HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-12-31, Page 2mmil • • ft•ly *skint lift •'.. t' osv+5 ?. . 'fie• ♦ POWERFUL STORY. ('HAI`TF:K IV. Tea wlrrisivnwrel. Waw old Fewer ill -eft, .nwronc.d to the world that he hal disown..( anal dlatn herded hie eon' he felt he hal put the finch iag stroke t.. his duty. When he thundered forth the awful edict heauded bs,oanne.•tion with this story, so we g,•ei,th .Imp hint out a( its D feeling tltst toes ui,trrote. n ',Yell ho A itfnr.d, boors to. ..utuut w readily be disposed of, since hr tiger -o in the narrs tore So the end, therr'..r. it le narseary to gobark and love a htt'•• farther account of m. Atthe time .john aa.d Mari frowned. Minim Blat.•hford had Lwin a widower for two years, and he rem...int-a No until after his tiaugharr removed to Kamesa. Sopa after that event, though. he tort Miss Sarah Spiekkv, an elderly spinster. marl asked her to share his horns. Mize Steckler having hem on the atnnn.e.al market for a gond g ray years with n.. hearten t .r her hand, was ,...perste enough to accept any sort of olsr, and accordingly sure mappers Blatrh ford up is short *roe. Yea. Spickler was .,nythingt hat pretty, and her temper wart soured and her intellcet mew .•f the etriest, yet she had not leen in the Klab•hforrl home a meek, as Mn. NYatchfon!, before .lc bad her heehaw{ under her thumb. and held ...intact.. swat over eterythtug and ,terylwwhy about the Blatchford was he slave (P.m the first, and with him her n ,ni was, law Whatever she embed she I,4.i. and vitro ever she eon. Miaais.i to he .lone efts d... wot ing& deny. She married Bht.•hford for his swaey. and .he was .leternrir:1 item !I..' first to hare A month ..r w after Ills marriage Blotch ford bermes to study ai.out\hie tlaught.•r. sad the gra, he thou; ht of he the unite he he came Aunt mord he hal ill t ate.* her. In abort., atter so bug A tour h came to the •.rclusu,a that he vv..,..a inn. to blare u Mary . end, kw.w ins that e trust he e wf(enug priyati•ne, he decided to•citen.d t.. her the hand of fresdalnp and offilr to hey and Join some pc u:c:err awn -time Ha. .ng rouw to this conclusion• he beetryrd to mention tter mat tet to Ws wife for her earn, non. Sarah luteurd until h. toad I:n!••?fe i Ina pian•, then with uplifte1 hands ahel sWiag yes reclaimed: "Well, .tial 1 ever hear .•1 each a tinny .As‘ that! Hirano itIa&diforit. have you last al! you sewer "Why. Sarah. Hiram rephed, takes look, "what's the natter'' "!latter!" oar h repeated. -• {'ell. Pd a never • hrliet'.0 1f. toner. - "Never l.ebeved w hat'" Hiram asked. "Why, that you ...old ever have been taken with such bol notices, Hiram. Who ever honed the like .1 or "KYy-, 1- Hiram stammered and staz pWbdyr, you,- Sarah fail in, •-want •o t.• a fed, Hiram Batehford. a regular out anal out look you do. That's all there is .1 it The idea of you making the fiat step ; wads a re,oucilstioe, between you .ani your dao -^i,ter, when .111P throw you away for the es of .lobo flown. Vee, if I was roe I w.wld. I d go and get down on my Immo to her and own that I was lis the wroae Pei, 1'.1 do all that, and herr her with tears ul ray eyes to Come hack to tot "Baran., 1 • "Yee. 1 knoo what yon thought Hints. 1 know that tour .dt, ash heart p.ompte ..,u t.. ue•l.' • f...l of yourself. But lefor.• y.w do .t. :.sl yourself if it would he :told. \V,•n't you always kind arta ralalgei.1 t.. Mart. sed didn't you do everything for her that • father could dna "Yee, that'1 tole. Minae replied with little award woofs.', n awl on I with a growing feel111 that he na. a murtpenar.i parse `rn you have done your duty, Hose.. more than your duty. anti If anybody is to bend hie knee let it to the one who has .lorry wreog. 1 don't baheve in a father how.: made • slave to the whim ,ani wish,'. o1 an RatratetsI chill. If 1.r had ever had such • 5tbw al you. and hal ever . rue.ed him is east wish even. I never would hive Inc gives myself. I couldn't .-ter looked the world in the Moe after being so heartless and ungrateful. lea! Hiram. what a eolith. I•e• • foii In rgg nature you late. and how mdotitng most have tree the 4Mld who eosLJ so ruthlessly trample upon .t At this point the greet Sarah, whe ail rinse had shown et ring symptoms of was M oven -wine that she d restrain her tears no hunger. and broke down and poured north in • perfect Good on her husband's shoulder. Hlrem woe deeply touched, and he was forted to cart himself to keep hack the tears of self pity teat welled up in hu own eyea He W sever hellfire realised how deeply he had here wronged, and never before had be .sisesuwul bow much he had Mon martyr- ed. His heart went ant to honed', sad be pitied himself Irmo the bottom of ha anal. "There, there, R•r•ah," he mid. "don't let the tendera.ae of your heart rause yeti to girlies ton sorely for what I here Man s•%e to *offer I prom.ee you tarot I shall not forget my wreSgs morn, snare the weak are that Ioas..ssed we Inc a short time is gone. /so. 111 never make any ad ya•r.es to a chill who .n far forgot bee duty M me and treated me With each enmity, sad 1 •m glad that ynu recoiled me se myself un tone b tare we from taking the step 1 had an Mole teal Sarah eh ektd her tests and by degrees her obi toss ..meed. The idoet she hod made hod hem • great mss, ad her wad was Msvobly ewe from the easels of 111., but had saved hit heeh•ad from nberlsg jisrmeif and sinking his diotity, and the was a enfid. Of emeses she hod sowed bis fres Al whip s Nary's aotoeM sed %bet awe now msec for bstHr. bet thin Creel" eel gest lee serialise WS with • amble seal or that lit the emetic Osseo ' • Iluam,' she mud obeli she had got bit feelings mai. lent h uu.kr cow rol to two •bk to .,ar I.ur teat• awl e.,l... '•t hops 1 hare 1101 said l+w. .. inh. 1 am sorry that yam •bi.1..tr. .anlwu nt rape the plata w )oar heart t'.at a ch.1.1 should ...up.y lir the kraut . • tlanrnl. awl I know I woul.l la, the lee. pc. ou to std in estranging you from her 1'. hatemad t .touch. lvt1 di.te y,i,. a.,. SU Jt•.pl) a h• art treat 1 • :.iw • h. .a, sag whit t did. I: *as ......•r : v..: lo. Irtg, generetr ftlft "I know that. South. 1 do teat nos- anJentaad you 1 know hes .: pouts Jon to have to ear such thing.. hut you feel it to be year `beta. a„u you .lo u. I thank yea, my dear wife, with all my " 1 norm 1 nave tut rale no wt. 11.' heart, for you& ttielutereete.l aindfuLww, of ane. 'Let us now drop the sully'. soot Ire to forgot it. 1t is not right that tau .hunld •t9.ct 'soured( w ILA thought. 4.1 on.- alto t. no far bturath you in sense .4goeletss, and 1 will try to think of her with as murk charity lie 1.s.lb!.. It u a awl thing to feel the ingrate :. a of one's ..w r. flesh and bleat a sad thing to be a parent epurne.t by the child for whom I hate dour tousle -h. But 1 can bye nvrr it. Sar•b. soul perhaps in time forget. There. sr will .a) .to more shout et The good arab was quite willing to let the snit)jer% rest, nice •h.• Ilan carted her paint. Dinner being at that rwnw nt an- mooniest!, et. went ,mt ana took her place at Inc heal of the tilde, fr.ni which leatium she beamed modes .4 lure and ten der sympathy- on • the old food. her husband. who sat ..pp..mte her nursing his martviet old. Not once. as he sat at that board laden with a eeperalalndaute of the choicest %sittds. slid old RLatehfohl feel a tine pity for lire paean Jangbier, slim was an outcast tr,,, home. a stranger in • strange land. •tented even the food isteesaary to ata the pans of hunger. And vet he condoled himself owl tnapuad that he had • wounded kept; hc. a n..(a who was as void of heart as the veneat dint. A week or to after the incident &wailed Sarah earn* to Hirun with ., letter frim in adjoining state. nt which letter she was in- formed of the dealt of a m•rn1.1 aims& Ile stein had left three children. .,nd Sarah'e tender heart piomptrd her to take thein and carr for them if Hiram oast.:t averse to it. ••Rang them right slung." Hiram said; ••We 1.. plenty and they must n.-• .uffeu. "end for them at once." Ah old tan, where was your r,.:.m •en. r. your saner of right. that it dad not prick you when sou tine opened your boost to a horde of •tratngen, snot ad,nittcd them •to the plat that belonged to one who needed t1 more' Where was your mewl angel that It did not whisper u, you .1 the sorrow and trouble he f.•a d of w n• o . t "room h Ir you that moment laid wish your own hued. (titter, bitter will be the regrets follow.n that act. ..b1 man. *WI Though they may follow, at nog dtstanre. they rill surely follow, sr. l twill 1w- their retrial when et ' c • th , et•me. e orphan* were July installed in Blaten fool hove, amt by btm were educated sad soppo ted. The eldest. • l..y mimed Perry, tun. t en into the bank, and of him ac shall hear more latter on. as he tiguree quite ' extensively in this history. which would tw•okahlr be leas sad if it were less true. CHAPTER V. uterHmlt A.1. DAVII1117VA \{nth their dearly a:'eurrl "ac..mtm.ab. 1w,," .k.ht. I;r(•st'r family managed to get through the winter et!' ant auftrng any thing beyond .evert privations. Their kth.ug and las was. of corona-. common and limited. but that was nothing no Loges it kept them ( starving and fleeztrig. It was a hong. dreary winter. .epee'. ally to touter, off on the praise. with n1 friends nr r..mpall AMS. and nn lo.•ka or papers. and with nothing to 11(1 iwo to drag idly through the days. The nearest neighbor lased filo nolo. away. and, that awing \larkharn n. they might .is well hate been forty miles away for all the good they ocr, to. (;teen's• for once that night when Markham talked a, alum Ively to Loma there had been n.. tntrr tours, totem:. the two families. Louie« grew penrive and 'whim holy. and H wet plain that she longed for a different life. though . r never uttered mrd •nom Sam R word. since shortly offer Christine Wm ami her mother were alone in the (shoe. 1 .fter they heal sat • long time silent, loom suddenly mad " Mother. 1 with I could manage ism.. way to po on with my e.lucation.- • So do. I. 1c.niee, ' \Lary answered: ' •hut 1 .ASI thunk of any way- that rt can be managed If we had the books 1 ..•aid help you with year studies. Arlt se haven the menet to buy the to ke "i know that mother, but 1 was thinking that I might borrow some." ••Id(ntknow who you (mold barn,' them from. I.oeise. 1 .l.w't Dupp.er anon.• shout here has them" "1 know who has them," (Aout.. replied. ••but 1 d.m't kanw whether inel would want me to get them of him iraul has lots of books that he br^.gnt from ...hoot will. him, and he hoe often polymer! to Irl me here tbem " "Paul Markharn`- Mart asked. •'Ya.." mid Louise: " be has the iooiks 1 need, and he ham begged me to take t hems. "i.n.tuato Mary mod aft., Rohde. "to.. ksew how old Markham talked to von that n ight you west to the stone. and caw know we have had nothing to do wlththem .ence. and awe know that wr can't .crept any lavers from Pant' Lemur ane •as ring to the window stood for a mtaett. or we leagues oat into the 1 prairie. U she let • Nigh recap. her, and, though it was mat sad Mw. the quiet ware of her somber .•aught it "i anise.' Merry Galled, • •dna's fret about the hanks, nks, Mr we 'hall *17 to get them W OOL '• "1t i lot t.' lab•, tt.Ibw," Louise re- plied as she came ..d pet her arts sheat M mother's seat and laid her late ea bit baser. "1 ccs wit fee theme." Thom what ambto sad, tn&ga sed Missy smelted hr ybMr'• ad triad to lift the bawd bei Whet is it "1.1w r s. ghee hease s 4 e i.e4. sat bk. Pod._sed Lambe e deeper as tor meeker" bete seL "iI. r se gust sad eggappeas4Yrdm Mood Ibow rtea 7ssrliger.Trorsger".-- Pp- TUE RUIN At: GOF)RRTOH. ONT.. THURRT)AY, DECEMBER 31, 1891. WIMPS mime boat you two, mot 1 mu straw rou .1., Ilea' lis. him- •\ t 1,•. im1."'\t11v. 1111,Lire I have nothing "guest LW.. told fie is a quirt, honest, "mho now) lint./, .tri it 11 rear(t Ii,.t he r a \la• tames 1 camIal t say • word agolN bat. "1?• ►t• 411416 erotbet, Isar Ir 1s Birt l: ;e F . father, 11. !s a. gg••ut o o. art h kind"' AZ lir , lit 01.09') # .lis wish you and pa ,. t ie' ? mob 11. . • • r . •• r WNW. .4' of tutor •• „ t, uu,vru soli Interest felt Inv Lonnie in IN./. .,1 I.w metal '.un u e rho Aa. uu 1, h:.-.1 how to i,r weave:. Pins;!. rheI .•k t!.. ,1.1. hied .0 1111 1:110.1111:110.111and Itrtr•1 .np nu1:1 isle Saar was •,ii.oslte h•L;-on, and ,1 .1.e iu.) A Anted •:tort'.rt vulen, r to .owsirui the 11.•11. ••t oar or rumen. *he would hat, tout:.* tt Ili Ilan 11,11 alit that ewe; t --ver the tat, ).ung ,•beeps. • 1.410.4.,- she e ",lot:'t keep any sac , rota frau Inc, but tali are w by you takr awl, a ,seep 1• tri, a: in Pant- ••if.,auw don't think et • ..illi . a•.: her. for 1 rani help it. 1 lote hin.. TM. o. Inst wools wart, spoken 111 .a r,: nt wbi.pe.. hart M..ry neaieevt.aal throe, :o,-1 drawing her ,.tl.l to her. pressed her ('lis, • to he. t,•.,wn. soul thus they intorno.' 1... ,. king two- \lar* trial the ilet to break the •alias. r. '•1'•ul shall neter receive anything but the kind...! ue•ttutwrt from m:.• She said. and 1 know .1,41•. will trust hill. as r scntie tan. 1 'ail is a 4t41111 man• and if k,nt 1 ...- tom .bum b.. •Isar have my lore, d.• . •Th.usb we, maim. 1 knew you tli(.•ni,t like on. for my ..ke. ..lid you will .b•• hint fetter .lien y.,u know how reel aad uols iyc u. r lbws aiatbr bmm aitrtav fulklnnl, cher V.111,11 Mary sail: , • Ilse Hol spoken: , you of Int., Louise' ••N.' he never bas. That us, not ex •Ili.' \13.1 are you own, you lin e bon' '•1 kw.* l lava tum, ,uan,ma, he o .o g...d .:01 kind. and is ell the frxnd I hove ..uh• from you sad pe. 'he nw.th.r smiled (aintli at the girl' earnketnteea and 4:1,.ktng titr sodt. louvre :air dearly. said• "Louise, v.0 a.r count' yet, a mer shill, and 1 as afraid you do net kwY.% }.n.r heart as veli as ton thiuk. Yon have A great liking tor Paul se one 1t apt to have for • Snood friend w hon friends ..r•• few You admire his kunlneee of heat t.; for. poor child, you lave known little en .ugh of such 111 ).un life You Irks and esteem Paul above all other.. but perhaps you may no: love him. Int, a r Lned v.d a deep t blue:. and you are toe tolls uwderstan, what i1 really is• (:u ..n thlnko.g ..f him, as you do. if you wish. and always treat hum with the ktwlewt .oil sideration. but do nut go h.yuud that. If he sprks to you n!„lot e do uol eneou:aat. him, end make lits, ice ptlont.eee. Tell hiw that you are young and that I caula you to wait a year or too looter before you enter int., An • wnprt t affr. tang t our whole future life. Brit perhaps :het •s •11 un aereas•r) prnsatnoa. Hetes rand nothing;. an,l perhaps he may not say anyNung for • lung time. It may he so• you sure he 1..,.i)1w:. Louise:_ •'I know he does. mamma I i .an't tell you how 1 know it. bat 1 .10 know he loves me. and eonw day he means to ask me to he hi. Ulf,. 1'atn writ• -.•n maw. sad w :c year or tau 1 .hall be a woman, aai then he will speak and you w 111 not object 1% i you'. \o, not oaks 1 !.ave Latter neuron. than 1 kiwis •1 present. But a year or two i. a long tune. Linke. and we ue..1 lint consoler now what we will de then. It maty not iw• necre.ary for rnr to sat ave . 1 ray V, 1'rnl. for yaw may sae him diden,tly then. You i, .v- see Nene •.n.• else 1Imo nay sup- plant him ,n your heart. - ••11 fit, nether. that is irupasthle No one .-an be :" •;e what Paul k. 1 t. old rot he '•Lnnl•na, l..1' tN} tor... t tr. , AMR• t/111.1... w. ungrateful as to go.- him a .enn.I p •c. in my heart. when he has been w ;nod ti, a.' The npti,.r .sole l ugun. SI c waw assured from thew last wor.is of her daughter. that Louis• had mistaken ler heart. anti that whet she felt to be 1ovr w ie only gratitude and friendship. She understood how (sally tow of Iwusi a age. and "ow placed ss .he - war. could delenr herself. and she mull not believe that the .ititd knew bran own heart. Fora long time she wee silent, mid for a time dnulita. fears and misgivings powwowed her. She realized) how easily) one of the gide age sal temperament could 1.• deeeieed. She was 1, and knowing nothing of human nature, judged all mankind ly her own standard, sed ren. .urn all hearts like hers. pare, innocent and honest. Whether .be really loved Paul or iint. he you her idol. and she looked up to Ion. as a paragon •.1 peritonea, and was that confident sol trustful that she would not. and ,o•tild not. doubt bon in anything. Such thoughts as these rata through the mother* mind. enol the trembled for the safely of bit • hlid. Thee she recalled all she knew u1 Paul He woe • men of per lr-t chancier, and in all the years she had known hon he ILIA not leen guilty d an un gentlemanly act. This review of the young nom a poet wwnewhet reseenred her, and mho felt thankful that It wae Paul who held such an influent. over her .laughter. She was far mkt with him than with meet men. So after the- smatter well, Mary deciohd to r nor d .po bathing to as- taglrc her daughter's sentiments She 1 only ton vividly what the re- sult of such action hal bees ta her men cam, and she knew that young lovers could not he driven She realised that harsh ieaw►.e would ons bring the levers carom together. sad result in the eery thing die was sesame to avert • promoters iters age Ile at het. taki.g Leder'' hood i• bee own she said - "Do se 1 have told you, Lases; treat Paul as kindly a. yo11 toe, sod remember hint ea your bast hived, het de set maw him say premia He knem you w toe young l think of m•rrhge ad he will ant thick it hard to leave you Ilied for • year or two linger Yee nue free to hasp oompmy with him sad te Ileo Min, lid when yea are • year ell.., ifoo wart to premise to he hie wasps mode an with my ivasmet 1 this! I caw edered fair terms, Leslie. sad 1 bops yea will •etn.ider ties with' • • I du. astute, 1 eat, sad 1 slit willing ts. du as you trey. ao.l I bmw Paul will le, 1..'. 1 •.11 tuner 1:a...,ay were., loan you, w•1 "weer gat etnitiory to your swims. Paul mol 1 will aut. and uruLrr•l w will thin► it hard. MM. you aunts it. haat nadhtug, moth er, .-au part us, uulL4.14 ,_----1 Ales that La.itw, s toed hopd e was omed to hr blasted, oral that ere ualremie,t of .buts lw.wur bet seen her and Peal more in • rat, toe, w bang bar the arias bi- ded of 'hest hie tits Ra nrYTNI'Mal hew teae'ti fay. Neu 1 ear a s usually the day of goo.* resolves sone of which are kept and soar of which are not. But merely as • due wi wbreh yowl resulutiooa ane made It isworth) of cnuuutemowati.u,. The old evil Lehi of 0iuttag where the table was Model with wises has paired, stet resulvte ou newer New Ye•r a days are likely to be mare carefully kept than dui tug the olden tee. Hetewtore. unhappily, the rewlutious .4 New Peat lay. bee/ very mach like those good Intentions which pave a (titan au. nteotioable place. It Is A somewhat sin- tular tact that, vista as long s• the 4lrugorie t eslendar has been in roces• ant.oag Christine mounts, there u st some • to the •iguitimaaou of New YesAi lug.. we know Russia, nue et the most M- (tent an . ..rout o1 C hnsnan nations, still retains the Julien calendar, and the clay is place.* twelve days later than in the rest a1 Christendom : and even to enlightened Keg. land the ('hancellor of the ktchequer, by reason of uld tradition, hints that New Year's for all fiscal purposta carves in the haat wtek of March ; and tt is at that time of bear that the fiscal season of the Empire bgttns. The wutmumrr people, flowerer, bold to the good old custom as it is in America of cefctorAug New ti ears Day wheat it is with us aavrdiug to the I;re- gonau txlendar. and allow the fiscal sasses to enjoy 'welt later. The day is universally celebrated that is r day, -i Chinese, heathen. Jews, t'hrietiaos, Mo. Iautmodans, all alike *teeing in the outs- I . of • new year. The New Vier celehi scion of today is as advance in etrihratiota liter the b•rbarus customs of a few years ago. Theta is hill. wine drink. It is not kuown psi the parlor tables of refined holies un that day es much as formerly. The day is taking on • clearer atmosphere, and 1. be,otning • truly credit- 1 able recognition offee_t ea en' wbM.'b should be given up to good reeete . toe Cases of Sterilisg. Wet tea leaves or scrapings of sole leather will stop bleeding. in all saes•, of severe bleeding the only thing which mea be safely depended upon is pressure. An obstinate rase of nose bleed May be stopped by bathtug the hands for half an hour in ,end water. 1f ignorant of the location of vessels, proms with the finger or mew of cloth directly under the wound. In the serermg of an artery, press Lw point of division hrmly with the Hager un- til a blood clot is formed. The following treatment for bleeding from the mouth. throat or lungs i. room, mended : Strict frost an bed with the head , raised, light diet load ie. cold drinks. 1f the blond is height and comes in jets, apply first pressure upon the artery above the cut nearest the heart For a slight cut, let the blond Sow for half a minute, then dip m coil water or apply oro. Bandage if neoessary. If the 'blood cones ,u a steady stream from a rein, apply pressure lust above the cut furthest from the heart. Bleeding from an external wound or from the nostrils Can be checked by the use of powdered slum, which coagulates the blood. Bleeding from the stomach can generally be checked by lying on the hack and taking occasional swallows of iced water or lem- onade. 11 bleeding to from the kg, the artery in the groin must he pressed very forcibly with three hovers, aided by the weight of the body. • Masse tht tat .rtterr. Si.... 1 have taken three bottles of flue - dock Blood Hitters and find It a splendid medicine for eplrstrpatice and poor appetite. I will continue taking it, as it Is a great blessing and i feel a great change in my health since taken¢g it Man J. V. Gatos. 2 5 Sv,lenhani-st., Toronto, Oat. i.e.g tlgbe- The Catholic Review has this severely ad- monitory passage, which is quite appliesble beyond the bounds of its own church. Some parents would do well to take it to heart: Fool parents are a common species nowa- days. The naturalist can easily locate their residence and a.eertein their mental qualifi- cations by stodyine the boys and girls who rade omit avenues and the v haunt the mks at night all nights of the year. The ancient and honorable come= which kept all children in the house after nightfall has fallen into disuse through the numerical increase of the fool -parent. The fatal char •cteri.tic of this creature is Its blond oonfi deuce in the virtue, gond lock and elation] of its progeny. Other Forgets may lose their boys and girh to lives of sin and shame, tut the fool -parent is positive ao sin or shame an touch its offspring. There fore these unfortunate children haunt the streets and parka until midnight, consort lag. of course innocently enough at the start, with the devil's innumerable •gents, finally to be seised body and sold and de livered* to deetructicn The only fate 11a' awaits the young night wanderer is the fat. of shame. ■Isar.'. Llsemest cores Moeda, M. Moe waw Wien w bfMting Myo If ewer in the course of human events heaves blesses me with an heir of the small boy class, 1 shall teach Mm to whistle early in his young career and encourage him to warble merrily away throughout the sun- shine and the shade of youth and •se. 1 never see • yoeegatsr with his heads shoved down in kis pasta pockets, his head thrown hark, hie awake swelled out like a pair of hallows and hi. puckered lips pip- ing a jolly tis., that 1 don't met that boy down se as insooen thearted lad whe wouldn't do anything sore harmful ENO rob a patch or seek ; he wouldn't t.11 • malieious lie or do • eetwd- ly trieb. These are the works d IM sly yo elver with the averted eye mid the soh treed, who u afraid to whistle hist he sake • seise .ad attract attention. The whistlinsgs saver makes the footpad et the cutthroat,, trough b may serer he premiseet. I stet help beisg myinegieinee ` sheet • see ole e mir sbarged le w tree he ►i /meth. le e ine ease eat of toe he W • hb.tto sol.. ad • had digw•tiss, sed his ides w miry pasts a llty are quintillions. -Lento alle Pest "Like Magic," IrwI dao• p1od by Alert An ltaea eel QUM, Qwgb•. Cemp, rd sere Throat its. is tatost (masa, lar Iedlasely relieved 4 the use .r tab woal..fel ready. p t.e moll organ.. allays trritoUo., awl pro- vosts tea lamed. of Consumption; la every Nage mf thee dread dl Ayrm I1. '. Cherry lural relieves cough. Ing and 'educe* refreehlag net. I have coed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in my family for thirty years and tom always found 1t the hest reamed) Inc croup, to which complaint my rhlidren bave been subject." -('apt. U. Carley. Brooklyn. N V. ••!t(w, an experlisos of over thirty h yeala the of modf- cio.. 1 feel justified lis recommending Ayer's ('berry Pectoral. One of the beet .d the Pectoral as the sadurlr.g quality of its popularity, It being sore salable now than it wait sweaty -see yeah ago. when lis Vele swam was considered marvel nae" - E. fl. Drake, M. 1/., Beliot, Kans. My little sister, four years of was so ill from bronchitis that we W amen given up hope of her recovery. Our family physician, • skilful man sols of large experience, pronounced It mew leas to give her anymore medicine ; saying that he had one all it was pos- sible owsable to do, and wr must prepare Inc tea want. As • lost resort, ws raised Wiry Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and I se sissly ase with the most happy resells. After taking a sew donee she seemed to breathe easter, and, within a week. wail out of danger. We continued giving the Pectoral until satisfied site was entire) well. This has given me unbounded big in the preparation. and I 1 a eonsdently to my customers." --C. 0. Lepper, Druggist, Fort Wayne. lad For Colds and Coughs, take Ayer's Chem Pectoral ranrLam nT Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lewey Mitm Moo p ; os brills. fit. Womb $ • bMr1• FREE S _ _%r"" J E"'" rte. Asn "Ammeters M.1+.. Crania 14.. a new Pvr►Nitw. /r aso*. it -i aw•••a'..o A.tm.?ofawns, aw(dui'►r.rw ,•n.,r . J clt.LETT9 PURE - POWDERED ^ig E PUREST. STRONOEST. SEST. aeae ter w i• as warty. mer raklmmee eetsaalaa Wawa. se. a b.wM i.. A em.em Amu t sad. este Ica AS &areao set s.wmmr► $3000 A ..1. r 111.... . .:,, c..f .•n ae. al ...../1•M= „-.ream A. . R..,ti rem n,e. n" ...., ..a.a.. w ...► ..a... i..rr. • rwr.o.4». ,u« w ,.,w Fm Teasers s.oee.. IM1r..Mee...rev aw.1 rem.lr reveals +. Y"` - .rti.re,...a• r.t. 1,... ma .•nw, ...east R••••••• 10 .....11...., 11....+w1 A.... rawly .aa woeerl y e.d. I i..,. sea .,...k.• .. - .a,• ANA.....-ey.1 As. .1.01, wash,+.I p..-1 .4 sin y..,.,a, s rrrs seem es. o• .•.&I g e... •.:.an • • 1e. Mlew VA SOLIp r.n 1err AAA.. rplt:■r., war• E. C. A LLPIe. f.w 4010. Arassio.11111100. $900. f3 L R?eM mm ftoie.inw to Attest.. JM. n an, W.mrn. '1 eah• ars and t I..rvtmen t-• ntrvelwes a new a.d popular Mandard book. Testimony of 19 Centuries to Jesus of Nazareth. The newt r. Gari• hie retie tom 1. ok of .he age w 'bike by 7twrn nem r tDla,e,?••n•aedasrla. goers Ca. is t Win • sot. r, F Ro',..lye rerer•.r, (dies. Apply to Tae Geary BSI ►0N.sbl.g t'., Rerwieb, toes. L41 T. T. T. TRY ILLWATTEE! The sears ria IS one w.rtre tor strength and part". Telt Imes.r Sugars. Tea*. Baking Powder's, Ad all .taib ewe raiser rrenrrlea R M all klsde of Choice Conf otionery, PrWta, roto FINNiN IIIDDIE AND °TIMIS new to howl tr tbeebblltrese sae anew raid► tlttet pshoseaaags be h•e s•xesMn •an Bargains in Cloaking, Mantles Cut Free of Charge, a Bazaar Patterns given Away wry Goose Will01111111010* CutLD MIL sr, .. ALL LINEN C000S STAMPED FREE 777 -cols of .A.11 Km's WOOL CAPES MADE TO ORDER 11114-1f. MRS. R. B. SMITH'S. The Merriest Christmas Yet Is our wish for a11, and to help it along we have imported assortment of gift goals auit•hlr for all . IN PLUSki, larch Mlles lad shades. hressiog cases h to 47 00, Shaving rases 11 up to old. Manicures, Taft sed collar cases, Napkin nags In eases. Vases, etc.. Me., etc. M fall and see them. s lie•*etlful OQ R PERFUMES Tbl. year are a dream a Bottled from 10e. to 43.50, Beautiful cut -glace bottle'. Risque l fol.,;psea, hickseeker's Weedy gift a"ta. Ail boding metas is hulk -ever 1e don. Rachet• 1. talk peel e.,veloyee. A melted perfume Is always an aoe.■tahie giro I law. We carry over no Christmas goods everything goes at low- est figures in town, W. Q. ROODS, The Chemist. Pure Candies Chocolates "ONCE A YEAR' t CHRISTMAS CHEER. - NUTS, DATE B. FIGS. I MALAGA - FRUIT. GRAPES Batger d Table Tellies CANDIED - PEELS ■ All kinds of Table Delicacies CHAS. A. NAIRN. Family Grocer, GODERICH, - ONT. w Luz AWAKE A fow of the good thing. for .92. 100 pagers each n,orith only *2 40 a year. f'erfeet Entertainment for the Passing Hou-. "FAIR HARVARD." Revere] member. of the clam of '91 have promised to cxoatrlbate. "Seen Sorer A( 1)..a•.. Aar N vnr lir," l JOHN MEAD , ... i i .. •LB loon of W. D. Howells, will appear in the Christmas (list 1 number. ..10AT ;, • .' by ROBERT BRVMRLEY" HALE (son of Edward Everett Hale,. The clever mooed of the ret, will be pub lisped lstee. the MAR'sA by AdINUT:-OOL THORNDIKE. A discs thrilling ad *Tatar's, serially tree. 1. Bou 1 be.nav a &mem /sediels, lie the Ht►awJ..rrp Prost nl He herr How nit Work Awn!, :moires. fl. Are ", Amyl of /edam f,Gddrns, SARtasa, TES LINKS Or SA IAA • Hy Ano at. Al.uavax. A brilliantstrif On eatal ad vesture and youthful p•tr(dsam : his 'orfcally tree. JAC% TEEM 10.014.• aS3 TN s H Ysu MaRtaMe. ('o A frame sure T 1 inane >4 of the Civil War, a Northers visage. sad • 101111661 hose hero. „TEAT WAIT AAA r By Kara limos ei.aaA. ^Mary Ams' Y • girlof our own day. mire to b. tits gluey so t et tb. year. TES wSRtlte:l.MW■ N SSS TUI Mb•i*rl■. y their and various h.pp.alya leleets. opiates - la Aretlo Pack Ice. A Tiger's Breath. (lint d Harts by halloos. (i0tia.g away treat OlbrM4ar. Oa Board • Pirate heat - .1 Night wttb a Minton Vv01eM. A New Kinn or INous 9rertr, kI MRS. HARRIET MAXWELL CON VERSE. EM(e ammo s Hew CAr(ahm.i Orem re ter Lair Ma& fiat. ClorlMt• r, VahM : f *We, s Rastas Pfwdr. Mary Mango*Oatberwod : the Yor•terit/ 1re:M! /isle, e mai. T. , er r .(t*e Saido1., ,Tae -Part Story), 0•M• (' A. Con oa. & A. Tel Mp AY ss& Rests Irrelevant. Manweet Sidney, author d N iter I.tle pepperyf eestw r' Jo . Tree, L. T. Mewl.. ate. debase, neem'. rfresrfeI ArWbs, by Nary lt. ankle.. trema C (yam fir~ Mrs. lane O. Ater n aa area n. D. LOTHROP COMPANY, Publisher,, 130 111240111114 UAW CSE O_ BgRR #Y TM iarnitma h% •r cease an Made of rerteRN lb sre s wiener geese* tilkaia wes erwm het t 'hot M • Sells Cheap . a M• w izie Mw tow.. dtNdmlag b9eN day. s' •of plim P7eo1s(. ala btu a can before ad feu s10 we that he deft as 1r sign .sees Maio Fox Ca ah. E. °AmPANIX GEO. BARRY, gamilton-et. flat fl>rwer lid Oullisl easr-