The Signal, 1891-12-24, Page 8Leo ill• \t' of 4 0 11 fi H F:KINIiIN�Mt)F WUMI:H �E�.•'TY'8 ACTUAL CMAKM LIES IN T et/ E "PP.ESSION T r+EP.EOF. A Sasso M .r klielr.r Ortel. New It/estates 0 1k t vitt le Quire ,.•...,,..: t %at hod A It utaaw'• Lases ledge of Iturw,lrg lilt .l• -Odd• wed Lela. R hat is leeway. after all! Each sy�yne mole• it for kelt. V. u Houk Su•itlr's lad' iris, raw-buoel..d hard tortured. He calla her a etaagneweat women. mat woo Ilan what you see .0 70111 little angel, with Isar baby face and tiny 'Wore. ,;o, it v Mall wu•Id ovei; awl jet we vrtmei each give saumtlong to be beautiful after our two tasmm flow the pole e/a and lotions which tore to bestow uj,on poor bilious mor tan aline at satin and snow and the hair mark of superior holiness. lin the auth.city produ.eele troch : •nnph bemuse .•lertre n and pommies and coemeti.-s of all sorts of the Scriptures celibacy was held by the city au be distributed at a far ppearr • vin acral not ment .n to prove the tat.'t. church to be the genuine too titi.nt of a emerge of los, than sur other idol s. Yoe ill Frame old ladies ie. even being merle Clin•tian, and those 1 Iwtb *sees whu •rnlot earn' steam _I*) feet without ave• seer, at the cost int hail- their fortunes laws a atingle Ids took higher rata from - side•ble a ,udeusatien, but you awn 4111/11 - Net. we all want to I. beautiful: and if rii4 our ideas d beauty were what they should be, we might a•':ompli lr our airsite many bleakness and leve Mule all face, ple•reut. There:areplaisfesteressorlar g with the sparkly of g'..l Iciness that we lone them. There are blemished (noses an .wet that tbey are idi•a..ii.lat to leak upon the wont perfect After all. at or in the esp.ve .011 that the actual eiiat ns lies. New S ori Lodger A BUNCH OF BRIEFS.. CELIBACY ALL THE RAGE. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBR:R , 1811. . • SCIENCE AM) PROliIIE'S. arbor. the Meat 0...,.tter 1• o ('ease •••• Owes 0...d.... pal; Kamm.. W. D. TOMLIN WRITES OF THE EN- Odibecy u ceasing Into Maoism'. Madera r�y yuane mew and wenlen nu not lel! In bee ,alw.EER OF THE FUTURE. au dvaperately as to rush into . manap re gard less o1 c .acyu; now. N'itio tie &dvanc All Cngtwean • UI ywtIg be Required to int'tetellige.we, they are now more dispersal thou stet to give tlr. •abject .ateful ...0 ktws Al.out e.l,eir.ell. TM lse 4.1 lbs •ideratio., lodern nudely glow so acuate. lade. stet mad the .eitis•Iieg of veleer te.auce to love tat sttage and takes but little stook in srnl.n.ent. .ta Eraa..e rag. The Blue lfoak of New Voll shows more bases the introduction of riectrietty ate bachelors than 'awned sten in the ranks of commute nattel of fact, every" day life, blue Wood end money Man irgeh•.lerneu says W. U.'1'oluhu, in 1'1..1 1.1.1 I1.tri• as too eapeussve Ly the nleullrrig ot faahiao cit), the dencaud• for t*usns:era' power able clubs, and when our of their number hate pres.ed lucid a1 the brass 01 Ibe sou• does fell In lure. with a weidutgRua chi a%. attesting engineer Setae inc. have l,oaMt- it u the proper thug, as to style, for 1101 ed that steam as r motive po•ei 1. daemed friends logo moo mounting. rid its days are nwuLete.i. that ole•-tnc1ty l'sIihary, in the early days of 1 bristiaatt7, u the yawning power. I'erlap• a u, bµ0 Was esteemed a great virtu.-. It was up- the recent deYeleoprnent* tend toward the held by the apostles and bolt fatbrrs as • employment of 'stupendous steam baser to Good to 1'm.t.• ,. as Cain ., of the kitchen senap-■ooh. .1 n, nue can a.or treat h and weight to iris bYsiy by rullbirz we%1 with olive oil alts. .• warns inch. .nil ',..eau are tatr•.i••'1 Loch beneficial to delicate For simple Nutrlpasis, tato a both egg. beat it aa'1 thickest it with furveri:ed sugar. Fit freely/ of it awl uie hunks crest will soon tie g. estly one. ed. II the throat . note. • wrinE a climb sot of ,old silt water and 1.t:u1 It co the throat when gees... , bell : ,e, cr it with .r dry towel. This le eaaeeent, By rubbing with u Bassen! .lipped .n whine the hr..wn dlr.o!.rations may is taken uff .'up.: lot hare lee.:: used for ba: It is stn maple 1 feet th.it tine taste of the ,iuux, impale*•*• when the'ico unseat s tete: from the t al of a r•s,:n. • $kr.:nkee,. halt •at,ra I..1 l.iaukets air 'smfot ti. past using, . n a bed. mach(• gond .lids to. put under a -ta.r A *clod of soils beaten to a faun, - in stile r .ala.=e. or Mary. will cut tae Marro tram baby'* throat. j\ea. .1r metras. Acute eagles :and ge„rrietnc patterns ars Amos sa nesse: • •'..' as '.-rah iIes*ges. The favorite hengaliaas blare a de••iJed ORM diotim:tie semi, ate from iia wefghta,s A media violet has been adopted for gayer& samples of velvet and silk lately sere. Bengaline and faille are undoubtedly the two beet setting fabnue. except tbi idmnoard wrath. ltuesias red o • ri••h, glowing *bade of this, "toe. wbieh looks particularly aell in velvet. bengaline gra brocade. A white main ground his a sur.exsstou of acro;,+, with ..m5, cnd turning over, a..ren 110 a delicate old rose. Nike etc.. remelt., Dry I:odds and Fashions. -t'lettle Queen'. Kmart Saying. A correspondent of 1\,.non. wntsog f*mu The H ,gave, tells an : taevu.•te which is (rarrent there of little Queen 1Yilirelmiva'r vtotpttot. souse .loft tient no. of a %reign Ataluss•,i..r. The ,, tire, talked gravely See \linistr. for *01.w minutes. holding • jj,iyorae doll In her arms during the inter pee . At Imigth she Molted up archly and Wed "1 w0101:1r that v.,u ere not afraid tie a,mr rlear nor : ail n.:6- delle hare hal t*earl s, you know.' M wammleg HWeda. Mr-. Caro>!lrne M. kipaell..i.f Norwell. (Lin.. lin the reputation of knewinng more tion, That dr*n'.. rds. debauchers, glut citric and tartaric acid, cern i■ as about huiaming buds than tray l wo- te•oa and the devotees of sensual !Assures I pose. as man :n her State. She knows how to bait poet -ally do not live out half thpit days i• "mall proportions a5 1 per twat..exen:t" stool capturetlx•iu eritle 11 injury', and has plain to raven tine. ltat all continuous 011 a1 101001 eel's. t 11)1011 the metal. Heol Many times kept them to a gainer cage i phyeteel tlansgrr,.=ton. however IItnoeent Ituriesut and \loaelle shies. and even tea tkoigi the un:mer nrmths. Sire tooter it may stem, .: is fullnunl by a like retri anti coffee. have rls*, • tendency to dissolve stternpted to winter them. cwt when the Nation. i and Orionis allm::iliusm. probably on an -(sat time dmtgratioll "+rv. In ee.I1t Replete- Surb.i• the punishment winch overtake• of the tannin t•ennained iu them. bre. released them. • multitudes who overwork their brains gad --- - -- - - ur,Jerwork their. mita le.; of atot a few who The Cobw.h Customs, a religious point of rhe then {film whr tnbuteeiectrieityuearly_rule:mfrs.and .tthe married. - - -- - pout of distnitntien quer ainpetee mill be fa tuo,e primitive lams the' Ent near riswoat initial 1 ou ealm•,t trrn.mit 1 . pe r ego of a cicrgj(urt might be barely col by gem mg, rope, ben tug at- ....her Wife with- erat.d. but a second marriage was pre out r loo of power by shpl•agyee, frictit,a or hibited. St. Paul. it will be remembered. kindred .auee hint you r:ut ,It•i ribute eke - Was uppustvd h, marl tar. tint, kat and alt tr„ity tieeogb ten 1,11.8 01 lilies gad Ora the hint•, and he esp«:ally cried widowers to each renter his potted .4 electricity even au,..ng ' he batty, r.. l.fr..in front through u small dynamo ii -t in proportion marry tug a pa. and tante. bile , bur. h, as it as his coat tact call< for. l outs; teen. I grew In power, I' 100te more deterntwed t. .111 assure you of one thing. -go into the enforce eeItlocy upon Ow clergy. and while city tail ask for enpluyment ar engineer; iti.,ut the ti : -at shrug you are 4.,keJ is: "1). you Anon anything et.ou; t..liub cart of a .!)name •.r else: u.' plant' "No. "11•e11, we .10111 want YOt1. 1:anal morning!'" II ha. become allnont a pretssity that ,en engineer sh.•uld knua ...tne- thing of elcc;,Ieity tf leo rept.:. to re:ure eupleymeat. But on the deferent motor linea, the Olio', to a,1 enginert whose ear• her etoerseuce has beet, with <lnjt valve. is .s most laralyring. -tines farm e! Corner falseyeat, but 1testeam .•xl•a..Jr.ltin mill 1ltee eylu-dors an.l then t •u•len..-d' The apparent Boli pie .1* hect.me. .1.:.j,liea it- self when is tl:e .tau•ts of a Bulge. mean who operetes the rngt,1: for exlauel..n re-:11ta. with cylinders Iii'.'. "Ji and 4. by lin stroke at 6;1 rev.. in fart pounds 15,11 l pressure. givu.g lett* 1.. p. iwwk through any prominent engineering emcee!. and you will find freer u dorm to *11*.;. valve gar uotionr. An &*1 u1.: ..f the t'or•it. • en . I s is the indicator. anal the time i- rapidly correg to u:. when an engineer's education me.•twg strong resistance for centuries the Homan brunch finally succeeded iN ti... ohs jeer, while the t;reek :hutch cumprnt.n.wl se the .oa.e tea that a prim'. tnight marry, but be never as a married man could reach the rank r: bishop ..1 .curer high diguiiies .unawg the lauds *imitate!. 1'ooppee l.rtgnry VII. put the filial 1 ,aches 0t euforce,neet upun the lair of cs-I Iecy for flu clergy by a dot -ret to the effect that every Layman who shoo''' ra:erre emu - mentos fmm the h;uds of a married prier should he excommunicated and that every priest who uurrt, d should he dei:osetf. Luther is said to lave s.arriel mon to spite the Pope than through love of Cathar- ine von Bora, Whether this he true or bot, he set the erarnpk- for the Protestant clergymen to :tarry. a'tltotrgh he had asserted a ill'erf tints before tb,.t; tbuagli ••t he V.ittenbetg people are for gn'iue wires to the ntowke they shall not fore orae upon pie. I "di not km caught in the snare.- Rut though since the Reforma- tilo marriage among Protestant clerks -men trill by lneomplet.• who carrot use au ludo brie been the rule. t h. ides is gaining gustn.l - :Woe and adjure 111e valves of his ei' jtne. with many people th.it celibacy is the }Kat What the st tbe.Kopue is to the doctor, the cuss ti fiOn fa a . Lirgynnan. Vi stbout-s wife indicator is ti het erigIasir. 7-EAV 6.e pre - and family to distract his mind, they say. be ..ouhFgtve his whole mind and nttero:on to his holy ....ailing Others urge that a wife in many iuetaoces destroys his usefulness by becoming a cause of ,v.:iteutiem an tbe church. By other critter it is held that .when a initialer --who is bat rarely paid well enough to re- later him from pecuniary worries--leatrnes he gets hie Lnae °pub the grtndst.sue, be - tens es ab.trhe"l in domestic troubles. lases the cheerfulness that molt-se.•inne, a t'hria- tf•n and fails is the spiritual poser and eloquence 'bat build np a church by draw- ing the multitude. tkbere eootnod that too many mittaters' elves are like Mn. Pnwdie, who gut her finers into all the es -Amnesties] piejls by virtue of her powers rs Bishop befsind alis scene. But on whatever ground the argument Cr put it is that an unmarried clergyman is preferred by many. If he most marry, they say, he should have reuse enouyl& to put it off until years of discretion prompt Linn to let his affections fat upon a 01•n.:ul with mor.ty ep•'u •h to Minn: him a *good sad avoid any necessity for donee tion parties or charitable gifts .d wits and new hats. -Pittsburg Despatch. A RECIPE FOR LONGEVITY. Hoe to Prevent Tonreetf from Inning .a E.rl. Brave. The body may 1.. looked at as a' lit Ing machine. delierate and comphe.(ted i1 et rue: tam. made to ten a hundred years or s•., but liable by bad management t . Le dean ranged and brmpht to untine,y detente feriaem s+ are thenabled to eaalnine the Me,thiug agaus of the pianist. The Loo of an indicator. while refill -ting credit on the engineer who can use it. 1a a poeeede beur6t to the sienna user aid owner; he - (Millie a e thereby the cn.pile i,. s onsi,ered. The owner gets the full benefit of e'.ry. petard of furl saved. the savingbeinga bona tide 1raneaetios often *fleet mg the balau.e of n set of bnols f - a debt to the tear a<1uuut. The tune is Clea,• to -resod waren sin lodi- :,ttetr 0111 be a pate of tie. enby nc root, Mit- fit. and a daily' engtIe log he a• earefuliv kepi as the decide entry set .4 heoksed this general °flee. AL UMI NIMH. ne Resale. et tb. Reread EsPerlwata err K Two german eienfisle. Toot:, :u„na:enti.trwho have beesmak - iug extended experiments for the purpose of a•eertaiuis a the eetent to which alntieuium cru be used in the uranufacture of vessen to containrKstai•!ew Laye reecho! some ronels• steno that rather Neel the predi. twit of universal adaptability- ..f Ibis metal. These mee•tutaasaert that alumi:a'un should never lie used for article* which are required to isms. in contact with bo:1ing water. nor should taw. of this metal he used for the pan king of fruits, prose: res. etc. Expeti- ments •how.d that a large number of organic 3,1.1*. wi.te►s are presewt in brine. fruits. et.'.. hare • thesis. ent effect upu:t admoni- tion A.-.rourding to these authoritirs the light flasks of aluminium whirl) have been made to: an ter tin. are not adapted fur this par, my senna a w,aMlaa. estessted Nussian painter, Far - = an yam, ed s.e1r a serialist M hie ( luting once received • dseesteba 71"' irises bestawed on him the •wont el/ tit. t ieurge, winch is only gotta to those wkrdwtwgutsh themselves la war. Vessb gin happened to he in a small town which was beaeged by • large fume rl Tulrooleu. The little l aa.iaa risen win no Jr. aRRel of being Mew. Ahb g Cobweb patterns took pretty in Mack silk guipure. which. by the way, is always a by...1te lace in England. which cou•trr oho •ands us over the fashion of trimming. b°ar.ts with* thick write applique lace. Pen %lige hems are takutc on • clash Uwe. Kern and white designs premise to Le :.. ,rite trimming Inns uext messes. A 7.w x1y1e ('Inns•►. 1 new style la a short circular, twenty "Iasi I inches 'nag. all u use Moos except far t he bait: Ream. This circular. which mss a Stuart turn -.)own collar. carries at the hack a funnel -ramps -0, silk lined cape cion. Thus simple garment. abseil can be wade of plain or fancy Muir, is set dear, is 1 dressy, anti may find favor. Tb. OrapepesNeal." T..- the grape. festival the hall if. draped in purple and green. and the waiters are dressed In purple w ib little bunches of green gsrapes Warned bele and therm on the . demises The green grape. end their 1s, •• mar he mode •cry easily : the only materia.• ai.emeary an tame paper. wire sad , little sawdust. As Art Rale 1a them. \1 hen bright colon are used hy lades in their walkuog attire it should be borne in mind that if more than Iwo colors are used the third should Ire employed In very small gaantitle•. and cave should le taken not to give too notch p1Mntnene to the second 'Dior - Art AnMIAt. Mow sr. ROW. Myr throaty. Ethel Roo, Selwie►J the I,un,lnn (Linetn% girI in "Ito finale. am,u,nes by ar•twl .t .a peek of ins ell fruit every week of her :.ie 1t is to 111,. ah,dtsorrre dessert that she bolds her beautiful eolom grid eael.ied...ottiplet'fv.. Mow it A 1 rbanete Opened I'D. +e ]ro hap errs yet explained i' Wig at iia ISM rhea a bandana.", mut and • isiaisw.tsenna and a homely woman are yr.'s the street together 1 he homely wwa1M step ie the aiders. .mss Garet MOO rlh.& • - Mileelwhet appea 5 to he dflle.w.tA..,•.1. u, e1rpnlotte nod .. nor Mw infra ,t" fur lamps the orchid. gee hm.fdfwty Tareyea wee.. ggralli.aimal feria/ in Irreaolos ehiaa. with it. trove , are karma es tar - eels %v ante vital aurrgyr with anxiety, fretand in.tintrd owe. of many wInoverlook the great law of their pllysi .al lath( that snakes daily reenperation ,lepeild on the in• tetcbaage of work said rest. Keen Mint - toes of. the g.sps1 not unfroquently allow well meant fasthfubiess to end u1 a fatal metal strain. Om of the singk facts connected with ma.y torn.- of phyla( 11 tranwer•au.•tn n its twndeu.'r to araken the TIL./4 5;.0110• 5.1 the traa•gr .s..r I. offspring. The least • chile can a.k of its proggen;t.lr ie a fair chalet. 0t late. To aptitude, the vital in - her tence ul nsc* ofTrintng in vastly wore than to squander as large ancestral !,tate. We tan hare no more vahialde p..aiessiom then • good heredity -an ishenteuce of l..sgerity; :cud if tilts ins net ersicen• ell tet u• 11 Ir generally necallse ancestors, more or less remote, byre squandered it. Such an inheritance gives .v,n.titutional rigor, keep' its posrarx rife amid almost every torr' of impede', disease, secures the needed recuperative eniergy In .:age of attack, make. life worth hang un to the normal end. renders old age green and sunny, turd keeps up iatelle.•tual actieuty 10 the last. Mr. Gladstone in his ninth domes is more thaw • nisi. h f..r meet mem at all tit their hest. No one would gimes from the latest products of I0 Holmee's ! en or from his geusl spirit that hr holt lacer to ten years an oo•tngesansn. After all, core is ne.e51nry to the pro longation nt life, sot anxmu5 care, but rare to avoid harmful tran.greoinn Mr Glad atoms stall keeps up sten.' 1 phy.u-al trot else, and Ile Holmes. usas his rr*t know- ledge or the law. of heals h an,l left to keep him.elt not merely .1r.• lint in good work- ing eonditlon. -Ir. Tumhkt. ,n tae Chicago Herold. 1Mas. *1(1 lima. H. tells her how we.t+i in• ,hind 1 • M, T1t1 .1a'Madder,end -.4'1 , ; o. 1., :" Boit IMPS VT, tart tr.•r, no. nr,, -.l * be Tod acv * . ie yarn* b• •rw ant �we1t sister "What mak, 5 you an •I..wa• hearted to night !" Roel heather ' 1te1.1• of howor." Sweet taster -'•Well, ooh: dint yrs' tell p.pa, lie laver obi, eta 1e what bowor•ble Yn* Mot* .if an Affair "And hat Miss %ma:eour `savert np her theist nest ,t pine Why. 1 thought she, sat wedded Pt her art r •o Ili• nn it didn't even eo on far as GO Mr Stints& (.aatalatelg rrMM aetiousta ea his dusk) "I think I prefer the covet log ts. IoM wedded da Then titan was Ater Nate tallies and .slag, low i1 seems about all 'Wliy.' " Further than t!i-, it t.. claimed by those I :erman extort imenters that aluminium is not •.hinted for artiiaea that repine to he demised with soap or soda. nor i< unit• much praltad metal destined to play as important part in the manufacture of chemical uteu•il., for it s at tacked by such .1.010nts as phenol. sahcyclie acid and Inrush. acid. If these .-Larges tan he subst nutlet..I b7 actual ta.t5 the utility of aluminium a c•ossiderably ltttwit's . Harp-P1apta y by Iltaehlaerx. Hari playing by machinery n5 one of the latent novelties. The harp tr arranged se that the plane of its strine is heruental, the metnuneIt lying on the table. after the Nekton of a richer. Theo. as regards the written music. the notation of the tradition al stave has Imes an.sdnned, and sheets upnn glitch ars unprinted n.y.tenotu `roup ..f numbers are used m as stead. Whet eine of these ■hests ie slid Into • Irani.- merle for tbe purpose the meenill4 of the figures te interprete d Kari' of them fells under a string of the iatnrment, and by peeking at them in neuter'. al order with a leveled pencil of ivory the operator prolu.es a tone. Time and phrasing ale in.li.ated the .:peeing and alignment 1.1 the numbers'. nor are the requirements of harm's,. burgotten. Whey the nselod) el the air a •,fledged insui stent one of Inc figures is a' ompanted by • letter. intimating that a Mutton .ata. bed to the instrument, and bearing the same svmI,M. should be al taio juncture prease,t, this action. by INtngtng a small saw art ;very points into play, prodn.e. • chord storable 10 the a emsum --fall Mall llas- ette. ell the uu h notooeted OM the army 'Vet &begin island a musket and Laid out 'sway 11ip etur►eer+tqque looking Tunvmaa, whom he would much rather hag. palated. He,lutirrgul*hod himself 111 the Martis made os the tensity for the reassume as he put a. that he didn't rare to M lett behi.d. The !lineman managed to hold out until to ufotrentente arrival. Some time afterward general Keafsuur called on the groat acrd told him that the ('tar had given him the cross of St. (kvlge ••%\'bat do 1 want with the St. I:cow . "That • anther Ise:* our (bete. TM crass is herr gad you must take it.- Vershagu. refused to acrsl.t the crow, and I,enrral hau•fnas., lacing out hi. pen• haste, .int a Ohl into the btawa4 01 `e ,,anal s cow'. and fastened the eves., oa his i.r•.trt • i'i, tr. you Late ruined my only .0151. .:i 1 the asti.t. Thera was ma help for its lar 11151 10 Art ept the detonation. He -aid it was a earning to I Inver again to give up the leash for the musket. -Texas Sifting.. neon:otiose .ter Costly. TLc cost t . the j.eul.1. or •u •!1 litt:c clot - Soars as met a:n,r !a wa bar y • ::gsgesb ia. an.i i4m,••ci was eugatted in up to • day or til„ a;o, to •1r1/1 La' the at:atemtal jest u su.•d i the t 1.iira11 :Vintner:, err ..f Finance ea!tieglallt from Santiago slantnatizing this statement *aye that " flairoo'.da et loudest during the civil war an amount equivalent w paper money to r:1,011I:,O01). lit this amount he obtained g2O,I$$4.0(1 tires the ',Arpin. cash uu hand : rolt1,00too, by the• llfygal issues of tnite- alai naste- takeu from lac:,k-.. aiwl sancta•:,l*;i fru. the .0,111182; r• •. This "1 not i.:. i i,It the.ta►r wLu.1 stair met gent ss1ay withi the k mih' ail of an l:gills!/ *hip. 'Cobalt wuiolvr that Ma people ..f Hainan plutuleriel republiaa "re- volt - against the got crnurent..s•eailed. iReoneatng the 1teg.br Males. Paraore--"So you are ,meted. 1 bear" Hippie- "Veg.'. '4 lone to live with the girl's parents. 1 appose "No ; they have (vole t,. live atth rue. R n t neu.. lVIIv .lido t Mori. 414 Jiver hrr siteeth at -Co* ti,en: ••meta` T1adr1 t .he praiser -ea it ' "Oh. y. s. 1 he speech was rusty, bat her new urea* d:.i°'t ovate." Roomed. TT/residing wheat. Owing to the immense crop• ,.f whist this year there has been .. regular famine is thea hung rnarItiiee ,n the North..•o Is the. e.tgeney the reamed., tom -king the great wheat hell darned 'bewailing nalateto the wheat &11., and. whu was hamar, prorated a gang of tea ween to run alai plant A great number of ressehrime was carried hy sods ..f the railroad o.mnpanies. the limit Northern done transporting 12.1 t..nipletr outfit. .1s each ma, hate wase.apab:e..( tl:,aahlt:g 101st bushels every twelve Miura, a o.eant Huse carioada a .I*) for es. h "111111 or. 1.•r the entire n•inl.er "f outfits seal not by 1115 one ...nlpan) . :1$i c►rkwd1 far casts day a or r1, Tie rails -reels .Ilargsel .Khuag for the tr•.slpnrt+.tam and ra the ore of the tea abysm Towglet tag ah/os An Antwerp inventor has patented • syoto., o4 .ent.1atlem he compromised air for wee is the holds and 'abuts of vowels. The idea in reported to baro giwen mU.Is,Uwn. PUREST, STRONGEST, BEST. Coin sirs no Aiwa. Ammonia. Line.; y inisil gwa• DUNN'S BAKINC POWDER THECOOKS BEST FRIEND lA1Kt{T SQL[ IM CAMAD�. Patronise_ • Like Iagic," E onset produced by AjerO s 0.r7 TH onsetPostor.L Colds, Coughs, Croap, and tiure Throat are, 1a moot stases. IMO mediately rs ovsd by the me of this wowdsrt.i remedy. 1t the roaal organs, allays irritation. and pre vests the Inroads of Coasuspsio.; in every stags of that dread dtseass. Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral relieves sough- ing gad induces ref`nrNng sent. "1 hare used Ayer's Cherry Pnowral in m) family for thirtyyears a� have but always lowed it theehest rsora0i741r'sw. Droop, ts, which complaint m ch have been snh Oapt• U. Carley, Brooklyn, N. 5 "From an experience of over *111* s years in the gale of proprietary r.edf cines, 1 fool justified 1n re osumeodlag Ayer's Cherry Pectoral One of the beet recommendations of the Pectoral is the eudurirg quality st its popularity, it being more salable not► than it was twenty -Ave years ago, when its great 50(0e115 was considered marvelous." - it. 8 Drake, M. D., Brunt, Kans. "My little sister. four 'reare of ago was n. so ill from bnchitl* that we had alines' given up hope ..f her recovery. Our family physician. s skilful mag and of large experience, lees tomore give her any ore medicine ; saying that he had done all it was p05. .1181. to do. and we must prepare for the worst. As • lest resort. we determined to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and I can trolly any. with the most happy results. After taking a few doses she seemed to breathe easier. and. within a week. was oat of danger. We continued g1vuryl the Peetorai until .atitfied she was entirely well. This hart given me unbounded faith in the preparation. and i It conadently to my customers " - 1'. O. Lepper. Druggist. Fort Wayne. Ind. For ('olds awl lough-. task.' Ayer's Cherry Pectoral 0 rK1irA•KA, 1;5 O ►. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mardi. Pik -a/11 : r a bottles. t.. Rank La a atonia SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. THS CLEARING GREAT Will cnd on December 31st. For the balance of the year we will continue to offer good, at cost, Ladies' Kid Gloves. 1Vinton, Colored (every pair guarant• tJ), for 12,. 5 -('lamp. Klock Josephine (every pair guaranteed), for Ladies' Corsets. 1000 11 6c C. for 100 ('orslin.i for 125 Yatisi (:r -clap) for 75 B. B. (5 -clasp) for Handkerchiefs. - our display of Ladies ..Fancy Handkerchiefs at . Silk Handkerchief; 15c , 25c., 40c Berlin Wools, 4 oa for All goods marked in plain figures. Sl 03. i0c. anti 50e. 25 t•. JOHN ACHESON • THiS IS THE SEASON F(111 CROSS CUT SAWS, In which w',: lead. THE BEST MAKES OF AXES, At prices which will male you buy. CATTLE CHAINS This GREAT C(H t ' 11 t RE, this tnlemlt al CONSUMPTION CUR}: Is without a Per, tlkl in the history of medicine. A11 dmgveli ire authurired to sell it on a pos :;ivee t;uaranlee r test that no other cur_ eon sc.(eer•'ia11y :turd. f you have a Cough. Sore T`•: vial, or Bruncbiter, tie it, for it will care / u. 1t part *hill ha he Eroup, ole Whovine t .o;,c, ass it ptotti:ptly, rod relief is sere. If von i:tr.•.1 that to so. !incase Cr,NSUM' 10N, dee': /.Ji ;q nae it, i• mill cure you or coat ac•.' 1s` yom Druggist for SI- t:il'S CURE. t':,.: ie eta.. o cta. and $i.0. H ynnr la:rt:� :re sore' of Back lamp me ^SS L11 : ^torus.: Plaits:. =I ars Nf:RE \%E ARE A1LN WITH IN IMMt.N- F. htTIICK ()f r:(ri,tnws 8:01.1*. all new and fresh. wI: !LAVE The ars-avast variety of any Aquae in the 4;444;•,..10 r 11Yrt•,,1•1 tay. .coatlotthe necessary. the , OtIRTHINC Tip rlt'IT I.VENVft0hV. The tonna, the old. the rich. the poo r. iN FI-ItNtTI'ItY. Kverytbing from a parlor suit to a kit .dace a• .1r. IN TOYS AND FANCY UWH)IM', he newest and trrrartat variety the arae str.rda. No tire. -mu:.- or w Ater tined goody in our 'ock. Alt new aril Coven. S ANTA 'LA!'R 1111le-staoll,Mel h:. bcadgn..,tree with us. Neto goods 0051111,15 in every day. CAI.L AND MKE 111M Kvery body wekcornt. - WE AHI:NIIT Gi vino sp borinesa. K' e are here to stay. WE AR-. NOT Slaughtering (foods. We mane theyobber' sad Inan*fe.eteer5 du that when RUYINO FOlt CASH. And can wise ear customer. 1181) LOWK:'r1' PRIcrg To be hod anywhere. NPRCiv1.TKRttw To reacher• getting uD Christmas trees Rig Ml31111 TF.e pbtre--Santa ('lass beadgmarten. .4 EMIT H'4 Bazaar and Furniture Store, CRASH'S BLOCK. True Competition. CI!INGE OF BUSINESS. THE ('.s.Dl g Panne 44.11..31 h'o'e TaLu,KAI•H has hays es'a&W.ed Io Afro 1b" poM.r a a..,';laa5 level a with fair and per menet tonnlr't NM. it Is maiaerd oro Marines principles end in .All i..,erest „f 1 • patrons. it deserves rho *0(1x1 of every poems w ho believer in mantes.•ion . r •• getlea Seagate • •w 1:,/. Camps n!• 11 ewe. •o•".•"lies .snh all lines sad es bits 1. 1.1.44 -IoW. fared. a.d Iterepe. there 1hr nth w; ,•. to all penes la the M m• h we•:, liar soh ('...tem tits as t l'*ei Sr Coe M Ogle* 'wale la K,d. N ane,.,. R. RAOI'LU'VV 2117-V Local Manager. O.derleb. PLAN' ING MILL t(lithatef0 deg. Buchanan & Son, SASH, DOOR and BLIND, Gooier. 1a all 01.d. a LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES £.d hlptder's Malarial of avia7 daseenstle. School Furniture a SDecialti. THE GENTS'FURNISHI GBUSINESS formerly carried on in McLean's Block by A E. PRIDHAM has been 1 by the under - sired, and the public is invited to call and inspect the stock. which ham been well botn►ht and will be offered at powder prices. Everything in the gents' furnish- ing line kept in stock, and especial line in ladies' and gentlemen's furs has also been added Call and nee the Christen as novelties searionab le good*. 1 7 A special lie, of ties, value at 50 cent*. wart ot3lerexi at 25 cent.- This is a rare. chance to get a good article at a low figure W. T. HAYS & CO., Car. Montessida ad Nom display of New anti The finest in the land. at right price 9 R. P, WILKINSON & Co. SUBSCRIBE DIReCTLV TO T14( SPOT. 1$STJ($TRSEOOS 1(l ITS ACTI111. For CRAMPS. CIIiLLS, C:.IIC. DIARRh DYSr'.13TEI2ii, ����)) e.ad ,4 1C'. • V Cr.,..: s Arw r 1, HO RIMED/ 07.:12.3 4-14 PAIN -HILLER. -s •(: s'iidl*R Chestera tend .inti H f• ;,r, :.ln'.t:.S*fr,--� t 1 a Rt"silok1• tt a, -a,YJ 1:1 a WPM Alter: t1nea• tMt etST Pits:LY aLU 1 PT mums, EF J I..EJ. SPPAfl S, R?;EUhlATISRI. NEURALGIA r.ld TOOTHACHE. 001,0 . dm Pao • soma, t Bewared comttAita ani tmakilmaa • THE Canada's But Family Paper, To ro n to THE xA\IILTOti House WHIM SPECTATOfl 1':]L.1NG1:1• (No 1wecnylw. °natalas All the Irma, Many Special Features, Crisp and Pointed Comments, The Most Ztertaining Stories The Choiatist Literary Matter, S;vasytaibag for B ,.. $1. TO 111111 JANUARY '98. ;1 Thisgamfwaatt papa from now till tat Januar'.. Illd-lip.orsadirg 'atter weekly and our great premium picture. -lsuytlie Ulf LOT P.." tor only 51.0'. Agents Wanted. Lateral eeraimioe to agents. ' good wont foe this district is wanted at one ono whir will lake an ,eters,. to pushing the paper and wall make a tharosgb eanva s se Ane dimriet. Foresees and particulars address ttl'k('TATOR 1'RINTiNO CO., HASIL7e11. CANADA. "ME KEY TO REALM, IS THE LEADING DRI GOODS BIPOBIOI. THE LATEST AND BENT FAIJTI AND WINTER 1 GOODS NOW ON VIRW. P. O'DEA, Manager• ....1118/11111110•••••45•••••,.0•1411 a too e., In A w... "••�- 1.••••. .. 11 mon. 1n. l d.a• rr .ell (KIN.•r. 4'aer.,,a�t.tea. e.r .•...•••• oa1►M . ..,51 'roe roman ow ...a •.s.. .+a•. .e.r:•w ..-w. Ma. Io. ••.. w...en w..Ina,n. Ina OW '••.Ly a.t,15 • aa.. *name. ,.. M .art Ina.-~ .. rl On civ ..igal. r F earl•.. w.......,• -n, gee. ft. OwUee..t e•a.. aril si