HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-12-31, Page 5THE CANADIAN BANK uF COMMERCE LTT*.aNNto WY. HEAD OFFICE. - SOPIT111. {PAI. OP) .Is NILL100 DOLLAR* MOT, a E WALKER, Garmma& litamelleit. 00.000.000. 0 00.000. GOOERICH BRANCH. Grits*. 5Atllrs fatlrttimN TMMMOTto. Fenella' Nous C DRAFTS 111411,410 PATAILI AT AL, POINTS pM�I. CANADA ANNAcomaO THE F.NCsP coma INTsai U1tmIID Tt"TAM G MAT BSI ram FRANCE, Btas uoa, as SAMINN OM= DRPARTNCIIT. DEPOSITS OF $1.00 ANO UPWARDS RtCttt/EO, ANO CUNRENT RATES OF ittraliblit at►Oetto. /WOOD TO Tee P* OSPAL AT TNa [NO Or NAY A140 IN £A0441 YEAR. Spee1N Attention gismo ls las Oellsotfnn ,e d^oecrwneolail •t.see. and Farmers' tales Notes. PERSONAL PARAGRAPH&. LEIEMENIERIMEL Misr Kate: 1'aIRpaielae is visiting relatives a EI..ra. Mares \terry aat Lulu H,woUaro tinting is Kohn. Miss til.la Retain ,s tie a short visit to rat ford. W. M. `devisor, tot Brussel., was;jm town est week. The Misses Macara %err an town lar . 'hast •fIas. Jaw F:intneriou spent the past t*l. weeks . i Mangan nn. Mos Ella Fisher has returned from Whitby ('allege. T. :unary is .m a holiday visit tolls**, snit Minneapolis. Will Roberton., of 1'linter. was in ri.b on the 25th Mrs. ingna is .'siting us the neighha hood of Montreal. F. J. Coleman. art 'ie.iortb, visited cinch richt* Thursday. R A. Mwtio oar .s home after . !using OK session .,n tie takes. G. M. Doe spent the holiday.. with hug family an 1 Ioderseh. Perry Walton, of Leedoa, war some for chrietmaa Dr. McLeod of Stratford, spent t'hri.t nus Day as I:odcncb- Rev. rather Dixon, of K*nesbrolge, was n eown the past week. *)apt Joh. C. McLean Tett Monday last for Detroit os besieges. Dr. (:ase, .1 Drnsganaon, visited the misty town last weak. Mr.. hen Salta and children, of Niue tale. were re town this week. J. M- Best, barrister, of Seaforth, was in t:edaricb the past week. li W C. M ei-,Q C., of Wingham, sae *a f' rich on Thursday. Mie.. Robertson, of Rases, is spending the holidays at tier home herr. Percy P4*.,,n•on, barrister. of Locknow. was in town the past week. Jae Hyslop, of Toronto. spent several dors .n town the past week. K C. Coleman. of $e.fotth. was in the censty town 1'hristfsaa Day. A . Chrystal returned frern Baden in ars he the 1'6riatasaa turkey. W. B Didion.. barrister, of Ilrnaseis, was in tic ounty mon on 'Thursday. I :...tr Geo. t'.rsoss, jr., of Detroit, was visions relatives in town the past week. Miss Or.. Wilkinson is visiting her sis ter, Mrs McKendrick, at (;►It. Mr. Cooper, of Clinton. was visiting hs avian:, •, •1. Stowe, on the 25th. !lies 1 ',.oke arrived in town first t'bicago on Christmas Day to . sheet stay. (Apt. A. M. Shephard laud up his vessel is time W be hone for Christmas. R 1. Tailor. &'.meters of Brussels, was . Ow county tows the pest week. Si. Davis, of ("linton,wei the guest of Iris brother, 11. N., nn Christmas lay. Miss Sophie rasher returned from • learrthy visit to Chicago on T6srsdsr. (1pt. A. Lawson and hi. daughter, .le..y,rre visiting relatives in Ik•troit. Mrs. •Ino. Story, of Stratford, spent tbristmu with old friends. in Goderich. Miss Ethel Vanatter, of Stratford, is visiting her brother in town this week. Allan Nearer ei spending bis holiday -s at the family evidence, Waterloo street. Rev. Roger. Cloward and brother are '6' Raw at the parental residence, Watford. 1 bas. Williams reached intoe from Te- rmite o-r ite in time for the ('hristmu festivities. Mr. and Mrs. Tanner, of Toronto, spent (Imitate*. with *bear relative. in Goderich :(tan. Hays, h%rrister, of **forth, .pent the 25th .t the family residence in ltode rich. Hy. Parson., of the Book of Uoslmmee, Stratford, spent Christmas at home is God. ern*. H M lay, of the Beak of Commerce, Itraatfnrd, wa. .n 1:oderich Christmas weak. Mies Edith W,Rgous has been re engaged to teach a division in the (Creation public Mira Burn., of B.' (Sty, who arrived in town last week, se the sliest of the Misses John generics, jr., of Mat was in tows this week oe meow* al the death of his mother Jan. Key. of the Bonk of Commerce. erce, Wnodst.x•k, spent C'hrietr.es Day with his p1108111 Mir Nary McIver hen been engaged by the trustee" of the Nile school .. teacher for 189'2. Il. H Hainl, of the Rank of Oomaseree, of RIO tows. spent the holiday with friends in the Rose. Mr. aid M r.. J.a P,ohinsee weevils* gessti. Al Mr. and Mrs. ft Hicks et Poria, f.lsriet mese Day. Miss Aggie Nairn arrived in town from Detroit tempted (:btis rases lay with her relati vee Nr and Mrs. Rnbt Johnston returned to tows hurt week alter an .1i.snee of about sit weeks. 1).' and Mr. Hw(ehi.ks, .1 Mesttr*ai, want Das at the faintly residence Osiderish Yrs. Wm. Rwesel,l, of (lintel", nee the p}es""tt week chit*, Ger pergola, Mr. sad Wer Hence gs Det amok. of Tenmb, goisld Ism wino Mese'. s .t ew Uw rawest feel+. Q Net Dese.sf. of Stasis,, . terser WO masa pep11, epest tie pat week vfsitlRR blm& is loom SSE... Helena, .f the Beek .f Oeem.e_ Owslpa, wee .t the family realise" tar tbe dkA.,ss. r."ns. Otpt W. YsLma ,st.F,ni hs.s int wl! tltr she Wilma /dew ha*, kb R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. tinct spat Duluth br .meta a flying visit to kokslnre returning honk. A. E. Petty has returned from a holiday trip t.. •►wen M00044. Ed. Tyndall, of the .organ factory, is visiting tome. to Georgetown during the holidays. Mir Susie 1'ayne,who hail born speeding the pest three moths at St- Louts, has re turbid to town. D. Bruce and wife, of Stratford, were emitting at the residence of .1. H. Colborne on Christmas lay. (:e<.. Milnes'', of .1. •1. held A Bro.'s store, spent 1 hnsttt..* at the borne a bis parents, 1► ingbatu, E. L lhckcnaon, barrister, of %Merl n, ..as *hr guest of his relatives, lir. and Mn. .lnyd, tai lb. ?.5th. Ca ky llamiltuu, IJ. ('., of Regina is pending the holiday ',memo at tbe family eeidener, ;alent:h. Mr and Mn. Tots, of Exeter, spent 'Immense :.t the n+id.wn of their sou, the ,nspect.•r of public *boots: John Kelly, of Detroit, was in Lown this week. 1([r is rpeading the holiday ...rerun visiting his pan tots at Myth, Ed. heck ..bo bad been in Batten for four or fire RKY% rct•rp,tl notate for the Chen -t- in" -.a 1 !v'rw t'ar's holidays. Ceo. R. Raults, of Se. Haul, Minn., has been visiting at t1*e mater.:.) residence East street, the past two weeks. Rev t I F' and M rr Saltm, Brussels, .pets' Chriatmila at the rwdoace of the lady's parents, Mr. sad Mr.. 1). Gordon. Mir Chark., K A., of the ('ollegiate iwtitute, is spending the ('bristnw vacs tiara with relatives at Mt. Catharines'. Mr and airs. 'ibom, of Montreal, were the guest of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hutcheson, during Christmastime. Mr and alts. vas Rosser, of Chicago, spent the Gith .t the residence of the lady's par ntw, air. and Mn.. Joseph Williams. I unk Matbesom, of Montreal, is spending his •:mason u. town, the guest ..t his mother, Mrs. Matheson, Wellington street. Toeinte F:t.nnng News J. K. (;aaeaday, of this city, is spending his Christmas heli days visiting with relatives in Huron's county town, I:uderich, (hit. Mir Kerins Huai is spending the holidays at hone. Mir R. will return w Mildmay oar January stn, having been re-engaged to tech in that town at an increased asitiry, Joseph Bell returned last Thursday iron. Portage 1* Preine, Man., where be had born living during the past year, and has again taken up his r*aideoc. Naar Carlow. Min Nellie Mad'ormac leaver o. Mon- day to take chore, of W.IIacelinrg separ- ate meho0L Nellie will tea n tared frank the choir of St. Peters and by her many high school associates. .Ino. R. Melntosb,who ham been spending his (hustings holiday. at home, is engined with Parke, Davis A Co., manufacturing hemtata, of Detroit, the largest firm of its kind in the world. Mr. and Mn, Wm. Robinson, of Mui• tots, are in town after nine years' absence from the old home Mr. and Mrs. R,, who are the guests of their sou James, are ac- companied by their daughter,Mr. McAllia ter. it.inuel Winters, of Ilradfo%. d, l'a . s pay ing a visit to the circular town. AM is the guest of George Klhott. He isaat»mpanie.l by his wife and no.. The world is pros- pering with him in his American home, he bang a prominent huilder•there, AUBURN. [ritom mCi meas tloa . S. Marshall bas returned free SaRitoba oe the sick list. He is visiting Ida father. Jas- Symington, err., is very ill. His mauy ftie.da hope for his speedy recovery. Wm. Howitt, who has been a resident of the Northwest for eleven year. pest, is home on a visit to relatives. Inking kala and hearty. Arthur Irwin, an es -teacher of Auburn, now of Toronto, is spending the holidays in this section. He was 1 by his fides Achate., Aleck Watson. Thos. King o. Christmas Eve retired froom il.cheloedoen. The young lady of his choice ws Mie Scrimgeour, and the hap- py couple are reosiving the cnngratolatsowa of their many friends. Sixty couples were present at the wedding, and *s enjoyable t tar was west. At the Christmant held he • '• ,Dong . from ase of the here e neighboring Uveas tried N rut is “Ilea weak" by i.ter- rupti.g one of the speakers Oar emcient )”.table, T. ANiarrn., pally piloted the • parrot" to the deur, en he could enjoy Ow eo.Itng breams on hie fevered brain. The annual ta•.sns tiny of the hassles, ter es Lion of the Methodist Alen* eras 6.1d t. the church us Christman' even - NASAL BALM LVEA FAILS Soo»RyerA AtttlllNQ hells* fi Porruunerf CtT:hefty* fgpssdia aura ou= mZn� .Tea es gittiekFaei Ewe t.ar wpusoi.swwd'�raie.a' • cava .y.*se 'tL W ..sans mass.e.6. i► .r istairear wtVa a �` C°1b IN 44b CATARRH THE SiGNAL: (ODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1M1, DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER- SHIP. (treat Dinwunt Sale of Dry Goods. Having decided to dewily. partner- ship artnership on oho first of January next, we will until that date offer our entire stock of 'bees goods, , amitotic cloths, utstrrings, overuse* tweeds. shawls, Itanneb, baunelettas, blankets, ruutturtert, underresr, cottons, proms, etc., at diw.wnts ranging as high as 3O, off our present low prices. Now is your ., . to procure new, seasonable goads at and under oust. Nowhere els will you bid goats at such low prices as we aro prepared to onsr them. The sale has . 1, u mow go dug on, and will continue until the end of Doce,,iber. All accounts rendered trust i* :rt. tied at once. The highest price paid for butter and eggs. J• A• REID & BRO. Jo..tan'. Hlo. a, .:...Iertu*. Nov. An h. U.W. Ort stag. Abundant preparation had Leen mole by the holies of the songs rigatoni to feed all that %twist 0044*.. The .sods were tint class in quality as well as quantity. Not wtthatan.lrmv • dark evening a..d muddy marls. the church waa packet, Many having to stood during the *hole al the syra:tng aro! singing serene Tea • as .en of to the ' I*all *tear by •u.1 the int..lvctual and Duel cal program m u m mustered to the church. The.•.tor, Ise.. R. Swarm, t...k the chair. which he tilled with the best of satstact on. The following ministers, Rev. W. P Estonia 6e11, of BI) th, A. Potter, of DSt..anti,,, tool J. ra N••we11, ter! 0041r ca, ad.1ree•ed the meetui j with imt•atent a, -# protit The mu•+cal -•••., lehw►, wiumbevc the oniivary. aaa (ntvtshr,l the choir of -the church T and kisitHi': and her brother, from Roo CHICAGO HOT 1 SE, V congratulate our Auburn friends on the sOc- caa of their annual galb.ring. Toxemia! Let w. en bait and SE11:1- West S�.See•t- • Irsalble wen West Weld." use Keepk 's Baal.' for the throat and Innes. It io cunt¢ ne,re cases of coughs, colds, asthtma,bc,•achrtis, cn.up a'J all throat and lung tr,uhles, than soy other nie.1'icii4. The prop fetor has antbotizel Any druggist to g:v; y. c a wall. bunt. free to a'mvtnce ya0 of the ns cit of disagreed respray. Large Ixdtle.60c:kd >n.rad Hardly Ever A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL CHRISTMA$ will he her.. in .demands incident to that thought of what You are year ! Antrcapating your wants, some elegant goal suitable for ornamental, anti at prig within We han'e• the finest range in 4 a few days, bringing *itb it all the gay and footle.. w.sa..e Hae, pm, gang to buy for .,our preen tots this we have been enc.•emitul u. stern ring Christmas prevents, hot h useful an.1 the mach of all. the county in such gouts as Handkerchiefs, white and col'd Silk, Hemstitched, Fancy Japanese Embroidered. Initials, Fancy and Scollop Borders, from 2c. up ; Fancy Towels, Tidies and Drapes, Fancy Plush Goods, Wool Squares, Ribbons, Lace:., Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Underwear, etc., etc. _ IN MILLINERY shelves(a vacy choice aeleetioa io ail ter and dlllEw We are still novelties BEESLEY & Co., latest W ARUUTTHERFORD, Liquidator. FINE TAILORING. TO THE PUBLI . 3 rand Opera Mimi TWO NIGHTS 1 JAN. 6th and 7th, 1892. McNULTY and BART Karl's Promise supported .y a Gat-* .s. Complus). 10 CLEVER ARTISTS ( Q it Me! of the best m.xlern iia)r• POPULAR ('RICKS t For start colon .e^ pr•oltra'ones aid rs Reserved chain et I rsser t 1'. n• rim large The Cod That Halite to Cure The Cold. The disagreeable taste dine UM elle OR is dissipated lo SOOTT'B EMULSION rdiwz. CIIIC co ROIISE, Take a notion to be .. . _.1 for a suit or overcoat with- out doing some thinking about it, and one of the strong points in connection with your contemplated .order is Where Will i Go to do bestNow, gents, if you would be guided aright visit the CHICAGO ROUSE, WEST -ST.. B. MACCORMAI'. wan - ager and cutter, and see the large stock-. Brown anti blue Cheviot, appear to have a running demand for suits ; and Naps, Melton in different shaded. blue and brown Moscow Beavers are good selections for the tine trade. You will find them all here. You will also tined the very latest monthly fashions and a guarantee to give you the very best ,style and tit: If you want padded shoulders just say so and you will be pleased. but the tine trade has frowned it down -it is not style. If You Wish to be economical and imaginethat a ready-made suit or overcoat will answer your purpose, this is the right place. I have secured an agency for the sale of SANFORD'S CELE- BRATED READY-MADE CLOTHING, admittedly the best cut goods in the ready-made trade You can have a big choice. 100 Overcoats to select from, ranging in price from 34.50 to $20.00 A POINTER --- Of P1ree Cell Liver OU wale NYPOP$Io.PMfTd car Luta AND tIODA- TllmptltteRt erffevirlg free w e0 ,sakes AeMtr r 0 eels tap A rte r.r. memalturtrdeiresdanzeiiikeellessbAsem sotpr?a wow1 1eamI ¶ESTst, B. MacCORMAC, MANAQER. HOLIDAY GOODS. A ERVE ea s SIM e- ti���; We have in stock at present the following list of BEANS ` ;,-.. RAISINS : a' "(La1L�2 rco♦s st oh:.. 1 astir Late a *.*.. 1Ms.ai./ to .:".'�.n�`a,lvr' Sal r - oalentias, Selected Layers, London Layers, Basket, Etc., etc., etc. Currants, Prunes, Almeria Grapes, Almonds, Filberts, Cocoanuts, etc. -,11{,, etc. Catawba Grapes, Persian Dates, holiday goods NIIT8: Banana, Figs BANK OF MONTREAL. C.4PITAL, REST, 12,000,000. f ,000,000. A Saving Department has bees ultened =rf 6ets- 'w .tion with this branch. Interest allowed at current rates. "- GE_O DRUMM(WD, Manager Goderich Branch. TRY ROBERTSON Z POR Dress Goods, Ribbons and Laces, Mantle Goods, Gloves ani Hosiery. 0 Corsets (all makes), Shaker Flannels, COGrey & Fancy Flannels, Fil.11 Sealettes, ,lust opened CC Mantle & Dress P,uttons, Blankets anti !Meetings, Li -11 Tweeds, PI and 1 el.o.,.. 1 .1 Bt't UAL UF' 0 Shirts and 1Drav ; Liet CHEAP. EVER YTHINC. ('HEAP AT THE GREAT CASH STORE ROBERTSON, The Poor Man's Friend LATEST CABLEGRA M Has shipped large quantities of his choicest Goods for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS to F. JORDAN, MEDICAL HALL, And cables that he intends making his headquar- ters for Goderich there during the holidays APPLICATIONS THOROUGHLY REMOVES 3 DAN1- DRUFF DANDRUFF 4mlr'se Caen its:' heft erlglamt color. Maps stay ef hair. Kays the hemp clean. takes hair soft and P14Sas rresoles Cres , D. I.. CATHY. T..^,,r .. T',•.1;on rammer, Ar ••1, .' r R. "w' Aini ty ldrns% • awket w-.mr•ADuo- drug - ,4 tet we w .%rnifeu.- t. my .'A ms. • fns •0•11.4tn.. sr.•)y *omen, Levu* -..Y.. dade a w n.annsimE.,•.ae bel, 6UARANTEEbp Pr 5lwoy e.wlk wet res,n'aas sed GREAT SALE ,:: DRESS GOODS. ROBED DRESSES in splendid gaols at less than wholesale price. (These dreww'r ar,• a a great bargain). Decided bargains will be gives, as theogooda moat be sold. :,utt,�T• ; t 20 ENDS OF DRESS GOODS, I6cts worms no. 25 cairns TO ill cairn. wII ,ERR 1)O1X0 a DM TRADE IN sealettes, Astracans & Cloth 41%.J r tui+ Florida OranteR, •Messina Lemons. All Mantle (foods bought from us will be est free of eltarge We have a first -claim DRESS and MANTLE Il[AKit.R in the those (tor whole stock of ready-made Mantles AT COST. 5 " lit covers the d Fresh Baltimore Oysters Arriving Badly --he B. it C. corset. It is perfect in shape and ft, is boned with Kabo, which will tarot break nor roll up, and K you are not satisfied, after wearing k two or three weeks, return it and get your money. itoK BALK BT W. AC i1118M)N A N()1i. Illeissis.•-l:sm Semi ed t Gess. 111044 /7♦'Ld d dee, Bloaters, Ciscioes, etc., eti::. WS ■ASR TRU Creat Caget OiTLLcOeQ tyCjripll Warehouse IN CONFECTIONERY WE EXCEL. •I,Ns Pnt.LOwtwv Alta emcees Liam: Oarsp.itse Mlxd, .t Brakes Nisei, .t (lean Cream from lea per la Els p 1► fee- M We. per B► E. CAMPAIGNE, Ooraar llostreal-et sed Square wS tun JefR 011D14*D 363 SETS OP L&OE CURTAINS taro* from the Mar is Olrgow, Aentk•d. COLBORNE BROS., Oouusfca its 4'