HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-12-31, Page 8AnvERTI8Fe
Its 'VOL
Waal a look
Waal • Cler►.
West a tanner.
Want • Kltu..tma.
Want to sell a Plano.
Waal to Roy • Hume.
Waat to Sell • Carnegie
Want •e Bay or sell a Farm.
Want to Holl House 1•rupiit)
Went to Let a house or (`ottage.
Want to Hell Onx erre• and Deng.
Waat to Sell Housebokl P uranium
Waat to Sell Dry U.•uds or carpets.
Want to glad Cu.Iourers for £nythina.
TheVeerst Ba.t Mediums in the Comex).AdvwrtM.ag will gain New customers.
Advmthonet sod keep Old Uurtuuiers.
Advertising generally always pays.
Advertising tualw toweas Macy.
Advert hiss besets .o.adenoe.
Advert tabu stows e
Advertising shows plots.
Ad. mime : ea at once.
Advertise . o.WnnaUy.
Advertise akUlfully.
Advertise freely.
Advertise bare.
Propene ler Sale or lb r Rent,
1 teres of hardwood hue , for sale bead •o
Odhera...d •ab.eld. Win sell b, cord la
tree. K. N. I.ILMIN Terms of pay a eta req.
fulbwi g valuable property to the .IYale
• of lllwerale : Owe lame ...ornate" shot) . also
blaca.mitb ahoy Mtj.:uiy ((p Mor further par
Oculars apply to THOS. !OXON. Hluevale P.
O., 1hot. K Sm
Ma There is • sop* Meek les M
the premise& Address r* L).11•.JOIINMTON.
8sun *e. Maria Oat. ala
1. building oo Kir to., Brw
.ftla. at present occupied as a palet ohop by
na, bmilk s on sale. Teruo raw. Apply to
F. fl. 8COT'1'. erorrl. P. 0.
Has • otroulatk,u more thea three titres
than Say other urwepaper published so O
ass. and 1s only r Not -vied in cireu'w,00 by
este new In the counties of Hume.
Perth sad Rrtote. A11 condi used ad venire -
meats aro classified .ad the rate. are : Twenty
words and u..deer. f/e.: each additional word
one-half tent
Travelling Od1ie.
Trans arrive and depart a ill issich as fol
levee .
Mail aad Express l.:A. p.m.
Ma.' aad Express .. W re y. u..
.. .... .. a/S a.m.
. T.M gem.
Mail ... r............:Jl/a
Ila.. and Kxpr.. . LIO p.n.
Elite l .. .. .. /!kls►a,
Situations Vacant.
AY and Wirework. Oe.. *UM MO V-
H, a'KNl't Quebec greet. 4411
imam] b4.,.w personally be-
in-Ioe Jan. IRs!. 1}:S.N,3141 IChUUY. 77
Nest st.
Lost or Found.
1+)ST - LAST 1111 ItSD.11 .RFI ER -
J noon.* tedt'IInaelk boner uamet.Fire4er
ilia be '1 h) hat mg it a: Fit.1!ski: t
PORTkI1 . 11-11
boarders. Ample accommodalies
pleasant situ& ion apply to MRe. U, iSW► f1.'
T-sfalgar tamer. w
1 or four beerdcr• n,.ar thr Huai. re t,uul.
Torah rea.ona',lc. ..ppll ai T11( r,'5 AL
..115..: MAI
Tenders Wanted.
deice en of ell cards of'green wood at t ie
public ..11004 or the town et L,denctl -•soot
to be beech and maple. Log lees than halt
lta*L'le, fuer feet Iraq;. tree from limbs anal NINA
)4. Tel1Arrs 10 las Pit no, f... *Lan t11 reeds
aid to be delivere4 nut later sfe•. Is 51*suu,
1e: Tender. u1. tx rt..e.4ed :11, to Jatiar)
1 sloe. b) tin' uudrt-4.. ed. 1.1..111 11 llkI..1.
- -
141•41'R AY LER -(-'-\110. ('PON
thr premises of .b, tlr.d.r.mned lot 11-
eerxme.io1 5. Anal. h). oa or about the sub.
.lath of NUtemb. t , a one I. ar+l.t red 0t. rr.
The uw urr .aa Labe 4..e nW,r 1,) gran in,t p•
d sty ani DAVID -41N
.Large". 1.- DAVID-41N[1"tnitesi on. that. 3tr41
Medical. •
I)H$. Will FEL] alt OUP'rK1t
11 J OMs. -(•nod Open theme 1004.11.114.
11 1'byoiruu.*. eurp.oas. Aceuuchere. Mc
Oak•. at Ur. bbaroo*'s se,idrn.e. neat the
'au; (leder 'ch. U. t'. S4 .. . J. R.8nA4-
NO.. 1:51
MUIEIC MOH /1014. -MISS A(;(;Ih.
T*OM8tiN i. prepared to give music
res a p.. o. organ. Fur parte
rq etre at .,r.. W. 'h.esm+uu's uric
Loans and llnauraaoe. -
these sd Jotters prorate fends et be per
ole (trod fern .rooms). Apply pi 'sot
fe virile. K. N. Late' , 4*uhutor, l..4e-
woutw n'K, Lu A's A sI' IN
14. *wren. agent. It01 al lusnr*uc. t 0111 -
pan) of Kabstand. the richest and most 11 betel
4.Bmeany in ie. world : Landon a1 -d Lancashire
Lble and landaus l,.amant4•« and) Accident.
Loans at k west ra'e of interest I.R. a 1l r
tier of Neutral, earl Ham.lt,n Mr• rte. Cowl
aria, oppopte Mania's hotel. 334in
e. • accident insurance• tweet : at laws"'
rate.. (JNee --Cor. Nurtbwt. algid equate. ,.0d
mech. % 1
.LTJ amount or prieat« and other funds a.
lowest. rales on productive town and 18.111
properly. ispeet*1 t. -red.. 0( repayment to soil
Ow borrower.- Nue+mnrrwwn. -Can as erre
M. u. JOHNSTON. boner.h. O W -a(
601,111 FO L .AT. Ari'L1
rich. ITN
q`ONEY To L11,MA-A- H
-LA I.
`1 ....rant of Pn i ai. reads for 114T00. m1
allows.' esteem 'ret -elm.. M.r1.oge e. • pph
0OARROW A I'Hllt'ithosi''.
..s'.''.. Real Kri*i. and M.wey
Leming *print- GM() lir..• lova enmpears
teOeeteaeed. Hour) to Leon 00 •Iran(•
"Mae, a the lowest rale of lours.$ poi*.. in
an way to suit '1 • not -tor rr 1 Mee- Sem
• ewer from ta•ar.. West Street tOf
SICH)'IA*/A, LL) " -LP 'sTAL4
. neem . mew, ebe new PPM 1.0*1e.
11101., lduder40I. IJ
K K R'• 11414108(N I. p► tl
•...r•...n dem,. ...e and v iodides air
p•,_„ red for p.,, few* 41111,..11011 of tooth.
aseistese gore to ' -,r preamr. M ail
e at 41w1 t Iyt h. 0101.. -Up Matra
.)trees Hew,. Hk.,0. 1011,..0 • Wes.
eh. fat•.'
howl Aotoomb i/Uibie .
TN) Ni }MN 11A.1'e.1..
w salt 011.01,11V
100 ".a. l....e1 aa0 'lain
messed. enlargv+l •..., improved ?swung
trail ls snit t10ew•d ••• ...aa r1. quaint .t a. -
iat1.a ter the IraeeNu.t goal..% Want
11 r .ee 1....1.1..0' .roma N- Y.
t Amo. I'roorkwee. 1 h Mawr% W10.r$. .
11' .wwfonahl• frame nouns at the foot o
West .1., Imm04i&1el) opposite the Park: e
vary deeiib1e 10001100 and would be apecialle
meltable for seamier boarders. per fortber
Pantewla ' essay W .V. T. Willett'. ie tf
`. stood rountre business; with de elliult at -
Imbed. A good chaotic for • man with • small
&sisal Port Mace la 00014001 too . daily mull
tlat1detory renews ler manias- Apel; to
CHAR. HAW [Inks. 14Sa..8ltepperdtem 4.0..
Hu1.011 .uuwty. 33.41
1La. on the let .+.a.. 4i...rah township,
flay lead (toad,:comprising Ya acres, situated
on the Lake Shore Road sit miles from the
town of Ilsrleriol.. The land is of good qual-
ity, and is suitably either fur (train or for
Mock raising. There is good 1iting strsen
throutth the ceoue of lar farta. For partici'
ler. addrees R V. HA VR barrister. Ocderlrh.
■■'' LOT Petit .,.(LK OV er. PATRICK MT.
About two minutes walk from .bo Square.
Two stories hitch. brick addltlon in the rear
high. budding covered with slate.
Male building hos 3 large rooms on lb* Mt.
uu(gssttsirs there aro 5 large r:wms. lm the rear
addition there are kitcben. pant. J. wr1l100141.
l :re. era's room and bathroom. Also good
tt. 1er. Apply to the undersigned. who will
g aU necessary Iufermauoa DAM 1.
1KIwN. fist.
r Iran, fromcoorinued ill -health. eagle few
Isle hie house and grounds in •he tows dU.de-
rieh. consisting of 6 lotr,oh whcb are situated f
ra11 t4C4aat anti u.ort comfortable dwelling-
B um built mitt loot( Ace ogled by re Hunur ,
Jadir' einela.r, of Hamilton. a beautiful gar-
den. stables and all a,ctirery outhouses and
appurtemanote, the whole in gored repair and
'ornate. re of the most desirable residences its
the WS /.. )r heau•
r h. for 'oar4.ulers ru.lei
t Meters. OAB(tOty i 1'I. JlJ
.FUOT. e
rice. Ibe veneer's "oh 1f0^s, 11-11
Art-tNM Sir Salle
AieD AND t.OPT wet, FOii
• abr.-hest quality of hard aad NO coal.
all grades deli re: ed to any part at the town ea
.hu. . notice. lief my mixes before ordering
thaw here. JOHN J. t l.lTT, *11
ii' in gaud order IKo)at. w4h fo't,flwers
Wand ;er hast r win .014 leas gat. gddtsm
K. 11.. thisomte. lit(
VOR SA! -T St) 144 IN. CAST
ti in. face. 1 1' 16 in. tore or ran
~ bons( to 01 banger abaft. til.sl a 014.0.
NM he Bold a • reas0nah:e figure. Aopy at
r.4.: 1'14.563, r"' Loo it.iii mg House, North -at..
Ooderich. 06•16.
The People's Column,'
N'Mre all ;;rade.of Iu,uh-'r 05 0.9* 1* etal;.
All chimes of bo,!.! ug it Crr,sl, ea -h
au4 ,!cure, at ver) 1054' 904.111.
Running err mil. :n cunneotisa with sal'
wo-kis enaides me to work cheaply. Tnr 1st
old unproved machinery 1:04 been placed in
m) m.11.
ithlongKies. all grades. from 41 15 per •<Lars
ut.0;.rd$. Splendid made of paw*. lilt, per M.
r7.r.r.eg sat siding. front 11 per 54. upwan!s.
Nark and white sash.cedar. baa.wood. e,In
re eyrie. heed telt aad penecue to order. 'Oct-
ets, %arises and )rices. 1 will ee.1 -beep t'r:
cash or tate • .r.lw .4, h , l... sot e ua
lumber. rate bI►11.. cedar pees. AIie,: an.
adult. In pVnaent err rtotimue' f'r ba:lding
mr'rrlal. Det my prices before driving • nail
of 1' A wuhte ave nosey.
JU*4g1'H Kivu.
Ibly 17 R itanoie-st.
iiieskia aims
1 11 W - - ram.
eavniAro iallakbors w Ise IIS
ilea, -lot
ro ale ee 171
is re duty to go to rho The laaael*l
n uod1uo* of lbw Lowe be red what It ought to
be, aad ea other Wall d public policy 1 am
sot la wawa with the aclluos of the comma
of MMR. If Mooted 1 pled" myself to work
faithfully in the inte,esl of the public.
l ours. 4OPJ.
U -It JAW. N ll.1tU
lapin:. *51 Ueirvuul,:a, 1 bee to hook
you for the support *hies 1 rmoaI%rd at ,our
hands lams year. aad as 1 Isco been uomlnat.d
for mum:oiler fur Rt. Patrick's ward .or 13111:
I hopeou wall a favor me with 'our twee
and inilue0oe. II elected ( eka11 cadHvw• to
des Me thy ben elturts to tilt tunnels .1 the
it.rd mid the tow* at Iar.(e.
Your 0
41-11. JA A
NNFAL k1EEf1NG.l !
The anntu: alerting of the 11. est Wawau•ml.
Muturl Yin- Iaurancet'umu.uy will be weld
a teem hall. Uuallsnu•ra. on f1esday the 191b
day of Januar). A.D. IItK. for the purpose of
rerris,mt 11e directors **ni.al re •. and
auditors report of the erect 441 and expel dl -
tures of the company during the pat year mad
also for the election of them directors.
J. M. HURCKTS. Peur.tar)
loom ann..a. Dec. 11th. 1111. II fJ
Public NotYM.
1\4ANCHKSI'EK MILL.. - ll 11
A iL W.•bon
h, ha. sae leased the *be mills.
t.cp 10 in orm thr (droners tut the mill 11*e
' underdone rte^.weary repairs. an I. having t.ad
corulderable experts -me, be h .p. s. with im-
prov e.) machinery and carobs! &lieu 4141 tV
bus nsaw, Terminer uaw dour which will defy cul -
petition. anus. b) hemp pruwpi and +w-
conitg'odating lu mufti Ihr,n.uldrt:ce sad ea -
sure the saliafacttoo of his rwronlen Mani-
toba hard wheat will h.-• ales). on band, *ad
nre-chur meted wheat e...,. will he menu
f• -lurid. Chopp:1.g ayte Promptly *1 '•c. per
lou the. 37-3m.
Neth.( of changes most Ina left at this
Office not tater than Saturday
'noon. The Copy for changes
must be left not later than Mon-
day noon. Casual A.hyertilements
accepter( up to noon Wt'.lneod*y of
each w eel:.
burins the next week, e; two H. W.
Rau.. the (enoyl Travelling Agent of
THa Bice t., will be vriting aur friends
in Ash$elI and West Wrwanoeh.
Our subscribers will .-infer a favor 1.44)1.
Ten 111:111. by soaking prompt renewals
anis otherwise waisting Mr. 1841.t in his
(wnv ss
Gave Mr. I;ALR. an introduction t.. your
neighbor who doesn't take Tni, SI... 11.,
, and he will do the rest.
.4 chiefs *emasp pe. ',skin' oars.
.lofrfalta 15,'14 peen! it.
1: I', t'. at the Pharmacy. Geo_ :1. Fear.
Premier Abtr.tt w.li est! the member or the
1:immune to assemble at U•tawa early In Je-
wry end l call every man to newt of a good
into or overcoat to asu•mble at tie* l'hioa.gu
Howe. Wear street. at 04,0. H. YacCuru.s.'
Von cant m•xsure • 1114n4 lovas by his Signs.
and )uu cant mra.urc a man f -,r • *ill of
clothes that way either. F. J. Prtdh•.n has a
reliable tap•11ee. the latest enrtn.ds aad the
LaL boat goodic and gut's why be dues the bens
Snide. that crack ,n the m,d•11e with their
metallic lewdnesscuuvr) but little real cor-
0411it). Tod nor. r see sm-h mole. on the
pictures termed out by fled. Stewart Hs
work whe' her in photo *rt tr plea tare framing
ural woo 4 A 1.
A mnnivinal roe "cd mad idsa can always fret
it mil b. g nag 1.. • .IrnI isle um, r. *1111
i wants holiday uovrines in pw.to,(raphy. the
latest and hoe to u.bosel., Or au 13'.r1tc.-11,•1
line in picture muuhliage be haat better call
up'.n R. It. :hallows.
Alerk **nm1.rs. the West street hoes,
hien ehing moo. sensed' to son tar his im-
mense rock of end* during January. an.l
when he romm••n.e• 10 cut prlaws *ark out
for (.ugnim, Its- good* an- all new, baring
bough' reit hi, 1h• last sit in mob.. Look
a Ate a4vertnem.-nt on page 7, where It *e-
1 pears weekly.
i'I. ter is Maritime Courts of 'int.rio
I Nee --South l'ol borne ham.
0. .1114 NSToN, .B 1 KRISTlR.
`1 . soliettor c eveni.,.+oner. be. Loans•
roan tome and r'•I rotate transactions care-
tull) attended 1e. ,,Marr Looe. !families and
'.1. Andrew'. -.L. :oder. h. 1).t. 1211;rlyl
st mili.tor, Conveyancer. tent Mone) to
bed. OAre ober Pem•U0. s, Uodpricb, .15-1,
CAMPION, BARRISTER, e.lbltor, emery Public. e t
trace -Over Jordan'. I.rug .*Store. the mops
fermnrIP 1000041 * by Jo.tire Io) le_
14 C. HAYS. ti111.ICITOK, kr.
/ om.e. . ut nor of *mare and Woe
MhM lleideru h. user trn•((T..'b Dewe. Tri-
oti, Pend. to hn11 to 6 mer omit. rte.
Ilsler.. AI.nrarlw $oukllon• fto., (lode
rig*.J. T, err.*, y 4'.. ye. promdfuul,
*arguers, HMtc:tors 1m Chancery, to,
Anderfrh. M. (:. ('.meron. V.C.: P. Holt :
Dsdley 11..1 tn.-•.
Mechanics' Institut/6
T1.T•. 1.IIt14AItV AND MCA DIN*.
8114)44, owl. M 4-a: wren sed square 119
sloes from 1 to 4 e.111.. and from 7 to N 1. is.
dB. 21100 41**O 1'u1.:?, IN LIHI(AI(Y,
L...diwy Asa' y. N'e.ldy awe! 11wsfrafeel
Palo..., .Winer, r.ra, dc., 040 Pae.
M►.HKKH+H11'Tick I:T,IINI'- •l.M
K r.. i.og pre•, oar of lee udY, aad ite.44ng.
Applications for aeu.bennip.Feuneed b)
I.1/.rwrroom.n. In rum. \
kll. .•IA1tMAN, 011►. YEN.
1'rveidwL try.
1400.-rl, h. 'Iorrh Ink IMS.
A uoUOneel'Inn.
▪ 11.11e?, mei •e'taacor Lunn and invariance
spat s.I,..'le.wlyd 10 .41 parte of the o..,..-
1), .'..rrr•tamd. act ..1 1.1 ram. J. V
••HI. 41N Nitwitrtde. order. eft a1 1,1.,
^. AL MMI.' primp, l y etre'. tee to. IS -1
IH:1 KNl►X, (lk'►kit 4l, Al C.
• uU. 110.1 •ad Land Vdual•.r, ik.Aen. h,
Uro. Hainan had a.s4der.M, ..peri•nrr .n
Us &actwurersat trade. he Is n • porltktn 'n
4.., h•rge wit :3 IM.nrwtrb rth.clloa aY 00•11 -
Pool. Woo mitt MUM ''o hix. •wo on len M
pilia 11.441. ,r sa n t by o. • 1 to a.• win
Meas 1'. 11„ .s.refully • no0A lo. J111.111
♦• •X. 11..*ay .t5.i tower. lent(
1., fully easml.r at tLrlt hissra volennl re-
rtllewee lu pnnheeler ear el. gam 540. 1 a
SOW 1'1•.•.. Isms) rand osyche.t sliver
111.1. worm. 1nrmIng sod R 14(( ret.
Who.. H1.o• $o4'oitakwd;
Har Its :t•1..-. s ud 44 baser ,
Psefeewery Is asp sham.
Pipes. Cheer rims, Puree. Peek .t Reeks.
sawing M.... 1 now. Kt... Ste.
AY me&M gawked haw $od in pia(. apslr.
No Jew ►asst**•
J. \1 s& ss's 1 Dago !rota.
Hvl'1'1' •KW YSAI( Ti) MY COAL OIL
I'ATHU\s! I have soother ear Inst to
hand. whom 1 m'e1d selling at the 1044..0,n4
priors 1 g11*. for SJ,;tasft. LS; 1 pal. 15 ;
I gala. w.•,r who e. reticent 50; A A t gal. c.o.-
teasing American. Waiter White 41.10. Those
micro are In- .ah. (:.edit charge the old
prices. 0. N. lay..
tut ?owe seen.
The lease Wt..' was nut on Christ-
mas Day serenading some of the prominent
citizens. The logy. had a successful day.
We understand that • number of those who
subscribed ke the hand fund at the time of
etsnrgateit,tion hare not yet paid their sub
e csptiona and It hops) that, now that the
band 11011 • secure and permanent footing,
they will doer.
!.AlIJ)tts loner TNt.11.A1e N.
More sailors lost their lives on the great
1.ke• d0nng the marine wanes just closed
than in any prestos. Year soca the lakes
were navigated. in all 57 lost their lives,
and most of the number were lost daring
Nowemher. Forty were lost from schoon-
er and bargee. Not • passenger. however,
was lost.
Ant Vont RIMS 0EI1 1101'
A. R. McKachren, rraeluate sal gold
medalist of the Detroit College rd Optics, es
Meow at Fear's drug more. Done rich. and u
his stay mat he Sheen sal .nu.ultstion Sal
exslw'nation are free it will be to the advert •
tag, of all persons laving defective eyesight
..r wi.hmg to get perfect fitting shames to
cens)It ham as early as p0.ible_
"• *50.:. reameix.
McNulty and Hart, supported by a Bra-
cket romper . will hold the hoards at the
I:rand ()pen House for two nights, January
6th and 7th, 1892, in the beat of modern
plays. " Karl's Promos'." Will F McNul-
ty is orae of taw hew aiming counedlaas Oa
the stage .ad will Nag, sautes other snags •
"M7 Iwtth Frita," " pother, l'll Take Can
sof l esu," " You're Jest a Phot as T
Look," and the bellssnag. " WTeo
l. Won't Yen
Come Out $*4I Play '' See their adv.rMee-
mesa on page five.
a m eT le n t'I r711110111•111 11a0T MR.
A (1hn.1 ma eerm00 was graved 4* the
North M. Methodist (*meek at 11 A.10.
*. (lhef.irram lay. The pester tank for W
tett Ink• n 10 1I, the de
tie %avid to the abepheni . "Veer nett for
bd10W 1 1 bring yeti heed 14duyp of groat
joy, whish shall be to all people. Fee
sato yea is bare teas day to the city of
David • Inviting wench is (arid the Lad"
The s.etntm was appropriate to the eammire L
There was • goal attendees* although the
rervaa was *05.0.1 Now, however, that
the day has bees thin bested N ie ltkdy
that • refuter C14n.* tta. genic* will be
sail. VIAL. is .'005:01 To .401/1111.1113 1.
Hee :Sam. Small has bees Gagaged to
give his groat lett re 1. Viewer, al M•tl•
udist church m0 Thareday, Jaaaary 7th, at
8 r e. Thu Waited, uaegue Southern Ise
tures and preacher W miasmal continental
fame, and is well 1 es the awl
league of :MM. Jonas u thetas farted sad
wc(e slid revival loan. 11 r the u pp prweee
toasty of a hfetim a ter hear meat
greatest platform apothem He baa met -
with crowded and overflowiru booms when
ever he has appeared. Further announce-
ment nett week.
IVAltlit.l(Tl,' akar l•p
Mute Walh.s will open special evauge-.
lair: ser5lcee in Victoria st. Methodist
church 0n Sunday, January 3rd, at 11 A. 0.
and 7 r.tl.. uoa4ouing Wiese aervios 1111
,•ouwrtloo with the pastor uu4tly the fol-
lowing week at 7.30 r. r. Mir Wilhelm
is well known as an earnest and •uocessful
worker upon many fields 1u this town sad
the. vicinity an.l has lately closed revival
services of power and meanie at Shasta and
K russla. Miss Williams, itis expected,
will stay two and perhaps weeks. An
earnest invitation a given all Chi -reran
workers and all friends to attend tee.,
bery 1cs.
.1 rL4A'e,1T 41161.Tf0A:4 IS ATP inti \...
A very interesting and pleasant Christmas
was spent At the residence of William M.
Cleo. it being Mrs. Mc( 'Isau'sbirttele ysteel
also the ocreeiom of the chrialeni*g of their
little grand daughter,the daughter ct Rev. 1.
R.anil 31.,\t'.11wtn. Anumheroffriends were
present, mid Mr. McClean feeling better f,
a fee d..ys pent then he bailor row. utuul4:-
was able, in hes former generous and heat i)
nisnoer, t.. nak, everything lir 14It oil
happy. FMlf seeeratiol•s were rrpresentc,i
the great grandmother, grandmother.
mother and daughter. The spactoua draw -
mg room was tilled, Jud Ker. J. E. Rowels.
NI. A , who three years ago ordaroed Mr
Wallin,.,. performed the ceremony, groin;
the little girl, who is • bright and beautlfu
child of nearly nine menthe the name of
"Francs Marion." The child was made
the recipient of some pretty Christina.
.s-..* 5. Ars'tl.s,r].
Judgment was given .t ltgoode Hall
last week by Judge F.Icoobridgc in this
►Sino, which was tried at I;wherich and
Toronto. Actlou kr damages for trespa'a
to Ian.' and fru a declaration as to the true
position of the dtrrn.n fence between the
(ends of the plaulted an.I defuu.lant, being'
respectively the south half and the 'sorts.
Melt of lot 2*4 in the 9th ,.oncmriw rf the
township of McK1lol., ea the .0001) of
Huron, and for A mandatory urju0ctimt t..
compel the eleftoda.t to restore the (ernes
nn the boundary lane. Roth parties being
willing to accept a alt-vr,.r eri*Wi.b:og the
hue run by one \V.rren as the true end pro-
per lane between thein, judgment was g1ve11
acconleugly. The learned judge discussed
the queatlou of costs and c..u.:ludo! that
there should he no coma to Tither part).
Ayles w.,rtIt, Q.('., and Hays ISeaton hi tor
the plaintiff'. (;arrow, Q C., ao.l Proudt,ot
44...lerichl fur the defendant.
1 rlr•sir1ko4n 1A0411.
The annual meeting of L O. i.. No
182, was held on Tnes.lay. December 29th,
there being • good attendance_ This lodge i.
in a flourishing and healthy condition under
the mAstenhlp of Ren. W. H. Murney, who.
this year resign* his •Iboe. The last meet
„u1K Loa veer enthusiastic and iudgu.g by
the Interest taken by the members mud the
large number present Ben. Murry h.s
left no stone unturned to make h a le 1ge
what 41.41001d be. a crept to himself and a
credit to the town. The fullewing officer.
were elected for the ensuing year: W
Master, Bro. Chas. Tweedy ; U. Master.
Baso. Jas. Crai gie : rec.-sec., Bro. George
M. Cot ; chaplain, Bro. Strongman ( Rev.) ;
tress , Bro. John Reid ; fin. •see.y., Bro. M
O. Johnston ; 1). of 4'., Rro Rich.d Tich
I.r,M ; tyler, Bro. Ja. Kees ; guard, Bro.
S (;.boon.
Meadow Ai. k0LTh-L
fa the North -s1. Methodist church on
Sunday evening, Dec. 60. a very interest -
mg n.eroonal service was held for the Isle
'Nellie B. Price, son of our respected town.
nein Rea Price. The pastor, Rev. .1. E.
Howell, improve.' *lie occasion by preach-
ing • sermon to the young pe..pi.•. the Isr
his r, -',ark'. 041 F:a. vii.1, "l:Smembet
now the t teaks to the .lays of thy youth."
Hr eh•.iorntly and f•'roefully plueaed as
the leechng thoughtal ..f the text, whom,
when awl why to retnember. A' .1.e char
of the •.-rnrora iw made a touch:, • .. (trance
te the life, hope and death of \Sallee. who
had beer...' nrwspevtnlly and ..i-„lenly re
morel w4.4» ee the .priugteme ..t life, red
urged upon u•.t n'v the• vo .L„ hut al, 1..
bee in °tauten'.rein:mess ler the summons
to depart and be with Christ.
A 1213 1'r tnd
The work of tunneling Eve miler through
the mann range of the Rooky mountains for
railway and wholesale g.dd and salver masonic
on day .rel night. nod the
without gate or t *ed. More
than 6,000 fret of the distance is .Tread
dnven ani twenty five veins of gold .Loh .1 -
seer ore already crossed. The Denver, Apes
A Western Railroad, tooouoect I)ess-.r with
Salt Lakc City at a a5u,g of 250 miles of
dwtaoce by wing this tunnel. has agreed
for its nee for twenty years, and to pay are
dollar for each nermager and fifty omits p r
tea for earth ton of freight taken through it
The large 72 -page pamphlet sent ki all who
send two mete therefor to Mark M. P.rn
may, general asn.get Roar 46, Pnitl
sir baildm(l. Nva York city, ie wont'. el. -
ialeresting, inactive and suggestive
reeding matter, telling as it doe• what men
ere now doing day aneni`ht, where they are
working mor. than 2,000 Isom psrpe0d-eo-
lady below the morin. ei Mount Kelso
Nearly 6.000 mea, wome0 and children are
now thsoneial) interested ss essay* d the
Atlantic -Pad& railway teasel and all the
properra o/ tM oom
1005. n1p..y. MAm.
TM week d prayer. Jae
0ery hard, nail l M obrer •s1 b y the P
end Mrthowli./. ff
oe.jointlr The lest e.rettws will he held
in North .R Ilmeadi.t rheltidl o. Monday
eveeia4 and t.11fM addrmmsl by Rev. Dr.
ion ; subjstr " Ossfeesioa, Humiliation sed
Praise " Ttnada evening, M ot Knobureh ; '
eehiert, " Th. (%.reh .l (atria" Timed- I
demi wi
emiwi l be ems by Rev. Dr. lltrempnem
regular prayer inseliisi I
in all the ahnreisk unseal by the i
sp.ottt5e pastors. Thursday eve.ag, d
Vrtturi. et. ubaoh. lblhljed Weakens
and the World " Roe. Jae. A. A.deceoa, B.
A., .111 address the meeting( P idey, e:
tug, W akar.* akar`et•Ject. I!
to Mu ani H..sb.." Rev. J.
K. Howell, 11. A., will be the speaker.
Beeli 1eesaas will I- rm-.os *$ 7.30 o'ole.k.
rue enaY4!•a sa1T*.lark MART.
lite amid/awn abash attended the ester
letua..*t at the timed Opera Howe ea
Christmas night wee a .Sher than the
msrne et the ousts deserved. It ma) be
It was a bad sight uwLeg to the somber d
Mandl withering, on mob a sight. It was
the Ont of boob the artiste he.
fore• G;oderich *thee a and those who at
Waded .bowed by Hiner 'request applause
that dr program plumed them. Mrs. dart
Lord Dailey s a ladyap-
parlance and dreams in good trate Her
ennuc)atwe le clear • id dtw.ct, and in her
drsmatac reeltads she ea natural without b..
es stagey. She showed Merrell especially
ptufivieut in her art to the "Itapaoer's Slg-
sial." some very clever imitations of the va-
rious whistles bring given. Fred. Warring-
ton, Lobo was the tocaliat of the events(,
Lark the people le by Koros, anal aothiug but
prone wee beard regardiug Mia re.dsnng of
the venous prim set down to blm. He
war 40mlle11 several times.
(pour 0( a 1.. et.aai4re.$I)011T. 1
('Lt.r*L tVa* 40.4. Early in Ib•• after
soon of Monday, 14.5• 28th, the numerous
chdllrea, rr.m1 rhiklren, initials and rela-
tives of ('ollon't's 4atrearcb, John
Morris, began to a.s•.Lh at the Slorriedale
farm awl do honor to the bismuth au utver-
s.ry of the marriage of hr y.nnyeet son,
Henry. to Amite !Neuter. Among her mom-
enous guests present were the !lies,. Wry
and /;race Howell, Mr. aril Mn. Tyler, of
Hotielo ; B. roister, of UMawa, aL,I R.
reinter, of Ceurchvillt. Atter a l'ery
sumptuous i.4aot prov4.letl Ivy tha host and
Meilen, the et ening Des sprit iu gpwus end
amuses.. •.ss. The.Y4ni1.►tey 8ruk•- up .:bout
40 o'clock, 111141 4arttg .prof a tattdulde
and eoj'y34de time. 1''t•- p•re-ii•s were
niimere4s a(14 c'nlly.
Rev. 1\ .lan,ierut, rf Neapmra a in town.
R Blas l u r. sal
front Heel" te for latrtst
There will be sr,l.r wit, George • this
eveniug At 11.15.
N'm. Marlton has the frame of use of the
naw tags 111 4142.110.11. The ar,ond well be
equally &dl..wctal 10 a few day..
A11 tie pupils of the '91 I;oderice model
.ch ...1 class have beeu engaged to tee -6 in
1f,:r.0 county the c'om'ing year.
On Monday the hull of the wreck Bavaria
sae almost encased in ice, the 01-1411.) tro11t
1114 reaching some twenty feet up the rig-
1r. M. Nicholson, the West at. denture,
mag the preservation of the natural teeth
H specialty. Gas s4mtuutereed from 9 s. n,
for the winless extraction of teeth.
James Saunders, who has Nen dan-
gerously 111, has about recov rued. and we
nope to see hem down to business again
soyas.. He intends t.. dispose 1l his bust
tame and retire
The cheapest hoose 1n ('*nada to hey a
pan., organ or sewing machine is at Geo.
W. Thomsons. 1).m • fail to give him a
call before purchasing ; yea will not regret
the time spelt. Repairs promptly attendee'
Mises Ethel I:hyties,l'Iare Robertson anti
Ethel Sharman, on behalf of • number of
Impels of her tate class in the centra: school,
prevented 115... Kathleen Hall with a sloe
address and a pretty present on ('hristn,ar
E se.
Next week the Collegiate institute will
open for the Winter terms. (11 the old Mal/
healm.stcr Strang, B..1 , A. J. Moore, R.
.1.. and Llan Charles, 1! A., will covet'rue,
Megan, )1cMorebie and Shepard replacing
Messrs. Halls and Strictson, who have re-
Visitors to the great Nnrthwstera Ex-
hibition this yrer greatly admired the dis-
play of the l;rolerich Organ Co. Their
(rakes of organs are fart surps.rini; all oth-
ers In beauty of case and excellency of 'one.
'Kindly leave your ordrr and encourage
home limnufacture
Tbe junior clan... of Yl Uenrtte's Sunday
school were rltertaloed at tea on Tuesday
evening. After supper a renter of the
smaller pupils gave • choice pt 1ym of re-
citations, rending., solos and clab 0w ingots.
Refer.' separating each pupil received a
[resent of moldy and fruit, and the natant
,:lues earth • pretty present.
The public schools reopen on Monday with
the following aad: Central principal R.
Park, Vires Blair, Sharman, A. Sharman,
11. Rusk an l ('coke. tit. Patrick 'a 111..
Rerrett. principal, well Mia Craig,e. St.
David's Mi. AidiMos, principal and Mir
Allie Jo4nstos. NI. Andrew's -M1.. Wa
son, principal, sad Mile F. E. 13.11.
The arw,wation meeting Moadsy evening
was very quiet. The following is the re-
Msroo. John Kotler, by acdlamstiue.
Ren.. --W. I'ruudfoot, 44;.. .
Dkry v Reeve. P. Ho lt,by acclamation
Cor twill/01M. St. (:worge's ward, E.
Campion, M. Nicholson, H. Dunlop. S.honl
trustee, M. Nicholson. Mt. David's want, W. H.
Ilnrnsy,A M Polly,t'. A. Humter,R Thomp-
.su,R. Grabens. School trustee, ('. (_'rabb `Gt
Patrick'. ward, F. J. Pndham, ,las Yates,
R t\'. McKeeiie, A. P. Mci.ean, Jas.
\Ytlati. *hoot trustee, W. Achesta.
St. Andrew's ward, J. A. Reid, T. Nate'.
D. Camtelrn,.r. M. Shepherd. School trustee.
H. W. 131111.
001111)1 Nonni
Colbornee--Olt council re elected.
Ashfield Reese liriOn and deputy reeve
(iirvin elected) by acclimating'.
Rest Wawanosh -Old council by acclaim'
Nominetao in West N'awanosh on Mon -
dal proved • tatne affair ewmp.red with
what it usually is is that township. There
was • fairly large namher of the electors
CZt. Tb. following are the candidates'
Alexander Stewart, sleeted by So-
olaination ; deputy reeve, William Hailie
.red John Bowen ; 000oei1100*, Thos Todd,
Jas Gibson. Robert Lockhart and Robert
(poor OM Lou
Jae. &shim. *moral allot fee A. (alder ft
Co., bas been doing Kaalnaee hall the pest
week. He repartee trade doll is his lime
• come IM r nod Notate...
iSe NUSs lane. while In toe Reeky Mown
tains, di.esvered • root that wham oombwneet
with ether herbs makes en easy aad r.rtai0
fore for . It ie la the farm e(
dry room aad knew, mei Y Lamm es Las's
FamilyMrdieiae It me Are slot -44-- ._b.
Per tblood, 4.ver sled kidneys, wad kw •
Markt op the it weeders.D s sell it ret 111..• package
for Ave weeks
(neon Dass owe .- - • 1
Christmas panned .1 req quietly me tsar
hAs grippe proem r a every hone. L
D. Valla., tesehe,, Harrow, Oat., is hers
at pree*1t.
Jae. McDonald. Tiverton, t• is town fee
New Year's.
Mt. K. McDonald. Claim. epees • lew
d•ye is tows km week.
Mrs. A. BeatW, Ped Mills, se virtues
skis week st W. Ssost's.
D. Meflf:ewer porpoises rimless friends
u fort Hares this week.
Jas. Mcl.tu.lt, of Forest My bass.m
college, te house for holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. C1u*mas, of Hemi/tea, were
guests of Mrs. t:. Hart Chri.tsss.
Mr. aad Mrs. Geo. Forrest have goes on •
visit to Bast Williams for • .hurt trine.
Jae. Mimeos, &*ries, Mea,, is home
again The West sss to hose weed well
Mi. IL Jainism, ad 1t. Marys, is speed -
Mg holidays at home ; skin Mi. R. Jam-
ieson, Para.
The Chrutmas pond held m the Tae
plare' hall was quite a 11441x10. A henry
,etch was g'.•r1e.
A quiet welding took place here ('krrt
mas Hay at the Fauch louse The hap.
py couple rearmed Is tame during thrum
Ina W hill ler Ilass.i sat .rormttg.
trams ,NCL OWN CMS . )
E. Wanton is in Montreal this week with
a load of refile.
Mr. and Mn. F. W. Tastier spear Christ
mea with friends in Strsthroy.
G;err. Hagget has moved to the house late
ly occupied by M. F. McKinnon
t►ae of IUytk's bachelors males frequent
trips upas Morris st. Dees this mean you,
There. will be a grand Sunday school e.•
tertainment a Industry Hall on New Year's
Iso in aid Id 114. Aa0'sr's shard aloes.,
.steal 44_.
A 111. r..4 14, d IhYiilo, has tee.. Spend
ittg l .tr *4441 1140 parser., .( tM
A likaga et lbe bow task t• W bail es
rltnsels an C\hrisbmas Hire sod had •
A. H. L'INsmer ba. mored hero. H. take,
mlwra the
public' wheal *. plli.emp(p
aftleC. Halltuu was Maned reeve by sodas
Mas. to Monday. There i.geiag a bbl e
e10c4is. fur ocdlxs.
A1004dk..matek,d.tooka thelemigo,t
tog at Aukoru un Chratrrs. Nam /bona
r pe
R..d lsicu*k the.
ar ost day .
He wuasa0trtr/eygingtou1olUtoanal
11hrb4 rlght.0
loaves when the wrench Mapped mad his
linger• Imre might. Moi sympathy 1e
telt for bits es be is one .1 mar smut re-
spected esttaua
(anon ovaowe ooaaa10xU►(T.I
6d Wig►taaam sod tamely are yritf.4
freesias near (.'lissom 1414. west.
D. McCollum, *.cher is N, N. No. 8, is
speeding hu holiday. u ChMag..
rhe young bachelor bier/eolith of Bel,
grave was W town ,a Needs! runt*
Mrs. Jain Stein is sertuody 511 at pee.
eel Her ataay (sternals hope to hrar d her
5pe.dy 14.4•)54.1) .
Tho uawelon.e rwtor, b gnppr, u re
nearing old ro*tt•rutaooas aad .uktog oast
usw otter round here(ro.
Quite a numlxr ts this pats attesels,•
the tSS eneestng held 1u c'ennecttau with the
Ilelgrave St. tllodrt church oft Wednesday
Chrlettrw (r.sed o/ very 14010(1, here.
Sons*attendee the shooting hutch at Hal
grave, others went heating. but the 1.,aprtty
aayal *t I4unte.
Task SIo A.to Jan. 1, 1893, for 1100.
Having purchased a large stock
of Ready -Made Overcoats at a
great reduction in prices, we are
prepared to sell them for .,
At less than wholesale prices. Call and examine tim
and see the prices
Boys' Overcoats, from $2 00 up.
Youths' Overcoats, from $4.00 up.
Men's Overcoat's, from $4 00 up.
These goods must be cleared out this month ; so call
early and secure best bargains.
We excel, as usual. Our stock cannot be beaten. Fit aad
workmanship Al. Prices lower than our competi-
tors, consistent with first-class work. -
We are at present overstocked with Qvercoatings
that are suitable for Ladies' Jackets, such as are not kept
by the regular dry goods trade, which we are prepared to
sell for lents than cost for cash to clear out.
They Are the Best.
flood Material.
Honestly Made.
Perfect Fit
Latent Styles. _
Iteautifolly Finished.
Ail healers Keep Thea.
Everybody Wear. TMs.
Have You Tied Theile i
e e'5 sax:.