HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-12-17, Page 844, MOM '5V-491err, . THE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1891. NEW ADVERTISEMENT& inane alas 1 r Chas 1 Nairn Pg. 1 biereteet t'liriatese• let W. t'.eloode 1 bnetasas Feriae- Rom Frier & nos 3 teems Mappers JeltaistonCnney Rohde: tiood• E Campaigner . 4. rhe Illetillwey Family Grand t• -era Reuse h • Mos oar Sale W I o um 0 D11 Sah. Y. N Lee,. A set Ina. ear Three. 1 Nett.. ..... • • 1 goothoo weigag-g no ...........$ • Merry ormism. Reeeley & terea arise Fara Metcalf. III.) th.. • .... BORN. s I Slatted -1a Orrerich on weember ithh the wit of Mark Smoother.. 3 elaughtier. • tVOICR- In Godwieb au Friday the 4th aue. the wife el A .1 Maurer. of a daugh- ter. Nui u. %Afield *Lc wire of Alfred Ritchie. of a eou. si• KAY to Aohnele con., the wit. of tnellrew M. Kay mason. of • eos. MARRIED. et (*.ANN lettO !Mit At (laden:hos the h met., to the •ti Dr re. Joseph C. Me Canis of the to.. mobil, of colh true. and 61 Rachel li-..elder of the to. n•hip of tehneld. DIED *�O N to Gre• De-% 7th 0111,nm ...wain. aged se years, 7 months and 15 dale. .41 ITH In Kramer,, ou I kw. eth, George I4.'r tort. eddesi am of Juo. sed Thiry ,nilth. eared It years and 7 monit.s. BLYT1-1. the h:lerro:* You* cusum and tallipanoe ere reap, so:tettot to, tenants homoo, of berth. at f netiple'S grocer 11,0 .11 he fount at Jahn Ille It inan's old stand Mar Xmas to al. CORAL WREATH CORNERS. (TIMorit ios .1 oatiAnkrON DENT. MHO Mirage Slu. 1'1,er...oh of Kokomo is maims femur tbi. ioeck in and around "oral Wreath Corner*. e are sorry to leen that Mrs sanely McKenzie is sok with Inflammation: but we hope soon to see hi s-ntta.1 eg•-• us. M. •I. lamitri, of Clover Y'alley .1s sotrios. waa appointed a delegate to the o nty mumeattue. to 1m held in Perry. %lex. Patterson, $c.. is going with him. as • l'. of I. county treasurer. 'We believe that M..1. McLennan hoe re mieed all invitation to act as chains..., at • ouvert to le held .n Armen ea the lestli mot l think that 'herr must be something nue., enticing to M. J. in Amoy than a oiere concert. Nevertheless M. J. makes a ..mil eh:airman. all the sante. Tim (lover Valley Assooatioo *eta two )1Y/rir0lee to Kintall Arociatem con the 15th omit.. with the intention of orgisoting Oebatioe leseme. which will 1.e entertaining ea well as instrut.th.e. r he tw delegate, mot front this suareiation were T. F Path, r elm., past president. and M. J. Mclonutin, -etary, '• I notice that we are agate in the mud ; snow has vauishe-1. of C011 • eeeation around the Corners Now to the time for the oarrners to secure their year't. supply of wood. Those who have woods of *hr own cannot expect a latter time for that work, and most of them are improving the shintwo meatehts. t. was moitionetin a reeent tame of Tin • .41 that the deafer* ot CloveVit' enten.led meeting the debaters of Heinhock City on the platform : hut as the nigot ap tee' for the debate. happened to le that . \Thanks:0i mg day, which they were not. 'swore of at Coe time they; arranged for the Artiste, they found it neer...airy to have it poet pence' until some tinteI rteon, ao they Jitenolselves intended hadng iv taffy -pull on eyenaug. I enders:end, however. there n. a eemor Abet to the effect that tilt silevites dare not meet the Cityiteseet the ?lotion whoh 18, 6.ulaure you, fide., to' they do lgtend to ha... the said olebot.,. I ired..notara,1 *6 41 that the Volleyitto are pre' pared to In -t any .001tty itesociat ha of 'bed own age in the two counties. I do tiot mean du say dist the Hemlock City Arociatien kiretilatiAl or caused to he eir oloted such fare report I insert this as a ',ere correction of the rumor that is in 1,' liltioll. the time of the year for cosmarts, ..• ials, etc. We understand that the Para- mount P. of 6. Ai/social:on intend haei-g . : concert me Monday evening, Decetio 21et. The very bon of talent is healer se, ure.l. Pe. Co. rigr, of Rolyrooei. has n secured as chairman, and should the cening prove favorable grand tone a eiticipstetl A'lmiesiou. only 15 rents or tat, for 25 cente. t'onse, ooe and ell and enjoy a good old tinie with the loyo II:, member* of 1 111 vet Sunday school an- ted having a grand anniversary in the • horeh on the 23n1 inst., when there well whiners. recitations and 'took of t h. e • -t ity. A silver .•ollectien will be taken •-pol. the clues of the meeting Ito re open et 7 P0.; program to 90 comm. -need at 7.30 . v. Candies an.I fruit served after Intel• emriti. All are cordially invited. We •anderstand that tne I. 4). G. T. of Para- mount intend hoeing a grand concert on the evening of the .5(1I inst. A goo.I peograui • owing prepared for the ex:canon. Un Tues.loy everong, the 8th inst., was :lc winding up of our literary discussion, which was held for four anecessive nights under the leadership of Messrs. %Vi1i.n and florlburt. I•eo. Hnr.,iri defeating hi. op• ponent by four marks on the whole. The following 1* partial hat of three who took part in the program • 4 'a ptain W dein. eong„by Kate Nicholson A ('o.: recitation, Mina lkowney : mouth organ instru •••••ntal, by A. Caniphell readir% The Val 6.'News, by T. E. l'atereonrecitation. by Ethel !Memory ; violin Instrornental, by %let Stewart: reeitat b* E4. VI/dein ; reeding, by George Fisher opeeeh, be T. IV•hoon; recitarom by Den.11ark: to John Nicholson : mouth organ instru- mental, by A. Campbell ; reading of &with er irortion of The Valley News, by T. le. potemos ; reeding, hy F. Me:Merles; in, At oriental on the violin. by Alex. Stewart wing. by T. F. Paterson: reading, by Ag .1. ...detract: reading. by lean Clark. Captain Raabe:mt. tondo, by Mtas Anon Paterson: reading, by Win. Stewart. reading of The Valley Neale by M. J. McLennan: sole, by Mae Kate A. McKean' , which was Man- ly escorted) : reading, by Moe', Hurlhart: song. by Gook Hamilteve : recitation on flirtation. by Donald Nicholson : Scotch *mtg. by Alex. Pawnor : reading, by .1. Fletcher; reading. by Annie Parrem: reef talon, by M .1. 1111e1ennen; recitation, by James took : reaches of The Valley Newohy Illtollotart• sem& hy Ales Paterson.ar .,ng, by .101.n Mclean; readang, by I hien.. Beaton t solo, hy Mos Kate M"Ken tie recitation. by M .1. McLennan, el; 4 whet, were well rendered and well received aid many heartily ~cored and re o fewelem to on each aide. I heliees that nn the Zarel most the assenciation intim& to bay.•taffy pull, in which the winners of the Ilterar) conies* will mesa., their taffy free, du Imo( *el. paying the sum of five 0.015 each W. believe abet that a taw of Item rams will he heoed os all Mitres, a • asaretateine prosiest. A good pogrom wiU be prepared for the mins &ad a is aamooni 144E/ ‘1. to Jae. 1, Mak ler IMO°. teems HURON COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE PAGE. CLIN TON. [rum ora ow'. .oesu'*,mjrr.J AltSeugh our mayor ut a Tory. we should mach like to ere hii get. 4, plea -ant face in the . hair for the year 18,r 'filar Iasi Pigeon sheeting No. 2 ler eles ream came .11 .at Thilradria. of last 1110113t. wide about two hundred birds mewed to hvg. 111101Milikey& couuty emoting of the I. lift iggg held iti Clinton for the purpose of private Imamate penurious to the 1111/111M. Tut. loam. 1. . osinpuf Sorks of 'Ragland gave a septet at CM above Thu day last. which some. of tee ttalSholi lions helped to devour ' ALA.. Talk about %Val sad bloodshed, gr. we 'hum that duels% the nail two weeks many heads will be dyed with .• and many gobblers will rase to gebbfk Ara for the env:Inge of a depraved humanity ' Ais AkiA•isai.%. Wt tar• randy Aka error that appeared in our lett wort bad get. eoucerning the telephone. Welled Omit there ie • "pnvate memo wherelo a confidential convereat mu can be trochasegoi Our terror origiutted thus Rettig us the othee the other day, a bounces nor come sad sent off a niereo... not so -ailing himself ‘d the privacy *Moe wieationed W1 yin cerely hope .nts .1logy will appease the wrath of any parties that may he concerned t herein. A *6" i .1 MA, P.* .1 Tiler. A MAW may be sinctly honottoble. upright and a good leader, and may have friends. who. through Roanoke's kindness. try do lion au impart. should such ist-.-ur at should not teCert oe Iota upon the char aster of the original. Thus if the old war - nor again leads us forth to battle let to tight Iten:atti bee Lapeer tho death ••The Commons serrating- usco terrify the clansmen of old. and th is may it territy. tne hearts of public wr.oigeloers of today. 1 RIM Woe to, Do • Should our ri,hL nor thy leader refuse to be a candidate at the commg by.• electioo, we should like to sec elected either of the two following gin tiemen R. Holerio, of . Clinton Era. or 16. Metsiolicteldi, 1.11). • '-,ELL Ai.: for if either of the above were elec- ted and they represented their comeituet. cy onelialf as well as they uphold the good, hottest and upright cause of would the VI est Riding he well represent -d. as it wan under the leadership of our old veteran hatter. Long life to M. C. 1Voitriel or Pe amt. -Clinton ha, a . splendid Institute, and a litorerian who to . both a gent lenuto and a schidar„ lout wean. of opinion thret if the hour.) were changed to from 2 to h stud from 7 to 10 1.0. ermil.1 he a Ile which the public would gtestiv appose -late. There are many of our citizen. wh nave at their disposal an hours lehiure from 5 to 5, but they cannot spend that hour in perusing the paper* and journal. of ;one public roarting.ro mi. the dorm; bono closed front a to 7. le e think one hoer. interval ahouid be sufficient, and sheo think that O.. closing hour should prol front 9 to 10. A Goon Tier. As stated last we R. Tr we, of the C. 0. F., paid ("out MAO. Leaf. No. lb. a friendly visit. The brethren turned out to furl uuniner at them looge upon the said evening, when the wort by 4 'hit : gave ink --.1cIrcs•• upon the go., ! and welfare of the order. A member was ale. initiated int.. the m)ster:e• and pnet lege....1 4 anadian Foreatry. A lartr•• num her of bret hreit *6*.., ail joilreted to Kennedy's end pertook of a vety suinptuous re- t, which reflected gr, .t ere lit upon the Mot. Torte. *pi-et:hit:1g and .mg were then the order of the evening, a very ph•sosant. ties being thus spent until the ace, tin.3 hoses of the morning, when a parting became the er.itir, each wending h.- way homeward with arm sad steady step. l'eteratiestiL Penne. -Mr. Renton, who orducted revival meeting.. in (Tinton last Winter, preached in Boreal,- ' Olethrod 6-4 ethane' Sunday evening last to a very large oared appreetative .tion. His wk. .it diewouroe was orie of forcible Maitre - tom, aoormiprieri wi.h goat feeling and power. Derfor ino sermon many wet eyes mere ern an; feelings that were almost donor- terry mi.: up aud wakened :o new life, On Tumidity he started revisal itit • tlng 0 lonolon, and ww. :ens, meet with vhe same great rumens in has matron of I Ire he has done else a 'sere. Formerly be wee a captain in the Stilvation Army, hut 'Melly, feeling his sphere of usefulness would lie enlarged, he became an evangelist, mei has been most succeseful ,n his sacred v tont ion. Tor t :RA %- r_ • - We have this week to re- cord a terrible tragedy which befell a certain Mro Refer, Who wag a resident of one of tne Stater). Mit well known to •oany of the reselenut on the Itavtield hoe, in the town slop of Stanley. It appears that on Friday Iwo. she Was going down cellar with a lighted temp in her huoi. A cat tutting on the first p emso 6 her to stumble and fall, the burp brol, •n tl e. fall. the oil saturated her clothing, awl ignited. She Was most awfully learnt and died in the most nen editing agony the following .lay and was hurled on Sunday kat. Mee. Rider's totaelen nat. e was Reed, being daughter of he late John Reed. WIWI reanle.1 near Yarn*, on the above• mentioned line. She lesve. to .nourn her hos a bereaved husband and nine mothoolne children. Mrs. Beetle, nt Vanua. ".re. .1 Reed, of the Ravfiel.i lino and Mrs G. Stevens, of the Babylon were steters to the deemsed. About eleven years ago her brother, R. Reed. or as he wan Matter known by the natl., Of "Gush 61.4. Reed tag he •Iwaya paid malt for ell his purehases), met with • tragic esti in Seafitrth. He waa trying to eel) • team of horses Tim buyer had (Xenia him within five dollars of the peace asked. hut he held out Trying to ..hew off his hose., to the very her adventage, weei the whip rather to, freely, when they ran away, throwing him out and remain, his death. DUNLOP. (nor ova .1118 Mitt .11PO8Irbalrr. tier .chnol examination will be held on Tuesday We expect to see • good turnout of perentit and "then. We tore glad to notice thet Meet Lily C ho has been very ill for sone days par, lam now taken • favorable tern The latter part of Imo week was Spring like in eery w*,6 Quite a needier of out reeidents were in the forests with the Meg saw and axe cuttine fi nomad, rood others were plowing ; but they are ineline14 to put off sowing for • time. Several of our Ardente the other day when out chopping tapped • inapt* tree or en and got quantity ot isp and 1..81..1 it doyen Mr maple •togar This, we suppose. will he the last reined of sugar making in the foreets of illanaela in the year 1891, now drawing to • etre Mr frier, erollecter 01 esestonie, tea, is not yr able to endued to his duties, whieh are beim' leaked after by Mr. (4ii ishesee. 1, • «$. "" • o'aiot;AMO, LIEEBUHN. [rum ors ow . tomorD) Moe T O'Louglelln, from h. as visiting her sister, Mrs. Jain.. Our towommen, Ales. McLeod, was oe the list of jurymen at the remelt County Court in t•oderich J. Kirkpatrick has lately put up a pew dri• mg shed fot Ma fanning liesp6neeta, sad the school board of No. SS S. have bad • woodshed built at the school. Both build toga were erected by architect Joho vault The forces uo Commercial et. bloc received • nee pair of comrades in their rank. by the marriage of Joseph Mc Cann last week We, with others. wash Jumpy a happy aad prosperome voyage with hu, bride on the waves of niatrimonial Ide. Fos• Tana Two of our popular young townsinee. II .4 liortroo aod A Carter, are Milled front amongst us, hayaug geese to ea- sel, er the boundary. Quite a number of the faor sex are frequent visitor, at the neatest poet ...bee now to re who will get • letter with the ShepLiardtoo postmerk. ." Will 1 be ahead of t e others' • is the attest ‘iisestioo atkoi by many of 'he fair hence of the burg A once familtai perion in our bur, 116 ward Foley, who several years ago removed from herr. to !rattled.' township, near Kang. , bridge, was in our burg on • transient visit, but, as he did Hot give the parental roof or ho relative,' a call this time, his trip ap to show that he inteads to eldest in that big army that is daily drawing re• eaforceraents from the young men. Tbe privilege will be tisonsferred to the gentler ..s. with Like coating year. of having it in their own hands to make their %election and not be sought fur.. wear Lodge No 213, 4 06.T.. which for Sev eral week., past 1144 not been able to hold Its regular weeklv meetings, owing to illness road weatIlet, hsii a fair turnout on Friday evening last. The rine officers as for the previous quarter were re-electeti. . The arrangements for getting up the aunuel supper were left in the hands of a commit- tee of the staters of the lodge. At the meetings during the last quarter chapters of that well-known te•niperance work. -Tea Ntohts in • Rae room,- were read aloud by softie of the member'. tor the good of the order Instead of a Chrtatmaa tree this year the Smulay school staff have decided to have a literary entertainment on Tuesday evening, the 29th inst. The prograni will consist of reading*. recitations and music. Several of our local talent will take part and E. Moir and A. Saunders. of Goderich, and others will assist. Also A. E. Neatly, for- merly connected with the church herr as pastor in charge. will be present and will give an addrega. Instead of a collection, as in former years, an admission fee will he charged. Proceeds in Mel of the Sunday school school fund', P. :wit aulit A ir MN. -Unit week 00r en- terpooing fanner. M. Foleypercher...I for his son. Robert. the farm at present rented by- Mr. Curren. an the lake shore. near Kingeobridge. which is somewhat over fifty urns, fur 112.100. The percher is con- sidered a gond one. In Starch Robert will anoye up there to mettle and our burg will lose one of its most popular young men Rumor has it that Robert intends to take a trip t.. see the I :rand River shortly, but not for the sake of seeing the river frozen over at the New Year, but on business which may make • vacancy in Brant county, On- tario Correia •• THY. SloNAI Tul. WILE.K 11 tTit ANT 40,111 an PAPER IN THE. Mr %TT. '• I. VIM OWL A noti.Alit AND Vont ADT Do,.'... Tki "THE Sic NAL," 1:coornacn, they - Tut Bur DI mu CHIE %PENT. A!LIA "THE 814.1 A1.- HI THE Kerr. AUBURN. [room arut OWN eltoutiesrovoeNT.) Municipal matters ate very quiet here. Mr. and Wm. Sturdy were visiting friends in Morris last week. The Presbyterian manse is rejoicing 111 a new coat of shingles this week. John Muolork has purchased the farm on the gravel road belouging to C. Pfeffer. The annual meeting of the Presbyterian efingregatiou is to be held on the 22n.I inst. -Rev. •Imoepli Elliott. of Reyfield, supplied the f . pulpit here the last two Sebbeths. Mr*. Wm. IhAne paid a visit to the county of Waterloo. being cilled thither by the death .1 her father. Martin Dyer has purebred fifteen acres fmm .1. Easley. This was previonely sur- rounded by Mr. Dyer's lan.l. The Gond Tempters herr had a debote last Monday evening on the subject : " Re solvecithet country life is preferable to city lifeThe city came out numier one. Der village school examination takes pace on Friday A good tone is expected, Mien Watatm, rme of the parent teschera,i. leaving. Her place is to he supplied by Min Magee, of Myth. Rev Mr. Sampans', of Rriteefiel.l. intend. ening his celebrated lecture, "Trifles," of, Friday evening. A gond time is antic. pater). A silver collection is to be taken up The mends are to le. applffirl few the benefit of the Sabbath school. A grand tea meeting will he held no Christmas night under the auspices of the Methodist. okurch. Tes will be serve., in the Temperance Hall from 5 to 7 r Addresses will he given by Rev. Masora .1. IC. Howell. 111 A , of Gmlerich : Anstin Potter. of Doingannem : 14 Sellory, R. A . 11 le. of Winghetn, and W. F Campbell. Ph. It . of Rlyth. Excellent noose will he fur mined by the ehoir. assisted by Miss Hill and brother*, of Rrumelt The admission fee will be 26. cents BRUCEFIELD Imola 010 .118 inkanaroe151,17.1 .1. Davis and Mira Olte, 06 Exeter, spent sitinday to enwn. Quite • numhor of nor citizens have been attondicor the Konen reviver Mews. D. Cameron end D. ROW et. peeled home from Manitoha this week. Milo M. Idelkenalii, of Reveler, is vent- ing her sent, Mn Cenwrott. at present. S. .1. rollick, our black- smith, is making lane , ea his shop. A Nevin has renamed home from Tutu. to, where he had twee during the Sommer ninaths. Mr. 61 Grant, Portage la Praine, who 1101 vt.iling fiends here, was euridenly called home. owns to the affirms of her daughter The Christian Rneleaveor asigivereary mer nese will he enewlected by J. A. Clan, Toronto. Rebirth mom 0. will also de liver a teeters the Meader etude, fellow 4' HAYFIELD. (nen ova One . , Mr. aati lira Charles Stewart spent Sea day sii wee. Miss Suer Burgess is hues* from 61. Kd ward for Christmas. Attwood lies retuned hoes atm spending the Hammer en the hakes The days of lig threshing* are orer, and DOW herr the telk of fast wood caning. Our *porta were out speeding their fast 110(1185 last Saturday, (.1101 001 fur • new record. Masao Middleholt aad bride have re- turned frees their wedding trip to Waste repos. The resist mild weather has been uu favorable for beelasse. Hope snow comes for Chrostmes. Thos. Jewett sad J. Wameley bare re- covered from their late aerious illness sad are around ?again. Heave Cork is *till indisposed, sad is now at the residence of his son, on Sauter line May he soot recover. Several of our boys have fitted up a read - leg room, and as well are training them- selves in the art of self -dolma* " Andrew Stalker arrived home last weak. accompanied by his mother, who hat trye! the past ten mouths at Toledo and .7 land. On Weduesday evening, 9th inst., a meaner of our young folks het • most en- joyable time at the residence of Chas. Steil • art, Guderich township. On Friday last Dr. ?Banburyreisted by Hort Elliedt and Armstrong, Brucefielell, am- putated both feet of the unfortunate young men. Robert Warms one of the crew blinded below here an an &boost lifeless state Three are yet at Mrs. Snowden's, where they ale receiving every tare and sitteattoe. Remeinber that the Presbyterian Liablath school 1.014 their Christiania tree amid eater, tamment in the been hall on Tuesday even - neat. Dec. ?dud. and the Church of Keg the popular deputy reeve of Woo %Vales land on Tenho. evening. law 29th at ii -e • nosh, who has for some time past been very oune place. Splendid programa ere be- ill, to know that she la gradually bcoomiag ing prepared end you will miss a rest If couvaleseele• you don't attend and bring .11 the:neigh- Mai. 11 HArry. Last week A. Inakehl, bora. • ouf West Wawanoeh, was made happy' 1,1 the presentation of an heiress. We are 111 - formed mother soul daughter redoing well. - W. extend our congratulations to the new leering the next week or two H. W. 7 papa and maitima. liA11., the General Travelling Agent of The annual tea -meeting of the congrego- ' lion of Krokine church will le held on %Vet - Tun SIGNAL, will he venting our friends. motto, to. 23,4 a 1a„..,0,..r. A rood in Ashfield and West Wawanosh.• 'program is prepared. Porfurther particular. see ha...I lolls. A large attendanee and a Our subscriber's will fer a favor Upon euKx1t.in THE Stciad. by making prompt rept"' -1'.J.11Thetwea. uletherPected fors.ome time pest has been end otherwise assisting Mr. BALL in ha..-.; delightful tor this time of the year. being • more like Spring than Winter. We ar. "1::informed thot a goodly number of farmers laasve Mr. Boot an tete...Moron to your • took eilvantage of 61 6* pieughing, which neighbor who doesn't take Tim Raw) AL, is unusual for this country at this ,orsion. and he will ido Die rest. Ere our oext the last seated term of 1891 will come to a clam when the wee folk, be WAWANOSH• Mir 111 hbertywill he ha.hing (,,a Santa [num ne,n nn.,4 coitniniensnn5T.1 Clans. and the pobegogues, student. ao,1 eradiates of the vartme iiistitute* wall bee John Lsidlaw is recovering from his sick- to their teseeetive home, to *peat' the new. Christmas hohdays. Chas. Rantoul and family, who have lately oar vet.. J.W. wid, a VleW to from ManItt4bil, have gone Why. at bettering his condition in life, is .m i.tour W It itech urch. to tho Sate ..f litellana, where he has noose Mri. leaver, who was somewhat better, relatives and acquaintanes. .1. W. C. hai has amide taken bail. This attack seems • been heated he for rine time, daring rare -hat like la grippe. which. we are informed, he has given gen. The Smith Knee have threshed over 135,- eral satisfaction in his practice. 000 bushels of grain this season and have lees.; ye scot STILL l'inmaut•Alet;. now completed their pito. Soothers, our popular stone mare and cora Mrs. James Martin, who Mid been away tractor, is busily engaged in making ow visitino friends in different parts of the provemeros on the property on Southern', country for over two month., has returned ton -et. which he recently purchased. 11. - home. Intends next Spring Co enlarge the present jiaa. Laidiaar, air...10„nt. down a.g., waxer. dwelling house. which, when finished, will loo one day last week tortoni( the funerel make a comfortable residence. of Mrs. Laidlaur's father, late of that 11e are ,nforme.l that Use trustees of S.S. t.-ounty. No. 16. Aditield, have secured the nervier: Wood bees are getting yea* common of A Duff, who is at present teaching in now. there being two last week. one at &Wet youtily, domino.. seep Henry Ran ours and one at Pat. Calla. *re anti teach the young plea how to ',Mot 411*0. in that retro during 1892. Mr Ded is •n A grand Christmas tree entertainment as . • teacher and taught in this place ,n eon... • tr, be given in tio; and vicinity for • nutnber of years The trustee* have been very fortunate in securing mho .1 house, (XS S. No.14. Fest and West %Theism:eh, on leeeember 23r4. his arr.-ices. DUNOANNON. I 0. WARD, CONVICTANCHR. taw • Ike., and Sir taktag and re •0111•9 ol balk allhalants et alltramileas, depoalthew ere sokout Jotters time is or macenotiaanOg agree, sum er pre essellea la ta0 H lsen mum et the °eerier Amend for utrio, ite Is my Comity or Dtviatea Coen, All tratmactleas and primp* executed. Reeidesee mad P.O. adding* inpaiaeta. oat. fleata (noel one own 1-o0astros0t.Nr.1 Divines Court will be held hero on Fri dor wit, the Hitli test Two faindies have recently noosed tato oar village, which, of nurse, mdicars pro' greastoo. On Monday, tbe 14th urt., the Sae weather, owing to rain baying own* on, departed foe • time. We shall, in all prob. &batty, have a spell of severe weather. Mr. and Mrs John Martin, (oreoerly mine host and hostess of the Prince of Wale. hotel here, and now of 1Visighotto pent our voltage a visit throng week. Our popular miller, 8. Sauuby, having succeeded in repairing injuries done to his mill dam end mill, is now at work sad is prepared to execute all orders in hie Ilse of business,. Theo. Allen is, we understand, to be principal of Nile echoed .luring 1892. The trustees IWO male a good choice. We have n ot es yet teamed who i. apponsted as assistant. • On Sabhatli eve g last Rev. R. Fair- bairn, pastor of Erskine chuieh, conducted the evening service in the Methodot church, odour( to the paiacr, Rev. A. Potter, be,ug ia Uoderieh. As to who will be the fathers of our municipality (West, Wawaneohl for 1892. there as soothing thus% fair to intimate that any change will be made. in the proem owned. However, imiumation day will reveal It will be pleasing to dm relativesfriends and acquaintances of 31re. Ilt .wers, wife of PUBLIC NOTICE. RIAlloVAL. P. Hamlin, who has for some John Norinan. of East oVawanosh, is Used years past carried on a baking and grocery up svith a lame shodtder. He fell out of business in this village, having se•ured a tree while picking ripples in the Fall and thee not vet recovered. He shoulder mems to he it - , I onsitom at Kincardine, has leased 11*. shrinking away. preini•es aim soh' interest in the Intel • ness to. S Roche, end intends rem ,ving Empire Associating. F. of 1., held its shortly to his new sphere of action. Mr weekly meeting on Wednesday. Ike. 9th. Hamlin takes with Mon the good Icahn and Not • very large number an attendance, al 'sincere t of the citizens of Dungan though the night *05 fine. A number of non semi vicinity. We wish him the hest of italljecte were discussed and- the ▪ in hie new location. meeting closed with • debate The *object was : '• Reeolverl,that more may Interne.' 44"I' R"ehe' who ha.) hcenf4r wine time 11 travelling than by reading.- Dos.oi per in employtIt he of .1. Crawford, mer• Clow, Daniel ('Callaghan, William Martin, Alex. Emerson, Wrn. 'Pardon. Jane.. Mc Grogan and Williani Beecroft upheld the negative, while William) Met •rogan. Chart Fraior, Andrew Fox and Charles Ftnnen oletaineel the affirmative. Johe Martin, Rob* Pur.lon and James Sutherland were appointer judge, and gave &cotton in favor of the affirmative. The meeting then ad• journed for another week. WINDHAM. (P000 Oro Ow.< OilltlitetroMORVV. Reeve McKenzie was in Gorricis on business lout week. Mr. and Mr*. Jas. Anderson returned to their hour in Canouville last week John Carr, of Hutton k Carr, attended the millers' meeting to Toronto last week. ehant, 01 clerk, has moved into the estab• lishment formerly roccupted by Peter Hem linhaving leased it for five years, and has porch:viol the stock of groceries, etc. Mr Roche will, an connection with the general grocery, carry no the baking business, and hopes by tenet attention to business to merit the rummage of MI who may favor him with their custom. Success to you, Samuel. On Thursday evening of last week, In pursuance of previous intimation, • lecture, being the first of this strulon•s series under the anspiees of the Epworth Leshoue in eon rection with the Methodist church here, was held in the Methodist church. Rev A Potter, prior, presided over the meeting in his usual happy nerner. There was a very fair attendance present, that there were other meetings the ennui Iter. Dr. Sutherland, general mismonary night. The lecturer. J. E. Howell, M. A., ....retory, and others will address a cow of Goderich. district chairman, taking as centum to he held in the Methodist churoli ma his subject " The Neensity of the Rade, Turley afternoon. and D. Influtmee,- gave • splendid lecture, which. we presume, will have great matinee nn thole who had the privilege of being ="nt. It as pronounced to be one of the Iect ores that have bees delivered in the church. The fire hell rang on Teemlav .venin Imo. the fire Ming in one of Richard An demon's! chimneys. No &mite was don. This 6. the first time our bell itas rung for a fire for some time. A very sad accident kaolin ed on Friday * freeness in Lower Winghain. Stanley Water, ono of Jas. Watson. pot hts skates nn and ventured on the mill pond. There being only shout halt an inch of ice, he holn•t gone far when the in broke and lett him thrmigh There hieing nom. wiles him to lend him . ly the por boy drowned. He was never missed until tea time, and was Mead on Saturday morning by his err, J. Jacking, end C. Rarbrier. He was Mined on Sunday after- noon. A lodge of the Knights of Pythias was organised in town on Tenuity venom of lam week ley • miniher ad leading names of Pernect ledge.N. 10, Loadna, there tunes • charter list of sweaty -throe toombers. The following Akers were elected and in stalled • John Norris, P C ; F. W. ("haw - feed, C.C.; J. H. Hisoneks, V.C.O. ; D. McCerumek, P.; R. CArtellyn, M. eh Alt W. .1 nasty, R. el R.. 4 R : J. H. Borotor. I/ of T. ; (' B. Williams, U. el R.; L Harem, 1.S.; W. J O.S. Aber , wards they adjunreed to the Ilrusistelek Rouse, where • eery plume' sod Njey tilde beer wee spurt GREY. trams ore ows , Prof. Coeds is oret**14 riarg.di at Craiihrook. 11rs. Peter Elder, from Masitoba, as vieitiag her parents. Mr. sod Mn. ()oriel Rain. Shoddy cloth pedlars are Mill operating in this township. Every framer should give thorn the run. The Patrons of Industry will give a hig eratertrament Turnbull's school home ea Friday owning of the. week The sir in new full of rumen of ancials, &noes, weddings, en' and the bee If the wearier 'model roily settle down with good sisigbiag there would be new. fan them yen esold mbali• a stick at ter while. _ Omar an " Tau Rion at wets 'rase urn. Age 0611 10 PA/2111a Tan niintrYT, AND TRIM Men DritA.an AND 11000 1115011.1111111 re " TIN Rearrao., Owr. Term Raw ta mu Ova nem 400 "Tar iiroset." re ewe Ban. BLUEVALIE. traorr owe owet , Arch. Amides is ea the sick hid. Ward Farrow 014Millayed her.. Plubp 'Motor. jr., is vuo .ig kis brother in Woodstock. The Methodist tialdath school inroad has mg • Christmas tree ma Dee. 23.16. Rev. John Roes, 61 A.. preached the an 1411111017 sermons in the l' church • lay. Juba Messer, who has bees making chair this season, hat come home to speed the Winter mailer the pareutal vv./. Last Saturday the return snatch we. played between the Bluevale rid the Woos ham juror football clubs, us the Wuoghans gromeis. The game resulted an • draw, both *dos failing to score. The Y. P. 1,•. A. had their almost tem meet ng on Moseley, 14th. Although the Westing was very nufaeorahle a large crowd ereasibled t parteke of the delicacies pre tared by the member, of the Allaleillt1011. Addre••••• were deliiered by Rev. John Rose, of Bruseele,Rev I B. Wallwin,of Blue, vole. Roe. Mr. Hughes, rector of the Epee c,.pol church, 11.1tarrhana, anal Rev. Mr 61 alley. oho presided as eleairman of the untertanuactit. The program was lengthy end rented to the enjoy meet .1 all. Mr. Gracey, of Winglini, Imre some of his famous reading*. The innate ants supplied l. th.• Moses Waimea, uf Witaritam, 1,1co. Dutlielil and the church ehenr. The even- ing was .pent, both profitably mud piquantly. A vote of thank. Wail ordered to the per- formers and everyone weal home well 'satistiou. 11.00 LA1111 r011 LAAV WEEK. J ames Gray is ma the sick list this week. John Mesmer, who has been working (u the Moloswerth elle-cad, facture, came home. last week. 1,•..t Settarday there wa. en unusual ...or itt the village, made by the arnral of the junior football chili bout tVitighaus. At 30 the clubs, klatch were very evenly 'Hatched in site - began to play. It was soon aeon, 1, int:Ter, that the home club was the bsturr, a. they made two goals to 11 Ingham'. 6)... *6.. nr.t half time lit the laud half it was expected thin the visitors would pLay letter, a. they ho.! the Wind in their foto:, hut it err aeon Seen that the ..... e team was not to be holed wale, as they :n three more goads and made the •core 5 to 0 in favor of Blue, ele. The other evening,.. Mrs. Wm. Mesmer wao vioiting at the letaa-e, she wuseurotie•i to re her Sunday school clam, inert* one by one mt.) the mom where she hail he,,, ushered and Mir Louie Hoot •ey, one of her class, read her an whirr, telling her of the love they all had for her and of Iwo they had at Loot concluded te show it by giving her & little token Mies %Iaggie Robertson 1 heti roam and drew from under 1h.. table a beautiful slipper -yaw and footetool covered with plush. Mrs. Metro ban long been a faithful and alde wurker In the Sunday school anal has gained the love of her clams MARNUCH. [snow ova ow • rsiLitielen• Mire Adeline McGee 6. orating frontim scar Bays eld. WI, . rtso:i, of Myth, spent Sunday at los bee her .ktiam s. M ts • Hannah R enemy. of Weightier. spent Su eloy et Rob 0 t Scott s. ft Simper,. fro oi near Gnelph, is lit.1t1D: friends 13 11.i. vie nity Alas ' for our moms. S:eigleng no away • ie proionged holiday stet mud prevail' in i s steel .4 nUrillser Of 1he ot11.3. !wirer. Of Calvin • went cher 1” 1 le- rraidene.! Of their p.••tor. R. v. 44 61 heddes, White .beech. one day Let w..L, ai.d presented about thirty hags Of oats He !husked thew ite.ruly for their thoughtful hinder.. Anoilier of our young us% 6. 16*. perms of Coo .e,a the ranOs of the lienolicteT.0' leeks lady was, Miss 'dry 'Iowa t ex,. iid our beet wilt.... to the al emipl.. Mid.es llg • . and %lag /le Roberts -op ieare on W &bay tor Waelillig100 hit alf . where their brother .10hi8 living. W. are e ery to lo -e thae two or, unable young 14.1lea, but se Marta, 03.11 their' well to :heir new piece of reside -ore. NILE. (nun ore tie!, C•ot11041.03DMIV.; Several of our fanner* luel @beep worried y dogs recently. Mrs. Gramme t sock We hope to bear of her spe•-dy recovery. Go to the school .*&mniai.oi oo Friday next and you will have • good time. Mr. Al en and Mime Mc, Myer will teach the young idea laer to sh...it loc 1492. Mr. 14.11ows, prusopal of the arhool, has hewn laid up tor A tear days. We hop. 0110111 to hear of his recovery. We sotiee that • yoling masa from the 6th Onneessioli of Wawsnosh takes motiasiosial drier down totrat•I 61-••linv-Ile. We as- pect Us bear -bet whist! The church trustee board are booming their new ahe1. Wheu completed it will add mach to the oo -it- •ri and appearance of the place. The sett thino no -corm y is • n ew church. The happiest matt you see driving through our village is Alexisioier Dunkeld. If you ask the rears they tall you that hie wife presented him with • haselteane baby girl. We , hits It is • loag other ✓ ace people dad so to your c. IT norm. Hugh florin, our no eon le dealer, is gathering up the lam of his Iamb& The Dungannon *erase praised hien tap a few week', ago hilt hind, a in -wake. he diem net t..Iong to that oneoworee • it as not big enema to had • sun 01 his merry und posh. The Rev. IS A Fear preached os Monday eveuieg, taking for los text Get mit 19:xvii. We tell yon he has wit a very 11114h ,opillInfl Of poor Lot. The rev gentlemen took hi. surprise 10111111( them he wasted them to give a plate collection a, 1370 on the first Sunday to January to pay for the new shed. We be•itono he will get it. toed we think slot is the proper way to do it. Theis coaretion with Nibs &today isoltesol Will he held nn lArerettnee Rye, whet' a choir* t,gotten up by the scholars, earl ureal Christina. tree will he to the fere The Readay eter nom will be bald on Smutty, Ireeember 2014. Mrs Poetised is expected to preach 14the childres, sad Rev Mr Potter, of rrill preach ks poresta and =War Tim aide* daesloor Heise 0.0100) 01 Rev. Dr. Parma, porde, of lie Mineral Mothodiet eek, Rt. Thio... firentsefir of Rumor, died of 49 Desrlar sight. 6th hem Aged 49 years. !.' THE MARKETS. --- BREADSTUFF'S ARO PROVIStOirig wearies' Miriam. Ihreeasuar. Doc M rail wheat. • ••..•• •••••• frifoseita $..e -4.,,c wheat ....... • oi to • s KO. W MSS. • Flour Ober's, 9 Ian brae. ton Screen • Oats. sew. es Pinia • be*Null a ........ to I * Haney. eeeisisee ........ ...... cows. Hay. r era udi • Petah Ittutga 0 SSW'S Apples. $ 15010,15 batter. V Di ***gee. • • Illate010 Stank fresh impaskod. dna .6... • tote leesee 0lIt.S Wood . al Is 4 le Weel ............ . Ones* III Hides. 2 4 • *on •• • e 11 Pelts. .. • • *ta • .• • • • .. •• • . se to" •ei to • 11401.3• ..... 00 tog ..... Le se too 9? 14 110 too lo ..... 110 Ou toes ig *Mu,. g 91119119*011110111119194. Doe. ts, ffies . . r: tom irr Spring Wheat • 117 toe V/ 0 40 la 0 VI Harley lisle • • • •• 0 31 tel0 30 Peat 1101101/1141 A miles Illrinint 10011•••• •••• • • Le 0 Si Polelo-....•.•••S•O IM•••••• 0 1510. H Witter ............ O, r ............ 0111110111•.• dayN II CordW0111•. ••••••••••••••••••••••• VS001 •• ••• ••••• •• Pork let N NOM 101 )1 tO 3 91 191•00•4•1 Ilarkem. 1*.. 644(11. Flour. prelate. f$ 30 to 3 ig Wheat. Fall . n in to • NI serial 11 le to 0 es Nan 0 110 ta 9111 Harry • 35 to 0 52 ‘ 14118 e 30 to 0 31 Potatoes 0 25 to 0 It Wool, pre lb. 0 17 on 0 a Hales 3 so to 4 CO Sheep Shiba 030 to 0 7: ha). per :on 10 00 lir 10 II moo, per dos 0 li io 0 14 littitAr. par lb 0 14 to 0 0 Pure 3 OD to 3 es Wood. Ver yard 1 50 to I 75 nearer Wean.* fliwket, The receipts of Ilve stock at the rands at ike Nontrial Stock liarrts Compeer, l'ulat ft chasers. fur the week cueing Llec. 124remr. _ 15 Receipts of lire stock so the Montreal Stook 4 area. Pt. *4*. 'Aeries. 101 46*. week Left over from prevent* 'reek Tots= entak There wale shoat 51j 17, trade thi. week sad eerily sul ere. to. Issue the reseaboder from last week. Sunni* at rie hotter prices. etre', steady at he • laver+. i• tho Th. Ilia bog trade is -off." and nut 10 bought to sell *2 10 10 esseper with dreier hogs at (dc to Oec with Mike the market it 66 soded. We .0114 the follevritnee$ Ulan tale values t'aitle, bet ebers• good. ...... Si‘ le Me " ..... 3ie 'beep 1. 10 111,ws tea, to .....................w ASi14FIELD. Lenox Ora oWn . The trial ores of the late Mrs. Graham, formerly of the 13th con., Aehfiel.i, have erected a beantiful tornboonee too her ewe ory in Zion cemetery. 12t.' 00U. The friend.; and acquointances of Men INelite Thompson will lc sorry to learn ef her de oth iu Tornio, 25 Walton street, Nov. 27th. She was tint cousin to Mrs. Thos. ilcKeitto 12th cos. BRUSSELS. (MOW nee. 1/111 , • 1 Pepper's perfume ore Le the nicest is written I)Mario. IO. 'Turnbull, of Galt, was is 1011111 for a few days last week. Irwin* Mellen are sow ninety seer ay. give them a call. "Mogen" Downing is hone. He will *Wild the Winter with too Mrs .f. M, kronor is visiting her (laugh ter, MTV. Hunt, at the rectory. Southawy ton. Wm. Crawford is home for the Winter. He had leen working near ffirforth fur tie past six month,. J. G. Skase and A. R. Smith have improved their seer stares by showing a nom gilt ern. It lonks very artistic. A Christmas hall MUNI meprirr is aromeseed to take place at the gam s's blur) ball ea Christina. Kve. Good mime *41 6*.- furnish- ed. Silty waggons loaded with mom were mentor on T000day afternoon of last Weillt fin our merket. Brussels is TUX market this rearm. Mrs. H. Towniondchildren,of Winntegoire visiting the former's pinata and town. Mrs. Town is the daughter of Kam!. Crawford. Jesse James ham the Maitland netting rink and will moo have it ender way. A few more freeeing nights and we all shall be giiling Then leoh out for !Matey. Rohr. Room who bad been at New West- minster, , for the peat tea torogiles, is home, He reports trade doll. Altar all. there is no place like our good Ontario. Pay. I. R. Wallwia, wife and daughter. of filuevale, wiles visitiag at the pa last week. *The reverend geatlentellaS dreamed the meeting on Thursday neer. His address was listeners.. "Love id Mind,- hot not the A intim men MI our SOWN, WO hell -ere, in about to enter the "Retitle areet," jorigieg from the ".marks" he los lately perchaeW• elm very wall. have ears and eyes mete iM "eoveither 14th John Humble, a half brother of Mrs. J R Grant, of Winnipeg. area • brother of Mrs. J W Mhiel, of Ter alto, wee killed between two MPS lig Wichita., Ramose, while amieting at toed* resat his brother Outer's elevator. He wan o ansarried. 1119. Wise • 09•1111. Will that haps of the sore appear. of swore youdinelsoneed the warning • The oral pee saner Ask 60 omits to rue riek mad notlong7for *elf if mos ma afford Mre thsake .16 it. We hooey from expertise. that S161109 '41 CAire will ours your moo* It diver fade Clinton New Res: -Yeilleedff 111""44/) aftersioon, • neap,* of vary ratisralds yowl Wiese( Omuta started se • Ise, kr•r0•1."' ler the naked the nue they harroploard °Ai" lore to. Tim listissoara Mime Ihrdellowl Mag tie &blew liktaghtors of Mrs. Bridged. ex" 40 dolifortria. wirers one le 10 10 married 10 .11.. Pirko", Use of absent, wad the WOW 90 • Mr. Jamison, former* 44 Rodiarimit •