HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-12-17, Page 6TAILS F4k THE FARMER. TN.tineawwad. w.or. us TM'E SCIE.NC[ OF BREEDING. trihM .rent la. 1. 11-1.. 1•. iuriplee Govern, ma the 1 mlW ew •. Iteral.., IIY- Cas itheep - Vols. at F.a.ret.e. Breeding. strictly ,pe •L itis j. i. the sate*. y of eeke ung the .heat. anti. by propel nataiding, tru.fadng the l.lgbeet type It .t wr.. properly asd.rst,.:,l, ..s..11.4u1.1 la., arrived at a .more set' sti. • i ata a hong 1..• lore this. lint igitnrwarr 1`o:a down in uu. year what a Relewrll, or Kate. h., brill gene +tim s 4r beihimg up. It :s prrl tr.t ly Wile to Lamy .urr Ince 1.011 tot u.. summits stock. for some of his immes will he el edtantage. But when It games to 1m proving the pure- heed, thew lbs most tare hal thought arid experience mint be br.wsht tate action. A cardinal pi io i}Na of breeding to to bleed so that the tesm.t is s.nucthilij,i U niformly superior F.t: h `esefat .n slu the be an nnproseueut on 111. last. How to Ulla Is not easily put int,. wasda, for a mai. may spend a fortuity. and hie cups- have I1. beet •.f carr, yet tin re nae' Ire a..n.erthine .ackua,f. thus goo rule i.. never to they anything in the shape of a hull enauee he is china; a cheap amulet may ruin a life work. But the brerde moa: he -onw ale sulutely familiar with. ev.ry pout .of iris• breeding rows, and it duras see pie tai keep any other. He *tweet he sea faautfar with envie one of his .,,a • anatetnc old chez- actor humactor that he.aa tail t i -n, to mind at an. tune. The geaeral pi .1 , :leg. govertoug true. e. maslm ad hett,lrt'. •,,:al.:les from par.:it to nffapnug are about time ...ante in all awitasl bee but ...the force of t'•.a :tea in th. appli • cat Wil t,• r wa. ••e .. l br I.' apt lift 1'uttk It was InOi: ••ger la:d • ora n 11.1 ''the tuhiuities of the {'.rear. I.,l'.i h, visited npon the ebil.tr n c:ra to tee telt led toutth �epetati,;: 1irwpr.:..a' i- the one thrt is atu,itt . eM,i t tege of, reversing ti.c w •ki.,il ••• 11 •te. i r the bre .,f i, k e L. Ile Hohn.. see.. `1: ; • ' t)jt othx things Irsin,t c '„ t ,r the n ... who Inherit. !.:airs t ..Aiden, .lel t cumtlm•i' e ! .o, ".'fir•• of at leas! foul sit lice ga:.-: + lee ! fully believe A lair. s •t• t 11 ' a t '.) that ha. .a,..,a Ivam Gr the p«.tdt...,r c. f ... . . rioted for milk- era ! h,: t :.:,1 .it,. nee safely- bre-A to j •• li• lits m`t i every e*dici,h:e! ti • ...,.: ., . .ca.e tIf that which has lire::.er':'calmest rally aha*•♦ :'�!1 f": \• _ ,not, nt ,' mer, gepeet all iia,. t - ;d t' a sire and the darn mei,: t •'. liar.: :' heir .chis 1:: aha.•:gm. and, .: ..lila hr'''r•m a.p.r:1 Mtriiug (1..:1: twee of x•vrt ii genet tIlulu anal the i.-.'*Irarity not •' •taro a: all in tee two p::1• i i til. I•-e.ttuZ frau; it ws Maid get :.i: t1:^ charecte: .1. ., a we tin when we teat. .i kerns • f emir er wheat, we wntl•! hi,•• !lig. Very ideal of hese.'Inag. Very much ilej.emds ue.eni fled, ogre. climate, mad s!I t...• . rrironulrt:'r Breed .ugly to pr t,.;rrei see Whet e pedigree : Simply g.nesloes. g hy'this wr teterntinr the t..! i .e . 'raw. A. •We'nue r•e.t psi..' f: 'r •r,• they are den.teit tit tee Iii.• it 1< dente! to breed for. Velvets... du.. te attr0Uon to all the out-cr s -r.: or. 9! tnlee• bred. eel ••• how far : or. if mere'. mat the state. ,%t must he tnetrr•l.eel to et all surveil.' of any calm.. ,.e hr , i,,s; a., -k are ret•',r,ie.t in the looks •.f n i .'d. -iv i for the re .peetive bn oat.. ity e. iercure te these we rftav a.t'ertan, ti..• exa. ! s:ata:r of an alt::mi.. In an Ole., .:: rt•• t!er:e ,.r. a:•. d+iuhta a, In the au'uet t:: its o:' a p•.lt.•ree, it it hi=t to write to the r. tar.,im 1 :inl oat, ss laa &.roil,•e r .... 1. • .y t. rt .. , ..:e Irma th- I : •:,er e':, hu: e•• 1: ,.7..... to take ani .a. aural, -glut immix! t. just aa good. Ito!. wee ala..: !.r:r:4•ger••. we an t ra 'e r eat and krises. -- tm.:crkan Agr.cult peer, 1a w 1:,te lug .keep. THE SIGNAL : GOD ERICA, ONT., T t l l ' RSDAY, DECEM B ER 1Z, 1891. SOME NEW OLDTRIENO6. 1 IMO Bart. are Waring n Mg Imo sears •t New. Cloth, .wrung, vowel. -hair, ...lune.., e'\e .ler, of .' wyba. New. damsel atul cheviot, with sonde Cine silk. %civet awl %rlteta.c to supply the Inn. u0u• sir vustraasiug material. are all suit able awl lash,ouable dress materials fur giro awl monies. Some I1%ohere fart colors NI % tattier plaveat a queer t flux .1w r t h. etb. meet Veit know 1 wet t.. feel the l I..e i dole wys It .a lulwt,. e if 1 .lad net t.. the Ihmlrr .bout Ate or aic ,.:..ht. • w.'k. It waau't always the theatre. tau i• a asii't that at was • mane hall or pr•, haps a ;maw •.1 .'mrd, or bi111ar.14 with sm of the leaf. .t ell. you also know bow I ren situet.,i as to business 1 work fur my father, and 1 have to twat the Mime at 14:31I iu the atmuutil• jet ria the rest a the faintly Wil totting down 1.. breekla.t. la •••usatuel. 1 get ivy breakfest awl Issas.: 11.e heuuar he 1•r.• tllrl err up. hut 1 can't complain ..t that. 1' lit doing erectly what the rnau Wilt„ had m, place Ochre n,e• diel, end Ir -t w.. y. a and m•• 1 u' .hawing line.• maul y But :het. writhe. here mar Ovate. It • the mining... l used to tiuish roils abet.: 6, get dinacr in the city, awl go to t,. theatre ..r somewhere else. I had Isrit doin it :o: about el. mouth.. ,rod, when look hack, about the July time float I My Mather anal .hats Jural; the 1 ' Wall lit Summa. dluurr. Sothiug that, of course. The sante thing is toe- ei hundreds of young .nen ttrt•rwn. But they haven't 1..t lie a like tonic. He mats.. to t,." One .attr: new and ask..1 fur if I hof au tatgegement for that mhht. ••lei,' 1 maid: -Etc promised in go tea the the..tre.' •How about to- nr•rrow' neglar hr -naked. ••Nothi40s at -prCHtlt," i replietd.- ••11'cll. 1.1 like you tor somewhere with ••All right," I said: ••where shall 1 Inert yore' e'en see he Mauves the edict .Heol•.u�ie,... before 1 MU get my work finish..1. He s,;: grated the Letitia itesfanraut. at '7:30. ale! t'was there. prepared -fee the theatre awl . quart '0 •fur.• ••t, tate IM.ut& lie had .amu mine. tee tee on several previous an • s:u:l,•, Rut when he appeared he said ip- w'ctl:ae{ t.: t , . 111 un a Lady with hurt. •'U:,. 1 t 14 quite well when 1 was II young moa. hr a•[t,1W i.c !. \%'e went ,••1 and start..1 .$raight I..t how*. She is stopping. at the hoose." he sand when I spoke .•t it. I tliooglr It strange that he should have mare the •.l. p..intawnt for the I.cnov Kesta*rset utelet teethe ern ..tastuucce, but 1 said u -11h.: ;f. Niel: w a.':,t in. and 1 .res iatrd'•luve matt d' r and. 0t' 111'111,r Sind.1 bawdy of the lint. Dark Mimes, golden - pee •- Te ,•_, _:tfen Wes !eel. ''ti a•, .fi 1.. I,•i l.rtleetcen. be ...14 to h.u••ii het the It, •11 Alt.! aaav •Ger.at olive, taps t tis. it l • l';ruilatra teal. and the carious gubclir. ear rhildre,l utter our year. altar otlltrs chug to white until fire years hl.. been reaeheal : hut ,while pretty, the leo ter plau u not reosunmcal of prar-tiwl. H.rsorall) I advocate light talon blue yelh.w, pink, of.l ruse end rich rel .11.41.1 from two years of The first short dress of narlrx)k. tlimtly, eta:., have » *east emote ly sit issertiou •n1 tiny tucks, full •lee... mid skirts. 'I'heu come light .aaanwrea of too widths, hemmed and pthered he • skirt too short to throw the little tuldkr. with a round waist having hear jacket (rout.. full sleeves and a little plaited test a 1 I iva ..ilk. .lwrther design has a yoke of tiny tucksaltentating aith feather -stitch- ing. Trois, this they alv.nt. to low 'leeks awl long or short sleeves, with round winces triuu.l rl with velvet revers ar•.'o, l the low ' neck, a edit frilling Anse cries the rise pur- pow ur the top of the waist is shirred in fay fashion. The make are cut round, V or square aliapcll.ant the front, ornamented is various way.: jacket effecta and fullness from the shoulders crotrtel iu surplice fashwo ere always favorite styles. Rows of veleta ribbon front the aide *earn.. point - iug lea in front are Int•..mnring to a stout rhi1L liuin.ppae•e are worn aoh mal with cut sleeves. Thur of China silk in cream or stoke sir fa:ci•et : rho light plaids viol, dark trawls. At tea years cloth trot•ks art permitted, with .1111 guimpts and velvet finishing*. all in nigh: col r. tU .Mases for girls fasten iu the hack. A hand- some lk.lford.o/ding for .4 go! sit luurttxu h• of golden drown, having e gathered hack and nearly' plain front to the skirt, which is bordered with velvet of a starker shade, cut ail. the bier. The long jacket lemur has route ,t coat elteet, and is cut away- fronl the neck, with collar, cuffs and revert of velvet. Thr blurts. -vest and .!melt arc of surah.-tailtet' Hoir.e.Journal ltaald•. LIns.srsl rare. D'eld.. dr, /editions la w rap.. curious,ah,de of cinn.mou is deeelopc,l in a smooth surface cloth. .ia It a *applitte blue, anal that peculiarly rich shade of brown which the oh! tittle teuaker, wore when the% were persecuted in the years now .'e'me ,f tare three Ortel smiled. Mi mother and my Lister shook lands wail. me. and my mother mill she retie:W err.l meas. • boy. Int h*tJ t seen murk of me Wide-. Then she invited Cas to he seated It wasn't a bit funny then, •.cough I coo laugh over it now. I sat Jowl. :.rad elle stades are also noted to the plain surfntel *tuffs. For wraps, a ri'he.I materiel 14 show n which lea. the reined 11 .11Ien made re hair suttieicntle- late, lit sone, tlist.ences, to look like fur. This is noted especwlh in the . innam'u !•1•,411, when: the edges are end menu:: ,.r tin., arse tAo;ea of an:'tsot a Slade dei .er . to sapphire -blur with Wore' ba1r1 at wheel we all lea lied a little ridges a. and u very light brown fl sett two Inch strips of the hair upon 0. tl, n we f•.rr rayed whist fat a while. For a long wrap, trimmed with fur snatch - iris l to call amain. 1 , want upstairs tet very , otai hellra ltaste t'. h. 1 lir retired 1 was oq: cte:; n -I% ing the' heir stripe, this Irl•ttria.t would be. feta :n1 pretty .mol anti Joing a good rind to tfitnS:in There was an amusing ineideut at the Theca 1 .oink up my 'Mod that my t•,kIr:,tunt of sit. Andrew•.•' Hey iu Mew mother owe a meet entc•rtaimue lady. awl Vnr'k• •e11'...,•• Loral 1,bcrd,en wee otic el the -i. meter n sl 1 le gel. �erabra of the oa,,:atsiMe. .t (:.Calan baud % et gin ay, Iiuw 1 , , ' 'iwt to call aitani. as 1 have ,»,l:ribitted Ibe music, and it was anuoueaxd he.•l: .lout] .haft.- reguh.rly •err the Ia,,t week. 1 enjoy their comµlne. and lam. tete' tr cultivate theew in quaintest". 'Inseams Traveller. IMPURITIES IN WATER. Rasa Water WW sirs... hrcome teal If ]N Avowed and Filtered. All minted; waters contain mineral salt., some of which may be .kletenols to health. lint the most Injuries.• foreign, enbetaece. mead :is urduury elrmking waterer* de -ay - :sag urg.unc matter and sometimes lute. tions 11114 r..-mteari.uts. All %later that 1a tiered V.I. durneebit• purposca has horn. at coni, period, atmosphere. vapor -eased, se it fe:l u. - rains. earrie•l with it the impurities iron. the air. These impurities are ga.•ee that xis, 1114,1 ao:ubustiou, fernwntetlon a61 Jevar, arid Feedunc Art,il 1usprriin.' . particle* of deet ilaei decomposing vrg.rt.1. Market re one 'd the err t pr..;itehlecarp!ly• Agee ter. tk, tc:•ia fu,• also removediron, the ale in mei.te • farmer c :1 engeg. hal. At tl•',t time of the cru Ii •utsll a,.: ,sit and the sheep. when s.d.1, pay •;pea 1,, for all the . ••erre t alta••. rn f ;frail' th,t have eaten. Ieeelex retutuing at for a large part of It to the a,il 111 the shape of marl are. Thus you twit your 1•.iJ., and gram a .li yet Leta it left. A ,... •n treated in this tray wilt .audit a mere then it will with fertilisers how�ht and appleel to the 1 i 1 esaatt.'de ate:. ';‘..•=`'•,1;;;;... Tent faced for sheep - het*. , tl•;..i timotl.4 hay sad nearly as ¢.,.••! t• el -,:et. Straw may •iso be tell tadeant..ge. Groin is the only thing tobrkd that r ••lamoney. How, when and whet kin) of sheep to buy, how to feed and whet. t teen arc all import ant pointe upon w' mi. sur' cis err failure will depend. There is more proal i* feed - lanais than ....err .ere% lad 1 trout i out dvise•legiae• ;o o ,mars. rwith Limits. Better try sheep a to l y corn ofd, as rear flags are riot good feeders. 1 peeler graded sheep rather then very coarse. or very. Etre. as the coarse are mote r bject 10 ticks mrd u01/68 and the Ane to foot -rot. f often hey nrixed.lol• that average en to ell lhst I get Lbws at ai to :tic per Il. and they are .1..11. sure to sell is the spring for :S to etc. Ytfteen p..ndsapiece ie • very goal gain re. siu•h a clam of sheep and let to 20 leo (.r lambs; 1 hare had them gain YY Nit per h eal in 12 weeks. The 1aont lies in get• ting them in line .,mldttogl as Seen r pin old° and thea sell or slip on the 6ret rel market,. Fern and Hon,. De the Polee of khat.,, An inquirer wi.hrs to know the Ivquirwd tenlpenlore for hatching elg.. There who a.e th• artificial prods. seep the tempera. tore steadily at 1001'. 1 Rater loess the tem• per suite varies. but it ,a 01111.1.4ell that the orejority of hens keep the eggs at a tato ierature of Hrrr. .nalysie of the street cleamihen in nae 1,1 Ili- targe raise sheen that while they .on I.tul ices water than hors. nanere, they . untain elm Inns potash. nit,.geu and ph.. pkorie a•rd. The mwln: l'• meter, .au,!, etc .n the ewerpiai* are 'tie( tows in, •e than In the horse annum, s hirh leaves tint Ii4`14P-T*•1-. % N oi*ir tai - r'.aap.nd wNh ,,,.r.* Vin Il.retks slur labor anal feel Th. tyre 1 femm ; in under th. harm can be pm y !sinking up, and *le piinsgg of hr f.re,e,t:tic the et*I,an• 'nf.ol'lalt will he pee. an ,tem. 1 h, door of the stable a alw,rs ,oi 1 and d,.ayrfecehle. anal plentt of ee•hhnu is net-esw-v in hurler 1n o. at•l pwreneens sial other diseases tient .Is, wheel, are usually named hy dr cockle The Vale. of 1[t.e,is. T...tpnt a rola t rill,.. without *ser- ene is t., demure from h. -e that whi.h remold 1 : he tope -eel from other eW k. held i.r promote* tlr appetite. I 11111 et;; :.wring tb ` ..,w 10 .,,:1.11.1.'• n:•. a 1.041. whe,•h era „averted tato milk t hose eon itw.nlest 111 the stalls 1n the '• ;nt.f mn.1 .sows'.' or later ea.'! the h•alte .4 the lila,. A r-rrer.d ups. .hur& or a krt.. nerd, will he of advantage 1• will •t• 112 „ogre no harm to Woe the ran of the fields to 4r* weather, Y tag sever r Mel tseeefmm. ;t,..i' t,.:m'ers• neer.y all of which ar• tete the stage of apses, in•teed of adults. The spires of the hiegi and other nil. emcee:, Piet. and the poleu of dowers mai waist. - ate Wee fogies' in rain water. So au)lyeroue are there impurities in the air, that • titre of w iter wht••h falls at the beginning of a storm ..lien ordains more then :WOW mier,rurg mfr+mere, H ,I ft •nit of water fregceull; co4Jen eio of wee. r•r 4,11)l1 cl w; feet of air, in its 4' 'neenaat••n rene.res neatly a of the attiFspiocrr• impurities. con.entr tang I.L•c:.l in the water. t'r in drinking glare- d rain water that falls at the timing of a storm we may swallow a. a •h filt as we breathe from the air In that a week. It nun water tem u tt psisrlt •a der it w foul that it cannot he used for drinking. 'tut when rail a tellret i nese the end of alarms. std is properly filtered aid •eraie.l, at 1 one of our to )•t whole' route astute' waster smpphes. As rani far. upon the rash it washes away the ac,I1 lotions of Jebrim from the .urfsee of the ground. and .a It Ina*.•s int.. the sol ex• tracts from it • Write amount of impel itiee, - such r the products of .leveeing vegeta.- tum and animal excrement, • 'fnese ettle Stan, e. are retrial down Into the cir iiIM in,l torrente and- it i, not infreeeent that the drainage from ceagpe,ls and privies al., Weis a Jlre,•t entrrmx nen surface wells. - E ngineering. that the) WO/1 111 play that het S,.,t 1laa melody-, •• Annie Laurie. Imagism the fe eltags. of the master:et *hen the musicians .truck up •• Annie Rooney An eastern exchange says teat a ewu0iler has been smog about neight',ring tow -le representing himself as an agent of a large firm dealing in rugs anti tnrpeta. He .er- rie.i wit): him a lar;,'ic stu:k of membership tickets mel all who pail hint 25 ceuta had a chem, of drawing out .1 the tickets which frotitled the purchaser to a rue The peo- ple are anxiously awaiting their geode. Look out fer hitm. He tnav give you a call some of these day.. New Mere, rc.tame.. For gem:Wil wear. cor.line, ladies' cloth, cantel'e•bair, eerie and Calmer:sit in shades of go:den and reddish•hrown are probably the n soet .elect, though Moeda, oht►g to gray, and Loth biocides and hrnl.ettet wear limey- 1!lut .nil a c eir dark green. a mixes: che.io I.•.a itau back. plata se•l.s and the (rant .l diagonally-. The bodice has a coat 1 ice without hip seams, high c••Ilar and full sleeves, with revers of the feline and all edges flniel,ed lith two rows of heavy ditcbugt• (Others have & vest of Olin fight - figl:t cloth or corduroy, tapering to the waist. A plaid earners -hair of .norrdakc effects is made up on the bias and trimtrlel with Amp gauntlet cud:, collar and pointed hodie4' of velvet of recital .lark green sheer easate lovely brown serge,. 48 niches. el a )ane are taahioned with a •• Irll skirt, fan leek, regular Lottie \\, coat and • seat of pink And tan brocade. The collar, rivers and skirt border ate of a Deeper brown vel- vet. edgerd with a tiny silk gimp. Suits .f e stored is .terns with. Henrietta are trimmed with velvet or silk three aehetan.rs seam ern- strip, or both vests of brocade. cloth and Perhaps the Noes 1s Intstatet,c 1t dorm not seem utprobahle that in the *our.. o1 .'.ants the eerie ami the m•, •;, tarty t e,.iae more intimately- acquittal el A few' %';.r• aro s•ieat'*ta held the thntrt that the n1on11 orate a dead planet. a ethos: atmnapl:ere. and .:•e•e•lucltj% umnhelotee This tilar'ry has r cestly been entirely eon tee ertCIL The work begun by Prof Holden et the Lick Oha.rvatorr up.r• Mount Ilanult.ul hes leeen .teedily rel, awl the photographs taken by him and he e..iet...n*1 have revealed certain facts bite.' to teiknown. Photographic observations show a peri.. t mal. of the wort. anti 1. on the sumnau of easel the highest mountain"' is a ',shoe spot has the allpearanee e1 a gla.lrr, pre, ing the prestnt•e of atm..phere aid maker; the theory of the habitaleenees of the meet tenable. It a .'lammed le Prof, Hui :•n that by a ••••311 111110:.• wives of plwre graell. re's able to .kte. t any .hang.. upon 11,e att•faec d:f the 01OOO. ato.l that a building $ft', feet in h,.ght w.ald east an appree a1.le r' a.ow. li t..e m'mer is u.htlut.•I the fall. wall 11rtainly he dir•oTered metier err late,. the gne.tIOU of the establishment of • s rnnnteetere is still una•hwl, although the tare of the silent ific achievement. of the last . entury we *el not [mallet lbs R e rssolr•Id.. (•.4..rr.4*raphic. The Dales Agate To snake ps.psr or paper hnar.A . Moen to • mesal •tirfao•r aatee eine is red rn he ser alai:.sill hue. The metal should be .lariat wNi tots aid rubbed wish a slam r*. tip, appear in street gowns. .t cording. at ttl.a5. is stylishly meter with a facing of corduroy showing on the right when the skirt is ►flied : the vest i. of the settle, and the deep net is slashed and...deed with gimp. A bengaline front, corselet and sleeves appear an an i. -blue cloth centime. Ladies' Hoend e .1ouroat Mte N Select Yale Teeth. it u a felt that is not generally known that false teeth have to be trade to suit the oomnkaioa if satisfactor) rendes are de n eed. A ilea id walking us Chestnut street yesterday called attention to thus fact as he peened* lady who in smiling showed • beautiful set of the uhtest of teeth. •• Thom teeth are ton white,"- he said She is a betnee eine ought to have bluish whi teeth t hr•tnettr .en wear clear white teeth. Mit blondre shoed have bluish or cream tinted. Then he men ttone,l that a friend of lira hal put in • set of perfectly white teeth for a lady who is very- fur. He did it against his own ju.lg n eat, and cede after the lady insisted strongly on it. She wore the set a few days and went Mack, saying the teeth trete too coon:nom„ws. She took • dark set the seoond time. and they cannot 1e told from n atural Dom in all, dentists have aa litany as 30 different shades in fake teeth and have to eimeciee much care in the selection. MperJattas• theist fir rrl mgr. \t'.alneslay and Thursday are eape.ully kicky in Bulgaria. Rite is still thrown after the newly'tar- ried couple in many cnnntries The last .lay of the year a a very popu- lar time for eapwsels to Se•otlanl. A rainy day re as onlueky for • wedding in Delia as it 1. In meat European mantises. 11.. lases are informed of • weeding is dlerlryhire, Eng . ani their hires dors rated Mesmer rias first altar the benediction will, it it raid, he the master of the how.. - ked. An Iuh.n proverbs•ys "1i relay and Ta.•day. neither sherry ser set mit owl • Mersey It ensile he ~wintered extremely unlucky in I?nglan.l fir the pride to war green dwrtes the rotemterey. In modern Grease neither bridle Sher groan will eater the house watt) promised temente by the groom's tanker. lis the uieU. of Kaglaaf, the wedding cake is cut into boa, pained through the ring, and throe aawatg the orowd. In Hiram. the bride must avow eating the weeding take est the ere of the cere- uwwy, or she will haw her husband's lose. Many people wed oar Cite Moat'11 tocreaae, mal eralarmt people choose a duwiag title. Atbeutuse selected the tone of now .loom A currant bun is broken over the brute'. Maui 1n Sootla1l, aad a eats of beer e poured over the bridegreuas'a horse in Fit hoots. The 1 rennet. i amern 11.1.. little silver pllatrs,oa which favored mopes are inscribed, to a pail of aater. The true that apprtatchem her own to the destined rumen. The sneezing of a oat on the eve of a mar nage was e''ouudrrr.t a good omen in the middle ages, but the howling of a dug thou, Y noir, was especially ..manus. In Brittany. epsaaaut girls vim* errta1* sherries and may to br married during the year. Nome stick pew into the keens of the mantle image, to be treasured as charms. lis the \.soles mouatauns, the young wit. mew who drew the bride .tttvr rr it. who shall stick the tine pin iu the beidel robe, as the successful one will be trurried the sante year. to Catholic countries. *brume of the Vir- gin 'irgin or particular mintsare diligently visited and certatu rites performed to Iuaare the coosuiurwtiuu of hopes and wishes as to nest -nage. 'elle Romans emitted .t all ill hoer to nett crrtan animals om the way to fhr ceremony. A priest. lure, Jug. cat, lisartl or serpent wr unlucky, err the middle ages - a soli, tall or spider, lucky. lis Krittauy, a the wife seeks to rule, she must take care that the ring. w-heu plaawi on bet ►ieger. *hall slip at unci to its pia..• on her linger, twtexd of allow tog it to rep at the tint joint. Friday t, ousidererl au unlucky slat to wed to roost countries, but in Scotland it .* the lucky Clay of the week. by far the muter ity of t.ethtings Lrtng cele rated on that day sae•re.I to Venus and Freya. In the north of England. the br.dngro. t.. •.III 1111 1 1 1 1 1•1INII•moin 1 Coutalw no Alum. Amaose. Lime• paseyeasm, re say lnhrrieets DUNN'S BAKINO OWDER THECOOKSBEST FRIEND LAtGE.9T SA! E IN CANADA. THE GIVING JP B JSIESS SALE IS NO HUMBUG..;;4;= It is nothin new to see a red fla or a clean 1/ •xis Wll advertisin some undesirable line of go3Is that will not sell, but the Genuine Clearing Sale #.:.. JOHN ACHESON'S Of seasonable, high classed Goods is somethin the peo- ple of Goderich and vicinity are not used to. The stock is still well tutwyrted. Bargains in every department. All goods marked in plain tigurtw. Special ntte•ntitdi io dlrteterl to our Black Henrietta& JCHN ACHESON. fif1� is THE SEASON FOR PLAVIVG NiIZL i CROSS gives a radon to each . f the young mol as i (SiAiI!�StB{EQ {85=. race a to the h from the church. riving run • B ichanan & Son THE BEST ran to the tint.., and the ogre arriving there , first may claim • kies flow the laude In Fiance, during the noddle ages, a rim_ r lc r 11fl1ta of strati. or one made from a he,rstealu•e twii. BASHDOOR, was place) on the bnde's ting' r• am; motto- , !tad as many .1* liru such rings. The couple and BLIND, also stood oar a rats during the eery:worn ' 1lcaic r, ire ,011 kit '.t of witIe`�%tetet�er•.on gr"""' the Louie for LATH, SHINGLES ceremony. The bride mutt visit the oven in Company with her father or a near relatirr, to salute it, and a,!tain leave to nit out. /'are should Ile• taken Ie,.t a dug rum 1e tweet: the bride and gro..n, doting the crre- nwuy .0 the l'e'teh lltghlauds, and tire to'u left shoe must he brit without Mwuuckle or Letchet, to prey.mt witches from having any iuduesce over him. The Semite!' bride trier to see the groom before he sera her, to gain the mastery. She places her foot biner his du nag the eerenwny and sats in the Lridal chafe taut. She arum stand aaar the grown. so that tin uric own *2)112.• between them. It a deeai,ed specially ontnoua in Scot • laud for a luaq, of soot to fall down and spoil the breakfast on the day of the weal dine, for a bed to tate at its cage. or for a bird to sit on the window bill and ehatp lo`,t. The bride must carefully .void breaking • dish on that .lay. There is a curious custom in modern Breen.. Thr groom is shaved bvtisyoung 111 111 whose parent* are both living. while the your, girls and young mien sing. ••itititur silvered and gilt, spate tenderly tile yowls man's cheek. : don't leave a hair, lest the parent 01 .4 his bride think hon ugly. The lower et quiet Lare. Hare you ever known a man hu11thu4 and officious, and clamoreua ami hw.l, who did not weigh hese) after all a thing v ery well understood by every one except lust tie nun who might have prutitt..by that piece of information*: Aad have you ever known a Man, ,ft:.a .nal t.n.hsteutat*W5 and faith Me and who was a perpetual blessin*, a golden u,an, tarep-*,ideal sod tree, whose memory- lingered Tung after he wax gonc•,hke light upon the hills after a gorgeous sten• set' 171( shallow stream rattlealong its count : but when it is met and .frowned be the nujtaitie tides rolling in from the seas them i+ silence on the hills. In the crest tide them is the pewee ..t Inure than :t hundred rivulet., yet Its .outing is .101.x1 .a. uiet as the celestial forces that bring it. The tide down down, and •Itt.11ow grows the stream, .inti again the empty clattering goes 00. .\nil this a what we wish to say. that things must poem. although Jenlor.tretiye, as in deed they must be from their etlet-te, are not necessarily n..i•y. -1 steer'; ant rarneat Me need trot wake what !r'ui,1e are lis the hr,lnt of calling •' a (lisle" 1t is loci ter to y the lead that str.km than 11e know n b ) by ebe gun that reties it. when lien II.* First of all you went to le.•fn not to stay to., longi. There is such a t6,og. rat know, as wearing one's welcome out, and you ter tainl)) do not wish to do that. Then, ha. - ing chatover.el email' the hours at which the meals are *cried. you sl Id be of time, and d breakfast is ■t half•paet stye.), and )',m have always ha.) it at nine, you must *WI get up *hen the cull -bell rings an.l 1r down .faire at half prat .Cyano. looking Bight and hungry; .I •la,yeall other things yog must not mention that )nu tiny been to the habit of breakfasting at a later hour. If xnu have friends in the sante pis., and they should come to aero } urn .I we will p: it that way have forgotten to ask for ynur hostess. suggest to them that you will go and ask her it .he would Net like to meet them. Insist upon this courtesy to her, or else do not return the call made, and ignore any further visits. Then 11 it's a hnu.e where only one maid 1e kept, take tare of emir own bedroom so that you will give as little tremble e. prombk. If some little festivity should he gotten up 10 your honor turn in and. putting your head to the wheel, give all the help you posiWy cat. both before .ad after the party. fry to not talk about any eubp,et that is .ery persnal and which will make any one nnaanfortable ; and if your hosts should he rule enough to get into any controversy Iwfore you, keep quite quiet. or, whet 1. still Netter, if you possibly can, 1e•ire the rnom,asd later mi refuse to dismiss the mat- ter with anybody. When you go awn catty nnthiag hut pleasaat reeollectmaa with you, and forget every family jar and every family secret that you may have heard. TMs, indeed, you will always be s welcome ',tailor. and yne will hear sows Aar that year hostess say. of you, •' 1 like Dorothy to reit me, for she is each • cruris talk girl : and my heehaw! and the children see selaA rr to e her I am Never• servant makes • complaint of her eamiag any troehle. awl aseh nae nf.them is mews thew glad tel alo ramnrt hIal few h..' W e, say lair with pleasure, and 'lined ars' with regret " Now that's what of the kingdom ef Heaves. The �e who ttd he:l.eer'e\ materiel o' -ery dcs•ripttoit School Furniture a Specialty. 1,118.AT CLEARING SALE JAS.SAUNDERS' A. be Meads ret mug trom',tuswra*, be willed! his large and w•eil•nsa.rtl�d stock at bottom prior. Ohinaware, Jewellery. Wedding Rings, Silverware. Nickel and Plated Knives, Forks and Spoons. Albums, Plush and Other Goods. Toys, Fancy Gooda,etc CUT SAWS In tyMich tt.• lead. MAKES OF .AXES, At 1•rl•r which. will dual.•• you buy. CATTLE CHAINS, The fi�t',t iu ti,c ltutd, at right price•,i. R. P. WILKINSON & Co. butt f..at.•r..aar an,: Crtenlai to :. �atc': f.a^. tett ra: L. clot: :star dram .le aascm c y..a. strBscR•r B E Ft 11: DIRECTLY TO Tet SOOT. C` INSTANTANEOUS 1A ITS ACTION. For CRAMPS, CHILLS, COLIC, DIARRh( A, DYSENTEI Y, C:20L�F.A MCneu:, .n:1t1 LOWEL. CO.TSPL:`:NTS, MJ 1'hats*', Ca c..a iii. '.r Ctn•.t:-,2' l r "tote" rd f.'ac� al04. el +-,L.. J :!: iia /'.i•art el al. T'tr. it:5T r let_. r: PJZD'1 3Z'h R `rileJll.T:S1[, NEURALGIA cad TQOTIIACHL sOi.o sewerwll1aa we ZOO - • Onintnr of ,.wars sir Cose,arAi' lmi li TF/17. 8.000 eons Wall Parallel Bordus, Canada's Beat Family Paper. Toronto w 111, 11 .. 11 1- 41 401.1i AT KALI Milt L. row la your time for barsaitn. 20 PER CENT'. will be deduct. ed for teachers and other getting up Christmas Trees. maser re 14 old. Petxonally. I do not behave to trice oulkhntr. batt:re must give a rife • voice or else she will never maim.. one. 1 often hate the question •eked if a voice mu he made to do this or that. My answer u that the natural .'nice d an do en much and nothing more. F:.ery s nger with a mod' cum of common sena• should know lust e o not reek r can 1 what his or her ace lowly strain it by attempting sing m a v .r ns the lie large hall. training a w. mew ginning of the end. One pure, natural note •s a joy forever : but a falsetto note is the ghost of departed sweetness. 1 tan explain what I mean better by making a rather tnte but true comparison. If a reran Its an income of (1100 per month, and lives up to 11, he never saves anything : but it he only - spends eighty dollars • mouth, he hu teen ty dollars left. That twenty dollars raper arms reserved radial. Now, if a singer h... voice of • limited compass. and she at- tempts to go beyond it. or keep up to It. she will inevitably break down. It is the law of npensati and nature. It is far tetter for a young lady who has a small but sweet , voice never to attempt to sing in ■ large hall. :t man knows just how tar he out jump. and singers know what their voiced can do. Well. now, if a man 'eh. knows he can jump only eight feet tries to junip twelve feet and fails, lie can only blame himself. Oh, but why did he not consult friends or • professional athlete ••• some nue will a•k. That would have done no good. because the man knew what he could .lo himself. Now. young girls who are taught at home, or even in conserva- tories, son find it what strength and eow pass their micee have, and if they reeklem Iy attempt to ger 1111 the wage when they have COMM that are inadequate. 1 do not know how it can be prevented. Voices should be well cultivated 1 have heard smell tolrns that were sweet and fresh be cause they were natural and not strewed. A young lady had better, by far. cultivate her t•rwe., if • small one, for parlor singing and here it natural than ruin it by strain ing for • greater temple lithe can give her friende in her parlor at home a treat that wood make no impression nn an .tali Paco in a large concert hall I t is better to here • sweet voice in a roam lilt feet ten than to here a cracked, fa sotto v ie a hlg oomeert Ir11. hale Cimpsini. •' He was weelh 6600,00," will • gent!► man to es of another gswtkm•n who had just rant tclrt •t estimrangeate . * of alissmelt ! moN t to wM ppod++�•i111e to .•timwte tAe t-alw, of nun in dnllarw and meta They lire nether How elm yew Ao to i lei he rated in tonna of the .sin enrreet THE HAMILTON ' 6a SPECTATOR. Bar uu.si, .►yet' Is1•eotttl►. ConUuris All the News, Many Special Features, Crisp sad 'ointed OoIDments, The ]Cost =atartsiaint Stories The Choicest Literary Natter, iverythiae for S'verybotly. $ TO list JANUARY 1111 This great paper from now t111 Id Januar). IGO 12 pun readirq matter weekly mad our gri�tsat premium picture. "jJN4s 01 OVK,' oat glum•. Agents Wanted. Liberal commission 10 agents .A pod agent for this district in wanted at once - one who w111 take an interest In pushing the Asper and w111 sake s thxos.h csara.s of his dlatrket. For terms aad particulars address NPkCTATOR PRiNTiNG 00.. 11LYILTON. Calate*. � I Rctgule:ea the Stomach, Liver end Bowels, unlocks the Sccretions,Purifbesthe Blood 31nd removes all 1m- purltlet from a Pimple to the wor :t Screfulours Sort. House IM THE LEADING DRY GOODS BMPORIUIm THE LATEST AND BEST FKJb AND ¶ll(Efi aooDs NOW ON VIEW. P. O'DEA, CUf-2E-.5 DYSPEPSIA BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION HEADACHE SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA HEART BURN. SO(% STOM DIZZINESS. DROPSY. ,'HEUMATI SM SKIN DiSEASE ITTERS every nae of you waists to haw. said about r ato ct wnrtn re tires half •:aiMltia del I len win yet. N a•e►ilisin6• Ruth Ash ;lire in lee lamely, him friends mai Ms sun were. oration 1. • prier areata.e r rase wwTmmws./eA ei yAe a* .M .4* ••.mew tall • '••.e , •• N h e•m •••• •••• ►_* Mr • My . •. ,M. wa. a.•'.. .5* w.....,J ..�..•••e wen 1 w'• •. • w •' n..e r.. , *'.r• «..nr-on. 11144 .wA.. J b,•e, +..r. . ti. . .... swam .01-'. .. •••• tt. • , . ,w. ,t • c ..a, .s.sd�..WI. ..,ary. W.cow*w..arvaat,ltars..•'ta. /a/tnia► 6 .-.... we fl% Rh(1m.. w�tea_ WWM Manager. ama 111111111101 1•111401110M110111 Mall Wawa,. b. L1111:2 J•+ v �s.•0e., oraw..wla tr • M+ . a... 0411111...// w T.a1.. •a.w.oame ee•• . loom*. * cue arre MO w . aq eem..ol.» loisminim7". wA• 11.Mtan.al.f D•w. Nidi !'"rw isadr MoLEOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR alp 011111* TnaTYr. R*Ynetri Specific, and Antidote for Impure, weak and I blond, dye- , palpitation of the Lein, 1neee comptsbat, raewra g a. MIs e( ensue/wry, hennekitia. .�l alemes, *smile*, kidney earl urinary elkamss, Rt Vitas' clean•. female Mew Maritime ar1A 'enteral debility LABORATORY. AODBRIAB, ONTARIO. J. M. iIIcLSOD, Prnarietmr and i.er�iassll. aruiuY B r ere aloe dam M W shotness ilrriet .Y� Baireil d towbar awl rst�r�