HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-12-31, Page 31 1 I._n.a_.a1 enol ete .. I..I rem •ui. al MANY ALIFE ' V Mess laved by the pimp, mod I 1 Apse's ?UM Travelers by boll at sea Me II Me 10 sr Mbar ,t reaBtenenes d theatomseh and bomb why*. tr segl.aed, lead lo mime *ted ,.Iles Lot , Tb... ,tear of correneleg these avlb le 1r w til Ariers tic Ms. Tb. pm - hat ,Mat saUlug-master maid as moos go to air wither kis 1. es without sa▪ d emeripitict° operstl.s. A7mr's Wlls Aero mo UI a ffecto0 ; thew erre pua, vegetable soca ; the ..1.et asrdhdeu fur old and yews, d home air ▪ •• Far�j{ rale 1 was °r' 4 wish -.pliptrifis, while st last became so do ao owe kw me. Tire 1 beim tthst the devices matoo i°ke Ayer's Pas. sad moos the bowels r0eov..d $M&r natural sod regular seas, Ito NSR sow l Stu In Excellent ta.slth •'-Yrs. C Ii Clark, Taw�g, rttamchusette. o 1 regard Ayer's MIL as w at am met re1Is b1e general tremMltts el MI 4m,.. They have been is am 1a tardy fur affections unvarying l tiro. sod have rat uav tunr we have tatted these as _ nt ," "sway lira colds and tight /eve N R. Woolson. Fort Werth, Trio. "For .ever& yearn i have robed cams mon Ayer's Pills than epees wain tis .n the medleinu chest, to retinae m7 Ieuwels soul those of the shipee GNw. These Pile ar. not severe in Meeh se- ttee, tat du their work therougbly. 1 have used them with good effect fur the cure of kidney troie- I.bcr end dyspepsia." litseller, Steamship It. Liu , New Yurk City •• I have- found Ayer's Cathartic Pills to bra better family medicine for com- mxn no than any other pfltio within my knowledge. They are sot only very cfla•tit. , but .ole aced pleasant to take - quail' ies wblcb must make teem *slued by the public." - Jules Hasa, l edeinrr, Philadelphia, Pa. Ayer's Pills, paaPAaar R Or. J. C. Ayer & Oe., L MM. NOM ' geld by ma Des leen is Mehth se ti s17 43 Y• , Seen our -il.).,1.iy? N•c.!lin4 b+t4 u.e 'nth oro •at t • WW1 to -41 • ,.r Ltclt-, "moth tri . . The bulk of uu• rte.twining 4 let maisttmia Os oar fit et grrieln. .uch a, :!heal, •Itinis r,..e. f1etwerp. .ilaoka `Smlhle. be, re tit • 1 torte Collar*, MOM sari t u*- $bop Mg M +rL..led ©aMirse . who - , ' tint i'nderw.'ar, Ti.et. Ha.. ..•-rclu. Es. 1;love t4birio, t: ••Iter• ,ter,, etc. will gad osr ci.untr-r�. r.-,. , t.• with O.e chrrt,7'att gi.o.ls at pre •'• to rim:. •• ye rybody. An elegant variety .f ..at.•t W. T. HAYS & e'.x. Muotreal at sad Souse. -nt. fur the Part,:•° She v• .:11 My. SHILOH'S CONSU 1 PTION CURE. This GREAT CO4 ;;H CURE, this metas CONst'MP'rIoN CURT :t without a per !el in the !unary of t s diems. All dreggise authorised in .ell it on a positive Rnaramset ..est that no other one ten emiconsully steed. • too have a Congb, SIM Throe, or Bronchitic, .• .t, kw it will euro yrs. If year child Mr `e Creep, or Whoop'°gCough. use it 'd relief is sure. 1f y0° drs d tLu ,•mase CONSUMPTION, *set jai to use it. 011 care yea or coat nothing. Ask yes 'rKEia for SHILOH'S CURE. Price to e*., cts. sad Eine. If your Ixwys arc ware lack tame, we Shiloh'. Porous Plmr~r. zs cat SENO �Ipr:.[e niece gdrpty .. ,rgamanteede f•It► •<• n., art w, as 1 send Jou by •uprose. c-0---1 ew 1..1 elegant womb which T e e examine. to yon do Dot And it all tad even more thagng w• elates for bINT TAU bet w perfectly me' =rat Age•, leo (i( >H V14 isles L*teh. Seek • e* to rear a reliable Umpire at soh • rfdiel• toady tow price i. ' °.8 :!*`rite THB MEESE YACTORY. OLEAN SURROUNDINGS A MATTER OF T141 UTMOST IMPORTANCE. A M.Mer ed 13.Usrw aid (asst. cad wee .1 Ileatr enli-Yew la Attar lbs Neat can.. 1•eenl t ra-Mlle, and Other Moor. The and ceras leo cheeseage that us est kept ds.altoese that Is rue to tediums, and yet all admit that to make flee butter sad cheese the factory mart be looked .her said awed for is a ws)J that a, co•t.°ua.tiog More or tool emdh shall pried* the rslsiam. There is a awt•t°a1.vmplYnt .res the ou°•s•tw M retried to fir quality of the ahem he boys, ,f tastes and livors out al milk, and the fault ls laid at the Onus til the maker of the efts*.. 11 s not .s act of treason to the industrryy to sapper fast macts of ails u.• deoirsbt, days has come Street frogs de- *y"wg pod* of whey .ad Marry week be- neath •.d mord the focusses aad ad - 'scoot bugyardk Nor is this all ! Toe :nasty factotum are sot her m .est. clean, and sweet&eltl ig es Use n. onto Ther, should he, cel UMW Ira taw chap ler in tine department of our aawoctaled t ening. There is no occ.sio° to be ever sestimeatal :a the matter a observtag doe 04..011*•* u oar factories It is rather • matter el dollars and orate; the tnakug of milk tate high -clam goods, rasher ,baa t.ryia`` grade., toe often trso.,ble to the snob.,ireome eonaundisge d aur menu - pleats. i1 choice,fis eflavured butter aud cheese is mads -tad no other briogs the bap price -there nam not be ao absence el corselets* leufi.g to this high point of ad.tmge by takieg all proper precaution* from farm to *market.vThe tamer must do all an his power to furatsh It.. best of sulk, takes from well.eared-for .rows, fat regularly es wholesome food. Stehle. meat be kept clean and tree from snrlb. •ad the milt. whets put in Memos, well aired. Cana moat be protected from sun and steam at the teak -stand, and w ,livers pat on s.1!1 the wagon roes to the fsetery. Che factory must be kept well repaired, its floors whsle sant sound, aad Lasa getters be provided N catch di slops and wash - nog., cormmuaieattmg with • large tile sewer that discharges its moments not le* than forty er fifty rode from the building Meaty of paint and whitewash aro needed, the letter to be used frequently aad Idler ..11y. The whey took should he ata die - o'er, and s.uwf plies used to uasvey the whey and refuse to them. Th. hug yards, if then: are any, should beat least 40 to 3e eta away , and should he made in three toe - Gess of at last tw* acres each. During the s0marer the yr•1 • should be sewn to • .urre.ntns of qui.k-growling r rots, and the lent •:bagged from one to the oilier lot, as :wt a• the crepe bare attuned fair growth. risen there will be so Yr-potluttn peas- .lr crop will take ap what would other - eine become noisome odors. and the factory *all not t,r known afar uta because of it. stesehes The tatenor of the factory ...tumid be kept as clew a0d pun sli water ort dlsonfe•.tent• will keep it, and pbcore • the spa•.• se ler the floors etemid he kept , lean and nry, tad not become • ra- ceway!, for 64th or rubbish A factory kept as this manner will 6ou0 ubtu° aa extra d•m.ud for its gond., amply comp.. - ✓ ang for .II addit.nual labor and expense. - Amitosis Agricultural*. - Teeitr )Thar, Macey who use building new poultry .100.es are hwtsg weoden doors in them, rare! several Mates from the grouted, le admit of . fru car:.°la •o et air underneath to prover.damapsees. A floor of this kid should be tight, with a amorist .t three or for Schee of dry 15,11.11• to be replenished .*see a most". p eel.. t.. to .:,,... es Leone males better thea tan ti* e o. Ire", as experience stows. This refers to stork that is :on6nrl wit his the limits of a rem and carefully bred. *sick ozonise at large on the farm may la - remise the nsmbsr by six er eight. bat this a sot breeftng with cars fur the liner points is view. Poultry breeding w1N,st sufficient delight or ad emste iatMmlientio° bar been rase or Lem. - , . 1. ea to speak, in past years. bet now it iseoniing down to e real *ares* sed •fade. the results of which are•94.1111131 to any intelligent farmer who hue }opt sever& of the timer broads d -7- fl. Ideal 6°a Pradaeer, St* emit be rangy and large based. with a long seek end Mule, denoting a lo.g sad strong sound oximes. which isthmus • powerful vital k This no jest a hat we should eaglea whoa we know that the egg production is se exe1ease d tie mt1rt•1 Nocuous *Hiss are fberer°ed b7 the nervous eyelet. sad protected by the bow alone the leash. The body should be deep amid marrow, heavy babied sad light M front o1 the legs, that is, wedge-shaped. A large bused structure denotes power el roasUtetloa. A ben may be perfectly farmed sad yet he a failure as as .facer if she is *tot active, amergot.d'1*od of • lively diepowti.s. or d she is !adored to lay es fat. Roc several memos, fowls m- aiming this do.criptio• have been selected ' as breeders mod with tis same tare harm slimy, produced Sb per asst. and upward more egp thea sbe rest .t the leek. -Fera nod Homo. The 5saller aea.emies- The feed e1 asuman should sever be gives them m • manner to allow of its bee mg trampled er seated. Racks should Mid the hay teed troughs the grain. The warte of food es farm whore it is Plaid before stock wiihsat regard to how It will lie treated by the 'mime_ r very Isrge. 1t require. bat • short tilts to sake bulky feed dirty aid u..oeeptabis . arouse lunag damp weather. It is not hest to turn the nock loose to kap tMs&sv.s to straw, as ie Iregusntly doer, ter mere its esatetimes wetted rhes is este. are • W.ithnm ry* =autwesed, ws mawe warren ft asa*aaU thee kolas,. suttsbte fee Mho • hely 1 . uM Ade • ne MTA"Wilk 00•s wstriroakera E ( Ow SENO U$ =Ipmei'�..:t f MINN ttlfll ad you MOAN MIMS NI$ MS paw r These •m .aa was b �. ri► a� MatMwMeM A Ornish r miss 1555. To remove a broken Medi. from as as, hoslelays er other tool, eat et the hadle close to the .7., poor en it some istaesesa- Ne ail and ignite. The hest wi11 met Shot the tamper el the feel. bat will .:peed the eye luted at themes time Ise the nod se time it *.s be eo01y pamob.d est. ilia resets* mist mat be auseeperl by one who red thorough aspirated with the me tonal hole werkieg wit► Omni *must be tam that yea do mot est they to onythir4. yeomen iarleded. Dote toe Roar U.I.ya.... M le the peer ere teat stokes ds1yiag 11 year heed do net averyo ,ma, ▪ 1013 toItIG Ili. e/ butter .°mushy, len o n dreg besimes ata Ian. poi tje wi°br-asrl°g meta meek me - sed plaaty e1 whom. Men A. she memo have grave. give Mr the ant Met things Salmi silt .e1te the fertility et Umtree. gime' Bream (tis ukisi.iIb V left ..d led en the Ism) pnnrtae fieo irWM7 d the Wee .w •:.,r,.+sa'..w�x.'x'-.. a ..,. - .�..,�,•,,r'tff. rovan:.i,. THE SIGNAL : GODERJ CH, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER :31, 1891. LIGHT SOT a1114HT. it Lite a,..a et Pleasantly ret.sed rera.rsph.. What r learned .a hoar .-woes out at meiool, as in the case reported by the New York Tr tb.ise. lir the infant clam lin• new& woe shoot dwo►ehrnee arid its tx•uaitiee. "Calle . htldrea hale to mind or they are mot now," mid the teacher "Older people Aare to obey Owe or be puemlied. IN, airy of you know how older people are psaeshcd'' "Oh. yea, 1 kobw," ...urwerrf one little girl. "Ile husbands *cold their wives mal Me wise. scol.l their hashends.' leatle.eeh le. Itubart Clark k, a wealthy booker el Glasgow, was rioted for i.is frugality One day • friend. meeting hie to the esteem of (:w, eotice.l hie odd clothes, and ad *lord him to get a new Suit. "Ever/ ogle know, me hero. we it duelist muter whet I weer, ' .uswered the banker. A taw weeks afterward the termed newt the beaker 1* London. wearing the same old clothe", and again remonstrated with h im for dressing so shabbily . •• No outs knows ma here. sir It dhe.a't matter what I wear!' said the philosophic Maker, flab le "ibreettes A stranger entered the taestiwf-house in the toddle of the service, *4 took a seat is the beck pew. Promptly he whispered to the man at his aide, evidently one of the old members: How long bas he been preachtng'-- -Thirty or forty years, 1 think," an- swered the elderly man "i dolt knew exactly.' "I'll stay, then,' raid the stranger. "He must be nearly done. " -Ray a rt.." A ggmemtlernui walking along the Strad, l.ortdan. saw approaching Aim a man in tatters carryingtray, on which were some small pies marked one peony each. He accosted the prof ieuow, and was sym- pathising with him on his oaf plight aid altered etrc•umuancw, when the ether in - "Hang your pity: Buy • pie. • Mere eerier. "G'way dab! Jagofan WMelee San! • Y.' hewn ear. Dos' m0 'reale mesh me 'Niess so' want .r btR On de moot 'Boat es mile! Dew' yo' emits Wueslsay ‘Tway!" Jourdan Whiffles Snail, Cos 1 fret* Ass mad from bead ter beth' No each perm sips De hooey trim dem ape! Stop 70' team' And yo' .queexin' Y� way, I my! Ab^ Yao-Yup, Cathrp Edible ae.aNer.- ••In .*Nino goody,- said a successful can - veneer, "you must tot be content with sell ung to the people who want them: you must persuade the rest to want them also Many • crafty aalestnan feels that the secret of success lies ID describing the goods so that they shall seem "a11 things to e11 mss," and woe be to the innocent and jnoess buyer who brings down upon him- self the flood of mach a man's pertinacity. Says a trsveller in Malta: l:omg to the quay, ee made oar p•mage, by energetic- pushing, thronrb the lines of energetic venders of cigar", teloaceo, lace, oranges sad springer. One man, with canaries M cages, stopped tea at the waier'i edge with: 'Watt • misery, _tele' •'Aro they for eating!' I asked him, to get rid of his importunity, and in a spirit of Mark Toole jo.osity. "No, no' They are for singing." "Ab, if that's what they're for we don't waist them." A brilliant thought struck the man, and he bolted after ea, shouting, • 1 es, mea! l'hev are for toiling. Very good pie! k0, the lot!" Leaving his cages in charge of an assist- ant, he made off to tell the canary vendors that here was • man who ate canaries, end moth' buy all theta were an Malt., a rid a hoe time we had with cages until we steamed away. A mere er the Hessler Peet. Jame Whitcomb Riley went to Europe kat asa,aaer. On the return voyage an in - eldest happened which is well worth telling of. To beguile the tediousness of the voyage it was t0 give • concert in the saloon d ship -tea entert•i°mens to wbtcb all capable of amusing their fellow - voyagers should contribute. Mr. Riley was asked to recite seen* of his origfa•1 poets, and of tours* he cbeerf.11y agreed to do so. Among the number p5.5111 at this aid - acme e°tertaineneat, over which the Rev. %lyres Reed presided, were two Scotehm*n, very worthy gentlemen, en route from the hod a cakes to the land of bteeoita nppo�ma seer of investigation. These twain *based that enthusiasm with which the •sditoes sed Mr. Riley's charming recitations. marvelled tit ao versatile a genius eq have arises its • land reputed for an, 5Omthires and eraser;. "L it no woederfa , Donal'," remarked cue of these brew Sootee "that • tradesman enMd be tie • bowel postr "And is be, bodied, • tradesmen!" asked the ofher. "Dead is he," .aawered the other. "Diel 7e no hear the Amstarimeryjaoo him a the booMer pest! Just thiek .4 it, moor -host think o' Sc • glide poet dividing his time at asking h.hei.ryr•-Chiaags News. eh.rpsaed to . Peart. A mhei.kistg Mtn thug -Your leer del - kr, ethos it's el aged. Every .a who teem Beet labor ad lay .p • reruns mal mem ahsnlut seleri.g to his daughter's (.tare huseaad. A.n nagel's beauty is ideal- Shasta es summer drew eine .risk the muscles see *mvy to Isom both arum sad wimp,w wwteld sae ° gem yore. Only a heartless beam will make his er••eei.g hw.br "Wiry!" ry 'amid'tio. " 1 bilitr y,'may 'mel - ehe&is,'' jest 55 wake friends Megk. Mr. Feeder - -"w hat's that awful N°mm�p•• lag est there!^ Waiter -"That's the seek. Yoe ordered atomise ramp stake, didn't yes, sir!" (leatleasao -"I shield like M how mit p►eca tains, bat 1 mat M beide" P1 'Never hers mart it _rail ▪ M.eles se that yes won% Mew it yewr- es1 " The Isa.d, elan. Pre Gable -Dam M! 'mare lemma st7 kssho_L Them won't be • Mho4 pis... el lesetisa.e k t hi e h.... b wbl.ight• Nth 0.dd-lfimeresel Dem h. dri.k. .ed i. thea ..n. mt beg we= 1 Mow 0.114-,3e. M '1 Elly saw Ma of Mi THEKINOi1UM OF WOMEN «A LADY HENRY 80MEfAT'S POPULAR- r" F1oe ugust ITT IN THIS COUNTRY. A. Aristocrat's Iaedbed w Mehl.° tae 5,r. eat (*1H Problem kale etafsle.'s alt►..•,... retae.l ►. r....- k«pas -Hes ie Prepare Uses. herd, Thu, roust rueful article should never be waste!, as N ekes is in Leeman ktteheart Whew $ flows te dna n, strip ulf all the superfluous fat from the Intel* Tbruw it into cold water tit as earthen bowl, change the water after a few hours, sad again a1 night. lit it sued is s enol place earl neat day, the* ..v1 It iota saran pieces, and pat it is • siewpoo, with • jet y apple or two, cut in shots. Set it to melt w • slow tiro, and, whets the pieced fat are timing yellow, warn a sieve, sad strain the clear fat into • jar. lith some salt in. (:over it whoa odd, sad keep it in • cool place is see. Another way is to lay the fresh inner Lt in ,sold water for an hour; then throw it into the drippitsa pan while the goose meeting u eeting and_ a it og •a it cleats tato a small jet-. Let it stand • night. thee put the jar into a s•Mccpen of water; melt the fat to • Whet heat, s•it •d osis it r0rren wrong, Pinch nod truss as for an ordfaltyJ roast. Do tat baste the goose, but whoa sbe drip- ping pan Rile empty it, matrons/ to do r, agstn and again till it has all ran oat and the Lied is roasted; thea, while still hot. detach the legs and wings, wait until they are cold; ,w, hello, let them stay till the next .ley, when carefully place the pieces 00e above the other, with a baldest upoo each, in a stone jar moil it as quite full; re melt the sere fat and pour it over all. Make the jar air tight. Pieces of goose may Le kept for some titer is this way. The carat only requires to be freed from fat and warmed up when wanted The bodies are only lit for stews, or tan be added to the stuck for giblet soup, etc. folly Neery 0omerset. Lady Fleur}}' Somerset, the F:ngllsh lady who left Lundell fashionable society to work in the slums, was to Toronto the other day. IN this entire continent she is winning all heart. with her gracious, unattocted !credit - nem of runner, her magnetic womanliness, her rich, hall metndioes voice, and inapinng *toques% words. She is the owner of greet estates in England, yet. few women at the banquets are dressed as plainly aa she. A gown of rich silk, ash in color, plainly faith mood, and unadorned with elaborate trim- ming, a looming but simple little bonnet, end so jewels, is the style of dress affected by this daughter of the English peers. Re- sides her special work in the tempersuoe cause, Ludy Henry Somerset has for the peat seven years heen the life and inspira- tion d an industrial training school for girls and has devoted much time to par• soma} mis.io•ary work among the collier in South wales. Though rosliz*ng the eb- eerdity and !.just!... rxording to her wo- mans rights theories, of withholding from the owner of such large estates as hers the right witch every laborer in her employ en- joys. she gives. at theeneral election, every employee • half holiday and provides vehicles to carry them to the polls, at the same Stine carefully refraining from influ- encing them to any way as to the disposi- tion of their votes. Lade Hwmpkrey a nervaat Trainer. The servant problem is being uniquely solved by the matte of Sar George Humphrey et t'emhri1Fa. All the work of her large estaldlsio neat ls carried on by six or .runt little maids from twelve to fifteen yes,* of age, who learn 1* tarn the ditties of house mud, parlor maid, cook, etc. The girls remain 4411!. more than $ year in Lady Humplrrey' s Mouse. and are 1Mn sent out to other mutations, as it is the kind woman's plan to train as many girls as possible for domestic service. the takes these girls from the poorest homes ore at a 4me mad subject* them to the influence of .n orderly sod systematic household. The trained muds, assisted by the mistress, teach the new girl one tint of work .t a tome, and when sbe is proficient M arch branch she goes out to make room for an• other. No branch of philanthropy is at once so practical or be ia1 as this, which demand- so close personal attention sad involve no public honor er fame. 115etkeel 1. t • It is well, when practioable'to Mee a time as well as a place for everytbisg. Not that there need Man hour hied for each pursuit, bot there should be aa or- derly .equeace of duties, instead of a hop - homed dispatch of whatever comea to hand first. Let there be • certain amount of eweepi°g. scrubbing and wtadow•cdea°ing marked out for each week as regularly as the minor duties of dealing cooking, stung of utile sad washing el dukes .r. e.ppuwmtmud for each day. A little fore aright devoted to thea* wiener: will save much expenditure of mew in actual labor. (hoe housekeeper is in the habit of plan aims' the d.y'e campaign, Mcled 5( the bills of We, before she ries is the moratag Another devotes the twilight bour whoosh* is rock's; the baby to sleep, *bile a third, eta mon lir-esei°g,.Irites wt eeeb Muir - thy sight the menu Ino every cel of the mum( week. Mee.. ear roman Dolls, The taw of dumb bells is sow with the society woman. is lies of exec. eine era hos hitherto given herself sip bodily to the message operettas. This brought el! ver mrerles into play without a particle of self effort, het ,4 did mos calors*. for her the erect panties predrerd by the roe of dumb bells. Aad sow that of waist, doping hap and well developed best Decal a .mall mNNrr compared to • pretty dimpled beck, the dumb bells come into vegwo --tis sae mag whoa tee will straighten .p the figure and hollow the pretty dimples in the dto.lder Aotrsom are sloa the beck displ.y mmf jest now big amlanse readiest for the wee man who can w. . r nor dress all est Mi M the semi solemn. R.m irsredw•s stemma i . • Etta Mardon, writing from Irkutsk, is Sabers, mays &bat she has Adams 4.00) mils ."n h.rseb.ok beyead Yakutsk, Y eog the peer moms lepers, who are heeled 4. the depths el the f*s*e the bee eappbed those with feed std warm .Mshieg he wie- eer era its varlet feat& se Amid Nem k eat ilea i smsd& Mang ether leper r* em is b°kr•ra, thee salsas) the Oen eases Masat.M. M Maims lied alt Peewee berg es Ip lepers et�. Tbtaer worm I;mewtnu. r essases reek as Mob with, eel. sod head pies will leap the Aim h. Mies Mho taken Prem the ova•. sophism: hes melee* dry Isla. 1 Mr°g Me only es sue side to pr.sww the p.4*, sed with the selvage le hies SMNepLMme.-"aced /tms.isf leg How does he feel 7-- Ile feels cranky, and is constantly experi- menting, dieting himself, adopting strange notions, and changing the cooking. the dishes, the hours, and manner of his eating -August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel 7 -He feels at titres .1 gnawing. voracious, insati- able appetite,wholly unaccountable, unnatural :Ind unhealthy. --August Flowor -:e Remedy. How does he feel 7 -He feels no desire to go to the table and a grumbling. fault-finding, over-nicc- ty about what is set before him * hen he in their -August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel ?-He feels after a spell of this abnormal appe- tite an utter abhor. •nee, loathing, and detestation of fnrsd ; as if a mouthful would kill him -August Flower the Remedy. How does he teel?-He bas ir- regular bowels and peculiar strxus-- August Flower tho Remedy. �T Satisfies Americas Army/ fir PATENTS .e mow. g�� wealth, �Htt!!a k ! i mesial . we T sewers sor by Se le L es ar a some elves Mid Ia flea ifci tific Awaiting FLOMETOE: PLANING MILL fS:sl:t'.h11 !t' Buchanan & .on, *1551. 7A,TI N.n- SASH. DOOR and BLIND, !sealer, its nil toe:. s LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES and 1.wi 01.11. w•....• 0, .5m AITC( llISbu* School Furniture a 8 ecialty. AMO Teta Rypephosplits of Lha s 1Na<. No other Emulsion is so easy to take. It does 'not separate nor spoil. It is always sweet as cream. The most sensitive stomach can retain it CURES Saw uinilaifandg C.hro �Cn Co Loss of Appetite. Mental and Nervous Prostration. Gen Debility, &C. Selma, Ball h oltatiaee. Ask fere `tie 1). & L." Emehrlise. amt mime an others. PRICE POC. Amo N Pas POTTLE. *J L./curl. CLEARING SALE ---AT--- JAS SAUNDERS' MeLEAN'S BLOCK. As he interim Miring from bwisem, he will sell his large .ted well .started sae se Mums prima. Chinaware, Jewellery, Wedding Rings, Silverware, Nickel and Plated EniYee. Forks nod tlpoon., Albsma,4Plusn and Other Goode, Toys, Feney Good °,etc $400 Rolle of fail Pow s,d Borden, WIMP welt w 501.0 AT Mill Playa. New Y yaw ties tier lerritea 20 PER CENT. will he deduct- ed for teachers and others getting up Christmases Treace 18I0*scHooL OPENIN• Headquarters at Fraser & Porter's. ALL THE LATEST AND BM? EDUCATIONAL WORKS, AUTNOatzai AND Rarurra2/uau net High, Model, Public and Separate Schools, 1r See our excellent value in Exercise and Scribbling Books ---The Bee Hive, Frontier and Silver Medal. Nothing given away in this store except rulers, as our profits are too small. We give by far the beat value for your money in town. MISER & PORTER, Central Telephone Exchange. Court, House Square. FOR SIXTY DAYS ONLY Special Invoice Sale AT DIINQANNON. Your attention is directed to the following : On all aides you may read or hear of some merchant offering .special inducements in odd Tines or bankrupt stock, but never at such reductions at the following COMMENCING ON DEC. loth 1 have decided to offer my entire STOCK OF DBI GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES AT INVOICE PRICES. NOTE THE FOLLOWING: That the stock is fresh and new Well selected from the hest markets and manufacturers, and bought direct for cash ; that all goods are ,narked in plain figurer ; that the public cannot i,e deceived in prices ; that the sale is genuine and not odd lines, being selected for reserve, So come, see, and be convinced that you can bur goals at lower prices than ever before. The reduced prices are for cash and cash only. R. B. HOLLAND, DUNGANNON. Special value in family groceries always on hand. :;x 41 XMAS FRUITSI Raisins, Currants, Peels, Etc. Raisins and Currants cleaned and ready for use. ALL THE SEASONABLE ,'RUITS FRESH AND CLEAN, AT REES PRICE & SON'S. 1V w C-0338_ The subeenber wishes to aaaousoe the arrival of NEW AND FANCY GOODS 1 NAVY AND BLACK ALL -WOOL SERGES, Extra wide and moderate in paries. NAVY FLANNELS, 28 IN. WT In soft oaf hard fecal, from the best ashen" ARenwr�j t d either saw and fashionable goads ea lieu way, sad wi11 bm °ot&oed later en. A liberal dhsenest m all emir her nee dollar .p Atrictly awn prier f EK 244. v 4NT7ie,O, - Draper end Hab.e•dsabar. r S e