HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-1-14, Page 2,440‘ •Ity OM Jac, r..arf . PIO A5 ?Ater A POWERFUL STORY. l'AAI"I'ER V111. e stems Ix 7111 rum. Two a threeweeks passed.psed. and thea Louis ere ray uLouiswestt serous the eouutry to a neighbor's Mesa. She silent the tem port of the (lay then, and ie was well on towanf evening when she started home. O. the way Tack thou was a long dome1. *ud it was fall of water Idiot, and when 14ee came to ,t else de aided to collect some of thein. Amor-dowdy begat picking where they � peer then bank. but, hit - pada -likes, "mit satisfied with getting what were 8 tU.ia reach, skitre to t for three that were farther out, the result was that for lost her he aoce and fell u.to the slough. She was not mach the worse for the tall, fur the water war shallow, hint liar feet sleek in the mire and she foun,i. atter making several efforts, that she (mold .tot extricate theept. While is this •ituatios she heard wase one approachting and after the lapse of a minute or so a horseman cape in sight, and aeon he was tsar enough for Louie, to see that he was the atrauger w ho had teased her and Paul the night of the storm She wanted help to get out of the .lou b but she hoped the Iran would pm by without smog her, for oo the seer Irina she but felt for bim crane hack so strongly that she dreaded to hear hie rut,-,, much les feel his touch. He did not paw by, however, for he had seen her fall sad rode directly to the spat purposely to lead leis aesiatanc M it be needed. So, reining in hi. Mime, he stiro g to the greead, and, touching his kat, said: Eh•iQ.nse, mew eoa.Lbs.at.pPess leo toyear Louise blushed ad stammered a canoed reply, which was neither an acceptance nor refused to he offer, and the next instant he bad extended his heed and she took it. She was soon on the bask again, and while =he shook the water fn.00 her garments hr hedhend =the Bowen and replaced them • n her hirntds His conduct was .. gentle- •nenly and kind, .al his manner toward her so modest, that aie felt she had har- bored unjust apimiom of him. He treated her with the utmost caowderatian and side no refercove to gm awkward accident. "There mow," he said, when she was ready to yeses her journey. "There is very little harm demote, and I hope you will ,•lease pee for iotruding " "It is no intrusion, but rather a good ser- vice," Louis replied. "i don't kuow bow I should hams ever got cot if you hal not come. Nouse ever paws this war that is, hardly ewer." "Are you going west " "Yes, sir. !1y home is little more than a mile in that direction." "That is fortunate, sees I am going that way, and if yea will allow nae I tan have the pleasure of geIring you nearly home. Will it be so intrusion! instantly all her fear sod dread of the seas easels& to Loos, sad she won1.I tare gladly spared herself of his eoalpane. Bat he had reeder.d her a gnat srvice and she thought it weld be ongenerosa to deny him. Bo she toll him that it would not be as int maim . He int.rodocd himself as Harry Pear eon, and as they waked [Jong he ma aged to find out a greet deal about Louise .ted hoe parents. She told him how many years they bad been in Karnes, and that they came out from the east. "So 7cu are from the east, taco," he said. • (What state is your old hone!'. "Ohio." "Iodised! that is my hone." "You; we come fres near iiay)ton." "Greens, and frosts near D►yton," the young roan weed. "That is rather queer. mare. But. peimwthere are lots of Greens m the world, read there might be • donee families of the same from near Dayton out how in Kansa" Then .loud he said: "i lire i. Dayton sad know • great many pee phe about then. I suppose you have rela- tives and fri roto in a near the town?" "Yee, the nieces and the Blatehfords - • SI•Lehferde!" the young mai repeated. "Are you- is be--!" The, recollecting himself, be stopped. !.wine glanced up into her cornpan- t� s face, but he turned it away, and rhe. be looked around again all the sur- prise had died oat of it and he yrs as calm an ewer. "Do you know the Blatchford. " Louise east. Why, i ham ansa old Mr. Blatchford eeesie-.11y. la fact, he has tran.aeLed Pose ►usi.ees with the house with which i r weenetted. He is • hanker, 1 think." "Yee, sir. At hart he was. We have est beard much item bans of late." ••indeed! He o a rasters, too.- "Ilea oo."aIlen my grvo.lfather.. Ale'. Well, that is your hose jest before tuned 1 presume; ore 1 will rile on. Good day," sed he lifted his hat, when he had mounted be kis addle, and neutered away. Rhes be was gone Louise was entry that she hod not suited him more .howl her gemidgetbsr, for in epitts of the hearths way it which he had tseatal her parsata, O M had • loader spot in her heart for the dd W. She would like to have known whether he wee well and happy. at less, [std then much the *trample might have torch her. Bat it one ter labs sow. and she wept m. Sneer wad tell her smother of her little Whetter* sed at the 0.s ger •'IiarTyMary mead "No 1 ate sat kegs au ..g .l him In fact, 1 de net see essb.r any Pearsn es among m/ seaiotaee•s at hose." ilrtswwee ma Mery said. but the [pep then est her betber'.,weme had .et her to �ki�. and r tut mowing sea wont aM.t w . • u d. �.resd air. and Caere them erne • leag-thewe sigh moped tee. end eft. die Med ler ossa agave to her +IN a"••h. ; um" tie sant our. sin � r fNri% -'aper era you se su towel sae 4 J.4M0g as M diseem year sol, chum .ad fill your (tame with sessesgese Surely, surely, if y.0 knew how I love you. sad how your e.dtset hurts see, you would not he es .old mod brgetiul." all of the poem 11l al's outlier team .iter all hot father's Iegieet .04 musky, she wired hunt at11 He lad tramp led bow love a the dust.rrp.dled .mud theme her from his Levi atoll ..n.( samarl her Marl, hut she .till retuned tot hien the •• 1? 14 411 147111 •.to.. U. r iATIItr A *Mot, runt love of a daugghter, W::' a Wsr n'd ow token of kind -nee- tom, him would hate sent her tlyuag to Inc arm». Harry sour w .l. n, u.e 1. a. he ode 1 raw. the prairie. on the rvrltt of that earning mud the theoewery to which it had laot and ha thoughts ran lief- t!p "There is u. • .lo.Lt of not the !cast. These t:teew are .dd Itlae boom', folks. and that gtrl'a mother ms the one we've robbed. 1lobbed! That's (uttl14 ,t pretty strong. 1.ut after all that'. abut what it is; we're luring there on the let of the Lead at old lIlatslmfsrd'p expense. while hue own daugh- ter is living • dei s life out here in the .•utlandiah place. it's a shame, and old Itlat.hford ought t.. kir F{uleedueI for being retch :an old heathen. Ire. thy one that's t.• blame, aril not w. Of cosier a,u,r pro tele mho elms}mint might tell RlatcLtdrd that he to a food, aria refuse to world the f.von that he ought to bestow elaewlere, but I dn7't *ren, ;n have as fine a sense of justice re that. 1 feel sorry for these (.or devil* ..f tureens and 1 spin athise with them, Lot .t would lee a little toe 11100 venient to leak on the old man's ktr.itsess and generosity and renounce it in their favor. oe 1 guess 1'11 just give them my sympathy en feet urn for the 'melee that to rightfully theles, and e.mtunue to live at l:lateliford s expense. Son, people nought e,nnder It rather shabby in me, and for that matter 1guw a goof many who are a-14utunted with the eu.unt.ta,ww think that way already; but that in nothing in c .mp•risun to bring in poverty. No. at may not be esa,•tly honest anal manly to lase as I do, hut eta blamed ewe and easy, and that's the main point, an•bow-. "But about that girl hhee pretty. and . on.ehow I've taken a fenny to her Shea an innorat lt•tlr soul. and as •annli,ling as eteaes.ie As sees as I eau her Neat armies dews thele with that farmer, 1 1.1* An :r tercet an ker. 1 suppose, though. why don't het.- much of a ltkl.g for me. 1 n otie•ed that. 100. that .'.ening. If rhe• kniw- nae and knew what relation exist, between us, 1 gums she south like me a great deal lea. But 1'11 manage to keep that a secret: and this husine•es with S. r:aggo, ton, that mast be kept tinder rover. It's a gond thing to leer a tool to bear the blame in •uch natter.. and ..id S rat,, s is so nod to being .lowed that it don't hurt brei, and Notice. hr gra money for it, any• hoe. I mmw: get tip au exe•use• for tooting out herr t., 1:ream's. i want to get Netter acquainted wish the girl. Orel all the rote leok the young man was buoy trying to devise an excuse for coming to Green's, mrd, cad day for I.neita,. he an. corded. t HVTER i' R IX. THE 04.11 Y r %KA•Ira: ream. The summer wanwl and the autumn came. The hope. of the .et t iris had u n ere' eel to a certain extent and a fair crop had ie w&M of their efforts, Paul had e.dd out and with the money it brought him, gone book east to take up his studio/. He 8154 Louise were engage.( now rith Job.'e aril Marv,. .on.rnt. and it was understood that they were to marry as soon a' Paul re tuned anti booed. John old .rough of his pr.ducr t., lift the hent from hie claim, and immediately her went down to Panel* Park to see Scraggy,. Harry Peartnn lust hien out to ,loin's two o, three times on one pretext ons another, ad John had told him of the debt and of his ability to pay it .df if Scrafgp would accept the money and release th.- mort- gage- "I am very am i,w. to get rod of the debt." John said. and stop the interest." "That's natural and right. tong' said Harry, "and Mn-raggs ought to be willing to &tempt the money nt he is at all disposed to be fair. Bat from what 1 know of him 1 take him to be a greedy grasping wretch. with no feeling of merry- in his soul. It's • great pity you people nut hear have such a elan to deal with, and l sympathise with you.. "it is an unplea.•nt thing to be in the power of such nate as Scragp," John re plied, "awl when 1 get clear of thea affair 1 hop, fever to get into such a place agsm- I'U teU you what 111 do," aid Harry. •'1'm quite well aegwunted with !traps: and i may have some influence with him. I'll try to persuade him to aecrpt your money. He ma make au et.ruuon in your favor if he will." "I shall be ever so much obliged to you for year interest in the matter, ,aid John, "and ( hope your my enoceed." "You come down in a day or two, and in the tesnumc ill talk to Scrag's." So John went down with his mosey. M'ragge was in his °thee busy with 1 town plat end a couple of [nen who were [elect• mg 1000 gots for an investment. After • while the sales were affected, .ted the nen going nut Serums turned his attention to Omen. With . bland smile, and a warm handshake, he said "Well, my friend. I am very `lad to mise you, and i am .eery that 1 hoar t.. keep you waiting, but 1 ane a, pressed with • fness since our boom set in that i hardly Htime tshake hands with my friends. ow to u Mrs. linen anti the fame).''• "Quite well, 1 thank you' l'ua spoke of a boxes.. What .10 you refer M'" "Why. oar honor here. Hadn't you hard of it" "No. [tot • word.- "Well' ord. '"Well' well' that'. queer. Why, art our town is having • wonderful iosom Lots are going off like hot yoke*. ■end einem* *very day we am laving out tow or-iitrosa Within the last week we hare old nut three enure additions of forty acres soh les, .*r, we have • great bonen tee meat erne- derful thing on mooned -sad its • settled feet that withto tern years vee will have hese • nit7 oaf twenty thnvsand !ep,a,theo i have invented every dollen I can gei hold of. and wish i had a million 1 , invest Them is the great ohms of a lifetime fer aaoassy s forts. As Shakes•..ere may.. 'There H a UM m the affairs or mo which. if taken N the right Moment, toads en te artnn.c' read r our ease that Moe Is debt DOW TILE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1nt. "How &re yoNokias year bear -.Selling '. m low, very leo, dirt cheap; me third .ash and balance on long time sod easy telcos. Herr am a the plot of au addition ju.l put .a, the ~Lee It is pint so fast that we se hardly make out the tear"•.• fast sough to keep up with the salts 1'be addltt..a be claw Ian ad 1 le wed t.. Leonine la..uuv property, every tout of it, sod I can .ell you a foi 'hart t a tea d.dlan per loot away below its worth... •'i'uu ay it is alter tu!" "Yea, air, right in town. •• 1111ut how far L. it from Len`" "Nota Lit over a stele." "A mule!" John c• , lattoed. • • Win , 1'd tall that tolerable tar out for a town id•l:ty or Seventy ie1.iI!4ti., ,. -• '•Ear oat! utas• ;11 cried. "Who. ;truant gwlien. moane We ii. Why, 'here's rad' time lain off two mite 1pryout that 'rho is ,Muff to be a . 1.. I 1. 4 great wretern esetnoledta. 1). you thu.L •. • "Thunk nothing. I know :t. That 1 e. settled ta.•t, amid to lou thou twelve mouth.' boor to day you will ser twenty thousand (e.pulett n here, :::mid thew Intel win offering fou for ten dultus a foot u ill le about, at rom fire to ate hundred a foo.. Thai of that and tell me what vow ran invest money w to beet it!" '•\". hot is [los loom hosed us, Mr. Scang,ga`e' John asked. ••l;uled mi a.li.l fort.. Then is uoi a Lown of sue ;Ur j' rtal.tr will.:H a hunted miles of ur. is hiene- ••\e, there is not. .luno admitted. Kut it be luta known, h, m.t:gt:: hat-.• paid that there were two or three biiodre.l w:tirtn that ruhu. that expected to eneunt to soinethtng. and erre, tike Paradise Park. 'taking traitor effort. or amount to --one- t Mug. Bet John did not know this. •• Wil, n, - `eraggs went on ..ere it got t.. have 4 gnat , oumwrcial ee.tre out here, and we protesters to be mit. 11,- se Kot three or four railroads plumed ..ut emu 111, colnieples orgau,ed to build thew. Fire*. there is the harms City, Topeka .1 Paradise Park line. Nsce.d, inert. is the Chi.-..tn. (Mahe .t Paradise Park line. 'then ti.•• t;:,I .•.ton R I'sradiae Park Itut. _ ed 1...1. the New York, St. Louie A Pal +Oi a I'.rk 'me. )'herr are other lino., hut we do not mention them, for they are not what wr choose to call cer- tainties,. Fran - lose. hove been granted t.•r several !in.. of •able road. and ch•rtere issued fur water and gas works. Plata lave beau ,lrawit up for a doom '1 inore brick Works, and of .our.' that is tut $ test* of what is to follow. If you want t.o he an independently bait can. with mere money than you know what to elo with, just invest every dollar you can rake to- gether. and do it rtght now. 1 ou II never have such another chance, mark my word for that.' Scraps had rattled on at such :. rats "4U.Li%'. ►e how. tt:nt 1 J.w. awl with each wild eothuseson, that John t:n•en felt quite drool aid he .crashed h:. heel and walked the Boor • few :toles f.eforr he ma ead get his mind ,nu. working or.lrr. Even then, when he felt calm end • oll•.•ted. hi. mind appeared un balanced and such phrases as "town lots,' '•close fn." "ten dollen • foot.- "great me tiopolia,'" went dancing through It (Ike imps. But eventually heeolleeted hue scat tered senior •uf eiently to recall the hum pees that brought him to bcragga' office. and forthwith be stated it. "I'm sorry, Mr. *Irear,'' Screw maid. Will a ..mart nt nm neon. '',.0t r t•• p0soly accept your ,honey. The n54,rtoae • et have 1.. run tee •ime h... i• cu: n•• paid... "1 would like to stop the interest.- .lois replied. "and 1 hate the money and .viuot nee it otherwise." "emir' •t,laime•l S1raggr. "1f l had a i could mighty 4.on :wrest it Why, what have f Leen •r.!tng you Here, buy luta, man. You d as well turn a thousand d•Jlsrs ..r 50 s ant•i.wly sly. You can make five or six hundred per rent. cm that money as easy as not. ita like everybody else like your netghl.ors out there -•ml invest here.' John was about to offer same objectiou. but before he could may anything the deer opened and .even or eight mien .muse 111. a'. anxious to nuke pen-haser of lots. &-nig had talked them up earlier in the day, a..., they hal 1.wen nut to see the add:time. aid now camas back full of enthusiasm. John Itntened to their talk, and. aft- er they west out, listened to Scraggy same more, and at last the (seer begs 10 take on him. All his neighlmie wh.. lad mortgagee on their homes suer •.uldn't lav them because they were wt due were investing in tows lots. aid he sup- ported urrposed that if ereryhndy ws investing 6e might as well do en, ton. If it worked out right of was a grand opportunity to get a .tart in the world and build him • now home and place his wife and, rhild onside the talo of want. l'es. he believed that he'd invest • awe he a ouldn t pay off the debit. He told Scrawl en. and in no time thrums hal hs papers out reedy to watts up the ..ntrwt and get it all safe before .omehodr else got all the dime, lots John tlhoeght he'd neater Rn home and talk the natter over with Mary first but mother MI WY • MCRr1.11 rn0111 Tal enact eft reek of ewatmnen and seetb., sale of • dos.. lots decoded him that delay was des - germs, an he odd Serape to go on .mid Is up the onntr•rt thea and there. Srraggs. by the way, was • ty(woal w0t.rn real estate agent h sorsa per timbre, .t leas). H. wee fall of host. nes. usaryei.g of lois talk. biased, aetl. rag mad wildly eatrltmsieetk. A. was w hasher trona to wand get fad M Iglluer tired talk,ug up ►ud showing up the ides, tags of hie Iowa It 01111110 sa natural to bins to,gars up seer nett. i r.•llt..r inert manta V town tela a+ It .11.1 steep, and he .dway- made 11 .o Ileo. that the would be investor . ul.i a .ee Ike inutile sti hing out. M. alwa v. ma.tr each . u.tolear ted that he was 1p.. stag Lim a de- .tdel advantage .we, all on hes .'otos rets Ly er:tu.g him hove kits that hu Lad uevertevd •er kits own special Leath, so 1.,wk. utast st out (.4 loused that Set:.ge•. ur fur that carter the average weatet11 real estate agent. 0.s o re dfshunest. St nom haul 1. is e1 husisaese, 41141 cuatomcr• wen cnee•rug or. him uuu.ta to matt me•,:•, and there was luta of U11111 7 1. at to tum, rod he was ..n.tous lu build up ha tow u, and all that wort of thing; es likely es red lir uerer had Moe to think .4 u hat the outman ul the .da.r might pas.Ibly he to hie retorters. ('e': such eir•:uw- .t4w•s the lest of .•. rte Italle to for- get S. Int lhaega. But enough of that. When John Grail Kot hue papers .sal had .lows hi. none., he lett Sir. Serous' Witt. a'i.l (dotted des a etre•et. He had not goer (4., 004 eve', before in turuug a cor- net. he ester faceto fora- +nth Hairy Pesr- s.w, wh . was hutrvii.g slang to the dire... tiou of S. -rag ;a' older. Harry was touting at such .teed that hr dd not sea t:reon until he lead nearly .adliied wnlh hien, uloid when he dial ser him he .topped deaf short and (rot Ina 1•t•ka and actions It was appar out that he would col have Leen more sur - pr ised if he held unset the (]or of Russia with all his ruyel .tteodar.ts. •'Why' Sfe m:rasa. heetelunnsd, "u it p.erible you air in town eo early!" ••Yee. said John. "1 came ,bwu the "That w: Nell, you haven't wean S,:raggei yet. at any rate.'" "Yes. I beer just .vmr from hit strew. •• W hat' You've Men S.•ragge • Yes. and tried ter hest to get him to we- octet ta.rot the money. bat hr wnuldm t." •'I'm storry you nominated et to him un- til 1 got then. 144. "n my way pow. and burrytng with all possible speed to get then before you did. But perhaps you ha.. not mese to any terms with him yet ,. ••Ven, 1 have I have invested the money in town bots." ., Tut. Int .butt n,% lurk. I thunk if 1 had been 'herr 1 could hate induced Scrams to release the mortgage. 1 gave loin a blowing up about it last night, and he haH way ',nausea me that he'd let yon off. if I multi have get their is time 1 .wild hair held him to It. hut ut' sae jot tis Maine that 1 gut in from the county. ('11 Hake old Scraggy sorry that he dirt dos l wanted hiss t... es D ore as you're berm, I will '•But about the town Iota, John asked: -don't you tooatder them safe!' • • W her. yes; they're safe; they're as geed as bonds, and there immense profits to he nude of then,. But that Met the question. you see. Yore didn't .mat bola; you wanted to pay tie debt et your farm." • Well, if the lots an sae read the returns as big as Scraps nays. why, I'm studied w nth natters as they baud" "I'm glad to heir that. Mr. Groat. f. the m0r.tment re mfr is my opinion, and I think that for er.ry dollar you put into it now you will take out five at the end of • year. So hyo, is my Fath in it that 1 have u.esttd heavily on my own acmxt•t. w o ds advising my friends in the east to take hold; and 1 am glad Scragp let yos ta It ue better than paying the snort• John, thus c•oalirpaed is the wadom of the turn he had made, went book to his b.Hv,e on the prairie highly satisfied sad plowed; while Harry l'esr..n cont.uued s way to Srragg s office equally s well pleased as .lobo. The former felt that Pro- vidence and S•:r*gga had opened lefoe Lim a quick and easy way of overcoming all his finale al difficulties wad placing bamerelf and family oe the high road to fortune. while the latter felt that his toils were being drawn closer and tighter about his inmost and uneuapecting victim. Each for his oars re.ann. and widely different reams they were, was pleased with the drift of Shure, and each smiled the smile of triumph. John, moreover, felt *bat he owed • great debt of gratitad. to Harry Pes- os for the disinterested interact ie hal takes is his affairs, and be legged far se oppertuaity to ropy kis 1747 ata ctecritrKD.) se (neer •peel•. The gay Winter season exposer many to attacks of colds, toughs. hoarseness, tight. nese of the chest, asthma, I.rnnchitis, etc.. which require • reliable remedy like Hag - yard's Pectoral Balsam for their relief and rare. Known as rrlaWe for over thirty years. The Lest cough cure. 2 A ten seams IraapIl en . le he a gond doctor v asked one gentls- man of another, speaking of an acgaaia- tauoe. " Well, people cell hem oo," replied the other ; " but as far s my expersa os goes, if I were • patristic man- au,4 there was ruing to be a long war, 1 should like him to have charge of the enemy's wounded. " A 1Mnslbt► Ilameem. at. Sim, Having used yns.r Burdock Blood Bitten successfully for some time pot. 1 must state that for my oemplaiet of bilious. toss and acid stomach 1 have never towed an equal, and I cr.etune to arse it and re- commend it to my friwds rand neighbor. 2 W. Score's, 81. Thomas, Ont. The at $eaed sparrow. Henceforth let no nee apologise for the English spumes. He is ae black s be baa hese painted, and considerably score se. The pews fro.. North Pl.i., Coen.. virtu- ally strips him of every feather of respect- . 1.ility and leaves him naked to the scorn of the world. The Baptist church of North Plain has been rohtwl .t ..rices Boase of sum aggregating JE 26. and alter three yam .d bickering, ci..rga and counter chargee the stoken mosey hes been towed to • cou- ple of Engin► .parrows the.[ bad a nest is the vine near the church. The evideac, against the sparrows is indisputable, as the missing mosey, in bilis ranging from III to $5, has bean wore, into their meet. Ghia. M amt always Wise. To be extremely familiar with those N your terries at nee time sad arrogant ae another To come to the costume that stohben sees is strength of will when it is asamlly strength of temper. To he very pian o@ that, became yea are sisters or very intimate friends, • [mall gmetioon d momtey makes no difference. To say • cruel word •3541 thea suppose that • kiss hastily brushed over • tear stained face will make everything as it was before. To "perfectly hate" and "perfeetly adore" people without any *postal mesa. With hie ak.a•h, • hay is said to haws saved the Neth.rlsda free inundation. May people have bees saved fres the in - mains of disease by • Iwottle of Ayer's lf.r- aaparilb The n.adielser imparts ears l sOwe ay strengthener strengthenevery errs and body. ea. Wiiy Couarr, Wnu a tow doss of Ayer's Cherry Pe.Nerad will relieve jos f Try 11. L..p it la the hose. Yoe are !table to Mire • cough at say lams, .04 w other remedy le w effective as this world. renowned perfora- tes- No household. with yuuag chlldres. should he without iL &cares of lives oro saved every year by its timely use. Amanda B. Jenner, Norti•mptoa, Mmes., writes : " l'unsmon gratitude to psis ase to acknowledge the great base. it. I have d•rtved for my t-bildreu from the use el Ayer's most ea.ellee, Cherry Pectoral. I had hot two dear eblldna from .roup sod consumption. •ted had flee gnyteset Mar of losing my only re• maniug daughter and sou. s they were delicate. Happily, 1 dud that by ,wise them Ayer's Cherry Pre*cral, ou the the symptoms of thrust or lung trouble, any are relieved from danger. sad are bee coming robust, healthy children." "Ins the winter of 14143 I took • bad cold which, in spite of every knows remedy. grew worse, w that the family physician considered me incurable, sup- posing upposing me to be in consumption. As n last resort I tried Ayer's Cherry Pecto- ral. and, la a short Use, the cure was complete. Slam then 1 have 115051 been without this isisclktne. I am fifty years of age, weigh over 1410 pounds, and at- tribute my good health to the nae Of Aye's Cherry Pectoral." --G. W . Y Luker. Salem, N. J. "Lest winter 1 contracted a severe cold, which by repeated exposure, he - sues quite obmtimate. I erne muck trouble.) with hoarseness and bso.cblal frrita*o•. After trying varies sedl. Sas without relief, I at last perchsed • bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pettiest On taking this medic -Se, my cough cased almost immediately. and I have best well ever sines." -Bev. Thos. B. Russell. Secretary Hoboes Conference and P. Z. of the Greenville District, M. Z. C., Jonesboro, Teas. Ayer's Chem Pectoral • raaraazn at 0,. J. C. Ayer & Ca. Lowed. Mus atm by a De.twn.. tris. m1; e1. tssslr.fl/. fl.LETT'S PURE POWDERED E PUREST, $TROMOarr, sum. Mood)) for wain any rs aine. roe wat.s eofbalaa weir, t i«ttairand . ►nadres sea. • me ses.4 $uss .ses Mar sat. add lou Aa 1 moon sad ataasr. a w. s sa"r. aem.woestai Patron " True ' •ornpetitho. THa C•11Anu. Peewit It•iLw•v Cc's T1t &tl11•rH li.i tore ewtaulis e l .,, ,,ire the public a fr.t.leea .nrvi.e %% eh fur and per- manent coiner.: it iln, It is rammed ea Manes oriacinres and in the Iateres, of its patrara. It drearo.s 'h.• sa.enrt of retro e•w.on who believes in wmeettr.,.n. Pew 4.Iek ee•petee use talk r esapais. Ilaoe*. ro.•e.-5tina Ito t. all Iloe• mod eab Pa 1 shed Made.. ransom and r..rspe. meat throne* wirrs to all point. in the North wer„br..tab Columbia au, (•.atie Coast OMee-§Jutk Pe we. ••. >t!f-tf 1.urd Hawser. Golgi let. Reyuletcs the Stomach, Liver and'Bowel etLunloeka the S.cretlons,PItfhlflesthe 'Blood end removes all Im- purities from a Pimple to the worst Scrofulous Sors, OD =• CURES DYSPEPS IA. BILIOUSNESS ONSTIPATION. HEADACHE SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA. HEART BURN. SOUR STOM DIZZINESS. DROPSY. EUMATISM SKIN CBS ITTE RS C. SEAGER Offfee h 1/,:r -- NEW BLOCK, -Omsk* the I erek,- Money to Lend -u- Cheap Bates, Farmer's ht. MIL Bargains in Cloaking, Mantles Cut Free of Charge, Bazaar Patterns given Away WITH GOODS PUW UID "Olt ULQLDPRN'S w EA R. ALL LINEN COODS STAMPED FREE Wools of .A.1.1. Kisz.c _ WOOL CAPES MADE TO ORDER t, MRS. R. B. SMITH'S. »411. WE RECOMMEND Black Cherry Balsam for cougha, colds, etw•. Our Oherub'e Honey Cough Cure for chikirrn. c*4arst amp 1p110117tnl• Proscription Work At all hours. Personal attention. Only the best drugs used. T. C. GOODS, - Chemist. 1 1 1 Lv' Pure Candies Chocolates "ONCE A YEAR" "CHRISTMAS CHEER." NUTS, DATES, FIGS. MALAGA - FRUIT, G RAPES Betger'a Table jellies CANDIED - PEEL.S- All kinds of Table Delloaoles CHAS. A. NAIRN, Family Grocer, GOOERICH, - ONT. G� O_ BARRY Ike hrwtwe Dealer, is seines sill kinds of ►.rsttwre at the imemel easlke pieta AMA wegknews hot that 1.a Sells CYlca►p Mir &sit. Ms Is she the Ie.diag U.dartaker of the town. lenialmlag odd always kept se find. Me else rats o epecWy d Picture training. (Me Nm . so ►orero p.rehasi.n ahawhos, sad yea wilt kid out teat he dons he ase -sells cheep For Ce - Ins thatlag enc sae as Mor ask pat p,trumage he hep. to/seNve • eantie.arse ef the 41100. GEO. BARRY, - Hamilton-st. THIS IN THE SEAhtf ►N FOR CROSS CUT SAWS,' In which we lead. THE BEST MAKES OF AXES, At pnces whirl will make you bay. CATTLE CHAINS, The finest in the land, at right prices. R. P. WILKINSON & Co. HAYS YOU SEEN OUR DISPLAY 7 Nothing bat useful articles beautiful and FURS, FURS The balk of our remaining stock consists of our finest goods, such as Seal, Astrachan. Beavers, Alaska Sable, he , in Capes, Storm Collars, Muffs and Gauntlets. Shopping Muffs a decided novelty which are at the same time appropriate. GENTLEMEN Who witch fine Underwear, Tina Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Shirts, Dol- lars. Cuffs, hc, will Aad oar noun tern replete with the choicest goal'• at price, to snit everybody. An elegant variety of hate. W_ T_ 13.6."ZE3 t Co" Ageato kir the Parisian Stems I**.rwiry tion. 11iBNleel uL and biter