HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-12-31, Page 4the $ignal, UbeItairme sur awes eesegs se et emlmsuto EYR1tY THl1HsnAY MORNING Oi m. ■rCSLLt1Mf. wee et i'abile•tina 8 end is. Smite strwt. Oed,rk•h, O.i.rlo Teresa sr w $ Ane 'Month, in advance $ 11 Three mm.oatM, >V One year, .. 1 b If cools is award. the price per year 1 b/ will he Saver...Mg tate. belt d otos".:4,1101 1 . , l0. lets' mrCr for eine tet rt tun, and 3 ins per lily ease w•wegw .. 4.16r11140111. Measured b. • sempa1' it .oats. ea • ants ..f .0 lines mad under, (U per Ad .d Leet. round. Strayed tlLuwr6as 'mea, situations Wanted a►au illeeness Chan .... µ'.used, not enc. -dine ► lbsee nonpareil f1 •r noeith. Hewer um M•1.• .red eerie on Sala nut 1. *100.4 K I.M•, !!t for 'rat mouth, .lee, per mals ea•o-... month L.r,$ar edit.. in ptarpuruon. Any special iio. 1, r, to' ob cwt of promote Ili. opt, ona 1 benefit of &now 1.di- vtdosl or compel.) to be considered an an and ,•Minted acesetI..ely. ).urr notices in nonpareil type one cent per no notice. 11)151' leo. Moored 001 foga to neduoory reading type two osits per word. \o m,l,ee for lee» than 511.' 'loos. fur ehu:etie..••d other ret.tpwus and benevolent Instil stkeM belt rata 1- remorse' Idverll.eme.l.. A Masted ..umber ot dem:saeyed ■drertise- mem's will lar o1.r•r1..4l a the f.dlowu.geole. Per loch. ..nr Inert ..n,. .. .. 50 1.. " moor inert 4.11: .... 1 s• thane m.o. ha•. ... ....-... .. •'i. •. s1L mouth', 3 4. ..owe year 5 y. No adventeetnent 4,441111•111115/.1 incluse ,n tr milli '. 11 1ne c.k•ut.r.-d on above IIasia 5 par s.•n,..l IS..ut.t ait•.wrd tor cash payment. ea chow m.s,•h. •nn,I&.•I : 10 per Drat. 00 ell nouns lie% nee le per . ars t. on a years. Thew a0wliti..1s rill be -o rn,1, enforced. 15.51 'roe .laure- l" selHe. y. Sn•.s.-r. here who (a,l to re rive Tug SIOSAL retrularly. eithe- t.• . errier or by mail. will '•alar a favor be a 'et .olrang ns of the fact a, an eerily • date 5. p1.-.: "lie Orr as lone Label. Your label I. s Brae +:req receipt of the dare to which y. is are us..I rep. See 141.1 tt Is not all..wed r., fait it soar:.**. W i.eu • emote, of wtdtr+m is deeir•ed, both the 014 and the new address sbuold be gnreu. Rejected roauu.. rep.. 'donor be returned. t.•rre-poem.',. a :em.. be written on one side of payer o.ly. rnos ,.b.r'. Netter, .1 (•. Le Tons.'!. of C.rd.rieh, has been rep. 1,0111 1f/1 65a1 T-evelhn1 Agent for 'nr town - shine •.1 boder"eb, •'of borne. .teheeld and Wa- we 11.5.11 al q..• ,*-t'•r w er the distrait are ale, emre•.er.-.e . *.•:etre subscriptions to Tut Sao• u. All .-ommunl,alioo. must be addressed to L. HcGILLn:Ci)nY, THIS Swe.t, rdapsase Cell al. lioylerleb. One MIIMtRN'N. TNkr4►AY. UtC. M. WI DAY OF PUBLICATION CHANBED. Ts• Su; 'al. Mow appears on Thurs- day. and will hereafter be published on that day each week. The change is need' in the interest of hundreds of realer, of TMs: SII:NAL who lire in Inc -dittos served by s semi-weekly or tri weekly matt, who base hitherto hese placed at a disadvantage in obtaining their favorite .on.te. weekly on time. Altering the day of publication will also ranee our wide awake corps of eorreepond- eeta to .end in tea r budgets a day carbo each week Tuesday l etng the /atertt day for receiving c••.rr'•-In,n•lencv. A large number of o.ur weekly cont.em• porwris are now published on either Wed- nesday or Thurwlae•, and we feel assured that the change in Tier. 'In%AL5 day of publication will he eatisfactcarily received by oar thousands of reader.. The change in (¢e day of publication will meoleuntate the sending in of copy for changes of sdvr•rt..ements a day earlier. Notice of change. must Its );nen not later than Saturday noon and he copy left at this office not later than Monday Donn. A HAPPY NEM YKAIL Tin now call him "The Sar marplot." Mi. Port. M P. for Comptes. has re - n osed. Another rat ds..rtiag tb. N.kiatt Ir Yew write a letter tomorrow be earn te date it 11194 otherwise you will be otos els. Dopy do too n.uch " swearing off ' esus New Year's D•y. A little of that kind of busieeG. gees • long way. Hos. DAym MILES carves up the mss- ttitat osiatity of the V seat disguised with • keen edgid sword, m to speak. Tae almanac 111511 011 West-st. cootie \ tallyhos" his teeth, wifhoat frightening any- one. Menne of his heavy tragedy work is very fanny. rte/ Tan Montreal Herald, *bid. W been in existence fate el years, suspended publics ties Christmas looming. Death loves a ghtediag mark. Tee man who hes a stable full 11r bores Shat lisp is forced to keep over the Winter or las. $30 os the $100 will get in his fine work an the when election Joy e111,000 around. _`- 1s1 Sows of cur -lAssmei fail_ tt' to get in their hadg.N in nus t one Io.r paw,. tees. T. enwnn Insertion more linters mast reseh the office Pueaday evening at the imam Now. let everybody beetle r 111 I; Its Tao weather reeds" P1ssmbr `was pard Bram holiday l.eeierel( '-ceases of lack od gsow, tent it wait an embolic«, *lasing to she farmer who had en any horses to feed • owing to the.$eeta of the McKinley Hill. wt Ties C of West Huron are bet e,sgfes• to get held of • new lugaeeaam M bot tie leek pnlitieel cheese hereafter TILE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1001. elegant . s'Band Inirs foe the 1As plats liar to display him 5slseh. Now lot • prise be gives fee r e• the brae lite of the N. P. in Mow /mir kiiwT. Guina = A>Nro it V Baud was net • seoceas as • *Ogg. Out of 66 dooiaia.s gives by hint white ou the bench 48 were reversed us appeal. It now looks as d hu recent decentuU as Her Majesty . ore will be reverted un w appal to the peopk. IT *111 be 10 order for saws of our local oust 1o, explain to the humors til West Hurn• why it is that Canadian barky u over thirty .rnte higher in Buffet., that .n Tomato, .ud that the war of tariffs be tweeze the l'nitel State. and Canada Joew't affect the puce. Poi: the benefit of any of the neighbors who are heading Ahat. way we might state that the telegraph reports may that a specie: Chn.tmas dinner was served to the inmates of Ilse Ktngvton penitentiary os Friday last and one Instalment of the bill of fare con- sisted of 1.000 Ili, of plum pudding. Wee% the Conservatives are trying t kn ek Liberal tenant voters off the voters hat• they are not afraid of the exodus '•t:one to the Utoted States" is a frequent ••harge before the revising tweeter. The Reformers, of course. tied that a Targe number of their opponens who were ten - Wile base also jumped the international boundary 41 W POI* susO 1*1 f I.a.t year THE. `v.:31•1 derided u1 give is rebate of to all .;oleserib•rs who paid in advance. Many availed theul.elves of the offer then made and saved looney by pn•pawyntent. Others neglect..) to do so. and w.•re taxed the credit pries. There is no reason why the man who takes, acounty p-•tp'r should not pay in advance for it• just as he does for his city weekly, and during the coming year the policy of " eta pay. no paper" will be ',,forma by THE St.►NAI-. During the past ten years over $:3,0ii0 have !wen loot by Tile SI(:NAL office in the matter of back sulircrip- tions alone. and w e don't feel inclined to iwe so generous to dead -heat raiders during the corning ten years, if we can avoid it, and we think we can. THK SII:NAL is now one of the hest country newspapers in Canada. It is worth a dollar in :ulvantw if any pro- vincial newspaper is. if it is not worth a .dollar in adv :ince no one in ••ompello.l to take it. hut if any sub- scriber thinks it worth hat ing prepay- ment will be compulsory. (►n and :after Fehr. 1st ren ' back numbers shall remain on our list. Our compositors and pressmen cl(a not wait fur one. two. live or ton year for their pay, :and we don't value the esteem or gots! opinion of 'a subscriber who belis•ve• that any (one this 14;•;1• of .4utlgtnernt flay is early enough pay his subscription. Now is the time to sab.cribe. INIIW.rttOttft 1a tem {:Ns. If some one wee!.1 tie up some of the fellows w)10 are waving the old flag against recipntcity and yelling for Canadian independence at the same time there would ire a chanty to sae the asylums from being r . J.' d one of these days. ffoeeo not this class of blathering ninnies know t hat as thingn now stand Canadian irudep•nden.•e• i- :an impossibility 1 The voice of the Pro- vim's that make up Confederation would have to lie poetically unanimous before Britain Mould consent to a► OT erant'e of the present connection : and a unanimous vote on the goestion can s Dever he had. never bear furor, end the sooner its advocates abandons it the better it will (me for the ouuntry. The ilkdepet)I sauce fad is not less ridiculous and absurd than is that political hell -broth yclept Imperial Toleration, which rivals in . , . elements the contents of the witches' cauldron u. Macbeth. . , Imperial federation anti all such Inwuures are quackeries of the rankest type, and not by any ,nnmtanaa what thlr cOYDtry Deeds W make it happy and i� ,, ,,, What is wanted is the tearing down of all barriers to trade between Canada ai.d its natural market and near'at neigh tear, the Caked States. Better still, batter down all obstacles to commerce and triode littwten Canada and the world at Large. Follow the sample that has been set by Britain in the matter of trade relations with the wide world, and let commence he as free t., coil*' to our shones as the balmy breeze at Sunuie►ertele. If Canada hal indepenel-'nue to- morrow and continued its pre/tent trail.• policy un.ler the eonditlons that would then surround her she would presently lie a laughing -stock amongst rations. .1s it is, the fact that she its ceases' ah a colony only ,airs her reputation on this line Canada will do well to bide with her mother until she is ready to be were politically to the strongest and best suitor for her hand. •O. t1mga•NT. TRIP. Monday last M. t' l'AMKRe,N left on a loom's' trip to Florida, and will he absent two or three weeks The elector of West Huron will be pleased to learn that Mr. (`AMEIto% s visit to the southern clime has not. been causeed by medical advice, for at the time of writing his health was never man• robust. It is satisfactory al..e, to know Add his stray from home will be rhort,'erll• that a call to arms :along the line of a byeelectionwill bring back the " old war horse of Huron," whet for twenty long years luta been at the head and front of the political .. in the Hunan Tract. That his visit South will prove bath pleasant and profitable is the wish of T,IE Stumm. anti Its readers. MleCIO tt►tr At SAT. Liberals who opposed Anil con- demned lion. Titus. M cGarr%v's con- duct while In the )louse admired the way in which he stuck to his party and to his friends while undergoing the searching examination at Ottawa. He gave no one away hut himself. He saved the Conservative Govern meat from a sudden and complete collapse. Sir H *.('TUR, the ('abinet and the party these were his special charge. and while he sacrificed him- self he shielded them to the fullest extent. The Conservative Govern- ment il. now trying, to whiten its character by punishing MitlIKKEvy. But as Md:RK•yY was the chosen agent of the Tory Administration for collecting and dispensing campaign funds, he has concluded that he has ...tittered enough for his party, and that if he must ire torturer) at the hands of those he helped to keep in power then, like Scram* of old, he will pull down the house and let his tor- nentore perish with him. The Ottawa Fre Press on Sntunlay interviewed Mr. MCGREEVY, and the former treas- urer of the Tory boodle fund and devoted servant of the party thus poke his mind. If he tells all, now hat his fiends have deserted him, no One• will blame him for it Just imagine the Pro*inee of g,)uebr• surrendering its present guarantees in order to become a portion of an inde. pendent nationality whit la would cause the language and race of the largo majority of its people to lo... the safe guards which the treaty of 1761 t'.rowii around them. And with the t;5 votes of Quehw: disa.nting what party in Parliament could hope to accomplish a sundering of the pres- ent ties bending Confederation 1 if, on the other hand, it were po,s allele to cut the connection binding Canada to Britain, and the conditions governing the union of the Prosin.e,l at present continued to exist where would the benefit. come In 1 True+ we ehouki ave a goodly portion of the vice -regal gewgawry at Ottawa, and that ,- • but absolutely towhees figure. head of mock royalty the (:or ernor-()eneral could he dispensed tit ; bit Mhsrwi.e the present corn. mrreial , d n• and ward tariffs ween Qnada and her twat neigh would continue to curse this They wast meet nue who win ant be aid nor whin be eye he bis " a deed were tiny' am Me eppsnles I , A peam beg bob WheM'hill besmy bseeedsI eillIMRRIDO L slit Aa 6. errantry. Imo ; this dream the part of Canada a wino' thus wisp, po.tibhs short d a of osi be is an ignis fatale% of an intangible( ins emus sehoeae which own "1 am,- said Mr. McGreevy, "a victim of c,rcumetaneea and of the ingratitude of p .11tinal friends. The same may be said of Michael and Nicholas' Connolly. For the make of political friends 1 refused to answer certain queattons put to me when 1 was under oath before the privileges and elections committee. i declined to .tete what was untrue, and 1 fel. that 1 was in honor Is.und not to make onmpron,- I4ag .tatemcni• aIecting there whom i a.ppresed were my friends Rut now the torn 1 .aught to .Meld are my • .d 1 must and *111 defend n1y good limns --el that of my family. These mem made me the TRsalcuw or Tn17R t-AM►AW. 1,4*u I did not seek the position. And they knew exactly how the money 1 get for election pnrp0we was mimed. Fortunately i hove documentary proofs, lettere. ree,ipu, etc.. i . the handwriting of the parties who ea hived he mom/ showing when It went. To may that they dol not know where the memney Dane from is an absurdity." And how w*m the m..ney deloused r " That will bee:plained if the sae goes ke trial. It was • ewe ugesio5s errwage. ML Tag PLAN M cage: an. Teed, if 1 remember rightly, • stuseent w old he prepared stemma the aswwnt d moat/ r.quirel so each ormet.tweney. Then rho (' eawI,detes. I'bis** Mink. ler •ed others,wooM arrange Inc the disori ton. Rut *solo naw wnekl take charge m the to eow to be used in lite aeigioass m sty, ass his esus. it wee a eyotom1 of Yoe take sew of ony lnewey and 1'n look after yearn" Per 1-i s•sy Ser Adolphe 'r► might take chart' of the had est apart far • owe) v In elite rem of his supporter. Nyasa wadidais,aad see that ti was property Mused. .uasr Use supporter wutakl 144. a,wge of the amount allotted to Su Ad.dphe's ousatlteescJ . In thea way each imam delete would be Ili • possums to say he knew nothing about money being hrwtsht noel his own county or .pent then. The plan worked well. 1•erbape Murphy urn, deed it. LOOK OLT rue 5Ml'allAL 1 am sot going to allow myself to be sad' • scapegoat by • lot of segrat.*. Hees a worm volt turn when trampled on. This imatres of persecuting me in order tet the teen Inc whose benefit 1 got auto difficulty ...ay pone r purista ani moralism has gone ! r enough.' CURRENT OPINION. Norfolk Reformer : II to rumored that George Tut Klackstuek, (1 C., as . possible Tory candidate for Nest Huron .gam in M. C. Ca:: run, M. e. We once hear.) gal,ge say that he was rhe most defeated uan 11 l'suada. 11e was then not thirty ha. anil had been five nines au un►uc.•esefol comb late Inc I•arllau,rntary tumors. 1f he ruse rgsieet C.ulertn 411 Huron, he wa11 be able to add one aware to hu score. -0 -- - Re 111 041.1 A TKAsAI1'T. Promoter Abbott is reported as having elven as a nee= for declining to coattibute to the Y \I ('. A. building fund tee he del not expect to be a resident of Ottawa Lung and that hie o uotributions would t.ou tinur to go t.. Montkeal. It ir considered that the Prenucr s answer would indicate lire nitration before I•.ng to relmqui.h the office he now holds as the nominee of Sir John Thompson, who ed hint last June to the Governor General. TUE I LLGIAI. 1/111MlLVTtol. I►tta*a Herald. Cons.: 'rhe following 1- the o,nsuttetonal clause lartiele 8b of the lkitteh North America Art) which the Lib. .'rale claim has been violated by Lieutenant Governor Angers in dtewalvlug the Quebec A•.emhly • •' There shall be a session of the Legi.la torr of Ontario and of that of Quebec once at lesot in every year. sin that twelve 11100th. shall not Intervetne b•.ween the last sitting of the Legislature in each Province in one sesame wd Ira first sitting to the next .eesi00. When the Assembly convenes in April next, a• tix4,) by Augers. over fifteen months will have elapsed .Ince the close of its last session_ The Assembly prorogued on Iter, 30. 1890. The 4 ,'usertattie defence that the Lieutenant Gorerm.r can dissolve the Legislature at any tune anti order _a new election irrespective of the' above clause looks rather MAY. WAR ON THE TARIFF. THE OW Op Inn PALMY tette r Ncw lineWorld: It is the policy of the 1►emocratie\party, in the tnte:eat of the people, to reduce tariff burdens to • mine teem, t• make the common nr0t»wtes of jife red tab raw materials of manufacture mo far as peed*/ fres. to give every possible . LI 1,4 N. ,,t. undnstry, and to retinue the expenses of the Government to the standard of actual need. it is the policy of the d:epuhliran party to increase tariff taxes s, a; to rostrad, trade. to encourage the business of the rich at the expes.e of the poor man to make the nooses sanee of life .dear, and to collect vast sums from the people which may be squan- dered in ways calculated tAo purchase sup- port for the party spending them. The question Inc every man to answer in next year's Presidential election is Which of thecae policies do you prefer rARMtnly t 1111 *1.1.5 THE .'n.,41 o. Csoada Presbyterian : The (armee of the Dominion have no conceivable excuse for ad. vacating political union with the Milted States. The (' . of Canada a in their own hands and they mean have whatev- er teriff arrangements a Parliament elected by themselves can make. They are in an nverwhelm,ng maj .rtty in all parte of the i ,rne:non except British Columbia How long could the representatives of the few cities of Ontario stand out against the coun- ties if the counties were united in favor of any final pollee! Not a mnneh. Why should a farmer advocate revolution until he has teed every conetitutiona: remedy for mar political ilk • If farriers went racupro. my why not say w! They can control any Government. Their majority can make and unmake (' Why not use the remedies at their own doors if they, as a clans. are suffering wrongs! won Pare THR TAWS', TAN ' 7� Rural New Yorker : One of the foremost claimor of the protectionist is that the (Deign shipper pays the duties If this is true, isn't 11 strange that when famine threatens any country one of the first means of relief thru,ht of should he a diminution or re- moval of import desire n fond staffs • Attain, the report of the Treasury Depart- ment for the final y4r 1890 shows that 6,100 gallons of castor oil were imported, valued at $2,910. The duties were )6,520 Now, of the foreign stopper paid the duty, is it not certain owteat he not only made us a t of thel, tut gave os besides 610 to get rid of it ! In 1880 imports Iwought into the United States 664,653 gal Ions of spwrde distilled from grain, valued am $466 121,the duties on:which were $1,320, • 367. Who paid these mr4ti.. ! if the im- ppeerters, they lost not .mly the liquors, bat $873,916 heads. These are, of creme., extreme Caere, but the truth or fallacy of • ptotosition is generally more forcibly known by taking extreme carter ,A111*041 awn ,AND. Moetrtal Star, formerly N. P (wgae • The treble which broke nut lest Spring has hems pthenag through maim years of tariff im Winn of each other We have been Lasing each other's roods a a truly Christian spir it, though tt *nM he herd to find two onuetries which meld bettor joie in a trent nverci•1 00100 1.. roe'. see Tee O.. Of •r��,,,-,r• thing. This ie os.inently the sass with Ft.isrwl's Nerviline, and greet pain cure. 1t se an honest le esely.for it entente to the Inert pro/owlet the pun..., as.l moat ~tale pais subduing n Overlies hewn to medical .si.... 1t is hewer, for it doer all it elation to de it is leme.t, herrn*is it ie the his ie the world. it only e.rt. Si mess 4, try it, sod you coo bey • bottle at 5111) dreg tame& Neevib•o our tontgu.ho, isenrsighs, parn i• the Irene41 sod side All N. Mil, s.lievd be Pekoe's wilir ABOUT NATURALSCIENCE HOW TO MACH IT IN SCHOOL - An *ase.vap.e rower y imam Mau Wei by mer Menu* Inn 1lhesil ercate 1e.5 area - warts* • sooty T.ih .erns* Im.taasIs. Te. W. User **moment .< Yedere• Anions all the various breaches to be .1 ...i 1441 s. 50 .41 1l05 Inc 110'.I us., rival warner Keub step In the of the all eveid maw .t i neplw: all the priucsp.em of uduc:alwu eau be .pplmd to 01, thus it ap- posite dirwalr 10 the cheers Mama, to the memory eel in the highest degree to the remota. In wondering the reinject of teethe - uutK:.,witb which it teary br contrasted,the reasoner pru.wd. deductively ; their study rifted. • Jasetpllur in lasering trot premum to wu,lu.aura. eat natural rescuer wutrod the re& .w, trained tit .x.i (1y the opposite dare ctauu . ).'u bogus with particular. and from .ural al 1110 at the geuer+l pruptratauu ; the oboe. tattoo of tact brat, thea the law or truth_ tie observe the, phenonueuu.. as eek the cau.e, rue au.%er will be a broader fact. From little mystery we earn a greeter, still a mystery. IYhe. h is the greater elms. tor, that winch cantles the truth expound ed or that which lifts up f-wu the petty t.l the prominent and uurccreel' \1y Judi uncut tna•buss to the per.epho• vi the Target truth. h:.rry true teacher in all the cehatries has felt hs ur her ivablbty l0 Lft ma. .Love himself. lame through the ages W the time of the Great il+itcr Se heat the sad refrain e.:.usag through the g.00m •• Why Its fight elven to • nen *hoer way as hid ' Stier thou the few only have male the Ilght; the many, what u1 them' You p..ntt to r.b,.atupu as a remedy. it, you say, widens a man's sphere, arid sin eters pleas urr. 'true. but to the multitude, if their le seeing naerely relates tonnes and his work, e: they know leather,/ of nature, tome wall not .,dual mf :heir ,u.•kiup; Ow. 01 ahr i,,..,w1• edge gamed, and 4herelorc Lu,.y %Ili •no et only with Juappointmeut and pain. Situated as Se are, ethos nal nbgnn :•4111 in the C 4aa10,, 5041.44.11ii Jot e: tin- y:crton they, of necessity, must he left to the theologian : yet when we tkisk of lktrkest F:ugland and remember that in a. alarmingly large degree it is composed of s he elevated, when we think of . aur Rirclslls arid w bui :sale rubber* how true s the axiom •• l'waduct Is three quarter, int Ilfe." Now, •Ithou.th no ■ubject may la taught to the exclusion til others, still is it m.t lust possllde that we have neglected one of the g,est•st moral and huu,a,iring 'ec tows then are, namely • natural science • Fant let us uneaider 1t a5 • humanizer. ('hildr,la very young are thoughtlew.,lut nut cruel. You will see a chill take up a Salm, snake, any reptik with impunity It s toot until the are told they are harmful ami must be they that they think of taking; i.m.went life. If from the first they were taught that theee creatures had feeling, eros ; taught something of their stractury and uses ; their nvbt to five and be protected by man, and 1. return for such protectio. the *.'mein they are to hem it this were done there would be lees need Inc as many humane aaociet,es,aad in • higher sense if they knew bow to take tare of their own bodies there would be lass sick- nsss and death. .`fecndly,as a discipline in morals. in literature we study he works of great men ; the purer the style the closer the study. If .natter is what some selentune and dmvines claim it to be : ,ntiwtestual prints= of *pint grouped into • whole,then all mat- ter must be the expremed thought of the 1►etty. Surely if we labor to catch the beauties w the exorcised thought of the creature, and feel their moral worth, we wall to a much greater extent raise those moxa'. by studying the works ..f nature. Numbers et our greatest benefrcuors have been sceentista The ma.i es without doubt owe them everything ; they have, In very fact, lifted the burthto from the weary shoulder and male the heart light. The artisan who hoover the reason tor his work is no longer • mechanical drudge, but an in ielligent worker,amd therefore has a hipper and better life. Seen frum acertainstan.lprint • certain knowledge of science is practically of the hiehst value 4o Mao. What about the pleasure it gives" Hear what Herbert spencer says • • Thos who have Dever pe- tered on scientific pursuits are bllael to moot of the poetry by which we are surrounded. Whoever had out in youth collected plants ami in.ecte knows not half the halo of in. tweet which lawns and hedgerows tan as. sum'. Whoever has not sought for fords has little idea of the poetics) aerocatons that surround the places where embedded t-eutres were found. Whoever at the sea side has sot hof • microscope arid •cquarium hlea yet to learn what the highest pleasure. of the seaside are. Whatever it may do us the hture,ecteaoe has trot 10 he peat found an integral pert of school., but if we could hear as mach of It •e we do ; "One third of the 'bill's tee giver to reading, •.other third to arithmetic," i feel sure that neither eduatir.s nor the race would suffer. As regards the manner mf teaching . cies,e mach might be mid with profit to as all. With the subject we have t., a,netder the science of teaching it with benefit : that is, as i husk Fitch nays : " We rimy give a very scientific lesson in arithmetic and a very unscientific lemon in science." A N umber of feet. told, a number of meaning- less ward* memorized is • lemon of he sec- ond .lie., end from an educational point of view had better give place 4o the former os mathematics. A lesson on selene must always be first objective, lastly subjective. The teacher shield laws • debnite line of thought to carry out as • course to itgives Teo matey brooches of the subgect abeuld roe be taken up at ono. ; that at, mineral sod plant life would be better taught u d,ffere5t Ulnae, Thee oke • ornament) min- erals for two .r three months ; hare the numerals studied by the children. If pos- sible tweak them up into ,.heir oolnposest parte; nose their like. awl difler.no.s, stevedore ; dwell on their uses .ed where found ; at every lesson drill. At the sortable time of year tithe up plant life ; have the seeds planted lot the pupils learn lead And out Use parts Inc tbeowlvs ; take them oat into the woods, describe a flower and tell them to we if they can did it It is wonderful how quickly they will be.olne interested. Spengler will be hareeighti is• formation given and asked der 11 they think v... its ssrehier for troth with them there will be an enthusiasm kindled that will take mooch to q.*ed 8n again with anneal Ish ; let them ser venose sposiamsee of the ddieroot briarh*a,thsy wa11 very* suss h. able to tell . mdwsk from radiate sad give the ekes s well. is the way, ten, the memmous e1 the ehildrea will be lmprwved. A!• ter • immo err ea gives Um yen win Ind readythe rosiihosi hey to Wile •1 knrdannea •• plash 11 be laid _w dell ihils tM knee is limped. I1•bww l wet ler yen to pees mares yes /is K meg you can gnu your pep& willies N f>V Imes fey M'es'h'. Awe Poo soimee a tiiainu year aae►sng 1 • serene '�ia'tt Lw (We clip the fwrgwag true The Moreton Daily rums. We ought say Nat the waster rel the paver. Alm lien, s . &whew of to late Julia Galt, lisq., formerly registrar of Heron. She was bona al " The Radge," As the township of ("others.. Kis. fjturAl_ ) PECULIAR AND PERTINENT The latest oalouMuuumaks the world'. ase 1,546.750,000 years. A "good gwh►y" wife is quoted et 10,000 caaru.auts uu ins 8oluowo I.bwda There are 413 .pesids of tr..s found wit b in the limits of the Rutted Status and Ter- ntortea, runt''s of which, whoa perfectly we'e'd, will nub in water. There is &Lout two and ..s.•balt gallous of a husky stow on hail Inc every era, woman 111411.1 child in the Uniend States. Fortuu•tely it is we to be ooawu►ed pro rata The Taanuiiaa caves, of which then are Targe numb'r,ase lit in a »insular manner Millions of glow wean* hanging to .fay walk a.d ceiling* hrrnek the illumine - t A queer 1:41.7 154 has base i.stitut.ed against • Crawfordsville (Ind.) uewep•per. fhe article averred that the piriottlfs hone was fend on soup, ba -toy too .old to eat ,earn. Wherefore the plaintiff claimeth $2.000.tamage.. alleging that be its older - ...I great ue.lal anguish because of its publication. It is now possible to seed pictures by wire. The prwcer is founded on the use of undulating or varying currents of electricity, r..newhat on the psrtucnp:., of the telephuue, the transmitting 1o.truuieut beaux aetuaed Indirectly by the •oryn.g degree. 01 light instead of by the amend marks as with the telephone transmitter. Altana Edelman, of Neer York, has .p plied fur a palest .in what ..eats to he a wonderful discovery It u a chemical pro cess whereby ligurete,w hi -l1 is coda a latter stage than the aulk.aeate ur Mtumtuewt. article, may be transf..rmrd into serviceable fuel. This can be sold, he says, at $1 a tow, and will equal our pressen coal. last Summer a whale wee washed on the shore off Ocean City. Over forty toes of flesh were removed ieem it. Its skeleton s a n• in the Philadelphia helower ur M 5 m Natural Skjaw measure seventeen feet in length and it. en . ire length was .Isty eight feet. It is be- lieved to be the largest In the world. It was in • store at Newry,llbt.,ths other n ight, that a party offered to buy as much stuff as . certain young elan of the locality could eat. The chelleuge was ac.-eptr•sl,snd the Young man stralghtwsy proceeded to mow away the following bill of fan (Ire* plates of oyster*, 2 coon of eah,wn, 10 dry stela biscuit*, in *e'en minutes ; weird *ix eggs, and finished op on a pound of figs. This was devoured miter eating his supper few minutespprvi•se, MEN OF CANAal1- a merlee el tg.troiliL, of Ombe.t ossa. (sr R►.t. we•nser, ...aj In our Issue of the 17th inst. we gave a short general review of the great art bio- graphy entitled "The Canadian Album nor on prom byikedley, tiarretaua .k Go.,of Krwtfoni. (hat , and ed,tad by Itrv. i)r. ('ucbraae,� tnteod.ug w return bit again and evamlrie it at greater length Resuming, we may say that this is a book for the tunes, Inc many reasons. It is • safe book, and h is preeminently a book ( u► fait». There is nothing In its pages that s overdrawn is the slightest degree, as each sketch has been venbed by those who know the fart. it is unsparing, containing, p am dome this firm vu;ume 1511* clued, tbe fres and buuorien of over ax hundred men who are believed to be worthy of the ail I miration and lmitauoo of our boys and young men. In this ellaum are found those whose lives can he studied anal enulated by - our young people who wish to get on to the world. It is instructive, inasmuch as at contains mon informatmos about oar represestauve men then can be found in nay collect*on of works now printed. The realer become acquainted not only with the facts of the life, but also with the . of the mini of whom be is reading, and having leuoe i of him to his two fold way is not !table to forget him. The work is certainly of high order awl deserves unstinted prose Inc the artistic why in which both the portraits and typo- graphy are executed. The finest coated paper is used and no pans or expense .p pear to neve been spared to make it In every .nose worthy of the pert recon( of the a 4.111111541.05. i It is unique. So fey as we know, noth- ing of the rune design has been pulduhed t on this coouneat. Tins feature alone should greatly aid to giving the Album a large circulation. it will be useful. A. • hook of reference, nothing ran b• more convenient or reliable. By neem' of the copious anil well -arranged index 000 can find in • moment the facie w concerning anytime whom it 0oota,ee. A ropy of the volume will be • hand.nm►e and interesting addition, not only to oar centre babies, but to every library. The sad pioneer* with which one -ars thus meet distingmalerl men meet he very desirahle indeed, end, as those well - bowed volume will, will nrdia•ry usage, be in good preservation Inc a half esotury to creme, oar children's children will be able to look upon the face of those who helped to ran the machinery .f the world in the very long ago We congratulate the publishers n the ability displayed in his great enterprir ; we may ay Soutar nater prise, fm we enclereta.d that the work to which they have ret thestselvs involves as outlay of about $130.000 and frees the ap- p*srssoe of their first, now nearly .xwnplete, volume we full .vp.ct them to sweoeerl. We trust that " t aiidiam Allem" will he found in every home in the Dominion and behave that it will have • large circulation. The ewe -mous edi*ioo now 'to prys places it in reach of eweryos& W. understand that swlserilaers got the somher of .xq-•s to which their ooslret stades hem at .host one- Wf d thepri . u whaeb sue is a #*.'b mowed beh th. wise way, •d that if t ebuae to sell their serplas cnpsrr they s• rwaeep t (neslvs for...y doiLr ef wtiay, ar they have the privilege of k Nem •ad volet am moo kylmUM t.r change the sus will arose oto p is ef he nem►w el volumes iwed winless •dditiea.l seat Thu first volume covers part el ()staria, at Toronto need rsebisg west. Future Dmew g1a sever Mbar parte el se west WHAT IS PATRIOTISM A SENSIBLE VIEW OF THE cASE as tae ert.ee tuemiet•. tow,.. ass. .Mae Lia sltwsass rasrwtr M w'ea'r rmep..es eget tan as.. , ammo wtss, Is ('.5.ds'. Meatal T G. H. Sults, of lie Sr Paid y ew Globe, ate hie Christmas dither u Go4sgels abs year the first in lifters years. stir Sault• was culled home by the serious edeas of his mother. Whom ques1)45eti upapsa lug public aflame In Ins native land he dn. played 'a n.tlaulry Inane tf tlaerv5t..s .rq +o wupnbeinsa. u slut mousy br cneftt.•.Itucss naw) corner, )1,1.10 5051411 awl freed.., from party worship. Mr. `halts is a spies .1i.1 sample of the million )ou.' owe *4, have dtspinyed their opprre stein 0l rhe tis.•.I policy .ail ean5t1005 n1N171u♦ nr 01/1%.•1•A I.) moving over to the yawed States, Net Ie•cu1 a patriot, AA the word is defined by roil..• people we sight •neat coo, he did ass lay., Inc *41e 01uu row's good, oaf tlllsiaim home to its detriment, but WI1 I where h- e bt•liev.J the heat Ifex a ua.fd mad pr eruule bje Sete ueltf oat. ILl r," sail hr, to n•vwWlug 1411 .due. hos, • • u • practical problem and sot sentimental *niece. The wise man a be waw, can rr.,agelae bis "plan I.UllaUrs .ud .111 utilise nature's resource. By this pre -res of procelurr t'KlrtiraaiTi w its. LY.15.,, and when a people arc prosperous the higri. est oivilu•uuu s attained morality ge.., .uper.uta.n der., rums ww.bap wily, thought broadens. refinement redecla, kgs. Latton Nansens and improves In quality mei in manner. sad the innumerable ills that •tv 144141oy poverty are obliterated N r are creatures put upon earth W improve out kind and develop our spirituality. To do. the we have to open up friendly relieves with suturae, and we instinctively ink he, to give nA good returns for our labor. Po Ing of diversified talent., the heat results toward stunting our highest alms are achieved by trade; our with aunt her. Tr. execute this pr .gram our uncle staadt•g shuelJ tel: us that an Absettee from rennet ed freedom, superstition, narrowness •t concepuoo nal moa worship is desirable The creature or class .di,ctet with tkew 1111 i, indeed pitiable, because uoc.wtlizel To a.mert, u raw simple people do, that n is preferable to tolerate poverty and mate tan their self aucredne.l high ,nuraltty than endure pr.perity with Its imaginary wickedw•m u to d.ellre hot bntory i. . raumaooe aid the law! of oaten u 4, our highest L Imi 1tx1•ripsg that morality is a w.j+uenow of pruspenl) and that poverty and .degradation are omr panatela u sot to state a law truth, Ws it te one that scene p-spie have a hard struggle in grsepnnR These refection. have AS el?LWATle1 ant 1 *MLA. tit .aa. .. .'*551,11, and to the thought and iodine of her peopk. The gu:pug down with apparrm relah of the sentlnaeuIal slush that ea, awakes from interested partite people *4. never crated anything of value, tut w4 - kyr comfortably upon the :slow of three who .re lee. thoughtless and dsmgnisg N + ao.ditiue of the Canadian stomach 18., seeds an emetic. To cast the redeem* upon the intelligence Of the ('anodise pr. dowers the farmer awe the wage mean that they are the tools lied toys of th.... chronic uSue .,reL,rs are pruleeroa:d pobk•:sans would 11e perbaps a little broad but what must be mid aloe( a people 154. will listen to thew revenue pstr.uts recur their little pieces about glorious mbent- an_e, red old flag,- " revered mother land.- " designing and wicked nr.ghbortsg republic," etc., ad .suaeam, while in the nHwntime the public debt grows. T111 KW. NAT0RAL *44)1005.'x• K.M e., t . ur.v'Lortn, 141.' lndustrlal interests lag, corruptive :n " high " places rune rampant, acid therein blood ones across the bonier ! It Mee not answer the question to my, se the idt,:Ir partisan and designing politician will, that its wet tree. The fact that they have Oa prsnmptlou to nook(' such statements re the face of fates a moist apnoea redecti.lo sp on their listeners. Partssnsh,p and man worship, together with a superstitious re. erene. fox a false p•enotis1), . 4 depinnbk coaditin to exist In this 5411. of s'llr,' bioses. Itis rations/ to take ids wile party organisatuoae desirous d .wiductmx public affairs that are established es lase promotive of prosperity owl neral ly, and to shone Inc 5 patriotism that u symbolic of :bin oonditwwn. Bot 0 vnrshtp • patriotism .bat u represenu the of no tag more nor ler than .n 5.41 dental 1 connection of to Much ars rn .hurt, • sssetment, an ,magiaar' semething is 10 *Oa301r A v41370111 bile the stomach craves ; to shout patriot ism without knowing whether it is rrprowe Waive of • lead of hay or a piece of pnribility Unfortunately for mankind, the word psi - nutmeat la.e too long 'retained its first, • . M, inns •term perWM yea heed the warding y Th. *eel p..h* IT 4 *41. w eme d tb s mme eslf if you ate slant ler Us a.bu d saving Kb ease. W run tie risk mud is nsblwg ter ft. We knew Aum espsrlenne Mee % �e stn year SS . It mom 1Lfk atm..-.:4'.�r.,�•.,�'+�1L �.. marrow meaneag that conneclal "nth sur OW unholy ias(rtunest of h•elenty Bet Ne pco..bto. of cavtl,ratto• deru that meaning, and its tree nee stands Ionia True patriotism m is.4ymholioal expfl1100• of $ taioosJitiosn , r.1 d the pnae.suo• etd s quantity or slated area of Led. A eitixu•ds perresent 1 00114105 i. p1311411144* cense his cosditino i. prosperous, hippy sed . Tobe pat notic moan. to preemie' the essay qualities that go ata make op the onedit.o•, not to defend the lard alone It down not mean to become inhuman r•om& to seek the Mood of some fellow ,rester* 11out *be pnlilieiw d two oes•tiie. Aavn failed to aaggree. The w we e.•wd sire suck A definition of p•Mietim• as mkt (Iwe onus41.05... is tome PARTLY .•IYtLtxln. 11 Shore is • condition exist* in a coos try that fair to satiety the smbitiose 554 wash of the people, pMMM11•s le sl• ea kems "manly, 1st there be Geer all mesh teed. The yoga( nee should be Melted L+ fey the solution of Clse•da'• deader. num leek shove sad bry.ed oed thea To attempt to .alee the Fele"' Mem the pores premises el deasheat petals thomgbt le 4 bsek ylrt t • 5805. wall Ii e sot h reality • q.sstiee .f aaa.esatitr. w d reciprodtr It L • gg•mhe .f eivilhattoe, eeeoo ti•• of oilstones odd dmty mead of .0.- is feet, • freedom ire)• the my. Niel sad • d the pr etisL N With& o•esemsli.. wi* mesh le assaf lt e derel Iweselposs.w sodto he J...L d. hod emesli Moray eremite Meet, .d perm.els* 80t41� Set wbe. sttibP 6.6. tate nM awlbeaasieg •why erlselae• 1b. neer t te K • d ppweti/hs ewe iMs ewtse N 1110ha 4 bleb �e Ta „