HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-1-7, Page 3THE KIGOWAL: (0DrR1ev, ONT. TRUlan* Y. JANUARY 7. II. yer's Hair Yigtr ii Ike "Ideal- Hatiediesseing. It re. ` Mann the calor mow heir ; Poneetew • treat rad vigorous growth ; wernals the formas1I.s d Mad/mg; nabs the hair salt and silken; and Imports a de11s tate bat Ioselag pen fume leveret mwthe rs m heir same r falling onto aad la • few weeks leWed was almost bald. I tried moo i... but they did so food. I Saa4 ly bought s bottle of Ayers Hair Vier, mad, after wtog only • port d the one test*, my head was covered WWI a heavy growth of halt. I recommend your prepvation as the tet he the world." T. Huntley, Oberon Grove, Ky. "• I lave used Ayer's Halr Vigor ler a somber d yawn, mad ft bas alws .g1ves ma satisfaction. It ham *saga* mum.• tag, previews the bahr from tee= gest insures its v w� keep the scalp white chemo " - Mary A. Jacksuu, Salem, Mass. I have used Ayer's Hair VWor for promoting the growth of the bwG, and think it unequaled. For notarial ib. hair to it original color. tad foe • ing, it cauuut be.urpased."-Mrs.Geo. La Fever, Raton Rapids, Mich. "Ayer's Hair Vigor le a swot meet - teat preparation for the heir. I speak of It from my own eaperbace. Its we promotes the growth d new halt and taakes it gloss and and soft. The Vigor Y o boe cure fur d•sdrnt."-J. W. Bowen, =Nor " Enquirer," McArthur, Ohio. "Il have used Ayer's Halr Vigor for Illtwo yawn. and found it all It is ted to br It resumes the natio oolor to grey bale, gimes the hair W grow freely, and keeps it son and pll.at. -Mrs. 1. V. IM,, Cohere N. Y. . My father, at about the age of fifty, lost all the hair from the toped his bead After one month's' trial of Ayer's Hair Vigor the hair began coming and, la three months, he heti • One growth 01 hair d the natural outer. "-P. J. Caen. Saratoga Springs. Y. Y. Ayei's Hair Vigor, eau'*m By Or. J. C. Ayer & Ow. WM% Mus. Ovid h Dragswt. emu l ishatae. BEAD 5Wb.ie =�txf as & .:mlrmsatasM.on• faith) bows, a&ot +v.• wilt boot tout by extras. t'.0.1). this Cloy -0111. w Malt whleb y ou eau examine. and it run do toot Aced 1t all sad even more than we elates for it 00 MOT TALE iT, but ,f perfectly esi- heat'•ory. pay the Expressoccult twaSIMtOf S6 the watch. p . tlr b a thane to seoar. • reliable timepiece at sects a ridfcu- lonel y low price is relea 1t river be- fore. ofered. This E & wA 11e t etatee ' Sstg elle over compeer. toot met•L 11 tae sdld bow. cap and crown, heating caae.beast nulls- tee. graved and le dust - proof The warts are Waltham style, etsbl jewelled, with *Spandau batatto.. la 011,1 ere warrant It an ere-unitet4 . t le suitable for either • lady or p=enaa. A gime-wee M pont withsae► wt. noAdartr.O*_ wy4orT £ 00., Watchmakers, Pei erborenaL Ont. SENO US $1.00size ot�r*Ur we wet send you postpaid this elegant HOORAN OIAuSS NUS MI FILLIP NMI Theis rip •ea mme worth by lsdfs sad ratlines fa the best sori.ty. anMAIO d Imre the ILO riq[ eosifia( MU* Wl nil • & Ca Jsw.11sn SHiLOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. ABOUT MILK AND MAN. PROF- ROMERTOON GIVES A FEW UNIQUE FACTS THEREANENT. �. Op saint r mortgage ceoreilloette. - A nag slew 1. Whir• It M OeoNaded stet ebe ultra mertgag. Oft.. M a Name to Wealth. A VMS ft1MIMAfr. why Tees. Caere Se Ilse Wes of • L... ..- tiee onakeedW. Lava to the Ills el a grimly lensed ea giver. whose enemies is easel Waist eua s:awt Mager, there so.atimes fall. • spark of light sed a toy of human eatrhtne ill. misats hie eseskoy cab, prostrates his greasy Wens and dads to way deep tlowa tato ►is breast. A bttle incident happraed down at the male the other .e.aima &her the arrival et THItKINODOMOl►WoUf 1 awl BURDETTE, THE GENIAL HU MORIST. ON WOMEN. A ares .ad witty _..telt .f the Tandem- s!** of .r.d.re Three - A Parried.* Ql.estle_ 11et11.d - Marfa Port.. Tolle Weir to Bay Moat Moe Two. Let ma saaam • very mew facts abort . the overland train. .bleb, 1.bo a one Now, wom u cap du anythingW . tris, Ilse malting et banter after it has jut that I pts mature, will long be remembered by • even to staging is.. lu bar owl go•rtette far. The cow elaborate. the milk L the certain 1.'. 1'. mignon. The great Iron neon of girl..., that liar Iran is a asprluity adder. There is bleed mating in by the Mer attached to the train les throbbing and to the choir, write. Robert .1 Burdette u wearies id Ilse cep of the order. which is oompeasd of two glaid. Iti ing Ieagtkwiss. Peculiar urls line the undo of the Inetifer- oas duets down which the milk trickles to to the depot w•e deafening• but out the sulk ram.!.. Al the top of the teats. of the mama of .,sad., a sweet, girlish In each cell a formation grows that is al- voice was heard welcoming home her neon like a tiny bud. That bed parents, who had &,rived ..0 the train_ by ad by drops utl and trickle. Site was r little, guWe• haired beauty, down with the liquid milk. These scarcely ns years of age, with a quick, in buds are the glubales .1 fat from telligeet eye, sada lovtag Mature, to which which butter t. made. They float is the she per full vent in the radiant and int milk. Milk is pray -tinily .11 soluble ex- palsies way she welcomed her fond parents caapi those gbbnlm, and timer aro held is back. .u.penstem in Use liquid of the milk. They I At tut they took her by the hood and cone to the tope when the cream ria proceeded toward the waiting ferry boat. because they are lighter then ate ' A. they pawl by the engin beloagiag to pf8mg after ate h,og mad u,sous trip over his new department Iu The [*d... Hine msosiona miles and rocky defiles, tretabling Journal. Ste Ito harmee.ecd bet ewe, Metter mod marshy stretches. The din hoops Leaded, and made • bicycle of them: We row., she fishes, she shoots, Inasmuch that .11 ease, and it ,tory 1.t• that some game, fear bar shooting l joke); she wearcth her brother's hat, •uj 1us new up; his shirt frost, his four-tn-kantf-u., and many things that are her hrutber's. She is stresger than her mother, and can stand a great deal more rest; she + quite as happy. and fat more tn,tependeut. She hangs to the strap in the street -tar when her another had a seat in the omnibus 1f every man rode outside in the ram. She gets jostled and pushed &boat in the crowd, when a,toe bate beaded mem, bowing low, used to make way for her grand- mother. With wady patience she .tands w has at the ticket -01110r; woe is she + she presume os the ptvilage of sex t•..1. , m ahead of • moo; she gets hustled l.e.-k to her place. Much she bath gained eedom; unmewhat, also, hath she Ort. SheWrhnut eat her Bake mad keep it. Still, if ri . didn't eat it, it would become fearful) stab, or some boil else would get it. And cake r only good to sat. anyhow. Scarcely would she exchange her rodependeuce for deference and helplessness. Her loss is more in form than fact. Men are more unselfishly chivalrous toward her than ever their fathers were: hut this hurrying age of gal- lop and gulp has trampled upon the de- liberate grate. and studied elegance of a lazier day, when 1T11.11 bowed lower and did les; when men abandoned loafing and went to work, they quit wearing lace at their wrist and rapiers at their sides; they toned to talk in blank verse. :end con- versed in plain prnee; they cut off their los relicts. and the curling tongs were dethroned by the clippers_ Beyfwt Neat for Two. Ain. oat all young housekeeper+ find it serum; but if a person after milking leaves the milk is the stable wul the temperature goer down to sixty degrees, these globules do sot get through quite s quickly. ('banes occur wild make it almost impossible for these fat globules to gather to the top, either so completely or so quickly as if tete milk were set iu mW water .i nwetlatrly. To give no illustra- tion. A min gets into the habit of dosing nothing for an hoar after breakfast every day. He will by and by, wast to tale an hour sod a half and by and by will become au unskilful, lacy moa all Jay. Let him get into the habit d setting down the milk pail for ba.1 an hoar after mill.ingauad these globules will follow his example, Muse the titan they are trytag to *erre u not trying lo hurry. In that way you will find that inanimate nature always responds to man'* aciaeity or to man's slowness. From &d- Nress by Prof. Robertson. I his head into the cab there were two itght THE FARM MORTGAGE- !spots on the cheeks of the duet -begrimed ace. - 1 error the train, the little nue broke aaay, rasa up ni to the big, black •c•hite, died patted the driving wheels affectionately with her little white hand.. Looking up at the smoke- stack, she said : "You good. big old iron horse, you have brought back my' papa aced manna mansafe over the fearful mountains to their little girl, and 1 want to thank you. even if you don't care for me because Iain so little ; and you. too," she continued,im turning her face wi.ttully toward the gry engineer, who was leaning oat of the cab window ; ••I love you buck' Then she kissed her head to i him amwas gone tike a ray of sunshine. .fust thee u fleeting sunl.ewm from the great orb sinking down into the Golden (late cense sending through a chunk in the depot Awl stole by the engineer into his cab. There ams • strange look ,on his face for an instant, and all at ooee the depot was dark and lonesome. When he turned Tamm CRFAT er ! :II CURE, tik mesa t1 CONSUMPTION CURE, is without a Wm 11d to the history d madicwe. All dreggim! re autharierd to sell i; o,e1 • positive gmmm.i sar Int that no oilier cure eat successfullyWant you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, s it. for it will cure you. If your child ha as ho Croup, or Whooping Cough. e 11 tPr 't ad reliefiswe. 1f you dread that noose CONSUMPTION, rfew't jecif to use 11 mit. n71 ee you or cart nothing Ask yon ler SHILOH'S CURE. Pries to ds, ono. dal gem.I1 mei, are sae et lout` tees, tam Shilob's Panes Maw ss an (m It is en the Mamas .f Making the 1 -Oakland ( Cal Fey . Partner well OIL How lo fermi mortgages come into ea - The srahlt. of home People. Meucci! The majority of them, at least ha - I law such au interesting letter the other a new country. represent the ambition •ad day about the mana'uvres of venous crown - the determ:natinrn of men without means ed heed" and other distin^ached personages to become independent. They are the step- in Europe. The ('ear of Muria, this letter ping stones that lead from the level o1 the lath, aiwys paaas hu hand beck and forth day laborer to the level id the laud owner; over the top of his head when he is deeply from the psttso• 01 employe to that t.1 "worked In thinking Some p.•uple lay it proprietor. An industrious man comes tato is this habit which has male hint bald. the North- West with no capital but his h- The beautiful Archduchess Marie of Ans- dustry, or with . few hundred dollars to tna 'eke 1" to he, you know. the future rely upon. He want a faro, of hi. tela. Empress+, touts and untwists a mase little 1f Mr wash until he bail earned and laved cart growing over her left temple when she enough mumry to buy tt, he will hate to is very much interested in bar book or in remain • laborer and secnficr the owed de something about which she it. thinking. lights d home and family for many years. The Archduke Louts Victor, of Austria, He sea that the toil. properly cultivated, when he becomes animated in talking, will give • nplendie return apron it cost holds his right arm straight out from pace, far in excess of any prevailing ratedthe shoulder anti keeps snapprog his fingers interest. He takes courage. buys a bit d in the air. The Emperor of Uermany is land, pays what he can, women a nowt- always jerking and pulling hu moustache, gage for the balance and goes into buetneme and the Emperor of Austria is always eon• kinteelf. pl•cently smoothing ins anew -white whisk It is a happy change tar him. It mime c'ra petsevery anerggIt encourage. habit of The Prince of Wales drops his left eyelid d inustry and fr.y. galaiy. it maks him a over the baa of his eye every two or three better man and • better eitosen. And, if "mut" whsle be talka, for all the world n fortune is not unkind to him. be pays off though he were winking at you. But of hu inonetedness and becuo,e. • nam of course one underarm's that the is more of memos years earlier than he cumkt have an elfin -tem than • mannerism. A manner - achieved equal competence in may other ism is a habit, by the way, shout which one way. Sickne.. ou ,rtabap or crop fatter. + generally alit/ether unconscious. 1 hope may ret.- his success; mid hu debts may that none of us have any. 1 wonder if we bang. w these circumstances, like lead lave. Soo" one else must tell tea, for ole about. him. But tt is a burdcu voluntarilynever knows such things about himself.- wume.i, voluntarily born for the oak. d Lillie Hamilton Freneb, in New York the great good that will come u the end; World. and whole he is entitled to the sympathy which we feel with any co -laborer staving ; Teen_ no.. Novel* tar Cborrb Peopt, against adverse cireumataates, be does net • Manus the Epicurean. Pater. Rome, sat Is not entitled to the sympathy second century. e follows • viola of injustice. And Hypain Kingsley, Alexandria, tifth other in this way or for the inking d I century. seminary or desirable tmprovemeut, ban I Harold. Bulwcr. England, eleventh originated tbreeoteirtbr of the farm metres ' century. pee ia the West Corday. -St. Paul Pilal.sr f Romola. George Eliot. Foresee, 6f- iY'envesss Meath century. Schoenberg -Cott Family. Mrs Charles. A ist•r/lira *Iateme 1. Cormtaay. sixteenth century. Thr average farmer Jo.s not work. ill Westward Hu. Kingsley. Ragland aid MOM' ore 1.111111tea ..oaths out of the ast ye. gpaouh kion, iteeut t cvotary. Seen our Display? Nothing hut useful articles which are at the same time beauti- ful anil appropriate. FURS_ During the winter he mi•aagee to f his John logies•ut. Shorihou .. stock and himself, and Chat r about all. and Italy. seventeenth century. llynag the summer the old motto: "More Henry Esmond. Thackeray. rain, more rest,- r applicable, and • little fifteenth entury. mat►em•tia will abuw that the farmer Tale cf Two Cities. Dichosa. hasps to let a good "aa warier days and France, eighteenth century. go by without much manual labor I am of Adam Bete. t:eorge Fdi.t. the opinion that there Isn't aooM.r else tuneteenth coning.--Ltbr•riao of laboring people n the United States that (leveled. p.mefs ee many hours oat of the year iap.nees a u as the average farmer.-Eugese L i w.p.t..o's Parlour. Arent, is Ohio Fernier. I "Napoleon's pensions were stress aml rs ltissare's rearm w•rndng*. call those of Italians at the time when hie Have se besitstiom in handling any plant ancestors quitted Italy ins Corsica. (hue that has hese,40l a aurwcimve 8.wera, day, at Pate, when he nen •boat to make horns or fruit of as Iliad, for Me two kis fi Cont with the Pope, be said to u p0000ua native plant have itsee.apica- Volney. 'Feaace wakes for • religioet' Vopsoy replied dryly, 'France lushes for the one greenish flowers, mostly ander the �r�ett eapoe he sudden', Licked Wes. oil lour, .rail blurs -orbit bans Fiery in the abdomen with to h fon as close to the ',mad,. or steals[ fromark The balk of our remaining stook consiatw of our finest goods, such as Real, astrachan, Beavers, Alaska Sable. be., in Capes, Storm Collars, Muffs and Gauntlets. Shopping Muffs a decided novelty. Gentlemen who w ish fine 1 T nderwesr, Tien Handkerchiefs, (ilovea, Shirts, Collars, Coat, &c., will find oar counters replete with the choicest goods at priees to suit everybody. An elegant variety of hatA. W. T, HAYS & Co. 0*. Ilsellisubeh mod Douala *past he ib. Ps.lmlea MUM I.asdry England England, England England, Brett of thaw Beware of gurgreas red yellow autumnal Meares co shred* sad .limning tau wino► are ant knows se be harm - Our two poisonous native Paola display the most bnllant autumnal colors of any species to our woods and byway - Gadea • it Forget. g aseuw to N...ty .M cement - Plenty of shode trees about the farm- beaee end the hoose grenade are ensein isl both to beanie wad o nefeet. 1e summa shay give shelter frees the horsingwr. sad Tigi is w.uter from W wtiis4 nurse Weald. however, melts tee y aro mise. snot the hens, as then Wei cause dampen". Pleat jsdicisasly, bet pleat. end pleat ,low; Icer auyMmg se better tam here premeds. U yue abase tort the in.. is toe thick y. • part may be.e try renewed Whoa they h.... gr ,w• larger, and se shown that they are not •eed&A New Wars..* Were Farman newt is ailed weather seta barer proper leeire---tbM se to say. 6. peed the sale Ihmlt of a.dere.ee. beta.. there are eoetltt"wm tie; revere pnrleogod ant. Bet One mass be ..sp.siwe' r. t...len.:r .sou n.wt el era -work a fall knot, or ep.e, w .u..1 be tak* on. d am. that .,... . ss mggbt be end is later. Bend •,.,•.nog a,"1 1t ltd Sy beck when rele•eolt , . n awry n beat a week &ad it Ell Ie.4 re n. its formes baps tie with • hard w .. „os turner who tabs w hole aim.. far ..... tw A n tli• r• t es,. Ola .. et b.. • his - la1. ly to a him fall and len cowcmonwnees. He had to be carried hone, aced remained ill is bed for several days." He was • magnificent* beast et prey In lone among domestic herds. nteida* a,..d_takl.,. ...I. Aaimate tK nnt.ral esperiesst etre d 575 plsar tea. gen .. 1 de , tie .beep, cwt el refs 141; the rove, eat • ';s mad reform t11Ai tate .err, este 101 mad ro- mp, ►r, em* e1 WI Outdo. . were.. or. es afarler q.slity ..Lata heady .11 the ,.mrtW Y am - The Medea. tbosgh as primitive is bis bresdmakieg es the Bedouin, in • little more dainty. H. waits until the wood Bre he bee built on the genial bee been burned to coals; then, putting two or three *tone around it, he pines a them • skalbw metal bowl. the under side beteg ■p. W baa his dough of deur and water has bees pawed and pulled into • one d an iaeh and • half to thic:mess he bakes it es tap *Item bowl_ It u by se mans • Mead to w delepi.d. =e Other Narae. Min Gash -"And Sahel. des, what is the baby's same !" Mn. Newmotier - ••I'.. meant him AtWMrt Alipin oe." Has Utah-- "Bet 1 eieaym th..aypbt the lather nein the buys Mrs. tiewascwier-".1 yea meld hear what bis father moor out wb.+e be r wank Isis the Mar with°raw es the early .laws yes waddles weeder 1 tans 1..41.4.4111 u y ewe brads." -life. The Lamer, .e Orta e, Jeer. as Ibedys.. . h pee Os to itimg , s The anrtes..c r ogee And eots.ts YM frame- a, I.." Wolk .verwr. Lead t... n it It Aad gores n 10 .mN° Omtmanetla at. . t.,., soy (b`IMdn e.wu reatir•elies t . 1 tab. ales *.tow, per.. arils “Dosset yon keep "Lard. sof m Juin.• . al espuadm .e erman Syrup 99 J. C. Davis, Rector of St. James BpiAcopa1 Church, Eufaula, Ala. 11[[y , stn has been badly afflicted with a tearful andshreatening cough kw several month. , and after trying several prescriptions from physicians whichaif led to relieve him, he has been perfectly restored by the use of two bottles of Bo - An Episcopal achee's German Syr- up. I can recom- mend it without hesitation." Chronic severe, deep-seated coughs like this are as severe tests as a remnedy can be subjected to. It is for these long- standing cases that Boschee's Ger- man Syrup is made a specialty. Many others afflicted as this lad was, will do well to make a note of this. ROctor. J. F. Arnold, Montevideo, Minn., writes: I always use German Syrup for a Cold on the Lungs. I have never found an equal to it -far less a superior. G. G. GREEN, Sole Mao'fr,R'edbsry,Lj Seiestiie llaOriMa AWN ibe let hard to make ft -enemies] and matisfacttry• • purchase of meat and huh, writes Maria ��tl" � 1� Parka in her department In the January Ladles' Home Journal. They should un- Temptor derstani at the outset that it is impossible new bays for • large family. Another pant i leets to save in the same proportion as one who 1•v- sta it to wiser to get only the part and the amount actually wanted than to toy large I pieces simply becanse they are cheaper by • the pond- A roast, particularly of heef, can be indulged iu only on rare oocusios•, when the family is small. Broilingmeats h the mast expensive el all methos of conking. but to my mind, the most healthful. When • timekeeper rally can .Nord to follow It she sbonld de so. But in time one tires of eves the most delicious broiled meats and fish. Wheu planning to roast or broil • piece of meat, ite ado tibility to being mule over into various little dishes should be considered. Pork is the lent de- sirable of the fresh meats for three purposes. For warning over in venous ways the fol lowing mined meat are the most valuable: Poultry, veal. lamb, mutton ani beef. The white meat are better ahas the red for Mas purpose. This is also true of tiah, the white, dry varieties being much better for matte - over dishes than the dark, MIT kinds. Here is something that one eau *buy in a ' mall quantity and use to advantage: A short porter -house steak will answer for two dinners. Cut out the tenderloin, broil it and serve with a good sauce. 1f the weather be cold the remainder of the teak can be used two days later. In hot weather it must be cooked for dinner the (ollowng day. Feeble . Chat. Fans are shown called " dower few," which tee completely covered with leaves, and in the cotter of which are bunches of chrysanthemum+ or holly. Feather tips not only trim the neck and sleeves of the low-necked Louis -Queue neat worn for evening. but form a dog -collar shape to wear around the neck. Stands for lamps or statuettes show the top in olive -wood. hand -painted, with wreaths of tlowrre, and with a profusion of loops amt bows upon the slender legs of bamboo. A new kind of long ball -glove is shown, which show. the top of the arm. as it IS wide and droops down. Oa the top is • wide ruffle of lace, won four toy reesIWe of the earruwest nbbos. --- Prow Ceders. ate. Very gond orders are being takes flee medism shads of bengaline for February delivery. A French example of an evening moire shows narrow matin stripes and Oral bro- cade. It is expected that quantities of chiffon sad games will be wont dung the ball snow. -Dry Goods sad Fashions. A w.mse .eoleres o• Fein. Mime Murrill* rill* Homer will grit 820.000 for the Quays •'iehella of Castillo" to be unveiled at the opening et tie Woman's Department of the World's Fair. Contrary toexpertatiosehe will remain in Berne until M. bream east is made. Mho Homer s sixty -ewe years d age and Wipe her ears* •s • pepil of John (tb. . Tar &tang fir. sbo worked in the studio occupied by Cason 0.eege &tad. TMekery, Victor Ellwsmel, O.ribal.b sod H•wtberee waw among lest imtistase female. .pausal. Rhe -"Are yes plug te Amy Bares sem. higout hall!' He-•4Jouniarest bar Rhe --"Yes; Ser iota►" Ho -"Why, saes bee arwond M at lomat three years" Rite -•••1 !mew tt. bas this is bar iv* hall.' He --"Them why met .all it the 'epee*. el a **taut Mrs!' "-Jades A r•ertetle rate*. ges gra Beehnw latter the roster bad roe) -••How asn 1 In take the iaelr••in.r itaihew--- •Yoe ere te take • terspesefrtl ' mow, wt if share is no geed Ahab la au bout mite swathe► owepentifaL" Ai. Newman alor..i.iently) "I knew there want be say gs.ed ellsok as yew hosier pee me Mei epeosfsle new.' -lien 1 eel" then enema M Oa Phe.. Neither • (rias* see on sere ahesid be bat apes st wtgbs, a► et habitually whir m u e a. The sh•ups is bmp•r*tsre .n very Martial ee ub toned ay lanrumssa ass* Weaves a.psstmgi TM* •haermad weans�d fMs linees haws . $. swat a secs& d ew said I�eymma� befre wawa w I re :IIl01Sl0Il AND TNe OP LherOil pophosphltes of Llso aid Sods. No other Emulsion is so easy to take. It does not separate nor spoil. It is always sweet as cream. The most sensitive stomach can retain it. CURES Scrofulous and Wasting Diseases. Chronic Cough. Loss of Appetite. Mental and Nervous Prostration. General Debility, &c. Beware of all imitations. Ask for 'the D. Ik L." Emulsion, sad refuse all others. MIMICSOC. ANO ilii Kw t10TTtg. Sold b v J>- . J OL ‘Lat.n. PLANING !ELL (SIMI' IIS Buchanan & Son, 11••1', 441. ,t..we 18 96 -SCHOOL OPENING -1896 SASH, DOOR. and BLIND, IS•.Irr- it al: kb.A. o' LUMBEKI LA1H, SHINGLES Headquarters at Fraser & Porter's. ALL THE LATEST ANI) BEST DIICATIONAL WoRKs, AUTHOa1ZClr -11\n Itlp'ONaasiDED Felt High, Model, Public and Separate Schools, See our excellent value in Exercise and Scribbling Books ---The Bee Hive, Frontier and Silver Medal. Nothing given away in this store except rulers, as our profits are too small. We give by far the best value foe your money in town. FR�SE1Z & FORTES, Lviitreri Telephone Eaetaws e., Lona lI'Une Square. Aod 1.0 tri • maierul o, !Mary deseriptism School Ft1rn1tii,re a Specialty. CLEAB1NG SALE JAS. SAUNDERS' M c LEA N'S BLOCK. As he intends miring from bom*es, he will well We arse ad wept-assstMd .Mak as bedew prima. Chinaware. Jewellery, Wedding Rings, Bilwerware, Nickel and Plated Knives. Forks and Spoons, Alb.sms, Pinch and Other Goode, Toya, Fanny Gooda,sto. 1,000 Rib of 11O11 Paw sad 1041111 www wt11 Y mrsn AT hate mune Ifs is year Hoe iter ►etganfs. 20 PKR CENT. will ice• dedeet fad for brae -hers and others get ng up Chridatu Trees. ,wr►tes Th►a, uaJ T1me1ic lotttcrv., ar u:►<ti u.66.\►v.►►►0�, %%As. Q6Qi • �tS scji eri • Es 6n_ eQgo _;1a o t E cscau ,.4.`4X a3t g O1. 3 V ! C G5 F • Zc ems., `•F4 se • =Qvu r .c __go -845 c p; AA 0.0 a�=1st u. . C • Q fT. 6 -E c` :i±` -f- 14-314 L Qt" Q =4on4 0 oe i•�a e e r e id ea0r •7: 4g!e 4 2 3 0 • P z 2 ii a a z 43 to 0 CHOICE FRUITS Raisins, Currants, Peels, Etc. Raisins and Currants cleaned and ready for use. ALL THE SEASONABLE FRUITS FRESH AND (LEAN, AT REES PRICE & SON'S. NM -VT G --ODDS. The subscriber wishes to announce the arrival all NEW AND FANCY GOODS BBOTAIK.Y NAVY AND BLACK ALL -WOOL SEROE8, Extra wide and moderate in price. •t. NAVYLS, 28 IN.ni In .eft wed hard finkii, from tit+ best makers A ` assortment of other sew sod Isshinnahler Ossids and well be noticed labor on A liberal diorama en all oath Vit! one dollar up f4trietty one prier. .L3.. 3).‘"Z.711' eiA