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f •r7 ertirestmkiC
1Mo"tA5 14.i
The Work of the Land and
Money Shark Fully
111 tPfER l'1.
Lionise e.. -toed Paul's hooks now and
with het mother s aid she studied) them %e!1
and fearfully. She had attended *clam!
sufficientl. east to lav thr toundstloi
for a fat, education. and. being bright
minded as.d yutck to (warn, .be made excel-
lent progress with hose studies and bid fair
to pain a tt.ssl li .cion evert under ouch
unfavorable .:r. unlstan.wS.
Mary was s good scholar and adapted
the duties .of teaching. and she octrr !A -et!
iu rodu.g Lou:so. Then Paul tame o.ter
quite frnfuently of evenings and be w.. not
by any memos averse to Oriels s".11 +west •
&nee as ley u 'the power. 1n fact be was se
anxious t.. to h blase and pursued the
task with wcl .'• en r and earnestness
that it was appal ■ that be derived fulls
a. much pleasurt.. no profit. anon it as
Luanne did pal., was a most exemplary'
teacher..rel nothing was t...o ditiieult or to
• for his efforts so long as it was for
fwutat'a good. He never wearied of ex -
planing dr), tough anthmeti.al problems
for of c.ulug..ttt.g luaceleas verbs. But it
must be r.v,uvlens! that Paul's pupil
was a select our, and it Is InOre than
probable that door& eny Young upon
feeling as he dad. would have done eeleallV
well, or at least labored with fully as much
Liaise sot only progressed an herat:stisas,
kit ahs siesta .late very happy evewitl,
mad the reniuiniug months of winter passed
off much more p,l.wantly than .he had an
ticipatal. John ruci Mary always welcomed
Paul to their house, and as they come to le
better noyuainted with him they grew w
liking him more and more. He was of a
happy ejletnetitton• and be I.atI a way d
in.keug ..•opts forget their sorrows and
troubles, :moi often he chirked John up out
of a tit of down -heartedness and brought a
smile to ant him and a twinkle of pleasure -to
hos eyes. Pail mak it a point to take the
cheerfulert view of the future, and rime -
times he went off inn the wildest flights of
fancy in speaking of what he contemplated
aaomplislung for himself. His dreams were
extravagant, hut dreaming these was !utter
than repining.
Paul had studies of hu own. Ile
was routing medial works aid was
going VI le a doctor. He had taken mw
course at a medial college and lo Ted
to return the next fall to take another
if he was fortunate enough to raise •
crop on his clam and get mosey
to pay his way. His sok possession
was the claim., and he could mortgage
that as 1;ryen tad his, •'oi long time and
easy terms," but he hoped to have • hone
erelong for himself and Louise. so he
hesitated to raise rnoneT in that way.
Ilii Markham had money, bot he was
opposed to Pad's plana, arra be refused to
let him bare a dollar on any kind of terns.
"Is's all blame.) foolishnea..," Markham
said, "this idea of .tudymg to be a doctor.
1 never got no fool uotilm that 1 was too
good to work for an honest twin', an. I.y
Batu, 1 atnt gain' w furnish no mosey to
help os anylardy that has got Bich • notion
Paul kin study medicine if he wants to, but
he kin do it at his own expense. I .int is
on akin' gentlemen out o fellers that 'nl
letter be at work tiuin' the soil Not a his
i ain't, a' by jinks I won't do it, neither.
But ',sure sk.nga was tut to be thwarted
by that sort of talk, .ad he resolved to
work his own way. He pound to raise •
crop and get the mass to cc,ntinue his
atady that way If pnsibk, and. if the crop
failed again, he wouldmord ge his land.
So the winter pa..Ml .nd the spring
came, and s soft, warm haze lay
over all the endless stretch of prairie.
Again the poor .et them brought :out
their plows and set to work to break
the mil and plat the crops. full of hope and
o.iden.e. With the return of the bright
spring sunshine, came back the grand et
peetattoos that ever buoy up the beams of
basest, struggling mortals. and the aces of
the ptiossers •bed the cloud of fear and
Ambit that itsd hung over thorn like • dark
John Green was among the more in-
timations and persevering of all the
farmers in his section. He began work
early, and every day 4r wee in his field
plowing and planting. He had a double
eacestise to work, for his family must
Lee mad that debt ea the farm must be
laid He went at it cheeifally, and a.
he Vwdged to and fro stress the field in
the long furrows. singing blithely. no
me would hen gnarled what pangs of
trwu►k had racked his soul all though the
long, tedious winter. He was not of a
brooding d.splsitioo. and even under the
Monet trying c.reuunatan'e. he could feel
cheerio! en long as there was ever .o .tum a
ray el light before ham. He bad work to
do sow, and there was a pevap.et of good
resales, se he felt maddest oats more. and
en the thought of the height future wheh
his fancy painted he loot eight of the hard
ships of the prevent.
1t 4 a hug lane. Mary.' he .oeetiams
said, "that has no torn, and 1 believe in our
ems the tern is near at hand. We have
bail a Wag wog • of m..fortises, het 1 thnk
we have dont ria hurl the end .d the list
The pro.4*etm are flattering for an ahaedent
crop. aid with the animist of .tuff 1 have
is ewltioauca we one wain
g a fair reed to
ramble a to pay off the mortgage and have
plasty Idt to gid. to over the year. We'11
oven oat .1l nab( s..t, and within • short
time be r gnfnrtably Axed with • geed hawse
and platy of everything to here a Why,
what's a little fiord times, avnow • it
ds.'I b.aawt to aoythta g ..d to seen ever,
and it daw't beet se any, het only wakes
.e• appraciase ear pod 1ertwse all the
7. we when they de ream laside .f two
we rias lee& hack ea the ppe.a.tt few
ba and laugh ..s, air arftlatie.r end
wesa.r wart A was we hewed smite&.
Well came oat all right."
And Julia west olf to his work ass* se
Tut* ILIAD rew•M TDI 1Awtt 11011..
happy as a king. road Man looked after
hist smilingly. ase oath as coutid nt as he.
Paul. too. applied houself to his work,
mud as he plt.ble.l after the plow he dreamed
of the future, of the tune when he Should
be a doctor Anil have a tory heels home with
Louise for Its mistreat. .tmb, Uou or love
ought either to he ru8kient to urge a nein
sew W his hems• endeavours: tut when they
.•cuhbuur, aa they did in Paul's twee. there Is
.0 tailing what str•-ugth they will put into
a srs's arise 1 or slat determination into
his heart.
Thus it was that moron; all the .•&&arson
Hat greet keel plain there were [tone that
1rt IN.... ti.emsel a :n.u,• ..-.......,.viy W
work that John and Paul, and as lb. -.esus
ativai,ce.l anti :ne sptueg nestle p.c OW*
w tames of aowniel, theft were Co kc Ws
all :be esttl.•mct.t that leaked more flourish -
mg or proIoe.ug titan theirs. And rash of
thew neve. swOguune natured as them_& were,
counted the vt.tory won, cad each 111 Irl.
neat *mettle los to',.•us f. r the fmtt.re awl toa-
structed inuuUbe! al,le.Wilke in the.tt.
Fairy Southey n'W I'suI .wow to John
Green's hobs.., for It was distinctly antler.
stood all around that Paul sod L.,u.s. ..-Is
t . Harry by and by. though not a 'void re-
lative totip, tatter dud peeswl bet ries,
their parents. (Meer. the y..tsg people nod
fraut the wine t. nk. as they sat on o. los... h
outside the housr, aid on such ...vastest
they seemed to have a vast eminent of diih-
cu!ty- in making out the wort.. for they
brought thet r ices.dlwe down to the page,
their faces almu,t touching. ted tie• %olds
they sometimes pronoucr.i •ere not print-
ed on the page .' at all. But every gems,
who has courted knows how that in.
(1*.e .lay Paul cad Louise went for • stroll
on the prairie. it was•clear. calm Sat,lath.
such se summer Sabbaths usually ate, Mud
a misty haze danced shout near the gime
earth. They walked on and on, mile after
mile, and at last coming to the road
that run over toward Paradise Park,
they turned tato that and went ea to the
"Menet the 1st of Set.temher," Paul was
Olig, "1 shall 1.. 11101% to go loch to
seltoel There a lit Is- .i year ,of ..p*ratio n..
and It will seem 1.•i .tutee %ion 11 n1 t.ostd
I will cwwse back a.,.s build up . boom... sd
then we all marry and nettle down in it to
dive as happy as eau
Lout.e gave a little wtart, and after cast-
ing a hurried glance at Paul, looked mown
and blashoi. Poul not teen her mariner. and
thinkung it due to emlwrtuux-nt wen: un:
" 1 Wave 1.01 fort'.tten, louts.-, abet
you told the your anther said, :u1.1 I do
Dot alk you to pro.::s.• me :.uythung--
not until !he year :. out. 1 am quite
.a144ie.d without t:. for 1 know :let you
love me, and it retuiree no wonls !o reveal
your heart to me. anti ne promise to took'
me underotaud that vo: will he my wife."
"1 do love you, Paul... Louise sod. •with
all the fervor of my not we. and 1 w ill never
love you lam. Sou are eo good anti twolds.
Ilot. Yaul, you---"
"What ie it, Louise`" Paul asked.
••I--1 dont kaw,w," Louise replied. " I
suppose I en. foolish. Paul. but I can t help
it. i am 11) common and inalguolicantrod
you will he thrown anomie so many wemes
who are beautiful a.l accomplished. -
FAR 5)100 0003,..
For a'enest Pa.1 was usable to under-
stand the girls wont,. but after a time •
lightto break ..n he mewl. and with
• lighbegant ebeerful laugh he drew her . loser to
him and said
"And en you think I will hes ase. Winded
and denied by the beauty and aoo:omphah
steal of other women that 1 shall forget
my little girl away off out here on the
plain! le that the bnlhant ales that hue
e dged its way into yoar mild!'
Louise walked on rune distance before
Me replied. half vexed at herself for titter-
ing words that showed .Ar doebted Pauli
constancy, end half glad) that .the had
u ttered them. 11 It gave him an opportunity
of reasserting his lore for lar. Loam, was
an uaommonly ..nwhle person. but the
most sensible girls doer to play the ciewiette
lust a Intl.. Finally. after the lapse of a
minute or se, she looked up into Paul's face
ad said:
"Why shouldn't von. Paul''
"Why Moulds.* 1 forget you!'
"Theo 1 *di ask you el/ .4ould 1•"
"Bec&uue, Paul, 1 an. so uh.ngn.Ac.at and
swell. and you ran w e the love of whom
you plea... I knoes there must be grand
1•dtse out is the world. and. a ceutparwd
with them, I am se commas, Leon cause
help bet see the differ/me, end knnw bow
much more worthy of year love they are
Was I."
At this pant Pmol pissed hue haad
over her mouth sad stopped her •p.reh.
"There, you have gnaw far erwsegh, he said,
"ad I will mot hear soother word 1 have
dome slhiag to d.ssrve .r poor as lipimen
from you, ad yeti have no ngbt to talk es.
1 would sever ham seek as opinion of yea,
Lester, sever."
Paul spoke like ene eery deeply hurt. and
is an latest Louise was all insanities. She
ewe tat she had weusded Pal, col she
would stet hurt him fen the world She
Was axao1s to make armada, but •b. Was
at a kiss how tc precool. and lapin thug
waked on is seam She theugle el
ma this'• to my, but sass of them Were
sited to tbe messen., sad as at last,
whew the Meg Sows. was beaming
oppressive and a. felt that
mum he mid, she derided to"lies=1142
baldly awl bag his (seiiv.s•s. tortes her
hands Iia arm .1e Imbed w4t1ei has
his lase, and with bpi d • seebl•. raid :
.'M•l, 1 e • ua j *4/. ami yes stns
sal mind what I my. 1 as est &&&eels be
DRRIOH. ONT., s t AT, JA N ITA'& v 7. l *12.
ewe& Toe, war, sewn MAUI, w t Weis& yes
tofo+'gtve a, will you, Peal, and Melt
what 1 wee fe.J»k enough to my !.,
It would have required an Ire veal M
withstood that tender lade ampul, tEt
a welt • soft toe. and those wadbrows
eyes kukisg es .irmwhtlbr Tip from be
meth their tow. Mel Whim it was sot
in the tatters of thaw for Paul to hold oat
it fat isslaSAM. and like • Aa
►. ba .1 neat fres, h4 face mud it slims
out again all light and smile
there. there, Louise.- he wird. '• rt a
all right. I WAS sum you couldn't !rave
r. neosr .n otnsio n of hoe. and I to eartr
that timid anthug to hoot von. Weil
forget et all and ewer thunk oda .go n.
And Paat hest to kio. the rue) Zine wild
Luise tamed up t., hut, and the little *ti►
uu,leretauder wan at an end. Vas. so fast
•a Paul was .sou, true l it was, hut- • bleb
shake of doubt remained en I..ui•es beast
and rankled for a loci, t:u,e st:er.
('HA PI *:R VII.
orae t2 .1 41010.
The lovers had gone quite a distant* tram
home, wanting 'on in that unmindful save
in wraprwl un In thoughts of snore Juana
tart thins. that they entirely forum.. shout
time and di.' nr.. lovers Deter did have
any cons,114,1tiera of tint*. and ..1 a1w*vs
seen.. that when a couple become deenly
engrosrnl no each other's moist and
grow ohI•-...us to tin1A the tette sprite
Plays them a tuck and ,,•.'.a akiu.n,ieg
along "nnni,.r hones into minutes and
minutes int.. second,. such was at ur,
he treated Paul cad Lotter that d..v. a,.d
.stn . e.c:tt.1.11y they did setae lark to
weir surn.mtdnyo they touted that it was
d une* night, teeth the Burn uauguig like a
'real rat 1,.11 tow duwu in the sky, but a
leve feet t,on the earth. seemingly.
Lomas was greatly surprised and ale«ken
w,.an she saw how lata; it had grown, and
exprerretl a wish et: return home with ale
possible spend.
Ah, Paul," said she, "how .veld you
treat 1,' so- Why didn't you turn back
before. ti....'
•1%its• 1(11(12 t you •&!I 1112 attention to
the fact that 1t was getting an late`' Paul
and In t, ;,Is
•'1--didlnt k,n.n i:. I wasn't noticing. -
"Nei: her trot 1 know it. Rut it .lon'1
natter, t;...,.,. for the mi'son will shine out
I1!gi•t 1 11.,.4:1 cad ver sere 111 UV daager of
getting hst.-
1,t you sure of that. Paul!"
"sure cf a h. h, Louise!"
••11'0., that the m..ou will shine out."
••11'by, I (hunk it doe.. 1t ought to,
.anyhow. anti I reckon .1 will.
lam's.- Lad smote doubts on the point. and
misgivings toed possession pf her. What t(
at became pone .lark, ami they so far from
home with no read the greater part of the
way to gunk them back! She began to
worry and fret, and Paul began t.. console
.:nd comfort. 1'bus they went along for A
mak or sn. and Louise began to feel more
cheerful. itut directly she espied a dark
cloud stealing op us the south. (hely the
edge of it wee visible as vet. bet it tree
ateeddiy sppna.•hmg and haste fair to nun
ole the lessens wnthta :en hour.
" Paul. ' •he said , what .hail we do!
'rotate w.11 i.. n•, orae.. And the night
will he cloudy. .11i. we shall get lost
and nut get borne tat morning. What
will paaua 11.amu,a
••I),n't, Louise." Paul replied. ••11r calm,
and don't ::et. 1'no sorry that we came o0
far, but we shall get back all right. Ar.,
you torah'
• • N o, not • bit. •'
"Then let s walk fast while it io light
and get as far &.auto hone as possible.
There will he a light in the window at you!
Mouse. and if we get rear enough to see
that we will have no trouble in finding the
way, even if it to dark. -
they hurried on as hat as they .•ottld.
and before the night came on they had trs
vetoed several tailed of the way. They
were hurrying on thus, when just as the
t w ilight began to fall they heard the fall ..t
a horse's feet behind them, and woos after
wards • man on horseback cam,• clattering
up. They thought he was going to pass
wtthmit sproking, but when he had got In
fn.nt of thea. he • he.•ked his hoax, and
turning In the nubile so as to face them.
lifted his hat. raying:
"Excuse Inc. hot could you inform me
whether 1 am on the Mrd leading to Para
disc Pak
'-l'nu are,` replied Paul.
"Thanks. can you gave De the distance'
"A natter of • dozen miles, I pre.umr.
The stranger asked n•, more quem ions,
and. evidently having gained all the infor-
mation he .desired. Paul expected him to
ride on. But he did not. He went
along slowly for several yards, re-
taining the *Arne position in the
saddle and keeping his eyes fixed on the
couple. Louise had not dared to look
at hem after tee first glamrs sho gave
him when he came up. for emnehow she
felt that hie eyes were fixed on her,
and she felt en undefinable dread of him,
and longest to be rid of has presence. After
awhile the stranger broke the silence, my-
"A dozen mile*, That is a Ione ride, and
this is going to be • Ind night , too. It will
be terribly dark, And t Mink at will rum,
don't you!
"It may possibly.- Paul replied. "Are
yon s stranger in this Fact ton. -
“Yell. entirely s.. I ane lust out from the
east mid came up from the railro..d today.
You live near. I suppose!"
"Yes, guide near.
Then they went on newly again, and
linos kept awh..,.4 that the stranger would
ride away and leave them. Hie presence
ad hu volee boned her and made her ner
roue. Paul felt that his company could
very well be spared and he would rather
have ham go. but he had no rwrticular objec-
tion to hs presence. He experience none of
that axentte for him that Louise felt_
'•Areyou acquainted!'" asked rhe stranger.
again breaking the pause. "with Solomon
Screggs over at Petsdtae Park•
"1 am," said Pal. -ad 1 suppose most
ayooe in this section can tell you the
same. The most of them knew him quite
well, and they would perhaps be • great
deal happier it they knew him los"
"So! Thea be is not popular!"
"No, nor would any other man he wader
the cirrunatanw
"What is flat. may 1 ask!"
"Why, loaning money to the settlers at
thieving rates of int.teet. He just robe
every wean who borrows fmm him."
You don't my! why he most have an
nee heart. to take advantage of people that
way. Catches then. in . clos. plate'1 imp
pear mid then heart down m them a the
last Notch!'
"That a it,exaetly, said Paul.
"Then he is a merriI.r ml.lremet,"
the other replied. "A Marilee, wretch,
and 1 sympathise with those who are so
unfortunate as to fall tato his power. In
gaol t do Wall, i most rede s, for my
j.srwey is • Wag owe yet."
With that he pat hie mare to his bens
and galloped away. Louise listsed said
he wee est of herrng then et • tligl. el
relief. Paul heard her and lambed arced
'Tat triad he's gene,- she said
"Why?" asked Pawl
"111•••••• i don't hke him."
„sada see he teamed Paul
mhest aY tea,
h• &•load w.0 rough, tut l dust
believe he sweat 1t. 1 dad.'1 hke his Woks
fres, the Snit."
"Well. l*, 1 Bids'% &oathm ayt luag per
sMuhr is h4 holm He a yaws ave,
l ktoit g. What Inalieabout
hire r..4that yuu like, Louise!'
••1 don't kala 1 lust knew • that 1 .ora
like hint, aad I was glad whits ue left ..
I bud •art et dread awl leaf of him. B';
he's gone now, a let's net talk about low
an nfAre."
Louise'• faay struck Paul a ratite* ride
calm., for he was very stat ter ui feet u.
his ideas, and he mover couut.d anythu,,
ea Asst unpteenis.a, Hr put every 11..,,
duwo for west be chimed to be until hr
knew him well .sough to as.leruawl her
character sad muteve He Pi :...t 1441 D•
Uaxv.uu' 01 her rtwt. •0 Louise as• mut of
hum .r with ties world asset not WA grow 01
WOO u. (min favorable "pawns of ayuoe
Theo tslke.l ha; 1 t!le after that, and
.allied at sue!. apse . that Louise add 1A
.ante exhausted. 1'he night had tour
now, and off iu the mouth the .loud was
stealing upb while it... and mon • hoe
growl 1 thunder rolled s1 from Lite
wt to the emit and vivid . of light
rung streaked the heavens.
••Paul, Louise raid, "what dell we
do! We meal' he ion out hare, and sever
tied our way home.
••11'e must :o.u, Louts., and elo the best
we eau. Perfume see may find the way."
Again they novel torward, but with skew
stip, for with fatigue, fright and anxiety,
non was trembling so that she .sul
laid!) Lear her weight. The clouds spread
dot. ♦nth .win the whorle heavens eras rob
swrr i. The thunder ,trees louder sail more
(milieu, until It beccaiue terrific, awl the
lightning gashed ineassatly. Then directly
it begat to nmin.FIM a few large, scatter
ing drops fell, but in a moment the WAN
follo.edt by a swift dash, and x regul.:
downpuor saveeade.L A stout :.Meru
sprang up, sweeping the run along
in ;Treat sheets, awl: Winding I'wul
and Louise, who were compelled
to face it.
For an hour they kept on. and .11 the
tine their speed grew Ives and ors, until at
last Louise, who had exerted herself to the
full of her strength, sank to the ground.
In an Instant l'aul war on his knees at her
"1'31 .:LAD Men .84151.,' .111. SAID.
side holding her head a hie ,toms and .hal
tering her face with his hat.
••1 cant go any further." she whiapenol:
"art another step. -
"Then ret here.. Paul replied. -The
row will blow over directly and then we
eau go .1o. I'm glad it's so warm. for the
rain won't hurt us, and we shall he muse the
worse for the wetting. We woe'& care for
it when it s over, and to -morrow we can
health about our adventure."
t it was not the wet or the ansae
fact of being lost that wormed . She
realtaed that it was not the proper place tar
her. out there in the night acme with Ms
lover. cad shr droadt0 whet her parents
wouM think. She never had been guilty d
a, int that would shake their .mhdenoe,
and she felt that et would break her heart
If she should know they harbored even the
faintest su.pac.on of her. All thee came
through her mend and she brake into ware
8404 sobs
Paul teed to comfort her, never see-
ing beyond the bodily inconveniences int
the hour. Honest, n u hearted soul
that he wee, • thought of the impro-
rety of the situattum never came to
m. He never thought of whet others
might say w think: bat knowing the purity
of he own motives took it for granted that
everybody else wneld are the affair en its
true light.
"We rant go any further," Paul said,
"until the rain is over, for we have nothing
towel. us. and if we tramped au night we
would not find your house. We right pant
and musk within a few yards of it twenty
time and never know at.
Louise silently acqu:mrd, for she w.. too
weak to stand, and knew the it was im-
possible for her to go on even if it were best.
So they remained wasting fur the rain to
blow over, and hour after hour patted.
it was a solemn tame away out then o0
the wide waste of lonesome parasite, in the
sunnier of the night, with the deep tha.hr
rolling through the heavens and the bight
htsung glaring and fleshing all about. it is
impossible to picture the desolaios of each
a *.rue or to dewnbe the feelings of loaeli•
neat that comes user tote ase. sita*ted.
At last the rain reseed, and shortly
a faint ray light began to .how in the
west. They knew the morning wee
coming, end they never welcomed 11 more
gladly in all their lives- Aker several
eforta Louise wee able to stead. Nal held
held her in hu arms and slowly tb•y walked
toward home. After walking • .6ort du -
tam,* the numbness began to leave her, •n
she could proceed with tolerable sae. An
hour brought them in sight at the cabin,
and soon thereafter John ,net these He
had bees not the grater part of the night
is esareh of his .laughter. Louise wee soon
at hoses, weeping ne her mother's bosom,
while Pad and John stood moldy looking
Celled them the Ola fay.
Lewis 8. Ratter, Burin, Nfld., rheumatism.
Thos. Weems, 8h.aldd, N. R., lockjaw
By. McMullin, Chatham, Ont., goitre.
Mrs. W. W. Tohson, Walsh, Oct., Whim
James H. Bailey, Parkdare, Ont. ,neuralgia.
C. I. magas. 8ydsey, C. B., la grippe.
Le every care ..aolieited and a•theeti•
atoll. They attest to the merits of MIN
eon as flatter ay ma by telling him
that you know ham to he a ma who 4 sot
eerily emttored. _Ateh'stn Gleba
Hawnty appears to be very
divided betimes those who sal ettrapriem4
palsy and them woe e•a'1 get any to MeaA,
- 0inglsmtem Loader.
J. D. Ras*ld, elram.M, 4 home hum
ibashm.t, New Skirmish, where he is •
mast astinMetorily seeds of Welt of the
power. .t ►i* imam 8.sg-mlhg
thSilke k water dews lir 2,006 fest el hems
A generate was im..iieeel, elect.
rlION Illte mms\ and Liver derange.
e•wr-Dinppis. Siliuu. ens, Ski-
ide dads. mid Ueawipattoe- end soak
slut ,arta• relief 1a
Aywr'a Mill.. la all
cases where a ca-
thartic 4 seeded,
them ?Mame remise.
meadr.l by leading
Dr. T. C Hastings,
$ Baltiuwre. says:
Ayer's 1114 are the
best (situate mid
aperient within the
reach of my proles-
role`n,n "
Dr. John W. Drown, of Orrsna, W.
Va., writes : " 1 have prrscrabed Ayer's
Pills in toy practice, ad tin.1 them ez.
cetitia. I urge their general use is
" For s number of years i was afflicted
with biliousness which almost destroyed
my health. 1 tried various remedies,
but .othisg afforded use ear relief until
1 began to take Ayer's Pills." --41. 8.
Wasderlicb, b ranwn. Pa.
. 1 have used Ayer's Pills for the pout
_years, and men satiated 1 ah.uld
not be alive to -day 1f It led not leen
for them. They cured ate of dyspepabs
when all other remedies indeed. an.i their
o.•caskisal use her kelt me Ina healthy
condition ever sloe."- T. P. Bruwa,
Chester, Pa.
Havi.ig been subject, for rears, to
cwlratipmtios. without being *hie to find
much relief. 1 at last tried Ayer's Pills,
and deem it Loaf a duly and a plessure
to testify that I have derived great ben-
efit from their use. For over two years
past I have takeu cur of these Pills
every night before retiring. !would sot
willingly be without them"- G. W.
Bowman, 36 Fast Main at., Carlisle, Pa.
"Ayer's Pills have been used 1e mi
Wally upwards of twenty years. and
have completely verified all that e
claimed for them. In attacks of piles,
from which I',offered many years, the
afforded Mme greater relief than any t
kine I ever tried." -Thomas F. Adams.
Holly Springs. Texas.
Ayer's Pills,
FailAaaD •T
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Ca, Lowell, Mass.
!old by ail 1Jrwes•r. sod De.Mrs la bistros.
in Cloaking,
Maties Clift Free of Charge,
Bazaar Patterns given Away
WITH (I(►41-; I'1'It 'll kSED FOR CHILlritEN's WEAR
Wo 10 _^..f .EA.1.1
- _A.z.--
EM tt
The Merriest Christmas Yet
Is our wish for all and to help it along we have imported a beautiful
as.orttmeut of gift goods *uitable for all:
‘I../.1 t''4
Iaovel• nowt suasion Thbrear ars •A'e.anwesweetness aidbaaity.
Bottled from 10a to 83.50,
Beautiful est glass bottles,
Ilaqu. ('..l.yttws,
itis k.re k e a's lovely gift costa
AN beadles c.a.+ in hulk over % odors.
Baehr.. i.1 slat:, .net e t. elopes
A refined mollies a always as •tx.pt•bie
alleC*U sad see theta. gen.
We carry over no CI ristmas goods everything goes at low-
est figures in town•
Dfasmiag mass PT, B.
Mavis a .* II up le r.
Mamke res.
Cuff and odlar taan.
Napkin rnl(a in MOOS,
Valles, etc , etc., ere.
tLETTS- W. c. GOoDE. The Chemist
PURE - Pure Candies Chocolates
esss d for w 1a For smetait sea
Iofte•(as weer. • Mrseee• other
MIL A emu..,sats soda.
eeU tw As iraers cad sl... .t.
L w. izmLslIri1. rtawamews
-- -----_ True
T111. CANADIAN Portray IUitwav Co.'s
TauoRArw las pees rw•Wteked to give the
public • first -lass • ' e• with fair and per-
mane"t competitive.
1l s managed as hlsll•ri Rtaclples and is
the interest of Is tlgdvav, \
It deserves the • /ted I(•ry person who
believes in compelsel.
Ft. aasek desaale8 ase ibis teem/•ay
lista'000rcting with all Ilwr. sad cable.
le felted mates, Camelia wad Larvae.
Direct through wires to Ali pointer he the
North west, British Columbia au Pact& Coast
Umcs--'Dull `aide Wet. at.
M. MAlirIJIW ,
23C-tf Local llansaer, (loderich.
Unlocks • 1 the clogged avenues of the
Bowels. Kidneys and Liver, carrying
d gradually without weakening the sys-
tem, all the impnntu• and foul humors
of the secretions; at the same time cor-
recting Acidity of the Stomach,
Biliousness. Dyspepsia,.
lsadaehtfs, Dizziness, Heartburn,
Coost1paUon. Dryness of the Skin.
, Dimness of Vision, Jaun-
dfes. Rheum. Erysipelas, Scro-
fula, vommege,iRd of the Heart, Ilt
thaw awn Esem similar unto
y1k1 tc Nlel. p 'Noel
Fee Sa:A sew aN Daises
T. &UUI & CO., P[ipdil-.., T.
-Ones fa M:Lemee--
-*101 the Market -
Money to Lend
Cheap Rates,
Psriur's Iota Ciskei
Table .7elite s
AU kinds of
Family Grocer,
100 pages e
Perfect Entertai
A fPw of the good thing*
for '92.
h month ; only *.40 a year.
anent for the Passings Hour.
''FA la HA•TAlb " Several a bees id
the class of '91 her. promised to tribute.
"Sore )lm►r AS 1 WILMS Asa Mr., or," by
(eon of W. D. Howell*.
1• the • !mistimes (Leet dumber.
\I'D' A To vPILIUI ons, iv
(woe of Edward Everett Hale).
The clever wooed of the set, wi( be pub
lashed later.
ONm MAN'• .,Dv'.Itw .', b.
.1 dram thrilling sdvesteres, a .y Ogee.
1. How 1 henna, •s A.wrea i
I 1 The litroioloorg Prang . LOW
111. Wstk eeesty Seehsss•.
1 V. Tie Pira -fir .yowl of I1.diau Waves.
sari •••,Mss Hess CIMis/t•s ease tfa
Asa '• Resew* Nesse. Mary else.&. ••-•o
Howe Han:The War .f the 8silisMa. I'
others, by Jamie liestaa Wresaciai. Manant
Jobs Prestos Tess. I_ T. Meals. *e
!lass a.a,
By Aa two AwDay.w. A brlihmsastory d
ental adymtore sad yoathfal patriotism;
toriesly tree
JACa • Viii
.' swarm M
By Mrs. maria McIntosh Cox. A true story
of the Civil War, • Northers village. sell •
)ease lose hers.
By ESTE Orem CL.ag. Nary Aa' r s
R(N at mar owe W. tars le be the mamma
serial d Lite year.
TEM W OMT1iib8wi OI
esseve Tab8l.ta ssesii.
Two evmseesam. •Ms of so* mu,
ex flea 0014,11 MMas1aL*...J..,•
is Amite Pack les.
Tiger's ient el Parilsnw.
wy 1sem Gibraltar.
A lir wMb • talttesn Melee.
A Nin Hist. or I.ot to &roar, by
- Law Mask TWO (Marlette M. Valla • eery*
77. Je.ratertie Meriting Noir,
MMr1h Cyt. C. A. (`ono U. et. A.: sad atttra7
, amber el Pix I.IMI. Pry pm& Q.e n U
Walowns. F. . trinasre•t *mirth hy Mary iL Wilkins, bass coolaga. ( Ala Theater
Um )*a O. Austin sod others.
lii.ewaf meffearaMarse hf Daskr. es ..s, d1 k1.dd fireit.r. et the Merest' p•elMM Rlesa
n18ti.rr. hist that be
1* tha.kkes• a1M ei11Mr Ibis paw
iIt I•
i a aim ss4e rl Ams► 7~ w
hese lefles ere • esweiessee st
• Hamilton-st.
Ayer's HaW Yu
IS alb " kiwi' Eigres.Ofag- It tw
▪ obese the esker be wok* i FttMsetl.n
• beak bad Tisanes grow* ; powwow.
IYo formatio■ d
a..al.f;sake, the
hair net and d,k..;
bad imparts s dell
tate hat Ia.Ysg pmt
"Several swaths
ago m bah 010
tar falling
aad la a few we
my hood we almmaotstt
list dem g 1 a4 ., tried Saar. -
a beetle el Ayres Hair Vigor,
aims oily a part of the me
teas, my had we covered with a
h eavy groowtthtksel hair. 1 recommend
veer he base la the
world." T. Il anday, as &neuro. Grove, Ky
" 1 byre mid Ayer's Hal: Vigor ter s
..sb.r of y lea sad It kag alwayaglires
ars asatdas o. It Mao •se•llemed ms.
asp reveals l ilethe itealp ' wows
01 4. aJuse s. HairMarper toe
!EmirPit restorfag
r* et the bak, sad
tette eels. and Me aims.
gMpessed."-Mia Gem
Sapid, Mick.
" disk Vfgnlr 4 • asoet excel -
yS the hair. I speak
d IK sq own eiperls.oe. Its s
*s growth of naw.M
N, mam r ani at. The VINE ke
sous kr issieva."-.11. W. Swam
barr " McArthur,
i<ognb'e , Ohl,.
" I hare used Ayer's Hair Vigor !m
the past two years, and found It all le le
rw +toed to be It restores the .dl►
nl curer to grey hair, causes the !lie
to grow freely, and keeps It .ell sed
pliant." -Mrs. M. V. Day, Cobees. E.11'.
. My father, at sheet the ys
km all the Bair from the toped Yds
Atter use r.outh's trial at Ayetes Hale
Vigor the hair began coming, and, 1n
three mouths. he had a Ase growth e1
hair et the natural color." -P. J. C onsU.
Saratoga Morino, N. Y.
Ayer's ilair Vigor,
rasr*aen IT
Or. 4. C. Ayer & Ce., 1. ss% Mars.
Mae h Dreams and r4llissEb
in damns IMm0/y s
sD g1l.trwatneuftre• taitl
b MLE mal nee vel f s.•nl yet bJ nx pr r• ('.U.1
1kis elegant :valets whisk& y uu auto: mine. as
ft yon 10* M
It all •ven mel
than elaiwt tc
tF' 11 119 TASE r
L It ,CIIJ se
thelweee such
shames to secure
reliable unseal*
at rich a radio
tom* yylow plica
toreeli`.. recd. '11
!. • noine CO
7ValacesWATT ma
COW over clomps
r! tion mtetaL It b
-i solid bow, cap e
crown, h;in tls
ease.beaet lfully t
gravel mid hide
proof The war
are Waltham sty
rieil jewclkd, with expansion ba!anee.
and we warrantIt an accurate tin
it is snit .ale for either • lady
guarantee WY es
..tct. Ad:!icwu COr r
Retektaakers. 4e O!
SENO US =i 00 &.lip oI pap°et
we will .end rote postpaid Mk Zug
&,roses SWIM
Mlle 85.8 US 8
by ladies i
*the b
. t.rietkyms
, aad bare
.•me =rteee r
iaa•.•seatu. a
rine saw,
Pet rbs.ema. o f
Title& CREAT C01'1:H CURE. this sitz
al CONSUMPTION CURE, u without •
Ili! is the history tf medicate. All drug)
re authorised to sell i:.0 a positive gm•*••
Mit that no a;xr true can secoadelly u11
(you lave a Cnagb, Sore Throat, we Branch
ss it. far it will cure you. U !our child
he Croup, or Whooping Cosgh, site it proem
.d relief is sure. 1f you dread that Medd
Mum CONSUMPTION, deal frit to am i
41 care ye or Dost woe1 A )
Alba* far SHILOIH'S CURE, Pricesk
obit. Yad $i.00. 11 year l..ega me sok
lads demo, use Shiloh's Pte*. Plower. 25
8.•41D YO'
Seen our Display
Nothing hut useful artii
which are at the same time beat
fnl and appropriate.
The bulk of oar remain
f1 eek conaiitw of our finest go(
such at; Seal, Astrachan, Rem!
Alaska Sable, Sac., in Capes, St(
Cellars, Muffs and Gauntlets.
Shopping Muff* a deli
Gentlemen who wish
Ughierwear, Toes, Handkerchi
Moves, Shirts, Collars. Guild,
will Ind oar counters replete s
fibs choicest goods at price; to
Aa elegant variety of hath
W. T. HAYS & C
C.r. 11.tg.Is.I•b mid ft,.....
A*nAs he the heldea whom law*