HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-12-24, Page 5THE SiGNAL: CODER1CH, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1891.
i;rtumig Ilj jeans cf tilt. Perles in and for the County 1 )crow for the quarter eneliog•Deo. lith. A.D. Mt, pursuant to the Revised Mutes of Ontario. Ub&pter 76. lection 1
Aiawut '1tMae wham i assestmetzar
Penalty, to he rid Time wh.uiro whom paid ewer by
&a . of Co evn:tug Justice or Jtwlitr. Fine w to mil id pa ! said J usawx, sod
Ilstrtstre. JarNoe I ohm.
anis of Prosecutor
Dal* of
'Naas of Beaallant Reams d Clary. argl. C.
1Jaha Yale. _ h). Md:f.ais. 'Ikrank.
2 W.. Burrows. Relit. Mclean iAamalt.
3,1oka Vele. th.. Fraser. 1•agraooy.
4 •• Pike.
3 •• Mn. D. McNay.
A. Mclean, i i tealiu rasps.
0 A. Bingham. R. Blesett,
Nat- Blunt. )
7sok. Yule. W Malnnb. ;Vagrancy.
8 o John (Mainmast
9t.. 1t1. Dsalop. LakeKelly. i.
10 Thomas Pollard. Disorderly conduct
11 '• Samuel Pollard. Nur.
12 1:. Lush% Albert WhItesides. Tbrowis snow balls
13 Wm. B.Ilantyne. John Brisson. Unlawfully selling liquor Sept
Mantes Munroe. Mrs. 1'. Hickey As.s.uh and battery. Oct.
15 Win. Ballantyne. Wmi. uska:v. Bar open sod lythe kerning. „
10 That McElroy. John L. Brown Mantalicious dge to personal pro y ••
17:Walt/ar a:mea. Wm. Patterson. Insulting Language. ,•
18.(:eo. M•s,n. rhos. Small. 1prtarbis(( public worship.
19 W. J. husky. Thos. t'rnar. Sul ligmor during prohibitedl•fsly
20'Joha A. Roberta. Peter McDougall. Action. IbouralNl)ot.
21.John R. Miller. Jas. t ousts's. .tale of liquor in prohibited hu.ru.lrfep•
22 •• D. Zimmer. !We of liquor during probih'ted hrs.' ..
23 •• Sam', Beattie. Violation Sec. 68, License Aet64 ..
4 •• Wo. Bright.
25 o Noble llarvy. Violation See. 58, License Act, R.yt. ..
26 o Wm. Scott. 46 ..
V •• S. W. Iain,. ••
gil •• John Fergtisou ••
29 o Ie:. Halliday. 6430 •• J. Ballantyne.
31 /Gall. `ttemmer.
82 Jan.- Breckenridge..Davnd Breckenridge; Assault and battery.
i3,Hush McAllister. •Ales. liken. ;Felonious stealing .1 money.
i4'1' Vrrenuni. Walter Jamieson. illisorderty conduct.
John Fergueon.
it,.loseph Spears. John McMillen. .Destruyi.g fruit.
IMallcdm McMU lea.
:,y " - ;Wilson Irwin.
;o •• 41w/idU. Hacker. . "
.41 John Jamieson. ■etsa lkrennen. ;Abusive lanearfe.
.1 Wn.. Jamison. IWm. Taylor. ;Breaking down gate.
!.loha Jacek-eon. @Imo Nelson. IAbusive language.
.3 Matthew, 311.N all. Shekelton. .
44 Frank Freeman. I.M. McNaughtea.'Disorlerly conduct.
...John W Jacques. illshett Fe,:guswe. ! tssaalt.
jI Silo BMW , Mayor a I ioderick.
F. holm«ted, Mayor of Seeforth.
/ i0'ltorthwieh. w 1Ziwaerer
, „ t
I ••
I 00l
1 00
i o0D0'
1 ,
John Beattie, J.P., aeaforti.
1 ••
1 10 ..
20 ,• •e 100' ••
26 Wm. Clegg, Mayr of Wtogh.m. 1 00 Oct. 26,11
11 Jno. Met larva and H v Steep,,1.1'.'8,(listen, 25 00lads .duiy.
27Jr.n. Mc(larv•, •1 P , 1'I,nu,n. 1 00 Forthwith.
14 A. Hunter. J.1' , Brussels. 20 00 To be paid by 26th
17. "
22 A. Hunter and R graham, J.I' 's, Rressals.
22 .,
29 „ ..
249 •.
30 A Hunt• r, P.
20 R tit -ahem and A hunter, J P.'a
26 Wm. Mallough, J.1'., 1)uugannon.
Town Treasure!.
lY alga void, why sot, sad
gitse.IS_ . if *ay
21 bays a gad.
i3 mouths In gaol.
6 months to gaol.
iCoatmitted fur 5 montls.
ITWm. Hsllantyue, Lumina. I,tape,;tor South Huron
ransomer of Ser forth.
Wm Ballantyne, Licetose Inspector Soeth Huron.
Treasurer Seaforth.
Treasurer W iighasi. 1 s
License 'repeater.
Town Treasurer.
of Sept.. 1891. or 10 (Myelin Rud, witltosL Mbbrr.
i►ismissed with cost.against pro.su .
W ithdrasn Al. prosecutor
10 00 and costs, to he paid by 8th Oct., :891, or -30 days :n gaol.
Prisoner committed for trial.
2 W In one we'k 1 And costa.
5 00 • •
1 00; Forthwith. 'Township Treasurer.
1 00' • •
1 00, "
1(10, "
12 Lase disatigwd,
1Howick i •' '
21 R. (unchain .nd A H tinter, .1. P 's. ; .1. P.'s, 2 00 and costs in one er'k y failing distress, 10 day. is pot.
29 d liNiter,.l F'..-t.r,1; .1.1 li.ebge'. Burnett. _ 1 00
'Township Tteaaotsr. llO0 C%1.
1 hereby certify the above to ire a ce'rre.rt and true espy to the ,'est of siv
knowledge and belief.
(R A LEWIS, C'.-rk of the Peace and County Crown Attorney. -County of Huron.
Clerk of Peace Office, Goderic.,, 1)ceefnlw'r 14tb. 1801.
---Gare is fl.:t.esn's-
-Opposite the %target. -
Money to Lend
-at -
Cheap Rates,
Farmer's Notes Cashed.
Goderich Stream Boiler Work;
F:.tataiakod '06.
Chrystal 84 Black.
Ir. Stuck For Sale:
1 50 -horse -power upright
boiler, all complete.
1 6 -horsepower upright boiler
and engine.
1 6 -horse -power engine.
1 48 -horse -power horizontal
boiler, complete.
1 50 -horse -power slide valve
engine, all complete.
The above nave been thorough
ly overhauled and warranted ill
Brat clans condition. Ready for
immediate delivery and will be
sold cheap.
Mail orders will receive prompt miasma.
Worts s OM. G. T. IS. 0ta44u..
SW Repairs promptly attended to.
P.O. BOX 881.
SEND ¢k.in damps " a
,g.,m..ntde flsitkl
Ie o•. ,,,J w.• will send Jou by .xpweas.('.0.D.
hi.elerant wstebwhich yo fym nesiusdosta .m
1t all cut even more
than we rt
bol H perfcaat-
istartory. pay the
llxptess Agent Oa
SPErli..00d Sake
watch. Ash •
chasm to SWAM •
at sash • rttaa•'
y low mem le
solldis n. H ar be.
jrufare. olllraA•
iGet pveb
doe n t1. n=
.n11d hew. rap s.a
crown, hoetlat
osar,be sntifnli is
travel sant hi dost
proof The wart.
are Waltham.tyle,
richt ne.t. with eTp•n.imt balance. r
"Ea and w. warrant It an areurats ramie
keeper. t is suitable for either a lady «
gentleman. A owdsete.e 1. a with •ash
watch. Andre. pro. v t VT a co.
Watchmakers. Yet
ANIS tilt
Hypo/010W it Lip d 3Ma.
No other Emulsion is so
easy to take.
It does not separa .. rlipr
It is always sweet as cream.
The most sensitive stomach
can retain it.
Scrofulous and
Wasting Diseases.
Chronic Cough.
Loss of Appetite.
Mental and Nervous
General Debility, &c.
Beware of an imitations. Ask for
the D & L " Emulsion. and refuse
all others.
relict 6OC awe W Ka SOTTtE.
old b r r,- Jordan.
10D US $s Io;, ^ slip d pep« tby
we will Beed Too eampeld Ihie ■utua//•• r sa0
These rt
seem Wye
e ety. biBila
Ass SI
0PTRIIOeaNlaTissfS.. sso
«ota"n Mlaoa-otu. tiewese ter iws saA
saM.Vanodes 6e;ore`rh
feitutifxf puritan
>•Ttiiswar. NI ISro still Ne+ rest.
UR L , J1.11t."S FARM.
t nary %ant l or Now the Bood
111.. bits own toll - How N.
re .twat. got along very wet. tone,
- one of hi.- former lielper., now a Wail
Doth in 1'1rogw. rite old man, th..ugh
.Iways hid his view- ..+rout the proper say
do th,mge." !
Some use tells a'story on Uncle Jerry t..
tan ether, that lerwas we time twitted sbont
Was 'sing a fanner ..d replied tbst he was oat
fanner, but aa agrlwlturist
1)1.14- What is the di,fereouer be was asked.
**Weil " and Uwre Jerry, with a twrnklr
bole%es it«t warn a •• Farmer " and Y 10 hes eye, ••a farmer is supported by his
•• Agriculturist ••farand an agriculturist supporta s
more formm ."- .'hitadelphie Prese.
Uncle Jury . - --_ - - ---
Pleasing ler Onions.
Twenty years ago and
Rus:, in all probability never having
dreamed of • portfolio of age:culture in
the President's Cabinet,, purchased a farm
of I.:Al a. res, bordering 1111 the outskirts of
the little city of Viroqua. in Vernon
County, Wisconsin. By degrees this farm
has herd aided to by pun: bases from neigh
boring farmers, until it now c:onstet. of 4410
a• res. It stili belongs to Sc retary Rusk,
wen, althoug n busy with official cares
at Washington. attends to the manage
hent of tr. tieing kept uhi.ed by his
.ephew, Albert Rusk, who, with his
family..r•.-upies the tar, house, of the ar
rival of ilea- utives, how as corn is getting
along and all the other things that a turner
would want to lune about suborn at home.
When I'ncle Jerry visits \llxonsin he goes
directly to his farm, forgets politics for a
•htle and let• the politicians in the cities.
wait not:1 he gets ready to leave the farm
and talk with them. Uncle .ferry is proud
of Iris farm. Not only because it in a good
farm IA he proud of at. but because the as•
a..ctations of other days ire tormer•ted with
it and because M• expecte as long as he live.
to rail the place "Mune."
Viroqua is not a great plate either in the
world of bu.tneee or society. If it nos any
importance that curies its name beyond its
nen borders than inning the home of Jerry
Rusk, it is only that tt is the county seat.
It et nothing mortetban a erliige, but the
people are prosperous-- proepervus not
tlu,wgh speculation. but (tom living in the
heart of as fair a farming country as there
is anywhere.
Everybody un that country knew Uncle
Jerry Ion. before he was Governer of Wis-
eonsm and pont ire does not cut any figure
with the (eeltng for him. It is not particu
tarty a feeling of regard or esteem in the
sense those terms are generally applied in
connection with public men. Fti.•odship
is a better term for it and the country peo-
ple are proud that • nun developed among
them has won fame, aside from the politi-
cal comp ecion of it.
"You see the Secretary has got ))just a
cmnmon sense farm," said Albert Rask,
Uncle Jerry, nephew, a man of about 50
years of ate, who runs things while the
proprietor is in Washington. Whrleevery -
bnd• else calls him "Uncle Jerry," hie
nephew, who has the right of relationship
to nae that term, always refere to him am
"The Secretary."
"If you world like to look around es good
• farm es there a on Round Prairie (that
is the name given to the country) though.
111 go sub you." continued Mr Rusk.
"No, we haven't got any fancy name for
it ; it just goes by the name of • Rusk's
As he intends retiring from business, he
will sell his large stmt well sesneted stork at
bottom priors
Chinaware, Jewellery,
Wedding Rings, Silverware.
Nickel and Plated Knives,
Forks and Spoons,
Albs no. Plush and
Other 41O0da, Toys,
Panay Ooods.etc
Rolls of /Ill paper oil Sordora,
wn)r* wtlJ. •a Seel' AT MAI.* rwlr•a.
New v rem Lim. for bergamot
!tl PKR CENT. will he eleduet-
ed for beechen and others getting
up Christmas Tree&
1f you wish to i• •se a patch of largo
onions nett year lay orf • plot of gn.uud,
over it with three inches of immure, mot
on the first warm day that such work can
is, done spade the plot, mating the manure
well into the sol, and broadcast w sr:all
In4'01417 of lune over the surface. In the
spring spade the plot again, rake it dawn
tine and plant it to onion :wilt. The renal:
a.ould he large onions and plenty ..f them.
la • large meadow hack .f the farmhouse
and Moldings is • favorite •pot with Uncle
Jerry when he in at home. Standing then
he es.a see every house ted tree for miles
.teend sad when hetirw of kerbing at the
grist little city hol.w rim • nude to the
eeethwar4, he rant tees and behold frown
thus lard's vat stretch of
(arms. Seehad with matte mrd sheep. On
this spot the Secretary I.ng cmsternplsted
hatll.ng • mansion, • pretentious reentry
hew*. a plea which he hail mese tip in fa-
vorf A hitt on the other lode of the read
The At. In View.
Large articles not oily sell better than
tbu..e of smeller cut, but 1... labor is re-
quired to harvest them. It i, mu.•h cosi. r
to dig two bushels of large potatoes than to
dig rale bushel of small ou-s. The farmer
should aim t,. ..ecut as many bushels of
any one article as possible. and nothing
bas 1 h la
dmRvvere'." lie also claims that it is
adapted to all the words of all Ian
guages. 1u rales are universal and admit
of no exceptioaa: the are stud to be as
exact as the multlplmcatio ti table and as
easy as simplr a.lditioa. Mr. Story's al-
phabet, which. by the way, b• sensible
spells alfal.et. .'outalus not tweet] rix let
ten, but ss ity-sie. representing the same
number of sounds now in actual use in the
living languages tet the earth and all sounds
that ran be uttered by human lips in or-
dinary cx'sversett.•. go single nation or
language uses all of the sixty-six letters
and few use more than forty-eight. But
by the system Mr. Story claims to to able
to print or write all the languages of the
earth, strictly aa»rding to 1reausciatioa.
If thug be true of the system. it is easy to
see that when one has learned the alphabet
be has else learned to spell.
Mr. Story s tint rule u that the souse, of
any vowel is the Mme of that vowel. The
seised is that the sound of any consonant
followed by e u the name of that conson-
ant. The third rule is the very sensible
caution, "Never use any sdent letters,
std the last equally sensible is, "Name
each letter in • word and then pronounce
the word.;' The first rule does away with
the pract(os of giving G. each vowel a• as
sortrneat of half a dozen or more different
sounds. As a reformatory measure it
gathers in all the scrap identical sounds of
.1.1. -rent towels and makes a new letter for
.•."Um Les to this more t .,n ago size, Sheen.
while the cost of production will also be For instance, in the words "fur,- "her"anti
proportionately less •led. "air. containing different vowels with the
same sound, Mr. Story extracts that vowel
Ahem. the Barnyard. sound and gives to it • sew character letter
Jluali and maunrc in the b••rnranl iutdt- like • letter "e with • dent in the left
;.els • Ark of ran•. No :stool should be hard perpeudIcular. Likewise he can see
.-, m lle..l to stand in a tarilvarl that is N' for spelling in so many diaeront
' iw wawa/
the vowel sound In •'tame, •amid
lamp cud filthy. 'rhe eau tial end cbcat.eit a0d ••weight " cad gives to that sound a
mode to avoid such a ,arnyard w to till it
character like • bent and twisted letter
well with absorbent material. Th • stables „•••• some of the omp,„,.st "wad. are
Astonishing bargains. The best of everything for Christ-
mas. Any quantity of suitable gifts for old or
Gents' Dressing Cases,
All Leather.
Ladies' Dressing Cases,
Finished in t)IM .,1.cr.
Fancy Work Baskets,
I'pholstertd is Leather and Satu,
CANDELABRA, &c., &c.
should never be 5.t II . but should Ler
devoted thoroughly every day.
aMgwt elaras4k.
My method o! •i:ini barnesx is to take
the pieces apart suet Mire every straw a
thorough wsehing. Let them h:u,g 11 the
mud a*0.1: na,i dry, and apply a hb•
. rap ,.rat of neat .-foot nil, mite., with
•non¢h lamp-hlaci. to actor the harness
it the first cat dries in readily a
e c0ttd should be applied. ('or.
Goad Manor.
Watch your farm expenses and be sure
1n,.'ue shrays exceeds your ex-
.,..;ur'. In order to know your stand-
... on will hare to keep as account book.
. counts.
Lawyer every Was • ny.tas rate% watch
to actor. Weida. .
Hew nosy thousands of renews have
wished that the inventors of tee system of
English spelling could he consigned to ever-
lasting torment and mase to re.•ale their
brains throughout eternity trying to
straighten net the ridieuloue rules they
have created. What child in the peddle
echools has not often wanted to drive the
long sharp point of a pin into the haunches
of the man who got np the present per
piecingsystem of phs and silent ks
and al the rest of that ridiculous .en
sense' Who on tenth, ..r et haat a those
portions of it where the Kowli•t, tongue is
spoken, has not anent the nights of hu
youth trying 4.. keep tab awl the moves and
dodges of the present involved and intricate
system of exceptions' There is M almost
universal demand for as improved method
a of apo!ling, but in spite of it all English
from the present Middlings, the ernes of words have still to he opened in the same
which ns higher than the tall wind mills u bothersot1f way. It takes a great deal of
yard. time to run to. duotionon cul look up the
Mlrncle Jerry is as hard • worker tis say fi"e of el' ry fourth or 6" wed owno.
dab urn, -.- a h• .t e ihoax ursW te write twords t were spelled as they
• e "" are coed there would be nn nec•sion
seat the hired man • grid example n is, Ne• •aL ► • u, the dietiowary.
dwtry. Norm as he was en • far,, .tip at atdbt is s,Mt r wasted.
14 yev@ of age nett to row tit anti support and American orthographers have
Ms hoe, t e Minnow
balms • was Wax
et amok
ed a ppttas to utreduee rr
two .beat the veneer. show h. t ho y ase Jews" nsehods d apelliag .w.l both parlia-
1a.4 wmm« every .1., found nisi bot 04 matt •i,, 1' rens hare bums waked to lead
Werk on the farm. t ring Paodb.la
harlot eew- thsr esti. (7berlm A. Siem a (berg)
ems tot west Me meat of se eie Jerry_ cad Mwyet• tow °moo hrwurd with • 1714...
iws► ere 6111. is welt, one el t►. Mardis* • seieoee d a„ iverms►i whW Daly a
workers then. OM of Usti* Joey's hot, Mr Rt
Ism r .. ■alterable belief is the value 04 __ a r et . as 4
w►-..i1►w`. 'rhe r 15. Erna► tbiog fu Hatted Mame s.•4M and amoebae iw 1M
atnvea r ieprn•m ash Isis h p .w4 be i op Mea. e( flaht the
new get the. so that they will plow , 'rm of $11.1110.1111111s. M romst 4b
m 1..ti a him and to wlwk. bum •ale*• of gall.,he _We
d .rh.d
feel .were of the for away o Lag, that the mhiklrsa a .eewt..Yy woke (4 the Aaweri
tag a
nehmen of M. 5404 r in no ager .4 sir am, a,Aew Mr. RIaf ..l1 bi. elate"
iwg aut. Reerybe4) who ever worked .0 •&W. e( km." u
t►. (aunt ger 110e1. Jerry my. Met th. ..,"16:1'' _ ,.. .. natY 1y
"old ass" had ed idea .Seat It ess.1 germ i1 arrltlM Me, arW iM ret
sate ..ee.a4•i In envvt.c 1) e.1. "You
Central Telephone Exchange, Court House Square.
Special Invoice Sale
Your attention is directed to the following :
On all sides you lui►1 rr•a.1 or hear of anal.• merchant offering
special inducements in t>'l.l lines or bankrupt Muck, but nu%er at such
reductions as the following;
also given new characters. The sound of
th he marks with a letter that looks like
a .spiral H w ith the right hand corner
keoorked oB. Mr. Storydoes not com-
prehend how the words "ight" and "fight'
can scientifically be ape. ed on any differ
enc plan than the word "bite," inasmuch
as they are similar in sand. Hethinks that
an aisle would be just an long and broad if it
were spelled ea it is pronounced, "ale," and
that philosophy would he lost as profound
it it were spelled "fil.eofy." 1'hr system
has but little to do with the letter c, bat
divides ita work swtou, k cad s. The only
use to which it is put n to denominate the
proper sound of the vowel i. Mr. Story
claims for his system 15.t it s suggested by
common sense and ,•ommended by s:ieaoe,
and gently hints that the only beings really
opposed to its general use are Indiana sad
jackas.es. Cbictao Herald.
1 have tiecidetl to otter my entire
NOTE THE FOLI.()W1N(:: That the stock is fresh anti new :
well selected from the hest markets and manufacturers, and bought
direct for cash : that all goods are marked in plain figure» : that the
public cannot be deceiver, in prices ; that the sale is genuine and not
odd lines, being selected for reserve.
Sa e, we, and be convinced that you can buy goods at lower
prices than ever before. The reduced prices are for cash and cash only.
G. Gloger, Druggist, Watertown,
Wis. This is the opinion of a man
who keeps a drug stone, sells all
medicines, comes In direct contact
with the patients and their families.
and knows better than anyone elate
how remedies sell, and what true
merit they have. He hears of all
the failures and .. , and can
thereforeudge " I know of no
medicine for Coughs, Sore Throat,
or Hoarseness that had done such ef-
fective work in my
family as 'towhee's
German Syrup. Last
winter a lady called
at my atom, who was
suffering from z very
sevefe mid. She could hardly talk,
and I told her about German Syrup
and that a few doses would give re-
lief : but she had no .. . .. in
patent medicines. 1 told her to take
a bottle, rind if the results were not
satisfactory 1 would make no charge
for it. A few days after she called
and paid for it, saving that vibe
would never he without it in future as
a few doses had gives her relief." •
Sore Throat,
Special vat in family groceries sIwal s on hand. :d`s-fit
Peels, Etc.
Raisins and Currants cleaned and ready for use.
G -00121.1V AG NA/
The .nfacrihnr wiehex G. announce the arrival of
Extra wide and moderate in peke.
1 n soft and hand finials, from the bast makers.
A generai t of other new and fashionable voila on the war,
and will be ocf''::aw1 later on A liberal discount on sill -Ash purchases frees
one dollar up Strictly nue price
A_ 1\4= v
Draper sad Haibords+aS