The Signal, 1891-12-24, Page 6WOWS ea,: 4 THE SiGNAL: GODF.RICH, ONT.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, I881. ?he OigaxT, The amr151 newer 00 linnitun.ass4. is PVSLJwesr IgVSRY THIJIt$DAY MORNING •e a. lasmilMeirrIblef. OSee of PubItemise r cad 1e. N.rthetr.tt. truderM,b. 0lutarlo. Tyres. of S.b.erspsasn Oae month. le advance . $ lI ssThree neo.tly ti thee year, I w 1( credit is awed, the pl2MS res Fess t N will its advoestaltpa Mess sled .sear cassiaIso. peintitle for (less &.+obmid d 1 teats per lifts fees e•oh wkrel. l ,neertion. Measured by a soapvw/l sssf► en cards of sin lines and under. $5 par A of lost, round. @grayed. agtsati.as yeoman, et;taations Waisted and RuYaese chromes %Vetted. sem exceeding $ Uses non,rreit $1 i"•r mouths Houorw lea Oahe ,led Farms oft gala ant to exceed s I.nei, 21 for Ore month. Mr. per Nth eg.ent wonth. larger ad, Iv. in Pn.purtioa- Aay specul nose, .•. tui object of wl.ien Is to pram:e the pecu..iary benefit of any( todI- vidual or rampart. to he considered an ad and ehareed sncorvliwtiy. Looe' notices ie nonpareil type one teat per no notice. Ira.. beam the Loom! notices in ordinary reading type ten •eats Ler curd. No notice fur leas than Sic. Nes loft for undies and otber religious and •esevolent Institution. half rata T C.slrare adveeelee.senls. 1 limited number of di ed advertise- mMts will be Lusa-rind at the following roues Per loch. one iuse n i. •n. .. ... .. 213 4i •• fourinvertion. 100 •• thee.• the t w ail mouth. .. ... ..... 1 es " one year ........ 504 en No advertisreal Mas theta two inches in length will he erk'ul.ted en above baits S oar cosi. diw•ownt allowed her cash payments ea Santer Sionth.'.0Sgraet : 1e per omit. on six we.ths , anti Ib torrent on a years. Ther coed itl on, will be strict 1. ea(oroed. /bans ••Tb. nine." Dellvsy. flaiserlben who fail to re•-eive Ter :*ION►1. Ietelarly, either by earner or by wail, will Nmfer • favor by amps lentulo us of the fact at in early a date as mewl ole. Leat as T.rr Label. Your label is a.landirg receipt of the date to which Feu are paid up. See that it is not allowed to fall ism senor. When a change of address is desired. both the old and the new addrea..borld be Risen. Rejected mtaaosrnnts cannot be returned. Corers-ponnue.oe must tee written on one side of paper only. P.Ms.aer-. TNlre, J. C. to Tomei. of (kelt-rich. has been cep potato, Loral Trn, ell.%.: %gent for the town- *hipe it lioderteh, Colborne. Aahtleld and Ws - enmesh. Loral poetawasten over the district are also empowered to rrcei -e subwripttonu to Tor esostat. .1U communications mutt he addressed to Tao 81YNa4 llllsphmse Call I8. .+eerie h. Ont. • 'i110M, TINUNMAT.11111C. SLUM DAY OF-.PUlLICATION CHANGED. TIS $aao4AL now appeal. on 'Thur. air, sod will hereafter he published en that elf each week. The change i, made :n the interr.t of hundreds of readers of Ter SI,NAt who Dive in localities serve.' by a semi-weekly ..r tic weekly mad. who hr%r hitherto been placed at a dfsarhaetage in obtaining their favorite conuty weekly on time. Altering the day of publication will ales cause our wide awake torp. of .-orrespad• mita to tend nn the r budget. a day earlier each week Tuesday being the latest day for receiving crwrespoudeus. A large number of out weekly ,.onten.- porwries are now published on either Wal. today or Thursday, and we feel assured that the change in Tilt St..vL's day of publication will be satisfactorily reetived by our tbouaands of readers. The change in the day at publication will eneasitate the wending in of eopy for .rhpioges of advertisements a day earlier. Notice of changes must he glen not Liter than Saturday ,loon and the .•npy left at this office not later than Monday noon. 'rug Ahbottitea arse hinting ata Septrm DK Session. They ws.h u, pct oft the es rl .lay. THE bumptious young Minister of Marine and Fisheries had better tell some of his terrible political tales to the marines. They are too fishy. Now that West Huron has been opened hy the Tories they don't know what to do with the opening. It will be a deadly dan- gerous hole for any Abbottite to step into. How dos it eines ChM gR to dile no pro tested elf -cites' 1a'ial has been brought on against any el the Cabinet Ministers Are the election item worked with a _ W.aT in t.be world does STANLEY of Pres ton do when he is not fishing, attending rams or dnawiug hu salary • if Marisa is bounced. where should tnarrtT and Homier sad Dawns.► be' Hue Mr. Mow*? was a real nnsvhty man to steal the old seg from the Tory teeters. He's got the grip no it. anyhow : hot Gol. D►wmo►i, of Toronto, will persist ia banging me els the horn of the mai tare. 15 our Fsrsare iauldotee are not • rac- es= this Wilder it will sot'. the fault of As Oat.rin tiever.mest The Previewed Aashistratmo i• putting forward great dens is behalf of the 1 ehessm eines ak..irons Dorms, took Adel of hes Department Wrest • scarcity d My and • duty of per $100 on nor horses the farmer. of gourds fed like tearing the restrictie.l.t Osee . cwt oat of paws and plane by sets lore.. Wool Baleen wall hit scans n the throe Igsr•e, a.d It won't .top u elle three !madrigal this the.. 011 00.7 V Quoins b • limy one Its 1!!S 1D• lievr.tla.tus was sawed by Lest A.r. Leese/ass lis, big bed d a end stenos Cables.. At tet Idss. IIIc. Amass tares a 0eoaher d Ib D• 11 La Ad 1 • plot. tib 'awe Mr. Atmos ilea. Oveaa.mr cif a Qtis. and atter he Ma diagnosed Premier Minces and ler osttesgues, for corrupt act*, he calls is as bead of the sew Clabber the mins 11s Bove mime our who was 'muted for J - osele y is 1078 :mad Qs.bse oat1nues to gross leader the yoke of the boodkn Kisoen,s and Quebec West have been Parliamentary saosncies for • .umber of moat,., and there ane word of an electioe being held In either lemerk has lust been va•aLJ and the election is celled for Ute. 31. Will any et oar coo. trees. give us a %slid reason is tab canner lion T THs rank need Ms d IMO Vas.rvstive party is West If urns •IN1 kssiis0ad with the action of the petitiemer r naming to tight toe protest amours M. C. CArsao. to the bitter eel. They claim that if the cases egunst Mr MOWN were as flagrant air The :star coulee& the editor of that journal must have "mid out when I. ( C was let down eo Mildly. ('RtasTtsla Taft. There is no time if the year when rich and poor alike partake of such feelings of enjoyment :as at l'lirietnl:ts ti unr. True, the weather may 1w• .lull. the roads may b.• unuikly, the oil -title Canadian Wint•r rosy linty Vine to Europe for the tinielw-iag, lout in spite ..f all such dr:lwluu•k. there is something around anti about us all that makes us feel that this is the season when all can rejoice, be the extent of the rejoicing great or small. Ther• are opine who tell us that although this gift giving season i. be !tetra to b e the anni. ervary of the bieth of the Saviour Eon's greate_ t gift to. tont. l'HHI:rT's nativity did not o.•0wr at this season of the year :.t :►II : others go further and say that this Christmas eelehratimt is only a festival !sorrowed from ancient hera*hendori. which honored its grxes by the burning of the yule log and rejoicing;s aceotn- panild by great feastibg(. V a have no quare[ with the learned men who advance stole statements and propound such theories, and we are not going; to dielte into plata to disprove their assertions : but one thing; we will say. avid that i' The Suet. ti. is glad of th.• anniversary if for nooitho-r erasion than that there is a general heart-warming once a year. when millions bless the fates that a festival of •• Peace on earth, grin[ will tow:►nl men, exists. It Is also satisfactory to learn that the festival has existed for nearly twenty centuries, and that the benefits arising frortt its annual celebration are being better understood and appreci ated as each v.clr pats.•s by. From the oldest autheptic journal extant hearing nn the festivity TIM aua4A1. Is ...nettled to present to its trailer, the• story of Inose Tiles. ►IK.T • 114l1,11A• .'.ase l' 1N : And then were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field. keepin - watch over their Hock hy night. And. le' the angel of the Lord came u1/ no them. :and the glory of the l. -•rd shone round alw,ut then . and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear sol for behold 1 bring you co .1 tidings of great piny, which shall he to all people. For unto you is born this day iu the city of Wive!) a Saviour which n cosier the Lord. And this shall be a %Igo unto you Ve shall find the babe wrapped in +waddlers;; clothes, lying in a monger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising (Ion, and saying, "• (IMry to (.o1 In the highest. and on earth peace, good will toward men." And it cane to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven. the shepherds said one to another, Le_ us now go even unto Bethlehem. and see this thing which is come to pale, which the Lord has made known unto no. And they came with home, and found Mast and Joesen and the babe lying ,n a manger. And when they had seen it, they mail. known abroad the saying which was told them concerning the child. And all they that heard ,t wondered at them things which were told them by the shepherds. Tei sass frit.. (+very now and (.hen somebody comes to the front with a cure, for the drink habit, and tloe- public st once take np with the fad, and pour shekels oto the pockets of the astute discov- erer of the "cure" until their eyes are opened to the deception, and then the falling "" off in revenue is .harp ami TI has) welt observable in ether things 1 besides the core for the drink habit. Hsuant.n'a preparations had their Joy. and litany other mexdicinwt now cwt of date, or which have awed I „ brought millions to the e`rbw sdrmMrs who placed them before the public Their beginning was as startling as the •• pigs in clover " and other . rase.. and their end was almost as suckleNl- Today the scheme that has obtained Ole widest celebrity in eoniwrtion with the alleged reeelainatioe of drunk/mei, 10 what M known as the bichloride - dots, the tiMINI cry d owe Dr. Laimis K KssLY, of Dwight, 111. The sanitarium where the cure of is said to be effected has been largely patronised, for, unfortun ately, North America both (Ninaala and the United States pays a heavy tribute im inen to the drink habit. But lir. Mini! has not been a1 lowed to claim that his treatment is the ue plus ultr•aof systems for curing drunk - anis, and sot a frw of his medical brethren take Issue with him on the question. :t got throw who op pore the aptrtle ..f tow biehluritle of gold cure is Dr. I1. M. ('owas, former lag a resident of F.xtler, Huron county, Ont., and well known to many of our readers. For a number ,f veer. last Or. Cow Aa has been a resident of Chicago, aria lin►become a prominent moinlwr ..f the medical fraternity .4 that city. Recently he issued :t chal- lenge to 11-. ti ir.t.v to discuss she bichloride of gold system, and Wunder - take to prove that the treatment was a poisonous pn,ces. and not a penmen. int cure. The challenge speaks for it- self t self and is as follows • 1 am welshed, as a result of long study of - tho phenomena and cure of drunkenness and the phy en.lugial action of bichloride of gold up.n tee human . eun.,my, that yo.r mown ed e•.re is not a permanent one, out rather transitory and temperas y ,n its character. 1 claim the parsing exhilaration of your lechluri.le of gold vel. In the time to done. when the system has thrown Mt as .e-ou.l poem, leave the pateut with these tenden- cies as a result of the awful mental strata awl shock undergone more pronounced, more marked Snell being my •seiv,e .1o0 1 must take issue with you on your treatment. 1 cone0kr, from a scientific and humaor staudpvut, roar treat uusctent *ti.• and tnhuluan. f consider that it dors not build up the phy.itaal conition ors tone, and aug- ment the mental fa. ultimo', but the reverse that its result must sooner or later meet with failure. 1 would respectfully submit 10 you that 1 nave for years been quietly treating the hal.it of alcoholism with pre- parations of a purely vegetable character end in their nature. My treatment enlarge+ the caliber of the mental man and permanently adds to the tinder of his nervus capacity, and also physically :wunges his appetite for the liquor and builds up his constitution ravaged by the drink -habit 1 should be pleased to unset you Friday evening. Dec.18. sod share the hoar with you in public debate. Please re- gard this as a public challenge fora debate un the subject There i't the * er•n.e of opinion between the doctors, and our readers are at liberty to judge for themselve.. Tllk SIGNAL continues to have its own opinion and that. i,. - There is only one way for the drunkard to be com- pletely cured. and that is by summon- ing enough will power to keep his month shut when liquor is around. W ELLE, .[Isar iRR ft . i .. e '1'h•• editor of The Star did a lot of talking through his hat last week in the matter of the West Huron tote tion eta•. To hear him rust the puIlie would :iltnost believe that (11r. CAMERON had run a moot Ialariningly corrupt election. and ought to have leen disqualified. For the sake .1 argument let us admit that the statements of The Star in its last issue were true, and where will the editor of that vera..ious jour- nal find himself! it is a well known fat that Mr. MIT(•HgLL the editor of The }tar, was also the petitioner in the West Huron case. As petitioner he hal the say in the A _ _ or rejection of the terms upon which Mr. ('+tor. tox agreed to resign. If there ens the ghost of a chance of disquali- fying Mr. ('.yreito' by bringing home personal .Marge+ it was the duty of the petitioner to fight the battle to the bitter end, and thereby get rid of the Man for West Huron for at (east seven long years. That was what petitioner Miretir.LL should have done, but what did he do He simply acceded to the . that Mr. CA.EROX ehosld resign, and left the (vast clear for that gentleman to make another ten -strike on the, restrictionist party at the h . Then the petitioner took upon him- self his other part of editor and hied him to his Went street office to bespat ter Mr. CAMERON with false accnsa- I tions that by his previous action he tacitly admitted he could not prove. If petitioner MITCI.LL had evi- dence to disqualify Mr. Caysaon by bringing home personal charges, he was disloyal to his party in not preen- ing them, and the legs silly talk he - uses in his net'wapaper the better he will stand with his own party - many • d whom look upon his withdrawal from the case and his subsequent - braggart talk with a suspicion that a •olocout" lies in between, and the noise he now makes u nerdy to draw a herring across the must. How. Joao CaOLIW. Mss ..t pad ham wain..'' by the Rath Perth (or,.. Mva Or b the red esshie. (. a seder coal 1w Hest Joas t Ma Aon.rr was Hir Rem ALrw's pay• toaster when the 1360,000 ef Media was paid sew to (lir Joint Merimeeu• ler the proposed Paella. Railway ebastr2r. Um a pare Deversmeat be imparted .dor the iamb - briber and A►hww of limas immolate t L Lamina, el thresh lwgno and erotism integrity, to get the rows d Gov eroeeat into his ►nada Swim of um outside are busily engaged noruatIag U. T. Ruin here-. for Woe Huron u the ll.sswvateve interest. They ought to give the tlmlt4'a Hill cosveuuon a chew -ego far as armies% tag goes. Ir Limn. Gov. Assume is right In dbmes- lag Ms.c i*, Ells Kacelleewcy Sr*sisY of Presume r wrong in not turning teat tete (Maws buodlels; and it 8rANt.Y d Pres- ton le right in his ivastion, thea AEustt's dummied of Mar IER u wrong. We leave the solving of the ulnuo.lrutn to the •• pone. .aainurum roan of The 100 milt n Spectator. Tut letter on the house of ref age by an ea -rave, which appears in another column. ..pens up a fresh phase of County Someone % l'ouuty Ketraragsrlce. Our d points out ilia the correct' of 1891 in voting theme'', t• se extra 260 per .lay during memo made a personal application of the Senptur•l injunction, The poor ye have with you alway. If that construction he eomr•t it is small wonder that a home of refuge for the deserving pour u not is favor with the aiority of the county eouneillon From reveling the opinions of a number of uur esterned l' cswntempot•rse. we hate formed thr opinion that they are very much .,ppeed to M. (;. Crimmins politnddly, and if they all voted in %fest Huron he would probably be defeated. La ('Ar*t.0 . 015.1.1, that Sir HgtToR !.A>e:E%IN was promised the Lieut-Guscr worship• of Quotes: when he resigned hisses' in the Dominion lahinet last August, and that now ProwiT Auiwrrr objects to earrn- u;; out the hergain. This is really too lad. The swap between .(NOEas and LAP...Etta should have been completed ere this, and the Dominion would have witnessed the ousting of Moneira for 'Dulling by Boss Boodkr Lt0sp*IN. There must have been • misdeal. sure LITERARY NOTES. A valuable article Ly the Rev. Dr. W. S. Ibinusford on the ebaritahle work of the rich among the poor in New York will be published m the forthcoming number of Harper's Weekly. Another interesting feature of the number will L.e an Moderated paper nu the utilization of Niagara Falls as a mechanical force for the opsrettos of machinery. with view0Tseate tdiew ebe constructed for that pewee. Seribser'■ Magazine for January m the sixth year and eleventh volume of this periodical, which now announces a cir.•ula- u.o of more than one hundred and forty thousand copies monthly *which u mutant- ly increasing). 'rhe plans for the new year include, betide the more purely literary con- tents, remarkable series on the Poor in the World'. l:rrat Cities : important Hiatoncal Momenta by eminent mens who took part its then, ; Out -of -Door Papers ; occasional railway articles on Rapid Transit, Australian Railways,Speed in Locomotives on important water -ways, like the Nicara- gua Canal, and the water -route from Chi- cago to the ocean : ales tm:el, exploration. and abundant fiction, including the notable serial ' The Wrecker." by Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd (►+bourne. This tint number of the year which promises so mach interesting material is particularly beautiful in its illustration, containing another of the Blaahfleld articles In which that artist's best work is shown : examples of the work of L -,w, Vedder, and 1 bx in the group of papers on American illestrstors; pictures by Supine Morand, a French artist new u. an American awlienoe, anal reproductions of sketches ie chalk by Washington Album. Of particular Interest to lovers of art and literature are the articles on Paris Theatres and (onoerta," by William F. Apthorp: •• Itayreuth Revisited- by 11. K. Krehbiel: "American Illustration of To- day," by W. A. t ottin, and •• Some Up. published C. . , of Washington Allston.'' POLITICAL POINTERS East Renee Reformers have re nominated Mr. Truax u candidate tor the House of Coxinions. Richelieu Conservatives have nominate. F.. A. 1). Morgan, of Sorel, Que., as their candidate. John Charlton M. P.. addressed a large audience in the V M. C. A. Hall, Buffalo, Thursday night on Canadian relations. The South Grey election trial resulted in all the charges being hammed except one, on which judgement was reserved. Major H. R. McL.enn•n, ('.onervtive M. 1'.fw t:leeg.rry,was intimater! Thursday last for treating of voters by an agent. The Provincial Government has ezprea.e d its approval of the proposition to sell A.b bridges Marsh, Toronto, but on the under- standing that payments of $10,060 wi11 he made to the Ilovernment until the principal sum of $200.000 is paid. The HaIdimand election protest trial will commenoe at Cayuga on Monday next be- fore Justices McMahon and Rose. William Sutherland, member for North Qu"Appelle, has been appointed Deputy Speaker of the Northwest Legislative As- sembly. In lenggtthAy jtdgnsent■ Saturday rimming. Justices to.. ami MacMabon made their final delivery on the North Perth election protest. The wort was unanimous nn the point that then was a, wilful nor corrupt act committed by W. T. R Preston in sap plying t1. T. R tickets to voters. The in- tention of the /:read Trunk Railwayis giv- ing this trsn.portatio•, the judges ,was to provide free primage for voters u order to oleet the activity of the C. P. R. in the Conservative omen In this there was a corruption, the court ruled. sow meld the word■ on the debet requisi- tion, •• Cherte he my order, W. T. R Pn► toe,' he construed into • corrupt premiss term ler the ticket, se dm requisites was si with • stamp whielt was need s am in o rrnal moaner. I1pne tea.. greens the jdges dismissed all the railway tesket charges against Jamas Grieve, M. P. Milo They ..it di.ni0«I the personal d givilaraag a voter 2E in a.naIvien Merge simssd the protest with eases to be p d she J.T. Oamsew, Q tkerCa-., pM.. dPI.! , sod R Oder, appeared g the petitiwww- S, Immo a @sola. Will yew load As wsvlda,! ib. sip& pwt•gs d Ae ears appeases d IW mssg dhows year telt if yea las .ilsed be the oaks d sa.fag 60 meats es res the rink and de k k We !sew bio wrest.... NM 1l C. ales mom poir.. . h arm bib NI NM= OVER THE HURON TRACT. ITEMS OFINTERE$T .20R READERS d Woeslty INgesa oar tses.N hews ensued is ants a•ery•ey-rests w roan. yelp• pad said tDe.Msseed AM avers seeaie. -Tess Creams glebe tre.q new. M were. The Mechanics' Institute, (:Nuevo, bas derided a expesdieg 2100 our sew books have (nob Mss bora apputated caretaker Westfield church ata salary of $40 paw 4 •ar0m. J. it. lbysul's has a.:aeptej a position with W. J. Chromium, Immo, of Winghaus, se traveller. James Viet has rental his farm in CC field and iatea's remaining to Wawa.osh la the future. James Miller, of Wtnehsm, who had heel. • is Manitoba for the lust year sial a half,ba• returned bene. Mi,. Maggie Holmes, sister of Mrs. P Gatto+., sr , Chews, left Lost week on a visit to Kittle my, Ireland. Reeve Mann ng, CI moo, has had a 1 mg e ..l se. ere ■ eg • this t me. bat bin man frond, will be pleased to know that he i on the steed. then will hie five school trusters t1 elect ties year, in%Vutgka., in pia. -r o1 four. tow al.: to the removal of (Iwo. Petty piece, ward Ne 1 will requite two. 1'haft W..l1ekeon, than ores .4 Walter Jackson, of Brussels. u now in Poetised sed theler. C. W. kas seen smites a hit of the world for a young man. W. W. Burst's., p . 1 haw leen laid up for a few day% moms t sold getting into a cut on his bawd, t awa11g something like blvd poisoning. ning. Mrs. Wen Smyth, Winghenn, was away last week near Lundell, attrndIne the. tun eral of her sister -in law, the wife of t1'm. Rail hey, formerly of Winghaw. Miss Ellie Prendergast, who has here I:•• Ing in Newcastle, P . for the ase two years. is at present encoding a f.•w weeks' hal:.lays under the parental roof m Tu. kersnuth. Rev. J. W. McMillan, who was assistant prst.•r in the Presbyterian shun h. Sea. rt' , Lint Sea.mer,haa located in Mount PI • a t, Which is a isobar!, of 1•aocou•er city, Brit- ish t'olumhts John Scarlett, l,dadbury, is laid up by accident. While splitting wood recently h• had the misfortune w 0111 severely one o' his feet. 1)r Bethune was called oaf dremol the injured !member. John T. L. Server and Ins brother-in-law, Mr. Pierce, of Calgary. were in Seaforth las; week. Mr. %lever now resides in Vi: toria, British 4 i•luiuhta, and thinks very highly of that Province. ?eaforth has furnished Woodstock watt, another goal citizen, in the person of .)..me- Rurgete, whn removed with his family to that burg last week and who will engem ins the restaurant boons* there. Haicynn B. llendcrson, whn has tilled tho responsible posit inn of teller in the Beak of Commerce, iasfnrth, the past few years, hair leen promoted to • similiar position in the Bank of Commerce at'MrutrraL Rev. John W. Kelly passed 11 away to his reward Thursday corning His death was caused by that fell disease cananmption. He died at the residence of his brother-in-law, Geo. Wade, Wingham W. 1V. Meredith, who for several years has leen book keeper for the Messrs. Von - Himont]. of Senforth, has taken a similar position with • Detroit firm, and leaves for hi. new position about the first of the New Year. Mn. John Irving, lliute., received re- cently front her son Jams, in Los Angels, an interesting c*nosity in the shape of a horned toad ; it r a pretty little animal, and is said to be quite a pet with the Cali- fornians. In Lucknow, lea iter. 14th, John Bryan died at the residence of his son .lames, ors Ilamilton-st., after a long donee of cancer of the stomach. Wooled was 66 years of age, and was the lather of elan Bryan, editor of The Se•unel. The Monrovia, Cal., Messenger, of a late time, contains an account of • runaway ac- cident s cident whereby Mrs. J. F.Twitchell, n( that place, sustained injuries which resulted in her death Deosa.ed was • sister -in -paw of .lames Twitchell, of Clinton. Akxaeder McDonald. se old Seaforthnte, has been elected mayor of Winnipeg, hy • majority of 281. Mandy will teaks a goof mayor, and will do hie part to extrioat* the Prairie City from the financial slough into which it seems to have fallen. A bylaw was voted on at Exeter 0n Fri- day to remove Lb. market from the corset of Main and Station Street& down 10 the Often hall avowed*. which are nearer the centre of the business part of the village. mei resulted in favor of the bylaw by 50 majority. While C. L P•pst, jeweller, Se•fortb, was fitting a watch crystal roe day last week he had his right eye badly injurer! 1 he glass broke and fiew in JI directions. Chris bad four pieces of , 1 from his eye by the eye speciatist.1)r. MiBacher., mod i . is sow resting better. On Saturday, 12th meet., Master :learv, sea d Richard Gorski, Kxeter, was out rale bit huntfsg and was about to shoot, but before getting the gen to hub shoulder it du/charged, the explosion e•mang it to strike him with such fora* in the face as to not his lip badly and break throe teeth. As Wesley, son of Jobs Kerr, Credit.., was w,tb his brothers amsistiag le emt straw wits a straw cutter, his left hand was near- ly met off by being caught i■ the knife. finder the skill of three doctors the injured rr.emher was sewed up ad the patient is doing as well se oo.ld he earthed. .1ohe Klgie, formerly of TackereMith, wt... removed to the Cypress River district, Manitoba, last (Aria!, is at present m Tuckerwith guidng ronds and looking after bissis&sa. He had signed crop this rnwtha He saga shat he likes eke censer♦ eery well and Mot the craps out then, this (tyrear, are erweehisg ItsnI.o.e. 117s.Oios r 7151' Fogies. 0, 0U .flovireshUis end growls( very rapidly. Ter meet piddle A of the 'emotive of the (bwty Of Hume bb.th dobuel Aseooiatau• was Meld is (prints l..t week Then wen prw.t several others Nes the executive, there baiag key J. H tliwprm Brumfield: Ree. W. Craig cad Rey. J. U0low•y, Cha - tent; W. M. Draw, risafertbi aid Jaa Bush, H. Foster, J. C. tltevesasa, L Taylor and R. Habeas.. The nest meeti a/ l'oe.ty Association will he held at WMgbar ua Timmy sad wedo edy, January Lb and 27. Th. members .p..t oosaiderwbl. LIMO 1s afrwtlglu` • program awl .electing speakers, and then r every likelihood that t coming meeung wall be most Interesting and profitable. temperan.-e Ool,renttua under 11r amps cm ..f the Metb.sli.t church of the Macaw Iutrwt was Mehl in the main street church, Yaetet, on Wedneaday, the 161b inst. A seed etteo.Ianoe of delegate. assembled u the afternoon, and an interesting discussion took place .a the .ul.prt of •• Mural Suas- ion," introduced by Rev. John Russell, • (:impel Temperance," by Rev. J. Nrthcwott, and the •• Loral Optica Act," by Rev. W. J. Fool, favoring the oununual use of moral suasion sad of the Inatome of the gospel in ctwnhottiog intemprrancr. and also that the influencx of the church he used towards the securing of local option in the venous municipalities in the district, and pointing to eke s.oessity i1 securing as far as peaible a pronounced rep rreentation in the municipal council. A large oo•grrgstoo assembled in the evening, trod stirring a.Idraries were delivered by Rev. W. Mclknagh on the religious ast* of ureal abstinence and by Rev Ceo Boyd ors the relation of the 414.51100 to l.w cad order. DEATH OF JUDGE SINCLAIR. ne Wass rormrr Residents( L-derfem ..d • Talented Sawyer. [MOW TSB HAnit.ru t THelta I After au illsees of but a few days' dor. mum .lames Shaw Sinclair, senior judge of the county of Wentworth, dr.d at 4 30 Thursday morning, December 17, at hte late residence, Herkimer street. Death re- sulted from the severe •track of paralysis with wbu.h the .budge was stricken on Tues- day last. He was partially conscious almost. to the end. The only surviving members d the Judge's faintly aro his widow and two children, Mum Stuclur ad Mr. He, b.'rt Su- clasr, of New fork. Teal ieseral will take place .t 3 o'clock 0s Saturday afterases. The and eserp wkiob formed such prominent UMW. ,- Ti judge's career and which were gslsdentiv d the high and honored pnsitiue M'M the de. o-emed gentleman attained &Lead sat beton the youth of ('ands as worthy of emulation its the fullest setase of the teras. Pluck, per eryewax and sterling honesty Darned him ..comidully through a long preteasioaal el- periesue w the position which he has held for revere] years past that of being one of the best known and most talented prances of the, Province. A Canadian m every fibre int his nal ure, ,u all ht% actions he never ewer%ed from els loyalty to the altercate of bis na- tne lard. Hess fatber was Mr. Akxaafer 1Incisir, of the township of Ramsey, for- merly of Caithness shire, Scotland. His mother was Elisabeth, dauvhter of the late Mr. John Shaw. Deemed was boru on April 7th. 1838, at Haitsay, Lanark coun- ty, and recessed hu 4411V cdacguo. at the old Perth grammar scb, d quid was also un- der the instruction ob • private tutor, pre- - piaratory to his eotert.g on the study of law, which he .. u ao early age In the office of his uncle, the Late W,!hi.= Mc - Nairn Shaw, M. P. Judge Sinclair was called to the tar in 1863 and hours that tune until 1888 • • Fanner of a century his was s life u! unwearyiag attention to the details of his business, and, once hie elevation to the bench, to the duties of that penttoa He hot ., to practise law' at l odencb in partnership with Mr. Alexander Show, now of Walkerw. Al tau age of 33 be was elected • beer:her of the Law Socie- ty, being then the youngest eseseber of the liar aver elected to that position. The year 1876 was an eventful pet cud is the judge's history, as it was dunng that year that he was created a Quern's oo.ssel, re-elected as a heather of the Law Society and, om April 20th of that year, appointed county iudge for this district. Hs then severed his outs- nection with the law firm of Sinclair, Seeger A Wade, of which he was senior partner. He was one of the staunchest Menthers of the Reform puty, cud prior to his appointment u, the judgeship of this coney took deep interest a Provincial a.d Dominion politics, but never molested as e.ect.oa a was looked upon as o.s d the brightest and c:le•ereet lawyers of bio day mid participa- ted in many important ttiala la 1874 he acted as Crows counsel is the case against Wm. Beals. whn ass tried at Wel- land for the murder of his wife at Fort Fane, and who was found guilty of man. slaughter. I. the same year at the Gode- rich Fall Amon Jadve Sinclair defended Joseph Frame en trial for murder and se- cured his client's acquittal. lite was equally a.oc•eastul in bin ddence of Mari. Mott, a young womb•& tried at the Spring Amines i. 1876 for the murder of bet child. Judge Sinclair'. Haste were moat displayed, however, nn the able meaner In which he oo.ductatl the pragmatics of Mclb.nell, the Hamelin+ botcher charged with the warder of Neta Milk. Al- though every *Bert was made prism. er's behoof, sari leo memos m the securingof clever eo.wl, the ass as pre- sented by the tioai.eat Crows neonsel was strong. sad MMe primmer wee convicted sed exefested. Judge S,.clair, is 18117, ns,vid on the Board of Arbitrators in the celebrated case of Co.niee against the (Samaritan Pacific Railway Al the oke of the arbitration failing health e.wpell•d him to spend the pear, .hick teesive.! iw. tajaryiron (rod, following Minter and Spring in California, and does sot rwgralt he•i sold hie8se -a.d he reter.el ro.ei ,eer.bly tmpov.d in ►a.ltb .ail d cat. rho farm in Tookersmith rww.vimg es -„_`; health is br Manitoba coral W 4 of be - (:id. Perry, M Brussel., Ont., sod (Art. t cher. a Armada, had m eateliescMokseno TICJ•dge wastl , m i. uirrd an. wreaths,g watch at Almost, 1(154, ed- t4drabt• practise'. se s •Ind •txp.ird an. ...day miming of last week. Perry was to nwpetstie. se an ..than, ssver•) of his works being hese b me _ test throw Outeb r throe time. is 46 wheat.. becks 1 esg the ba4 known 01 eh•.. Tb. Bret fall was ..eased 1. tau mle.lea, •r. , •'11be1• I'. DI•Ws Oomrt Aet. d 127'9, 1M •gond 4528.514.. t►ird oe.ld sot he i>Is0 tad IMI," " tliarl.ir'. Division (Joon Irds (a.odea.hb. -n changed ►•.da L•w, Ileo, Iib ad 1826 ftiaelair'. sa 1be leads Cesetatiileted moble. Overt At4 d 1*2s ' TM ♦ d Ilea I.te H•yky' lap 81 s dhow !.+'lard mai TMsi1," ' Ai. - ....e motion' V S*4.eth, by o/. ►. .Bair'. Ah.eemdhmt Ditk.r's Let,"t dee Th• Naito., •.14st.rda 191b heat. TM prirriiy i• (y .or Ii.esaa Ad d Oat. 4.," week w.. liaal&,1h a 1 d tw. soa 1I few blew p.iplsbed N's y.r Jdta li- - - h ea the 1st i e the teat este 'l'h.m war• e.m witk Mr. - RWwg.r p.roho..d by Miss C•r.ry, d Hibbert, fs, des, dmies.d is the kar. 2660. Mr. lapse.•s late reds.+• r Ng M w.• married le $..riwua, ar..M et s.sden . sees pmroh• 51 b► tM ..sent Rua, Jw V1. M, of 114141.4.'s 1oAss moist •.wp•st, Jaw P....N 1s, 6 Tk. 1M sow d the Jade"( 4.514 we 1/ peeptsstiss ewe ell tar ..i/ resolved MA the wont Ths W blvharw from sag. :-Ws keit • o frtly A hes pes sod peablpsmjty y We secs yesterday fes J.smo [ d Tow W partly wooer troths, d Ales. R tkb AVM. AIN io rash( 'mined Is As .d p Mr. i y k s bet tv.m.d bow heed.., seri hemi, elenes kb his baa Miro. wbssu he kw Mea be the peat low bio Me say a per A HOUSE OF REFUGE. THE SCHEME ONE OF ECONOMY. semi. Mare .... . le yg`w..a es amok - TM (eeo4►lltssae•S WINN pe,,, os wows a or she scheme, not Were la nes«era .Naos sores, ITO Tn■ MENTOS 05 T.► PILO •..ALI Dada Sia, -As the quest/ea of • hon., of refuge has Waged lake attenttoa of the people fora oo.erderaWu time 1 need tate so apology fur staking • few remarks un the subject The (pest itee...ity for suck ea I..titution Mae bees w ahlp plated before the ratepayers d the moiety by Tara Snot I. cad other county papers that nothiuc news sbosId be required to unlace the comity mooed to take earned sad immediate motor 111 the matter, the mere +epochally ss it has been shows that the pressed millkeeat and uncharitable manner of keept.g win• satne- lunate poor ea mach mon expensive than would be thea o(a properly wowed y.. tem. Enough has been said wont the enamel - hue.. of s place erected fur the safe ktrpum of felon. and criminals el every charastit being nubile tie home of I•nfortunst; era lures whore Gaily crime u belug pummel helpless, and that ofitires from so fae:t of their own and beyond their power to pre- vent. The ssesmiiueas of the enitisn ,. the least part of the objectams. Apart frees the fact that It is Sts impuensen os the pod ottitials thus to baldest them with a truttble. some charge which would Lead to be a ►ied- raace to them is the discharge of ties legitimate duty, it becoames an actual uuisenoe, a•.1 from a sanitary pout of vs.. the wonder is that Lie practice of sending re. called vagrants to gaol has been .lowed w rnnnuoue sin lung. la o•se of the .hone *Naar of my of the tnU•at-•, as m of poor imbecile: 1[sry' Brady,who'shod late ly to the gaol. how is it possible for the off'icer's let them to ever s.. bulimia,. kind •.d attentive (ad t he present officials are all that) to. gi%o that full attention whirs the cireunwtanc s of inch ease would re quire' How would moue of those who top pose a Christian mode of providing for their poor suffering fellows (from motives of to:moray) feel sf they were slick and dyial; to be Armed up to s narrow, gloomy lee at the end .4 a log corridor ted there r coo tither kind of plasm In • gaol!, there to await such u,.•eas os•I attmotten as the . lIcials other duties aced their good nature would permit thorn to give; 1 think, Mr. Mins, -hailer a very sheet expurie ce of that kind yea would hove 4t ie trouble in tom tmoi% these as to wheat is the better place - i gaol ur a house of refuge. lone edi4w assert* that a jealousy eases between the towa.hipa a.d the towns sed villages, the format thinking they will •• br beat' in carrying out the house it refuge system, Such a feeling need not e, ist,for the expenses would be contributed nt the Mine proportional' thr other requirement, .d the county, and up to the present the townships bare furalrhed their full proem tion of indigetlts to the present county pre, hour But such objections ale too .res: for a utotmeUt's osa.ideratiea. The Clinton News-Itecoid speaks of tee of the most intelligent towsabip reeve's say tng at the :cat Jaasary meeting of tea cam ty council that •, he wait personally In h for of the scheme, but he dare mot etre out in favor of it, as it would cost him hes seat. 1 am a.toslsbed at this slstement. 1 was uudcr the imprsawa that at no former meeting of the aunty council had such an utter dreregard ben shown by the large majority of the council for the opinion of the ratepayers se during the year now coming u. a claw. Prom, the thaw the county was a county up W thattimeshe reeves had been content with $2 per day. The question of increase of pay had indeed been often brought up, bet that sturdy sad consistent advocate of a house of refuge. Mr. Pat Kelly, had AN odten demanded s record of the yeas sad nays, and the inerts..•• was voted down It remained for the CORP cd of 1891 to display that cordial feeling for each other's welfare which engenders charity. and they each noted the other an extra dollar per day. Where wart thou, O, Kelly , 11. walls did not resound thy voice: •• Take doves tie risme+.'- Thin at the small expenditure d fifty dollars per day hive the large tuajority of the council shows their d' for the people's ,.pinis and paved way for further .b•ritabie deeds. Now, 1 rout Tll.1T IV THE covrerY M Tu a 0A1E A MAW I RRrt•..R 1.07 IT At FM 151 05.Nen? o, THOME w Hone (101V 5TA5 1aeAM. IT AND *Hem Mr7rUt( nl:5AxtTT wOC1J/ .1 - LINT A4* moven .summers Fran ell tarTT. i■ rinc•luwoo 1 weal' say Io three wh, hare been advocating this .atter so hog Keep at it and success will ansa crown. r efforts. Yonas rslj, December 14, 1801. B. -Rase►. I SUCC pit L pA1IeIoATES .cue Wm fan g1 M ig1 re Mani tr.m.aen• The Homed of Rsaminers for the coast, of Hero* ea dm peel mismsl esarinatiom sf s.didates for lei -clam certificates as pat, li: school teachers is the Province of ()•- iario completed the examin•tic. on Sats, day last The following eaadidates aa•v pained Florence M_ H.11, Amiss 11112.., Aphis Parry, Alli* M. Johostcs, Agile New Mary McIver, Raabe IEBrtlly.M*ry PMis. Fdi Robinson, Roby Robertson, Moirs•ret Simpson, Jamas J Cloonan, Albert (lobe Ise, (leorge A. Foster, Clads 1. flaw. Pilliam H eggarti Maned Hawb6•, Jar vie Heary, Aloe. Raise, Alex. Moir, Hears Merrfsb, Alex. MaDnnale, Jolts Maims. Jobe McNay, (1*org. A. Hassel, Herbert Thompson. AT CLISTO1. Jessie (:raM, Jemlhs lisle J.iM kirkby, Iib J. .1=111.161.44:.,Jewi5 Yrlsa•rd, i.faa. J. Iles lo, R.•triee Alsee heoily Y. Perge .sseed Jena Hold.wedl LW. Jerreims•Jet.C€,,1ip.eell..sy, Albert A. nad, wdllfasltljms William Rollo tan..k D. T A•irw Taybe. W Nlmsev, ileal. Aid, ]eb* seers, .&mines.*.. will be sashed .►est lh. 11M iemenhr. x P Ratj.. M.A., Iba of Reared. (led.riak, Dna Met. lam. (1.1M YY iso►, ll.E q..1g• M• a coo is cosi, ►a mM :W • o..ar. ...limb !!Ie sac off tees hist (nemsliaNs We IK damply Isbl Milk. buil iter' r sol Ne /r.L. fes.. lob dish J