HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-1-7, Page 4.011 flu $igaxl, 4ttMt$s6 lstwpseR Ole M1sts wtimfe. ITI�T TRU RBD�� ATl[OSl/II4U ay R IssgWiAC111MMt. Mew tiffrielii=ozdere Mweaa•ssimm Mersa M MemogylMa * ps5th, iet advsaes 11 .°iii It tt rimed, wed, the odes Mr aeveweahy saws Legal sod (Maar nudist advertisements, 1e per Ito fur It la.ertles. aid 3 maul per 1iw far mob vn=reera Im ealisa. Msub eared • seaport-IIaeafw ems wards of ala lime oadwader. 03 ter AdvertlaeureM. of Wet, Foasd, dt rey... MIts**Iese Voea.t. lettu.tie.s Wanted Itis ltrtmwes Chomp" Warted. rot exue.dlaa • Haas sn.lsarvIl $I per gams h• Hennes me msled Farina on (tat.. set .. exceed P lase., $1 for Aral month. Mc. per so.. woes( ....Mb.. tempo advt.. 1• prsportt .. ep,..al oil dtaaytn, * q eSI d whits le .. p essame the pecmaletry h..I * d may mrd video) or .,uarpmry, to be ooseadmed am se m vestirew. •ad slimmed a000rdtoely. Lees mot wens ts sena rell type ose est pr se soilage lm than tie. !l.•oal .otl.sa ter erjtosry readiest pe Das w rts per word. No notice for Ise t� tt )4otirao for ..hnrethes add ether rottener m.. hewn Meet tastitnttoaa half rate. aiesm.•erwt tt).swwd $4vMMrsetr. A loaned ■umber of dyset•r.4 advertise n 0*S will rte binned at the Isllowt.g este. Per barb. nae tomerlh.o, lit •• t..v 1 0 • these m walim 11U '• sea watha year 1 Ila 3 0 one yNs et... moo !tea ��'e • length will tandad tome stole earl • Tier own,. disr.amt elbowed for oats pS3 mu. • tar". mono lsaroestrad ; N par 00111*. n est h....d 15t r . eat. e a year.. Tbe- ow.ditMens twill actor-1ml, eaturoed. 10.51 •' Tar *maaat •• Weems y. $etoerabere who tact to melee Tcarries or } is MroNromearty. 'Ohm .I ler • favor by sesaos atntisus of the tact .l. , el as wit/` a dere as pu.elbk. lama a1 To., utfN. - i. • standing rsoelpt d the d. • ,. you are paid up. dee that it r a• allowed t.. salt Ito armor. when • champ of padres to desired. hot the old and the hew address *limpid be giva.. Hdeeled manuscripts cannot be returned. Corn. penman* must be written on one Sid. or paper onle. Peatr.Mr. a«tee, reseed LaoTmoa Tral. vellIn.o.((ell fors.he tow. Allo d (ieeder•eh, ('olborne, Asb4nld pad waaah, +s Loral pgereeaw re ewer the district are ale empowered to receive subscriptions to Tu• Sao' at. AL co.muntawoe must be •ddremed to D. McOILLICCDDY, Tis SiuI I L., feisebose Oall >R lilederlob. trot aOUE1tICH. THROW/LT. JAL if* Jam. 14, with the swti.. of mese(• kg • awtidato to meted the oetrahwe.uy at the bye-.Me4os. The loyalty wry le bio iwe r►mrrwued, and all "loyal ewes al the G. 0. P." •ee invited to monad. Won- der what Canelo would do if it had to do, peel solely ce the "loyal etas of the 0. 0. P." for 11 maloriel esS ((moral euudiag amoaget the nations. Tisa Assorrimee ate surprise.) and ds- ls, heed at boddiug North Lamm 1, eyes tt.uagh the Tories kaew fur the port name match. that the constituency was to bo , op.ue.l •al the 1a1an1. hal only one iw •nth • aut. `e to Imo • padded ruder.' het. 1 A tome cowardly uaasteat ham pot occurred within our reoollactiw. But sneak polo ice is very beouuuug to the man oh.. sae the s.. )wtweeu whoa par Ryon Aortae bought rep a corrupt t'onern•ative I:o, ernnrent fur $360 00), getting in return the promise of • railway elms ter. THE SIGNAL: OODERICH, ON'1it THLTIISDAT, JANUARY 7, M. using binding twiae, 4,000,000 ur 5,- 000,000 , 000,000 Ib. would be aced in We operation. It is clear that with a duty of 25 per omit. the farmer pays from two to three team more a posed Minn hr should fur his lauding twine. Therefore the duty on the twine west mean an actual loos of not les' than $$0,000, and perhaps as high as $100, 000 to the farmers of this one Prov- ince of the Dominion. The figures of acreages above given are official lmt any thoughtful farmer estimate the cost of twine on his own acres, and a sum in simple proportion will make u working e.tInwte for the single Province of Ontario. The binding twine tax is a Tory bribe to mon- opolists. ams a'Y11•111 411111•1111111132. In July last M. CAIIILLv FLAY- eARIltN, the French astronomer, stated that for five years the climate of Europe had been changing, both Winter and Summer becoming cooler, but that he hail noticed no such change in the United States or Conaria. M. FLAr*IARtoi evidently did not pity as much attention to Canadian weather during the putt lice years as he did to that of Europe, or he would have discovered that Canadian Sum - niers were getting 'omewhat cooler while the good old Canadian Winters, with stow from November to April, bad absolutely and unconditionally retired from active service. And spe.kingefor a similr change *cross the line Sergeant Deem, the U. K. official weather man. comes forward and endorsees what we have said about the climatic change on this side of the "TOM 0001&L$' e«T5 T11.5 tut. With this issue Tut SIGNAL enters upon its forty fourth volume. In the years that have elapsed since ass inception it has weathered many Morns~ and o itneAlad nta *y vwiesi- Wdes of the town in which it is pub- ii,.h.•el, hut like the napling which after t lapse of years becomes a sturdy oak the storm.. of bygone year- have only made it stronger and more able titan of yore. It is conceded by ev.'n its opponents. that TIIK SIGNAL has been a good representative local paper during every stay of its existences, and today it is larger and stronger and Iwtt.r then ever before. A. a county journal it has only one equal and no superior in the Huron Tract, and in circulation and general patronage rivals the hest ,4 the provincial weeklies. The po..ition which it occupies has not Bern attained without arduous labor and a heavy expenditure of thought and eai•ital, but the fact that Ow circulation never reached a higher water mark than it does today, and the further fact that never at any pre vious time was a more generous adver- tising patronage bestowed upon THE SIGNAL are proof conclusive that the constant Afore, oI tbm p abliginr M keep the journal equal to the beet of county newspapers. and ahead of nine - tenths of them. has been appreciated by the people of the section in which it is publiahed. There is :Mother phase of the ques- tion that gladdens the publisher's Inert, anal that is that, although thou S ana►e who are subscribers of late years o wl The SIGNAL weekly, there are still on the subscription l'st many who Bove taken the paper uninterruptedly since the dale of its first issue, and there are homes" in the Huron Tract where the .staunch old journal has. 'lever teased to he a weekly visitor in the forty-four years of its existence In the years that have inter.••ned Tut SIGNAL has always been note,* tor ita frsrlee& discussion of publit luestiono, and at no time has it been more outspoken than during the reign .4 the present management. And it will continue to be outspoken in its (enunciation of wronf,eioing aro matter who may be the wrongdoer. or how strong may be his (racking. Tus$1GNAL is the organ of no in (ivielual or clique, and no one has it string upon its utterance. It can neither Fie )ought off nor frightened off when it -is once convinced wherein eta duty to the public lies ; and as it has been in the past so will it continue to be, only more so. During the past year a hig step for- ward was mode, and in the year before us a lrger measure of improvement is contemplated in the literary and mechanical excellence of TH. SIGNAL. DAY OF PUBLICATION CHANGED Tss titt;R*L sow appears cm Thurs- day, and will hereafter be published on that day .ash week. The change .. male in the interest of hundreds of readers of THE SIGNAL who Mee in localities served by a emni•w.ekly or tri -weekly mail, who have hitherto been pima at a disadvantage in obtaining (beet favorite ow:nay weekly on time. Altering tbe day of publication will alio erase our wido-awake corps of correspond - alibi to wed in thet- budgets • day earlier each week-Telooly being the lateent day for receiving eartc.pondenee. A large number of oar weekly oontem por$ris are now published oe either Wed- nesday or Thursday-, and we feel mural that Use change in Tits StoNAL's day of publieauoo will be satisfactorily received ley our thousands of readers. The change in the day of publication will n.oea.itate the sending is of Dopy lot ,des of advertisemente a day earlier Marconi changes nine' be given not late, (bas Saturday nmol (sad the Dopy left at this office not later them Monday coon -. - Rs•vsw your wbseriptkma to-Tsa titopal for 1892 _ _ Ma (*UIsor ha been cordially wel- comed by the lrtuagrw's -of Florida. I m the Toronto mayoralty eosttd the Ota tea, it is claimed, waa ' jockeyed " b) non to. _ Tea municipal ebonies in Godwin was mighty quiet, and it was not become Ob.old enema had • Rod record. either. Is yes wast the brightest, bed nerd cheap- en local sewspmper in the Huron Trost, end (ase Dollar sod year ddrees to Tee lido.AL The beet ` tis cheapest toad Tee Risen is the beat. WAR 014 Tie TAIMPP. now 'Ma TONT Aim eUOlis. l}peakug •t the Cauda ('loth diaper ie Leedom recently. Mr (boss Topper do - Mired that be "mews fold to fool Ma.k- hal to tit gest republic for its ossa spry aMes.tim of ter reciprocity treaty 01 1111$." No doubt the high otmmfmieeer .poke tat truth. Aad yet the tarmee. Gmbomes and lumbermen of LemJ& w a• petted to baileys tbmt the Tory bailers are very &axlesar for reciprocity with the Valued State on the hoes of the Treaty of 1$24 1 Ottawa Free Prem. f$omesimt has bila chore the almanac less about Use result of the mating of the " Yule whiteweehiag committee," as we her heard it denigrated. And his nibs is erily teased, tar some( at • dimer tabl. As an CoatmvMhe oontemporssriw have emit dmyiog the modes, it oa't .eeeesary be poise oat that tit r.wepaper front all p inns were lad weak engaged chro.tcling the arrival d sumbere of y«tet wn orf yam* women from Uncle SA We domains to WMd Iles brl{daya lender the parental roof. Wass it met for the fact that the editor , el The Iter is boons to he • victim of �espl spinal meningitis the ladies of the W. might have .eked that fair-minded, berme(, upright and .tralghtforward'oe- demms to present (hair cage to the .pete•1 roman••'• of the sows eo.nril kat week. His okawse Illaem mt.rfered, however TatGeo■.'aye that all He*. G. II. Fauna brought heel from his diplomatic trip to rg Weak halos was • hag white hat tied • esereseker seat We are mot going to erincies Mei suit e( elates. bat 1.d mad to re mark tint there is lees of the weer than ef Me .weber .hut the boa gsuUemae whose beta sees bele tum deme le • mem- an d tseal.ea. d Were Some wiil TOE (Oc tlT$t IV rr*Y. Whet queer arguments protectionism menetinsea use to bolatcr up Omar rape& The Manufacturer, the urci•1 organ of the 144 Parlor cl ewd, declare. that " the omit - try .toe. sot .offer from over -production of manufactures any more than It does from unusually large farm crop.. Doesn't it, indee.1' Eapeneooe teaches the contrary. Over production moults in the temporary essallou of production an that particular line, thus throwing labor out of employment and ,trcre•stng the perchaang _power of the ownmuntty, • oond.tton of of sire very far removed from that caused by • large farm crop. Brockville Recorder. wean. Tet SIGNAL doesn't favor the Can ;ellen Winter going annually to Eu- rope,lraving its place to be usurped by European foga, malaria avid la grippe gems. In addition to the departure of the .rood old Canadian Winter being fraught with unhealthiness, it also has a dells cg M stagnate business and upset legitimate trade channels. Such has been the result during the portion of the Winter passed, and it is to be hoped the remainder of the season will not be a piece of goods cut from the same old web. What Canada wants. and wants all the time, is a good, old-fashioned Can alian Winter, se that when any of the neighbors want to see snow before New Year's they won't be compelled) to purchase a Christmas: card to gaze upon it. M. FLArrARION and Sergt. Dtx'e, consider yourselves discharged as weather men if you cannot do letter. The price will be One Dollar a year, strictly in advance. BU*MltC TwllJ/t. Ile is a fool who joyfully pays one- fourth more for an article than it is really worth. Binding twine has to face a duty of 25 per cent., which mama that but for the custonte tax a farmer could get one-fourth more twine for money or pay one-fifth Inas money for his twine. And be it known to all men that 25 per cent. ix big interest. We(veld borrow money and lend it again at one-third the amount named, and make a •ery comfort+hle living if we lent an muoh as ie paid by our Ontario farmers for handing twine. it leas been inti mated that 2 lb. of twine are used per acre of wheat cut with the hinder. The number of acres of principal oai ole in this Province in 1891 was es 1111100110: Fall wheat Springwhom •• at 0.1. Total The four Pliva of ten binder SEWN N Weiner d Meer • 419,966 510,634 5(,3.166 1,810,6E6 An IN4ties tt.Nr5*t'.ITlt•m 0PINMO. The I.oadus t'hemick, la • leedieg article on the Quebec crew, declares that Confederation has not been the success tt was expected it wand be. "What Canada needs now," it say., "more thea anything else Is industrial and commercial freedom Her perennial dfficulus with the United Stats and Newfoundland arise from ber alrurd prrtecure system. Mr. Laurier struck Chu true Dote when be de- clared ('anadiaas should approach the Atperioaw on economic, not on p litcal Iinis. Continental free trade bet nu polite cal wnexation should be the watchword of every l'anadisw who wishes to live o0 friendly term with the ueighbortng Stats and takes an enlightened interest in the ecuooinic future of his country. • KILL(( aT r'ttINLE't. 1irLlt Ir". of political scandals The Ottawa Free Pres pointedly remarks that the Abbottites are " trying to make the .,juebec mouse look bigger than the Ottawa elephant.- Well .sol. THE value of the export of fruit from Canada has increased from $157,618 in 1878 79 to $1.617,818 in 1889-90. ON tine est amount nearly a million dollars were to _reen apples barrelled. The McKinley BJ1, however. bit our fruit exports billy it, 1890-91. Tet men who red only The Empire d .loft know who wail elected mayor 0t Tomato until We.lneaday morning, althea* the election to k place Money. And y. t "he Rmpire bouts of being in the front nook of Canadian Journalism. Why, Th. Owren Sound Times to ita palmy days could have double discounted such jouroalisitoc enterprise. le begins to look as if the next Presided, of the Coded States would be a free trade; mud • Democrat. if such should turn out t . be the caste and the present Red Parlor A•Iministration at Ottawa were set right .bout face to be replaced by a free trade Liberal Government how long would it take to haul down the high tariff Tenors thsit hive been erected between two friendly oo.ntrtes B. B. (Ansa (DALTON McCatrrtt,'s part .ser) is beteg paraded now as • disgusted Reformer, who prefers Conservatives at Ottawa to Reform government from Wash- iugtoo. Mr. (htLra revived 1110,066 from tone Government for legal services is 1899, according to the Auditor General's report, and daring the past yore at Ion` $200 • day spells In alleged prosecution of boodlers he Will pale .p • small fortuaaa No loader be prefers the Conservatives at Ottawa. And no weeder McCawTvT is mum. tom ikrrtatt will u.dombtsdly make • popular amh•s.r.lor in Paris. He is clever, adaptable, pl.aaaet sod full of rmsouroe•. We in /,anal• know from eapsriesoe that he temple had touehed the Blarney stow, and the country pad sweetly for the taffy be. gave- " In India, says Henry Lobos rhere, 5. persuaded the iediass, is Cam oda the (:asarta•ae, i. Russia toe Russians, in Italy the halloos, and i0 Turkey the Turkey, that act was the special ohjest kip love sed admiratiaa He will sow per susd. the Preset that he bet always lend them ahem all ether�s,ta�,tism. L fact he is &754,389 am mylomaexee= e diplomatist." _ is • grand d acreage for them - Mas. ntteljles.1 �e daft tceebet 111 tit speed - ire Is ing grain crops, and multi- lag her Christen' •neaWewith hirci 't would giro 9,3850R0 Iit is and arena Watford. Rafe.e omenag hat eseseerha widens Reneallwaheel her mile were .1) the crops est by dieprossut54 bar wish • me/ sad giber Ohm , le Intpposiag only mew kat ilex__benall___ IAMBI meselem e e s d their happylnmw0 he out by a e meldme legod ere e JOHN H LOP'; MURDER.. r, , w ," h." amd'. ; OVER THE HURON TRACT. ebs •a ane booty. -' CONFESSION OF TWO PRISONERS. 00 e1 flats r oras i,.rmr wits nor - Isom tided tit heed aim M 0saMP-ae means CaUM•am wady m *eeesat eras •spesesd Irmo ender- msad.r *N1 wins. Hamilton Times : The Gilmore Eustis Rolling Mill Company, of ('am)ridgeport, Marr , po.scaug one of the largest plants in New England, has been . ontpelled to close its works by the McKinley protective tariff. In • circular imued by the company, it says: We are compelled to clave our works on account of the fearfully high tails levied by the Republican party un raw material, and the high price we ore compelled to pay for old iron rails There was • time when Iron rafts were plentiful. They are now wiped out of existence and steel ours have 'atm their place. "he first lot of moo rails we bought „root us 86.72 per ton duty, which scarcely paid us for tbe labor of converting then( into rods. Then there is the tremend- ously high tariff ou pig iron. The inter- state nterstate comment law works greatly to the .Iisalvwtsge of the New F,ngland mane fret-urers. Under these circumstances we ooul,t out cunt Ione business, for, to tell the truth, while we were not bring money. w• were unable to make it prutitable. The care for this state of affairs is free trade and unrestricted rectproctty. Har1LTw, Dec. 31. -- -bedew Douglas ts.s- imss. "I a i an OMIT," he said w mwr- proem Ganey, " bat I was then. Jack Dovtrsus tired the phot." Tb;s stammer was the most semsatrmal de..iopmeat or the prohmtoary .10.1* atom of tit Heslop murder suspects before police magistrate Cahill this iturutag. It was expected that the ('rows would have to depend mainly on the ousfeaa.w d Woe Gose'', although there was talk that Doug las had expressed • desire to turn Gement evidence to save his neck, but the annuunet scat ,rx►ted • momaattom. tear%AL or Tull rtti*,S$*s. liouglas was brought here from the l'en- trwl ('rima yesterday, and detective Greer brought Ganey down with hint Wt night. They both spent last night w the (wady jail. Bertram was not brought ben, and will not be tried tor .cute ante. This aorniag tit ptomaine were brought from the endo separately. line( Mclttoots and constable Canary brought Douglas up In the patrol wagon. Tire Indian is a powerfully built fellow. 1011, with • smooth face.. He is not very intelligent looking. Whoa he was in Ors ell at No. 3 polite station he signified bi.desire to chief Mc- Kinnon to Deafer, and .fterwarda he re- ported the story, through an interpreter, to police magrtrate Cahill end frown at- toruey Crerar. Before making this state- ment. however, he wanted to know what the proclamation meant.. limier the pro- clamation any of the suspects, except the man who tired Lite fatal shot. are promised • panioo if they confess Douglas shook like • leaf when he was making his state treat. It war be who first trade the dam aging daimon to • Middleport man, et Gummy can't he accessed of being • he first to *quant. Gouley would not have opened bet mouth bad he not shortly after he wee brought heck from the States discovered that Douglas bad made there delimitates, and to save himself be told the story of the murder. Douglas' confession will strengthen the beads of the Crown NO 4015T10N A5orT a*Na1t'• Weer UALA?T. A rather one sided extract from the Dominion trade returns for the fiscal year coding on the 30th Jane Inst appears in The 1'onnto Empire, from which it appears that the efforts of Mr. Foster to find " new markets " for Catadian product" which acre excluded from the United :oats .narket by the McKinley tariff have been 'sere unsuccessful that was supposed. Not- . ithstanding the McKinley tariffCanala's rale with the United States increase.) lest ,ear. Our export. 10 the United States in. .:warmer( laws year from 910.522,810 to $41 138,786. The exports to Great Itritoun increased from 248,363,691 to 1149.280,858 in he same period. In other words the in- crease in exports to the Coifed States was uesrly equal to the increase iu a sports to Great Britain. Duos this indicate that Canadian products shut out of the United '(tales are being sent to England ! On tbe .vmtrsry it proves that our producers still tin,l the United State* market the most coo .ended( and moat profitable, notaithetand ing the McKinley tariff. They are sending heir prnducu to the United States an L.rger quantities than ever and paying the tutees Imposed therein by the McKiuley tariff. (Maws Fres Pres.. Till 4ALC1 or 050 Men (10000. New Yoas. December 1, 11E1. John Psetersts, Rey., Month. a, Oat, MT Mira Mia, - Your favor of November 211h received. When the foreign oolooy of Canada recognises tie donkey, trod becom.oe@ part of the American Unis, it will be time .-hough to o.i.hler the investment of caput there by Americium. This natural union of the English -speak ing Ieople here would double the value of overyting in Canada, inclining the mai of t anda, in the opinion of years very truly, AND*,w CAaeaort How does that strike you, Ittlk strummer \Ir. Carnegie Is a Scotchmsa by birth, but has " made " his millions is the tinted States He does out propos to me any of them is establishing iron industries in Can- celer so lneg a. Canals reusable subject to his .old so‘ emirs, (jo.eu Victoria. We sup one. Camels an manage to survive without my d Mr. Carnegie's mosey or Osistanee tout ha has certainly an epignalartie way d putting hi. opinions. 1s it tree, as he says, that annexation would doable the value of everything in (:aamda, including the mea of (:aoala* Many think that reciprocal free trade (pod that would comes • nr.ltof • nnexation ) would increase the pri a of the barley, boron, hems, lambs pad lumber protium(' in Canada ; and the receipt of good prices f..r totem several commodities most dcourse increase the value of Canadian land. Dn.Mine the value el the mea may be re- garded is tyre seeress, first, that • nesa'e lahor would be worth more m the prier of its products roe, sed, am'nnrlly, that • elitism of as Ialependeat nuts would be worth twice as mooch as • colonist by reams d i.areaaed soli respect, sed the bet ar opinion Mich forma would wmisrule regarli g bine Mr. spesole a great deal a his Isidore teas s r.at Kenna, and be hes probably odlser.ed that sw of mbar arae-sa w treated with greater respect than le seeerded 10 " Mamie"' perhaps enlnaiat.,- p�s Amami the idea d • mosey is set entirely dissmeneed hes the idea 04 • meal entl.m.at. - Hamilesa Times ee�soyette sats-, bet kis (puma} taps mot waren Ties Asefenime ands by Demi bee was alts d lir owe fait will ea premise of wet asked if hs had smithies to say, but be reasoned Alen ped prefers to tat. the reek d a long .-eases or of Weiss hi. Id Douglas aid I.ottrdgs wen co.amined for trial r. Notkui eyesmamkne Seely Is a DOUGLAS CON roam'. About 10:30 the prisoners Douglas and Lottri.lge were ushered into the desk. Lottrtdge has not hien shaved step M a jailed and his fax was black. Denim elne restless tad uneasy, but Lottridge wet mho and collected. There was dead silence *bo thermosets were brought in. L.tttrtdge bar wonderful net ve. Not a sage of nervousness ,ltd he betray at any time during the ale/monition. When a juke was cracked he lawbe&& with the others The ter• r not like the In dtana If he was in tt, he tidied. to tenon, loyal to lin uncle, Jack Bartanm. lar a tiros vow Major Smith read the in dietmnnt charging Douglas pad l.ottndair with " that they .11.1 unl•wfur.y. feloniously aid with malice aforethought loll and aur .per Jul, Heslop .w the mot.' of Jan. 27. Lottrnl e : Not godly. " How .10 yon hewed. IlionAsa!' Crown attorney l'rerar In t). case of Douala. 1 .111 have to swear .n later pleader, as he wishes to make s. -:ateenent Gooney was sworn and he .• ,wat.d *5r indictment in Douglas. 11 is r. ply was " He says that h • I. not gu.lty, but he .aa there and sat- the Ah,.y meed by Bart- rm0n. Mr. Crerar : Ask him if be has uythmp more to my Gooney spoke to Douglas and then he said : No ; be said that Bartram bred the slot." Mr. Crerar . Ask ktm why be makes It. .tat.•meut. He says that he made tt because of tow• fres pardon. Yr. Crerer : Megls& communicated to nee, your Worship, (bat be embed to maki advantage of the free p•roo., and on that account be makes the statement He meal. no other stipntuon beyod t5. 1re. pardon. (.ors..y is not as big o. 1)nnglaa. He Y well built, and hae very Mack hair. 11. speaks good Rtgliab, but Douglas talks it the Indoor toogus. Mrs. Halup and Min Haslop oo doubt nerved themselves up for the ordeal of relat ing what oocurred on that terrible night. a hem Aras er's old trusted treasurer we foully murdered. On the lace of the agar widow were traces of what she W suffered sauce thea. Both women gave Muir evi Bence without faltering and their ssesaorise were very good. (Ase important point wee tright out is the examin•tios of toe d•.gh ter, who swore that nue of the stet told her that four mss were Watching the bons. It was tmpoesibte for Cham to identify the le, gam. Tom Young, the old ex-taverskseper from Middlepo-t, proved quite • characts, in the wituese hox. Douglas first toll Youngs wife and then repeated it to Yoamte himself. On the cromtxamtaaton 1•wya Mambos tried to ruck him by .eking him 11 he was ever charged with coining nosey Tb. obi .n0 denied this and • st.tsmemt that the reward of $2,000 was what he wee atter. l oetmasg, the wit.ea. said : " Dasgb• told me that Lottr*dge drove the Gloomy took • eordwnod stick astove i d n the door. Bertram sad be west up.Wr. (looney wended the door asd L ottridge bel s the b..eta. H. said that whet they got up stain the 0144 new said. ,o What are you doles here r H. mid the old taw picked u p • chair,ew had • ober is his ho•d,i pias', remember which, and pounded whim down the .(airs He said, "I took • chair mud kntekesl the oM mut Blown." Then be said after be ksmoketd the ale w dews Jack shot him. He didn't say whieb Jaek 1►.le4las told M that thely Mt toward" Dttsel*a Tbs they whirled armed sed drove to L.ett.idee's bones. He (rid that be e nd Oomey west tato the berm They bed break/sat there. H. did net my who sent IL They said they sot 110 is mommy. H. they jewelry 'bare, wheel time gime .oesees (omni. PERTINENT ANO PECULIAR. The South Carolina Hobe d Reprereet•- n.m, by • vote of 40 to 34, ba. peened • prohibition bill absolutely itrbol.lsng the sale of liquors, wise and hear w all farts of the State, ur their wousportaI* a by rail - read or express campmate, under heavy penalties Though *Iliad Tom hue e.or idea 'mows for lar exquisite •pPrea•Iaores of hammy, eta water is lar aauitlsnts is that rupee(. She loathes MUDS.: noel is drawee to dampers - nee dry tie notes of a corn.. 11 is said of her that she attempts to encs i every mussel Lust rumen' she sees iSen Pedro used to say that if be W not bean as *emperor he would have bees • .ehoolmasler. He had the tants of • peda- gogue. lied mow than that he was food of .chularly research, as wet shows by him rufous.) mediae is the Seratec leare.ges during lar toter years. The Jape/sem exhibit at the Chicago Fair will he both attractive and iaatruolive. It is to commit of works of art anti swcllauium, flowers and halts, white dainties, domestic and personal ononi.sIu,' armed pip. hors. fowls, acrohata, and wrestlers, beside other things tow numerous to mention and too marvellous to he describe.l. The Jap mese are always Miro ing tointro.'uee their products into foreign wmttns..u•I are pruverl...tlly expert is oommerQsl t ra na•ctiow. A physician wb • spent come time in the oouatris bnrderiag on the Gulf of Mexico found • curious body of men among the natives called ennoble de Cale .res, ur the safe from vipers. Hat tog been inoculated with the poison of the aerprnte they were Proof afp•inat their venomous b Ws. The isocul•ti. n was made sub the venom tooth of • viper and the bulb of • motive plant .celled nano del *ape (toad's haat) "1'M preventive Inoculathm has been an old cus- tom among the Dativs of that rapier. An exchange says : The tum who core - fully looks alter hu business with reams - able profits baa but to keep his good name and has 'molts before the public, through the agency of newspaper al•ertisi.g. sal he will have little to feet from eomputors in hoarsens. But be may well bteappreheouve of the future if he amply tresis to the past hire ry of his Muse to keep and eaten his . 4e L those days of publicity and prop Mak busing= came( be done in that way 'itbe man s essedal business nes today are Om rest advertisers S1eNUCIPAL ELECTIONS - MOM OP INTERIM T FOR READERS • WesettS tll`eM K Csstsy sem ae.• evil tap es emit 1.eryarde rite mid Pellet ChM - pad ale oesd.s.rtd Imam ay.ry •.•.area -The Creams ants Mooney pew. 1. Mem. James Breaks, of Uwtardale, Michie••. ,. wining bends in MuK.11ep D. M ha..,1t1 e a the Mb ljas, Yeats, to the 'I7 for 116,000 W. Miehk, el the bth lies, roues, lest • ealsahie sew • (ew day• ape it Layne intend dead te the stable. Tenders are net for the removal of the market house. Ranter, frosi ate preeest pial ties down to On (Wane full A bull and three herfere are *spotted to ernes soar at 1). 1) Will...'. dairy farm. Hsaort, being duvet t.tpwtati.ms (runs The so,i*4 1sett.g of the Parma of l.. do.try, for the county of Huron, will be hold is Clinton. its Welnn..ley, .fou. 13th 1$00, at 10 o'clock te the formai The (:Bola's Orpa ('ump.ny have um • pow awl rpoved dry kiln, which 1. opo of the best is the county, the hiatal sad bloat beim 'applied by J It Mc Kaon tee, of Galt. The (ut,oriu (lalilornt& 'Wooed, of Use. 16th, contains the announcement of the marriage d the two pain. ladies Mites K. and M Bream, late of (hates, to Marrs Pickett mai JsGeraca. Arthur Me(kma. Clinton. met with a very painful aceide.t reeeully Ly fallo.g back wardsHe horst a small artery and sae tatted other minor" that laid him up, but km is now &We t.. get around •rata CANADId M�RII� 'Me 1 I) e • • Lisa et nae -sitars Rite ,4 es ler as limed Gooey, the bodies, thee west fa- it tit beet. He nen that S.rte.m, bele Peden Dwaine awl himself deet to the Hadep law sheat 2 idea es tit mere - I kW of the murder s a engem supplied by Rrehaed Hawkins, of ion bit rw5rsa4 Wiesen bake the deer bear atm t1 e t .4 AIM wW flume Illejetean. Aka o Mita and leoteem 1x.4'1 wad o r `� kala 1Rgs bard tit Sebe side, bit dM Min Rate amts., ef }Ll.esa, wigs bee rant been oh* bed tbe eb.L lrlesm end bees isseieleg se Steres for awl years, Dangles erne wt elibereeraleesd bee pee ler limber es es eekads/ dM tear M Orme te Middlepeek, *4. 401 ie b se)mod ILiema Leiteldgs Mob Ms ween ilrlwte stied IpeaN /sea J. A Lorrain. of )'.•rt.gs l Prairie, aa. of Alexander leigram, of the totenship of Hey, who has hewn In the West termer as {t.. year.. is hn.we on a riot. Mr. ingraat is au extremists and well to-do farmer there iAaniel McL..1. .4 P..rtag, 1. 1"rasrie, dormerly a near 11ruMield, sus in S.afortb of Thursday of last week Mr McLeod Me been t. Manitoba for 13 years and has crone home to reit Imi.k elada. Hr te look ing well and has •pprerbtly prospered in the Beet. .loseph (perk. broth -r -m-1•w .•t 1. Jack sat, )r., (lister. Isle twiner of The Toes(., World, has kit that paper (although offered handsome 'oda-merits to rr•tsaint t.. mkt- the akethe position of augment editor of Tomtit.. Saturday Night. at a salary of $1,200 year to coinsweece with J. P. Twdall and family. Koster, long away tor Christmas and Dor f.dl.w,ng Sat urday ae l '(Relay, their hoar was forcibly entered by some one who ransacked the drawers, hot took away nothing .erre that same clothe, altbough they could easily bare ecotone(' 014101. of greater value. Mr. and Mn. G. Murray, of Seney. Iowa, and formerly of the township of Pucker smith, arrived last work on a visit. sal int- net remaining about a month amongCheer may relatives and fermis, who are peased to see them 0510. mow after an Mamas of .r rly tee pore_ Mr Murray t1 well pleas.I with Iowa. and u prusp.nnE The elections is lieaderich crestal no u• th-er lomat of any account s Woodsy beat. Llimtoe New Rn 1t is currently re "here were contests for cosncillors s two ported that Jews Berke. a farmer of the wards, all the other members of the mama lite Shore Ked. who bas hither14, horny bayous bre elected by acclwatiola. re. 0m uoWemiuhetl rrputat.or.. Heeling hunaelt only in the personnel d our local n ,leeply invdv.l 6,t•ricully that theme was 7 eoaegr pr ao pro.ptrt d reeoverioit Li ground, left hoard r that R. W McKenati a plana u thecouotry under cover of darkness, and re takes by Jas Wilson. Following are the results from mueictp•litis so tar as beard from : HURON. 0ootwc e- Mayor, Jot. Hailer : reeve, W. Proe.lfoot ; deputy reeve, P. Holt f•11 h acelarmatts). Couuc*lhxw St. Mood's Ward, W. H Mummy. (Caries A. Humber, Robert Themes (all by •oclsmetono) ; St. George's Ward, R. Camps, H. Dunlop, 11. Nicho)ro. (al by acclamation); SL Pat ricks IVard, F. I'ndham, J. Wilson, J. Yates; 8t. Andrew's Ward, T. C. N•fiel, D.ICtnteion, J. A. Rad. Cuomo -Myo, W. Doherty ; nom, A. H. Mamma; deputy neve, D. B. Ken nwlrr Coutrcillore-fit. Jams' Ward, J. McMurray, T. McKenna ; lit Joss's Ward, 0. Joo..wo, 0. 8. Doan ; Sl Andrew'. Wand. A. Armatromr, G. D. MoTargard; it. George's Ward, S Plaasmer, 4. J. An- -trews.Alt were elected by acelamatgr except St. Georges Ward Se interne Myo, F. Holmawd (as• elemental; reeve, M. Y. McLe•a (acclam- ation); .1. pity more, K G Coleman, ma - laity 25. Couacilkers-Nortb Ward, .1111/1011 ttaattie, R. it. Guns, John A. Wilson ; & at Ward,saor as last year • South Wart, lams Gileapie, William Seller. John Lyon Siena Reeve, W illiam Hadden ; dept)) reeve. Hugh Mackinaw ; commoners, T Il (auhag, R. Christie and l/. A Rom. Wiesner- Mayor, Wm. Clegg (by maim mat5•al; Joke Hanna, elected neve by Si waimrity ; R C. Sperling. deputy neve by 151 majority. &ire - Ron, C. Hamiltos (by sada n,a4* si oosmoil, McNally, Yewa&, McGee and Metcalf. Kaotama-Reeve, J. M. Heinen ; co.octllo.s, J Greeter, George Thomson, W H. M.Crocken, R Rem ; trwatesa, L Hooter, Dr. McKelvey, 1'. Finer. C.tas.N a- -Old roman were al&Aad by eedaY* M... Weer Wiwawowu--The m .loipal time remelted as fellow : Reeve, L Stewart, aae1uraties ; deputy neve, l nw- ere, 214, apnea Belida, 906 ; oouesillore. (Khios, 1102 ; Medd, Alit Inekkart was 10 mess bwhid Gibes& sad Medd. (lonttatce Towe wen The aharpty em - tested munirepal election for our toweabfp remelted is the re-el.cti oe of the old aero oil. The result of the polling appears as follows : Deputy 1Mve, ReaOom, 303 : ('humid', 246 Councillors, Contently, 367 ; Sturdy, 304 : Bllint, J., 290 ; Comer. 218. Racer WAwasnsn-l4d ooual re-elected by allehiaoetioa. Gamy- 044 oesaal redmnd by s.ela. n ation. Hot -Fellowneet is the remit t Wsew- _ Moliw.a, 439 ; Hem, 364 14 dcputy mem- Ke1144 5, by eselomatio.. bed depoty Seinell, 366; Meer, 4111 Coun- cillors Me Morales, 2416; Voslker, 116; Tar.hall, 396; *faith, 1131. il. .semen will therefore be : Rego., hetes. M�ta; b 1st t ty. J C Kalebhs id J. H. Rehm II; o millers. 8 Tursh.0 ad Jobe Veelker (.lowed by Mss ..ries 'Me al tit raheaimg .icesa eesruse-OU seers/ $.Swed. AAerrl a -S••A 1.. O, ; Ire daPm- ky, Hugh Girehe t Sid dgmy. By►Qr ey b 1 snereflbq Pinks ami [silpF. Heirs a -lbws, lies I kb detw. J oa.dse t >M, ely mmsa As .Iii* Ve'4 esdoI $It► eases, lilMem, ONO e� lits tett as sow Rieder the American flag. It is moil that hie liabllttes wilt res tip into Ow thousands. G. R Meir, who Me u interest to the large and well-known arm of Ross t (le., d tj ebec, nod who lam hero for the pest 16 years one of the principal egrets for for firm ea the management of their shippiir liminess, owning oe they do a large number of verde. is at presost vesiti.g his morber. Mrs. G. Moir, of the towaship 1rt Polite.. and his Meter, Mea R D. Poing, of Hes ..e11 village. Wb•t might lean boom • way series: feculent happened to Woo Rise. As be was .Iriviug how from Roaf••n► oe Christmy Km. be met a boggy drives by Hugh Mr Darmul, and, the night being so dark. they did not set each other until they collided. •are Mr. Rine was throne tolently net. asd sestaised • severe brute on the steel der which wdl lay him up for .,w. Naar Mr. Rio.'s buggy waa badly dentnl*ahed. Seaforth Expositor We regret to record the death of Rev Mr Baylis, of Trow- bridge, an able mod popular yours span of the Methodist church He had ot"risud s the church here morel times al was mai knows and greatly esteemed by (troy in this vicinity In Month last be was attacked by hemorrhage of the lamp, item which kr never recovered, pad he died At the Forestal re..deare al Trowbridge, on the 20th set. The proprietorship of the (Install foam dry pad threshing machin works has just asdersoae • change, s tit Miremeat o(. W. W. Tamensi from the e+psrrtt.srehip,sed by isods ia- �� bees Macpherson •ad K. part - ismer, Mama. D. F. Tbe M el Fsevsa, Meepbersm t Hovey, wine has existed for *early 1m ..d tae remaking in tpan, is in �dissolved,ce pow po+e 111 oeeconetk wry as the busies= ender the *•me red style et Macpherson t Hovey Co. Seaotb Kt pesitor : Many ef our readers will regret to leers el the demi of Jobe Oder roil, the weD-knews proprietor d the Royal h otel, 9eelertb. Mr Carroll bet beau • ssferer hem lest trouble for several yeah. but lees hese able to be about .aril a week or as ager He died on W dared y mormieip 0. iso • peeler, renal red obliging lead lord, and was well 11 iked by erery perms who knew him. His wife d • few moans ago, wed • family of yeses obildres are new bereft of both tether ad mother. Tie house ale hares owned by Wm Klapp, M Z rule, but hardy by Mrs Abs. Roe esbsrysad ywere total Mo destroyed by bre Woodsy Medic Dec. 21. The wind being Areas at tit time very little was sa.d. All Me 5tmny a1.peri with only *weigh delht.g to 05.10 tbs*reiva Over 2,000 bu.b.ls ref Sime were bermed. The 1.ildiege were polite leered la the Hay Mussel A tramp w4 h ad beet prowling ahem the Men 1. en afternoon is supposed be leave on lin to /a• boa Idiom. Wdemes ()isoi. ere of Wm. 11.% Anne aesab, illeseer, died es ListemdlI .41ermes, 45. fMele alt., at tae early sem d MI yawn. 11 wenn s ped 1$ dye He me takes .wordy lilt m the 9th d Dm+b. Ian .d deed .e tae dots above nmtkaed. el a Memo a the bew.la Dories lis ewe Mans M.aitud exerwelaliag pen. meth death rsih/ad bin of W weenW 5d hrirega He esu* * quiet, id.wrises aged very ?megest.. 0. u nae time leaned Me boiseraph orpormlasw1M Ahmed limiersod was amide' le J.es. Pbbsd ler *emu es.Mba Olte win been beeper ped molder ler swami 7115.51 t Ilse up a/ the Mbse d bb r•ppn 111.05.8,1 w 8.11 09 Mem whimsin. Oho *m hit tnpm► $m& «worn. Qatettl • DRAFTS elebet 01Tltg On Tata e I►omrTI or t.: eiggiveto. senva.O leMetanme eel 0A01 Bennion Ate - Partners' Sal PERSONAL P Rause year mime for Mit Goo. Blank was hoe molt. W Craig was .1 week. The Iowa tteeserm pant week Jas. rlsrk made • 1 this week D Eagle, of Toros peat week. T. l'. Doherty, of C are the 1st, M. Farrell, d Ww let Frl.lay. Jam Mende, of Poe tae past week. H. M. Jackson, of rich on Friday. Mum Hattie Smit Day in T•gtnto. Berl. TI.••rneoe, v*ttbl In 1"I. F 1(a 1, of Meaforti Now 1 ,u'. Day. J. A. Strachan, of sidling bs. permits. Mrs Hy. Coke lea reiattvo i to Bothwell. Yn. J. T. Dickson visit to the gams CO Andrew Whited). 111 visit to th•- 01.1 Count Miry Mame, of Bly week of Mfr Birdie 1 W. Sadler, o1 the l visite) INrf.•ricb uo F G. M. Park, of the Ihwt,.a, .pent Sunda) �. Finlaysou. of ( minty, wee to town 1 Mn. i kov I H. %V Imam in Leamington 1 Mrs. S. Hick, of P (leas in town oad ne11 lite Sainte of Rue the maternal resident" Miss Wl1geggttns anon tb'.hton pudi,ic ecltoo Alex. Ktrkbride ha take a course at the 1 Fred. Masa and W St. Paul, are mating Wm. Msulta arrived Yertbwst hoar ea a *1'. Wallace, of 11 family gat'lertng um 0 11.7. A. R. Robertaoe e for A,, r, where be wit tet4dtt. Jar. Gords, of 41 holidays at the fund rick rot. Will. Naftal, of Year . • team at th Ge latch. Miss Mary Moly( mericeI her duties in se Monday. M... Bertha Rusk to take up her old pm pal.lie ,tlee.l. Go. Acheson. who Int.10e1. 01 Uxb few days t es wreak. ('has.. Chisholm left torn is the Limbas will be toeeb mimed. J H Monwr, of 1 hie many friends M .m New Year's Day. Mies Mary Shorn Sat 1o. Rulgewy art that Lore's public eel W. Bruin►, of Te visitor at the rswt i.rk of Surrepts C. Mre. R 8v..clatr, Acer oe a Melt 4o he (deo. lox, Britannr Reeh. Robertson Ifaterday to new h d tete public school M we Mary Potts, . the dates of her app parts public school Mr. Med Mn W. 1 eem•amueed the New Moir many relatives J. 1). Swatters arra Hail, Toronto, oe 15 ea Teases; to teems Std..y Smith, of penal, Mr .red Mr • Ilih... Tears' alias. Allan, Mr.., Mia sell Marts, of Detre Martha rssidewce, }k Alexander James 1 and :ad,.te1 .y Con vtatiai/ Moir meek week. Yr. and Mrs. 811 Mew Yeses Day 1 IPA r's preset, I Saehawew Will J. 6..aa= WRsewfltos, eaves 111 (lade his parents, art gsr tl..wlay. Friday's papers as mese Milieu's eu's hal brt-.bss t.weberse oma' pnd+laesl es A. M. R•berbsu amesti.stion M fir rareate, ped left burgh, where he t Allwwt Maan1y, t Ise'• ...ki 1.lidy Altar1, remmend m real an mneme W Mks Collage. P Me[w a sad Ilse w•ek frau • Marine Uay, qx