HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-1-14, Page 4TRE SIGNAL: OODERICH. OIQT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1882.
ht ,$igna1,
Ike tltlseer there amen sur lures etr.[r•
1U wswtasao
WV O. MYaliarriyw.
aim d PukrtMa 4 xwti+tred•
elfwa g t
Cue bea
mMsh, - ode use. 1 11
Ors • year, le mask Ss S• I/ pr rim 1 m
will he 1 Su
eir, riw•1 adrwallils holm
6r a ::P
Thole tailors b.s bas called to oar mind by
the tad that • Mr. Douur ri a has bees use
el the [seems is the Red Perko dowdier to
pat .p the prion el cat erns sad other um
tenet. is a.r insdtusied as
yvtsg Mia preemie, bet the •• N. P was
- -sad that smenate to the sure thing, so
for as tb• ruamrter is cemented
renis ale Iters ead [trier. M lar
el Last. tlarayed,
anted and
( wtasmsi, .sa esesedine a
wi. M iiel: Amen strati. as tom. .« 10
1=iatmz aree-i SOC. par eels
o s t , 1s tea
Y i elpete oyast e} wh*iw te to
te r eMes• asr. jiseawAt of way sedt-
. aaAatt W ...... .J a4so4 l'. Y ad
iam1aartear in I ps w uta! Per se -satins las• > ie
IMI aldols h
type two
maser aword.. Nos lya r shoo sem
itWteHsne suis tiro. letoaa mad
Tits package oontawnA Tux ,SIGNALS
ser St. Augustine was awls dazzled by the
pa.sal authorities someo here bet woes 14de
Pere and id destitution last week. Mos
day lam half • doses copies found their way
back te Codsrich for re Jtruct on. What
became of the remainder your depousst
knoweth trot. Thu rtat.emeat of tact te
made for the bserdt of our readers is
Wawa*osb who receive their favorite week-
ly at St. Aegean/a. If we dtsoo'er the
man .. leo caused the trouble he will prob
ably die ole of these dere.
Oamnas,eW OrM.ses uvueesseseeta•
I r sea mfr he rneweed at the IaOe iii rates :
lheltsek, tar laowtkese. i p
Isaomatmas....• ! On
lsomete la
sit _Marea= 6
eewe he (.r es MHr0t"
re thelia saeer etread ; 1e Per -mat. oaMs
maiMNmeettirfoind js vee be sisttstis refes oreedyeses.
•hart **The alb .l tl.Mvesf•
entaribe• who 01 to resolve earth* er [Tan aunt..
seater •remelartyfa either .I=Cog usett er emottm
as esr17 a dosses
Moi as Year laded.
Your lobi le a tMooioR Cyt et the dare
to widish res ees sM tip. Ane 1bot It to sot
&Mid to fan fade assume. bib
When • shun. ei Mires, Is desired. va.
the old and the new address shooed be
itoscoe& emmu01berecanted.
Oorreep.e' b writes. en ea* side
or paper oats.
►uMaslses Settee.
J. C. Ls Tomaal. Asdorisb. has been sp-
ares or O ke• tabard sad W s
Local pnsssYlls ever the district to Tate.
imerveered te rewire .mborietlons
Slew .t_
All eonimmtimatlM. waft be addressedttto
10. McA1W
Tan Ultmd. els„m,
TeNPhene Odle ti
patient who takes it ou las own
r.p oniebility, knowing nothing 4 the
condition et his heart, takes it at aro
little risk.
It is always a bad thing to take
medicine• Wtndly, without a pa'icTip
(ie.n from a physician competent to
make a diagnosis. Present experience
is proviug that it is a very dangerous
thing to take antipyrine in that ignor-
ant fashion.
Mi*il: tBew•w AT TOL 1.w *Tate.
The Red Parlor 4 the queen's
hotel, Toronto, has occupied quite a
place in the political history 4 Caped*
during the past .Innen years or
in it the late Sir JoH'( Mteams tU
need to meet with the representative
manufacturers on the eve of an eke
tion, and give theta to understand the
the " hogs ought to be thankful
the man up the tree who shook t
acorns down to them. And on
strength of the 01.1 Mans repreaen
tions the monopolist' invariabl
furnished the sinews of war fo
the political conte.,tx as they cam
Even now that Sir Jose has
tome a memory the Red Parlor con
tine es to be used on the old lines, an
in the interest 4 the monopolist.
During Tuesday, Wedneeaday an
Thursday d last week the iron
nail manufacturers of Canada [net
hind closed doors to discuss the
methods d combining against
farmers and mechanics of the count
Representatives; from the. big man
factories in Montreal and Hatnil
were present in the persons of Jail
H. PICK, R. Hc.scv, Montrea
trolling mills ; W. Aeaort•, Montreal
and Mears. DooulT n.x and Wtt.eo
of the Hamilton rolling mills
wore together for the purpose of ti
a price on certain lines of th
n ifacter"e.
About a year ago an attempt w
made to come to some agreement,
was partially succe. sful. This tin
waver, they have been altogeth
cces sful in agreeing upon b price
e line, at any rate. After diem
g and talking over the matter
roe days an agreement wase arra
fixing the price on
Is, the agreement to hold good fo
" You can hay that there ie no d
r 4 this agreenient falling throug
id one d the manufacturers to
reporter. " The penalty for break
is a big sum, big enough to k
verybody in line."
It was also learned that it
nficiently expected that an ag
went on the price of cut tacks
ire nails wouhl soon follow.
L it any wonder that the intell
farmer' of Heron, irrespective 4
tical shibboleth, have determined
line eforth they will battle against
,overnment which by its insane
active policy has fastened s
arches as the Red Parlor crowd u
the country 1
` yg1bc"ti 1111
l'1R. 7tt>wtesaz'
be -
a -
as -
Tee -
Verily the people of Canada are a
great people.
Something like a year ago or more
Auto Riowra war appointed a Carta
than comutisaioaer to go to Jamaica
and work up reciprocal trade between
that isle 4 the sea and Canada.
Ansi worked his red right jaw
overtime, but tailed of sleet in his
quest for reciprocity.
When the wise men at Ottawa sew
that Anti had failed in his mission
they put their heads together that a
plan might be devised whereby the
desired end might lie accomplished.
And having reasoned amongst thein
selves they suggested that Hon.(*so.
norm was the man of all men in the
Cabinet to make a deal with the rum
folk of .laataica.
This being decided upon, Farren
hied him to Jamaica and did all he
knew how to show the natives the bene-
fits 4 reciprocity with Canada, and so
s esful was he in his mission that
the people of that West Indian isle
have just completed a reciprocity
treaty - with the United Sates- - and,
in the slang d the period. Canada isn't
in it.
Still Fierce can take the unction
to his soul of having at any rate open-
ed the eyes of the people of Jamaica to
the beauties of reciprocity, for where-
as in forger times prominent Jam-
aicans and .Jamaican newspapers were
wedded to high customs duties, now
The Gleaner, the principal journal 4
the island, talks in this strain:
"TM Amseisass ted what we eau send,
and they will need a always, so that with
their markets at our door, as st were, they
and we are naturally commuted the custom -
era one of the other. Any arrangement
that allows the trade which is devolved in
this to be carried on as freely as Able r
a pia to both. and to as 1t r a urge one.
We have no other market et convenient to
us,anl sa the immediate future we will bare
none so large and so steady. The 63,000.000
of people in the United States are increasing
"t numbers, power and wealth more rapidly
than any other of the Weer ppop0la4ous of
the world, and their growth has not for a
century to come any visit le check before it,
so that to us the keeping of the road to x0.1
trout the Americans seaboard well open is
• matter of the utmost consequence. We
consider therefore that the &.Ijustmest of
tariff p is a security for the future
that is well worth any little temporary in-
uonvenience, though in oar oprntoo it will
turn out that that s a mere boa -bite."
it ought to be in order now for Mr.
Forret to use his best efforts to con-
vince that section of the Canadian po-
pulation which taken its trade doctrine
from him that the reciprocity that is
good for the island d Jamaica
wouldn't be had for the Dominion of
Such a course on his part might not
lie so barren 4 results in the interest
of Canada as Hon. Giottos E.'s trip
to .lantaica and Ansi Raown's futile
where the undid..e took a bead, bat
que.n.ton, opposite Lewiston, is now
As a last resort a bill has been in-
troduced m Congress, which, if it
passes, w ill is • great mesa
ure do away with this smuggling,
so far as the States are ooneerned.
It provides that unless the suspected
Chinaman .•an prove conclusively that
he w a citizen of roam ether. country
than China be shall he deported back
to (Lir-a.
If the Chinese Goverautent taker a
retaliatory course with regard to
A merican citizens w ho reside in the
Land of Confucius the world at large
will, in all probability, hear the eagle.
( rums van usntA1, sm. 31,1891. j
Last year Tris Slava& decided to give •
,.lets of 600. to all subscribers who paid in
edva.ce. Meq availed themselves of the
ear them made and caved money by prepay-
ment. Others .cg1cted to do so, and were
taxed the credit prise. why the enact who
There is no re••r01 uld not pay w d
takes a coaety peeper
mince for it just as he does for his city
weekly, sad deems the coming yes the
ply of "no pal. so paper " win be en
leveed by TMs Ssn*A1.
Daring the past ten yams over $3,000 have
been kat by Toe g.prr*t office in the matter
of back suberiptimr .lou., and we don't
feel duclined to are ge generous to dad bsut
readers during the coming tea years, if we
lion avoid it, ted we think we can.
d the best .pantry
Tas Pers t is now It is worth a dollar
sa,reprpen s OsMds•
M a
lie advance if shay mrwvtncW advance
If tt is not worth a dollar
is *compelled to take it, but if may subscriber
tjjoks it worth Irvin prepaysssut will be
• On °..d Feb. 1d no • • hack numbers'.
dal retrials en oar list. Oar compositors
Lad preemies do mat wait for one. two, live
or tea years for their pay, &ad we doe t
verde the esteem re ha opinion timett,& sub -
scriber who b»lianes pot
d Judgmesc Day le early' enough to re
Now is the time to subranis.
Ase the time d the bye-elet'tios u at
Tae Mwmlirw West 1.OsnM--. d as Ito
to ams M Mrs amass% time i a.atds
treeid M mote rsame Mae livers Tee
a're.p estISed• Cam Relief wises.
Melt Hon. J. J. AMITY : Did you hear
anything drop down in Richelieu Musday
Inst ! _
1,- rot; want lib die prat and best news-
paper in the Huron Tract sand your address
and One Dollar to Tits SIGNAL, (.odaricb.
Out. Kitty sii broad adenine every week.
The best is the cheapest, and Tns SecvAL
is the beet.
Ho.c. JOalc HAcn:AaT's expenesor in matt
section with the Tay canal bas et-idsely
secured him the position of Minister of
Railways and ('asap. Hie other experi-
ence should cause him to be elevated to the
position of Minister of Public Morale He
is as et for ole es the otber.
Chihli tc heel Rtowr this week witb any
Wear Dollar esesty j is America
Tam mine/akin kndees, let baring ran i. -
to the ground. What is wasted in this
part of Canada is a enewsekias industry
tans or four weeks helm Christmas so that
sleigh bells would jingle and brims boom
as they did whoa we were boys.
Tot Rpsetator will herr to write a strong
acnes ot articles is favor of the good time.
wader the 74.1'. to mimeos the feet that
lsasailtes issidrymen have asked the
molders la their rs,pkey to aewp a radar
ties el 10 pr sat: es their wags.
A cVt.as0AM some scot the Meese of
lie Doke of Chaise* is of so serious a
meters that " all kw engagement. have been
iseleeed et" Sandy this .weeping an
su.sesrent does nee i0dade his engage -
Mont With Prinooss MAsr .t Teek .
AWesuw CAILSIODL the Iiooteh Amerman
seifisesire.will add $1.000,000 to hie gift of
a library to Pittsburg, Pa. This 4100.tion
will sot interfere with the reduction of
wages .f Oaasws0ts'a employees is the iron
works of plttoberg and other parts of
psm.mylvat a►.
Huwon waste . the banner roaaty few
uewspape a is Canada and brente of fifteen
jeerers rah sail every lite " filling . felt
woos •--__lir worth to that ear. Few some
years it had the printers' " devil's Chir
Mesa, bet TM Hast Harem Gavotte sod The
11.0016 Obsrvr sew shed a height nal leer
be their maple's localities, end the nus -
1 bar bee boa _,._SISd theneb7.
Owes area • ties, we sow laid, a pries.
/heat Inn in • waren tom carried on Mar,
nose wader the Ors title of Mot/ems 4
Sem* se easerspak.us were they is their
ds,ye o that sae sight tie neighbors re.
pasted the ebp on the Oars sad Made 11
sad " iA, Little sed steal." A good deal
list ,edtew.a•t or the malt, hat the ssr-
oemaus .f crisis este the the host Noe
MINNA ova mase ereelle use the flew
Sleeking of the prevalence of
grip in New York, The World, of
city, says it a killing people at a f
rate than during any former visite
of the kind. And the death rate
corded as due to it does not cover
whole of its destructive work.
seems to induce and to aggro
other maladies, snit when the di
itself disappears the system is so w
roved as to be open to special dan
that do not ordinarily threaten
men and women.
But the worst of it is that the
has a partner. The notion has
abroad that the dimmer .uccum
antipyrine, and large numbers of
sons are freely buying and using
drug as a remedy for this malady
is the testimony of physicians
speak with authority that antipyri
just now killing more people the
grip is.
This drag powerfully of ecte t
tion of the heart, deprrwin
Wherever there is fever it tern
reduce it, and so, when telfe n d
the feverish stage of the grip, it
to the patient to have a good
Ret the grip itself disturbs the h
action, and when antipyrine is
not only harm hut death may be
ermseq once.
The intelligent physician who
scribes this dreg is suppnwl to
after .studying himself that
p0isst tam hew it and that his
aim renders it desirable.
re -
be to
per -
. it
ne is
n the
he mc
Pre -
do en
France's renew, resents show • mrplus
of 10.030.000 francs over depredators*.
Heft Jobs Sharma& says Mr. Baine este
tare the pcesn enUs.l uautsatwa if be want*
The death of Witham ttatteruton. 4
Perth Koad, aged IOM years, is reported
Ino[ Ktnptan.
The stone for tate new Tomato drill hell
will mete from the Dee0hembault quarries,
near l'urtaoet, t,lttehea
Hepreeentatiye Knipe introduced m the
ileac.] ` of Ho House Thursday • hill re-
pealing did,
MoKttley law.
The trial et the protest spied A. H.
Gilmer, M.P. for Overbites -has bees poet.
potteduntil January 19th.
The abipe.enu of oral from Cape thetas
is 1891 reword 1,000.000 toes • the larger
in the history of the island.
J. !.. Henry, • lumberman of %omitted,
New Hampshire, has been tined $1,000 for
importutg t'asadian workmen.
!S Wto ver. Kingatow,wIto reoeutlyassigned
for $34,000, has been arrested on a charge of
obtaining goods under false pretences.
An outbreak of trichinous h.s oavarred at
Lod:, near Warsaw, Rased. Fifteen per -
mos bete died of the disease and forty are
dan 1 molly tIL
The I h. otos Court judge at Ingersoll has
gi.eo • .decision which stakes it obligatory
on person. subscribing to church butlJing
fonds to pay up.
The total number of immigrwnta landed
in New York during 1891 was -143,290.
They mitre on 94 vessels, which ileo f rried
106.023 cabin passengers.
Lord Mouatatephee has disposed of his
y at Causa. ova the Me ie
ver,Que. , to the Rod4attche Salmon Club,
coreptee,l of wealthy Americans.
•• Free trade with the United States
mesas the free competition of cheaper farm
product* from the other side with those
Mown 0r raised by the farad yn farmer.
• Shouts thedyke be taken down
which now guards our farmer from Amen -
can competition the injuno0s effect would
be irrtanteneom and pervmanent...
So says The Star. Supposing, for the
sake of argument. that the statement is
true, just imagine the position which our
farmers woald be placed in if the policy
which The Stu shouted for so loudly last
par, and which the Conservatives profess
still to adhere to, were carried out. The
Tory kind of reciprocity would. 31 what
The Star says is true, allow the injunous
competition of American farm products
with those raised by the Canadian farmers,
..d maid at the tame time leave them at
tie loser of the Canadian erne -
lecturers, who could deece them at their
will without feu of 1 make* competitlos.
The farmers of this county are too intelli-
gent to be led astray by such stupid talk .s
that. Our contemporary should study cwt
the trade question before 11 undertakes to
enlighten anyone- particularly the farmer
- -on the subject
Leri liaadoipb amass that he
h seek ma .ppeoutet la qty ITEMS OFINTERSST FOR READERb
Mayor Taylor, of lodesk ea he ea is-
depeadeut eauiid•o in [last Ytiissea for
the hoer d Coasm+►
North Vtdertr liberals mss M Posers
Fa" w Friday east m -eminate • omit
date for the warm is the OsmmerL
/'d. Sws (4 _.fq (stetted
tM Hoes* d Oersmmsr
.argemat asaem. by the
to co.wctl
Write were Mood lir Memi7 ferelecttosa
us Thursday 911th Mel. b Iiseda. K aspens,
Prises KJward, Halton. Lesbos, Kam
Middlesex. ifse► 3tmoos sad Peel ; minim
time wild he hold Thursday, the Ylet Inst.
1e the aimed to the latus el Appeal of
the Atsotwryalesral d (heti• v. Astor-
nsy-t}Msl d Orono is the tarter et the
right of the i}suionent-(7oeerner'bm
Uri the
e pryagative of pardeeini
osteoses. d Attorney .0ee teal Mowat was
Hoe. Thome M0(lre.vy, whoa asked ea
tiatntd*t what he tbuugbt maid be the re-
sult of the or1Nrt, replied that be thought
Mr. Mercier would be su.tu*ed, bet by .
reduced majority cariag to the rear d
power being now i• the seeds of the ('m
The . cy by l 811
tibe d
Sir Hector Langsvts remelted to the sloe-
tios of Brewers Ilrbral) by 104 majority.
Kir Hector's .ajunty at the peerless alie-
ttes was 3011.
floe Dominica revenue for lleo sotber oxir-
pietes the returns for the first six aweths
os the fined year. daring which the rename
tea short , the 0. Th expenditure
*tri lad
year by $5,676,000. 77a esl tturo ses-
tet be deteneied moil the acoouate are
examined at the end of the year.
A. C. littler, et 11. P., far Prier.
Edward *arty ,was at Ottawa sad is rarer
to•question be Mated that he did not trek
the revelations before the Psrilatrmutery
committee lam Summer would make a per.
delisof di>lsruos in the coated to Prime
Edward. He looks for a bard battle with
Dr. Platt.
TM ('uusrrvtives of North Perth ar`
.et -
istieri with the judgment
mon Ptw itrstices, by which the protist
against James Grieve, M.P. (Lib. ).ie dismal
ad and the (i. T. R- cheeses dismissed. aro.
Appeal be been takes to the Supreme
Court on the matter and 1300 security ma
paid into mart.
The Casket, the Room Catholic ckereb
paper pabliehad is Sir Jobe Thompsoe's eon-
Mituoncy, is oat with ea testiclethe
rsaeoeelMr. Meredith utothe Tzasas
C.bieet, which r takes se midline
that the Minister of J natio* Me ant %readr
the sort of roflasa and oppoaitiee to Ins
awe party which kept him from the Premier -
The Ottawa Ciliate Monday moratug
.es0oeced editorially the appointment of
Col Outer* to theao et Prone
Worts Hoa Joke t to 1» Mut.
War d Railways mud d whirl Rea.
Mr. Bowed) is now Meg Minister. It is
also said that Sir 411 Carne will be
pieced ie
charge ot the Minister lt'
anti Hof
The Dominica Allison intends oak*
• prominent part in the Quebec elleet4o s,,
and will only "Nippon candidates
known to be favorable to the teenpensoe
James deal, 16 years old, fell off ascaflold
et the new Parliament buildings u the
Queen's Park, Toronto,Thered*y, a distance
of 106 feet. It is files to my that he
was killed.
The Ontario IMt*0aa No- 26, Sols el
Temperance, baa pled a reeo0tios az-
pressing the warmed approval of the worts
in the cause d temperer* of the late J.
W. Manning.
The Citteeni Lease, of Montreal is con -
truing with vigor its war sepias* the
lotteries, sad h&. .wemened mica
against the People's Lottery, a moon re-
iemeetly started.
lima Pedro Taft . very stall sada, and
the Count and Coaetesa d'F.a are depends.
0o the generosity of the Doke de Netnews,
who allows than 10,000 francs • math for
living expenses.
Chairman Springer. of the U. S. ways
and mains committee, ass drafted a bill to
admit all wools tree of duty and to repeal
the dative per pound and per omen yard
WAR ON THE TARIFF- . apoa woollen goods.
The French snail .teamner Comte Jesepb
Vasty is reported to hare been lost on the
As TO 1110 TAX uta 11%. I Island of (;ar•glu, a anile arid a lug Lortb
A weoa4 rases d Cosier were served s1
•• YY I eareasdy Pita as Idea Clip-
ped seal Cemillursoil Ivens Owes Miaow
-- The stream e/Me Cuomo Metre r lee.
Lew H.atr, !taster, oda a yamlt
to Rd. Mavis last week whir
400 lbs.
Itoto. Harr, tie., mad lleary Warm lir.
her mrd ind eiders of the Sahel Pr..b
serum chard`
Win. Harland. jr., rheum. hem k,
Cairo, Mich., for • erre d nioatlle, Inni
the hereat of his health.
Jams. Stratlss was the choice d ties
Hera dads The* St ba.~r s. trove.
Jew Diekms, town treasurer. Wieghes.
whop bad bee ea ahead to the rouse for th.
pact .oats. *able to he mead ague.
Tomato. Leadom tieraiee d Enter Iry
this yes edsasd LAMM to the head d the
swell boards. Tree will surely he a r.
At the anneal wheel meads g at KOK
W. King was elected teams fo the amain.
three years. A °arsaaher was esgaied 1..
The kohy of Mr. sad Mrs. Thea Rewe
L01os Rad,sretb, Easter, praeeated Mrs
Rowe with • beautiful plash rockiest char.
J obsetm Mos., Sedortb, resereuel j
Mused • cheque for MO to the fire bre
gide in r.sognitioa of their service at tit-
brecent tire.
Mr. (treat, marble worker, f3satertb, die.[
ea Saturday Sed Met. He Ma here in pew
health for some time, end laves a wife as
several children.
J. W. Neville, Seelerth, bas po10sed
the marble works el the late 1). Ueast. std
wall carry au the brim in all its bromebe-•
a the or Meed.
At . nieestiag of the Fester coeatil ,'..
ly the mum for the nevt.g d the latest
bsildiag sad sodas was &warded to W
Treble at $60.
John McRae, eider ere► of Rev. 4). K
McRae, C'ranbrook, has germ to the 00.aa
tae Collegiate lustr0te, where he will pro
not. be studies.
The Ira. Tomer, of Nus r, have pm
Mood from Lafayette `took Farm, lofty
Me. Ind., • fine imported Game sear
*Whoa. erring four years rd.
Mateo New Rea : -There Y mere Meknes.
is urea at remota. thea was ever keows ai
nee time before ; is army iasamaoe. had
Wade el the bandies Wag laid up.
John A. (hon (ems d John (koa, Chmi•
teal, hes been appointed te theties ot
eeemeerei•1 meter i. Perth Col_pkPets la
statute, •t • salary d IMO a year.
The Keefer -oaten is eoepmri eel three
Presbyterian and two Merhedis, aemMs,
mad three Liberals sad tete Ceeoervaske.
-a very wmasl tuns for Exeter.
Jetta M. Calvin, who.todted with Jere
Wilson, V.S., of Wissbs, for tb pie
couple es years, bs a.ecimlully rebutted
at the Ontario Veteri cry Ce Te
Robert Jamieson, of the Golden Lire
store. liodortb. left last week fur Galeria.
where he intends spending the Winter it
the hope that the cramp will bemeat hie
The sailor -boy Wire, whose lege were
recemtly entp-tated, is not re1weeria4 se
well se satiaipeted, old seare of the .141-
*. result w ateWtd ; he lose had the
very Mat of Dare said sedieal a51115.
Mr. Derrell olid her three childer, free
tie N. tee'. T. ,are visiting le Hdm.rdvtlla Sr
sea daughter of the leu W. Jeakens, of the
Harr Road. She M. hr absent for several
years and has retained to visit her metier
Tho. [tweet, late draggle with Dr
Lute, poster, bee ooameemd brume tar
Mawr( is Meesatt. Maa. He p.rehsad
the stock and berm from • pushmna 4
that plata, and took posee.ia M lamer
W hileGee. 14vws.Mekewerth. ws a retest'
ing bale from the village b. harem tor
frigkt a< some crap at Jobs M dtebil'e gate.
he wag throw• of the wagon and broke has
arum. The Moses sever .sapid till they
reached brie-
kra Goodrich, who rand•. seer aha
stator. (limos, bad the mider1*re lomat
down hat week and brook ems of the
bona d her ares. Dm has boa .0fartme 1.
u this ree,.et, meet ag with a mmwke•
Milk* eesdsat fast wider.
Cleveland Press : The tin-plate tax will
reach nearly $20,000.000 • year. It will
come out of the people's pockets If the em-
ployment of .American labor is the purpose
of the tax, it would be cheaper to tax the
people to pay the wages of the tin plate
makers while they did nothing at at.
Rey. J. W. i)ewar!, tbe great Eug1.h
Methodist preacher and writer, attended
the Methodist (Ecumenical Cooferenoe in
Washington last Fall, and after it was over
he took • run through ['.nada. Writing to
the Christian at Work on his viii[, he says :
" It seems pretty clear to me that it would
be to the benefit of both people to establish
perfect reciprocity between rrhnada sad the
Stats." On the question ot annexation he
says "It is to be booed that •nnexat.oe will
not oome, both for the sake of England anti
Caned. But nothingu so likely t•. prodsoe
it as • tanff war ♦itthe United Suttee sad
the indifference of the English colonial of-
fice." Mr. Dawson is right.
"TES waArmati to es&
A peculiar product of the nineteenth
century is the travelled " Heathen
Chine..." In every large town and
city of Canada and the United l&tatee
he has been ween--sousetime, to his
advantage and at other times other-
in placre where he does not fall a
victim to the wiles of our Western
civilization, or where he is not too nu-
merous, Joint CnntairtS dont not
make a had resident, for he is frugal
and industrious ; but a real bud China
man i. alleged to be a more serious in-
jury to the community than • mad
There was • time when the China-
man who left the Flowery Kingdom to
seek food, raiment anil *bank account
in a foreign land was adjudged a
traitor to his country and a heretic to
his religious helief . but nowadays
travelled Chinese are numerous the
world over.
The United States (%overnment is at
present in s quandary se to what
methods to adopt towards keeping the
" heathen " out. A high rate per
capita has been ineronfenal only in
fostering a large trade in the amogg
ling of Celestials across the boundary
between Condi ►end the American
sick, and it is estimated that fully a
Oruro(' of them are awaiting sn ap
portanity to crone the Zine.
Colt Wttreta, ret RMIIalo, the
spinal Tresaury inspector sent out to
stop this wholesale smuggling. says
the Fort Rne mete via Kt Catharines
has been abandoned bents so closely
washed. The N lagers Rim, down
et Fort Nivea, was a barite pros
77. ,tet;
of COMM. Her passenger.. . mu and
mails were tared.
The branch office oi the vier.. i:..rg • Fs-
pnow Company at the [;rand ('aw.u4l l.•ppoott
to Horton. 'Cel.. wee robbed 31..• other
night of four packages of mum, t , t . the
amount of $10,000 ..r more.
T.. next ae.sual gathenu;; of the Pro-
vincial Poultry Aaweclatlon will be held et
Hamilton. At the meeting Thursday
John Eastwood. of H&milvon, watt elected
president of lbs assocatioa for 1892.
Anna M. Dunlap, aged 70, fell deed on
the street is New York Thursday night. and
before her body could be removed this*
maga and a bracelet were torn from bur
fingers sad wrist. The iambi were worth
The Loonies city council has deeded that
the wedding gift to be presented by that
body to the Duke of Clarence and his bride
spell bo • 1.600 guinea diamond necklace
for the Princess and a'900 guinea silrer ser-
vice for the Duke.
tSergt.-Major Morgans has returned to
Kingston from Onglaa.:. He secured his
dscbarge from the Scot*' Guards, of Lea -
leo, Rog , was prseested with • silver exp
be hie •associate .ergesste, and rejoices ever
a pension of 2s 91. per day.
Poltcemaa Jervis, of "move our .essresty,
was appointed chief eomstable of Bowmsn-
vilie two years ago white he wee is • tont
Friary 8t of rehgioes aberatios, but bay-
ing again taker to the bowl he was sas-
pended frost duty. Recently he horsed the
ppllerddp totes seers mad the tows erase de-
cided t0 rye him rather triol.
It is stated thee the French Coaasl-
liemetal at Quebec Ice esteemed the
Treacly vans-coesuis throughout the Destin-
ies to warn all Freedom 1. Mid them-
selves in rvedtmess to join their respective
carps ie the Frisch aro. This is suppaed
to be a consequence of the Tangiers dill-
Any doubt as to whether ter ot the
Grand Trunk Railway Corded to central-
ize their shops in London Item been set at
rest by the promotion of Capt. Kerr, fore-
man at Brantford, to the superwtemdeacy
at lado0. This is the first step in the
treader istesded by the cosp..y. 0,04
900 eta ars M mom employed i• lard.
J- W. Randier, the what hang d Bre*
e -
doe district, has left for -. OlseR.w, Rmmalead,
accompaeted by hie wife. Mere
Mr Sandieordered Orem new
from the Maassy-H.rrie firm and .M pale
the land ermwienionr of the C. P. R. $22,000
for laud which he to odd te hie et -
tessive fair pare ago Mr. Rasdt
me west to s • kris leharur.
attrwax tat CPTO• AAM !.571I50 WILL -
IRON ts.
I ONes.
F. D. Coates, of Cartwright, Man., writes
to The Montreal Witness that " there is
hardly a fanner who has the patent of his
boutteetard who kits not a m ort•ge oe it.
Then we eve to pay the hi hest price for
all we bay, and gee tho smelledfigures
all our produce, attributable to the mar -
moue freight both ways. When what is
worth $1.06 its Toronto, we get bete 60
deet•, end whoa a hone inn worth $00 in
Ontario we pay $170 for him hen, and when
our neighbors twenty miles or lass to the
south of us angoods for 70 Beata we
are paying $1.611 for the MOW goods. 'I ion
the machine companies and the grain dealers
seer to be in combine sf•ind the farmers.
The former say you mast pay January 1st,
the grain buyer my yea have got to take
oar prices. Then J the machine notes are
not met o• time on goes twelve per rat."
Between the C. P. R. and the N. P. the
Northwest fanner . pretty closely skinned.
rr .nam NIWOl0Altteti AND PACPSON.
A deans years ago, the leader of one of
oar political parties remarked that Mite -
don was the 'Moreau fore of flattery, red
e.ao.osd his intention to take • 1••f ort of
the Yankee book. He got the opportunity
mad need it. He gave (Mad* a tariff.
modeled upon that of the United States. and
then followed the American plan of doer, -
lag targe portions of the public domain te
railway eompestes. The very systems
which have divided the popul•tios d the
Vatted States into milliesatres and paupers
were adopted for Grade, •t • time whir
the evil effects were begis.iag to he disorm-
i15te w the neighboring country. TM
United Suttee had the excels. of • distr.
tree. std espeenve mtytl war for dep•rt-
froth sound economic doctrine, het
west into it to help • disgrree.d RnhttcLa
heel to odes .ed sel•ry, and to minister to
the ,rad of some esawufaeterare roe
la his affidavit, presented to mart in
support ot the trial, J. R Armada says -
• • That 1 desire to call as witnesses a my
15.15011 my superior officers, Sir Hector
Langevia, G. F. B•t71•rge and Henry P.
Perles, w coder to prove skit the employ.
mem 04 the steamer Joe by the ilepartnein
of Public Works a0d the remtiag d the
Victoria street int was deem with the knowl
safe and approval d the raid Itilerge
sad the ear Parley, anti that the bets
were coss.saie tad by theta to the kis
minter. "
Mr. Tarte. who describes himself as • Coe
ssrvuive, says is hie paper, Le Comedies :
'• 1 know the emend of the Ministers end
members of the Bora who cry oat apart
corruption loud ems* to s•ealyse their
tongues have received tb_ of pounds
to get elected and to keep up their mode of
living. I kaow me- -I .m crit naalieg
any secret d honor wb alarm, iso yawn
with mother. raises $50,000 oat of the Fed-
eral Grommet contrarian and purvey-
ors." When Mr. Tarte makes m ppasve •
charge as this be should era the M•Mifter.
Hoa. Mr. D.wda,y ham furnished a .i.
01*t to the Oovermosat prose stating that
his letter te . Dov Gress," advtnng him to
settle eyes lead adjoinisig the Regia tows
site was merely as act of loader. to • faith-
ful employes, and that Orem still owes the
property. Bet why, it ie Asked, was it
smoessaty for Groves to state tot the Mad
was for tie (ioverarm ;" what
were the things which Mr. Dewdsey pro -
sed to set " tato good shape " before Irv -
hog fee Ottawa? It is screed diet 11r.
Dewdasy avoids all reform* to the very
eerier charge preferred by Mr. Davie that
he formed a ,fsdkrate to bay up the Regime
tows site. r. Davis hoe other charges to
make ageism Mr. Dswdeey, too he told Ioar
aoeevepomdesl last October that he acid if
he ebso. drive Mr Drwd..y from public
The MoGr.evy sad Connally DIM go fly
r till mut ADDS& At the err ea 8ater-
day the •pplte ties made by Mr. Venom
to bar the eases Mid err ea roma* of the
Ohms of Sir Hester Langone rod Mr. Pr -
ley and the •loomed of We Ktpipk. ea ea -
Omer, sed the question whether in the r-
et d a p.Vpemeaomt the deleuda.t* duo
be obliged to peed, mew assts op for argu-
ment After Maria, both Mr. Ferrier
sad Mr. Osier, Judge Roes decoded in view
of the amthvite to lay the eras over to the
next Assizes, holding at tb ism time tot
the defoodante mast plead at the
I1 eemior. The elefeadeata .0141104)7
molly pleaded " Net guile Mr. ergs -
sea thea a eel that the endant* he al-
lowed oat we their owe receg■isasesa Mr.
Oahe sad D. O'Connor ebleet.d or the
greeted that as indictment bayi.g been
friend the evert noeld here .e regret of
ierseae Tb. jet*, .greed is th. rhes .ad
ed bail at $6,000 for meek of the defer -
ante, with two securities ler 0,600 sack,
making the hail is all 00,000. Hail was
immediately gives by Hugh Rya., of
Toronto, and Jetta Been. of Ottawa.
Tbo grand Ivry ret.raed " ea hill " ria the
i.dietmwht..gaiest P Larkin seed M. ('os -
wily, .ad they are oessegaeatly wow M.
of any preseeetwma Michael Connolly .seem
to have hal on Isar of tie ladle -trent being
premed spier hiss. se be did set ayes
go to Ottawa, ..d bee or been these sires
the mart stead.
p Tum*-e/e 1
is es szslrnatMw heard every bar inn fh.
day. Tem/eche is the mint mem - i ail-
mett d young sad ell, ad in tM.PRegde
haste sere aeflrbg thea primps may
other single eispeist A tae .date care
it j..r IASI every perm dams to mom
Plervil1.-a.rn ern s.,. este .Mast
Mar* in relieving
beetle Ward" a sollider
SO ears
the Ise.
Poise'. is for em y' ,_*Mve
remedy lie brrb.ehe mrd lir se.. SOIL
Add by efl 4.dn• les meadis.
imams 1 'CATAUleen.
Yesterday we received the meat bods.me
+sliest.• of seeds, hello, pleats, see-, ever
mat oat in America, how the well-kstow.
(yrdiae Inn of The •tssl& Dre.C..,Tsrae-
te sr7}rh. tthis
hea. we dbleime dul. of
Metras G.tbK te the risb grade d seeds
se sni'theywirier getci:irk%farrago* twMte Ceders, hap omd
ShaWss to we fakeer the United Sdee aim Fr the? its whits
bitter and' 015.l1 we stick to the prober- chaff web • peat yielder, Oat
v. aew
titariff anti) • handful d _ men own rem lead, dad tato,e
eighths of tha worth of neer eematry, earl pmameesari the . wumir.Ia1
early all the farms era mresaged, and ma- .ins, beide oar arises array 4 a.wehies
til our merry . Idled with tramp end ma- hs Moos, Ill..sry's wosA Tube Apiisr
derpetd wowkta&m, re *bull we be wowed lilies, Air Phut. Sward Fen. use. Thy
by the results el •Maier policy Y the UM rake • sposeal -Ler to 01) toe Chita
td Settee and .mead ear 4wes d w- Nord Mee (Me phsel in tenser saw), admw
save .Rile there is yet psrhis ns Ids M 477 • mei the* a Oanew ,W foe
leigas, with
fort f Th.. a tore 01. m ad problem sed smsteme
for tT.s.di.m. thea tits d bb airaalio ai .1 Maws 1
w.ld s--lMmlik+zk.... setathem at amb
George Hasaill, of S.aforth, sad Mir
Rohr, daughter of Jaw Hallen, el Me
IL Mop, have ,smessrbNy proud tbir ea
amisatios .t the Scheel• of sed
are new ohm*, to teach es m .
klrh school or C.Hariate Itrtitere.
A floc sorted from the rasa Fair's silt,
Chows. no Wednesday. Jan. 6, is boom N
the marriage et James dear, le., I kid
happy event teak pees inn laedeshere' Mat
eing Mies Dewar.
trash ddie elle duee.sdb wird tta.podot
der Reef omni..
Reoaedly . pima* went took place at
the residers d Harry Heasilteo, Ware.
WM( the p.ro.Iatiss by the sembar..t
Ht. f 3e
Merg. a dearth of a headgear sad well
Med pars, toMas, Hasailtea, as
a takes of thele .gmd wof br review
se er/sai.t and fie the pets two
Mea John Jekastou sad Mts. Joie Japb
see, both d Virden, Manitoba, are at pees
eat Tilting their father, Wm. Gibbet" of
the Herds Rout, Teekesnith. Mn oha
doe has hers is M asitnbr about 9 years and
Mn. Jeiption has her there &boat three
years. They Sorel rvmaieuues w this county
u ntil &beet the first of Marob.
R. J. Bart.., of &Mere, who has been
attending the Ottawa Normal *boot for
the pet tem. mead lea erainieria very
e ncesnfolly, taking Marrs h teaching. O.
Isis way haze be stepped is D&rli0geoo art
took este himself • wife from the kb
daughters of [het township. He . now
teaching • oobeel is the tows:ripe/ 1 0sdos.
at•diary of MA
0. New Year'. Day the spirit d Jean
41.1 geld, °ray. took ate fight Mies Me i
Naatd had maedi kw keels with her bre
they. Aleveader Mellssadd, dth ocetoreiee.
for the pest Si years. She w born is
Rode .hire,Peel lded,4n the year 1810 sod wee
.v.wregnestly ped 72 yeses of eco. The
. nbjent ofthis waiter lad been &aiaa fir arms
wroth* .ad prm41 away ham ne7 0(1011 •
fully. lib was • 1.+0101 memkr 4 tie.
Presbytettma s..reasaioa
itzpestr -We like to es, the rams
sema d at f the ceain fM ee1.M.tspt
d their Mored by tM
Meeks riser that two yawns maid,
James Rees. of R.r%o, rad Joe
Dallis, of .anlb d this
hem hem sisalied
tio the . o rp ores ami 4
pit*M be *.kid skier relpent.d path -
elm i. termer year% bid pn01tawt
thea If they prow se . 4..t sad th
101 rebate sereseile as ski worthy dyes the
pNk will res me MEM Ile reret tier