HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-12-31, Page 1T1t� IlMs it as artap- i
SRNl iwAs 'UM'W. -OMLT this Dutame t Taut.
11 AN A 11.Z
alga is, 11 is 101114114m4Mlisinise...
lsrvart \t'etoed- Mrs. M.BUlieu4dy Illi$
uinves W. *cheese & ly..... ... 7
In. Fraser & P*et.r. if - -' . - _ ._ - - --
OPPIOIAI. rose al Vie'u s-Ap�7R itO , #'a. v tiOW tt...r
*Anew Mar Su.rlpUol.
- se
*Wei Dees U•
Fare -TY. T. Ha). t Co .. ..... . .... 1
Xerrs Ream.. -Th., -Th. mit!
James Medhes 6
Asti ltsadFUIT Ur. L. A. Smith Ma. g
Aauel Mewing -J. M. Roberta..., .. . 6
Hear saes Lost Fraser It Porter 0
To the Kinder* -James Yam. $
McNulty lied Han (:rand opera YOM-. g
l.•ot Curtains ('olberne tea $
ysrdw,,d H u.h f r tale [ N. beide 6
T. the Rlectars Ju. Wibot.
-_-•-- _ BORN.
ARO - A' the meati►. es CT et as
Lvov Mrs. Ahdre.nn...f • w
ilk the wife of Oriel ...Ver. o1 • &mies the ld r. t
014,41%14 - M,-ILl....ttN► is (Jearich
twveinde. oe Ire lith at Itecemhrr. at the
rattle.. a ,1 b.• br.•Iw: father by the Her.
to Agues,
se -.sit daogt'artof James Shill wain .
134:1.1.-111LI.. \r ...Aerials. on theilM
pe.ion war, by for K r. in. acre. Des id A.
Vett 4. Yi.a11-1* v' 1101 ole e1ti•1 oaotbte"
of e'ra..eca HIHw-•k ..f •iederu-k t wwr...p.
lip thc !irk of Ite
trmaer-. at he restd.-nw of the oral ss
m• tb••r. ley the it. . It tire. a In., IWO n
Jamcisme N.sw4rea o to Mir hombre* .roll,
Awadi t.r of chi Tate Daniel N'U•wr, Ksq..
0:1 •f •i.ierieb tow : hip.
I;R....Y _Is '.a w ba
ot. ' the mabe gma Hedy,
aged IJ year's
411 .1 Ph In N-Mnelo au. at the rsnidees•eefl
tidlaw o. Ione. nth. Hugh dhow.. rig 41
17 )rare. 1021h.,Let T Ilk mark* 4 10. • aged et genets. W81
1']INrItT \
h..u.krich on Howley IM
memo r ;Nfth 401, Caroline. Osl..rsat wife ie
J. to, , ..iwrru.0 soca 53 years f modadur
(stew ova OWN itrtas'P0ltDs1T. 1
Hodge a numler of peewee are .ick in thin
.ncini,y .t irtisent from vanes stases. We
hops soon to hear of their recovery.
There will le a tea meeting and miniver
eery seri tees in co.oreetion with %toe Sun
y solved :in ?lee Yew's Dry. The Luck-
y Methodist choir have commuted to he
L A goal time may be expected.
Th-: etamiaition of school No 5 au held
me \22o.1 Decemher. Thur.' was a fate at-
tendance of visitors, who expressed them
elves well plea...) wl.n the exere..es of the
lay. A short program was rendered by the
poplin sod addresser given by Rev. J. Kam-
m:. Mr Rood, teacher, •od W. T. Gard-
ner. t' ween•.
(twin urn UW•c r11.UUSPOND1151`.I
.1. T O dermi sad wife spent the (heist -
h ist-
,.as beLlat• lis Hewn visiting friends.
.t Water lies disposed of his stock of
reedy -made work, amt in future intends to
fell :tidy hie uwa work.
.1 J Wa,ker, V,N , returned horse from
Illinois Int week, looking welL Joe thinks
he dee.a't weed very ,ouch more hying m
Vaukeeturn, and will hereafter remain
.boob. Bulger an I Jesse Mountain re-
:nrsrd foots Manitoba on Glucase Day.
They sib. the =matey ..ell, and think fern.
laborers can do womb Letter tt.te theta is
I beano.
Ile Christmas tree aucoea.eties with the
Methodist Sabl.s,h school of this piece was
n grand success in esery respect. The pro
gram, a hwrh ecu .of a very excellent clam,
was cneiprawse of doal.gle., einging, read•
•t. ggsa and recital iuoa hy . he children of the
shoot, medic by the choir awl addresses by
;;eve. !orlon and Ferguson. The tree wall
nandr..nely dec n str.1, and many handsome
trod callable pi event• sere Wooed thereon
.dots for the parade and children, and all
•Then oh. Nit deposed to do so. The one
.use is ferrety dee to R. Il Jriry, super-
nten.kut ..f the =hoot, lied the able .tad
•,t teachers who have charge of the work.
I u. proceeds amounted to 130.40, to be
•t wit to rep'e..rh the library, which is al
ready • time one, and wires completed will
1.s a grand a.1411w..
',mum tire OWN ouasetirowDSW!.]
the furniture factories are cloned dome
he the Christmas holidaye until first Mon-
day is Jestuary.
N'm. Stewart, of Cuckoos, hes •coeQted
+ ve nal :a. is J. Hanna's store here. Will.
u an °MMliming host worthy fellow, sad will
be liked by Mt. Hants's may e.sto sere.
Wm. Snell, who hes spent the last two
..wosths with his sister in I3nsland, retired
to W. u or Friday lent. He reports having
had a Morel trip, the water being quite cairn
• lig, having .nada the trip in five days
with 1,400 at hoard; but while sowing beck
n awe' very rough. tiling Item seem days
n OMth 1,100.m hoard. Mr Snell Ot
.-timate there is very net*, bat there r .o
Ors like (hsnaila yet
Awes,/ the somber of vmtsn won are u
,oire 'pen.liag their Christmas holiday"
with friends "ed relatives .re Mr. and
Mrs. )l Wroth, of Toronto, at John Fee-
erpt i; W . K I:reme, of Toronto, with his
pleats; Mn. 74. A. Berns., of Fort Eris,
.t Joh. Carr's; Freak MeL .ghlin, of De-
u"tt, with bm pare she Freak Br.dwi., of
Handler., Albert Rr.dwin, el healorth,
tiaras Readers, .4 Merriman, with their
fp"srreats: John l hs.hoIm, smarm e( the
Harriston Pugh school, with hi. pv+et ;
Karry Sell, stu.leat of Leudm h..i.s" eel
Inge, with his parents; V. finest, of Miea-
(w, with hie mother; Wm. Lloyd, of fast
w. Miele, with his paeans; C.. H.
Plead and 1'. C Clue, e( Rerferd, and P.
* tkv,gapd of Wnorleu.ek, with Joh. Carr:
V. and Mra Jas. 8sthsrlw.d, el Gerrie. at
1t R. Retro y Ma. 11111sa, .f ••111e. with his heafig•
eve -LING a IWO l•
(Mak te adveeffilie the isle elf ea
"eat against a iIli.gw dater,
In tearer N it is chm le at f oss. the arida
sad reputation of the &star. Jessie. Rees
IO Kai/moos, derided •het m ..es..-- el •
Winer in the property of to reeler to
•h•Prov .4 as he pigmies. 1f the creditor
e610•118 to sell It .ed wemeemele i Issrthts
d 4ebng se in terser that morly tams ohm
4•a• lw.mnt eM ti' gram� Om law r ..
pay V he *d
ght sod the
41h.rredeemse I.p1 br laj.ry
"; POMO IM IN mitt' Mire mated Malt
(mom ors owe uoannaroennerr.J
We wish all • happy New Year, not fare
getting Tus Sweat mai
Mr. and Mies Met :rogue. of Kistail, •peat
Arise s. is Coral Wreath Centre.
Lads* Otis, of Seagrove. Ont., is the
first of Thomas Smith, sr., of Coral
Wrath Centre.
Mr. sad Wre. Thomas Smith, of this
pleas, are emitter, friers& in the vicinity of
Amb.rley this week.
M. J. McKay, who was in Winnipeg
Manitoba, kw the past few months, firmed
at hie bunts to l sbalah Thuralay ,ten
Wo believe that Miss Maggie J. Murray,
sf ('ural tt'rehth ('entre. intends visiting
friends in 1'bstham ere long We wish her
a retry pleasant trip.
We are glad to note that James Huntltoa.
formerly of Clover Va:ley, who baa been iu
British Colombia for the last two years,
lir. i. c t home Tuesday mlteruoou looking
hale 611.l hearty.
Duman Muerte, of Shepoardtom, form-
erly of Clover Valley, who went to IIratish
Co1•mbt• some two years ago tog"the-r with
his wife, arrived h .oro lot week, lowhiupf
as th•nggh the. climate agreed with him.
Dunk thinks there'd sin. place lake home.
Nil Mcl)rartwod, who has been in British
Celumkim for the lest tb.ee years, teat -
{prreeent visiting friends to and around
Foram.wnt ; but we tb'sk Nerl'e trip will
&nowt to mere than a mere visit, as we
ua.i•rstand he is going loch sod probably
out *i.wiy, either.
Don t forgrt tire It.p�tist Y. P. ITnwr, •
entertainment to be held 11n the town h.11,
l.ucknow, ..n New Year's night. A geed
proprani .r being pr -pent and a gram time
is anticap.te.l. Coon• one. come all and ea
joy yoarsr'Ives, as the a incorrei fee is with-
in •hc reach ut al!, bring may 15 exists pr
Hour Ac*,..- We are glad to note alta
Misses Hells Roil and Mary Aun Beaton, of
Paramount. who have been in Detroit,
M,eh., for the poet few mouths, aro ogre
snore under their parental roots, we hope
this time to stay, as their •beers doses
some young men of our atcpw*intauce to
wog quit.. blue and to speed quite an
s.ntruat in postace, etc. Dor--
%fhenn you are here
A anbrle sense of music scene
To be with n.e, and tangled gleams
Of sunlight through the I.rsn.J us stray.
And oidia emu. 1 Mier you ..v,
"('11 to 1 yon - some sweet day --
That I will stay.' -
The ('.over Valley P. of I. Asnciati.n
taffy pull wee • grand success, the .chert
h..u.e it :eta he1.1 in bring crowded to it.
utmost c,,p•eIty. After l.nngutg the Nitrat-
ing o order Alex McKeem.r was elected
chairman f..r the mewing. Mr. McKee.:ne
rade • few vary appropriate remarks mud
tl.en emmmeace.l the rnn.ewhet lengthy
provers., as follow.: Oo-4'•• selection, by
Kate McKenzie, which was loudly eiworerl
anal reupo o led to; • solo, by lJ ias KI had
Peterson ; violin. by Hudson. Stewart t Co.,
which was heartily ..nerved and responded
1.. ; a•Idrrw.. by .etre. McKenzie Thea
came the pr:ncipal part of the program in
the shape of distributing the taffy. nus
and c.tndic,:•, which were prepared by sale of
the young holies .f the assnciat.ou. After
the taffy repast was finished the program
=annum' thus: Organ select Nit, by Miss
Kate NcKawsie: riders, Harry Hudsoa
(we might say that Harry's address was
on "Woolen, or the Love of Women." It
.sena to me. sir, that Harry is legieoing to
ihink rather deeply on that subject of I.ta
He said that there were ..me mullions more
women in the world than there are men,
and that if every mon took to himself •
wife there would be • great mazy mil-
lions of women, and probably, said he, some
of them in th.s very r oin,tha would rt no
husband .t all at all ; and then what !1;
recitation, by M. J. McL.u,an ; solo, by
Annie Paeram, which was lousily encored
and responded to ; violin instrumental. by
Hodson. Stewart t Co.: reading. by T. F.
Paterson ; mouth organ selestkao hy Archie
Campbell, which wee loudly applauded.
The soiree that was rhea in connection
with Olivet Sunday school, which carne Off
oil Wedniday evening. the 23rd Inst., was
nee of the grandest e.errtainmeets ever
Oren u that place. The church was pecked
to its stalest capacity. The very best of
order prevailed then.ogghoul the entire even•
ing. Rev. Mr. Cook. of Ripley circuit,
acted as chairmen. The program was as
follows: (hsiraa's address ; seta:tina, by
the choir ; recit•tiea. by Ethel Downey
solo, Annie Paterson; wadisg, by M. -J.
Man cL.a.; quaetune, be Kt6s1 Patentee R
Co ; recitation, by Bell Stearn ; sob,
Rev. Mr. Cook • recitation. T. P. Peterson ;
solo, Reber• Hamilton ; address on few
perms, by Mr. Jesters; selection, by the
chair ; realt•tinn. Albert W.Mes ; sob,
Mrs Jneeph Collies: recitatis., by Willie
McTavish ; quartette, by MOW Paterson &
Ca.; recitatirin, by Adm aldes : solo. by
the Mims Jester and McTavish ; recitation,
ivy Maggi. J. Murray : recitation'. hy John
.mo, jr.; solo, by Rehear Hamilton
recitation, Leer Cenipltell : recitation, Rlla
Md Meetly ; recitation. Rate Jeat.r ; d
dos. by Mr. Wllese,tbe smperi.tesdest, On
the preemie of the Srsday .wheel i reading
the .scretary's report. winch was
tidy satisfactory ; selection by the their.
the of the candies,
. Me., etc.. which was on interesting
part of the pre page. A salver eollertinm
Iwas skew ■p, wheel* saesatd to 1111196.
After singing "(led Rao' the Qom." all
ea,p te their several bosses fully datis-
wi their everee's enjnyuhmt. I
siert May by way
p� l a there
s. who teak pert ie
Ms a nesaber OM I de sot isn't here, as
have- tai their mom ed aber*tsse mass
band them in.
(rem cos own 1
Ma Wa Totierh/ham. Nem eater
Semibold, is .lotting relative, bore.
Mr. said Mea a Heperth..f (4eierieb,
Obviator's with Mr. .d Me R.
W. wink ser IlrrtrwAw d 1`ea alb-
.u. • =x"'OM k t .ribs 111 `w* se
peas write up the drags of their burp, and 1 DUNGANNON.
we serous* they will be too bury to ruder
lake their rigida of bop year.
i Mr. and Mrs. James NStan., of (:odericb,
mime the guests, of the letter's parents, Mr.
ed Mrs. Jaime Kennedy, et (,hri•tse•stide.
Mr. McIntosh. student of Knot Collage,
• pieechd herr on Sunday fast, and we
learn that Mr. Nally, formerly u charge
here. will co.dact the service next Sunday
at the sate time. (menu mu ung tY)ttasrro.UsgT.I
Ktum.0 HI* LASOS& --The tall laird he. happy New Year to all our fellow citl-
l.urchaeed • turnip ppu.,iper, an as not to en- Ilia.
danger his fingers chopping the turnips for lure our seat 1892 will have been usheredhi• xttle. Any of the fair sex that Intend ie
.and 1891 will be numbered with We part.
to oaks Imp year pri.ilege• by popping the Lt is nits rampant our midst.
qurtpo11 will find his fingers not damage)
A number .lir * P•° of our citizens "bp ou the engagement ring.
W. lope they will we recover.
The annual exanneuos of No. 5 S.S.
own off ..o alnoday the 2i.t, and ear • l*,n't forget the treat in atom at. the
i attendant*. The tsoa•her, Nies Pot- S+Wwth school ani.ivaraary to be held w
ter, anstaff ansa assisted by • staof Iellow•teach Methedrt churl here New fear's
en, among whom were Mies asg
Reek, of Shop- ereniu.
potshot', Mies Watson, of the Nile, sail Vismen. (leo. Horne and family, of
Mem Halls, of Dunlop. The program got Dungannon, left bore on Wednesday to vet
relathvea and frauds mat of 'Forint.. May
trey bate • pleasant time and safe return.
. ta. and eassle
mt.sser for taking lied re
es6 r'e
ivauewgaisaaose of hall. alad•vies en
affirmations. deposition.. or eolem■ declare Pre-
cessions to
In or coneernlag any action. suit oPre-
cessions to tie Higb Jimmies. ut Jmirs. the
Courter Appeal ter Ontario, or :• an) chuwq
or Uirlsk,u Court. A11 Vaa
5•otio•a armfuls,
and promptly executed. Resides= and P.O.
address Ouneaason. Vat I+1e6-if
goo the \
tea up was good aad all present had •
social time.
Lae? I hra Bum. -For the pest two
months or so S. P. Aroostook', • dealer in
tinware and other goods, tor which he has
been raking in exchange old iron and oast.
.of .lothing, etc., has been with us. He
✓ eturned to the Queen City this week. He -
made his hotter at the residence of James
l.tnl<Iater. During his sojourn his lively
and genial Hunner proved quite an addition
to our social circle, and he wen .me of the
chief idols among the fair sex, who are all
on the hunt to get • letter from Sam. As •
Mosinee" man he gave a•tufactiou to all, and
his coining here .gain will make • boom all
Pru. ha TUB Saosk, SAlu,a - -Safe
once more in the., family circles. seated by
their own ingleeides.are (ipt•iaaJames and
Andrew Bogie, our well-known and popular
lake mariners, after going through the perils
and dangers of a season's sailing on the
Mnotn of the blue waters of the aka,.
Both (aptains tell the farmers around here
that they must dig deep wells along the
lake shore, se the .Iry spell of this sea on
nearly dried up the lakes ; • few fathoms
lower, and it would he a band natter to get
lloreaa to Mow the basil; along that they
sail iia. The former. they may, is likely to
go around =Recto* to get another church
out of .leis. and the tetter has brought
home • fine goat. which he will break in for
his youngest eon, Ales., to drive .tout in •
sleigh .luring the Winter months. Both
the mariners are weloom. wherever they go.
being the same lively lads as in the sweet
long .go. and can yet dans • 'alines horn
pipe as gaily as they could climb the mast
in the raging storm.
f race ora ow. coaas.ro. neer.)
Wood bees still cm the hum.
L& grippe seems very prevalent at present.
James Martin shipped some et his peas
last week.
Mies Mrry Martiu imtenda attending
Hsrruum high school ,text term.
Olt ' where is my little dog go.. ! is the
comp:ant of a farmer on the twelfth.
Mr. and Mies Clow were down south at-
tendees( • welding W ed.eslay, 23n1 Inst.
Robert Addison met with • very panful
accident one day last week. While bolding
• pig that it might be killed it kicked the
hunt finger of his right baud off at the
joint nearest the baud.
A magnificent literary and musical enter-
tainment delighted an audience assembled
at the school house of U.S S. No. 14 nn
Wednesday evening, Dec. gird. Although
the roads were in a deplorable condition, a
sufficient number tarred out by the tune
the entertainment started to 811 the school.
William Beecroft, the secretary-traasnrer
of the sseiln, was appointed chairman.
After a few appropriate remarks he called
on the string hand. After this numerone
selections (abort thirty-five hostiles those
given in teap.rse to etoorea), consisting of
dialogues, readings, r*oitationa, vocal and
instrumental music on various instruments,
were well rendered, making • well varied
program. The dialogues and instrumental
music emoted to take exceedingly well. to
judge, from the apples*, which resounded
through the room. The Jew's beep bend,as
it was called, consisting of • Jew's harp.
triangle, bones and harmonica, was especial-
ly ds.rylag of praise. The program ended
up with a grand dialogue entitled "A Pam
ily Dot to Pattern After," setae8 was an
amusing . of a family (parlaps
there are ton many neck) that was better
vented in quarreling than is other matters
Christer. tree ii•• them lighted up
ad unleaded of its suaerous prs-
ssM--peoams for the yeses .ad
preemie for the old, primate that eased
surprise and premiere, and .smlmwl presents
that excited laughter aad primp eager
are, bet net to the soma persons, however.
The setertainmest was thee ..toed by isg.
ing the matinW asthma, sad the whew*
weeded their way Mese (..me, perhaps, .it
the way they ewes) well satisfied far hav-
ing tramped through madiety roads to the
great estertaiameet Is No. 14. The yams
pond. et the motion dhasne great praise
fee the way in which it was..•ruled eat, and
need not be afraid to attempt anything in
the literary lime is Nater.. Two gentlemen
which .herald take s place. Th. beautiful
Yeas. --41. Thursday. 24th, tire laced
from the roof of Jau.es McCuaig • residence,
which originated in the stove pipe. For-
ortunately it was checked and no Toes was
Wilson McLean, of Dakota, formerly
of West Wawaush, arrived here on Satur-
day to spend the holidays with hie father
sod mother, Mr. and Ire. John McLean,
near this village.
The funeral sermon of the late Geo.
Young will (L).V.) be preached in the Epis-
copalian church here Settlath, the 3rd .Ly
of Jany., 1892, . , . . . , , at the usual
hon, 3 o'clock r u.
Miss Jane McConnell, daughter of James
McConnell, returned home from a vet 4.
friends mod aoquawtanaw a Dakota dur ug
last week. Mus Md'. intends resuming
her fouler profession, teaching school.
During last week our genial hotel -keeper,
Win. Glazier, was presented by hu better
half with an hear. We ouagratulate him on
getting such a valuable Chi -esteem present.
We are uitornied Mrs. G. sad the youug
heir are getting along nicely.
Chas. Rob.nsu, son of our popular vic-
tualler, who has been in Detroit city fin
son= tame put, is spending the holidays
visiting relatives, •cyuauta.crs and formes
associates. Charles is looking his best, an.'
.seas to enjoy biaelf immensely amongst
Quite an honor has been paid tome popu-
lar medico, Dr. McKay, of this villave, ht
having leeu appointed an eoourary member
of the Michigan Surgical and Patholo_ cal
Society, in I)ctr,ut, Milhngan. The docW,
ie well deserving of the honor thus conferred
upon him.
Mr. and Min White (nee Mire H. How -
des), of Aylmer, Ont., are visiting and
speeding the Christmas holidays with Mrv.
White. another, Mrs. Barber, of this vil
Inge. Mr. W. is luu.i in praises of our vil-
lage and vicinity. We primula° they will
enjoy themselves, as all our visitors do.
The popular 1st deputy reeve of Ashfield.
H. Girviii, on Thursday morning of last
week, although not Christmas Day. was
visited by Santa Claw, who wished to
show hie great esteem for the leputy reeve
by preae11tiug him with • spleudad Christ-
mas gift even that of • young ma. We
heartily co.grstulete Mr. and Mrs. G. o0
the recast addition u. the Iamily.
Rey. R. '•ir6.irn, pastor of Erskine
church here, in osier to encourage the
e1ult n of the Sabbath school offered
prises to those who attended must revel/art)
during the tern ; id= to those rho gave
correct answers to questions on the rhorte'
catechism. The successful noes were Miss
Hattie Harlow and Mus Margaret Rend.
The alove took place in the church on 16e
evening of Tuesday 22nd.
CnstwrwAa TOMO KOTsaTtttw*iwT. --()D
the 23n1 a Christens. tree social was hell
in Y.nkir o chart'. The tree provided was
a lofty one, and well oovered with Christ
gas gifts. After being distributed a
pleasant and interesting time was spent in
readings, recitations, vocal and instru-
mental music. H. M. Duff acted as chair
man cno that oueaai.n. Proceeds, $14.50 to
be applied in rrpleri.hiar Sabbath school
Mins Minnie Barlow, daughter of James
Harlow, J. P., who left here some time ago,
to .nit reath es and friends in Cleveland.
()bin, hes succeeded in wearing • lucrative
position in one of the mutat extensive ran•
team -•taking establishments in that city
It will, we presume, he pleating to het
relatives, friends and acquaintances to hear
of the young lady's mouses. it is worthy
of note that most of our young people who
locate in User Sam's domains are noc...fnl
in wearing good positions.
The femoral of the late Robert Murray,
of St. Helena. took place o. 1 neslay, 221d.
His remains wets ear ed to Dunganies
cemetery. holing escorted thither by one of
the tersest and stoat reapertehle corncuur.e-
uf relatives, friends and acquaintances that
this section has seen foe sons tome past
The burg.mothering of people winch weed
d f the ieeral meet be in some measure a
sours el 000s.auon to the bereaved wi.Mw
and family. Rev. (}. Anderson% pastor of
the Preshyterian church at St. Helens, ono
darted the obrquies. As the .leoessd hal
from the NIM and one from Morro siteaded j niesd the Iadepradent Order of Foresters,
the wtarlsis�nnt I the brethren. of the under in St Helmer mei
BELFAST torm...here astaseled the f... mo
1 d per i
the het rites •t his int ininert e a
mes ewe
I very fraternal sad
8. J.w1yd .ad Mir Na*.* e
mums I bereaved widow adaughters look ve manse, 'A 't•
sifted es ale wage dmesteggemm., m Wed. Him who bas prem.•el (sad mover tails
..day eve.6tg Dud fret. , at the roademos a His pnrsi.•..l to he • hu•ried to the
of the bride'. hi*6.r. A 1at7..■mbr .f is, widow and • miser to the fatherless for
vHd re peweegos•s pewee .ad the presenia n•
tree e.nh•tlon in this their time Of deep
yam mumemo and e"dy. The happy aaietim. ltd that they he led to exclaim.
couple 1.11% the next =turning ea a trip R..& "it i. the Lord'. will. Hi will he deo..
Ws wlsh thaw sslseb b.ppiwmm es the lime The d•s•••ed was aged •beet lefty -rise
of Me year'.
The les-.ecteag is Asekstlti cher* ca $oarlet-Is our last wee rderrd la.
Q.Ltmaa eight was a ereasmhl lir. phasing event, relatives be helm T. F.
AMhesgh the rest were it goad, the I Haw! Me .red bet mils at partings as
haw was Weil Hod. Rev. Mr. easia, Macho •.d pupils. la the we take
el It Aolaas. was the speaker of the merles plesae e be beteg •file se Sate that the
. ad delivered m l.tra.tleg *Mom se his MeV. A. Potter sed faring, at the p.reesag.
reeve% tele w the Nude (mast, drew were, ea the evening et D.ehwlar flied, h►
1�vmvr the ehum. T1s rm..od ..*sir c/ Waged by a ..rprfis pai4v, oldie Wilted
*. D .ga•mea II 1I t chert* f1. ed from the il.eaMbr •t Utwwe ►
anegliset iesda bales vasht seism thei
Ile seism VIMeaWeill
for need good furling towards the rev.
geetleman for hes services in their church,
as is expressed in the bea•tifal address
and also w the t•agible tokens of great s.
team prssseted to Mrs. Potter asd their
pastor. These tokens ooasiesd of • well
tilled puree to Mrs. Potter, also • large
quantity of oats and other useful thing to
Mr. Putter. The address was as follows .
Ker. A. Pater.
Reu,vsu PA.'rrua, We have a..esshled
this evening for the purpose of expressing
our gratitude to yourself and your anilehle
wife for tb.• earnest seal and untiring
energy with which you have discharge,
the duets devolving upon you aim* the
comn,ehcou rut of *he erection of ('ren .•
church, std also for the fair and impartial
manner in which you have dealt with the
different appointments of the circuit under
your charge. It Is with siucerc regret that
we hook forward to your departure from
among u.. nod many will be the loving
memories which will follow you and your
estimable lady from those r hoes you ha. e
bare the mesas in God's bands of leading to
Him. Wishing you and your family a
,merry Christine' and a happy New Year.
we Leg that you will accept as • token of
our esteem these offerings.
Id tts. %%CLI.ta,
Mas. I)riNi,,,
In behalf of the cungregatine of Crewe
church, Ashtield.
The rev. gentlen'au aad family were
greatly taken by surprise. Mr. Potter
made • suitable reply in behalf ut Mrs
Potter, himself and family expressive of
gratitude for the beautiful address and
tokens of esteem shown to Mr.. Putter and
himself. A pleasant and happy eveuing
was spent in the parsonage between the
pastor and those who composed the surprise
Sitiescr IN DuNG.tVa11N AMID VICI]ITI. -
0n the morning of the 24th, when a be
some generally known l.y the ttivaertsot our
village that Geo. Young, to whom reference
was made in our last as being very ill, had
departed this life m Wednesday evening,
about eleven o'clock r. r. , great sadness was
felt I.y all who beard of his demise. which
was unexpected. The deceased( waa at the
time of Lr death • little over forty -fire
years of Inge. His remains were interred
on Christmas forenoon in Dungannon sine
tory, being followed from his resident* by a
large number of sorrowing relative., frauds
and acquaintances. Rev. J. Carrie, his
pastor (he being a member of the Episoo
pekoe church,) assisted by Rev. A. Potter,
c onducted the obsequies mover/ imprvseive
m war. The deceased was also • favorite
•r,emter of Court N... 79. C. 0 F. The
brethren of the court performed the last
ritee at the interment amid great seine.+
He leaves a widow and young danghie • to
mourn his loss. He wee hell m high esteem
by the pa.tnr and on -members of his church.
ibecit.sem of the village and vicinity and the
members of the snort ret C. 0. F. He wed
10a0 of unassuming manner, upright in
his dealings in hie line of businer as shoo --
maker, and in all his tralsactions with the
coinmunity Ili. departure will be deeply
telt in the family circle, in his relative as
sociat ions in the chnren, the Sunday s hool,
eu the village of Dungannou and neighbor-
hood. Although • Conservative in politic.,
Ice was not an enthusiast nor a rabid por-
trait. his principle in that respect beong
freedom of opinion t.. all and to act *Mord
.ngly. As a husleand he was an exemp •r:
as a father sincere in his attachment to his
family ; as a member of the church constant
and devoted to its religions services, a
teacher in the Sabbath =teal, faithful and
diligent in his duty ; as a fellow eitixen his
course of life was blameless and irreprach
able. The vacancy his demise baa male
will he difficult to fill --never an in his
family. The bereaved widow, daughter
til relatives have the heart telt sympathy
•4 the entire community hereabouts The
Court of Monster.. No 79, 1)ungann.e,,
cannot 1e ton highly spoken of and t*.u-
.nemdel for the unceasing care, attention
hod unsurlaesd interest. they have eter-
cisul toranls the decn•sel anti his faintly
from the commencement of hie litres antd
lite remains were interred in their las( rest -
mg place. Noble institution -C. O. F.
(vane ora owe oOSae•pneose?. ]
Joe Rogers is on the sick list.
L Hunter is slightly under the weather
this week.
0. P. Sonlfiel'l. of the Standard Bank,
spent his Christina. at Tomato.
J. C. Tack was under the weather • day
last week. but r all O.K. soon.
Tbs. Hall still matinees very poorly,
end there eros very tittle hopes (os fir re -
Miss Tema Heater, who has beam visiting
at Detroit for the past six or eirht mo.the,
is haws for • while.
Fred Lowry,who has been for the past
year at Port Heron, is home on a vet.
He looks the mals old Fred.
The depot here was • pace of
(.11rhtasse. Most of our Toeing people were
MOM. Flirtations were jail in lie
Rev. 11. F Mahon and wife spent Chau
urea at (kdertch. Ran. Mr. Pan! oc:epied
.60 Methodist pulpit P..day, morning and
J. R. Williamson, wife sad eh*dr*., of
Stretford. spent • her days with Walter
Smith. Mrs. Wilam:nem is • daughter 4
%Vapor Reath.
Claimers was veer green here, beefily
..y peen= net, but it pre"eises =righter fee
N w Yeses Ila Quite • •ember of .our
-porta took ie the shoutrag waoshs as B.1 -
grave and W hghem.
Par the past yew 1 heti boon troubtd
t.. • eery great ant with daring( also
a deltasds of erne ie m) hair, and thee' the
e nvies of a friend (whe ..peke firer es-
eeriewee) I tried your Asti -Modes& mirth
epee the apprentices td rem thea • bottle Of
pier liquid 1 god my beast w may Mier-
weghly ..leased beta east f la
tlallar need dna reehmm•d i► es highly
to the prolloise lied pueblos p.-
rv.0 as .a agreeable sod weea lemma -
lime 1dmlemma-
limew the reua..liss pet &web ter puWs
lamer. Tome, hh, W. F. W.an.,
aid �.11+s �s+. " iwarr°r`.luw
be m
Tail Betwo Colearere sett las Swam
ss vete Mair.
[rlw. urn OWN esometroa DRAT.;
Some good ploughing weather last week.
Joseph and Robert Smillie are home for
Robert Moffat s home trona tie Sorts
at present.
Chrustmias very dell this year ea aceouut
of the had reads
James Wilms, teacher n. No. 10, has
gone hu,wn for his holidays.
Thomas Mather., front Michigan, is home
at hs father., Robert Mather.. on • .calf.
A great many in the neighborhood lane
hem land up with stveru attacks 0f la
S,meun Fakett died at his resolena•a 011
the second awtoerion, one male from .lances
loan, oh Satunlay, Detentle•r 19t1 Hc.
remains were interred um Monday, there.
her 21st. There are only one 4011 and mac
daughter left et home, the remaculug three
sus and one daughter having homes in
other parts of Oaten...
[rsou out owe s•nasc rONDs0T. )
Che'. Duron has returned from Mani
tot= He speaks favorably of the North
James Gordon, of Trinity Med.tal School,
Tonwtto, is spending the holidays at
Slaters. John and George 1)urnln, sots of
Edward Detrain, arrived bone from Dakota
Iwai a eek.
Mrs Litre (Jordon has returned from a
three months' trip to Toronto and other
points suet.
We regret that councillor Todd is atpres-
ent very ill from au at tack of la grippe end oflt-
c.u.phications. Two doctors are 1.1 at-
ttadrros. We treat nkat before many .lays
ha will be anomia as usual John Wel.b
is elm bard up with bronchitis and is under
the doctor's care.
A Farrier outside of thecity Timis invest-
ed in • village Lott last week. . .Two
Harbours joined partnership on Thursday
lane. At least one Webb was woven on
Wetlee•dayy that will be difficult to disen-
tangle. We extend cu ueratulations to the
navigated peril's.
Joseph Stalker, teacher in U. 1. S N...
12, was presented with a beautiful easy
chair at the closing eserclaes of the school
on Friday. Mr. Stalker was a nest pains
taking and successful teacher and much re•
gree is felt by the section at his leaving. L1.•
goes to Toronto to attend the normal school
atter holidays.
A meeting soder the aspics of tit.
Helen a Court, C. 0. F., was hell in the
fenipern.ou Hall as Monday eveuiav last.
Owing u. b.1 roads anal sickness theattend-
.1uOe was nut as good as 11 would other-
wise have been. Addresses were given by
Moment. Elliott and Mil,•.ds, ut Wino/ban..
rite musical part of the Program was pro-
vided by the string band.
The Chrivtmles exam,uatton m cosnecton
wit'. 8. 8. No. 4 was held on Wednesday,
December 23r.1, when a Targe number 01
parents amt other visitors were present.
Mr. Weatherhead wasasserted by J..h.
Cameron, teacher of lanes ach.iul. Ert'ry-
thing passel off successfully and all express
theutaelvs as perfectly seusfied with the
standing of the school. The section r t..
Ie congratulated on again securing the
services rf theore•ent ..•went Mesas ger.
La grippe and the marriage fever have
been very prevalent in the section during
the past week. There is aiar0ely a famioy
hut has one or more members hod up with
Id grippe or similar trouble. Amongst those
afFectodareCharlesAdau..,ThusSanders,J obit
1Vehster, Cornelius Smith and several of his
family, Wni Wellwo.d and family, Ibis..
Lott, William Gordon, Mrs. Smith, Mrs.
D. McDonald, Thos. McRoberts, Wiliam
I:suterou and any others Moo Romero., u.
mention. We hops that all will have •
speedy recovery.
Mot/mow AT ST. Heusi*. --The follow-
ing from Th. Luckaow Sentinel refers to
he death of Robert Murray, whuse very
sudden death bas slanged sadasee in our ',d-
are A deep gloom was cast over St. Hel-
mut on Sunday last when one of our esteetned
....reheats pawed away to his hog hone.
Hr had leen trebled for .orae time put
with enlargelnent of the heart, but yet had
Leen aisle to deduct hr business up to the
.lay before his death. the Mstntday unlit
atter having retired to rest he was setawl
with an Intense pain followed by vomiting
awl a slight hem orbageThe doctor being
.mat for he relieve) the symptoms, but Liss
pain continued until death mica the suffer-
ing, which he bore with the greatest forti-
tude, calmly pasein away at tan o'clock cm
the foramen '.1 Sunday. The soddenness of
has death has mused a shock to the whole
somm..ity by whom he was highly esteem
wl. He was °imperatively . young( mors,
beteg only forty nine years of age He
leaves a wife aad three children, who has.
Me sympathy of their larges circle of!Bes&e
.Nr. Murray came to this country is the
year 1864, after spending six years is err
mercial lite n. the other side of the Atlan-
tic His native plans was Dumfrieskire,
Moot Ias,d, sad from there he she sail •d
awning to the e.u.ty el Huron be' ever
snow remained. H. first outages' as book
D oper wok Wet (fordo., then merchant in
St. Ha... Arta two Tears' t
he returned W Scotland for • life
companion in the psrs.s of Mrs. Marley.
who stall eanives him. H. .o.N•ssd as
hook keeper till Mr. Gorden gave up b.d
toes in the yeer 1773 Then he totted his
mud to farming, at which be r.ei ised foe
the latbwiug ten years, bet not finding this
to his tibiag he retired from it, betides. for
himself s hoses is the village. sad as loom -
ship Mark wad Ree. tress .f the West
Weenies* Mete! M i..rm.ses Co.
he sprit the following tee veers : hut hie
Ink keg ler e meereelbeakerseverreassasd,
se 6. them est • • general /An.ad
18*e.g6 bin fie. Marisa. n, sad ►reins'
ability he W ewablWd a
. ad paramour* loads Ni. swarms' were
ism turd a DimDemmeamma esmetmy se Tnasd y
i... ,
busies l.tlewed Mons by • bees w
. res et hemi The servos warp zoo-
dasessi y Mr. Aodssee., of the Primby.
hobo amok. lir white 6. was a member.
R. was • ssemther elf i embeew Leash he-
dgerd'ot Ari of Pummiswi 'd light.
CedeNsls ..♦tion..
uustw1.•r the. el, It1A.
ran Wheat.
*lrtma Wheat
boom Wheat,,
OD 4'1 W O M
, • •idtose
;.- •.e too
. tin to
I.• •41 iul4
+.-.. 11 ,• 104
II .e toe
Short... toe
Brae. i lo•
tt.•reeuitge 1 toe
Chopped 1%mA Wheat el the..... 111/11.44111
Vat.. new. 0 bush . noon .. o 0 lis 0
14eu..burl... i•u,e0
barter. two r owed. F bear) •....... 0 0 to 0
Kerley. cotumon .. .. 0 ie W •
Hai. P tun ,..- : �1 1.1011
Potatue., i bush ......... ... . x11u a
AVVMee.ebwh.... ... uinto 0
mutter,.•. a Mute
O.0.411, fresh •seee*e4, 1a , dos. . • elle 6 it
t'reset 0 111 tee M
W coal 3 441 ... i
N Jul m IV WO
lam *attWO•
I,ro..ed 1 egR rew1.,....... .1 en in 1 fi
Pelta noon. noon.. ».»noon.. 011 to 0 #
• M Menem MasMMna.
Ire. S. 1•L
Fall Wier .................. O l: to 0 M
spring Wkssitat to • M
Harley•-.-•.........- - •MtoO•
Oats ................ u >t Iu. >r
I'ras .. Veleta
A Volae Heisler,. per tag«.... ... V ell to 0 N
Potatoes .............. ,. u time*
nutter ......................... " M le 0 M
Cordwood........• ..•II.•. . 11 1
.... . lte1k.1 •
ttoil................................ t Isle0 M
Purls S m to 3 III
whistle- MAM_.
Mc. st. t•1.
Flour, per 1010 :noon.. 11 M to 7 M
14 Mot, fah _. u lie to 0 ft
hpri.g 0seto0•
Peas. ... noon . t i 3s 10 0 •
Harley .• u 3i .o aft
. nm.. ... ..... a.. V .r tot •
Polish/el . ......... 0 10 to 0 Fti
W ooi. pee 111..x0 II to 0 S
Huts .».. . 3sas4•
berg sidiw 31310100111
..ay, per to .:.• WHO to 10 •
POW.. per due••• ..aeon 0 IV to 0 M
Heuser. perils 01.511•0110
Pork....... • ,.. 4311ts•
Wind. per card 1 13 to II I
lbebvaI Lave gases !area.....
1)ne. 28 There were abe,ut 650 head of
butcher's mottle, 400 sheep and a fro entail
calve* offered at the Pest Kud "tenures: to-
day. Trade was m iasenally brisk for the
time of the year, between the holiday., s the
butchers did not buy nearly so many =Ode
before l;brrtwae thus year .s they need to
do, and any of them are neavluig fresh
supplies, which mural higher prices to be
pall for the beet beeves. A few pewee beeves
were sold at 41c per lb., and roue others
were hell firmly at be do. Pretty good
stuck sold at from 3Jo to 4jc per Ib., and
.orfinem, dry cows at from 4pc to ale do.
Mr. H. A. Lay ng. of Newburo, soli a c.rl,ad
.4 dry cows, 26 bred, at ) per head, or
«bout 2Jc per 1b. ('here wi2ar a lair demand
for mutton cutters at rather banter rates.
or from 4c to 4}c per Ib. Mr. Kackerdihe
*"ought islet of prime lands..1$4.26.rh. Fat
twigs ra11 at about 41c per Ih., and dressed
hogs at about 51c do.
low brethren attended the freral in A body,
eervioe* being lsauducted at the grave by
the chapter of the ogler, 64.. Cos-
uor.. A Meek remains in this co.umuaity
which wall take many years to. till.
(raou ors own txnuthoroePew/. J
This was a Very quiet Chnumas ia et
trio. Irwin, of Port Albert, is visiting at
Use Queen's.
R. $walwell spent part of Christmee u
T. SwalweU, of Ageraville, i. emitting
(rascals around here.
Adam Smith and Jue Certio left ler
Wiarto. on Thursday lea.
W. J. Chapman, of Wisgbam, is visities
6i. brother, H. P., of our towu.
J. N. Wtlki.m, V. S., V. D.. spent this
Christmas with his pareule at helgrava
Master Ridge Tumnwns, of Port Hares,
s vIsting fiends en and aneroid Ripley.
Maar Hattie Hodgins, at for Farmer's
hotel, bas been ow the sick list the Int
few days.
J. A. Grundy has pet in • tine stock .f
. letterer ant dos to R. P. Chaprara's big
book store.
The Methodist Sabbath school ..1.rtaia-
me.t Christmas Kve was very good. The
children, did credit to their teachers, Massa
Walker sad libellee.
The gamtion lain week was who bad the
.loess widow in town. Afar sizing them
all up it was admitted that the Braun 1111«11 -
teal Hall took the ben.
St. Paul's Sabbath school entertainment)
Christmas night was very good. Miss
Mabel McRrisu'e singing and Mass Walk
reciting mai well worthy of .ceation, sad
the boys wet* well .p in the drill
Nominated for Huron nosed : li These"
two and D. Blue, reeve ; R Martis, IM
deputy reeve, soot; R. Smith .ad W.
Wtysu, 1dd deputy reeve ; T. W. Davis,
Ales. gathers, N. McDonald. for dease
Commit est aoetrding to Mtat.ta. Dee,
111 Members all t Wastes ell
pr vi•se. mee ing rine sig...f. Moved
LM.K.0ON, asamdad by Lh•mehers, thea
t� pull1.g booths for mueiapsl .lseliees
be as L1le.s wad the promos mamma bey
pointed deputy returning officer.: Mee Net
• yaw cs.Ore es the manes be prepared :
No 1, Mask% paint whop, Dumpers•,
Andrew Dreamy t No 1, wheel home the
9. Hugh M.Pbss ' No. 14 same! lenses No
lti Kwaa.ah 111•Kwei e ; ho. 4, Hswk►we'
stere, Pert Mork Themes Hawker' No. .
!ti wheel b... No. 6, Mune. Da1t.. ; Iola
w blinks ed A. M.latoak. 11 S. part ht 6,
wan. 1; W. Di, Hyo Mel i/o. .
seemed Moes No. 16, sobers R•meltes. A
lugs •amber w1 -.roams were peat Mae
will appear is armnanr's sass esaa Com.
dohm adiseessi sot vasb .e Hint. Mk W. O
Vilma W%