HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-12-24, Page 10THE SIGNAL • GODERWOH, ONT., TH U RKDAY, DFJCEM BIR 24, 11491. 111010R W AWT8 1 THE SIGNAL. IF YOt. Warm a (gout. Waal • (erre Wast • Partaer Waal •tgltmattoo. Want to mail • Plasm Want to hay • Hone. Meat to flail am anit Want to Buy or sR • !tie Want to dell Hours Property. Waite to let a Hogue or l stage. Wrat to (tall Oro(erier and Orme. Wait to Melt Household PwroUure. Watt to $el 1 try Uoods or ('arwrts. .,age to /'ted Certomern for Aaythtr*. rhe Very fest Medium I. the (:uuatry. Advertising will gate New Customer+. a d venial net will keepp OW Customers. ldverteotog Iteasr.Ily always pays. Advesttsnil veatt.o soccer easy. Advertising boort* ornfidesoe. Advert Wit elbows eoergj Adverttiag .how. ploo[. AdveriSr Vtea at mace. Advertise custtmo•lly. .dvertMe .klLfolly. A4vertls.- freely. Adverts hare. ADVleKT113V NOW. THE SIGNAL Mas ., simulation more t hag three ((mei Oodelarger 1 so other newspaper published In nee. and M only .•xoeeded to tirestation by era oew•)iwr in the eminates of Huron. Forte, and Rruce. All condensed .dverti.e- lae.ta are clawined end the rates are • Twenty weds tad under. :114.. each additional *ad gr0e loaf cent Travelllnt f3utd�et. ORA N THUKY kA1LorY. 'trees* arrive and dryer at Geduld' ea 101 Mos ♦11.410 Merl had expM-.•...... ... .... 1..41 p.m. 11610 Motor P. 11rlafa ...+. ,....M,Yaiu. ......Mpina 11line. Sat.: Mai. It:pram ��l►R SAL. OR TO Ri' 1C.�TUE following slolusble property iw the view ef Wuev.le Ogre Liege terries* shop . also bteokwath'boo w.Lu:ohmPee further par ti,:ulrrsapple *Tlklll.)il•XOK. Hese. Ale O„ t rut aim (� UB RALE -TOW:! WA- W �'ldi► F" 71M. ?Etre d ii. . RE 1Iik V tate- is./Mil • »1.1m LOOK SALE AT A BAROA111.-THAT 11 ouotmodo.u. building Oa Knee -M.. Seer ego. at present occupied a. • palati bV ill Am tl F. is on vale. Terms was. A to 8. ) P. t'O1T. Wooed. 1'. 0. eFt 1,4'OR SALE. -THAT LARGE AND ii .umlorrahle frame house at the toot o Weer .t_, immediately appetite the Park ; a very desirable lucaltoe +udl would be .pool/fill imitable for Summer e.arders. Por lumber particular, apply to A'. T. WK1.4H. Y tf GFOIie;ALi:--STORE DOING A VEH% FOR cousin bwm toe; with JoAnne at itched. •t good chance for a tags with a smith 1ap1i0L Poet °elm in e.•nu1.•los . daily mail. Satisfactory reasons to .*luyr Apple 40 CHAOS. H A W KINS Nae.. Bheppardnie 1 . U.. Hume county. Lit VAKM FOR SALE. -LOTS 22 AND .1 M. ea tate let tea_. Goderich township Hayeeid Road. comprising fdii. acres, situated co tee Lake Short Road alt miles from the town of t:elerlcb. The tend V a/ good •mual- itr. load to ',unable eitbcr for grain or for stock rwi.lnt. There is a b....1 llTIO* storms throuwh the . entre of the taro. For itarata Ian address It. l'. 11A Ve barrister. Ocderich. [a�IHST CLASS BRICK HOUSE AND 11' LIrI raft HALE- ON ST. PATRICK ST. About two nc•,ute'■ walk Prem the Square. Two stories high. bee k eddied' in the rear Il .tortes high. building covered with stele. ]lain building ben 3lsrgc• rooms on first Bat. u rain there ■re large Toms.rmlu the rear dit.on there are kitchen. ttty, wa.tiruom. �plrota.nmum, girl's mum 1...broom. Alen good editor. Apply to the undersigned. who will Mee all Demmer> information. DANIKI. LUHIwtag. 1.11. FOR SALE.- -MR. WILLIAM Mc. levan. front ont:hued illdraish. offers for sale htattooer aid gne:nd- ,n the toanuf Uawdr• rich. fumtih.ting of 6lots,on which area .ted ad rimed and moot comfortahle dweliing- houae built And leo gq oe, uI.c.I by it (lour ... 7M►m, ( Judge hisic.air. 01 1 dominos. a beauutul gar den. mottles and all necew.ry uwbouw. nue ..:..4. P_ appurtenance*. the whole in greet repair and forming one of the most desirable rwidenre a in the town of t:cgrrich. . urW, rut ulars apply 8ltuatfons V411oaat 10 Mumsr . (;A►IIluw t PKO( 1011(11T.1:4.1• rfor. the ten.'otr a eledietleea 14-(f VANT WANTED. You 01111- (� teal housework. Oood wages. MRL•. F. H. SPEC CE. tlttebee sr met. Mit YRYANT GIRL WANTED IM- u.t•dlate.y .yafter i'n: ua uas. 311.103. T. H. _ 1W ELL. He Kant 0.. ttrtderich. 4014 Lost or Found. f uST AX STOLEN. - FROM THE .. �ft11A Yxcasrge hotel, • brim n taker ttgMiel wH►wiiteon breast slid fore toes . meat miens tapes! lo. A',ywr returning ham teen harem a -**Sone torten log him after 'his motive will br prosecuted to its- full Want elf tion law. U. H. I:UX. Kill Wanted. VWANTE!). -- A FIRST-CLASS mach mew Apply to A. KNICE- 11MA W: M11 Boarding 1v ANTED. 1HIEE tlK F'Ol It boarder*. Ample . rwnmolat tor.: aaswapt somata.. Apply :o Mee. It. sag Ire 'rT%tn:•tar steres. 40 =1 IXCUM1d0UAI1:JN It 'THREE or tour hot: de!. near the High School. Tenn- rva.unahic. Ar'p+, at Tits 0111s .0 elle . Pulpit Services. u.r70WA t. Itt.E1 MEiUUUISI' church.- - Ilea. N. A..; rongoran. 1.1.. 1.., bands,. (hrr,u Ler .!7th 11 A '4.. run • it,deen11wg 14..- 1llie 1• 4 "The r tuxta .(. 11) ins \ erre' Th. 11110.a1 wek.oac i, a, • ,.rdtd :use. Strayed Animals LISTRA1 SIEEK. -I AS(E Pt IN G the precut.", ut , Lc tmdervigncd tut more ..e*fl 5. Aetf, .1. MA Ur About the debt oath of November. a an. )rar•dd red Mt!*. The .0. rcan lave lt.. mn,. n) pro% 100 pro- p.rtt alto ,4t:,t.0 dais L UAVl1 Pius, fluskfnisen• Out. :4r 41 1 • - r - _ �Ri Wb.1ELY i MUPTEK. cads --Grand Opera Hoeft. Uuderich. "a; if Iys. SHANNON & SHANNON. JIV! ;'hyduiaow. Surgeons. Accumbers• !c. Ill. at In. Shannon's reeidruee. bear the no l.dencb. O. C. a li••1te, J.li.`lian- NON • 1751 Muateal. :BIC L1.tItMUN1l-M1lis *OMB THOMSON a. prepared •N glgf sre Elsemteget leo. W. Thames rase •s the pato einem Loma and Insures/* %HONEY 10 LOAN. -SIXTEEN kY1 tbouoand doller4 private hinds. at Si p• r air good farm security. Apply prison it 'tete. R_ N. I.tW I$, OutMatur, 4.odrStem - E. WOODevtlK, LUAU ANL) IN earanna nL Regal Faseronce Cotu• f F.sg10.d. 4 to rbW�lt and mead liberal el y in tee world t Leaden 04.d Lancashire and Ironed. UtWlate. end Acctemt. at lowest rate se Interest e, ee- t'ur SIR el Newt/rue end Masilton 0lnete. God awA, appoint° Marne s hotel. 3341cn - T. NAF'TKL, FIRE, LIFE AND F• J • .trident insurance .gest ; at lowe4,t Nee. (Mice Or" Nuith.st. tad Attire. Med- midi 74' MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE amount or private and other funds at l5wst roma on productive tows sad hem 1many. Sperm, lents of repayment to suit orr Jwer.- No coma...don. flail or write �� 1) JOHNI4TON. Uomrrlcb. M 04 11 S6pp,000 Ir) WAls. APPLY 1w (:AManon .NUerrs°ANKH.pit °ode ria►. , itis L ONKY 1'0 LEND. -A LA HO F ,A asseunt of Private Pawls for inventions. et Iowan rate* on aretclese Mortgwgew. An!) MOARROW a PHOUIIV O'1. [.? RADCLIFF'S, OENERAL IN• l V. eararxr. Kean Retare sod Ilene, Leashes Anent. toady first -edam companies Mown Lead Ou -trate. 1s IFe M tonna rate of Intene'4 giving. la say was te golf tis °brrower flume - Heb sod deer from tegc.re. West Strad GGodes/0k. 11b141 - I HE PEOPLE +R! CORD! ALLY DIVOTS!) fully tenet a- as (heir hien.e without n to )wmming ear rl.r•i.�.nt work of tusk. ro'laies.Mr.td Oxydir 4 silver Mures. 1 roma. .ad Snaring Sets %Vilna, Black sod Ulf Mind : Baby wnheraMMIron. ArUoI.. 1011, 84110 HAILD AND soFT COAL FOR oak.- Hem quality of hand and soh coal. all grades. delivered W any parser the roan u0 short notice. fleet my priors before oxxlering elsewhere. JOHN b. PLATT. 1Dtl 11 uk SACK. -A SEWING MACHINE in good order ittoyal) with four drawers and leaf : col 31C, will are for 315. Address K. Jt.. flu oMicr. Lott L'OR SALE. -TWO 18 IN. CAST be bored ( tit l in. :hath. in. is •ew Wel Weald at a rr•s-wane dime. Apply et Ta ettlisnm.ctealli l'r,o(ryt ono- N�f- . t.. The !People's Column NEVI PLANING NMI Where all grades of lumber a'.t kept in st• ek, All e',1'see u' buUlbn.f olatertnl. sash awn doors. at very low pre ••w. 11.auin.; m) 111111 1'1 connection 44 4th salt w.. -k* enable. me In wort cbraply. Tor. 1a1 est improved macniuer)' has hewn placed in my mill. $bin1tte., all grade.. from F..:;, per a4tare upwards. Sejeudid g,adeor pine. IMO per M. Flowrang and++4d.:.1;, from O1: per 11. upwards. Haack mod vrbi.e •.b. cenar. bees*cod. elm. maple. hemlor•k and puna -.t to order. Pick- ets, an *tree and prise.. 1 will 00 l cheap for cash or t.ke :.l a,.d. h •a-1 tt . moots number. stair bolts. cedar poen.. al, 1s6 sol thing. in payment or •xak.ng-r f -,r build tog material. (Jet toy prices before driving a noil If you 44Ll. to sa, t• money. JOSEPH Kt144) (4 1 17 H Manta-st. E. 11. LEWIS. BARRISTER, PROC- ter in M.rltime (ors of 'latuto Moe oeto uth Colburn.. tame.. 2313 O. JOHNSTON, RAPRISTER • Solicitor. c wnp.ie.ioner. Ste. Iwrns. esliaetkies .od real estate tranwutlnes care fele at•eale.. to (tl0.-. - Cor, Ilam.t.o and At Aodr. w'..-st.. Goderich, Oat. MeleI, 1 JOHN DAVISON, BARKISTER eSolicitor. ('onveyors:we, to : Money to Mad. 0d)rr over Pu4w-061lee`, Oo'•'rich. Ceti L" ' CAMPi(6N, BARRISTER, 1 1. Solicitor, Notary Public. e t (•T.cr Over Jordan. long 04are, the rooms formerly or et po•d by Judge 1 -, :• . :2St DC. HAYS, SOLI('IToIt, Are. O0lee, rooter of Sguwre and Weat Melo, Goderich. over telegraph ultk.. 1'ri• Yoe. Funds to lend at (3 per .rut Y':o- GARROM' & PKI IC UFO( /T, HA R. esters, At.orneya, Solicitors. 1c., (:ode deli. J. T. ()arrow. V C.. W. Prot/Afoot. (`IAMEItaN, HOLT h CAMERON. VreaNy ere. 6olltere i0 Chancery, Sc. l'a Hal+ C, 0teeo0, Q.C. ; P. Halt ; 1[(>"RaFa1 laaIItute. - . 1ODRRICB M1OHANIU$ iNSTI- TUTe. I.iBRART AND RRAl,INu- It480(K)M, ear. of host street as equate sup .4, Open from Ito 0 e.w.. and from f 4 10 4 0. AROUT 204W1 VOL'S IN LIKRARY. Lending !/oily. Weekly and IUw4rat.d /'aper., .1f awe., rte., ow file. MkMHKKriHII' TICK KT, tie L'. ewes. e moting free um of Lowery and Heading - Home. Applications for membership received bp Librarian. in room. o le rHAI(MAN. ORO. ISTIVRN, 1'row.dsai. es:retary. Ooderirh. Mane 1hh, 45a. _ - AuotafoNuji , JOHN GKIFFi 3. Col:Sri' AUC- tlomex'r, land valurtar. ban and insurance agent. Oaks attended tat ell parts of tin coun- t) tee -respondence 'Wetted Addr.w JUH N .tl t1.YIN, Kini.tvid.,,. 1irder. tel at rule d..SAL ,mM..- p.,.mptly attended la :WO JOHS KNOX, 0E'Kk 1. AL'C- W,worr and land V.Iua'o,. U„derfeh, Oat. Saving had cunaldeerl.k elperleeme In the 00.•tioneer.a4 trade, M IS ,n • pouter to T. Meana 0 i die -barge with thorough satm.(retoa all use- O. IMn'gton.- S 3 . rtasiena entrusted to him. .)Meta lett ar IL Holmes. 4 d Tenders Wanted. 'PENDERs s1 ANTED. FOR THE 1 deliver: of 'o . urda d grows wood at tee public school of the teem of Oci rlob mond to be beech tad net Mee lima half maple tour feet long. fifth H4M tad mob IMP. 'reader. to to( for get hes terse 10 toed. awl to todellvend tet War .ban tat Mery h. feet Traders will sue la4TSd tip to Jaguar) f Ilia to the •-uder*lip[i . W. *1rt'HRLL. torr y. *Di Publlo Notffns. (ANC11 STKR MILLS -12. f3 Webb, ha. hie teamed the above mills, top to nowt, the farmer. that the mill Ma undorcot a tie•-earry mown, nal, lanai had conalderrWc rxperteare, he hopes, with lm Crased machinery rod careful atten.ies to owl to,. I o produce 11onr *M. h *Older, torn petition. end trusts by being oromq aid n" r-umnvodntingdu merit the cuudtdrnce and en sun the .rttatn•tiou of Lu. .moonier*. Maul tuba hard wheat will be alway • us head mud first mixed wheal dour w114 hs mann , %sMured t'boppu.gdonr promptly at Ac. (04 I ILO IM. r Dm. TO ADVERTISERS. • Notice of changes tilu..t Inn left et this (Meier not later then Set unisy 18.01. The Copy for chonges must (te left not later than Mon- - day 140014. Casual Advertisements a.•,•eptewt up to neon Welrt1dsy of etacht ' '-k . THE TALK uF' THE TOWN. .1 ••hi.la aware p". Takia' eotr.. An !1.11, 4.14 pr•.w' ire IC. U. e'. at the Pharmacy. Uro. A. Few. !mai fail to cab at %%1'. Ooude', for )our gift goods. Neatest eteek.Wwawt sonata ni town. f`Itns time gouda «i v. n with pun"6a.ee. Open ('hriNn.,, lu4rniu.f. Photo* are down -down' First -close pie - (01.., for little ammo- from 01 OJ per tut. up. A specialty in cabinets at el and 01.10 per do,. .4140 the thing fur the hutldays. A cornfield is one 04 the thing.. o sal 14 greatly shocked *114001 the a:d ut rkvancu). 14 y..0 wool r real 'unmoor call at F. J. Pndhani s and •.•s that rushing n •1 I w•al� me i t o n• u r u g. the u . t helm K read) made overcoat* at Then' 's uotbing in el.•e-%Oenapint bottle can exert more Influence over some nun than s .•ht:reb st•ire. Hut th.re u 1m gattty ul murk do0e. Mot' it jou wa111 the novehe.y,a huhda) photo an call at It It. sallow* Previte: Abbott w.Il call the members of the •umn1.10* to ams. mb'.• al 041aes early in Jain nary teed 1 rail ever) mut in &WWI td a •rood suit or otercost 40 use. 'able at the l'hieaifu House. 11'eso street. III oe,r. H Ma.-Cuc0..w. It you W..- any dt:fl:utty at..un mastatr a mimeos' for• Christina* gift consult the ad, venter -meta of Alec: tiaunden. West street Dal page rev*.. He bat n e sta.••i and he baa the primes. and menages to phaec e. ort buoy l'all and see him and you wilt be sure w got .w1rd. HUI.u.A, 01*'rb Ereryooe wanting mega for presents wit find the b.-st and cheapest 1, Prayer books, 0)mn-ber•ks. Inst heves. punre. w) book, and sehc.dbouk5. albums. plush dreseintt cases. Slot ...boxes. work 601.4.. writ; Iter 4..k•. ebbe .0d saucers, .-.stere smokers Sell. pipes, etc.. in fact. merest variety of gift woods of eh Laud.. at .. t1c r:L1811 .K/:. 4 1.-. Mw• N. .1. Williams. evangelist: will 111, 1 . assist the pastor. lir. Strongtnaa.in 'hulling special evangelistic services m Vie toric -et. Methodist church. heiginuiog Stub day. January 3rd. and eontlnutug for several weeks. of time*. •o t 011.111" r•L%OT. • The Family Herald and Weekly Star. of Montreal. is now comfortably settled in a tine new budding. which with its magn.ti - ent ..luy.trtrft (Obi a 9wr1er of a million dollars, and the Lest of it u that it Is pati for free front any sort of u,cumLrance. The 10ni11 Herald aid! Weekly Star is in an undoubtedly strong titano•ial position. . 1140.441• •K0.. 4, r. 1'i .r. rk4Lli 1'he l'hristmas.entice at St. Peters 1'., church will practically open at 5 i.e., when the angelus bell will be rung. The int 141as. 0111 14• .1 5.45 a. Y., and the last masa 01 11 A. w. Vespers will be hell at 7.30 4.u. The church has been specially decorated for the orcca.Ion, and everyone who meiahes to It present at the services will be wekon.ed. 4AT.11 10. 4DEST. A few week. 5811(•4' Jno. Matheson, better lnown as •' Black John.' formerly of I:al,•. rich, was accidentally killed or drowned clout twenty-five mile.. south of Cheboy- gan. 'rhe deceased was engaged oa a fah_ use I.,.t returning to port. when the loom -aught lions and married him overboard. The boot was turned as soon as poseible. but on reaching the deceased. who war floating, never having gone down, he •as quite dead. As an examination wan not mark floe exert . v0ac of death wan not dete,rmined. IIK1.Tat N11:11T L'TRRTAIIVRKT ver Lord Hailey. who appears at the Grand Opera House tomorrow (Christmas) night. hag been pronouno nl by the pr•ss r, eroo t.ere as the peer of all readers and elocutionists who have .pprar•ed in ('mala, ranking with the great S.dd..ns. With a loautiful face and womanly dignity, and possessing a dramatic power surpassed by no reader today before the puldic,abe merles an ari11ente by storm. site ham hal two re- calls t,, Toronto. She will be assisted on the occasion by Fred. Werringtnrl, (.nada's greatest baritone. and oar readers may he mire of an eajovable literary and musical evening :lee their advertisement no page five and programa. +n110TU/4h MIST 1. The secnat match for the club trophy wee shot Tuesday lad by the f;oderich off hand rine club with scores a follows • IOD WO !-i o yards ! yard*. t LS F.J.T. Neftel 1 7 1 O O 301 0 5 7 4- 19-40 1. K Watson 7 7 D 1-•-4A.3 0 7 5 9 s le W WMute..N 6 6 10 414 0 r 0 4- Is s H Arnold. 15 7 1 IOTA 10 0 9 0 26 10 W. Liman 7 0 • 0-I5 t ! 1. 0- 9 11 0 1 90 3 9c 0-19-91 4 O It 0 1 10 2 10-11 b • • lie s 0 7 1 - . ;p K. R. Walesa woe the slab trophy with a more of 66 points. Sad will hal.' the same until sect match, which will he Jos data• 6K41W',L Oman* Aantio lyerM.MA.feharys'0 1:..W0!. vf■dt I.adto.d 0to.007dJN _--}'- dory fah, 14402. T ii4'I.rlOS. LD.r..- DENT AL 101. eauw4. r.ppo.tt. the Crow font It/0., Wes...t.. (Jud.rie•. %a►-ly 't R. R, IIICHAkUe441N, 1. U s, lJ .ineese drwilst. tam tied vitalism sir 1 he paishas extremist .f teeth. ape al attest inn sires le the primer..tont of the net arse teeth. User- lip st■nn, yrwa et reIteSeek. etenen en -nem e. 0t„ MNal-t. teehmarr M nay Mow. aeiei _Pe.rs. a11s. het its.h•1 0 1B Ultul Nom. L. - TH i 8 d (Cel.w,wM4k+w�mMw, Ire 4r leImpr,.. MW41U Mnett. 4;aAaiun OONsusrrW etd'4 r6wltot~lfa 55.,1441t6) dUod•r bsa era W76. •g♦ thimpt**+' Duneem p'rNrisete . =rare. totem -tea. ! 1 .741.E •'A1.1. I In Thursday afleraces Harry Hutson won .14 4.tiO4 in theh*rhnr from • very light host. Firing at • Mrd the gun emended with meth force es to throw him nal hie :ohne., in try- ing to preserve which the boat upset *ad he was thrown taro the water It wee is testily old, ontwd.rahk ion having formed nm its surface, though there was 61r, piece large enough, for support. Rat•nn was moo head not of water .ani started for the host. b whkh had drifted Yonne dinars swsy, bet '1 with a pun in one hand. a picket toll of S cartridges and being heavily *lathed and 1w04teel his program wee slow. Threw- tag the gum meaty he Goalie reached the butt earl het.' via to it till help anyved. Meows, Wm. Marled. aud U. Marwiok•whu had ub ae•r.ed the oushap ram up 144. harbor ad hatched • bleat opposite 144. plated which they were emu propelling kw all they were worth towards the .tete of the accident. (hi reacting Ketem they shifted his drip to the•r boat, them towed him to the iellao.d, theta while nae rowed the boat round to the south sole the other walked the patient paddy sorer to .teet at. He was taken to Om t;. T. K. dock, then to that oompaoy'■ ot8ee, where he visa well reloaded Io toed r soon los masible taken Mew $e,n after hu arrival ttto.ltral rid was in attendance, but it took eooswlrxable labor and tante he - Intl hu blood was to proper (inreletoo. It was a close caleanybow, but Harry's nerve, activity' 10 swimming rind strong uunatrt0 kora carried hint through41r14 taseea that iu nneety awe out of uadred time would have resulted fatally. TII[ kI!.il l•aKTl< 06.40. The t school, which hate hese e, sut'o'e.dulle carried on by Miss Them - me .t the rooms, corner of North .t. ad Smarr. closed for the holidays Wednesday •fter000. .1 large number of the percale of the pupils torsed out to witness the doting eterciime,whkh reflected credit upon teacher and pupils alike. itasTnin RIC Tecate! morning about 3:46 o'clock a tire broke out to Henning's mill. sad the entire structure sad its cortenu wort consumed. After the firemen appeared on the armee considerable difficulty was expenenoed te aoneetou with the water pressure. which was found to be prat -tit -all) walrus em far as lighting the ire wan concerned. 1'nr came of the bre is unknown. low about 146,000 insured to the Etna for A1,200. 7111 [t. Tt. A1.4 Melt LLTTRQ•. .1n attful dodge was tncd to ahatra-t :totem from the drop letter bot on the fat OIL of the post other '1'utod•y cveulnp last. A quantity of mucilage was poured into the box, and thou efforts were nude te draw the letters with the sticky substance on out by the use u( a stick. Thr parties who teed the trick are .tr00gly pointed at, and it may det••r them In the future to leer - that *ttemptteg to rob Her Msle..ty'a mall 1. a petttta•oti.ry offence. aortas. 44 0R*011 0 Ar .1'. t.r.oKG04. The following will hr the order of Bert n'.• on Christmas lacy at St. George's church 9 A.Y., celebration of holy Choral Ter Sanctus, Ely book, t;lona .n Exodus,. Anglican. 11 0.e. Opening hymn 77 . . /ideate F ideke. Vomits Exult emus 1k -ratites s Macfarten in A reeper Psalms 19 0.5 u .. 85 . Mare in A Charters. in F: Bat Mocfarren in A. Te Drum lir- u A Jubilate IM, Aathem •• There were shepherds abiding i0 the fiel4a".. . Winchester. gym, Eleiso0 . Llvey in A. Gloria Tibi..... ... .tt rt in C. Hymn 78 " Hark the herald angel. sing Mew.lclrul:n. :Venom by the Hector. Offertory "• There were whisp'rings in the heavens.' Cooper. Celebration of holy commune,:. *R. 5444.4101 1. 8111 MIT aTY.D. _i special meeting of the high school board was held c n -Monday lost. The tneulberc of the committee appointed to report in the matter of Mr. Moore's communi- eation stated that they were uableIu.agree neon any Further report. On motion of I►r. Ure, meow -lea I.y Ur. Taylor, the hoard ren instated Mr. Moore in his former position with Its former salary. The account of the cholrmwn, Rev. W. A 1 -rung, for the ex- pends of his trip to Bnmptoo and Toronto to interview applicants, $11 40, and The Empire account f -•r advertising• 81 32, were ordered to be ped A connnittee was ap pointed. on no.uuo of Dr. Taylor and Mr. Acheson, to 1n,railgate a charge 11f mines - &Lion teaching in the school preferred against Mr Moore ; said committee consist ung of the chairman, Mr. .lrmlan mitt 1/r. Shannon. The treasurer's bond wait presrn feel and accepted. The hoard then a 11-owrn- ed. _ EA- ST WAWANOSH• [rllni 111'0. 4*9 rx„t1ny6.tlpaxT.; Miss Seller attended G. W. Blackwell•s examination in M .ens • :m Friday last and remained with the Misses Holliday till Sun- day. C. H. Wlglamaa and wife have ..tiled .bow to the duly routine d life, after . duple of weeks' h•Aleytno.wt with frietwls. (he eve.in: last week K.,I1ert Wightman had the mt.t..rtunc to lel l,i• horse run away, hot beyond a few b001114 n' damage was doe, . Quit•• number from this pat! .t:teseled the I t'. T.'. c'ont.rt bat Thut•.•(.y nicht, and repel having haul a aldrnc1i.l t RIPLEY. [PR..., ...-1: mop t:11i::assr- - - .e vT• J .1. Smith. i' . was laid un ee shelf last week with • 1•.u1 cob; Kenneth McLeod iv hone from the North Swore for • few weeks. Mr. Macomb, of Varna, u renting his daughter. Mrs. Sinarbaw. N.I. Smith.nf soudt Ste. Marie, u spend i0g the Winter in our town. Mir Henderson, of Kincardine, was visit Ing Misr id. Irwin last week. - 1. 1t'ilktn«m, V.S., is kept very bury this last few weeks. .lin is having good ..mess se • vet. Wm. Rance s home from Detroit. Will h•. Iowa tiring on • steam horse' this Sum mer He says it i. wenn work bet good P4)'• The Ripley seethe tor The Kiat:online " Reporter' s too tired to write ap mane - thing fresh for his paper. reg Sakee*I. tomes es nicely for him to copy free. Marie of our good Templar* 'tented the sixth ntnose,0n lodge ked week. They it credit to the orderbrthe orderly way n which they left the villmge that night on hank's ponies. Th. Methodist Sabbath ..heo1 ie having . 'Anatomy tree on Thursday ...ming. fie .r.n,h.r Seth. The children are ender the 5 ab1. I.',Aership of Mie Martha Shelton. Nim Replies is .paring no pains in Machias the ynsng. Hurn arwnahip my they an going to elect their ermined ea follows for newt 54mar Rnh.rt Thompson, roe.. : ber% eEm .rt,n. 1st deputy: Wm. Wiles, and depot.: W D*•nd. mel Richard Rob.rtmos, e,unoilieea The A.0 P. quarterly me.14ng sae last Thursday might. Tike diem sleeted weir 'ewe : P. R • , Jae ASM, jr. ; C. R . S. R.ihernma ; w► C•, R. D. MsEeasIo ; . W., Alex. M.Ewnamn 4 J. W. T. Were ; r 00• 4* r7. 001 4 0. r., r. ��a ata. L 1. Bwwn I beta. T. Marko : madk al Akre. D. F. sailb. M. D. . EXAMINATIONS• T1s attew.rw0at t>.ndtdssw as sae 4. 6.r$.* ?abide aehew. The following a the result of tee promo itan .Ra..ts.tioaa hell lu the mistral and ward .choob of the town, at the clone of the late term. The pupils ren mooed to take 30'to each esbject and 50/ 0l the whole. Those I failed Ity a few :narks in urn sebiart ,'x4141.11, ett1W1_ proud Jacor 1V to Mouton l t Par 4021 ltu'ha..u, 11' 434: Brophy, F., 467 ; Humbcr, H , 466; McLean, W. 403: Mc Gregor. 1:,, 425; Andrew.,1.,436; fluff. R., 508 ; Graham, 0. , 506 ; Hak. M , 402 ; Hen pings, M., 464: let. 4i . 426: Tichbnurne, M., 461 ; Sheppard. K. H Park, W., 466 , Wallace. A , 426; Knot, A., 493; Morrison, K, 484: 11111im, l'., 419: Tichbourss, M., 461. !asset during the term Slr chat, K : Hayden, W ; Watson. FI. From Sen. III., Mies I. Shaman's Room, to Jun. IV. (Pats. 4151 Urpeodry, (' , 602: Dufi, A., 499: Knee -haw, W., 504 : Thomipeoo D., 418: Farrow, 1., h31,; Mc Iver, M., 594: Na(tcl, R , 479; 1'n.i,,.sco, K. 554: Stowe. F.. 487 Kee-,mn.e...1.d - Sharman, M„ 582: ('orneU, 1'.. 513. Pro- moted during the term S:ra.IR, (: - Let, N.. Morrison, R. From sten. 111.. Mies A. Sharman a Item, to Jun. LV. (Pam. 4151- -(St tiv, IL, 512; McKay, R.. 574 ; McLean, 11' . 47d; t'.rey M., 490; lhckwa, 11., 617 ; Me.loven. T., 457 : Vales, E.. 463. I;ee.w.mendr.d Rs sett, G., 48a Peer.' during the term - Melton, (' : Hvalnp. V.; el.1'i- .r, N. From .lam. 1II..Mi.. Hall',. 1•c.00,. to Mid - ale 111. 1 Pas. 252 Ilia. kstmx,'('. , T37: Kluett, R.i'• : 1•.,'.si , .1., 256; 11 17_iur, .1.. `258: Rabb, 11.. 2r : Rhyme, Y. :44 ; `kit taw, 1.. 2911: Shat naw, F: , 2911. Re- comit,e4uie.i er.tiee. John.254 From Jun. III , Me.. 6..,k'e k••-... to Middle 111 (1's.• 'Ga4• .ttkenhrad, 1'., 30.4 ; Belcher. E.. 2i2 : Ititil;hen,. F' . 324 : EA. ar•.1., W., 334: I;Ile:14•,t, 11 , :.i9; McLeod, d1, M.. 295 ; Marr:u, F , 616 : k des •.wi, k . 295 ; Wright, i:., w;l ; Fates, .1., 312: FenOw. F:., 290; Graham, K.. 2t.5; Unwell, L. 380: Hillier, R . 343. Re. -un, wended ('hn'rt al, N.. 33)4. Fr 1iddl. to 5t1.1,1 111 111.. 1 .lar ntan's Room , Dunlop, M. ; Graham, N. . C•mpheU, A :' McCaughan, R.: *cher. S1.: Mclean M • ':mill. \i ; Wyatt, S. ; Colborne, 0.: Tholupmoe L From Middle to Senior 111., Miss A Sharnman's Room M.ortow,J ; Stratton, 1) : %Valle as, L; Kirkhride. 0.: Hyslop, L. Ttehbourue. 1. ; Roherta,.I.; K-,Isrteat, Il., t.ives, J.; Paurwore, H.: Bain. W.; Morrison, .1. Intro IL (lose to III. Clam, Mr - 1 sok. Room. flacon, F:: Chrystal, C.: 7--;;1rdy. H.: Mclnto.h, C.; rig, F.• Kilbourne, A.; Robertson, Q : lillrrtlw, k; iltttri..w. E.; Viers.,From II. Chea M 131. Elam. Mise Haire koorn. Tamer F.: Welke, M.: Hexa. u, if. : 11 Albania, K; Waiter, T.; el.ck.tone, H.; Rork well. O.: Acheson. S.: Meow& N. ; McKay, L: Robinsn. k. From St. Uavpd'. Ward icirool (o the Central !lass 2704 Weetherald, 1 . 362; 1►ePeudr •, A., 345 ; Cores. 11., 341 : Wed• arts, .l , , 4 ; Rose, K., 321: Muff, J., 312: Noble, C., 309: Walker, F.. 307 ; Tweedy, St. (lair-, 290: Beattie, J., 293: SI1Hb, 1: , 281 : Ryer. W., 274. From St. Andrew's Ward School to the Central ( Pty 270) - Iluchrnan• H.. 35f, : 14re., K . 353: (.•rnell, A., 319: A/auger, A.. 317; Sutherland, I., 294; McDonald, 1 • 269 ; V i dean, s., 275; Vile.. W., 273 ; Juhnsvwx, 11., 272. From tit. P -tack's N and ScbooI to the Gemini (Peat. 270) Watenn,V ,357;Teals, L 361; Mclillo.r, H.. 324; Helcher, 1: , 301: Co .k. A.. 278, Frau, ne ikheaf•s440 to ss tVstsori'aStiR 4xnA--MrhcAulay. ( J0, ; Itevt aSlidds, C: Campbell, ('.; Horton. E : M.Douala, Mcf.su, It.: Metioeen, 51 ; Ito-Itwtald, 0 • Campbell, R.: Abient, N. Frtwn Miss l'raigie's Hoven to Miss It.;r rift's Room Knox. 1.; lt..htnw,, 11• : mal Iowa. 1►.: Horton. 8.; Colborne. M.: Me Lend. (;.: WAN -eat h. F. Prom Mies Huttons Room to Ilia& Addi- son's Hoorn Kate, N.: Ryer', .1 ; Fd - wards, F ; Neftel, M.; Hetes, 4).; Allan, A.; Morrow, 1. ; Miller. A ; Vole, R: N,veas, L ; Haley, H.: Kirkbride. W. DUNLOP. fenny OCR WOK cORLIMP40D145T. J Not the Ireton, bot the hand of our town constable, J. H. Harker, s heartily gripped b)• . large circle of friend*, who extend their congratulations upon the advent of • son and heir in his family Thursd.y of last week. Wednesday of next week the school af- fairs mf the section will be talked over .t the annual meeting. This yeo.r.l O. Stewart'. term *e trustee is ended and he clues rot offer himself for re election. Several of these in our maim are talked of as candi- dates f•* the ardnous duties of trustee for the coming term. bits Watson, of the Nile school, will he the teacher for 1892. Vies Halls, the present teacher, goes to teach • school near Dashwood, to this coun- ty. The annual happy period of the year in the closing .lays of December knori far and wide we Christmastide 15 now our per, tion. The time t. one of rejoicing in all 1 lads and amongst all people. All busts are filled with thankfulness and joy and the universal feeling of goodf*llowshtp is manifested in the m.king of rifts, and the passing of kindly ex°reasit.e& Flat thoughts of Weed ones passed away may obtrude theinelves spot* many who miss from the ingrain& • loved form that adorned it a year ave ; but let the sad thoughts pass, and their place be taken by thought+ of thankfulness for present mercies and the hope of reunion in the bright and hotter hereafter. A happy Christmas is Jos May weed's wish to all that breathe soder be.. von'. broad canopy in the eloping days of 1891. LEEBUHN. train. OUR owe . . ] Remember the eatert.insent in the church Teasley evening. the Slink inst., in aid of the Vabhath enteral funds. Resides the ppnrritgrun an address w111 he gives by A R Reilly, loudest of Kant College, Toma- to, who was psalm in charge here dense the putt Sommer. Doors arae et 6 D0 ; pro oso.linge to start at 7.30 Adnomiou, ad alta, 15 coot., .►dire., 10 *sats. Rev. Mr. Black 4444. week is Hae tdtaw with hiel fen A1elo mine host e4 the Point Farm will enjoy the pleasure orf Chrrtmsa weak m the Ambitious City, the gala of his tun. T. C- Wright W. R Melon -rah, R. A , station* of Knott. Orallege, Toronto, will prowl' hero sad at Minn eletw dr next feed'e Hay, in the plea. of Rev. Mr. Bleck. who het ggewntre to eland • few days with his family in Il.anit.a Os the ee.nitg of the 4th Wel. during • gust of wind, a Prrn dere was thrown of its hingestad fell on a little bey, a sea e/ II school Elks, who weeks fee Mr. Moreno a. ki aha 7M mea. '.s, McK4Hep beth bet of :rad, hr l*,, WowIwasIb•bias k..a LOCAL BHtVITIE8. Service will be held an North 51. Meth udui church to Christmas moruong at 11 o'clock The uwnlil teen tweeting` will be he1d is Ow Iowa hall next Monday es enter, .cin, usesictag u 7.30 len. 'hit tad 1). 1 .-lit as d cat through the lee :n the harbor as Saturd.v sad brought to land the .kill from hioh !leery limas upset ou Thursday. lir. M. Nicholaoo, the 11'.at-.t de0tlat, tykes the preservation ul the .wturil teeth a specialty. Gee , 1 from 9 1. MI. for the modem extras -tetra of Louth. The Salrrtawmnd 1h 1'1411 14lr at. church was well attended oat Ttosday. After the concert the gifts from the ('hnstr.sa tree were distributed ',swag the children. We understood our tow usurers .10.16 Kidd Is uegutIatlog fur the putting 04 of a ob..pptug uacktac for grate 10 meneetiuu with his cork. near 11e station. What will 44. go 10lo ,I..%1 thyme .terrier will be held 119.V.) it 1'ic tore -d. Methodi.l church on l:►rist.rs !thy at 10 30 A. w The :anular, lk. Strong oat. will reach • ere ser .o •The Natirtty of Christ IU are wehanuc The eiteapeet M. in 0o l () s pwa, t, orgs or rarukiism .e a .t W. Thom/mem. fail to give hits a call beture purchastlg , you w1U Got = ►ht• time spill Kelton. promptly a tun Inst weak b0weea easel and fur the do taste between the wreck Reverts sad the shore was owoidsribly decreased. Wm cold weather and * wast sued the between the vend and the beach ahoald mutely closed in • few dare. The freshets some few wake .ten. W Limon d the past week, w0)4.d away . ai acre of the land at (;alt's putut t ho beta smkses there the peat tee yeas, • he river's mewl • • ,tow larger aha. It lies bene themes twel t e or 6lteen Years. W. A save t Soo )wag seat ue ward sf recoil.' .d tureign express parcel of dressed sad uoaroe..d Preach kid gloves, mew mea- nie glue, and ladies' and gesttemem'e kangaroo glover, s, arrsoted urkreskabir Special sole pricee for the holiday •.neat visions to ah. (.rent Northw.etera !tat hlbitoo that greatly admired the di *rich organ Co. 'M.,, fest surpeaai g d1 elk sued etcellewey of sty, order and en ening e play of the makes of en to beauty Kially (,0v• y hors. manufacture WE HAVE f GOT THEM NOW ! JUST WHAT THE PEOPLE WANT OVERCOATS Having purchased a large stock of Ready -Made Overcoats at a great reduction in prices, we are prepared to sell them for SPOT CASH At less than wholesale prices. Call and examine them and see the prices Boys' Overcoats, from $2.00 up. Youths' Overcoats, from $4.00 up. Men's Overcoat6, from $4 00 up. These goods must be cleared out this month ; so call early and secure best bargains. IN OUR TAILORING DEPARTMENT We excel, as usual. Our stock cannot be beaten. Fit aid workmanship Al. Prices lower than our competi- tors. consistent with first-class work. TO THE LADIES :--- We are at present overstocked with Overcoatings that are suitable for Ladies' Jackets, such as are not kept by the regular dry goods trade, which we are prepared to sell for less than cost for cash to clear out. FRED. J. PRIDH.LM. 00 YOU WEAR GAMY RUBJEJS? They Are the Best (1otxl Material. Honestly Made. Perfect Fit latest Styles. Reautifully )Finished. Ail Dealers; Keep Theta. k Wears These Have You Tried Them f LATEST CABLEGRAM ! SANTA CSr1A. v S Has shipped large quantities of his choicest Goods for CHRISTIL113 PRESEE?S to F. JORDAN, ', MFSDICAL HALL, And cables that he intends mating his headquar- ters for Goderich there during the holidays.