose .ad slava bin .res sod said : "Wake up, grade 1 This is your sta tion, and Mary •si the dhilires we wait- ing. dime. ado." Bat he spoke to the dead. The old ma. 41.d did while be .Met-p•.ed away se p".odlly that not • W. of hie far had And we were yet steamed and when Mary and her busberd and roe happy children came kseryisg into the ear and shouted : "Here be is. Here's oar grandpa masaw to spend Christmas!" Rut be we with God. law a mring up • nem. 1. !fake home the brightest and moot sttrectivs place os earth. 2. Make him re.poeeibte for the per- formance of a boated .amber of doily d. - ties. 3. Never Famish him in anger. 4. Do not ridicule his co.oeita, hist rath- er talk frankly ea matters is which he is interested. b. Lok bast feel free to invite hie friends to year bows .ad table. 6, itaammgs kis confidence by gating ready sympathy and advice. 7. Do .ot di.osarMMe "oo)Lctkos manias; they belp to Sore inform.tiae and fit Wits of investig tio. and patm- Ve aaea & Be careful to impress upon kis mind that making character is more important then .rkd.g money. 9. live Christ before Id. all the time ; thee you will be able to Wk Mixt to him with power when noo•doua oar. 10. Be .tick 1yer for his salvtioa �!!� ev R. D. 1C Morris, is Lull .w Rea Alfie /Ran res std Ivor. Lewis R. Beller, )saris, NM., rheumtatism. Thew W.ta.w, N. B.. lockjaw. By. McMullin CWhmta Ont., goitre. Mrs W. W. Tolleson, Webb, Ont., mean - matins. James R. Bailey, parkd.l., 0.t. ,.earwlgb. G L Loges, Ryda.y, C. B 1a grippe. a 1a every awe "cant., and antbead- caked. They West be tits merits ret Mm- AND'!1 lily 1 M !INT. agagaa "f Wale It wale sat he • had Tis df pawl "d Isar ImreeaIlswwahrd it the fair ;it w etlliat f'taairrr r w$. Hs whole siell•roes r.1..p''--t Amara Jeered. S . CALK-) Pdh 1.4i.O1 LAMP. 1•4401*A11J) LIBRARY Late r , PIANO LAN, .DALE I 1. Y8, r1t.CiU, .111N LAMPS tiMP13 FUR ):08TON SDADES WEDDING GIFTS LAMPS F. a '\}R'1' Everything for the House For the Hit( hen 1 have . Egg Beater,. Jelly Moulds. Cak.- Shai es, Rice M,,uld., Porridge Boilers. THE BISSELL " PRIZE " Carpet Sweeper. INV -vif e . 'W 11 sniil�'� Viian she yeas thit5 I &Mil egPtt5WIWP This man is going home ha. or. He has struck a bargaib, A " PRIZE" Sweeper rot ,3.48. The best. Must be Cleared Out. /ygwfs a- nds dise..e my Se traced to a variety of names•, meth a constipation, liver troubles, improper food, etc There is can cure Burdock Blood Bitters -which .may be thoroughly relied of to effect a per- manent care. It has owed obstinate eases et 25 years' stadblg. 2 541emi ea the Yee Mem. Going up in the treks the other day, r. - marks The New York ham, a girl was overheard to say : "1h. drat Wog les do Is to pick oat • geed, tat ra--" 11 mended omedbwlbtie, and souses. Yat- aa.4. H. will make hie way thro.R4 the crowd, Dad yen •lip slang before they Gua dem les belied him. and you ma always get eat safely. gun at Fifty 'ninth street" Attu • prase lob asetia : "Awl aim, tat spa always tale. me sores the street They don't always know it, let tles dos mot matter. I tell.w them se closely a trtole, sad .ewer got rum over. The ack driven pall up sod swear at thine, Dad h th..e.a•im i rote.' LM rd.walk." Micas a 5----- M sale .w,..m WEDDING GIFTS SILVI R PLATED WARE. Cake I:,l•k,•t4, Carving Knives and Forks, Bs,. tot Jars, Tea, Table and 1)i -s.. it fruit Dishes, Spoons and F.trks. Crusts and Butter's. Silver-P.ated Knives and Forks, From Simpson, Hall, Miller & Company. $10,000 WORTH. NO OLD STOCK. ALL NEW GOODS. ALECK SAUNDER* wFs, SraEE,. Keep YOUR FEET DRY.EPPS'S COCOA I MIZA>CIPeaT. "By a the sazh knowledge of the Dial taws .bitb govern the operation. of dlrr'ti. •••d smelliest. sad by a • artful appltc•tbs Of the Sae arepertle• of well -selected t'sooa. Mr. £ vi. has provided our break kw tables with a dell,ste1y iisvonred brooms. whk k may save inn nrrylwvy doctors bulb. 41 Is by the Judi - ions nee of such ankles of diet that • morel totem may be graarulty built up until sarong Ott to rads evert ten"escy to dls..es. Hu..drods et subtle maladi.. are S•rWg around es read to attack wbererer'here is a weak point We may mane man • fatal .haft by keeping ourselves well fortified with Cipere blood end a properly *ear eked frame.-- Made simpty d, h bullae( water or intik. S old only to ttsukele.h limos's. labelled thus • JAM= qh a Ce.. is55ppe/het 4.1555. tees. •.odea. hammed. "Hew's this r .selahmed Mr. NAM be W 11S .er+M dw"rbser. a be weds • ale - rig .f H. lianas en hie arrival heart . " 8alf poet 7 amid se sins .f .a*pm. WMrVi year w.tbr r T7k.h tike. be theibmerimsmr" .Epkmi.d the AA&- Reseed- .n 1 Ooderich Steam Boiler Works 1sta4liehed IRM Chrystal & Black. BOOED HIED YACBIBEBI In Stock For Stile : 1 50 -horse -power n p r i g ht boiler. all complete. 1 6 -horse -power upright boiler and engine. This can be done at a very small cost by purchasing your foot wear at the old established and reliable Shop Store of 1 6 -horse -power engine, 1 48 -horse -power horizontal boiler. complete. 1 SO -horse -power slide valve engine, all complete. The above Dave been thorough- lyoverhauled and warranted in first class condition. Ready for immediate delivery and will be .old cheap. Mall orders will receive prompt mamas. Wefts, r Gip. a. T...15.eee.. fa Bepmire promptly •etended is P.O. BOX eel. NEW ARRIVAL -d- WINTER coons. LATEST STYLES. YOU WILL WILL FIND MY Stock of Fall Goods -erlaaas titan" ennead Parisi • H. DUNLOP, The WNMR tiff far As usual very large and complete. Prices lower than the lowest. 5 PER CENT. 1)ISCOUNT FOR CASH. I give special attention to ordered work and ispairing and I have the workmen to do the work. E. DOWNING. SCRIBA ER'S MAGAZINE. An Exceptional Year. HE Poor lief has been worked bp ptr•.rerodtm.re Ibee ens&stela, stare t ao TMaposioe as.e�patehd adv theHferaryaid.ritati. •write Mortal► Wised sad Merea.ed, Abt Oto end �t/e eorrr usd alio has brew wade in the sdr.ad tgtlswve 41 fhe At wi(e d that bleier' Are fro Ina the parasites has prosewewfs ler tie rflen 00 Mee Meg c isd. purr well M 1Mp7 oralea.�'M■ tenor terrleip ltt0eas04 eppovfaw(ttes. For Next Year. It le Hot peeeltee to oleo. h a brief spa+•. en .00.54 et ail tie features In prepanttsssebed the materiel is de4c/rat In a.Iih.r Importaoe mer mew .f sabletl. Amami the eetrl.ata treated : The Poor in the World's Oreat titins. 11 b proposed to publish • verbs sr •rtici.s. moo • erns •01 before attempted, gi. ta.• noun• 01 .pe• 1.1 e• edy .n.1 week swag eke per d ea great e/,iea. The p(•. wul ia1 s tin .0000wt e( thernndluoa. el hie 4r thus.,lite• (t5 mW l.'ads).bete v° �1 .1 ''• eh w11) be helpful for plerpesen of comp.rinos se well a for their own birlmdo lae.eot. while. hem • eekrntfle point 04 view, the wrilcire will b •os.trlbutios of frost Impert•ase. lbw treatt•.nt *111 Wi tban•eghly pp.I.r. acre the eintioefte W.anti.me will wit la Era. els p e.estatlon 01 tb. esb$i,et 0(544 a wall u pietwr us. Washington Allston. 1 ap.blImbrd eeat.1sewew us I4151ees of this foromost mite 4 marl! heaellithe paha err. A member of llleetr•tt.ar will lead .e'dition& leterest le the Important Momenta The lister tare a e(es of very short .rtle..1. to demorlhe the signet -eeata.a "bee tweet DSM / Incewe when tam. gnus esperim..s WIN Sent SIMM. a (1. Wee *a the• d w het w er tba t tl. Mtic .•Me, Om tint sa. .a. Masa .M 1M.I.seessamral enll.rflreeit .1ti Mb.r. tM .tette Gr IIN OaimMp M fb t> a mens et the vete em tee Impes•beasst of A •drew Jolt..... .•.. Gra Out of 1Dpor Pape`. Ir 011t006 swift IPS M woo a 5.541ar et araanatae tteWleaMoen tan ban t soon oresom isa.ab btu as W Sa aid leatt5Iy chem. M llama Pa..11s. Jo. fl.irm bare bum am aaMs.•. Rwe.M••a. be, Du. thaw IL Tota pHnM•ia /semoa MM In aro massae. he Sn uiev Osantweow. Illamias to aaowsgm. be Ramat Dineme... with rmssatlsa M Sam MesrIR Tha onsomettana axe mode twain mensal emeariet. /Ills pwtonnse efp••rs heli. fogii..y re..•.r, we•. -ow.. roamer Is rani& ea • • T • AIL •: MILS WWI SOIL hYIIIMn, resole Maui. Ns (sit.