HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-12-17, Page 7Dresses & Costumes. Wo receive Haley A large tauaigntnellt oft Dress Costumes, New English Serges and Cheviots, In the loatiiiig Nimblest blue, green, brown, garnet and grey. Vslutina Cord, lie fJa.hioutble ttulte1W far tiefh■Rt }�1i. tlllild telearia.; tt11 colors. Special Black Velutina, 1 her repeat order iu .tock today. Priest 75c., worth 95c. Mantle and Jacket Cloths. A beautiful resection •entirely new. Kid Gloves. Lathes run no risk iu buying our Kid (atoms, as we guarantee nearly All nes anti take buck any not eatiefactory to return to the nttnufeeturem in- spection invite.(. !WNW price paid foo etuter. W. ACHESON & SON. VP= S� 'TEEM Creme de la Creme IN CHRI4TMAS PRESENTS AT THE PHA RMA CY. No old-fatehioutel oxidised silver or failed plush goods. (Our stock of \inns gifts is entirely.iew• and well :elected from the eery utett t t les. A choice line bf Seely's nmi liiekse(•ker.e fancy perfuses and toilet reparations. A pleasure to show good-. Keep poi i• ens' on , nr t.nudow GEO. A. FEAR Dispensing and rattily Chemist,' theeosesor to ORO. R!•TXAe. Ooderieh. Ont. I$9'L T NW. Harper's Magazine.; Harper's Weekly. ILL UST ET). ; LLTJSTR A.TEI7. The Nlanaaine will celebrate the fourth Centenary of the Discovery of America by its .:t: utsnrter. through artletd etiving n more thorough .xpoaftio• than has hitherto been wade ot the ItwuJIxt COMO aliaNTKI. . mermIXT Or „l:R COT STOW. sad rem -cilia, n the OatuT WEPT. Partkular alteOUon will aiso be given to fMAxATW ket*)t1El' or Attaint• Htaaront. The Fescr or THE bed la • ttrrrum oftPaeets on the Danube beapeFr I'aaebe "Prom the hoick sorest to the Black vac- b Pnt•Lrnav Btucu,w and F. L. MIL. aerated by Mr. Shaul' and Ate eau Pareses•. Arthdo also wile be given on the r;ermas. Amoralise. mid Italian Armies. illus - rated oy T. tie TnctaTRt s•. Mr. W. 11. ilowetre will rontribute a new anent. -. A Worlds•! ('lssor. ehsracuenstteal ly American. tapteW promtttesoe will be Rites to elitism wrosume which will heron rlbeted by T. B. A t1e.N R. its t H lit t.. A. C... A:: GfYt.K.. MAaolKr .,e:L'u. Mies We.ett-,v. and other popular writers Among the literary fest urea will be Personal Itemini.veucesof Natl lfawthuroP,by hs IWdge.�awll a I�ereonalandifrie. Horatio Memoir of he Brown n(r. I.) .tr.re Thackera) hitcher. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. HARPER'S MAGAZINE. Per Year RARI'KhWi Wt EKi.i', liAltrVlt'lsBAZAR. HAItI'kbt'e YOUNG rKOPLE. et 00 4 00 4W 200 i'ostage Free foal! sonar-ribera : e the Visited Staffs. Canada and Merieu. The Volutwea of the Magazine been wltb :he Numbers for June and December of each Year. When so time V specified. sutsripione will begin with the Number current at the :low of receipt of order. Hound Volumee of Hsal clor'sth ybindint..will be ine for .rae x by mslLears kp. int paid cloth v Cklh pw,d, on receipt of •100 per volume. crass, for binding.: o cents each by mea. Post Paid. Remittances should 1e made b Post-oelee Money Order ter Graft. tel avoid chalice of lass. \-rwsWtprrs are col 10 rein this adrrrfise• Muni without the nrartr order of Harper It Brothers. .Addis's: HARPER k H New York. 1892. Harper's Young People. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. W e 1:K Lt for the eom:nrr year will contain more attractive features. more sed ever idustrstlona, and a greater number of anile of lite. intense interest than will be totted in any other tw-rludical. Amoww these latter will be • eeriest of art is re on the twenty - five greatest cities of the world. including live hundred illustrations. The Columbian Expo- sition. the Anny and Nati. great public events, disease, , on (nod and se.. and the doings of the celebrated people of the day will he oescribed and lLustn t„1 in an attractive and timely nastier. The department of .oma. t. ea - Sport will coattail. nwder the directioo of C•-1•AK W. WHlras%. The best of modern writers will emnrlbute short stories. and the most distinguished artiste will nuke the iUus- 'rations. The editorial articles of Mr. Gsxomte WILLIAM (Ixyls will remain as an especial attraction. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. IIAR1'F.'1I.Y 11ARPk'K8 HAMPER'S u.eery. The Thirteenth Volume of IIAsrtat'S Tot Nu I'sort.r began on November 3. IMI. ler the eon ice year this beet •nd moss . eve weekly In the world for youthful readers offers • ' ailed and faselnating pro.m. Is serial net fon It will contain ••INego P1010.. 001MT of the first voyage of (Caguas.�by J11s. Rests RI J..' 'a,.ormates:A story_ of the Pisrifis alio hetirglades.-by KIRK ID.b,ie of the bent tapers and �e� m 1Ro f American authors sad Mothal Ri ■kro nal !one parts by Tnomaa Reams PAae, K. H. Hol sat. AtuanuOR TOAs_ BILL* ROOHAtt t'm m• R, sed MARY rt. Mt -(one. Afore thou two huadtwd short Mores by estmelte writers. ankles on travel tint of -door sperm. solos► pm.,,. and all •uloieets dear W the hearts of the young, tsaides hundreds of Ill•asntione b7 lading situs. will combine wmake HAR1•rat• \ o. ,o 1WI-LZ few lbw as ireesistlb:e rep SI - tory M eternal., std ,nfernatles for boys wet Intl•. -- The iwat weakly pwblleatfoe fer MAMA Movie la etWeseeitis edited with wourllsm• rare cad attention and '.Mruetlos sad aster Women( are mtn.W 1s It• MOW I• last the ✓ ies, pr'•roorttns• to e.ptIvan& the et r young. and at the as time .snap shinbone power.-(Akesrwr. N. V. Tall!$, PesUttlln Priem d• Se NPM Vow. Volumes V., VIR. sad X11. of HAara.7 Y04 $0 Farouk head M el.tb. tu10 be t Ise The Mho, velin paidare eu(�pprint ese\ anima lftrwlrsa1.Piss team 1.11 l..dmas C -•Py amt ea ree.lpt of hese'.* ttemP. ItamR ub.sld h mad. W Aid.!s ea "•sy tk,lor Or haft. to ay.M naso w leis S pets are not b rad/ w Oafs ad►tW same aewt the experts* r of HpA01-n t AMeom: HARP=a 111809 Y ont. w Per Star WEEKLY.. .' ,•1 MAGAX1.%R•' !!AZAR • - .. 1. 4 '0 YOUNG PCOPLB.. . w i'odap. Inc roan sash rribvra in the United Mates. /'panda, and Jferieo, The Volumes M the WOO.t.t begin with the first Number for January of etch year. When no time to mentioned. subs.-ripions will begin with the Number current at the time of re- ceipt of order. Hound Volumes of H.Rt•RR'n WrtlKi.t for three years back. in neat cloth binllni. will be seen lir nail. ywlage paid. or by entire.& fer of einem... (provided the freight does not exceed one doaar per tolulnO. for 17.00 per volume. Cloth Cars for each volume. .Mable for binding, will be sent by null. post pail. on re- ceipt o111.00 each. Remittances should be made by Pest-otflce Honey Order or Draft. to avoid .:bene of lust. •V .r.poy/wrn are not to .rope this adrrrt .e - mewl wit4oe! the .rpnsa order of HARI•alt t HIMrniena Address : HARPER t BROTHERS. New York. 1891. Harper's Bazar. ILLIIBTR HARi•K6'e BAZAR is a Journal for the home. it Rives the Isteet informatloe with reward to the Iraabloas. and its numerous illu*tratios.. Paris designs. sod pattern -sheet snpplenwnts are indiepen••ble alike to the home dram - :raker and the profeeoo•al modiste. No ex- pense ti spared to .make its artistic attractive - mess of the highest order. Its bright Morins. amuning ooatedle•, sod thoughtful e.•aya sat- iety all ,esus, and Its last paste is famous as • MidgetadMidgetd wit anhumor d inct In Its weekly Mutes evtrythlag is lael.ded which Mot seises*[ to women. The tterlais for IMO will be written. by WALTKR ata*oT and WILWAO BLACK. Mrs. (r.trHattT will berots* • contributor. Mamie HARLAIti. Timely Talk& "11•y In and Ilai lit." are intead.d for matrons, and HID. Ks MAIMHAI.L NontTH will imperially ad- dress Rirla. T.W. Hmeteree. in "Women and Men.' will perms a eulUvated •,dienee. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Veer t llAR,'RRS BAZAR ..... . IIARPRRSMA(7AZINK.. . ...... .. LIO /IARPRRR N'RRA,.1" ........ 4 a, RARPFRR rof'.v.I 1'fOOI'1.R y ,e Posinp. Fir to .df sab.rrlhers is the rattled .Stat••. (smile, sad Mrrd' . *4 re' The Volumes of the BAZAR bootie with the nest Number for January stemh year. Whoa no time is sestteseet. euksr:tptItis• will bled• with the Number ewrreat atthe move et receipt et order. Douai Volumes of Hawse'. R1rAR for three years beet, in nem (-bth Medina. will be Beet W mall, postage mod er by worms. ergo of e1pswr panelled the1brt sot emeemendmh nae dollar per voluel. 40, 1j: Np ter rdew.r. and eleth raise for each veemew imitable for khtdbig, wO M ale by mak, met odd. ea 1100411 of OM sash. Iy ispa .d for Several weeks rehearsing the .team M no* b peuMwm l Allay in whish .he will make her new re.= Memel Order 0r Draft. 0. tired shame et Mss. tem mid &hatted pleasantly .bout It One �s,.�p0rs twerpter Sane day. ' 1 an going to play her the fret w• smrstf ~„,,, 4*, what+id As eat wa no my Iifo the heroine in • modern is offrare Reorrrw00. .smsdy drama. 1 derided to %Am l is step i We way : Ile. day Mr. R. Pt Maar Adams' KARMAa ftliOTHew T gibed me to rad • play he had written. 1 TIIE $IGNat.: GODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1*1. EVERY FARMER'S SON 1 Business Education. A pee:al a secure the catalmg':e of T HBnsiness o: ll CITY r.parDplr, otter IM etetteats tm atteadasoe. J w. . rrsartpat ODDS AND ENDS. petard'• L1n4mesl ruses Mpbthrrta. It takes two champagne. ) ears to make • bottle of Mr. epwrgetie signed the abstinence piedge o, 10610. Expel the worms by using the safe and reliable untheimtntic l'ret•n:aa r %Venn Pow der• Im %Viten a luau realises that be cannot bt famous there I. sonic hone that be will set- tle Mien and lee useful. To invigorate both the body and the brain, use the reliable tonic, llilbura's Aro- matic tluininc Wine. lm If you hate nothing flee t., I. thankful for, it thankful that yon mint always read your :eat friend.. thoughts. Xati,nal fill. are a mil.( pu:''.,tive, nct- i':a earth.- stomach, live: and bowels, re- moving all °batnr-eons. lm • Evert' workman in Japan Wars of his c..p.nd en he hark at; iutcriptitm ;wine h., be 'intim au 1 bis emuloyer's :rune. V ictor:a t iu•holic `talvc is a great aid to int trued medicine in the treadmill: o: serif elens •.•res, utters aril al...-•ewsew of all kinds. 1m When a woman di.e an.l her hushand rc - fu.es t., marry again is it a compliment to his fire. wife, or is its sign t hat he has hal cueing!' of it :• itch, mange and .crotches of every kind, o. Iranian or anitnil.. enrol in 30 minuets by'Voollotd'a Sanitary Lotion. This cover fails. Sold by F. Jordan. 9G•ly The man who'goee into iM 1`e Caere butinoss may not naturally be energetie,bet lie id Ia,un.l to keep things humming. Eel Lenore :\nter1C'an. Headaches, dimness of vision, parties: deafness. hawking and .pitting invariably remelt from ••atarrb, %rnieh may be cured be: the n.e of Nese) Halm. It has cured others, why not yon'. Stranger {in .3aysiati--"I cin t steed bow this little testa menages to sup- port u - dtwo ." Resident "1t sn't. It supports The Ripper. The Snorter Gres on spite. All nervous dis..rlerr,.11 disease,. peculiar to women, such as bearing down pains, sup prelaiom of the periods and weak nerves, can be thoroughly .tired by the use of lar. Williams' Pink fill.. Try them. - Often That Way.. `•H'm. that yanig man of yours is he worth anything tinan- cially"Why, yes. papa. Ile is worth at leant *35 a week to the store, he .aye, though they only give him $10." Did you ever I uy n horse and not have some misgivings as to his points tiU they were fully tested \ot 00 with .tyer'a Sar- saparilla : you may be sure of tt at the start. It never disappoints those who gine it . fair and persistent trial. "and when you have finished your lec- ture," *aid the professor of elocution and deportment to voang !Mlle, "bow gracefully and leave the platform on tiptoes." "Why on tiptoes!" queried Dulk. So as not to wake the audience," replied the professor. Nearly all colds are slight at first, but their tendency is to so lower the system that the sufferer becomes a ready victim to any prevalent disease. The use of Ayer's l'herry Pectoral, in the beginning of n roles, would gurd ataiw.t the danger ''Women dress very ridiculously," hP said, as he watched his wife finishing her toilet. "It is the usluon, John," alto said pleaearttly. "Fashion he hanged." said Ihe.•1 would be snpennr to fashion if I were a n-n.nan.- Five minutes later he asked her to sew .t button oe the back of his coat. English 'p.vin Liniment removes all harts, soft or calloused humps and blemishes from horses, blond ap.vin,curbeeplints, ring bone. sweeney, 'miles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save $60 by use of one bottle. Warranted the moat wonderful blemish cure ever known- Sold by F. Jordan. 96-ly A height ten-year old girl, whose tither to amateurphotography,ata i. addicted erod- ed atrial at court the other day for the first time. This was her account of the judge's charge : -'. The judge made • long speech to the )cry of twelve men. and them sent them off into a little .lark room to develop." 1'. 1'. Ito it & Co., i have used your MiNARD'S LiXi MIENT successfully in a serious case of creep in my family. 1 t,r:ider it a remedy no hoose should be without. Pape Island. J. F. CV!ttr't.:HAtt. Tint string fee my mow home a bottle of MIWA1111044 U111 IRNT. Im fess w•....aIddwr Vow Vomelsore. 1 here Ito been much daass.t inters*, w ines over Men %mat -%dames' iotsutiw to return to the siege. There will 1.e od- dities.! interest lent to ter reappeseoaee from the fart that she will . est hes n-mn- trance h remedy drama, in a rale entirely le her %Ire NrIrions me uses aetiws- did se, .ad liked it. Ten Mr. 011. Maar read the play to Mr. Palmer. They put their heals together sal asked ata to plc it. 1 iwoepeed their older, bemuse the role was et diftereut (runt anylkluiigg that I had ever attempted. If 1 suomed, the public will greet ate, 1 hope, ea " the other twin" to be loved and liked, bocawso " t'oUier este w Trn't bad" The play will be produced at P.lu er's theater, Nee York, about lice. 17. A farmer teacher in the Ottawa tic llegiats Institute, tie meeitu a recent l'wamdi•n ar- rival in Chug.', mud: "vita are the sixty- fifth of my old pupils 1 wow anew to be m- eanie to this city." This was out of the pupils of five years. Them must hate beau MI (Geer Adobe.. Itr..t4, Stan, l have been trimly/al with headache for ',err 40 years, and had it so hail about ones • week that. 1 was some Liens sot expected to live, i was advised w ,ese R. It It, and have used 3 bottles. 1 now have an attack only once in four or five months, and feel that if I eantioue us- iag it 1 will be entirely cured. Therefore 1 reoutimeud it highly. 2 ML.. } A. •$hoots', Shetland, Ont. minnow. NaI1$N- le tie Ile.*. 'I'hc nutter had brought Fainter Museum a particularly diminutive "pat " Of butter. The v:1 P1.n .„•kwl • ,, ins dish, looked at It el, .sly aLa t)bservtd : " Wipe that grease spit off that plate and bane me some out ter. EtIlterl•1 E, Ideate. •1'iLt. '5L', Vour Hagyard'a )1 allow Oil is worth is weight an gold for both inlet nal and external use. !luring the We la grippe epidemic we Muria it • most excellent preveuttve,aat for sprained limbs, etc.. there is nothing to ejual It. let estee ., Editor Keper4er, 2 r 1 ya lei, l)nt. WW Or ale. A Hoosier las of twelve years was indule- triou.ly at work upon a pile of wood la 0110 mothers back yard, when he was • by a playmate. "Hello, Hen," said the .your you get anything fer cutlet' the •• Well, 1 rtxkon t do," replied gives mea cent a day fer Join' it.I " What you goim' to do with yer .1"" • • Oh, she's mein' It ter me, and {rAsa 1 get enough she's goin' to get ate a new at." A Olay* for We Setter. Silt -1 hate taken three bottles of Bur- dock Wood Bitten and tied it a splendid medicine for constipation tad poor appetite. 1 will cootinne taking it, as it is a great blessing and 1 feel a greet change in my bealth-tince taking it. �Ilt..1`' ( 141I\, 2 5.Sy.. denh..t1-s1., Tomato, Ont. A Joke 1st 1al10atsdrtttla He stood at the black .rd working very hard over • prob. There was a large protuberance on his cheek, which might have been caused by his tongue ; but the teacher thought otherwise. Laying his finger gently upon the suspicious lump, Prof. I hgge asked in penetrating tones : "Quid est hocMatthew Mattes was startled, but he did net lose has presence of mind. ...hating the bunch to his other cheek• he looked the professor coolly in the face and replied :--"Hoc est quid." Shard's Oilmrat Ise Ireeemeil.sa. Aunt Sally "Goodness me '. How can the President he so extravagant with the people's money!" Unc:e i'vas tre w ' • %V net's the matter mother`'" "Ilnly think of keeping these peaky IndiAns on 1;overnmeut preserves " "Mt For Palm or ('gilds. /:earizer', Fifteen months ago 1 hal a healing breast. 1 tried a number of reme- dies but got no relief. 1 then tried llagyard's Yellow Oil; which gave me instant relief. It is the best thing 1 ever used for all kinds of pain or oold. 2 Ma -.:,lone l'osnrre, St. Masya, Ont. Matt rev the lime. Rub lamp chitntteys in salt before wash- inv. It will brighten them. Wash the !ands in cider vinegar before retiring. It will make them soft and smooth. One-third of a tenapoonful of molasses s. a good substitute for ►wine glees of brandy in fruit cake or pu.l ting. Pine may he made to look like some bean - tile! wood by giving it repeatol ooatsof hot linseed oil and rubbing bar.( after each coat. if the differonec in the flavor of white and black pepper were more generally known very little black pepper wonld be used by ea One. In the days ..f Autumn Ironer cleaning the wall brush made with an extension handle, so that the highest ceiling may be reached with ease, will be found a veritable boon to tired clesners The handle is of the lightest wood procurable. It is scarcely heavier than a handle of bamboo, and it may be extended twice its regular length. It is so arranged that either a brush of hair ora scrubbing brush may be attached to the haadk. New Nara= Sieges. ih:AR Sten, _1 hare toe., six bottle* of 11. RB. 1 took it for liser complaint. Before i took it i had headache end felt stupid all the time. Mut now 1 .m healthy and entirely well In addition i have agtwni appetite, which 1 did not have previn y. 2 Ltnat. Pot K , New Sarum, slat. names Moles tar 441,4.. 1. Shot the door and shut it softly. 2. Keep your own room in tasteful order. 3. Have se hour for ruing• and rise. 4. Lara to make bread as well as cake. ft. Never let a button stay off twenty-four hours. 6. Always know where your things are. 7 Neter let a day par without doing eoetething to make somebody comfortable & Never come to l,reakfaet without a collar. 9. Never ga •bout with your suit+ un buttoned. 10. Speak clearly ermine% for everybody to notlentand. 11. Never Meet, or hame to disturb X12. bod Never help yourself at tee table be fore you pass the plate. 13. Re patient with the little one• as you wish your mother to he with 14. Never keep .avhndy ib. Never less► or fret, or Mem Data Noma, -1 Net two 10••110 of Wag - 'a Pectoral Il.l..m. and it eared me d IKars.Rsm mewl tightness of the 1110 attar other things had failed. i have Men hied HRR.. it works splendidly kw we•kttw and headache. 2 SAryiRt. MAnnor'K, illinginerilla, Ont. J. C. Rt.,,anse, (limbos, mot wise a Falafel 1evideal ; while holding • pais a gess/ yp 1. a.e that Net. •w•. mn flaw le it, Tt .ud.Mml wr+ked dlasn.ally, and in 1011 iew the pabet11 s.. BMW eNsed his web* mid est lam is W krA. '7 HOLIDAY PRESENTS PARLOR LAMPS, DECORATED LAMPS, LIBRARY LAMPS, PIANO LAMPS, BOSTON SHADES LAMPS FOR EVER r it AseRE. OUTSIDE LAMPS, INSIDE LAMPS, KITCHEN LAMPS, LAMPS FOR WEDDING GIFTS Just What You Want , Presents for Your Rib. Egg Heaters. .lett%' M,suI'I 4 'at:, Sl' apes, Rice \bolds, I'urrilhe Boilers. THE BISSELL " PRIZE " 1 arph't sweeper. ;GIVE YOUR WiFE A SWEBPER Anil snake her work lighter, And you u ill save your atrpets. FOR CHRISTMAS WEDDING GIFTS. SILVER PLATED WARE. Silver -Plated Knives and Forks, Cake Basket., ting Knives and Forks, Biscuit .Jars, Tota, Table and Dessert Fruit Dishes, Spoons and Forks. ( Cruets ants Rnttere. From .Simpson, Hall, i Miller & Company. hll� IN GIFTS. - Al Goods. Quality Guaranteed. Prices Right. ALECK SAUNDERS, WEST STREET. Keep YOUR FEET DRY EPPS'S COCOA "Hya th,-s.nrgh knowledge of 'he ranural laws which govern the operations of dieestion and nutrition. andn .areful apple -anion of lect Cocoa. Mr. pps has pr void 0114 ilropertir o�wbreakfast'tables with • delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctor' bills. It is by the judi- cious n.e of such articles of diet that a consti- tution may be gradually bttlt up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladW, are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is • weak point. Ile may tscape many • fatal ' shaft sty keeping onr.elves well fortified with Corr . .Implyd mod :rite. properly nourished fratne. Stock of Fall orbits Sirius Gnc.ith Goods (lade simply with bailing water or milk. Bold only in pmketAby Grocers. labelled thus • JAMES 6►PR t 4'e., N.mwso.tble ('Mem. Isis. Medea. gmglaad. This can be done at a very small cost by purchasing your foot wear at the old -established and reliable Shoe Store of w YOU WILL FIND MY - 11r111N. r a r's• 1e leen; made by Jean R cw.r.T.ny,l.1 A. west ter ow 0.1rr, yes ww7 ale •.•a. r w.r0, M. ..e ,M yew "Willy ace r...,w 0� t. ,• •le ei7 w 55. sena.. wn++...•.e e. 5101 es.. all r.•. he M7 1." ,.l semi.a. yes ..w wr......., b..,, ... • enrolees... *pan reraww •••. t., . eY wast. Aa Yee.. a,w1 r.y al'al a• wrier ee.etee. w • ,,.•o 7 1 111 nr .. CAGILY, .nai•itr ifenMO m1 NS Adarnan ' • .l0TLANeSAa PATENTS! 111 Ili x4101 ■l*I1*IS i50 coPTRIIRTS Obtained. and all business 1• the U. 8. Pato 040.. .110.4.41 to at MODJt4AT1 FEL8. Our °see is opposite the 11. 8. Palest Of - floe. and w • tar obtain Patents In lees ties hen those remote from N'ARHINOTON. Bend MOOR,. OR DRAWING. We rut vieas to patentabilityCNA U LRd- ss Wfree of M and we make NO 0 we e rem' PATRNT. We neer, here. to the Postmaster. the ens. tt T11o.•y drdar Div„ • id to ofeeiats of tie U. N. P•te.t O40ae. Per circular. advice. tame sed ref..eaees le seta•( clients In yews WW1 IMMO sr Oenaty. write to c • tw.W a tl».. 000101$. patent OSo.W �S. a(S.D.0 NEW ARRIVAL WINTER_00008. LATEST BTYL:.P. • Romuastts mil liews eat. vert• -•t H. DUNLOP, RM mum $LRIBNER'i IOW Pguislgn, 74$ st1146 Brainy. Nes Yolk Yo Sits w.weL 12rllr fits As usual very large and complete. Prices lower than the lowest. 5 PER CENT. 1)1S(IOU NT FOR CASH. I give special attention to ordered work and repairing and I have the workmen to do the work. E. DOWNING. SCRIBA ER'S MAGAZINE. An Exceptional Year. TNR rear PP.! has been markt-et br a pre,lrra.In..vton. tiny Similar period save the Idaprt:i.♦ erns rMnblished. Not old An• tle literary and nriaflr ejerflran Aro* maks- Mined anti inetraseit, hut a corresponding pain inks .fainedantii.rrmrd,hutncorrespondinwgypain 00145,,'. 0114.' 4* 40, rale and i.rc ..o/fM Mae/m:iae. At U '• r end of I.f Ib e.rrwlnlion M ,.. t■ rise.. to one that IW.••-,. If ware, fsratip be pmenianf that 40, farther s for 41., cornrow weer ..ill be lnrpm4iownl. to shier homely i•nemore opporfwall{'a. For Next Year. 1t is sot possible to give, in a brief spate, *n acoonnt of all the features in preparation. amt the material is deficient la neither Importance nor raage of san/eet. Among the •abyeeu treated The Poor in the World'e Great Cities. it is proposed to publish •..ries of articles. upon • .rate nM before attempted. el elate the results of special study .sad work among the poor of the great cities. The pan will laeluda aa account ed the conditlaas of lite In thorn .ince tin many landal where the result, of rewire* will be helpful for purposes of memoriam as well as for their own intrtad• interest. While, from a ael.ntl(k point of view, the articles will be •eontribetlon of greet Importaaee. the treatment will he thoroughly popular. and the elaborate illustrations will serve to make the presentation of the swhfeet vivid as well as peetareulee. Washington Allston. 1 apablt.bed mad Letters of ibis forento•t asoeg early Amer. . *110 MK A number of Illwtratlose will seal additional iatere& to the articles. Imports,nt Moments. Tie dm of this ..ilea of v .tort articlee itt to describe the signal orc•sioa Whin decker* *meat took plans, or when acme great .spr.bmaat wo Ism shown to he ewe moa=t• as else of the erre use or am Alla tette sable. the fon m+ of the tetamk ... the Esse suc enlful .aperlm.wt with ether. the • .f the 'aims, .t lha estrat eof the vete ea the Of AMInw J ..t - este. Out of Door Papers. h tee.sriy 1prtas was M berm • cumber of am enaW. mtliss. among them Wag : moan aw.ery Ptera4 bow te 1•y sot cel eeaUtify thew, h SAtn sn I'Alm•/g, M. melding bare tram an Astpws 1smr...aea. by Du. L.■ev M. YALE. ttlest.../w ailed.. LW Is Yew Imam d. by 1417101C, hw'.illia•R. rorty On Aas.1., by esnw.v Loteu woe. with tq Roam The dlentratts01 tire meads hent wridl a1 hamt.r4a1 - r. A fail preip..twa appears la /4 Roinia• .Vwesbrr, hew mita& .....:" .a...�. ; rearm N craws. sr m A Ti Ca. a